portfolio - Artisan Communications
portfolio - Artisan Communications
artisan communications 301 DOOLEY ROAD • NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 72116 • (501) 771-5588 (LAND) • (501) 690-7777 (CELL) • [email protected] WEB SITES PRINT PRODUCTION STRATEGY BIOS PACKAGE DESIGN PRESENTATIONS, DISPLAYS & POSTERS portfolio Click an image to go directly to that section. Click the arrows, at top, to go page to page within sections. artisan communications 301 DOOLEY ROAD • NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 72116 • (501) 771-5588 (LAND) • (501) 690-7777 (CELL) • [email protected] WEB & INTERACTIVE DESIGN Artisan Communications developed an award-winning Web site geared toward middle-school students, their parents and teachers. Editors at Weekly Reader utilized the site as a research tool for antibiotic resistance, then featured the site in the December 2003 issue of Current Health 1, distributed to 100,000 students in the U.S. The PBS TeacherSource Web site as features the site. Special Features: •Original Music & Games •Original Photos & Illustrations •Middle School Teaching Kit •Featured In Weekly Reader Project: Save the Antibiotic Web site and Public Awareness Campaign Taking a “School-house Rock” approach, Artisan created a cast of characters for the site—from the rock band Bacteria, led by lead singer Staph, to Captain Antibiotic (an evolution of the Antibiotic Boy character.) Original rock music was recorded in Nashville. Provider Advertising Developing the Web site was only half the battle. Getting the word out to healthcare providers was accomplished through traditional advertising and marketing. This advertisement was created for local industry-related magazines. Communications Calendar A communications calendar, incorporating important Arkansas events and national health observances, was established to assist the AFMC in planning public relations “pushes.” Project: Corporate Web Site Artisan worked with the AFMC Communications Department to analyze and plan a new corporate Web site that met the needs of internal and external audiences. Acting as the project leader and art director, Artisan provided Web development training, graphic interface design and testing, communications consultation, and process documentation to train the communications team to maintain and grow the site. Project: Web Site Redesign The new site uses an array of multimedia tools—videos of past performance highlights, a music jukebox, an online store, and a photo gallery—to communicate with VOENA’s extensive family of choir members, international audiences, potential booking agents, and the news media. Artisan redesigned the VOENA logo and promotional materials, and assisted with the online presentation for the Winter 2005 “Holidays at the White House” program. VOENA: VOICES OF EVE ‘N ANGELS The choir, ages six to eighteen, performed at the