Offioiol Public<rtion of tho Cortorn lllotor
Offioiol Public<rtion of tho Cortorn lllotor
Offioiol Public<rtion of tho Cortorn lllotor Scenes from the 1994 Vanderbilt Cup Races - photos by Barrie Allen and Steve Geraci 1995 EMRA OFFICERS 1995 EMRA CLUB @ Gary Ain 94IW B@IB 284 Main St. Hempstead, I.fY 11550 Bob Ferdon 1007 Philadelphia Ave. Pt. Pleasant, NJ 08742 Gettysburg, PA 17325 From AT&T: 0-700-RUN-EMRA oR (e08)2es-3543 (717)3344681 Tom Masciopinto 12 Roosevelt Ave. TROPHY CIINRWOMAN Barrie Allen @ BryIqE@ Tom Valet 15 Jenna Ct. Holbrook, NY 11741 (s16)471-9050 (sr6)486-1200 1935 Biglerville Rd. Selden,I.{Y 11784 (5t6) 73642e7 165 Lincoln Ave. No.Brentwood, NY 11717 (516)43s-2355 Bill & CIIEOUERED FLAG EDITOR Jan Saladino 97 Fanning Ave. llampton Bays, NY 11946 (el4)967-1794 (st6)728-7104 228 Giffords Lane Staten Island, NY 10308 (718)948-797r 6 Paulinskill Lake Rd. Fredon, NJ 07860 314 E, Cedar St. IWqDoty (201) 383-8859 Livingston, NJ 07039 Caroline 314 E. Cedar St. Livingston, NJ 07039 (2Or) e92-s694 - Robert Hard (z0t) 992-5694 293 Rowayton Ave. Rowayton, CT,06853 (203) 838-7535 7 Wyngate Dr. rEt444SN Rob Myles P.O. Box 319 Ronkonkoma, NIY 11779 (5t6)821-6276 WE.LISUSN Natalie Thude-Stephens 202 Runyon Ave. Middlesex, NJ 08846 (908) 968-1661 Coram,I.ry 11727 (516)928-r568 @ David Dempsey RACE CHIET'INSTRUCTOR P.O. Box Dave Warburton 89 Jayne Ave. (516)6e4{se5 Patchogue,I.ry 11772 (s16)475-2626 l9l EastMeadow, NY 11554 SOUTH SHORE SS&BDS Andrew Smith U@INE information P.O. Box 492 Watermill, NIY, 11976 Scheduling and event (s16)728-s111 (st6) 723-3272 OR Dave Warburton 89 Jayne Ave. Patchogue, Sue Barnum 43 Rosemere St. Rye, NY 10580 Mark Saladino lry 11772 97 Fanning Ave. Hampton Bays, NY 11946 (st6)47s-2626 (516)728:ltO4 - EMRA BOARD NEWS SEPT.2O, 1994 MEETING The following was taken from the oflicial minutes of the meeting, recorded by Gaille Maldonado, as Bob Hill was wrable to attend. Present were Bob Ferdon, Tom Valet, Rob Myles, Andy Smith, Robert hard, Tom Masciopinto, Gary Ain, Bill & Suzanne Barnum, Peter McCarthy,Brian Greck, Gaille & Fernendo Maldonado and Caroline Doty. (Fred Pignataro was out oftown on business). A report from Bob Ferdon on the Vanderbilt Cup Race Weekend showed a small loss of about $500. There were three classes to pay out to the top 3 finishers: ST3, ST4, and FV. This amou[ted to $2500. SEA paid for the first place trophies for Sunday and is giving EMRA money to buy two new computers. EMRA is having a worker event on October 7,8 aud 9. Due to the hardship of working an event on a Friday, all workers who do work on that day will receive a two day credit. This was voted for and approved by the Board. Nominations for the 1995 EMRA board will be accepted at the October Board meeting. Dinner Dance 1995: Everyone agreed to return to the Landmark hu. Bob will check the dates and try to get January l4th or 2lst. If anyone has any suggestions as to another site for 1996, please make them heard by do the early next year. Caroline decorations again and open to any stimulating ideas to better herself from the previous year. Fernando will be in charge of the Dinner Dance Journal. The cut off date for submission of driver biographies and photos will be December 3rd. Points for the year will be posted at the November meeting. The question as to whether or not to purclrase new timing software was again brouglrt up. While Fernando's program can do the job, there are still kinks to be worked out. Monitor (the system that the SCCA uses) required two to three computers plus more manpower to run it. The u[upcoming Pocono event was discussed regarding whether or not open wheel would is will have their own class. Of course it depend on the entries. For next year it would will to perhaps move the school be to Sunday moming and rnaybe have a Legend car or two enter in the Time Trial. As for the 1995 schedule, there was no response from New Hampshire yet. There is a waiting list and EMRA will be hrst in line if someone doesn't renew. The first weekend considered in June rnay be available, if Skip Barber Peter McCarthy gave an update on Charlie doesn't renew FD had discussions with the new COM president. They would be willing to co-sponsor an event. At Summit Point, this yea/s night enduro is new noise lock, however, due restrictions, there may be a 6PM curfew for next year. Right now we have no noise restrictions, being that they are set at 108 db. In keeping good grace with the track, the Board voted and passed hat there would be a Greenhaus. to a 105 db limit for our November 1994 weekend. As for Lime Rock, Ferdon faxed a letter requesting dates for 1995. It is very expensive for unmuflled days there. There is a chance that the dates ofJuly 7 and 8th the track will be looking for someone to come up with a specialty race for a spectator event. Several ideas were tuentioned; such as Pro-V race, or Continentials. Maybe even a mini enduro or an ongoing Vanderbilt Cup challenge. The Legend cars were also brought up. Bridgehampton will have the traditional weekends as in the past. OCTOBER 18, 1994 MEETING The arurual EMRA dinner has been booked at the Landmark hn for January 14, 1995. The originally prefened date of Jan.2l had been taken already. The Board gave the OK for $300 to Caroline Doty for decorations, etc. A discussion of menu choices will take place in Nov. or Dec. Summit Point event: Cars will be held to a 105 DB limit this year. The flyer published had several errors as to who's who for Summit. Bob Ferdon said the printer ran the wrong sheet. Tom Valet gave impassioned talk about an drumming up workers, especially for timing, and urged club reps to carry the word. Tom Masciopinto has donated 12 car batteries for corner lights. We also need to line up It was noted that in a track incident near the pits, crews should not generators. crowd the fence and corner workers should be signaling cars. Changes to the Enduro included restrictions on pit board signaling (except for refueling and hot fluidVsmoke). A plan to rnodify handicapping to provide for a choice ofa one-stop or two-stop handicap accident) He is improvittg (fiom his but needs calls, letters, and contact. Those who would like to contact Charlie can call his father, Dick, at l-800424-7887 ext. 142 for his direct telephone number at the hospital, or write to Charlie Greenhaus, c/o UMMC Hospital Bunt Unit, 55 l^ake Ave. North, Worschester, MA 01655. Bob Ferdon went down an impressive list of EMRA drivers who competed and or won at the SCCA runoffs aud NARRC runolfs. He also discussed a possible July unmuffled weekend at Lime Rock. He will know if we have it or another June date this week. Fem cautioned this is an expensive rental and the potential for money loss exists, too. No for 1995. Fred's treasurer's report showed EMRA news yet on the Glen or NHIS making more money this year, possibly due to both Pocono events making money. The EMRA race series will be called "The Vanderbilt Cup Series" for 1995. Jim Totura proposed we try a formula ford relay race to try to athact more FFs to our events. We need a special event for tltem like the enduros for closed wheel. Clubs submitted slates for nomination for the November elections: Chairman: Tom Valet, Bob Ferdon Vice Chairman: Jim Totura, Bob Ferdon (declined), Tom Valet Secretary: Bob Ilill Treasurer: Caroline Doty, Tonr Masciopinto, Fred Pignataro Time Trial Chainnan: Charlie Greenhaus, Rob Myles NOVEMBER 15, 1994 MEETING The following was taken from my notes, and not the oflicial notes of the meeting. More information will follow iu lhe next issue. 1995 EMRA rule books will be printed before the first event next year, and will include the most recent rule changes. Femando asks that all biographies, stories, and photos be in his hands by l2l5l94 for the Dirmer Dance Joumal. The 1995 EMRA Schedule was discussed. None of the followiug dates have been locked in exccpt for the Watkins Glen date: April 2 9-30, Bridgehampton May 19, Friday, Watkins Glen June 3 -4 orJune l0-ll, Bridgehampton July 8 - 9, Lime Rock Park June 23 - 24, M-IIS w/COM Jnly 22 - 23, Pocono for ST2 and ST3 type cars was approved. discussion of an impendiug IT change to an point mge was deferred to the Competition Board. Reps got a listing of season points to review Aug 12 - 13, Bridgehampton double Time from Toru Valet. They are to verify club Trial memberships and return to Tom Sept. 9 A 8 - 10, Bridgehampton double Race Sept. 23 - 24, Pocono Race, Enduro, Time Asairrst The Clock by R.Myles Trial November 4 - 5 (or pssibly October 21-22), Sumrnit Point November 12, Lirne Rock The elections for the 1995 EMRA Board were held. The following members were elected: Chairman: Bob Ferdon Vice Chairman: Torn Valet Secretary: Bob Hill Treasurer: Caroline Doty Time Trial Chairman: Rob Myles is the end of November, and it seems like the season began only Here it yesterday. With the close of a successful event at Lirne Rock, the 1994 Time Trial Season is over, and new champions have been crowned. Congratulations to all, for you have earned it. great season, and It has been a really I have enjoyed it enormously. Can six months have flovm by this fast ? Apparently they have, and without the help of so many people, it could rever have gone as well as it did. Special thanks must LETTERS, NEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, & MISCELI.ANEOUS go to Glen "Fahrvigcuban" Cordova, for handling his Chief Instructor of Time Trial duties so well, as well as to all of you who volunteered as instructors. Getting all that extra track time is a bitch, ain't it? Thanks also to both Bob Hill and Tom krch, for rururing Tech, Sound, and for reminding me to "[ake a Valium". To Steve and Donna Richardson, the Prince and Princess of Pit Road, thanks for keeping the Pit EMRA QUOTES FROM THE 1994 VANDERBILT CUP WEEKEND Road By Barrie Allen L^ake Spee4 how could you grow up and be any'thing but a race car driver?'