HeartBeat - Sacred Heart Schools


HeartBeat - Sacred Heart Schools
Laura Melillo Barnum ’83
2014 Alumna of the Year
Community • reverence
• service • leadership
Alumnae inspire
next generation
of SHA leaders
Dear alumnae, prospective families, parents, and friends,
I am delighted to introduce this edition
of the HeartBeat which focuses on the
core value of leadership. As the director
of enrollment, my time is spent promoting
a school I believe in and one that I love.
Meeting future Valkyries is a joy and my
job is so much fun!
Now in my tenth
year, I have seen more than 1,000 eighth
grade shadows turn into Valkyries, then
into graduates and alumnae. In fact the
first class I enrolled, the Class of 2009, will
Lauren Hitron ‘99
celebrate their five year reunion this summer
while I celebrate my 15 year reunion with the Class of 1999! I am so
excited to see that class and to hear about how they’ve carried on the
Valkyrie legacy in their own lives. Working at SHA allows me to witness
each day how Sacred Heart Academy helps students grow from
learners to leaders.
In this issue, you will read about how some of our alumnae, students,
and faculty/staff are leaders in their communities. They are constantly
challenging themselves to go beyond what is required, to help find new
solutions to old problems, and to serve others. At SHA we teach that
true leadership is more than simply holding a position, having a title,
or being the oldest in the school. One cannot be a leader without truly
immersing themselves in the other Ursuline core values of community,
reverence, and service. A Valkyrie leader embodies these values, but
she must also have role models. Lucky for our students that they can look
to our 10,000 alumnae for inspiration!
As a student, I was challenged every day to be a servant leader and live
out the four core values and this is still true today. Now as an alumna and
enrollment director, I understand there is an even greater responsibility
to demonstrate those values and be an example to the current
students and future classes. Sacred Heart Academy is truly such a
special community that lasts a lifetime. I am blessed to be a part of the
SHA Alumnae Board
Vice President
Jessica Moore ‘99
Laura Fenton Wince ‘02
Vice President
Tara Kremer ‘89
Alice Cowley ‘02
Class Rep Assignments
Dana Craig ’87 (83, 87)
Suzanne Schimpeler ’58 (57, 58, 59)
Kim Brossart Brown ’88 (85, 88)
Sr. Lorna Weiler, OSU ’58 (58)
Tara Kremer ’89 (86, 89)
Martha Schulten Martin ’65 (64, 65, 56) Beth Martin Doyle ’91(90, 91)
Linda Gies Carter ’66 (66, 61, 55)
Allison McGuire Gibson ’92 (92, 93)
Joyce King Jennings ’68 (60, 68)
Amanda Dearing Walukas ’94 (52, 94)
Nannette Mershon ’67 (67, 69)
Leah Stiebling Hawkins ’95 (53, 95)
Annie O’Connell ’95 (96, 97)
Erin Hall Rasinen ’98 (54, 98)
Nancy Donovan Pratte ’70 (70, 71)
Jessica Moore ‘99 (99)
Denise Nevitt Golden ’73 (72, 73)
Anne Callahan French ’75 (62, 74)
Susan Mullin Toutant ’75 (63, 75)
Allison Hartley ’00 (04, 05)
Pam Higgs Martin ’75(76, 79)
Courtney Young Green ’00 (00, 10)
Kathy Boswell Knotts ’77 (50, 77)
Melanie Miranda Thornton ’01 (01, 11)
Susan Schultz Gibson ’78 (51, 78)
Laura Fenton Wince ’02 (02, 12)
Alice Cowley ’02 (03, 13)
Channing Underhill ’06 (06, 09)
Julie McDonald Olsen ’80 (80, 81)
Brittany Miller ’07 (07, 08)
Kim Karem Washle ’84 (82, 84)
The Sacred Heart Academy Alumnae Association is comprised of
more than 10,000 women who have graduated from Sacred Heart
Academy since it was founded in 1877. SHA, a member of Sacred
Heart Schools, is a Catholic, college preparatory girls’ school. Faithful
to the mission of the Ursuline Sisters, SHA educates the whole
person, fostering Christian values, personal integrity and responsible
leadership in a supportive learning environment committed to
academic excellence.
The HeartBeat is published quarterly by the Sacred Heart Schools
Office of Institutional Advancement. Please submit information for
publication or address changes to:
Sacred Heart Academy “HeartBeat”
3177 Lexington Road
Louisville, KY 40206
Phone: 502.896.8681
Fax: 502.895.0989
E-mail: [email protected]
Information in this issue of the HeartBeat was received by the Sacred
Heart Schools Communications and Marketing Department prior to
March 17, 2014.
Heart and very, very proud to be a Valkyrie!
Lauren Hitron ’99
Enrollment Director
Learners to Leaders
2 • The Heartbeat • Spring 2014
Around SHA
Students from Hachinohe St.
Ursula High School Visit SHA
Thirty-two high school students and four chaperones from St. Ursula
High School, Hachinohe, Japan visited Louisville for a two-week
cultural exchange in March. In past years, just female students have
visited and were hosted by Sacred Heart Academy. This year, Mercy
Academy and St. X partnered with Sacred Heart Academy to
accommodate more girls wanting to visit, as well as boys.
The goal of the two-week visit is to help the Japanese students
learn to speak more fluent English and to share with them a typical
American family’s way of life. St. Ursula students accompanied their
student hosts to school each day, attended classes and participated
in an English conversation course. The students also attended club
events, sport events, and other after school activities with their host
students. While in Louisville the students visited Churchill Downs and
the Kentucky Derby Museum and were formally recognized by Metro
Rune Staff Covers it All!
of Dare to Care. To read more about this
year’s alumnae of the year, head over to the
features page.
