How to upload images via ftp


How to upload images via ftp
How to upload images via ftp
In this tutorial I will be uploading multiple images to my ftp folder on my ktools site, and then add them using
First thing I need to do is get all my images ready.
I will upload the images I have on my computer as seen in fig1.
After I have my images ready, there is usually two ways to upload to the ftp folder. One is via an FTP client
program like FlashFXP, Wsftp, Cuteftp, and many others. The second way to upload images to your ftp folder
would be to use your website control panel. When you purchase hosting service they usually give you a link to a
control panel that you can log into. Most of the time you can click on something like file manager and from
there you can upload and edit web contents.
To use an FTP client, start the FTP client and connect to your site using your hosting service info when you
signed up for web hosting. See fig 2 for an example of my site once I have logged in to my site using FlashFXP.
Notice once I log into my site and I am sitting at the root of my site I see the folders shown in Fig 2 on the right
side. There is a folder called public_ftp DO NOT USE THIS FOLDER FOR YOUR UPLOAD! This is the
incorrect folder to upload your images to. Usually photostore will be installed in your public_html folder, or
other folders like www, home, etc. In my example my store is installed in the public_html folder (this is the
folder people can browse when coming to my site) so in FlashFXP I double click my public_html folder and
now I have my store install directory, and notice the ftp folder in Fig 3.
I want to upload all my images to that ftp folder, so in the left side of FlashFXP I browse my hard drive to find
all my images that were shown in Fig 1. I also double click the folder called ftp so I can have the right side set
inside the ftp folder, so once I have all images in the left and the right set to ftp folder it should look like Fig 4.
Now select all images and transfer up to your website. Once complete you will see a list of the same images in
your ftp folder as seen in fig 5.
Ok, now I need to go and log into my site manager (fig 6)
Once in, I will need to click on FTP Upload tab in the top of the store manager as seen in fig 7.
Now that I am in FTP Upload, you will notice the first thing to setup is where do I want the images to go, which
category do I want to put all these images in (fig 8)? For my example I will put them in a category called
Backgrounds, since all my images are 3D backgrounds.
I can also place them (link them} to show in multiple categories, as seen in fig 9.
Next thing is to setup keywords and descriptions if I need to, in my example I will leave blank, see fig 10.
FIG 10
Now on to setting up prices, I can leave blank and it will use my default, or I can insert an amount, or just have
them contact me to get price quote. In my example I will leave blank and have it use my defaults see fig 11.
FIG 11
Now that I have prices setup, I can now set which prints to allow, in my example I will leave it as allow all, see
fig 12.
FIG 12
Now last thing I need to do is make sure everything looks good, and click add photos! From here the store
manager will import all images in the ftp folder to the category you specified in the settings. Once all images
are put into the store, the images in the ftp folder are deleted and ready for more images to be put in.
To back up here a little and look at how to add images via control panel see fig 13. I logged into my control
panel and (for my site) I clicked on File Manager in my control panel. I now see the root of my site again as
seen in fig 13. DO NOT UPLOAD IMAGES TO public_ftp FOLDER!
FIG 13
I will click on public_html because that is where my store is installed at, yours may be something different like
a folder called www, www_, home, etc.
Once I get into my store directory I will find my ftp folder that I need to upload to as seen in fig 14. I now need
to click on ftp folder so I can get into this folder, and start uploading my images. If you take a look at fig 13,
most control panel file managers, have an upload file buttons and what not, this is where you would browse
your hard drive and upload the images you need to.
FIG 14
Once your in your ftp folder, and have uploaded all images, back track in this tutorial to where you need to log
in to your store manager and click on the tab called FTP Upload. From here follow the above directions to setup
and add photos.
Once all images are upload you can now go to your website and check to make sure everything looks ok in the
directory your uploaded the images to.
This tutorial shows just a few ways to upload images to your ftp folder that is located in your store install
directory of your site. Again there are many programs out there such as FTP clients that I can't possibly cover
them all. So I hope this tutorial is useful in guiding you in the right direction!