- Jan Saladino a narne like "It's going to be a fu ll moon for Pocono.... Totura and Sheryl Babcany " Renrenrber to !" - Tina press ilre button...ilrcn speak!" - Cally Kruger " How can you feel bad about a blown notor when you've gotten 100 hours and lots offun out ofit?" Charlie Greenhaus " And - I beat Charlie!" _ Ailen Hoey "We're going to lrave to kick sorne rocks offthe track." - workers at station 9. "We're going to sweep ... again!" workem al station 4. " 102 on ilre meter!" - Bob of order, and and Lerch, staging the timed runs. All of the some semblance Hill "It's really a stock rnanifold!" - Saturday at Big Bore itttpourtd. nWe're buyiug a rrew rrrorritor," or "What now?" - Bob Ferdou Most irnportant arrd rrrost heard: " We treed volunteers for tinring and scoring!" aud "I had a great tinre!" absolute minimum. Let's see, who else... thar*s to Tom Valet, Gary Ain, and anybody else brave (and/or foolish) enough to work Pit Out and dodge the adrenaline crazed rush of drivers entering the track. Thanks to all the corner workers for, amongst other things, surviving, and not lynching me for, "llappy Laps". Thanks to Giacomo Petracca for making the aforementioned }Iappy [.aps so interesting on more than one occasion. Thanks to all the Mustang drivers for showing than one occasion insuring that the ST4 and 5 lields were going to be ILll just via his all of the lunatics in Timing cars alone. To and Scoring, and to Abe Partner for always managing to make me smile, no matter how much kaa-kaa has just hit the proverbial fan, thanks. Thanks to Jeff Whalen of Bridgehampton tow kuck fame for all of his hard work, and for not killing any of us, even when sorely tempted. Thanks, of course, to Cally Kreuger and Bob Ferdon for all of their hard work. You dont see you name here? Then one oftwo things has happened: either I forgot, for which I apologize, or you didnt volunteer and help to make these events be the successes they have been. EMRA is a little like public television - it is what you make it to be. Congratulations are in order to Gerard Salmon, Ike Aruti, Charles'Feuerstein, and Vince Licari for taking the plunge into wheel to wheel racing at Summit Point this year. Congratulations to Paul Barbuzza for his fine work as Control at Pocono and Lime Rock this year - the guy is a natural. Hill the cars for drivers owe you a round of thanks for keeping the catches on timed nurs to an "I'm just here to have fuir" - Bob Kress "With in along with Messrs and to Charlie Greenhouse, for on more us the "Mustang Pavement Optional Line' (Yes Ike, I &rou it's a Capri.), and to the "Terrible Triplets" of ST4 for showing us how it's done neatly. My hat is offto all of you who o{fered Greg Allen a car to use right after he flipped his own at Pocono. That is the sort ofthing that EMRA is all about. Thanks to Mark and Jan Saladino (and soon baby Speed), proprietors of The Home For Wayward Racers, for so many things, including keeping flre chi-chi foo-foo stuff at the required levels ofsilliness, aud who, along with Fred, Lauren, StudBoy and his cousin Kim, kept me from sleeping in my pizza. To Barrie Allen, for wonderful trophies, We have a big schedule plarured for next year, including a return to New Hampshire, and what appears to be the last series of race dates at Bridgeharnpton. It seems we're finally losing the grand old lady. Next up is the dirurer/dance in January- I'm looking forward to seeing all you there. See you at the racetrack. The 1994 EMRAJournal will be gorng to print soon. We want to tellyour story. If you won an EMRA Enduro, Race, or Time Trial Championship, be sure to send a story or bio and photo you and your car to: Fernando Maldonado 46 Brower Ave. Woodmere, NY 11598. StorieslBiographies should be typed, or ideally sent oir floppy disk in just about any format. Photos will be returned upon nequest. Ifyou have lousy it will probagly show up a lousy bio. Please type. All materials must arrive by December 3, 1994. thBnks - Fernando. Robert M1les factor here - don't forget, the object of the Post OIIice Bo:i 319 game is to have firn. Ronkonlionra, Neu' York I 1776 516 82t 6276 Wulr cowo ro UAPPEN To ME toplv ? You are going to get to drive your car on the 17 November 1994 race track. This may sound simple, but it isn't. You're going to get some instruction from us if you're new at this, and you are going to have A Goop Tnc" At the end of the day you are going to take your timed run.That's when you'll compete against the Mr. Gary L. Shaw Shaw Racing 19 rs Kings Circle Coming, New York 14830 Dear Gary, (for Worker of The Weekend), it stands proudly in my rvindorv, sfiere it refracts the light beautifully. Congratulatious on your 2nd place finish in ITE at Summit, and I hope to see you again at EMRA events in the future. about. the level of sound coming out of your car. For us to do this, it has to go to Trcrr Insprcrrox. There you get to meet Bob Hill, who is EMRA's Chief of Tech, and his merry band of madmen. He will check your car for safety belts, that the wheels are tight, Wrren s ar.r, rrus oowo ro nerpeN ? Drivers are assigned to different Rux Gnours based upon their skill level and/or relative car speed. The idea is to keep drivers ofsimilar speeds on the track at tlrc same time. During the course of the day you will hear announcements made for the Red. White. and Blue groups to come to the false grid. When your group is called, it is your responsibility to bring your car to the grid, ready to go on the track. Wrucu RrlN Gnow AM I IN, Fon Heeveu's Snxs? Rob Myles cc: Bob Ferdon, EMRA Chairman Jan Saladino, Editor,The Chequered Flas Look at your EMRA Time Trial license. The first letter of the number in the center is either R, W, or B, unless youte a student. If you are a student then you are automatically in the Rrp run group. Just remember, all students are Red, but not all Reds are Students. (Where is Senator Joe McCarthy Wrr-conm To AN EMRA Tmr Tnrar, Btrrl Dox'rIIawA TnmTruslrcrxsr The big day has finally corne - you've grown tired ofjust reading about Tirne Trials in this newsletter, or you've tried of corner working and now you want to see how it looks from the other side of the Armco. Either way, youte going to take the plunge. You're going racing! Congratulations! But wait - now what Not a problem. That's what do 1'ou do? person, a volunteer, and wants to make sure that you have the best, safest possible day at the racetrack. ro do and accomplish that fust race morning, but rf 1ou talie the time to read this it should hdp to ezrse lour rvay, and make your day rme enlo1'able. And enjoyment is the key Cordova, EMRA's safety. At most tracks we also have to check that your battery is secure, and flrat your car is good condition. your car is street worthy, there shouldnt be any real problem. We also will need to see the Trcu Sr,nyou were given at Registration, and we need to see your assigned nurnber on the side ofthe car. Borrow some shoe polish from your neighbor to put'em on with. Please put thenr on the doors, big and bold, so that the comei workers, and later, Timing and Scoring, can tell who you are. Take an early hint, white shoe polish won't work ou a white car. Don't worry about the paint, the stuffwill wash, or compound right off. Also, put your car class, ST3, GTl, or whatever, on the side of tlrc car at the same time. Your car class and car If number are on the tech slip. If the line is very long, tell flrem that you are a student, and if at all possible, thdll rnove you right along. noWT) By Rob Myles, Tirne Trial Chairman \\'elcome to your first EMRA time trial. There xill be a lot going on, a lot of things OK- TurnWuer? Before we can let you, or your car, on the race track. the car has to be checked for Sincerely, EMRA Time Trial Cluirman nice people at the gate (or in the cafeteria at Pocono) who made you fill out forms aud take your money. Tell flrem that you are a student. A hint to the wise - preregister ! It's