The school year is coming to a close
shortly, and we are excited about what
the future holds for our senior staffers. We
will proudly say goodbye to our editorial
board, which have been on The Rune staff
for two years. These girls have seen the
newspaper grow and flourish. They have
Welcome back readers! As the school year
helped the newspaper transition into an
has progressed, The Rune has had the
online publication and have run a Twitter
opportunity to cover many exciting topics.
account that has become vital for student
We want to share some of our favorite
communications. The Rune would like
stories over the past few months with you.
To view the following articles in detail, go to
Throughout the Olympics, The Rune covered
all angles and aspects. From the opening
ceremony, to the puppy adoptions, we were
there every step of the way to report the
news to the Sacred Heart community. To
read more about our coverage of the Sochi
Olympics, visit our sports page.
one being the lowest and ten being the
highest. The survey yielded very interesting
results. Learn more about the research we
found, by visiting our student life tab.
The Rune staff also had the privilege of
interviewing the 2014 Alumnae of the
Year, Laura Melillo Barnum ’83. The
article (also featured in this issue of the
HeartBeat) discusses Barnum’s life at Sacred
Heart and even her time working at the
to thank the following editors for their
dedication over the past two years: Audrey
Burnett (News), Allison Cook (Sports), Abigail
Rodgers (Opinion), Alyssa Dimmet (Features),
Amanda Baldwin (Managing Editor), and
Hillary Reader (Editor in Chief).
Thank you for your continued support of
The Rune and you can view our articles
at therunenews.org. For daily updates on
Sacred Heart Academy happenings, follow us
on Twitter @SHANews4You.
Another interesting topic one of our staffers
White House. Now Barnum is the Executive
researched was the amount of stress
Director of Yum! Brands Foundation and
Happy reading!
students face each day. Students were asked
Global Community Investment and serves
-The Rune Staff
to rate their stress on a scale of 1 to 10 with
as chairman for the board of directors
The Heartbeat • Spring 2014 • 3
2014 Alumna of the Year
SHA’s 2014 Alumna of the Year, Laura Milillo
Barnum, center, stands with Sarcred Heart
Schools President Dr. Cynthia Crabtree, left, and
SHA Principal, Mary Lee McCoy, right.
majored in mass communication. “I’ve always
liked TV and thought I would be in that
venue in some form or fashion,” Laura said
on her interest in communication. While in
college, she worked behind the scenes for a
cable TV studio in Cincinnati. Laura was also
the technical director for the Miami of Ohio
football games.
After college, Laura came back to Louisville
where she interned with WLKY and 32
A Shining Example of a
Valkyrie who Leads
By Hillary Reader ’14
The Rune, Editor in Chief
Hillary will attend Lipscomb University in the Fall
In addition to graduating from SHA, Laura
Melillo Barnum attended Sacred Heart Model
School with her two older sisters, Lynne
Barnum Bolton ’77 and Lisa Barnum Rost
’79. Laura said, “If you add up all the years,
for me personally it was 13, and I had two
older sisters who were on campus for both 13
years. My parents have been here well over 30
After graduating from Sacred Heart Model
School, Laura stayed on the Ursuline Campus
for high school at Sacred Heart Academy. At
SHA, Laura was involved in 100 Club, National
Honor Society, French Club and Agape
Club. “I think the beauty of Sacred Heart is
regardless of where your talents lie, there is
4 • The Heartbeat • Spring 2014
Alive. From there she moved to Washington,
D.C. to work at the United States Trade
Representative Office. Laura explained, “They
always something you can get into that you
are essentially responsible for all the trade
will enjoy and can shine,” Laura said.
regulations for the United States.”
Faith is an important
aspect of Laura’s life. She
was raised in a family
where her parents went
to Mass every day and
she tried to as well. “My
mother has gone to
Mass every single day her
entire life and my father
when he was alive went as well. She’s gone
While working there, Laura was
to Holy Spirit at 8:15 a.m. for as long as I can
approached by an acquaintance who worked
remember,” said Laura. During high school,
in the White House Press Office to see if she
her family would get together each night to
was interested in an open position as a TV
pray the rosary.
coordinator for the Press Office.
Upon graduation from Sacred Heart
Academy, Laura followed in her sisters’
footsteps and attended Miami of Ohio and
Laura accepted the position when
President Reagan was in office. “When I first
Continued on Page 6
Exceeds goals
On February 28, 515 friends of Sacred Heart Schools gathered together in
the SHA Gym for the annual Interlude dinner and auction. From the moment
they stepped through the doors, the Aspen Night theme filled the atmosphere.
A beautiful evening filled with fabulous auction items, gourmet food, and
entertainment all fell together perfectly, creating a successful night of fundraising
and friend-raising for Sacred Heart Schools.
While we continue to crunch numbers and determine our final outcomes,
we feel confident sharing that Interlude exceeded the $223,000 revenue goal.
In addition, the SHA students out-did themselves by selling 1,274 raffle tickets,
exceeding the school goal by 159 tickets! All of this wouldn’t have been possible
without our generous sponsors. Thank you to Technology Sponsor—Visionworks,
Dr. Mark Lynn & Associates; Presenting Sponsor, Interlock Industries; Auction
Interlude Table Sponsors:
Sponsor, Kindred Healthcare; Signature Sponsors, Brown-Forman Corp., PNC and
Bill & Amy Abel at Abel Construction Co. Inc.
