English - Australian German Welfare Society
English - Australian German Welfare Society
Australian German Welfare Society Inc. Reg. No. A 0010852 B – ABN: 98 245 957 640 Newsletter Nr. 527/ March 2016 PRINT POST APPROVED P.P. 344276/00012 4th Floor 24 Albert Rd South Melbourne, 3205 VIC Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 4.00pm Tel.: 03-9696 0907 www.germanwelfare.org.au [email protected] 2 Index Donations Social Worker’s Report Calendar of Events 7 6 7 TTHA News Announcements Next Newsletter 10 15 18 Dear Members Now that we have almost adjusted to the new Number 2016, and we have left Christmas and New Year celebrations behind us, Easter is approaching rapidly. Our calendar tells us, Good Friday is on the 25th of March. I wish you a beautiful time and lots of Easter Eggs. Maybe, you have already planned something for the week before Easter, like not drinking any alcohol or skipping sweets and desserts? These originally religious rites very often have a health reason and are good for our body. There is still time; think it through and decide what you want to do! As mentioned in our last Newsletter, on the 11th March, we will have our “Evening with Music and Entertainment” at the Munich Brauhaus. This is just a reminder, you received the invitation together with the last Newsletter. Maybe you still have some Bavarian- looking outfit in your wardrobe? It would be very suitable for that evening. I am looking forward to seeing many of you there. On the 12th May we will have our Mothers ‘Day celebration. Perhaps you could mark this date already in your diary. Best regards from Linde Mohr AGWS NEWSLETTER Nr. 527 March 2016 2 3 Climate Change The following article gave me some thoughts. Therefore I include it in our Newsletter. Do not think that I am against protection of our environment. We all want clean water, clean air and so on, not only for us but for our children, grandchildren and great- grandchildren; we should do anything possible to guarantee a clean environment. But what is our potential? Therefore I include the following article by Patrick. Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: Climate Change… Here are the main points of his article: The Earth has existed for 4, 6 billion years. During this time the climate has changed constantly and it will continue to do so…. During the last 400 000 years it experienced four different ice ages. At present we live in between ice ages. During the last 2 000 years we experienced a Roman warm period, a cold “Dark Ages” time, a medieval warm period followed by a small ice period and for the last 300 years, a constant warming up. During this period, except for the last 150 years, human beings could not influence the climate. There just were not enough people. Graphics show us that warm periods do not necessarily coincide with high CO2 levels and ice periods not necessarily with low CO2 levels. Many factors influence our climate. It starts with the activities of the sun, the distance between sun and earth, even the shaking of our earth’s axes. We have to say that during recent years the temperature of the earth increased rather slowly although the CO2 values increased considerably mainly due to human activities. The scientific predictions concerning our climate are only partly proven, because too little of the real ‘background’ is understood. If you think of the weather forecast, it is only relatively accurate for a couple of days, may be a week. AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Page 3 4 Therefore the predictions of the world climate advisors have to be considered with greatest care…many arguments are based on missionary enthusiasm. Linde Mohr Winston Churchill: Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in fruit salad Nach der Melodie: Freude schöner Götterfunken Freu Dich über jede Stunde, die Du lebst auf dieser Welt. Freu Dich, dass die Sonne aufgeht, und auch, dass der Regen fällt. Du kannst atmen, Du kannst fühlen, kannst auf neuen Wegen geh’n. Freu Dich, dass Dich and’re brauchen Und Dir in die Augen seh’n. Freue Dich an jedem Morgen, dass ein neuer Tag beginnt. Freu‘ Dich an den Frühlingsblumen Und am kalten Winterwind. AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Page 