cheaper, quicker, and less stressful for both you and the aforenrentioned nice people. clock and the other drivers in yotr car's But hrst a bunch ofother things have to happen. That's what this article is all class. On behalf of EMRA and mysell I would like to thank you for the lovely glass'eggs" that you presented to EMRA for distribution as awards at the Summit Point race weekend on November 5 - 6, 1994. They are really quite beautiful, and it was exceptionally generous of you to donate them. As the wirurer of one grumpy guy in the back is Bob Ferdou. Ignore him, his bark is worse than his bite.I-Ie really means well. These are the I ! and Glen Chief Time Trial Instructor, are going to help you get. Ifyou dont have a license that means that you are a student, and new to EMRA. You'll have to attend Driver's School, where you'll meet yoru instructor for the day. He/She is a nice WuarDoI DoFnsr? Tnrs M,ln Jusr Asxrn Mr F'on Mv Ilrr,llrr. No problem. Show it to hirn. EMRA requires a Snell M85 certification for your helmet as a minimum. That means tlnt any combination of letters and numbers from 85 up is acceptable. Odds are that your older brothe/s biker helmet from 1979 won't cut it. He will also ask you if you have a long sleeve shirt and pants. Whenever you go out on the track you must wear those items. (This is a hint - bring this stuff with you to tech !) He will also ask to see your trunk - no, he's not checking for drugs - he just First you have to get to Registration. Say hello to Steve and Nancy Colleti. The big wants to make sure there isn't anything loose rolling around in there, or inside yow car, tlut could beconte a safety hazard. Make his car life easier - empty and prepare your before you go to Tech. You dorlt have a helmet? Try to beg or borrow one before you get to the racetrack. The time to be searching for a helnret is not on the grid just prior to blazingly fast from the get go. At your first few events you are going to spend a lot of time just figuring out where the next corner is, and learning to be smooth. Speed will come, if you don't rush it. If you don't understand something, just ask. Your going out. instructor was a beginner once too, and can appreciate your questions. Remember, NowWrrar? though, that getting a license is not an automatic thing. Your instructor will be You've registered, the car is tlrouglt Tech ... now get to the Sruorxt DnwEn's Mmrnc. It is absolutely rnandatory that you be there, considering attendance will be taken, and you can't get on flre track otherwise. You will get to see Glen Cordova again, and probably that's where you will fiud me. We will review some basic track safety procedures, talk a little about flags, and ir.rtroduce you to your instructor. At that point we will explain to you how to get yourselfout on the track. feel safe sharing a racetrack with you. Impress upon yow instructor that you are safe and levelheaded, and there should be no problem. This seems like a lot of stuffto go through, and it is. Don't worry, it only seems that way, it really is quite simple. And heaven's sake don't forget to Dunr*crIEolv= H.e,vx, FUN You are going to spend a lot of tirne in your car with your instructor. Do not worry if it all seems confusing at first, or if you are not a lot about your style, technique, and attitude during the day. He or slrc will also be considering whether they ANNUAL 1994 EMRA DINNER DANCE AND AWARDS CEREMONY WILL BE TMLD ON JANUARY 14,1995 AT TI{E LANDMARK INN IN OODBRIDGE, NJ - KEEP; THE DATE OPEN FOR A TRADITIONAL GOOD TIME OF DINING, DANCING, AND YEAR END TROPHY PRESENTATIONS. More info will be coming to your mailbox or call Bob Ferdon) lll you ot tle Rqces... Rob Myles See HotEodes Big Bore Throttle Bodies & Reloted Equipment "stoge 2 'lw. Ml qipryd 300a uin h'rflow HOT BODf' urb" "hot body equippedTqoto tokes closs win" . . . . l0- l5% Flow lncrease lncreased throttle response Easy bolt-on installation Applications for most injected cars . . . . Lower lap times lmproved mid-range & top end power Wakes up modified engines Lifetime waranty for catalog or call (805) 726- I028 24 hour Fax (805) 949-7612 Send $2.00 Motorsport 42946Yictorville Pl. Lancaster, CA 93534 " Specifr yean make & model of car when ordering" I RESULTS FOR VANDERBILT CUP RACES BRIDGEHAMPTON RACE CIRCUIT, SEPTEMBER 11, 1994 F'INAL RESULTS FOR GROUP 1 ON O9/11I94 AT BRIDGEIIAMPTON RACE CIRCUIT CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: F5fi)0, S2000, FF, CI', tr'C' FA, SR POS. IN CAR DRIVER I S2000 IFF ICF 2FF 2 52000 88 69 47 39 24 2CF SPONSORS Jr. Tyrell C. Brian AWNINGS MIDNIGHT AUTO SCUDERIA-X KNOLL TTF COMMUNICATIONS NONE Fred Knoll Clris Westervelt Redman MackHoward Jim Cella II Chuck LMRPOOL REDMAN RACE ENGINEERJNG SCUDERIA-X LISCA FERRANTE AUTOMOTM NONE R.PM MOTORSPORTS CAR MAKE GRID POS. Lola SR-71 7 Zir*.ZlO 6 4 Lola T440 82'Van Dieman I-ola T86/90 Crossle 45-F QUAL. LAPS TIME COMP l6 I l:41.03 l:49.08 l:54.08 l:56.05 l:51.10 a 1:52.O7 3 l5 l5 l5 FINAL RESULTS FOR GROUP 2 ON 09/11/94 AT BRIDGETIAMPTON RACE CIRCUIT CLASSES IN TIIISGROUP: ST4, STs CAR POS. IN CLASS I ST4 2 ST4 3 ST4 4 ST4 5 ST4 I ST5 6 ST4 2 ST5 7 ST4 8 ST4 9 ST4 10 sT4 3 ST5 II ST4 12 ST4 13 ST4 14 ST4 sPoNsoRs DRIVER CAR MAKE GRID POS. QUAL. LAPS TIME COMP Honda Civio Honda Civic 0 N.T. SCUDERJA.X t2 2:04.02 2:04.09 l5 l5 CLUB # 11 GaryAin 44 Richard Hunter Felix Garcia 52 ISLAND IMPORTS MV SERVICE & DELIVERY BFG/IELIX AUTO REPAIR LISCA SCUDERIA.X VW Scirocco t4 HEMPSTEADMMDA SPERRY Mazt^323 0 BFG\WORLD AtJ-TO IMPORTS BFG/BRIDGE AUTO/7.II ssscc 0 BFG BFG/JINII!{YSICORSA/ASP SPERRY SPERRY Toyota Corolla Fiat 3P Toyota Corolla Fiat Slrada Omni GLH Toyota VW Scirocco Alfa Afetta 30 2:10.03 0 0 N.T. N.T. 34 0 2:13.10 l4 N.T. 14 35 26 2: 15.05 24 Femando Nlaldonado Steve Colletti Jason Adamski Paul Kamaiko Dave Warburton 55 Bill May 06 Nancy Colletti Bruce Bamett Ailyn Hoey BFG/WORID AUTO IMPORTS AUTOBAHN/CSF Charles Greenhaus Ron l,acey ENTROPY AUTO 3 27 7 40 l3 l6 68 32 47 SCUDERIA.X 15 sT4 l8 4 ST5 16 ST4 DNF DSR 37 Brian Greck Philip Pignataro Robert J. Westfall Torn Masciopinto Colman Roche 86 TomMilruto l4 Guy Frost 8l 76 SSSCC BFG/RON LACEY ADS THE RNAL ESTATE BOOK ZANDRI CONSTRUCTION CO. BFG/JIGSAW COMPUTER RHINOGARAGE S SSSCC l5 24 29 N.T. 2:06.02 2:08.09 2:10.03 0 N.T. l5 l5 l5 l5 l5 l5 l5 0 19 SCUDERIA.X LIVERPOOL LIVERPOOL SCUDERIA-X Nissan 200SX SPERRY Maverick ssscc MGB NONE Grernlin SPERRY 3l ssscc Fiat X-l/9 Honda Civic 2:09.09 2:10.09 33 2:13.O4 SCUDERIA.X SCUDERIA.X MG Midget Westfield 39 N.T. N.T. Saab 96 15 N.T. N.T. 0 15 15 t2 ll 9NR 9NR 7NR 4NR FINAL RESULTS FOR GROUP 3 ON O9/II/94 AT BRIDGEHAMPTON RACE CIRCUIT CLASSES IN THISGROUP: ST3 POS. IN CLASS I ST3 2ST3 3 ST3 .r sT3 I GT4 5ST3 65T3 7 ST3 8 ST3 9 ST3 i0 sT3 1l sT3 !: ST3 '(;T! CAR l0 6 26 69 89 5 2 88 28 67 33 6l OE ?A ST3 { sI: {l flis s]: :3 :1 DRIVER sPoNsoRs CLUB # Rudyvajdak BFG SPERRY Vigliotti BFGUSLAND IMPORTS LISCA Christopher Caram CARILE RACING SCUDERIA-X Manny Martinez UTOPIA HOME CARE SSSCC Peter Brinkwart SCUDERIA-X Andrew l,allee TYROLEAN MOTORS NONE Phil Finkle R.PM MOTORS/HEMPSTEAD MAZ. SSSCC PaulColasacco EUROTEC SCUDERIA-X AndrewKing R&APERFORMANCE SCUDERIA-X Mark Heiruelman SCUDERIA-X Alex Brofsky PRECISION AUTO SCUDERIA-X Denis Schembri NONE Sherman Conlin Jr. CONTINENTAL SALT CO. NONE Richard Reim AMERICAN TIRE WORKS SPERRY Bob Kress BFG/WORLD ALrTO IMPORTS LISCA Glerur Cordova BFC/DENT FDGRS SCUDDRIA-X Robert Vorreiter BFG LISCA Dominick CAR MAKE GRID POS. Acura Integra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Honda Civic si Acura Integra BMW 2002 Mini Cooper Toyota MR2 Mazda Miata Alfa VW Sciroco VWGolf CRX si Dodge Honda Civic 5t0 MR2 Scirocco VW Rabbil QUAL. TIME LAPS COMP, 2:O2.O6 l5 l5 l5 l5 l5 l5 l5 l5 l5 l5 l5 2:08.05 l4 l:57.03 2:00.01 l:59.82 l:59.08 N.T. N.T. 2:00.00 N.T. 0 2:0O.07 0 0 0 N.T. 0 0 2:29.0O IINR N.T. 2:05.03 9NR 9NR 7NR 0 0 0 2:O4.06 2:O5.O4 0 RESULTS FOR VANDERBILT CUP RACES BRIDGEHAMPTON RACE CIRCUIT, SEPT. 11, 1994 T'INAL RESULTS TOR GROUP 4 ON O9/1II94 AT CLASSES IN THIS GRoUP: RACECIRCUIT Cv F.V, I I POS. lN CLASS lFv 2FV 3FV 4FV 5FV 6PV 7FV 8FV 9FV DNF FV DNFFV CAR sPoNsoRs DRIVER GRID CAR MAKE # SSSCC Mckee KEVIN'S KARPENTRY NONE Zarzycki SSSCC Clris Tyrrell SSSCC Brim Donovan CANNY KITS Thomas Treutlein ECOTEST LABS SCCA SSSCC MikeCollins COLLINS PAINTING SCCA AllanDiamanti GOSS AIC SCLJDERIA-X Harry Sclmeider BIGOTRYSUCKSDONTIOLERATEIT SSSCC Eugene Grimes NONE Jack Vincent Clement SCUDERIA-X Robert Frassetti MOTIONART POS. kt 6 Kevin Gaspar 2t Chris Citation 83V Caldwell Dl3 Caldwell D-13 Caldwell Dl3 Caracal C 8 26 98 t4 75 20 18 42 22 FINAL R"ESULTS TOR GROUP 5 ON O9I 11194 N Predator P3 villy D,l3 Gpsey ZittJrC4 2 I 4 9 0 6 8 QUAL TIME l:59.05 l:57,09 l:57.05 l:59.05 2:Ol.o7 N.T. 2:00.06 2:01.07 l3 l:58.09 N.T. 10 2:02.07 3 LAPSi COMP. l5 l5 l5 l5 IJ l5 l5 l5 t4 5 3 BRIDGEHAMPTON RACE CIRCUIT CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: GTl, GT2, GT3, GT4 GTs, EP, HP, STGT, ST1, ST2 CAR # GTI 2l ST2 36 2ST2 ll 3ST2 7 I I I STGT 2 I STGT GT3 STGT 4STGT 3 2GT3 3 GT3 2GTI 4ST2 88 75 57 28 37 5 15 9 DNFGTI 3 14 DNFGT1 25 CAR MAKE GRID Toyota Supra Mazds RX7 2 SPERRY SSSCC SSSCC Mazda RX-7 Ponche 944 SCUDERIA-X VWGolfcTI 6 0 0 PCA Porsche t2 SSSCC SSSCC BMW 2002 9 Camaro l0 NONE MUSTANG 0 SCIJDERIA-X Porsclrc 914 l4 SCUDERIA-X Spidire TRX-7 Mustang Mszda RX7 Chevy Malibu l5 MustangGT 0 DR]VER SPONSORS D.I.R.T. Artie Wiener Femando Maldonado AUTOTREND/BFG Fred Pignataro HEMPSTEAD MAZDNBFG MarkSaladino 7-ELEVEN/BFG/GNC/BRIDGEAUTO Jolm Bird Jolrr Bauer Sleve Geraci REFLEX RACING clitrNystedt CLASSIC CONNECTION/POREMBAS Mulvey Hull Pinto HEMPSTEAD MAZDA Michael L. Reim Ron Holmes NONE Andy Murray MURRAY BROS. GARAGE RalphCafiero FLORENTIACONTRACTINGCO. Thomas Skipper Dan CLUB NONE SPERRY NONE NONE NONE One Source Make the Right Call for lmport Parts Sltvc tir-uc. lr'oirl losr sltlcs enrl l)rcVCnt (\)ureb:rcks. N1rrkc the right cull firr rl er ::2,000 OE-clLrrrlitr i -l 'V irnport pert.s tirnr 1l\\'(.. BOSCH, IIECK, REPCO 309/. OF[' US-I-IACER'S \ CALL(srq47t-005s O 1992 BerUArnle! Woildoad5 CorD (:i- )^ i ! I POS. I ll l6 I LAPS QUAL TIME COMP l:51.38 l5 l:54.O2 15 l:55.50 15 N.T. 15 N.T. 15 l:57.02 15 l:56.23 15 l:56.93 15 l5 N,T. 2:00.00 14 2:00.09 14 l:57.01 8 2:OO.50 8 l:47.11 5 N.T. 4NR Anyone who would like to contact Charlie Greenhaus, who is still ing from his accident, can his father, Dick, at l-800-424-7887 l42,who will give you Charlie' direct telephone number at the hospital, or write to Charlie at: Charlie Greenhaus, c/o UMMC Hospital Burn Unit 55 Lake Ave. North Worschester, MA 01655. He would like to hear from you! RESULTS FOR SPRINT RACES AT POCONO RACEWAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1994 FINAL RBSULTS FOR GROUP 1 ON O9/24l94 AT POCONO NORTII COURSE 1.50 CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: GTl, GT2, GT3, EP, STGT, ST1, ST2, ST3 POS. IN I GTI 2GTt I STGT 2 STGT # DRIVER 3I Edward Ponsiek Stephen Bemstein 68 28 37 57 GT3 I ST2 ll 2GT3 5l lsT3 I 2ST3 6 3 ST3 54 I STI 88 4ST3 2 5 ST3 44 6 ST3 80 l0 sT3 4 ll sT3 58 12 sT3 33 13 sT3 96 I 3 CAR MAKE GRIDQUAL LAPS POS. TIME COMP. NONE Mustang Ferrari I t7 ssscc Carnaro 7 Mustang BMW 2002 Mazda RX-7 Porsche 914 Acura Integra Honda Civic si Acura Integra 3 CAR STGT 6I GT2 3 GTI I 40 67 DNFST1 29 DNSGT2 62 DNSGT2 20 DNSST3 9 CliffNystedt Tom Mulvey Steve Geraci Fred Pigntaro Skipper Hull Rudy Vajdak Dominick Vigliotti Clristopher Caram John Bird Dwight Degerrhardt Riclurd Hunter Paul Colasacco Bob Kress Charles Broring AIex Brofsky Glen Cordova Nelson Frutuoso Andrew King Walter Diabo Michael L. Reirn Bruce Hollander George Baich Gary Cole sPoNsoRs CLUB NONE CLASSIC CONNECTION/POREMBAS NONE LISCA REFLEXRACING SSSCC HEMPSTEAD MAZDA/RANDISI MOTOSP SSSCC SCUDERIA.X BFG BFGUSLAND IMPORTS SPERRY LISCA SCUDERIA-X SCUDERIA.X R&APER-FORMANCE SCUDERIA-X MV SERVICE & DELIVERY SCUDERIA.X EURO TEC SCUDERIA.X BFG/WORLD AUTO IMPORTS LISCA NONE PRECISION ALITO SCUDERIA-X SCUDERIA-X SCUDERIA.X RPM MOTOSPORTS/R&A PERFORMANCE SCUDERIA.X SCUDERIA-X CARILERACING BFG/CARGUYS INC. RALLY MOTORSPORTS WORLD CLIQUE DEVELOPMENT { 8 20 6 l4 ll VWGoIfGTI 4 VW Jetta Honda Civic l3 Toyota MIU l8 2l MR2 23 200sx CRXsi 24 Sasb 29 Musturg 25 VWGolf t0 0 Shelby 15 SPERRY SCI.,IDERIA.X Mustang 9 2 SCUDERIA-X SCUDERIA.X Rabbit Mazda MX-6 Volvo 26 27 l:01.87 2l l:O7.52 2l l:04.85 2l l:04.28 20 l:O4.62 20 l:05.08 20 l:08.01 20 l:04.66 20 l:O6.29 20 l:05.59 20 l:04.55 20 l:06.18 20 l:07.76 20 l:08.26 19 l:10.37 19 l:l l.0l 19 l:09.41 l8 N.T. N.T. 18 IsNR l:05.38 l0NR l:06.30 IONR l:05.10 4NR l:O3.57 ONR N.T. N.T. ONR ONR FINAL Rtr,SULTS FOR GROUP 2 ON 09/24194 AT POCONO NORTH COURSE 1.50 CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: ST4, ST5, cT4, cT5, HP POS. IN GT5 ST4 sT5 2 ST4 3 ST4 4 ST4 2 ST5 5 ST4 65T4 7 ST4 3 ST5 4 ST5 5 ST5 6 ST5 IHP 7 ST5 8 ST4 8 ST5 9 ST5 9 ST4 CAR # DRIVER 86 Peter Brinkwart 32 Felix Garcia Mark Saladino 7 27 CAR GRID CLUB MAKE POS.' SCUDERIA.X SCUDERIA-X 3 SSSCC Mini Cooper VW Scirocco Fiat 128 3P ssscc Toyota 5 BFG SCUDERIA-X SCUDERIA.X Alfa Alfetla Omni GLH 6 sPoNsoRs BFG/FELIX AUTO REPAIR 7-I I SAG HARBOR/GNC BFG/WORLD AT/TO IMPORTS I 4 55 NanryColletti Al Shurtleff Bill May 24 Dave Warburton BFG/JIMMY'S/CORSA/ASP SPERRY Fiat Strada 8 AUTOBA}IN/CSF HEMPSTEADMAZDA SCUDERIA.X LISCA VW Scirocco 9 Mazta, ) BFG/JIGSAW COMPI.'TER SYSTEMS BFG / ENTROPY AI'TO SPERRY FiatX-l19 13 LIVERPOOL Saab 96 SSSCC Horrda Civic Honda Prelude l2 t4 16 13 Bruce Banrett 3 GaryAin l8 Tom Masciopinto Ailyn Hoey Colrnan Roche Gary Profl Charles Greerfiaus Peter Kouletsis Bruce Sullivarr Philip Pipataro Andy J. Berkernijer 96 37 66 68 23 t4 8l 3l 42 47 DNFGT4 6I DNS ST5 45 Peter McCart[y Jirn I-ombardo Denis Schernbri Heath Haynes BFG/DOUBLE R AUTO/ATLANTIS RAC BSCOA BFG/ENTROPY ATiTO LIVER?OOL LIVERPOOL LISCA MIDNIGHTAI-ITO BFG/ISI.AND IMPORTS THE REAL ESTATE BOOK HARDTRADIATOR SSSCC MIDNIGHT AT]TO ISLAND IMPORTS NONE LI!'ERPOOL LISCA NONE NONE NONE 97 Sprite MK2 Honda Civic MGB FiatXl/9 l300cc Saab ll l9 l8 2T t7 t6 l5 Renault R5 Civic l0 Dodge 7 Honda Civic 20 QUAL. TIME LAPS COMP. l:04.56 20 l:08.48 20 l:09.10 20 l:09.17 20 l:09.30 20 l:11.57 20 l:1O.74 20 l:10.84 20 l:08.18 20 l:12.34 20 l:12.00 20 l:12.41 20 l:17.50 20 l:16.75 20 N.T. 20 l:14.19 19 l:13.35 l9 l:12.50 l8 N.T. IONR l:ll.l0 l0 l:09.53 5NR N-T. O RESULTS FOR SPRINT RACES AT POCONO RACEWAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1994, CONTINUED FINAL RESULTS FOR GROUP 3 ON IDI24I94 AT P(rcONO NORTH COURSE I.5O CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: FV, CV, FB CF, F5000, S2fi)0, FC, tr'A IN CAIT LASS # DRIVDR I F5000 7 EddieClaridge I S2000 88 Fred Knoll Jr. 23 Craig Scherer I fF 62 JonBarrow I CF 2FF 29 Nick Vitucci 87 Ralph Mfurotto I FV zCF 5 Dan Allen 8 Clris Tyrrell 2 FV 20 Harry Sclureider 3 FV 4 FV 17 lronStanley DNFFA 25 TonyCarpanzano DNS FV 54 Bruce Mclntoslr POS. DNS S2000 24 Mack Howard GRID QUAL. POS. TIME CAR MAKE SPONSORS CLUB CLARIDGE RACINC, LTD. SCUDERIA-X SCUDERIA-X SCUDERIA.X COMM SCUDER]A-X SCUDERIA.X RCCA Theodore TY02 I t ola SR-71 n Reynard 82 3 ssscc Caldwell KNOLLAWNINGS HERBST ASSOCIATES DREAMCARS CLARIDGE RACING NONE RPM MOTORSPORTS Van Dieman RF78 ll MRE 4 6 Wormer EVl 0:54.13 2l 0:55.78 20 0:58.87 20 Dl3 villy 8 LIVERPOOL SCUDERIA-X NONE LISCA Bobsy Vega Chevron 9 HAMMEREAD l,ola T86/90 l0 19 l:04.76 18 N.T. I I l8 l:06.00 lTNR l:06.80 17 l:15.22 16 l:04.27 3NR 7 SCI.JDERIA.X N.T. l:O4.2O l8 l3 Crossle LAPS COMP. 5 N.T. N.T. t2 O O RESULTS FOR 2 HOUR ENDURO AT POCONO RACEWAY,I.sO MILE NORTH COURSE SEPTEMBER 24, 1994. (ALL CLASSES) IN ST3 ST3 ST3 4 ST3 I ST5 2 ST5 I ST4 2 ST4 3 ST5 5 ST3 4 ST5 3 ST4 5 ST5 6 ST5 6 ST3 7 ST5 4 ST4 I HP 1 GTP 7 ST3 DNF GT3 DNF ST4 DNS STi DNS ST2 DNS GT2 DNS ST3 DNS ST3 DNS ST, DNS STI I 2 3 # DRIVER CO.DRIVERS 69 M.Martinez D.Martinez 48 S.Flaherty G.Giorgini 54 C.Caram Rvajdak 80 D.Fields P.Colasacco 7 M.Saladino J.Adanski I D.Vigliotti C.Ain 52 F.Garcia M.lrwandowski 27 N.Colletti S.Colletti 24 D.Warburton ASmi[r 2 D.Degenhardt 96 C.Greerilraus P.Kamaiko/S.Katz 13 B.Bamett R.Myles 68 AHoey M.Wendling 37 C.Roche V.Hunt 67 M.Heinzelman J.Bird 66 G.Proft 55 B.May 23 P.Kouletsis P.McCarthy 46 M.Korey D.Morge /D.laGuardia 44 R.Hunter E.t angelius D.Windle 5l S.Hull 47 J.Lombardo 74 RNortou 99 B.Munao F.Pigrataro 62 B.Hollander R.Zober 5 W.Sirnendinger Al,allee 4l G.Cordova 42 P.Kouletsis P.McCartlry 29 M.Reiru R.Ileim CLUB CAR MAKE ssscc BMW 2002 SCUDERIA.X SCUDERIA.X SCUDERIA.X vw IO6NR IO5NR Acura Integra 105 103 I SAG HARBOR/GNC BFG/HEMPSTEAD MAZISLAND IMP BFG/FELX ALTTO REPAIR BFG/WORLD AUTO IMPORTS ssscc Fiat 128 3P Honda CMc VW Scirocco to2 l02 BFG/JIMMYS/CORSA/ASP R&APER.FORMANCE SPERRY Toyota Fiat Slrada SCUDERIA-X LIVERPOOL SCUDERIA.X LIVERPOOL \rlil 99 98 SSSCC Honda Civic SPONSORS I,.TTOPIA HOME CARE CARILERACING NONE BFGiT.I BFG/ENTROPY AI]TO AUTOBAHN/CST' BFG/ENTROPY AUTO BFG/DOUBLE R ATLANTIS RAC MIDNICHTAI.JTO DUMARRACING MV SERVICE & DELIVERY ISLAND IMPORTS KALVIN MILLER INTERNATIONAL BFG/CARGUYS INC. BFG / TYROLEAN MOTORS, LTD. BFG/DENT FIXERS MIDNIGHT/BFG/PHOTRON LISCA SCUDERIA.X ssscc Alfa l64s Jetta 97 VW Scirocco Saab Saab 96 I.