J Hopkins
J Hopkins
FASTNEt annual science meeting Jo Hopkins, NOC 1. WP1/4 – Cross-shelf exchange estimates from D376 moorings 2. WP3 – Do storms modify baroclinic energy fluxes in the Celtic Sea? 3. WP3 - JC88 on-shelf moorings summary Plymouth, 13th-14th November 2013 WP4: D376 short term mooring flux estimates Across shelf flux where is the time mean across-shelf current profile Deployment mean flux (m2 s-1) 16-27 Jun 2012 Tidal residual fluxes over integral M2 tidal periods Per BT tide – large exchange, zero flux 100 km -1.7 Sv -0.4 Sv -0.1 Sv -0.4 Sv Long term Celtic Sea mooring 8 Sv 100 km-1 2 Sv 100 km-1 Deployment mean flux (m2 s-1) Off-shelf flux: Aug, Nov-Jan On-shelf flux: Jul, Oct, Feb-Apr 1.2 Sv per 100 km shelf section over deployment When were slope current reversals? Do storms modify baroclinic energy fluxes in the Celtic Sea? Jo Hopkins, Gordon Stephenson, Mattias Green • PART A: Inertial and tidal energy interaction • PART B: Modification of IT propagation and energy in response to changes in slope criticality as N2 is modified during storms • Magnitude, direction and vertical structure of baroclinic IT energy fluxes • What role did the storm and strong wind events play in determining these fluxes? Consider… • • Partitioning of potential and kinetic baroclinic energy Bulk shear • Differences between two locations (separated by 26 km) D376 Celtic Sea – June 2012 26 km 43 km Air Pressure The “Thursday Lows” Photo: Marie Porter ECMWF winds SPRINGS 1. Main storm breaking down stratification ST4 2. Re-stratification (~7 days) 3. Short, intense wind episode 4. Less pronounced M2 IT at ST5 ST5 Tidal residual PSD ST4 f M2 M4 ST4 ST5 Significant clockwise inertial peak (f>M2) f M2 Energy flux calculations (following Nash et al. (2005) < > = average over integral no. M2 wave periods Perturbations from vertical mean profiles formed over two IT periods (account for evolution of h20 column structure + minimise contamination by advection/low frequency variability) Unknown depth average u0(t) calculated by requiring p’ from hydrostatic eqn. Unknown surface pressure p0(t) calculated by requiring Perturbations band pass filtered (10.5 - 17) hrs to retain f-M2 only This does not capture the contribution from non-linear, high-freq. , non-hydrostatic waves Average energy fluxes in f-M2 band Deployment mean depth integrated energy fluxes Across W m-1 Along W m-1 ST4 16 -45 ST5 -20 -14 ST1 -158 189 Range of flux magnitudes at ST4 and ST5 of 10-120 W m-1 ST4 and ST5 vectors scattered through full 360° - complex 3D wave field, chaotic generation and propagation Agreement with Green et al. (2008): 8 Wm-1 across-shelf with up to 200 Wm-1 in individual waves. Vertical structure of f-M2 energy fluxes Maximum fluxes concentrated in surface layer ST4 - across ST4 - along ST5 - across ST5 - along Little evidence of SN cycle except perhaps at ST4 Depth integrated f-M2 energy fluxes 2.3 day pulsing of energy corresponding to expected f-M2 interference frequency Can we explain this interaction by exploring.... 1) M2 and f potential and kinetic baroclinic energy 2) Bulk Shear Evolution of KE and PE at ST5 Harmonic fits for M2 and inertial amplitudes in 54 hr windows Injections of KEf at surface following wind events Increase in eta2 and increase in PEM2 within pycnocline and near surface following prolonged storm Increase in KEM2 beneath pycnocline PEf increase initially near surface then deepening with pycnocline. Pulses every 1.5-2.5 days Evolution of KE and PE at ST4 Increase in KEM2 and KEf following second wind event Increase in PEM2 following first AND second wind event Bulk shear 2 Main S2 peaks occur when surface wind stress aligns with bulk shear direction ST4 ST5 B C D A Peaks in S2 every 2 days following re-stratification A B C D Bulk shear vs. energy flux magnitude Is shear peaking in response to increased flux (high baroclinic energy) ST4 OR Is increased IT flux a response to increased wind driven shear? ST5 JC88 moorings - Wirewalker SD: 75 kHz ADCP SE: t-chain and 2 x 300 kHz ADCPS SG: t-chain and 150 kHz ADCP SF: Wirewalker and 150 kHz ADCP RBR CTD – CTD at 6 Hz Wetlabs fluorometer at 1 Hz Full 15 day pressure record Average rising rate 0.45 to 0.55 m s-1 Average sinking rate 0.1-0.2 m s-1 12 hour pressure record Time between upcasts 12-30 minutes 431 upcasts collected “Stepped” downcast 30 minute pressure record Smooth freefloating up-cast Salinity Temperature 2 to 3 layer structure Change in salinity + finer scale structure Salinity (I) Temperature (I) CHL SF SE Power spectra of depth mean currents – strong K1 & M2 components Salinity (II) Temperature (II)