White House, KGO Radio, Davies Hall, Carnegie Hall and toured China, Japan, Puerto Vallarta, Italy, Greece. They have performed for Presidents Bush & Clinton and for Pope John Paul II at the Vatican in Rome. In 2005, they represented the United States at the World Expo in Japan. OTHER WEB SITE DEVELOPMENT OTHER WEB SITE DEVELOPMENT OTHER WEB SITE DEVELOPMENT artisan communications 301 DOOLEY ROAD • NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 72116 • (501) 771-5588 (LAND) • (501) 690-7777 (CELL) • [email protected] *UPOMZIVSU GPSBNJOVUF CVUJUQSPUFDUTNF BHBJOTUQOFVNPOJB GPSBMJGFUJNF * IBEQOFVNPOJBTFWFSBMZFBSTBHPBOEJUXBTBMPUXPSTF UIBOIBWJOHBTIPU"UJPSUFNFPSUVTQVCMJOBUJTRVFN BVUVTCPOTDJPOUJTFTDPOTVMJVNEJDJPOPUBOVJBNQFSUJFT EFNJOBWFTFOJOFTMJDBFOPOTVMUPSUJMJTBSJTTFIPSTBDJWJS NJVTMBTEFNOB 5BMLUPZPVSEPDUPSUPEBZy BCPVUUIFQOFVNPOJBWBDDJOBUJPO 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPODBMM PSWJTJU VTPOMJOFBUXXXBGNDPSHQOFVNPOJB 5IJTNBUFSJBMXBTQSFQBSFECZ"SLBOTBT'PVOEBUJPOGPS.FEJDBM$BSF"'.$ VOEFSDPOUSBDUTXJUIUIF"SLBOTBT%FQBSUNFOU PG)VNBO4FSWJDFT%JWJTJPOPG.FEJDBM4FSWJDFT5IFDPOUFOUTQSFTFOUFEEPOPUOFDFTTBSJMZSFnFDUUIFJSQPMJDJFT5IF"SLBOTBT %FQBSUNFOUPG)VNBO4FSWJDFTJTJODPNQMJBODFXJUI5JUMFT7*BOE7**PGUIF$JWJM3JHIUT"DU PRINT PRODUCTION Project: “Thank You” Ad for National Nurse Week 2004 When Cedars-Sinai Medical Center wanted to say “Thank You” to their nurses nationally, they chose Nurseweek as the venue and Van Communications (now PR Pacific) for the concept and design. Ms. Anderson was part of a three-member creative team, responsible for concept, design, and production. Project: Consumer Awareness: Diabetic HbA1c Testing Artisan Communications created a series of public awareness ads geared to older Arkansans with Type I or II Diabetes, informing them about the HbA1c test and encouraging them to talk to their primary care physician. Project: Annual Reports To The Community From 2000 to 2003, Artisan helped to create the lead messages for the San Juan Regional Medical Center annual reports to the community. From concept to finished project, Ms. Anderson worked closely with a team of writers and the hospital marketing department. Project: “Thinking About Quitting Smoking?”Consumer Ad Campaign Artisan Communications created a series of public awareness and provider information ads, radio spots, Web components and consumer information materials geared to older Arkansans, encouraging them to quit smoking by contacting the Arkansas Department of Health’s “Stamp Out Smoking” hotline or by visiting one of the fourteen cessation clinics in the Arkansas Smoking Cessation Network. Project: Fund-Raising & Marketing Ms. Anderson volunteered to work on marketing and fund-raising projects for The Weekend Theater during the 2004-05 season. In addition to volunteering time at various events, she developed a number of collateral materials to promote ticket sales, advertise