-APS COMP. 102 t02 100 97NR SCUDERIA-X VWColf 96 96 96 BSCOA Honda Prelude 95NR SCTJDERJA.X Omni GLH LIVERPOOL SCUDERIA-X SCUDERIA.X SCUDERIA.X LISCA LIVERPOOL LISCA SCUDERIA.X Sprite MK2 95 95 Pinto 9l Honda Civic Porsche 914 53NR 47NR 6NR ssscc SCUDERIA.X LIVERPOOL SPERRY Civic PiatX.l/9 Mazda RX-7 MazdaMX6 Toyola MR2 Scirocco Renault lrCar Muslang 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i t t RESULTS FOR TIME TRIALS AT POCONO RACEWAY, 1.50 NORTH GOURSE, SEPTEMBER 25, 1994 SPONSOR NAME TIME CLUB CARMAKE COMM Van Dieman RF78 l:00.08 I SCUDERIA-X Thunderbird 'Cuda Firebird Corvette AC Robin 23007 Corvette l:00.78 l:03.61 l:05.99 2 3 NOTIME NOTIME NOTIME 0 0 0 ,TS FOR FF CLASS Jon I Barrow ,TS FOR t CTl CLASS Richard LaBarbera Frank Perron Skip Vail Thomas F. Safar IL coM SCCA TSIINAMI RACING SCCA Joe Foglia NONE ,TS FOR GT2 CLASS Frank Nolfi Michelle Nolfi ,TS SCUDERIA.X Bill Weaver I COM Rotus 7 Rotus 7 l:O2.29 coM N Ford Pinto l: 10.93 LIVERPOOL Mini 1:09.98 NONE SCUDERIA.X NONE NONE NONE Corvette Coupe l:06.28 l:06.92 l:07.18 2 1:07.85 4 Mazda RX7 I :08.16 5 SCCA SPERRY Camaro 6 7 N LISCA Camaro Mustang l:08.83 l:10.87 l:14.95 NOTIME 9 SPERRY l:06.34 l:06.79 l:07.55 l:08.01 l:09.63 RACER 1:10.00 6 7 l:15.l4 FORGT3 CLASS Craig Danks CARRIAGECRAFT LTSFORGTS CLASS Paul Brinkwart LTSTORST1 CLASS I Richard Opperman Michael Anlhony Michael Panczywyn Edwin McGuirk Hugh Stewart 5 l,arry Simpson I Frank Russo 7 Joseph Rarurer BFG NONE ADVANCEDAUTO Joseph Marzella ,TS FOR ll 5 NO. SHORE TIRE/BFG/HUNTER Charles Feverstein SPERRY THE MOTOR WORKS BFG/D & J AUTO RADIATOR INC. SPERRY N SCUDERIA.X loyd Nelson t Mustartg NONE ADVANCED AUTO EAST NONE Mustang Mazda RX7 Ford Mustang SPERRY Senlra SE-R BFG SCUDERIA-X Omni GLH Turbo BMW 323i Capri 5.0 coM Al Mandarino sccA Michael l,oBrace N N Joseph Muslang Toyota MR2 Super I 3 8 ST2 CLASS Gerard Salmon Jerry Clarke Richard Visinski Scott Hayden Glen Bromley Mark l,ovell Andrew Linder I MazdaMX-6 GT Margiottiello mazda RX7 Acura Integra Fiat 3P Alfa 88 l:O7.2O l:12.83 l:17.85 l:18.74 Alfa NOTIME NOTIME LTSFORST3 CLASS 4 5 8 9 RACER RACER SCCA Mazda RX-2 l:07.04 I NONE LISCA LISCA COM COM NONE RX7 l:O7.45 l:O7.69 a 4 coM Peugeot 405 BFG LIVER,POOL 9 BFG/PIZZAORANGE CORP. LIVERPOOL [.ancia Fiat 124 l:08.32 l:08.65 l:08.93 l:08.94 l:09.25 l:09.63 1:09.85 l0 Joel Lipperini l*e Bearn CEE KAY ALNO MAZDA MOTORS/CAR GUYS Gary Bono Jose'Gabriel Kevin Rosenberg HEMPSTEADMAZDA BAYRIDGE HONDA.VOLVO CCU MOTORSPORTS/BMW Stephen Tier Niclrolas DAnrato Eric Lavery Giacomo Petracca Teddy Panagiotou I 2 3 EUTOTEC Mazda Miata Honda Civic DX BMW 2002 Senlra Alfa Milano 3 5 6 7 8 RESULTS FOR TIME TRIALS AT POCONO RACEWAY 1.50 MILE NORTH COURSE, SEPTEMBER 25, 1994, CONTINUED. CLASS,CONTINUED Madison Bolden Richard Schmidt Donald Rudolph Anthony Avella Nicole Cooper Jouatlun Braach Douglas C. Fields Bob Graf 19 8 coM RX7 SCUDERIA.X NONE NONE BFG ADVANCEDAUTO sccA coM NONE SCUDERIA-X CCU MOTORSPORTS/ BMW coM I,ESULTS FOR ST4 CLASS Paul Barbuzza 3 4 3 7 8 3 5 50 1:14.52 l6 Alfa l64s BMW 2002 l:14.57 RACER NOTIME t7 l:l l.0l l:l 1.26 l:l 1.64 2 l:12.06 4 AUTOBAHN/CSF NONE BFGAilORLDAUTO ssscc Toyota Corolla ,TS FOR l:13.23 Ford Escort GT Brc/F.o.c.o.a SCUDERIA.X Fiero BFG/ALLEN RACETEAI{ BFG/ALLEN RACE TEAM SSSCC Honda Civic Honda Civic VTECHAUTO sccA ssscc NONE I 3 5 l:14.56 l:15.04 l:17.01 6 7 Dalsun 210 AIfa Alfetta NOTIME 9 NOTIME l0 HondaCivic Audi 90 Q l:15.67 l:15.94 RACER Sa8b 96 l:17-64 2 l:18.09 3 Saab Soruret NOTIME NOTIME RACER 4 Ford Mustang Camaro Coryette Corvette l:03.20 l:05.45 l:06.28 l:06.53 2 3 Mustang Corvette PORSCHE Corvette 1:09.35 4 NOTIME NOTIME I ST5 CI"ASS coM Clris Russo RHINOGARAGE RPMAUTOBODY Seth Shait George Baich ENTROPY RALLY MOTORSPORTS Michael W. French 68 GolfGTI Fred Robinson LISCA I 1.38 t2 l3 t4 l5 l:13.46 Greg Allen Richard Foley Jim Sabiston Barrie Allen BFG 1: ll Mrzda RX-2 Ford Escort GT Dodge Charger Scirocco Ken Allen Frederica R. Mull Santiago Jimenez 78 I LISCA coM PatrickBerardino l:09.86 l:10.29 l:10.83 BMW 2002 ti Mazda RX 7 Mazda RX7 Ronald B. Norton Juan Machuca ENTROPY NONE NONE SCUDERJA-X VW LIVERPOOL NONE BFG COMM Fiat X-l/9 I TORSTGT CLASS Douglas Valley Jim Totura Abe Partner Charles M. Willianu SCI.JDERIA.X LICOA sccA Jolur E. Mount SCUDERIA.X NONE Jirruny Soldo sccA Peter Fiori Guy Cottone NONE FACTORY AUTHORIZED . 9II NOTIME I RACER 5 6 7 BOSCH SERVICE FUEL INJECTION SERYICE . ABS BRAKES O STARTING & CHARGING SYSTEM o .f,.OUR WHEEL ALIGNMENT O PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT MODIFICATION o O ASIAN & EUROPEAN O FACTORY MANDATED MAINTENANCE SERVICE O WORLD AUTO IMPORTS, LTD. ,.-. I 50SJNORTIIBICYCLEPATH I It\ STEYE COLLETTT (516)473-0055 poRrTrFFERsoNsr;;rbli,*r'Jo,'.irslAlrD I ,. '.,'(-,'! \. RENT-A RACE CAR: For schools, races, control, great stereo and cup holders that even work tkough the Lightbulb - all this for only $6,400! Or, will rent if not sold. time trials. Fully prepared Fiat ST5,2:07's at Bridgehampton, rebuilt from front to back. New suspension modifications. Inexpensive, fast, frur, reliable. Instruction available. Call Mark. (516)728-7104. Also available, used BFG T/A's, lots of time left. Larry Dulude, (203) 268-6574 (h), or (203) 882-2s7 2 (wk). ( s/9a ) VAN DIEMAN RF 83 Car #l6FF, engine by Lou Retteruneier. Transmission rebuild SALE' l2l9l. Extra wheels, corners, nose aud body, etc. Too rnuch to detail. Cockpit stock sway bars.Mark (5 16)537-38a3(day) BULLETIN BOARI) (5 l6)728-7104(eve). BTILLETINBOARD Bulletin Board ads are free to EMRA club members, and are designed to list personal All non-members and iterns for sale. businesses must pay $7.50. (Make checks payable to EMRA). Ads are published in 3 consecutive issues. Ifthe itern is sold before that time, or if you want the ad to run in SALADINO 'GARAGE CI.ASSIFIEDS (Building a new garage - need cash!) 1978 FIAT 3P ST5 RACE CAR: Fast, just freshened, 5.5x13 wheels dBFG's, carb, adjustable rear sway bars and brake bias. $8,950. A good, fast, reliable car tbr additional issues, please let rne know. header, new windshield, $1,500, call for details. NEXTDEADLINE: DECEMBER 15, 1994 VAN G35 VAN transport Formula Fords. Includes ralnps, winch, tire rack, MAZDA PARTS: Parting out 79 RX-7, 85 GSL-SE, Doors - $100 ea, fenders - $35 ea, limited slip rear - $300, 13B ruotor - $100, work bench, storage shelfand cabinet. Ideal way to transport and store your formula car. $2,550.00. COMPLETE RACING sunroof- $35, many oflrer parts. FLAT 124 SPYDER PARTS: 1600 cc engine, trans, rear, body parts. Call for prices. BOAT FOR SALE: 16' Starcraft, 55 hp PACKAGE with FF and Van, $11,250. PLEASE DONT CALL ME WITH CLASSIFIED ADS! Send all ads to Chequered Flag, c/o Jan V. Saladino, 97 Faming Ave., Hampton Bays, NY 11946. PARTS & LABOR FOR SALE: Many new, used, and performauce Fiat parts for sale (Body parts, tail light assemblies, springs, shocks, engine parts, wheels, interior parts, etc., etc., etc.). Installation, race preparation, or repair work available for any ty,pe of car - call for more info: Mark Saladino, day (5 16)537-3843, eves (5 l6)728-71 04 RENT-A-RACE CAR: (2) highly competitive front running Mazdas available for drivers school, time trials, races, enduros or autocross. Specially equipped cars, professionally maintained by Hempstead Mazda. Rent to own! Individual instruction available. Contact Gary Ain (5 I 6X86-l 200 INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE for any event, including open test days at Bridgehanpton. Go faster with an 8 year Charnpionship drivet's experience. Learn the perfect line at Johnson, deephnder, great fishing boat. $e00. 1983 PORSC}IE 944 ST2/ITS Championship winning, lap record setting race car: $7,999 Call Mark - (516)728-7104. FOR RENT: SCCA Spec Racer available for NE driver's schools and Regionals. lnsured for SCCA events. Will consider rental with an option to purchase. SIJN-SHY RACING (516) 368-e245 (5te4) 1964 MGB ROADSTER as it was new. Red Mblack leather. Wires. Perfect. A steal at $3,500. Call (516)473-0055 (5/94) 1972 MGB GT New floors, rockers, all re- reasonable price. Race car also available for done. Red, OD trans, Weber, Spax, Hicomp, sway bar, needs TLC to flurish. $1,500 oBo. (5 l6) 4734055 (5/94) I98O TOYOTA COROLLA ST4 RACE CAR: Best of everything. Tower brace, adj. front end, adj. suspension, illimuna shocks, rent. Call Mark Saladino, (516)728-7104 Cromodora wheels/BFG's, (3t94) ignition, knock sensor, oxygen Bridgehampton. Sedans only. Very 1983 PORSCHE 944 RACE CAR, Konis, carbon metallics, Weltmeister, Butler seat, 350 lb springs, 28mm bars, fresh head, FI mods, header. All stock and interior parts also available. 2 EMRA Championships, lst or 2nd in every SCCA race run. 1993 Lap record at Bridgehampton (l:54), atlime Rock, 1:29's at Summit Point. l:03's Fast, fun & reliable. A sorted winner for racing, time trials or autocross. REDUCED!! $7,999. ],{artc Saladino, hm# (516)728-7104 wk# r i it''r537-3&{3 19S: \IAZDA RX-7 PARTS: Alloys with lS:.-u-l-1 tires. 2 leather GXL seats Ged), 2 :ea ods rdnm). doors, glass, front struts, adj MSD sensor. Asking $3,000, rentals can be arranged. Paul (st6) 477-28s3 (ste4) MI.'LTI PURPOSE RACE CAR FOR SALE: reasonable bucks. 79 GMC DURA: Equipped to Contact Jack Haughn, 73 Ross Ave, Emerson, NJ 07630, (201) 599-7128(d) or (201) s9e-e880 (eve) (5/e4) 1977 WINNEBAGO; 27', eight sleeper, generator, canopy, double sink, stove, AC, Chrysler V-8, automatic, 63,000 miles, very good condition. Great tow vehicle for those long race weekends! $4,500. Call Al, nights at (914) 668-8842 (s194) T}IE IOO MPH RACE CAR COVER: Keeping you covered while towing, wlll keep your car clean and DRY. Non-abrasive and Expressway proven. Mid-size (RX-7 size) cost $325 (tie down straps included) Ron Hohnes, (516) 751-1688 (5/94) FOR SALE - E PRODUCTION MGB: 2 motors,2 gearboxes,4 rears, 16 wheels, cage, Allison, ATL, Accusump, tube shocks, spare everything. 