Blairwood Teams, Swim & Fitness and
Louisville Tennis Club
Burke Financial Services
Byerly Ford Nissan
The James and Vandy Chisholm Family
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Creek
Deming, Malone, Livesay & Ostroff CPAs
DFH Heating & Air Conditioning
Joe and Sherry Dougherty
Duane Realty and Development
Family Allergy and Asthma
First Kentucky Trust—Carl Hafele
Flik Independent Schools Dining
Scott and Jeannine Flynn
Hilliard Lyons Trust Company
ISCO Industries, LLC
King Southern Bank
Ladybug Gifts—The Smedley Family
Lifetime Financial Growth
Maker’s Mark Distillery, Inc.
Anne Pfau & Joe Paris
Premier Landscaping and Maintenance
Professional Bank Services
Publishers Printing Company
Rosa Mosaic & Tile Company
SHA Alumnae Board
Stengel Hill Architecture, Inc.
Stock Yards Bank & Trust
Stuedle, Spears & Francke, CPAs
Kristin Stuedle, Partner
The Scheid Group at Morgan Stanley
Ursuline Sisters of Louisville
Juan Vassallo
Kathy Quesenberry
Yum! Brands Foundation; and our Patron Sponsors APB Self Storage and CBRE
Louisville. Additionally, many thanks to the wonderful table sponsors listed here as
Last but definitely not least, this year’s Interlude Committee went above
and beyond planning a fantastic event. Co-chairs David and Sarah Hardy did
a wonderful job leading a committee of hardworking, creative and talented
volunteers. This event would not have been successful without their commitment
and support of Sacred Heart Schools. On behalf of Sacred Heart Schools, thank
you to everyone who supported Interlude this year!
began, my role was to make sure all the
the most important thing is humility and
Yum! to an outreach of hers, Dare to Care.
overnight information that was coming
realizing that you don’t know everything,”
She is chair of the board of directors. Yum!
out and was essential to the president was
Laura said. Her love of learning helped her
donates more than $1 million a year to
consolidated,” Laura said. She would come
through this and she also “learned there
support Dare to Care.
in and read all of the wires and pull certain
were a lot of people that were very kind to
news organizations such as The Associated
me during that process that gave me a lot of
related organization in Kentucky where they
Press and consolidate all the news. “My
support and opportunity.”
serve over 16 million pounds of food per
job was to take all the information and
The non-profit is the largest hunger-
Once President Bush left office, Laura
year. As chair, Laura said, “I get to make
collectively see what was important. Then
moved to New York to run the investor and
sure we are doing as much as we can to
pass it along to my boss who was Press
public relations for Macy’s. She thoroughly
help people that don’t have enough food on
Secretary for President Reagan at the time,”
enjoyed living in New York and especially
the table.”
Laura said.
having the opportunity to walk in the Macy’s
While working for Reagan, Laura recalled
how he would come and knock on the
Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Laura believes the value of a Sacred
Heart education is incredible. “Where you
While visiting for the Kentucky Derby,
come from in an intellectual standpoint, you
door of the press office. She and her best
Laura was called by a head hunter about
can learn and grow in the environment that
friend would walk on the colonnade and
a job opening for Yum! Brands. Laura
you choose,” Laura said. She also believes in
fed the squirrels with the president. “He
interviewed on a Monday, and accepted
the “collective view of educating the whole
would always have his big brown suit on
the job on Wednesday. “It was very fun, to
person and understanding its important
and reach into his pocket and grab
and feed the squirrels,” Laura said.
President Reagan would ask them
what was going on and what the
press wanted know. “I think now,
retrospectively, the reason he did
that is because he knew that we
were unvarnished. We were so
young so we were going to give
him all the truth, all the time,”
Jean Anne Zappa, a 2014 Heart
My best friends in the entire world
are the girls I graduated with. ...
It’s interesting the relationships
and friendships you make last
forever. You will find they will be
there for the rest of your life.
some nuts and we would sit there
to give back and do service.” Sister
Laura Melillo Barnum ’83
Laura said.
Award Recipient, was Laura’s religion
teacher and the one who asked her
to serve on the board of Shively Area
Laura also values her Valkyrie
sisters. “My best friends in the entire
world are the girls I graduated with,”
Laura said. As Laura flipped through
a yearbook, she discussed how she
knows all these women, and that
As Laura advanced, she was
she still is in contact with them. “It’s
gradually promoted to assistant press
move back,” Laura said. Her new job was
interesting the relationships and friendships
secretary, then was writing press releases,
the Vice President of Public and Government
you make last forever. You will find they will
followed by being media coordinator for the
Relations. Her role was to explain to the
be there for the rest of your life,” Laura said.
White House. When President George H.W.
world what KFC was and to lobby to KFC
Bush was in office, she was deputy press
franchisee owners.
Now Laura is the executive director
Laura, on being named Alumna of the
Year, “is very honored.” She is especially
honored to be recognized alongside Sister
With President Bush, she was there for
of Yum! Brands Foundation and Global
Jean Anne Zappa, her former religion
the ground war of the Iraq War. “I was the
Community Investment. Her job entails
teacher. “I’m sure its God driven but it’s
spokesperson on duty for the first week of
giving money to organizations locally
pretty ironic as well,” Laura said.
the war. I slept probably two hours in eight
and globally from Yum! Brands. “We are
Sister Jean Anne is delighted to be
days,” Laura said.
in 118 countries and do a lot to support
honored alongside her. “Laura represents
the communities in those countries. It’s
the Ursuline values of community,
to Moscow with President Reagan. They
charitable organizations that usually
leadership, reverence and service by her
were there for the Moscow summit for the
focus on hunger but not exclusively,”
dedication and service of helping persons
signing of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear
Laura said. For the past seven years, they
and organizations reach their potential to
Forces Treaty that banned nuclear missiles
have also partnered with the World Food
help others,” Sister Jean Anne said.
in a certain range. Laura said, “That was
Organization, which is an extension of
probably the single most significant and
the United Nations. Their passion, Laura
’83 on being named Sacred Heart Academy’s
important revelation of the time.”
explained, “Is to feed hungry people around
2014 Alumna of the Year and for being a
the world.”
constant example of a true Valkyrie!
