UKC2008 Plenary Speakers and Other Speakers


UKC2008 Plenary Speakers and Other Speakers
UKC2008 Plenary Speakers and Other Speakers
with Special Awards (as of June 20, 2008)
The following speakers are invited to give speeches at the plenary sessions on Friday and Saturday,
August 15 and 16, 2008, respectively. Plenary lectures during the luncheons and banquets on
these days are open only to meal ticket holders. Below are the biographies of the speakers.
Dr. Clive Granger
received the 2003
Nobel Prize in
Economic Sciences
shared with Robert Engle
for methods of analyzing
economic time series
with common trends. He
earned his Ph.D. in statistics at the University of
Nottingham, England. He now holds positions
of Professor Emeritus and Research Professor
at University of California-San Diego. He will
speak during the luncheon on Friday, August
15, 2008.
Dr. Suh, Nam Pyo
is the President
of Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and
Technology. He has a
Ph.D. degree from
University. He was a
professor (1970-2006) and the Head (19912001) of Mechanical Engineering at MIT. He
also served as the Assistant Director of
Engineering at National Science Foundation
(1984-1988). He will speak during a plenary
session on Friday, August 15, 2008.
Dr. Roger Guillemin
received the 1977 Nobel
Prize in Medicine
shared with A.V. Schally
for their discoveries
concerning the peptide
hormone production of
the brain. He has an
M.D. degree from Lyons, France, and a Ph.D.
degree in Physiology and Experimental
Medicine from the University of Montreal. He
took many leadership positions throughout his
career, and he is now the Distinguished
Research Professor and the Interim President
of the Salk Institute. He will speak during the
banquet on Saturday, August 16, 2008.
Dr. Sung-Mo (Steve)
Kang is the Chancellor
of the University of
California, Merced. He
obtained his Ph.D.
degree in electrical
engineering from the
University of California,
Berkeley in 1975. His
recent awards include the IQ Quality Design
Award (2008), the Chang-Lin Tien Education
Leadership Award (2007), The Gandhi King
Ikeda Award (2007), Mac Van Valkenburg
Society Award of IEEE Circuits and Systems
Society (2005). He is a Fellow of IEEE, ACM
and AAAS. He will speak during a plenary
session on Saturday, August 16, 2008.
Dr. Marye Anne Fox,
Dr. Sunggi Baik is the
President of Pohang
University of Science
and Technology. He
obtained his Ph.D. in
Materials Science from
Cornell University and
was a researcher at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory. Since he joined POSTECH, he has
held many senior positions including VicePresident (1998-2000). He is a Fellow of
American Ceramic Society and member of
World Academy of Ceramics, and has received
numerous awards including Outstanding
Achievement Award and Best Publication
Award. He will speak during the banquet on
Saturday, August 16, 2008.
the 7 Chancellor of
the University of
California, San Diego,
is a world-renowned
physical organic
chemist, whose work has
influenced mechanistic chemistry, materials
science, and solar energy conversion. An
elected member of the National Academy of
Sciences, Fox also advises on US policy on
science and education. She has served as a
vice chair of the US National Science Board
and currently serves as a member of President
Bush's Council of Advisors on Science and
Technology. She will speak during the banquet
on Friday, August 15, 2008.
Dr. Suh, Sang-Kee is a
congressman of the Korean
National Assembly and the
President of the Assembly
Digital Forum. He has a Ph.D.
Degree from Drexel University.
He was a senior researcher at
Ford Motors, the President of Korea Institute of
Machinery and Materials, a professor of Hoseo
University, and a member of the Assembly
Science, Technology and Information
Committee. He will speak during a plenary
session on Friday, August 15, 2008.
Dr. Efim Isaakovich
Zelmanov, a professor
of mathematics at
University of California,
San Diego, received
Fields Medal, the most
prestigious award for the
mathematicians, at the
International Congress of Mathematicians in
Zürich in 1994. He is known for his work on
combinatorial problems in non-associative
algebra and group theory. He was born in
Khabarovsk, Russia in 1955. He obtained
doctoral degree at Novosibirsk State University
in1980, and a higher degree at Leningrad State
University in 1985. He had a position in
Novosibirsk until 1987. In 1990, he moved to
the United States, becoming a professor at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was at the
University of Chicago in 1994/5, at Yale
University till 2002, then he moved to the
University of California, San Diego.
Fran Allen is an IBM
Fellow Emerita at the T.
J. Watson Research
Laboratory with a
specialty in compilers
and program optimization
for high performance
This work led to Fran being named the recipient
of ACM’s 2006 Turing Award. She is a
member of the American Philosophical Society
and the National Academy of Engineers, and is
a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences, ACM, IEEE, and the Computer
History Museum. She has served on numerous
national technology boards and holds several
honorary doctorates.
Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association
2008 US-Korea Conference (UKC) on Science, Technology,
and Entrepreneurship
Co-Organized with
The Korean Federation of Science & Technology Societies (KOFST)
The Korea-US Science Cooperation Center (KUSCO)
Conference Chair and Co-Chair
Dr. Kang-Wook Lee (Chair, IBM)
Dr. Ki-Jun Lee (Co-Chair, KOFST President)
Conference Program Committee
Prof. Myung Jong Lee (Chair, CUNY)
Dr. Hee Koo Moon (Co-chair, Solar Turbines)
Dr. Seongwon Kim (Web Design/ Proceedings, IBM)
Mr. Seung-Seok Choi (Web Manager, Pace Univ.)
Dr. Yong Nak Lee (Heat
Transfer R&D)
Prof. Tae Hyun Kim (Iowa
State University )
Dr. Saeyoung Ahn (FTI )
Symposium, Forum & Workshop General
Prof. Junho Cha (Physware)
Dr. Josh Choi (JPL)
Dr. Gye Won Han (Scripps in
San Diego )
KSEA Chapters and Affiliated
Professional Societies Poster
Executive Committee
General Chairs
Prof. Ken Yu (University of
Dr. Sooho Kim (GM)
Dr. Sam Jae Cho (Pacmets
Prof. Tae Hyun Kim (Iowa
State University)
Prof. Sangchul Bang (S.
Dakota School of Mine &
Prof. Jang Hyun Youn
(University of Southern
Prof. Chong Jin Park (San
Diego State University)
Prof. Sung Yell Song (Iowa
State University)
Dr. JaeHoon Kim (Boeing)
Dr. Kyung Dong Ryu (IBM)
Dr. HeeKoo Moon (Solar
Turbines )
Prof. Duck-Joo Yang
(University of Texas, Dallas)
Prof. Hyuk Yu (University of
Dr. Kun Sup Hyun (PPI )
Prof. Seungbae Park
(Binghamton University)
Prof. Chong Min Lee (URI)
Dr. MoonJung Cho (Chair, Bureau of Labor
Dr. Esther Yang (Abbott)
Dr. Gye Won Han (Scripps)
Dr. JeongSeop Shim (NJIT)
Mr.Young Hwan Kwon (BAE Systems)
Dr. Jane Oh (JPL)
Dr. Sam Ryu (SOFEC)
Dr. Jintae Kim (Tuskegee Univ.)
Dr. Yungmo Kang (Solar Turbines)
Local Arrangement Committee
Mr. Young Hwan Kwon (Chair, BAE Systems)
Dr. Yungmo Kang (Solar Turbines)
Dr. Higgin Ko (SPAWAR Systems Center)
Dr. Yong W. Lee (Solar Turbines)
Dr. Hakje Yi (General Atomics)
Dr. HeeKoo Moon (Solar Turbines)
Dr. Insung Kang (Qualcomm)
Mr. SoonKook Hong (UCSD)
Fund-raising Committee
Dr. Saeyoung Ahn (FTI)
Dr. Sung-Kwon Kang (IBM)
Prof. Kangwon Wayne Lee (URI)
Prof. Hyo-Gun Kim (GIST)
Prof. Hyuk Yu (Univ. Wisconsin)
Dr. Gil Jong Kang (FDA)
Dr. Yong Nak Lee (HTRD)
Dr. Jin-Keon Pai (Schering-Plough)
Advisory Committee
From Korea:
Prof. Park, Chan-Mo (POSTECH)
Prof. Kim, Si-Joong (Ex-Minister of MOST)
Dr. Chae, Yung-Bog (Ex-Minister of MOST)
Dr. Kum, Dongwha (KIST President)
Dr. Na, Kyoung-Hoan (KITECH President)
Mr. Kim, Shin-Bae (SKT President)
Dr. Lee, Hyun-Soon (Hyundai-Kia Motors President)
Dr. Lim, Hyung Kyu (Samsung Electronics President)
Dr. Shin, Sung Chul (KETEP President)
Dr. Koo, Jayoung (SK Energy P&T President)
Prof. Jin, Jung-Il (IUPAC President, Korea University)
From the US:
Prof. Ki-Hyon Kim (NC Central Univ.)
Prof. Chin Ok Lee (Rockefeller Univ.)
Dr. Kun Sup Hyun (PPI)
Prof. Moon Won Suh (NC State Univ.)
Prof. Dewey Doo-Young Ryu (UC Davis)
Dr. Kyong Chul Chun (Argonne NL)
Prof. Ki Dong Lee (Univ. of Illinois)
Prof. Hong Taik Thomas Hahn (UCLA)
Dr. Howard Ho Chung (MITEC)
Prof. Nak Ho Sung (Tufts Univ.)
Prof. Chan Il Chung (RPI)
Prof. Kwang-Hae Kane Kim (UC Irvine)
Prof. Tschangho John Kim (Univ. of Illinois)
Dr. Byung K. Yi (LGE Senior Executive President)
Conference Secretariats
Ms. Ashley Kim
Ms. Kelly Kim
Ms. Dana Mun Turner
Message from UKC2008 Chairs …………………………………………………….….………………...……..
Message from Minister of Edcuation, Science and Technology of Republic of Korea…………………….
UKC2008 Registration, UKC2008 Hotel Reservation and Local Information………………….….…….…..
Plenary Program……………………………………………………….…………………………………………..
Distinguished Speakers at Symposiums, Forums and Workshops …………...........……………………...
Basic Conference Schedule………………………………………………………………………………………
Aerospace Science & Technology……………………………………………………………….
Automotive Science & Technology………………………...(sponsored by Hyundai Motor )
Fossil Energy in Next Decades…………………………………………………...……………...
Renewable Energy and Sustainability…………..…(sponsored by KETEP and SK Energy)
Civil and Environmental Engineering…………………………………(sponsored by POSCO)
Bio Science and Technology………………………………………………………………………
Statistics, Biostatistics and Informatics………………….………………………………………..
APM: Applied and Pure Mathematics……………………………………………………………………
Communication and Networking Technology……………..…..(sponsored by SK Telecom )
Information Science and Technology……………………..…(sponsored by LG Electronics )
Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Manufacturing Engineering…………………………
Nano Science and Technology…………………………………………………………………...
Polymer Chemistry and Physics………………………………………………………………….
Polymer Engineering and Technology…………………………………………………………...
Electronic Packaging Science and Technology………………………………………………...
Food Science and Technology………………………………………………………….………..
Plenary Poster Session for General Papers…………………………………………………….
ENGY I: Energy R&D Workshop I……………………………………………..(sponsored by KETEP )
ENGY II: Energy R&D Workshop II………………………………………….…(sponsored by KETEP )
Education and R&D Policy Forum………………………………………………………………..
YG&PF: Young Generation & Professional Forum…………(sponsored by Samsung Electronics )
WiSE: Women in Science & Engineering ………………………………………………….…………..
UKC2008 Sponsors…………………………………………………………………………...…………………..
Conference Floor Plan………………………………………………………………..……………………….….
Message from UKC2008 Chairs
Dear KSEA Members, Speakers, and Colleagues:
We are proud to publish the 3rd Preliminary Program with
the detailed time schedule three months ahead of the
UKC2008 (conference). This year more than 670 abstracts were
submitted and approximately 600 out of them have been
accepted. This year’s number of abstracts submitted and accepted is a record high in the history
of US-Korea Conferences (UKC). In addition, about 50 more presentations are to be included at
the Young Generation and Professional Forum at UKC2008.
Many distinguished speakers are invited to give speeches at the Conference. They include two
Nobel Laureates (Prof. Clive Granger of UCSD and Dr. Roger Guillemin of SALK), a Turing
Award recipient (Frances Allen of IBM), a Fields Medal recipient (Prof. Efim Isaakovich
Zelmanov), two Chancellors of University of California (Prof. Marye Anne Fox and Prof. Sung-Mo
Kang), two Presidents of Universities in Korea (Prof. Nam Pyo Suh and Prof. Sunngi Baik), and
other numerous speakers whose research accomplishments are known to be one of the top in
their field.
We hope to achieve the following objectives through the Conference: (1) Provide a platform for
leading researchers from the US and Korea to exchange their research findings and state-of-theart trends in science and technology; (2) Promote networking among participants to facilitate
scientific collaboration between the two countries; (3) Provide young scientists and engineers
with an opportunity to explore their career development as future leaders in their field; and (4)
Contribute in making a better world through the development of science and technology.
We invite you to register online for the Conference to meet your colleagues and friends, and to
visit the beautiful city of San Diego. We are confident that the Conference will be a valuable
experience for all the participants on both professional and personal level.
I would like to ask for your continued support and cooperation in the preparation of the
Conference. I look forward to seeing you in August.
Best Regards,
Kang-Wook Lee, Ph.D.
UKC2008 Chair and KSEA President-elect
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Ki-Jun Lee, Ph.D.
UKC2008 Co-Chair and KOFST President
Honorary President of National Academy of Engineering of Korea
President Emeritus of Seoul National University
Message from the Minister of Education, Science
and Technology, Republic of Korea
I would like to offer my congratulations to the Korean and
American science communities on the US-Korea Conference
on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC) 2008.
Since its inception in 1971, the Korean-American Scientists
and Engineers Association (KSEA) has fostered cooperation
between the United States and Korea through a variety of
activities such as up-to-date information exchange of science and
technology and its current trend and exchange programs for scientists and researchers.
In particular, it gives me further pleasure that UKC, organized by KSEA on an annual basis since
1994, is being recognized as a truly international conference encompassing the two countries.
UKC has made remarkable contributions to promoting cooperation between our two countries by
providing opportunities for scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and other leaders from both
countries to exchange their scientific achievements, establish professional networks, and provide
practical policy ideas on improvement of R&D system in Korea.
Throughout the human history, science and technology has not only led economic development
but also provided the solutions to the issues of global concern including climate changes, food,
energy and so forth. In addition, rationality and creativity that science and technology promotes in
our society have been the source of both competitiveness and dignity of a nation.
It is under such a conviction that the new Korean government created the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology (MEST) by combining the two former ministries, the Ministry of
Education & Human Resources Development and the Ministry of Science & Technology. With a
mission to develop Korea into an advanced society based on science and technology, MEST will
utilize all the available means to promote creative talents and strengthen R&D capabilities.
Especially, MEST plans to expand international networks in science and technology through
policies of encouraging international joint research projects and attracting prominent research
centers and distinguished scholars abroad to Korea.
At this moment international cooperation in science and technology become even more important
for our future growth. I attach special significance to UKC 2008 as I have high expectation that
UKC serves as a catalyst for bringing the cooperation between Korea and US in science and
technology to a higher level.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to President Kang-Wook Lee of
KSEA, President Ki-Jun Lee of the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies
(KOFST), and their members and staff including the Korea-US Science Cooperation Center
(KUSCO) for their time and efforts for the organization of this conference. Finally, I hope that
UKC 2008 will be more successful than ever and bring out the best results for all participants.
Doh-Yeon Kim, Ph.D.
Minister of Education, Science and Technology
Republic of Korea
UKC2008 Registration
Please register for the Conference no later than July 20, 2008 to avoid a late fee.
It is recommended that all registrants attend the plenary lectures by purchasing luncheon and
banquet options (meal tickets) on Friday and Saturday during the registration.
UKC2008 Hotel Reservation
For reservation:
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center
500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108
TEL: (619) 291-7131
Hotel Web site:
Local Information
(provided by Town & Country Resort and Convention Center,
Any San Diego, California attractions are just minutes from the
Town and Country Resort.
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One San Diego, California attraction that you and your
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For additional information, please go to the UKC registration website and click Tour
Information/Golf Outing.
Plenary Program (PLN)
Friday (8/15/2008) Plenary Session I
11:30am Opening Ceremony
11:50am PLN-1 Is Economics a Science?; Dr. Clive Granger, Nobel Laureate, UCSD
1:35pm PLN-2 TBD; Dr. Nam Pyo Suh, KAIST President
Friday (8/15/2008) Plenary Session II
PLN-3 Importance of US-Korea Cooperation on Science and Technology;
Dr. Sang-Kee Suh, Congressman, Korea
PLN-4 TBD; Dr. Marye Anne Fox, Chancellor of UCSD
Saturday (8/16/2008) Plenary Session III
PLN-5 TBD; Dr. Steve Kang, Chancellor of UC-Merced
PLN-6 TBD; Dr. In-Kyung Ryu, President of LGE Research Center
Saturday (8/16/2008) Plenary Session IV
PLN-7 21st Century Global Leaders in Science; Dr. Sunggi Baik, President of
PLN-8 TBD; Dr. Roger Guillemin, Nobel Laureate, Interim President of SALK
*All plenary sessions except Saturday luncheon are accessible only to meal
ticket holders
Distinguished Speakers at Symposiums,
Forums and Workshops (as of June 20, 2008)
Aerospace Science and Technology (AST)
Prof. Inderjit Chopra (Director of Gessow Rotorcraft Center, Univ. of Maryland)
Prof. Chul Park (Distinguished Invited Professor, KAIST)
Dr. Jeong Joo Rhiu (Vice President, Korea Aerospace Research Institute)
Dr. Gabriel D. Roy (Energy Conversion-Propulsion Program Manager, Office of Naval
Prof. Vigor Yang (Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Propulsion and Power, Penn State Univ.)
Prof. Yung Hoon Yu (Director of Next-generation Innovative Technology Research Institute,
Konkuk Univ.)
Automotive Science and Technology (AUT)
Dr. James A. Spearot (GM R&D Center)
Dr. Ohjoon Kwon (POSCO)
Prof. Jeffrey C. Suhling (Auburn Univ.)
Dr. Sangho Ahn (RIST)
Dong-Joo Kim (Auburn Univ.)
Prof. Myoungho Sunwoo (Hanyang Univ.)
Dr. Se H. Oh (GM R&D Center
Renewable Energy and Sustainability (RES)
Prof. Neelkanth Dhere (Florida Solar Energy Center)
Prof. Levi Thompson (Department of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Michigan)
Dr. Bruce Dien (Chemical Engineer, USDA-ARS-NCAUR)
Dr. Moon-Hee Han (President, Korea Institute of Energy Research)
Dr. Kevin B. Hicks (Research Leader, USDA-ARS-ERRC)
Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)
Dr. Paul Palo ( Seabasing Program Manager, Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center)
Prof. Soosam Kim (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang Univ.; Vice President of
National Academy of Engineering Korea)
Dr. Sung-Wan Hong (Senior Advisor and Ex-Vice Director, Korean Institute of Construction
Bio Science and Technology (BST)
 Prof. Bong-Kiun Kaang (Seoul National Univ.)
Prof. Sun I Kim (Hanyang Univ.)
Prof. Charles Surh (Scripps Research Institute)
Prof. Hei Sook Sul (Univ. of California, Berkeley)
Prof. Theodore Ciaraldi (Univ. of San Diego)
Dr. Miguel G. Guzman (Vertex Pharmaceuticals)
Prof. Mary Jo Ondrechen (Northwestern Univ.)
Applied and Pure Mathematics (APM)
Prof. Do Han Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Prof. Jinho Baik (Univ. of Michigan)
Prof. JongHae Keum (KIAS)
Prof. Yong-Geun Oh (Univ. of Wisconsin)
Communication and Networking Technology (CNT)
Dr. Chong Lee (VP, Qualcomm)
Dr. Hwang Soo Lee (KAIST)
Dr. Byung K. Yi (LGE Mobile Research)
Dr. Steven Low (Caltech/ FastSoft)
Prof. Mario Gerla (UCLA)
Prof. Nitin Vaidya (UIUC)
Information Science and Technology (IST)
Dr. Frances Allen (2006 Turing Award Recipient, IBM Research)
Prof. Kane Kim (IEEE CS 2004 Kanai Award Recipient, Univ. of California, Irvine,)
Prof. Kang G. Shin (Kevin and Nancy O'Connor Professor of Computer Science, Univ. of
Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, and Manufacturing Technology (MRM)
Prof. H. Thomas Hahn (Raytheon Distinguished Professor, Univ. of California, Los
Nano Science and Technology (NST)
 Prof. Ray Baughman (Nat’l Academy of Engineering, Director of AGM NanoTech Institute,
UT Dallas)
 Prof. Taeghwan Hyeon (Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
Polymer Chemistry and Physics (PCP)
Prof. David Tirrell (Polymer Chemistry), Chair, Division of Chemistry & Chemical
Engineering, Caltech
Dr. Eric Amis (Polymer Physics), Acting Chief, Materials Science & Engineering
Laboratories, NIST
Polymer Engineering and Technology (PET)
 Prof. Suk Hyun Lee (Ajou Univ.)
 Prof. Jae Chun Hyun (Korea Univ.)
 Prof. Emmanuel Giannelis (Cornell Univ.)
 Prof. Joe D. Goddard (UCSD)
Electronic Packaging Science and Technology (EPS)
 Dr. Seyong Oh (Senior VP, Samsung Electronics)
Dr. David Seeger (Director, IBM Yorktown Research Center)
Dr. Gaurang Choksy (Manager, Intel)
Dr. Krishna Darbha (Manager, Xbox Division, Microsoft)
Dr. Yishao Lai (Manager, ASE)
Dr. Choonheung Lee (Director, Amkor)
Dr. Yeong J. Lee (Manager, Motorola)
Food Science and Technology (FST)
Dr. Jerzy Zawistowski (Forbes Medi-Tech [Research] Inc.)
Energy R&D Workshop I
Dr. Sung Chul Shin (President, Korea Institute of Energy and Resources Technology
Evaluation and Planning)
Prof. Youn-Woo Lee (Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
Dr. Ki-Woo Lee (Korea Institute of Energy Research)
Dr. Jong-Hee Park (Alion Science and Engineering)
Energy R&D Workshop II
Dr. Dong-Soo Jeong (Director General, National R&D Project Bureau, Korea Science &
Engineering Foundation)
Dr. Martha Symko-Davies (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
Dr. Nathan Mosier (Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biological
Engineering, Purdue Univ.)
Education and R&D Policy Forum
Prof. Se Jung Oh (Dean, Coll. Natural Science, Seoul Nat’l Univ)
Prof. Ray O. Johnson (Senior VP & CTO, Lockheed Martin & Univ of MD)
Prof. Dong Pil Min (Director, Korea Nat’l Science-City Proj.)
Prof. Joonki Kim (President Advisor, Samsung AIT)
Prof. Jung-ho Sonu (President, GIST)
Prof. Nariman Farvardin (Provost & Senior VP for Academic Affairs, U. MD)
Basic Conference Schedule
8/14/08 (Thursday)
Outdoor networking
Energy R&D Workshop I
Education and R&D Policy Forum I
Press conference
Networking dinner
Sponsor appreciation dinner in the hotel
KSEA EC meeting
8/15/08 (Friday)
Education and R&D Policy Forum II
Energy R&D Workshop II
Opening ceremony and plenary session– open only to meal
ticket holders
Plenary session– open only to meal ticket holders
Education and R&D Policy Forum III
Banquet (plenary session, dinner, music) – open only to
meal ticket holders
KSEA Committee meetings
(CPC, NMSC, Nomination, Rules, Long Range, etc)
8/16/08 (Saturday)
Young Generation & Young Professional Forum
Poster session and Box lunch
Plenary session
Women in Science and Engineering Forum
Banquet (award ceremony, plenary session, dinner, music) –
open only to meal ticket holders
Council meeting
8/17/08 (Sunday)
Council meeting (7:00am breakfast; 12:00pm lunch)
Aerospace Science and Technology (AST)
AST sessions will feature multidisciplinary topics for aerospace scientists and engineers from the
U.S. and Korea in an effort to share and disseminate scientific knowledge, research results, and
application trends with a view toward promoting scientific interactions between the participants. A
wide range of topics from fundamental research to practical applications in all areas of aerospace
science and technology will be covered including in-depth reviews as well as new developments.