1991 EMRA class champion. $4,000. Call Bruce bamett, (908) 302-0222 days or (908) 968-8119 eves. (5te4) I99O 48' FIFTH WHEEL INTERSTATE CAR TRAILER. 40'flat deck, roll down ramp door, 84' wide, side entry door, interior lights, exterior shop lights, 3 axle, good condition. $5,995. Guy (617) 3296089 (5/94) USED SLICKLLLLL,KS FoR SALE: (3) (2) 1990 Mazda Protege, runs SSC wiflr SCCA, l2x24xl6 Firehawk; ST3 with EMRA. Eligible for Nationals in 1994. Can win Regionals, great for EMRA races, the best for Time Trials, have fun running Rallies, and you can drive it to work (I do!). This car won the Runoffs in 1991, qualified for Atlanta in '92, and can do it again in '94 if youte serious. Comes with 2 sets of aluminum wheels (morurted with dry Bridgestone; (3) 23.5x10.5x16 Goodyear radials, (2) 23.5x10.5x16 Goodyear; (l) 23.5x12.5x1 6 Goodyear, (2) 25.5x12.5x16 tires), and steel rirns with rain tires. Seriously, is a great all around car, power windows, power mirrors, cruise Goodyear; 10.25x23x16 (l) 13.25x24x16 Bridgestone. good to fair condition. Come clean out my garage - $150 takes all. Lars Andersson, (914Y694421after 7 pm. (5/94) FOR SALE (4) 205155114 Yokohama tires, 2 in excellent shape. Assortment of rod ends, all brand new. (914)9614173 (5194) All I IOR SALE: #57 GOD CAR, Won 6 hours at Bridge. Race ready, needs only cosmetic work. Trailer included. Reasonable Bill (er4)9614r73 (6te4) I99O DUAL AXLE OPEN CAR TRAILER: bcd lcugth 15 ft, 8'8" width, electric brakes with uraster box, hand winch, swing away trailer jack, 14" spare wheel, I pr. steel ramps, great tbr big, heavy car. Located irt Westenr NJ. Call Rou Norton (215)2978s79 (8t94) 2 OMP SAN REMO SEATS: Black, uew in the bags with seat tracks, racks and risers. Cost over $1,200 new, must sell: $700. Call Ed Werzel (203)235-3162 (8194) CROSSLE 45F: l98l Club FOrd, current SCCA log book, strong Stimola, Williams belts, fresh clutch, new battery & starter, flew blue paint, turnkey car, Compomotives, rains 8 on steel wheels, cockpit adjustable sway bar and brake bias, on board fire systenr, spare nose and gear sets, very clean and reliable, custom trailer available. Call Fred Schroeder, (410)8766177 (Marylard) (8/94). TIRES: 2 new 25x1 I Goodyear slicks, {250,2 used 3/4 25xl I Goodyear slicks, $150, 2 used l/2 27xll Goodyear slicks, $100, 2 used 3/4 27x10 Goodyear slicks $150 (or can buy all for $400). Also, Boss 302 engine parts; l5xl0 American torq r thrust "rnagnesium" road race mags for Ford 5 lug - ultra lite - rare - $400. Call (718) 470-r r80 (8/94) ST3/ITA MAXDA RX7, 1980 The car to have in EMRA's most popular class. Reliable, easy to drive and rnaintain racecar, has done 2:01's at Bridge without being sorted. Welded roll cage, aluminum seat, lirnited slip. Racing Beat full race exhaust, GrouM Control coilover adjustable front suspension,'fokicos. Fresh carburetor, bumper: $125;71 2402 carbs Vman & link $325; N42 head Vcam sq port exhaust $100; MSD 5 multiple Spark Discharge dtach adapt $100; '82 zx 5 speed trans $3751 Headers, Datsun Comp, new, Jet-Hot coarted VO $400; M.J. Cavallo, l-908-5420821 (ll/94) 1992 MSSAN NX2OOO SSB 1994 NERRC NARC points. Champ leading Bulletproof, tons of spares. l:06.8 at LRP, $9,400. Call for details. Charlie Bilella, (6r 0)275-3900 . (r I 194) 1992 NISSAN NX2OOO SSB/ST3 RACE CAR: 1994 NARRC/NERRC Champion. 7 wins in 1994 Rookie Year! In showroom stock form, this car has done a l:O5.7 @ l:21.6 at NHIS. Broke track record at Po ono 7130194 National with l:44.8 Long Cotrse. Would dominate ST3l. Call James Sofranas, 19 Minutenran [ane, Wellesley, MA, 02 l 8 l (617)237 4973 (tt t94) 1986 FIAT BERTONE Xl/9: Red, blackj could dominate ST3 - No questions! Car comes with 16 wheels and tires and rains and many spares. Buying World Challenge Car. $8,295 gets everything. Call James F. Sofranas at (617 )237 4973, Wellesley, ldA '94 intereor, 39,000 miles, very good condition, $3,500 or offers. Bill Shields (610) 565s414 (n/e4) TOW PACKAGE:1977 Chevy Wagon, 350 V8, four banel 350 turbo auto trans, class 3 hitch, air chocks, electric brake controller, oversized radiator, high miles, runs great, asking $650. Also, 1990 DUAL AXLE CAR TRAILER, bed length 16'width 8'8', hand winch, tongue jack, 14" spare tire, steel ramps, fuUlights, electric brakes, $l,l0O. Call Ron Norton, 215-297-8579. P.O. Box 258, Solebury, PA, 18963. (l l/94) SWIFT DBl: John Fillipakis' 1994 SCCA Runoffs Championship car. Every update that works, Fox shocks, droop limiters, lightened parts, wheels, drains, spare nose and suspension parts, TDI. With runoffs engine $21,950; with top national MWE $19,950; Hot Shoe Racing (516)7254888 (tve4) SWIFT DB-6 ROLLER: 1994 NEDTV Championship car. Top swift qualifier at runoffs. Highly developed and sorted dnew undertray and diffuser, updates, l0 gear MSD inginition, wiudage tray. EMRA sets, front and rear adjustable bars, suspension spares, 12 technos, updated lewgal battery relocation, 13 rims, strut Penskes, rig included. Loss ofstorage forces sale. rnay spares inlcuded. $3,000 neg. For rent or sale. Call Rob (516)821- (516)7254888 (rV94) WINTER GARAGE CLEARANCE: USCd FF and FC tires, various compounds and brands, most with less than 3 heat cycles; FF 1600 heads; '82 Reynard FF parts, Crossle 55 body pieces; DB I pads, DB-6 parts, including Continentals; Staff Atlantic gears - almost new; MK-9 gears; 1978 brace. Flat tow 6276 (8te4) WANTED: 1994 event wiruus who have not claimed their trophies: Thomas Safar II, Richie Young, Ftank Scarfo, Chris Tyrell, Don Blythwood & Dan Woltag. EMRA can't sent these to you, but you can pick them up at auy event. Call Barie (516)435-2355. (8/e4) 87 MAZDA RX7 SPORT: 5 lug suspension, great ITS or ST2 car. $2,000. Call Jim, (st6)673-59s4. (8/94) DATSIJNNISSAN PARTS: I set 2802X F calipers 11178-6183: $100; ?0 2402 F TDI. Best olfeq, Hot Shoe Racing Hawke CR project caq Bridgehampton programs from various years; 1952 Chevy window pickup - 95olo restored. Call Dennis or Ed at Hot shoe Racing (516)7254991 or (sl6)72s4888 (nt94) TITAN MK9 FF/CF Total restoration in 1993, new bodywork and MWE engine, spare parts inventory, trailer included. LRP, 1:21.6 at NHIS and a l:44.8 at long cowse at Pocono, breaking old track record at the SCCA National Race on 7131194. With only monor modifications, this car (tve4) FROM THE EDITOR BYJAN SALADINO Well, SORRY for the delay, again. Horuever, it seems that the problems we've been having all season long are still happenlng, and may actually have gotten WORSE. As )lou can see, I've just finally received the results for the Varderbllt Cup races (and only for Sunday, at that) and for the Pocono rac6. At the time of printlng, I had still not received the final results of the Tlme Trlal at Llme Rock in November, but we may eventually be able to print them - hopefully ln the upcomlng December issue. (lf the computer program stops bombing, that is.) I had to rush to put this lssue out, so there may be a few things missing, hn they will be printed next month. The December lssue should contain the Competition Board changes - the meeting will have been held in early December, the EMRA Race Championship points standings, Enduro Championship Points standings, Time Trial Championship Points Standings, EMRA Team Championship points for Races and Time Trials, 1994 Worker Points Tolals, Llme Rock Time Trial Results, and other end of year articles and 6uch. As many of you already know, Mark and I are expecting our first baby in January, and at this point I am unsure about my future as Cheguered Fhg editor for 1995, I may have to take a little time off in the beginning of the year, hrt l'll have to see how it goes. I'll be sure to keep everyone informedl Thanks to everyone wtro contributed to this issue, and I wish all of our readers a wonderful Holiday season. The deadline forthe next Chequered Fhg will be December 15, 1994. I must have it in my hands to be included in the December issue. RESULTS FOR RACES AT SUMMIT POINT RACEWAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1994 FINAL RESULTS FOR GROUP 1 ON TilOsI'4 AT SUMMIT POINT CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: ST4, ST5, HP, GT4, GTs, S& ITC POS. IN CI-ASS # l sT3 1l 2 ST3 58 3 ST3 80 IITB 2 I ST4 31 4ST3 6 9 lssc 2 ST4 52 I GT3 74 3 ST4 68 5ST3 4 4ST4 55 5 ST4 27 6 ST4 47 I ST5 24 7ST4 13 8 ST4 25 9ST4 99 6 ST3 91 I ITA 30 2tTA l0 7ST3 67 2ST5 l 2lTB 46 3 ST5 96 l0 sT4 3 DNFITB DRIVER RudyVajdak SPONSORS BFG ChristopherCaram CARILERACING Colasacco Paul Wade Wilson EUROTEC Alistair Bell SPERRY SCUDERIA.X SCUDERIA-X NONE SCCA Dominic*vigliotti BFGUSLAIIDIMPORTS Tonr Felix MMDAUSA Cotter Garcia Suzane