Maharashtra Pollution Control Board


Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
N-car5ion Circle, Si on (K)._.
L O,
Sainath Hospital.
Snt Nagar. Sector no.4. Moshi Prndhikaran.
Pune- Na^hik H:ghuay ;
e-maii :!nfo@aslnathhospital,com
care-i:on~i'0 Health Care Establishment (1ICK)
1. Your BMW Authorization and Consent application recei\-ed to MPCB, HO. Sion,
Mumbai on 24.08.2015 vide FTS no. 150617ft0462
2. This office email dated- 24.09.2015
3. Minnies of 9t!; CC meeting held on 28.09.2015
4. Your reply dated 12.10.2015 received on 14.10.2015
Combined Consent to Establish and Operate
under Section 25 '26 of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 & under Section
21 of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, Authorization under Rule 5 of the
Hazardous Wastes (M. II & T M) Rules 2008 and Biomedical Waste (Management and
Handling) Rules 1998, as amended is considered and the consent is hereby granted subject to
following terms and conditions and as detailed in the schedule 1, II. I l l , IV & V annexed to this
The consent to Establish and is granted for a period from 04,06.2012 and 04.06.2018
The capital investment of the HCE is Rs. 11.53 Cr.
(C. A. Certificate submitted by the HCfi)
|c) Total Bnih up Area
139p sq. rntrs
] ranp pffluPnt
As per Schedule - 1 Municipal sewer
D.G. Set
\on-iiazardous Soiid u asti v s;
water iivauiicn:
This'""eemsehr" should "nor "be consTfued as 'exemption
NOC- pcimission irom an) 1 other Government agencies.
This consent is issued subject to conditions mentioned beiow,
" authorized Person" Dr. Suhas Kamble, M s. Sainaih Hospital, Pune •
shall comply with the piovisions of the Environment (Protection) Ac:, 1986. and
the Rules made there under.
Any unauthorized change in equipment or working conditions as mentioned in the
application by the person authorized shall constitute a breach of this authorization.
If built up area exceeds more than 20,000 sq. mtrs. and if the hospital is
commissioned after 14.09.2006. the project proponent shall comply El A
Notification 14.09.2006 by obtaining Environment Clearance.
You shall submit details of Management and Handling of outdated, discarded.
unused CVlj)_l.o_xic._drugs generated in the Cancer centers, research and health care
in the format prescribed by CPCB which is available on
alongwith Annual Report to MPCB with a copy to CPCB before 3 T1 January every
You shall manage the Mercury Waste in the HCF. in environmentally sound
manner (including storage, spilled collection, transportation and disposal) as per
CPCB guidelines published on CPCB website dated:07.09 2010
Yl.x Sainaih HobpiUil. I'mif- SKO- Pimpri Chich\uid H,'R;1 <iMii2 l >54
Page 2 of 10
Member Secretary
Received Consent - Authorization fee of
Drawn On
Copy to:
Regional Officer - MPCB , Pune and Sub -Regional Officer - Pimpn Chichwad, MPCB They are directed to ensure the compliance of the CCA conditions.
Chief Accounts Officer, MPCB, Mumbai- for information.
Pa»c 3 of K)
trade and "domestic effluent sn as to achieve the fonrnving standard? prescribed hv
UK- Board or under H'P Aci, i: ; 8o and "Rules" •—••—'---^ -—
- <•-- - — - - — \vh:diever ^ si:ingen-:.
Discharge Standards applicable
Bio-Assay test
You shall provide ETP followed by sewage t r e a t m e n t plant (combined treatment)
with the adequate design capacity 21.0 CMD.
You shall operate the treatment plant so as to achieve the above discharge
The Board reserves its rights to review plans, specifications or other data relating to plant
setup for the treatment of waste water & the system for the disposal of effluent or in
connection with the grant of any consent conditions. The Applicant shall obtain prior
consent of the Board to take steps for expansion / modify 01 establish any modification to
treatment and disposal system 01 an extension or addition thereto.
You shall ensure replacement of pollution control system 01 its parts after expiry of its
expected life as defined by manufacturer so as to ensure the compliance of standards and
safety of the operation thereof.
