FOR SALE - Link to Les Twarog`s Website
FOR SALE - Link to Les Twarog`s Website Commercial Real Estate Services, Worldwide. LAND DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY Development Opportunity ÕÃiÃÃÊ7Ì Ê*À«iÀÌÞ Development Land - 30+ac. n°xÊ>VÀiÃ]ÊxäÊÌà ,i>`ÞÊvÀÊVÃÌÀÕVÌ *ÃÃLiÊÌÊ6iÌÕÀi ÀÊÌÀ>`iÊÊ-iV iÌ]Ê iÊ«ÕÃÊÕÌÊ7ÀiV}Ê Î]£ääÊÃvÊ iÊÊÓ°xÊ>VÀiÃÊ Î]ÈääÊÃvÊà «ÊÊΰxÊ>VÀià ÛiÉ7ÀÊÊ Ü]Ê 7iÃÌÃÞ`iÊ,>`]Ê>«Ã ÓÓ°Ç>VÊÊäÊÕÌÃÊ«À«Ãi` ÌÞÊÃÕ««ÀÌÃÊ,£ Ç°>VÊqÊÜÃÊ7É $1,890,000 REDUCED! $1,950,000 $1,623,000 -ivÊ-ÌÀ>}iÊÊ-iV iÌ Land only or Build to Suit £{ÊÕÌÃÊΰÈÊ>VÀià ÓxÊÞi>ÀÊi>ÃiÊÜÉ«Ì ,ÊÌÊÝ«>` $975,000 i>ÛÞÊ`ÕÃÌÀ>ÊÊ}>ÃÃâÊ 1«ÊÌÊ££>V°ÊqÊÊÈääÊ>«Ê«ÜÀ°Ê "ÜiÀÊÜÊÕ`ÊÌÊ-ÕÌÊ $600/mo/acre net (land only) ÕÌÊq/i>ÌÊ*À«iÀÌÞ À>ÃiÀÊÜÞ]Ê>}iÞ ÓÊV°]Ê£ÊÀiðÊÕÌÊ ÕÌÕÀiÊ`iÛi«iÌ fnä]äääÊ ÀÊÀiÊvÀ>ÌÊÊÌ iÃiÊ«À«iÀÌiÃÊÀÊvÀÊ>ÊvÀiiÊiÛ>Õ>ÌÊvÊÞÕÀÊLÕÃiÃÃÊÀÊ«À«iÀÌÞÊ«i>ÃiÊVÌ>VÌ ALEEM THAVER 778-882-2546 [email protected] KEN KIERS or KEN HICK 604-534-7974 or 1-800-890-9855 iÀÃJ>ViÀV>°V>ÊUÊi J>ViÀV>°V> MERRITT, BC OPPORTUNITIES MINI-STORAGE ON 1 ACRE PARCEL 967 ACRES UÊ£ÎÓÊÕÌÊ-iv-ÌÀ>}iÊ>VÌÞ UÊ ÕÀÀiÌÞÊ«iÀ>Ì}Ê>ÌÊi>ÀÊ£ää¯ÊVVÕ«>VÞÊÊ UÊ iÌÊ«iÀ>Ì}ÊViÊvÊf££]ÇÓ Asking $1.475 Mil UÊ<i`Ê,iðʳÊ`ÕÃÌÀ> UÊ£xÊ°ÊÌÊiÀÀÌÌ Now Asking Only $8 Mil MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT SITE UÊÊ"««ÀÌÕÌÞÊÌÊ`iÛi«Ê>ÊxÎÊÕÌÊ/Ü iÊ«ÀiVÌÊ Ê{°£Ê>VÀiÃÊUÊ<i`]ÊÃiÀÛVi`ÊEÊÀi>`ÞÊÌÊ} UÊÀi>ÌÊÛ>iÞÊÛiÜÃÊÊÊOnly $899,000 Try Offers LANDSCAPE SUPPLY BUSINESS UÊÊÀVÃ]ÊLVÃ]Ê«>ÛiÀÃ]ÊÀVÃ]ÊvÕÌ>Ã]ÊiÌV° UÊÊLÕÃiÃÃÊÛiÌÀÞÊEÊiµÕ«iÌ UÊÀi>ÌÊ««ÀÌÕÌÞÊÌÊ>``ÊÕÀÃiÀÞÊLÕÃiÃà Asking $169,000 +/- 300 ACRES UÊÊ ÕÀÀiÌÞÊâi`Ê £äÊ-«iV>ÊÛiÌÃÊUÊ ÌÞÊÃiÀÛVià UÊÊ*ÌiÌ>ÊÀiâiÊÌÊÓÊ>VÀiÊiÃÌ>ÌiÃÊÊÊ$5.9 Mil 11.4 ACRE COMMERCIAL SITE UÊÊ-ÕÌ>LiÊvÀÊ}ÊÝ]Ê-ÌÀ«Ê>]ÊÌi°ÊÊÊ$3.99 Mil INVESTMENT BUILDING UÊÊx]{ÎÎÊõ°ÊvÌ°ÊLÕ`}°Ê-«ÀiÀi`°Ê À>ÜÊë>Vi°Ê/L>ÀÊ Vi}ÃÊÌ ÀÕ} ÕÌ°ÊÊÊAsking $799,000 2 SERVICE COMMERCIAL LOTSÊ UÊä°{ÇÊ>VÀiÃÊi>V °ÊÊÊ$199,000 EACH FOR LEASE: 8,459 SQ. FT. SHOWROOM & W/H U Rate: $5.50 s.f. Base plus $2.50 s.f. T.N. UÊÊ°£nÊ>VÀiÃÊ£Ê} ÌÊ`ÕÃÌÀ>Ê>`ÊÊ i>ÀÊ7>>ÀÌ°ÊÊ UÊÊ>V}ÊÌÊÀ«ÀÌÊ,ÕÜ>ÞÊÜÌ ÊÌÃÊvÊ vÀÌ>}iÊÊÀ«ÀÌÊ,>`°Ê UÊÊ-ÕÌ>LiÊvÀÊ>ÞÊÕÃiÃÊVÕ`}Ê ÃÌÀLÕÌÉ>Õv>VÌÕÀ}Ê7>Ài ÕÃ}]Ê ,6Ê->iÃÊ>`Ê-iÀÛVi]ÊiÌV°Ê Asking only $899,000 CHRIS LANGHAUG 604-534-7974 [email protected] COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 6 ACRES, LANGLEY, BC UÊfÓÇä]äääʳÉÊ>Õ>ÊVÕÀÀiÌÊiÌÊVi UÊÝViiÌÊ`}ÉiÛi«iÌÊ-Ìi UÊ ÎÊâi`]ÊvÕÞÊÃiÀÛVi` UÊ$6.6 million DON MACDONALD, CCIM or KEN KIERS 604-514-6824 or 1-800-890-9855 `>VJ>ViÀV>°V>ÊÊUÊÊiÀÃJ>ViÀV>°V> FOR LEASE INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE/OFFICE INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS PARK LAND FOR SALE – SURREY, BC VANCOUVER • LOWER MAINLAND • VANCOUVER ISLAND SECTION $ 4 . 2 9 M AY 2 0 1 0 Vo l . 2 5 / I s s u e 5 19 ROLLOVERS AID HOTELIERS Tax break slim wedge into troubled market ▲ UÊÊV>Ìi`ÊÊ>}iÞÊi>ÀÊÓääÌ Ê-Ì°Ê ÌiÀV >}iÊEÊ`iÊ>ÀÃÊÀ`}i UÊÊ/ÜÊLVÃÊvÀÊ7iÃ}ÀÕ«½ÃÊ>ÌiÜ>ÞÊ ÓääÊ*ÀiVÌ UÊÓ°{£ÊÌÊ£{ÊVÀiÃÊÊ UÊ-iÀÛViÃÊi>ÀÊÃÌi UÊÊ`i>ÊvÀÊ} ÌÊ`ÕÃÌÀ>ÊÊ ÕÃiÃÃÊ*>ÀÊ>««V>Ìà UÊÊÃ}ÊfnÎäÊ«iÀÊ>VÀiÊÜÌ Ê `}Ê Vi Avison Young principal Robert Greer: Burrard property only hotel sale in Vancouver in 12 months 9 B.C.’S REAL POWER PLAYS Regional hospitals deliver bigger boost than mills or mines 29 NANAIMO’S MIXED MESSAGE Harmac mill back but killed tower punches hole in downtown plan SPECIAL SECTION • B18 HOT PROPERTIES R E C R E AT I O N A L R E A L E S TAT E UÊÌi`Ê-Õ««Þ UÊ<i`ÊÊqÊÕÃiÃÃÊ*>À UÊÓä]äääÊõ°vÌ°Ê7>Ài ÕÃiÉvwVi UÊ i>]Ê«iÊ«> UÊÀÃÌÊV>ÃÃÊvwViÊë>Vi UÊÎÊÛiÀ i>`Ê`ÀÃÊUÊi>ÛÞÊ«ÜiÀ UÊ*ÀiÊ-ÕÀÀiÞÉ>}iÞÊV>Ì UÊi>ÃiÊÀ>ÌiÊfÇ°ääÊõ°vÌ°ÊiÌ UÊ ÀiÀÊÌÊÜÌ Ê}Ài>ÌÊiÝ«ÃÕÀi UÊ*>VwVÊ} Ü>ÞÊ£xÊV>Ì UÊ`i>ÊvÀÊ"vwViÉ7>Ài ÕÃiÊÕÃià UÊ$2,050,000 DON MACDONALD, CCIM DON MACDONALD, CCIM 604-514-6824 or 1-800-890-9855 [email protected] 604-514-6824 or 1-800-890-9855 [email protected] Build on the Power of Our Network. Over 325 Offices Worldwide. PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT 40069240 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT: 102 EAST 4TH AVENUE, VANCOUVER, B.C. V5T 1G2 Outstanding 48,600 sf Warehouse on Six Plus Acres Located twelve minutes south of the border on I-5, and nestled within the largest privately-owned warehouse community north of Everett. For our online brochure and info on other properties available, visit or call 1-360-366-3357 A2 Lower Mainland VERNON MOBILE HOME PARK O#?31D54=9>6B?=?G>D?G>-5B>?> O'14C@<EC8?EC5?>13B5C OE<<39DIC5BF935C O.5<<=19>D19>54G9D8<?GF131>3I OC;9>7 OKANAGAN TERRACE MANUFACTURED HOME PARK O-5B>?> O'14C?>13B5C OE<<39DIC5BF935C O.1<;9>749CD1>35D?&;1>171>#1;5 OC;9>7 MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR FREEHOLD LAND AT ABBOTSFORD AIRPORT O13B5C6?BC1<5 O6D?6BE>G1I6B?>D175 O! J?>9>7 O1CC5CC54F1<E5 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY: 7700 VANTAGE WAY, DELTA B.C. OCA6D O13B5C OD5>1>395C O O31@ OGreat multi-family site OHalf block from Haney Place Mall OGood holding income OC;9>7 LEE G. HESTER DON DUNCAN / CHRIS DRIVER / BRETT AURA DON DUNCAN / CHRIS DRIVER / BRETT AURA LEE BLANCHARD / *SEAN UNGEMACH PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. 27424 52ND AVENUE LANGLEY, BC FOR SALE CIBC BANK PROPERTY FOR SALE – 12280 + 12320 VICKERS WAY, RICHMOND SHOPPING CENTRE SALE WILSON CREEK PLAZA O+G?<571<D9D<5C OC;9>7 O+?D1<1B51CA6D! 0?>9>7 OE9<49>7=1I25@EB381C54C5@1B1D5<I O!$1B;5D@<1351>38?B54*8?@@9>7 Centre OB?CC#51C12<5B51?6CA6D O*9D51B51?613B5C O#?31D549>.9<C?>B55;?>C *E>C89>5?1CD O$ OCA6D=1>E613DEB9>76139<9DI?> 13B5C OE9<49>785978D?6 O 51FI @81C5@?G5B OC;9>79>3<EC9F5?6D85 C9H3B1>5CAE?>C5D8ED9>B51BCD?B175 1B51 WILLIAM N. HOBBS PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. 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JOHN GANTNER CRAIG BALLANTYNE O'19>D54)?3;.9>5BI'5>D93D?> O,@D?E>9DC?>113B5@B9=5<1;5F95G residential site O4:135>DD?5H9CD9>7@B5=9E=5CD1D5G9>5BI1>4 future amenities OC;9>7 DON DUNCAN / CHRIS DRIVER / BRETT AURA OB9D5G1C81BG1C89>7*ICD5=C!>3 O13B5C1D 1CD9>7CEB>12I OEDEB545F5<?@=5>D@?D5>D91< OJ?>9>7 OC;9>7 *SEAN UNGEMACH KYLE WILSON FOR SALE / LEASE O<1B;B-5>12<5C1B51 O2E9<49>7CD?D1<9>7CA6D O13B5C! 0?>9>7 OD?CA6D1F19<12<56?B lease OH35<<5>D?G>5BEC5B?@@?BDE>9DI GREG MILES / DAVID CANNING INVESTMENT OR OWNER USER OPPORTUNITY O>4F5>E5*EBB5I OCA6D O13B5 OE9<D OC;9>7 LEE G. HESTER FOR SALE: BRAND NEW TILBURY WEST CORPORATE CENTRE O#1B751I*DB1D1,>9DC OCA6D CA6D O?3;1>47B145<?149>7 O5C97>541>42E9<D2I55495B?E@ O*D1BD9>71D@5BCA6D LEE G. HESTER PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. JOHN WEISS RANDY SWANT FOR SALE FOR SALE STRATA TITLED 6-PLEX O.B4F5>E5-1>3?EF5B OCA6D?6L352E9<49>7 O0?>9>7! ! O'EB381C9>7@B935 DAVID POTTINGER O .D8F5>E5-1>3?EF5B O.5<<<?31D549>"9DC9<1>? 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KEVIN VOLZ JOHN WEISS O*E@5B2 978G1I5H@?CEB5 OHigh Quality 978H@?CEB5!>4ECDB91< OB?=NCA6D O<5H92<5<51C5D5B=G9D8@EB381C5?@D9?>C6B?= <47G5H35CC<1>4 O-5BI*DB?>7+5>1>DC @C6 OC;9>7 RICK EASTMAN PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. 3.04 ACRE DEVELOPMENT SITE, MAPLE RIDGE 1424 BROADWAY STREET, PORT COQUITLAM FOR SALE - 18 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING OLocated in New Westminster near transit and all amenities OB51DF95GC?6D85B9F5B O Well maintained, new torch on roof O*53EB54E>45B7B?E>4@1B;9>7 O%5F5B1F131>3I OC;9>7 HUDGE PARMAR DON DUNCAN / CHRIS DRIVER / BRETT AURA FOR SALE - LILLOOET, BC FOR SALE: FORT ST.JOHN FRONTIER BUSINESS PARK OCA6D?6!>4ECDB91<2E9<49>7C O13B5C9D5 O$?45B>6139<9DI OC;9>7 BILL RANDALL PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. RANDY SWANT OB1>4>5G2E9<49>7?>13B5C OE<<I<51C54 OC;9>7 BILL RANDALL PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. FOR SALE – 10 ACRE 10.65 AC. RESIDENTIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT SITE LANGLEY COURT ORDERED SALE O?B>5B@B?@5BDI >D9B52<?3; O@1B35<CG9D8B5>D1<8?=5C O655D6B?>D175?>D8*DB55D O655D6B?>D175?>D8F5>E5 OC;9>7 HUDGE PARMAR PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. BURTON VANALSTINE OF1>D1CD93-95GCC<?@54DB554 OLocaD549>?>D85>5G541B-1<<5I Connector in Mission OZoned R+ 5C97>1D54,B21>?>35@D Multi-Family OC;9>7 BILL RANDALL PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. HUDGE PARMAR PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. NEW RETAIL DEVELOPMENT LANGLEY, BC 52,334 SQ.FT. ON 5.28 ACRES PORT COQUITLAM OPrime corner site aDD8*DB55D1>4 D8F5>E5 OCA6DC9D51>4CA6D building O*5BF939>7<?E35CD5BEC9>5CC'1B; O O4?3;7B1454??BC OPN3<51B O,@D?13B5C5HD5B>1<@1B;9>71B51 OEDEB5=E<D9 B5C945>D91<@?D5>D91< OC;9>7&><I$ NEW PRICE OCA6DM5H?6L356139<9DI OD5>1>395C O,@D?C61vailable for user OProminent business park, corner location O RICK EASTMAN RICK EASTMAN / PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. KEVIN VOLZ ALASTAIR FERGUSSON HUDGE PARMAR PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. BART VANSTAALDUINEN FOR SALE THE RIVIERA HOTEL BRAND NEW INVESTMENT PROPERTY IN GLOUCESTER WEST BROADWAY INVESTMENTS PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. O)?2C?>*DB55D-1>3?EF5B OB??=3?>3B5D58?D5<?>)?2C?>*DB55D O)5D19<?>7B?E>4M??B OC;9>7 DON DUNCAN / CHRIS DRIVER/ DON DUNCAN / CHRIS DRIVER / BRETT AURA BRETT AURA O%5GC69>4ECDB91<2E9<49>7?>13 OI51B<51C59>@<135G9D81CDB?>79>D5B>1D9?>1< tenant O$ B5DEB> O?>D13D<9CD9>7175>D6?B@B939>71>49>3?=5 structure OCDB1D13?==5B391<B5D19<E>9DC OE<<I<51C54 O WILLIAM N. HOBBS PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORP. ERIC WALKER Vancouver Office 604.683.3111 The information contained herein was obtained from sources which we deem reliable, and while thought to be correct, it is not guaranteed by Cushman & Wakefield. Kevin Meikle is licensed with K.H.M. Realty Ltd. and has a contractual relationship with Cushman & Wakefield. Peter Gibson is licensed with R.P.G. Realty Advisors Inc. and has a contractual relationship with Cushman & Wakefield. *Craig Haziza is licensed with CAH Realty Inc. and has a contractual relationship with Cushman & Wakefield Inc. *Mark Trepp is licensed with Foremara Holdings Corp and has a contractual relationship with Cushman Wakefield Inc. “Martin Delafontaine is licensed with Martin Delafontaine Realty Inc. and has a contractual relationship with Cushman & Wakefield Inc.” $0/5&/54.": 7"/$067&3 -08&3 ."*/-"/% 7"/$067&3 *4-"/% 4&$5*0/ 41&$*"-4&$5*0/ # HOT PROPERTIES FEATURES 19 0/5)&$07&3#JHQMBZFSTDIFDLJOHIPUFMEFBMT On the cover Robert Greer, principal with Avision Young: Burrard property only hotel sale in Vancouver in a year. Photo: Richard Lam 3&$3&"5*0/"-3&"-&45"5& "%7&35*4*/(%*3&$503: Foreclosures, falling occupancies create market bargains 25 4PBSJOHMBOEQSJDFTQVTIIJHIFSEFOTJUZSFUBJM At $1 million per acre, CRUs must replace open parking lots 29 /BOBJNPDIFFSTOFXNJMMMPTFTCJHUPXFS 31 %FBUIBOEUBYFTIBWFOFXNFBOJOHXJUI)45 2–26 -08&3."*/-"/% 3&"-&45"5& #64*/&440110356/*5*&4 11 4&37*$&4 27 4&"504,:46/4)*/& $0"453&(*0/ Commercial realtors still confident hub city on the rebound Download a PDF of all our Regional Roundups online at 28–35 7"/$067&3*4-"/% 3&"-&45"5& Funeral parlours among small biz fearful of tax regulations #64*/&440110356/*5*&4 COLUMNS .03&0110356/*5*&4 */5&3*03#$ "-#&35" 05)&31307*/$&4 '3"/$)*4&4 4&&4&$5*0/# 6 8&45&3/1&341&$5*7& 35 8)"5¤4)"11&/*/(*/#3*5*4)$0-6.#*" 6 0 4 - 6 6 9 - 8 5 0 0 o r 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 1 - 6 9 8 8 f a x : 6 0 4 - 6 6 9 - 2 1 5 4 i n f o @ w e s t e r n i n v e s t o r. c o m w w w. w e s t e r n i n v e s t o r. c o m 1 0 2 E a s t 4 t h A v e n u e , Va n c o u v e r, B . C . V 5 T 1 G 2 new industrial building for sale $2,375,000 20,000 sf new industrial building, 12 miles South of the Border. Lease guaranteed for 12 months by owner. $13,500 per month plus property taxes, insurance and utilities (sewer, water & power). usda approved meat processing plant Priced to sell at $1,525,000 Located in Lynden, very successful business. Price includes 5 acres, home, outbuilding and neat & clean processing plant. New equipment, freezers, plus new plant improvements. For additional information, call the office. RON BENNETT COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Ron Bennett COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL SURREY 2.3 ACRES CORNER OF BOLIVAR & 112 ST. ZONED CHI (HWY. COMM.) $2,750,000 READY TO GO (USN Ret.) / Owner - Broker LANGLEY 27449, 27465, 27571 60TH AVE. & 6028 272ND ST. 4 TITLES (ONE WITH BEAUTIFUL LOG HOME), CLOSE PROXIMITY TO IND. PARK, 5 RESIDENCES, RENTAL INCOME, GREAT HOLD! $3,950,000 SURREY 4.83 ACRES CAMPBELL HEIGHTS DESIGNATED BUSINESS OFFICE PARK HIGHLY EXPOSED 32 AVE. $3,150,000 MAPLE RIDGE 21 ACRES DESIGNATED (IL) LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, HWY FRONTAGE, RIVER FRONTAGE, HIGH END BUSINESS PARKFOR SALE/ LEASE – BUILD TO SUIT!!! AGASSIZ +/- 14,410 SQ. FT. FULLY LEASED COMMERCIAL BUILDING ON +/- 0.274 ACRE. ZONED CT-1 TOWN CENTRE COMM. $1.4M CHILLIWACK 17,000 SQ FOOT COMMERCIAL RETAIL & RESIDENTIAL SUITE ZONED C-3 TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL LOCATED IN CENTRAL CHILLIWACK FOR SALE ✓ VALUE FOR $ SUTTON GROUP WEST COAST REALTY ✓ CALL GOOD RETURN 1-360-671-9440 U LANGLEY (WILLOUGHBY) CHILLIWACK 13.9 ACRES, HWY 1 EXPOSURE. POTENTIAL M4/M6 IND. ZONING SUBDIVIDE AND BUILD TO SUIT ACREAGE CHILLIWACK 10,935 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOCATED ON A 0.55 ACRE PARCEL (CONSISTING OF 0.369 ACRES – 45860 CHEAM AVENUE & 0.1848 ACRES – 9070 BIRCH ST.). THE PROPERTY OFFERS ON-SITE PARKING AND GOOD TRAFFIC COUNT. THE BUILDING CONSISTS OF 3 OFFICE ORIENTED LEASE SPACES (CURRENT LEASES ARE IN PLACE) LANGLEY 48TH AVENUE & 216TH STREET TWO 22 ACRE PARCELS! LANGLEY 24 AVE. & 196 ST. NEXT TO S. SURREY BUS. OFFICE PARK. +/- 2.16 ACRES S. BROOKSWOOD AREA DESIGNATED MOBILE HOME PARK W/ A MAX DENSITY +/-8 UPA LANGLEY 27691 DOWNES ROAD 26 ACRES WITH LARGE SHOP AND BARN SURREY 13924 56TH AVENUE 4.225 ACRES POTENTIAL FOR 8 LOTS! CHILLIWACK 51140 RUDDOCK ROAD 27.098 ACRES WITH POTENTIAL FOR 11 LOTS! ✓ TENANT COVENANT TWO PARCELS LOCATED WITHIN RAPIDLY DEVELOPING YORKSON NP 1ST PARCEL: 2.5 ACRES DESIGNATED TOWNHOUSE (1525 UPA) 2ND PARCEL: 2.42 ACRES DESIGNATED RESIDENTIAL 8-10 UPA ✓ UPSIDE SURREY 188TH STREET AND 80TH AVENUE 4.915 ACRES WITH FUTURE POTENTIAL FOR LEASE CHILLIWACK +/- 2,484 SQ.FT. OF SHOWROOM/OFFICE/MEZZANINE COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ZONING EXCELLENT HIGHWAY EXPOSURE! 9 STALLS SHARED PARKING FENCED COMPOUND ✓ CAREFREE fax 604-888-3261 Don Munro 604-817-7338 [email protected] A4 Lower Mainland ROYAL PACIFIC REALTY CORP 604 202 0424 [email protected] BUSINESSES FOR SALE REDUCED Health Fast Food V/W ..............$79,900 Sports Retail Store F/T ..............$59,900 TOO LATE TOO LATE Pita Restaurant W/R .............. $149,000 Industrial Equipment & Supplies B/S includes inventory ............ $235,000 Salad Loop F/T .......................$269,000 Commercial Computer, Sales REDUCED & Service Partnership ............ $285,000 Food Manufacurer/Distributor L/M ....................................... $438,000 Quality Boat Manufacturer .... $458,000 C-STORE WITH PRODUCE + DELI 5791, 176th ST, Cloverdale $3 - 3500 daily sales with or w/ out Prop Asking $199,000 OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE TO BUY OR SELL YOUR BUSINESS OR PROPERTY CALL NEED QUALITY LISTINGS ALL TYPES – HAVE BUYERS GARRY A. WAHL A.Sc.T. PRESIDENT of W.B.B.A., MEMBER, COMM. DIVI. SUTTON GROUP- WEST COAST REALTY PH: (604) 230-6359 EMAIL: [email protected] FAX: (604) 531-2562 Vancouver, BC So on 1419 Pendrell Street Pendrell Suites 795 Keefer Street Steve Fame Vancouver, BC C om in g The must see West End listing of the year! A classic, always admired, rarely seen, until now! Steve Fame John Gee Sale 50610 Trans Canada Highway Boston Bar, BC 3 properties, 12 units, strathcona triple play. 6.47% projected yield. $2,795,000 Steve Fame 40 mobile home pads, 3 RV pads all located on a 25.5 acre setting. Owen Yates John Gee $1,388,000 COURT ORDERED SALES Panorama Ridge Surrey, BC TEL: 604.681.4111 Albion Slopes Maple Ridge, BC ic 4.05 Acres, Industrial Land S/S ........................................$3.68 Mil ASK ABOUT OTHERS $1,988,000 RESTAURANTS FOR SALE a) W Broadway $225,000 b) Robson ST $175,000 Major Restaurant Franchise W/R ...................................... $650,000 INVESTOR WANTS BUSINESS WITH MINIMUM ASSETS OF $35 MILLION 31 SRA units and ±3,000 SF of retail space. Heart of Gastown. BRAND NEW IL ZONED WAREHOUSE 4029 SF, Bodyshop/automobile OK 3993, HASTINGS ST, BNB C-Store daily $ 2-2200 Asking $88,000 12.1 Acres, Whistler .................$1.0 Mil 33 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC BRAND NEW BUILDING ANCHORED BY 7-ELEVEN 14410-108 AVE, Surrey Projected NOI 165,000 Asking $ 3.35 Million PLAZA NEXT TO CORNER OF 72AVE & 120ST Concrete tilt up, CD Zoned, 1.683 Acres, 32,000 SF Built-up, 85 parking stalls @6.5% cap Asking $7,200,000.00 TEL: 604.681.4111 e Peter Zebroff MULTIFAMILY JAVA HUT FRANCHISE FOR SALE #304, 6361 152ND STSurrey Asking $350,000.00 FAST FOOD FRANCHISE RESTAURANT FOR SALE IN DELTA Asking $435,000 Pr 10 br, 8 baths, 3 kitchens and squash court PLA to subdivide one half acre lot off 1.17 acre without changing existing house Asking $1,500,000 Investment Opportunities d SOUTH SURREY FAMILY PARADISE 5860 SF Colliers International ed uc e 85 seats grossing $100,000/mo for 14 years Reasonable lease rate for next 12 years Vendor may carry up to 50% Asking Price: $899,999 MAURYA RESTAURANT BLDG 1641, 1643 W Broadway, Van NOI 137,280 Rent goes up by 10% in 2012 Res. Studio suite + 1 car parking for owner Asking $ 3.75 Million R NEIGHBOURHOOD PUB GREATER VANCOUVER MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR 9.26 acre residential land opportunity in Panorama Ridge area. Sam Nakhleh* $4,900,000 Jas Sandhu 38.5 acre single family and multifamily development site. Manjit Claire, Morgan Dyer Sale Hart Buck 760 Queens Street 9685 Agur Street Victoria, BC Summerland, BC Contact Praveen Bajaj 778-858-0459 [email protected] Coastal Rlty Ltd 87 unit hotel/apartment building on 23,022 SF lot. Hart Buck $6,100,000 Grant Evans 30,000 SF industrial building ideal for manufacturing on 2.65 acre lot. Hart Buck $2,795,000 Eric Weber* UNIQUE PROPERTIES Tel: 604.681.4111 WFP - South Island Portfolio Vancouver Island, BC Golden Eagle Shores Forestry/recreational land portfolio with 34 titles. 4,600 acres. Mark Lester*, John Boer Sale Alan Johnson 90 acres of waterfront on Okanagan Lake. Development potential. Alan Johnson Sale Mark Lester* Port Sidney Marina Kingzett Lake Port Sidney, BC Premium full service marina with 35,000 lineal feet of moorage. Mark Lester*, Alan Johnson $22,500,000 Ken Cloak Vancouver Island, BC 568 acres of prime development land on Vancouver Island. Mark Lester* $6,950,000 Alan Johnson The Unique Properties Marketing Group is a team of experienced real estate professionals dedicated to providing superior brokerage and advisory services relating to specialty real estate assets including; private islands and waterfront estates, exclusive ranch properties, agricultural portfolios, resort and recreational properties, golf courses, ski resorts, marinas, timber and resource properties, land development opportunities and much more. * Personal Real Estate Corporation. PO#10920 Vernon, BC Lower Mainland A5 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 APARTMENT BUILDING SPECIALIST KITSILANO NEW WESTMINSTER ALDERGROVE 22 Units – Walk to beach Sought after location Gross Income $284,705 22 Units – Near Skytrain Owner operated 30 years Gross Income $216,917 11 Units Commercial/Residential Mix Recently renovated Gross Income $88,704 PORT ALBERNI LANGLEY EAST VANCOUVER 37 Units – 2 buildings Downtown central location Excellent Cap Rate at 7.71% 11 Units – Totally renovated Stable tenant base Gross Income $111,672 14 - 2 Bedroom Units Balconies, garages, 5 appliances Gross Income $148,294 Plus many other listings! Visit our website at for more information. SELLING YOUR COMMERCIAL PROPERTY? CALL us TODAY! Lindsey Gauthier 604.798.2977 [email protected] 6"*ÊUÊ1ÊUÊ-,6 Angela Gauthier 604.798.2970 [email protected] -* < Ê Ê/Ê6"* /]Ê 1 Ê Ê-,6 Ê"Ê- Ê Ê 1/9Ê "1 /Land use due diligence, preliminary design consulting ◆ Pre-construction phase: estimating, scheduling and coordination of consultants ◆ In-house team of professionals capable of managing multiple projects ◆ Extensive network of consultants, suppliers and sub trades ◆ 1 COMPLETE BLOCK COMMERCIAL STRIP MALL CHILLIWACK ÊÃ}ÊÊ$2,400,000 È°Ç¯Ê >« 12 tenants, fully leased Land: 32,661 sq ft (approximately) Building: 18,462 sq ft (approximately) UÊVÕ`iÃÊ{ÊÌÌiÃ]Ê<}Ê Ó°Ê CHILLIWACK/ AGASSIZ $750,000 7% CAP w/ excellent covenant Land: 8,407 sq ft (approximately) Building: approx 2,813 sq ft UÊ £äÊ Þi>ÀÊ i>ÃiÊ ÜÌ Ê £äÊ Þi>ÀÊ «Ì] triple net lease. $4375/month triple. UÊ ÕÀÀiÌÊViÀV>Ê>««À>Ã>Ê ÊÊiLÊÉ£äÊvÀÊ$740,000. 8705 YOUNG RD CHILLIWACK 30,000 credit back on next firm deal! UÊ iÜÊ iÀV>É,iÌ>Ê1ÌÃÊÀÊ->iÊÊ9Õ}Ê,` UÊ £ÇÊÕÌðÊÕÌ«iÊÕÌÃÊ>Û>>LiÊ>««ÀÝÊÇ{ÈÊõÊvÌÊqÊnÈÈÎÊõÊvÌ UÊ ÀiiÃÌ>`}ÊÕ`}ÊÓÊ}Ài>ÌÊvÀÊÀiÃÌ>ÕÀ>Ì]ÊëÀÌÃÊÀÊVÌ }ÊÃÌÀi UÊ Ài>ÌÊ««ÀÌÕÌÞÊvÀÊ>ÊLÕÃiÃÃÊÜiÀÊÌÊÜÊÌ iÀÊÜÊÕÌ°Ê UÊ iÌÊÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊ}ÀÕ`ÊvÀÊEÊ«VÊÞÕÀÊÕÌÊÌ`>Þ°ÊÀi>ÌÊ«ÀVið ÓäÊ9,-Ê"Ê8*, Ê Ê1 Ê- Ê9]Ê 1/,- /ÊEÊ ", Ê*," /- 9ÕÀÊ*ÀiVÌÊ-Ì>ÀÌÃÊiÀi Contact: CHILLIWACK Building 1 Unit SQFT 101 809 102 809 103 809 104 746 Building 3 Unit SQFT 301 1018 302 899 303 899 304 899 DARREN JOHNSON Price SOLD SOLD $199,000 $183,000 Price $282,000 $220,000 $220,000 $220,000 Building 2 Unit SQFT 201 1809 Price $556,000 Building 4 Unit SQFT 401 1666 402 1081 403 1201 404 1081 Price $410,000 $249,000 $277,000 $249,000 604.888.1717 email: [email protected] ANDY ADAMS 604-273-3155 YOUR BUSINESS HERE! CHILLIWACK Laundromat and Car Wash ........$49,000 Priced to sell Cash business, 22 washers, 19 dryers, 3 bay car wash, pet wash Vendor motivated. Owner retiring. Assets only (No books) LEASE SPACE 9256 Main St 1200 sqft $1,000/mo 9248 (B) Main St 650 sqft $550/mo 9242(A) Main St 1000 sqft $900/mo sutton group showplace realty ltd. 46263 Yale Rd 800 sqft $900/mo 46260 Yale Rd 1800sqft $1800/mo 1-888-355-6771 PETER ADAMS 2 Auto Repair Centres in Richmond Connected to major oil co. Buy separately or take both! $250,000/$275,000 Call TODAY for our complimentary marketing package! Richmond Grocery / Convenience Store Busy Corner Location Next to Large new Daycare! Historic Steveston Established Ice Cream Shoppe Ready for Summer Qualified Clients Looking for Strip Malls, Pubs and Acreages A6 Lower Mainland MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR )45DPVMENBLF#$BQSPWJODFPGPVUMBXT * f the B.C. government proceeds with the planned introduction of the 12 per cent harmonized sales tax, it will create a province of outlaws. In fact scores of companies are already breaking the law and thousands of consumers will likely join them when the HST kicks in. A long-shot chance to kill the controversial tax, led by former premier Bill Vander Zalm, has until June to amass 300,000 signatures under the Recall and Initiative Act – 10 per cent of registered voters in each of B.C.’s 85 electoral districts. We wish the canvassers well, but the odds are not in their favour, despite the fact that 80 per cent of B.C. residents oppose the new tax. Even if enough people sign on, the Liberal government could use their majority to kill the initiative if it ever comes to a vote. So the HST will very likely come into effect in B.C. on July 1, and the illegal activities will begin. Many B.C. consumers, who have swallowed the carbon tax and recent fee increases on everything from hydro bills to camping fees and ferry fares may feel that the HST is the last straw. The law-breaking is already blatant. It is illegal, for instance, to advertise that consumers can “beat the HST” if they buy before July 1, yet such ads are running today across the province. Under expected changes to the “placeof-supply-rules” it would be illegal to buy materials in HST-exempt Alberta and bring them into B.C. without paying the tax. Also, someone in B.C. selling a product into HST-free zones will likely have to charge the HST. Or would a company set up a dummy address in another province or country to avoid the tax? In Blaine, WA, for instance there are already hundreds of post office boxes owned by Canadians, who may be tempted to use the U.S. address to avoid the HST. Planning a home renovation? If you hire a legitimate contractor, he or she will have to charge you 12 per cent, including the first provincial tax of 7 per cent on labour. “We expect a huge spike in underground renovations,” a top Vancouver renovator told us, “people are already asking me if I will work [illegally] for all cash.” Want a haircut? It will cost you 12 per cent more, unless you visit a “friend” who will cut it for cash – and there will be a lot more of these friends around. 