In addition to the general areas representing the aerospace core disciplines, two specific topic
areas including rotorcraft and high-speed propulsion will be highlighted in this year’s symposium.
Ken H. Yu (Univ. of Maryland)
Sejin Kwon (KAIST), In-Seuck Jeung (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Keun Shik Chang (KAIST), Ki Dong Lee
(Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) and Sung Won Lee (Univ. of Maryland)
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session: Aerospace 1
Session Chair: TBD
8:00am AST-1.1 CFD-Based Aerodynamic Design - An Overview (invited); Ki Dong Lee*; Univ. of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
8:30am AST-1.2 Unsteady Aerodynamics of Biomimetic Wings; Cheolheui Han* and Mun Soo Cho;
Chungju Univ.
9:00am AST-1.3 Advanced Approach for Evaluating Preliminary Shape Design of a Very Light Jet;
Gukhyun Cho*; Konkuk Univ.
9:30am <Coffee Break>
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session: Aerospace 2
Session Chair: TBD
9:45am AST-2.1 Future of Aerospace Education and Research – A Vision for 21 Century (invited);
Vigor Yang*; Penn State Univ..
10:15am AST-2.2 Advances in Chemical Propulsion (invited); Gabriel D. Roy*; Office of Naval Research
10:45am AST-2.3 Three-dimensional Hybrid RANS/LES Simulation of Turbulent Combustion
Dynamics of Transverse Fuel Injection into Supersonic Cross Flow; Jeong-Yeol Choi*, Su-Hee
Won, and Jae-Ryul Shin; Pusan National Univ.
11:00am AST-2.4 Dynamics Multi-Cell Detonation Wave Structures in a Circular Cross-Sectioned
Tube; Deokrae Cho, Su-Hee Won, Jae-Ryul Shin, and Jeong-Yeol Choi*; Pusan National Univ.
11:30am <Opening Ceremony, Luncheon, and Plenary Session>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session: Aerospace 3
Session Chair: TBD
2:15pm AST-3.1 Helicopter Aeromechanics -An Overview (invited); Inderjit Chopra*; Univ. of Maryland
2:45pm AST-3.2 Advanced Technologies for Korean Helicopter Developments (Invited); Yung Hoon
Yu*; Konkuk Univ.
3:15pm AST-3.3 Multiple Impact Damage of Glare Laminates; Hyoungseock Seo*, H.T. Hahn, and JennMing Yang; UCLA
3:45pm <Coffee Break>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session: Aerospace 4
Session Chair: TBD
4:00pm AST-4.1 Modeling and Simulations of Turbulent Multi-Phase Reacting Flows; Zahouri Li, and
Farhad Jaberi*; Michigan State Univ.
4:30pm AST-4.2 Study for Under-expanded Sonic Impinging Jet Array; Joon Ho Lee*, and W.E.
Anderson; Purdue Univ.
5:00pm AST-4.3 Determination of Catalytic Reactor Bed of Hydrogen Peroxide Monopropellant
Thrusters; Sejin Kwon*; KAIST
5:45pm <Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session: Aerospace 5
Session Chair: TBD
8:00am AST-5.1 A Study on the Technologies of Satellite-Based Emergency Locator Transmitter;
Sangchul Lee*, Ja-Young Kang, Dongkyu Lee and Do-Hee Jung; Korea Aerospace Univ.
8:45am AST-5.2 In-Flight Measurement of Korean NDGPS Signals; Jay Y. Kang , B. S. Yoo, S. C. Lee,
J. H. Ahn and B.G. Hwang; Korea Aerospace Univ.
9:15am AST-5.3 TAEM Phase Guidance and Control for a Re-entry Vehicle; Dae-woo Lee, Kyeum-Rae
Cho, Jo-ha Baek and Jong-hun Kim*; Pusan National Univ.
9:30am <Coffee Break>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session: Aerospace 6
Session Chair: TBD
9:45am AST-6.1 Invited Talk from KARI (invited); Jeong Joo Rhiu* (TBD); KARI
10:15am AST-6.2 Trajectory Simulations of the Vent Plug Fragmentation of the M879 FRPC; Seungeuk
10:45am CNT-6.3 Strategies plan for space development and advancement in Korea; Tai Sik Lee, Deuk
Soo Moon*, Young Joon Jun and Ja Kyung Gu; Hanyang Univ.
11:30am <Poster Session, and Box Lunch >
1:45pm <Plenary Session>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Session: Aerospace 7
Session Chair: TBD
3:00pm AST-7.1 An Overview of Korean Lunar Exploration (invited); Chul Park*; KAIST
3:30pm AST-7.2 Development of V&V Framework for Space Mission Models and Simulations; Jane
Oh*; NASA-JPL/Caltech
4:00pm AST-7.3 Estimation of Dynamic Properties for Satellite Actuator Test Bed; Hwa-Suk Oh*,
Jeong-Rae Kim, Dong-Ik Cheon, Seon-Ho Lee andSeung-Wu Rhee; Korea Aerospace Univ.
4:30pm AST-7.4 Effect of Nano-Metallic Additives on Air-breathing Propulsion; G. Young, B. Pang,
and K.H. Yu*; Univ. of Maryland
5:15pm <Award Ceremony, Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Automotive Science and Technology (AUT)
Sponsored by
The AUT Symposium will cover all aspects of automotive science, technology, and applications
with the focus areas in, but not limited to:
 Advanced Automotive Materials (including lightweight, nano and electronic materials)
 Automotive Electronics (including infotainment, mechatronics and active safety)
 Advanced Powertrain (including propulsion, alternative fuel, and emission/environment)
 Vehicle Structure & Performance (including vehicle dynamics, passive safety / restraints /
biomechanics, system / components, and testing)
Sooho Kim (GM R&D Center)
Won-Suk Cho (Hyundai Motor Co.), Kyu Yearl Choe, (Ford Motor Co.), Song Yul Choe (Auburn
Univ.), Youngil Jeong (KIMM), Kwangjin Lee (Korea Delphi Automotive Systems Corp.) and
Myoungho Sunwoo (Hanyang Univ.)
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session
8:00am Opening Remarks; Sooho Kim (GM R&D), AUT Chair
AUT Keynote Presentations
Session Chair: Sooho Kim (GM R&D)
8:05am AUT -1.1 Automotive Steel Development Trend and Customer Support Technology at
POSCO; Ohjoon Kwon*; POSCO (Keynote)
8:35am AUT -1.2 Reliability Challenges for Automotive and Other Harsh Environment Electronics;
Jeffrey C. Suhling*; Auburn Univ. (Keynote)
Vehicle Structure & Performance
Session Chairs: Kwangjin Lee (Korea Delphi Automotive Systems Corp.) and Song Yul Choe
(Auburn Univ.)
9:05am AUT-1.3 A Study on the Vehicle dynamics and Performance Index of the Integration ESC with
Active Roll Control Stabilizer Bar system; Kangwon Lee*, Youngwoo Kim and Jinhee Jang; GM
Daewoo Auto & Technology Co.
9:25am AUT-1.4 A Road Bank Angle Estimation Algorithm Based on the Frequency-Domain Analysis
of the Vehicle Dynamics; Ji Hwan Kim and Hyeong Cheol Lee; Hanyang Univ.
9:45am <Coffee Break>
9:55am AUT -1.5 Vehicle Dynamics and Thermal Phenomenon during Braking: Testing and
Simulation Needs; Kwangjin Lee*; Korea Delphi Automotive Systems Corp.
10:15am AUT -1.6 Investigating Pelvis Loading Characteristics under Lateral Impact using Finite
Element Models; Jaeho Shin*, Costin D. Untaroiu and Jeff R. Crandall; Univ. of Virginia
10:35am AUT -1.7 Analytical Model for The Pneumatic Circuit of An Automotive Air Suspension; Hao
Liu and Jae-Cheon Lee*; Keimyung Univ.
10:55am AUT -1.8 Micromachined Self-Powering Devices For Autonomous Sensor Systems; Dong-Joo
Kim*, Dongna Shen, Jung-Hyun Park, Jyoti Ajitsria, and Song-Yul Choe; Auburn Univ. (Invited)
11:30am <Opening Ceremony, Luncheon, and Plenary Session>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session
Advanced Automotive Materials
Session Chairs: Won-Suk Cho (Hyundai Motor), Sung-Joon Kim (KIMS), Do-Suck Han (Hyundai
2:15pm AUT-2.1 Industrial Production Technology for Magnesium Sheets; D. Choo, W.J. Park, D. Kim,
H.J. Sung, W. Bang, I.J. Kim, H. Lee and S. Ahn*; RIST (Invited)
2:35pm AUT-2.2 Horizontal Continuous Casting of Magnesium Plate; Bong Sun You*, Young Min Kim
and Chang Dong Yim; KIMS
2:55pm AUT-2-3 Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Twin Roll Cast High Strength
Aluminum Alloys; Cha Yong Lim* and Hyoung Wook Kim; KIMS
3:15pm AUT-2-4 Magnesium Sheet: Automotive Applications And Future Opportunities; Sooho Kim*,
Paul E. Krajewski, Jon T. Carter and Ravi Verma; GM R&D Center
3:35pm <Coffee Break>
3:50pm AUT-2.5 Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of CMn High Strength Cold-Rolled Steel
Sheets for Automotive Use; Sung-Joon Kim*, Chang-Seok Oh, Dong-Woo Suh and Seong-Jun
Park; KIMS
4:10pm AUT-2.6 Resistance Spot Welding Simulation of Automotive High Strength Steels; Du-Youl
Choi* and Ji-Ho Lim; POSCO
4:30pm AUT-2-7 The Study of Sheet Hydro-Mechanical Forming Process for Aluminum Alloy Sheets
by Experiment and Finite Element Analysis; Beomsuck Han, Youngsik Yoon, Dongwoo Shin,
Dongok Kim, Yongmun Ryu and Chayong Lim; KATECH
4:50pm AUT-2-8 Materials Challenges in Automotive Industry; Do-Suck Han*; Hyundai Motor Co.
5:10pm AUT-2-9 Characterization of nanoscale precipitates in aluminum alloys using transmission
electron microscopy and three dimensional atom probe tomography; J.Y. Hwang*, R.
Banerjee and M.J. Kaufman; Univ. of North Texas
5:45pm <Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session
AUT/RES Joint Session: Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology
Session Chairs: Se H. Oh (GM R&D), Bong-Kyu Chang (Chevron)
8:00am AUT/RES -3.1 The Hydrogen/Fuel Cell Transportation Option? A Review of Next Generation
Technologies, James A. Spearot*; GM R&D Center (Keynote)
8:30am AUT/RES-3.2 Dynamics and Controls of a PEM Fuel Cell Power System, Song-Yul Choe*;
Auburn Univ.
8:50am AUT/RES-3.3 Development of Hyundai`s Tucson FCEV II, Seo-Ho Choi*, Ki-Ho Yoo, Byung-Ki
Ahn, Tae-won Lim and Won-Suk Cho; Hyundai Motor Co.
9:10am <Coffee Break>
Automotive Electronics
Session Chairs: Myoungho Sunwoo (Hanyang Univ) and Jae-Cheon Lee (Keimyung Univ.)
9:15am AUT-3.3 Height Sensor Fault Diagnosis for Electronic Air Suspension(EAS) System; Dong Gil
Ha*, Hyun Sup Kim and Hyeong Cheol Lee; Hanyang Univ.
9:35am AUT-3.4 Smart Data Logger & Analysis System for the Clutch Test of Manual Transmission
Vehicles; Jae-Cheon Lee*, Dong-Myung Lee, Ji-Woo Kang and Man-Dae Hur; Keimyung Univ.
9:55am AUT-3.5 Load Leveling Compensation algorithm using Servo LQ control in AirSpring
Suspension; Hyun Sup Kim* and Hyeong Cheol Lee; Hanyang Univ.
10:15am AUT-3.6 Fault detection algorithm for the Active Geometry Control Suspension (AGCS);
Hyeong Jin* Ham and Hyeong Cheol Lee; Hanyang Univ.
10:35am AUT-3.6 Formalized Design Procedure for Networked Control Systems; Myoungho Sunwoo*,
Jaehyun Han, Jeamyoung Youn and Kangyoon Lee; Hanyang Univ. (Invited)
Advanced Powertrain
Session Chairs: Youngil Jeong (KIMM) and Julius J. Rim (International Metals & Energy
10:55am AUT-3.7 Lithium Ion Battery for Hybrid Electric Vehicles; Donghyon Sheen; SK Energy Co.
Saturday (8/16/2008) 11:30am-1:30pm Poster and Box Lunch
Session Chair: Junho Cha (Physware)
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Session
1:45pm <Plenary Session>
Advanced Powertrain (continued)
Session Chairs: Youngil Jeong (KIMM) and Julius J. Rim (International Metals & Energy
3:00pm AUT-4.1 Challenges and Research Needs in Automotive Emission Control; Se H. Oh*; GM
R&D Center (Invited)
3:20pm AUT-4.2 Evaluation of the European PMP Methodologies during On-Road Testing; Heejung
Jung*, Kent Johnson, Thomas Durbin; Univ. of California Riverside, Ajay Chaudhary, David Cocker
III, Jorn Herner, William Robertson, Tao Huai, Alberto Ayala; California Air Resources and David
Kittelson; Board Univ. of Minnesota
3:40pm AUT-4-3 Experience and Expectation of Diesel Particulate Filter Retrofit Program for In-Use
Diesel Vehicles in Korea; Hongsuk Kim, Gyubaek Cho and Youngil Jeong; KIMM
4:00pm AUT-4-4 Diesel NOx-PM Reduction with Fuel Saving by Greenpower FBC-DPF-EGR &
Hydrated EGR System; Julius J. Rim* and N.Yoshikawa; International Metals & Energy
4:20pm AUT-4.5 An experimental study on the improvement of combustion and emission
characteristics by enhancing hydrogen rich gas in an EGR-assisted SI engine; Young Choi*,
Changgi Kim, Seungmook Oh and Kernyong Kang; KIMM
4:40pm AUT-4.6 Powertrain NVH Development Overview; Practice, Process, Sound Quality and
Product Decision; In-Soo Suh; Chrysler LLC
5:15pm <Award Ceremony, Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Fossil Energy in Next Decades (FEN)
Discussion topics for FEN session include Exploration & Exploitation, Reservoir Engineering &
Simulation, Formation Evaluation, Production Technology, Drilling Technology, Offshore
Operations, Offshore Technology, and Offshore Facilities.
Sam Jae Cho (Pacmets Engineering)
Dae Gee Huh (KIGAM)
Sam Ryu (SOFEC Inc)
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session: Internet Technologies
Session Chair: Sam Jae Cho (Pacmets Engineering)
8:00am FEN-1.1 A Study on Analytical Modeling for Condensation of Water Vapor in the Condensing
Heat Exchanger; Kwangkook Jeong*, Michael Kessen, Christopher Samuelson, Harun Bilirgen,
and Edward K. Levy; Lehigh Univ.
8:45am FEN-1.2 Reverse Time Migration : An Efficient Tool for Complex Area; Kwangjin Yoon*; TGSNOPEC
9:30am <Coffee Break>
9:45am FEN-2.1 Reservoir Characterization Tools, an Overview; James Honefenger*; Consulting
Assets Inc
10:15am FEN-2.2 Stability of Molybdenum Dioxide as Catalyst for Isooctane Steam Reforming and
Partial Oxidtion; O. Marin Flores and Su Ha*; Washington State Univ.
10:45am FEN-2.3 Effective Reservoir Domain Delineation for History Matching Using the Probability
Perturbation Method; Yonghwee Kim* and Sanjay Srinivasan; Baker Atlas
11:30am <Opening Ceremony, Luncheon, and Plenary Session>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session: Third Generation Technologies
Session Chair: Dae Gee Huh (KIGAM)
2:15pm FEN-3.1 Efficient Domain Decomposition for Parallel Simulation Accounting for Uncertainty
in the Reservoir Model; Yonghwee Kim* and Sanjay Srinivasan; Baker Atlas
2:45pm FEN-3.2 A Simulation Study for CO2 Sequestration in Deep Saline Aquifer: A Case Study at
Gorae-V Structure in Korea; Young Soo Lee and Wonmo Sung*; Hanyang Univ.
3:45pm <Coffee Break>
4:00pm FEN-4.1 Materials and Corrosion in Canadian Oil Sands Upgrading Refinery; Thomas Eun*;
4:30pm FEN-4.2 Two-Phase Relative Permeability Estimation of Unconsolidated Sediments: Using
End Point Relative Permeability Curve Modeling; Wisup Bae* and Tae-Moon Chung; Sejong
5:45pm <Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session
Session Chair: Sam J. Cho (Pacmets Engineering)
8:00am FEN-5.1 Benefit of Subsea LNG Pipelines; Jaeyoung Lee*; JYL Pipeline
8:30am FEN-5.2 Review of Offshore Oil and Gas Development; Sam Ryu*; SOFEC Inc
9:30am <Coffee Break>
9:45am FEN-6.1 Prestack Depth Migration by MPI_LAM; Seonghyung Jang* and Sangyong Suh; KIGAM
10:15am FEN-6.2 Experiment and Modeling to Evaluate the Effects of Fracture Diagenesis on Fracture
Treatments? Proppants; Dae Sung Lee*; KIGAM
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Session
Session Chair: Jaeyoung Lee (JYL Pipeline)
2:15pm FEN-7.1 Theoretical Study of Xenon Clathrate Hydrate Structure I by ab Initio Calculations
for the 129Xe Chemical Shifts and the Dissociation Potential Energy Surface; Myongho
Jeong* and Yong Ba; UCLA
2:45pm FEN-7.2 An Observation on Experimental Design & Pareto Chart and Proper Use of Proxy to
Generate P10, P50, P90 Forecast; Sam J. Cho*; Pacmets Engineering
3:15pm FEN-7.3 Evidence and Occurrence of Natural Gas Hydrates in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea of
Korea; Dong Geun Yoo, Gil Young Kim, Ho Young Lee and Dae Gee Huh*; KIGAM
3:45pm <Coffee Break>
Renewable Energy and Sustainability (RES)
Sponsored by
Renewable Energy and Bioproducts: bioethanol, biodiesel, solar energy, wind energy, fuel cells
and hydrogens, waste-to-energy, biobutanol, methane, and bioproducts.
Tae Hyun Kim (Iowa State Univ.)
Jin Suk Lee (KIER), Burtrand Lee (Clemson Univ.), Michael Jin (Univ. of Texas, Arlington), BongKyu Chang (Chevron), Donghwan Kim (Korea Univ.) and Kee-Suk Nahm (Chonbuk National Univ.)
Keynote speakers
 Dr. Moon Hee Han; Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)
 Dr. Kevin B. Hicks; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
Eastern Regional Research Center (USDE-ARS-ERRC)
 Dr. James A. Spearot; Chemical and Environmental Sciences Laboratory, General
Motors Research and Development Center - Joint Session with AUT on Hydrogen and
Fuel Cells
Invited speakers
 Dr. Bruce Dien (USDA-ARS-NCAUR) - Bioenergy/Biotechnology
 Dr. Bin Yang (UC Riverside) – Biofuels
 Dr. Youngmi Kim (Purdue Univ.)
 Dr. Mian Li (Genencor Division, Danisco US Inc.) - Bioenergy
 Prof. Levi Thompson (Univ of Michigan) - Hydrogen & Fuel cells
 Dr. Neelkanth Dhere (FSEC) – Solar
 Prof. Kwanghee Lee (GIST) - Solar
Friday (8/15/2008) morning: Energy R&D Workshop II
8:00am-11:15am Panel Presentations and Panel Discussion
See the Energy R&D Workshop II schedule
Friday (8/15/2008) afternoon Session: Bioenergy
Session Chairs: Tae Hyun Kim (Iowa State Univ.) and Jin Suk Lee (KIER
2:15pm RES-1.1 Current Situation of New and Renewable Energy Technology in Korea; Moon Hee
Han*; Korean Institute of Energy Research (KIER)
2:40pm RES-1.2 Biofuel Feedstock Options and Conversion Platforms for Today and Tomorrow;
Kevin B. Hicks*; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Eastern Regional
Research Center (USDE-ARS-ERRC) and Tae Hyun Kim; Department of Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State Univ.
3:05pm RES-1.3 Cellulose Conversion Technologies for Utilization of Fiber-rich Corn Milling Coproducts; Youngmi Kim*, Rick Hendrickson, Nathan Mosier and Michael R. Ladisch; Laboratory of
Renewable Resources Engineering Potter Engineering (LORRE), Purdue Univ.
3:25pm RES-1.4 Opportunities for increasing Biomass Conversion Efficiencies To Ethanol By
Engineering Energy Crops; Bruce S. Dien*, G. Sarath, J.F. Pedersen, D.L. Funnell, SE. Sattler
and N.N. Nichols; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, National Center
for Agricultural Utilization Research (USDE-ARS-NCAUR)
3:45pm <Coffee Break>
3:55pm RES-1.5 Bioenergy Development in Yanbian; Yong Woo Lee*; School of Chem. and Biol. Eng.,
Yanbian Univ. of Science and Technology (YUST) in China, Sang- myon Oh, Zin-oh Kim; Korea
Energy Economics Institute
4:15pm RES-1.6 Technology Status and Need for Biological Production of Cellulosic Ethanol, Bin
Yang* and Charles E. Wyman; Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT)
and Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of California
4:35pm RES-1.7 Development of Advanced Enzyme Product for the Cellulosic Biomass Conversion,
Mian Li* and Colin Mitchinson; Genencor Division, Danisco US Inc.
4:55pm RES-1.8 Computational Evaluation of Biomass Syngas Co-firing in a Coal-fired Boiler, HongShig Shim *; Reaction Engineering International
5:15pm RES-1.9 Evaluation of Microalgae for Possible Use as the Biofuel Feedstock, Keesoo Lee*;
Department of Biology, Lincoln Univ., Jefferson City, MO, and Paul K. Nam; Department of
Chemistry, Missouri Univ. of Science & Technology
5:45pm <Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session
AUT/RES Joint Session: Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology
Session Chairs: Se H. Oh (GM R&D) and Bong-Kyu Chang (Chevron)
8:00am AUT/RES -3.1 The Hydrogen/Fuel Cell Transportation Option? A Review of Next Generation
Technologies, James A. Spearot*; GM R&D Center (Keynote)
8:30am AUT/RES-3.2 Dynamics and Controls of a PEM Fuel Cell Power System, Song-Yul Choe*;
Auburn Univ.
8:50am AUT/RES-3.3 Development of Hyundai`s Tucson FCEV II, Seo-Ho Choi*, Ki-Ho Yoo, Byung-Ki
Ahn, Tae-won Lim and Won-Suk Cho; Hyundai Motor Co.
9:10am <Coffee Break>
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
Session Chairs: Burtrand Lee (Clemson Univ.) and Kee-Suk Nahm (Chonbuk Nat’l Univ.)
9:25am RES-2.2 Nanostructured Materials and Devices for Hydrogen Production and Conversion,
Levi Thompson*; Departments of Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of
9:55am RES-2.3 The effect of deposition techniques of nano-sized transition metal particles on
hydrogen storage properties of carbon nanotubes; Sang-Woon Hwang, Chang-Su So, Samiullah Rather and Kee-Suk Nahm* School of Chemical Engineering and Specialized graduate
School of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Engineering, Chonbuk National Univ.
