S - Howard County Memory Project
S - Howard County Memory Project
Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SABAN SABERTON SABLOTNE SABLOTNE SABLOTNE SABLOTNE SABROWSKI SACKS SACKS SACKS SADLER SADLER SADLER SADLER SADLER SADLER SADLER SADLER SADLER SAENZ SAFFER SAFFER SAFFORE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGARSEE SAGE SAGER SAGESTER SAGESTER SAGSTETTER SAGSTETTER First Name Chris Helen Betty Dorothy Jeanne Robert William Julia Betty Jane Edith Marie Lori Billie Lee Clifton C. Denise Marie Greg Jeremy Matthew M. Michael David Phil Tommy Robert Melinda Renee Ronda Kay Valerie Aaron Andrew Charles K. Connie Cynthia Leigh Doug Earnest Jon Kathy Anne Kelly Jean Mary Nancy Ann Patricia K. Paul Rebecca Sue Richard L. Shannon K. Derek Myra Annette Marie Candy Sue David C. Scott School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Page 1 Grad Year 1991 1936 1953 1941 1942 1949 2004 1949 1945 1982 1966 1963 1979 1977 1997 1978 1979 1976 1987 2002 1990 1989 1981 1968 1985 1984 1975 1968 1975 1939 1983 1966 1995 1970 1993 1979 1978 1970 1972 1981 2000 1983 1986 1987 1976 1976 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SAHM SAID SAID SAILORS SAILORS SAILORS SAILORS SAILORS SALAMONSEN SALAZAR SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALGAT SALGAT SALGAT SALGAT SALGAT SALGAT SALIBERRY SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS SALINAS First Name William Charles John L. Norma D. Elma Rose Jessie Mary Eileen Mary Hannah Robert Kathrine Marcus Andrew Eric Gary L. Gregory Kevin Matthew Michael Nicholas Ronald Russell Thelma Andrew Joseph Anthony J. Doug Jeannette Kay Karen L. Katie Rhonda Andrew Angie Ashley Cameron Chadrick Daniel Daniel Elva Eric Erika Eva Jason Larry Mychael Robert Robert Stacy Troy School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Howard Township High School Howard Township High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 2 Grad Year 1976 1951 1961 1928 1891 1943 1935 1930 2010 2012 2013 1982 1966 1970 1972 1995 2000 2007 1945 1930 1928 1988 1979 1984 1982 1979 2012 1977 2004 1996 2004 2007 2001 1979 2011 1970 1999 2006 1973 2001 1978 2008 1975 1989 1991 1985 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SALISBURY SALLADE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALLEE SALMON SALMON SALMON SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALMONS SALSBERRY SALSBERRY SALSBERRY SALSBERRY SALSBERRY SALSBERRY First Name John Etienne Christopher Clinton David Keith Dixie Frank Frank G. Ginger Marie James G. Jason John A. Joseph E. Margaret A. Marion Michael E. Pamela L. Ron Ronald Stanley K. Susie John Joshua Nora Frances Bus Carole Jeanne Dale George E. Helen Jason Kyle Jennifer Anne Jill Joyce A. Karen Karen J. Lois Matt Matthew P. Steven L. Wade W. Danny Jack Richard Janelle Janice Ann Ruth Teddy Leon School Taylor High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Indiana Academy (?) Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School New London High School New London High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Page 3 Grad Year 2012 2010 1990 1993 1955 1955 1983 1962 1986 1962 1996 1963 1953 1965 1931 1961 1965 1975 1957 1965 1957 2007 2004 1905 1934 1958 1934 1932 1937 1990 1997 1974 1963 1970 1961 1936 2006 1996 1964 2006 1960 1953 1982 1964 1926 1964 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SALSBERY SALSBERY SALSBERY SALSBERY SALSBERY SALSBERY SALSBERY SALSBERY SALSBURY SALTER SALTER SALTSGIVER SALTSGIVER SALTSGIVER SALVO SALYERS SALYERS SALYERS SALYERS SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPSON SAMS SAMS SAMS SAMS First Name Chad Dorothy Gavin Keith Allen Matt Sharlotte Sue Troy Wayne Robert Gene Nova Ruth (Bone) Robert Robert Wanda L. William J. Joe Brandy Brian Lisa Sherry Betty C. Carolyn Crystal Lachelle Edward Helen Jeff Jill Diane Julie Dawn Kaleb Leanna Michael Edward Misty Michelle Myrtle Patrick J. Rachel D. Richard W. Robert E. Sally Samuel Lynn Sherry Danielle Teresa Thomas Mildred Amanda Ashley David David School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Eastern High School Western High School Howard Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Ervin Township High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Haworth High School Page 4 Grad Year 1991 1929 1994 1972 1997 1969 1984 1952 1966 1933 1929 1962 1965 1965 1938 2000 1992 1981 1973 1963 1962 1995 1993 1925 1987 1978 1978 2014 1973 1971 1993 1934 1975 1961 1963 1964 1996 1954 1996 1992 1930 1929 2000 2002 2001 1977 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SAMS SAMS SAMS SAMSE SAMSEL SAMSEL SAMSEL SAMSEL SAMUEL SAMUELS SAMUELS SAMUELS SAMUELS SAMUELS SAMUELSON SAMUELSON SAMUELSON SANABRIA SANBORN SANBORN SANBURN SANBURN SANBURN SANBURN SANBURN SANBURN SANBURN SANBURN SANBURN SANBURN SANBURN SANBURN SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ JR. SAND SAND SAND SAND SANDBERG SANDBERG First Name Donna LaDonna Mike Korilla L. Aeriel Connie J. Joseph Steve Christopher Allwyn Earl Marsha Diane Phil Sondra Ann Barbara Elyse Rita J. Marcela Angela Kevin Angie Charles R. Charles Richard George Johnna Judy Nate Nicoletta Nolan Parker Stacy Stephanie Ann Benjamin Carmen Edgar Jessica Rosie Ruby Sulena Benjamin Leah Melanie Scott Trent Carol L. Del L. School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 5 Grad Year 1978 1993 1988 1905 2005 1961 1932 1974 2013 1930 1935 1960 1974 1959 1954 2008 1963 1997 2002 2005 1983 1953 1979 1980 1993 1958 1990 1992 2010 2013 1976 1984 2011 1979 2014 2001 1976 2009 2005 1993 2001 2005 1988 1991 1965 1962 Last updated: 3/20/2015 Grad List through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SANDBERG SANDEFER SANDEFUR SANDEFUR SANDEFUR SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS First Name Susan Mary Rick Kalup Ricky Vivian J. Alex+B218:B225andraia Allen Andrew Andy Ashley Ashley Betty Jo Brett Bridget Cameron Carol Ann Chad Charles Charles Charles Cinthia J. Colleen Dawn Michelle Don Eddie Elizabeth Ann Eric Florence Gary George H. Frank Jack Jack Jan Jerrina Jessica Jessica L. John Joshua Joshua Judi Kaleb Katherine Keith Kevin Linda School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Page 6 Grad Year 1959 1976 2005 2000 1961 2004 1971 2009 1992 1999 2011 1955 2004 2000 2011 1972 1989 1940 1961 1996 1979 1997 1994 1971 1988 1978 1991 1905 1975 1977 1900 1966 2000 1967 1985 2009 2009 2006 2003 2007 1997 2014 2003 1969 1984 1982 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDERS SANDFORD SANDFORD SANDFORD SANDFUR SANDHAGE SANDHAGE SANDHAGE SANDHAGE SANDHAGE SANDHAGE SANDHAGE SANDIFUR SANDIFUR SANDIFUR SANDIFUR SANDIFUR First Name Mark Nancy J. Natalie Nolan Pam Pat Paul Paul W. Rhonda K. Richard Rick Rob Robert Joseph Robin Ronnie Ruth Seth E. Sharon L. Steve Steven Ray Susan Tanner Tanner Thomas Tom Tom Tom Tyler Zavier Zecheriah Anise Charles Frances James Gregory J. Karen Kenneth Martin Mary E. Richard Vic B. Susan Gary Ralph Sondra Travis School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School West+C6964:C6982ern High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 7 Grad Year 1978 1965 2004 2009 1988 1990 1990 1981 1980 1952 1986 1980 1943 1983 1981 1971 1979 1962 1976 1980 1977 2012 2012 1970 1951 1972 1987 2009 2008 2009 1930 1925 1932 1941 1979 1977 1977 1978 1978 1982 1983 1962 1969 1935 1957 1996 Last updated: 3/20/2015 Grad List through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SANDIFUR SANDLIN SANDLIN SANDLIN SANDLIN SANDLIN SANDLIN SANDLIN SANDLIN SANDLIN SANDLIN SANDLIN SANDLIN SANDLIN SANDLIN SANDOVAL SANDS SANDS SANDS SANDS SANDS SANDS SANDS SANDY SANDY SANDY SANDY SANDY SANDY SANDY SANDY SANDY SANDY SANDY, JR. SANFORD SANFORD SANQUINETTI SANTACRUZ SANTANA SANTANA SANTANA SANTIAGO SANTIAGO SANTILLANO SANTOS SANTOS First Name Trent Alan Amanda Bailey Barry Brian Matthew Dana Emily Breann Gary Gary Mitchell Jr. Jennifer Joe Marsha Patty Sue Ashlee Burley David Gladys Arletta (Leap) Jonah Lawrence Malcolm Robert L. Sarah Ruth Beverly Lynn Bob H. Don Glen Karen Laura K. Leann Michael Pat Richard Richard Paul Brice Jerrod Deann Margarita Marisela Mary J. Ryan Andrew Andrew Lucy Priscilla Aloyalo Dorian School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Howard Township High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Page 8 Grad Year 1994 1983 2006 2010 1987 1991 1986 2011 1970 1991 2009 1977 1973 1967 1965 2009 2005 1984 1933 1991 1985 1990 1997 1952 1947 1950 1977 1966 2001 1969 1971 2002 1974 1943 1992 1990 1986 1981 1980 1979 2010 2009 1990 1994 1977 1999 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SANTOS SANTOS SANTOS SANTUCCI SANTUCCI SANTUCCI SAPONARO SAPONARO SAPP SAPP SAPP SAPP SAPP SAPP SAPP SARARSEE SARDIN SARDIN SARGEANT SARGEANT SARGEANT SARGENT SARGENT SARGENT SARGENT SARGENT SARGENT SARGENT SARGENT SARGENT SARGENT SARGENT SARGENT SARGENT SARGENT SARGER SARITI SARJEANT SARRA SARTAIN SARTAIN SARTAIN SARTAIN SARTAN SARTOR SARTORI First Name Jennifer Michelle Lynn Richard Breanna Christopher Erica Charles R. David Edith C. Fern Harold James Melvin Jeanna Paul Sharon Joan Richard Latricia Mark Becky J. Diane Vicki Bob Carl Clarence Daniel King Jim W. Larry Makayla Michael Michael P. Sally Jane Sandra June Shirley Tammy Tonia Andrew Shawn Michelle Kristen Brittany Cathy Connie Jenny Karen Julie Lisa A. Cindy School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Page 9 Grad Year 1994 1993 1977 2011 2013 2007 1975 1977 1961 1934 1938 1954 2002 1956 1957 1968 2013 2010 1963 1968 2005 1945 1994 1956 1981 1965 1967 2013 1997 1963 1978 1958 1944 1984 1992 1997 1992 1997 2013 1970 1974 1951 1972 1976 1980 1975 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SARTORI SARTORI SARVER SARVER SARVER SARVER SARVER SARVER SASS SATER SATER SAUDERS SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL First Name Donna Patty Barbara Charlene Donna Elizabeth Ann Steve Terry Sherry Deveta Juanita Shane Adna Beverly Jo Clare Dee Derek Don C. Doris Edna Edna (Stillwell) Ellen Elnora Eugene Greg Hester Hester Jay Jeff Jon Judith Ann Karen Sue Kathleen Lavonne Marianna Mark Edwin Martha Martha E. Mary Maurine Melanie Melinda Kay Ralph Ralph Rowena Sierra School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Lighthouse Christian High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Taylor High School Greentown High School Western High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Taylor High School Page 10 Grad Year 1970 1976 1970 1985 1993 1984 1987 1972 1967 1924 1924 1995 1935 1956 1939 1956 1995 1929 1917 1931 1916 1938 1938 1940 1970 1926 1927 1959 1967 1977 1962 1966 2002 1942 1973 1982 1936 1984 1928 1932 1992 1971 1921 1944 1924 2004 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAUL SAULMON SAULMON SAULMON SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SAUTTER SAUTTER SAUVE SAUVE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVAGE SAVOIE SAVOIE SAVOIE SAVULESCU First Name Verlin Victoria Joy Walter Warren Wilma Rebekah Amy Geoffrey Barb Bettie Carl Charles Chasity Cheryl Frances Herbert Mark Maryanna Paul Stevie Heather Ryan Eva Magdalene Norman Aundis Bruce Claude J. Connie Craig S. Curtis Debra Gary Jill Linda Louise Margaret R. T. Scot Sharon S. Susan Tammy Wayne Gregory Steve Vickie Alex School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Lighthouse Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Page 11 Grad Year 1935 2011 1946 1932 1928 2002 2005 2003 1980 1939 1977 1959 2003 1979 1927 1933 1974 1950 1968 1999 2002 2004 1958 1959 1943 1976 1937 1968 1978 1946 1973 1969 1977 1967 1976 1941 1946 1983 1965 1985 1978 1974 1978 1977 1974 2008 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SAWYER SAWYER SAWYER SAWYER SAWYER SAWYER SAWYER SAWYER SAWYER SAWYER SAX SAYERS SAYERS SAYERS SAYERS SAYERS SAYLOR SAYLOR SAYLOR SAYLOR SAYLORS SAYLORS SCALES SCALES SCALES SCALES SCALES SCALES SCALES SCALES SCALF SCALF SCALF SCALF SCALF SCALF SCALF SCAMAHORN SCAMEHORN SCARBOROUGH SCARBOROUGH SCARBOROUGH SCARBOROUGH SCARBOROUGH SCATTERFIELD SCATTERFIELD First Name Andrew Andy Brooke Dan Dennis A. Katy Mary E. Patrick Theresa A. William E. Patricia Adam Christopher Helen Mary Beth Michael Cheryl Lynn Derek George Raymond Dan Joseph Joe Bill Dorothy Heidi James Joseph Lawrence Robert Virginia Barbara F. Dan L. Darby Gregory Jennifer N. Jerry Melody Jo Gayle L. Brittney Avistine Cecil Cynthia Marie Rhonda Karen Richard Gavin Gavin School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Page 12 Grad Year 2012 1977 2009 1985 1979 2006 1982 1986 1984 1892 1994 1985 1986 1983 1988 1982 1963 1988 1941 1969 1968 1939 1981 1999 1982 1983 1956 2001 1954 1952 1965 1963 1988 1970 2008 1981 1992 1965 2011 1980 1985 1979 1972 1983 2008 2008 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHAAF SCHACHT SCHADER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER First Name Adam Armel Dale Wayne David Dianne Joyce Dwight Eugene Gloria Jean Harold Ina (Ladd) Lloyd Louise Maria Mark Richard Max Alan Michael Jay Norman Omen Ona Lee Raymond Roberta Devin Angela Gaye Amy Bonny Lynn Brian Cara David R. Dennis R. Donald Greg Gregory Kurt Linda Gay Margie Michael Daniel Patty L. Scott Susan Tim Carol S. Gordon Gordon Carl Jennifer Jeremy Jerry Dale School Eastern High School Jackson Township High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Jackson Township High School Eastern High School Jackson Township High School Jackson Township High School Greentown High School Jackson Township High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Jackson Township High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 13 Grad Year 2013 1937 1969 2014 1961 1971 1949 1967 1924 1925 1913 1941 1977 1978 1976 1980 1940 1909 1939 2010 1953 2010 1990 1989 1972 1985 1993 1961 1964 1968 1993 1992 1989 1979 1945 1991 1961 1987 1984 1990 1956 1966 1943 1970 1988 1954 Last updated: 3/20/2015 Grad List through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAEFFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER First Name Jim Lucille Marilyn Ruth Mark Martha Mary Beth Michelle A. Monica Nancy E. Sandra Tim Allison Annabelle Annabelle Brandon David Brenda Carl Carla Marie Dale Darcey L. David David Dennis Dwight Evan Fred George Harold J. Jeffrey A. Jocena Kay John Josselin Linda Carol Margaret Mary Mary Mary Lou (Underwood) Paul W. Peggy Penny Perry Robert Roger Dennis Ronald Lynn Rosemary Ryan Sharon E. School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Howard Township High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Howard Township High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Howard Township High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Greentown High School Northwestern High School Western High School Howard Township High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Howard Township High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Western High School Howard Township High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Howard Township High School Western High School Kokomo High School Page 14 Grad Year 1984 1947 1953 1981 1974 1974 1978 1975 1952 1959 1976 2013 1933 1944 1995 1981 1944 1979 1943 1990 1976 1976 1975 2004 1970 1937 1953 1979 1971 1928 2012 1961 1940 1932 1938 1937 1950 1975 1973 1974 1939 1962 1960 1941 2002 1964 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFER SCHAFF SCHAFF SCHAFFER SCHAFFER SCHALL SCHALL SCHALL SCHANZLIN SCHARENBROCH SCHARFER SCHAUENBURG SCHAVE SCHAVE SCHAVE SCHAVE SCHAVE SCHAVE SCHAWVER SCHECK SCHECK SCHEETZ SCHEFFER SCHEFFER SCHEFFER SCHEIBELHUTT SCHEID SCHEID SCHEID SCHEID SCHEID SCHEIDLER SCHEIDLER SCHEIDLER SCHEIDT SCHEILBELHUT SCHEIMAN SCHEIMAN SCHEIMAN SCHEIMAN SCHEIMAN SCHEIMAN SCHEIMANN SCHELBERT First Name Sheila S. Steve Tom Bonita Carolyn Frank John C. Bradley Brandon Stacey Ann Deborah Matt Debra Kimberly Amber Bre Dalton Judi Bugg Levi Ty Zakah Robert A. William Deborah Gary Randy Steve Aaron Barbara Charles Dana James Earl Mark William Caryle Nellie Naomi Paul C. Ralph R. Emma Emily Jerry Judy Maggie Michael Patricia Patrick Richard A. Anna Jean School Northwestern High School Western High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Taylor High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Taylor High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 15 Grad Year 1975 1973 1973 1958 1958 1936 1895 1997 1999 1984 1934 2012 1976 1982 2001 1997 2009 1975 2005 1991 2014 1963 1956 1982 1970 1971 1973 2004 1953 1950 1954 1971 1960 1912 2009 1912 1907 2006 1959 1967 2004 1971 1971 2003 1963 1951 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCHELBERT SCHELBERT SCHELBERT SCHELBERT SCHELBERT SCHELBERT SCHELL SCHELL SCHELLING SCHEMBRE SCHEMBRE SCHEMBRE SCHEMBRE SCHEMBRE SCHEMBRE SCHEMBRE SCHEMBRE SCHEMEL SCHERER SCHERER SCHERER SCHERER SCHERER SCHERGER SCHERGER SCHERICH SCHERICK SCHERMER SCHERSCHEL SCHERSCHEL SCHERSCHEL SCHERSCHEL SCHERTZ SCHERTZ SCHESSER SCHEUMAN SCHEUMANN SCHICK SCHICK SCHICK SCHICK SCHICK SCHICK SCHICK SCHICK SCHICK First Name Douglas Max Paige Ann Philipp C. Philipp Konrad Steve Robert Suzan Phil Constance Corrine James Joe Joe Joe Judy Patricia Irene (Cox) Dan Dorothy Hazel Patty Thelma Allison E. Matthew L. Lloyd Phillip Marietta Matthew Bart Joseph Diane Elaine John Rebecca Alan Jay Karen Ashley Lynn Kevin Andrew Chandra Donald Donald E. Donald E. Ian Jacob Jacqueline Jessica Joshua School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Russiaville High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Armed Forces Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 16 Grad Year 1960 1956 1978 1975 1953 1981 1976 1974 1976 1968 1937 1970 1939 1940 1985 1966 1971 1930 1941 1926 1921 1939 1922 1995 1993 1948 1954 2003 1980 1981 1977 1983 1979 1975 2011 2008 2003 1990 1969 1946 1946 2013 2009 2010 2007 1993 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCHICK SCHICK SCHICK SCHICK SCHICK SCHICK SCHICK SCHICK SCHICKENDANTZ SCHIEBELHUT SCHIEFFER SCHIEFFER SCHIERY SCHIFFER SCHIFFERLI SCHIFFERLI SCHIFFERLI SCHIFFERLI SCHILD SCHIMMELPFENNIG SCHIMMELPFENNIG SCHINDEL SCHINDEL SCHINI SCHLAFMAN SCHLAGENHAUF SCHLEETER SCHLEETER SCHLEETER SCHLEETER SCHLEETER SCHLEETER SCHLEETER SCHLEETER SCHLEMMER SCHLEPER SCHLEPER SCHLIE SCHLOTTERBECK SCHLOTTERBECK SCHMALTZ SCHMID SCHMID SCHMID SCHMID SCHMID First Name Katelyn Laura Lee Marjorie Matt Megan Nancy Randy Wayne M. Donald II William Jeffrey Kathryn Elizabeth Amy Sanja-Marie Janet Joan Marilyn Sue Stella Dean Elsie Ann Steven William Edward Jay Mike Bryan Delores John P. Lawrence Mary Molly Phil W. William Marilyn Lee Shawn William Gregg Geoffrey Lora Debra Ericka Joseph Kermit M. Mary L. Rick School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Taylor High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Page 17 Grad Year 2008 1990 1936 2006 2005 1950 1967 1933 1952 1995 2004 1996 2012 2011 1978 1974 1971 1976 1915 2010 2013 1982 1978 1986 1987 1996 1996 1946 1963 1964 1941 1993 1966 1931 1950 1995 2005 2003 1989 1987 1974 2006 1970 1961 1966 1974 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCHMID SCHMIDLIN SCHMIDLIN SCHMIDLIN SCHMIDLIN SCHMIDT SCHMIDT SCHMIDT SCHMIDT SCHMIDT SCHMIDT SCHMIDT SCHMIDT SCHMIDT SCHMIDT SCHMIDT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT SCHMITT, JR. SCHNABEL SCHNABEL SCHNABEL SCHNABEL SCHNEDIAU SCHNEIDER SCHNEIDER SCHNEIDER SCHNEIDERMAN SCHNEIDERMAN SCHNELL First Name Samantha M. Frank Frank Henry Lynda Darlene Tabitha Toi Andrew Debbie Dieter Jacob Lauren Martin R. Mike S. Robert Scott Sean Zachary Alexandra David Debbie Dena Donna Jim Luann Melissa Michelle Monica Norman Pamela F. Raymond Robert L. Ryan Stacey Stephanie Wilber George Daniel L. Douglas Eric Jamie Robert Jeff Jerome Anthony Paul Michael Jean Mary Ann Kendra School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Page 18 Grad Year 2008 1987 1961 1971 1988 2001 1968 1982 2014 2012 1994 1965 2011 1989 1991 2009 1989 1969 1975 1983 1983 1974 1970 1989 1988 1985 1974 1961 2014 1964 2003 2002 2002 1934 1943 1980 1983 2009 2011 1952 1984 1983 1995 1942 1951 2012 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCHNEPP SCHNEWIND SCHNEWIND SCHNITZ SCHOCKE SCHOCKEY SCHOEFF SCHOENIAN SCHOENIAN SCHOENIAN SCHOENRADT SCHOENRADT SCHOEPPNER SCHOEPPNER SCHOFIELD SCHOFIELD SCHOLENIAN SCHOLL SCHOOLCRAFT SCHOOLMAN SCHORM SCHORM SCHORM SCHORM SCHORM SCHORNSTEIN SCHORY SCHORY SCHORY SCHORY SCHORY SCHOSSOW SCHOTT SCHRADER SCHRADER SCHRADER SCHRADER SCHRADER SCHRADER SCHRADER SCHRADER SCHRADER SCHRADER SCHRADER SCHRAEDER SCHRAEDER First Name Andrew Charles Elsa Derek Frank Norma Jean Gail Claire Drew Matthew Heather Michelle Sannon Leann Barbi Teresa Helen Joyce Phyllis Rachel Karen Jennifer Tyson Michael Donald P. Fred Mary Frances Richard Sabrina Betty Lou Carroll Doris Gene Paul Matt Sherrie Connie I. Matt Anna Elizabeth Betty Buell Danielle Edward Elaine Evelyn George June Ann Ree Richard Julia Louisa School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 19 Grad Year 2003 1913 1904 1995 1929 1952 1937 2008 2005 2004 1988 1995 2004 1999 1957 1954 2009 1992 2003 1995 1958 1984 1950 1947 1986 1940 1936 1942 1950 1974 1977 1964 2001 1928 1935 1911 2011 1930 1973 1932 1950 1935 1975 1936 1935 1943 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCHRAEDER SCHRAUBEN SCHRAUBEN SCHRAUBEN SCHRECKENGHAUST SCHRECKENGHAUST SCHRECKENGHAUST SCHRECKENHAST SCHREIBER SCHREIBER SCHREIBER SCHREINER SCHREINER SCHRENKER SCHRENKER SCHREPFERMAN SCHREPFERMAN SCHREPFERMAN SCHREPFERMAN SCHRIMSHEAR SCHRIVER SCHROCK SCHROCK SCHROCK SCHROEDER SCHROEDER SCHROEDER SCHROEDER SCHROEDER SCHROEDER SCHROEDER