8&45&3/ 1&341&$5*7& The HST has many crime-inducing wrinkles. Some B.C. condominium investors, for instance, have pre-purchased new units to rent with the belief that they will be able to qualify for the HST rebate on new homes. But there is no guarantee. Would it be possible that the builder could “live in” the unit for a few months so it will qualify as a resale, exempt from the tax? After all, the HST on a new $700,000 townhouse is $57,500, even after the $26,500 rebate. It took very little imagination to bring in the HST. The real innovation will be seen in the ways that consumers find to avoid it, which, of course, we don’t recommend or condone. /&95.0/5) Western Investor presents a report on waterfront real estate – and there are some deals to be had. We also present a primer on buying foreclosures, update native land developments and carry special recreational coverage on fishing lodges. Our regional reporters file from Grande Prairie, Kamloops, Steinbach and Ucluelet. Publisher Cheryl Carter Editor Frank O’Brien Contributing Writers, Susan M. Boyce, Dave Husdal, Geoff Kirbyson, Glen Korstrom, Peter Mitham, Kevan O’Brien, Andrew Petrozzi, Stephen Pyle, Joe Ralko, Copy Editor Baila Lazarus Production Manager Rob Benac Production Natalie Reynolds, David Tong, Tanya Van Advertising Sales Manager Christine Campbell Advertising Sales Paul Douglas, Gary Takahashi Office Assistant Angela Foster Accounts Receivable Yvonne Posch Circulation Vera Irani, Newsstands Globe Distribution Services Printed in Canada at Kodiak. Western Investor is published monthly by BIV Media Limited Partnership VANCOUVER – HEAD OFFICE: 102 East 4th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V5T 1G2 Subscriptions and Advertising Sales Tel: 604-669-8500 Fax: 604-669-2154 Canada/U.S. toll-free: 1-800-661-6988 Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba Advertising Sales toll-free: 1-888606-6267. Canadian publications mail product sales agreement #40069240, GST #105655567. Copyright 2002. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of articles and advertising that appear in each edition of Western Investor, the publisher may not be held responsible for any errors or omissions that may from time to time occur. No part of this publication may be quoted or reprinted in any medium without the express written permission of BIV Media Limited Partnership. ADVERTISING DEADLINE FRANK O’BRIEN June 2010 issue: May 10, 2010 EDITOR [email protected] G ET I N T OU C H W I T H Y O U R I N N E R P E R F E C T I O N I S T. 2010 Lexus ES 350 MSRP CASH PURCHASE ADJUSTMENT CASH PURCHASE PRICE Includes Freight and PDI 43,845 $ 3,000 $ 40,845 $ * ** *** YOUR NORTHSHORE LUXURY STORE Lease or Finance 1.9% *MSRP for 2010 Lexus ES 350 sfx‘A’ is $43,845, which includes freight and PDI ($1895.). Battery, A/C and tire levies ($130), taxes, insurance and registration are extra. Cash Purchase price for ES 350 is ***$40,845 after cash discount of $3000. **3,000 Cash Incentive offer available on 2010 ES 350 models for all retail customers. $3000 cash purchase incentive is not available to customers who lease or purchase through Lexus Financial Services at a special rate of interest offered by Lexus as part of a low rate interest program. Lease and fi nance rates of 1.9% up to 48 months are based on approved credit. Offer expires at month’s end unless extended or revised. See Jim Pattison Lexus Northshore for complete details. Bob Scragg 4 604-982-0033 phone: 604-290-2906 email: [email protected] VANCOUVER ESTATE Most prestigious estate in Vancouver 3.5 Acres – 14,000 sq ft home. Indoor & outdoor pool, tennis court, 6-horse stable, ½ acre lake. $16,500,000 VANCOUVER 16 8 21 INDUSTRIAL LOTS $400,000 WAREHOUSE for lease/sale 4,000 SQ FT WAREHOUSE $800,000 INDUSTRIAL RICHMOND 5 acres & 13 acres SCHOOL RICHMOND 1.7 Acres on two parcels (.85 Acres ea.) 7 Classrooms, gymnasium, playground. View at $2,750,000 SURREY 17 Acres (rail) & 3 acres WHISTLER 16 Acres lease / option, D1130 Lower Mainland A7 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 For more information visit our website Vancouver Office 604 687 7331 s FOR SALE – 7770 & 8398 North Fraser Way, Burnaby s2AREINDUSTRIALDEVELOPMENTSITE sACRESNONCONTIGUOUS s#$--:ONING FEATURE LISTING FOR SALE / FOR LEASE 13450 Gateway Drive, 13479 108th Avenue, Surrey Gateway Business Park s2ARE3KY4RAIN$EVELOPMENT3ITE s,OCATEDADJACENTTHE'ATEWAY3KY4RAIN3TATION sSTOPFROM3URREY#ITY#ENTRE s(IGHDENSITYMIXEDUSEZONING s3ITESIZEnAPPROXIMATELYSF s5PTOMILLIONSFOFBUILDABLEAREAAVAILABLE s!PPROVED$EVELOPMENT0ERMIT!PPLICATION s/FlCERETAILRESIDENTIALUSESAPPROVED s0RE,EASE"UILTTO3UITOPPORTUNITIES s*OINT6ENTURE/PPORTUNITY s,%%$'OLD$EVELOPMENT %BSSFMM)VSTU #JMM&MMJPUU EIVSTU!BZCDDPN s CFMMJPUU!BZCDDPN FOR SALE – 1518 Columbia Street, North Vancouver s#URRENTLYSEPARATEDINTOUNITS E D s:ONED) IC C E PRDU s E .BSL)BOOBI.BUU5IPNBT,ZMF#MZUI FOR SALE – 8424 Aitken Road, Chilliwack sACRESGROSSSITEAREA s-(EAVY)NDUSTRIAL:ONING s FOR SALE – 144 & 174 176th Street, Surrey s#/524/2$%2%$3!,% s,OCATEDAT0ACIlC(WYTRUCKCROSSING sACRESWITHDEVELOPMENTPOTENTIAL s .JDIBFM'BSSFMM+PIO&BLJO FOR SALE – 12294 104th Avenue, Surrey sACRES sSFMETALCLADBUILDING s3EVENTENANTSWITHNETLEASES s .JDIBFM'BSSFMM+PIO&BLJO FOR SALE – 9771 186th Street, Surrey sSFTOSFBUILDING s'EOTECHANDENVIRONMENTALREPORTSAREAVAILABLE s"UILDINGCONCEPTSAVAILABLE s2.86 acres .JDIBFM'BSSFMM+PIO&BLJO R .BUU5IPNBT,ZMF#MZUI SOLD – Burrard Motor Inn, Vancouver s2ETAIL(OTEL0ROPERTY s,ONGTERMREDEVELOPMENTPOTENTIAL LD s0RIMEDOWNTOWNSITE SO 3PC(SFFS.BSL)BOOBI.BUUIFX$SBJH .JDIBFM'BSSFMM+PIO&BLJO SOLD – 79 Acres of Residential Land s,OCATEDONTHEBORDEROF7EST6ANCOUVER LD s3ITUATEDONTHE3EATO3KY(IGHWAY SO s!MAZINGVIEWS 3PC(SFFS.BSL)BOOBI FOR SALE – 550 Denman Street, Vancouver s/WNER5SER)NVESTMENT/PPORTUNITY s3PECTACULAR7ATERFRONT,OCATION s4WO-ARINA3LIPS!VAILABLE s .BUU4BVOEFST FOR SALE – Chemainus Retail Properties, Chemainus s4ENANTSINCLUDE"#,IQUOR3TORE2EXALL$RUGS )SLAND3AVINGS#HEMAINUS&OODS s#AP2ATE FOR SALE – 7217 Lantzville Road, Nanaimo s,ANTZVILLE0LAZA2ETAIL#ENTRE E D s#AP2ATE IC C E PRDU s4ENANTSINCLUDE#ANADA0OST$UNDEE3ECURITIES E R s .BUU4BVOEFST FOR SALE - 22 Unit Multi-Family, Campbell River FOR SALE – 92 East Hastings Street, Vancouver sSF$EVELOPMENT3ITE T ER C s$OWNTOWN%ASTSIDE D RA N U NT s%XISTINGSFBUILDING O C s .BSL)BOOBI3PC(SFFS SOLD – 1115 Hornby Street, Vancouver s$OWNTOWN6ANCOUVERDEVELOPMENTSITEWITH D HOLDINGINCOMEnSF L O s#LOSEPROXIMITYTO3T0AULS(OSPITALANDTHE S 7ALL#ENTRECOMPLEX .BSL)BOOBI3PC(SFFS FOR SALE – 1298 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver sUNITMULTIFAMILYAPARTMENTBUILDING s5PGRADESCOMPLETEDBETWEEN sTOTALGROSSREVENUENOVACANCY s 3PC(SFFS"OHFM(SPWFS.BSL)BOOBI FOR SALE – 46278 Yale Road, Chilliwack s%XCELLENTSUITEMIX s#OMPLETELYRENOVATED s3UB#AP2ATE s!TTRACTIVE#-(#!SSUMABLE&INANCING 3PC(SFFS"OHFM(SPWFS FOR SALE – 4862 & 4866 Fraser Street, Vancouver s0RIME2ETAIL3PACE s)MMEDIATELY.ORTHOF&RASERRD!VENUE sSF s 4BNVFM'PHFMM FOR SALE FOR SALE – Award Winning Heritage Office Bldg., Cranbrook s3ALELEASEBACKOFSFATSF s,ARGESTOFlCEBUILDINGINTHE%AST+OOTENAYS sSFFREESTANDINGBUILDING sprojected cap rate 4BNVFM'PHFMM(BSZ4DISBNN E D IC C E R P DU E R .BUU4BVOEFST%PVHMBT.D.VSSBZ s'REATSUITEMIX s4ENANTSPAYFORHOTWATERELECTRICITY s$1,200,000 3PC(SFFS.BUU4BVOEFST 1550 East Hastings Street, Vancouver s0RIME#OMMERCIAL0ROPERTY s(IGHTRAFlCEXPOSURE sSFSITEFEATURESEXISTINGBUILDING s&ORMER-AZDADEALERSHIP s 1595 East Pender Street, Vancouver sSFSITE sSFBUILDING s .BSL)BOOBI3PC(SFFS4USVBO4BEEMFS A8 Lower Mainland MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR THERE’S MORE TO THE PERFECT SPACE THAN JUST SPACE. The information you need to make smart real estate decisions is not always easy to find. Get a Commercial REALTOR®’S perspective and find the perfect space for your business. The REALTOR® trademark is controlled by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identifies real estate professionals who are members of CREA. A9 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 FEATURE Forget mills and mines: regional hospitals now major job generators across British Columbia 3FBMQPXFSDFOUSFT SUSAN M. BOYCE WESTERN INVESTOR magine a new state-of-the-art B.C. manufacturing plant or pulp mill that is non-polluting, has unlimited client demand and hires hundreds of people, paying each close to six figures a year. Such a private-sector play remains a dream – but when it comes to medical facilities it is the new reality. * Photo: Northern Health Authority 'PSU4U+PIO Photo: Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre Regional hospitals are becoming the latest power centres for employment in urban and rural B.C. – and the growth appears unlimited in a sector where provincial spending is expected to reach $16 billion annually by 2013. B.C.’s silver-haired population is the fastest growing in Canada, and projections suggest that within the next decade the number of people retiring here will outpace those entering the workforce, and the number of residents over the age of 65 will overtake the number of the province’s school-aged children. Almost every regional health authority lays claim to servicing the “fastest growing” seniors population in B.C., but one thing is undeniable: as this chronological schism becomes increasingly more pronounced, demand for medical services – especially long-term care and treatment of chronic diseases most often associated with the elderly – will rise dramatically. However, no matter where the grey wave is strongest, the demand translates into the potential for hospitals and medical services to become big-time economic drivers. Since 2001, the province has invested $5 billion in hospital construction and upgrades and has earmarked a further $2.5 billion in capital projects over the next three years. patients were admitted and 1,342 discharged, 817 CAT scans and 138 MRIs were performed, and approximately 3,900 people were admitted to emergency. With emergency room visits alone predicted to top 45,000 per year, it’s small wonder Willis says the facility’s 1,300stall parkade is already often maxed out. ABOVE: Abbotsford’s new $355 million regional hospital: 5,000 full-time jobs. INSET: The $297.9 million Fort St John Hospital and Residential Care project is being built on a 40-acre site: It is creating well-paid jobs in a hard-hit northern B.C. community. Centre (ARHCC) opened on August 24, 2008, and is visionary in designing what many consider the new breed of regional hospital. This is the first acute-care hospital in Canada built to LEED gold standards as well as Western Canada’s first acute-care hospital built using the public private-partnership (P3) model common in other government projects. “This is the same model used to build the Sea-to-Sky Highway and the Canada Line Rapid Transit expansion among many others,” notes ARHCC general manager Doug Willis, adding his prediction that P3 will soon become the way of the future in the medical-provider sector. A 56,000-square-metre (600,000-squarefoot) state-of-the-art facility that provides a vast array of much needed services including GVMMUJNFKPCT Leading the way for a new model of pro- MRI, general surgery, nuclear medicine, renal curement, the award-winning $355 million dialysis, specialized obstetrics and pediatric Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer services, the facility is a community hospital to 150,000 Abbotsford residents and a regional referral hospital for 330,000 residents in the Fraser Valley. It also offers several enhanced programs, including a new, fully integrated cancer treatment centre as part of the BC Cancer Agency provincial network. Like other capital projects, the economic spin-off commenced long before the first patient was admitted. During the approximately three and a half years it took to go from vision to reality, Willis indicates there were upwards of 600 construction jobs created – many of them providing long-term employment for local residents. Specialists were also recruited from across the country when necessary. Today, the hospital employs some 5,000 people (including associated non-clinical support services and maintenance). During the first month of operation alone, 148 babies were delivered, 542 surgeries were performed, 1,555 Covering almost two thirds of BC, the Northern Health Authority is geographically the largest of the province’s five medical areas but with a population only now approaching 350,000. Currently the largest of eight capital projects with budgets of $2 million or more, the $297.9 million Fort St John Hospital and Residential Care project is being built on a 40-acre parcel of land donated by the City of Fort St John. Replacing an aging 1962 facility, this 5,000-square-metre (54,000-square-foot) development will include a 55-bed acute-care hospital (an increase of 11 from the existing facility’s 44 beds), a 123-bed residential-care facility and an integrated services centre for food, laundry and other services. The emergency department’s size will be more than double that of the existing ER, and two new operating rooms, an endoscopy suite and single-room maternity care will be added. Like the one in Abbotsford, this hospital will be designed to achieve LEED gold certification and is a fixed-price P3 project between Northern Health and ISL Health. ISL will design, build, finance and maintain the new facilities over the 30-year contract leaving Northern Health to provide the clinical and medical care. Opening is anticipated for summer 2012. $SBOCSPPL In Cranbrook, a $32 million 69-bed expansion to East Kootenay Regional Hospital has been recently completed to bring full regional referral services including obstetrics, internal medicine, general surgery and orthopedic surgery to the eastern most part of the Interior Please see Jobs page A10 -PXFS.BJOMBOE FOR LEASE INVESTORS WANTING TO BUY! We need properties, Lower Mainland, LARGE OFFICE SPACE. 3464 sq. ft. Good locations. $1 Million - $5 Million 5 private offices, small kitchenette, 10 with good cap rate of 5% +++ parking. Please call Sandi FOR SALE FOR LEASE OR SALE NEW LISTI NG Nicely Improved office space. North PRIME YALETOWN OFFICE SPACE – 1,417 sq. ft. or 1,391 sq ft with parking. Vancouver, close to Capilano Rd and Lions Gate Bridge, 1,503 sq. ft. Please call Sandi Please Call Sandi Dexter Associates Realty Commercial Real Estate, Your Trusted Advisors: Larry Traverence, Sandi Fratino Call 604-689-8226 for results “We are focused on achieving the results YOU want.” A10 Lower Mainland TOWNHOUSE BUILDING SITES Call Re: 50 to 75 unit properties in Maple Ridge & Surrey with 3rd reading approval. BUILD TWO MANSIONS Fabulous Panorama Heights with Fabulous $4,500,000 ocean view. INVEST WITH HUGE BONUS Large rental building with apartment Condo site included (150+ unit site). Top downtown Abbotsford location. RAY LEWIS West Coast Realty Langley 604-812-9733 Eg^bZHigViVHeVXZKVcXdjkZg &*)+LZhi'cY6kZ# :mXZaaZcihidgZ[gdcijc^i^c 6GI=JG:G>8@HDCÉhVlVgYl^cc^c\ LViZg[Vaa7j^aY^c\# sPrime high traffic locations#LOSETOTRANSIT'RANVILLE)SL s,OTSPUBLICPARKINGs"EAUTIFULLYRENOVATED s/FFERED $560,0000LUSOPTIONFOR"USINESS BVgn:aaZcBVVh^` +%)"+*,"--+* bbVVh^`5hjiidc#Xdb MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR tors and researchers who will be graduating from our university and will help to meet the Health Authority’s service area. In a region increasing demand for medical services in our hard-hit by the declining natural resources communities,” said Kelowna-Lake Country sector, 800 direct jobs plus spin-off services MLA Norm Letnick. give a welcome boost to the local economy. A replacement gamma ray camera has also been 7BODPVWFS*TMBOE approved so nuclear medicine diagnostic test- On Vancouver Island, the 500-bed, $280 miling can be carried out locally rather than neces- lion expansion to Victoria’s Jubilee Hospital is sitating a trip to Kelowna. well underway with approximately 620 on-site Long known as a destination for active retir- construction jobs – many highly specialized ees, Kelowna received an ancillary economic trades people – and another 75 positions being boost to their flagging residential construction filled by professionals, including architects and industry earlier this year with funding approved planners. for a new Interior Heart and Surgical Centre “In hospital construction, it’s typical for 30 expansion at the Kelowna General Hospital. to 35 per cent of the construction trades to be The new facility will include a 12,970 in electrical and mechanical because requiresquare-metre (139,590-square-foot) building to ments are more stringent and technical than house the Interior Heart and Surgical Centre, a other commercial/industrial construction,” new 7,850-square-metre (84,570-square-foot) said Rudy Van de Broek, chief project officer clinical support building, and renovations to for the Vancouver Island Health Authority. the existing Royal and Strathcona buildings. Requirements, he explains, include 100 per The Central Okanagan Regional Hospital cent HEPA air filtration, acid waste discharge District will contribute approximately $91.3 capacity, lead lining in radiology rooms and million to the $448.2 million cost, with the bal- electrical cables entirely encased in separate ance coming out of provincial coffers. conduits. Over the life of the project, the Interior Heart Also, a new $18.8 million emergency room and Surgical Centre is expected to create more is being completed at Victoria General than 2,800 construction-related jobs. Once fully Hospital. operational in 2012, the centre will allow some In Nanaimo, the Vancouver Island Health 1,600 cardiac patients each year to receive the Authority has taken bids for the $38.6 million care they need closer to home and will make expansion of the Nanaimo Regional Hospital. Kelowna the fifth area of the province to pro- Work on a new parking lot and access road is vide a complete cardiac program. already underway, and work on the new emer“This centre will also provide jobs for doc- gency room will start this summer.◆ +0#4from A9 'VOEJOHDIBOHFGPS QSJWBUFSFTJEFODFT B eginning this year, B.C.’s publicly funded residential-care system underwent a change in payment structure. Effective January 2010, residential-care clients pay minimum monthly client rate of $894.40 or 80 per cent of their after-tax income to a maximum of $2,932 per month. This new structure is anticipated to allow most clients a minimum of $275 a month to cover personal expenses and incidentals, however a case-by-case hardship review is available to ensure no one is turned away due to financial restrictions. Private-pay facilities come with a broad range of pricing. A comfortable, independent-living studio-style apartment with meals provided typically runs between $2,200 and $2,600 per month in Vancouver, $1,800 and up per month in other areas of the province. However, high-end facilities that resemble a fivestar hotel more than a hospital can easily exceed $4,500 per month. Once extendedcare is require, it’s all but impossible to find any private pay residences with rates below $5,000 per month. In both cases, waiting times can be months or even years in the case of the most prestigious facilities, although privatepay typically has shorter waiting lists. SUTTON WEST COAST REALTY LTD VIETNAMESE RESTAURANT ALDERGROVE, BC • High traffic mall location • Open 7 days per week • 50 seat license • Established 3 years • Modern kitchen & fixtures Priced at only $98,000 and open to offers. Hurry for this opportunity! INVESTOR ALERT! PRIME DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY NEW WESTMINSTER BC - UPTOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD - NEAR ROYAL CITY CENTRE !002/6%$s5.)43s2%3)$%.4)!,,)6%7/2+ SFs34/2%9()'(2)3%4/7%2 $4,588,000 ).&/0!#+!'%!6!),!",% START CONSTRUCTION TODAY! For more information, contact DON FORSYTHE 604-520-6829 KE Worldwide Real Estate Services DON EDRA 778-858-9566 [email protected] KEN EDRA 604-307-6889 [email protected] Lower Mainland A11 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 " 5 ) , $ % 2 3 s $ % 6 % , / 0 % 2 3 2 % ! ,4 / 2 3 s ) . 6 % 3 4 / 2 3 We can arrange MORTGAGE FUNDS for all your Commercial or Industrial Needs LEAKY CONDO FINANCING Full Building Repairs & Upgrades PFS Paramount Financial Services div. of Paramount Holdings Ltd. MORTGAGES Commercial - Industrial - Multi-Residential 604-552-4392 All inquiries to [email protected] or phone Bob Williams @ 604-533-8288 Experienced Commercial Financing Specialist. Financing solutions for all situations. Commercial Mortgages, Land Development & Construction Financing, Business Lending, Leasing Phone: 604 510 0030 Email: [email protected] BUSINESS LOANS Acquisitions - Expansion - Equipment - A/R Full Property Management Services (Residential and Commercial) including Facility Management Services in Victoria and Prince Rupert, B.C. Contact Duncan MacKenzie 1-250-658-8060 [email protected] Commercial / Private Mortgages Been turned down by your lender for financing? Need quick funds? No mortgage is too big or too small. Call me now for a FAST APPROVAL! AJIT HUNDAL TMG The Mortgage Group Canada Telephone: 604-614-6899 Toll Free: 1-866-614-6899 COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES FOR ALL TYPES OF COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: - Apartment buildings - Multi-Family & Mixed-Use - Retail/Strata Office/Warehouse - Hotel/Motel - Land acquisition/servicing - Construction/Development Loans • Fast Approval • Purchase or Refinance The Origin Group — Mike Lee 604-565-6370 1-877-848-6370 Email: [email protected] BRITISH COLUMBIA Commercial Mortgage Financing Brian D. Kennedy 604-331-2211 Jonathan P. Wong 604-331-2218 MORTGAGE FINANCING For all your real estate financing needs s$OMINION,ENDING#ENTRESARE#ANADASPREMIERONLINEMORTGAGELENDERANDONE OFTHEFASTESTGROWINGMORTGAGECOMPANIESNATIONWIDE s$OMINION,ENDINGPROVIDESPRIMECOMMERCIALFINANCINGFORAWIDERANGEOF COMMERCIALPROJECTSSUCHAS s-ULTIFAMILYRESIDENTIALRENTAL#-(#CONVENTIONAL s#ONDOMINIUMINTERIMCONSTRUCTION#-(#CONVENTIONAL s/FFICEn2ETAILn)NDUSTRIALn(OSPITALITYn-IXED5SE s#ONGREGATECAREASSISTEDLIVINGnLAND s-ORTGAGEDEBTCONSULTATIONANDRESTRUCTURING For further information regarding Dominion Lending and our lending parameters, please contact: (--IKE3METHURST Dominion Lending Centres Westcoast n-ARINE$RIVE 7EST6ANCOUVER"#64" Phone: Fax: Email:MSMETHURST DOMINIONLENDINGCA ALBERTA Dennis K. Aitken 403-205-8203 Doug G. Eveneshen 403-205-8202 As an APPROVED LENDER CMHC CORRESPONDENT, we are able to provide you with the most competitive terms available. Enquiries invited. A12 Lower Mainland MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR Each office is independently owned and operated. WAREHOUSE SALE 1588 sq ft warehouse and finished office upstairs. Bylaws require clean quiet type of business. 143 –12520 Horseshoe Way, Richmond. Asking $269,000. WAREHOUSE LEASE 2100 sq ft warehouse with small office, on one level. 8 – 7157 Honeyman, Ladner. $1,600/month. RETAIL LEASE 1406 sq ft , located in shopping centre across from Ironwood Plaza. 