Laura’s favorite travel experience was
At the time, she was the youngest
person to serve as a special assistant. “I think
6 • The Heartbeat • Spring 2014
Laura has also connected her work at
Congratulations Laura Melillo Barnum
have all
Necessary to be
By Emily Kosse ‘14
Emily will attend George Washington University in the fall
As a young child my parents let me help them cook. Whether it
When I returned home I applied and won a $1,500 grant to
be cutting strawberries with a child-proof knife or pouring in the
start my cooking classes, Cooking Up a Change. I taught low-
ingredients, I always helped out. Once I got older I started to enjoy
income women and children at the Family Scholar House healthy
cooking more and more. I enrolled in cooking classes, started to
cooking classes. This experience made me grow as a leader because
make new dishes and even convinced my parents to let me make
I needed to design the curriculum, manage a budget, purchase all
Thanksgiving by myself – my mom was my sous-chef of course! I
the supplies, and conduct weekly classes. Luckily another amazing
never imagined the opportunities cooking would bring me.
mentor, SHA alum Chef Nancy Russman, helped me. Through my
During my junior year I looked for opportunities to grow as a
research and conducting the classes, I saw firsthand the connection
leader. At Sacred Heart Academy I participated in Executive Board
and Ambassadors, but I wanted a
between food with the issues of poverty, education, and even
from across the United States to “to
As a young child my parents let
me help them cook. ... I never
imagined the opportunities
cooking would bring me.
affect global progress, invest in their
Emily Kosse ’14
ANNpower Vital Voices Initiative, a
program seeking to empower 50 girls
bigger challenge. I learned about the
communities, and begin their journeys
housing patterns.
This project piqued my interest about
food politics, policies, and cultures so much
that I applied to ANNpower and was one
of six girls selected to travel to Burma to
attend the first ever Women’s Forum for the
Economy and Society in Burma. On that trip
as the next generation of leaders.” Although I knew it might be a
I listened to women world leaders, including Aung San Suu Kyi, talk
long shot, I applied to become an ANNpower fellow. The application
about their challenges and how they overcame those challenges. She
required me to develop a project idea about an issue that I was
and others like Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, inspired me to
passionate about to implement in my community. I struggled with
stand up for what I believe in and make a difference for the millions
what my issue could be, but then I decided to combine my love
who don’t have a voice.
for cooking with the problems of homelessness and nutrition. The
These experiences helped me learn that often our hobbies can
selection committee accepted me and flew me to Washington, D.
be the vehicles for making social change. I never imagined my love
C. for a three-day leadership conference. Mu Sochua, a member
for cooking would take me to Burma and give me so many amazing
of parliament from Cambodia and also a recent noble peace prize
experiences. Teenage leaders need to find their passion and use it to
nominee, mentored me. Mu Sochua helped me design my project
help others. Even while we are young I now know what an impact
and taught me about strength, courage, and risk-taking.
we can have.
The Heartbeat • Spring 2014 • 7
I just wanted to send you an email thanking you for
all your hard work at Sacred Heart Academy. I’m in an
Got Mail
advanced Spanish class and we are analyzing Hispanic
literacy works. Many to most (close to all, honestly)
of my classmates have never heard about or used
literary analysis. It was shocking to see their anxiety
and confusion over the past few weeks as we started
discussing the parts to a novel, as well as popular
themes and symbols. It is such a relief to know that
the only area in this class I may struggle with is
expressing my thoughts from English into Spanish. I
The following is an excerpt from an email to Kimberly Caruso, chair
of the SHA English department, from Sarah Urda ’11, a student at
Northern Kentucky University.
have you and Mr. J [David Jarczewski] to thank for
that. The time and effort you have given and still give
your students shows…
Student & Faculty Achievements
• Senior Amy Teta, a National
• Sacred Heart Academy won its 25th State swimming and diving
Merit Finalist, was selected to
title in March. It’s the fourth championship in five years! SHA won
participate in the Honeywell
10 of 12 events and set records in the following relay events: 200-
Leadership Challenge
yard medley, 200 free and 400 free. Four individual records were
Academy at the U.S. Space
also set: 200 individual medley and 100 backstroke (Asia Seidt),
& Rocket Center in Alabama.
50 free (Brooke Bauer) and 100 breaststroke (Kennedy Lohman).
Amy’s record of academic
In addition, Leah
excellence and community
Stevens won the
service qualified her to join a
200 and 500 frees
prestigious group of students
and Brooke Bauer
from 30 countries and 26
won the 100 free.
Asia Seidt was
named Outstanding
Meet Competitor.
• Senior Kayla Swiatek is the SHA recipient of the annual Fr. John
P. Morgan college scholarship. An Archdiocesan committee selects
one senior from every Catholic high school.