10:15am RES-2.4 Multi-Level Simulations of Fuel Cell Processes, Lee, T.-W.*, Dumerescu, A. and Roy,
R.; Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Arizona State Univ.
10:35am RES-2.5 Miniature Biofuel Cells based on Nanobiocatalysis, Fischback, M., Youn, J., Zhao, X.,
Wang, P., Park, H., Chang, H., Kim and J. Su Ha*; Washington State Univ.
10:55am RES-2.6 CH3OH Oxidation over Well-Defined Supported V2O5 Catalysts, Taejin Kim* and Israel
E. Wachs; Department of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of California at Berkeley
Saturday (8/16/2008) 11:30am-1:30pm Poster and Box Lunch
Session Chair: Junho Cha (Physware)
1:45pm <Plenary Session>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Session: Solar
Session Chairs: Michael Jin (Univ. of Texas at Arlington) and Donghwan Kim (Korea Univ.)
3:00pm RES-3.1 Thin Film Solar Cells? Coming of Age, Neelkanth G. Dhere*; Florida Solar Energy
Center, Univ. of Central Florida
3:30pm RES-3.2 High Efficiency Polymer Tandem Solar Cell With Remarkable Air Stability, Kwanghee
Lee*, Jin Young Kim; Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), A. J. Heeger; CPOS,
UCSB, Santa Barbara
4:00pm RES-3.3 Electrical properties of electrodeposited cuprous oxide, Kunhee Han*, Meng Tao;
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, The Univ. of Texas at Arlington
4:15pm RES-3.4 Visible Light Response and Photocatalytic Behavior of Brookite Phase Titanium
Dioxide Nanoparticles , Burtrand I. Lee*, S. Kaewgun, C. A. Nolph, and R. R. Shah; School of
Materials Sc. & Eng., Clemson Univ.,
4:30pm RES-3.5 Supervisory Control of Energy Management in Solar/Fuel Cell Hybrid Power
systems, Woon Ki Na* and Bei Gou; The Univ. of Texas at Arlington
4:45pm RES-3.6 Thin-Film Polyaromatics Directly Deposited By Bergman Cyclization For The
Fabrication Of Polymer Solar Cells, Chun-Young Lee and Michael Hyun-Chul Jin*; Department of
Materials Science and Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Arlington
5:15pm <Award Ceremony, Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
RES Symposium Posters
RES-4.1 Pretreatment and Fractionation of Corn Stover by S.E.A.A. (Soaking In Ethanol and Aqueous
Ammonia) for Bioethanol and Bioproducts Production; Tae Hyun Kim*; Department of
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State Univ., Nhuan-John Nghiem, Kevin B. Hicks;
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Eastern Regional Research Center
RES-4.2 A Plan Of Research/Production Of Cellulose Bioethanol Energy In Gyeongnam Province,
Korea; Chi Woo Lee*, Young Joon Yang; Department of Automotive Engineering, Jinju National
Univ., Tae Hyun Kim; Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State Univ.
RES-4.3 Properties Of Coal Gas Purification With Metal Hydride For Producing Hydrogen From Coal
Gasification Feedstock; Heondo Jeong*, Dong Sik Kim and Tae Hwan Kim, Korea Institute of
Energy Research
RES-4.4 Microwave Induced Gasification of Organic Wastes with Anthracite for Hydrogen
Production; Dong Sik Kim*, Heon Do Jeong, Dong Kyu Lee, Korea Institute of Energy Research
Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)
Sponsored by
Environmental Engineering and Sciences
Geotechnical Engineering
Hydraulic Engineering
Structural Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Sangchul Bang (Chair), South Dakota School of Mine & Tech; Sangsoo Kim (Ohio Univ.), Jae
Hong Kim (Georgia Tech), Francis Chung (State of CA); Yong Rak Kim (Univ. of Nebraska), Hoon
Sohn (CMU), Hang-Sik Shin (KAIST), Kyung-Soo Chon (Seoul National Univ.), Jong-Keun Pyun
(Myungji Uni.), Tai Sik Lee (Hanyang Univ.), Eun Namkung (Myungji Univ.) and Byung Ro Kim
(Myungji Univ.).
Program Committee
Sangchul Bang (South Dakota School of Mines), Eul-Bum Lee (Univ. of California, Berkeley), Tai
Sik Lee (Hanyang Univ.), Daniel (Ku Hyon) Cha (Univ. of Delaware), Sae-Eun Oh (Hanbat Univ.),
Mooyoung Han ( Seoul National Univ.), Yong Rak Kim (Univ. of Nebraska), Seung-Rae Lee
(KAIST), Francis Chung (State of CA), Ilwon Seo (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Hoon Sohn (Carnegie Mellon
Univ.), Jin-Keun Kim (KAIST), Jun-Seok Oh (Western Michigan Univ.), Brian Park (Univ. of
Virginia) and Kwang-Ho Lee (Korea Highway Coorporation)
Advisory Committee
David H. Lee ( Univ. of Iowa), K. Wayne Lee (Univ. of Rhode Island), Sung-Pil Chang (Seoul Nat’l
Univ.), Sung-Wan Hong (Korea Institute of Construction Technology), Soosam Kim (Nat’l Academy
of Engineering KOREA), Chul Lee (Dong In Law Firm), Soon Byung Lee (Dongbu Corporation),
Sungwoo Lee ( Kookmin Univ.), Chang-Ho Park (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Chang Kyoo
Park (Hanyang Univ.), Jung-Ho Sonu (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Dukhee Yoo (Seoyoung Engineering)
and Woong Suk Yoo (SK Construction Co.)
Friday (08/15/2008) Morning Session: Water Resources, Hydraulics, and Geotechnical
Session Chairs: Il Whan Chung (California Department of Water Resources) and Mooyoung Han
(seoul National Univ.)
8:00am CEE-1.1 The Role of Civil Engineers in a Turbulent Society (invited); Sung Wan Hong; Korea
Institute of Construction Technology
8:30am CEE-1.2 Managing Water Resources in Changing Climate in California; Il Whan Chung
8:45am CEE-1.3 Are Desalination Technologies towards Sustainability and Technology Diffusion?;
Hyun Jung Park and Jongseok Kang
9:00am CEE-1.4 Sediment Transport Analysis with the Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS);
Jang(Jay) Hyuk Pak
9:15am CEE-1.5 Evaluating the Effect of Wave Forces on Bridges along the Texas Coast Determination of Effect Design Water Depth; Youn Kyung Song
9:30am CEE-1.6 Vertical Capacity of Embedded Suction Anchors in Clay; S. Bang, K. Jones, Y. S. Kim,
K. Kim, and Y. Cho
9:45am-10:00am <Coffee Break>
10:00am CEE-1.7 Reliability Based Calibration of Resistance Factors for Static Bearing Capacity of
Driven Steel Pipe Piles in Korea; Kyung Jun Kim
10:15am CEE-1.8 Stability of a Roadway on a Steep Alluvial Bank Using Drilled Caissons; Seungwoon
Han and Hyeri P. Kim
10:30am CEE-1.9 A Micromechanics-Based Modeling to Predict Fracture Failure of Heterogeneous
Viscoelastic Geomaterials; Yong-Rak Kim and David H. Allen
10:45am CEE-1.10 Micromechanics Approach to Predict Pavement Subsurface Moisture Content and
Dry Density Using Time Domain Reflectometry; Sang Ick Lee, Robert L. Lytton and Dan G.
11:00am..CEE-1.11 Mechanistic Approach to Determine Optimum Pavement Slope to Prevent Seal
Coat Damage Due to Superheavy Load Moves; Jeongho Oh
Friday (08/15/2008) Afternoon Session: Structures and Construction
Session Chairs: Tai Sik Lee (Hanyang Univ.) and Yong-Rak Kim (Univ. of Nebraska)
2:15pm CEE-2.1 The prospect and task for the Korea (ROK) construction market (invited); Soosam
Kim; Hanyang Univ.
2:45pm CEE-2.2 Geometry Control in a Cable-stayed Bridge Construction; Kookjoon Ahn
3:00pm CEE-2.3 An All-Digital Low-Power Structural Health Monitoring System; Jina Kim and Dong S.
3:15pm CEE-2.4 Application of Elitist GA to Compare Schedule Generation Schemes in Construction
Resource Scheduling; Jin-Lee Kim
3:30pm CEE-2.5 Key Trends and Corporate Strategic Issues for Global Construction Contractors;
Seung H. Han, Du Y. Kim and Hyoun S. Jang
3:45am CEE-2.6 Development of Education and Knowledge Management System Prototype for
Increasing Plant Construction Industrial Competitiveness; Tai Sik Lee, Young Joon Jun, Ja
Kyung Gu and Jae Min Yoo
4:00pm-4:15pm <Coffee Break>
4:15pm CEE-2.7 Efficient Execution of Construction Project Based on Ubiquitous Technologies; Tai
Sik Lee, Ja Kyung Gu, Eun Soo Park and Byung Chul Chang
4:30pm CEE-2.8 Changes in the Construction Industry: A Study on the Reduction of Individuals’
Resistance, Tai Sik Lee, Min Seo Park, Young Joon Jun and Young Hyun Kim
4:45pm CEE-2.9 Vertical Integration for Rebar Supply ystem in Lean Way; Yong-Woo Kim and
Chanjung Park
5:00pm CEE-2.10 Incentive/Disincentive Contracting Case Study in California: Reconstruction at the
Route 580/880 Separation; Jae-Ho Pyeon
5:15pm CEE-2.11 Evaluation of Sleeve Joint of Cantilevered Steel Sign Structures; Hyoung-Bo Sim
and Chia-Ming Uang
Saturday (08/16/2008) Morning Session: Transportation
Session Chairs: Kyung Soo Chon (Seoul National Univ.) and Eul-Bum Lee (Univ. of California)
8:00am CEE-3.1 Global Warming and the U. S. Navy Shore Infrastructure (keynote); Paul Palo; Naval
Facilities Engineering Service Center
8:30am CEE-3.2 National Traffic Safety Index of Korea; Young-Jun Kweon and Kwang Sik Kim
8:45am CEE-3.3 Introduction of Photography, Aerial Photography, History of Photography and
History of Aerial Photography; Young G. Lee
9:00am CEE-3.4 Evaluation of Signal Coordination Effects on Arterial Travel Time: Case Study of
City of Irvine; Seri Park, Wen Cheng and Kekoa Anderson
9:15am CEE-3.5 Some Issues on Transit Network Design in a Larger City, Junsik Park, Seung-Young
Kho, Kyung Soo Chon, and S. Travis Waller
9:30am CEE-3.6 Development of Crash Prediction Model with Individual Vehicular Data for Vehicle
Infrastructure Integration Environment; Hojun "Daniel" Son, Young-June Kweon and Byungkyu
"Brian" Park
9:45am CEE-3.7 Green Road Technology of Warm Mix Asphalt; Hosin "David" Lee and Yongjoo Kim
10:00am CEE-3.8 A Life Cycle Cost Analysis Model for Highway Rehabilitation; Eul-Bum Lee, SeungWook Lim and Nadarajah Sivaneswaran
10:15am CEE-3.9 A Method to Identify Intersection Traffic Control Devices Using Police Crash
Report; In-Kyu Lim
10:30am CEE-3.10 A New Unified Constitutive Equation Working Both for Asphalt Binders and
Mixtures; Jungdo Huh
10:45am CEE-3.11 A Evaluation Model of AHP Results Using Monte Carlo Simulation; You Jin Sul,
Sung Bong Jung, Ki Han Song, Kyung Soo Chun and Sung Mo Lee
11:00am CEE-3.12 Development of the Algorithm for the Location Decision Model of a Railroad
Station; Joo Hyun Baek, Ki Han Song, Sung Bong Chung and Chang Ho Park
Saturday (08/16/2008) Afternoon Session: Environmental
Session Chairs: Hang-Sik Shin (KAIST) and Brian Park (Univ. of Virginia)
3:00pm CEE-4.1 Hydrogen fermentation of organic solid waste without external inoculum; Hang-Sik
Shin, Dong-Hoon Kim and Sang-Hyoun Kim
3:15pm CEE-4.2 CH3D-SBLM Model Development and Its Verification; Woohee Choi
3:30pm CEE-4.3 Reductive Degradation of PCE by Green Rusts with Platinum; Jeongyoon Choi and
Woojin Lee
3:45pm CEE-4.4 Estimation of the Fate of Tetracycline Resistant Microorganisms and Genes in
Various Full Scale Wastewater Treatment Plants; Sungpyo Kim, Hongkeun Park and Kartik
4:00pm CEE-4.5 Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium in the Presence of Sulfide in Aqueous Phase:
Homegeneous and Heterogeneous Systems; Chulsung Kim
4:15pm CEE-4.6 Development of Flotation Process using Tailored Micro Bubble Generator in Oil
Spilled Seashore at Yellow Sea in Korea; Mooyoung Han, Tschung-il Kim, and Yongha Kim
4:30pm CEE-4.7 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in
Missouri Streams; Paul K. Nam, Yue-wern Huang and Dev K. Niyogi
4:45pm CEE-4.8 The Ellis Avenue Pump Station - Orange County Sanitation District’s Key to 100
MGD of Reclaimed Wastewater for Southern California’s Potable Water Supply; Jin Hong Kim
Poster Session (11:30am – 1:30pm, 08/16/2008)
Session Chair: Juno Cha (Physware)
POS-1 A Study on the Prediction of Traffic Counts Using Spatial Regression Model Based on
Euclidean distance and Shortest Travel Path, Tae-Young Heo, Ju Sam Oh, Sung Han Lim, Hyun
Suk Kim, and Chan Keun Park
POS-2 Changes of seasonal predictability associated with global warming, Emilia Kyung Jin
POS-3 Simultaneous Analytical Method for 1,4-dioxane and N-nitrosamines using SPE and
GC/MS/MS/CI for Aqueous samples, Lee J. Yoo
POS-4 Surface Water Management in the Brazos River Basin, Texas, Tae Jin Kim and Ralph Wurbs
POS-5 VERT Wall in Sand - Numerical Modelling and Design Implication, Byoungjae Mun and JeanLouis Briaud
POS-6 Self-Assembly Concept for Asphalt-Aggregate Interface Behaviors in Simple Geometry, DongWoo Cho and Hussain U. Bahia
POS-7 Applicability of Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) to Measure Cement Paste Rheology for
Identifying Cement/Chemical Admixture Incompatibilities, Sehoon Jang, Mukhopadhyay Anol,
and Dan G. Zollinger
POS-8 Evaluation of Concrete Pavement Full Depth Repair Effectiveness: Case Study of US-75, Youn
Su Jung, Tom Freeman, and Dan Zollinger
POS-9 Development of Lightweight Roadside Safety Barriers Using Cellular Concrete: Phase I.
Properties of Cellular Concrete, Chang-Seon Shon and Dan G. Zollinger
POS-10 Hydraulic and Leaching Characteristics of Recycled Materials Used in Pavement
Construction, Dong-Hee Kang, Andry Z. Ranaivoson, Satish, and C. Gupta
POS-11The Development of the Logistics Database Standard System for Republic of Korea, Tea Ho
Yoon and Youngmin Kim
POS-12 Biodegradation of Four Estrogens by Mixed Culture Enriched from Turkey Litter, Sanghyun
Kim and Robin Autenrieth
POS-13 Mega-city pollution over East Asian mega-cities seen by satellite instruments, Changsub
Shim, Qinbin Li, and Annmarie Eldering
POS-14 The Design on the Hazardous Material Logistics Management and Control System, Keun Suh
Kim and Sung Ho Hur
POS-15 The qualitative and quantative anlaysis of seepage forces induced by tunneling under
groundwater table, Shin, Youngjin
POS-16 Development of Prototype Equipment for Automatic Line Stripe Removal System, Tai Sik Lee,
Deuk Soo Moon, Leonhard E. Bernold, and Young Hyun Kim
POS-17 Study to Suggest Improvement Strategy for Effective Design Work of Multi-complex, Tai Sik
Lee, Eun Soo Park, Ja Kyung Koo, and Young Joon Jun
POS-18 The Development of Decision-Making Techniques for Devising Structural Flood Prevention
Measures in the Basin Area and Manuals for Working-Level Users, Tae Woong Kim, Tai Sik Lee,
Young Joon Jun, Jeong Ho Lee
Bio Science and Technology (BST)
Biomedical Engineering, Cell Signaling, Diabetes and Obesity, Drug Discovery, Medical Imaging,
Neuroscience and Women in Bioscience
Jang Hyun Youn (Univ. of Southern California)
Sangdun Choi (Ajou Univ.) and Esther Yang (Abbott Labs)
BST Organizing Committee
Dong Woo Kang (Pfizer Pharmaceutical), Un Jung Kang (Washington Univ.), Sun I. Kim (Hanyang
Univ.), Young-Bum Kim (Harvard Medical School), Hee Chan Kim (Seoul National Univ.), Kyong
Soo Park (Seoul National Univ.), Myung-Hee Park (NIH), Charles Surh (Scripps Research
Institute), Hee-Sup Shin (KIST), Sanghee Yoo (Vertex Pharmaceuticals), Kong Joo Lee (Ewha
Womans Univ.), Ki-Up Lee (Asan Medical Center), Bum-Sup Lee (Takeda Pharmaceutical), Jeong
Won Jeong (Univ. of Southern California) and Senyon Choe (Salk Institute)
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session:
Neuroscience I
Session Chairs: Un Jung Kang (Washington Univ.)
8:00am BST-1.1 Parkinson’s Disease Gene, Alpha-synuclein Disrupts Dopamine Homeostasis in
Drosophila Neuronal Cultures; Soon S. Park, Emily Schulz and Daewoo Lee*, Ohio Univ.
8:20am BST-1.2 Processing, Stability, and Subcellular Localization of PINK1, a Parkinson`s Disease
Gene; Will Lin and Un Jung Kang*; Univ. of Chicago
8:40am BST-1.3 Role of JNK3 and Pin1 in Mitochondrial Regulation; Zhen-Gang Peng, Chhavy Tep,
and Sung Ok Yoon*, Ohio State Univ.
9:00am BST-1.4 Monoallele Deletion of CBP Leads to Pericentromeric Heterochromatin
Condensation through ESET Expression and Histone H3 (K9) Methylation; Junghee Lee,
Sean Hagerty, Kerry A. Cormier, Andrew L. Kung, Robert J. Ferrante and Hoon Ryu*; Boston Univ.,
Bedford VA Medical Center, and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
9:20am BST-1.5 AD-related Endosome Dysfunction Induced By APP Overexpression In Neurons
Requires Rab5 Overactivation; Seonil Kim, Takahiro Sasaki, Ralph A. Nixon, NYU School of
9:30am <Coffee Break>
Cell Signaling
Session Chairs: Sangdun Choi (Ajou Univ.) and Charles Surh (Scripps Research Institute)
9:45am BST-2.1 Galpha12 Signaling Pathways and Physiology; Sang Geon Kim; Seoul Nat’l Univ.
10:05am BST-2.2 Systems Approaches to Biology after the Genome Projects; Sangdun Choi; Ajou
10:25am BST-2.3 A Systematic Chemical Genetic Approach to Explore the Molecular Mechanism for
TCR-mediated LFA-1 Activation; Modulation of TCR Signaling by AMPK; Inkyu Hwang*,
Kwangmi Kim, Lin Wang, Dale L. Boger and Jonathan Sprent; The Scripps Research Institute
10:45am BST-2.4 The Clinical Potentials of T cell Homeostatic Cytokines; Charles D. Surh*, Onur
Boyman, Ester van Leeuwen, Chris Martin and Jonathan Sprent; The Scripps Research Institute,
Univ. Hospital of Lausanne, and Garvan Institute of Medical Research
11:05am BST-2.5 Microarray Based Capturing of Human Genomic Loci for High-throughput Resequencing and Application to Cancer Genome Study; Hane Lee*, Brian O`Connor, Barry
Merriman, Jason Liu, Stanley F. Nelson, UCLA
11:30am <Opening Ceremony, Luncheon, and Plenary Session>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session:
Neuroscience II
Session Chairs: Hee-Sup Shin (KIST) and Senyon Choe (Salk Institutes)
2:15pm BST-3.1 T-type Calcium Channels in Thalamic Sensory Gating: from Genes to Behavior; HeeSup Shin; KIST
2:35pm BST-3.2 Sorting out the Regulation of Brain Potassium Channels in Drug Addiction; Paul A.
Slesinger; Salk Institute
2:55pm BST-3.3 Destabilization of Retrieved Fear Memory by Synaptic Protein Degradation; BongKiun Kaang; Seoul Nat’l Univ.
3:15pm BST-3.4 Extracellular Interaction Defines AMPA Receptor Trafficking Checkpoint Regulated
by Stargazing; Christine I Nam*, Lu Chen, UC Berkeley
3:30pm BST-3.5 A Proteomic Signaling Atlas for Neurodegenerative Disease; Sung Yun Jung; Baylor
College of Medicine
3:45pm <Coffee Break>
Drug Discovery
Session Chairs: Bum-Sup Lee (Takeda Pharm.) and Sanghee Yoo (Vertex Pharm.)
4:00pm BST-4.1 GPCRs: Future Trends in Drug Discovery for This Target Class; Miguel Garcia
Guzman; Vertex Pharmaceuticals
4:18pm BST-4.2 Screening of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Entry Inhibitors; Haekyung Lee*, Stephine Chow,
Jing Zhang, Gopi Mittappali, Karen Saye-Fransisco, Claus Shin, Fang Zhao, Andrew Jackson,
James Macdonald, Rene Rijnbrand and Flossie Wong-Staal; ItherX Pharmaceuticals
4:36pm BST-4.3 Role of Biomarkers for Molecular Targeted Anticancer Drug Discovery and
Development; Sang Hoon Lee; Exelixis, Inc
4:54pm BST-4.4 Pre-Clinical ADME Input for Accelerated Drug Discovery; Chyung S. CooK; Baxter
Healthcare Corporation
5:12pm BST-4.5 Axitinib, an oral, potent and selective inhibitor of VEGF receptors 1, 2, 3; Sinil Kim;
Pfizer, San Diego
5:45pm <Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session:
Diabetes and Obesity
Session Chairs: Ki-Up Lee (Asan Medical Center) and Young-Bum Kim (Harvard Medical)
8:00am BST-5.1 Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3: A Potential Therapeutic Target in Type 2 Diabetes;
Theodore P. Ciaraldi*, Svetlana Nikoulina, Sunder Mudaliar and Robert R. Henry; VA San Diego
Healthcare System and UCSD
8:18am BST-5.2 Local Regulators of Adipocyte Differentiation and Metabolism; Hei Sook Sul; UC
8:36am BST-5.3 Role of ATF6 and Orphan Nuclear Receptor SHP on Beta Cell Dysfunction; In-Kyu
Lee; Kyungpook National Univ. School of Medicine
8:54am BST-5.4 Lipid Dysregulation and Metabolic Disorders; Kang Ho, Kim, Sung Sik Choe, A Hyun
Choi, Jeong Min Yoon and Jae Bum Kim*; Seoul National Univ.
9:12am BST-5.5 Role of Rho/Rho-kinase Pathway in Glucose Metabolism; Young-Bum Kim; Harvard
Medical School
9:30am <Coffee Break>
Women in Bioscience
Session Chairs: Kong Joo Lee (Ewha Womans Univ.) and Myung-Hee Park (NIH)
9:45am BST-6.1 Physical Chemistry Meets Genomics: Predicting and Understanding Protein
Function at the Molecular Level; Mary Jo Ondrechen; Northeastern Univ.
