NORTHWEST CHIPPINGS PO Box 6092 Federal Way, WA 98063 2009 Issue 5 MAY 2009 OFFICERS CHIPS FROM THE PREZ The month of April has not been kind. The illness of Dolly Barth, whom we all love (say a prayer for her) and my personal loss of my friend of 41 years, Al Bower makes it hard for me to write anything happy. However, there is some good news. At the Quilceda Carvers show Richard LaPlante entered his Roman and Greek Warriors in the Expert class and came away with a "Best of Division" for one of them. Way to go , Richard. I haven't heard how anyone else did, but I did hear that my entries got second place, which seems to be my comfort zone. May 9th is the Capitol Woodcarvers Show in Olympia, also May 9th is the “Art of the Carver” show in Abbotsford, B.C. May 15-16 is the Northwest Driftwood Artists show in Bothell, WA and May 23-24 is the Richmond Carvers Society show in Richmond, B.C. Let’s give President ~ Bob Harkness them our support by attending. For more information on these shows see the carving events calendar. Remember just keep carving 253.833.4626 [email protected] Vice Pres ~ Loyd Case 253.833.1401 [email protected] Secretary ~ Vicky Rowe 253.529.1910 [email protected] Treasurer ~ Dale Goebel 253.531.6863 Show Chair ~ Bob Harkness 253.833.4626 [email protected] APRIL 10th PROGRAM ~ CARVING A FAN BIRD by Richard Mazza Membership ~ Patty Johnson 253.838.4479 [email protected] Librarian ~ John Merchant 253.228.2277 [email protected] Newsletter ~ Betty Miller 253.848.8495 [email protected] Historian ~ Dottie Moody 253.845.2460 [email protected] Sunshine ~ Marylu Chico Tiglao Hospitality ~ Richard LaPlante 253.569.2140 Bob Harkness 253.833.4626 [email protected] Webmaster ~ Betty Miller 253.848.8495 [email protected] FINISHED FAN BIRD THE START OF A FAN BIRD (A One-Piece Bird) Did you ever notice that when you put “The” and “IRS” together it spells “Theirs” ? PNC Advisor ~ Larry Martin 253.851.9478 Steering Committee Members John Merchant, Dorsey Moody, John Templar, Richard Mazza, Dorothy Olver, Larry Smart NORTHWEST CHIPPINGS Page 2 NEW THE “I HELPED” RAFFLE RULES: • YOU MUST REQUEST YOUR OWN TICKETS • Drawing for 20 good quality items will be held at the December meeting • Awards of 4 tickets or less must be requested on the day they are earned. • Only paid members can earn tickets. • For any award of more than 10 tickets, we will print your name on the tickets for you. • For contributions not listed, just ask the Raffle administrator if tickets are appropriate. TICKET AWARDS: 1 Show & Tell 1 Set up & Clean up 1 Regular Raffle donation (per raffle, not per item) 2 Special Raffle Donation (negotiable) 5 Represent the Club at an other Club’s Event 15 Meeting Presentation ? Misc contributions to the running of the club LONG TERM POSITIONS YR 30 President 20 Vice President 20 Secretary 20 Treasurer 20 Communications (web/newsletter, etc) 10 Librarian 10 Steering Committee 10 Regularly teach class 15 Recurring Meeting Job (photography, AV, Etc) 20 Show Chair 15 Major Show Job 10 Medium Show Job INTERNET NEWS I hope we have some nice weather now that will bring on the May flowers. And if you have the moss out of your lawn and your garden planted maybe you have some time to surf the net. Here’s a web site that I found interesting. Read down the Navigation Table to where it says Painting Softly. As you click on each picture of the Santa it explains the process of staining the carving with artist oil paints and boiled linseed oil. Has anyone tried using this method? There is also an article on carving eyes along with other interesting “stuff”. Daryoush Ababaf entered our show a couple of years ago. He is making quite a name for himself at shows and galleries. You can see his Enhanced Marketry work at the following site: Chip Carvers will still find a lot of useful free patterns and information at: Here is the contents of an e-mail we received about a commission. Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 7:34 PM We are looking for a beaver to put on a mantle. Do you have anything like that or know of anyone who does that kind of work. Thanks for your time. Nick Kovach [email protected] And we have another one concerning some Maple wood. Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:01 AM I have had some maple tree rounds in my yard for about four months with the intention of using it for firewood. The other day my motherin- law said that it would be a shame to use it for firewood because she thought it could be used by wood carvers. Some of the rounds are in exess of 36" across and there are a couple of pieces that will be near impossible to split because of the amount of knots in it. Do you know any one who is in need of maple like this? What is the value of this wood to a wood artist? Let me know if you have any information and I appreciate your time. Thank you. MAY PROGRAM PAUL LANGSTON PAINTING & STAINING Aaron Smith [email protected] PLEASE GOD IF YOU CAN’T MAKE ME SLIM-- TO MOM MAKE MY FRIENDS FAT ! Ronald R. Hall, Pres 5963 Corson Ave S Seattle, WA 98108 Store Hours: M.,T.,W., & F 9 am - 7 pm Thurs 9 am - 9 pm, Sat 9 am - 6 pm From I-5 take Exit 162 (Corson Avenue/Michigan St) From the base of the exit ramp, Woodcraft is on your right, in the strip mall before the traffic light [email protected] 2009 Issue 5 WHAT IS THE PNCAC? The Pacific Northwest Carvers Advisory Council is an organization comprised of individuals who are interested in becoming judges in support of the various carving clubs in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and British Columbia. It takes an active role in developing a judges training program to ensure their availability for judging shows throughout the Pacific Northwest. And one of the primary goals of the PNCAC is the promotion of woodcarving and recognizing the accomplishments of the carvers. A qualified or certified judge must be a dues paying member of the PNCAC and adhere to their Code of Ethics. They should work with the club show chairs to encourage uniformity and adherence to PNC Guidelines and Standards and make recommendations on entry classifications and color coding. As a member of a club the judge can make suggestions or proposals that may benefit carvers and lead to the improvement of juried shows and competitions. PNC JUDGE STATUS Apprentice: A person who’s skill level is at Intermediate or higher, has attended the PNC provided training and has elected to participate in the apprentice program. These individuals may be ready to judge immediately, but desire to gain more experi- Page 3 Updated May 2008 ence and knowledge in the various divisions of carving competitions prior to performing as a shows official judge. Clubs are encouraged to allow apprentice judges to participate as judging understudies to the official judges of a show. The apprentices shall make their own contacts with clubs or the scheduled judges of a show and request they be allowed to act as an apprentice judge. attended the PNC provided training and has elected not to participate in the apprentice program. These individuals consider themselves to be highly competent and are confident in their ability to be an official judge without further understudy. The PNC encourages clubs to select judges from the Qualified list of judges, but a club or show committee may desire to use judges from the Certified list. To advance from the Apprentice level the individual must act as an apprentice judge for a minimum of three shows, but could remain as an apprentice for as long as they desire. When the requirement of performing as an apprentice has been completed and in order to be listed as a Qualified judge the individual should inform the PNC Secretary in writing and provide the names of shows in which they participated as well as the names of the Qualified judge or judges with whom they worked. To advance from the Certified level the individual must perform the duties of an official judge in a minimum of two shows. When this requirement has been met and in order to be listed as a Qualified judge, the individual should inform the PNC in writing and provide the names of shows in which they performed their responsibilities. Qualified: A person whose skill level is at Intermediate or higher, and has previously worked as an official judge at carving shows or exhibitions, or has completed the requirements to advance from being a certified or apprentice judge. The Qualified Judge is the recommended level for clubs or show committees to use in selection of show judges. Certified: As judges perform their duties they will develop their own following and reputation among the clubs. It is therefore in the best interest of the individual to be as objective as possible in making a personal evaluation using ones own experience and ability to judge fairly and competently. This information on the PNCAC is