December - Virginia Beach Anglers Club
December - Virginia Beach Anglers Club
TIGHT LINES DECEMBER 2007 MERRY CHRISTMAS • We meet the first Thursday of every month. • Foundry United Methodist VIRGINIABEACHANGLERSCLUB.ORG Church. • 2801 Virginia Beach Blvd. • Virginia Beach, Va. Our Annual Christmas Party will be held during the December general meeting. Bring a dish to share. The club will provide drinks and paper products. During this time we have a very brief meeting. We also will hold our 2008 elections. Look inside for the details on who is running and what offices still need to be filled. Hope to see you all there. • Next to Beach Ford • 7:30 PM • Guest Speakers • Refreshments • Raffles • Prize Fish We will hold the drawing for the Toys for Tots Tournament. If you are interested in fishing this rockfish tournament please let Larry Regula know so he can add your name to the list for the drawing. We will have a goody bag for the children and would like to know if your child /children are coming so we can make sure that no child is left out. Call or email Virginia at [email protected], 714-5170. Calendar of events for 2007 December Toys for Tots Club Challenge December 1 VBAC Rockfish Rodeo December 6 Meeting Christmas Party at General March 15,2008 Awards Banquet Find out how to get 5 FREE raffle tickets - Page 7 MEMBERSHIP FEES ARE DUE FOR 2008. Make sure your fish catch in January counts towards the awards for 2008. Officers and Board Members for 2007 PRESIDENT: BUTCH EASON 424-3624 PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL 1ST VICE PRESIDENT: BOB STUHLMAN 474-2747 ONE OF THESE PEOPLE WITH ANY 2ND VICE PRESIDENT: STEVE WRAY 481-5719 QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE. TREASURER: MEL BAYFORD 631-1843 RECORDING SEC: RUSSELL WILLOUGHBY 965-4810 CORRESPONDING SEC: NEXT BOARD MEETING: December 20, 2007 Location: to be announced @ 7:30pm. VIRGINIA MORTON 420-5170 BOARD MEMBERS: ROBBIE PARKS 340-6831 PRESTON MAGNUM 855-3519 SUSAN SMITH LARRY REGULA 340-8022 472-7183 DOUG WEHNER 486-1080 JERRY MARIANO ROBIN BALL MARK WRAY 563-6365 416-0858 630-2732 SURF TOURNAMENT NEWS: CONGRATULATIONS to the Buxton Tournament team. They came in 12th out of 120 teams. NOT BAD! Julie Ball had the largest fish caught during the tournament with a 31” False Albacore. It is time to start over with the surf tournament tour. The Ocracoke Tournament team drawing will be held in January. If you would like to go, you will need to have paid your membership fees and signed up with Robbie so he can make sure your name is in for the drawing. Robbie can be reached at 340-6831. OYSTER ROAST: I WAS NOT ABLE TO BE THERE BECAUSE OF WORK BUT I HEARD THAT IT WAS THE BEST YET. GERRY MARIANO OUTDID HIMSELF WITH THE FOOD. HE WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL WHO HELPED HIM MAKE THIS SUCH A SUCCESS. RON JEFFORDS FOR GETTING THE COOKERS, STEVE LOCKYEAR FOR HELPING HIM COOK, RUSSELL WILLOUGHBY (SOMETHING ABOUT THE OYSTERS , WAS THAT EATING THEM OR COOKING THEM, RUSSELL). STEVE WRAY GOT THE SHRIMP (THAT WERE HUGE). SUE SMITH DID AN OUTSTANDING JOB WITH THE RAFFLE ITEMS. A SUPERB TIME WAS HAD BY ALL. Page 2 SPECKLED TROUT FISHING HAS BEEN UNBELIEVABLE GOOD THIS YEAR. I HAVE SEEN MORE CITATION TROUT TAKEN IN THE LYNNHAVEN INLET AREA THIS FALL THAN EVER BEFORE. WE HAVE NOT CAUGHT ANY REAL LARGE ONES OURSELVES BUT WE ARE STILL TRYING. THE BLUEFISH HAVE BEEN LARGE AND STEADY ALSO. LARRY REGULA, ROBIN AND JULIE BALL CAUGHT THESE NICE BLUEFISH RECENTLY. HOPEFULLY THE OFFSHORE WILL PICK UP AND THE WEATHER CALM DOWN SO WE CAN GET OUT THERE. LET US KNOW WHAT YOU CATCH. WOULD LOVE TO POST YOUR PICTURE HERE. DID ANY OF YOU SEE THE PICTURE OF THE 359 POUND WARSAW GROUPER THAT SOME GUYS CAUGHT IN LOUISIANA? NOW THAT’S A SANDWICH! KID’S PAGE - COLOR ME! NOMINATION COMMITTEE We will be voting on the new slate of officers and board members at the December meeting. It is not too late to put your name in so please call Don Bayford and let him know. 631-1843 Positions: President : Butch Eason 1st Vice President: Larry Regula 2nd Vice President: Steve Wray Treasurer: Mel Bayford Recording Secretary: Russsell Willoughby Corresponding Secretary: OPEN Board Members: Preston Mangum Doug Weiner Rich McGuire Sue Smith Robbie Parks Jerry Mariano Bob Stuhlman WE STILL NEED YOUR SUGGESTIONS FOR CANDIDATES FOR THE BELOW AWARDS. A. DR. JAMES C. WRIGHT CONSERVATION HONORARY AWARD Purpose: Presented to an individual, who in the opinion of the VBAC, contributed substantially