You shall provide Specific Water Pollution control system as per the conditions of EP
Act, 1986 and rule made there under from time to time.
Conditions tinder _lL<li>; jj3 r tj v em i;.; n &L Cunitoj._oLJioll>*tioij.} ChSS A c I , _. 1 >_>_/._^*j
Indusuiii: Coohne and boiler feed tic..
Domestic purpose
Processing whereby waier gets polKiied &
pollutants are easily biodegradable
Proce^-ina whereby w a i e r gets polluied &
polUnanis are noi easiix biodegradable and
•ire loxic
Paue 5 of !(i
lenns & conditions for compliance of Air P o l l u t i o n Control
svstern and a Is*"1 proposed to erect -'erected following, stark fs) to observe the following fuel
Paniculate matter
Not to exceed
' I n O mg/Nm3
'j he Applicant shall obtain necessary prior penynsMon Jor providing additional control
equipment w i t h necessary specifications and operation thereof or alteration c?
replacement alteration well before its liie come to a;i end 01 ereciion of new pollution
control equipment.
The Board reserves its rights to vary all or any of the condition in the consent, if due to
-.-any technological improvement- ortstli^wjse such variation (including rhe change of any
control equipment, other in whole or in part is necessary).
5. Conditions for D.G. Set
a. Noise from the D.G. Set should be controlled by providing an acoustic enclosure or by
treating the room acoustically.
b. Industry should provide acoustic enclosure ibi control of noise. The acoustic
enclosure-' acoustic treatment of the room should be designed for minimum 25 dB (A)
insertion loss or for meeting the ambient noise standards, whichever is on higher side.
A suitable exhaust muffler with insertion loss of 25 dB (A) shall also be provided. The
measurement of insertion loss will be done at different points at 0.5 meters from
acoustic enclosure/room and then average.
c. Industry should make efforts to bring down noise level due to DG set; outside
industrial premises, within ambient noise requirements by proper sitting and control
d. Installation of DG Set must be strictly in compliance with recommendations of DG
Set manufacturer.
e. A proper routine and preventive maintenance procedure foi DG set should be set and
followed in consultation with the DG manufacturer which would help to prevent noise
levels of DG set from deteriorating with use.
f. D.G. Set shall be operated only in case of power failure.
g. The applicant should not cause any nuisance in the surrounding area due to operation
of D.G. Set.
h. The applicant shall comply with the notification of VloEF dated J 7. 05. 2002 regarding
noise limit foi generator sets run with diesel.
Pae 6 of 10
ei'meti ji'oni Hosnital to CBrVPrVTSDF
,-, \ .-->.-i;,-i j w-ie-o ; R"\ \\.7) ip
\\'fisiiL- Sharps
Medicines and
Cytotoxic drugs
Soiled Waste
Solid Waste
No onsite treatment of BMW is permitted. The above mentioned Bio medical Waste shall
be sent to Common BMW Treatment & Disposal facility authorised by MPCB .i.e. M/s.
Passco Environmental Solution, CBMWTSDF, PCMC.
of 10
Schedule-iV : Bank Guarantee;
-J .4 A-}—Operation and Maintenance
! I (B) ; Record^
To provide Separate BMW storage facility
As per guidelines ofCPCB.
Rupees Two Lakh only
Generaj .Cond it i ons
sewage effluents, air emissions and hazardous waste to trie Board stall at the terminal or
designated point? and shall "pay to the Board for the services rendered in this behalf-.
TJ~YL:U should rnonilOi eiiiuent quality, slack ermssioris, noise and a nib lent "air qualiry quTc.Teriy."
3) You shall provide ports in the chimney (s) and facilities such as ladder, platform etc. ioi
monitoring 'me air emissions and the same shall be open for inspection lo-'a-id for use o! ihc
Board's Stall. The ehimney(s) \ents attached to vanous sources ol emission shall be
designated by numbers-s^c-h as S-I. S-2, etc. and these shall be painted chspl&yed-to-iacilitate
aDurenendea to occin
s of standards laid down, such information shall be forthwith
ted to ;t shah he_$l£ir_m£d
5) You shall provide an alternate electric power source sufficient to operate all pollution control
" TacilnieTiri stalled t6~maintam"cblnplianc^ wilhlKeTenns'andinHHfinons of the consent. In the •
absence, the applicant shall stop, reduce or otherwise, control production to abide by terms
and conditions of this consent.