SCHROEDER SCHROEDER SCHROEDER SCHROEDER SCHROEDER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER First Name Miriam Jackie Jared Phillip Don Kris Mike Donald Ann Phillip Steve Jane Ann Patrick Robert J. Robert Joseph Amy Joan Christopher Jan Marie John Joseph Amber Donna M. Danielle Kathleen Florence Robert Bryan Courtney Nicole Evan Everett Kris Neva Randall Lynn Rickey Lee Robert Lester Shandi Steve Steven Albert Richard Bryar Greg Hilda Louise Hildegard Hope M. Johanna Kelly Kenneth Scott Lisa J. School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Ervin Township High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Page 20 Grad Year 1938 2008 2014 2009 1996 1993 1992 1972 1985 1983 1981 1972 1969 1953 1954 1990 1987 1988 1992 2008 1962 1995 1915 1967 2003 2011 2009 2013 2008 1955 1976 1971 1969 2001 1971 1992 1964 2011 1985 1963 1954 1997 1947 1982 1989 1975 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROETER SCHROLL SCHROLL SCHROLL SCHROLL SCHROY SCHROY SCHTEN SCHTEN SCHUBERT SCHUBERT SCHUBERT SCHUCK SCHUCK SCHUCK SCHUCK SCHUELER SCHUELER SCHUELER SCHUELER SCHUELER SCHULER SCHULTE SCHULTE SCHULTE SCHULTE SCHULTE SCHULTE SCHULTE SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULTZ First Name Lori Lyn Mark Max Nicole Ann Ralph Dean Richard Lee Rudolf Charlotte A. Peggy D. Vicki Victor Betty Jean Elsie Allison Andrew Cecil Emily Megan Andrew Elizabeth Holly Jonathan Jane Robert Robin L. Stephen W. Susan I. Terry Beverly James Marilyn Michael Paul Susan William Allison Austin Christopher David Donald Douglas Elizabeth Jane Jeff John Justin David Kathy School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Clay Township High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Page 21 Grad Year 1977 1973 1984 1952 1992 1960 1990 1951 1955 1961 1977 1956 1943 1943 2010 2013 1924 2009 2008 1992 1997 1991 1988 1937 1934 1964 1961 1963 1985 1969 2013 1996 2010 1969 1973 2007 2014 1997 1973 1982 1970 1927 1987 1936 1992 1973 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULTZ SCHULZ SCHUMACHER SCHUMACHER SCHUMACHER SCHUMACHER SCHURIG SCHUSSLER SCHUSSLER SCHUTT SCHWALENBERG SCHWALENBERG SCHWALL SCHWALM SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ First Name Laurel Lynn Linda Sue Lois Ann Melinda Jayne Stacey Timothy William D. Douglas Annette K. Karen Mary A. Robert Michael Donna L. Harold T. David R. Craig Mark Margaret J. D. Alice Marie Andrea Andrew Barbara Bill Brandon Brent S. Brian C. Rebecca Cheryl Chloe Chris Cindy Cory Courtney Elizabeth David Dawne Renee Dorothy Dorothy Elizabeth Emily Jo Frederick Charles Jr. Guy Helen Holly Holly J. School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 22 Grad Year 1980 1969 1961 1974 1981 2004 1984 1983 1980 1983 1970 1987 2005 1964 1962 1962 1965 1967 1949 1973 1947 1989 1995 1934 1951 1991 1994 1984 1964 1969 2012 1993 1974 1986 2009 1970 1982 1932 1939 1959 1939 1962 1941 1933 1997 1965 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZER SCHWARTZER SCHWARTZER SCHWARZ SCHWEITZER SCHWELTZER SCHWELTZER SCHWENGER SCHWENGER SCHWENGER SCHWENGER SCHWERIG SCHWETERMAN SCHWIERMAN SCHWIERMAN SCHWIERMAN SCHWINDT SCHWINDT SCIARAFFA SCIMIA SCIMIA SCIMIA SCIONTI SCIONTI SCIONTI SCIORTINO SCIORTINO First Name Jacob Jeff Jordan Kevin Mary Nancy Richard Richard Richard Richard Dale Sally Sarah Shirley Stephen E. Susan Susan Jane Tammy Thomas W. Tim Christina Gabrielle Nicole David Dawn Lynn Robert W. Jr. Sherri Elaine Albert Albert G. George John Bethany Jan David Mary Louise Shelby L. Larry Robert Michael Jeffery Joseph Susan Angela Maria Catherine Kevin Ann Karen School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Page 23 Grad Year 2006 1987 2013 1991 1938 1940 1932 1968 1990 1944 1969 2000 1949 1988 1968 1966 1990 1945 1967 1993 2010 1999 2002 1976 1975 1980 1932 1966 1934 1970 2012 1992 1948 1938 2011 1958 1956 1988 1980 1978 1975 1979 1983 1975 1989 1994 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCIORTINO SCIORTINO SCIORTINO SCIORTINO SCIRCLE SCIRCLE SCIRCLE SCOGGINS SCOGGINS SCOGGINS SCOGGINS SCOGGINS SCOGGINS SCOLA SCOLLEY SCOLLICK SCOOTS SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT First Name Karlene Beth Lenard S. Rebecca Yolanda Joshua Keith Steffanie S. Deborah J. Jan K. Richard C. Sherri Renee Tammy J. Todd Bebe Kayla Joe Mary Lou Allen Amber Annette Renee Ashley Augusta Joan Barbara A. Bertha Beth Betty Sue Beverly Ann Bill Brandon Brian Bryan Bryon Carol Carol J. Chad Charles E. Charlie Chelsea Kay Cheryl Chris Christie Christy Corey Dan Daniel David A. School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Western High School Taylor High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Page 24 Grad Year 1957 1963 2002 1942 2009 2005 2011 1978 1965 1955 1980 1979 1988 1942 2011 1981 1956 1900 2010 1989 2007 1953 1962 1921 1982 1960 1963 1972 2011 1985 1979 1981 1968 1965 2008 1979 1986 2008 1974 1989 1968 2000 2009 1973 2008 1965 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT First Name Deanna Debbie Destinee Dixie Ann Donal Gene Donna Drew Edward Elden Garland Gary Georgia Gordon Gregory C. Hannah Jane Hartley Helen Helen (Cranor) Jack James James Jared Jeannette Jeffrey David Jeremy Jessica Jillian Joe John John David Johnna Christine Joseph Josh Joshua Joyce D. Judith A. Judy K. Julie Katelyn Kathy Kay Kay Kelly Kevin Kraig Larry Laura A. School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Jackson Township High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School New London High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Jackson Township High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Howard Township High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Page 25 Grad Year 1990 1971 2013 1950 1966 1946 2010 1937 1978 1930 1961 1890 1935 1970 1933 1931 1919 1939 1959 1917 1977 2012 1953 1993 2004 2005 2006 1958 2006 1960 2013 1940 2005 1995 1964 1961 1963 1975 2014 1979 1959 1985 1982 1988 1974 2011 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT First Name Leisa Leta Louise Marie Marilyn L. Marilyn S. Mark Mary Lou Mary Mae Mary Margaret Matt Max Max Max Michelle Lynn Mike Nancy Nancy Ann Nancy Marie Nichole Nila Frances Nora Orpha (Swope) Patricia Rachel Adell Regina Rhealene Richard A. Richard Lewis Robert K. Ronald Gerald Ruth A. Samantha Sandra Sandy Sarah Sarah Shannon Shannon Marie Sherrill Kay Steve Steven Sue Terri Terry Terry School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Page 26 Grad Year 1983 1983 1928 1913 1964 1965 1985 1969 1929 1935 1988 1941 1970 1989 1996 1983 1967 1955 1913 2006 1952 1959 1916 1985 1989 1971 1988 1961 1963 1962 1972 1964 1987 1989 1971 2007 2006 2005 1993 1979 1983 1972 1972 1977 1972 1975 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTTEN SCOVEN SCROETER SCROETER SCROGGIN SCROGGIN SCROGGIN SCRUGGS SCRUGGS SCRUGGS SCRUGGS SCRUGGS SCUDDER SCUDDER SCUDDER SEABOLT SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE First Name Thomas Tim Timothy Reese Tom Trisha Vivian William J. Minnie Aurora Kevin S. Paul Edward Amber Dalton Gary L. Arden Claude Dana Robert Lee Suzanne Tanisha David Patricia Ann Peggy Betty Alyssa Andrew J. Anthony Ashley Barry Cathy Cindy David L. Dawn Doug Dwight Edmund O. Emily R. Greg Jeff Karen Sue Kenneth Kholton Larry Nedra Nicole Richard L. Rick School Western High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Page 27 Grad Year 2011 1974 1997 1915 1999 1910 1961 1884 1889 1979 1957 2007 2010 2012 1962 1977 1972 1988 2002 1941 1972 1968 1967 2005 2006 1993 2006 1973 1975 1977 1962 1982 1983 1955 1958 2011 1972 1987 1986 1929 2008 1953 1938 2002 1977 1963 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVES SEAGRAVES SEAGRAVES SEAGRAVES SEAGRAVES SEAGRAVES SEAGRAVES SEAL SEAL SEAL SEAL SEALS SEALS SEALS SEALS SEAMON SEARLE SEARLE SEARLE SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS First Name Scott G. Sharon Rose Stephanie Sue Terry Travis Alice Helen John Josephine Max Ottis Richard L. Angela Eric Jennifer Kristen Brad A. Lisa Noma June Theodore Calvin Megan Linda Terri Winifield Allison Amber N. April Brenda Callie Cheryl Darrell Dave Dave Frances Frank L. Holly Jeanne Jennifer Jennifer Julie Kathy Kaylee Kelsey Kristopher Michael Francis School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Jackson Township High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 28 Grad Year 1981 1951 1989 1961 1975 2002 1927 1925 1934 1920 1942 1924 1949 1995 1996 2009 2006 1992 1992 1955 1965 2004 1970 1975 1948 2005 2010 1996 1972 1990 1974 1991 1976 1978 1935 1983 2007 1981 1990 1994 1976 1977 2007 2011 2000 1960 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEARS SEATON SEATON SEATON SEATON SEAVER SEAVER SEAVER SEAVER SEAVER SEAVEY SEAWARD SEAWARD SEAWELL SEAWLL SEBASTIAN SEBASTIAN SEBREE SEBREE SeBREE SEBREE SEBREE SEBREE SEBREE SECHLER SECORD SECORD SECORD SECORD SECREASE SECREASE SECREASE SEDAM SEDAM SEDAM SEDAN First Name Michele Nicholas Patrick W. Richard G. Rick Rocky Jo Samara Serena Stephen Darrell Steve Tiffany Yaishekia Amy Beth Mike Sandy Danny Wade Eleanor Anne Mary Mazie Wayne William T. Esther Mildred Camilla Anne Cara Anthony Erica Brenda A. Bryan Gary Lee Labradford Raymond Raymond Wendy L. Michelle Charlotte Ethel Ethel Fred Carla Carolyn L. Dixon David Eric Matthew Jeff School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 29 Grad Year 1983 2005 1966 1994 1975 1975 2000 1987 1972 1986 1997 1984 1978 1980 1979 1959 1962 1926 1917 1921 1975 1926 1919 1995 2001 2006 2008 1966 1985 1966 2013 1939 1983 1979 1989 1930 1931 1932 1940 1968 1964 1975 1971 1996 2000 1990 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SEDBERRY SEDBERRY SEDBERRY SEDELBAUER SEDGWICK SEDGWICK SEDGWICK SEDGWICK SEEGAR SEEGAR SEEKELL SEEKELL SEEKELL SEEKELL SEEKELL SEEKELL SEEKELL SEELY SEELY SEERIST SEFTON SEFTON SEGARD SEGARD SEHR SEHR SEHR SEIBERLING SEIBERT SEIBERT SEIBERT SEIBERT SEIBERT SEICHRIST SEIDEL SEIDEL SEIDEL SEIDEL SEIDL SEIDNER SEIDNER SEIGEL SEIGEL SEILDER SEIM SEITZ First Name Jason Jeff Tiffany Andrea David Paul Philip Ruth Dorothy Helen Christine A. Daniel P. James Katrina Michelle Sherry Lynn Teresa Diane David G. Mark Margaret Anthony Libbie Charles Robert A. Catherine Elizabeth Stephen Marilyn Bill John Linda Sara Susan Neta Amanda Ellen Emily Katie Keith Ulrich Paul Josef Elizabeth A. Jeanne Bruce Susan Marie Susie Joachim Amy School Western High School Western High School Eastern High School Western High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Page 30 Grad Year 1993 1997 2004 2004 1968 1967 1974 1965 1915 1912 1981 1981 1991 2003 2005 1977 1987 1965 1988 1904 1994 1894 1970 1962 2003 2000 2007 1947 1986 1989 1976 2001 1971 1924 2011 2007 2002 2004 1971 1980 1981 1976 1974 1956 2001 1989 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SEITZ SEITZ SEITZ SEITZ SEITZ SEITZ SEITZ SEITZ SEITZ SEITZ SEITZ SEKULICH SEKULICH SELBY SELBY SELBY III SELDON SELDON SELDON SELDON SELDON SELF SELF SELLERS SELLERS SELLERS SELLERS SELLERS SELLERS SELLERS SELLERS SELLERS SELLERS SELLERS SELLERS SELLERS SELLERS SELLERS SELLEY SELLEY SELLEY SELLEY SELLEY SELLICK SELLMAN SELLS First Name Carly Abigail David David R. E. Phil Jerry Jimmy L. Maude Maude Sally Sue Tim Walter Christine H. Jean Marsha Barb Bruce T. James Brian K. Brianna Dorsey Jr. John Henry Stacie Kelly Terry Ray Allie M. Bert Brandy Don George George James A. Jerry W. Karen Marcus Mary Maud F. Maude F. Rebecca Virginia Frederick W. Kathy Mary L. Matt Tom Myrna Irene Christopher Jason School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Page 31 Grad Year 2014 1993 1966 1964 1952 1955 1926 1927 1962 1992 1929 1979 1980 1974 1964 1999 1984 2013 1960 1960 1988 1969 1969 1888 1883 1992 1925 1914 1916 1912 1967 1987 1989 1914 1901 1901 1927 1936 1962 1986 1964 1991 1990 1944 2014 1994 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SELM SELPH SELTZ SELVEY SELVEY SELVIDGE SEMMES SEMON SENCE SENCE SENCE SENDELBACH SENDELBACH SENDELBACH SENDELBACH SENSEL SEPPALA SERHAL SERIGHT SEROWIK SEROWIK SERRA SERRIN SERULLA SERVAIS SERVAIS SERVAIS SERVAIS SERVAIS SESE SESSION SETHI SETHI SETHI SETHI SETHI SETTAPA SETTERLOF SETTLE SETTLE SETTLE SETTLE SETTLE SETTLEMOIR SETTY SETTY First Name Mike Joan (Bieghler) Kristi Peggy Peggy Ann Carolyn James B. J. Jean Margie Richard Anita K. James Lee Katherine Rose Mary Louise Geoffry Peter Chad Charles Alycia Christy Heather John Steve Carol Ann Gerald Mark Joan Denise Laura Sue Patty Masataugu Stefani Monica Neelu Payal Shelly Sumeet Nina Jennifer Anne Carolyn L. J. Chris Tania Thomas Tony Michelle S. Joe Robert School Haworth High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 32 Grad Year 1974 1945 1987 1946 1945 1969 1971 1989 1938 1941 1947 1961 1967 1973 1970 2002 1989 2000 1987 2012 2007 2004 1934 1972 1987 1982 1981 1980 1984 1979 2000 1986 1987 1989 1994 1986 2003 1992 1959 1964 1990 1935 1989 1992 1978 1977 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SETTY SETTY SETZER SEVELIUS SEVERENS SEVERNS SEVERNS SEVERNS SEVERNS SEVERNS SEWARD SEWARD SEWARD SEWARD SEWARD SEWARD SEWARD SEWARD SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL First Name Robert Lee Yvonne Ronnie A. Anne Susan Craig Diane B. E. P. JR. Elizabeth Tim Evert L. Jason Kathie Lynn Madella Mindy LeeAnne Pamela Gene Theresa Tonya Amber Anthony R. Barbara L. Brian Brian J. Carl Carolyn Carolyn Christopher Matthew Danny David J. Dawn Dennis R. Donna Dae Elaina Floyd Allan Francis Jack Jon Julie Suzanne Kathy Lynn Lauren Lindsey Madeline Megan Michelle Renee Robert Ronald Lee School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Page 33 Grad Year 1954 1986 1962 1990 1986 1970 1946 1949 1973 1977 1963 1991 1964 1915 1997 1967 1967 1977 2014 2009 1965 1987 1979 1929 1950 1962 1993 1956 1981 1985 1963 1957 2010 1953 1934 1954 1986 1980 1978 2006 2008 2010 2008 1987 1977 1960 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SEWELL SEWELL SEWELL SEXTON SEXTON SEXTON SEXTON SEXTON SEXTON SEXTON SEXTON SEXTON SEXTON SEXTON SEXTON SEXTON SEXTON SEXTON SEYFERT SEYKOTA SEYKOTA SEYKOTA SEYMORE SEYMOUR SEYMOUR SEYMOUR SEYMOUR SEYMOUR SEYMOUR SEYMOUR SHAAF SHAAK SHACK SHACK SHACKELFORD SHACKELFORD SHACKELFORD SHACKELFORD SHACKELFORD SHACKELFORD SHACKELFORD SHACKELFORD SHACKLEE SHACKLEE SHACKLEFORD SHACKLEFORD First Name Shari Lynn Steven Zachary Amber Christian Danielle Jeffrey Jeffrey Allen Jerry L. Joy Korey Kylie Lisa Lori Leann Luke Mary Neva Seth Delia Chris David Timothy Edward Debbie Albert Jack L. Joe Margaret Ruth William William Mitchell Lavon Jeannie Christina Donnie Anthony Kayleigh Chad Diane Janet Judy E. Loren Rena Ralph L. Justin Nichole Bettie Bonnie School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 34 Grad Year 1982 1976 2010 1999 2014 2002 1995 1978 1956 1977 2012 2010 1986 1982 2006 1917 1911 2005 1891 1977 1975 1972 1976 1931 1966 1938 1932 1932 1968 1978 1934 1968 2005 1995 2006 2006 1992 1967 1959 1965 1975 1963 2000 2003 1970 1970 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHACKLEFORD SHACKLEY SHADE SHADE SHADE SHADE SHAFER SHAFER SHAFER SHAFER SHAFER SHAFER SHAFER SHAFER SHAFF SHAFF SHAFF SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER First Name Kathleen Paula Jean Anna Helen Libby Tom Amber Demi Deven K. Donald Janice Jean Mary Jane Mary Jane Mary Rosalene Cherie Paige Tawnya Angelina B. Bob Bob Brandon Brandon Chad Charles A. Dave David L. Debbie Delores Diana L. Eldo Frederick Gary Gracia Lorraine Gus James Leroy Jeanette Jerry Joetta A. Karen Diane Kevin Kurt Kurt W., Jr. Linda L. Lisa Loren Margaret Ellen School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Taylor High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 35 Grad Year 1978 1989 1989 1923 1991 1996 2005 2012 2010 1951 1954 1937 1937 1951 1973 2000 1990 2011 1964 1940 2005 1999 1999 1978 1979 1996 1974 1947 1965 1927 1942 1972 1944 1993 1984 1977 1978 1965 1979 1974 1978 2011 1964 1979 1945 1960 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFER SHAFFNER SHAH SHAHAN SHAKEL SHAKEL SHALLENBERGER SHALLENBERGER SHALLENBERGER SHALLENBERGER SHALLENBERGER SHALLENBERGER SHALLENBERGER SHALLENBERGER SHALLENBERGER SHALLENBERGER SHALLENBERGER SHALLENBERGER SHALLENBERGER SHALLMAN SHAMBAUGH SHAMBAUGH SHANABARGER SHANABARGER SHANABARGER SHANABARGER SHANABARGER SHAND SHAND SHAND SHANE SHANE SHANE SHANE SHANE First Name Maud Nancy Robbin Nicholas Nicholas Pamela Louise Phyllis Jean Robert Ruth Ryan Alan Teri William Wilma Louise Chris Neelam Mitchell Henry Mary Kevin Tanner J. Taylor Christy Gerald Keith Linda Mark D. Michael R. Nathan Roger W. Scott Steven Kristin Ferne Noel Andrew Beth Christopher Lee Julie Teresa Kimberly Krestin Shelby Lynnette Tiffanie Dawn Aaron Michael Chuck Cole N. Douglas Jerimiah School Clay Township High School Western High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Western High School Clay Township High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Page 36 Grad Year 1902 1979 2002 2007 1972 1943 1968 1942 1997 1980 1981 1950 1996 2010 2013 1933 1935 2005 2009 2014 1995 1959 1971 1970 1966 1962 1987 1961 1994 1996 1971 1911 1915 2012 1987 1981 1984 1977 1996 1992 1994 1989 1976 2010 1977 1999 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHANE SHANE SHANE SHANE SHANE SHANE SHANE SHANE SHANE SHANEYFELT SHANEYFELT SHANEYFELT SHANK SHANK SHANK SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS First Name Kelsea Kevin Kynzie Michael Paul Ted Terri Lynn Tim Trey James John Robert R. Jeane (Keith) Lu Ann Richard Ely Arka Becky J. Brandyn O. Breanna Bruce Bruce Charla Curt Dan Debbie Doris E. Hilda Hilda Jeff Jeremy John M. Joseph Joshua Judith Ann Kim Laura Leilani Lisa D. Lori Meredith Nicholas Nicholas Olivia Jo Pat Rob Robert Barton School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Page 37 Grad Year 2009 1983 2014 1993 1957 2005 1982 1987 2007 1981 1983 1978 1937 1956 1954 1941 1965 2009 2005 1973 1974 1964 1977 1975 1977 1961 1930 1931 1967 2004 1984 1968 2001 1965 1977 1983 1979 1980 1999 1952 2005 2005 2006 1961 1994 1969 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANKS SHANNON SHANNON SHANNON SHANNON SHANNONHOUSE SHANNONHOUSE SHANNONHOUSE SHANNONHOUSE SHANNONHOUSE SHANNONHOUSE SHANNONHOUSE SHAPPELL SHARMA SHARMA SHARMA SHARMA SHARMA SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP First Name Roberts Sherry Sherry Lynn Thomas Tiffany Vickie Diana R. Joy Loretta Michael Amanda L. Josh Laura A. Sara Edward Alex Kelly Jean Stephanie Lori Marie Monica Echo Nikhil Nitasha Nitin Kumar Sameer Vivek Allen J. Amy Amy Barbara J. Bridgett Carl Casey Courtney Dariann Dortha Mae Eric Gwynn Sue Horace Howard Jason John John John Kamryn Karen Kay Lonnie Louida School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 38 Grad Year 1970 1989 1980 1981 2005 1968 1963 1973 1955 1988 2008 2004 2009 2005 1980 1988 1990 2001 2009 2014 2010 1988 1992 2011 1988 2000 1944 1984 1993 1996 2003 2014 1935 2004 1966 1929 1931 1992 1971 1974 1988 2014 1969 1972 1985 1945 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARP SHARPE SHARPE SHARPE SHARPE SHATTER SHAUL SHAUL SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW First Name Luther Lynsey N. Maggie Marty Mary Melody Mendie Mike Nancy Neil Ora Pamela Paul Paul Richard Roger Ruby Schuyla Scott Steve Teresa Thelma Thomas Tom Whitney Jamie John Khristy Laura Sharon K. Ione Myrtle Danielle Kristina Misty Beverly K. Cindy Danny William David R. Donna Ed Gray Inez (Shrader) Jeremy Jim Judy School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Ervin Township High School Ervin Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Page 39 Grad Year 1926 2009 1986 1983 1999 1981 2002 1985 1973 1991 1940 1970 1941 1944 1947 1988 1970 2014 1977 1968 1977 1929 1997 1973 2006 1996 1993 1991 1996 1981 1890 1886 2003 2004 2001 1965 1974 1979 1992 1967 1929 1967 1911 1993 1988 1956 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAWHAN SHAWHAN SHAWHAN SHAWHAN SHAWHAN SHAY SHAY SHAY SHAY SHAY SHAY SHAYNE SHEA SHEAGELY SHEAGLEY SHEAGLEY SHEAGLEY SHEAGLEY SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER First Name Kathryn Sue Kyle Liza Marcia J. Margaret Melody Michael Michael W. Opal Patty Raymond Ricky Wayne Riley Shelley Shirley Steve W. Terry Tiffany Virginia Eileen Barb Beverly Brandon JudyKay Tiffany Brent Deborah Ann Edward Janet Lisa Diane Michelle Nathan Louise Teresa Alexandria Eric Heather Holly Bert E. Brian Carolyn Marie Charles E. Jr. Clyde David Diane Emily Anne James School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Ervin Township High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School New London High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Page 40 Grad Year 1959 2007 2012 1964 1928 1974 1995 1988 1928 1977 1954 1980 2014 1986 1994 1997 1963 2006 1951 1973 1939 2002 1963 2004 1973 1972 1947 1942 1979 1984 2006 1943 1987 2014 2010 1991 1993 1978 1973 1979 1940 1898 1952 1976 1990 1947 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARER SHEARIN SHEARIN SHEARS SHEASLEY SHECK SHEEFEL SHEEFEL SHEEFEL SHEEFEL SHEEHAN SHEEHAN SHEEHAN SHEELY SHEELY SHEELY SHEELY SHEELY SHEELY SHEELY SHEELY SHEELY SHEELY SHEELY SHEELY SHEELY SHEENHAN SHEERIN SHEERIN SHEERIN SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS First Name Kathy Kristie Raine Marcia Mark Megan Michael Morris Norma Jean Patricia Sarah Shirley Jane Susan Tom Ty Martha Gail Robert C. Larry Frank W. Clifford Brandy Jeffery S. Lisa Shannon A.J. Jennifer Sabrina Beverly Clarence Harlan David Debra Dylan Jack John Kelly Larry Mary Nancy E. Ronald William II Thomas Joseph III Charles James L. Patrick Brian Brice