10:07am BST-6.2 Liveromics; Hyang-Sook Yoo; Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
10:30am BST-6.3 Proteomics for Tumor Angiogenesis and Metastasis; Young-Mee Kim, Jaeho Jeong,
Jawon Seo, Sun Kim, Hyun Jung Kim, Narae Hwang, Hee Jung Kim and Kong-Joo Lee*; Ewha
Womans Univ.
10:52am BST-6.4 Post-translational Modification of eIF5A: Hypusine Synthesis and Acetylation;
Seung Bum Lee, Jong Hwan Park and Myung Hee Park*; NIDCR, NIH
Saturday (8/16/2008) 11:30am-1:30pm Poster and Box Lunch
Session Chair: Junho Cha (Physware)
POS-19 Plasma Adiponectin Level Is Decreased in eNOS Knockout Mice; Eun Hee Koh*, Mina Kim,
Hyunshik Kim, Hye-sun Park, Byeong Hwan Jeon, Min-Seon Kim, Joong-Yeol Park and Ki-Up Lee;
Univ. of Ulsan College of Medicine
POS-20 Visceral Obesity and Adipokine in Previous Gestational Diabetes; Hak Chul Jang*, Soo Lim,
Sung Hee Choi and Kyong Soo Park; Seoul National Univ., Bundang Hospital
POS-21 Alpha-lipoic Acid Decreases Hepatic Lipogenesis through AMPK-dependent and independent Pathways; Ki-Up Lee*, Keun-Gyu Park, Ae-Kyung Min, Eun Hee Koh and In-Kyu
Lee; Univ. of Ulsan College of Medicine, Keimyung Univ., School of Medicine and Kyungpook
National Univ. School of Medicine
POS-22 Functions of Calcium and AMP-activated Protein Kinase Signals in Skeletal Muscle Energy
Metabolism; Sungkwon Park*; Tracy Sheffler, Alan Grant and Dave Gerrard; Purdue Univ.
POS-23 Development of a Novel Anti-diabetes Agent; Moon K. Song; UCLA School of Medicine and VA
Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
POS-24 Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling of a Nonlinear PK Data for Dose Selection; Dongwoo
Kang; Pfizer, San Diego
POS-25 Diagnostics of Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model; Kyun-Seop Bae; Asan Medical Center, Univ. of
POS-26 Optimally Under-sampled Variable Density Spiral Imaging: Application to Real-time Cardiac
and Speech MRI; Yoon-Chul Kim* and Krishna S. Nayak; USC
POS-27 Preliminary Evaluation of a GAPD-PET Insert to a 3-T MRI; Jae Sung Lee*, In Chan Song,
Seong Jong Hong; Seoul Nat’l Univ.
POS-28 Quantitative Measurement of Gyral White Matter Volume using a 3-D Surface Model; Kiho Im,
Jong-Min Lee*, Sang Won Seo, Sun Hyung Kim, Sun I. Kim and Duk L. Na; Hanyang Univ.,
Samsung Medical Center, and Sungkyunkwan Univ. School of Medicine
POS-29 DTI-Tractography to Detect and Quantify Brain Pathways Affected in Traumatic Brain Injury;
Jeong-Won Jeong; USC
POS-30 Brain Source Localization with a Computational Volume Conductor Model Based on Finite
Element Method; Seok Lew*; Carsten Wolters, Rob MacLead; Univ. of Utah and Univ. of Muenster,
POS-31 Motion Analysis of the Lumbar with a Flexible Implant by Finite Element Method; Dae Jin Oh,
Seung Hyun Yoo*, Yeong Tae Lee, Dhaneshwar Mishra, Ung Rak Jeong and Chang Young Park;
Ajou Univ.
POS-32 Development of Bio-ballistic Gun for Laser Ablation-based Drug Delivery; Jihee Choi, Ardian
B. Gojani, Soojin Choi and Jack J. Yoh*; Seoul Nat’l Univ.
POS-33 Detection of Beta Particles in a Microfluidic Chip Using a Scintillator-Based Lens-Coupled
CCD; Jennifer S. Cho; UCLA
POS-34 High-throughput On-chip Cell Monitoring Over an Ultra-large Volume; Sungkyu Seo*, Ting-Wei
Su, Anthony Erlinger and and Aydogan Ozcan; UCLA
POS-35 Surface Mechanical Characteristics of Stent Wire under the Ultrasonic Nano-crystal Surface
Modification Technology; Hena Kwon*, Chulsoo Gim, Youngshik Pyoun and Inho Cho, Insik Cho;
MediSourcePlus, Mitech, SunMoon Univ., Fuzbien Technology Institute
POS-36 Quadrature Channel Combining for Doppler Radar Cardiopulmonary Monitoring System;
Mohammad Shaifur Rahman, Byung-Jun Jang and Ki-Doo Kim*; Kookmin Univ.
POS-37 A Model for Cell Mechanics and Nanoscale Measurements of the Influence of Matrix
Stiffness and Cell Shape on Traction Forces; Sangyoon Han* and Nathan J. Sniadecki; Univ. of
POS-38 The Relative Importance of Outer Membrane Lipoprotein Insertion Apparatus (Lol System) in
Gram-negative Bacterial Colonization; Min S. Lee*, Milton H. Saier, Jr.; UCSD
POS-39 Regulation of Lipoxygenases Activity by Unsaturated Lysophosphatidylcholines or Their
Oxygenation Derivates; Long Shuang Huang; Cheon Ho Park and Dai-Eun Sok*; Chungnam Nat’l
POS-40 Comparative Analyses of Transport Proteins Encoded within the Genome Mycobacterium
Tuberculosis and Mycobacterium Leprae; Ji-Won Youm* and Milton H. Saier; Jr.UCSD
POS-41 Experimental Validations of a Mathematical Model Provides Insight to Neurospora Crassa
Circadian Rhythms; Christian Hong*, Ingunn Jolma, Peter Ruoff, Jennifer Loros and Jay Dunlap;
Dartmouth Medical School and Univ. of Stavanger, Norway
POS-42 N-glycan Processing Deficiency Promotes Spontaneous Inflammatory Demyelination and
Neurodegeneration; Sung-Uk Lee*, Ani Grigorian, Judy Pawling, I-Ju Chen, Guoyan Gao,
Tahseen Mozaffar, Colin McKerlie and Michael Demetriou; UCI
1:45pm <Plenary Session>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Session: Medical Imaging
Session Chairs: Sun I. Kim (Hanyang Univ.) and Jeong Won Jeong (Univ. of Southern California)
3:00pm BST-7.1 VR Applications in Field of the Psychiatry, Rehabilitation and Neuroscience; Sun I.
Kim*, Hyeongrae Lee and Jeonghun Ku; Hanyang Univ.
3:20pm BST-7.2 Mining EEG Data with Independent Component Analysis; Tzyy-Ping Jung; UCSD
3:40pm BST-7.3 Quantification of Scattering Changes using Polarization-sensitive Optical Coherence
Tomography and Its Medical Applications; Beop-Min Kim*, Sang-Won Lee and Hyun-Woo Jung;
Yonsei Univ.
4:00pm BST-7.4 Accelerated Dynamic Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Taehoon Shin*, Gerald M
Pohost and Krishna S Nayak; USC
4:20pm BST-7.5 RF Field Inhomogeneity Measurement and Compensation in 3T Cardiac Imaging;
Kyunghyun Sung* and Krishna S Nayak; USC
4:40pm BST-7.6 High Frequency Ultrasound Imaging and Its Application to Human Eye and Small
Animals; Jin Ho Chang* and K. Kirk Shung; UCLA
5:15pm <Award Ceremony, Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Statistics, Biostatistics, and Bioinformatics
Discussion topics for STA session include Basic research and applications of statistics, Biostatistics and its
applications, Bioinformatics and statistical computations.
Chair and Co-Chairs
Chong Jin Park (San Diego State Univ.), Sung K. Ahn (Washing ton State Univ.) and Sin-Ho Jung (Duke
STA Organizing Committee
Sung K. Ahn (Washing ton State Univ.), Sin Sup Cho (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Jaewon Lee (Korea Univ.),
Taesung Park (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Byeong U. Park (Seoul National Univ.), Sin-Ho Jung (Duke Univ.) and
Chul W. Ahn (Univ. of Texas)
STA Advisory Committee
Sin Sup Cho (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Jong Woo Jeon (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Chong Jin Park (San Diego State
Univ.), Sung K. Ahn (Washington State Univ.), Sin-Ho Jung (Duke Univ.) and Chul W. Ahn (Univ. of Texas)
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session: Invited Speakers and Statistics
Session Chairs: Sung K. Ahn (Washington State Univ.), MoonJung Cho (Bureau of Labor
8:00am STA-1.1 Tie Respecting Bootstrap Methods for Estimating Distributions of Sets and
Functions of Eigenvalues (invited); Peter Hall, Young K. Lee and Byeong U. Park*; SNU
8:30am STA-1.2 Evaluation of Error Components in a Simulation Based Evaluation of Survey
Procedure; MoonJung Cho* and John Eltinge
8:50am STA-1.3 Marginalized Regression Models for Longitudinal Count Data; Keunbaik Lee*,
Michael Daniels and Yongsung Joo
9:10am STA-1.4 Cumulative Incidence Function under the Semiparametric Additive Competing
Risks Model; Seungguen Hyun*,Yanging Sun and Rajeshwari Sundaram; Univ. of South Carolina
9:20am <Coffee Break>
9:40am STA-1.5 Improving Power for Testing Genetic Association in Case-Control Studies by
Reducing Alternative Space; Jungnam Joo*; National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
10:00am STA-1.6 Directional Dependence of Genes using Trivariate and Truncated FGM Survival
Coupla; Jong-Min Kim*, Yoon-Sung Jung and Tim Soderberg; Univ. of Minnesota
10:20am STA-1.7 Optimal Adaptive Design for Binary Response Trials with K Treatments; Youngsook
Jeon* and Felfang Hu; Univ. of Virginia
10:40am STA-1.8 Testing Multinomial Categories with Sequential Sampling: Is a Wheel of Fortune
Fair?; Hal Zhen and Hokwon Cho*; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas
11:30am <Opening Ceremony, Luncheon, and Plenary Session>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Special SessionSession: Invited Speaker
2:15pm APM/STA-2.1 On Obtaining a Nobel Prize; Clive Granger (Nobel Laureate)
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session: Invited Speakers and Biostatistics
Session Chairs: Sin-Ho Jung (Duke Univ.) and Byeong U. Park (Seoul National Univ.)
2:45pm STA-2.1 Climate Change Uncertainties: Is Global Warming Really Our Fault? (invited); Richard
Levine; San Diego State Univ.
3:15pm <Cofee Break>
3:45pm STA-2.2 Statistical Science in Korea: the State of Art (invited); Jong Woo Jeon; President of the
Korean Statistical Society and Seoul Nat’l Univ.
4:15pm STA-2.3 Gene Discovery through Microarray Studies (invited); Sin-Ho Jung; Duke Univ.
4:45pm STA-2.4 On the Generalization of Closed Testing Procedures with Null Hypotheses Grouped
into Families; Hanjoo Kim* and Justin Shults;Univ. of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
5:05pm STA-2.5 Prediction of Quantiles in Ordinal Regression with Applications to Aging Research;
Hyokyoung Hong; Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champain, IL
5:45pm <Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Session Chairs: Hokwon Cho (Univ. of Nevada) and Sin-Ho Jung (Duke Univ.)
8:00am STA-3.1 Mobile Obesity Study; Hyon Lee*, Stephen Intille and Jarmo Souminen; MIT
8:20am STA-3.2 Bayesian Method using Sparsity Prior for Protein Interaction Predictions; Inyoug
Kim*, Yin Liu and Hongyu Zhao; Virginia Tech.
8:40am STA-3.3 A Pathway Based Analysis using Different Weight for Each Gene in a Pathway; Sook
Shin Ha; Virginia Tech.
9:00am STA-3.4 Using Chromatin Signature: Prediction of Regulatory Elements in Mammalian
Genome; Kyoung-Jae Won*, Iouri Chepelev, Bing Ren and Wei Wang; UC San Diego
9:20am <Coffee Break>
9:40am STA-3.5 Identifying Clinical and Genetic Markers of Human disease by Classifying Features
on Graphs; Taehyun Hwang*, Hugues Sicotte, Dennis Wigle, Jean-Pierre Kocher, Vipin Kumar
and Rui Kuang; Univ. of Minnesota
10:00am STA-3.6 Identifying Predictive Genomic Biomarkers in Classification of Patients for
Personalized Medicine; Hojin Moon*, Hongshishik Ahn, James J. Chen and Ralph L Kodell;
California State Univ.
10:20am STA-3.7 Multivariate Time Series Model for Pollutant Transport Using Environmental
Monitoring Data; Sung Eun Kim; California State Univ.
10:40am STA-3.8 Bayesian Order Restricted Inference for Behavioral Science Data; Jay Myung; Ohio
State Univ.
11:00pm STA-3.9 Statistical Modeling and Hypothesis-Bones or Fat? (invited); Moon W. Suh; North
Carolina State Univ.
Saturday (8/16/2008) 11:30am-1:30pm Poster and Box Lunch
1:45pm <Plenary Session>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Session:
5:15pm <Award Ceremony, Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Applied and Pure Mathematics (APM)
All topics in Pure and Applied Mathematics
Chairs and Co-Chairs
Sung-Yell Song (Iowa State Univ.)
Sang-Gu Lee (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Dohan Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ.),
Eungchun Cho (Seoul Nat’l Univ.
APM Organizing Committee
Inkyung Ahn (Korea Univ.), Jeongwhan Choi (Korea Univ.), Hyung Ju Hwang (POSTECH),
Jon-Lark Kim (Univ. of Louisville) and Directors of BK21 Project Teams.
APM Advisory Committee
Young-Ju Choi (POSTECH), Jin Ho Kwak (POSTECH), Kyung Bai Lee (Univ. of Oklahoma),
Hyo Chul Myung (KIAS), Hae-Soo Oh (UNC Charlotte) and Chin-Hong Park (Sunmoon Univ.)
Distinguished Keynote Speaker
Efim Zelmanov (UCSD): 2:35 – 3:25pm. on Friday
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session: Algebra, Analysis and Geometry
Session Chairs: Dohan Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ.) and Eungchun Cho (Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
8:00am APM-1.1 The Maximum Number of Singular Points on Rational Homology Projective Planes;
JongHae Keum* and Dongseon Hwang; KIAS.
8:20am APM-1.2 Floer Homology, Relative Gromov-Witten Invariants, and Their Relationship;
Yon-Seo Kim; Univ. of Chicago.
8:40am APM-1.3 Floer Homology in Symplectic Geometry and Mirror Symmetry; Yong-Geun Oh; Univ.
of Wisconsin.
9:00am APM-1.4 Enumeration of Orientable Coverings of Nonorientable Surface; Jin Ho Kwak;
9:20am APM-1.5 Disintegration of Measures and Commuting 2-Variable Weighted Shifts;
Jasang Yoon; Univ. of Texas, Pan American.
9:40am <Coffee Break>
10:00am APM-1.6 The Homology of the Cycle Matroid of a Coned Graph; Woong Kook; Univ. of Rhode
10:20am APM-1.7 Linear Operators That Preserve Regular Matrices; Seok-Zun Song; Cheju Nat’l Univ.
10:40am APM-1.8 Random Matrices and Their Applications; Jinho Baik; Univ.of Michigan.
11:00am APM-1.9 Achievements by Korean Mathematicians in 1950’s; Chung Lim Lee; POSTECH.
11:30am <Opening Ceremony (11:30am), Luncheon(12:30-1:30) and Plenary Session (1:35 – 2:00pm)>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session: Algebra and Combinatorics
Session Chairs: Hyo Chul Myung (KIAS) and Sung-Yell Song (Iowa State Univ.)
2:15pm APM/STA-2.1 On Obtaining a Nobel Prize; Clive Granger (Nobel Laureate)
2:35pm APM-2.2 Asymtotic Theory of Finite Groups; Efim Zelmanov (Field Medalist); UCSD.
3:30pm <Coffee Break>
3:50pm APM-2.3 Combinatorics and Generalized q-Euler Numbers; Tim Huber and Ae Ja Yee*; Iowa
State Univ. and Penn State Univ.
4:10pm APM-2.4 Solutions for m by n Size Black-Out Games; Sang-Gu Lee* and Duk-Sun Kim;
Sungkyunkwan Univ.
4:30pm APM-2.5 Directed Graphs, Intercalate changes, and Sharply Transitive Quasigroup
Actions;Bokhee Im; Chonnam Nat’l Univ.
4:50pm APM-2.6 Graph Presentations of Subgroups of Free Groups; Donghi Lee; Pusan Nat’l Univ.
5:10pm APM-2.7 The Terwilliger Algebras of Product Schemes; Sung-Yell Song; Iowa State Univ.
5:45pm <Plenary Session (5:45 – 6:55pm), Banquet and Music (7:00 – 9:00 pm)
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session: Applied Math and Numerical Analysis
Session Chairs: Inkyung Ahn, Jeongwhan Choi (Korea Univ. and Hyung-Chun Lee (Ajou Univ.)
8:00am APM-3.1. Every Stieltjes Moment Problem Has a Solution in Gelfand-Shilov Spaces; Dohan
Kim; Seoul Nat’l Univ.
8:20am APM-3.2 A Global Existence Result for 3D Navier-Stokes Equations; Minkyu Kwak; Chonnam
Nat’l Univ.
8:40am APM-3.3 Free Boundary Problems and Weak Solutions; Inwon Kim; UCLA
9:00am APM-3.4 Construction of Directional and Interpolatory Biorthogonal Wavelets; Youngmi Hur;
09:20am APM-3.5 Pattern Formation on Two Prey-One Predator models with Ratio-Dependent
Predator Influence; Inkyung Ahn* and Wonlyul Ko; Korea Univ.
09:40am APM-3.6 Transmission Dynamics of Tsutsugamushi; Byul Nim Kim, Yasuhisa Saito, and
Yongkuk Kim*; Kyungpook Nat’l Univ.
10:00am APM-3.7 Some Mathematical and Computational Questions on LouGehrig’s Disease Model;
Namyong Lee; Minnesota State Univ.
10:20am APM-3.8 Differential Equations Using Reduced-Order Modeling; Hyung-Chun Lee; Ajou Univ.
10:40am APM-3.9 Supercritical Surface Gravity Waves Generated by a Positive Forcing; Jeongwhan
Choi*, Shu-Ming Sun and SungIm Whang; Korea Univ.
11:00am APM-3.10 General Sampling Procedure in Shift-Invariant Spaces; Kil H. Kwon; KAIST
11:20am APM-3.11 Topological Structure of Non-Abelian Gauge Field Theory and applications in
Physics; Chueng-Ryong Ji* and Duojie Jia; NC State Univ.
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Session I: Codes, Combinatorics, and Graphs
Session Chairs: Jon-Lark Kim (Univ. of Louisville) and Sang-Gu Lee (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
3:00pm APM-4.1 The Nonexistence of Near-Extremal Formally Self-Dual Codes; Sunghyu Han* and
Jon-Lark Kim; Yonsei Univ. and Univ. of Louisville
3:20pm APM-4.2 Duadic Double Circulant Codes; Sunghyu Han and Jon-Lark Kim*; Yonsei Univ. and
Univ.of Louisville
3:40pm APM-4.3 Information Measure for Casual Inference; Young-Han Kim; UCSD
4:00pm APM-4.4 Distance Graph – Various Aspect; Jeong-Hyun Kang; Univ. of West Georgia
4:20pm APM-4.5 Structural Analysis of Acyclic Matrices by Special Vertices of Trees; In-Jae Kim* and
Bryan Shader; Minnesota State Univ. and Univ. of Wyoming.
4:40pm APM-4.6 Minimum Pk Total Weights; Ji-Young Choi; Shippensburg Univ.
Saturday (8/16/2008) APM-STA Joint Session: Bio Math and Statistics
Session Chair: Eungchun Cho (Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
3:20pm APM-5.1 Adaptive Approach in Meshless Finite Element Methods for Elliptic Boundary Value
Problems; Hae-Soo Oh* and Jae-Woo Jeong; UNC, Charlotte
5:15pm <Award Ceremony, Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
APM Symposium Posters
Session Chair: Sung Yell Song (Iowa State Univ.)
APM-6.1 Inner Product of Random Vectors; Eungchun Cho and Moon Jung Cho; Seoul Nat’l Univ. and
Bureau of Labor Statistics
APM-6.2 Algorithmic Problems in Combinatorial Group Theory; Da-Min Byeon; Pusan Nat’l Univ.
APM-6.3 Approximate Symmetries in Quasigroups of Small Orders; Bokhee Im, Ji-Young Ryu and GaHee Yang; Chonnam Nat’l Univ..
APM-6.4 Some Research Problems in Mathematical Modeling of the Malaria; Byul-Nim Kim and
Yongkuk Kim; Kyungpook Nat’l Univ.
RES-6.5 Evaluation of Optimum Operation Parameters in Hydrogen Production System from Coal
Gasfication; Hyun Min Shim, HongYue Wang and Hyung Taek Kim; Ajou Univ.
Communication and Networking Technology
Sponsored by
Cellular & Broadband Wireless
UWB and Wireless Sensor Network
Future Internet Technology
Emerging Technologies (dynamic spectrum access, MIMO, directional networks)
Wireless Mesh Networks (WLAN, WiMax, WiBro)
Cognitive Radio Networking
Adaptive MANET Technologies
Jae Hoon Kim (Boeing Phantom Works)
Young-Hwan Lee (Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
CNT Organizing Committee
Bo Ryu (SDRC/ Argon ST), Injong Rhee (NCSU), Sangwoo Kim (Iowa State Univ.), Seung Yi
(Boeing), Dan Keun Sung (KAIST), Song Chong (KAIST), Sunghyun Choi (Seoul Nat’l Univ.) and
Tae-Sun Choi (GIST)
CNT Advisory Committee
Myung Jong Lee (CUNY), Mario Gerla (UCLA), Nitin Vaidya (UIUC), Babak Daneshrad (UCLA/
Silvus Communications), Thomas Henderson (Boeing), Steven Low (Caltech), Byung Kwan Yi (LG
Electronics Mobile Research), Hwang Soo Lee (KAIST), Jae Hong Lee (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), and
Sang Sun Lee (Hanyang Univ.)
Keynote Speakers
 Chong Uk Lee (VP, Qualcomm Inc.)
 Frances Allen (IBM, 2007 Turing Award Recipient)
Invited speakers
From Korea:
 Hwang Soo Lee (KAIST)
From the US:
 Byung K. Yi (LGE Mobile Research)
 Steven Low (Caltech/ FastSoft)
 Tom Henderson (Boeing/Univ. Washington)
 Babak Daneshrad (UCLA/ Silvus Communications)
 Mario Gerla (UCLA)
 Nitin Vaidya (UIUC)
 Jitu Padhye (Microsoft Research)
 Bo Ryu (SDRC/ Argon ST)
 Claudiu Danilov (Boeing Phantom Works)
 Yaling Yang (Virginia Tech)
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session: CNT/IST Joint Keynote Session
Session Chairs: Jae-Hoon Kim (Boeing), Kyung Dong Ryu (IBM Research)
8:00am CNT/IST-1.1 Compilers and Parallel Computing Systems; Frances Allen*(2006 Turing Awardee);
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
8:45am CNT/IST-1.2 How Many Radios Do We Need on our Planet?; Chong Uk Lee; Qualcomm Inc.