6) You shall submit, the 30 ;h day of September every year, the Environmental Statement Report
for the financial year ending 3T 1 March in the prescribed Form-V as per the provisions of rule
14 of the Environment (Protection) (Second Amendment) Rules, 1992 to Regional Office,
7) You shall recycle 'reprocess.''reuse/recover Hazardous Waste as per ihe provision contain in
the HW (MH&TM) Rules 2008, which can be recycled /processed 'reused -'recovered and
only waste which has to be incinerated shall go to incineration and waste which can be used
for land filling and cannot be recycled/reprocessed etc should go for that purpose, in order to
reduce load on incineration and landfill site/environment.
8) You shall comply with the Hazardous Waste (M, II & TM) Rules, 2008 and submit the
Annual Returns to Regional Office, Pune as per Rule 5(6) & 22(2) of Hazardous Waste (M, H
& TM) Rules, 2008 for the preceding year April to March in Form-IV by 30"1 June of every
9) An inspection book shall be opened and made available Lo the Board's officers during their
visit to the HCE,
10}You shall strictly comply with the Water (P&CP) Act, 1974, Air (P&CP) Act, 1981 and
Environmental Protection Act, 1986 and industry specific standard undei EP Rules 1986
which are available on MPCB website (
11) You shall constitute an Environmental cell with qualified staff/personnel/agency to see the
day to day compliance of consent & authorization condition towards Environment
12)Sepaiate drainage system shall be provided for collection of trade and sewage effluents.
Terminal manholes shall be provided at the end of the collection system with arrangement for
measuring the flow. No effluent shall be admitted m the pipes sewers downstream of the
terminal manholes. No effluent shall find its way othei than in designed and provided
collection system.
13) Neither storm waiei nor discharge from other premises shall be allowed lo mix with the
effluents fiom the HCE.
M'!, SuiriiiLh [ U ^ p i l u l . i'uiK- SRO- 1 ' i n i p n t hidiu.iJ M - R ' l . - t > 6 102954
Page 9 ol 10
14)You shall i n s t a l l a separate metei shoeing ihe consumption ol energy for operation of
domestic and industrial effluent tiv.itmenl p l a n t s and air p o l l u t i o n control system. A registri
showing consumption of chemicals used for t u M t m e n t shall be maintained
' o 5 You should not C;U:>e anv nuisance in surround::!? ai'^a
16) You shall lake adequate measures lor control of noise levels from Us own squires within the
pieimses so as ro maintain ambient an qualitv standard in respect of nnHe to les< than 75 dB
( A ) during day time and 70 dB (A) during night time. Day time is icckoned in between 6 ajjL,
and l O p . m . and nigTVt tinie"iTTccEoncd between I0p.m : and 6 a.m.
I V ) t h e non-hazardou^ "solid waste arising in the factory premises, sweepings, etc, be disposed of
5XK-:uiiicaJiy~sD as not to cause" any nuisance / pollution. The applicant shalj take necessarv
permissions i;om civic .minorities for disposal o!" solid u a s i e .
20) You shan no; change or alter the q u a n t i t y , quality, the rale o!" discharge, temperature or the
mode of the effluent emissions or h.i/nrdous \vastes 01 control equipment? provided for
without previous written permission oS iliir-Btiard. You wiii not carry out any acrivirv. for
\\~h;ch this consen; has nor been granted without prior consent nf the Boaid
21)Von sir'li surnut six m o n t h l y stritement in >espect of obligation toward? consent and
pollution control compliance's duly supported \\-ith docunienian- e\idences (formal i:an
downloaded lioni N!PC~B ofncial site)
22) You sha'i submit oflicial e-mail address and any change will be duly informed to tiie MPCrL
forth wuh.
------ - - ernment
24) You observe provisions of E-waste (Management and Handling) Rules 201 1 and Battery
Waste (Management and .Handling) Rules 2001 , as amended.
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