W. Dakota School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Page 41 Grad Year 1976 1996 1977 1973 2002 2002 1926 1943 1942 2000 1949 1978 1975 2001 1994 1966 1978 1966 1959 1992 1979 1982 1988 2006 1987 2009 1946 1960 1958 1981 2014 1985 1982 1981 1961 1987 1964 1956 1982 1981 1949 1947 1953 1983 2011 2011 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS SHEFFER SHEFFIELD SHEFFIELD SHELBURN SHELBURN SHELBY SHELBY SHELBY SHELBY SHELBY SHELBY SHELBY SHELBY SHELBY SHELBY SHELBY SHELBY SHELDEN SHELDMYER SHELDMYER SHELDON SHELDON SHELDON SHELINE SHELINE SHELINE SHELINE SHELINE SHELINE SHELINE SHELINE SHELINE SHELINE First Name Irene Kay Jamie Jennifer Jessica John Joshua Josie Kevin G. Matthew Michael Monica Lynn Sherri Verlin Asa M. Aletha Lanina Jane A. Jennifer Lynn Andrew Benjamin Charity Clon Jeremy Lance LaRoy Larry M. Reed Reatha Sherman Valerie Jean Vickie Irene Victoria John Sharon Sue Justin Kristin Thomas Beverly K. Brandon David Dustin Gregory Jeff Jered Marianne Nikki Tammy School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 42 Grad Year 1965 1995 2001 2009 1985 2007 1991 1980 2002 2003 1979 1986 1954 2014 1993 1988 1986 1988 2003 1995 1992 1990 1995 1969 1994 1943 1938 1968 1968 1972 2012 1936 1959 2014 2010 2009 1965 2008 1959 1996 1970 1977 2004 2002 1990 1992 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHELINE SHELL SHELL SHELL SHELL SHELLEY SHELLEY SHELLEY SHELLEY SHELLEY SHELLEY SHELLEY SHELLEY SHELLEY SHELLEY SHELLEY SHELLEY SHELLEY SHELLEY SHELLHART SHELLY SHELLY SHELLY SHELLY SHELLY SHELLY SHELLY SHELMAN SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON First Name Tiffany Angela David Shawn Staci Allison Bill M. Derek Diane Eva (Wilson) Katelyn Keith D. Leslie Mabel I. Mary Elizabeth Pamela Penny Gail Vincent Weldon Gary Catherine Amanda David Justin Linda Mark Robert Sharol Bryant Abby Alicia Allan Angela Louise Anna Ashley Braxton Chris Cindy Marie Danny Danny David Glen H. Jane Jarrod Jessica Karen Katherine Marie School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School New London High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Page 43 Grad Year 2012 1992 2000 1997 2002 2006 1970 2008 1972 1913 2014 1984 1985 1958 1982 1977 1982 2001 1956 1926 2002 2006 2003 1984 1999 1977 1965 1993 1989 2004 1968 1993 1984 2002 2010 1974 1979 1977 2007 1969 1962 1981 1990 2000 1983 1989 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON SHEMOEL SHENK SHENK SHENK SHENK SHENK SHENK SHENK SHENK SHENK SHENK SHENK SHENK SHENK SHENK SHENK SHENK SHEPARD SHEPARD SHEPARD SHEPARD SHEPARD SHEPARD SHEPARD SHEPARD SHEPARD SHEPARD SHEPARD First Name Kathleen F. Kathy Korbon Lester Monica Natasha Patricia Paul Randy Ronald L. Sandra Steven Terence Terri L. Thurman Trudy Ann Tye Virginia Abigail Bonnie Charles Dan Dennis Diane Donald Earl Miller Edna Esther Fern George Byron Howard Lucille Annette Mary Rhea Elva Thomas William Bill R. Brianna Christy Dick Jason Jason R. Jesse Jessica John B. Kathleen Ann Marianna School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Page 44 Grad Year 1962 1993 2013 1967 1994 2001 1991 1987 1969 1964 1995 1973 2001 1963 1982 1985 2003 1976 2005 1951 1923 1963 1960 1962 1919 1905 1911 1915 1907 1912 1913 1934 1958 1909 1950 1966 2012 1990 1951 1994 1993 2006 2001 1967 1978 1953 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHEPARD SHEPARD SHEPARD SHEPARD SHEPERD SHEPERD SHEPHARD SHEPHARD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD First Name Michael Nicholas Rick Steve Scott Tom Sharon D. William B. Adam Adrienne Ann Austin Barry Bart W. Branch Cami Caroline Chad Chuck Danny David Allen David G. DJ Donald R. Eric Georgia (Friermood) Janice Jeff John Joshua Julia Ann Kathy Kyle Laura Renee Lewis Allen Lindsey Lisa Ann Logan Mary P. Michael William Michelle Mike Mildred (Carter) Paul Paul Arnold Paul Eathel School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Greentown High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Western High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Russiaville High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Page 45 Grad Year 1968 2010 1970 1974 1987 1955 1966 1980 2013 2007 1959 2011 1983 2009 1981 2007 1984 1992 1990 1992 1979 1955 2007 1964 2013 1902 1959 1975 1994 2004 1982 1977 2010 1992 1960 1995 1989 2014 1962 1957 1988 1988 1933 1956 1978 1954 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHEPHERS SHEPPARD SHEPPARD SHEPPARD SHERA SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERIDAN SHERILL SHERMAN SHERMAN SHERMAN First Name Ray Rhianna Richard Robert Ron Ruby Joan Ruth Ann Shelly Steven Donald Virginia Norma Jean Cecil Richard Wilfred Jeannine Ann Christopher Cody B. Danny David David David Jeffrey Derek Price Douglas M. Erin Gary Allan Jennifer John Kevin Lisa Kay Mark Mark Matt Matthew Michael Michael Nicholas Nick Nicole Samantha Steve Tom Patti Aubrey Betty Debbie School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Russiaville High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School New London High School New London High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Page 46 Grad Year 1986 1999 1982 1934 1973 1957 1957 1992 1966 1948 1942 1917 1937 1933 1950 1971 2010 2010 1971 1959 1969 1979 1991 1993 1999 1982 2000 1970 1990 1988 1975 1988 1991 2001 1939 1966 2010 1997 1993 2013 1968 1961 1971 2011 1938 1973 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHERMAN SHERMAN SHERMAN SHERMAN SHERMAN SHERMAN SHERMAN SHEROAN SHEROAN SHERRELL SHERRICK SHERRICK SHERRICK SHERRICK SHERRILL SHERRILL SHERROD SHERROD SHERROD SHERROD SHERROD SHERROD SHERROD SHERRON SHERRON SHERROW SHERROW SHERROW SHERROW SHERROW SHERROW SHERWOOD SHESTECK SHEVEILY SHEVEILY SHEWMAN SHEWMON SHEWMON SHEWMON SHEWMON SHIBERT SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS First Name Kenneth Melinda Robert Shelby Steve Thomas Winifred Jason R. Lisa Erin Larry Alison Derek Kim Tanya Judith Ann (Bugg) Kellee R. Becky Darrell Deborah Ann Delores Jean Gerald Linda Sue Mike John Lissa Clint E. Donald E. Ian Kelly Marie Ronica Lynn Wayne F. Carolyn R. Roxy (Cohee) Buck Christina Russell Allen Joe Joe Margaret Cecelia H. Ariel A. Arnett R. Austin O. Becky Christal School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 47 Grad Year 1924 1978 1975 2010 1975 1981 1934 1988 1991 1973 2011 1981 1987 2003 1975 1982 1977 1973 1969 1971 1983 1972 1987 1989 1989 2010 1950 2014 1981 1980 1958 1965 1915 1983 1986 1973 1880 1914 1924 1924 1964 2011 1955 2008 1979 1995 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIELDS SHIETZ SHIETZE SHIETZE SHIETZE SHIETZE SHIETZE SHIETZE SHIETZE SHIETZE SHIFFLET SHIFFLETT SHIFFLETT SHIFLET SHIFLET SHIFLET SHIFLET SHIFLET SHIFLET SHIFLET SHIFLET SHIFLET SHIFLET SHIFLET SHIFLET SHIGLEY SHIKLE SHILDTS SHILLING SHILLING SHILLING First Name Delcie Ed Elva Mae J. Gordon James Janelle Jonathon Koral Larry Mary Ora Renita Sharon Sue Tabatha Vera Wilma Ruth Barry Bob Darren Donald Joyce L. Mike Roger William D. Katherine Sue Kenneth Wanda Angela Brenda Brittany Brooke Bryon Elbert Jeff Kimberly A. Lisa Lydia Marie Melissa Sheri Mary Louise John David Sandra L. James Jason Larry School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Page 48 Grad Year 1910 1966 1948 1961 1930 1996 1993 1928 1967 1920 1953 1996 1964 1990 1932 1919 1942 1982 1940 1986 1956 1961 1976 1959 1962 1978 1979 1976 1987 1976 2006 1999 1989 1970 1988 1978 1980 1979 1990 1982 1938 1979 1964 1968 1993 1955 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHILLING SHILLING SHILLING SHILLING SHILLING SHILLING SHIMAMOTO SHIMANEK SHIMER SHIMER SHIMER SHIMER SHIMER SHIMER SHIN SHINABARGER SHINE SHINE SHINE SHINE SHINE SHINE SHINE SHINE SHINKLE SHINKLE SHINN SHINN SHINN SHINN SHINNEMAN SHINNEMAN SHINNEMAN SHIPE SHIPE SHIPE SHIPLEY SHIPLEY SHIPLEY SHIPLEY SHIPLEY SHIPLEY SHIPLEY SHIPLEY SHIPLEY SHIPLEY First Name Misty Nancy Ralph Rick A. Robert William Joe Takako Steve Earnest Frances Louise Rose Ann William William Min Elizabeth Brian Keith Connie J. David George James John Karen Kay Roger Ed Lindsey Jack B. Julia A. Verlin Zed Andrew Chad Christoper Amy Marie Carey Allen Pat H. Alicia Ann Brian Casey Christina M. Cody Dee Eric Lowell Kent J. Kimberly Mark School Western High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Howard Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Page 49 Grad Year 1990 1967 1907 1965 1935 1944 2014 1986 1915 1942 1938 1955 1916 1917 2009 2010 1978 1964 2004 1950 2001 1968 1960 1976 1978 1995 1941 1962 1926 1934 2004 2007 2001 1991 1987 1966 1989 1992 2010 1986 2013 1979 1964 1967 1987 1984 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHIPLEY SHIPLEY SHIPLEY SHIPLEY SHIPLEY SHIPMAN SHIPP SHIPP SHIPP SHIPP SHIPP SHIPPEE SHIPPEE SHIRAEF SHIRAR SHIRAR SHIRAR SHIRAR SHIRAR SHIRAR SHIRAR SHIRAR SHIRAR SHIRAR SHIRAR SHIRAR SHIREK SHIREK SHIRES SHIRES SHIRES SHIRES SHIRES SHIRES SHIRK SHIRK SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY First Name Michael Dean Michelle Sandy Steve Timothy Lance Dan David Stace Terri Leigh Toni Lynne Dana Alan Donna Marie Joshua Conrad Eugene Constance Eileen Debra L. Jephaline Kathleen Kirk Erin Lana J. Lisa Mark Mary Ruth Sheila Sue Steven Jake Taylor Gregory Kevin D. Melinda Sue Mike Missy Terry Jennette Walter Beverly Diana Diane Jetney John R. Karyn S. Mary Max Michelle Mike School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Page 50 Grad Year 1963 1988 1987 1988 1986 1995 1985 1986 1983 1980 1980 1978 1976 1999 1950 1950 1970 1959 1934 1975 1966 1985 1987 1935 1953 1968 2006 2011 1973 1984 1981 1975 1983 1967 1954 1957 1948 1987 2001 2005 1962 1965 1981 1935 1996 1967 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIVELEY SHIVELY SHIVELY SHIVELY SHIVELY SHIVELY SHIVELY SHIVELY SHOAF SHOAF SHOAF SHOAF SHOAF SHOCKEY SHOCKEY SHOCKEY SHOCKEY SHOCKEY SHOCKEY SHOCKEY SHOCKEY SHOCKEY SHOCKEY SHOCKEY SHOCKEY SHOCKEY SHOCKEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY First Name Nancy Phyllis Richard Richard Clarence Robbyn Robert Rosemary Ruth Nancelyn Todd Yancy Mary Amy M. Andrew Bessie Jeannette K. Norma Ronnie Wilma Frances Jane Stacey Stephanie Wayne Alan Butch Chris Clifford Deborah Glen Holly Jan Kevin Mark Pamela Jean Sarah Theodore Wilbur Astrid Betty Brandi Caleb Charles Fredrick Christina Daniel Desiree Dorothy School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Lighthouse Christian Academy Lighthouse Christian Academy Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 51 Grad Year 1968 1967 1975 1945 1970 1948 1950 1957 1985 1992 1942 1983 2010 1939 1966 1969 1971 1920 1935 1929 2001 2004 1934 1976 1979 1991 1939 1977 1973 1993 1973 1981 1972 1964 2007 1993 1933 1976 1947 2010 2008 1954 2013 1966 1985 1939 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKLEY SHOCKNEY