• Sacred Heart Academy students won 23 awards in the Scholastic
Art Competition, established in 1923 to encourage and recognize
student achievement in the creative arts. Gold Key winners are
Cassidy Allen, Molly Steiner, Emma Kaufman, Lauren McGregor,
Megan Lenahan and Taylor Apel. Their art works will be judged
at the national level in New York City this spring. Silver Key winners
are Halle Ratterman, Kaylie Plauche, McKenzie Winbigler and
Nicole Dowling. Honorable Mention winners are Carson Ann
Adams, Emma Kaufman, Erica Mullins, Kate Johnson, Katie
Gries, Lindsey Kuhns, Lydia Payton, Mary Grace Gormley,
Megan Flynn, Molly Steiner and Sarah Hammond.
• Senior Molly Steiner won the Louisville Area Fiber and Textile
Artists Association Emerging Fiber and Textile Artist award for
beaded art work.
8 • The Heartbeat • Spring 2014
• Eight more
members of the Class of 2014 have signed letters of intent to
continue to play college athletics. The following student athletes
signed in February: Emily Myers – field hockey (St. Louis University),
Anna Brewer – field hockey (Davidson College), Maddie Latino –
field hockey (Indiana University), Brooklyn Bell – field hockey (Centre
College), Caroline Wistrom – soccer (Austin Peay State University),
Lauren Brewer – soccer (Tennessee Tech University), Elizabeth
Klem – soccer (Bellarmine University), Caitlin Carroll – cross country
(Bellarmine University). To date, 14 student athletes from the Class of
2014 have signed letters of intent.
2014 SHA
Alumnae Award
The Heart Award recipients devote themselves to the betterment
Former athletes or coaches who have distinguished themselves
of Sacred Heart Academy. Pictured, from left: Dr. Cindy Crabtree,
while at SHA are inducted into the Valkyrie Hall of Fame. Here
president of Sacred Heart Schools, Kristin Stuedle ’87, Sr. Jean
Donna Bender Moir, athletic director, reminisces with Valkyrie
Anne Zappa, Beth Carney Klem ’85 and Mary Lee McCoy, SHA
Hall of Fame inductees. Pictured, from left: Shelly Veeneman ’93,
Clara Bollinger Green ’82, Donna Bender Moir ’79 and Caroline
Burckle ’04.
The Ursuline Legacy Teaching Award was established in 2008 to
Jennifer Washle (left) and Ruthmary Feldkamp Gaunt received
honor the Ursuline Sisters’ 150 years of teaching in Louisville.
honorary diplomas and are proud to call themselves members of
This award is given annually to an alumna who has dedicated 20
the Class of 1986 and Class of 1965 respectively.
or more years to teaching. Award recipient Phyllis Elbert Dries ’63
(right) is congratulated by Sr. Ruth Ann Haunz ’64.
The Heartbeat • Spring 2014 • 9
Stepping Stones
The Stepping Stones Bricks and Pavers are placed in the magnificent
piazza, an outdoor gathering place at the heart of Ursuline Campus.
Piazza means “center of life,” a fitting description for a community space
situated between the elementary gym and Ursuline Arts Center. The
piazza has been so named because it speaks to the origins of St. Angela
Merici, the foundress of the Company of St. Ursula, who was born in Italy.
The piazza includes the R. F. Joseph Amphitheater and a stunning bronze
statue of St. Angela Merici. When you support the Stepping Stones
project with a gift of $250 or more, you are entitled to an engraved brick
or paver and a permanent place at the piazza and the Ursuline Campus.
These stepping stones from the past to the future will pay tribute to those
whose footprints have walked the Holy Ground of the Ursuline Campus
and honor the heritage of excellence that is Sacred Heart Schools.
Level One . . . . . . . . .. . . . $5000* Level Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500 Level Three . . . . . . . . . . . . $250
24” x 24” stone paver
Ten lines of text
• 22 characters per line max
8” x 8” clay brick
Six lines of text
• 16 characters per line max
4” x 8” clay brick
Three lines of text
16 characters per line max
* Level one pavers may be paid in installments.
Brick/Paver Payment Information
Complete this form and
return to:
Home Phone:
Sacred Heart Schools
Stepping Stones
3177 Lexington Road
Louisville, KY 40206
or call
Work Phone:
Ext. 1511
Enclosed is my check for $
Expiration Date:
Engraving Information
Please print clearly. Spaces and punctuation are considered characters
Level One:
10 • The Heartbeat • Spring 2014
Level Three . . . . . $250
(Please make checks payble to: Sacred Heart Schools)
Please charge my credit card $
Card Number:
Level Two:
6 lines of text
16 characters/line
Level Three:
3 lines of text
16 characters/line 10
Cell Phone:
I would like a brick or paver at the following level:
Level One . . . . . $5,000
Level Two . . . . . $500
10 lines of text
22 characters/line
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Planned Giving
I Will, You Will,We Will
I Will. These words were promised to Sacred Heart Academy by
and overall sense of well-being. You can also influence others to make
1935 class member, Marjorie Sass Anning when she and her husband
a similar gift.
were thoughtful in preparing their will. Through their estate plan,
she and her husband, Charles, promised to “ensure that generations
of young women experienced the gift of a Sacred Heart Academy
education.” A year ago in the Heartbeat, we told Marjorie’s story as
we honored her memory and gift by awarding her posthumously with
our Sacred Heart Society’s Laurel Award. Her granddaughter, Tiffany
Horning, accepted the award with heartfelt emotion and memories of
her grandparents. This wonderful gift provided much needed capital
improvements during our Ursuline United campaign in 2010, by
We Know, We Will. We know many other alumnae, friends
and donors have remembered Sacred Heart through their will or
estate plan. We will be most appreciative if you inform us. We
will respect your right to privacy, anonymity or whatever form of
acknowledgement you prefer. But, please let us know. Gifts like this
- either present or future - will allow us to plan, detail and administer
it according to your wishes. We will recognize you through our St.