Friday Morning (8/15/2008) Future Internet Technology
Session Chairs: Jae Hoon Kim (Boeing) and Yong-Hwan Lee (Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
9:45am CNT-1.1 Beyond the Shannon Bound for the Next Generation Wireless Communication
System; Byung K. Yi; LGE Mobile Research
10:15am CNT-1.2 Deploying the ID/Locator Split; Tom Henderson; Boeing Phantom Works
10:45am CNT-1.3 Multi-Channel Wireless Networks: Theory to Practice; Nitin Vaidya; UIUC
Friday Afternoon (8/15/2008) Emerging Technologies
Session Chairs: Jae Hoon Kim (Boeing) and Seung Yi (Boeing)
2:15pm CNT-2.1 Peer to Peer Urban Sensing from Mobile Platforms; Mario Gerla and Uichin Lee; UCLA,
Kang-Won Lee; IBM
2:45pm CNT-2.2 Pricing in the Presence of Peering; Eui-woong Lee, David Buchfuhrer, Lachlan Andrew
and Steven Low; Caltech, Ao Tang; Cornell Univ.
3:15pm CNT-2.3 Practical Challenges for MIMO based Communications; Babak Daneshrad; UCLA/
Silvus Communications
Friday Afternoon (8/15/2008) Cellular & Broadband Wireless
Session Chairs: Sang Woo Kim (Iowa State Univ.) and Hwang Soo Lee (KAIST)
4:00pm CNT-3.1 Model-based Design of Mobile WiMAX MAC Protocols; Heecheol Song, Soobin Lee,
Jae Kwang Lee and Hwang Soo Lee; KAIST
4:15pm CNT-3.2 Mobile WiMAX in 3G and its ongoing Activities in Korea; Daejung Kim and Byoung
Moon Chin; TTA
4:30pm CNT-3.3 Mobile WiMAX Evolution towards IMT-Advanced; Soon Young Yoon; Samsung
4:45pm CNT-3.4 Robust Auction-Theoretic Partner Selection in Asymmetric Cooperative Wireless
Networks; Amitav Mukherjee and Hyuck M. Kwon; Wichita State Univ.
5:00pm CNT-3.5 Decentralized Random Parity Forwarding in Multi-Source Wireless Relay Networks;
Sang Wu Kim; Iowa State Univ., Sang G. Kim and Byung K. Yi; LG Electronics
Saturday Morning (8/16/2008) UWB and Wireless Sensor Network
Session Chairs: Tae-Sun Choi (GIST) and Dong S. Ha (Virginia Tech)
8:00am CNT-4.1 Robust and Extremely Energy Efficient Sensor Networking (REEESN); Bong-Kyun
Ryu, Zhensheng Zhang, Hua Zhu, Leon Ma and Joe Huang; SDRC
8:15am CNT-4.2 Enhanced Iterative Detection and Decoding with MMSE Estimation for MIMO
Systems; Seong Rag Kim; ETRI
8:30am CNT-4.3 A Cross-Layer Approach for Efficient Delivery in Wireless Sensor Networks; Jae
Hyun Kim and Jai Yong Lee; Yonsei Univ.
8:45am CNT-4.4 An Energy-efficient Solicitation-based Opportunistic Forwarding for Low-duty
cycled Sensor Network (AESOP); Seoung Bum Lee; Columbia Univ.
9:00am CNT-4.5 Distributed Kalman Filtering with Observation Uncertainties and Its Application to
State Estimation in Sensor Networks; Du Yong Kim, Tyagi Deepak, Vladimir Shin and Tae-Sun
Saturday Morning (8/16/2008) Wireless Mesh and MANET Technology
Session Chairs: Injong Rhee (NCSU) and Dan Keun Sung (KAIST)
9:45am CNT-5.1: Meshing the Wireless Personal Area Networks: Introducing IEEE 802.15.5 WPAN
Mesh; Myung J. Lee and Tae Rim Park; CUNY
10:00am CNT-5.2 A Reliable and Efficient Geocasting for Wireless Multi-hop Networks; Young-Bae Ko;
Ajou Univ.
10:15am CNT-5.3: Overview of Wireless Mesh Networking Research at MSR; Jitu Padhye; Microsoft
10:30am CNT-5.4: Cross-layer Control of Wireless Multi-hop Networks; Song Chong; KAIST
10:45am CNT-5.5: A Seamless Wireless Mesh Network; Yair Amir: JHU, Claudiu Danilov; Boeing, Michael
Kaplan, Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri and Nilo Rivera; JHU
Saturday Afternoon (8/16/2008) 1:00pm-2:30pm Poster and Box Lunch
Session Chair: Junho Cha (Physware)
Cooperative Multiser MIMO For Multicell Cellular System; Insoo Hwang* and Robert W.
Heath Jr.; UT Austin and Cheolwoo You; Myongji Univ.
Performance Evaluation of Mobile Multi-hop Relay System; Dong Heon Lee*, Suk Chan Kim
and Young il Kim; Pusan Univ.
Design of a Frequency Notched UWB Antenna Using a Slot-Type SRR; Cheol Bok Kim*,
Jae Sam Jang, Ho Sang Lee, Jae Hoon Kim, Seung Bae Park and Mun Soo Lee;GNU, Korea
Global Scale Underwater Acoustic Communications using Time Reversal; Heechun Song*;
Multirate Adaptation for Multihop Ad Hoc Wireless Networks; Jun Cheol Park* and Sneha
Kumar Kasera; Reduced Packet Probing (RPP)
Enhancement of SPAM e-mail filtering through Intelligent Perception Rule Generation;
Seung Yang* ;VSU
Including Real Device Code in Modeling and Simulation of MANET using OPNET; Tae
(Tom) H. Oh*, Jungwoo Ryoo and Young B. Choi; GMU
A CMOS Analog Correlator for 3.1 to 10.6GHz IR UWB System;Niranjan Karandikar, Timothy
Merkin, Varun Shenoy and Sungyong Jung* ; UTA
The Future Trends of Communicationsp;You Song Kim*
IP-Based Radio Access Network Implementation Cost vs. Network Security Tradeoff;Seyong Park* and Alex Salvarani; Lucent-Alcatel
Saturday Afternoon (8/16/2008) Cognitive Radio and Adaptive Networks
Session Chairs: Bo Ryu (SDRC) and Sung-Hyun Choi (Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
3:00pm CNT-6.1 Regenerative Delay/disruption tolerant networks (DTN); Zhensheng Zhang, Bo Ryu
and Jimmy Zhang; Argon ST
3:15pm CNT-6.2 A General Framework for Characterizing the Impact of Partially Overlapped Channel
on the Performance of Wireless Networks; Zhenhua Feng and Yaling Yang; Virginia Tech
3:30pm CNT-6.3 A Two-stage Sensing Technique for Cognitive Radio in TV Bands; Ling Luo;
3:45pm CNT-6.4 Single-Radio Adaptive Channel Algorithm for Spectrum Agile Wireless Ad Hoc
Networks; Liangping Ma, Chien-Chung Shen and Bo Ryu; Argon ST
4:00pm CNT-6.5 Challenges in the Design of MAC protocols for Dynamic Spectrum Access
Networks; Kaigui Bian and Jung-Min Park; VT
4:15pm CNT-6.6 Novel Frequency Hopping and Power Control for Interference Mitigation in
Unlicensed Bands; Seung-Hwan Lee and Yong-Hwan Lee; Seol Nat’l Univ.
4:30pm CNT-6.7 Hybrid-style Wireless Localization Network for Indoor Mobile Robot Applications;
Hyo-Sung Ahn and Hwan Hur; GIST
Information Science and Technology (IST)
Sponsored by
This symposium presents high quality theoretical as well as practical work on a broad range of
computer and information science and engineering. The topics of interest include Internet
Computing, Software System Design, Wireless Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, Middleware,
Virtualization, Real-time and Embedded Systems, Database Systems, Sensor Networks,
Multimedia Systems, Computer Security, Computer Graphics and Visualization, Emerging
Applications, Algorithms and Theory.
Kyung Dong Ryu (IBM Research)
Kang-Won Lee (IBM Research), Jin-Hyung Kim (KAIST) and Hyoung-Joo Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
IST Program Committee
Sungjoon Ahn (LG), Sungdeok Cha (KAIST),Hyeonsang Eom (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Eenjun Hwang
(Korea Univ.), Eulgyu Im (Hanyang Univ.), Jin-soo Kim (KAIST), Youngbae Ko (Ajou Univ.),
Taekyoung Kwon (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Chang Gun Lee (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Minsoo Lee (Ewha Univ.),
Wonjun Lee (Korea Univ.), Junehwa Song (KAIST), Junghoo Cho (UCLA), Yoonsuck Choe (Texas
A&M), Byung Kyu Choi (MTU), Lawrence Chung (UT Dallas), Jaewon Kang (Telcordia), Jihie Kim
(USC), Yoo-Ah Kim (UConn), Yoohwan Kim (UNLV), Bongjun Ko (IBM Research), Taekjin Kwon
(Telcordia), Joohyung Lee (ASU), Jysoo Lee (UCSD/KISTI) and Bongki Moon (Univ. of Arizona)
IST Advisory Committee
Lawrence Chung (UT Dallas), Soon Myung Chung (Wright State Univ.), Se June Hong (IBM
Research), Steve Sung-Mo Kang (UC Merced), Kane Kim (UC Irvine), Insup Lee (UPenn), Kang G.
Shin (Univ. of Michigan), Sang Hyuk Son (Univ. of Virginia), Yoo-Keun Cho (Seoul Nat’l Univ.),
Jong-Deok Choi (Samsung), Ho Soo Lee (Samsung), Kwyro Lee (LG), Chanmo Park (POSTECH),
Hyunsik Shin (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Kyu-Young Whang (KAIST) and Yanghee Choi (Seoul Nat’l
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session: CNT/IST Joint Keynote Session
Session Chairs: Jae-Hoon Kim (Boeing) and Kyung Dong Ryu (IBM Research)
8:00am CNT/IST-1.1 Compilers and Parallel Computing Systems; Frances Allen (2006 Turing Awardee);
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
8:45am CNT/IST-1.2 TBD; Chong Lee; Qualcomm
9:30am <Coffee Break>
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session I: Computer Systems
Session Chairs: TBD
9:45am IST-2.1 Opening Remarks; Kyung Dong Ryu (General Chair); IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
9:55am IST-2.2 Enabling Scientific Data Integration through Exploration and Expert Feedback;
Selcuk Candan*; Arizona State Univ.
10:15am IST-2.3 System-level Thermal Aware Scheduling; Karam Chatha*; Arizona State Univ.
10:35am IST-2.4 Top 5 trends in storage systems; Kaladhar Voruganti*; NetApp Corp.
10:55am IST-2.5 Integrating System and Software Engineering through Modeling; Garth Watney*;
11:30am <Opening Ceremony, Luncheon, and Plenary Session>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session II: Networks
Session Chairs: TBD
2:15pm IST-3.1 Comprehending the Effects of Carrier Sensing on Interference in Wireless Mesh
Networks; Sung-Ju Lee* and Jeongkeun Lee; Hewlett-Packard Lab., Taekyoung Kwon and
Yanghee Choi; Seoul Nat’l Univ.
2:35pm IST-3.2 Mobility Model, Inter-meeting Time, and Performance Implication of Mobile Ad-Hoc
Networks under non-Poisson Contact; Han Cai and Do Young Eun*; North Carolina State Univ.
2:55pm IST-3.3 Bloom Filter Assisted Route Recovery for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks; Boo Joong Kang
and Eul Gyu Im*; Hanyang Univ.
3:15pm IST-3.4 Overlay path selection using frequency analysis of end-to-end delay; Kunwoo Park,
and Taekyoung Kwon; Seoul Nat’l Univ. , Min Sik Kim*; Washington State Univ.
3:30pm IST-3.5 Aggregation in Sensor Networks with a User-Provided Quality of Service Goal; Zhen
He; La Trobe Univ., Byung Suk Lee* and X. Sean Wang; Univ. of Vermont
3:45pm <Coffee Break>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session: Distributed Systems and Security
Session Chairs: TBD
4:00pm IST-4.1 An architecture to Support QoS in Real-Time Data Management for Large-Scale
Distributed Systems; Woochul Kang and Sang Hyuk Son*; Univ. of Virginia
4:20pm IST-4.2 ITRCs, for the Global Leader; Kee-Wook Rim*; Sunmoon Univ.; Chair of the ITRC
4:35pm IST-4.3 Web Robot Classification: Using web log and over one billion
entries; Sungdeok Cha*; Korea Univ., Junsup Lee, Dongkun Lee and Hyungkyu Lee; Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
4:55pm IST-4.4 A Behavior-Centric Mobile-Device-Resident Malware Detection Method Using
Ontology; Jungwoo Ryoo* and Soon Ae Chun Penn State Altoona and City Univ. of New York
College of Staten Island
4:15pm IST-4.5 Next Generation Computing Platform for Small and Medium Business IT; Jong Hyuk
Choi*; IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
5:45pm <Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session I: Keynote Talks
Session Chairs: TBD
8:00am IST-5.1 Behavioral Detection of Malware on Mobile Handsets; Kang G. Shin*; Univ. of Michigan
8:45am IST-5.2 A Long-Term Challenge in Networked Embedded Computing: Uplifting the Level of
Abstraction of the Programming Model; Kwang-Hae (Kane) Kim *;Univ. of California, Irvine
9:30am <Coffee Break>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session II: Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision
Session Chairs: TBD
9:45am IST-6.1 Restoring Software Ecosystem in Korea; Jin Hyung Kim*; Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology
10:00am IST-6.2 Scaffolding On-line Discussions with Past Discussions: An Analysis and Pilot Study
of PedaBot; Jihie Kim*, Erin Shaw and Sujith Ravi; Univ. of Southern California/Information
Sciences Instutute
10:20am IST-6.3 Action Language C+; Joohyung Lee*; Arizona State Univ.
10:35am IST-6.4 Object Detection and Tracking in Computer Vision; Kyungnam Kim*; GE Global
10:55am IST-6.5 Multispectral Imaging and Fusion for Robust Face Recognition; Seong G. Kong*;
Temple Univ.
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Session I: IT Systems, Networks, Education
Session Chairs: TBD
3:00pm IST-7.1 NEXT(Next-Nurturing Excellent Engineers in Information Technology) Project in
Korea; Jung-bae Lee*; Sunmoon Univ.; Chair of the NEXT program
3:15pm IST-7.2 Context-aware Ubiquitous Computing: A Service Scenario-based Approach;
Shinyoung Lim and Lawrence Chung*; Univ. of Texas, Dallas
3:30pm IST-7.3 Resource Request and Allocation Algorithm for Variable Bit Rate Voice Traffic, SungMin Oh, Jae-Hyun Kim*; Ajou Univ.
3:45pm IST-7.4 Netcentric Freight Security Architecture; Hiekeun Ko*; SPAWAR Systems Center
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Session II: Panel Discussions
Session Chairs: TBD
4:10pm IST-8.1 Panel Discussion: Declining CS Enrollment in Korea; Se June Hong (panelists: TBD);
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
5:15pm <Award Ceremony, Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
IST Symposium Posters
Session Chair: Kyung Dong Ryu (IBM Research)
IST-9.1 Integrated Resource Provisioning via Server-level Virtualization; Yang-Suk Kee* and Carl
Kesselman; Univ. of Southern California/Information Sciences Instutute
IST-9.2 One-Shot Task Learning Based on a Dialogue-based Human-Machine Collaboration;
Hyuckchul Jung*; Institute for Human and Machine Cognition
IST-9.3 e-Business architecture with Search Engine; Jongwook Woo*; California State Univ.
Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, and
Manufacturing Technology (MRM)
Discussion topics for MRM symposium include Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, and
Manufacturing Technology. Mechanical Engineering can be subdivided into Thermodynamics,
Fluids Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Structural Analysis, Combustion, etc.
Hee-Koo Moon (Solar Turbines Inc./Caterpillar)
Jongwon Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Tong Seop Kim (Inha Univ. ), Howard Ho Chung (MITEC
International Inc.), Kwang J. Kim (U of Nevada, Reno), Dongjun Lee (Univ. of of TennesseeKnoxville), Jungho Kim (Univ. of Maryland), Woosoon Yim (U of Nevada, Las Vegas)
MRM Advisory Committee
Jung-Chan Bae (KITECH), Tae-Young Chung (KIMM), H. Thomas Hahn (UCLA), Yoon-Soo Park
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) and Kyung-Suk Kim (Brown Univ.)
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session
Session Chairs: Hee-Koo Moon (Solar Turbines), Kwang J. Kim (Univ. of Nevada, Reno)
8:00am MRM-1.1 Energy Harvesting and Storage Structures (Keynote Paper); H. Thomas Hahn*, J.
Sugar, T. Pereira, and J. Maung;Univ. of California, LA
8:30am MRM-1.2 Fabrication of Self-healing Composite Using a Thermally Mendable Polymer and a
Carbon Fabric; Jong Se Park* and H. Thomas Hahn; Univ. of California, Los Angeles
8:50am MRM-1.3 A Visually Aided Parylene Balloon-Based Micromanipulator; Wook Choi*, Minoo
Akbarian, Vladimir Rubtsov and Chang-jin ("CJ") Kim; Univ. of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
9:10am MRM-1.4 Low Velocity Blunt Impacts on Composite Panels; Daniel Whisler* and Hyonny Kim;
UCSD Structural Engineering
9:30am <Coffee Break>
9:45am MRM-1.5 On the Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Composite Laminates with CNTEnhanced Nonwoven Carbon Tissue; Seung-Hwan Lee, Samson Hang, 2 Hyonny Kim* and
Seong Kyun Cheong; UC San Diego
10:05am MRM-1.6 FEA-VCCT Simulation of Bucking and Disbond Growth of Partially Disbonded
Composite Flanges; Hyukbong Kwon and Hyonny Kim*; Dept. Structural Engineering, UCSD
10:25am MRM-1.7 A New Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite; Il-Seok Park* and Kwang J. Kim; Univ. of
Nevada, Reno
10:45am MRM-1.8 Development of Advanced Damping Composite Materials Utilizing Nanomaterials;
Jonghwan Suhr*; Univ. of Nevada, Reno
11:30am <Opening Ceremony, Luncheon, and Plenary Session>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session
Session Chairs: Howard Ho Chung (MITEC International Inc.) and Jungho Kim (Univ. of Maryland)
2:15pm MRM-2.1 A Model for Cell Mechanics and Nanoscale Measurements of the Influence of Matrix
Stiffness and Cell Shape on Traction Forces; Sangyoon Han* and Nathan J. Sniadecki; Univ. of
2:35pm MRM-2.2 Characterization of Multi-Scale Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems;
Bumsoo Han*; Univ. of Texas at Arlington
2:55pm MRM-2.3 A Novel Technique to Construct Nanofluidic Devices; Jonghyun Oh* and Hongseok
(Moses) Noh; Drexel Univ.
3:45pm <Coffee Break>
4:00pm MRM-2.4 Bacterial Surface Morphology for Self-Powered Bacterial Transporter; Edward
Steager, U Kei Cheang, Mahmut Selman Sakar, Anak Agung Julius, Vijay Kumar and MinJun Kim*;
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics Department, Drexel Univ.
4:20pm MRM-2.5 Fabrication of Conducting Polymer based Devices for Immunoassays; Hyuneui Lim*,
Gyoung-Rin Choi and Wan-Doo Kim; Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
4:40pm MRM-2.6 Advanced 3D Scaffold Fabrication in Tissue Engineering: Rapid Prototyping
Technique; Su A Park, Joon Kon Son and Wan Doo Kim*; Korea Institute of Machinery and
5:00pm MRM-2.7 Implantable Microdevice for the Treatment of Hydrocephalus: Design and
Fabrication of an Array of Microvalves and Microneedles; Jonghyun Oh and Hongseok (Moses)
Noh*; Drexel Univ.
5:45pm <Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session
Session Chairs: Woosoon Yim (U of Nevada, Las Vegas) and Dongjun Lee (Univ. of TennesseeKnoxville)
8:00am MRM-3.1 Real-Time Variable Compliance Device for Engineering Applications (Invited
Paper); Woosoon Yim* and Saul Opie; Univ. of Nevada Las Vegas
8:20am MRM-3.2 Dynamic Motion Planning for a Human Model; Karim Abdel-Malek, Joo H. Kim*,
Yujiang Xiang, Rajankumar Bhatt, Hyun-Joon Chung, Jingzhou Yang and Jasbir S. Arora; Center
for Computer-Aided Design, Univ. of Iowa
8:40am MRM-3.3 Stable Haptic Interaction over the Internet; Dongjun Lee* and Ke Huang; Univ. of
9:00am MRM-3.4 Gas Foil Bearings for Oil-Free Microturbomachinery: Effect of Mechanical Preloads
on the Rotordynamic Performance; Tae Ho Kim* and Luis San Andres; Texas A&M Univ.
9:30am <Coffee Break>
9:45am MRM-3.5 2-D and 3-D Manipulations of Millimeter- and Micron-Sized Objects Using
Acoustically-Excited Oscillating Bubbles; Sang Kug Chung and Sung Kwon Cho*; Univ. of
10:05am MRM-3.6 A Novel Method to Manufacture Particulates-Reinforced Aluminum Alloy Matrix
Composites Having near Net Shape; Kwan Hee Han*; Yeungnam Univ.
10:25am MRM-3.7 Self-Aligned Organic Thin Film Transistors Fabricated by Printing Process; Kang
Dae Kim*, Taik Min Lee, Jeong Dai Jo, Byung Oh Choi and Dong Soo Kim; Korea Institute of
Machinery & Materials
10:45am MRM-3.8 Heat Transfer Challenges in Industrial Gas Turbine Engine Design; Hee-Koo Moon*;
Solar Turbines Incorporated
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Session
Session Chairs: Jongwon Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ.) and Tong Seop Kim (Inha Univ.)
3:00pm MRM-4.1 Thermal Design of Cooling Systems in Gas Turbine and Ramjet (Invited Paper);
Hyung Hee Cho*, Kyung Min Kim and Dong Hyun Lee; Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Yonsei Univ.
3:20pm MRM-4.2 Design Considerations and Performance Perspective of Fuel Cell/Gas Turbine
Hybrid Systems; Tong Seop Kim* and Sung Ku Park; Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Inha Univ.
3:40pm MRM-4.3 Spray Cooling Heat Transfer Mechanisms; Jungho Kim*; U. of Maryland, Dept. of
Mechanical Engineering
4:00pm MRM-4.4 Effects of Honeycomb Land on Labyrinth Seal; Yungmo Kang*; Solar Turbines
and Tong Seop Kim, Inha Univ.
4:20pm MRM-4.5 The Effect of Wall Thickness on Nozzle Suction Side Film Cooling; Luzeng Zhang*
and HeeKoo Moon; Solar Turbines Inc.
4:40pm MRM-4.6 Prediction of Heat Transfer and Flow Transition on Transonic Turbine Airfoils
Under High Freestream Turbulence; Jiang Luo* and Eli Razinsky; Solar Turbines Inc. (Caterpillar)
5:15pm <Award Ceremony, Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Nano Science and Technology (NST)
Nanoenergetics: nano materials and their applications.
Nano Bio Sensors & biological applications of Nano Science.
Nano Systems & their Integrations.
Duck-Joo Yang (UT at Dallas)
Sanghee Suh (Nat’l Program of Nanostructured Materials
Technology Center)
NST Organizing Committee
Kap Seung Yang (Chonnam National U), Dong-Chan Shin (Chosun U), Christopher Bunker (Air
Force Research Laboratory), Soon Hyung Hong (KAIST), Jeong-Bong Lee (UT Dallas),Bum Ho
Choi (KITECH) Jiyoung Kim (UT Dallas), Kun-Hong Lee (POSTECH) and Sanghee Suh (Nat’l
Program for Nanostructured Materials Technology Center)
NST Advisory Committee
Byung-Lip Lee (Air Force Office of Science Research), Jung-Chan Bae (KITECH), Haiwon Lee
(Hanyang U), Kyung-Suk Kim (Brown Univ.), H. Thomas Hahn (UCLA), Yoon-Soo Park
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) and Kwang Hwa Chung (KRISS)
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session: Nano-Materials & Nano-Energetics
Session Chairs: SH Suh (KIST, and Jiyoung Kim (UTD)
8:00am NST-1.1 Speech: Opening Remarks; Overview of UKC2008 Nano Science & Technology
symposium: Past, Present, and Future (invited); Byung-Lip Lee*;Air Force Office of Science
NST-1.2 Two-phase Carbon Nanofibers for the EDLC Electrode in Aqueous and Ionic
Liquids; Bo-Hey Kim, B. T. N. Ngoc, Marilou E. Dela Cruz, J. Ferraris and K. S. Yang*; Chonnam
Nat’l Univ.