SHOCKNEY SHOCKNEY SHOCKNEY SHOCKNEY SHOCKNEY SHOCKOME SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER First Name Harriett Ingrid Janeice Justin Kathleen Anne Kathryn Kenneth Marilyn Marjorie Mary Helen Patrick Rheba (Rayl) Robert Ruthanne Yves Laurent Yvette Chet James John Mary Stacy TaylorA. Andrea A. Lee Amanda Barbara L. Berla Brad Chester Chester Crystal David David Wayne Devon Diana Lee Donald Keith Gina Heather Howard Jason Jeremy Joe Jordan Joshua Judith Ann Keith S. School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School New London High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Greentown High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Page 52 Grad Year 1932 1976 1945 2011 1952 1933 1924 1950 1931 1949 2006 1938 1933 1944 1984 1987 1973 1977 1970 1975 1992 2006 2005 1922 1999 1966 1927 1996 1968 1969 1974 1946 1971 1943 1974 1958 1984 1996 1925 1990 1999 1974 2012 2007 1959 1973 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOEMAKER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOFFNER SHOLTY SHOLTY SHOLTY SHOLTY SHOLTY SHOLTY SHOLTY SHOLTY SHOLTY SHOLTY SHOLTY SHOLTY SHOLTY SHOLTY SHONE SHONE SHONE SHONE First Name Kim Lori Ann Luther E. Matther Max Michael Roger Leroy Scott Suzanne Terry Robert Timothy Ryan Brett Briar Dennis Ailor Dennis Scott Diane Doris Jean James James Jim Judy Lindsay Melissa Diane Molly Patricia Nadine Sharon Shelli Renae Tammy Sue Barbara Barbara Ann Jared John Kenneth Kenneth Kenny Kimberly Kristie Ann Mary Frances Mike Richard William Stacy Thomas Carl Brian Eric Patrick Rob School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Page 53 Grad Year 1973 1987 1959 1999 1944 1968 1967 1995 1952 1985 1982 1977 2012 1964 1984 1972 1961 1976 2008 1983 1967 2005 1988 2014 1958 1979 1983 1982 1941 1953 2002 1935 1950 1950 1987 1989 1992 1937 2006 1961 1986 1964 1969 2010 1995 1974 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHONER SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOOK SHOPE SHOPE SHORE SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT First Name William Bruce Aaron Alice Rochelle Bob Daniel C. Dave Denise Donald Paul Edward L. Emily Jeff Kenneth E. Lana Louise Larry J. Olivia Pamela Randyll K. Rex Scott Shelley Tammy Teryn Thomas Hutchinson John Linda Terry Annabelle Arielle Barbara Ann Beulah Marie Daire Eiko Ellen Yvonne Jerry Joe Judy Justin LaMar Kenneth Kevin Leroy Mark Matthew Jay Michael Dean Mona Monica Colleen Nicole School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Taylor High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 54 Grad Year 1972 2005 1956 1974 1980 1975 1987 1957 1951 2010 1975 1978 1962 2010 2010 1977 1967 1973 1989 2002 2003 1973 1971 1970 1968 1978 1936 2012 1947 1953 2009 1990 1981 1982 1983 1983 1982 1926 1988 1979 1977 1982 1980 1987 1984 2001 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORT SHORTER SHORTER SHORTWELL SHOTWELL SHOUP SHOUP SHOUP SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWALTER SHOWERS SHOWERS SHOWERS SHOWERS SHRACK SHRACK First Name Noah Pamela I. Robert Robert E. Robert Wesley Sandra Scott Stephen Vera Victoria Bret Jared James Raymond Mike Ben Homer Mary Carl Daniel Danielle David Russell Donal Doris Douglas Earl Isaac Edward Eugene F. Paul J. Ralph Jeff Jeff Miriam Naomi Peggy Ruth Ryan Stanley Vera Wayne R. Wilbur Andrew Lauren Lynnsey Russell David Kimberly School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Howard Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Page 55 Grad Year 2000 1956 1953 1959 1997 1985 1986 2007 1937 2004 1996 1999 1953 1978 1995 1929 1940 1902 1988 1997 1945 1933 1949 2001 1933 1922 1936 1906 1902 1985 1985 1947 1941 1953 1920 2003 1910 1898 1950 1908 2013 2005 2003 2009 2007 2005 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHRADER SHREVE SHRINER SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK First Name Bill Dana Danielle Dominic Biard Homer Lee Janet Jill Jodi Joe Laquita L. Lurie Margaret Miriam Miriam Edith Nicole Phil Trina Ann Vince A. Wayne Keith Penny Louise Robert J. Albert Allen Avonelle Bill Brad Brandon Dee Brenda Bruce Byron Chris Connie Lou David Lee Douglas Drew Edna Eldon Elise Elizabeth Elizabeth Elsie Mae Emerson Emily Florence Francis Frederick Garland Kenneth School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Howard Township High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Northwestern High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Howard Township High School Page 56 Grad Year 1960 1991 1980 1958 1969 1984 1983 1972 1964 1939 1928 1934 1979 1994 1985 1982 1982 1955 1969 1963 1927 1972 1961 1976 1970 1994 1983 1970 1930 1991 1962 1958 1988 2001 1929 1936 2003 1924 1996 1925 1934 2005 1931 1960 1929 1926 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROCK SHROYER SHROYER SHROYER SHROYER First Name Gary L. Genee Geneva Glen Glen Jack E. James Jeff Judy Ann Kenneth Kent Kimberly A. Larry J. Lela Lloyd Lorraine Mark A. Mary M. Melvin Merrill Merrill Michael Steven Mick Miriam Miriam Nellie Pauline E. Pauline M. Richard A. Robert Roger Lee Sally Ann Samantha Sandra Kay Sandra Lynn Stacy Diane Terry Terry Lynn Terry Lynn Troy Verl Wilma Helen Margaret Mary Jane Sid School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Page 57 Grad Year 1966 1934 1922 1928 1957 1965 1944 1986 1974 1938 1962 1984 1979 1916 1932 1918 1971 1925 1954 1935 1956 1961 1959 1921 1942 1911 1940 1940 1970 1922 1957 1958 2007 1967 1974 1988 1961 1961 1964 1981 1937 1937 1937 1933 1934 1971 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUCK SHUE SHUE First Name Agnes Alissa Ann Elizabeth Barbara Barbara Ann Caroline Craig Dave Debbie Donald Doris Doug Frederick Gene Geoff George E. Jeff Jessica Jill Jo Ellen Joseph S. Kasey Kelly Kimberlie Kody T. Lisa A. Lori Lori Lynn Matthew Mindy Mitzi Nancy Jo Richard L. Robert Robert Roy Sandra Scott Sherrill Ann Tabitha Taylor Thomas Thomas Edward Zac Casey Jennifer School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Western High School Taylor High School Western High School Kokomo High School Page 58 Grad Year 1953 2001 1969 1947 1949 1967 2003 1985 1971 1934 1969 1971 1970 1948 1971 1946 1970 2005 1981 1983 1950 2007 1986 1987 2008 1983 1984 1983 2001 1984 1971 1954 1950 1943 1976 1945 1968 1985 1973 1996 2012 1989 1968 2007 2009 2001 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHUE SHUE SHUE SHUEY SHUEY SHUEY SHUEY SHUFFLEBOTHAM SHUFFLEBOTHAM SHUFFLEBOTHAM SHUFFLEBOTHAM SHUFFLEBOTHAM SHUFFLEBOTHAM SHUFFLEBOTHAM SHUFFLEBOTHAM SHUFFLEBOTHAM SHUFFLEBOTHAM SHUGHRUE SHULER SHULER SHULL SHULL SHULL SHULL SHULL SHULT SHULT SHULT SHULTS SHULTS SHULTZ SHULTZ SHULTZ SHULTZ SHUMACHER SHUMAKER SHUMAKER SHUMAKER SHUMAKER SHUMAKER SHUMAKER SHUMAKER SHUMAKER SHUMWAY SHUMWAY SHUPPERD First Name Kathy Ronnie Tim Anna Marie Joy Scott Todd Edith Florence Gladys Mabel Mindy Oliver Pam Ruth Thomas Vera Lenice Cody C. Colin Barbara Betty Lu Max E. Melinda L. Richard Dan Michael Eric Ron Joyce M. Vicky Barbara E. Beulah David Richard Vanessa Aletha Anthony Justin Lynda Sue Marjorie Nell Noelle Pamela Shirley Diana Suzanne Ashley School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Russiaville High School Western High School Russiaville High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Page 59 Grad Year 1968 2003 1981 1985 1988 1982 1983 1936 1942 1944 1930 1975 1935 1969 1948 1940 1933 1918 2007 2006 1942 1940 1965 1963 1943 1962 1984 1982 1962 1977 1960 1930 1995 1943 2013 2014 1991 1994 1958 1949 1996 1974 1943 2003 2008 2008 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SHUPPERD SHUPPERD SHUPPERD SHUPPERD SHUPPERD SHUPPERD SHUPPERD SHUPPERD SHUPPERD SHUSS SHUSS SHUTES SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTT SHUTTERS SHUTTERS SHUTTERS SHUTTLEWORTH SIBBITT SIBERT SIBRAY SIBRAY SIBURT SIBURT SICKBERT SICKING SICKING First Name Brandon Curtis Erica D. Heather Heather C. Jennifer Karen Kenneth W. Todd Rebecca Sara Katherine Courtney Bruce Connie Jack James A. Jerry Lee Joan K. Jodi Julie Ken Lori Mike Nancy C. Nathan Patricia Louise Raymond Rex Leroy Richard Sue Thomas Ray Thomas William Zachary Frances Marjorie Richard Carol Jean Marjorie Ann Betsy Dawn Carla Marie Kyle Jennifer Michelle Christine Tammy Justin Katie School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Page 60 Grad Year 2011 1987 2011 1997 1993 1965 1973 1984 1990 1956 1958 2009 1951 1968 1959 1961 1960 1959 1982 1985 1986 1987 1983 1963 2009 1952 1927 1953 1957 1951 1954 1969 2012 1942 1952 1938 1949 1956 1991 1991 1996 1989 1995 1981 2003 2005 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name First Name SICKLES Joshua SICKLES L. Douglas SIDERS Lisa SIEDEL Logan SIEFERS Clyde SIEFERS Connie Sue SIEFERS Dave Joe SIEFERS Elizabeth L. SIEFERS Fred SIEFERS Holly SIEFERS Joseph SIEFERS Nicholas SIEFERS Rebecca SIEFERS Robert SIEFKEN Bruce SIEFKEN John R. SIEFKEN Scott SIEGEL Lisa SIEM Emily SIEM Mark SIEM Mary Jane SIESS James R. SIFERS Joe SIFTON A. SIGLER Alexander SIGLER James SIGSGAARD-DAHLSTROEM Amalie SIKTBERG Carl SIKTBERG Christine SIKTBERG Dan SIKTBERG John SIKTBERG William SILCOX George SILCOX Jan E. SILCOX Jonathon SILCOX Joseph SILCOX Kevin Wayne SILCOX Kimberly Sue SILCOX Maryrose SILCOX Sherry L. SILENCE Brian SILENCE Clayton SILENCE Crystal Colleen SILENCE Greg SILENCE Jerry SILENCE Mike School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Page 61 Grad Year 2010 1991 1978 2008 1938 1978 1973 1966 1968 2005 1949 1999 1969 1982 1968 1965 1968 2003 1978 1976 1982 1956 1948 1976 2008 2001 2013 1948 1967 1938 1970 1941 1942 1965 1999 1924 1994 1988 1944 1962 1981 2002 1955 1972 1958 1976 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SILER SILER SILER SILER SILER SILER SILER SILER SILER SILLS SILLS SILLS SILLS SILVA SILVER SILVER SILVER SILVERA SILVERS SILVERS SILVERS SILVERS SILVERS SILVERS SILVERS SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SILVEY SIMMIONS SIMMIONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS First Name Becky S. Carl Richard Cynthia P. Dan Jake Joe Ron Ronal Lee Russell Elizabeth Lois Mary Ruthanna William Sally Daniel W. Irving Michael Tammy Brandon Christy Linda Melinda Norma Lee Phillip Roy Cathy Cindy Curtis Deanna K. Diana K. Elizabeth A. Eric Matthew Nathan Norman Richard Shirley Shirley Ann Steven Vanessa Virginia Willanna Donald K. Randall Allison Alyssa B. Andrea School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Page 62 Grad Year 1978 1965 1969 1981 2008 1940 1977 1957 1950 2004 1951 1944 1949 2008 2009 1928 2006 1986 2014 1972 1967 1987 1952 2007 1972 1975 1973 1979 1984 1965 1981 1975 2011 2010 1945 1950 1949 1970 1977 1951 1927 1964 1964 1994 2009 1989 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS First Name Bobby Brian Casey Charles Jr. Christine Christine