Angela Merici Society, which was also featured in the most recent
issue of Heartbeat. You will help to grow our integral endowment
enhancing the entrance to Sacred Heart Academy.
designed to aid student tuition and faculty professional development
You Will. You can provide a gift during your lifetime or through
or an area you would like to support. And whether you know it or
your will, estate plan or a deferred gift to ensure others receive the
not, you will influence others to do say, “I Will.”
remarkable education, extraordinary experience and unmatched
Where there’s a will there’s a way!
values of a Sacred Heart Schools education. In the recent edition
Please let me hear from you about your plans for Sacred Heart
of The HeartBeat we highlighted how Nannette Mershon ’67, our
director of alumnae affairs, is writing and planning her will with a
Mimi Ward
portion directed to SHA. When you provide a charitable gift, either
present or deferred, you gain a strong sense of satisfaction, gratitude
Annual Fund:
550 Alumnae: The number of donors needed to exceed
last year’s Sacred Heart Academy alumnae participation
rate of 14 percent! The national average for independent
schools is 21 percent. Currently, SHA alumnae
participation is just 10 percent. Our fiscal year ends June
30. We have less than two months to meet our goal. The
clock is ticking! Have you made your annual fund gift
this year?
Thanks to the generosity of alumnae, parents and
faculty/staff, the Sacred Heart Academy Annual Fund
currently stands at $375,000, which is 79 percent of
our monetary goal. Please remember that your gift
must be made or your pledge fulfilled by June 30, the
end of our fiscal year. Gifts can be made by sending a
check made payable to “Sacred Heart Academy” and
mailed to Sacred Heart Schools, Office of Institutional
Advancement, 3177 Lexington Road, Louisville, KY
40206. Secured online gifts can also be made by going
to shslou.org and clicking on “Giving.”
Executive Director of Institutional Advancement
502-736-6467 • [email protected]
Where does your class rank?
More than 1,800 alumnae are celebrating a reunion this year! In celebration
of your class and high school years, won’t you be one who shows her support
of Sacred Heart Academy by making a gift to the Annual Fund? Gifts can
be made by sending a check made payable to “Sacred Heart Academy” and
mailed to Sacred Heart Schools, Office of Institutional Advancement, 3177
Lexington Road, Louisville, KY 40206. Secured online gifts can also be made
by going to shslou.org and clicking on “Giving.”
Class Goal
Class Goal
1939 $500 0%30%
1944 $175
$1,000 8%
$1,525 $5,250 4%30%
$1,562 $2,500 35%50%
$3,455 $6,000 28%50%
$3,310 $10,500 17%40%
$5,420 $11,000 15%30%
$1,425 $3,500 13%30%
$2,595 $6,000 9%30%
$3,850 $7,500 12%30%
$8,227 $12,000 16%30%
$2,530 $5,000 17%30%
1999 $969
$3,750 6%
$1,160 $1,500 9%30%
$2,230 $1,000 4%30%
Totals $38,433 $77,000 12.73% The Heartbeat • Spring 2014 • 11
Class Notes
March. Mary Jo is a staff attorney for the
February. She invites all SHA alumnae
Mary Ann Carrico Mitchell lives in
Kentucky Court of Appeals. Previously she
to stop by and say hello. Contact Cat at
Campbellsville, Kentucky and thinks it’s
served as legal counsel to the Governor’s
wonderful that her classmates still meet
Office of Child Abuse and Domestic
for lunch. She still enjoys her art work
Violence Services and as the director of
and won four blue ribbons at the state
the Samuel L. Greenbaum Public Service
level in 2013. Mary Ann also continues
program. While at the Governor’s office,
to write poetry and prose and writes a
she served on the Battered Immigrant and
column, Mutterings of my Muses, for a
Refugee Women’s Task Force advocating
literary journal in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She
victim’s rights.
godparents, Eleanor Venhoff Renfroe and
director of sustainability at Stericycle. The
Diana Strothman Keefe recently
family lives in Indianapolis.
After a lapse of more than 50 years,
competed in the Unites States
Mary Ann Powell Jewell (center) and
Adventure Racing Association National
her senior English teacher, Sr. Brendan
Championship in Brown County, Indiana.
Conlon (left) were reunited! Mary Ann
The 30 hour race consisted of mountain
lived in Texas for many years but has
biking, trekking, orienteering and
returned to Kentucky and lives with her
paddling. Diana’s team was invited to
son in Taylorsville. Also pictured, Sr. Janet
participate based on their performance in
a series of 4 to 12 hour races throughout
has published six books of poetry.
Kelly Walsh Buckland and her husband,
Ben, welcomed son Robert Wesley in
May 2013. Wes joins big brother James
(3). Wes was baptized in November with
her husband, Sean, by his side. Kelly is the
Kentucky. Diana and her husband, Doug,
live in Louisville and have two children,
Sara (6) and Henry (4).
Tristan Dee Blackburn is a physician
and recently joined Norton Rheumatology
Mary Schneider Moseley, president
and CEO of The Al J. Schneider Company,
Ashley Roberts Mast and her husband,
received the Community Service Award
Logan, welcomed their first child, Colton
from Louisville’s Catholic Education
Emery, on March 4. The family lives in
Foundation for her years of service to
the Louisville community. Mary serves
on the following boards: Downtown
Development Corporation; Home of the
Innocents’ Ethics Committee; Jefferson
Community and Technical College System
Board of Directors; Boy Scouts of America
Board of Directors; and Main Street
Mary Jo Wolford Gleason was one of
six Catholic school alumni honored by
the Catholic Education Foundation in
12 • The Heartbeat • Spring 2014
Amy Anne Schroering Merz and her
husband, Joseph, live in Waukesha,
Wisconsin, with their children, Steven,
Michale and Liza. Amy is the senior
product manager for the girls department
at Kohl’s home office.
Catherine (Cat) Scott Larimore opened
Louisville’s first power yoga studio in
dating when they were sophomores. The
degree in law and diplomacy from Fletcher
Cassie Soete Hallbert and her husband,
newlyweds live in Louisville.
School at Tufts University in May 2016. She
Brian, welcomed their first child, Hayley,
on February 21. Cassie and the family live
in Louisville, where she is the marketing
manager for Al J. Schneider Co.
Erin Frankrone Merrick and her husband,
David, were married in Louisville on March
1. The newlyweds live in Nashville. In May,
Erin will graduate from Vanderbilt Law
School. She earned a master’s degree in
economics from Vanderbilt in 2011.
is the Fulbright program manager at the
Fulbright Commission in Brussels, Belgium,
where she has administered grants to
126 Belgian, American and EU grantees
through the Fulbright Belgium and
Fulbright Schuman programs since 2011.
Grace Wainwright has been selected
from 200 applicants to be one of the 2014
Kentucky Derby Festival princesses.
Allison Eisner, a junior at Centre
College, was named the Southern Athletic
Samantha Davis has been in the news,
Association Women’s lacrosse defensive
including the New York Times, for her
work with KYNET, Kentucky’s healthcare
exchange for affordable healthcare.
Samantha works at the Family Health
Care Center in Portland and helps families
find affordable health care through the
Affordable Health Care Act.
Katie Golden Roberts and her high
school sweetheart, Josh (St. X), were
married on October 12. The two started
player of the week in March.
Ann Marie Kelly has been named
executive director for Young Professionals
Association of Louisville (YPAL). Previously
she worked for the Archdiocese of
Louisville Catholic Services Appeal.
Ali Edelstein graduated from Western
Kentucky University with a degree in
political science. She will earn a master’s
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In Memory
Jean Ann Huth Berkes ’46, died January 27, 2014
Lillian “Mickey Rapier Crush ’43, mother of L. Ann Crush
Broughton ’64 and Carol Crush McMillon ’67 and grandmother
of Chanda Harris Gault ’94, Jennifer McMillon Garner ’92 and
Wendy McMillon Berkhahn ’95, died January 16, 2014
Marguerite Hutt Ernst ’38, sister of Joe Ann Hutt Schulz ’46,
died January 1, 2014
Therese Emrich Fleischer ’47, mother of Noreen “Nonie”
Fleischer Fore ’69, died January 2, 2014
Joan Tehan Guimond ’67, sister of Nancy Tehan ’69 and Janet
Tehan ’71, died December 23, 2013
Maggie Harris Isaac ’72, mother of Jesse Isaac Kaestner ’98 and
Catherine Llewellyn Nunnelley Popham ’75, daughter of
Suzanne Schwartzel Nunnelley ’47 (deceased), died February 6,
Rose Marie Meyer Ratterman ’38, sister of Jane Meyer Amshoff
’39, Sr. Eileen Meyer, SCN ’44, Anna Catherine Meyer ’47 and
Imelda Meyer Kargl ’51, died February 16, 2014
Joyce Stehlin Ruffra ’44, mother of Robin Ruffra Leftwich ’71,
died February 2, 2014
Mary Owen Dannenhold Stuart ’47, died January 5, 2014
Dorothy Krebs Sweeney ’39, daughter Adelaide Bosse Krebs
1907 (deceased) and sister of Margaret Krebs Goebel ’35
(deceased), Marian Krebs Lancaster ’38 (deceased), Betty Krebs
sister of Bridget Harris Sheehan ’77, Ann Harris Bennett ’78 and
McCormick ’48 (deceased), Jean Krebs Evanki ’49 (deceased),
Desse Harris Cornetet ’80, died September 18, 2013
Helen Krebs ’34 and Virginia Krebs ’43, died March 14, 2014
DeeDee Riley Lynch ’61, died December 5, 2013
Margaret Ann Pierce Mason ’66, sister of Marybeth Pierce
Culbertson ’68, died January 14, 2014
Mary Jane Doll Thieman ’48, grandmother of Rebecca Thieman
’10 and sister of Claire Doll Willinger ’46 and Jean Doll Reide
’48, died December 26, 2013
Mary Jo Oberhausen Mehl ’52, died December 27, 2013
Mary Jean McCarthy Towles ’50, mother of Mary E. Towels ’91,
Linda Hirschfield Owen ’52, died January 27, 2014
Continued on Page 14
The Heartbeat • Spring 2014 • 13
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Wanting to contact a Sacred Heart Schools
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now “shslou.org.”