theater productions and raise money through donations. This gift certificate was developed to encourage participants to buy tickets in advance and bring a friend. Related Project: Arkansas Smoking Cessation Network Artisan developed a secure, database-driven Web site to collect data from the 14 smoking cessation sites for statistical analysis. An online bulletin board facilitated communication between the cessation trainer in Little Rock and the network facilitators around the state. Artisan provided consultation on communications protocols and guidelines. Project: Arkansas Smoking Cessation Network, SOSworks In our print and Web advertising campaigns for providers, we asked the question “What if you could undo smoking?” Utilizing a computer screen as the template for our ad emphasized the metaphor. Providers got the message — and hit the Web site for more information! Project: Arkansas Smoking Cessation Network, SOSworks, Companion SOS Advertising These consumer awareness materials used positive messages and affirmative statements. Smokers were encouraged to call even when they were just “thinking” about quitting. Materials pictured here: 11”x17” provider poster; 4”x9” tri-panel brochure; AFMC consumer Web module landing page; and billboards for the White River Medical Center ASCN office. 'OYOUWANTTO QUITSMOKING" ²WWW+OMETOWN:ELLNESSORG Project: The 2002 Ilima Awards Working with Sandy Van from PR Pacific, Ms. Anderson created a series of identities for the 2002 Ilima Awards. Result? The design won the 2003 Ilima Awards. Project: Corporate Advertising Designed for regional and state-wide trade industry magazines, this campaign promoted awareness of AFMC, their services and products, and their vision statement. iɧFSFTBTIPU UIBUQSFWFOUT QOFVNPOJB w *O5IF#BUUMF5P1SFWFOU1OFVNPOJBy 7 KDW¶V JUHDW QHZV , KDG SQHX PRQLD WZR \HDUV DJR DQG , GRQ¶WHYHUZDQWWRJHWLWDJDLQ,W¶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nFDUUIFJSQPMJDJFT5IF"SLBOTBT%FQBSUNFOUPG)VNBO4FSWJDFTJTJODPNQMJBODFXJUI5JUMFT7*BOE7**PGUIF$JWJM3JHIUT"DU RO *UPMEIJNJUXPVME POMZIVSUGPS BNJOVUFCVUJU QSPUFDUTBHBJOTU QOFVNPOJBGPSMJGF . ZIVTCBOEJTUIFCJHHFTUCBCZJOUIFXPSME"UJPS UFNFPSUVTQVCMJOBUJTRVFNBVUVTCPOTDJPOUJTFT DPOTVMJVNEJDJPOPUBOVJBNQFSUJFTEFNJOBWFTFOJOFT MJDBFOPOTVMUPSUJMJTBSJTTFIPSTBDJWJSNJVTMBTEFNOB 5BMLUPZPVSEPDUPSUPEBZy BCPVUUIFQOFVNPOJBWBDDJOBUJPO 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPODBMM PSWJTJU VTPOMJOFBUXXXBGNDPSHQOFVNPOJB i(SVNQZw(FSSZ ( i%FUFSNJOFEw%PD%PSJHIU 5IJTNBUFSJBMXBTQSFQBSFECZ"SLBOTBT'PVOEBUJPOGPS.FEJDBM$BSF"'.$ VOEFSDPOUSBDUTXJUIUIF"SLBOTBT%FQBSUNFOU PG)VNBO4FSWJDFT%JWJTJPOPG.FEJDBM4FSWJDFT5IFDPOUFOUTQSFTFOUFEEPOPUOFDFTTBSJMZSFn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y BCPVUUIFQOFVNPOJBWBDDJOBUJPO 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPODBMM PSWJTJU VTPOMJOFBUXXXBGNDPSHQOFVNPOJB 5IJTNBUFSJBMXBTQSFQBSFECZ"SLBOTBT'PVOEBUJPOGPS.FEJDBM$BSF"'.