Te Awaiti Campground
Te Awaiti Campground
remove existing secondary access road to control movement across site low maintenance planting along bank border lead to entrance entrance signage and planting existing planting along fenceline border rubbish bins existing toilet block ¿UHSLWVDWUDQGRPORFDWLRQV timber boardwalks outside toilet block and bins with surrounding planting rock seating at various locations - see pictorial B page 3/8 ÀD[ PICTORIAL B Rock seating area planting along road border to control vehicle movement extension of existing ÀD[ planting and other native planting ÀD[ for erosion control extension of existing gravel road to access northern and southern areas main road to west hillside planting car turn-around planting PDLQ¿UHSLWDUHD main picnic area camping area existing ÀD[ planting planting A main picnic area and amenities - see ÀD[ Detail Design page 4/8 CROSS SECTION CROSS SECTION A-A A-A NORTH VIEW NORTH VIEW hillside planting hillside planting main west main road road to to west existing swale planting swale planting ¿UHSLWDQGVHDWLQJ rock seating camping area camping area ÀD[ planting B swale planting for water runoff in low-lying area CROSS SECTION SECTION B-B B-B CROSS B NORTH VIEW gravel road extension and vehicle turn-around area for easy access - see Detail Design page 3/8 REVISIONS DATE 11/2013 NOTES REV DESCRIPTION A concept amendment additional rocks and ford over river PROJECT TITLE DRAWING TITLE te awaiti campsite concept design SCALE master plan CHECKED 1:750 @ A1 STAGE DATE concept JOB NO. SW005 aw Formerly: Environmental Challenge “TEC” DRAWN 11/2013 DWG NO. to REV 0003 002 telephone +64 3 982 5040 Phone +64 3 982 5040 web www.tec.net.nz Fax 576 Christchurch 9643 post PO +64 Box 4 1302, Central, Christchurch 8140 Email location [email protected] 869 Halswell Junction Road, Islington, Christchurch Web www.align.net.nz timber boardwalks to existing water tap main picnic area as a communal space with large gravel area and feature rocks as seating with surrounding low planting to swale planting to collect water runoff and border vehicle turn-around REVISIONS REVI REVISION SIONS S DATE 11/2013 NOTES NOTES REV DESCRIPTION A concept amendment swale and wetland planting along stream edge to collect runoff and create edge boundary GH¿QHVSDFHDQGWXUQDURXQGDUHD secondary bins for communcal picnic area at turn-around for easy pick-up/ removal and secondary camping area PROJECT TITL PROJECT TITLE E extension of existing gravel road to create vehicle turn-around DRAWING TITL DRAWING TITLE E te awaiti campsite concept design ford across existing stream crossing to connect eastern and western camping areas and contain vehicle movement across site SCALE SCALE detail plan CHECKED CHECKED 1:100 @ A1 STAGE DATE concept JOB NO. SW005 aw Formerly: Environmental Challenge “TEC” DRAWN 11/2013 DWG NO. to REV 0004 002 telephone +64 3 982 5040 Phone +64 3 982 5040 web www.tec.net.nz Fax 576 Christchurch 9643 post PO +64 Box 4 1302, Central, Christchurch 8140 Email location [email protected] 869 Halswell Junction Road, Islington, Christchurch Web www.align.net.nz