Traditional Insurance Health Savings Account (HSA) Save for the


Traditional Insurance Health Savings Account (HSA) Save for the
HSA Advantage
What’s the buzz?
Traditional Insurance
Traditional health insurance is like
purchasing oranges from a fruit stand.
Higher monthly
Nothing saved
for the future
Health Savings Account (HSA)
HSA plans are like buying the
orange trees themselves.
You own a renewable,
growing, resource.
An HSA is a medical-specific savings account. Each
paycheck, you contribute pre-tax dollars and your
employer may also put in money!
Your HSA grows through additional contributions, interest
earnings and investment growth.
Use HSA funds for medical costs like doctor visits,
prescriptions, dental and eye appointments.
Funds you don’t use stay put
and roll over year after year.
Your HSA is yours forever―even if you change
jobs or health insurance plans.
Save for the Future
Potential for significant
growth over time
Triple tax-advantaged savings
HSA contributions, earnings and qualified
withdrawals are not taxed.
This makes HSAs
the wisest savings
account around.
Rest assured in retirement because you made the
smart decision to save for your future.
With an HSA, your
future is covered.
Just continue
contributing to your
HSA each paycheck, and
over time your HSA will
grow for your future.

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