130-11080 No 5 Road, Richmond. $3,600/month. HAROLD SHURY 604.279.8026 RE/MAX Westcoast Realty [email protected] BOSTON PIZZA Two BC locations available Priced at $750,000 & $950,000 MOTEL, 30 Room motel, (8 rooms with kitchens) plus very large manager suite. Well established, buildings in absolutely great condition, after major renovations. Offered for only $1,188,000 FLOWER SHOP / FLORIST, in West Vancouver, includes: coolers, equipment, leasehold improvements, and inventory asking $42,000 ONE ACRE OF COMMERCIAL LAND, could be for camp - ground, RV or mobile home park facing Hwy 101 - $298,000 RESTAURANT, - 1/2 acre land, on Hwy 101, immediately next to the ferry stop, great location & great traffic - offered for $498,000 9.46 ACRE LOT, Mission area, ready to build your dream home, septic field prepared and approved, well drilled and 3 sets of building plans could be made available, asking $399,000 COMMERCIAL / RETAIL BUILDING, busiest location on E. Hastings St. Vancouver, 3000 Sq Ft, with guaranteed income - offered for $1,188,000 Only 35% down O.A.C DELI - TRI CITY, many years in business, offered for $248,000 Boston Pizza is CANADA’S NUMBER 1 casual dining brand. WHITE ROCK - home, spectacular ocean view, ready for building dream home, quiet street, offered for $899,000 ;dg9ZiV^aZY>c[dgbVi^dcEaZVhZ8dciVXi/ IAIN MACDONELL (604) 328-3929 RE/MAX SELECT PROPERTIES WWW.MACDONELLS.COM LORNE CHERNOCHAN 604-880-0550 (cell) WESTCOAST (604) 275-5759 Please call RICHARD PODGURSKI RE/MAX Masters Realty 604-961-5665 [email protected] Cell: COMMERCIAL DRIVE MEXICAN RESTAURANT COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT SITE - LANGLEY "Me & Julio Modern Mexican Kitchen" 2095 Commerical (at 5th) - 2 am license on weekends, 1 am on weekdays. 2,000 sq. ft. totally renovated 90 seat restaurant with outside patio for another 24 patrons. Sales $2 mil/yr, Net $100K/yr Lease $5,500 / mo (all in including taxes) 5 yr + 5 yr option. (Now in 3rd year of 1st 5 year term). $475,000 21427 83rd Ave near 216 St. proposed interchange in Willoughby Heights in Langley. 1.51 acres for sale (65,000 sq ft) + Properties on either side may also be available (for another 3 acres). Currently zoned SR-2. Suburban Residential with 4200 sq ft house & a few outbuildings on property. Potential future re-zoning to Highway Commercial once interchange finished in 2013 (strip mall, hotel?) $2,336,000 DENMAN STREET VIDEO STORE DOWNTOWN MEXICAN RESTAURANT 976 Denman St – “Indendent Flixx Video” Store has best and widest selection of “Hard to Find” titles. In business for over 10 years with over 100,000 videos. Sales $220K/YR, Net income $45K with owner working 30 hours per week. $142,000 "Anadale’s Mexican Restaurant". 1175 Davie at Thurlow. Established for 22 years. 48 seats. Lease $6000/mo all in. 3 years left. Sales $1500/day. Open 7 days. Large stainless kitchen with large hood. 2 parking spaces at rear. $179,000 LES TWAROG LIVE/WORK LAND & BLDG 6TH & CAMBIE (604)671-7000 2130 – 2132 Alberta (Near 6th & Cambie) 2357 s/f, 2 level rebuilt building + a1300 s/f roof deck with D/T view on 3rd level. Main floor 1033 s/f used as a Vet Clinic, 2nd level – 1324 s/f is a 2 bed 2 bath, suite, lot area 2144 s/f (29x74) with 3 parking stalls in front. $2,199,000 1428 W 7th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. Crest Realty (Westside) To view listings please visit: OFFICE/WAREHOUSE RICHMOND, BC [email protected] CALL OR EMAIL FOR A FULL INFO. SET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPERS !!! Richmond Broadmoor area 171 frontage x 141 deep for 5 lots with coach houses or possible 12 townhouses, rental revenue from 5 suites $2,700,000 COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT RICHMOND Prime corner exposure to Costco, SkyTrain, casino hold for hotel, retail, pub revenue house for income $498,000 BUSY BUSY BUSY Richmond commercial corner, over 28,000 square feet, hundreds of feet of frontage zoned c-1 and rezone possible $1,450,000 = $52 psf !! COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT – VANCOUVER West side - SW Marine Drive - Marpole 50 x 181 lot with lane, 2,184 sq ft leased building $1,250,000 !! [email protected] UÊi>ÕÌvÕÊ££]äääÊõ°ÊvÌ°ÊLÕ`} UÊÓ{]£ÎÓÊõ°ÊvÌ°ÊÃÌiÊÃâi UÊf£Óä]xääÊ iÌÊVi UÊÎÊ/i>Ìà UÊÊ£ÊÞi>ÀÊi>ÃiL>VÊvÀÊ >Ì >Ê>Ê>ÃÃÊ Ênä¯ÊvÊLÕ`}Ê>Ài> UÊV>Ìi`Ê>`>ViÌÊÌÊ,V `ÊÀÜ`Ê> Ã}Ê«ÀVi\Ê$2,400,000 Contact information: Chris Davies and Peter Hall Tel: (604) 718-7300 Fax: (604) 718-7307 Email: [email protected] Each office is independently owned and operated. A13 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 STRAIGHT5"-, Interview Series Builder Michael Audain on recession and recovery 2008-09 was a result of the international financial crisis, which really scared the pants off of everyone. ANDREW PETROZZI WESTERN INVESTOR escended from one of B.C.’s founding families, Michael Audain, chair of Polygon Homes Ltd., is one of B.C.’s leading home builders. He is also chair of the Vancouver Art Gallery Foundation, the Audain Foundation for the Visual Arts and the National Gallery of Canada. How have you navigated the good times and the bad times? Our company has always been careful not to get over-levered at the bank. We tend to maintain a respectable debt-to-equity ratio. Because we are focused only on the Greater Vancouver market, we are able, to some extent, to anticipate downturns, and when downturns occur, we are pretty ruthless in moving our inventory What factors characterized economic of completed homes. For instance, a year ago, downturns in B.C. over the past 30 we were including a brand new Mercedes with every purchase of a townhome in Richmond. years? I don’t think there is any one single fac- It’s hard to believe that was only a year ago. It Michael Audain: “Our company has always tor. They were all different. The housing is an illustration of how determined we are to been careful not to get over-levered at the recession of the early 1980s was caused by operate with zero completed inventory. bank.” a combination of super-high interest rates and overbuilding. The recession of the late What tipped you off that a correction was are very good, we grow somewhat cautiously because we have learned that in a strong wind 1990s I think was caused by the policies of coming? the NDP government in driving investors Whenever prices are moving up too quickly even turkeys can fly. and investment out of the province. We saw then we begin to get concerned because at other parts of Canada booming, but people Polygon we never forget that the housing Any new lessons learned in the past 18 were leaving B.C. The short recession in industry is a cyclical business. When times months? Photo: Dominic Schaeffer % Every downturn teaches you something and I think the main thing is not to let your ego get in the way of prudent business decisions. Also, mainly focus on the middle market instead of just the very high end of the housing market. I think that’s reinforced what you might call our market profile, which is generally a mid-market profile. Every year we like to do one really high-end building, but the bulk of our products is aimed at young families, who are either buying their first home or moving up in the market. Are we seeing an economic recovery? Yes, we are quite positive about British Columbia’s economic prospects. We believe there may be a bit of a slow period immediately after the Winter Olympics, but we think people will look through that and understand that British Columbia has a strong future. We are optimistic. I think I would characteristic it as cautiously optimistic. We are not wildly enthusiastic about the housing market. We will develop our land in an orderly fashion and always with an eye to the factors that create housing demand.◆ This interview originally appeared in the March 2010 Black Edition of Business in Vancouver. -PXFS.BJOMBOE MOBILE HOME PARKS ANMORE, BC LOWER MAINLAND sPADPARKWITHTWOHOMESONACRESAsking $1,395,000. sPADPARKWITHHOMEONACRES#ITY3ERVICES Mins to Buntzen Lake, Belcarra Bay, West Coast Express, Coq. Centre & 30 mins to Vancouver NORTH OKANAGAN sPADPARKWITHHOMEANDSUITESONACRESAsking 1,150,000. ALBERTA sPLUSPADSWITH26SITESWITH#ITY3ERVICESONACRESAsking $6,750,000.CAP GAS STATION MISSION s.EWERSTATIONWITHRESIDENCESTOREANDFRANCHISELEASE#ALLFORDETAILSAsking $4 Million Other Mobile Home Parks coming up in Lower Mainland and Alberta on City services. Call to get on the wait list for information. Direct line: 604-626-8894 16 AC Adj. to above for 23 ac dev . $4.5M 7 AC Build 2 homes or hold for future dev. 27 ac adj. avail. for 34 ac subdivision ..................................................$1.68M Call Ray or Richard for all of your Real Estate Needs! email us at [email protected] "All offices independently owned and operated" 1-800-668-8661 UÊ<i`ÊvÀÊ{nÊÕÌÊv>ÞÊ ià UÊä¯ÊvÊÃiÀÛViÃÊ UÊnÊ/Ü iÃÊLÕÌÉÃ` UÊÊxÊðÊvÀÊ"Vi>]Ê>À>]Êv]ÊÊ *>ÀÃ]Ê/ÜÊ iÌÀi]ÊëÌ> UÊäÊÕÌiÃÊvÀÊ6>VÕÛiÀ 604-987-6064 June Warkentin 604-970-5863 or 1-888-970-5863 Email: [email protected] Ray Veenbaas LITTLE OAK REALTY 604 859 2341 7 AC Subdivided to 1 ac. Private Estate, or build 2 homes. CHOICES! ........... $1.8M 3 – 1 AC PARCELS ready to build ...............................................$719 - $759 Bill Summers BC SUNSHINE COAST OCEANVIEW DEVELOPMENT SITE Richard Riemersma 604 309 8541 RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INVESTMENT & AGRICULTURE HOTEL WITH PUB & BEER AND WINE STORE $2,950,000 INCOME PROPERTY D L O S $1,800,000 Annual Net Income STRIP MALL 604-859-2341 LAND & BUILDING @ Going Concern $1,000,000 $2,750,000 $3,750,000 BUSINESS PIZZA (Close to high school & JR high school) $109,900 J.V. PARTNER(S) REQ. FOR 31 LOT SUBDIVISION EXCELLENT RETURNS RESTAURANT $119,000 Call for details RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT OFFICE BUILDING WITH TRIPLE A TENANT Little Oak Realty 1.78 ACRES, PROPOSED TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT $129,900 MOBILE SANDWICH TRUCKS $245,000 RESTAURANT $299,000 ( with up to 3.5 acre assembly possible ) RESTAURANT $399,000 SOLD $1,300,000 TF 1-800-668-8661 CONTRACTOR SUPPLY #9–2630 Bourquin W., Abbotsford "EACH OFFICE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED" $400,000 A14 Lower Mainland MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT SITES ■ 39 Unit Apartment Site $1,199,000 Zoned RM1 at 3rd reading ■ 81 Unit Apartment Site Being zoned RM-2 - Town core area ■ 50+ unit Townhouse Site Great neighborhood - Silver Valley area $BMM5FSSZ1BTTMFZGPSGVSUIFSEFUBJMT Tri Tel Realty MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR Gas/Gen Store near Hope (2.14 acres/Com bldg) $1.65M Sale $4M ($3.5M Gas & 800K Gen) + 2 Mobile home pads rented + 2 one bed cabins Motel-Van Island: $1.79M, pub + rest + liquor store rented. Rental income $162K. Net $220K 35 Rms, 1.94 acre/26,000 sq. ft building. Tourist Motel in Rocky Mtn (3000sqft extr bldg) $1.3M 30 rooms all rms pre-booked year advance Sale $310K Gross income/net over $150k/extension potential Motel in Okanagan Valley d/t $1M (share) 21 units 0.419 acre-land / Sale over $200K owner retiring Motel in Fort Yale (one acre/12units/4 bed suite) $549K (asset) Motel in Sask 34rms $400K + Pub $300K / net $290K $1.9M (asset) Motel-East Can 39 rms / 3 acres / sale $300k / net $200k $2.49M (offered) 604-467-9300 or email [email protected] PETER PARK 604-240-9916 email: [email protected] OWNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY – BUILDING SUPPLY STORE IN BC – Own your own IRLY Building Centre dealership. We are seeking entrepreneurs to be part of BC’s largest building materials and hardware chain. We offer advertising, computer & merchandising support. New and existing locations. Partnership opportunities available. Dealer - owned co-op. Receive rebates & patronage dividends. Contact 3USAN2OBINSON sWWWIRLYBIRDCOM WEST COAST REALTY Each office is independently owned and operated. Blenz Master Franchise & Franchise Opportunity in Vancouver, Vancouver Island, Ontario & Alberta Blenz Franchise Vancouver Island ................ 280K Blenz Franchises Yaletown West SOLD, $310K, $269K, $368K, $275,000, $150K, $250,900, $250K, $229,000, $299,000 Steamrollers Franchise Opportunity, Vancouver Wired Monk Master Franchise & Franchise Opportunity Wired Monk ................................. $199,900,$135K Quizno’s ...................................................$244,900 Titan Motorcycle Single & Master Franchises Available in British Columbia, Ontario and Alberta Northside Auto Sport Single & Master Franchise Available For Details On Additional Listings Go To Campbell River Development Site 3.14 Acres with 397 feet Water Front Zoned Commercial Four (C-4) with 180 degrees of views of Georgia Straight. Jerry Raczkowski 780-932-2121 Matthew Moadebi 604-329-6771 (Cell) [email protected] Crest Harrison Hot Springs Opportunity 3 Taco Del Mar Active licenses for Beer & Wine Store, Pub, Restaurant & Motel 6 acre site. Zoned Commercial. $700,000 2 Indian Restaurants Shingle Mill Mission Daily sales: $5,000 (not including catering/parties) Surrey & White Rock Net profit $600,000 - $700,000 yearly 2 Supermarkets Surrey Daily sales $13,000 Net Profit: $200,000 yearly Vancouver & Surrey East Indian Restuarant Vancouver 11 Stores Leased Building for sale. Rental income $106,000 yearly Smoke Shop near PNE Annual Net income: $55,000 Only $45,000 plus stock (Scott Rd) Daily sales $2,500 3,000 Asking $75,000 + stock Supermarket – Cloverdale With or without property. Daily average sales: $4,300 - $4,500 2 Produce Stores Vancouver Daily sales $2,500 3,000 Asking $175,000 White Rock Produce Store Daily sales $2,000 - $2,500 Asking $175,000 Canadian Food Restaurant Surrey ESSO Gas Station, House w/ B&B Business & Convenience Store. 3 bedrm with 3 bedroom house Daily sales $2,000 BUYERS FOR YOUR LISTINGS call Gary Takahashi toll-free: 1-800-661-6988 direct: (604) 608-5111 or fax: (604) 669-2154 [email protected] 7455 VEDDER ROAD, CHILLIWACK BC Aldergrove Gas volume 8 million litres yearly. Store sales - $3,000 daily average Delta Daily sales - $2,500 – $3,000 Gas volume 4 million litres plus rental income MOTELS/HOTELS New West with property Daily sales -$2,500 3,000 Asking $1million SOLD REACH QUALIFIED 3 Franchise Gas Stations 2 Subways only call now 4 Convenience Stores - New West Daily sales - $2,000 Asking $175,000 Call Jerry Raczkowski for more details 604-602-1111 Re/Max Crest West Site Agents: house plus 2 – 1 bedrm B&B's. C-Store average daily sales $2,500 Total package $1,100,000 Aldergrove Leased Esso Gas Station For Sale. Rental income: $89,000 per year triple net LANGLEY Well established, profitable business Crest Realty (Westside) Pizza Store Surrey Well established Daily sales $500 Surrey Daily sales - $1,500 1,700 Asking $180,000 The site: 1430 South Island Highway is approved for 74 units’ quarter share Resort Spa with the building permit in place. Attention 42 room motel Surrey 20 room motel Langley 48 rooms in Surrey 29 room motel Chilliwack 89 room motel Kamloops $1 mil yearly revenue I have Flagged motels in BC 2 pubs with beer & wine store restaurant + commercial plaza near Abbotsford Status: Land (Commercial) Tran Type: For Sale Total Acres: 2.669 Zoning: CD15 Lot Frontage: 370 Lot Depth: 277 s s s s s "ESTREMAININGUNDEVELOPEDLOTON6EDDER2D ,OCATEDWITHINONEBLOCKOFAREAMALLSAND(WYIN3ARDIS &LATACRESWITHACCESSTOBOTH+NIGHT2D6EDDER2D 0HASE/NE%NVIRONMENTAL3TUDIESCOMPLETEDWITHNOFURTHERTESTSREQUIRED 3ELLERWILLBUILDTOSUITANDORLEASE $4,500,000 MLS® H3800231 £ä{ÊÀÊÌiÊÊ ÊUÊÈÊ ÀÊ`ÀÛiÊ {ÓÊÀÊÌiÊÊ ÊUÊÇÊ ÀÊ`ÀÛi RE/MAX SELECT PROPERTIES Please call Hall-of-Fame-Award Winner JASON LAYNES RE/MAX Nyda Realty 6EDDER2D#HILLIWACK"# 0H604-858-7179 4&1-800-830-7175 Commercial Specialist KARTAR SINGH AHLUWALIA Phone: 604-737-8865 Cell: 604-831-0486 w w w. j a s o n l a y n e s . c o m Each office is independently owned and operated. A15 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 SPOTLIGHT High-end resort developments face zoning and NIMBY pressure as island nears capacity square foot is approximately $250 – the best value it’s been in years. And the trades are here to do the work, which hasn’t been the case for a while,” Ockeloen adds. Located on the southeast corner of the island, WCD Developments Ltd’s Cowan Point is currently accepting inquiries on their 48 building lots adjacent to Bowen’s nine-hole golf course. #PVOUJGVM#PXFO*TMBOE SUSAN M. BOYCE #PXFO*TMBOE#$ WESTERN INVESTOR t’s been one of the Lower Mainland’s favourite “cottage country” getaways for decades. Easily accessed by ferry or private boat, approximately 3,500 people call Bowen Island home, although residency numbers skyrocket during the summer season – in 2009 the Visitor’s Information Centre recorded 18,000 visitors between the May Day holiday and Labour Day alone. A member municipality of Metro Vancouver, Bowen is also the first island municipality under the auspices of the Islands Trust which plans land use and regulates development for maximized environmental protection. Retail and services are congregated in two areas – Snug Cove, where the original centre was built and where both private boats and BC Ferries access the island; and Artisan Square, located a short walk up the slope. Restaurants thrive in summer and struggle in winter, their number fluctuating between four and six with almost half changing hands virtually annually Photo: Tourism BC * Bowen Island, as seen from Cypress Mountain, West Vancouver. as owners decide the challenge of such a seasonal location is too difficult to be viable. In 2009, the municipality issued $10 million worth of building permits – over $7 million being for construction of residential dwellings and a further $1.7 for renovations and additions. Yet according to many, including Suzanne Carvell, manager of the Bowen Island Chamber of Commerce, there is still a serious lack of affordable housing. “The average house price on the island is now $500,000,” she says. “It’s a particular problem for local businesses who need people in the summer – so much so that some owners put seasonal employees up in their own homes.” Like Carvell, Allard Ockeloen, vice-presi- Population 3,500 Average house price $500,000 Waterfront lot $1 million Potential Destination resort market $BQF3PHFS dent of finance with Sorensen Fine Homes, is quick to acknowledge multi-family development could be a good thing for Bowen Island although it’s unlikely to materialize. “We are now approaching the maximum density allowable in the OCP,” he says, adding there is also strong opposition from the inevitable NIMBY contingent. NJMMJPOMPUT One of only three major residential projects currently under development, Sorensen Homes’ King Edward Bay began construction two and a half years ago and is now almost sold out of their initial phase of 40 building lots. Priced from $200,000 to $1 million for lots of 0.5 to 1.2 acres, King Edward Bay allows purchasers to bring their own architect and builder or they will custom build a residence to suit. “Cost per But it’s the Cape on Bowen, a 600-acre property of 10-acre view and oceanfront estate lots also known simply as Cape Roger Curtis, that’s drawn the most ire from some local residents. Preliminary plans for an affordable, multifamily development and other amenities including a seniors centre were squashed before they could take off. Information remains sketchy with unsubstantiated rumours of lot prices pitched in the $1.5 to $3 million range. Most industry insiders predict it will be years before the property begins active sales. Still, Bowen Island’s sense of exclusivity will likely continue to attract savvy buyers looking for a getaway that’s only a 15-minute ferry ride from the mainland. “Like it or not, I could see this area developing along the lines of a Martha’s Vineyard or Bambridge North,” Ockeloen said.◆ -PXFS.BJOMBOE AUCTION OPPORTUNITY IN BEAUTIFUL BRITISH COLUMBIA Whether your dream is to build your own waterfront or water view home on Vancouver Island, the Sunshine Coast or Little Shuswap Lake, live in an elegant villa in Qualicum Beach, or own a golf course in the Thompson Okanagan, May 19 is the day to fulfill your dream… Wells Gray Golf Resort and RV Park PROPERTIES INCLUDE: 5 *!3!,)&.(/0%.- Wells Gray Provincial Park 5 %,%)2- .2-&"+1 ! 5 (2)2$'11/ 5 (2"/ 2#!,//1313 Clearwater Banff 5 1.)2"/ $-/3& ! Chase 5 %,"/ -,/0+ Kamloops Properties will be sold to the highest bidders, regardless of price. Auction date: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 Auction location: Ritchie Bros. Chilliwack (Vancouver) facility 42275 Industrial Way, Chilliwack, BC Simulcast Location: Crown Isle Resort & Golf Course, Courtenay 399 Clubhouse Drive, Courtenay, BC Contact us for property details and registration information: 4 Campbell River VANCOUVER ISLAND ! Courtenay Tofino Pender Harbour Qualicum Beach Nanaimo Kelowna BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver UNITED STATES Victoria A16 Lower Mainland MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR Commercial Real Estate Services, Worldwide. NEW WEST ASSEMBLY BLDG BURNABY RETAIL UÊÊÇÎx£Êõ°ÊvÌ°ÊÊV ÕÀV ÊÀÊÃV UÊÎxÊ«>À}Ê $9,000 / Month UÊÊÇ]äÇÇÊ-Ê*ÀiÊÕ} ii`É ÀÌ Ê,`ÊVÀiÀÊÕÌÊvÀÊi>Ãi UÊÝViiÌÊiÝ«ÃÕÀi COQUITLAM AUTO SHOP SURREY LAND PENTICTON, BC - FOR SALE RICHMOND INVESTMENT ÓÊ>VÀiÃÊÀi`iÛi«>LiÊÃÌiÊÜÊ `}ÊVi f{ää]äääÊiÌÊViÊ«iÀÊÞi>ÀÊÕÌÊÓä£{ ÃiÊLÞÊ"Û>ÊÜÊÕÌ>ÊEÊÜ>ÌiÀÊÛiÜà UÊÊ}ÊiÀ}iÊÜÞ UÊÊ{]xääÊ-Ê«ÕÃÊiââ>i]ÊÈÊL>ÞÃÊ D LD SE SO UÊÊ} ÌÊ`ÕÃÌÀ> UÊÊÕ} ii`ÊÜÞÊiÝ«ÃÕÀi LEA UÊÊ£ÉÓÊ>VÀiÊ$299,000 UÊÊ->iÊÀÊi>Ãi $10 Million (under $60 per buildable) 2360 SOUTH MAIN STREET UÊ{{Ê-ÕÌiÃÊ>ÊÜÌ ÊÃÌÀ>Ì>ʵÕ>ÌÞÊÀiÃÊ UÊ£Ê>VÀi UÊÝViiÌÊV>Ì Asking $4,500,000 BILL HAMILTON 604-524-3641, x305 RICK LUI 604-644-6182 [email protected] [email protected] PRINCE GEORGE, BC – FOR SALE ED REDUC DIVERSIFIED TRANSPORTATION & TRUCKING, AB BUSINESSES LIST PRICE UÊ7iÊiÃÌ>Là i`Ê ÀÌ iÌÀ>ÊLiÀÌ>ÊV«>Þ UÊÕ>ÊÀiÛiÕiÊf£xʳ UÊ`iÀÊyiiÌÊvÊÛi ViÃÊ>`ÊÜiÊ>Ì>i`ÊiµÕ«iÌ UÊÛiÀÃwi`ÊVÕÃÌiÀÊL>ÃiÊvÀÊ`vviÀiÌÊ`ÕÃÌÀià UÊ}ÊÌiÀÊÃÌ>vvÊ>`ÊiÞÊ>>}iiÌÊÊ«>Vi UÊ-ÌÀ}ÊÀ}>â>ÌÊÜÌ Ê}`ÊÃÞÃÌiÃÊ>`ÊVÌÀà UÊ£ää¯Ê- >ÀiÊÃ>i "ÃÞÃÊÌiÊ,iÃÀÌÊ*ÕLÊ iÌ>Ê>LÀV>ÌÊ «>ÞÊ >>`>Ê*ÃÌÊÕ`}Ê iÌ iÀ>Ê «>ÞÊ >à Ê,iÌ>Ê >Ê `ÕÃÌÀ>Ê/À>ëÀÌ>ÌÊ ÕÌÊ7ÀiViÀÃÊ ÝV>Û>ÌÊÕÃiÃÃÊ ,iVÞVi`ÊÕ`}Ê>ÌiÀ>ÃÊ fÎ]Óää]äääÊ f£]Çää]äääÊ fx]nää]äääÊ fÓ]{ää]äääÊ f£]nää]äääÊ fx]xää]äääÊ f£]£ää]äääÊ fÓ]Èää]äääÊ f£]Óää]äääÊ $POA OKANAGAN VALLEY LOCK & KEY BUSINESS UÊ*ÀwÌ>LiÊLÕÃiÃÃÊÊ«iÀ>ÌÊvÀÊi>ÀÞÊ{äÊÞi>Àð UÊ}ÊÌiÀÊViÃi`Êi«Þiià SOLD UÊ-iiÀ½ÃÊ`ÃVÌiÌ>ÀÞÊi>À}ÃÊf£ää]äää SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD If you have a viable business and wish to sell it or are looking for a succession plan to extricate yourself from your business call Alf or Delon for a free advisory consultation. $350,000 incl. equip & inv OKANAGAN BUTCHER SHOP & DELI NEW LISTING 100 TABOR BOULEVARD UÊ`}°ÊÓ]£ÇÊðv°]Ê >«Ê,>ÌiÊn°äx¯ÊUÊÓ°ÎÊVÀiÊÌ]Ê£ÈÊ 1ÌÃÊUÊ °"°°ÊfÓxä]äää Asking $3,100,000 2 PRINCE GEORGE APARTMENTS – FOR SALE REDWOOD MANOR + CRESTWOOD MANOR UÊÛ>>LiÊÊ«ÀÌvÊÃ>iÊÀÊ`Û`Õ> UÊ£ÇÊÃÕÌiÃʳʣ£ÊÃÕÌià Contact for details UÊ£ÓÊÞi>ÀÃÊÊLÕÃiÃÃÊUÊ7iÊ>««Ìi`Ê>`ÊvÕÞÊiµÕ««i` UÊÝViiÌÊV>ÌÊÜÌ Ê«>À}Ê UÊÝViiÌÊi>ÃiÊÊ«>Vi UÊ/ÊÊf£{ä]äää FRASER VALLEY LAND NEW LISTING UʣΰÇÊVÀiÃÊÊLLÌÃvÀ` UÊ£Ê<}ÊÜÌ Ê, UÊÓÊ>Õv>VÌÕÀi`Ê iÃ]ÊÎÊÜÀà «Ã UÊ ÃiÊÌÊÀ>ÃiÀÊÜÞ $650,000 plus inventory FRASER VALLEY EXCAVATION BUSINESS RARE – PRINCE GEORGE $1,350,000 UÊÊLÕÃiÃÃÊvÀÊÀiÊÌ >ÊÓäÊÞi>Àà UÊ-«iV>â}ÊÊViÀV>]Ê`ÕÃÌÀ>ÊEÊÊÕÌ ÕÃ} UÊÝÌiÃÛiÊiµÕ«iÌÊÃÌÊÛ>Õi`ÊÛiÀÊf£ UÊ`ÊVÌÀ>VÌÃÊ>Ài>`ÞÊÊ«>ViÊvÀÊÓä£ä UÊ*À«iÀÌÞÊVÕ`iÃÊ£{Ê>VÀiÃ]ÊÜÀà «ÃÊ>`Ê`Üi} LOWER MAINLAND AUTO REPAIR BUSINESSES UÊÊLÕÃiÃÃÊÃViÊ££ÊëiV>â}ÊÊiÀVi`iÃÊiâ UÊ"««ÀÌÕÌÞÊvÀÊ>ÊiÝ«iÀiVi`ÊiV >VÊÌÊÀÕÊÜÊLÕÃiÃà UÊʵիiÌ]Ê>À}iÊÃÌVÊvÊiÜÊ>`ÊÕÃi`Ê«>ÀÌÃÊ>`Ê-Ì>ÀÊ >}ÃÌVÊÃÞÃÌiÊVÕ`i`°Ê6>Õi`ÊÛiÀÊfÓää]äää UÊÓ{ääÊõ°vÌÊ«À«iÀÌÞÊ ÊÊÊÊÊ $3,200,000 incl. equipment & property METAL FABRICATING COMPANY REDUCED UÊ7iÊiÃÌ>Là i`ÊÜiÀÊ>>`ÊLÕÃiÃà UÊ-ÌÀ}Êi>À}ÃÊ ÃÌÀÞÊ>`Ê i>Ì ÞÊ>À}à UÊ-«iV>â}ÊÊà iiÌÊiÌ>Ê>ÕÕÊvÀÊVÃÌÀÕVÌ 119 UNITS $650,000 incl. prop, equip & inv LOWER MAINLAND HAIR & BEAUTY SALON $2,400,000 incl. equipment & inventory UÊ"ÛiÀÊ£xÊÞi>ÀÃÊÊLÕÃiÃÃÊ UÊÕÊÃiÀÛViÊLi>ÕÌÞÊÃ> UÊnÊÃÌ>ÌÃ]ÊÓÊÜ>Ý}ÊÀÃ]ÊÌ>}Ê>V i UÊ,iÛiÕiÊÊiÝViÃÃÊvÊf{xä]äääÊÊ UÊ}ÊÌiÀÊÃÌ>vv LOWER MAINLAND METAL FABRICATING UÊ-ÌÀÕVÌÕÀ>ÊÃÌiiÊ>Õv>VÌÕÀ}Ê UÊ-«iV>â}ÊÊÃiÃVÊÕ«}À>`iÃÊ UÊ"ÛiÀÊ£xÊÞi>ÀÃÊÊLÕÃiÃÃÊÜÌ ÊÌi`ÊV«iÌÌÊ 132 UNITS 251 Units – 8 Acres Site 7iÊ>Ì>i` $590,000 incl. equipment $338,000 plus inventory ALF SANDERSON 604-691-6646 DELON CHEUNG 604-691-6654 PETER SEED CHRIS WIESER alf@naicommercial .ca delon@naicommercial .ca 604-691-6608 604-691-6662 B U S I N E S S E S GAS STATION & BOWLING ALLEY (East Kootenays) s4WO"USINESSESINCLUDING0ROPERTY sACRESLANDSFBUILDINGS sMILLITRESGASSALES sMILANNUALSALESWITHOVERNETTOOWNER ....................................................................................................Shares $2.0 mil F O R S A L E FOUR STAR HOTEL (Vancouver Island) &ULLSERVICEHOTELWITHADJOINING DEVELOPMENTSITEÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Price on request B&B CHALET (Whistler) ,UXURIOUSEIGHTROOMPRIVATE)NNNESTLEDASHORT WALKFROM!LTA,AKE .....................................................................................................Shares $2.45 mil DOLLAR STORE FRANCHISE (Mission/Abbotsford) s%STABLISHEDIN s%XCELLENTEXPOSUREINLARGEMALL sMILANNUALSALESNET .....................................................................................................