/ newsletter management packages info!
Transcription / newsletter management packages info!
1&"3-8)*5&.&%*"$0./&84-&55&3."/"(&.&/51"$,"(&4 */'0!1&"3-8)*5&.&%*"$0. &NBJMBOE/FXTMFUUFSNBSLFUJOHJTUIFGVUVSFGPSLFFQJOHZPVSDMJFOUCBTFVQ UPEBUFXJUIUIFMBUFTUQSPEVDUTBOETFSWJDFTPòFSFECZZPVSDPNQBOZ #ZDVUUJOHUIFDPTUTPGTFOEJOHEJSFDUNBJMZPVBSFBCMFUPSFBDIBNVDI MBSHFSBVEJFODFBOEBUUSBDUOFXDMJFOUFMFGSPNBMMBSPVOEUIFHMPCF"U 1FBSM8IJUF.FEJBJUTPVSTQFDJBMUZUPEFTJHOEFWFMPQDVTUPNOFXTMFU UFSUFNQMBUFTJOPSEFSUPTFOEUPZPVSNBJMJOHMJTUBOEBDIJFWFUPDSFBUFB TUSPOHNBSLFUJOHDBNQBJHO We use a a newsletter software called "Mailchimp" to manage all our clients mailing lists and sub-‐ scribers. We use it for Cazza Petite and Zacks Fashions (large fashion retailers across Canada) as well as many other clients and they are very pleased with it. Take a look at their website here: and a list of their features here: The software gives you a lot of flexibility, we would highly recommend setting up a monthly plan with them and importing your contacts to there (which we can take care of for you). The software generates unsubscriptions links we add to your newsletters so your clients can unsub-‐ scribe themselves from the system and manage their profile. The system generates detailed reports on your mailing campaigns and is one of the best newsletter softwares available on the web today. Depending on how many mailers you need designed/ setup in HTML format we can quote you on a monthly basis. If you were looking to setup and send two mailers a month, designed, setup and management of the account starting at only $299/ month. Please note this is a very effec-‐ tive way to reach your clientele and offer them new products/ services & promotions. SAMPLES ABOVE SAMPLES ABOVE "''03%"#-& /&84-&55&3."/"(&.&/5 1"$,"(&4 #30/;&1"$,"(& 4*-7&31"$,"(& (0-%1"$,"(& 1-"5*/6.1"$,"(& 4FOEVQUPUXP)5.- OFXTMFUUFSTBNPOUI 4FOEVQUPUISFF)5.- OFXTMFUUFSTBNPOUI 4FOEVQUPöWF)5.- OFXTMFUUFSTBNPOUI 4FOEVQUPFJHIU)5.- OFXTMFUUFSTBNPOUI 'VMMNBOBHFNFOUPGUIF BDDPVOUJODMVEJOH NBOBHJOHNBJMJOHMJTU VOTVCTDSJCFST 'VMMNBOBHFNFOUPGUIF BDDPVOUJODMVEJOH NBOBHJOHNBJMJOHMJTU VOTVCTDSJCFST 'VMMNBOBHFNFOUPGUIF BDDPVOUJODMVEJOH NBOBHJOHNBJMJOHMJTU VOTVCTDSJCFST 'VMMNBOBHFNFOUPGUIF BDDPVOUJODMVEJOH NBOBHJOHNBJMJOHMJTU VOTVCTDSJCFST 1SPWJEFGVMMTUBUJTUJDTPO FBDINBJMJOHDBNQBJHO 1SPWJEFGVMMTUBUJTUJDTPO FBDINBJMJOHDBNQBJHO 1SPWJEFGVMMTUBUJTUJDTPO FBDINBJMJOHDBNQBJHO 1SPWJEFGVMMTUBUJTUJDTPO FBDINBJMJOHDBNQBJHO NPOUI NPOUI NPOUI NPOUI $3&"5*7&-: 1&"3-8)*5&.&%*"$0./&84-&55&3."/"(&.&/51"$,"(&4 */'0!1&"3-8)*5&.&%*"$0.