copied from a recent updated publication received by the club from the PNCAC. PNC Announces Classes David Franklin, NW Native American Artist carving a NW American Mask May 17,28, & 29 in Sequim, WA. $250 Contact Kye Starbird 360.452.3762 or Ann Grover 360.681.7885 [email protected] for details. J. Christopher White, wood sculpture class July 13-17 in Sequim, WA $650 Contact Peg Lawrence 350.452.5928 or [email protected] Submitted by Ann Grover Carving Classes Algona-Pacific, King County Library Mondays from 5-8 pm on these dates: Apr 13, May 4, May 18, June 8, June 29 Summit Library Saturdays 12-4 on these dates: Apr 11, Apr 25, May 2 1-4 pm, May 23, June 13, June 27 Puyallup Sr Ctr. Thurs 9-12 am Sumner Sr Ctr. Fri 12-4 pm A judge that has Development of Carving Excellence One of the goals of the Pacific Northwest Carvers is to encourage you to improve your skill and your craftsmanship. PNCAC regulations provide you with an equitable and fair show arena in which to compete, but it is up to you to develop your knowledge and skill as a carver. As to be expected, judges look for increased skill as the carver advances. For this reason, as the carver increases in skill, the judging becomes more critical and places additional attention upon the total carving, including the habitat and overall presentation. The increase in expectations is reflected in the following descriptions of the levels for placement of carvings into a juried show. The descriptions for the carving levels of Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, and Master Carver are continued on the next page. John Dysert , Expert, Best of NW, Best Div., J.Smith Mem., Carver & Peoples Choice Page 4 NORTHWEST CHIPPINGS Development of Carving Excellence Cont. BEGINNER ~ JIM REEVES BEGINNER: At the beginner level, the carver is learning the use of the basic tools. The beginner learns how to use the tools by practicing fundamental cuts and observing their relationship to the grain of the wood. Awards and critiques at this level are for encouragement and growth; projects are simplistic in nature but intended to set a carver on a path of growth and knowledge of wood carving basics. NOVICE ~ IRENE CORBIN NOVICE: A novice carver has grasped the basics of carving and uses a limited variety of tools. The novice learns to create form in their work, and the need for effective presentation of the carving. A certain degree of eye appeal is necessary to earn awards at this level. Critiques by judges reflect encouragement and the generous use of all levels of recognition including honorable mention. INTERMEDIATE ~ ED MAH INTERMEDIATE: At the in term e diat e l eve l , a carver’s skill is scrutinized more closely. Attention must be given to creating artistic presentation. The carving is expected to be a more difficult or complicated work than at the novice level. The intermediate carver understands the basic carving techniques, uses tools with confidence, coordinates a habitat, and includes more detail in the carvings than at the novice level. In addition, painting and finishing of the carving takes on greater importance and contributes to the overall artistry of the piece. ADVANCED: The advanced level carving reflects creativity, difficulty, craftsmanship and accuracy. Awards are more difficult to achieve, as the expectations are higher. The Advanced level carving also reflects excellence in carving, finishing technique, originality, and a presentation of the piece as an art form. captures its essence and has advanced the art of carving with new and innovative creations. The Expert carver could display expertise in one section or a variety of sections. MASTER CARVER: Achieving Master Carver status is the pinnacle of carving expertise. Master Carver is not a level of competition but rather an honor bestowed on an individual reflecting their achievements. The Master is able to produce Expert carvings in several styles and sections of competition. To achieve Master Carver status, a carver must earn the Expert designation in at least four (4) of the six (6) sections of competition plus a minimum of one blue ribbon in each of the same sections while at the Expert level. EXPERT: The expert level reflects excellence in the art of carving. Technical and artistic attention and care are reflected in all areas of the piece. At the Expert level, the artist more readily See the PNC Guidelines for Juried Competition in Next Edition of Northwest Chippings EXAMPLES ADVANCED ~ UMBERTO MANCINI EXPERT ~ LONNIE ACORD Carvings shown are examples of the various levels of entry in the 2008 Show & Sale. They were all Blue Ribbon winners or better. The Master Carver example to the right is from our “Woodcarvers From Around The World” Web Page at woodcarverpage1.htm MASTER CARVER ~ MIKHAIL KUSHNIKOV 2009 Issue 5 Page 5 More About Our Judges • A Judge must have a copy of, read, understand and judge by the published rules of each PNCAC Show. • A Judge will examine all entries for which he or she has responsibility before winners are selected. • A Judge will not communicate with anyone other than fellow Judges and the assigned clerks while in the judging area. A Judge will not allow assigned clerks to make final decisions regarding winners. • A Judge is not allowed to enter a carving in a show that he or she is judging. A Judge should not register or transport carvings of other carvers to a show that he or she is judging. • A Judge will not allow personal feelings or personal contact with the carvers to influence his or her decisions during the judging process. A Judge will not open registration card on entered carvings. • A Judge will not judge a relative’s carving or a student’s carving on which he or she has carved. • A Judge will not judge at a level higher than he or she is currently rated. The exception to this is when participating as a member of a team judging, for example, the expert level. • A Judge must give each carving his or her highest respect. A Judge must not deface a carving in any way including pen or pencil marks, removing any part of the carving, or scene on which it is a part. 4-10-09 General Meeting Minutes Following the potluck the meeting was brought to order by the President at 6:45pm with 32 members present. Special Presentation: Bob Harkness announced that we will be giving Life Member status to the following members: Thomas Andy Feroy, Raymond Olsen, Harriet Puttroff, John and Joan Schmit, and Dick Weber. Along with our gratitude we offer these member free entry to all shows, events, and meetings. No dues will be collected in the future to maintain their membership. Congratulations to you all and a Thank You from the membership! Our gratitude and thanks were also offered to our Charter Members: Carl Boe, Don Church, Dale & Jenny Hess, Vern Hess, Jim & Mary Madden, Dorothy Quade, Carolina Spring, and John & Marilynn Urback. Program: Richard Mazza gave an excellent presentation on how to carve the beautiful and mysterious fan bird. With written directions and materials provided carvers were able to follow along with the demonstration and create their own fan bird. Richard prefers Basswood of the options available locally and we all know he makes wonderful birds with it. The rough outs provided were made from a 1/2“ x 5” x 2” piece of basswood and were boiled for 15 minutes to prepare the wood for carving. Among his tips: use a sharp knife, keep the wood wet at all times, and practice a lot. These are an excellent project for public demonstrations. Good job, Richard – Thank You. Business: Kay Lang asks that any member who is willing to conduct a seminar or demonstration at the November show get in touch with her. There are still a few spots to be filled. Vicky Rowe launched the new “I Helped” raffle program. A copy of the rules is attached. We hope that this program will encourage more member participation while also rewarding those who already contribute. A reminder was given that the club picnic will be held on JUNE 13th at North Lake Park. Bob Harkness continues to work on obtaining non-profit status for the group. Finance Report: Dale reports that tonight we collected $16.75 for the coffee fund, $66 for the raffle, and $1. for name badge fines. We have a check from Rockler for $25.12, and $25. for a prospectus ad The checking account balance before these deposits is _____ (available at the meeting ) Show and Tell –Betty Miller shared an adorable basswood “Welcome” placque featuring a birdhouse – she got the pattern from a stamp. Steve Preece surprised us by pulling a cute little tupelo chickadee right out of its hiding place in a block of wood. Tricky little chickadee! Richard Mazza presented the Haida flute , a bark log cabin, a completed birdseye maple flute with an ebony orca fetish, a walnut flute with turquoise inlay (which sounded great) and in progress a bamboo