NST-1.3 Revealing Thermochemical Surface Reactivity of Carbon Nanotubes: A Gateway for
the Next Stage of Nanoscience and Technology; Hee Cheul Choi*; Pohang Univ. of Science and
NST-1.4 Investigation of the Template Fluidic Assembly of Highly Organized Single-Walled
Carbon Nanotube Networks; Laila Jaberansari, Sivasubramanian Somu, Xugang Xiong, Myung
Gwan Hahm, Ahmed Busnaina and Yung Joon Jung*; Northeastern Univ.
NST-1.5 Fabrication of Copper based Nanoparticles Embedded In a Thick Polyimide Film;
Junro Yoon, K. H. Lee, J. Y. Lee and Young-Ho Kim*; Hanyang Univ.
9:25pm <Coffee Break>
9:35pm NST-1.6 Electrochemical Performances of Nano-Coated Cathode Material for Lithium Ion
Batteries; Hyun-Soo Kim* and Woo-Seong Kim; Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
9:55pm NST-1.7 Fabrication and Application of Multi-functional Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites;
Soon Hyung Hong*; Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
10:15pm NST-1.8 Nanomanufacturing Processes and their Applications; Sang Rok Lee*; KIMM
10:35pm NST-1.9 Investigation on nanometer-scale characteristics of Ge2Sb2Te5 for ultra high
density non-volatile memories; A.R. Jeong and William Jo*; Ewha Womans Univ.
10:55pm NST-1.10 Current Status of Printed Electronics Technology in Korea; Jeong-No Lee*; KETI
11:30am <Opening Ceremony, Luncheon and Plenary Session>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session: Nano-Bio Materials
Session Chairs: Chris Bunker (AFL) and SH Hong (KAIST)
2:15pm NST-2.1 Diverse Carbon Nanotube Artificial Muscles Meet an Exciting New Family Member
(keynote); Ray H. Baughman*; The Univ. of Texas at Dallas
2:55pm NST-2.2 Continuous growth of carbon nano tubes using chemical vapor deposition; Bum Ho
Choi*, Young Mi Kim, Seok-Seung Shin, Young Baek Kim, Jong Ho Lee, Jong Woon Park, Tae
Won Kim andWoo Sam Kim; Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
3:15pm NST-2.3 Crystallization on Patterned Substrates; Kitae Kim*; Illinois Institute of Technology
3:35pm NST-2.4 Direct concentration of circulating DNA by using a nanostructured tip; Woon-Hong
Yeo*, Jae-Hyun Chung, Kyung-Hoon Lee, Yaling Liu; Univ. of Washington, Seattle
3:55pm <Coffee Break>
4:10pm NST-2.5 Anti-crossing of resonances in parallel non-coupled double quantum dots; Yong S.
Joe*, Eric R. Hedin and Jiseok Kim; Ball State Univ.
4:30pm NST-2.6 Fabrication of flexible polymer mold for UV-nanoimprint lithography; Dong Eun
(Erica) Shim*, H. Thomas Hahn; Univ. of California, Los Angeles
4:50pm NST-2.7 Silicon Nanowire Biosensor; Jong-Souk Yeo*, Zhiyong Li and Laura L. H. King; HewlettPackard
5:10pm NST-2.8 Design of Next Generation Nanoparticles for Ultra-sensitive Diagnostics and
Therapeutics; Jinwoo Cheon*; Yonsei Univ.
5:45pm <Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session: Nano-Photonics & Nano-Sensor
Session Chairs: Kun-Hong Lee;-POSTECH and KS Yang;-Chonnam Nat’l Univ.
8:10am NST-3.1 Novel p- and n-dopants for high efficiency, low driving voltage organic light emitting
diodes; Dong-Sok Leem and Jang-Joo Kim*; Seoul Nat’l Univ.
8:30am NST-3.2 Work Function Engineering of TCO for OLED Devices; Dong Chan Shin*, Seok-Eui
Choi and Hyo-kyun Ham; Chosun Univ.
8:50am NST-3.3 Thermo-optic tunable nano photonic crystals; Dong Yonghao Cui, Mark Tinker and
Jeong-Bong Lee*; Univ. of Texas at Dallas
9:10am <Coffee Break>
9:30am NST-4.1 Characterization of flagellar polymorphism in various fluidic environments using
nanopore sensors; Rafael Mulero, William R. Hesse, Liang Wu and MinJun Kim*; Drexel Univ.
9:50am NST-4.2 Processing, Characterization, and Modeling of Piezoresistive Polymer/Carbon
Nanotube Composite Strain Sensors; Giang T. Pham, Young-Bin Park* and Ben Wang; Emitech
10:10am NST-4.3 Synthesis and application of a ratiometric fluorescent nanoparticle calcium sensor;
JChoi , R. Molloy, A. Burns, U. Wiesner and M. Lindau; Cornell Univ.
10:30am NST-4.4 Stand-alone TiO2 nanotube Technology for Sensor Applications; Mingun Lee,
Dongkyu Cha, Moon J. Kim and Jiyoung Kim*; Univ. of Texas at Dallas
10:50am NST-4.5 Nanoscale Tubular Structures of Oxides and Their Applications in Renewable
Energy; Hyunjung Shin*, Changduek Bae and Jiyoung Kim; Kookmin Universtiy
11:10am NST-4.6 Preparation and Characterization of Functional Membranes Using Nanomaterials
Such as TiO2 Nanoparticles and CNTs; Jonggeon Jegal*, Seung Hee Son and Jae Hyun Choi;
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology
Saturday (8/16/2008) 11:30am-1:30pm Poster and Box Lunch
Session Chairs: JB Lee (UT Dallas) and BH Choi (KITECH)
POS-53 Glucose/O2 biofuel cell based on Nanowire grown electrodes; Jongeun Ryu*, Daniel S. Choi
and H. Thomas Hahn; Univ. of California, Los Angeles
POS-54 Synthesis and Characterization of Core-Shell Nanoparticles with Two-Component Shells;
Daniel Gillaugh*, Derek Clark, and Christopher E. Bunker; Air Force Research Laboratory
POS-55 Growth and Properties of Ni/Si Nanowires for Electrical Transport; Jae Ho Lee*, Michael
Carpenter, Eric Eisenbraun, Yongqiang Xue and Robert Geer; Univ. at Albany
POS-56 Re-use of catalyst thin films for repeated growth of MWNT forests; Myounggu Park*, Sang
Woo Han, Jong Girl Ok and A. John Hart; Univ. of Michigan
POS-57 Characterization of Two-Component Shell-Fe Core Nanoparticle Materials by FTIR Coupled
with Principal Component Analysis; Derek Clark*, Daniel Gillaugh and Christopher E. Bunker; Air
force Research Laboratory
POS-58 Active Aluminum Core-shell Nanoparticles and Their Biological Relevance; Marcus Smith*, K.
A. Shiral Fernando, Elena A. Guliants, Saber M. Hussain, Laura K. Stolle, and Christopher E.
Bunker; Univ. of Dayton
POS-59 REVIEW: Fabrication of polymeric Nanocomposites Containing Carbon Nanotubes and
Graphite Nanoplatelets; Zhe. Wang*, H.S. Kim and H.T. Hahn; Univ. of California, Los Angeles
POS-60 pH Measurements with a Microcantilever Biosensor System; Shin Hur*, Hyeon Yoon and WanDoo Kim; Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
1:45pm <Plenary Session>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Session: Nano-Materials Synthesis
Session Chairs: Haiwon Lee (Hanyang Univ.) and DC Shin (Chosun Univ.)
3:00pm NST-5.1 Speech: Synthesis and Biomedical Applications of Uniform-sized Nanoparticles
(keynote); Taeghwan Hyeon*; Seoul Nat’l Univ.
3:40pm NST-5.2 Morphology-controlled Growth of ZnO Nanostructures Using Microwave Irradiation;
Seungho Cho, Seung-Ho Jung and Kun-Hong Lee*; Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology
3:55pm NST-5.3 Sonochemical Synthesis of Aluminum Core-Shell Nanoparticles; K.A. Shiral
Fernando*, Barbara A. Harruff, Marcus Smith, William K. Lewis, Elena A. Guliants and Christopher
E. Bunker; Univ. of Dayton
4:10pm NST-5.4 First Principles-based Atomistic Modeling for Controlled Synthesis and Structure of
Silicon Nanostructures in Amorphous Silica Materials; Gyeong S. Hwang*; Univ. of Texas at
4:25pm NST-5.5 Synthesis of directly-connected three-dimensional SWCNT networks in deep holes
for applications in future electronics; Tae Jae Lee , Jungeun Seo, Haiwon Lee , Jung Woo Lee,
Sunin Kim and Whikun Yi; Hanyang Univ.
4:40pm Reflections; H. Thomas Hahn; Univ. of California, Los Angeles
5:15pm <Award Ceremony, Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Polymer Chemistry and Physics (PCP)
New methods in synthesis of architecturally tailored polymers.
Modern methods of characterization of the tailored polymers and their properties
Novel new polymers and composites under geometric confinements
Structure and properties relationship of new polymeric materials examined by modern
methods including computer simulations
Hyuk Yu (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
Jin Nyoung Yoo (LG Chem Research) and
Chang Y. Ryu (RPI)
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session: Joint Session with PET
Session Chairs: Hyuk Yu (Univ. of. Wisconsin) and Kun Sup Hyun (PPI.NJIT)
8:00am PCP/PET-1.1 Non-Canonical Amino Acids in Protein Design, Evolution and Analysis;
David A. Tirrell; Caltech, USA
8:45am PCP/PET-1.2 Characterization for Polymer Physics and Chemistry; Eric J. Amis; Nat’l Institute
of Standards and Technology USA
9:30am <Coffee Break>
9:45am PCP/PET-2.1 New Horizons in Inherently Conducting Polymers: An Overview of Our 5 Year
Studies of Polyanilines; Suck-Hyun Lee and O-Pil Kwon; Ajou Univ.
10:30am PCP/PET-2.2 Hierarchically Structured Nanocomposites; Emmanuel P. Giannelis; Cornell Univ.
11:30am <Opening Ceremony, Luncheon, and Plenary Session>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session: Block Copolymers and Chemically Tailored
Session Chairs: Kyusoon Shin (Seoul Nat’l Univ.) and Al Crosby (Uninversity of Mass, Amherst)
2:15pm PCP-3.1 Formation and properties of heteropolymers with adjustable monomer sequences;
J. Genzer, Y.K. Jhon, J.J. Semler, C.Y. Ryu and R. Krishnamoorti; Department of Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC; Department of Chemistry &
Chemical Biology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY; Department of Chemical &
Biomolecular Engineering, Univ. of Houston, Houston, TX
2:45pm PCP-3.2 Functional Polymer Thin Films Based on Block Copolymers; Kookheon Char, Jeong
Gon Son; and Hyoseon Suh; School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National Univ.
3:15pm PCP-3.3 Transition Behavior of Diblock Copolymer Thin Films; Changhak Shin, Hyungju Ahn,
Eunhye Kim, Du Yeol Ryu, June Huh and Kwang-Woo Kim; Department of Chemical Engineering,
Yonsei Univ., School of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul Nat’l Univ., Pohang Accelerator
3:45 pm <coffee break>
4:00pm PCP-4.1 Temperature- and pH-responsive Hydrogels Derived from Model Amphiphilic Block
Copolymers; Kyle Guice and Yueh-Lin (Lynn) Loo; Department of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of
Texas at Austin and Department of Chemical Engineering, Princeton Univ.
4:30pm PCP-4.2 Self-Assembly of Rigid-Flexible Block Molecules toward Organic Nanostructures;
Myongsoo Lee; Center for Supramolecular Nano-Assembly and Department of Chemistry, Yonsei
5:00pm PCP-4.3 Free Radical Polymerization of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Block Copolymers for Study
of Their Thin Film Morphological Behavior; Kevin Cavicchi; Department of Polymer Engineering,
Univ. of Akron
5:45pm <Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session: Polymer Surfaces and Architecturally
Tailored Polymers
Session Chairs: Sangmin Jeon (POSTECH) and Kevin Cavicchi (Univ. of Akron)
8:00 am PCP-5.1 Wrinkling, Crumpling, and Snapping Polymer Surfaces; A.J. Crosby, E.P. Chan, D.
Holmes and D. Breid, C. Davis; Department of Polymer Science & Engineering, Univ. of
8:30 am PCP-5.2 Superhydrophobic/Superhydrophilic Switchable Wettability on Nanostructured
Surfaces; Kilwon Cho; Department of Chemical Engineering, POSTECH
9:00 am PCP-5.3 Creasing of Surface-Attached Hydrogels: Harnessing an Elastic Instability to Create
Active Surfaces; Jungwook Kim, Veronica Trujillo, Anesia Burns and Ryan C. Hayward;
Department of Polymer Science & Engineering, Univ. of Massachusetts
9:30 am < coffee break>
9:45 am PCP-6.1 Comparison of Linear and Ring Polymers from Atomistic Molecular Dynamics
simulations; Do Yeung Yoon; Department of Chemistry, Seoul Nat’l Univ.
10:15am PCP-6.2 Characterization of Branched Polymers by HPLC; Kyunhyun Im, Sunyoung Ahn,
Taihyun Chang; Department of Chemistry, Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology
10:45am PCP-6.3 From Flat thin films to Curved Nanopores; Kyusoon Shin; School of Chemical and
Biological Engineering, Seoul Nati’l Univ.
Saturday (8/16/2008) 11:30am-1:30pm Poster and Box Lunch
1:45pm <Plenary Session>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Session: Polymer Materials, Synthesis and
Session Chairs: Du Yeol Ryu (Yonsei Univ.) and Ryan Hayward (UMass, Amherst)
3:00pm PCP-7.1 Polymers in consumer electronics; Young Hwan Kim; Advanced Material Lab,
Samsung SAIT
3:30pm PCP-7.2 Post-Modification of Polysulfone Using Transition Metal Catalyzed C-H Activation;
Se Hye Kim and Chulsung Bae; Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Nevada
4:00pm PCP-7.3 Synthesis of Chiral [Bis(pyridine)salen]-based Coordination Polymers and Their
Application in Enantioselective Reactions; So-Hye Cho, SonBinh T. Nguyen and Joseph T.
Hupp; Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute; Department of Chemistry,
Northwestern Univ.
4:20pm PCP-7.4 Nanomechanical measurements on the glass transition of polymers; Sangmin Jeon;
Department of Chemical Engineering, Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology
4:40pm PCP-7.5 Interaction Chromatography of Heteropolymers with Adjustable Monomer
Sequence Distributions; Chang Y. Ryu, Junwon Han, Byung Ho Jeon, James J. Semler, Young
K. Jhon and Jan Genzer; Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute; Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, North Carolina State Univ.
5:15pm <Award Ceremony, Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Polymer Engineering and Technology (PET)
Discussion topics for PET session include Joint Keynote Session with PCP, Recent Advances in
Nanocomposites and Polymeric Materials, Polymer Rheology and Processing, Innovative Polymer
Processing Technology, and Innovative Process Development.
Honorable Chair
Kun Sup Hyun (PPI /NJIT)
Sang Sun Woo (Cheil Industries)
Seung Joon Rhee (Sunoco, Inc.)
Byung Oak Rhee (Ajou Univ.)
PET Organizing Committee
Ted Kwalk (Samsung-Total Petrochemicals Co.), Kook Hyun Cha (Seoul Nati’l Univ.), Jae Wook
Lee (Sogang Univ.), Tai Hun Kwon (POSTECH), Yong Lak Joo (Cornell Univ.), Joon Boo Park
(Consultant), Kab Sik Seo (Eastman Chemical), James Y. Chung (Bayer Material Science), Byung
Hoon Kim (UMass-Amherst), Dong Woo Yu (Hanwha L&C Canada), Chul Bum Park (Univ. of
Toronto) and Eung Kyu Kim (Dow Chemical)
PET Advisory Committee
Weon Lee (Samsung Total Petrochemicals Co.) , Daesik Kim (Cheil Industries), Kyung Jip Min (LG
Chem), Hyo-Sup Kim (SKC), Chan Il Chung (RPI), Hyun-Ku Rhee (KAST) and Jae Chun Hyun
(Korea Univ.)
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session: Joint Session with PCP
Session Chairs: Hyuk Yu (U. Wisconsin ) and Kun Sup Hyun (PPI.NJIT)
8:00am PCP/PET-1.1 Non-Canonical Amino Acids in Protein Design, Evolution and Analysis; David A.
Tirrell; Caltech
8:45am PCP/PET-1.2 Characterization for Polymer Physics and Chemistry,
Eric J. Amis, National Institute of Standards and Technology USA
9:30am <Coffee Break>
9:45am PCP/PET-2.1 New Horizons in Inherently Conducting Polymers: An Overview of Our 5 Year
Studies of Polyanilines; Suck-Hyun Lee and O-Pil Kwon Ajou Univ.
10:30am PCP/PET-2.2 Hierarchically Structured Nanocomposites; Emmanuel P. Giannelis, Cornell Univ.
11:30am <Opening Ceremony, Luncheon, and Plenary Session>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session: Recent Advances in Nanocomposites/
Polymeric Materials
Session Chairs: James Chung (Bayer Material Science) and Seung Joon Rhee (Sunoco)
2:15pm PET-3.1 Carbon Nanotubes? Processing & Applications; Heiko Hocke; Bayer BMS/AG,
2:45pm PET-3.2 Graphite Oxide/Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Nanocomposites prepared by a Novel
Method utilizing Macroazoinitiator; Jin Young Jang, Min Seok Kim and Han Mo Jeong; Univ. of
Ulsan, Cheol Min Shin; N-Baro Tech. Co.
3:15pm PET-3.3 Shape Memory Polymer Nanocomposites; Sadhan C. Jana, I. Sedat Gunes and Feina
Cao; Univ. of Akron
3:45pm PET-3.4 Thermal and Flammability Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites; J.H. Koo and S.
Lao; Univ. of Texas-Austin, L.A. Pilato, and G.E. Wissler, KAI, LLC.
4:15pm PET-4.1 Polyimides for Electro-optic Applications; Chang-Sik Ha; Pusan Nat’l Univ.
4:45pm PET-4.2 Performance Characteristics Of a Styrene-Isobutylene Block Copolymer produced
by Living Cationic Polymerization Technology; David Marshall; Kaneka Texas and Ryuji
Fukuda; Kaneka, Japan
5:15pm PET-4.3 Transparent Impact Modifier for Bisphenol A Polycarbonate; James Chung and
James P. Mason; Bayer BMS USA and Michael Erkelenz, Bayer BMS/AG Germany
5:45pm <Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session: Polymer Rheology and Processing
Session Chairs: Yong Lak Joo (Cornell U.) and Chan Il Chung (RPI)
8:00am PET-5.1 Hysterisis; J, D, Goddard; Univ. of California, San Diego
8:30am PET-5.2 Interesting Nonlinear Dynamics in Film Blowing Process; Jae Chun Hyun; Korea Univ.
9:00am PET-6.1 Nanofibers from Electrically Driven Viscoelastic Jets: Modeling and Experiments;
Colman P. Carroll, Eduard Zhmayev, Vibha Kalra and Yong L. Joo; Cornell Univ.
9:20am PET-6.2 Development of a Runner Valve for the Runner Balance Adjustment in Multi-Cavity
Injection Mold; Byung-Ohk Rhee, Hyung-Pil Park and Kwon-Il Choi; Ajou Univ.
9:40am <Coffee Break>
10:00am PET-6.3 The PVT and Solubility Behaviors in the Nanocomposites; M.M. Hasan, G.Li and C.B.
Park; Univ. of Toronto
10:20am PET-6.4 The Solid State Orientation of Polymer Systems and New Application Opportunities
in Plastic Industry; Eung Kyu Kim, Dow Chemical Company
10:40am PET-6.5 A Continuous Process for Large-Area Thermal Embossing of Micro/Nanopatterns
onto Polymeric Films; Mattew Fagan and Byung Kim; Univ. of Massachusetts-Amherst
11:00am PET-6.6 Development of High Comfort Seat Foam and Its Physical Properties; Chae-Hwan
Hong, Ki-Yeon Jung, Sung-Hoon Lee, Suk-Min Choi and Yong-Jae Park; Hyundai-Kia Motors Co.
Saturday (8/16/2008) 11:30am-1:30pm Poster and Box Lunch
1:45pm <Plenary Session>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Session: Innovative Polymer Process Development
Session Chairs: James Chung (Bayer MS) and Eung Kyu Kim (Dow Chemical)
3:00pm PET-7.1 Morphological Characterization of Novel Hybrid Resins; Shriram Bagrodia, Cereplast
and Vicki Flaris; Bronx Community College of City Univ. of New York
3:30pm PET-7.2 Fabrication of Polymer Lens by Tunable Liquid Mold; Sung Hwan Cho, Frank S. Tsai
and Yu-Hwa Lo; Univ. of California, San Diego
3:50pm PET-7.3 Photopolymerization Induced Directional Crystallization and Photopatterned Crystal
in PEO and Photo Reactive Mixture; Soo Jeoung Park; Univ. of Akron
4:10pm PET-7.4 Strengthening Of Polyolefins By Bottom-Up Self-Assembly of POSS Nanoparticles;
Byoung-Jo Lee and Sadhan C. Jana; Univ. of Akron
4:30pm PET-7.5 Ionic Liquids as New Generation Additives for Biodegradable Polylactic Acid; Ku-Il
Park and Marino Xanthos; Jersey Institute of Technology
4:30pm PET-8.1 Functionalization of Nanoclays through Exchange Reactions of Ionic Liquids for
Polypropylene Nanocomposites; Jin Uk Ha and Marino Xanthos; New Jersey Institute of
4:30pm PET-8.2 Use of Injection Speed Profile to Achieve a Uniform Void Fraction Distribution in
Injection Molded Structural Foams; John W. S. Lee, Jing Wang and Chul B. Park; Univ. of
4:30pm PET-8.3 Structural Analysis for The Deformation of The Inner Tube Of Electric Power Plugs
Manufactured By Injection Molding Process , Hyung-Pil Park, Baeg-Soon Cha and Seok-Kwan
Hong, Byung-Ohk Rhee and Young-Joo Lee; Ajou Univ.
5:15pm <Award Ceremony, Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Electronic Packaging Science and
Technology (EPS)
Discussion topics for EPS sessions include materials, processes and reliabilities of electronic
packages and semiconductors
Seungbae Park (SUNY at Binghamton)
Yeong J. Lee (Motorola) and
Choonheung Lee (Amkor)
Friday (8/15/2008) Morning Session: Packaging Challenges
Session Chairs: Seungbae Park (SUNY Binghamton) and Kyungwook Paik (KAIST)
8:00am EPS-1.1 Challenges and Opportunities in Electronic Packaging; Gaurang Choksi; Intel
8:45am EPS-1.2 3D Integration: Challenges and Opportunities; David Seeger; IBM
9:30am <Coffee Break>
9:45am EPS-1.3 Recent Advances in Pb-free Solder Technology and Science; Sung-Kwon Kang; IBM
10:15am EPS-1.4 Recent Advances in Drop-Impact Reliability of Electronic Packaging Components;
Yi-Shao Lai; ASE
10:45am EPS-1.5 Reliability Challenges of High Performance Game Consoles; Krishna Darbha;
11:30am <Opening Ceremony, Luncheon, and Plenary Session>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session: Packaging Technologies
Session Chairs: Sung-Kwon Kang (IBM) and Young-Ho Kim (Hanyang Univ.)