to the conservation of freshwater or saltwater fish. Although not a firm requirement, this award normally focuses on conservation efforts within the State of Virginia. Format: Candidates are proposed by the Board of Directors at the November Board meeting and tabled for thirty days. The slate is reviewed at the December Board meeting. Other candidates can be added at this time. The merits of each candidate are discussed in open forum and the final selection made by a raising of hand vote. The name of the recipient is held secret until the Annual Awards Banquet. The name of the recipient is coordinated with Dr. Wright by the VBAC President. Award: The recipient’s name and year of the award is engraved on the perpetual trophy. The recipient also receives a replica trophy for permanent retention. B. VIRGINIA BEACH ANGLER’S CLUB MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD Purpose: This award recognizes an outstanding VBAC member who has given much time and effort to improving the quality of the VBAC. This award is not based on angling efforts and excludes from consideration those duties performed in conjunction with an elected office. Format: The President appoints a Committee Chairperson on or about the October time frame. The Committee Chairperson will select the remaining committee members (normally 2-3 persons). The President is an ex-officio member of this committee. At the December Board meeting, the Committee Chairperson proposes to the Board a list of candidates for the award. The Board can propose other candidates. Selection of the recipient is by ballot vote. The recipient must receive a majority vote of the Board. The Chairperson keeps the name of the winner secret. This award can be won more than once by any member. Award: The award is a plaque. The plaque is sponsored and presented each year by the Virginia Beach Angler’s Club at the annual awards banquet. WE OFFER A SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL OF THE PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES THAT SUPPORTED OUR BANQUET THE YEAR 2007 PRIZES/RAFFLES DONATED BY: ANGLERS CHOICE APPLEBEE’S NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL AND BAR BAY PROPELLER DON AND MELANIE BAYFORD BRUCE’S BAIT & TACKLE CAPTAIN SEAGULL CHARTS CARRABBA’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT CHESAPEAKE BAY LURE CRAB CREEK OUTFITTERS DICKS SPORTING GOODS RAY HEIM, JR. HUNTINGTON DRONE INNOVATIVE TEXTILES J & B RODS RON JEFFORDS LONE STAR STEAKHOUSE LONG BAY POINTE BAIT & TACKLE MURPHY’S PROPELLER SHOP RONNIE NIXON PRINCESS ANNE DISTRIBUTING PURE FISHING – BERKLEY RAY’S PARACHUTE LURES ROBERT’S AUTO DAVE AND SUE SMITH TGI FRIDAYS THE 39ER STORE TOMIC LURES VIRGINIA BEACH ANGLERS CLUB VOLVO PENTA WALMART CONNIE BARBOUR CAPT. STEVE WRAY LONG BAY POINTE Bait & Tackle *Fuel *Charters *Rod & Reel Service *Inshore/Offshore/Fly Fishing Tackle *Fresh & Saltwater, Frozen & Live Bait 757-481-7517 2109 WEST GREAT NECK RD. STE. 100 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23451 ADVERTISEMENTS E E FR Bring a new member and when they sign up, YOU will receive 5 free raffle tickets. MANY THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS AND SUPPORTERS FOR THEIR GENEROUS DONATIONS TO VBAC. PLEASE REMEMBER TO SHOP THEM WHENEVER POSSIBLE Must be new member. The Board has voted on the new web person for the club. It is Pat Hirsch. Please let Sue Smith know if there is anything that you would like to see included in our web site. Contact #:340-8022 Have a boat and need crew members? Want to fish but you have no boat? Then this is for you. We have people in both of these situations. Rich Maquire- needs crew 619-5222 Bob Wuorinen– available 486-8588 Leonard Harris– available 455-8667 Jerry Mariano—available Frankie Baker—available to fish 321-7234 Share the ride and share the expense. If you would like your name added or deleted. Phone: (757)420-5170 or email me: [email protected]. 563-6365 V I R G I NI A B E A C H A N G L E R S C L U B . O R G Page 7 C O N N IE B A R B O U R CAPT. STEVE W RAY L O N G B A Y P O IN T E B a it & T a c k le * F u e l * C h a rte rs * R o d & R e e l S e rv ic e * In s h o re /O ff s h o re /F ly F is h in g T a c k le * F re s h & S a ltw a te r, F ro z e n & L iv e B a it 7 5 7 -4 8 1 -7 5 1 7 2109 W E ST G R E A T N E C K R D . ST E . 100 V IR G IN IA B E A C H , V A 2 3 4 51 TIGHT LINES VIRGINIA BEACH ANGLER’S CLUB P O BOX 8602 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. 23450 READ ME ON THE WEB: