biblioteca virtual - BVSDE
biblioteca virtual - BVSDE
Virtual library in health and environment MANUAL ON THE DATABASE NEWS IN HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT June 2001 World Health Organization Pan American Health Organization Division of Health and Environment PAN AMERICAN CENTER FOR SANITARY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES The Pines 259 Urbanization Camacho, Lima 12, PERUPBox 4337, Lima 100, PERU Fax: (511) 4378289PTelephone: (511) 4371077 E-mail: [email protected]:// 2 Table of contents Introduction...................................................................................... Part 1: Information selection ................................................... 1.1 Information selection guide........................................... Part 2: Definition of the database ...................................... 2.1 Table of definition of fields .............................................. 2.2 Access keys ................................................................ 2.3 Information entry sheet.............................................. Part 3: Data entry from the administration module ......... 3.1 Instructions for the income.............................................. 3.1.1 Database administration screen......................... 3.1.2 Creation of a new record............................................. 3.1.3 Modification of a record................................................. Part 4: Field description of the income sheet .................... 10 Title......................................................................................... 12 Author......................................................................................... 11 Source....................................................................................... 16 Date......................................................................................... 18 Language....................................................................................... 28 City....................................................................................... 25 Country........................................................................................... 22 Summary.................................................................................... 24 Descriptors............................................................................... 920 Specialty................................................................................ 32 Web page................................................................................. Part 5: Presentation ..................................................................... Part 6: Exercises .......................................................................... Page 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 19 19 20 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 38 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias -3Junio 2001 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias -4Junio 2001 Introduction The Manual on the database News is part of the set of methodological instruments to be utilized in the Virtual Health Library and Environment (BVSA), developed by the Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (PAHO/CEPIS), Regional Office of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), with the methodology of the Latin American and Caribbean Center // of Information in Health Sciences (PAHO/BIREME). The database News records information factual and relevant on national events, regional and international health-related and environment, with a view to maintaining updated the users of the BVSA. The manual present standardizes the income of such information simply and userfriendly. It is found structured in four parts: the first part, selection of information, gives the guidelines in order to select the news that should be entered the database. The second part, definition of the database, presents the table of definition of fields, the keys of access for the recovery of information and the model of the sheet of information entry. The third, data entry from the administration module, details the instructions for the information entry: record creation and modification. The fourth, description of fields, describes the characteristics, purpose, and instructions for each field that compose a record. Through examples the correct entry of the information is facilitated. The manual has been prepared by Mrs. Catalina Mascco, under the coordination of Ms. Carmen Caparó, Bibliotecóloga of CEPIS. __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias -5Junio 2001 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias -6Junio 2001 Part 1 Information Selection __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias -7Junio 2001 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias -8Junio 2001 1.1 Information selection guide Every national institution component of the system is responsible for the identification of the news that will enter the database. Take into account the news linked to the subject of environmental health and, consequently, to the areas of work of CEPIS. The geographical scope can be world, regional, and national, placing emphasis on the news on the Region of Latin America and the Caribbean. The covered languages are Portuguese Spanish, English, and French. Determine the authority of the news, if it is personnel or corporate. If it is personal, to verify that the author is of prestige, recognized in the average and expert in the subject. If it is institutional, to verify that concerns a serious institution. They should maintain present time and effect although it concerns temporary events. Verify that the content of the news is for educational purposes, promotional, informative or informative. That is, that contain a message. Take into account always the interest of the audience or users of the institution. Do not take into account news with commercial guidelines, nor of political cut. It should not be very extensive. __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias -9Junio 2001 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 10 Junio 2001 Part 2 Definition of the database __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 11 Junio 2001 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 12 Junio 2001 2.1 Table of definition of fields The table of definition of fields presents all the fields utilized in the sheet of income of the database News, the code that corresponds you to every field and the relevant characteristics. The table is found structured by columns: Tag or code It is the number that identifies each field in the sheet of income of the database News; in this case, they are not ordered correlatively. Name of the field Designation to identify each field. Replicable He indicates that the field can be registered more than once. Each occurrence should register in one line and separated with a [Enter]. Compulsory He indicates the fields that should always be filled in the sheet with income; otherwise, the automatic control of the program will reject the record. Type of index He indicates that the income sheet has a table with the term relation for their selection. In order to select more than one term it is necessary to press the key [Ctrl]and the left button of the mouse. Recoverable He indicates if the field is available for search. __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 13 Junio 2001 Table of Definition of Fields Tag. or Code Name of the field Replicable Compulsor y Index X Recoverable 10 Title X 12 Author 11 Source X X 16 Date X X 18 Language 28 City X 25 Country X 22 Summary X X 24 Descriptors X X X 920 Specialty X X 32 Web page X X X X X X X X X X X X Note Internally, the program that administers this database assigns you the fields of: - Creation date Updating date Status __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 14 Junio 2001 2.2 Access keys The records of the database News can be retrieved by the fields that have been declared as key in the Table of Selection of Fields (FST) that it is shown: Code Name of the field Technique of Indexing Extraction format 10 Title 4/8 (mpl,(V10/) 11 Source 8/0 (mpl,(v11/) 12 Author 8 (mpl,(v12/) 16 Date 8/0 (mpl,(v16/) 18 Language 0 (mpl,(v18/) 28 City 0 (mpl,(V28/) 25 Country 0 (mpl,(v25/) 22 Summary 4 (mpl,V22/) 24 Descriptors 0 (mpl,(v24/) Specialty 0 (mpl,(v920/) 920 It is recommended reading the Reference Manual of the CDS/ISIS, section 5: Table of Selection of Fields. 2.3 Information entry sheet __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 15 Junio 2001 The income sheet is the representation of the information recording. The fields utilized in the sheet have been detailed in part 2.1 Table of definition of fields and are described in part 4 of the manual. __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 16 Junio 2001 Part 3 Data entry from the administration module __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 17 Junio 2001 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 18 Junio 2001 3.1 Instructions for the income 3.1.1 Database administration screen On the database administration screen click in News that is within the block of Definitive Databases. __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 19 Junio 2001 The screen of news search and income will appear. 3.1.2 Creation of a new record • Adding click in the button. • The information entry sheet will appear. Follow the income instructions for each field. • At the conclusion of the income of the record, he clicks on the button It Accepts r. • A message will appear indicating you that the information was recorded. 3.1.3 Modification of a record • Carry out the search for the record. • The result that presents on the left side of each record the option Modifying will appear. • Modifying click in the option. • The information entry sheet will appear. • Carry out the modifications and at the conclusion of clicks on the "Accept" button. • A message will appear indicating you that the information was modified. __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 20 Junio 2001 Note: The instructions for the income are found “on line”, he clicks on the number and name of every field. __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 21 Junio 2001 Part 4 Field description of the income sheet Below they are described in detail each field that forms the record of the news. The fields depending on the case, there are defined in terms of: • • • • • • Name of the field Code of the field Characteristics Purpose Instructions Examples __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 22 Junio 2001 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 23 Junio 2001 10 TITLE 10 Characteristics Compulsory. Recoverable. Purpose Register the most salient title of the news, as it appears in the source and in the language of origin. Instructions 1. The name of the event enter, as it appears in the source. Example News appeared in the daily BBC World: BBC WORLD: Special: Summit of the Americas: toward the greatest world block 10: Summit of the Americas: toward the greatest world block __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 24 Junio 2001 12 AUTHOR 12 Characteristics Replicable. Recoverable. Purpose Register the author of the selected news. The author can be a person or institution. Instructions 1. For the personal authors, to enter first the names, followed by the surnames. If there was more than one author press the key [Enter]and to key in on the following line. Example 12: Samanta Senna [Enter] 12: Gustavo González 2. For the institutional authors, to enter the full name of the institution, followed by a script [ - ] and the acronyms. Example 12: Pan American Health Organization–PAHO __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 25 Junio 2001 11 SOURCE 11 Characteristics Compulsory. Recoverable. Purpose Register the source or origin of the selected news. Instructions 1. Register the name of the source that publishes the selected news. 2. If it concerns some news appeared in a newspaper, the name of the newspaper is registered. Example News appeared in the diary: The World 11: The World 3. If the news appears in an informative, register the informative one. Example 11: News ACODAL Newsletter 4. If it concerns an electronic address, the name of the institution is registered and the route puts on in field 32. Example 11: Web of PAHO __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 26 Junio 2001 16 DATE 16 Characteristics Compulsory. Recoverable. Purpose Register the date of the news, in accordance with the standard ISO-st-2014-1976. Instructions 1. Enter the date of the news, through eight (8) digits to the following order: four digits for the year, two for the month and two for the day. Example News of the: The Trade. Lima, 20 May 2001 16: 20010520 News of the: The Country, 18 April 2001 16: 20010418 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 27 Junio 2001 18 LANGUAGE 18 Characteristics Compulsory. Type index. Recoverable. Purpose Register the language in which the news appears. Instructions 1. Select the language in which the news appears from the index of the entry sheet, clicking the left button of the mouse. 2. Index of languages: Spanish English Portuguese French Another one INTERNAL CODE "is" "in" "pt" "fr" "ot" LANGUAGE Spanish English Portuguese French Another one __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 28 Junio 2001 28 CITY 28 Characteristics Compulsory. Recoverable. Purpose Register the name of the city of the source of the news. Instructions 1. Enter the city of the source of the news completely not to use abridgements. Example The registered news of the diary El País–(Madrid, Spain) 28: Madrid The registered News of the diary El Mercurio–(Santiago, Chile, Chile) 28: Santiago, Chile __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 29 Junio 2001 25 COUNTRY 25 Characteristics Compulsory. Recoverable. Type index. Purpose Register the name of the country of the source of the news. Instructions 1. Select the country of the source of the news, clicking the left button of the mouse. Example News registered of the Bulletin Digital Informative NEWS ACODAL; Bogotá Colombia 25: Colombia __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 30 Junio 2001 22 SUMMARY 22 Characteristics Compulsory. Recoverable. Purpose Describe the summary of the news, clearly and concisely. Instructions 1. Enter the summary of the article with an average of four lines. If there did not exist, prepare it. Example Article on: World Day of the Environment 22: The World Day of the Environment was established by the General Assembly of the Organization of the United Nations on 5 June 1972, in order to mark the beginning of the Conference of Stockholm on the Environment. __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 31 Junio 2001 24 DESCRIPTORS 24 Characteristics Obligarorio. Replicable. Recoverable. Purpose Enter the descriptors that reflect the thematic content of the news. Instructions 1. Register all the descriptors necessary for the description of the thematic content of the news. Separate each descriptor occurrence with the key [Enter]. 2. Verify that the descriptor is included in the Thesaurus of REPIDISCA. Example News appeared in the Informative Environmental: The United States gives up regulating the polluting emissions. The Protocol of Kyoto on global climate change to the margin of the chasm 24: 24: 24: 24: Ozone [Enter] Effects of the climate[Enter] Climate changes[Enter] Greenhouse effect __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 32 Junio 2001 920 SPECIALTY 920 Characteristics Compulsory. Replicable. Recoverable. Type index. Constituted as a database assist. Purpose Identify and select the (s) specialty (s) of the news. Instructions 1. Select and register the (s) specialty (s) of the news, clicking the left button of the mouse. 2. If necessary register more than one specialty, after the first occurrence to press the key [Ctrl] whenever there is selected more specialties. Example 920: Wastewater 920: Hazardous waste 920: Solid waste[Ctrl] hazardous Waste 3. See the auxiliary specialty table Auxiliary Specialty Table __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 33 Junio 2001 Auxiliary Specialty Table 920 AP AR ACE AU CG CI CS CU. GIVE S DC OF GAVE EA EI IA GO THE LC LW MY MS NA OT PC PD PI PL RE SUBJECTS `Primary environmental care` Wastewater Sectoral Analyses Urban agriculture Supply/ quality of the water Air quality Health districts Soil contamination Inter-American Water Day RG RH PR Water resource management Water resources/ Contamination Hazardous residues RS INC. SP ST ITS SV TA TP TR Solid waste Environmental health/ generalities Public Health Workers’ health Urban sanitation `Health in Housing` Toxicology Appropriate technology Water treatment Commemorative days Disasters Institutional Development Epidemiology Industrial effluents Environmental impact assessment Information and documentation Laboratory Laboratory - accreditation Environmental legislation Ministries (Environmental Health Units) Modernization of the sector Child Health and environment Other areas Citizen participation Pesticides of domestic use Indigenous populations Pesticides Repamar __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 34 Junio 2001 32 WEB PAGE 32 Characteristics Compulsory. Purpose Register the route or (URL) of the Web page or the Web where it is found the news. Instructions 1. Register the electronic address of the Web page completely and have cared for not to obviate or change no word, letter, or sign. Example The electronic or URL address of the Web page of the diary El Clarín (Argentina) 32: 2. Register the route of the internal file where the news or full text is found. Example 32: __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 35 Junio 2001 Part 5 Foreword __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 36 Junio 2001 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 37 Junio 2001 News Database Objectives Have fast and timely access to the health-related important events and the environment. In this basis news of periodic registers, journals, announcements of positions, etc. Access From the module of administration. It has a basis of Control, in which initially the data register. After quality control it can be "published" the records and to pass automatically to the definitive basis. There exists an income sheet for visitors that makes it possible that the users of Internet feed the control basis with the news that they capture. Data recording Follow the instructions of the manual. The income is easy and user-friendly. It includes interactive instructions of the fields to enter. Some fields are designed to be selected automatically. The system alerts when it has not been entered a compulsory field. It permits immediate verification. It has options in order to edit, and delete records. The updating is permanent. Through the thematic code it makes it possible to filter the information for the portal ones. It makes it possible to delete the news that is no longer widely accepted. Use the thesaurus. Search and Recovery of the information Modality selection: For months For years By countries By key word Modality key in: By title By source Products Selection and printing out of the search results. Direct access to the selected news. __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 38 Junio 2001 Part 6 Exercises __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 39 Junio 2001 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 40 Junio 2001 Exercise N°1 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 41 Junio 2001 Solution to the Exercise N°1 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 42 Junio 2001 Exercise N°2 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 43 Junio 2001 Solution to the Exercise N°2 __________________________________________________________________________________ Noticias - 44 Junio 2001