$458,000 + Inv. COFFEE FRANCHISE (Richmond) /NEOFTHEBESTINAVERYATTRACTIVEBUSY CARDS, WRAPS, GIFTS & BALLOONS (Vancouver) s-OSTUNIQUESELECTIONSOFlNEGREETINGCARDSAVAILABLEIN#ANADA s0RIMELOCATIONINTRENDY+ITSILANO s!BSENTEEOWNER sANNUALSALES ...............................................$99,000 $58,000 + Inv. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° $395,000 + Inv AREA0ROlTABLEWITHLONGLEASEÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° $298,000 + Inv. POST OFFICE/MAGAZINES (Vancouver) ,OCATEDINTHEHEARTOFHIGHEND RESIDENTIALDEVELOPMENT'ROSSREVENUEMILYEARKNET EMPLOYMENT AGENCY (Lower Mainland) s,ONG%STABLISHED s4EMP0ERM0LACEMENTS sMILSALES s.ETTOOWNER ........................Shares $800,000 + Inventory (Net of receivables and debt) TED STELLAKIS 604-691-6692 [email protected] COFFEE FRANCHISE (Vancouver) ,OCATED IN OFlCE BUILDING IN THE DOWNTOWNCORE0ROlTABLEWITHLONGLEASEÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° $249,000 + Inv. EURO DELI (Coquiltam) 7ELLESTABLISHEDPROlTABLEDELICATESSENWITHSMOKE HOUSE'OODLEASEÊ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Assets $183,000 including Inv. MEDICAL EQUIPMENT (Lower Mainland) -EDICALSUPPLYRETAILERCARRYA GOODASSORTMENTOFSCOOTERSWHEELCHAIRSWALKERSPOWERCHAIRSHOSPITALBEDS LIFTCHAIRSPATIENTLIFTSBATHROOMSAFETYEQUIPMENTCUSHIONSANDOTHERlNEMEDICAL EQUIPMENT.EWLOCATIONAVAILABLEFORLICENSEES ........................$50,000 plus Inv. ELIZABETH WOZNICZKO 604-691-6648 [email protected] Asking $14,810,000 Vienna Treasures A tasTE OF !USTRIA #AFE AND BAKERY ARE PERFECT FOR A COUPLE OR INDIVIDUAL ENTREPRENEUR /WN AN ESTABLISHED CAFEBAKERY ON BUSY4(3TREETCORRIDORWHICHISCLOSETOOTHERRETAILSCHOOLSANDOFlCES .......................................................................................................... $39,000 Taste of Singapore -ODERNLAYOUTWELLEQUIPPEDSQFTRESTAURANT INBUSYSTRIPMALLON3COTT2OADCORRIDOR!SSETSONLYBRINGYOURTHEME 'OODLEASEANDEQUIPMENT6ENDORMOTIVATED ............................... $45,000 Gold Dust Café Building – FOR LEASEnFULLYlXTUREDSQFT STOREYSWITHBASEMENTBUILDINGDOWNTOWN-ILE(OUSEDEMISEDINTOA SQFTSEATRESTAURANTCAFÏONTHEMAINmOORWITHFULLBASEMENTAND ASQFTPERSONLICENSEDBANQUETHALLONTHETOPmOORWITHSEPARATE ENTRANCE..................................................................!SKINGRATE$8.25 PSF Select Auto Sales #OMPLETETURNKEYINDEPENDENTCARDEALERSHIP7ELL ESTABLISHED AND REPUTABLE FULL SERVICE LOCATION ON -AIN 3TREET 0ENTICTON 0RICEINCLUDESALLINVENTORYALLMECHANICALTOOLSLEASEHOLDGOODWILL 3&LOT........................................................................................ $160,000 Harmony Hair 7ELL ESTABLISHED WELL EQUIPPED SIX STATION HAIR SALON LOCATED IN BUSY -ARKET #ROSSING -ALL "URNABY !NCHOR TENANTS INCLUDE #ANADIAN4IRE0RICE3MART&OODSALONGWITHAMPLEPARKING ...... $100,000 Fraser Lake Inn /WNERABSENTEEOPERATED&ULL3ERVICE(OTELLOCATED ON(IGHWAY"UILDINGCONSISTSOFROOMSSEATPUB2ETAILLIQUOR STOREWITHSEATRESTAURANTOWNEROPERATED&URTHERDETAILS ..... $895,000 Motels | HotelsWANTED(AVE"UYERSFORnUNITSINTHEFOLLOWING REGIONS6ANCOUVER)SLAND#ARIBOO3OUTH/KANAGANAND+OOTENAYS DEAN THOMAS CCIM 604-524-3641 Ext. 314 [email protected] Committed to Canada. Connected to the World. Lower Mainland A17 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 Maple Ridge Land Investment BDSFTJOQBUIPGTVCEJWJTJPOEFWFMPQNFOU /PUJOBHSJDVMUVSBMMBOESFTFSWF "MSFBEZJOTFXFSBSFB²"BQQSPWFECZ(73% %FTJHOBUFETDIPPMTJUFBDSPTTUIFTUSFFU )BTSFOUBMIPVTFPOUIFQSPQFSUZ .VTUXBJUGPSTFSWJDFTUPCFFYUFOEFEUPEFWFMPQ "WFSZHPPEQSPQFSUZIPMEJOHGPSPOMZ $2,350,000 $BMM Bob Quinnell604-803-2627 4".3",)3" 604-590-6111 M otels & FOR HSALE otels ROYAL GROUP Tapestry Realty #104-13049-76 Ave HOTEL s6ICTORIA-OTEL $6M s"ELLINGHAM7!-OTELS $7M-$12M s(OTELSIN6ANCOUVER"# $2M - $24M s&ULLSERVICEHOTELIN3QUAMISH $2.5M s(OTELSIN4ORONTO $5M - $30M s(OTELS!"3+-" $1M - $12M s6ALEMOUNT(WY&ULLSERVICERESTAURANT SEATS&OR,EASE sUNIT-OTELPLUSRESTAURANTFORSALE ,OCATEDIN6ALEMOUNT"#CLOSETO*ASPER!" WWWPREMIERMOUNTAINLODGECOM$4,888,888 Bellingham (WASH) 67 Room Hotel for Quick Sale. Vendor Moving. Revenue 1.2 MILLION in US Funds. Asking Price $4.8 Million (US Funds) For more detail or private viewing call : Karim Ali Merali [email protected] 1-888-830-7888.EW7ORLD2EALTY SAM RAKHRA of the ROYAL GROUP 604 761-0172 604 590-6111 Unique & Sound Investment Marriott Pinnacle Coal Harbour Townhome Development Site Morgan Creek Heights 1128 W. Hastings Street, Vancouver Excellent location King George & 24th Ave. 2 gorgeous hotel units on the 19th & 21st floors.Water and mountain views, steps to new convention centre, Robson St. and Stanley Park. Share the revenue from a top hotel in the city. Carefree – headache free investment of 8/9% net return. Best location in Vancouver! $218K&$228K Build 18 townhomes or hold for future development with neighbours. Good spacious rental home plus large garage shop and sheds on property now. Asking $1,500,000 Tony Alves 604 889-7008 3PZBM-FQBHF#SPPLTJEF3FBMUZ Sutton Centre Realty Commercial Real Estate Services, Worldwide. WOOD PELLET MILL KAMLOOPS ASKING $2,100,000 UÊx°äÊVÀiÃÊ UÊ£]äääʳÉÊõ°ÊvÌ°Ê*>Ì UÊÊÈ]äääʳÉÊõ°vÌ°ÊvwViÊ building UÊÊÕÞÊiVi`ÊÜÌ Ê rail access UÊÊ*iiÌÊÊiµÕ«iÌÊ also available UÊ"ÊÕV«>ÊÃiÀÛViÃÊ UÊ"ÜiÀÊ>ÞÊi>ÃiÊL>V STREET FRONT COMMERCIAL STRATA UNIT ASKING $695,000 UÊÊÀ>ÃiÀÊ} Ü>ÞÊ >}iÞ UÊÓ£xʳÉÊõ°ÊvÌ° UÊ iÜÊVÃÌÀÕVÌÊ ÊUÊ,i>`ÞÊvÀÊÞÕÀÊ`i>à UÊÊ £Ê iÀV>Ê â} NEW LISTING ASKING $2,600,000 UÊ ÀiÀÊV>Ì UÊÊxÊ ,1½ÃÊÊ£Ê6>V>ÌÊÊvÀÊ ÜiÀÊÀÊi>Ãi UÊ-ÌÀ}Ê/i>Ìà UÊf£xx]xxäÊiÌÊVi UÊÊÝÊ vÊ ÎÊ >`Ê xÊ Þi>ÀÊ leases LANGLEY INDUSTRIAL STRATA UNIT ASKING $385,000 UÊÓäääÊõ°ÊvÌÊvÌ«ÀÌ UÊÊ£äääÊõ°ÊvÌÊ Ü>Ài ÕÃi] UÊÊ£äääÊõ°ÊvÌÊvwViÃÊ on main UÊÊ£äääÊõ°ÊvÌÊ Ã ÜÀÊÕ« APARTMENT BUILDINGS FOR SALE 3860 ALBERT ST., NORTH BURNABY ÎÈÊ1ÌÃÊÕÀ>LÞÊ ÀÌ °ÊÊÕ`}Ê >ÃÊ balconies, elevator, undeground secured «>À}°ÊÊ*ÀViÊÀiViÌÞÊ Ài`ÕVi`° 4916-30 IMPERIAL ST., BURNABY {ÊÃÌÀiÃʳʣÈÊÃÕÌiÃ°Ê Nelson & Imperial >À}iÊVÀiÀÊÌ° 5468 HASTINGS ST., BURNABY vviVÌÛiÊ>}iÊnÊÞi>ÀÃ°Ê £ÇÊ1ÌÃÊÕ«ÊÌÊVÕÀÀiÌÊ code completely Ài`i°ÊÊ>ViÃ]Ê ÛiÜÃ]Ê«>À}° TERRY HARDING 604-691-6615 [email protected] JACKSON TANG 604-691-6680 [email protected] BUSINESSES FOR SALE COMMERCIAL LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT SALES UÊÃÌÌÕÌ>Ê>Õ`ÀÞÊ>`ÊVÊ>Õ`ÀÞÊÃiÌÕ«Ã UÊ->iÃÊf£ÊʳÉÊUÊÎäÊÞi>ÀÊÌÀ>VÊÀiVÀ` UÊÃÌ>i`Ê£nÇÊVÊ>Õ`À>ÌÃÊÊ ÊÃÊv>À UÊASKING $225,000 plus inventory for assets CHILLIWACK TRANSMISSION SHOP UÊ{ÊL>ÞÃÊUÊÕÞÊiµÕ««i`ÊUÊÀi>ÌÊV>Ì UÊASKING $175,000 plus inventory TED WEIBELZAHL TED WEIBELZAHL 1-800-890-9855 Toll Free OR$IRECT 1-800-890-9855 Toll Free OR$IRECT [email protected] [email protected] BUSINESSES BC NORTH PAVING UÊ>ÌV Ê*>ÌÊÜÌ ÊiÜÊL>} ÕÃi UÊ/ÜʼÊVÌÞ½Ê}À>ÛiÊ«ÌÃÊqÊÓ°xÊÌà UÊLÌ`>ÊfÓnä]£Ç Price $829,000 Incl. Inv, Equip, Pits RED MEAT PLANT NEW UÊ>`ÊEÊÕ`}ÃÊ 6-/ /Ê UÊ`Êi>ÃiÊÊ«>ViÊ UÊ1`iÀÊ£äÊÞi>ÀÃÊ`Ê UÊ6iÀÞÊ`iÀ]Ê>À}iÊViÀÃÊEÊvÀiiâiÀÃÊ UÊ>À]ÊvwVi]Ê«>Ì]Ê>`]ÊÀiÌ>ÊÃiVÌÊ UÊÕÌÊÌÊvi`iÀ>ÊëiVà Price $2,650,000 HELI SKI, ECO-TOUR LODGE NEW UÊVÕ`iÃÊ>Ê£{{{Ê-µ°Ê°ÊiÃÊ/iÕÀi UÊ,iÌiÊL>VVÕÌÀÞ]Ê>ÀÊ>VViÃÃÊ`}i UÊÊà }]Ê7`vi]Ê>VVÕÌÀÞÊ/ÕÀ}]Ê iÃ} UÊ*ÀÛ>ÌiÊÓää½ÊÀÃÌÀ« UÊÊ>>}iÀÃÊ ÕÃi]Ê-«>ÊLÕ`}]Ê}ÕiÃÌÊ VÌÌ>}iÃ]Ê`Và Price $2,800,000 BC NORTH EQUIPMENT RENTAL UÊ >à ÊyÜÊÊÎn¯ÊvÊÀiÛÊ UÊÊ*ÕÀV >ÃiÊLÕ`}Ê«ÌÊ UÊ"Ì iÀÊLÕÃiÃÃÊ>ÃÃiÌÊ«Ìà Price $1,695,000 Incl. Inv, Equip, Assets VANCOUVER HAIR SALON U ‘chic’ location & full service Salon U 15 years in business U All employee - No ‘chair’ rental U Stable revenue – high cash business ENGINEERING – GREATER VANCOUVER UÊ-ÕÀÛiy, land use UÊÕV«>]Ê Û]Ê*>} UÊ>`Ê`iÛi«iÌ UÊ7iÊiÃÌ>Là i` Price under $5 million PENTICTON INDUSTRIAL BUILDING UÊ£än]äääÊõ°ÊvÌÊLÕ`}ÊvÀÊ->iÊÀÊi>Ãi UÊÊ>ÞÊ«ÃÃLiÊÕÃiÃ]Ê>Õv>VÌÕÀ}]Ê,iÌ>]Ê or Storage businesses SURREY CENTRE LAND UÊ"iÊLVÊvÀÊÌ iÊ}ÊiÀ}iÊ-ÞÊ/À> UÊiÛ°Ê{ÊÌÊÈÊÃÌÀÞÊÕilding KAMLOOPS 42 SUITE APARTMENT BD UÊÊ/tally renovated building and tenant replacement UÊÀÃÃÊViÊfΣ]äää MERRITT STRATA TOWNHOUSES UÊÊÈÊ/Ü ÕÃiÃÊÜÌ Ê}`ÊÌi>ÌÃ]Ê}ÀÃÃÊÀiÛ°Ê fÈ£]{{ä UÊAsking Price; $600,000 100 MILE HOUSE NURSERY UÊÃÌ>Là ÊLÕÃiÃÃ]ÊÓÓÊÞi>ÀÃ]ÊÊ£ÈäÊ>VÀià UÊAsking price $680,000 MICHAEL MARCKWORT [email protected] 2 BOUTIQUE HOTELS WITH RESTAURANTS UÊÊÌÊV}ÊÀÃiÊÊEÊ-ÕÊ*i>ÃÊ,iÃÀÌà Asking Price: $2.4M & $4.3M UNDER VALUED MOTELS IN EASTERN BC UÊÊ"ÜiÀÊÜÊw>ViÊUÊÌÃÊvÊÕ«Ã`iÊ«ÌiÌ> UÊÊ>>}iÊÌÊÜÊÊÊÊÊÊUÊÊ7iÊV>Ìi` CRAIG TENNOCK MICK MATHEUSIK M.Sc. 1-866-717-6989 [email protected] [email protected] 0ROFESSIONALSs-ARKETSs#OUNTRIES A18 Lower Mainland MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR FOR SALE Roaron GARY MAND Commercial/Retail Marine Drive, North Vancouver Fully Leased Construction “Your One Stop Shop” Sutton Group Medallion Realty FOR SALE Azeem CGA 604-888-7818 email: [email protected] ÕÌ>ÞÊUÊ iÀV>É,iÌ> -ÌiÊ,iâ}ÊUÊ*ÀiVÌÊ>ÀiÌ}Ê Serving Real Estate Clients since 1989 GLENN Zoned assembly, Montessori, school, gym, etc. 6,500 sq.ft. $11.77/ sq.ft. Lots of parking, no Demo clause. Easy showings. Liquor license may be available. Coronation West Realty 604-939-6666 604-240-2749 EMAIL: [email protected] OFFICE: CELL: COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SINCE 1989 BURNABY NORTH GOVERNMENT ROAD LAND DEVELOPMENT Office space for lease. 1,540 sq.ft. $9.50/ sq.ft. Zoned M5. Fully airconditioned. Corner site. Hwy. frontage. Excellent exposure in clean, bright building. Budget priced! SOLD UÊ,{]ÊÓÇÊÕÌÃ]Ê6>VÕÛiÀÊ>ÃÌ UÊÓä]äÇÊõ°ÊvÌ°ÊLÕ`>Li BUSINESSES FOR SALE Auto Repair Service Shop REDUCED $69K $38K UÊÃÌ>Là i`ÊnÊÞi>ÀÃ]Ê>ÛiÀ>}iÊiÌÊfÈä UÊ i>]ÊÜiÊÃiÌÊÕ«Ê{]ÓääÊõ°ÊvÌ°Êà « UÊ"ÜiÀÊ}ÊvÀÊ>ÊV >}iÉÜ>ÌÃÊÌ ÃÊÃ`Êv>ÃÌ VANCOUVER WESTSIDE OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE $4 Mil. SOLD $549,000 964 sq.ft. Zoned C-2. Ample parking (5 spots). Easy access from Dunbar in this upscale neighbourhood. Ideal for professional offices. Less expensive to buy than to lease. UÊ->iÃÊfÊ BUSINESSES, LAND & BUILDING NEW !! Pub, Land and Building 604-614-7101 Global Force Realty C H I L L I WAC K , B C $2.7 Mil. UÊ*ÕLÊÕÃiÃÃÊfnxäÊqÊ--/Ê- UÊ->iÃÊfÓ°{ÊÊÉÊ iÌÊfÎääÊÌÊ"ÜiÀÊÉÊ"«iÀ>ÌÀ UÊÕ`}Êf£°nxÊÊ iÌÊf£änÊ--/Ê- G UÊ «iÌiÞÊ,i¿`ÊÊEÊÕÌÊ{ÊÞÀÃÊ>} D IN N E UÊLÃiÌiiÊÜiÀÃÊÉÊÌÊvÊÕ«Ã`i P UÊÀi>ÌÊ««ÀÌÕÌÞÊÉÊÀi>ÌiÀÊ6>VÕÛiÀÊ>Ài> UÊ*ÀV«>ÃÊÞÊ«i>Ãi Thinking of selling your Business?? Give me a call. I’ll be happy to sit down with you and evaluate your Business. 3.9 acre commercial site on Luckakuck Way with 49,432 sq. ft. of building WEST END JAPANESE RESTAURANT FOR SALE VANCOUVER EAST SPACE FOR LEASE Personal Real Estate Corporation Waste Disposal Business AMARJIT GIL L Surrey Farm 49 acres 10 to 11 years old. Blueberry Farm plus outbuildings. L O C AT I O N • L O C AT I O N • L O C AT I O N YAMADA Condo Site $2.3M Abbotsford 32 townhouse 5 lot 6,000 sqft and beg house w/pool & tennis court. $5.8M Maple Ridge 7.7 acres urban reserve Close to new development. Buy – Sell – Lease Langley 56 lots 17 row houses and 19 townhouses. $10.5M Langley 2.4 acres future potential for commercial. $1.4M and 5 acres residential. Asking $2,580,000 Call Now or Email [email protected] Langley townhouse site 5 acres 82 townhouses. $5.3M East Newton Business Park – Surrey 2 parcels 2.224 acres and 4.5 acres Industrial business park. Multi-Family Apartment Building Central Lonsdale, North Vancouver ph: 604-889-4551 34 acres for blueberry or raspberry close to 264 border in USA. $375K South Surrey 5 – 15 acre parcels. Future potential for residential. Asking $3,180,000 • subdivision construction • building envelope • concrete/asphalt & sealing • structural repair • roofing & waterproofing • parking lots & parkades 5 aces out of ALR 2/2 houses Main house 8545 sq.ft. By Langley SEC school, w/100x45 warehouse $3.9M. Trades welcome. 604-307-9515 604-572-1211 Business only. $70,000 1,000sq ft. $84.90 lease /sq.ft. Busy Robson St. location. Eat in/take out. Well established.Why settle for less? RETAIL SPACE IN MAPLE RIDGE FOR SALE 3,045 sq.ft. 2 levels. C3 zoned. $819,000 Fully airconditioned, alarm system, HVAC. Maple Ridge Town Centre. High pedestrian traffic area. Excellent exposure. Great for single use or can be split into 2 separate units. Excess for more building on site. Prime freeway exposure. Tenants: Value Village, House 2 Home Furniture, End of the Roll Carpets. Low rents (well below market) offering great upside. Good escalating leases. Assumable CIBC financing @ 5.6% if required. NOI: $557,000 Price: $9,500,000 SPIRIT RIVER, AB Freestanding Retail Building Just listed- $1.3million gross income well located, well established corner restaurant at 5th and Burrard. $299K Leased to national retailer (Hudson’s Bay Co) 635,000 (8.5% return) ROB DANIELSEN FERMANAGH LANDS 604-781-5069 (604) 946-7997 (604) 790-3188 [email protected] INDUSTRIAL / RETAIL SALE RETAIL SALE OFFICE / RETAIL SALE STRATA OFFICE SALE 1151 WEST 8TH AVENUE, VANCOUVER 3083 GRANDVIEW HIGHWAY, VANCOUVER 3467-3469 MAIN STREET, VANCOUVER 1331 & 1339 KINGSWAY, VANCOUVER 3410 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY, VANCOUVER ‘The Steamboat House’ Heritage B Building • 8 parking stalls 4 floors • 6,400 sq ft building 11,000 sq ft solid concrete building Divisible into three units 1 unit leased generating $64,000 per annum +/- 2,950 sq ft retail building 33’ frontage on Main Street User / Investor opportunity Lot size: 99’ x 122’ 30,000 sq ft of retail Kitty-corner to King Edward Village 600 -13,500 sq ft strata office Concrete construction • Air conditioned Adjacent to Rupert St. SkyTrain Station James Bayley / Tom Bakker Tony Capolongo James Bayley / Virginia Primrose Stephen Webber / James Paleologos Don Mussenden / Anthony Lux OFFICE / WAREHOUSE SALE / LEASE INDUSTRIAL SALE / LEASE INDUSTRIAL SALE INDUSTRIAL / OFFICE SALE / LEASE INDUSTRIAL / OFFICE SALE / LEASE PR PR IC E IC E R R ED U C ED U C ED ED USER / INVESTOR OPPORTUNITY 42 FAWCETT ROAD, COQUITLAM 145 GOLDEN DRIVE, COQUITLAM 375 LYNN AVENUE, NORTH VANCOUVER 1515 BROADWAY STREET, PORT COQUITLAM Prime owner/occupier opportunity with income 17,473 sq ft freestanding building Ample parking • 20’ ceilings 8836 SELKIRK STREET, VANCOUVER 4,632 sq ft available 2 warehouse/office units available 3 phase power & 20’ clear ceiling height Mayfair Industrial Park 7,253 sq ft on 6.65 acres • A/C offices 2 bay shop area • 14’ x 16’ drive-in doors 3,700 to 20,700 sq ft 24’ ceilings • Grade loading • River views HVAC equipped • Hwy #1 nearby Units 101 - 103 • 11,736 sq ft High quality office space • $160 per sq ft Ideal for software/tech users Ryan Saunders/Mitch Ellis/Mark Elworthy Steve Caldwell / Jackie Gwozd Steve Caldwell Rand Thomson Steve Caldwell / Jackie Gwozd INDUSTRIAL SALE FORECLOSURE SALE U C ED Tel: (604) 684-7117 Although the information contained within is from sources believed to be reliable, no warranty or representation is made as to its accuracy being subject to errors, omissions, conditions, prior lease, withdrawal or other changes without notice and same should not be relied upon without independent verification. DTZ Barnicke Vancouver Limited, Real Estate Brokerage 5/2010 SUBJECT PR IC E R ED For more information on these and other opportunities contact our office or visit our website 13081 84TH AVE, SURREY 144 & 174 - 176TH STREET, SURREY 19,200 sq ft building on 1.1 acres 11,000 sq ft leased generating $87,000 per annum 60 acres including farm buildings 1 acre with house Close proximity to Pacific Border Crossing Tony Capolongo / Chris McIntyre Dixon Chow A19 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 COVER Tax advantage softens blow of low occupancies, soft prices, slumping incomes and a slow recovery 3PMMJOHPWFS JOIPUFMT FRANK O’BRIEN WESTERN INVESTOR spike in Vancouver occupancies during the 2010 Winter Olympics is not enough to disguise a slump in a B.C. hotel and motel market pockmarked with foreclosures, falling income, killed projects and empty rooms. And B.C. is not alone: a mix of a high dollar, the loss of U.S. tourists and tough financing has hammered the hospitality industry across Canada. see a near 2 per cent decline to $76 this year, after a 13 per cent drop in 2009. “We don’t see a turnaround, and that means back to 2007 levels until 2014,” said industry veteran Angus Wilkinson, president of West Vancouver-based Tyne Hospitality Ltd. 'FXTBMFT Wilkinson notched one of the few hotel sales this year in Metro Vancouver when he sold the 56-room Travelodge in Maple Ridge for $3.6 million. The sale was unique, Wilkinson said. It wasn’t listed for sale when a hotel owner from Abbotsford made the offer, and the buyer had the strength to handle the financing. Over on Vancouver Island, meanwhile, a number of hotels have slid into receivership as the recession slowed U.S. visitors. Last year, hotel revenues in the capital region fell nearly 10 per cent and were off from 11 per cent to 12 per cent in other Island centres. Last December, the English Inn & Resort finally sold after 20 months under a court ordered sale to a group of B.C. investors. The Photo: Sparkling Hills Resort and Wellness Centre Photo: Tyne Hospitality Yet, as in any downturn, some investors are building and buying now to catch what they believe is an improving market, despite the ugly statistics. Hotel and motel incomes in B.C. dropped 11.7 per cent in 2009 to $1.7 billion, and room revenues fell for the first time in six years, according to BC Stats. By December 2009, hotel occupancy had plunged to 57 per cent – down from a five-year average of 65 per cent – and the average room rate was down 2.2 per cent to $128.90. The downtown Vancouver hotel market rallied during the 17 days of the Olympics, with occupancy levels exceeding 90 per cent, according to Tourism Vancouver. But a March check of local hotels showed that occupancy levels and average rates had fallen back. PKF Consulting, which tracks the industry, forecasts that REVPAR (revenue per available room) will average $96 in Vancouver this year, up from $86 in 2009, but far below the $100 average of three years ago. And Vancouver is doing better than other major western Canadian cities. Calgary is forecast to see REVPAR of $91, down from $94 in 2009, while Edmonton will Photo: Richard Lam " price for the 23-room hotel wasn’t disclosed, but the town of Esquimalt had put the property up for a sale in 2009 to covered unpaid taxes of $529,500, with no takers. Victoria’s Huntingdon Hotel and Suites, under court protection for 18 months, is still for sale, and, in Nanaimo, a planned 200-room hotel that was to be attached to the new convention centre has been stopped cold by the developer, Suro Development Company/ Millennium Nanaimo Properties. In Vancouver, Anthem Properties Group bought the 233-unt Pacific Palisades hotel on ABOVE: Robert Greer, principal with Avison Young, at the Burrard Motor Inn, the only Vancouver hotel to sell in the past year. FAR LEFT: The Travelodge Hotel in Maple Ridge sold in April for $3.6 million. LEFT: Opening this month, the Sparkling Hill Resort and Wellness Centre is a $122 million Vernon venture by Austrian investors. Robson Street for $41 million last year, but planned to convert it to residential units after the Olympics. The venerable Hotel Georgia will have its 300 rooms converted into 150 rooms and Delta Lands’ end game is tied to an attached condominium and office tower. According to Wilkinson, a hotel that has residential potential or a commercial component has a better chance of selling in today’s market because of the difficulty in arranging financing on a pure hotel play. “No major lenders will look at hotel or motel financings,” Wilkinson said, noting that buyers often have to go to private lenders, which charge much higher interest rates. Mike Keenan, a broker with Avison Young, Vancouver, who is trying to sell the 90-unit historic Dolphin Hotel in Victoria for $7.9 million, said even mortgage brokers are requiring Please see Investors page A20 -PXFS.BJOMBOE A20 Lower Mainland FOR SALE ,#.''#''' MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR */7&45034from A19 65 per cent loan-to-value ratios, which means hotel buyers have to come up with a hefty down payment or seek alternative financing. 5BYBEWBOUBHF )..(M`jZflekNXp#I`Z_dfe[#9: ,+#'''J=@E;LJKI@8Cn&f]ÔZ\ @[\XcFne\i&Lj\ifggfikle`kp Efik_I`Z_dfe[%)(8Zi\j#Qfe`e^@$) <ogfjli\kf9i`[^\gfikI[#n`k_gpcfej`^e )[fZbXe[,^iX[\cfX[`e^YXpj +#00,#''' (0+-Ki`ldg_Jk#MXeZflm\i#9: )/#*+,J=)9l`c[`e^j =c\oF==@:<&C89&N8I<?FLJ< <oZ\cc\ek:\ekiXcCfZXk`fe D$)@e[ljki`Xc Still, the motel and hotel market offers some tax advantage to vendors and serial buyers. “If a hotel owner sells the assets of his hotel and reinvests in another hotel business within 12 months of the sale completing, then he will defer the payment of any federal capital gains tax. If he sells the shares of the company that owns the hotel, he will also not have to pay the B.C. property purchase tax,” Wilkinson explained. The so-called rollover provision, combined with the distressed prices, has convinced some hotel owners that this may be the time to buy. An example is Calgary-based Royal Host Real Estate Investment Trust, owner of 32 hotels, which has launched an acquisition campaign under its new president and CEO, Laurie Etkin. Etkin expects to find some bargains. “Various investment bankers are saying in the latter part of 2010 the markets may free up a bit, and now would be a good time to do that because there are distressed hotels, owners that are in default or close to default on their mortgages or not doing well on occupancy or rates and are willing to sell. Whereas in 200506 you were paying up to $200,000 per door, especially in Alberta, those hotels may go for 20 or 30 or 40 per cent less, depending on that GAS STATION (LAND & BUILDING) FRASER VALLEY PRICE: $1,900,000 UÊÛ}Ê>VV`>ÌÊUÊÎÊL>ÞÊiV >VÊà « UÊÊ1>ÕÊÛ}Ê>}iVÞ]Ê ÃÌÀi]ÊÊ >Ì>ÊLÀ>`Ê>iÊ}>ÃÊÃÌ>Ì]ÊÊ vLiÀÊ}>ÃÃÊÌ>à UÊ} Ê>À}ÃÊÊvÊÃ`iÊÃÌÀi GAS STATION (LAND & BUILDING) FRASER VALLEY PRICE: $2,800,000 UÊÊ"ÛiÀʤÊ>VÀiÊvÊ>`]Ê Õ}iÊLÕ`}]ÊÊ VÀiÀÊÌ UÊÊLiÀÊ}>ÃÃÊÌ>Ã]ÊiiVÌÀV>ÞÊÌÀi`]Ê>Ì >ÊLÀ>`Ê>i UÊÊ6iÀÞÊ}`ÊÛÕiÃ]ÊÊLÕÃiÃÌÊÀ>`ÊÊÌÜ 20 ACRES – BLUEBERRY FARM FRASER VALLEY PRICE: $1,400,000 UÊ"ÊVÌÞÊÜ>ÌiÀ The overall hotel industry is being affected by a sharp downturn in tourism and the slowdown in large construction projects that require workers in the north and the Interior. In 2009, overnight visits to B.C. from the U.S. dropped 5.9 per cent and were down for the third straight year. As well, total overseas visitors to B.C. have been falling since 2006 and dropped a further 12 per cent in 2009. Meanwhile, cutbacks in pipeline construction and natural gas plays has reduced room demand for mobile workers. Looking at the national picture, PFK is cautiously optimistic for 2010. “With a further 1.7 per cent increase in supply, set against moderate GDP growth, occupancy is projected to improve 1 per cent to 59 per cent,” according to PFK’s latest research paper. “Average daily rates are forecast to marginally increase by 2 per cent in 2010 to reach $127. Nationally, REVPAR is projected COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL (MIXED) PAMMI MANDAIR All the negative news has not deterred some developers proceeding with major hotel projects in both B.C. and Alberta. Set to officially open this June, the 150-unit Metropolitan Hotel’s Grande Rockies Resort in Canmore, Alberta, is the “first luxury hotel brand to open its doors in Canmore” said Henry Wu, president of Metropolitan Hotels, which has boutique hotels in Vancouver and Toronto. Room rates at the Grande Rockies Resort start at $215 per night. It takes a special brand of courage to open in Canmore, which last year saw the high-profile failure of a large condo hotel and the Three Sisters Mountain Village, the town’s largest development. Vernon, meanwhile, is the site for one the most expensive and innovative new hotels in B.C., the Sparkling Hills Resort and Wellness Hotel, which opens this month overlooking Okanagan Lake and the Predator Ridge golf course. It is the first hotel in Canada by Austrian developer Gernot Swarovski, of the famous Swarovski Crystal family. Circle of Innovation of Austria designed the ultra-luxury hotel, which includes a 40,000-square-foot wellness centre with indoor and outdoor pools plus seven steam rooms and seven saunas, including the first “cold sauna” in Canada. Room rates start at around $200 per night.