$ VOEFSDPOUSBDUTXJUIUIF"SLBOTBT%FQBSUNFOUPG)VNBO4FSWJDFT%JWJTJPOPG.FEJDBM4FSWJDFT5IFDPOUFOUTQSFTFOUFEEPOPUOFDFTTBSJMZSFnFDUUIFJSQPMJDJFT5IF"SLBOTBT%FQBSUNFOUPG)VNBO4FSWJDFTJTJODPNQMJBODFXJUI5JUMFT7*BOE7**PGUIF$JWJM3JHIUT"DU 5IJTNBUFSJBMXBTQSFQBSFECZ"SLBOTBT'PVOEBUJPOGPS.FEJDBM$BSF"'.$ VOEFSDPOUSBDUTXJUIUIF"SLBOTBT%FQBSUNFOU PG)VNBO4FSWJDFT%JWJTJPOPG.FEJDBM4FSWJDFT5IFDPOUFOUTQSFTFOUFEEPOPUOFDFTTBSJMZSFnFDUUIFJSQPMJDJFT5IF"SLBOTBT %FQBSUNFOUPG)VNBO4FSWJDFTJTJODPNQMJBODFXJUI5JUMFT7*BOE7**PGUIF$JWJM3JHIUT"DU Project: Pneumonia Vaccine Artisan Communications created a series of public awareness ads to promote consumer awareness geared to older Arkansans, encouraging them to get vaccinations against pneumonia. Targeted to Medicare recipients. MISCELLANEOUS PRINT PROJECTS ,i«ÀÌÊÌÊ Ê`ÛÃÀÞÊ ÌÌii "VÌLiÀÊ£{]ÊÓääÎ 3+$6(, 7KH(GLWRULDO7HDPZLOOPHHWLQLWLDOO\ ,QWKHILUVWSKDVHZKLFKLVVFKHGXOHGWR WRGHWHUPLQHWKHQXPEHUFRQWHQWDQG H[WHQGWKURXJKWKHHQGRIWKH&RUH SUHOLPLQDU\WLPHWDEOHIRU&0(GHOLYHU\ 7HDPZLOORYHUVHHWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIWKH LQ7KLVGHWHUPLQDWLRQZLOOEHEDVHG VL[ZRUNWHDPVVHHQLQ)LJXUHEHORZ7KLV RQDYDLODEOHPDWHULDOVWKH1HHGV6XUYH\ SURFHVVPRGHOLVGHVLJQHGDVDQLPEOHDS UHSRUWDQGWKHREMHFWLYHVRI$)0&,WLV SURDFKWRGHYHORSLQJFRQWHQWDQGGHOLYHU\ DQWLFLSDWHGWKDWWKH7HDPZLOOFKRRVHIURP PHFKDQLVPVWRWDNHDGYDQWDJHRIWKHOLP WRSLFVZLWKDQLQLWLDO&0(RIIHULQJLQ LWHGWLPHUHVRXUFHVRIWHDPPHPEHUV(DFK -XQH WHDPZLOOUHSRUWWRWKH&RUH7HDP 7KH7HFKQLFDO:HE'HOLYHU\7HDPZLOO $&0(1HHGV6XUYH\KDVEHHQGHYHORSHG FRQWLQXHWRZRUNRQWKH\HDUORQJ3KDVH VHHDWWDFKPHQWDQGLVVFKHGXOHGWREH ,,,JRDORIGHYHORSLQJDPHPEHUVRQO\ GHOLYHUHGLQPLG1RYHPEHUWRDOO$)0& &0(WUDFNLQJORJDQGLQWHJUDWHGSURILOLQJ PHPEHUV V\VWHP7KLVZLOODOORZPHPEHUVWRNHHS DVHOIPDLQWDLQHGORJERRNRIDOORIWKHLU &0(FUHGLWV7KHV\VWHPZLOOLQWHJUDWH ZLWKRWKHUDUHDVRIWKH$)0&ZHEVLWHWR 7,/ EÊ- / /", ,67 / IDFLOLWDWHPHPEHUVZLVKLQJWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQ RWKHU$)0&HYHQWVDQGFRQIHUHQFHV7KH 7HFKLQFDO7HDPZLOODOVRFUHDWHDQLQWHULP SODQIRUGHOLYHU\RILQWHUDFWLYH&0(DQG ",Ê/ / Ê EÊ7Ê 6,9 / GDWDEDVLQJRI&0(FUHGLWVGXULQJ 3+$6(,, ,Q3KDVH,,WKHZKHHOVRIWKH&RQWHQW *,Ê ,67Ê / 3URFHVV'HOLYHU\0RGHOZLOOEHJLQWRUROO DVFRQWHQWLVFUHDWHGDQGGHOLYHUHGRQWKH ZHE7KH0DUNHWLQJ7HDPZLOOEHJLQWR *"/Ê /-/ Ê / ,/ Ê EÊ "1 /" / ORRNDWZD\VWRPDUNHW$)0&&0(WR PHPEHUVDQGRWKHUVLQWKHSK\VLFLDQFRP PXQLW\ 3+$6(,,, }ÕÀiÊ£\Ê ÌiÌÊEÊ*ÀViÃÃÊiÛiÀÞÊ`i\ Ê"À}>VÊ`iÊvÀÊ Ài>Ì}ÊEÊiÛiÀ}Ê ,Q3KDVH,,,ZLOOGHOLYHUWKH&0( WUDFNLQJORJDQGSURILOLQJV\VWHPZKLOH RWKHUWHDPVZLOOFRQWLQXHWRGHYHORS&0( OTHER PROJECTS: PRINTED MEDIA artisan communications 301 DOOLEY ROAD • NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 72116 • (501) 771-5588 (LAND) • (501) 690-7777 (CELL) • [email protected] Project: Advertising Plan [Jan-Jun 2005] Artisan developed this advertising plan and budget for the Human Resources department of a busy Southern California hospital. A mini-report on each publication featured