2:15pm EPS-2.1 A Novel Approach to Assess Solder Joint Reliability of Wafer-Level Fabricated
Package; Jongho Lee, Youngryong Kim, Namseog Kim, Euncheol-Ahn, Taegyung Jung and
Seyong Oh; Samsung
2:35pm EPS-2.2 Reliability Assessment of Lead-Free Solder Joints in Electronics Packaging; SoonBok Lee; KAIST
2:55pm EPS-2.3 Rapid Prototyping of Microsystems Packaging by Data-driven Chip-first Approach
using Nano-Particle Silver Interconnects; Sung Chul Joo; Wayne State Univ.
3:15pm EPS-2.4 Review on Interconnect Process for TSV 3D Integrated Package; DongHee Lee,
MinJae Lee, KiWook Lee, JiHee Cho, Min Yoo and JaeDong Kim; Amkor
3:45pm <Coffee Break>
4:00pm EPS-2.5 Wafer Level Packages using Anisotropic Conductive Adhesives (ACAs) and NCAs
For Display, Embedded ICs, and 3-D stack Applications; Kyung-Wook Paik; KAIST
4:20pm EPS-2.6 Investigation of Moisture-induced Package Failures of Semiconductor Package
Product; Hak Sung Kim and H. Thomas Hahn; UCLA
4:40pm EPS-2.7 The Highly Reliable and Fine Pitch Chip on Glass (COG) Joints Fabricated using
Sn/Cu Bumps and Non-conductive Adhesives; Byeung-Gee Kim, Sang-Mok Lee and Young-Ho
Kim; Hanyang Univ.
5:00pm EPS-2.8 Effect of Silicon Carbide(SiC) as Die Attach Adhesive Filler on Thermal
Performance of Semiconductor Package; Jaekyu Song*, Bongchan Kim, Kyeongsool Seong,
Seokbong Kim, Yoonjoo Khim and Chanha Hwang; Amkor
5:20pm EPS-2.9 Introduction on through Mold via Technology Applied to PoP; Jinseong Kim, Dongjoo
Park and Kwangho Kim; Amkor
5:45pm <Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Packaging Materials and Science
Session Chairs: Soon-Bok Lee (KAIST) and Gene Kim (Cookson Electronics)
8:00am EPS-3.1 Board Level Interfacial Mechanical Reliability of Ball Grid Array Package for
Handheld Products; Soon-Wan Chung, Mi-Jin Kim, Soon-Min Hong and Young-Joon Moon;
8:20am EPS-3.2 Pattern Projection for 3D Deformation Measurement with DIC; Jae Kwak, Dong Gun
Lee and SB Park; SUNY Binghamton
8:40am EPS-3.3 Characterization of Hygroscopic Properties of Advanced Polymers at High
Temperatures ; Changsoo Jang, Bongtae Han and Samson Yoon; Univ. of Maryland
9:00am EPS-3.4 Free-Drop Test on Cellular Phone PCBs with Different Boundary Conditions; Dong
Gun Lee, Jae Kwak, SB Park and Da Yu; SUNY Binghamton
9:30am <Coffee Break>
9:45am EPS-3.5 Comparison of Electromigration Characteristics between Flip Chip Interconnect and
Pure Solder; Hyo Jeong Jeon andSB Park; SUNY Binghamton
10:05am EPS-3.6 Heat Transfer Argumentation of nanofluids in a Microchannel and its Numerical
Analysis with Lattice Boltzmann Method;Yong Hyun Kim, Xiaofeng Xu and Joon Sang Lee;
Wayne State Univ.
10:25am EPS-3.7 High-k Ceramic Thin Films for Embedded Capacitors; Biplab K. Roy, Guangneng
Zhang and Junghyun Cho; SUNY Binghamton
10:45am EPS-3.8 Evolution of Alternative Lead-free Solder Alloys with Low Silver Content for
Microelectronic Assembly and Packaging Applications; Chrys Shea* andGene Kim; Cookson
11:05am EPS-3.9 Transparent Conductive Carbon Nanotubes Coated Flexible Substrate and Its
Application; Abdelaziz Rahy, Unnat Bhansali, Amandeep K. Sra, Gil S. Lee, Bruce Gnade,
Michael H.-C. Jin, Ya-Ping Sun and Duck J. Yang; Univ. of Texas, Dallas
11:25am EPS-3.10 Two Way Coupling Effects of Single and Multiple Clouds of Particles; Application
for Crystal Growth Impurity Control; Sasudhar Kondaraju, Xiaofeng Xu and Joon Sang Lee;
Wayne State Univ.
Saturday (8/16/2008) EPS Symposium Posters
EPS-4.1 SI-PI-EMI Integrated Solution for High Speed Package/Board Designs; Junho Cha, Vikram
Jandhyala and Feng Ling; Physware.
Saturday (8/16/2008) 11:30am-1:30pm Poster and Box Lunch
1:45pm <Plenary Session>
Food Science and Technology (FST)
Emerging technologies for food processing and quality, chemistry, and safety ; Emerging bioactive
nutraceuticals and phytochemicals; New trends in human nutrition and health; New developments
and activities in food and health industries.
Chong Min Lee (Univ. of Rhode Island)
Suk Hoo Yoon (Korea Food Research Institute)
and Jung Hoon Han (Frito-Lay)
FST Organizing Committee
Sooja K. Kim (Center for Scientific Review, NIH), Mee Ree Kim (Chung Nam Univ.), Dong Uk Ahn
(Iowa State Univ.), Yeonhwa Park (Univ. of Massachusetts), Chin Hong Kim (Cargill ) and Chang
Won Ahn (Nong Shim Co.)
FST Advisory Committee
Cherl Ho Lee (Korea Univ.), Kwan Hwa Park (Seoul Univ.), Hyun Kyung Shin (Hallym Univ.), Kyu
Hang Kyung (Sejong Univ.), Chang Yong Lee (Cornell Univ.), David Min (Ohio Univ.), Byung Hoon
Lee (McGill Univ.) and Keun Ho Lee (Maha Food Safety Consulting)
Friday (8/15/2008)
Morning Session: Emerging Technologies for Food Processing and Engineering
Session Chairs: Jung Hoon Han (Frito-Lay) and Suk Hoo Yoon (Korea Food Research Institute)
8:00am FST-1.1 Preparation of Nanocrystals from Starch; Seung-Taik Lim* and Jong-Yea Kim; Korea
8:20am FST-1.2 Selective Removal of Free Fatty Acids from Soybean Oil using Agricultural
Adsorbents; Suk Hoo Yoon; Korea Food Research Institute
8:40am FST-1.3 Separation of Ovotransferrin from Egg White for Antimicrobial Use; D. U. Ahn* and
K. Y. Ko; Iowa State Univ.
9:00am FST-1.4 Extraction and Characterization of Gelatin and Antimicrobial Peptide from Skate
(Raja Kenojei) Skins; Jong-Bang Eun* and Soung-Hun Cho; Chonnam Nat’l Univ.
9:20am FST-1.5 Development of Edible Films from Potato Peels; Ho Jin Kang* and Sea C. Min; Univ.
of Idaho
9:40am <Coffee Break>
Food Chemistry and Analysis
Session Chairs: Dong Uk Ahn (Iowa State Univ.) and Seung-Taik Lim (Korea Univ.)
10:15am FST-2.1 Kinetics of Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidant in Food Oxidation; David B.
Min (invited speaker); Ohio State Univ.
10:30am FST-2.2 TBD (Delete)
10:40am FST-2.3 Effects of Phospholipids on the Thermal and Photooxidation of Oil; Jiyeun Lee,
Kanghyun Kim, Youngjin Yoon and Eunok Choe*; Inha Univ.
11:00am FST-2.4 Development of Analytical Method using HPLC-RI Detector for Mulberry 1Deoxynojirimycin; Hyun-Bok Kim, Sun-Lim Kim and Gyoo-Byung Sung; National Institute of
Agriculture Science and Technology and Nat’l Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development
11:30am <Opening Ceremony, Luncheon, and Plenary Session>
Friday (8/15/2008) Afternoon Session: Food Safety and Toxicology
Session Chairs: Chang-Rae Lee (California Department of Public Health) and Bosoon Park
(USDA-ARS, Russell Research Center)
2:15pm FST-3.1 Instrumental Food Safety and Quality Assessment; Bosoon Park; USDA-ARS,
Russell Research Center
2:35pm FST-3.2 Perchlorate in Dinking Water and Food; Chang-Rae Lee; California Department of
Public Health
2:55pm FST-3.3 Gemini Vitamin D Analogs Inhibit Estrogen Receptor Positive and Estrogen
Receptor Negative Mammary Tumorigenesis without Hypercalcemic Toxicity; Hong Jin Lee*,
Shiby Paul, Yan Ji, Nadi Atalla, Paul E. Thomas, Hubert Maehr, Milan Uskokovic and Nanjoo Suh;
Rutgers Univ.
3:15pm FST-3.4 Determination of Malachite Green, Crystal Violet and their Leuco Metabolites in
Processed Marine Products by HPLC-VIS; Kim Hee Yun, Lee Jun Bae, Jang Young Mi*, Lee
Myoung Sook, Park Jong Seok, Oh Jae Ho, Lee Soon Kyu, Lee Hyun Sook, Song Ji Young, Woo
Sung Min, Park Mi Sun and Lee Kwang Ho; Gyeongin Regional Food and Drug Administration
3:35pm <Coffee Break>
New Trends in Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease
Session Chairs: Mee Ree Kim (Chung Nam Univ.)
4:15pm FST-4.1 Effects of Socioeconomic Status, Caloric Intake, and Physical Activity on Body
Composition Among U.S. Elderly; Sang Nam Ahn* and Charles D. Phillips; Texas A&M Univ.
System Health Science Center
4:35pm FST-4.3 Effects of Dietary Fish Oil on DNA Damage in Early Stage of Colon Carcinogenesis;
Mee Young Hong*, Nancy Turner and Joanne R. Lupton; San Diego State Univ.
5:45pm <Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Saturday (8/16/2008) Morning Session: Emerging Bioactive Nutraceuticals;
Phytochemicals and Health
Session Chairs: David Min (Ohio State Univ.) and Hyun Kyung Shin (Hallym Univ.)
8:00am FST-5.1 Keynote Presentation: Phytosterols: Functional Food Ingredients for
Cardiovascular Health (Chemistry, Efficacy and Food Delivery Systems); Jerzy Zawistowski;
Forbes Medi-Tech [Research] Inc.
8:40am FST-5.2 Preparation of Licorice Extract and Its Anti- Carcinogenic Effects; HyunKyung Shin*
(invited speaker), Jung H.Y.Park and SoonSung Lim; Hallym Univ.
9:05am FST-5.3 Bioactive Effects of Panax Ginseng Ethanol Extract on Antioxidant & Antiatherogenic Reaction, and Anti-apoptosis According to PD:PT Ratio in Apo E KO mice;
Myoungsook Lee ,Soojeong Jang, Department of Food & Nutrition, Sungshin Women’s Univ.;
Sungsoo Kim, Korea Food Research Institute; Do,Sungbin Sorn and Sungyong Baek; Seoul
Science High School for Gifted Students
9:25am FST-5.4 Characterization of Glycosaminoglycans from the Ascidian Mungge (Halocynthia
roretzi) Tunics; Byeong-Dae Choi, Grace N. Palmos, Guo Rui, Seong-Hun Jeong, Yeung-Joon
Choi and Seok-Jong Kang; Gyeongsang Nat’l Univ.
9:45am <Coffee Break>
New Trends in Research in Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease
Session Chairs: Sooja K. Kim (NIH) and Mee Ree Kim (Chung Nam Univ.)
10:10am FST-6.1 Nutritional Regulation of mTOR Signaling in Neonates; Teresa A. Davis (invited);
Baylor College of Medicine
10:35am FST-6.2 Role of Autophagy in Cardioprotection; Roberta A. Gottlieb (invited); BioScience
Center, San Diego State Univ.
11:15am Poster Session and Box Lunch
Poster Session: Emerging Bioactive Nutraceuticals; Phytochemicals and Health
12:00 – 1:20 pm
POS-61 Inhibitory Allergic Airway Responses in Saponin Isolated from the Roots of Platycodon
grandiflorum; Jae Ho Choi, Hye Gwang Jeong; Research Center for Proteineous Materials,
Chosun Univ.
POS-62 Identification of Phenolics and Antioxidative Activity in Various Grades of Organic Green
Teas Grown in Boseong, Korea; Sang-Gil Lee*, Tae-Gyu Nam, Young-Jun Kima and Dae-Ok
Kim; Korea Univ..
POS-63 Effect of HHP Processing on Isothiocyanate Production in Brassica Vegetables; Song Yi
Koo*, Kwang Hyun Cha and Cheol-Ho Pan; Natural Products Research Center, KIST
POS-64 Acer tegmentosum Maxim. Extracts Induces Apoptosis of Human Hepatoma HepG2 Cells
and Protects Hepatic Injuries in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Mice; Ha Na Kwon, Jeong Ryae
Jeon andJyung Rewng Park*; Yeungnam Univ.
POS-65 Fucoxanthin from Brown Seaweed Extract Suppresses Body Fat Mass Increase and Lowers
Plasma Lipids in High-Fat Fed Mice; Myoung-Nam Woo and Jong-Eun Jeon;Kyungpook Nat’l
Univ., Yong Bok Park and Hyung Suk ; Amicogen, Inc, Jiyoung Yeo, Seon-Min Jeon and Hye-Jin
Kim; KNU, Young Chul Shin; AI and Myung-Sook Choi*; KNU
Poster Session: New Trends in Research in Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease
POS-66 Weight Gain Limitation and Liver Protection by Long-term Feeding of Astaxanthin in
Murines; Gilhwan An*, Sung-Han Kim, Dong-Il Jean, Yong-Pyo Lim and Jae-Eul Choi; Chungnam
Nat’l Univ.
POS-67 Salad Vegetable Mix Supplementation Reduces Lipid Peroxidation and Oxidative DNA
Damage in Animal and Human Study; Sun Hee Cheong, Mi Yeon Kim, ChanWook Shon, Hyun
Jung Shim, Min Hee Kim, Kun Jong Lee and Mee Ree Kim* ; Chungnam Nat’l Univ.
POS-68 Effects of Stimulant-free Dietary Supplements Containing Vitamin C on Body Weight and Fat
Loss in Guinea Pigs fed High Fat Diet; Hyung Joo Suh* and Eun Young; Korea Univ., Jin Man
Kim; Konkuk Univ., In Sun Hong, Seung Chol Jun, Hyo Jung Park and Un Jae Chang; Dongduk
Women’s Univ.
POS-69 Dose Response Effect of Docosahexaenoic acid and Phosphatidylcholine on Learning
Behavior and Brain Fatty Acid Composition in Mice; Sun-Young Lim; Korea Maritime Univ.;
Hiramitsu Suzuki; Kagawa Nutrition Univ.
POS-70 Analysis of Mn and Zn in Korean Children’s Snacks by Instrumental Neutron Activation
Analysis, S-O. Chang, K. S. Kim, S. H. Kim Y. S. Chung and J. H. Moon; Suwon Univ., O. Lee*;
Yongin Univ.
Poster Presentations: Food processing and Engineering
POS-71 Optimal Calcination Condition for Making the Calcium Product after Removing Gelatin from
Skate-Ray Cartilage; Dong-Ok Chung*; Chodang Univ., Beom-Ryoul Yoo and Jong-Bang Eun;
Chodang Univ.
POS-72 Development of a HTS System for Identification of Novel Antimicrobial Agents to Control
Vibrio vulnificus, a Model Foodborne Pathogen; Seung Min Kim, Byoung Sik Kim and Sang Ho
Choi; Seoul Nat’l Univ.
POS-73 The Optimization of Jelly with Blueberry Juice using Response Surface Methodology; Nami
Joo, Sang Hyun Park*, Eun Kyung Jung, Kyoung Jin Lee and Ok-Sun Kim; Sookmyung Women`s
Univ., Jae-Eun Paik; Bucheon College and Hyun Joo Bae; Daegu Univ.
POS-74 Quality Characteristics of Soy Cutlets using Proteolytic Enzyme Modifed Textured Soy
Proteins; Eunbi Kim, Eunju Kim, Hanna Lee, Min Kyung Lee and Sook Young Lee*; Chung-Ang
Saturday (8/16/2008) Afternoon Sessions
3:00pm FST-7.1 Industry Forum: New Developments and Activities in Food and Health
Session Chairs:Keun Ho Lee (Maha Food Safety Consulting) and Sooja K. Kim (NIH)
4:00pm FST-7.2 New Trends in Research and Development in Food Science and Technology
and in Functional Foods and Utilization of Traditional Foods
Session Chairs: Chong Min Lee (Univ.of Rhode Island) and Suk Hoo Yoon (Korea Food Research
Institute [KFRI])
5:15pm <Award Ceremony, Plenary Session, Banquet and Music>
Plenary Poster Session for General Papers
Plenary poster topics include All Other Areas, Extra Papers from Symposiums, Graduate
Scholarship Winner Papers, Chapter & Affiliated Professional Society Introduction, and
Sponsor Introduction
Junho Cha (Physware)
Seung Yi (Boeing), Jinho Park (Marvell Semiconductor), Yongkyoon In (Far-Tech) and Jae Wook
Lee (Scripps Research)
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
CEE Poster Session
POS-1 A Study on the Prediction of Traffic Counts Using Spatial Regression Model Based on
Euclidean distance and Shortest Travel Path; Tae-Young Heo, Ju Sam Oh, Sung Han Lim, Hyun
Suk Kim and Chan Keun Park
POS-2 Changes of seasonal predictability associated with global warming, Emilia Kyung Jin
POS-3 Simultaneous Analytical Method for 1,4-dioxane and N-nitrosamines using SPE and
GC/MS/MS/CI for Aqueous samples; Lee J. Yoo
POS-4 Surface Water Management in the Brazos River Basin, Texas; Tae Jin Kim and Ralph Wurbs
POS-5 VERT Wall in Sand - Numerical Modelling and Design Implication; Byoungjae Mun and JeanLouis Briaud
POS-6 Self-Assembly Concept for Asphalt-Aggregate Interface Behaviors in Simple Geometry; DongWoo Cho and Hussain U. Bahia
POS-7 Applicability of Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) to Measure Cement Paste Rheology for
Identifying Cement/Chemical Admixture Incompatibilities; Sehoon Jang, Mukhopadhyay Anol
and Dan G. Zollinger
POS-8 Evaluation of Concrete Pavement Full Depth Repair Effectiveness: Case Study of US-75; Youn
Su Jung, Tom Freeman and Dan Zollinger
POS-9 Development of Lightweight Roadside Safety Barriers Using Cellular Concrete: Phase I.
Properties of Cellular Concrete; Chang-Seon Shon and Dan G. Zollinger
POS-10 Hydraulic and Leaching Characteristics of Recycled Materials Used in Pavement
Construction; Dong-Hee Kang, Andry Z. Ranaivoson, Satish and C. Gupta
POS-11The Development of the Logistics Database Standard System for Republic of Korea; Tea Ho
Yoon and Youngmin Kim
POS-12 Biodegradation of Four Estrogens by Mixed Culture Enriched from Turkey Litter; Sanghyun
Kim and Robin Autenrieth
POS-13 Mega-city pollution over East Asian mega-cities seen by satellite instruments; Changsub
Shim, Qinbin Li and Annmarie Eldering
POS-14 The Design on the Hazardous Material Logistics Management and Control System; Keun Suh
Kim and Sung Ho Hur
POS-15 The Qualitative and Quantative Anlaysis of Seepage Forces Iinduced by Tunneling under
Groundwater Table; Shin, Youngjin
POS-16 Development of Prototype Equipment for Automatic Line Stripe Removal System; Tai Sik Lee,
Deuk Soo Moon, Leonhard E. Bernold and Young Hyun Kim
POS-17 Study to Suggest Improvement Strategy for Effective Design Work of Multi-complex; Tai Sik
Lee, Eun Soo Park, Ja Kyung Koo and Young Joon Jun
POS-18 The Development of Decision-Making Techniques for Devising Structural Flood Prevention
Measures in the Basin Area and Manuals for Working-Level Users; Tae Woong Kim, Tai Sik Lee,
Young Joon Jun andJeong Ho Lee
BST Poster Session
POS-19 Plasma Adiponectin Level Is Decreased in eNOS Knockout Mice; Eun Hee Koh*, Mina Kim,
Hyunshik Kim, Hye-sun Park, Byeong Hwan Jeon, Min-Seon Kim, Joong-Yeol Park and Ki-Up Lee;
Univ. of Ulsan College of Medicine
POS-20 Visceral Obesity and Adipokine in Previous Gestational Diabetes; Hak Chul Jang*, Soo Lim,
Sung Hee Choi and Kyong Soo Park; Seoul Nat’l Univ. Bundang Hospital
POS-21 Alpha-lipoic Acid Decreases Hepatic Lipogenesis through AMPK-dependent and independent Pathways; Ki-Up Lee*, Keun-Gyu Park, Ae-Kyung Min, Eun Hee Koh and In-Kyu Lee;
Univ. of Ulsan College of Medicine, Keimyung Univ., School of Medicine, Kyungpook Nat’l Univ.
School of Medicine
POS-22 Functions of Calcium and AMP-activated Protein Kinase Signals in Skeletal Muscle Energy
Metabolism; Sungkwon Park*, Tracy Sheffler, Alan Grant and Dave Gerrard; Purdue Univ.
POS-23 Development of a Novel Anti-diabetes Agent; Moon K. Song; UCLA School of Medicine and VA
Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
POS-24 Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling of a Nonlinear PK Data for Dose Selection; Dongwoo
Kang, Pfizer, San Diego
POS-25 Diagnostics of Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model; Kyun-Seop Bae; Asan Medical Center, Univ. of
POS-26 Optimally Under-sampled Variable Density Spiral Imaging: Application to Real-time Cardiac
and Speech MRI; Yoon-Chul Kim* and Krishna S. Nayak; USC
POS-27 Preliminary Evaluation of a GAPD-PET Insert to a 3-T MRI; Jae Sung Lee* and In Chan Song,
Seong Jong Hong; Seoul Nat’l Univ.
POS-28 Quantitative Measurement of Gyral White Matter Volume using a 3-D Surface Model; Kiho Im,
Jong-Min Lee*, Sang Won Seo, Sun Hyung Kim, Sun I. Kim and Duk L. Na; Hanyang Univ.,
Samsung Medical Center and Sungkyunkwan Univ. School of Medicine
POS-29 DTI-Tractography to Detect and Quantify Brain Pathways Affected in Traumatic Brain Injury;
Jeong-Won Jeong, USC
POS-30 Brain Source Localization with a Computational Volume Conductor Model Based on Finite
Element Method; Seok Lew*, Carsten Wolters andRob MacLead; Univ. of Utah and Univ. of
Muenster, Germany
POS-31 Motion Analysis of the Lumbar with a Flexible Implant by Finite Element Method; Dae Jin Oh,
Seung Hyun Yoo*, Yeong Tae Lee, Dhaneshwar Mishra, Ung Rak Jeong and Chang Young Park;
Ajou Univ.
POS-32 Development of Bio-ballistic Gun for Laser Ablation-based Drug Delivery; Jihee Choi, Ardian B.
Gojani, Soojin Choi and Jack J. Yoh*; Seoul Nat’l Univ.