l,aMariana TomMinuto Bob Kress CLUB BFG/FELX AIITO REPAIR RHINOGARAGE BFCAVORLD AUTO IMPORTS Bill May LISCA SCUDERIA.X SCUDERIA.X SVRA SCUDERIA.X LISCA SCUDERIA.X Colletti Jos€'Gabriel BFG VORID AUTO IMPORTS SSSCC BAYRIDGE HONDA-VOLVO LISCA Dave BFG/JIMMY'S/CORSA/ASP SPERRY Bruce Jim Barry Brown AIITOBAIIN/CSF BFC/IZUMI SCUDERIA.X GaryD. NONE Nancy Warburton Bamett Froehlich Kole SCUDERIA-X Kent Gittings Mart Heinzelrnan Sullivan Ball Ailyn Hoey CaryAin DNFGT5 61 88 John Stewart Peter Brinkwart DNFST4 DNFST3 90 77 Kyle Warren sx SCCA SCCA Sunny Hobbs Bruce Whitman SPERRY BFG/ISLAND IMPORTS CRAFTSMAN MOTORSPORTS, INC. ENTROPY AUTO/BFG HEMPSTEADMMDA L,ouis Rao SCUDERIA.X LISCA SCUDERIA.X LIVERPOOL LISCA NONE SCUDERIA.X SCUDERIA.X SCUDERIA.X GRIDQUAL. POS. TIME Acuralntegra I l:31.00 Acura Integra 3 l:32.00 l:34.00 Alfa 5 l:34.08 BMW2002 6 8 l:35.02 Datsun 510 Honda Civic si 2 l:31.04 12 l:36.05 Mazda Miata VW Scirocco 14 l:37.01 I-otus Europa 0 N.T. MGMidget 15 l:37.O2 MR2 13 l:36.08 OmniGLH 16 l:38.02 Toyola 22 l:40.00 Honda Civic DX 2l l:39.06 FiatStrada 17 l:38.08 VW Scirocco 20 l:39.06 Fiat X-l/9 26 l:41.05 VW Scirocco 23 l:40.01 Volvo 142 27 l:43.O7 Mazda RX-2 25 l:40.05 Mazda RX-2 19 l:39.04 VW Golf 3l N.T. HondaCivic 24 l:40.O2 BMW2002 4 l:32.04 l:45.06 Saab97 28 Mazda 7 l:35.01 BMW 2002 l0 l:35.03 N.T. Mini Cooper 29 Fiat 124 18 l:38.09 VW Rabbit l:35.05 ll CAR MAKE LAPS COMP. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 l5 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 t4 14 13 13 7 6 6 2 I FINAL RESULTS f'OR GROUP 2,CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: GTl, GT2, GT3, STGT, STl, ST2, ST3, ITA' ITB POS.tN CLASS # DRIVER SPONSORS 4I Will Darmert MOTORSPORTS PLUS sTt 19 Matthew Conrerford LINITED LAWYERS SERVICE/BFG I GT2 62 Bruce Hollander BFG/CAR GLIYS INC. I ST2 ll Fred Pignataro HEMPSTEAD MAZDA/BFC 2 ST2 l0 RonaldJesberger I GTP 7I Bruce Shelton THE WHEEL;ALIO ENT;CORK ST. 2 GT2 40 Andrew King RPM MOTOSPORTS/R&A PERIORM 3 ST2 99 Bob Munao KALVIN MILLER INTERNATIONAL 2STl 2 Gary Shaw 3 STl 8E John Bird 2 STGT 28 cliffNystedt clAsslc CoNNECTIoN/P0REMBAS 2GTP 46 Vincent Musicaro DUMAR RACING I SSGT 33 Frank Hoffinan NEWTON ALITO BODY 3 STGT 37 TomMulvey NONE 4 ST2 93 Roberta Jesberger FATHERTDAUGHTER RACING 4STGT 94 Gerard Wright GT? 84 Richard Stichter D\TGT3 74 Hal Patrick D\TGTP .{.{ Bob Shelton THE WHEEL;AUTOMOTIVE ENTERPRIS D\TEP 89 Robert P. Jones MIDNIGHT AUTO D\TITS 80 Wape Ransburg MATTENS FOREIGN SER./BOSWELIS D\;ST: 36 Feroando llaldorudo AUTOTRDND/BF'G I l _3 STGT CLUB CAR MAKE NONE Corvette I SPERRY Mustang 2 SCUDERIA-X Mazda MX{ Mazda RX-7 Mazda RX7 SSSCC SSSCC GRID POS. I 9 4 NONE SCUDERIA-X LISCA SCUDERIA-X SCUDERIA-X Pinto ll VWGolf l3 Mazda RX-7 6 Mustang SSSCC Canmro NONE SCUDERIA-X LISCA GTPinto l5 t4 t6 l8 Pontiac Trans Am 22 Mustang l9 SSSCC Mazda RX7 SCUDERIA-X SCUDERJA-X Mustang Dalslun26OZ 7 20 SVRA IOTUS l0 SCCA Pinto NONE MGBGT t7 2t SCCA SPERRY DAI24OZ 5 Mazda RX7 t2 VWGoIfGTI 3 QUAL. TIME l:25.o6 l:28.03 l:29.O2 I :29.03 l:28.05 l:29.07 l:30.00 l:29.00 l:32.02 l:30.08 l:32.05 l:33.04 l:38.01 l:34.O2 l:29.01 l:37.O0 l:28.05 l:29.04 l:32.09 l:37.06 l:28.09 l:29.08 LAPS COMP. 15 15 15 15 15 15 l5 15 15 l5 15 14 14 14 14 13 I lNIt 6NR 4NR 4NR ONR ONR RESULTS FOR RACES AT SUMMIT POINT RACEWAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1994, CONTINUED RESULTS FOR GROUP 2, CONTINUED DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS GTt 75 ST2 77 STI 86 ST2 18 CTI 14 GTI 27 Jolur Green Charles Feverstein Gerard Salmon Ike Aruti Vince Licari David lrach THEMOTORWORKS NO. S HORE TIRE/BFG/HI.JNTER BFG / ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE EAST BFG Cutlass 323i Mustang Capri Corvetle LTI Corvefle NONE Olds 23 SPERRY SPERRY SPERRY BMW 24 SCUDERIA.X SCUDERIA-X 25 26 27 28 N.T. N.T. N.T. N.T. N.T. N.T. 0 0 0 0 0 0 QUAL. TIME LAPS COMP, l:16.09 N.T. l:18.02 l:21.03 l:22.O4 l:23.08 l:23.01 l:24.06 N.T. l:31.01 l:31.04 l:58.05 N.T. l:17.03 N.T. l5 FINAL RESULTB FOR GROUP 3 ON 11/05194 AT SUMMIT POINT CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: FsllOO. 52000, FC, fA. FF. CF. CV. f'V IN # 92 14 9 23 2 28 78 79 47 20 8 19 40 I DNS F5000 7 CSR FC zFC I Ff' 3 FC I CF 2 FF 3 FF 2 CF I FV 2 FV 3 FV DNF FA DNF FC I I sPoNsoRs CLUB CAR MAKE GRID DRIVER WilliamGillzow ARTS &CARS Slunnon92PS I Reynard Swifr SE 12 Bill Maisey OLDTECHS sccA sccA sccA Craig Scherer Sean Maisey Bruce Kafenbaum James Quaile HERBST ASSOCIATES SCUDERIA-X HITECHRACING sccA ssscc Tlrcr Barbru Steve Slas C. Brian Westervelt RCCA NONE LIVER}OOL MIDNIGTIT AUTO HarrySchneider SCTJDERIA.X ChrisTyrrell ssscc Roy Desruisseaux SCUDERIA.X N Jaime Venezia Dan Canrey Eddie Claridge BLACK HORSE AUTO BODY sccA CLARIDGE RACING, LTD. SCUDERIA.X POS. 1989 3 ReynardS2 Reynardl2OOO ZirrJrLl0 Lola440 VanDemienFS3 T440 villy Caldwell Dl3 Bobsy March 798 L,ola Euro Swifl Theodore SC92T TY02 3 4 5 7 6 8 13 9 l0 1l 15 2 14 15 15 l5 l5 14 14 14 t4 13 13 9NR 6NR ONR ONR RESULTS FOR 4 HOUR ENDURO AT SUMMIT POINT RACEWAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1994 DRIVER CO.DRIVERS sPoNsoRs IST5 7 M. Saladino J.Adamski 7-T I ST4 52 9 F.Garcia T.Cotter M.hwandowski D.Vigliotti c.Ain BFG/FELX AUTO REPAIR MAZDAUSA BFG/HEMPSTEAD MAZISI..AI{D R.Vajdak D.Warburton C.Cararn BFG ASmith BFG/JIMM)IS/CORSA/ASP BELI. CAGE & ASSOCIATES lssc 2ST5 I I ST3 11 3 I I ST5 ITB 56 ITS 26 2ST4 3 ST4 I ST2 4ST4 2 24 ST3 I SSB I ITA 2ITB S.Potter SCUDERIA.X LISCA SPERRY SPERRY SCCA P.Cage T.crifrhs 27 N.Colletti BFGAilORLD AUTO IMPORTS ssscc 36 99 25 40 54 F.Maldouado B.Munao J.Froehlich S.Colletri/C.Roche B.Worsham F.Pignataro/C.Ashley HEMPSTEADMMDA KALVIN MILLER INT, SPERRY KKelly BFG/IZUMI SPERRY G.Giorgini AHirnes S.Flaherty R.P.M. AUTOBODYINC. CRAFTSMAN MOTORSPORTS SCI]DERIA.X SCUDERIA-X 17 J.Weaver R.Kiceniuk B.Ferdon S.Quinones 2 85 W.Wilson P.Brir*wart 5 3 5 ST5 ST3 66 80 G.Proft B.Greck P.Colasacco J.Colasacco 55 B.May J.Korczak R.Mitchurn M.Martinez L.Rao S.Katz T.ValeUD.Martinez B.Browrr P.Karnaiko J.dePlanque D.ZasloVD.Teuer 30 69 3tTB 77 6 STs 96 4ITB 39 DNF ST3 4ST3 SCI.JDERIA.X ABell ST5 2ITA ssscc D.Caldwell 4 ST4 I/BFG/GNC/BRIDGE AUTO CLUB D.Coleman NONE uscA sccA L.Holloway BFC/DOUBLE R/ATLANTIS RAC EUROTEC NONE SCUDERIA-X BSCOA SCUDERIA.X SCUDERIA.X SCCA S.Hobbc UTOPIAHOMECARE ENTROPY RACING FLYING BIKINI BROS. ssscc SCUDERIA.X NONE sccA NONE CAR MAKE LAPS COMP. 1283P 142 Scirocco l4l Mazda Miata l4t HondaCivic 140 Fiat VW Acuralntegra. FiatStrada BMW2002 Toyota Supra Toyota Mazt^323 Mazda RX-7 FiatX-l/9 trlilConado HondaCRXSI TII 2002 Cooper BMW 2002 BMW Mini 140 139 139 136 136 135 133 132 132 130 130 l28NR 126 HondaPrelude l25NR AIfa 123 OmiGLH l22NR MazdaRX-2 lll BMW2002 rO7 VW Rabbit 107 Saab Soruret l06NR Volvo 95 Rabbit 6NR tl I I RESULTS FOR RACES AT SUMMTT PO|NT [----__------]Yy RACEWAY, I T FINAL RESULTS FOR GROUP I, CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: F5{X}0, S20fi), FC, FA, FF, CF, CV, FV IN lFc 2FC IFF lcF 2FF 2CF I !'V 2FV # 14 9 23 28 79 47 8 20 DRIVER ThorBarbru sPoNsoRs Bill Maisey OLDTECHS CLUB SCCA SCCA CraigScherer Bruce Kafenbaum HERBST ASSOCIATES SCUDERIA-X HI TECH RACING Steve Stas C. Briau Westervelt Cluis Tynell Harry Sclueider MIDNICHTAUTO SSSCC NONE LMRPOOL SSSCC CAR MAKE Reynard 1989 Swifl SE 3 Reynard 82 Zirkz,t0 Van Demien FE3 LolaT440 Caldwell Dl3 SCUDERIA-X Villy GRJD POS. I 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 QUAL. TIME LAPS COMP. l:19.89 l5 l:22.00 15 l:21.43 15 lz23.20 14 l:24.31 14 l:28.50 14 l:32.72 13 l:34.30 13 FINAL ROSULTS trOR GROUP 2, CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: GTl, GT2, GT3, STGT, ST1, ST2, ST3, ITA, ITD POS. IN ITE sTl GTI STGT sT2 I GTP 2ITE 2 GTP 2 2 3 4 STCT STI STI STI IEP 3 GTP 2 GTI DNF ST2 # DRIVER SPONSORS 4l 19 62 28 93 7l 2 U 37 67 86 77 89 46 14 l0 Will Darmert MOTORSPORTS PLUS TINITDD LAWYERS SERVICEiBFG Mafihew Conrerford Bruce Hollalder BFG/CARGIIYS INC. CliffNystedt CLASSIC CONNECTION/POREMBAS Robertale.sberger FATHERTDAUGHTER RACING THE WHEEL;AUTO ENT;CORK ST. TA Bruce Shelton GaryShaw Bob Shelton Tom Mulvey THE WHEEL;AUTOMOTIVE ENTERPRIS NONE John Bird EGerardSalrnon NO. SHORE TIRE/BFG/HUNTER Charles Feverstein RobertP. Jones Mark Korey Virrce Licari Ronald Jesberger THEMOTORWORKS MIDNIGHTAUTO DUMARRACING BFG CLUB NONE SPERRY SCUDERIA-X SSSCC SSSCC SCCA SCUDERIA-X SCCA LISCA SCUDERIA-X SPERRY SPERRY NONE GRID QUAL. LAPS POS. TIME COMP. CAR MAKE Corvefle Mustang MazdeMX6 Camaro Mazda RX7 Pinto Mustang Pinto Mustang VWGoIfGTI Mustang BMW323i MGBGT SCUDERIA-X Pinto SCUDERIA-X CorvettelTl SSSCC Mazda RX7 2 3 5 6 'l 8 9 l0 II I 16 15 12 13 14 4 l:26.09 15 l:27.31 15 l:28.96 15 l:29.20 l5 l:29.50 15 l:29.81 15 l:31.05 15 l:33.53 15 l:34.2O 14 l:26.01 14 *:39.00 14 r:39.00 14 l:37.25 14 l:41.30 13 ':39.10 8NR l:28.70 ONR FINAL RESULTS FOR GROUP 3,CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: ST4, ST5, HP, GT4, GTI SR, ITC ST3 ST3 ST3 I ITB I ST4 4ST3 2 ST4 3 ST4 I ST5 4 ST4 5 ST3 I ITC 5 ST4 2lf0 6 ST4 2 ST5 3 ST, 6 It 58 77 68 4 7 47 24 27 9l 72 25 99 13 96 I DNF mB 38 I 2 3 CAR MAKE GRID QUAL. POS. TIME LAPS COMP, Honda Civic si 3 l:3I.52 l5 Acura lntegra I DRIVER sPoNsoRs CLUB Dominick Vigliotti Rudy Vajdak Cluistopher Cararn BTGUSLAND IMPORTS BFG LISCA SPERRY CARILERACING SCUDERIA-X Acuralntegra VW Rabbit 6 SCUDERIA-X MGMidget 8 BobKress RHINOGARACE BFGAilORLD AUTO IMPORTS GaryAin BFG / HEMPSTEAD MAZDA Jose'Gabriel Dave Warburton BAYRIDCE HONDA.VOLVO DonBarrach Tom Minuto NarryColletti BFG/JIMMY'S/CORSA/ASP BFGAilORLD AUTO IMPORTS Gary D. Kole Louis Rao NONE JimFroehlich BarryBrown BFG/IZUMI Bruce Bamett Ailyn Hoey Bruce Sullivan AUTOBAHN/CSF ENTROPY AUTO/BFG BFG/ISLAND IMPORTS Thomas Stewart SCCA LISCA LISCA LISCA SPERRY SSSCC SX MR2 Mazila323 Ilonda Civic DX 7 fiat Strada 9 Toyota l0 ll SCUDERIA-X VWRabbit l5 t4 FiatX-l/9 l6 SPERRY Volvo 5 142 SCUDERIA-X VW Scirocco SCUDERIA-X VW Scirocco l3 LMRPOOL l8 LISCA NONE Saab97 t2 Honda Civic t7 VWGTI 4 l:30.71 15 l:31.01 15 l:37.23 l5 l:37.80 14 l:37.13 14 l:37.7O 14 l:38.92 14 l:38.89 14 l:39.56 14 l:43.02 14 l:41.05 14 l:43.50 14 l:40.21 13 l:40.14 13 l:47.57 13 l:44.50 l2NR l:33.74 INR rrE 16 tt lt RESULTS FOR RACES HELD AT LIME ROCK NOVEMBER 12, 1994 T !