Purslane Portulaca oleracea Portulacaceae Common Names Purslane, garden purslane, pigweed, pusley (En); pourpier, pourpier potager (Fr); verdolaga, buglosa, porcelana, hierba grasa (Sp); 馬齒莧 (Cn) Plant Distribution Throughout tropical regions Botanical Features Succulent, branched, erect or prostrate annual herb, forming mats; stems up to 50 cm long, thick and soft, hairless, green to reddish or brownish; leaves alternate, opposite or in whorls, spatulate to obovate, 0.5-3.3 x 0.2-1.5 cm, puckered, thick, soft and smooth, green with purplish green underside; inflorescences sessile, clustered at the apex of stems, up to 8-flowered; flowers bisexual, regular, bright yellow, white and pink; fruit (capsules) cone-shaped, 4-7 mm, many-seeded; seeds 0.6-1.0 mm, black, kidney-shaped; epigeal germination. Growth form 202 Environmental Factors Light requirement: full sun; photoperiod: short-day, day-neutral, long-day; temperature requirement: hot; preferred soil type: sand, sandy loam; optimum soil pH: 5.5-7.0; tolerance: drought, salinity, flooding; sensitivity: frost. Leaves 203 Production Methods System: gathering wild, home gardening; planting material: seeds, 10-cm vine cuttings; planting method: direct broadcast and cover lightly with compost; irrigation: frequent; priority fertilizer: nitrogen, organic matter; crop management: creeping on ground; planting to 1 st harvest: 20-30 days; harvesting: once-over (uproot), repeated cuttings at 2-3 week intervals; yield: 20 t/ha. Different flower colors 204 Edible Parts Tender shoots with pleasant acidic flavor are used fresh in salad, blanched, pickled, or sun-dried. Health Values Beta-carotene: medium; vitamin E: low; riboflavin: low; folic acid: low; ascorbic acid: medium; calcium: low; iron: high; protein: 1.3%. Edible portions contain coumarins, flavonoids, and oxalic acid (ca.1%). Purslane contains omega-3 fatty acids that are available to the human diet mainly through animal sources such as fish; it may have a protective effect against cardiovascular disease. Seeds Bundled shoots in the market 205
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across, on scapes to 30 cm high, outer involucral bracts bent sharply downward;
flowers deep yellow; fruit (achenes) beaked, gray-brown to olive-brown; epigeal
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