PRO P OSAL ABOUT PR01. TRADE SHOW Bringing Asia Together PR01. TRADE SHOW is an exclusive platform, which brings Asia together in Name PR01. TRADE SHOW TOKYO one roof, presenting a highly-edited group of collections from Tokyo and Venue EBiS303 Date 2015.3.24 Tue - 26 Thu 10:00 - 19:00 Visitors 3,600 people (As of October, 2014) Target Buyers, Press, Other Businesses around the world. The venue is divided by showroom, giving buyers a better understanding of the exhibiting brands, as well as creating more business opportunities. The show is expanding globally, with each event carefully Organized by H.P.FRANCE localized to fit the specific market. Produced by PR01. Media PR01. Press Room TO TO BUYER END USERS PRESS PROMOTION Party・Event Production TO SALES KEY PLAYERS MEDIA / END USERS STORE PR01. Show Room 90 Shop in Japan TO TO BUYER END USERS PR01. has a wide range of functions from press room, showroom, event production, to web media. Furthermore, with H.P. France owning nearly 90 retail stores throughout the country, PR01. is able to utilize these resources and provide total fashion solutions. PR01. T R A DE SHOW GLOBA L E X HIBIT ION PROJEC T TARG E T Buyers ̶ 52% of all visitors DOMESTIC total number of visitors 3,600 (As of October, 2014) AMERICAN RAG CIE / BARNE YS JAPAN / BAYCREW'S / BEAMS / Code Three / ESTNATION / H.P.FRANCE / JUN / nano・universe / RESTIR / Ron Herman / SHIPS / STUDIOUS / TOMORROWLAND / UENO SHOKAI / UNITED ARROWS / URBAN RESEARCH / Via Bus Stop / WORLD / ZOZO TOWN / Isetan / Seibu Department Stores / Daimaru / Takashimaya / Tokyu Department Store / Hankyu Hanshin Department Stores / Printemps Ginza / Matsuzakaya / Matsuya / Mitsukoshi etc... INTERNATIONAL 10 Corso Como / AMORPH / ARTIFACTS / ASOS.COM.LTD / AWA / BAUHAUS / BARNEYS NEWYORK / BERG PTY LTD / bisou bisou / boutiqueye / Breeze center / CHOCOLATE & PICKLES FASHION / CLOTH FAIR / CLUB 1981 / CLUB21 / CLUB DESIGNERS / COCOMOJO / Cocktail / COLETTE / Concrete / coup de foudre / COUVERTURE / DAIL / EVEN / FOUND / Galeries LAFAYETTE /GAMMA PLAYER / Handsome Corp / Hanwha Gallaria / H.Lorenzo / HOTEL V / I.T / Jeffery / JFT Holding Ltd / JIN shop / JOYCE / JUMELLE / KABIRI / Lane Crawford / Lazzari / Le Bon Marche / Level 6ix / Liberty / LORENZO / LUUKS / MARAIS / Maria Luiza / Opening Ceremony / PEDE & STOFFER / Satine / SAUCE / SENSE / SERIE A / SEVEN DAYS / SHINE / SIDEFAME LTD FENIX GROUP / SPACE / SPACE MUE / SPR+ / STYLETRIEB.COM / TAIWAN GIVEN / The boon shop / Thimbloom / Trafic / TUAN TUAN / Dayeh Takashimaya / Shin Kong Mitsukoshi / Eslite Bookstore / Uni-President Hankyu Department etc... Industry Insiders ̶ 1 2 % of all visitors BREEZE BREEZE / ITOKIN TAIWAN / JAPAN COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS / JAPAN DEPARTMENT STORES ASSOCIATION /JAPAN SPECIALTY / Laforet HARAJUKU / LUMINE / MARUNOUCHI BLDG. / MINISTRY OF ECONOMY TRADE AND INDUSTRY / NAMBA PARKS / OMOTESANDO HILLS / PARCO / ROPPONGI HILLS / STORES ASSOCIATION / TAMAGAWA TAKASHIMAYA S.C. / TOKYO MIDTOWN / VENUS FORT etc... Media ̶ 26 % DOMESTIC of all visitors ASAHI / BRUTUS / common&sense / ELLE girl / Fashion News / / / FUDGE / gap press / GINZA / GISELe / GLAMOROUS / GLITTER / GRIND / high fashion / Japan Times / MAINICHI / men's FUDGE / MEN'S NON-NO / MODE PRESS / NHK WORLD / NHK WORLD / NIKKEI / Numero TOKYO / NYLON JAPAN / POPEYE / SANKEI EXPRESS / SENKEN / SO-EN / SPUR / SPUR.JP / STUDIO VOICE / / Taiwan News / TBS / THE SEN-I NEWS / UOMO / VOGUEgirl / WGSN / WWD JAPAN / WWD JAPAN.COM / YOMIURI etc... INTERNATIONAL Domestic Buyer International Buyer Showroom Media Early adopter Ami / Bangbella / Business Weekly / CHOC / Class / COOL / daily news / Fashion Collection /FMH / GQ digital / Interior / i-style / La Vie / LDOPE / Migros Magazin / MilkX / mina / MOT-TIMES / mypaper / M-MUG / NET Wave / News Fashion Daily / Prestige / Ray / Stylesight / Taiwan Shin Sheng / TVB / TVBS / ViVi / VOGUE / We Ar global magazine / with / Next Magazine (Pinyin) / Liberty Times / Power Full Cable Television etc... Majority By inviting opinion leaders and influencers, the show provides a high quality, top-down sales and promotional approach. PR01. T R A DE SHOW GLOBA L E X HIBIT ION PROJEC T SHOWROOMS Showrooms Around The World Brings Visitors The Latest Fashion Trends. In PR01. TRADE SHOW 2015 S/S, more than 60 brands exhibited their collections. The exhibition space is divided into 4 areas such as, Regular area and 3 showrooms. Also, by dividing the venue by showroom, visitors understand the brand concept more clearly, and can buy more efficiently. We Create a comfortable meeting space for buyers. ! Hoop (Bang ) MENS BRAND DIRECTOR: KOUKI OZAKI DIRECTOR: Toshiyuki Kimura BED J.W. FORD / DRESSEDUNDRESSED / John's by Johnny / KIDS LOVE GAITE / REVERBERATE / TOKYO DEMOCRACY abcense / antonio marras / búl / ERIMAKI SOX / ISOLAmarras / Mannequins JAPON / Sise / YuumiARIA ! modEL inc. SHOWROOM -TOKYO- (Bang ) LADIES BRAND DIRECTOR: RYUICHI SATO CHEEKLDN / CHERIE / Daydream Nation / FIEBIGER / fleamadonna / GUACAMOLE / LOCAL SUPPLY / LUVRA magic / TELLSIT / 202factory PR01. T R A DE SHOW GLOBA L E X HIBIT ION PROJEC T DIRECTOR: Tadaaki Tsushima AMIW / Bituon / Isamu Gakiya / KATTYXIOMARA / Moyo / USE unused / WILHELMINA GARCIA SHOWROOMS R EG U L AR AR E A S E RVICE 様々なサービスを会場内にご用意しております。 MAK ANAI LO U N G E Standard Exhibit Area: Selection Of 40 Brands A MAN of ULTRA / ATENOY / Canalize / clean2 / coatl / diddlediddle / F.A.A.K / from fabricyarn / gigi by TMOHIKO HORIGUCHI / guacamole / jean genie & hungr y freaks, daddy / Jenny Fax / JENS / JUN OK AMOTO / K AT T Y XIOMAR A / kohaction / LUCIOLE_JEAN PIERRE / meanswhile / MEG MIURA / MIKIOSAK ABE / NON TOK YO / Ooh La La! / PE2014 collection No.9 TOMOUMI ONO / RBT XCO / rewords / rewordsdesign / Shinya yamaguchi / SHIROMA / stopover / USE unused / VERY BR AIN / YASUTOSHI EZUMI / yucasii 商談スペースとしてもご利用いただけるラウンジを広く設けております。 PROMOTION for B U YE R Put H.P.France S.A.’ s buyer list of nearly 17,000 to maximum use, which is gathered from the company’ s extensive business sectors including wholesale, trade show operation, retail, PR, as well from our overseas partners. SEOUL PR01. TR ADE SHOW SEOUL TOKYO H.P.FR ANCE / rooms / PR01. TR ADE ESHOW NEW YORK H.P.FR ANCE TAIPEI PR01. TR ADE SHOW TAIPEI PARIS H.P.FR ANCE , DRESSING H.P.FRANCE. Client List Rooms、rooms LINK Buyer List Overseas Buyer List 1,600 10,000 6,000 