flute with a Navaho design. We finally bullied Patty Johnson in to bringing in one of her paintings and we are happy we did. The work featured a fruit basket painted onto composite wood. The painting cleverly made it appear to be made of large tiles. We’d love to see more, Patty! Paul Langston showed off his pyrography skill with an 18 x 24 image of an actual barn in California which he created for showing at the Puyallup Fair. Dale proudly displayed his 18 wheeler including the latching rear door which won Best of Division at the Kitsap Show. Way to go, Dale! He also showed us his scrolled butterflies in several woods and patterns… Dale sells these items. Bob Harkness brought us his completed Barefoot Monk, a character he calls “The Bookkeeper” and a new duck – an American Widgeon drake. I think he was also begging for duck carcasses.. but check with him to be sure. Richard LaPlant showed his completed Greek and Roman Warriors in their helmets – these have earned so many ribbons I’m not sure Richard can keep track anymore – they have also catapulted Richard into the expert class – we all knew he belonged there – Congrats Richard! As an extra bonus he also presented his work in progress – a multilevel relief which includes a flute player and several animals. The raffle was held and the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 Respectfully submitted: Vicky Rowe, Secretary NORTHWEST CHIPPINGS Page 6 SHOW & TELL Richard LaPlante ~ deep relief in progress LaPlante has cleaned up with all of these ribbons for his Greek & Roman busts Keith Preece has discovery when little bird “pops” out of the wood block 3 More from Richard Mazza “Mr. Flute Man”. He also had a bark cabin Dale Goebel’s Reefer plus his scroll butterflies Paul Langston ~ Pyrography Betty Miller ~ Relief Chickadees & Feeder Sign Kitsap March Show Best of Division winners from our club----Dale Goebel (2), Bob Harkness, Richard LaPlante, Larry Martin (2), & Dorsey Moody. I don’t have the names of place ribbon winners but congratulations to all and for the good representation of our club. Monroe Show Patty Johnson doesn’t carve. She does Tole Painting Bob Harkness ~ American Widgeon Drake Bob’s struggling with the non-profit Form? He also had a barefoot monk who was probably praying for him. Congratulations to our carvers once again. Photos by B. Miller 2009 Issue 5 Patterns for May Two Feather Patterns from Darkwood Woodcarving For your personal use only, not for resale Page 7 NORTHWEST CHIPPINGS Page 8 Support Our Sponsors Ron & Linda Lunde Gil & Bonnie Drake 2008 Fruitland, Kennewick, WA 99337 128th St NE, Arlington, WA 98223 Carving Tools & Knives: Diobsud Forge, Flexcut Power Carvers: NSK, Ram, Foredom Airbrushes: Badger, Paasche Colwood Woodburners & Tips: Typhoon Burs and Bits Handmade carving tools, carving supplies, & accessories [email protected] 360.659.6778 LITTLE SHAVERS WOODCARVING SUPPLY THE BARK GUY ~ COTTONWOOD BARK Rick & Theresa Ferry Art Olver 423 SW 104th St., Seattle, WA 98146-1545 568 Valentine Ave SE , Pacific, WA 98047 [email protected] 206.767.7421 Excellent quality Award Winning bark For Pricing Call 253.804.3488 Fax 206.763.6774 DECORATIVE BIRD CARVER Larry Martin 5716 Timberlane Dr. NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335 John Schmit Lessons Available, Commissions Accepted 253.851.9478 908 Cherry Ave. Sumner, WA 98390 Tues – Sat 10 am – 5:30 pm WOOD N’THINGS Jan & Rod MacLean 3601 N Nevada, Spokane, WA 99207 800.365.4613 (for orders) [email protected] JOHN TEMPLAR WOODCARVING & ARCHERY John Templar BEAVER LAKE WOODWORKS Joe McConnell 1919 E Beaver Lake Dr SE, Sammamish, WA 98075 NW Native Style Woodcarving, Classes & Commissions 425.391.0661 [email protected] SAWDUST CONNECTION Alan & Nedra Denison 1400 Main St. NW, Ste C,PMB20, Los Lunas, NM 87031 Rochester, WA 98579 Woodcarvings Fish Decoys Private Instruction, Group Activity, Introductory Classes in both woodcarving & archery with instructor certification & coaching in archery 360.273.0977 Pyrography Books & Supplies; Razertip, Colwood & Wall Lenk Woodburning tools and accessories; Basswood planks, plaques, holders; Maple burl; Italian Poplar; and Tagua nuts [email protected] 505.859.4005 2009 Issue 5 Apr 25-26 Southcoast Woodcarvers 18th Annual Show & Sale - North Bend Community Center, 2222 Broadway, North Bend, OR. Contact Rick Miller, President & Show Chairman, 2650 Clark St. North Bend OR 97459 