demographics, editorial calendars, and color commentary. STRATEGY artisan communications 301 DOOLEY ROAD • NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 72116 • (501) 771-5588 (LAND) • (501) 690-7777 (CELL) • [email protected] PACKAGE DESIGN & PRODUCTION Final Design with Client Revisions. Project: Brand Development/Initial Package Design The Ovulook™ Ovulation Tester packaging project began with market and product-line profiling. Artisan hit the pharmacy product aisles and suggested a variety of engaging packages. Target audience: 30-40 year-old, affluent, females currently having difficulty or trying to become pregnant. The design and printing of the OvuLook™ package involved an international team working in Hawaii, Arkansas, New York City and the Czech Republic. Project: Brand Development and Package Design Pictured: Front and back of 40lb. plastic bag art. Preliminary marketing materials, including POS Display designs, were created. artisan communications 301 DOOLEY ROAD • NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 72116 • (501) 771-5588 (LAND) • (501) 690-7777 (CELL) • [email protected] POSTERS, PRESENTATIONS & EXHIBITS Project: “Independent Choices” Presentation Serving as communications consultant in this response to a RFP from the State of Colorado to develop a state-wide public information awareness campaign on consumer direction. She developed a strategic marketing plan and budget; the campaign concept and several :30 sec television commercial scripts; and all presentation materials. h4HE #HOICE IS 9OURSv 6&(1(21( $FWLRQ &ORVHXSRIPDOHWHHQ+HLVKLSDQG FRQILGDQW,WLVQRWDSSDUHQWDWILUVWWKDW KHLVLQDZKHHOFKDLU .HYLQ 7KHZRUVWWKLQJDERXWEHLQJLQD ZKHHOFKDLULVIHHOLQJWUDSSHG1RW MXVWLQWKHFKDLUEXWLQP\RZQ KRXVHDVZHOO %HIRUH,IRXQGRXWDERXW,QGHSHQ GHQW&KRLFHV,ZDVQ¶WLQFRQWURORI P\OLIH0\DWWHQGDQWVZHUHVFKHG XOHGWKURXJKDIDFHOHVVFRPSDQ\ ZKRVHQWRXWDQRQ\PRXVSHRSOH 1RZ,JHWDFDVKDOORZDQFHDQG FDQKLUHZKR,ZDQWWRGULYHPHWR SODFHVWKDW,ZDQWWRJR/LNHWRWKHPDOO7ZLVW6KRXWRUWREDQG SUDFWLFH 6&(1(7:2 $FWLRQ .HYLQMDPPLQJZLWKKLVJDUDJHEDQGWRPXVLFE\6XPDQG3XGGOH RI0XG 6&(1(7+5(( $FWLRQ 3UHWW\IHPDOHWHHQDJHUZDONVXSDQGSXWVKHUDUPDURXQG.HYLQ WKHQVWDUWVKHOSLQJKLPJHWUHDG\WRJRKRPH .HYLQ $QGEHIRUH\RXJHWWKHZURQJLGHDVKH¶VP\VLVWHU /\QQ ,QHHGHGD-RE.HYLQQHHGHGWUDQVSRUWDWLRQDQGKHOSDURXQG WKHKRXVH,QGHSHQGHQW&KRLFHVKHOSHGXVERWK 6&(1()285 $FWLRQ .HYLQEHOWVRXUO\ULFVGXULQJWKHMDPVHVVLRQ,QGHSHQGHQW&KRLFHVH ORJRSKRQHQXPEHUDQGZHEDGGUHVVDUHVXSHULPSRVHGRYHUWKH VFUHHQ 92 ,I\RX¶UHRQ0HGLFDLGDQGDUHFXUUHQWO\UHFHLYLQJSHUVRQDO FDUHVHUYLFHV\RXPD\EHHOLJLEOHIRUDQHZSURJUDPFDOOHG ,QGHSHQGHQW&KRLFHV)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGWRUHFHLYH \RXUIUHHERRNOHWFDOO /LYHLQGHSHQGHQWO\7KHFKRLFHLV\RXUV #OLORADO &OUNDATION FOR -EDICAL #ARE 2&0 .