◆ Attention SILVER CHALLICE PUB & LIQUOR STORE – Land & Building – Foreclosure $879,000 FRASER VALLEY PUB - Nets $200,000 plus. Cap rate 19%. Very clean operation. Great location. Share sale $999,999 NANAIMO PUB & LIQUOR STORE – $1,050,000 2½ acres. Land & buildings. Priced @ 1 x gross sales. Asset sale. Includes 2 suites. PRICED TO SELL SHUSWAP PUB & LIQUOR STORE $995,000 – Shopping centre location. Agents: NEW WESTMINSTER PUB & LIQUOR STORE – $3.1 MILLION. Great potential. 300 new residences planned. SHUSWAP – Pub & liquor store. Great location. Gorgeous Property. $3,450,000. Land & Building. OFFERS! 16% CAP RATE SHERIDAN LAKE PUB – Bring any offer! 7,000sq. ft. 2 level Log bldg. MUST SELL! KOOTENAY HOT SPRINGS PUB & LIQUOR STORE 16.6% CAP RATE Land & Building nets $650,000 – Asset Sale. Slashed to $3,900,000 CHILLIWACK – PUB & LIQUOR STORE & RESTAURANT excellent money maker $3,200,000. Great lease. MANY IF WE DON’T HAVE IT LISTED WE WILL FIND IT FOR YOU! NEIGHBORHOOD PUBS IN ALL PRICE RANGES NOW AVAILABLE . BARRY BOCK / DON KAYTOR Phone GLENAYRE REALTY /FXIPUFMT SURREY PUB – Great location. Nets over $200,000. Asking $1,000,000 for business NORTH OKANAGAN HOTEL PUB & LIQUOR STORE – asking $1,250,000 excellent opportunity. All offers presented. NEIGHBOURHOOD LIQUOR STORES - PUBS - HOTELS - RESTAURANTS MORE DETAILS CALL: to grow by 2.7 per cent this year, but remember that this if off a very low base.” CHILLIWACK STRIP MALL – Excellent potential for expansion. Long term tenants. Nets $276,000. Asking price $4,500,000. Cap rate approximately 6.1% NEW WEST PUB & LIQUOR STORE – $2,800,000 Nets $500,000 plus UÊ iÜÊLÕ`}ÊUÊ >Ì>ÊÌi>Ì UÊÛ>>LiÊÃÊÊV>ÊvÀÊ`iÌ>à CELL: 604-825-8121 OFFICE: 604-859-3141 [email protected] 5SBGGJDEPXO LIQUOR STORES, PUBS, HOTELS/MOTELS #SJOHBMM0GGFST STATION (LAND & BUILDING) FRASER VALLEY PRICE: $2,600,000 UÊ"ÊLÕÃÞÊ } Ü>ްʤÊ>VÀiÊvÊ>` UÊ >Ì>ÊLÀ>`Ê>i UÊÊLiÀÊ}>ÃÃÊ`ÕLiÊÜ>ÊÌ>Ã]ÊÊ iiVÌÀV>ÞÊÌÀi` UÊÊ`ÊÛÕiÃÊvÊ}>Ã]Ê`iÃi]Ê«À«>i]ÊÌÌÊÊÊ owner and how much trouble he’s in,” Etkin told the Calgary Herald. Owners of smaller hotels are thinking along the same lines, according to Robert Greer of Avison Young, who sold the Burrard Motor Inn in Vancouver this spring for $8 million. It was the first Vancouver hotel sale in over a year. The buyer is a local hotel owner who spotted an opportunity in a good Vancouver location. “As a buy-and-hold situation, it is a good investment,” Greer said, noting it has a fullyleased retail component on the ground floor. HOMELIFE BENCHMARK TITUS REALTY 604-575-5262 Phone 604-576-9285 Fax (604) 575-2214 Email: [email protected] Website: TO ADVERTISE HERE call Gary Takahashi toll-free: 1-800-661-6988 direct: (604) 608-5111 or fax: (604) 669-2154 Lower Mainland A21 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 8"/5&% For Sale 2600 square ft. COMMUNITY HALL #:*/7&4503 and adjacent parking lot on two lots in downtown Cloverdale. s$0APPLICATIONISINPROGRESSFORUNITSONPROPERTY s(ALLBOASTSLARGECOOKINGANDFOODPREPARATIONAREACLOSEDINSERVING KIOSKASSEMBLYHALLWASHROOMSADDITIONALSQFTLOFTANDTABLE ANDCHAIRSTOSEAT s%VENTRENTALINCOMECURRENTLYATYRWITHFARMOREPOTENTIAL FORTHERIGHTINVESTOR !SKING $1,250,000. #ONTACTArt Attention Homelife Agents: TO ADVERTISE HERE call Gary Takahashi toll-free: 1-800-661-6988 direct: (604) 608-5111 or fax: (604) 669-2154 [email protected] -PXFS.BJOMBOE"QBSUNFOUCVJMEJOHT TVJUFTBOEMBSHFSJOBOZDPOEJUJPO .BZDPOTJEFS7BODPVWFS*TMBOEBOE #$*OUFSJPSBTXFMM 604-835-5357 +PIO604-618-5522 MISSION INDUSTRIAL / COMMERCIAL Cookstown, ONT - 87 pads, 14.95 acres..5,600,000 Clearwater, BC - 20 pads, 17.68 ac. Res ....999,000 Oyen, AB - 54 pads, 6.0 ac +/-, 2 parks... 950,000 Prince George, BC - 21 pads, 2.31 acres 810,000 Burns Lake, BC - 32 pads, 17 acres ....... 600,000 Langenburg, SK - 60 pads, 14 ac ........... 525,000 Houston, BC - MH & RV Park, 40 ac+/ ... 399,000 Toll Free: 1-888-251-2822 Direct: 604-302-3771 Fax: 1-888-804-1394 Email: [email protected] Homelife Glenayre Realty !CRES)NDUSTRIAL,ANDs Designated INL-1 Zone, Industrial Light Impact. Excellent Exposure at corner of London Avenue and Mission Way. High Visability from Mission Bridge. Some area affected by restrictive covenant. gXg$ESIGNATED#OMMERCIAL District shows Core Commercial on OCP. High Visability from Lougheed Hwy. Includes 2 bedroom rental home. Call LANCE HILL 604-826-2699 [email protected] South Surrey Residential RYDER LAKE HOMES & PROPERTIES CHILLIWACK, BC 39.2 ACRES $739,900 39.4 ACRES $749,900 50 ACRES $800,000 10 ACRES $499,900 10 ACRES $370,000 IAN HORNBY )#)#OMMERCIAL HOMELIFE GLENAYRE REALTY Office: 604-795-2955 Cell: 604-799-1955 e-mail: [email protected] RICK TOOR Development Property HOMELIFE GLENAYRE REALTY CHILLIWACK 7% CAP [email protected] GLENAYRE REALTY CHILLIWACK Office: 604-795-2955 Cell: 604-897-0260 Commercial Building $1,550,000 "Your Commercial Specialists" FOR LEASE s 'RANDVIEW(EIGHTS!REA s !CRE3ITE s 0ROPOSED3INGLE&AMILY-ULTI&AMILY s .#0#URRENTLY5NDERWAY DEVELOPINAPPROXIMATELYYEARS s ,IST0RICE$19,500,000 Contact Bernie Scholz HOMELIFE Bernie Scholz Agencies 604.531.1111 UÊÊ>ÀÛ>À`Ê*>Vi]Ê«ÀÛ>ÌiÊvwÊViÃ]ÊvwÊVi]Êfxxä³É]Ê Ü>V UÊÊxÈäÊ/ÞÃÊ1ÌÊÓäÓ]ÊÓäÇõvÌ]ÊvwÊVi]ÊfÓxΣÉ]Ê Ü>V UÊÊ9>iÊ,>`ÊiÜÊÊÌÀiÊLÕ`}®]ÊÎxää³ÃµvÌ]ÊÀiÌ>É Ü>Ài ÕÃi]ÊfÇxää³É]Ê Ü>V UÊÊ{xÓÊ7i}ÌÊÛi]ÊÎnääõvÌ]Ê,iÌ>ÉvwÊVi]ÊfÓxääÉ]Ê Ü>V UÊÊÇ{änÊ6i``iÀÊ,>`]Ê£äääõvÌ£nääÃvÌ]ÊÀiÌ>ÉvwÊVi]Ê fÓxääÉÊvÀÊ£äääõvÌ]Ê Ü>V UÊÊ£ä£xÈ£xÊ/iÃiÞ]ÊÈÈnõvÌ]ÊÀiÌ>ÉvwÊVi]Êf£{ääÉ]Ê Ü>V UÊÊxÈxnÊ6i``iÀ]ÊÕ«ÊÌÊäääÊõÊvÌ]ÊÀiÌ>ÉvwÊVi]Êf£äf£nÊ«iÀÊÃµÊ vÌ]Ê Ü>V UÊÊÓÈäÈÊ i`>ÀÊ*>ÀÊ*>Vi]Ê£xääÊõÊvÌ]ÊÀiÌ>Évw ÊVi]ÊfÓxääÉ]Ê LEASED LLÌÃvÀ` UÊÊÕiÀ`}iÊÀÛi]Ê£äääÊõÊvÌ]ÊÀiÌ>Évw LEASEDÊVi]ÊfÓxääÉ]Ê LLÌÃvÀ` ÊFOR SALE (BUSINESSES AND BUILDINGS) UÊÊ*ÃÌ>ÉiÛiÀÞÊÀ>V Ãi]ÊfÓ£]ää]Ê Ü>V UÊÊ{xnÈÇÊ,>Ü>ÞÊÛi°°°°£Êâ}Ê>`]Êf£Çx]äää]Ê Ü>V UÊÊÀ>V ÃiÊ,iÃÌ>ÕÀ>Ì]ÊfÎÇx]ää]Ê Ü>V UÊÊLLÞÊ7>ÌiÀÊ-ÌÀi]Êfnä]äää]ÊLLÌÃvÀ` UÊÊÇÓ{{Ê*iiÀÊÛi]ÊÝi`ÊÀiÃ`iÌ>ÊViÀV>ÊÊLÕ`}]Ê fÎ]ää]Ê}>ÃÃâ UÊÊÇÓxÊ{Ì ÊÛi]Ê*>>}Ê*ââ>ÊÜÌ ÊLÕ`}]Êf{x]ää]Ê«i Commercial Building $99,000 FOR SALE M1 Land 7000 square feet $175,000 Commercial Building $275,000 OVER 2.4 ACRES $1,499,000 iÛiÊ>`]ÊV>Ìi`ÊÊ9>iÊÀ>`ÊÊ Ü>V°Ê ÃiÊÌÊ16Ê>`Ê } Ü>Þ°Ê<i`Ê -°Ê A22 Lower Mainland FOR MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR SALE Industrial Warehouses For Sale BUILDING “A”: 1 /Ê£äÓÊqÊÎ{Ó{Ê-ÊÊUÊÊ1 /Ê£äÊqÊ£ÇäxÊ- Available Properties Second Floor Strata Offices BUILDING “A”: 1 /ÊÓä£ÊqÊÓäÈxÊ-ÊÊUÊÊ1 /ÊÓäÓÊqÊ£ÈÓnÊ-ÊÊUÊÊ1 /ÊÓä{ÊqÊäÊ- BUILDING “B”: 1 /ÊÓ£ÇÊqÊÓäÈäÊ-ÊÊUÊÊ1 /ÊÓ£nÊqÊÓÎnÊ-ÊÊUÊÊ1 /ÊÓÓÊqÊÓÇÓÎÊ- 1 /ÊÓΣÊqÊÓäxÈÊ-ÊÊUÊÊÊ1 /ÊÓÎÓÊqÊÓä£ÇÊ- UNIT CAN BE JOINED UPTO 7,181 & 4,073 SF ALL UNITS HAVE HVAC – COMMON WASHROOMS ELEVATOR TO SECOND FLOOR FOR LEASE White Rock 600 to 750 SF of Commercial Space 604.671.0516 Fax: 604.882.1499 Email: [email protected] Phone: PORT COQUITLAM 4 LOT SUBDIVISON $1,249,000.00 PENTICTON PENTICTON LUXURY MOUNTAIN TOP HOME $2,499,000.00 LAKEFRONT PENTHOUSES 1 BDRM: 529,000.00 | 3 BDRM $1,599,000.00 LANGLEY OSOYOOS 46 PRIVATE ACRES (2 Titles) $6,250,000.00 LAKEFRONT RV LOTS FROM ONLY $125,000.00 WHITE ROCK WHITE ROCK NEW EXECUTIVE 6 BDRM HOME SALE PENDING! $879,000.00 NEW OCEANVIEW HOME $1,189,000.00 COMOX LANGFORD NEW PRIME RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE NEXT TO POPULAR RETAILERS SUCH AS SHOPPERS DRUG MART. CONDO SITE APPROVED FOR UP TO 188 UNITS PHOENIX, AZ SURREY (Clayton) 19 RENTAL HOMES $1,330,000.00 USD 10% RETURN! Please visit our website for more details REDUCED! $4,399,000.00 Trades considered. Financing Available Coronation Park 604-592-7250 10 LOT SUBDIVISION REDUCED! $1,249,000.00 LD BRUCE NORMANTON MAPLE RIDGE 16 ACRES + Large Home $2,100,000.00 SO Call For Details or Viewing FLEETWOOD Large 17,147 sq/ft lot $559,000.00 LD BUILDING “C”: 1 /Ê£{ÎÊqÊÎx{ÈÊ-ÊÊUÊÊ1 /Ê£{ÈÊqÊÎx{ÈÊ-ÊÊUÊÊ1 /-Ê£{nÉ£{É£xäÊqÊ£ä]È{nÊ- SURREY 10,000+ sq/ft ESTATE HOME $1,999,000.00 SO BUILDING “B”: 1 /Ê£ÓÈÊqÊÓ£xÓÊ-ÊÊUÊÊ1 /Ê£ÎäÊqÊ£Ê-Ê We have Buyers Looking for: Golf Courses, e-commerce companies INVEST IN THE ONLY BOUTIQUE HOTEL IN THE WINE CAPITAL OF CANADA UÊÎä¯Ê,ivÕ`>LiÊ/>ÝÊ Ài`ÌÊUÊ,-*Ê}LiÊÀi>ÌÊ,"Ê*ÌiÌ>ÊUÊÛiÃÌiÌÊ-iVÕÀi`Ê/ ÀÕ} Ê"ÜiÀà «ÊÊÕ`}Ê UÊ1µÕiÊÝÌÊ-ÌÀ>Ìi}ÞÊUÊ° °Ê À«À>ÌÃÊ+Õ>vÞÊÀÊÎä¯Ê/>ÝÊ Ài`Ì LZ^ck^iZndjid_d^cjh^ci]^hjc^fjZdeedgijc^inl^i]hda^YGD>ediZci^Va JcWZa^ZkVWan! Da^kZg! 78! i]Z ÄL^cZ 8Ve^iVa d[ 8VcVYVÅ! ]Vh cd ajmjgn ]diZa# IZch d[ i]djhVcYh d[ V[ÑjZci k^h^idgh Zc_dn i]Z VgZVÇh ViigVXi^dchZkZgnnZVg!Wjii]ZaVX`d[jehXVaZVXXdbbdYVi^dcegZkZcihi]Zb[gdba^c\Zg^c\Vhadc\Vhi]ZnÇYa^`Zid#I]ZdcanadY\^c\h VkV^aVWaZVgZV[ZlhbVaabdiZahVcY77h!idiVaa^c\aZhhi]Vc&*%gddbhÃcdicZVganZcdj\]idhVi^h[ni]ZYZbVcYh#Da^kZgHj^iZh=diZa K88>cX#egdk^YZhVjc^fjZdeedgijc^inidhdakZi]^hegdWaZb!l]^aZVii]ZhVbZi^bZegdk^Y^c\^ckZhidghl^i]Vhda^YGD>ediZci^VaVcY V]j\Z(%gZ[jcYVWaZiVmXgZY^i^[ndjgZV78gZh^YZciVcY788dgedgVi^dchgZXZ^kZV(%iVmXgZY^i#8jggZcianjcYZgXdchigjXi^dc!i]Z ]diZaXdjaYWZdeZc[dgWjh^cZhh^ci^bZ[dgi]Z;VaaL^cZ;Zhi^kVa# I]^h^higjanVc^ckZhibZcideedgijc^inndjl^aalVciidhiVn^c# Visit our website for more information: * No offering is made or intended by this communication. Any offering of interests in Oliver Suites Hotel VCC Inc. will be made only in compliance with applicable provincial securities laws. Lower Mainland A23 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 62 LOT SUBDIVISION 9.7 acre lot in Grandview Area South Surrey Future potential of 62 lots. NCP is already in progress No creek level property. House rented long time. HIGH RISE DEVELOPMENT 1.5 acre land. Half block from Gateway Skytrain Station Two high rise projects across the street are under construction and are fully sold. Can build up to 30 Stories. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SITE 14.09 Acres in South Surrey OCP designated for RM-15 Town homes. 2 septic sites were approved in the past. Good holding land in phase #3. MULTI FAMILY INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY California / Arizona Seeking qualified Cash Buyers For: 80 Units - $1,500,000 76 Units - $1,500,000 45 Units - $1,899,000 247 Units - $4,000,000 And many more Contact Information Gurdev Sandhu / Varinder Grewal Phone 604 691 6635 or [email protected] Committed to Canada. Connected to the World. Macdonald Commercial R.E.S. Ltd JORDAN ENG (604) 728-0883 Development Site w/Income Central Mount Pleasant Site at East 8th and Main Street. C3A zoning. Holding income. 145 foot frontage. Asking $7,300,000 FOR SALE or LEASE – Prime Investment Property, Maple Ridge | $4,998,000 4,000 to 40,000 Sq. Ft. of office & warehouse space of lease, located seconds from new Golden Ears Bridge. Available for immediate possession. FOR SALE – Fraser Valley Investment Opportunity Long term investment to acquire 5742 sq. ft. of prime office strata unit. Solid tenant, great location and exceptional interior design and finish. Good ROI at 7% Cap. Dennis Germyn | 604.590.2444 | [email protected] | Income Producing High Traffic D UCE RED 2327 E. Hastings St. New developments nearby. Established tenants. Asking $1,048,000 Strata Retail Investment FOR SALE 3272 West Broadway Established high traffic location. Long term tenant. Solid income. Asking $574,000 Restaurant For Lease 269 N. Terminal, Nanaimo BC Central location. Reasonable rent. Close to Downtown. $2,700/m Food Production/ Warehouse For Lease 485 Commercial Drive 9,500 sf. High visibility corner location at East Pender Street. Close to Downtown. Available immed. $8/sf. Chinatown Retail For Lease 418 Main Street High pedestrian traffic. Central loc. Excellent exposure. 1,394 sf $12/sf. APARTMENT BUILDINGS FOR SALE • 57 u. White Rock – excellent condition. Price reduced. • Newer fully occupied mixed-use complex in Fairhaven area of Bellingham. 60 u. plus 17,000 sq. ft. commercial. Asking $14,888,000 (U.S.) • 112 u. New Westminster High Rise – Views, U/P. Asking $16,500,000 (offers) • Prime West End development site,132 X 131 (under contract) • Prime Port Coquitlam condo development site for 35/40 u., 37,800 sq ft buildable | $1,650,000 • 12 u. Marpole – needs TLC • 15 u. New Westminster (4.75% CAP) • 26 u. West End mid-rise • 6 u. West End (Strata) HOT! • 8 u. Kits W. 4th Ave, C-2 zoning David/Mark Goodman | 604.736.5611 [email protected] | FOR SALE BY COURT ORDER Penticton waterfront development site • Potential for 21 residential units and 4 commercial units • Excellent location • Asking Price $2,100,000 Gary Khan | 604.714.4799 or Paul Buckley | 604.551.7751 SOLD – Hotel of the Rockies, Canmore Alberta, 99 rooms | priced at $9 million FOR SALE • 22 room hotel w./ restaurant – under contract, Abbotsford, BC | $2,500,000 • Days Inn Hotel, Chilliwack | Only offered at $2,200,000 • Prime development site in Pentiction. Crown Resort, 30 Units lakeshore drive, lake front,1 acre | Asking $3.5 million • Canada Best Value Inn, 45 units, Cache Creek | $2 million • Various hotels available in BC and Alberta. Exclusively from $2 – $20 million. Call for details. Hamir S Bansal | 604.714.4770 | FOR SALE • Corner strata unit at Yukon & West 8th Ave. near skytrain station. 1,226 square feet; ideal for owner uses. • Yaletown strata units on Pacific Boulevard. Fully leased to solid tenants with long term leases. Eric Poon | 604.714.4768 Vancouver 604.736.5611 | Fraser Valley 604.590.2444 | ,!.$!33%-",9s$%6%,/0-%.4s).#/-%02/0%24)%3 RICHMOND HIGH RISE SITE 1.5 Acres * Residential Hotel * Commercial Adjacent to new Wall Centre Development Sky-Train & No.3 Rd Location Sale Price: $9,200,000 SENIOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENT READY TO COMPLETE FOR SALE 85 units - Foundation in place - Ready to complete, All plans, studies, budgets, permits. $40,000 per unit WHISTLER REVENUE PROPERTY $468,800 Townhouse, 3 Bdrm, 3 Bth, 1,100 SF, 5 minute walk to Creekside Gondola. Long term tenant. Income $2,950 per month. Complex sites on 10.5 acres. Development potential w/higher density. 91.6 ACRE ESTATE LOT Hwy. #1 Frontage @ 216th Ave., Langley 10.76 ACRES TO BUILD A COMMUNITY Sell or J.V. Parternship CONDO & COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT PROPERTIES WHISTLER CONDO – 5 Bd, 3 Bth, 2,300 SF, nightly rentals allowed. $1,200,000 MAPLE RIDGE – Commercial Strata Unit, 1,097 SF, Lougheed Hwy., Retail Location, 6 Parking Stalls, currently a Doctors Office, can be converted to large retail unit. $338,000 FOR LEASE – Former ICBC office. Mission Court House - 1,000-8,000 SF, FiberOptic lines, views, corner of 7th & Cedar Valley, 3 levels - high traffic. Inquire ALBERTA DEVELOPMENT LAND 42 ACRES - Poplar Bay Resort, designated for creation of 27 lake side lots, Subdivision Appraised Value $3,945,000. Sale: $2,000,000 69 ACRES – Inside Wetaskiwin City Limits, Residential, Multi Family, Commercial, Light Industrial BP Plans. Sale: $2,400,000 Your specialist in PRIME income-generating and redevelopment opportunities: DANIEL K. PRESTON 604-617-5981 [email protected] VIEW ADDITIONAL LISTINGS ON THE WEB A24 Lower Mainland MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR ONTARIO BALJIT KOCHHAR Mattu Realty HOTEL/MOTELS FOR SALE 125 room F/S – Rev. $3M UÊÊ ÃÃiÌ]Ê- >ÀiÊÀÊ>ÃÊ>Ê ÛiÃÌiÌ Uʺ>Ì>ÃÌVÊ1«Ã`i» Price $7.5M 7"/$067&3)*3*4&4*5& DIRECT: 604-725-4406 604-572-1008 COMMERCIAL SPECIALIST ,JOHTXBZ UI 1PQVMBS4.BJOBSFB TUPSFZTXJUIHSFBUWJFXT $"[POFEWBDBOUTJUF /FU4JUF4J[FGU 1SFMJNJOBSZ%1GPSVOJUT GUCVJMEBCMFBSFB Info package available Gas Station/Motel UÊxnÊÀà UÊÌÌ>ÊÀiÛiÕiÊf£°nÊ Price $1.3M > Russell TCB RLTY R.E. BRKG 416-433-8688 -"/(-&:"$3&4*5& °UI4USFFU FOR SALE (SPTTBSFBBDSFT 8JMMPVHICZ:PSLTPO$PNNVOJUZ 1MBOEFTJHOBUFEGPSUPXOIPVTF 1SPQPTFEVOJUT *OGPQBDLBHFBWBJMBCMF For more information, call I-2 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RICHMOND Next to Knight Street Bridge 3.796 Acres w 60,000SF BUILDING $5,500,000 RETAIL FOR LEASE 2050 SF YALETOWN ROUNDHOUSE Next to Canadaline $67.00 NNN Sale Possible 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPODBMM FOR SALE 23 room accomodation Squamish BC 23 Rooms $3,250,000 Savey Mattu TBWFZNBUUV!IPUNBJMDPN ALEX YUEN 604-338-1800 alex@macrealty .com Macdonald Realty Ltd. COMMERCIAL NEW LISTING – ASKING $1,200,000 GAS STATION & CONVENIENCE STORE SITE IN WHISTLER, BC with Esso & Tim Hortons On the Run. Assignment of contract. Call for details NEW LISTING – ASKING $3,900,000 51 UNIT TOWNHOME SITE IN MAPLE RIDGE 3rd reading almost complete. 3 acre site with 77,000 sq ft buildable area. APPROX. 100 ACRES 50 Acres IL zoning, 50 Acres zoned residential. Pitt Meadows. Asking Price $53,000,000 APPROX. 17 ACRE BERRY FARM 39456 & 39452 South Parallel Rd, Abbotsford, BC. Drip system in place. City water on site. Can build 2 homes. ASKING $1,155,000 s#URRENTLYTREED 3OMEGOOD6ALUEINTHE4IMBER s1SJDF3FEVDFE 1IPOF GPSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPO 238 Fell Avenue, North Vancouver, B.C. UÊ/ÜÊÌinant building UÊÛiÊ>`ÊÌiÊÞi>ÀÊi>ÃiÃÊÊ«>Vi UÊ>Ì>ÃÌVÊV>Ì UÊ} iÃÌʵÕ>ÌÞÊLÕ`} UÊÊÛiÀ>}iÊViÊf£{{]Î{{Ê«iÀÊ>ÕÊ / UÊÃ}Ê«ÀViÊ$2,600,000 Contact information: Chris Davies and Peter Hall Tel: (604) 718-7300 Fax: (604) 718-7307 Email: [email protected] BUY PROPERTY PLUS BUSINESS Convenience Store on King George Hwy, Surrey. Plus 3 bedrm suite upstairs. 20 years in the business – Owners retiring. Solid Building. Asking Price $749,000 BUSINESS FOR SALE DAY SPA AND SALON – COQUITLAM BC 6 years in business, well established Corporate clients. Good return 4000 sq ft space, high end. ASKING $499,000 LOOKING FOR A SHOPPING CENTRE IN THE LOWER MAINLAND $15 Million to 20 Million s3ERVICES!4LOTLINE3CHOOLAND AMENITIESNEARBY ASKING PRICE $3,200,000 1-800-661-6988 s3UBDIVIDABLEINTOLOTS Sutton Westcoast JOEL KORN (604)722-4588 [email protected] Sutton Centre RAV RAMPURI (604) 351-8988 Powell River Investment O P P O RT U N I T I E S In-Town Oceanfront Development Multi-purpose Waterfront Development Property; 97 acres gently sloping land + approx 19 acres of foreshore with deep water access $3,100,000 Magnificent Waterfront Acreage 245 acres west sloping land incl. approx. 2700’ waterfront; incredible panoramic views 3,100,000 Ideal Farm Land 31 acre level parcel; zoned A2 Large Lot Rural $279,000 50 ACRES Subscribe "DSFTPG'MBUMBOEJO#FBVUJGVM)PQF#$ RESTAURANT/BAR A very hot Broadway location Sales exceed $1 million a year Owners net income in excess of $200,000 a year. Farm land Berry Panorama Ridge Area, Surrey "UUFOUJPO*OWFTUPST%FWFMPQFSTBOE#VJMEFST A RARE OPPORTUNITY Seller Relocating Agri-Business Opportunity 117 acres fairly level land; ideal for agricultural business; many possibilities $649,000 Great Holding/Development 30 acre wooded parcel; zoned M3 Industrial; easy access; services available $349,000 Sears Canada Catalogue Store Well established business; loyal customer base; 5400 sqft lease space; convenient location in major shopping district $269,900 Cranberry Lake Nursery Well established turn-key business; 7+ acres on 3 lakefront lots; 15000+ sqft greenhouse space; 3+1 bdrm lakefront home $549,000 Deep Water Moorage in Lund 3 acres low bank waterfront property; private cove setting; minutes from Lund harbour; plus 48 acre wooded parcel across hwy; owner may consider 50% partnership $1,725,000 TEXADA ISLAND UPPER SUNSHINE COAST $799,000 Gillies Bay General Store Fabulous Family Business Opportunity sBEDROOMSUITEPLUSOFlCE s!DDITIONALUNlNISHEDBDRMSUITE s$ELIBUTCHERSHOPPRODUCEBAKERY s,IQUORVENDORMOVIERENTALS s#ANADA0OSTOFlCE!4- s#OFFEESHOPLOTTOSALES s0ROPANElLLUPSTATION s'ROSSINGOVERMILLIONYEAR Warren Behan 1-877-485-2324 [email protected] Warren Behan Personal Real Estate Corporation A25 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 FEATURE With land topping $1 million an acre, developers looking for infill sites and higher lease rates PETER MITHAM WESTERN INVESTOR edevelopment of town-centre properties and more intensive uses of greenfield sites are what retail development is all about as an under-retailed region gets back on its feet. 3 Shape Properties Corp. of Vancouver is pursuing both approaches. Shape recently joined with Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan to buy Brentwood Town Centre in Burnaby from Ontario Pension Board for approximately $100 million and plans to redevelop the mall, which originally opened in 1961. It’s also building an ambitious centre adjacent to the new Mount Lehman interchange in Abbotsford. Both projects are ramping up on-site density, a reflection of the shortage of available development sites in the Lower Mainland. Competition for sites has increased the per-acre cost of most sites above $1 million, at which point landlords would need to fetch rents even anchor tenants aren’t willing to pay. “There just isn’t the developable land, even if you’re in Abbotsford,” said Darren Kwiatkowski, executive vice-president of Shape, said. The challenge is prompting Shape to pursue opportunities such as the redevelopment of Brentwood, which it plans to triple in size from approximately 500,000 square feet today to 1.5 million square feet by 2015. Retail space as well as office space and residential units will be added to the mall. The complex will be integrated with transit in keeping with municipal plans for the site – designated as one of Metro Vancouver’s town centres in the 1996 regional growth strategy. "CCPUTGPSE But it’s also maxing out density in Abbotsford, where site coverage of its High Street project at the Mount Lehman interchange will cover 90 per cent of the site rather than the typical 25 per cent to 35 per cent coverage. Parking will be incorporated within the structure of the centre, which Kwiatkowski describes as a hybrid of suburban and urban retail models. Kwiatkowski points to Wal-Mart’s approach in areas such as South Surrey. Wal-Mart’s location at Grandview Corners (24th Avenue and 160 Street) features under-store parking, which allows the store to maintain its footprint but eliminates the need for a huge parking lot. A similar approach is being followed in Abbotsford. It not only helps Shape maximize use of the site, but it also reflects the drive to density happening across the Lower Mainland driven by land costs. “You wouldn’t see that in Alberta, you wouldn’t see that in the United States,” Kwiatkowski said. “It’s a trend unique to the Lower Mainland, a very land-constrained market, and a population that’s very urban that’s not getting in their cars and driving out to the ring road – the retailers are coming to them.” Still, there are challenges. Abbotsford isn’t quite downtown Vancouver, where compact retail design has given rise to urban-style power centres in areas such as the Cambie-Broadway hub in Vancouver. It’s a harder sell in suburban markets where transit isn’t the dominant or even the most convenient means of transportation. “Retailers are becoming accustomed to it because that’s what they’re seeing in urban Vancouver,” said Shane Epp, associate vicepresident with CB Richard Ellis in Vancouver. Grocers and drugstores are catching on to the model, too, even though most suburbanites continue to drive for weekly shopping. “If it’s the only game in town, it’s much easier to sell,” Epp said of the new, compact forms of retail. “If they’re competing against an existing food store across the street in a traditional format, a lot of guys don’t want to try Photo: Shape Properties 3FUBJMEFOTJUZ Brentwood Mall: Ontario pension group, Shape Properties plan to triple the size to 1.5 million square feet, plus residential. that on for size.” Corners in Surrey, as well as Onni Group’s But there’s another factor at play – sheer Fremont Village development in Port economics. Coquitlam, not to mention Shape’s projects in the Fraser Valley. But the common elements in most of the pro-BOETIPSUBHFT Epp, who has traditionally focused on new jects are Wal-Mart, and the mixing of uses. “Any development over 500,000 square projects, has spent much of the past two years filling vacancies in existing projects. feet will likely have a Wal-Mart,” said Development costs and the rents tenants are Derick Fluker, a retail broker with Colliers willing to pay have stalled new projects in International. “From there it just becomes a larger development.” many areas. Mixing uses, as several projects in Vancouver “There’s just no tracts of land available that guys can plan new projects on at this point,” he have demonstrated, allows developers to incorsaid. “Until we see land prices come off signifi- porate lucrative residential units that effectively cantly or retailers really stepping up to pay big, subsidize retail units, typically located at grade big numbers, I don’t see a huge amount of new or in the podium of a tower. projects coming on stream, at least in the main Fluker said when new residential developsuburban areas.” ment ground to a halt in 2009, the supply of With high land prices and construction costs new retail space also stopped. of $120 to $150 per square foot, Epp estimated Metro Vancouver retail vacancies ended that a new mall would have to command rents 2009 at 3 per cent, down from 4.2 per cent in excess of $30 a square foot to be viable – at at the beginning of the year. Power centres least twice as much as most anchor tenants are and mixed-use properties boasted the lowest willing to pay in suburban markets. vacancy, at just 0.9 per cent, while neighbourNotable exceptions are Morgan Crossing hood and super-regional malls had the highest by Larco Investments Ltd. and Grandview at 4.1 per cent and 5.6 per cent, respectively.