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A visiting team of evaluators
Appointed by
Of the
Middle States Association of
Colleges and Schools
October, 2005
The contents of this report represent the judgments of the Visiting Team as interpreted
and written by the chairperson. They do not necessarily represent the opinions of the
Middle States Association or the Commission on Elementary Schools.
Using Technology to Enhance, Enrich and Extend the Curriculum
Escoela Prescolar, Elemental e Intermedia
San Juan, Puerto Rico
October 25-28, 2005
Dr. JoAnne McAdams
S1.Patrick School
115 Channing Avenue
Malvern, PA 19355
Team Members
Mr. Will Leckie
Director of Development
170 Estate Whim
S1.Croix, USVI 00840
Ms. Mariely Velez
Elementary School Teacher
Colegio San Antonio
P.O. Box 21350
Rio Piedras, PR 00928
Ms. Angela Navas
Technology Coordinator
Academia Bautista de Puerto Nuevo
P.O. Box 10307
Caparra Heights, PR 00922
Mrs. Theresa Nicholson
English, Grades 4-6
American Military Academy
Box 7884
Guaynabo, PR 00970-7884
Ms. Dana Kennedy
Elementary School Teacher
Guamani Private School
P.O. Box 3000
Guayama, PR 00785
The members of the visiting team express their appreciation for the warm
hospitality, the lovely accommodations and the courteous and considerate reception they
received from the Daskalos School Community. The Director Dr. Rafael Cartagena, the
administration Dr. Alicia Rivero, Mrs. Carmen Medina, Miss Lillian Diaz, and Dr. Pilar
Belendez, the parents and the students warmly welcomed the team into their school
community from the inception of the visit. A very special thank you to the Steering
Committee for their tireless efforts and the extra responsibilities they assumed in
undergoing the project.
The school was established in 1994, by a group of university professors as an
alternative to the elementary education in Puerto Rico. Presently the school is governed
by a Board of Directors, a President and Executive Director, 2 school Psychologists, a
Director, a Director of Administration and Financial Affairs and a Director of Academic
Affairs, all of whom are deeply committed to the school.
The administrative and
teaching staffs are integrally involved in the educational process.
The parents are
enthusiastically supportive of and dedicated to the mission of the school.
The team witnessed a warm and caring school community who exhibited great
pride in their learning environment. The dedication and commitment of all involved in
Daskalos is evident.
The Daskalos School community selected the Middle States Commission on
Elementary Schools' project protocol for its reaccredidation. The purpose of the project
protocol is to encourage schools to initiate significant projects that will enhance their
improvement efforts. Schools are eligible to pursue project evaluation after successful
completion of their initial accreditation and subsequent successful progress reports.
The visiting team visualizes the entire school as it relates to the project. The team
members examine the project trom its inception, through implementation and projected
development. The team delivers to the school a critique of the project as well as an
evaluation of the school's continued compliance with the Middle States Commission on
Elementary Schools' standards.
The evaluative judgments delivered in this report are presented in order to assist
the school in developing the project to its ftuition and to help in its continuation of
meeting the standards of the Middle States Commission.
The mission statement of Daskalos School states they offer a student-centered,
non-graded, personalized education utilizing advanced technology, hands on activities,
integration of academic subjects with an emphasis on the relationship of subject matter
to everyday life. The administration and faculty are dedicated to making learning a
pleasurable experience and to instilling in their students a quest for knowledge.
The administration and faculty in recognition of the importance of technology
embarked upon this project; thus shifting the role of teachers to that of facilitator.
Since its inception in 1994 Daskalos School has provided computer access to their
students. During the academic year 2003-2004 they upgraded their hardware to provide
universal access to their server and the internet using both cable connection and wireless
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The Daskalos School community developed their project proposal and sent this
document to the Middle States Commission on Elementary Schools for their approval.
The proposed project would put technology to optimal use by integrating the use of the
internet in the curriculum. The proposal was approved by the Commission.
The project design proposes utilizing technology in the curriculum, and in
classroom instruction in order to prepare the students to successfully function in society.
Teachers and administrators perceive this project as achieving competency in the use of
computers, computer programs and the internet thus enhancing course content for both
students and teachers.
The faculty recognizes the importance of fostering a positive relationship between
the family and schoo~ while also maintaining open communication with the community
at large. The local academic community endorses this project and congratulates Daskalos
School for undertaking this educational opportunity.
Daskalos School has budgeted resources for computers, servers, transmission
links, internet fees, software and teacher training. Revenue for this project will come
from the internal school budget and IToma $50.00 per month fee that students will pay
for the use of the laptops. Students will start to pay the fee upon receiving their laptops.
