Dear FAW families: Welcome current and new FAW families to the
Dear FAW families: Welcome current and new FAW families to the
Dear FAW families: Welcome current and new FAW families to the 2012/2013 school year and welcome to the Home and School Association (HSA). The HSA promotes the active participation of its members and provides opportunities for volunteerism, communication, the sharing of knowledge, social interaction, and fundraising. The HSA board members look forward to the opportunity to meet and work with all of our FAW families. This letter is to share some important information with you about the HSA's role in supplementing the operational budget of the school. The HSA is required to raise $60,000 to supplement the operating costs of the school, by sponsoring various events throughout the school year. A l l families that choose to receive the Tuition "Service Scholarship" are REQUIRED to perform 35 volunteer service hours during the school year (June 11, 2012 through June 12, 2013). Attached you will find a list of volunteer opportunities available throughout the year. Opportunities to sign up for specific events will be provided by event coordinators as they occur. The success of school events depends solely on the FAW community. A l l of our events foster school community. Catholic Stewardship and an opportunity to bond with other FAW families. These events are volunteer dependent and cannot be successful without your support. There are many opportunities to fulfill your service hour obligation. Be careful not to wait until the last month of school to complete your 35 hours. Those who do not meet this obligation, will be billed additional tuition and may not have the volunteer option in future years. This year we will be requiring service scholarship families to make a commitment of volunteer hours to either Casino Night, the F A W Golf Tournament or the Spring Gala/Auction. These are our three big events and we need as much support as possible to make these a success. A few things to keep in mind regarding Volunteer hours: ^ ¥ ^ ^ Coordinators/Chairpersons track their own hours; inclusive of time spent on legwork, paperwork and phone calls. 8'^ graders may work events for their own required service hours. ANY person 14 years or older and in high school can work for a family (this includes, brothers, sisters, grandparents and other extended family and friends of the enrolled child). They must sign in and note what family they are working for so the family can be credited. No one under the age of 21 can volunteer at an event that is serving alcohol. Attached is a list of events for which volunteer hours can be earned and those that do not receive volunteer hours. Please note that it is your responsibility to obtain the hours, sign in and out at each event worked, and make sure they are reported to the coordinator of the event or the office for in school events. We also request that you report A L L hours worked even i f you have reached your required amount. You will be provided an hours report (on a quarterly basis) by the Volunteer Hours Coordinator, Jan Roell (iroell(S) I f you have signed up for an event please plan to work your entire shift even i f you have reached your minimum 35 hours. I f you have questions regarding the volunteer hour structure or any other HSA matter, please contact any of the board members listed below. President, Lisa Brown Vice President, Joe Vavrus Secretary, Jodi Stanalonis Treasurer, Bridget Tennant lisabrown2874@yahoo. com joe. vavrus@,gmail. com [email protected] bridge/ (ennanl@yahoo. com 05/06/13 Thru 05/10/13 05/18/13 Spring TBD Teacher Appreciation Week Spring Yard Sale Golf Tournament Morning All Day TBD HSA Board TBD Jessica Beavan Eric & Cindy Kerig Evening 5-7 Jodi Pilkerton Kelly Huiskens inicuttinKedge(a! Eri c. b. keri g(2)n a w .mil Cvnthia.kerig. ctr(rt),navv. mi 1 jheimer(a) Leslie. heimer(a) stinkviake(S)rad.metiocast,net ekh ui skens® email .com lunch Sandy Wilkerson ]offlers(a) Justin & Leslie