◆ -PXFS.BJOMBOE FOR SALE INDUSTRIAL LAND CHILLIWACK G:6A:HI6I: PUBS FOR SALE 6J8I>DC Lower Mainland Pub & Liquor Store Opportunities >CK:HIB:CIDEEDGIJC>IN JgWVcAd[iA^k^c\^ci]Z=ZVgid[HZX]Zai!7#8# &)Jc^ihVkV^aVWaZ·)Jc^ihidWZHDA9 jcgZhZgkZYidi]Z]^\]Zhi7^YYZg 6aajc^ihVgZXjggZcianiZcVciZYl^i]VlV^ia^hi# 3 LOTS - 1/2 ACRE EACH Zoned M-2 $339,000 EACH 1 LOT - 10.6 ACRES Dual Zoning M-3 & M-4 $5,350,000 s,OTSARELEVELWITHCOMPACTED GRAVELBASE s3OMELOTSOFFERDUALROADFRONTAGE s-ANUFACTURINGDISTRIBUTION WAREHOUSINGFOODPROCESSING OUTSIDESTORAGEETC BOB PLOWRIGHT REALTY CHILLIWACK, BC 1-800-830-7175 - 604-858-7179 [email protected] 6lVgYl^cc^c\YZh^\c!B>9IDLCd[[ZghVXdciZbedgVgn jgWVc!LZhi8dVhi[ZZal^i]^ci]Z]ZVgid[9dlcidlc 6aajc^ihXdbZXdbeaZiZl^i]Veea^VcXZh#FjVa^inÄc^h]ZY l^i]]VgYlddYÅddgh!=jciZg9dj\aVhWa^cYh!hda^YlddY XVW^cZih^c`^iX]ZchVcYWVi]h!ÅddgidXZ^a^c\l^cYdlh VcY.XZ^a^c\h#LVa`idVaaVbZc^i^Zh I]^hVjXi^dc^hegZhZciZYWn6WaZGZVain8dge#&(&"-i]HigZZi!CZlLZhib^chiZg!7#8#K(B(E+ ;jgi]Zg>c[dgbVi^dcdca^cZ5 lll#VWaZgZVain#XV 9Vc7djX]VgY &"---"*'&"''*( 6WaZGZVain8dge#"+%)"*'+"...- For Lower Mainland Pub Opportunities call: JOHN JOHNSON Tel: 604-319-2504 Fax: 604-463-5287 PRUDENTIAL STERLING REALTY LTD. JOHN JOHNSON A26 Lower Mainland MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR ▲ June 2010 deadline May 10th • REPORT: Waterfront real estate • Buying foreclosures • Native land developments • Fishing lodges • Franchise News • Recreational Properties • REGIONAL ROUNDUPS • BC: Kamloops • AB: Grande Prairie • MB: Steinbach • SPOTLIGHT: Ucluelet, BC ▲ July 2010 deadline June 14th • REPORT: Industrial real estate • Golf course real estate • Mobile home parks • Angel investors • Buying & selling restaurants/pubs • Franchise News • Recreational Properties • REGIONAL ROUNDUPS • BC: Kelowna • AB: Cold Lake • SPOTLIGHT: Fort McMurray, AB Media Kit On-Line @ Commercial Real Estate, Franchises & Business Opportunities call toll free 1-800-661-6988 604-669-8500 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 SUNSHINECOAST,BC ML#V4017627 Robbie’s Pancake House Reduced $64,000 Busy, long established family restaurant in Gibsons, operating since 2001. Restaurant seats 75 plus 44 seats in the banquet room and can be rented for meetings and occasions. Great visibility, high traffic area. . ML#V4015937 Lot 39 Seamount Road Sea to Sky/Sunshine Coast Region A27 SQUAMISH INVESTMENTS PRIME COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT Gateway Corner Property Dwtn dev site w/income $1.98 Mil 1.1 Acre Dwtn Dev Site High density zoning, Blks to Oceanfront and University $5.50 Mil I-1 Revenue Property 0.55 Acre, tenants $1.19 Mil Mixed Use Site 18,000 sf Dwtn, blks to oceanfront $1.16 Mil NEW PRICE $2,575,000 DOWNTOWN SQUAMISH $239,000 Light industrial, uptown Gibsons,1 block off main hwy, level and fully fenced. Many uses with great exposure. Call Terry for details. ML#V4014759 Mermaid Street NEW SQUAMISH OCEANFRONT PLAN! Darren McCartney RE/MAX Sea to Sky 604-892-4875 Real Estate Squamish [email protected] $149,900 OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE, ground level, 800 sq.ft. Great downtown location, high foot traffic and 1 blk to mall and transit. Call Terry for details. ML#V4021517 "The Dock" on Cowrie Street $1,419,000 Mainstreet, downtown location with excellent exposure. 2 level building with retail, store, offices and zoned for residential above. High traffic area with lots of parking. 10 tenancies in place, many long term and great cap rate. Call Terry for more info. ML#V4020280 Sechelt Esso Station $799,000 Corner gas station/convenience store in prime downtown location. Lots of potential with large overall sales in gas and store items. Environmental report on file. Call Terry for details. TERRY & PAM BRACKETT 1-800-895-4313 [email protected] Remax Oceanview Realty GREAT COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY IN DOWNTOWN SQUAMISH! Sunshine Coast – Pender Harbour Prime location with great exposure and lots of traffic. Subject property consists of 2 buildings with approx. 12,000 sq ft of leasable area. The 2 buildings front Pemberton and Second Avenue, right across from the Chieftain Centre Mall. Subject property is 100% occupied with a great tenant mix – most have been tenants for over 10 years. Mountain View Service Well established Petro-Canada service station on 6 acres at busy highway corner location. Includes fenced storage compound & convenience store with lots of potential for expansion. Price: $3,500,000 Bill Hunsche FOR A DETAILED PACKAGE CONTACT B6GI>CHEG:C@:AH 604-905-8525 [email protected] Prudential Sussex Realty [email protected] SECHELT Highway Commercial Property 0.53 Acres, mixed use site $1.40 Mil Retail Revenue Property National Tenants! $829k Mixed Use Revenue Property Residential/office/other $889k 6 Acre Residential Development Site Panoramic views in Squamish’s best neighborhood $8.00 Mil C21 PERFORMANCE REALTY AND MANAGEMENT POWELL RIVER OPPORTUNITIES SELL Selling your business? Western Investor Business Opportunity pages are organized geographically so readers can find the opportunity they want. 1-800-661-6988 NEW E PRIC WESTCOAST WILDERNESS LODGE 12 UNIT APARTMENT Welcome to Cedar Lodge B&B, a well-known destination for years. The lodge offers 2 self-contained suites, 2 B&B rooms and four other bedrooms. There is also a freshly renovated 3 bedroom cabin, a roomy workshop plus 2 double carports. The current owners have just completed a substantial addition and upgrades. They have added over 1200 sqft, upgraded the suites and the gorgeous kitchen with granite counters. The lodge is located on 3.5 acres near Okeover Arm and Desolation Marine Park. $850,000 2 buildings. Each building has 6 2-bedroom town homes in it. Each unit offers a covered patio and porch, ocean view deck and a large carport. Town homes have oak floors under carpets and concrete block construction to provide sound and fireproofing. There are also 2 separate laundry and utility buildings plus extra parking. All units are rented. Good income and cash flow. call now for all the details. REDUCED TO $450,000 each. NEW E PRIC MOBILE HOME PARK FOR SALE Six-unit park with three of the homes owned by the park. Great income. Park is on the Lang Bay Water System and has a septic system in place. Property is nearly 2 acres. With views of the mountains and walking distance to sand beaches at Palm Beach. Call now for all the details. $299,000 AARON MAZUREK 1-877-485-4231 VOJRVF QSPQFSUZ Do you have a Advertise your listings in our special )051301&35*&4 feature. Reach potential buyers with money to spend. Western Investor readers have higher than average household income and a real interest in real estate. Recreational Real Estate • Limited spaces • 4-colour ads ADVERTISING FEATURE: • Special rates Èä{ÈÈnxääÊUÊ£nääÈÈ£Ènn [email protected] A28 Vancouver Island MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR PUB AND LIQUOR STORE WHERE NANAIMO DOES SEATs/UTDOORPATIOsTREEDACRES sDUALZONINGsLIVINGQUARTERSs(WYFRONTAGE REAL ESTATE DUTCHY’S INT. KITCHEN s0ICKUP$ELIVERYs0EROGIES"ORCHT s7ILLTRAINs!FFORDABLE $19,700 BUSINESS FOR SALE s0IZZA3TOREs$40ARKSVILLE s'REAT)NCOMEs7ILL4RAIN SUBDIVIDABLE ACREAGE $2,449,000 s!CRESs7ELLTREED$499,000 NANAIM0 REVENUE PROPERTY For further information please call; s&OUR0LEXs$OWNTOWNs7ELL-AINTAINED s.EW2OOF7INDOWS $364,900 HOTEL – FULL SERVICE FLAGGED HOTEL s )NCLUDES$ETACHED,IQUOR3TORE s .EW0UB s &ULLY2ENOVATED2OOMS s !BOVE.ORMAL/CCUPANCY s "ANQUET&ACILITY #ONTACTWayne Dumbrell OR Jim Johnson (250) 756-9700 LEASE SPACE s $OWNTOWN2ETAIL s $OWNTOWN2ESTAURANT s 7AREHOUSING DAN JACK 1-800-533-4153 [email protected] WHITECAP REALTY PARKSVILLE GFIK8C9<IE@#9: LARGE & SMALL BUSINESSES s 3ELECTION)N6ARIOUS0RICE2ANGES!LL /VER6ANCOUVER)SLAND ***BUSINESS FINANCING SERVICES AVAILABLE*** +.)+DX`kcXe[Jki\\k-0#0'' .)./9\Xm\i:i\\bIfX[C`jk`e^gi`Z\)+0#0'' <oZ\cc\ekcfn\i<Z_f8i\XYl`c[`e^cfk#n`k_nXk\iXe[j\n\iXcc_ffb\[lg Xe[gX`[]fi%()+o*0%,#Xcc\pXZZ\jj#i\X[pkfYl`c[fe%?flj\gcXejXmX`cXYc\ ]fik_`jcfk#]ifdj\cc\iXkefZ_Xi^\%:Xcckf[Xpkfj\Zli\k_`jgifg\ikp% 8c`kkc\Y`kf]Zflekip@ek_\_\Xikf]9\Xm\i:i\\b#knfXZi\j%CXi^\)'''" jh]kj_fg#fm\i_\`^_k[ffij#Xccn`i\[Xe[`ejlcXk\[#Xjn\ccXjX+Y\[iffd dfY`c\_fd\%Jfd\Zc\Xe$lgkf[fYlkn\ccnfik_`kJ\cc\igi\]\ijXcfe^\i Zcfj`e^%C`m\`ek_\dfY`c\Xe[jgi\X[flkfm\ik_`jgifg\ikp NANAIMO (250) 756-9700 or 1-866-386-2735 2UTHERFORD2OAD)N,ONG,AKE0LAZA CORNEROF2UTHERFORD2D)SLAND(WY <JK?<I=<EKFE ($///$.)*$(/''k]),'$.)*$(/''cfZXc #ALL nnn%<jk_\i=\ekfe%Zfd\jk_\i7\jk_\i]\ekfe%Zfd %MAIL 1-866-386-2735 OR [email protected] NANAIMO & VANCOUVER ISLAND PROPERTIES Ê,É8Ê" * " / ÊUÊ/" Ê , Ê£nääÈÈxnΣΠDEVELOPMENT SITES NORTH NANAIMO OCEAN VIEW CONDO DEV SITE Approved plan with city for 23 units. $599,000 3 ACRE OCEAN VIEW DEV SITE North Nanaimo unrestricted ocean view, owner will take trades or finance. $1,250,000 71 UNIT APARTMENT BLOCK 4 separate buildings. New Renos. Over $500,000 spent. North Island location. Over $27,000 monthly income. Management in Place. $2,450,000 HERITAGE APARTMENT BLOCK 13 self contained units. 1 commercial space plus lease pub & license. Gross revenue $10,000/ month Asking $1,125,000 OCEAN FRONT CONDO DEV SITE 24 units, approved plan, overlooks new marina. Presale included. $1,500,000 FORECLOSURE OCEAN VIEW DEVELOPMENT 9 Acre, 30 lot subdivision in Chase River Quiet neighbourgood property is beautifully treed And would accommodate 30 – 36 strata single family homes or small lots. Mortgager may finance. Trades welcome. $998,000 OCEAN VIEW DEV SITE RM5 includes 2 rental houses 2 lots DP for 28 units. $650,000 3 ACRE TOWNHOME DEV SITE Stunning ocean view up to 30 units. Trades welcome. $1,199,000 NORTH NANAIMO 51 UNIT APPROVED PLAN FOR OCEAN VIEW CONDOS Over 1/2 acre site. Financing available. Asking $1,300,000 50 ACRE + ADJOINING 43 ACRE PARCEL Subdividable into 5 acre country estates. Priced at S998,500 FORECLOSURE COURT ORDERED SALES FORECLOSURE – 5500 SF Commercial building on Terminal Ave. 4 garage bays, 800 sf mezzanine office, ideal for automotive, Glass shop, sales and distribution $499,000 INCOME PRODUCING + REVENUE PROPERTIES SELLER WILL FINANCE! NEEDS WORK 2 homes, 5 suites in total. Hold or redevelop. Zoned RM-5 for condos. $439,000 28 UNIT CONDO DEVELOPMENT SITE Fabulous ocean views. 1 acres. Financing available. $888,000 INCOME PRODUCING + REVENUE PROPERTIES 180 UNIT MINISTORAGE With managers suite & office Excellent occupancy ½ acre additional property for future expansion $1,499,000 NEW! NOW SELLING OCEAN FRONT CONDOS “PACIFICA” 38 Front Street Units for sale. Call Dale for available units. WATERFRONT TOWNHOME 1740 SF 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, granite counter tops, roof top patio. $599,000 DOWNTOWN NANAIMO OCEAN VIEW High Rise Development site. $1,200,000 33 UNIT MOBILE HOME PARK Plus 2 rental houses & 5 RV pads. Needs work, currently has low occupancy with current revenue at $8,500/month Asking $695,000 NEW WALK ON WATERFRONT TOWNHOME $519,000 PANORAMIC OCEAN VIEW DEV. SITE 24 Lots approved residential subdivision property Cost estimates available Asking $1,475,000 INVESTMENT PACKAGE $550,000 North Island 7 condos, rental income over $4500 monthly BUSINESS FOR SALE NANAIMO Trendy restaurant & martini lounge with adjoining c-store. $219,000 INCL. EQUIP. HOTELS & PUBS FULLY SERVICED HOTEL Recently renovated, 30 rooms, 125 seat pub, wine and beer store. Generating over $1.5 million annually and growing. fÓ]äxä]äääÊ-iiÀÊÜÊv>Vi° NORTH ISLAND HOTEL & PUB, WINE & BEER STORE Rooms and restaurants. 2 lots. Over 3.9 Million annual sales. $2,995,000 HOTEL & WINE & BEER STORE 8 suites, pub. Close to Nanaimo airport. $1,190,000 HERITAGE APTS & PUB 13 small apartments. 115 seat pub leased. 1 commercial space - leased. Generating over $10,000 monthly. Asking $1,125,000 70 UNIT APARTMENT BLOCK 2 buildings, 2 legal lots. $38,000 monthly income. $3M assumable mortgage at 5.2%. Asking $5.49M DALE SHORTT Bus: (250) 758-3700 U TOLL FREE 1-800-665-8313 È{äÊ/À>ÃÊ >>`>Ê} Ü>Þ]Ê>`ÞÃÌ ]Ê° °Ê6Ê£ÇÊUÊ>\Ê`>ià ÀÌÌJà >Ü°V> "Vi> *Ìi Vancouver Island A29 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 REGIONAL ROUNDUP The Harmac mill back in business but city faces tax battle, huge hole downtown /BOBJNPCBSSJFST STEVE PYLE WESTERN INVESTOR he Harmac Pacific pulp mill – plucked out of receivership for $13.2 million – looks like a true sweetheart deal now that the company is one of a scant few in the North American industry to be turning a profit. The 2008 purchase of the waterfront manufacturing facility in south Nanaimo also included 1,300 acres of land, some of which company president Levi Sampson said could make sense to place onto the market. “We do have options on the real estate front,” Sampson said, adding that the actual mill site occupies about 258 acres. “If we have a plot of land we could sell sometime down the road, we definitely plan on taking a look at that.” Before any property decisions could be made, however, Sampson said in an interview from China, where he was drumming up more market action, Harmac needs to sort out its protracted tax bill issues with the city and the BC Assessment Authority. ¡*OUIFCMBDL¢ The mill was owned by Pope & Talbot Inc., which employees say ran it into the ground before closure. Now 230 employees and three equity partners including the Sampson family, which amassed its fortune in western Canadian oil and gas ventures, own it. Harmac remains a private company that is not required to release its financial records. “We’re in the black, that’s all I’ll say about that,” Sampson said. Financial success can cause self-inflicted victimization, though, and in this case the taxman not only came calling, but did so with a bullhorn. For 2009, the provincial assessment authority valued the mill and its ancillary holdings at close to $90 million. The city then demanded Photo: Tourism Nanaimo 5 Nanaimo: commercial real estate sales have strengthened but key downtown conference hotel has been cancelled, and there is a shortage of zoned land for new development. taxes of around $3.6 million, but the company is arguing in its appeal, still being reviewed, that a $3.6 million collection for an asset appraised just one year earlier at $13.2 million is more than a bit of a stretch. The city did reduce Harmac’s industrial taxes by 15 per cent for this year and the same again in 2011, before another 22 per cent reduction kicks in for 2012. Nanaimo mayor John Ruttan said he believes that because his city is showing leadership on the tax issue, he is hopeful Harmac would agree to pay on time that portion of its taxes not under dispute. The quarrel will be part of a provincial review expected to table recommendations this fall on the entire heavy industrial taxation matter between producers and the various coastal municipalities with big mills. The industry took the matter to BC Supreme Court last year arguing that its tax requirements were unfair in the new economic reality, but basically got nowhere. Both the city and company are in a position to benefit from an agreement. Not only does Harmac own a sizeable chunk of raw land in the city, but Nanaimo still suffers from a shortage of properties with the right zoning needed for industrial and/or commercial development. Anyone thinking of developing an office complex in Nanaimo now has few options other than to purchase an existing business or suitably zoned land with a building then renovate, or tear down and build from scratch, local agents say. )PUFMDBODFMMFE Ruttan, with just a few years under his belt holding the number 1 political office of the city, already had his hands full when interviewed. The city’s jewel development project – a downtown highrise hotel with almost 200 rooms to complement the Vancouver Island Conference Centre – had just gone bust. The city estimated it has sunk about $3 million into the project since its 2004 inception, while Suro Development Company/ Millennium Nanaimo Properties of Vancouver cited another $1.6 million on its side of the ledger. All that’s left from the envisioning, planning, engineering, drawing and talk now is an unsightly hole in the ground smack in the middle of the downtown waterfront area. In announcing the project’s death knell, both sides were saying nice things about the other and the usual platitudes were flying, but there was a palatable undercurrent of rancour the doomed project has engendered in a history of tire spinning. Hard feelings would be natural, with the city believing it had done its part only to see one corporate promise after another not materialize. On the other side, Suro/Millenium was seeking joint ventures until the final hour as it hoped to recoup at least some of its losses. But the hammer fell on the corporation at the end of March. “While Suro/Millenium expressed interest in continuing to work on the project, the City of Nanaimo will not be granting an extension,” Ruttan announced. “We are disappointed that the agreement is going to lapse and the hotel has not proceeded, but we feel that over the long term this decision is in the best interests of the city and taxpayers.” Ruttan said there are other companies interested in proceeding with the venture and he believed the improved economic climate will improve the situation. Right now, the city has a beautiful, modern convention facility but only a fraction of the hotel rooms required for the centre to draw enough delegates to pay the centre’s costs. During the interview, Ruttan admitted the city would like to recover some of its losses, too. He did utter the words “legal action” and “courts,” which he then quickly modified with “expensive.” The last thing the city needed at this point, he said finally, was a protracted battle between the lawyers and, with the case definitely up in the air about who would own ultimate responsibility for the failure, damage control appears the Please see Steady page A30 7BODPVWFS*TMBOE VANCOUVER ISLAND OPPORTUNITIES POWELL RIVER, BC OCEAN VIEW MOTEL Framing/ Passport Business, Parksville sHigh profile location Multi Unit Development Sites, Parksville sExisting Revenue While Holding $259,000 & $289,000 Land Package: Lots, Revenue, Duplex, Qualicum Beach Purchase All or Part. s0RICES3TARTAT$219,000 Strategic Holding Development Site, Qualicum Beach Multi-family and Commercial Permit in Place. Over 1 Acre Downtown. $1,250,000 Commercial Hotel/ Condominium, Qualicum Beach.$EVELOPMENT3ITE Existing Income in Place. Views of Ocean & Golf Course. $2,335,000 Resort Revenue Properties, Rathtrevor Beach Area. Flexible Personal Use & Rental. Opportunities. Priced From $251,300 Ian Lindsay & Frank Fairley: [email protected] First Realty $1,199,000 Downtown hotel next to marina and ferry terminal. 23 rooms, 150 seat restaurant, lounge with bar, 125 seat pub and separate banquet room. 3 levels, loads of storage, part basement and over 20,000 sq. ft. Call Don McLeod 604-483-8044 [email protected] Don McLeod Personal Real Estate Corp. Powell River Independently owned and operated VANCOUVER ISLAND Comox Valley Residential Commercial Mixed Use Building LIGHT INDUSTRIAL STRATA 1400 – 1500 sq ft. Over 20' ceilings - 2 full storeys allowed. 2 units left @ $274,900 REVENUE PROPERTY Multi tenant health centre 3,000 sq.ft. strata. $329,900 REDUCED LAKE COWICHAN ASKING $1,670,000 ♦ Great Location on Main Street ♦ Fully renovated 2008 and 2009 ♦ 13 residential suites 10-2bdrms / 1-1bdrm / 2-bach ♦ 7 commercial store fronts ♦ 38 unit mini storage secure and heated ♦ All units separately metered / Resident manager ♦ Room for more expansion ♦ Extra 20,000 sq. ft. lot zoned C1 40 ACRES PRIME AGRICULTURAL LAND Central Courtenay. Adjacent to bypass. $675,000 ÊÊ UÊÎ]nääÊõ°vÌ°ÊÀiÌ>ÉvwViÊë>ViÊ Central Courtenay - $14/ sq.ft + 3NT. CENTRAL COMOX INVESTMENT PROPERTIES UÊ£°ÈÊ>VÊfÈx]äääÊÊUÊ°Ç£Ê>VÊfnxä]äää Bring your business ideas and make use of the store front or purchase just an investment Rob Samsom Tim Parker 1-800-668-2272 Gerry Chaperon 250-748-4443 AACI CCIM FRI PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 1-888-829-7205 RE/MAX Ocean Pacific Realty FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE 7 PLUS ACRES TURN KEY ESTABLISHED HOUSE/STRUCTURAL MOVING BUSINESS on beautiful Vancouver Island BC. Established for 40 years. 2 “Modern” unified hydraulic jacking systems. One system is 1 yr old. OCEAN VIEWS All steel, dollies, 2 sets of steering dollies, blockings, crane truck, towing truck, pickups & crummy. $400,000.00. Owners will partially finance. Reason for selling is retirement. 250 248.1071 1.888.243.1071 #21-826 West Island, Parksville - at Wembley Mall Each office is independently owned and operated VANCOUVER ISLAND 0!2+36),,%s15!,)#5- .!.//3%s"/73%2 DFH Real Estate Victoria ÓxäÇ{nÇÇxÈÊUÊÓxäÇ£äÇÇxxÊUÊÓxä{ÇÓÊ email [email protected] Zoned for seniors agrigate care with multi family near by- many uses- hospitals, schools, medical facilities. Ideal Nanaimo location. Seller may carry a first mortgage with good down. Asking $2,250,000.00 RON POSTEY “Providing Professional Service Since 1980” 250 756-2112 Sutton Group - West Coast Realty An Independent Member Broker A30 Vancouver Island MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR 2VJDLGBDUT 45&"%:from A29 most attractive option. “Anyway, we really don’t know how much we could go after,” Ruttan said. “SuroMillenium set up a kind of shell corporation for this project. How much that that actually has in assets is a question we’ve yet to have answered.” BRITISH COLUMBIA Port Hardy 19 Powell River Campbell River $PNNFSDJBMTBMFT 8FTUFSO$BOBEBT1SFNJFS 8IBMF8BUDIJOH$PNQBOZ s 6ANCOUVER)SLAND"RITISH#OLUMBIA s )NTERNATIONALREPUTATION s &EDERALLYAPPROVEDPASSENGERVESSEL s 7ATERFRONTPREMISESLEASEINCLUDES GIFTSHOPOFlCEDOCKPERSONALRESIDENCE NJMMJPO Meanwhile, the Nanaimo commercial property market was characterized as “hot” by Jay Cousins of Re/Max, who deals exclusively with commercial listings, “My spring has been exceptionally active,” he said. “We have all kinds of pent-up demand right now, with buyers waiting in the wings to purchase revenue properties. There’s an upswing in confidence, which wasn’t there 12 months ago. This has created some real demand scenarios.” Earlier this year, Cousins sold a 19-unit apartment block which was on the market for just 12 days. “And right now I have an offer on a [asking price $2.395 million] 29-suite place,” he said. Brian Lee of Re/Max said the residential market is holding, with steady activity. The average price of a single-family home in Nanaimo in March, 2009, was $351,000, but for the same month this year was $355,000. Lee said he continued to receive calls regularly from people in Alberta, Ontario and other parts of Canada looking for lots on which they Courtenay Vancouver VANCOUVER ISLAND NANAIMO ✪ 19 /BOBJNP#$ Population 84,000 Average detached house price $355,000 Major employers Government, service, fishing, construction, tourism plan to build retirement homes in the future. “The greatest number of sales we seem to be making right now are houses in the range between $250,000 and $300,000,” he said. "DDFTTGPSEJTBCMFE Nanaimo, like other B.C. cities, has adopted universal building standards for new commercial structures and commercial renovations. Therefore, builders should be prepared for potentially significant development costs to transform structures into handicapped-accessible commercial space.