The school is using a Dell Power Edge 400 SC server located in one of the
computer laboratories.
The internet signal comes from a satellite link supplied by
Ayustar Company in San Juan. The signal goes through a firewall (Microsoft ISA
server) in the server and then it is distributed to the entire school by way of hubs (Netgear
GFS-524:24 ports) or wireless access points (CISCO AP Aeronet, DI-784-DWL-G810).
The net speed is 100 MPS via cable and 54 MPS via wireless. The wireless net
has an encryption of 128 M bits.
The Daskalos School has contracted with Microsoft for licenses for aU Microsoft
software including internet explorer. Many educational programs are installed in the
servers such as: Math Blaster, Math Arena, Phonics Express English Level A and
Level B.
The school has two computer laboratories with 44 computers with monitors,
speakers and CD-Rom drives. There are printers in the laboratories. In August, 2004 the
ninth grade students received their Toshiba Satellite A 455130 wireless laptops. The
faculty received their laptops during the spring of 2004. The project anticipates the
acquisition of laptops with wireless capacity for students in grades four to nine following
the timeline:
School year 2004-2005
Ninth grade
School year 2005-2006
Seventh and Eighth grades
School year 2006-2007
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth grades
The projection states first to third grade pupils will share two wireless carts and
the preschool students will use the laptop computers in the computer laboratories.
The faculty has participated in staff development programs under the direction of
the part-time technician, who was hired to complete the purchase and installation of
communication equipment and laptops and act as the basic trainer for faculty and
students on computer skills and programs. The training will be ongoing throughout the
course of the project.
In summary, the project implementation was on course as an enhancement, an
enrichment and an extension of the curriculum through the use of technology. The
faculty embraced the project wholeheartedly and met the challenge of learning new
The visiting team assessed the faculty's and administration's commitment to the
comprehensive project. The team observed the presentation of the project during the
colloquium and classroom visits. The school has implemented the project as outlined in
the proposal.
The team congratulates the faculty and administration for having the vision to
embark upon this technologically challenging endeavor. They also demonstrate an acute
awareness of the need for their students to be prepared to meet future challenges.
The administration, faculty and parents exhibit a true partnership in working
together to enhance the teachingllearning experience.
The team offers a few
commendations and recommendations for consideration.
The visiting team commends the staff and school community for:
Implementing an integrated technology curriculum
Utilizing strategic planning to continuously improve the school's educational
Demonstrating dedication and enthusiasm on the part of the administration,
faculty and students for the project
Providing the necessary financial resources in order to purchase the hardware
and software necessary to complete the project
a well-planned and executed
colloquium which clearly
demonstrated the project's objectives
The visiting team recommends that the staff and school community:
Consider the use of funds available for technology to include additional
Continue to remain vigilant in monitoring student's use of the internet
Maintain and expand their level of expertise through additional in-service
training and staff development
Create meaningful and varied lessons that integrate technology with all
curriculum areas
The Daskalos School community invested a considerable amount of time, energy
and resources in their re-accreditation project. The administration, faculty, parents
and students enthusiastically undertook and supported the implementation of using
technology to enhance, enrich and extend the curriculum.
In order for this project to continue to move forward consideration should be
given to an increase in resources. These resources could be additional personnel,
continued in-service training, professional development and consultants. Considering
the level of commitment and the dedication of the administration and faculty in
partnership with the parents this should be attainable.
The visiting team assessed the school's adherence to the Middle States
Commission on Elementary School's twelve standards.
Daskalos is a private preschool, elementary and middle school servicing a middle
to high income, big expectations community. They offer a student centered, personalized
education utilizing advanced technology, hands on activities, integration of academic
subjects with an emphasis on the relationship of subject matter to daily life. The main
goal is to make the learning process a pleasurable experience and to develop in the
students a thirst for knowledge which fosters the acquisition of high level academic skills,
individual initiative and self-discipline.
The philosophy and goals of the school are appropriate for preschool, elementary
and middle school students, also the general operations of the school are in the
educational interest of both family and the school staff.
Daskalos School's main goal in education is to make it pleasurable. Through
innovativeness and ambition they have reached this goal.
The communication between students and teachers is enhanced by the advanced
technology, integrating academic subjects, giving the student a thirst for knowledge. All
of the Philosophy, Mission, Beliefs and/or Objectives are totally student centered and
integrated throughout the curriculum bringing the students all the knowledge and
preparation they need to complete their studies and create a well balanced, prepared
human being for this competitive society.
Standard 1 is met.