POS-33 Detection of Beta Particles in a Microfluidic Chip Using a Scintillator-Based Lens-Coupled
CCD; Jennifer S. Cho; UCLA
POS-34 High-throughput On-chip Cell Monitoring Over an Ultra-large Volume; Sungkyu Seo*, Ting-Wei
Su, Anthony Erlinger and Aydogan Ozcan; UCLA
POS-35 Surface Mechanical Characteristics of Stent Wire under the Ultrasonic Nano-crystal Surface
Modification Technology; Hena Kwon*, Chulsoo Gim, Youngshik Pyoun, Inho Cho and Insik Cho;
MediSourcePlus, Mitech, SunMoon Univ., Fuzbien Technology Institute
POS-36 Quadrature Channel Combining for Doppler Radar Cardiopulmonary Monitoring System;
Mohammad Shaifur Rahman, Byung-Jun Jang and Ki-Doo Kim*; Kookmin Univ.
POS-37 A Model for Cell Mechanics and Nanoscale Measurements of the Influence of Matrix Stiffness
and Cell Shape on Traction Forces; Sangyoon Han* and Nathan J. Sniadecki; Universtiy of
POS-38 The Relative Importance of Outer Membrane Lipoprotein Insertion Apparatus (Lol System) in
Gram-negative Bacterial Colonization; Min S. Lee* and Milton H. Saier, Jr.; UCSD
POS-39 Regulation of Lipoxygenases Activity by Unsaturated Lysophosphatidylcholines or Their
Oxygenation Derivates; Long Shuang Huang; Cheon Ho Park and Dai-Eun Sok*; Chungnam Nat’l
POS-40 Comparative Analyses of Transport Proteins Encoded within the Genome Mycobacterium
Tuberculosis and Mycobacterium Leprae; Ji-Won Youm* and Milton H. Saier, Jr.;UCSD
POS-41 Experimental Validations of a Mathematical Model Provides Insight to Neurospora Crassa
Circadian Rhythms; Christian Hong*, Ingunn Jolma, Peter Ruoff, Jennifer Loros and Jay Dunlap;
Dartmouth Medical School and Univ. of Stavanger, Norway
POS-42 N-glycan Processing Deficiency Promotes Spontaneous Inflammatory Demyelination and
Neurodegeneration; Sung-Uk Lee*, Ani Grigorian, Judy Pawling, I-Ju Chen, Guoyan Gao,
Tahseen Mozaffar, Colin McKerlie and Michael Demetriou; UCI
CNT Poster Session
Cooperative Multiser MIMO For Multicell Cellular System; Insoo Hwang* and Robert W.
Heath Jr.; UT Austin and Cheolwoo You; Myongji Univ.
Performance Evaluation of Mobile Multi-hop Relay System; Dong Heon Lee*, Suk Chan Kim
and Young il Kim; Pusan Univ.
Design of a Frequency Notched UWB Antenna Using a Slot-Type SRR; Cheol Bok Kim*,
Jae Sam Jang, Ho Sang Lee, Jae Hoon Kim, Seung Bae Park and Mun Soo Lee;GNU, Korea
Global Scale Underwater Acoustic Communications using Time Reversal; Heechun Song*;
Multirate Adaptation for Multihop Ad Hoc Wireless Networks; Jun Cheol Park* and Sneha
Kumar Kasera; Reduced Packet Probing (RPP)
Enhancement of SPAM e-mail filtering through Intelligent Perception Rule Generation;
Seung Yang* ;VSU
Including Real Device Code in Modeling and Simulation of MANET using OPNET; Tae
(Tom) H. Oh*, Jungwoo Ryoo and Young B. Choi; GMU
A CMOS Analog Correlator for 3.1 to 10.6GHz IR UWB System;Niranjan Karandikar, Timothy
Merkin, Varun Shenoy and Sungyong Jung* ; UTA
The Future Trends of Communicationsp;You Song Kim*
IP-Based Radio Access Network Implementation Cost vs. Network Security Trade-off;
Seyong Park* and Alex Salvarani; Lucent-Alcate
NST Poster Session
POS-53 Glucose/O2 biofuel cell based on Nanowire grown electrodes; Jongeun Ryu, Daniel S. Choi
and H. Thomas Hahn; Univ. of California, Los Angeles
POS-54 Synthesis and Characterization of Core-Shell Nanoparticles with Two-Component Shells;
Daniel Gillaugh, Derek Clark and Christopher E. Bunker; Air Force Research Laboratory
POS-55 Growth and Properties of Ni/Si Nanowires for Electrical Transport; Jae Ho Lee, Michael
Carpenter, Eric Eisenbraun, Yongqiang Xue and Robert Geer; Univ. at Albany
POS-56 Re-use of catalyst thin films for repeated growth of MWNT forests; Myounggu Park, Sang Woo
Han, Jong Girl Ok and A. John Hart; Univ. of Michigan
POS-57 A Movable Micro Vehicle; Jangbae Jeon, J-B Lee and M.J. Kim; Univ. of Texas at Dallas
POS-58 Active Aluminum Core-shell Nanoparticles and Their Biological Relevance; Marcus Smith, K.
A. Shiral Fernando, Elena A. Guliants, Saber M. Hussain, Laura K. Stolle and Christopher E.
Bunker; Univ. of Dayton
POS-59 REVIEW: Fabrication of polymeric Nanocomposites Containing Carbon Nanotubes and
Graphite Nanoplatelets; Zhe. Wang, H.S. Kim and H.T. Hahn; Univ. of California, Los Angeles
POS-60 pH Measurements with a Microcantilever Biosensor System; Shin Hur*, Hyeon Yoon and WanDoo Kim; Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
FST Poster Session
POS-61 Inhibitory Allergic Airway Responses in Saponin Isolated from the Roots of Platycodon
grandiflorum; Jae Ho Choi, Hye Gwang Jeong; Research Center for Proteineous Materials,
Chosun Univ.
POS-62 Identification of Phenolics and Antioxidative Activity in Various Grades of Organic Green
Teas Grown in Boseong, Korea; Sang-Gil Lee*, Tae-Gyu Nam, Young-Jun Kima and Dae-Ok
Kim; Korea Univ..
POS-63 Effect of HHP Processing on Isothiocyanate Production in Brassica Vegetables; Song Yi
Koo*, Kwang Hyun Cha and Cheol-Ho Pan; Natural Products Research Center, KIST
POS-64 Acer tegmentosum Maxim. Extracts Induces Apoptosis of Human Hepatoma HepG2 Cells
and Protects Hepatic Injuries in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Mice; Ha Na Kwon, Jeong Ryae
Jeon andJyung Rewng Park*; Yeungnam Univ.
POS-65 Fucoxanthin from Brown Seaweed Extract Suppresses Body Fat Mass Increase and Lowers
Plasma Lipids in High-Fat Fed Mice; Myoung-Nam Woo and Jong-Eun Jeon;Kyungpook Nat’l
Univ., Yong Bok Park and Hyung Suk ; Amicogen, Inc, Jiyoung Yeo, Seon-Min Jeon and Hye-Jin
Kim; KNU, Young Chul Shin; AI and Myung-Sook Choi*; KNU.
POS-66 Weight Gain Limitation and Liver Protection by Long-term Feeding of Astaxanthin in
Murines; Gilhwan An*, Sung-Han Kim, Dong-Il Jean, Yong-Pyo Lim and Jae-Eul Choi; Chungnam
Nat’l Univ.
POS-67 Salad Vegetable Mix Supplementation Reduces Lipid Peroxidation and Oxidative DNA
Damage in Animal and Human Study; Sun Hee Cheong, Mi Yeon Kim, ChanWook Shon, Hyun
Jung Shim, Min Hee Kim, Kun Jong Lee and Mee Ree Kim* ; Chungnam Nat’l Univ.
POS-68 Effects of Stimulant-free Dietary Supplements Containing Vitamin C on Body Weight and Fat
Loss in Guinea Pigs fed High Fat Diet; Hyung Joo Suh* and Eun Young; Korea Univ., Jin Man
Kim; Konkuk Univ., In Sun Hong, Seung Chol Jun, Hyo Jung Park and Un Jae Chang; Dongduk
Women’s Univ.
POS-69 Dose Response Effect of Docosahexaenoic acid and Phosphatidylcholine on Learning
Behavior and Brain Fatty Acid Composition in Mice; Sun-Young Lim; Korea Maritime Univ.;
Hiramitsu Suzuki; Kagawa Nutrition Univ.
POS-70 Analysis of Mn and Zn in Korean Children’s Snacks by Instrumental Neutron Activation
Analysis, S-O. Chang, K. S. Kim, S. H. Kim Y. S. Chung and J. H. Moon; Suwon Univ., O. Lee*;
Yongin Univ.
POS-71 Optimal Calcination Condition for Making the Calcium Product after Removing Gelatin from
Skate-Ray Cartilage; Dong-Ok Chung*; Chodang Univ., Beom-Ryoul Yoo and Jong-Bang Eun;
Chodang Univ.
POS-72 Development of a HTS System for Identification of Novel Antimicrobial Agents to Control
Vibrio vulnificus, a Model Foodborne Pathogen; Seung Min Kim, Byoung Sik Kim and Sang Ho
Choi; Seoul Nat’l Univ.
POS-73 The Optimization of Jelly with Blueberry Juice using Response Surface Methodology; Nami
Joo, Sang Hyun Park*, Eun Kyung Jung, Kyoung Jin Lee and Ok-Sun Kim; Sookmyung Women`s
Univ., Jae-Eun Paik; Bucheon College and Hyun Joo Bae; Daegu Univ.
POS-74 Quality Characteristics of Soy Cutlets using Proteolytic Enzyme Modifed Textured Soy
Proteins; Eunbi Kim, Eunju Kim, Hanna Lee, Min Kyung Lee and Sook Young Lee*; Chung-Ang
General Poster Session
POS-75 Comparison of Nanoscale Properties of Tribofilms formed with Ashless Dithiophosphate
and Zinc Dialkyl Dithiophosphate; B. Kim*, R. Mourhatch and P.B. Aswath; Univ. of Texas at
POS-76 Pretreatment and Fractionation of Corn Stover by S.E.A.A. (Soaking In Ethanol and Aqueous
Ammonia) for Bioethanol and Bioproducts Production; Tae Hyun Kim *, Nhuan-John Nghiem
and Kevin B. Hicks; Iowa State Univ.
GYEONGNAM PROVINCE, KOREA; Chi Woo Lee*, Young Joon Yang and Tae Hyun Kim; Iowa
State Univ..
POS-78 Development of Construction Management(CM) Performance Checklists Using Analytic
Hierarchy Process; Tai Sik Lee, Young Joon Jun*, Dong Koo Kwak and Young Min Kim; Hanyang
POS-79 Enhancing the Quality Management through Systematic Approach in Construction Projects;
Kim, Sang-chul* and Park, Chan-Jeong; Univesity of Washington
POS-80 Optical and Electrochemical Properties of a Sol-gel V2O5-TiO2 film based Electrochromic
Window; Sooyeun Kim*, Minoru Taya and Chunye Xu, Univ. of Washington
POS-81 Conductivity Measurement of Soot at Microwave Frequency Using a Cylindrical Cavity; Jae
Hee Kim, Wee Sang Park*; Pohang Univ.
POS-82 A New Procedure for Predicting Diffusion of New Technology; Chul-Yong Lee* and Jongsu
Lee; Georgia Institute of Technology
POS-83 Manufacturing of DeNOx SCR Catalyst with a Unique Powder Processing and its
Commercial Experiences; Sangho Lee*, Okyoun Kim and Junseong Ahn; Daedok Institute of
Energy R&D Workshop I (ENGY I)
Sponsored by
Case study of a joint project conducted between corporations of Korea and USA
demonstrating the utilization of waste heat and its conversion to useful electric power in
Korea .
Presentation of future potential joint effort projects between the two countries.
Review of worldwide studies on the reduction, storage and elimination of Greenhouse Gases
(GHG) and the feasibility of such efforts.
Yong Nak Lee (Heat Transfer R&D, Ltd.)
Youn-Woo Lee (Seoul Nat’l Univ.), Ki-Woo Lee (Korea Institute of Energy Research) and JongHee Park (Alion Science and Engineering)
Keynote Speaker
Sung Chul Shin (President, Korea Institute of Energy and Resources Technology Evaluation and
Planning [KETEP])
Invited Speakers
 Youn-Woo Lee (Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
 Ki-Woo Lee (Korea Institute of Energy Research)
 Jong-Hee Park (Alion Science and Engineering)
 Fred Schubert (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
 Robert Linden (Barber-Nichols, Inc.)
Thursday (8/14/2008) Afternoon ENGY I Workshop
Session Chairs: Yong Nak Lee (Heat Transfer R&D) and Ki-Woo Lee of (KIER)
2:00pm Chair’s Opening Remarks
2:10pm ENGY 1-1 The Importance of Energy Technology to Achieve both Energy Security and
Climate change Goals; Sung Chul Shin; KETEP
2:25pm ENGY 1-2 Waste Heat to Power-Fundamental & Hurdles; Robert A. Linden; Barber-Nichols, Inc.
2:40pm ENGY 1-3 Application of Organic Rankine Cycle System to Recover Waste Heat from Steam
Boiler of In-House Power Plant in the Steel Industries; HeungSoo Park; RIST
2:55pm ENGY1-4 Relevance of Light-Emitting Diodes and Photonic for Energy; Fred E. Schubert;
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
3:10pm ENGY1-5 Current Status of LED Lighting Development in Korea; Kyeong-Ik Min; Samsung
3:25pm Coffee Break
3:35pm ENGY1- 6 Required Background Information for developing the technology in the
contemporary energy R&D perspective; Jong-Hee (Michael) Park; Alion Science & Technology
3:50pm ENGY1-7 Development and Demonstration of Co2 Capture Technology in Coal-fired Power
Plant; Hee-Moon Eum; KIER
4:05pm ENGY1-8 End-to-End Model for Biofuels: An Integrated Modeling Framework; Rao Kotamarthi;
Argonne Nat’l Laboratory
4:20pm ENGY1-9 R&D Status on CCS Technologies in Korea; Byoung-Moo Min; KIER
4:35pm Panel Discussion; Panelists: All speakers
5:30pm Adjourn
Energy R&D Workshop II (ENGY II)
Sponsored by
Renewable energy: key technology, industry/commercialization, policy, climate change/green
house gas etc.
Tae Hyun Kim (Iowa State Univ.)
Youngju Son (KETEP), Bong-Kyu Chang (Chevron), Burtrand Lee (Clemson Univ.), Donghwan
Kim (Korea Univ.), Kee-Suk Nahm (Chonbuk Nat’l Univ.) and Michael Jin (Univ. of Texas,
Key Speaker (as of June 20, 2008)
Dong-Soo Jeong; Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF)
Friday (8/15/2008) morning:
8:00am-10:20am Panel Presentations
Session Chairs: Tae Hyun Kim (Iowa State Univ.) and Michael Jin (Univ. of Texas at Arlington)
8:00am ENGY II-1 The Trends of Renewable Energy Policy in Korea; Dong-Soo Jeong; Korea Science
and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF)
8:20am ENGY II-2 Current Aspects and Future Prospects on Bioenergy in Korea; Jin-Suk
Lee; Bioenergy Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)
8:40am ENGY II-3 Cellulosic Biofuels: Plant, Microbial, and Enzyme Biotechnology in Overcoming
Economic Hurdles; Nathan S. Mosier; Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering,
Purdue Univ.
9:00am ENGY II-4 Status and Prospect of Photovoltaic Industry and Technology Development;
Donghwan Kim; Department of Materials Science and Engineering Korea Univ.
9:20am ENGY II-5 SAI PV Technology Incubator Program; Martha Symko-Davies; Nat’l Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL)
9:40am ENGY II-6 Materials for Hydrogen Generation/Storage; Burtrand I. Lee; School of Materials Sci.
& Eng., Clemson Univ.
10:00am ENGY II-7 Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Activities in Korea; Dr. Seong-Ahn Hong, Nat’l R&D
Organization of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell in Korea and KIST
10:20am <Coffee Break>
10:30am-11:15am Panel Presentations
Session Chairs: Bong-Kyu Chang (Chevron), Kee-Suk Nahm (Chonbuk Nat’l Univ.), and Youngju
Dong-Soo Jeong; Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF)
1. Bioenergy
 Jin-Suk Lee; Bioenergy Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)
 Nathan S. Mosier; Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue Univ.
2. Solar
 Donghwan Kim; Department of Materials Science and Engineering Korea Univ.
 Martha Symko-Davies; Nat’l Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
3. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
 Burtrand I. Lee; School of Materials Sci. & Eng., Clemson Univ.
 Seong-Ahn Hong, Nat’l R&D Organization of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell and KIST (Korea Institute of
Science and Technology)
11:30am <Opening Ceremony, Luncheon, and Plenary Session>
Friday (8/15/2008) afternoon – Saturday (8/16/2008) afternoon: RES Symposium
See the RES (Renewable Energy and Sustainability) schedule.
Education and R & D Policy Forum (ERD)
Education and R&D Policy Forum I
Thursday (8/14/2008) 3:30 - 5:30 pm
Co-chairs: Chan Mo Park (Science Advisor to President of ROK) and Jae Yoon Park
(Former Minister of Trade, Industry & Energy)
Topic: Search for the Models and Visions in the Next Decade
Distinguished Invited Speakers
 Prof. Se Jung Oh (Dean, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
 Prof. Ray O. Johnson (Senior VP & CTO, Lockheed Martin)
Prof. Dong Pil Min (Director, Korean Nat’l Science-City Project)
Prof. Je-Chang Woo (Director-General, Korea Research Foundation)
Prof. Jung-ho Sonu (President, GIST)
Prof. Nariman Farvardin (Senior VP for Academic Affairs & Provost, U. MD)
Education and R&D Policy Forum II (Panel)
Friday (8/15/2008) 8:00am - 11:15am
Co-chairs: Chan Mo Park (Science Advisor to President of ROK) and Saeyoung Nate Ahn
(President, Fuzbien Technology Institute)
Topic: Search for the Models and Visions in the Next Decade
 Prof. Nam Pyo Suh (President, KAIST)
 Prof. Sung Mo Kang (Chancellor, UC Merced)
 Prof. Dong Pil Min (Director, Korean National Science-City Project)
 Prof. Se Jung Oh (Dean, Coll. Natural Science, Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
 Prof. Sunggi Baik (President, POSTECH)
 Prof. Ray O. Johnson (Senior VP & CTO, Lockheed Martin)
 Prof. Je-Chang Woo (Director-General, Korea Research Foundation)
 Prof. Jung-ho Sonu (President, GIST)
 Prof. Nariman Farvardin (Senior VP for Academic Affairs & Provost, U. MD)
Education and R&D Policy Forum III
Friday (8/15/2008) 2:30pm - 5:30 pm
In honor of Professor Ki Uck Lee (Marquette Univ), the 2nd KSEA President and
Distinguished Service Member of KSEA
Co-Chairs: Hyo-Gun Kim (Former President, GIST) and Saeyoung Nate Ahn (President,
Fuzbien Technology Institute)
Prof. Ki Uck Lee (Professor Emeritus, Marquette Univ.)
Prof. Kihyun Kim (NC Central Univ)
Prof. Yoonsoo Park (RPI)
Prof. Man Won Kim (KIAS & KAIST)
Prof. Young S. Pyoun (SunMoon Univ)
Prof. Joosung J. Lee (Yonsei Univ)
Prof. Joon Ki Kim (Senior Advisor, SAIT)
Dr. Jeong-Mo Yang & Won-Suk Jang (Korea Research Foundation)
Dr. Hong B. Kim (Solco Biomedical Institute)
Young Generation and Professional Forum
Sponsored by
Samsung Electronics
Special Presentation on Global Leadership
Panel Discussions
Career Development Workshop
Technical Poster Session
Team Building Activities
Josh Choi (JPL/NASA)
Chris Kim (UC San Diego)
Program Committee Chair
Erica Shim (UCLA)
Logistics Committee Chair
Jungsook Yang (UC Irvine) and Chris Kim (UC San Diego)
YG&PF Advisory Committee
John C. Lee, Jung Min Lee, Moonjung Cho, Sam Ryu and Esther Yang
Plenary Lecturer:
 Steve Kang (Chancellor, UC Merced)
 Sinil Kim (Pfizer)
 Te Won Lee (Qualcom/Soft)
 Terry Howard (Diversity and Inclusion Director at Texas Instruments)
 Brian Min (Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc.)
Friday (8/15/2008)
02:00 – 03:00 pm
03:00 – 05:00 pm
05:00 – 09:00 pm
09:00 – 11:00 pm
Registration & Get to Know Each Other
Panel Discussion: Pros and Cons of Academic vs. Industry Career
Dinner and Lectures
Team Building Activity
Saturday (8/16/2008)
08:30 – 09:00 am
09:00 – 11:00 am
11:00 – 11:30 am
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
01:30 – 01:45 pm
01:45 – 02:45 pm
03:00 – 05:00 pm
05:00 – 09:00 pm
Continental Breakfast
Career Development Workshop: People Management Presented by Dale
Q&A / Break
Technical Poster Session / Lunch
Plenary Lecture on Global Leadership
Networking / KWiSE Session
Banquet and Plenary Lecture by Dr. Roger Guillemin, 1977 Nobel Laureate
Women in Science and Engineering Forum
Organized by
Step Forward in Science and Engineering for a Better World by Achieving Excellence through
Mentoring Women in Science and Engineering.
Gye Won Han (TSRI) and
Sooja Kim (NIH)
Sun Hwa Hahn (KISTI) and
Jiyoung Kim (Kyung Hee Univ.)
WISE Organizing Committee
Hee-Yong Kim (NIH), Haejung An (USC), Youngjin Park (SAS), Sanghee Yoo (Vertex
Pharmaceuticals), Sohye Cho (TSRI) and Myung Hee Park (NIH)
WISE Advisory Committee
Kwang Hwa Chung (KRISS), Young Sook Yoo (KIST), Heisook Lee ( Ewha Womans Univ.) and
Kong-Joo Lee (Ewha Womans Univ.).
Saturday (8/16/2008) 3:00am-5:15pm
3:00pm WISE-1 Mentoring Women Scientists in a Medical School Setting; Teresa Davis (Baylor College
of Medicine)
3:20pm WISE-2 Cultivating Academic Career: Societal Mentoring Model; Joanne Kwak-Kim (The
Chicago Medical School)
3:35pm WISE-3 Selling Your Science: Secrets to Success; Roberta Gottlieb (San Diego State Univ.)
3:50pm WISE-4 Benefits of Effective Mentoring - A Case at the Defense Contract Management
Agency; Moonja Kim (Defense Contract Management Agency)
4:05pm <Coffee Break>
4:10pm WISE-5 The Past, Present and Future of Korean Women in Science and Technology: KWSE;
Kong-Joo Lee; Ewha Womans Univ.
4:25pm WISE-6 Extending Social Role and Enhancing Women`s Leadership in Science and
Engineering by Participating in Girls’ Science Education Programs; Heisook Lee; Ewha
Womans Univ.
4:40pm WISE-7 Activities of Women’s Science and Technology Associations in Korea; Jiyoung Kim;
Kyung Hee Univ.
4:55pm <Panel Discussion>
UKC2008 Sponsors
Co-organizers and Platinum Level
SK Telecom -
Diamond Level
Hyundai Motor -
Kia Motor -
LG Electronics – www.
LG Corp. – www.
Samsung Electronics –
Gold Level
LG Life Sciences -
LG Chem -
SK Energy –
Silver Level
Bronze Level
General Level
Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association
2008 US-Korea Conference (UKC) on Science,
Technology, and Entrepreneurship
Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association
1952 Gallows Road, Suite 300, Vienna, Virginia 22182, U. S. A
Telephone: 703-748-1221 Fax: 703-748-1331 Website:
E-Mail: [email protected] for UKC matters