4 5 Du kannst hoffen, Du kannst kämpfen, kannst dem Bösen widersteh’n. Freu Dich, dass die dunklen Wolken Irgendwann vorübergeh’n. Freue Dich an jedem Abend, dass Du ein Zuhause hast. Freue Dich an schönen Stunden Und vergiss die laute Last. Du kannst lieben, Du kannst träumen Und Du kannst es gut versteh’n, freu Dich über jede Stunde, denn das Leben ist so schön. Freue dich am nächsten Tage Und dass Dir die Sonne scheint, denn der Herrgott ist die Waage, der es gut mit allen meint. Viel Gesundheit, Gottes Segen, mögen stets begleiten Dich. Und Humor auf allen Wegen, alles and’re findet sich. AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Page 5 6 Socialwork Our office was contacted 69 times and we had 50 visitors. Statistics Social Work January 2016 Aged Care Friendly Visiting Service Computerkiosk German Language TTHA/MLH Information Health Issues 37 4 12 8 5 8 1 Total 75 New Cases 12 Client visits office Client visits external 18 9 Broadband Kiosk for Seniors Internet? Email? Broadband? Online? Google? Skype? Please help!!!!! Don’t be afraid of computers! They can be so much fun with a little help of our tutor. Wednesdays from 1pm to 4pm at the AGWS office. Give us a call on 9696 0907 if you are interested AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Page 6 7 Donations Thank you very much for your donations! Donations for the Tabulam and Templer Homes are marked with *. Mr & Mrs Hackenbroich (Bunter Abend) 100.00 Mr & Mrs Kaiser (Bunter Abend) 2000.00 Calendar of Events QU-QU-meet up group Please come and chat! Tuesday, 8 & 22 March 2016 Where: AGWS Office When: 10.00am and 1.00pm An Evening of Music and Entertainment Friday, 11 March 2016 Munich Brauhaus, South Wharf 6pm 3-course Bavarian meal, live music and Trivia Quiz 70$ per person AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Page 7 8 Rappelkiste 2015 Thursday mornings 10 – 12 pm Parkdale Church of Christ, 176 Como Parade West, Parkdale Enquiries and bookings: Dagmar Logan 0438 353 910 Cost: $ 7 for the first child; $ 3 for every other child two years’ and older; children below two years of age are free The AGWS family membership for one year is $50 (this includes insurance with Playgroup Australia) A Project of the Australian-German Welfare Society Deutsche Sprache und Traditionen spielend beibehalten AGWS German Bookclubs The AGWS book clubs meet every third Tuesday of the month. If you like to read and enjoy sharing your opinion with others, join us. The “AGWS Buchclub” meets in the morning at 11am in the rooms of the AGWS in South Melbourne and the “Bookworms” at 7.30pm in the evening. The “Buchwürmer” meet in a cafe, a bar or someone’s house. The meeting venues change monthly, so please book to find out where the next meeting takes place. We welcome new members! Our Book Clubs meet on the third Tuesday of the month: In the morning at 11 am in the Australian German Welfare Society, 4th Floor, 24 Albert Road, South Melbourne, (Tram No 16, Stop 66 Domain Interchange) AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Seite 8 9 AGWS Deutscher Buchclub Jeweils am 3. Dienstag im Monat 19:30 Uhr Buchliste 2016 Buchwürmer (Evening Book Club) 19. Feb 2016 Der Mittagstisch – Ingrid Noll (Ausnahmsweise ein Freitag!) 15. März 2016 Altes Land – Doerte Hansen 19. April 2016 Film 17. Mai 2016 Nirgendwo in Afrika – Stefanie Zweig 21. Juni 2016 Mieses Karma 2 – David Safier 19. Juli 2016 Die erstaunliche Wirkung von Glueck – Susanne Rehlein 16. Aug 2016 Film 20. Sep 2016 Ein Mann namens Ove – Fredrik Backman 18. Okt 2016 Ganze Tage im Cafe - Solveig Jonsdottir 15. Nov 2016 Die Betrogene – Charlotte Link Bücher auszuleihen bei: AGWS Brighton Library Glen Waverley Library AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Seite 9 10 Ich will keine Schokolade! .... Oder doch? Ist es verwegen in der Fastenzeit an Schokolade zu denken – ein Buch über Schokolade zu lesen – einer Radiosendung mit dem Thema Schokolade zu lauschen? Vielleicht – aber nicht jeder verzichtet momentan auf Schokolade und wer doch, heiβt es nicht “Vorfreude ist die beste Freude“? Jedenfalls ist das Buch unseres AGWS Buchclubs im Monat März der Roman “Der Duft von Schokolade“. Ewald Arenz kreierte eine