#23(#0& s 0SBM1SFTFOUBUJPO Project: CDC Antibiotic Awareness Conference • Atlanta Georgia, 2002 • Sacramento, California 2003 Pictured: 20’x8’ Display Background. [Not shown: Information kiosk and presentation, handouts and other collateral materials] Project: Theater Production Poster for: Proof [left inset: self-mailing flyer]; Candide [original illustration from CD.]; and Angels in America 70&/"7PJDFTPG/BUJPOT CSJOHTUPZPVBNVTJDBM FYQFSJFODFVOMJLFBOZPUIFS 'JMMFEXJUI-BUJOSIZUINT UIFEFMJDBUFNFMPEJFTPGUIF 0SJFOUBOECFBUTGSPNUIF IPPE70&/"Ti6OJUFE8F 4UBOEwDPODFSUJTBVOJGZJOH DFMFCSBUJPOPGUIFEJWFSTJUZPG PVSXPSMEDVMUVSFT $PNFTFFUIFXPSMEUISPVHI TPOHGSPNUIFIBSNPOJ[JOH OPUFTPGGBSBXBZMBOETUPUIF DFMFCSBUJPOPGOFXBDDPSET 5IJTJT70&/"oQPXFSGVM CFBVUJGVMUIFWPJDFPGWJSUVF oJUJTUIFIPQFTPVHIUCZBMM BOETVOHCZDIJMESFO &YQFSJFODF70&/" 5IF+PVSOFZ.BLFT6T0OF 5*$,&5*/'0 (FOFSBM"ENJTTJPO 4FOJPS 6OEFS 6OEFS 7 0 * $ & 4 0 ' / " 5 * 0 / 4 XXXEMSDBPSH 7 0&/"7PJDFTPG/BUJPOTCSJOHTUPZPVB NVTJDBMFYQFSJFODFVOMJLFBOZPUIFS 'JMMFEXJUI-BUJOSIZUINTUIFEFMJDBUFNFMPEJFTPGUIF 0SJFOUBOECFBUTGSPNUIFIPPE70&/"Ti6OJUFE8F4UBOEw DPODFSUJTBVOJGZJOHDFMFCSBUJPOPGUIFEJWFSTJUZPGPVSXPSME DVMUVSFT $PNFTFFUIFXPSMEUISPVHITPOHGSPNUIFIBSNPOJ[JOH OPUFTPGGBSBXBZMBOETUPUIFDFMFCSBUJPOPGOFXBDDPSET 5IJTJT70&/"oQPXFSGVMCFBVUJGVMUIFWPJDFPGWJSUVFo JUJTUIFIPQFTPVHIUCZBMMBOETVOHCZDIJMESFO &YQFSJFODF70&/"5IF+PVSOFZ.BLFT6T0OF 5*$,&5*/'0 (FOFSBM"ENJTTJPO 4FOJPS 6OEFS 6OEFS 7 0&/"7PJDFTPG/BUJPOTCSJOHTUPZPVBNVTJDBM FYQFSJFODFVOMJLFBOZPUIFS 'JMMFEXJUI-BUJOSIZUINTUIFEFMJDBUFNFMPEJFTPGUIF0SJFOU BOECFBUTGSPNUIFIPPE70&/"Ti6OJUFE8F4UBOEwDPODFSUJTB VOJGZJOHDFMFCSBUJPOPGUIFEJWFSTJUZPGPVSXPSMEDVMUVSFT $PNFTFFUIFXPSMEUISPVHITPOHGSPNUIFIBSNPOJ[JOH OPUFTPGGBSBXBZMBOETUPUIFDFMFCSBUJPOPGOFXBDDPSET 7 0 * $ & 4 0 ' / " 5 * 0 / 4 XXXEMSDBPSH 5IJTJT70&/"oQPXFSGVMCFBVUJGVMUIFWPJDFPGWJSUVFoJUJTUIF IPQFTPVHIUCZBMMBOETVOHCZDIJMESFO 4FOJPS 6OEFS 6OEFS &YQFSJFODF70&/" 5IF+PVSOFZ.BLFT6T0OF 5*$,&5*/'0 (FOFSBM"ENJTTJPO XXXEMSDBPSH 7 0 * $ & 4 0 ' / " 5 * 0 / 4 50 1 6 3 $ ) " 4 & . 6 4 * $ 0 3 ' * / % 0 6 5 . 0 3 & " # 0 6 5 70 & / " 7 * 4 * 5 6 4 0 / - * / & "5 70 & / " $ 0 . Project: Local Promotional Poster for “United We Stand” Performance SHANNON L. ANDERSON 301 DOOLEY ROAD • NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 72116 • (501) 771-5588 (LAND) • (501) 690-7777 (CELL) • [email protected] T VAN RELERK WO REXPE E IENC l of a principa d n a r e d ions the foun mmunicat derson is o n c A ia n d o e n n Sha a multim n and nications, u m m o C productio , t n e m p Artisan eting e develo zing in th and mark li l, ia a c n e io p t s a c firm al, edu formation in f o n io t promo projects. and dvertising a e h t in erience the years exp 5 2 s a l focus on h ia e c e Sh p s a , with with tions field s worked a h n o s public rela r e Ms. And ns to industr y. e r a c h rganizatio lt o a e he r a c h lt has other hea aigns, and p d n m a a c ls a g it in hosp market lth loy social p e d d tions, hea n la a e p r lo ia e d v e e d ction, m nt for tegic dire a r t s d e evelopme d id d n a prov n nd desig waii, fornia, Ha