Sales Producer Hoop director Toshiyuki Kimura will act as PR01. TRADE SHOW’ s sales producer. Will approach buyers and media through our extensive experience in PR and wholesale, a well as visit stores around Japan directly, researching and communicating with buyers, which will help with matching brands with buyers. PR01. T R A DE SHOW GLOBA L E X HIBIT ION PROJEC T PROMOTION for M E DIA Social Media and Newsletters Strong PR support through the PR01. press team Reach out to nearly 30,000 people in the fashion industry. アッシュ・ペー・フランスが発信する、アジアをつなぐプラットフォーム「PR01. TRADE SHOW」のお知らせです。 E XHIBITOR C O N TAC T WEBSITE アジアをつなぐプラットフォーム、第一回「PR01. TRADE SHOW」開催決定 !! 出展ブランドのオーディション情報をホームページ上で公開しました。 10 月 21 日からの開催を前に、出展ブランドのオーディションがスタートいたします。今回 PR01.Pressroom は出展やご来場をお考えの方に向け、PR01. TRADE SHOW の大きな特徴である「セールス支 W i t h p r e s s o f f i c e s i n H a r a j u k u i n J i n n a n , P R 01. h a n d l e s 7 0 d o m e s t i c a n d 援」についてご案内いたします。 international brands. With nearly 380 appointments/months, PR01. constantly communicates with the most influential members of the fashion communit y SEOUL roomsLINK including editors, and stylists. Individual reach out to industry media TOKYO H.P.FRANCE, rooms, PR01 TRADE SHOW NEW YORK PARIS H.P.FRANCE, DRESSING H.P.FRANCE, DRESSING TAIPEI roomsLINK Approach influential bloggers PR01.TRADESHOW では、世界各国に点在するアッシュ・ぺー・フランスの支 局やパートナー企業と連携し、日本はもちろん世界中よりバイヤーを招聘します。 会期中はセールス担当者が直接アテンドを行いブランドとのマッチングを促進、バ イヤーとのお取引に向けサポートいたします。 By putting out announcements in industry media, we reach out to both domestic and international buyers and press. International Blogger Invite famous bloggers form overseas and have them write about the show and exhibiting brands. Work with JETRO in inviting the most influential bloggers. セールス担当・木村俊之 2006 年、アッシュ・ペー・フランス株式会社入社。Wut berlin にてヨーロッパーブランドのディストリビューションを行う。 2010 年、社内のインポート卸部門統括セールスマネージャーと して、大手セレクトショップ、百貨店をはじめ、全国のショップ Domestic Blogger との取引窓口を担当。フランスのブランド「EROTOKRITOS」 の日本でのブランディングマネージャーも兼任。 / FASHION MAG / MODEM ONLINE / STYLE.COM / WWD / The Senken Shimbun etc... Invite influential domestic bloggers and have them post show reports, thus bringing together brands and consumers. CHECK NEW SITE w w w. P R01TR AD E S H m 2010 年にスタートしたアッシュ・ぺー・フランス(以下 H.P.F,)が主催するファッショ PR01. T R A DE SHOW GLOBA L E X HIBIT ION PROJEC T ンイベント「roomsLINK」は、2014 年 10 月、同時期にリニューアルオープンするイ ベントスペース EBiS303 にて、 「PR01. TRADE SHOW(ピーアールワン トレード ショー) 」として生まれ変わります。 SE RVICE Hold seminars for exhibitors, inviting buyers as guest speakers Have buyers speak to our exhibitors on what buyers are looking for and advice on negotiation. Gather comments from buyers, and press during event and report Seminar on overseas transactions back to exhibitors. Seminar on overseas tr ans ac tions , such as set ting FOB, payment, trade procedures in general. Pre -S how M id -S how Online services for exhibitors Will be able to view each brand’ s terms and conditions, order sheets, line sheets, and look books. Aimed to increase buying interest. Shipping Consultant Consultant will be available for questions regarding shipping and exporting to overseas stores. PR01. T R A DE SHOW GLOBA L E X HIBIT ION PROJEC T Post-S how
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