The governance of the school is a for profit corporation, 1000.10
of the shares are
held by its President, Executive Director, and founder, Dr. Rafael Cartagena.
integrity, effectiveness, and reputation of the organization have been contingent, since the
school's founding, on his enthusiasm for and commitment to the project. There is in
evidence an atmosphere of mutual respect and purposeful effort to the mission by both
the administrative leaders and the faculty, as well as a timely, open communication
between the administration, faculty and families necessary for the day-to-day operations
of the school. The school is chartered and licensed by the General Educational Council
of Puerto Rico, with which it is in good standing.
Standard 2 is met.
Daskalos is composed of 13 administrative employees, 23 full time teachers, one
part-time teacher, eight teacher's assistants, five aides for Day Care and After School,
two maintenance personne~ two psychologists and two technology coordinators.
teachers have bachelor degrees and teaching certificates in the level and field of teaching.
Some teachers hold master degrees and are working toward their doctoral degree.
Teachers at Daskalos are provided with half their cost of tuition when working toward an
advanced degree.
The hierarchy of command commences with the President and Executive
Director, Dr. Rafael Cartagena, who daily delegates responsibilities to the three directors.
The Director of Academic Affairs, Dr. Pilar Belendez, evaluates teachers, curriculum
design and revision, the quality of teaching, and the selection and use of resources. Miss
Lillian Diaz, the Director of Administration and Financial Affairs, conducts all
administrative activities, including accounting, human resources, disbursements,
purchases, physical plant, transportation and communications. The Director, Carmen
Medina, is in charge of the daily life of the school, discipline, and communication with
parents. She also supervises the after school program and extracurricular activities.
Our visiting team sensed a strong sense of unity and enthusiasm about the school
and the project. The faculty works cooperatively to create a climate for learning.
Standard 3 is met.
The integrated curriculum at Daskalos is student-centered.
While it was
originally created by experts in each subject area, further development and revision by
the faculty has adapted the curriculum to meet the individual student's needs. The
curriculum integrates educational activities with life experiences; the educational
program is consistent with the school's philosophy and mission.
The students in pre-K to grade 2 are taught in a self-contained learning
environment, the students in grades 3 to 9 are instructed in a departmental system. The
curriculum is based on a monthly theme. Based on the students'/ parents' grade contract
agreement made at the beginning of the semester, each student knows what he or she
must accomplish daily, weekly and throughout the term to achieve the grade they desire,
an ongoing assessment that serves as the basis for continuing, individualized instructional
The Spanish cumculum is created, modified and implemented by the teaching
They follow the cuniculum with the monthly theme.
Weekly meetings are
arranged to choose and discuss theme ideas and content. They follow the standards and
objectives according to the cuniculum. Integration of all content areas is apparent in
every classroom. The focus of evaluation is student performance on projects. A variety
of resources are used such as: textbooks, newspapers, the media and the internet.
Social Studies
The Social Science cumculum is created, modified and implemented by the
teaching team. Weekly meetings are arranged to chose and discuss themes, ideas and
They follow the standards and objectives according to the cuniculum.
Integration of all content areas is apparent in every classroom. The focus of evaluation is
student performance on projects. A variety of resources are used.
The Mathematics cumculum is perceived as an important subject utilized in
everyday life. The teaching team uses computers as well as traditional pencil and paper
exercises to present concepts. Students have the opportunity to design and develop
mathematical games which are then incorporated into the classroom activities. Through
the study of Mathematics the students learn the importance of and the practical
application of graphics. The Science and Mathematics cumcula are closely aligned and
the math teachers also teach science in the elementary school.
Science is taught utilizing multi-modal rubrics so that students may progress at
their own pace. Students have access to course requirements, curricula, examinations,
class notes and projects via the Blackboard program which the faculty uses consistently.
Students appear to be enthusiastic and inquisitive learners of science, easily engaging the
visiting team with their current class work. The department meets regularly to integrate
the curriculum and their expectations are clearly communicated to the parents who have
their own access to Blackboard.
English is taught as a Second Language, using the whole language approach.
Oral and written communication is emphasized at all levels. Students read different
sources such as newspapers, magazines and chapter books to produce oral and written
reports. They create news stories based on real life global situations. Grammar is taught
in context with the reading and writing production.
The internet is used as an
informational tool to create oral presentations such as a mock trial and news cast
reporting on natural disasters. These activities foster the production of oral language.
They also help students enhance their self esteem and become comfortable with public
Standard 4 is met.
The following are general observations on Learning Media Service and
Technology. There are two computer laboratories. They have a shared printer in the
laboratories. There is a schedule for the use of the laboratories computer time per grade.