Cinda Lou Clyde Craig Danny L. Dave David Donna J. Dorothy Ella Erica Fern (Reed) George Glen Gregory Allen H. Wayne Herbert Ivan J. Robert Jacqueline James J. James L. Jan Janis Jessica Jessica Jessica Jill Jill Jimmy Juanita Karen Katherine Kristian Leslie Lewis Lisa Mary Beth Nancy W. Neil Patrick School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School New London High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Page 63 Grad Year 1993 1986 2011 1976 1919 1947 1957 1934 2000 1965 1980 1991 1963 1952 1888 2000 1920 1917 1926 1968 1956 1912 1956 1961 1967 1957 1978 1967 1974 2004 1979 2013 1967 1971 1969 1939 1984 1914 2013 1984 1942 1995 1986 1962 2005 1985 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMONS SIMMS SIMMS SIMMS SIMMS SIMMS SIMMS SIMMS SIMMS SIMMS SIMMS SIMON SIMON SIMON SIMON SIMON SIMON SIMON SIMON SIMONE SIMONE First Name Pearly Phyllis (Talbert) Robert Rosalie Ann Ruth Sandra Scott Steve Steve Steven D. Stuart Scott Sue Thomas Joe Tim Timm Timothy Tracie Tracy Tyler Victor Volina Wayne Wendall William Zakiya Zola Bobbie Jo Chris Darren Jacob Jeffrey Todd Lisa Mary Anne Rick Rita Tammy Ann Andrea Bernardine Craig Donald Eugene Drew Gene Kyle Mark Cathy Jessie School New London High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Western High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Page 64 Grad Year 1898 1949 2013 1945 1915 1971 1981 1983 1984 1963 1979 1956 1956 2010 1980 2005 2001 1982 2011 1920 1945 1967 1958 1959 1996 1907 1977 2006 2002 2007 1979 1987 1980 1982 1973 1995 2009 1937 2014 1966 2009 1940 2005 2012 1969 1968 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SIMONS SIMONS SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON First Name Jeffrey Michael Stephanie Ann Alice Anna Arthur Barbara Jane Barry Bessie Brock Brooke Candace (Harper) Candice Catherine Christine Clayton DavidO. Delinda Dylan Edith ElaineL. Elise Elizabeth Ann Emily Frank Gerald Grace Ivan James James Edward James Frederick Jim Jim Joe John John John Thomas Josephine Juanita Katherine Kenedrix Kim Kimberly Lara Lee Lisa Luke School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Clay Township High School Eastern High School Western High School Page 65 Grad Year 1988 1995 1928 2001 1933 1959 1988 1922 1984 2011 1936 1970 1926 1930 1991 1993 1988 2011 1925 1965 1971 1956 1973 1928 1965 1921 1935 1969 1990 1960 1967 1972 1948 1925 1930 1980 1931 1936 1931 1993 1984 1995 1991 1942 1974 2012 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMS SIMTH SINCLAIR First Name Margaret Marjorie Mary Lynn Max Michele D. Michelle Miriam Ned Otho Pat Randy Richard Roger L. Ronda Jean Royce Sharon Sue Shawn Sheilee Sheryl D. Steve Steven Sue Susann Ted Terri L. Troy Zachary Alma Camilla Amber Beth Betty Lois Carrie Charles Dana L. Denise Jerry Karl Larry L. Lisa Pauline Rick Robert Velda L. Warren Julia Kathy School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Page 66 Grad Year 1930 1933 1973 1940 1966 2001 1934 1937 1922 1964 1986 1933 1962 1972 2001 1956 2008 1990 1966 1976 1968 1983 1957 1975 1964 2003 2014 1949 2005 1967 1945 2003 1961 1981 1971 1956 1908 1965 2002 1942 1977 1976 1942 2000 1983 1980 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SINCLAIR SINES SINES SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGER SINGH SINGHAL SINGHAL SINGLER SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGLETON SINGREY SINK SINK SINK SINK SINK SINK SINK SINK First Name Ronald L. Jon Lisa Barbara Beth Dwight Dwight Edith Elmer Everett Katelyn Kim Mary Lou Melody Nathaniel Regina Sue Todd Michelle Gaurav Madhavi Megan Rae Adriane Blake Brian Corina Jane Jeff Jennifer John Julie Christine Michelle Nanette Phil Sherry Lynn Tim Yolanda Karen Rena Alden L. Dana David Charles Fred Freddie Janet Kay Jeanie D. Jeff School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Western High School Eastern High School Howard Township High School Western High School Western High School Eastern High School Howard Township High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Taylor High School Eastern High School Western High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Ervin Township High School Northwestern High School Ervin Township High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Page 67 Grad Year 1978 1994 1992 1996 2001 1915 1957 1916 1910 1911 2012 2003 1947 1982 2014 1985 1945 1988 1990 2002 2006 2006 1988 2013 2001 1989 1965 1971 2001 1970 1982 1990 1985 1961 1980 1971 2000 1987 1955 1937 1960 1936 1956 1958 1970 2008 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SINK SINK SINK SINK SINK SINKFEILD SINKFIELD SINKFIELD SINKFIELD SINNAMON SINNAMON SINNAMON SINNAMON SINNAMON SINNAMON SINNAMON SINNAMON SINNAMON SINNAMON SINNAMON SINNETT SINNETT SINNING SINNING SINNING SINNING SIPE SIPE SIPE SIPES SIPES SIPES SIPES SIPES SIPES SIRMONS SIRMONS SISK SISK SISK SISK SISNEROS SISNEROS SISNEROS SISNEROS SISNEROS First Name Kenneth Mary E. Rosemary Joyce Scot Sue Crystal Cecil Robert Russell Derek Dixie D. John A. Lois Annette Maria K. Monty Norman Austin Scott Sherry Stephanie Zachary Alan Brandy Christopher George Grant Laurie Tamra Angela Rae Ida May Jean (Warden) Barbie Gary Lee James Kathy Mike Scott David Samuel Jesse Jessica Lindsey Tarin Cindy Michael Mindy Patrick Timothy Virgil School Ervin Township High School Ervin Township High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 68 Grad Year 1941 1939 1963 2001 1952 1983 1976 1979 1977 1996 1965 1994 1980 1979 1969 1957 1983 1968 1993 1990 2001 2005 1981 2008 1978 1977 1991 1888 1942 1987 1962 1967 1992 1982 1991 2010 2007 2011 1999 1994 1993 1975 1968 2001 1969 1972 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SISNEROS SISSOM SISSON SISSON SITES SITES SITES SITES SITITES SITRIN SITTON SITZ SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SITZES SIWERS SIZELOVE SIZELOVE SIZELOVE SIZELOVE SIZEMORE SIZEMORE SIZEMORE SIZEMORE SIZEMORE SIZEMORE SIZEMORE SJURSETT SKAGGS SKAGGS SKAGGS SKAGGS First Name Tracy Jolie Darford Mary (Sites) David A. Donna Stephanie Steve Jordan Erica Rose Siri L. Florence Bear Brian David Evert E. Gina Hannah James Larry A. Leonard L. Loren Michelle Monica Lynn Rebecca Scott Stacey Steve Velda Louise Marie Debbie Janis Kathryn Marie Susan Elaine Brenda Buford Edward Catherine E. James James Allen Kyle Henry Martha Louise Missie Alissa Ashlie Barb Brandie School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Taylor High School Northwestern High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Page 69 Grad Year 1986 1989 1927 1934 1966 1966 1985 1976 2007 1997 1989 1933 2006 1993 2003 1966 1990 2010 1966 1970 1961 1959 1987 1979 2001 1990 2006 1983 1957 1986 1974 1935 1971 1974 1962 1957 1979 1966 1959 1960 1955 1989 1995 2010 1984 2013 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SKAGGS SKAGGS SKAGGS SKAGGS SKAGGS SKAGGS SKAGGS SKAGGS SKAGGS SKALLER SKALLER SKALLER SKALLER SKEARD SKELTON SKELTON SKIDMORE SKILES SKILES SKILES SKILES SKILES SKILES SKILES SKILES SKILES SKILES SKILLINGTON SKILLMAN SKILLMAN SKINNER SKINNER SKINNER SKINNER SKIVER SKIVER SKOCZYLAS SKOGLAND SKOGLAND SKOGLAND SKOGLAND SKOGLAND SKOGLUND SKOMP SKOMP SKOMP First Name Christine Darrell Janette Jeffery Lynn Kevin Leesa Phillip Tanna Timothy George Kathleen Louise Patricia Kay Sally Jeanne Susan Carol Michelle Lynn Dawn Elaine Tara Finley Ernest David Evan Irene (Henry) Ivan Jason David Kayla L. Lee Lori Nida Susan Jessica Anne Fanny May Carolyn W. Lucille Morlene Rubie Daniel Joshua Ashley Jennie Jennifer Lynn Mariesa Peggy Peggy Marie Sylvia Fred A. Mark Phyllis L. School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School New London High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 70 Grad Year 2012 1969 1986 1985 1981 1990 1986 1976 1987 1965 1969 1958 1963 1988 1983 2011 1928 1979 2007 1923 1949 1997 2006 2002 1981 1950 1985 1996 1907 1910 1966 1933 1938 1930 2004 2005 2002 1924 1980 1977 1978 1948 1941 1961 1967 1965 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SKOMP SKULICZ SKULICZ SLABAUGH SLABAUGH SLABAUGH SLABAUGH SLABAUGH SLABAUGH SLABAUGH SLACK SLACK SLACK SLACK SLACK SLACK SLACK SLACK SLAGA SLAGA SLAGLE SLANE SLANE SLANE SLATE SLATE SLATE SLATER SLATER SLATER SLATER SLATON SLAUBAUGH SLAUBAUGH SLAUBAUGH SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTER First Name Russell Matthew Tony Brad Donna Sue Joe Kenneth Michael Patty Wilbur Franklin Brian Cheryl June Deanna Patty Philip A. Samantha Steve Verna Jeffrey Jessica Jasmine Carole J. Joe Susan A. Jeff Mark Rick Beulah Donald Doran Mark Bobby John Julie H. Michael Dean Arthur Chris Dana David Lynn Deron James James S. Keith Alan Linda S. Mark Mary School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Greentown High School Western High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Greentown High School Page 71 Grad Year 1959 1992 1987 1996 1973 1970 1945 1993 1970 1950 1982 1978 1989 1976 1980 2002 1973 1974 2002 2006 2010 1961 1967 1965 1984 1991 1993 1950 1960 2009 1994 1981 1984 1980 1978 1949 1993 1986 1981 1985 1968 1948 1953 1965 1977 1923 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTER SLAVEN SLAVEN SLAVEN SLEAR SLEAR SLEETH SLEETH SLEETH SLEETH SLICK SLICK SLICK SLICK SLIFKA SLIFKA SLIFKA SLIPHER SLIPHER SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOAN SLOBAUGH SLOCUM SLOCUM SLOSS SLOSS SLOSS SLUSHER First Name Norma Steve Wallace Jack John Edward Kathy Ann James Donald Anne Louise Gayle Maurice Eugene Sue Bryan T. Marc Matthew Melissa Ellen Nancy A. Susan Jane Joe Brian L. Camille Carl David Eric Eva Kathryn Gabrielle George Haleigh Harold Jessica John Kelly Laurinda Mary Alice Oren Rebecca Roland Thor Richard Keith Jeanette Marion Anna Benjamin Rebecca Catherine Ann School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Northwestern High School Clay Township High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Page 72 Grad Year 1994 1958 1925 1973 1967 1969 1976 1975 1943 1977 1949 1952 1980 2008 2001 2002 1978 1979 1976 1975 1973 1979 2008 1914 1977 2009 1982 2011 1916 2014 1916 2006 1915 1980 1935 1912 1946 1951 1980 1974 1924 1921 2011 2005 2008 1979 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSHER SLUSSER SLUSSER SLUSSER SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL First Name Dana Lynn Howard Howard Anthony Jennifer D. John John Michael Jordan M. Mark Matt Matthew Merrick mikara Mitchell C. Rebecca Ruth Roger W. Sage Sandra Ann Nicole Ricky Rocky Belle (Newlin) Bobby Charles Cynthia Lynn Dan E. Dean Dedric Denise Ed Emily Ann Estella Marie Glen Grant William Harriet Eleanor Jennie John Robert Lester Lois Ann Marie Marion Mark Milton Sharlotte Sierra Tamara Leigh Thomas V. School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School New London