Heimer Spring TBD Spring TBD Ongoing Blue Crabs Spirit Night Panera Spirit Day * California Hot lunch URGENT R E Q U E S T : We are in desperate need of volunteers for hot lunch. If we don't receive additional volunteers, we will be forced to reduce hot lunch to four (4) days a week. • Hours available for each event vary. • Event Coordinator will send out flyers prior to the event. Please contact the coordinator for the event that you are interested in volunteering for. It is your responsibility to ensure you work the necessary hours. • COMMUNITY, SOCIAL & OTHER EVENTS Activities currently planned are listed below. The dates are subject to change. Other events may be announced later in the school year. If you are interested in workmg please contact the coordinator listed. Fingerprinting, background investigation , and comp etion of Child Protection Workshop required for © activities. C O N T A C T INFO COORDINATOR TIME EVENT DATE Wendy Perraut Bridget Tennant Open House Middle School Meetings HSA Meeting Blue Crabs Spirit Night Sunday Breakfasts •School gym 5-7 6-7 7-9 7:05 pm morning HSA Board HSA Boaid HSA Board Jodi Pilkerton Jo Guy Roy & Marie Buckler Ledo's Spirit Day * Leonardtown Papa John's •Leonardtown Texas Roadhouse •California Walk for die Poor Bruster's Spirit Night Grandparents Day FAW 5k Walk/Run Panera Spirit Day •California Poinsettia/Wreath Sale Fall Fun Day Cash Game •payouts in Jan/Feb All Day Rosemary Padgett rwpadaett(a;:y ahoo. com All Day Joe Vavras Joe. vavrusfa),amai), com Lotti Bell raarkandlotti (2f)hotmail. com N/A Kelly Huiskens Faculty Committee Christa Hayes Kelly Huiskens N/A ekhuiskensfS) Emily Price TBD Cindy Carroll Karen Aud Emi iv. pr ice7 8 (a), gmail. com TBD cncaiTol l@,veri zoii. net karen.aud(rt) TBD Dennis Atlas Peg Ryan Becky Guerre TBD Melanie Bateman Michelle Plank Guy Wendy Perraut Amy Ashley Julia Guy Becky Guerre Howard Wentworth Joe Stanalonis Audrey Cosgrove Kathy Bell Ellie Tennyson Jane Burke TBD ndatlas{S)msn. com spaiyan (Sim sn. com beckv.gueiTefo) TBD bateraan4(S) niplankeuv(S) yahoo. com Wl 1 ewis23 (Shotmail. com Ashlev(a)md.menocast. net Juliaguv65(a) Becky. guene(<Y),gmai]. com hcwentvvorthir(2) stanaloiiisi(a)mai" audrevcosarove@, e!eanor,temiyson(rt) i burke(ffi,md. ni etrocast. n et NEW Orientation 8/23/12 9/06/12 9/06/12 9/09/12 10/07/12, 11/04/12, 12/02/12, 01/06/13, 03/03/13, 05/05/13, 06/02/13 2"^ Wednesday of each month 4"" Tuesday of each month Monthly 9/15/12 9/19/12 9/20/12 9/29/12 10/15/12 10/29/12 10/31/12 11/01/12 Thru 12/14/12 11/23/12 01/08/13 Wllewis23(r7) Bridget teimant(S) 4-5 8/23/12 Family Morning 5-7 11-2 Christinas on the Square Mulch Sale 1/29/13 02/02/13 Car Raffle Italian Dinner Ongoing Evening 02/02/13 Brown Bag Auction Evening 03/01/13 Casino Night Evening 04/21/13 04/27/13 Earth Day Spring Gala Evening 04/27/13 Live Auction Evening stinkviake(«) aq uah olicguy s(S)aol. com w']brovfS) am cbb(a),vah oo. com Christen.haves(2),smihs.oni ekli ui sken s(«) mn ail. com V O L . HRS CAN B E C L A I M E D FOR: All Fundraising events: (list not all inclusive) Gala/Auction Italian Dinner Basket Bingos 5k Run Breakfasts Magazine Drive Cash/Ticket Games Yard Sale V O L . HRS CANNOT B E C L A I M E D FOR: Individual Class Fundraisers/Events (not all inclusive) • 8"^ Grade Basket Bingo (Class specific) • 1^ grade discount cards • 8"^ grade graduation brunch • Field Trip Chaperones • 8^ Grade Service Hours Basketball Kitchen Coordinator • Concession Workers Sports (Basketball/Cheerleading) • Head Coach • Assistant Coach • Bookkeeper • Scorekeeper Book Fairs Classroom Volunteer (NOT PAID) School Maintenance Advertising Public Relations Set up, break down, clean up of events Field Day Fun Day Office Volunteer Coordinators & Chairpersons of events Thanksgiving Lunch Uniform Swap Sales Coordinators: Wrapping paper, gouimet food sweatshirts/caps, etc. Hot Lunch Workers Middle School dance Chaperones Donated baked goods and time baking items Paid Classroom Subs Sponsored/donated items magnets,