◆ PARKSVILLE *%&&2%9*/.%3#/-0!.9 4EL JJLAWYER TELUSNET BUY DEVELOPMENT SITE UÊV>Ìi`ÊVÃiÊÌÊÌÜÊViÌÀi UÊ*ÃÃLiÊÎÎÊÃÌÀ>Ì>ÊÕÌà UÊÊ>ÃÊ ÕÃiÊÊ«À«iÀÌÞÊÊ «ÀÛ`}ÊÀiÌ>ÊVi UÊ"ÜiÀÃÊÌÛ>Ìi` UÊ7ÊÊ>ÌÊÌÀ>`ià UÊPrice $975,000 WWWJJONESLAWOFlCECOM MEMBER4HE.ETWORK,AWYERS"USINESS0ROPERTY.ETWORK Your hunt for the right investment could be right in the pages of the Western Investor. Every month you’ll find $2 Billion worth of opportunities. ;dg9ZiV^aZY>c[dgbVi^dc EaZVhZ8dciVXi/ IAIN MACDONELL RE/MAX SELECT PROPERTIES (604) 328-3929 WWW.MACDONELLS.COM 1-800-661-6988 VANCOUVER ISLAND COMMERCIAL 1-877-335-4380 Jay Cousins Realty FOR SALE UÊÊÊÊ/Ê 1-/,Ê *,"*,/9 – 6 acres zoned MU-1, mixed use. Outside buildings include an 11,000 sq.ft. shop area and a 1000 sq.ft. dry kiln. Services include well with ample water, 200 amp electrical service, with a back up generator for 3-phase power, and a septic field. Also, a custom built timber frame home, approximately 2200 sq.ft. in size, with 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a den. f£°ÓÊ UÊÊÊÊ-//Ê -°Ê Ê xÊ >VÀiÊ ÃÌiÊ âi`Ê £ÇÊ `iÛi«i`Ê with two 11,000 sq.ft buildings, and a small office building. Large paved area, 600 amp, 600 volt, 3 phase power supply. Currently operating as a sawmill, but is ideally suited for many other uses. ÕÃÌÊ ,i`ÕVi`Ê ÌÊ f£°£xÊ ]Ê ÀÊ i>ÃiÊ vÀÊ fÈ°ää«ÃvÊiÌ UÊÊÊÊ 1-/,Ê Ê– Zoned I-1.2, five acres w/ large shop, office, home with 2 suites. Great visibility from the New Island Highway at Parksville. Lots of room for more development. 2000 sq. ft. of shop space available for lease. $875,000 U 1-/,Ê "*8Ê– Zoned I-2. Three acre site near Parksville. Improvements consist of a 3900 sq. ft. office, 6000 sq. ft. shop area, and 3 covered areas. Part, or all, of this site is available for lease. Potential income when fully leased is approximately $100,000 per annum. Just reduced to $1,190,000 U "1,/Ê ",,Ê ÉÊ 69Ê 1-/,Ê <" Ê qÊ <" Ê4ÊqÊ£°xxÊ>VÀiÃÊV>Ìi`ÊÊ>Õ} >Ê,`°ÊÊÌ iÊÕiÊ Point Industrial Park. The 332 x 331 ft. lot has excellent exposure >`Ê vÀÌ>}iÊ Ê LÌ Ê >Õ} >Ê ,`°Ê >`Ê Ì iÊ ÕiÊ *ÌÊ ÜÞ°Ê 1-/Ê,1 Êf{Çx]äää FRANK JOHNSON Jay Cousins [email protected] of Nanaimo Frank Johnson [email protected] 1-877-423-0984 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES UÊÊ "1,/Ê ",,Ê - – Approx. 2,100 sq. ft. 2 - Storey building on a small lot in Central Nanaimo near the heart of the City. Fabulous exposure on Island Highway, terrific access & parking. $350,000 U Ê 6°Ê "**",/1 /9Ê qÊ *,-6 - .91 of an acre with over 240 feet of frontage on main Highway thoroughfare through town. CS-2 tourist commercial zoning allows broad range of accommodation & related services. Subdivision from large 3.2 acre piece has received 3rd reading. Potential “Build to Suit” for long term quality tenant $875,000 UÊ +1/9Ê ,6 1Ê *,"*,/9Ê "7 /"7 Ê "1,/ 9 Approx. 12,000 Sq. Ft. with 3 floors of office/ retail space. Upgrades include new heat pumps, new thermo windows. Shows 9% CAP rate at current price $975,000 UÊÊÓÊ 1 /Ê *,/ /Ê " Ê qÊ iÌÀ>Ê >> 12- two bedroom & 17 – one bedroom with den suites, approx. 23 years old, separately metered with tenant paid electric heat, 2 storey walk-up, 4 year old roof, Info portfolio. $2,395,000 UÊ "Ê /9Ê +1,/,Ê 3,500 sq. ft. C-25 Commercial space on 3 levels. Complete renovations in 1992. prime location, nicely updated property including 400 amp electrical-a wonderful character investment in a thriving community. $429,000 U /,Ê "Ê- 5,600 sqft warehouse & offices. Steel building on 0.6 acre w/security fencing, 2 overhead doors, ample useable yard space & air conditioned offices. For lease or for sale. ,1 Êf{Ç]äää U "7-,Ê7""7", ÊqÊ20 years of success mark this unique niche business manufacturing cedar lattice fence, arbours, gates, etc plus cedar survey stakes and IP lot line markers. Newly built shop, storage buildings and 2nd floor 2 bedroom residence above fully operating assembly facility. Inventory purchased separately. $849,000 U 7/,," /Ê*,"*,/9Ê" ÊÊ "7 ÊNearly 6 1/2 acres with 450 feet of walk on beach front zoned tourist commercial. Current 4 bedroom home has had significant upgrades & buildings include workshop, storage shed & aircraft hangar. Foreshore lease is a distinct possibility with an application. Terrific living/holding property. $2,495,000 U /7"Ê " /" Ê ,]Ê ,6Ê EÊ /,1 Ê 7-Ê in MidIsland area. Very successful, high visibility locations, exceptional profit picture in excess of 10% of asking price. Confidentiality agreement required on this share sale business opportunity. $2,675,000 U 1Ê -,6 Ê *,"1 Ê Ê ,6Ê *>ÀÃ]Ê -«>Ê EÊ ,iÃÀÌ]Ê -ÕÌ Ê >>É9iÜ«ÌÊ >Ài>°Ê -iÌting on Haslam Creek on 31 acres. Includes Par 3 golf course, swimming pool, clubhouse convenience store & more. 90 serviced sites plus tenting & group areas. Additional 50% remaining for future development. fÊÓ]ää]äää JAY COUSINS JAY COUSINS JAY COUSINS UÊÊ1- --]Ê 1 Ê EÊ – Nanaimo Fully renovated & redesigned 35 seat restaurant with terrific reputation & loyal clientele, excellent exposure & signage $525,000 UÊÊ ", Ê,6 1Ê*,"*,/9 single user building with National Franchise tenant for over 15 yrs. Fully triple net lease shows over 7 1/2% CAP rate. $619,000 UÊÊ£ÈÊ1 /Ê*,/ /Ê" – Port Alberni. Completely rebuilt from ground up. New everything. 2 –Storey walk-up 14 – 1’s, 2 bachelor, now almost full. $81,000 per door will show 7% CAP shortly. Information portfolio available $1,295,000 UÊÊ1Ê -,6 Ê , with 30 year foreshore lease. 1,000 feet of moorage, fuel dock, mini-storage, conv. Store, government agency liquor store & commercial & residential tenants for added income. Next door foreshore lease (sublease from Shell Oil) included. $1,595,000 S O LD S O LD S O LD BUSINESSES UÊVan Isle Video – Parksville Franchise $69,900 UÊWine Kitz Franchise in North Nanaimo $69,900 UÊBusy Café w/ Patio – Qualicum $89,000 UÊThai Food Restaurant – Nanaimo $89,900 UÊÊSports Restaurant & Concessions - Nanaimo $99,900 UÊÊSuccessful Tire Store -ParksvilleÊ f]äää³ iÜÊÛiÌÀÞ UÊLucky Loonie Store – Parksville $99,900 UÊTaco Del Mar Restaurant – Campbell River $119,000 UÊBastion Janitorial Cleaning & Supply - Nanaimo $129,000 U Fitness Franchise for Women – Nanaimo U Serious Coffee Franchise – Nanaimo UÊFull Service Heavy Duty Repair Business UÊGood Old Book Exchange Business - Nanaimo $149,000 $169,000 $179,000 $199,000 UÊ1µÕiÊ>ÀÊEÊ,iÃÌ>ÕÀ>ÌÊÊÜÌÜÊ >>Ê $219,000 UÊ7iÊÃÌ>Là i`Ê vviiÊ- «ÊEÊ >vjÊqÊ+Õ>VÕÊ $249,000 UÊ`i«i`iÌÊÕÌÊ-iÀÛViÊÕÃiÃÃÊqÊÕV>Ê $275,000 A31 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 FEATURE Small-biz owners say a blizzard of regulations could prove fatal when harmonized tax kicks in %FBUIBOEUBYFT GLEN KORSTROM WESTERN INVESTOR ritish Columbia small-business owners who procrastinate or fail to prepare in May for the 12 per cent harmonized sales tax (HST) in July risk a host of negative consequences. Nasty surprises include cash crunches or government penalties for doing things wrong, said certified general accountant Eileen Reppenhagen. “You can’t just switch July 1,” said Reppenhagen, who created the tax tip website “From May 1, you have to examine every transaction’s component parts. The HST starts July 1 for [inventory] delivered after that date. If you’ve invoiced for them or charged for them ahead of that time, you have to assess the HST ahead of time.” Reppenhagen’s biggest lesson for smallbusiness owners is that the HST is complicated – so complicated that Reppenhagen advises entrepreneurs who do their own taxes to consider hiring an accountant. *MMFHBM Those who forsake this advice should be aware of the following elements of the new tax: • it is illegal to advertise or advise customers to avoid the HST by buying a product before July 1. Doing so, Reppenhagen said, will incite the wrath of Canada Revenue Agency tax officials; • so-called place-of-supply rules are likely to change. These regulations determine what province’s tax rate applies when products or services are sold across provincial boundaries; and • businesses are likely to need more capital up front to finance an operating line of credit. Funeral services and caskets are an example of a product that many people buy for them- Photo: Dominic Schaefer # Tom Crean, owner of Kearney Funeral Home, will likely have to charge out-of-province customers the HST when new federal regulations begin July 1. selves or loved ones years ahead of time. Customers will be able to avoid the HST by buying these services now. But tax officials take a dim view of businesses that promote buying now to avoid the HST, Reppenhagen said. $BTIDSVODI Doing so could prompt federal tax collectors to deem that the HST should have been paid, she said. That’s news to Chris Benesch, who is the government services committee chair at the Funeral Association of B.C. “There are at least a dozen funeral homes that I can think of that have put ads or signs out, sent letters or made phone calls to get people to buy now,” Benesch said. Advertising that urges buyers to “beat the HST” is also common in the new-home industry, where some builders have made tax avoidance the cornerstone of marketing this spring. Home renovators are also urging clients to have “It’s the same thing with tickets or fees for work done early. a sports team. If you’re a soccer dad, and your team normally sells tickets or collects money in 0VUPGQSPWJODF July for the season of September to March, you With regard to so-called “place of supply” rules can’t all of a sudden switch your collection date – which determine what tax a B.C. business to April and say, ‘We’re collecting early this pays if it sells a product or service to a customer year to get around the HST,’” Reppenhagen who lives in another province – Reppenhagen said. pointed to Ottawa’s bulletin #B103 as an exam- “It is illegal to advertise or advise customers to avoid the HST by buying a product before July 1” ple of how complicated these rules will be. That bulletin aims to convey the changes to business owners by walking them through 47 pages that explain 128 examples. “Complicated enough for you?” Reppenhagen asked. Kearney Funeral Home owner Tom Crean is an example of someone who could be affected. He sells funeral services across provincial boundaries frequently. Until now, he has not charged any provincial sales tax. He left it up to his out-of-province customers to deal with their home province’s tax authorities to determine what, if any, tax was owed. In future, there’s a good chance that Crean will have to charge out-of-province customers the HST and hold the money in trust for the federal government, Reppenhagen said. She did not want to say that this will definitely happen because the federal rules have yet to become law. The likely change would arise because the HST and PST are different animals. B.C. businesses previously did not charge PST when selling to someone who lived in Saskatchewan, for example, because Saskatchewan tax officials had no jurisdiction to seek that tax from a B.C. business. Once B.C. has the HST, federal tax officials will have that authority. So, Reppenhagen said, B.C. small businesses are likely to have to start charging sales tax to out-of-province customers. Finally, she advises small-business owners to realize that the tax changes could create a cash crunch. Clothing retailers, for example, don’t currently pay PST on inventory. Instead, they give their PST exemption number to suppliers. Retailers then collect PST from customers and pass that tax to Victoria. Once the HST is law, clothing retailers will have to pay HST on inventory. They will then charge customers the HST and pass the difference to Ottawa, Reppenhagen said. “That’s cash flow being pinched,” she said.◆ 7BODPVWFS*TMBOE Investment sNET#APSQFTOFlCE"LDG YR"#'OV,EASE $1,260,000 sNETCAPSQFT)ND7AREHOUSE &ULLYLEASEDTENANTS $679,000 sNETCAPPOTENTIALSQFTRETAIL "LDGYRNATIONALTENANT $465,000 sSQFTRETAILOFlCEBLDGDOWNTOWN .ANAIMOPOTENTIALNETCAP $899,000 sSQFTRETAILOFlCEBLDGDOWNTOWN .ANAIMO-ANYUPGRADES $1,295,000 Development Lands sACRES#ITYLIMITSZONED-(PARK2ES-F $3,984,000 s!C-FSITEUNITSAPPROVED.ANAIMO $2,850,000 s!C-&2ETAILSTORY$EVSITEFRONTING 3TSDOWNTOWN.ANAIMOSOMECURRENTINCOME $675,000 s!C-(-FZONEDSITE $898,000 s!C2VPARK2ESZONED ACTIVESITESTITLES $1,895,000 LLOYD LOEPPKY 2OYAL,E0AGE.ANAIMO LLOYD NANAIMOFORSALECOM 1 800 377 4374 A32 Vancouver Island MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR West Coast Vancouver Island Fishing Resort - Bamfield Business Is Better On Vancouver Island Oceanfront main house and four cottages, Offshore Grady White guide boat. Great cash flow and a steady repeat client base. $775,000 Commercial Lot and Sales Office - Nanaimo Currently a used car lot, level, paved, fenced,signage, sales building all on the Island Highway close to the Airport and Duke Point Ferry Terminal. Great location for any type of outside sales. $325,000 PETER GALLACHER 1-800-779-4966 NANAIMO [email protected] LIQUOR STORE, HERITAGE HOTEL AND COMMERCIAL TENANTSMID ISLAND BE A BIG FISH RICHARD GOLDNEY MAR C LACOU V EE 1-800-668-3622 250-752-2466 250-228-3428 [email protected] [email protected] $5,100,000 6.53 acre site with development permits in place. Renovated Hotel with 70+ Rooms - Campbell River New Office and Commercial Building - Central Nanaimo Spaces available in new commercial/office building on Terminal Avenue. Heavy Industrial Opportunity - Duke Point QUALICUM BEACH COMMERCIAL C2 2 commercial lots 275 ft. frontage. Water & sewer. Across from miles of sandy beach. 1100 sq.ft. rancher. $ 475,000 $2,295,000 $ 321,000 to $2,259,000 $2,050,000 7,417 sq ft strata unit with National Tenant in Brentwood Bay. $1,995,000 5 acres of level fenced property zoned I-4. Light Industrial Opportunity - Duke Point $1,975,000 New 10,000 sq ft building on 1.83 acres of I-2 zoned land. Light Industrial Warehouse - Central Nanaimo $1,875,000 15,200 sq ft building on 1.27 acres. Ocean View Development Property - Nanaimo $1,875,000 9.49 acres RM-5 and RS-1 Zoned. 254 Acre Land Parcel - Sproat Lake $1,795,000 Excellent view scapes and development potential. 6 Acre Development Property - Parksville $1,675,000 Strategically located among established resort developments. Dominant market position ensures continued success. laundry facilities and pay showers. 5 Lots all commercial on water and sewer. 22 fully serviced sites plus 15 camp sites. $ 625,000 Coldwell Banker Commercial FIRST VICTORIA REALTY Multi-Family Development Site - Parksville PARKSVILLE 4.5 Acres bordering Inland Island Hwy. Easy access to Parksville. Property surrounded by commercial lots. O.C.P. recommends change to commercial zoning. $ 525,000 $7,500,000 Preliminary approval for 18 lot subdivision. Investment - Fully Leased Commercial Strata Unit PORT ALICE - Gateway to the Pacific Ocean Camp Ground, Restaurant, plus pay David Turner (250) 661-6900. 519 Acre Parcel of Oceanfront Property - Campbell River RE/MAX ANCHOR REALTY 113 2 Ave W Box 1890 1UALICUM"EACH"#s6+4 IN A SMALL POND! Asking: $4,100,000 For Sale ERRINGTON 2.5 Acres of property in a well established 4 pad mobile home mini-park. Own your own ps park like setting that creates income. $ 239,900 Heavy Industrial Property - Duke Point $1,345,000 New 6,900 sq ft building on 0.91 acre of I-4 zoned land. Lakefront Irish Themed Pub - Lake Cowichan $ 995,000 Offer included business, land and buildings including boat dock. Retail Business & Demolition Contractor $ 975,000 New and used building materials in Central Island location. Nanaimo Residential Development Property $ 975,000 4.88 acres near the Nanaimo Parkway. Multi-Family Development Site $ 769,000 33,261 sq ft RM-5 zoned lot in North Nanaimo. Commercial Property - Alberni Highway $ 590,000 1.11 acres with exceptional highway frontage. QUALICUM BAY Change your life, try this excellent business opportunity. Own your own sawmill, Central Island Wood products. Custom milling from decking to fencing. $110,000 QUALICUM BEACH Garden Centre and 3,300 sq.ft. home on 2.87 acres in heart of Qualicum town. $1,776,000 COOMBS - Prancing Pony Gifts: two storefronts in the side portion of World famous "Goats-On-The-Roof" Coombs Market. Unique products and crafts from local and world artists. $85,000 UCLUELET 2 acres Fishing unloading and ice plant. 500 lineal feet waterfront plus foreshore rights $959,000 ED HANDJA Phone: 1-800-563-7322 UÊ i\ 250-287-0011 Downtown Commercial Land and Building - Nanaimo $ 475,000 7,391 sq ft lot with 66 ft frontage onto Terminal Avenue with 2 storey building. Commercial Zoned Land and Building - Port Alberni $ 289,000 10,956 sq ft lot with 132 ft road frontage and 3,526 sq ft building. Commercial Strata Units - Qualicum Beach $ $ $ to $ Spaces available from 1,000 sq ft - 3,000 sq ft. to VIVO - Downtown Nanaimo Commercial Units Spaces available from 386 sq ft - 764 sq ft. 190,000 550,000 149,000 279,000 Featured Listings Investment Opportunity- Condominium Development 12 unit condominium development on Rutherford Road in Nanaimo Offered at $2,700,000 Waterfront Restaurant, Land & Building COURT ORDERED SALE - Maple Bay Building includes self-contained 1,604 sq ft suite. Offered at $729,000 Pub & Restaurant, Land & Building COURT ORDERED SALE - Gold River Includes 3.69 acres of land, 5,400 sq ft building, two liquor licenses, and one-bedroom self-contained suite. Offered at $595,000 Investment Property Commercial Investment Property $ 1,175,000 18,000 sq ft site on Bowen Road with 10,600 sq ft tenanted building. Parksville - Redevelopment Property 1.17 Acres CM-2 Zoned Downtown Commercial Building - Ladysmith $ 981,000 $ 950,000 12,285 sq ft tenanted commercial/warehouse building on .33 acre. ALERT BAY, OCEANVIEW CABINS The only going concern of its kind! Well maintained resort style accommodations with Government clientele & EXCELLENT REVENUE! 12 nicely renovated ocean view cabins, from 300–640sqft each, & separate managers’ accommodation minutes from the amenities of town, incredible fishing, spectacular scenery, breathtaking marine wildlife & unlimited adventure. $750,000 QUADRA ISLAND RESORT Spectacular commercially zoned 8-acre oceanfront property with 390ft of low-bank easy access frontage, SW exposure & incredible marine views, previously operated as the Quadra Resort. Improvements include a main residence, 3 duplex cottages, large Quonset shop & substantial private moorage facilities. An ideal resort development opportunity. $1,245,000 ONE STOP CONVENIENCE, CAMPBELL RIVER Well established rural residential convenience store with an attached 2-bedroom 1185sqft suite, private backyard & storage sheds as well as a well stocked 1365sqft store-front offering assorted amenities from toiletries & basic supplies to movie rentals & lottery sales. An excellent rental or live & work from home. Suite currently rented. Be your own boss! $349,900 ISLAND HWY, CAMPBELL RIVER 20,455sqft Commercial / Light Industrial facility on 2.4 level acres in a location with excellent exposure, good vehicular traffic & direct highway access. Shop & offices are easy to partition off to accommodate smaller lease spaces. Offices Warehouse 5 Bay Shop Electrical & Lunch Room 600Volt 3-phase electrical 2x10Ton Overhead Cranes. $8./sq.ft plus TN 1.2 Acres C-12 Zoned on Nanaimo Parkway Nanaimo - Downtown Lot C-13 Zoned on Nicol Street Nanaimo - Downtown Lot C-17 Zoned on Albert Street $ 795,000 $ 350,000 $ 179,000 Business Opportunities RECREATIONAL BOAT MAINTENANCE BUSINESS— French Creek HIGH END RESTAURANT—Campbell River AUTHENTIC JAPANESE SUSHI RESTAURANT—Nanaimo CUSTOM WOODWORKING BUSINESS—Victoria SEWING MACHINE & FABRIC RETAILER—Nanaimo ESTABLISHED PLUMBING & HEATING BUSINESS—Nanaimo MOTOR SPORTS RETAILER—Nanaimo ENGINE MACHINING & PARTS BUSINESS—Nanaimo ESTABLISHED PLUMBING & HEATING BUSINESS—Nanaimo On 7,560 sq ft lot with 1,300 sq ft building SPECIALITY MACHINE SHOP—Central Vancouver Island ENGINE MACHINING & PARTS BUSINESS—Nanaimo With Strata Titled land and building SPECIALITY MACHINE SHOP—Central Vancouver Island On 16,988 sq ft lot with 150 ft road frontage and 6,528 sq ft building FRANCHISED MOVING & STORAGE CO. with 20% ROI PUB & LIQUOR STORE—Central Vancouver Island CEDAR SHAKE/SHINGLE MANUFACTURER - Land, Buildings, Foreshore Leases and Equipment, Inventory extra FRANCHISED HOTEL—Duncan Includes pub and conference facilities and unused liquor store license $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 125,000 169,000 170,000 174,000 195,000 250,000 295,000 395,000 650,000 $ 900,000 $ 950,000 $1,700,000 $2,550,000 $3,600,000 $3,900,000 $7,400,000 Gerry Van Vaals Personal Real Estate Corporation DTZ Barnicke Nanaimo Ltd. Tel: 1 800 769 5757 [email protected] Vancouver Island A33 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 one Deals is our monthly feature highlighting some of the major real estate transactions completed recently in Western Canada’s vibrant commercial real estate market. % From: Colliers International, Vancouver. Colliers executive vice-president Avtar Bains and associate vice-president Deepek Dhawan sold the following: • Deal: 62,094-square-foot retail centre, fully leased and anchored by Home Depot, Sweden Way, Richmond. Sold for vendors Great West Life Assurance Company Inc. and London Life Insurance Company to buyer Dayhu Investments Ltd. Price: $21 million. Our readers report on recent commercial real estate deals across Western Canada • Deal: 3.9-acre commercial site at 144 Avenue and Manning Drive, Edmonton. Sold for vendor Servus Credit Union Ltd. to buyer Kingsway Legion No. 175. Price $3.04 million. • Deal: 1.3-acre commercial site at 137 Avenue and 50th Street, Edmonton. Sold for vendor Amcan Investments Ltd. to buyer 1425794 Alberta Ltd. Price: $1.2 million. • Deal: 72-unit concrete apartment building, Vancouver’s West End, built in 1964. Sold with multiple backup offers. Price: $8 million. From: NAI Commercial, Vancouver. NAI agents Terry Harding and Jackson Tang sold the following: • Deal: 48-unit apartment building, Austin Avenue, Coquitlam. Sold for vendor Smallwood/Vine to buyer Robert Lee Ltd. Price: $5.17 million. • Deal: 36-unit apartment building, Gilmore Avenue, Burnaby. Sold for vendor 438336 B.C. Ltd. to buyer Richland Ent. Price: $4.4 million. From: Legacy Real Estate Service, Calgary. Kevin Moore of Legacy reports the following sale: • Deal:156-acres of raw land on 84th Street, East Calgary. Sold by an undisclosed buyer to the City of Calgary. Price: $26.5 million. From: Re/Max Colonial Pacific, Surrey, B.C. Re/Max agent Dean Bauman sold the following: • Deal: 5.2-acre townhouse site, King George Highway, Surrey. Price $4.2 million. • Deal: 3.9-acre townhouse site, 61st Avenue, Surrey. Price: $7.18 million. From Macdonald Commercial, Vancouver. Macdonald Agents Mark and David Goodman report the following sale: From: Gaetz Realty Inc., Edmonton. Owner/ broker Bob Gaetz reports the following sales: From: DTZ Barnicke Nanaimo Ltd., Nanaimo. DTZ Barnicke agent Gerry Van Vaals sold the following: • Deal: 9.17-acre residential site, Nanaimo, planned for 132-suite congregate retirement residence. Sold to an undisclosed buyer. Price: $2.43 million. • Deal: 3.42 acres of development property, Nanaimo, with 5,000-square-foot commercial building. Price: $2.2 million. Photo: Colliers International %0/&%&"-4 This 62,094-square-foot fully leased retail centre, Sweden Way, Richmond, sold for $21 million. From: Colliers International, Fort McMurray. Alberta. Colliers agent Ken Shebib leased the following: • Deal: 9,321-square-foot office building, Fort McMurray. Leased to Graham Group Ltd. two years. Price: $24 per square foot. From: Realty Executives Commercial, • Deal: 3,890-square-foot industrial bay. Edmonton. Realty Executives agent Mike Leased to Phoenix Industrial for three Eurchuk sold the following. years. Price $30 per square foot. • Deal: 5,800-square-foot office/warehouse on 0.46 acres, fenced. Sold for vendor 1076965 Recently completed a deal? Alberta Ltd. to buyer 989369 Alberta Ltd. For a free report here, send details to Price: $775,000 [email protected] 7BODPVWFS*TMBOE VANCOUVER ISLAND ICI: ROB PHILLIPS Toll free: 1-800-715-3999 Cell: 250-897-8508 Email: [email protected] w w w. r o b p h i l l i p s . c a /LAN=PA9KQN/SJ"QOEJAOO EHFRPHD3URIHVVLRQDO'HEW&RQVXOWDQW ZLWK3LOODUV&RQVXOWLQJ*URXS (DUQH[FHOOHQWLQFRPHSURYLGLQJDYDOXDEOH VHUYLFHWRSHRSOHLQILQDQFLDOFULVLV Campbell River UÊ««ÀÝ°ÊӣʣÉÓÊ>VÀiÃÊÊÌÜÊÀi>`ÞÊ ÌÊLiÊ`iÛi«i`°ÊÊÃiÀÛViÃÊ>Û>°Ê >`ÊÞÊ£ÉÓÊLVÊÌÊ}vÊVÕÀÃi° $2,150,000 x %RRPLQJLQGXVWU\x:HZRUN21/<IRUWKHGHEWRUx+HOSSHRSOHDYRLGEDQNUXSWF\ x 1HJRWLDWHVHWWOHPHQWVWKDWKHOS\RXUFOLHQWHOLPLQDWHXSWRRIWKHLUGHEW UÊnÊÕÌÊViÀV>ÊÃÌÀ>Ì>Ê`ÜÌÜÊ Ê>««ÀݰʣǣääÊõ°vÌ°ÊVÀiÀÊÌ°Ê Õ`}ÊÃÊ>««ÀÝ°ÊääÊõ°vÌ°ÊÊ ÌÃÊvÊiÝÌÀ>ðÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ$1,350,000ÊÊ ,19(670(175(48,5(' /RFDWLRQV3RUW$OEHUQL7RILQR3DUNVYLOOH4XDOLFXP&RPR[9DOOH\&DPSEHOO5LYHU1RUWK,VODQG \ S #=HH#KNJAHH FRUQHOOS#SLOODUVFD marketing your franchise? Coast Realt y Group £Ó££Ê Þ«ÀiÃÃ]Ê >«LiÊ,ÛiÀÊÊ° °Ê67ÊÓ<ÎÊ £nääxÈÎÇÎÓÓÊU [email protected] ))")*))#)) Call Christine at the 1-800-661-6988 (604) 608-5110 [email protected] Vancouver Island BOB CLARKE !8)) !'' ! '/'! ('!