verführerische, sinnliche, schokoladensüsse Liebesgeschichte zum Dahinschmelzen. Sie spielt im Wien des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts und macht Lust auf feine, ausgewählte Schokolade umhüllt von den verschiedensten Düften. Wahrlich ein Buch für Geniesser! In meiner Radiosendung am 22. Februar um 19h ( Radio 3ZZZ , 92.3fm ) wird sich auch alles um Schokolade drehen. Wenn Sie nicht live mithhӧren kӧnnen - unter www.3zzz.com.au kӧnnen Sie sich die Sendung bis zu vier Wochen nach Ausstrahlung anhӧren. Ute Haberberger AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Seite 10 11 TTHA news To all residents, family, and friends Happy Valentine’s Day for February the 14th. We hope that you were spoilt by your loved one for this yearly celebration. For some of us it’s a time to remember and reflect on cherished memories. This month’s update comes from Ricarda Jagusch-Rammanhor – TTHA Community Services Manager. I was fortunate enough to spend 6 lovely weeks with my family and friends in my beautiful home country South Africa where we travelled a lot and enjoyed the warmth and wonderful people and the different cultures, crafts and culinary experiences not forgetting the amazing scenery and wildlife. Although originally from Germany, I spent most of my adult life over there before migrating to Australia 8 ½ years ago. We had the most wonderful time whilst we were there, but I did look around and realised that unfortunately the older population in South Africa is not as fortunate as our elderly population in Australia. Older people in South Africa very much depend on themselves or having to live with their family members, very few are able to get into a retirement village or residential care facilities. Home care packages or any council services for elderly are almost non-existent. This made me quite sad. On a positive note I came across a lovely German Aged Care Facility right in the heart of Johannesburg which has been catering for the older German population since 1946. To give you a bit of a comparison between South Africa and Australia: “There are 500 aged care facilities for a population of 52 million people in South Africa. That is one care facility for every 104,000 people. Australia has 3,000 care facilities which equates to one facility for every 7,700 people.” I guess the point I am trying to make is that I am proud to be working at TTHA which is just one of the fantastic organisations in Australia that assist our ageing population in various ways to age gracefully. We are so fortunate to be able to offer various programs at TTHA starting from our Planned Activity Group through to Home Care Packages Level 2 and 3, private assistance at home, independent living units and our residential care facility that can offer care in so many different ways. TTHA can really call itself a “one stop shop” and I am looking forward to another exciting year at TTHA. AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Seite 11 12 Whilst I was away on holidays and had a great time, my colleagues Anja and Prue had to step up and did an absolute wonderful job of it and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for being there. It is great to be working in a team like this, not forgetting all the care support staff who we very much rely on a daily basis and without them the care would not be provided to our clients and of course our admin team that support us in every way along this journey. Our Planned Activity Staff had a well-deserved two week break over December and I am sure our PAG clients were eagerly awaiting their return on the 11th of Jan for their first outing of this year. Having had a look at their calendar they have some exciting new outings planned for this year. So anybody interested please contact us in the Community Care office. We can also confirm that all our Home Care Packages Level 2 and 3 in the Eastern Metro Region are now filled, we do still have vacancies of Level 2’s in the Southern Region so if you know of anybody that may be eligible for a Home Care Packages in this region please ask them to contact us on: 8720 1331 (Anja) 8720 1332 (Ricci) or 8720 1339 (Prue) The My Aged Care website is now up and running an any new enquiries