In Memory cont.
died January 30, 2014
Helen “Boots” Wolf ’38, died January 7, 2014
Marie Fitzpatrick Wright ’38, mother of Nanette Wright Maltz
’67 and Anne Wright Wesley ’71 and former faculty member,
died March 8, 2013
Suzanne Frank Zollar ’67, died November 30, 2013
Kenneth Dolle, father of Rosann Dolle Tafel ’78
John Leo Froning, husband of Betty Quesenberry Froning ’54 and
father of Anne Froning Murphy ’77, Mary Nell Froning Hagerman
’80, Nancy Froning White ’81 and Sally Froning Riley ’86
Marion Gerber, mother of Margaret Gerber Liter ’58 and Katherine
Gerber Owen ’61
Walter Gerst, father of Angela Gerst ’73
Mary Kay Hemmer, mother of Sally Hemmer Renda ’69, Julie
Charles Aton, husband of Roseanne Bauer Aton ’42 (deceased)
Hemmer Borchers ’73, Mary Jo Hemmer Kellagher ’76 and
Anna Marie Barber, mother of Donna Barber Chapman ’63 and
Carolyn Hemmer Matula ’78 and grandmother of Emily C. Renda
Mary Lynn Barber ’69
Mary Ruth Bearup, mother of Theresa Bearup Merrifield ’71
Anne Griffith Boldrick, mother of Mary Ann Boldrick Rogers ’63,
Catherine Boldrick Calkins ’64 and Betsy Bolderick Smith ’67
Virginia “Tootsie” Burkhead, mother of Linda Burkhead Starks ’78
and Mary Burkhead Meyer ’79
Mary Laura Crawford, sister of Mary Beth Heine Wade ’74
’04, Mary K. Matula ’10 and Kristin Matula ’13
Joseph Hesen, father of Ellen Hesen Johnson ’76, Nancy Hesen
Klein ’79 and Vicki Hesen Lloyd ’84
Gordon Hinton, husband of Marcia Mueller Hinton ’59
James Huber, brother of Mary Huber Watts ’57, Rosie Huber
Mangino ’59 and Martha Huber Bertrand ’60
Irvin “Ike” Kircher, father of Sharle Kircher Chiles ’60
(deceased), Teresa Heine ’77 and Catherine “Newby” Heine
Kenneth Klemnz, husband of Suzanne Smith Klemnz ’48
Walters ’76
Joan Larrivee, mother of Joy Larrivee Wynne ’65
William “Mac” DeHart, father of Tracy DeHart Ogburn ’81 and
brother of Carroll DeHart ’59
14 • The Heartbeat • Spring 2014
Mary Lococo, mother of Nina Lococo Dimke ’88 and Mary Christine
Lococo ’95
In Memory cont.
Donald McAllister, father of Maureen McAllister Rogers ’84,
Shannon McAllister Richardson ’85 and Kelli McAllister Bailey ’86
Constance McIntosh, mother of Patrice McIntosh Bonkowski ’75
Gordon Oates, Jr., husband of Valerie Schulz Oates ’70
George Parker, brother of Sarah Parker Carter ’60
Leontia Randall, mother of Edwina Randall Zettler ’93
Geoffrey Russman, Leslie Russman ’05 and Courtney Russman ’08
Ann Marie Sallee, mother of Alicia Sallee ’94 and Katie Sallee ’97
Georgia Scales, grandmother of Krissie Scales ’09
Ronald Steinmacher, husband of Sue Klein Steinmacher ’68
Helen McKenzie Brenzel Stengel,mother of Maureen Brenzel
Larroux ’75 and former faculty member
Raymond Timperman, father of Mary Ann Timperman Ott ’81
If you would like to make a financial gift
to Sacred Heart Academy in memory of a
classmate, family member or classmate’s
family member, please call 502.896.8681
or send a check, payable to “Sacred
Heart Academy,” to Sacred
Heart Schools, Office
of Institutional
Advancement, 3177
Lexington Road,
Louisville, KY 40206
Betty Vierling, mother of Nancy Vierling Henderson ’70
Helen “Nanny” Wolf, mother of Kevin Wolf Schreck ’64, Maura
Wolf Ellison ’67 and Emily Wolf Grady ’80
2014 Reunion Weekend
June 6 -8, 2014
Celebrating all classes whose graduation year ends in 4 or 9
Friday, June 6
Reunion Kick-Off Reception
SHA Gym • 6 – 9 p.m.
• $15 per person Early Bird Discount
Deadline for early bird discount May 23.
• $20 per person after May 23
Saturday, June 7
18th annual Golden Grads Luncheon
Audubon Country Club
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Reserved seating - RSVP required
All graduates in the classes of 1930–1964
are invited to attend this event. This year
open house and reception in honor of
we welcome the graduates of 1964 as the
everyone celebrating a reunion this year.
newest members of our Golden Grads.
• Be part of your class reunion photo
• Enjoy hors d’oeuvres along with beer,
wine and soft drinks
• Walk the halls of Sacred Heart Academy
We will also honor the Classes of 1939,
all the changes that have taken place
since your last reunion
• Family, spouses, significant others
welcome to attend.
at the Motherhouse Chapel
11:15 A.M.
• All alumnae and families are welcome to
• Continental Breakfast for everyone
after Mass.
• Family, spouses, significant others
welcome to attend
1944, 1949 and 1959 who are celebrating
special reunions this year. We ask these
classes to arrive at 11 a.m. in order to take
a reunion photo at the luncheon.
Saturday, June 7
• Shop in the SHA Campus Store
• Tour Ursuline Campus by trolley to see
Join us for Mass
• $20 per person
Kick off your weekend by attending an
• Reconnect and reminisce with your
Sunday, June 8
Individual Class Reunion Parties
The celebration continues as all reunion
classes have individual class parties
throughout Louisville. Details about your
individual class parties, costs for the
events and your RSVP form will be mailed
Make sure your contact information is current
with the SHA Alumnae Office so you can receive
all reunion details and latest information.
We need graduates current addresses, email
addresses and cell numbers
to keep you informed.
Send updates to:
Follow Sacred Heart Academy on
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram!
[email protected]
The Heartbeat • Spring 2014 • 15
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