541.260.5328 or 541.756.7068 [email protected] May 2-3 Western Montana Woodcarvers 12th Annual Western Montana Wood Show at the Western Montana Fairgrounds, 1101 South Ave Missoula , MT Sat 9-4:30 Sun 12:00-4:00 Contact Terry Porter 406.273.4219 [email protected] May 2-3 May 9 May 9 2009 Idaho Artistry in Wood Show sponsored by WOODCRAFT and THE IDAHO ARTISTRY IN WOOD ASSOCIATION at Brown’s Gallery, 1022 Main St., Boise, Idaho Sat 9–5p.m. and Sun 10-4 p.m Information, prospectus and registration forms may be obtained at the Boise Woodcraft store or at the following websites: Carvers and scrollers: Turners and Woodworkers: Gourd workers: Capitol Woodcarvers Association, Creativity in Wood, Olympia Center, 222 Columbia, Olympia, WA, 10-4 Saturday only. Set-up at 8 am. Contact: John Templar 360-273-0977 [email protected] “Art of the Carver Show” Ag-Rec Center, 32470 Haida Dr. Abbotsford, BC. For information contact, Bonnie Sorenson [email protected] May 15-16 Northwest Driftwood Artists 46th Annual Driftwood Sculpture Show at the Courtyard Hall at Country Village/second floor, 23714 Bothell Highway (SR 527) Bothell, WA Elevator available Contact Sue Banks, Show Chairman, 360.659.6164 [email protected] May 23-24 Richmond Carvers Society 20th Annual Wood Carving Show at the Steveston Community Center, 4111 Moncton Street, Richmond, BC. Contact: Richmond Carvers Society, P.O. Box 36507 Seafair Post Office,Richmond, BC. V7C 5M4 or Visit our website: Jun 4-7 Tri-Cities Woodcarver's 12th Annual Rendezvous, Benton County Fairgrounds, Kennewick, WA. Free short (3 - 4 hour) classes taught by some of the top Northwest carving instructors. Contact us for complete Rendezvous events and driving directions, we' love to see you. Ron Lunde 509.582.8694 [email protected] Jun 13 NWCA 8th Annual Picnic & Carve-In at the North Lake Community Park, 33228 38th Ave S, Federal Way, WA **NOTE New Date, Same location Page 9 NWCA PO Box 6092 Federal Way, WA 98063-6092 MEETING LOCATION: Lakeland Community Center 4016 South 352nd Street Federal Way, WA DIRECTIONS TO CENTER: From I-5 take Hwy 18 EAST to Weyerhaeuser Way S. exit. Go RIGHT on Weyerhaeuser Way S. and take the first LEFT onto S. 4th Way. It turns into 344th St. Take the first RIGHT onto 38th Ave. S; it winds through a residential area and becomes 37th Ave S. Turn LEFT onto 352nd St. Lakeland Community Center is on the LEFT (North) side of the street where the road dips down. From Military Road S. go WEST on 352nd St. Lakeland Community Center is on the RIGHT (North) side of the road. NOTE: You cannot exit from Hwy 28 onto Military Rd S. GENERAL MEETING th Jun 12-14 Spokane Carvers 8 Annual Rendezvous at the Spokane KOA, Spokane Valley, WA 99027 KOA phone #509.924.4722 or Contact [email protected] or 509.244.3467 Jun 12-14 Peninsula Driftwood Artist 40th Annual Show at Cole Convention Center, Carrie Blake Park, Sequim, WA Contact Janice Hunt 360.683.5846 [email protected] Jul 12-17 1st NW Carving Academy at the Kittitas Event Center, Ellensburg, WA. Eleven renowned carving instructors to choose from.Details at or call Ron Lunde 509.585.7787 or Gil Drake 360.659.6678 Jul 25 Pacific Northwest Wood Artisans Show and Sale at the Elks Sequim Lodge, 143 Port Williams Rd. Sequim WA 98382 9am – 3pm Free Adm. CONTACT: Gale Lawrence-Krum at 360.417.3858,[email protected] Sep 16-27 Lower Columbia Woodcarvers 25th Anniversary Show at Cowlitz Regional Conference Center, 1900 7th Ave, Longview, WA 10-5 Sat, 10-4 Sun Contact Angi Buck at 360.295.3661 [email protected] Nov 14-15 NWCA 29th Annual Show & Sale at Western WA Fairgrounds, Red Gate in the Restaurant Bldg. 9th SW, Puyallup, WA Contact Bob Harkness 253.833.4626 New Location [email protected] 2nd Friday of each month at the Lakeland Community CenterDoors open at 5:30 pm for setup, open carving, visiting, showing off, or looking for library items. Potlucks are at 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm meeting is called to order. STEERING MEETING 1ST Friday of every month at 6:30 pm at the Sumner Public Library at 1116 Fryer Ave., Sumner, WA VISITORS & GUESTS WELCOME nEXT MEETING may 8 Come early if you want to carve. (5:30) Potluck at about 6:00 Meeting at 7:00 There are 708 listings in the Library Catalog Attend the meetings and check out a book, periodical or CD Northwest Carvers Assn. PO Box 6092 Federal Way, WA 98063-6092
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