& '&!('!!' ' '('&'%!' '!''0'!(' !!& *' ) #)0)#")##")'#)8))'6'!')' '/'!*' !' *'!'''%%*) ) &)")#)8))'$'& ' !''%*'!& '.752*''"!' !' ) ##8))%+!!!*' !'!' !*') ! '$!''&!!+ '/'!*' '!' ' "))0)#)'#8))!'*' ' ('!('%%! '/'! '%!*'!& '!*) ##'))*)13.+53/+57/5) ""))*)/+655+167+.747) $!)')")#)!!!+("! +',#"#) L A N D LANGFORD / WESTERN COMMUNITIES 7.5 + Acres of Langford Development Land Neighbourhood Institutional (P1A zoning) Possible uses are: School, Church, Daycare, Community Assembly, Care Facility, Assisted Living & Residential. Currently has 3 Existing Buildings with Income and is adjacent to new Westhills Development. $2,290,000 PA C K A G E S SHAWNIGAN LAKE / MALAHAT Raw land in 2 Parcels of 2.64 & 3.46 Acres at Shawnigan Lake just waiting for someone to carve out their slice of paradise. Located near the Old Mill Regional Park off of East Shawnigan Lake Road. Zoned Rural Residential R2 / Area B. $399,900 & $438,800 JACK DAVIS Call Toll-free:1-866-598-3571 DAVIS REALTY CORPORATION )))-/37%) ',.13#' ) ))))) +) ',025#' ) )))-1/.%) ',4--#' ) )))-253%) ',733#' ) ))))) +) ',0*1' 3306 Henderson Road Victoria BC V8P 5A7 1.9 Acres Industrial 5 minutes to Hwy 19, 5 minutes to downtown Courtenay. Light industrial zoned. Currently earning a 6.1% cap rate. From 4 tenants. Zoning allows for Mini-Storage. Great potential. Piped water to lot, currently on well & septic. Asking $430,000 2 Shuttle Licenses Unreserved airport, hotel/resort, home, door to door pick-up and drop-off. Service to: Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Campbell River, Comox Valley & Mt Washington. Website: Asking $150,000 Top Producing Restaurant: 46,000+ meals/year!!! This location sells more seafood per year than any restaurant on Vancouver Island. 16 years proven track record. Just spent $80,000+ on upgrades..turnkey operation. Asking: $339,000 Pay off in 3 years Industrial Building, downtown Courtenay Award winning renovation on this 6900 s.f. Building with 1500s.f. showroom, the rest warehouse space. Dock loading…2 minutes to downtown. Seller will rent back for $4500/mo NNN Asking $695,000 COMOX VALLEY, A34 Vancouver Island MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR JUDY GRAY, CCIM Comox Valley 1.800.600.1718 Vancouver Island: Great investment opportunity, showing steady annual growth. Asking: $1,449,000 CONTACT: Errol Flynn: 250-897-2222 Rob Phillips: 250-897-8508 Toll free: 1-800-715-3999 O pportunity to purchase prime RESTAURANT premise in VICTORIA's premiere new hotel/resort property, located in high traffic area within walking distance to Inner Harbour, tourist attraction & Beacon Hill Park. SYLVIA THERRIEN Personal Real Estate Corp Tel: 250.388.5882 $550,000 (upland and adjacent prop. also avail.) 1.58 acre Semi-Waterfront Development Site Vancouver Island ! CE W Former Fish Plant w/Foreshore Lease Restaurant: approx. 4,381 sq. ft., shell - $1,989,000 I PR NE MID-ISLAND REALTY Equestrian Farm Estate: One of a kind well regarded world class Thoroughbred property considered one of the finest producing farms in North America! Situated in North Saanich this pastoral 12 ac estate with 33,000 sq’of buildings & facilities built to highest of standards. This unparalleled Equestrian Estate offered @ $4,400,000 Open to proposals! Also available 20 adjoining acs @ $2,000,000 Parksville Motel This 24 unit Motel is located in a highly visible area in the heart of Parksville. Growing revenues & stabilized expenses make this a solid investment. The spacious Manager’s accommodation is ideal for a family run operation. Room configurations & rates are available. $1,375,000 Aaron Nicklen & Ian Mackay 1.888.954.4433 Suite 103–1801 Bay Street, PO Box 195, Ucluelet. BC. Canada V0R 3A0 $985,000 Lot 1 Marine Drive Saanich Peninsula Oceanfront: Arts & Crafts 2300 sq’ cottage set in easy care property w/ west exposure. .........................................................................................................$1,595,000 Retail, Marine Railways & Docks Saanich Peninsula Oceanfront: 50’s bungalow set in low bank property w/walk on beach. Updating required. ...................................................................................................$1,050,000 Victoria Penthouse: 2 level condominium w/unobstructed Victoria Harbour & city views! This open plan home has 3 bedrms & bathrms, 2 decks, 2 fireplaces, 6 appliances, 2 parking spaces. Across from park & Fisherman’s wharf. ........................................................................ $799,000 $1,200,000 Owner’s quarters above 18.32 Acre Campground Deep Cove Oceanfront: Charming modern West Coast home set in a private landscaped garden w/expansive west views & sunsets. .................................................. $2,399,000 Ten Mile Point Oceanfront: An impressive modern Mediterranean style 8500 sq’ 3 level home w/expansive marine views.. $4,795,000 Peter Nash | 250.384.0566 direct 877.388.5882 [email protected] $1,997,000 52 sites + 3 group + 10 overflow Victoria 39 bucks could make you millions ... Western Investor readers tell us: ■ "I am looking for a business and I read it cover to cover. It keeps me up to date on what's for sale and I also pick up some tips in every issue. Keep up the good work." "The Western Investor is the best commercial real estate paper out there." ■ ■ "We purchase the paper every month and haven't found the right thing yet, but your paper is an asset to us in our search." ■ SUBSCRIPTION RATES "I like the cross-section of information in the paper. it informs (me) about all locations. I like to see vacancy rates and the cap rates on industrial property. I like to read the legal consequences articles. I have been a reader for 15 years." ■ "It’s easy to go through. It is straightfor- ward." Name Title ❏ One Year .................. $39 ❏ Two years ................ $69 ❏ Three years .............. $99 "I think you have a fantastic news and information paper. Keep it up." ■ Subscribe Bill my: ❏ Visa ❏ American Express ❏ MasterCard ❏ Cheque enclosed Company Address City Prov Postal code Phone Fax E-mail Credit Card No. Expiry Signature FAX BACK TO 604-669-2154 RETAIL LIQUOR STORE GST Registration No. 10565567 GST Included [email protected] 604-669-8500 1-800-661-6988 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE, FRANCHISES AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Vancouver Island A35 WESTERN INVESTOR MAY 2010 #SJUJTI$PMVNCJB HST has home builders spooked BC ’s pending harmonized sales tax (HST) has home builders spooked, with some cancelling projects and others working to complete sales before the tax kicks in. When one breaks down the HST, which comes in July 1, and compares it to the current PST/GST, the bottom line extra cost for a typical new-home buyer works out to about 3 per cent to 4 per cent added to the cost, according to the Greater Vancouver Home Builders’ Association (GVHBA). But that is not what consumers will see, the builders noted. On an $800,000 new house (average price outside of Metro Vancouver) the HST will total about $70,000 (after a flat $26,250 rebate) This is enough, builders say, to stop some people from buying, perhaps a lot of people. “All consumers are going to look at it is the bottom line,” one veteran builder said. “It will be difficult to explain how the former PST was buried in the price.” One Squamish townhouse builder, who was planning to build 28 units, has stopped the project because of the HST. “He figured out that the government would make more profit than he would,” said Peter Simpson, executive director of the GVHBA. On a new $700,000 townhouse, the builder figured, he would make about $20,000 profit. The HST on each unit would be approximately $57,000. There are other concerns for suppliers. Chief worry is that a lot of PST and HSTfree building materials will be arriving in B.C. from both Alberta and the U.S.A. One custom builder priced out a high-end hardware package for a new house, after the HST, and found she could save 50 per cent of the $20,000 price by buying in Washington state, even after all duties were paid. Others expect to see everything from lumber to appliances being shipped in from Alberta (though the B.C. government is said to be plugging this loophole). For some builders and renovators the big fear is the underground economy. The HST will add 7 per cent to the cost of labour, which had previously been free of the provincial sales tax, “I have clients already asking me to work on cash-only deals to avoid tax. There will be a lot more when the HST comes in,” said Vancouver renovator Ralph Belisle. Industrial land rules queried N o extra regulations and intelligent industrial zoning – that’s the call by developers, brokers and consultants in response to Metro Vancouver’s new regional growth strategy. The most recent meeting of commercial real estate and development association NAIOP showcased some of the views. Vancouver Coun. Suzanne Anton was given a few moments at the start of the March 18 meeting to assure NAIOP members that moves by Metro Vancouver to assign specific uses to industrial land concerned her. Ron Emerson, one of three panellists at the meeting discussing development issues, took up the thread later, urging planners to recognize that the economics of industrial land in the Lower Mainland limit the returns possible to owners. This in turn places potential development sites at risk. He said that planners need to ensure sites are available for industrial development. “We’ve got to have the land that’s properly located for industry available to industry.” But the majority opinion rejects the idea of an industrial land reserve or any additional levels of bureaucracy. While further regulation would be a boon for consultants such as Gary Pooni, president of Brook + Associates Inc., Pooni said he would rather spend his time on more constructive aspects of development projects. “It’s not the right thing to do,” he said. “I’d rather find a way to make good development projects happen, not manufacture more red tape and restrictions so that good projects do not happen. That doesn’t help create positive change in any neighbourhood.” – Peter Mitham/BIV )PUFMTUIFXJMEDBSEJO EPXOUPXODBTJOPQMBZ T he B.C. government has announced that Paragon Development Inc. has signed a 70-year lease agreement with the B.C. Pavilion Corporation (PavCo) to develop a giant hotel/casino entertainment complex attached to BC Place stadium in downtown Vancouver. But some say the hotels could be a gamble. Subject to municipal approval, the $450 million complex will feature two hotels and a casino with up to 1,500 slot machines and 150 tables. Some Vancouver Rendering of proposed $450 million real estate analysts, however, say the casino and hotel complex beside B.C. Place, hotels may prove a gamble. Vancouver. According to a government news release, nearby Edgewater Casino – which has 493 slot machines and 65 tables – will close once the new complex is ready for occupation. Paragon won the right to develop that complex following a “competitive bidding process that attracted multiple proposals,” according to a government release. The project, when approved by Vancouver council, is expected to create 3,200 jobs during construction and about 2,000 jobs once complete. The government estimates it will generate $130 million in annual gaming revenues. Pending the rezoning application, construction is planned to begin early next year and be complete in mid-2013. Rezoning is not expected to be a hurdle, since the land belongs to the province. The development is expected to help pay for the $458 million contract to replace the aging roof on B.C. Place stadium with a retractable model. The hotel component may be a challenge, however. PKF Consulting forecasts that Vancouver hotels will see 67 per cent average occupancies this year, down from 74 per cent three years ago and up only marginally from the recession of 2009. Revenue per room for Vancouver hotels is also at three-year lows. Some realtors say building two new hotels in downtown Vancouver is simply not viable in today’s market. Photo: B.C. Pavilion Corporation 8 ) "5 ¤ 4 ) " 1 1 & / * / ( * / Asian immigrants flooding into B.C. BC is leading all provinces in population growth, with a net gain of 72,209 residents in the year ended January 2010, according to Statistics Canada, and the bulk of the newcomers are immigrants. B.C.’s population is now 4.49 million and is expanding at a rate of 1.6 per cent annually, StatsCan reports. VancouverIsland OPPORTUNITIES Strata-titled Apartment Building FOR SALE Campbell River ASKING PRICE $1,850,000 Semi-Watefront Condo Site COMOX VALLEY ED Prime for development of 70 Luxury Suites, Adjoining waterfront walkway. Designs already approved. Close to all amenities; parks, green space reserves, shopping. Did I mention the WATERFRONT!!! Dale McCartney 1-800-638-4226 Ray Pellerin 1-800-377-4374 ASKING PRICE $ $699,000 Heritage B & B NANAIMO Ocean & Mountain Views, beautifully restored, 3 bedrooms & owners quarters. SERIOUS COFFEE FRANCHISE Popular V.I. specialty coffee franchise. T.I. included. Like new condition Ideal semi-retirement opportunity ASKING $199,000 $129,000 Call RAY PELLERIN 250-756-1132 or Toll Free: 1-800-377-4374 RAY PELLERIN NANAIMO REALTY In the fourth quarter of last year, total net migration to B.C. was 16,955, up from 15,543 in the third quarter. The vast majority of immigrants are from China and Southeast Asia, and more than 90 per cent settle in the Lower Mainland. Victoria, second place for immigrants, attracts just 4 per cent of the annual influx. Net immigration (seasonally adjusted) increased to 14,364 in the fourth quarter 2009, up from 12,978 from the third quarter. People moving in from other provinces accounted for only 2,722 people.◆ UC D RE Lifestyle Investment Port Alberni B& B P s s s s rime riverfront location, spectacular curb appeal Superb exposure to high Pacific Rim tourist traffic 4 Luxury guest suites Separate open concept executive residence Fishing charter business negotiable, 26 ft Bayliner, truck & trailer $985,000 HUMMINGBIRD GUESTHOUSE & CHARTERS 5769 River Road, Port Alberni, BC Cheryl & Wayne Creelman 250-720-2111s1-888-720-2114 WWWHUMMINGBIRDGUESTHOUSECOMs%MAIL#HERYL HUMMINGBIRDGUESTHOUSECOM 23 individually titled strata condos in quality, freshened building. The flexibility of this structure is hard to beat. As your needs dictate, you could re-sell one unit at a time or all units at once -- it’s up to you. 16 2-beds; 7 studios. Units reno’d with new bathrooms, kitchen appliances & more. Campbell River has everything going for it - a diversified economy, all the big box stores and real growth momentum. Price is a significant discount over individual market value. $1,685,000. Email for profile. Owner [email protected] A36 MAY 2010 WESTERN INVESTOR COMMERCIAL RE/MAX TREELAND REALTY RE/MAX LITTLE OAK REALTY RE/MAX BOB PLOWRIGHT REALTY #101 6337 - 198 Street, Langley, B.C. V2Y 2E3 Tel: (604) 533-3491 Fax: (604) 533-0202 Toll Free at 1-888-707-3577 2630 Bourquin Crescent West, Suite 9, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 5N7 Tel: (604) 859-2341 Fax: (604) 850-2325 Toll Free at 1-800-668-8661 7300 Vedder Road, Suite 1, Chilliwack, B.C. V2R 4G6 Tel: (604) 858-7179 Fax: (604) 858-7197 Toll Free at 1-800-830-7175 DEVELOPMENT LAND PROFESSIONAL ANALYSIS OF YOUR PROPERTY OR BUSINESS IF YOU NEED TO SELL PITT MEADOWS 47 UNIT CONDO SITE Plans for 5 level mixed use building at 124 Ave & Harris Rd. Enivro, Geotech, & Architectural included –fees already paid $1,550,000 Call or email David! INDUSTRIAL OPPORTUNITY COQUITLAM High profile end unit off United Boulevard. 5000 square feet – 3700sf office, 1500 sf warehouse 2 grade level doors. Adjacent 1 acre yard space also for lease with this offering! For Lease @ $11.50/sq.ft. NNN For Sale at $925,000 *R.V camp ground close to Hope, BC. Development opportunity with subdivision approved, for 49 lots. This is one of those rare offerings, act accordingly. $1,449,000. COQUITLAM BRAND NEW Convenience/Coffee/Grocery/ Cigarettes/Lotto/News Store near Coquitlam Centre. NOT A FRANCHISE!! Includes all Brand New Equipment $449,900 LEASE SPACE STOREFRONT MAPLE RIDGE 1560 sq. ft. Lougheed Highway Downtown space. Retail or office, with parking behind and in front LEASE OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY/OUTSTANDING EXPOSURE xLocated on busy main route xLots of on site parking xCan be shared by 3 users ranging from 1,500 to 6,500 sq. ft. [email protected] RAY YENKANA CCIM, ABR 1-800-668-8661 604-942-0606 [email protected] Toll Free: 1-888-942-0606 (listing details) YOUR WEST COAST B&B EXPERT. WHETHER YOU ARE A SEASONED INN KEEPER OR ASPIRING B&B OWNER WE CAN HELP YOU GET GOING IN THIS EXCITING BUSINESS. xLocated on busiest road in xWell maintained 5,446 sq. ft. Chilliwack - High visibility xIdeal location for virtually any customer oriented business xProperty consists of 2 titles building with HVAC, showroom and 6 automotive bays xFormer Auto/RV Retail Sales/Service SALE $2,950,000 OR LEASE $12,000/MONTH TN xPlenty of onsite parking xOn main access route to down SALE $425,000 OR FOR SALE CHILLIWACK LEASEIN $7.50/sq. ft. TN PREMIUM INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY xLarge single tenant retail building xCurrently occupied on a long term basis by name brand tenant Liquidation World xLocated on eastern Hillsides near Falls Golf Course xCity Services Nearby 18.94 ACRES $1,400,000 INVESTMENT PROPERTY SALE $187,900 xCompletely Renovated xIn Harrison Hot Springs x1,057 sf strata property xFully leased - 7% CAP xAveda Hair Salon PETER BIRRELL 1-800-665-1455 RE/MAX CREST REALTY PRIME COMMERCIAL LAND - HIGH EXPOSURE LOCATION Wow what a site. First time offered, this prime 8.2 acre property is proposed commercial. High profile location on 200th Street at the 401 highway. Few blocks away from new park and ride/transit exchange. Adjacent to green belt. Gateway to Langley. Fabulous mountain views. Very rare opportunity. Last high profile piece available. Phone now. $15,700,000 RARE OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS PARK / COMMERCIAL x8,940 sq. ft. building xCompletely renovated xPrice below appraised value SALE $789,000 xCourt ordered sale xLight xIdeal Industrial/Commercial for Automotive, woodwork, Machine Shop, Warehouse, Distribution SALE $695,000 FORECLOSURE PROPERTY xIdeal opportunity for live/work xRestaurant building in need of repair situation xDirect exposure to Trans Canada HWY xProperty is .60 acres xZoned C2 (Highway Commercial) xModular home with 2 bedrooms xUpgrade and repair to build equity Vernon B.C. or Contact Access to Highway 1 Valley Views xOutstanding FORECLOSURE PROPERTY x2,843 sq. ft. 4 Bedroom Home xGreat living space xZoned CD14 - Outside Storage HARBOUR LIGHTS B&B well established lake view B&B $895,000 xEasy 1 ACRE INDUSTRIAL LIVE/WORK PROPERTIES OCEAN WILDERNESS INN – Almost 5 acres very private setting spectacular secluded beach $1,490,000 For information on these and other exciting B&B and Inn Listings check out xLocated on busy main road xWell maintained 56,927 sq. ft. bldg xFuture development potential xClean Environmental Review 2010 SALE $2,995,000 PRIME RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LAND OPPORTUNITY COOPERS COVE GUEST HOUSEStunning oceanfront B&B operated by award winning chef, $1,300,000 Kitimat, B.C room, reception and more x6,169 sq. ft. space SALE $425,000 OR LEASE $7.50/SQ. FT. TN Sooke, B.C. FABULOUS MONEY MAKER, built by Alcan for high end housing $799,900 xIncludes: sales, office, board town RE/MAX LITTLE OAK REALTY RE/MAX SABRE REALTY service area PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE Financials and Lease info available. DAVID KEARNEY CCIM Offices and City Fire Department xIdeal for office, or office with +/- 2 ACRES OF PREMIUM RETAIL/DISPLAY SPACE *Seeing is believing! Ready made Restaurant, up to “Franchisor” standards. Newly Renovated Urban Fare Dining, in Abbotsford. Active Biz for Sale in prime location. Some vendor financing may be available to qualified purchaser. xAcross from new FV Regional SALE $1,050,000 OR LEASE $10 to $12/SQ. FT TN Prime ¾ acre and commercial building on 176th and Highway 1. Opportunity for development, commercial or church. High visibility! MLS# F3000454 $2340.00 / month – 3 year lease 102-2748 Lougheed Hwy., Port Coquitlam, B.C. Tel: (604) 942-0606 Fax: (604) 942-9533 FOR SALE OR LEASE IN CHILLIWACK BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY RE/MAX SABRE REALTY GROUP SALE $249,900 FOR LEASE IN CHILLIWACK PROF./MEDICAL/OFFICE RETAIL SPACE xNear Regional Centre xStorefront Exposure x1,086 - 1,800 sq. ft. on 1st and 2nd floor xOnsite Parking Lease from $15 to $22/sq. ft. TN xNew Tenant Incentive, 3 Months x45555 Hodgins Ave. Chilliwack, BC 972 to 1,972 sq. ft. @ $12.00/sq. ft. TN x106-9300 Nowell St. Chilliwack, BC 1,091 sq. ft. @ $12.00/sq. ft. TN xA-9123 Mary St. Chilliwack, BC 1,524 sq. ft. @ $14.00/sq. ft. TN WAREHOUSE SPACE Rent Free with new 5 Year Lease xRetail - 2,060 sq. ft. xExcellent exposure xOnsite parking & signage Lease $12/sq. ft. TN xOn high traffic corner x4 spaces to choose from x806 to 1,900 sq. ft. xWell maintained building xIdeal location for your business Lease from $6.50 to $15/ sq. ft. TN xB-45911 Airport Rd. Chilliwack, BC 1,374 sq. ft. @ $7.50/sq. ft. TN x8375 Noble Rd. Chilliwack, BC 2,690 sq. ft. @ $7.50/sq. ft. TN x44915 Yale Rd. Chilliwack, BC 2,020 sq. ft. @ $11.00/sq. ft. TN BARE LAND 3 Lots on Logan Dr. Chilliwack, BC .91 acres-1.41 acres $2,150 to $3,300/mo This rare 2.34 acre property has tremendous opportunity. Right across from new park and ride/transit exchange. First time offered. Beautiful custom home to live in or rent while developing. This property may be purchased with neighbouring property for a total of 4.69 acres. Fantastic opportunity. $2,246,400 Bob Plowright RE/MAX Bob Plowright Realty CHILLIWACK, BC ANNE WILSON 604 533-3491 1-800-830-7175 - 604-858-7179 [email protected] RE/MAX TREELAND LOOKING FOR A TRADE 1.14 Acres on Hwy 97 Peachland. Current zoning is highway commercial. Property just across road from lake. Would like to trade for something in Fraser Valley of similar value. $995,000 Million. Call for pkg. Garth Olson or Glenn Duff RE/MAX TREELAND REALTY 604-533-3491 T/F 1-888-707-3577 SPECTACULAR VIEW 36.4 ACRE PROPERTY – ABBOTSFORD One of a kind awesome view, overlooking Fraser river & Valley farms. Ideal building site for the exclusive country estate. Fully useable farmland for berries or livestock. First time offered at $2,198,000 LANGLEY 1.75 Acres Zoned C2 commercial complete with beautifully maintained 4300 sq ft office building. Full range of uses allowed for retail goods & services. Large paved parking lot plus approx. 1 acre of fenced compound. Strategically located for any Fraser Valley based enterprise. Excellent opportunity for investors or expanding business. Offered @ 1,980,000 CALL ROY MUFFORD 604-533-3491