ecasting a r li a fo C ia in d e ia m cast med nd broad a b e W , t prin o. ew Mexic N d n a s a Arkans Ms. nications, u m m o C tisan ting unding Ar color prin ru fo a Prior to fo f wner o as the as a co-o w n o s d worked r n e a d , ii An a w a ona, H ureau. in Kailua-K ser vice b business n io t c u d pre-pro NG A LO GO nager of a a m A ging a TIME str y, mana u d in e A ic v IN od ser XY kansas. GALA R p in the fo prings, Ar u S t w e o r A H g F , e in Sh FAR ke shop ... aurant/ba AWAY t s e r y lt ia spec I do THINGS good a well on day. CAPABILITIES Marketing Communications Strategy Artistic Direction & Concept Development Media Forecasting & Market Profiling Design & Production Art for Print, Broadcast, Interactive & Digital Media Fluent in Adobe CS3 and Web Design products 7 SPECIAL INTERESTS Healthcare: • Human Resources: Recruitment & Retention • Public Information & Social Marketing Campaigns Product & Package Design Corporate Identity & Branding Presentation Development & Training Small Business Marketing/Advertising & Planning Restaurant & Food Industry Design ! ot. eadsh h w . e bcam e Get n w from NOT! LARRY MARTIN 301 DOOLEY ROAD • NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 72116 • (501) 771-5588 (LAND) • (501) 690-7777 (CELL) • [email protected] T VAN RELERK WO REXPE E IENC ations, ommunic C n a is t r ipal in A -sector is a princ in t r a nd public M a y e t a L a rr iv r nce in p d experie gement. with broa ject mana o r p d n a ations communic s in n project io t a v o n e ntown r e led dow h s lifornia. 0 7 9 1 aluma, Ca t In the e P d n a , as gs, Arkans Hot Sprin rt nt of reso e m p lo e v d the de e manage h s 0 nsulted in 8 9 1 st and co In the a o C lf u s. G economic ies on the t it e n k r u a m m m e co al estat ing and re it r w l a s o prop nter in rprise Ce e t n E e h t ilt ed the 90s he bu pearhead s In the 19 d n a , o exic ations n, New M communic le e t r e Farmingto b fi optical ent of an m p rs. lo e v e d ur Corne o F e h t h throug backbone vider ate & pro r o p r o c anaged r an 00s, he m pment fo lo e v e d In the 20 s d busines ations an ic n u m m ion. co organizat e r a c h lt a he Arkansas ruises a d camp-c n a e s p li c E inventing Com-Pac ve that re o r He sails a p o t if fly. aran. As arning to le im r t ly t le n e b r a r r traile l, he is cu imar y skil r p is h is himself ’ve WHAT I r o learned ( self) y taught m CAPABILITIES to do. Marketing Communications Strategy Concept Development Next t ime: tr Campaign Management y to look s erious Proposals & Presentations . Web Development Photography SPECIAL INTERESTS Sailing, Camp-Cruising Flying: Light Sport Aircraft Urban Environs Economic Development Health Care Communications Telecommunications Sting CIVIC BOARDS 1000 Friends of New Mexico (former) Hot Springs Documentary Film Institute Enterpris e Center Bathho use R ow cs tovoltai Solar pho