-------------- trINAL RESULTS FOR GRoUP 1, CLASSES T IN TIIIS GROUP: cTl, GT2, GT3, STGT, ST1, ST2, EP sPoNsoRs CLUB CAR MAKE GRID POS. PCA NONE Porsche9ll 5 MOTORSPORTS PLUS Corvette I Darsun 2802 Corvette LTI 4 IN ,ASS # DRIVER I GTI 5l Ted Walther 4l Will Dannert 2 cTl I GT2 8 Clristopher Head 14 Vince Licari 3 cTl 19 MatthewConrerford I STI 2cT2 84 Richard Sticlrter 06 Brad Sofronas I ST2 40 Andrew King 3 GT2 I S'I'GT 28 ClilfNystedt 2 STI 6 Gerard Salmon 2ST2 77 Gregory A- Robbins 47 Charles Feverstein 3 ST2 87 John Bird 3 STI 2 STGT 50 Raymond Blelhen 3 STGT 94 Gerard Wriglrt 17 Marino Jurcan 4 ST2 4STl 72 RaymondBayh I GT3 57 Steve Geraoi STGT 37 Tom Mulvey PARK, SCUDERIA-X SCUDERIA-X BFG UNITED LAWYERS SERVICE/BFG GRBRACING RPM MOTOSPORTSiR&A PERIORMANCE CLASSIC CONNECTION/POREMBAS NO. SHORE TIRE/BFG/HIJNTER KIRKLAND & ELLIS THEMOTORWORKS SPERRY SCUDERIA-X NONE SCUDERIA-X SSSCC SPERRY NONE SPERRY Mustang Datsun260Z Mazda RX7 VW Golf Camaro Mustang Mazda RX-7 SCUDERIA-X NONE SCUDERIA-X ssscc REFLEX RACING LISCA NONE 6 l0 LAPS COMP, l:03.ffi 20 l:01.80 20 l:02.87 20 l:02.50 20 l:02.59 20 l:O3.21 20 l:04.90 20 ll l:03.4O lz05.20 l3 t2 1:05.57 l9 7 l:06.34 20 20 19 Mustang Mustang Mazda RX7 Chevelle 9 BMw2002 l5 t4 N.T. 19 l:04.26 19 l:04.28 l9 l:07.63 18 N.T. 18 l:12.31 18 l:O7.49 IONR l:07.15 5NR GRID POS. QUAL TIME BMW323i SCUDERIA-X VWGoIfGTI SCCA 2 3 QUAL TIME Muslang l9 8 l6 l8 t7 ITINAL RESULTS ['OR GROUP 2, CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: FV, CV POS. IN CLASS # FV FV FV 4 F'V 5 FV 6 FV 7FV 8 FV DR]VER I 43 Dick 2 3 18 EugeneGrimes 20 8 54 22 Stewart Harry Schneider Chris Tynell Bruce Mclntosh Robert Frassetti sPoNsoRs CLUB ALLOCCASION CANOPY BIGOTRYSUCKSDONTTOLERATEIT NONE SSSCC NONE MOTIONART 17 [ronStanley 55 Mark Rounds NONE CAR MAKE Protoform I D-13 2 SCLJDERIA.X villy 4 SSSCC Caldwell Dl3 3 NONE HAMMEREAD 5 SCUDERIA-X ZinkC.4 6 LMRPOOL BobsyVega 8 LMRPOOL Zink 7 LAPS COMP l:01.18 20 l:01.61 20 l:03.92 20 l:03.89 20 l:05.43 19 l:05.78 19 l:12.87 18 l:l0.l7 17 FINAL RDSULTS FOR GROUP 3CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: ST3, cT4, cTs, HP, S& SRF IN cT4 ST3 2 ST3 3 ST3 4 ST3 J ST3 6 ST3 7 ST3 8 ST3 9 ST3 l0 ST3 I I ST3 12 ST3 13 ST3 t4 ST3 l5 ST3 FST3 ST3 cT4 ST3 HP GT5 I I # DRIVER 99 Tonr Blaney 28 Dwight Degenlurdt 6 sPoNsoRs CLIJB SMALLBUSINESS MGMT. R&APERTORMANCE SCCA Domiuick Vigliotti Sean Flaherty ChristopherCaram Phil Finkle BTGUSLAND IMPORTS 48 55 l0 James Sofronas 80 Paul Colasacco Glerur Cordova Errunett Horgan Thonras Stewart GBRRACING EUROTEC BFG/DENT FD$RS ROCKINCHAM TOYOTA 2 4l 72 88 77 larry Dulude 47 Anlhony Serra 67 Mark Heirzeluran 9 69 4 12 45 5 64 66 Gary D. Kole Marury Martfutez BobKress Dan Woltag Daniel Scully Andrew lallee charlespepe Peter Briukwad RPM MOTORS/HEMPSTEAD MAZDA DRIVING IMPR"ESSIONS NONE NONE TJTOPIA HOME CARE BFG^ilOi.LD AT'TO IMPORTS METROFRAMEWORKS TYROLEANMOTORS GRID MAKE FOS. 10990 Jetta I 4 LISCA Honda Civic si 3 SCUDERIA-X VW 6 SCUDERIA-X Acura Integra 2 SSSCC Mazda Miata 8 NONE NissanNx2OOO 5 SCUDERIA.X Alfa l0 SCUDERIA-X Scirocco 7 SCCA Toyota MM I I VW GTI N l, SCUDERIA-X MazdaProtege 12 BMWCCA Honda Civic 14 SCUDERIA-X VW Golf 19 SX Volvo 142 17 SSSCC BMW 2002 9 LISCA MR2 16 SCIjDERIA-X Mazda RX-7 13 Volvo 544 NONE 18 ToyotaMM 20 NONE NONE elva 2l SCUDERIA.X Mini Cooper 22 SCUDERIA-X CARILE RACING CAR VW QUAL TIME LAPS COMP l:00.12 20 l:05.10 20 l:05.05 20 20 l:05.00 19 l:06.10 19 l:05.80 19 l:07.1J 19 l:06.06 19 l:07.88 19 l:09.68 l8 l:08.21 18 l:09.12 18 N.T. l8 l:10.93 18 l:06.33 llNR l:10.76 9NR l:09.00 8NR l:15.24 ONR N.T. ONR N.T. ONR N.T. ONR tt q llI------------- PARK, CONTINUED RESULTS FoR RAcES HELD AT LIME RocK ttovEMBER 12, 1994, ll |] trINAL RESULTS FOR GROUP 4, CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: FslXlO, 52000, tr'C, FA, Ftr, Ctr IN CSR lFc IFA IFF ICF 2CF zFC 3CF 4CF JCF 2FF I FF s2000 cF # DRIVER 8l Tom Sedivy 49 Stephen Sorbaro 25 Tony Carpanzano 82 James Little 28 Oscar Pacheco sPoNsoRs TOMSEDCORP CLARITX}E RACING BRMMOTORSPORTS CLUB CAR MAKE POS. QUAL TIME LAPS COMP. 20 20 GRID I 0:51.00 2 6 4 O:52.2O ssscc Ralt 5 Van Dieman Chevron Van Diernan NONE TitanMK6C 8 SCCA NONE SCUDERIA.X Nick Vituci Eli Felner DREAMCARS SCUDERJA.X MRE 9 BETIERAUTOCARE NONE Croslle 68F Bruce Kafenbaum john spiliotis HI TECH RACING ssscc zi,*z-10 3 5 crossle Jim Guglielmo 39 Chuck Redrnan 24 Mack Howard REDMAN RACE ENGINEERINC RPMMOTORSPORTS NONE NONE NONE SCUDERIA.X LISCA 5l HITECHRACING SSSCC 27 29 26 48 46 Jon Waterhouse 15 Thomas McNif ll D9 l0 Reynard Van Diernan 7 [.ola T86/90 Royale t2 l3 l4 l:OO-62 0:58.33 18 18 l:01.46 18 l:03.11 17 0:57.95 17 l:00.00 17 1:04.39 l7 l:04.3O 16 16 N.T. l:0l.l0 4NR N.T. N.T. O O FINAL R"ESULTS FOR GROUP 5' CLASSES IN THIS GROUP: ST4 STs IN ST4 ST4 3ST4 4 ST4 5 ST4 6 ST4 7ST4 I ST5 8 ST4 2 ST5 I GT4 9 ST4 l0 sT4 ll sT4 3 ST5 4ST5 5 ST5 12 sT4 13 sT4 I 2 sT4 sT4 # DRIVER 38 52 6 47 27 John Weisberg sPoNsoRs CLUB sccA POS. QUAL TIME LAPS COMP. Rabbit I l:O6.46 Scirocco 5 20 20 20 20 CAR MAKE GRID Felix Garcia BFG/FELX AUTO REPAIR SCUDERIA.X VW VW Steve Colletti BFG\WORLD AUTO IMPORTS, INC. BAYRIDGE HONDA.VOLVO BFGAilORLD ALTTO IMPORTS ssscc Toyota LISCA Honda Civic BFG/JIGSAW COMPUTER SYSTEMS SPERRY Toyola Fiat X-l/9 SCI]DERIA.X VW Jose'Gabriel Nancy Colletti 18 Tom Masciopinto t3 BruceBamett 37 Colman Roche 44 Richard Hurder 7l Michael French 45 Daniel Scully 74 Philip Joluson 76 Robert J. W€stfall 8l Philip Pignataro t4 Bruce Sullivan 96 Ailyn Hoey 88 Sherman Conlin Jr. 25 Jim Froehlich 68 Tom Minuto 7 Gary Ain 32 Ron lacey AUTOBA}IN/CSF SSSCC ssscc MV SERVICE & DELIVERY RHINOCEROS RACING BFG ZANDRI CONSTRUCTION CO. THE REALESTATEBOOK BFG/ISLAND IMPORTS ENTROPY AUTO/BFG CONTINENTAL SALT CO. BFG/IZUMI RHINOGARAGE BFC/BRIDGE AI.JTO/7.I I/GNC BFG / RON LACEY ADVERTISING SCUDERIA.X SCTJDERIA-X NONE NONE NONE ssscc LISCA LIVERPOOL NONE SPERRY SCUDERIA.X LISCA SCUDERIA.X Corolla 2 DX6 Scirocco 12 II 8 Civic 9 Civic 4 AH. Sprite 0 Volvo544 0 Fiat 128 20 Gremlin 13 MGB 19 Honda Civic l5 Saab 97 16 Horrda Civic 0 Fiat X-l/9 7 MG Midget l0 fiat 3 Honda Honda Nissan 200SX l7 l:08.20 l:07.27 l:08.95 l:11.87 l:11.65 l:11.39 l:11.49 l:07.87 N.T. N.T. N.T. l:11.25 N.T. l:14.59 l:16.49 N.T. l:10.38 l:11.50 l:07.86 l:17.95 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 l8 18 l8 17 15 llNR 8NR 7NR HAVE YOU JOINED BF GOODRICH TEAM T/A YET? lF YOU HAVEN'T, CALL 1-8OO-RACE.BFG JOIN & RECEIVE YOUR INFORMATION PACKET. BECOME ELIGIBLE FOR TECHNICAL ADVICE, TRACKS]DE SUPPORT, MONTHLY TEAM T/A NEWS LETTERS, PRODUCT SUPPORT, AND YEAR END PRIZE MONEY. IT'S FREE! AND - IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO GO FASTER! f,ies RATES PER INSERTION lXU6X .L $5O PG. $30 /8 PG $17.s0 PG $7.50 $35 $20 $11.50 $5 $2s $1s $9 $3.75 TA P:_PHONE:_ a check made out to EMRA. Send all ads Jan Saladino,97 Fanning Ave, Hampton Bays, 11946 (516)72&7104. All ads must be ompanbd with a check. sizes: Full page,8" x1O.5',112 page, I'xS'; /4 page, 4"x5", 1/8 page = bus.card. 10% off for Mini-Sponsors. Check back cover for VfrTires BULK RATE PAII) U.S. POSTAGE PER]VIIT #29 WATERMIL, NY 1r976-0380 THECIIEQUERED FIAG TI] E EASTERN MOTOR MCING ASSOCIATION PO. BOXiEO VATDI|MILL, NY I t97fuo38o THE CHEQUERED FLAG is lhe oflicial newsletter of the EASTERN MOTOR RACING ASSOCIATION, and is published 6 times a year. upconring 1994 deadlines: - DEC. 15. . Send all ads, articles, photos, conuuents, letterq address changes, etc. to THE CHEQUERED FLAG, c/o Jan Saladino, free to EMRA nrembers, and $7.50 to non-metrrbers. Classified ads run in 3 consecutive issues. CHANCE OF ADDRESS - T}IE POST OFFICE WILL NOT IORWARD BULK MAIL! PLDA"SD SEND A