for people wanting to access services will have to be made directly on: 1800 200 422 We currently still have one three bedroom independent living unit available for sale, if you are interested in having a look through please contact myself Eva Simo on 8720 1300. Eva Simo (TTHA CEO) AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Seite 12 13 Lifestyle Activity Update In February our activities are back into full swing with some new programs that will provide our residents with many more activities to assist in the development of new friendships, and allow them to participate and provide them with a more fulfilling life. Program’s to date: Garden Club; Exercise Classes; Kaffe Klatsch; Reading Group; Bingo; Men’s Shed; Movie Nights; Café where friends and family can sit and enjoy fine coffee and cake; Shopping trips and outings; Movie Nights; Singing and Reading group. Highlights for January and February Australia Day Celebrations – “Animals on the Move” provided bush babies - Lizards, Rabbits, Guinea pigs plus many more for residents to pat and hold. “Stax and his Didgeridoo” entertained residents with various indigenous tunes and spoke about the origins of the didgeridoo. Pancake Day On Tuesday 9th February we also celebrated Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) with waffles and poffertjes being served in the Café. Deanna Roberts, Lifestyle Coordinator and June Harling, Marketing and Communicator provided our expert culinary skills and served over 30 residents. International Smile Day - coming up on the 16 February. Montessori Update Elise with our IV’s Julia, Christoph and Antonia are working hard on creating and implementing new Montessori activities. Geography and maps are a popular theme and have been a common interest to develop new activities. This has sparked up interesting conversations with our residents, as they reminisce about previous travels. There is also reworks of some original activities to cater for new members of our family. Linda Graham from Montessori for Dementia Australia visited for 3 days at the start of February. Linda’s wealth of knowledge shared once again, has inspired new ideas. We look forward to continuing to provide person centred care and Montessori sorting games. Volunteers Needed Having been a Volunteer myself during the early years when my children were at school and later with many other programs in our local community, AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Seite 13 14 I often ask myself why do I put my hand up to help with so many groups. Upon reflection, I want to be able to give back, to help make a difference and pass on some of the life skills that I have learnt doing craft, communicating with people from many different backgrounds in job roles that I’ve had and the genuine feeling of wanting to help others to help raise their self-esteem so that they feel valued and know that a helping hand is available. Here at TTHA, we rely on the support of our volunteers to assist with our programs. It may be helping with a craft activity, movie night, sharing in a game of chess, looking after chickens and rabbits helping with our Café or just sitting and chatting about life. If you can spare the time for even just 1 hour a week to make a difference in our residents’ lives, or if you know of someone who may have some spare time, we would love to hear from you. Please call TTHA on 8720 1333 and speak with our lovely Receptionist staff to leave your details – your name and phone no and we will follow up with you. If email is preferred, please send expressions of interest to Ellen in Human Resources [email protected]. June Harling – Marketing and Communications AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Seite 14 15 Martin Luther Homes Wir wünschen allen Lesern des Rundbriefes ein frohes, gesegnetes und gesundes neues Jahr. Im Martin Luther Heim haben wir ein geschäftiges 2015 hinter uns gebracht. Vieles hat sich verändert: Neue Apartments im Retirement Village Neue Büros für die Verwaltung Neue Lobby mit Concierge Desk Renoviertes Café Jensen, ab März sieben Tage die Woche geöffnet Acht neue Pflegeheim Zimmer Neue Pastoren Neue Rezeptions Öffnungszeiten Und vieles mehr Im Pflegeheim wurden