For administrative use they have computers, printers and scanners.
The school's software is plentiful and appropriate to the curriculum. Classes are
assigned a specific time-slot for computer instruction. Teachers are fTeeto use the labs
for lessons when other classes are not assigned to use it.
The school started the integrated technology project with wireless laptops in ninth
grade. The students have access to Blackboard platform, wireless internet is in all of the
school facilities. In using Blackboard they have organized discussion groups, classes,
chat rooms, e-mail and the parents have pin numbers to oversee the students work. For
the project they have two technicians to teach computer skills to faculty and students.
Teachers have been trained in computer skills and have been given a laptop. In other
classrooms the teachers use computers for searching the internet, composing
presentations and for developing writing skills.
In the library there are videos and DVDs for class use. They have a virtual library
and agreements with local universities to use library resources on-line for journals,
reports and borrowing books. The school also subscribes to encyclopedias and other
materials on-line.
Audiovisual equipment is used in classes; projection equipment is also available.
For safety in the use of the Internet they have Net Nanny and Microsoft firewall.
At Daskalos School there is a policy of communication systems and a policy for the use
of the laptops that the parents have to read and sign.
Standard 5 is met.
Standard #6 Student Services
The first descriptor of the educational nature of Daskalos School is that of
personalized teaching. This concept implies special attention to the individual child. The
students are evaluated upon entrance to school to determine their specific educational
needs. An individual educational plan is drawn up for each child. Teaching at Daskalos
is play centered, a method which employs play for teaching purposes by combining the
children's natural inclinations for having fun with learning as a pleasurable experience.
Manipulatives, educational materials for elementary schools and Blackboard and laptops
in middle school are part of the every day educational process.
To optimize the preparation for learning, the school provides cafeteria services.
Breakfast, lunch and snacks are provided as subcontracted services.
Some students
mentioned that the menus could provide a little more variety and nutritional food;
however, parents are very pleased with the services.
For parents that work, there is a day care service and an after school program
which provides a study program where students can complete their assignments or read.
They may also enroll in extracurricular activities, after schoo~ such as cooking, dance,
martial arts and arts and crafts.
There are two school psychologists that monitor the personal growth of students,
parents and teachers. They provide assistance to teachers and students in classroom
management and organize workshops to optimize the learning atmosphere. There are
also two college interns trom the Inter American University doing observations and
conducting workshops for students in topics suggested by the teachers or the school
psychologists. The school psychologists offer an elective adolescence course to the
Middle School students once a week, where they can discuss developmentally
appropriate topics that pertain to their personality.
Standard 6 is met.
The student activity program is an extension of the philosophy and educational
programs. The student life and student activities provide a healthy atmosphere for all
pupils. At all levels, there are non-discriminatory, appropriate student activities that
supplement classroom experience. The relationship between teachers and students is one
of respect, fairness and understanding.
The student academic life involves an integrated planning system under thematic
contents following the curriculum guidelines. The homeroom routine is to make the
students aware of what is happening in other parts of the world by reading the newspaper
and daily events posted on the internet.
The student life is organized in a manner that provides students with the
opportunity to experience responsibility, initiative and leadership competencies. Some of
the activities are: math bowls, spelling bees, and a science fair. Field trips are frequently
There is a cheerleading team, volleyball team and a choir in process. Middle
school students participate in a work-study program where they earn vouchers in
exchange for their services in the cafeteria and homeroom. Middle school students also
visit hospitals and homes for the elderly thus providing community service.
Standard 7 is met.
Standard #8 FACILITIES
Daskalos is located in the outer suburban section ofCupey. The school provides
a safe environment with secure fences around the school and procedures to secure it after
the school day begins. The entrances and exits from the street are marked with a clear
series of yellow arrows directing the public to the correct route. The parking lot for the
faculty is located in a fenced-in lot directly across trom the entrance to the school.
Daskalos is a multi-level, multipurpose building. It was constructed in three
phases with the school's constructivist philosophy in mind. It consists of 29 classrooms,
a library, two computer laboratories, a science laboratory, and indoor court. They were
constructed to be as flexible as the people using them, including classrooms with dividers
and movable shelves.
The campus is aesthetically pleasing due to the open space,
painting, and grounds landscaped with trees and plants that are native to the Caribbean.
Another important factor of Daskalos is the attractive exhibition of student work around
the school.
Daskalos has two outside areas for play. The pre-kindergarten area is enclosed by
cement directly next to these students' classroom.
It has numerous climbers
developmentally appropriate for the age group; however there is no padding beneath the
structures to break a potential fall.
kindergarten students.