nach einer erfolgreichen „Happy Hour“ jetzt eine „Night with the Stars“ gehalten. Dieser Anlass wurde dazu genutzt, Elivs Presleys Geburtstag zu feiern…natürlich kam Elvis als Ehrengast dazu und sorgte für viel Spaß und gute Stimmung unter den Bewohnern. wurde den ganzen Abend getanzt, gelacht und gesungen. Die nächsten Happy Hour Abende werden als „Hooray for Hollywood“, „The Best of British“ und „50’s Rock’n’Roll“ thematisiert werden. Es Bitte beachten Sie die neuen Öffnungszeiten unserer Rezeption: Montag – Donnerstag, 10:00 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr und Freitag 8:00 bis 14:30 Uhr geöffnet. An Wochenenden und an Feiertagen bleibt die Rezeption geschlossen. AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Seite 15 16 new members: We welcome to the AGWS: Mr Stephan Mueller Mrs Mandy Woetzel Announcements / Advertisements (Disclaimer: The responsibility for the content of announcements and flyers remains with the providers) Try our Yarra Valley wines offering finesse and exceptional flavour Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Chardonnay 2013 We also offer HENKELL TROCKEN, an imported sparkling wine from Germany. Please find our wines and order form on our website www.henkellvineyards.com.au or contact us by phone, fax or e-mail. P.O.BOX 2160 M.D.C., Fitzroy 3065, Victoria Phone: (03) 9417 4144 Fax: (03) 9419 8873 [email protected] Quist`s Danish Coffee Shops: 3l8 Little Collins St (Hub Arcade), phone 9650 2607, and l66 Little Collins St, Melbourne, phone 9650 1530. AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Seite 16 17 Meet and socialise with other Germans in the Migrant Resource Centre Northwest Wednesdays, 10 – 12 at Woodlands Park House, Winifred Street, N Essendon Thursdays 10 – 12 Uhr – Westvale Community Ctr, 45 Kings Road, St Albans All inquiries to Regine Keys Tel 9367 6044 Have you heard about meet-up? Germans and German speaker meet on a regular basis about once a month, normally at a Pub or restaurant. Sometimes we will organize different events like a movie night or so. You don't need to speak German very well to attend meetings. Just come along, listen, chat and have fun! Info: www.meetup.com/german-356/ Special celebration: SBS Radio- jeden Abend zwischen 19 und 20.00 Uhr in deutscher Sprache. An den meisten Tagen laufen unsere Sendungen Australienweit. Ausserdem sind sie auf unserer Webseite www.sbs.com.au/german in der Woche nach der Ausstrahlung in voller Länge zu hören, und einige Sendungen erscheinen dort auch als Podcast Radio 3ZZZ - 92.3fm Melbourne Ethnic Community Radio Drei deutsche Sendestunden jede Woche! Montag 19.00 - 20.00Uhr Dienstag 19.00 - 20.00 Uhr Donnerstag 10.00 - 11.00 Uhr Jeder Broadcaster hat sein individuelles Programm Musikwunsch? Gruβ? Rufen Sie uns an! Während der oder nach den Sendestunden – Tel (03) 9415 1923 Wir freuen uns auch über jedes Feedback! Sendung verpasst? Kein Problem! Unter www.3zzz.com.au können Sie sich die Sendungen bis zu vier Wochen nach Ausstrahlung anhören. Kontakt: Hans-Peter Lang Phone: 0411 450 360 AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Email: [email protected] Seite 17 18 Prime Care Financial Planning PTY.LTD. CAN 602 458 613 AFSL No. 473 141 Independent Aged Care Specialist Concerned about the Aged Care affordability? How much will Aged Care cost? What will happen to my Centrelink? Do you need to sell the home? Are RAD’s (bonds) negotiable? Call Erika Wilke today (03) 9006 1736 Office locations: Camberwell office, suite 302, 685 Burke Rd Camberwell 3124 Mornington Peninsula, 29 Tourello Rd, Mt Eliza 3930 Sudoku 8 3 6 5 9 1 2 8 4 9 5 2 4 6 2 9 3 8 1 5 2 9 4 6 4 5 9 1 3 9 9 AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Seite 18 19 Solution January 6 7 1 5 9 8 3 4 2 2 5 3 1 4 7 8 9 6 9 4 8 3 6 2 7 5 1 3 6 5 9 2 4 1 7 8 1 8 7 6 3 5 9 2 4 4 9 2 8 7 1 6 3 5 5 3 9 2 8 6 4 1 7 8 2 4 7 1 3 5 6 9 7 1 6 4 5 9 2 8 3 Newsletter Would you like to publish something in the next newsletter? If so, we would be delighted. The copy deadline for our April Newsletter is Thursday , 17th March 2016 AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Seite 19 20 Meeting of the Book Club 16 February AGWS Newsletter Nr. 527 March 2016 Seite 20