There is a second area for the pre-kinder and
It is a small grassy area located between a fence and the
elementary classrooms
Standard 8 is met.
The leadership at Daskalos School shows genuine concern for the health and
safety of the students. Students' arrival and dismissal were conducted in a safe manner.
The school has the services of a crossing guard and a school safety patrol. A safe and
healthy environment for teaching and learning is provided.
Both preventive and
emergency health and safety procedure are clear and are documented.
The school
environment is productive and orderly.
They have adequate written procedure programs that are established to maintain
the health and safety of the students. A clear defined written code of student conduct
supports a safe and orderly environment that is conductive to learning and is understood
by students, teachers and parents. The school makes provisions for fire and other crisis
plans, including emergency health care at school functions. The school has written a
students' health policy that includes medical examinations for all entering students,
immunization against common diseases, and the maintenance of a comprehensive health
record. The school has satisfactory procedures for evacuating the school building, for
summoning assistance in case of fire or other emergency, and for accounting for all
students and staff during drills and emergencies. All teachers have CPR and First Aid
training in order to respond effectively to emergency situations. The teachers have
emergency care kits in the classrooms. They also have fire extinguishers, a satisfactory
monitoring camera system and intercom for emergencies.
Standard 9 is met.
Standord #10 FINANCES
The financial resources of the organization appear to be currently sufficient to
provide for the educational opportunities defined in the school's philosophy and mission
as well as for the current Project Proposal. The business practices of this wholly-owned
corporation promote confidence in the organization's ability to manage its fiscal
resources in a responsible manner, and follow prescribed budgeting and accounting
Under the President's and the Finance Director's sole scrutiny, prudent
including cost analyses and independent audits of both the school and the
Project Proposal - have been developed to insure the short and long-term fmancial
success of the organization and its programs. Faculty are involved in determining the
priorities for instructional needs but it is the organization's administrative Directors,
guided by the President, who make all budgetary recommendations. Expectations of
parents' obligations for attendance are clearly communicated and maintained.
An essential portion of the learning process is student assessment. Daskalos
recognizes the uniqueness of each student in the assessment process. From pre-school to
sixth grade assessment includes formative, summative, anecdotal and performance
evaluation processes.
It is an ongoing process consisting of pencil and paper
examinations, observation reports, homework assignments, oral and written reports,
research work, audio video assignments and portfolios. Students select the work to be
included in the portfolios. The Evaluation Document and Progress Reports contain the
varied forms of assessment.
In mid semester, the Progress Reports are issued, the
Evaluation Documents are issued to and shared with the parents; the process is interactive
and parents' are encouraged to respond.
In the middle school the students sign a contract for their grades; the parents must
approve the document.
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Once a year the students take the Learn Aid Examination, a skills oriented
standardized test that is administered in the private schools on the island. These test
results are discussed with the parents and utilized by the teachers to formulate future
plans. Evaluation is perceived as assessing a particular student's mastery of material, at
his/her own rate of progress rather than an accumulation of grades.
Standard 11 is met.
This process is the tool to keep the mission and practices informed in the
classroom, continuously improving its education program service. The plans are focused
on the student performance and organizational growth, integrating the technology in the
classroom and continuous improvement across all aspects of the school.
The academic planning is done via weekly faculty meetings or via specific
curriculum meetings of the faculty who teach that subject. During the meetings the goals
are set and activities determined to implement those goals. The teachers write their plans
based upon a monthly theme which includes the objectives, activities, assessment and
evaluating processes. In terms of technology the teachers plan their goals and course
activities using the internet. The tests and materials are evaluated by the teachers and the
director of academic affairs ITom the perspective of course objectives and students'
Another element is the academic performance of the graduates in other schools;
they are interviewed the first year after their graduation. Their input is communicated to
teachers to make appropriate adjustments.
The Faculty and Parent/Student handbooks are reviewed and updated yearly.
Standard 12 is met.
The visiting team wholeheartedly expresses their approval of the school's vision
and their desire to enhance and enrich the curriculum through the use of technology. The
school has demonstrated outstanding leadership and has affirmed its reputation as a
school of excellence.
The team is confident that the school will continue to exhibit consistency in its
adherence to the Commission's standards. The visitors leave you with several challenges
which we believe will advance the excellence that we observed.
1. Continue to utilize strategic planning and make the necessary adjustments in
order to insure the fulfillment of the technology project.
2. Reassess the technology budget and consider including additional personnel to
direct staff development and train new staff to insure the continuity of
technology implementation in the curriculum.