High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School New London High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School New London High School Northwestern High School Jackson Township High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School New London High School Western High School New London High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Page 73 Grad Year 1965 1983 1961 2009 1939 1972 2009 1978 2003 2010 2012 2011 2011 1962 1966 2013 1964 1999 1981 1979 1888 1986 1926 1969 1888 1948 2006 1983 1988 1966 1945 1970 2009 1955 1885 1963 1934 1954 1917 1924 1973 1890 1949 1989 1972 1947 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALLEY SMALLEY SMALLEY SMALLEY SMALLEY SMALLEY SMALLEY SMALLEY SMALLEY SMALLEY SMALLEY SMALLEY SMALLEY SMALLING SMALLING SMALLING SMALLING SMALLING SMALLING SMALLING SMALLWOOD SMALLWOOD SMALLWOOD SMALLWOOD SMALLWOOD SMALLWOOD SMALLWOOD SMALLWOOD SMALLWOOD SMALLWOOD SMALLWOOD SMALLWOOD SMART SMEE SMELTNER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER First Name Tony Tracy Tyjon Vicki Virginia Brian Carl Connie Derrick Julie Mark Querston Cheriee Robert Shelie Jr. Ryan Shundre Theareo Tiant Vernon Wandeka Alyssa Ashley Charles Charles Jeff Kyle Rajestaney Bradley A. Brianna Candy Celeste Dalton Jacob Jill Kristi Phillip Phyllis Sandra K. Todd Willa Mae Kenneth Harry Rebecca Barbara K. Beth Beverly Ann Bobette Brad J. Carl School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 74 Grad Year 1990 1981 2012 1973 1940 2003 1989 1974 1977 1984 1975 1997 1972 1992 1992 1994 1974 1976 2011 2004 1974 1993 1973 2013 2014 1980 2013 1974 1971 2011 2011 1980 1996 1946 1970 1965 1992 1953 1954 1968 1961 1976 1959 1972 1965 1977 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMELTZER SMIDEBUSH SMIDEBUSH SMILEY SMILEY SMILEY SMILEY SMILEY SMILEY SMILEY SMILEY SMILEY SMILEY SMILEY SMISSEN SMISSEN SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Cindy Don R. Eric Jack Jane Jeff John Jordan Lavina (Smeltzer) Lawrence Mary Mary Mary E. (Harper) Max Pam Phyllis Rex L. Robert B. Ronald Russell Samuel Sandy Susan A. Suzanne Douglas J. Kathryn Cindy Derwin E. Garneile Emory Linda E. Mary Nancy Shamar Trenton Weldon William C. Horace William Aaron Aaron Aaron Aaron J. Accie Adam Adam School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 75 Grad Year 1976 1964 1973 1956 1979 1977 1971 2005 1908 1915 1935 1975 1929 1948 1974 1971 1950 1961 1941 1936 1920 1991 1981 1972 1992 1995 1970 1990 1985 2008 1966 1988 1958 2012 1995 1994 1962 1917 1919 2004 1996 2007 1992 2004 2002 2005 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH Smith SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Adam Adam Addie Agnes L. Albert Alec Alex Alex Alexander Alice M. Alika Alisa Alisha Allen B. Allerd C. Allison Alma Amanda Amber Amber Amber Amber Amie Amy Amy Lynn Amy Lynn Andrea Andrew B Andrew B. Andrew R. Andrew T. Andy Andy K. Angel Angela Angela Angela Angela M. Angie Anna Annetta Lee Annette April Arcella Arlie Arlie School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Page 76 Grad Year 1993 2014 1967 1903 1915 2011 2002 2007 1913 1979 2013 1984 1999 1966 1976 2007 1921 1996 2005 1991 2007 2009 1989 1986 1980 1996 2014 2012 2012 1979 2009 1976 1991 2000 2004 1992 1997 2010 1989 1971 1951 1983 1994 2001 1974 2014 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Ashley Ashley Ashley Aubrey Austin Austin Austin Austin Autumn Ayanna Barbara Barbara Bart Michael Benjamin Benjamin Bernell Bernell Bernice Berniece K. Bessie Betty Betty Helen Bev Bill Billie Blake R. Blanche Blythe Boyd H. Brad Brad Bradford Bradley Bradley Bradley James Brady Brady Brandon Brandon Brandon Brandon R. Brandy Brandy Brenda Brenda Brent School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Greentown High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Western High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Page 77 Grad Year 2005 2011 2013 2001 2005 2006 2007 2014 2001 2003 1953 1969 1990 2002 2012 1965 1946 1967 1964 1938 1950 1936 1984 1950 2005 2009 1919 2004 1965 1969 1993 2007 2003 1986 1985 1991 1991 200 2005 1991 2009 2001 1997 1978 1994 1984 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Brent Brent Brent Bret Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian Brian Jay Brian R. Brian S. Brianna N. Brittany Brock Brookelyn M. Bruce Bud Caleb Calvin Cameron Cameron Candy Candy Candy L. Carl Carl E. Carley Carlisle Carlton CarlyLe Carmen Elizabeth Carol Carol Ann Carol Ann Carol Lynne Carole Carolyn Ann Carrie Carrie Casey Bryan Cassie Taylor Jr. Catherine S. Cathy Gene Catrina Cecil School Eastern High School Western High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Taylor High School Northwestern High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Page 78 Grad Year 1987 1989 1991 1977 1977 1981 1985 1986 1988 1981 1983 1981 2011 2002 1996 2010 1970 1944 2006 1943 2004 2011 1968 1969 1986 1947 1968 2012 1915 2005 1938 1990 1973 1971 1976 1970 1982 1968 1886 1997 1993 1959 1962 1978 1994 1936 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Celeste Charlenne Charles Charles Charles Charles D. Charles L. Chris Chris Chris Chris Ann Chris D. Christan Christian Christina Joan Christopher K. Christopoher Christy Cindy Cindy Clarence C. Clarence Clarkson Clarke H. Clayton W. Clyde Clyde C. Codi Connie Conya Kathleen Corbett Corey Corinne Cory Matthew Craig Craig Craig Craig Richard Cristi Anne Cynthia Cynthia Cynthia K. Dagna Daisy Bell Daisy Bell Dale Dale School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 79 Grad Year 2009 1971 1918 1940 1978 1964 1961 1969 1974 1989 1986 1977 2002 2006 1969 1977 2004 2001 1973 1982 1905 1905 1942 2011 1987 1911 2010 1968 1994 1994 1992 1977 2010 1966 1983 1991 1978 1981 1973 1986 1973 1968 1901 1902 1937 2006 Last updated: 3/20/2015 Grad List through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Dale E. Dallas Damita Kay Damon Dan Dan Robert Daniel Daniel E. Daniel Joseph Daniel Richard Danielle Danney L. Danny Ray D'Anthony Danylle Daphne M. Darlene J. Darnell Darrell E. Darrin Dave Dave Dave David David David David B. David Daniel David Earl David G. David Kreigh Dawn Dawn Dawn Dawn Dawn Katherine DeAnn Joyce Deanna M. (DeBusk) Debbie Deborah Deborah Deborah J. Debra Debra Ann Debra Karen Della (Burns) School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo Christian High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Russiaville High School Page 80 Grad Year 1965 1949 1978 1973 1997 1969 1973 1983 1981 1971 1989 1970 1969 2005 2007 1981 1994 1974 1972 2003 1972 1975 1981 1973 1973 1993 1991 1967 1974 1953 1984 1986 1990 1994 1996 1986 1978 1981 1974 1968 1994 1967 1973 1976 1979 1949 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Delores Deloris Jean Dennis Robert Denny Denny Deorah Derek Derek Derek Derek Devoria Dewayne J. Diamond Diana Diana Diana J. Diana L. Diane Diane M. Diann K. Diona Don Don Don E. Don W. Donald Donald Donald Donald Donald Donald R. Donald William Donale Dorothy Dorothy Dorothy Charlene Dorothy Jane Dorothy Jane Dorothy Ruthann Doug Douglas Gavin Dovie Doyle Drama Duane Dustin School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Haworth High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Lighthouse Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Howard Township High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Page 81 Grad Year 1941 1955 1980 1966 1971 1967 2004 1991 1993 2009 1973 1961 2008 1973 1986 1970 1970 1967 1966 1963 1988 1931 1985 1962 1988 1936 1948 1967 1968 1990 1945 1953 2002 1924 1984 1968 1939 1940 1954 1984 1996 2001 1948 1975 1963 2003 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Dustin Dustin Dustina Dusty LeAnn Dylan L Dylan L. Earnest Edward Edward Edward Edythe Ele Eleanor K. Electa Marlene Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth A. Elizabeth Anne Eloise Elsie (Schaaf) Emily Emily Emmogene Louise Ercell (Gowin) Eric Eric Eric Eric Eric Douglas Erica Ersie Esther Eugene C. Evangeline Felicia Flora Audra Florence Forrest D. Foster Frances Francis Francis Frank Frank W. Fred Fred H. School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Jackson Township High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Jackson Township High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Clay Township High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Page 82 Grad Year 1994 2013 1988 1997 2012 2012 1906 1946 1969 1988 1938 1992 1962 1968 1977 2006 1946 1983 1963 1925 2001 2004 1944 1925 1971 1974 2000 2012 1985 2007 1899 1926 1940 1930 1995 1912 1944 1942 1958 1928 1931 1941 1973 1900 1949 1932 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Fred J. Frederick Freeman Gail Garry Gary Gary Gary Gayla Gayle Gaynelle (Warnock) Gene Geneva Geneva Geneva Gale Gennifer George George C. George R. George W. Gerald Gerald W. Geraldine Gerry R. Gina Gina Gina Ginny Gladys Gladys Glenda Glenda Gloria Ilene Gloss Gordon Greg Gregg Gregory Gregory Alan Gwen Gwendolyn H. Wylie Hal C. Harleah Harold Harry D. School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Jackson Township High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Howard Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Page 83 Grad Year 1932 1931 1896 1972 1972 1961 1968 1977 1977 1923 1930 1973 1931 1934 1945 2007 1935 1949 1951 1933 1940 1964 1925 1956 1984 1986 1991 2006 1920 1941 1939 1959 1953 1934 1931 1978 1983 1985 1979 1987 1954 1905 1964 2014 1938 1942 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Harry D. Harry L. Harry Lee Harry P. Hayley Heather Helen Helen Holly Howard Jr. Hugh Dewayne Ian Tad Irma Isabel Jack Jack Jack E. Jack Richard Jackie Jackie Lee Jacob Jacob Jacqueline Jacqueline Ann James James James James James James C. James C. James G. James Granvil James H. James L. James Lee James P. James R. James R. James Ryan James W. James William Jamie Jamie Janet Janet School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Armed Forces Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Page 84 Grad Year 1946 1950 1950 1950 2002 2011 1942 1969 1989 1977 1943 2008 1925 1917 1952 1946 1964 1948 2004 1955 2004 1926 1987 1970 2003 1968 1970 1973 2008 1939 1978 1963 1957 1942 1961 1980 1955 1939 1978 1986 1991 1954 1971 1980 1956 1971 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Janet Janet Janet E. Janet E. Janet K. Janet Kay Janet R. Jason Jason Jason III Jason Robert Jay D. Jayne A. Jean Jean Ann Jeannie Jeannie Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeffery D. Jeffery L. Jeffrey Allen Jenifer Jenna Jennifer Jennifer Ellen Jerald Jeremiah Jeremy Jeremy Dean Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry L. Jerry Lee Jerry Lee Jessi Jessica Jessica School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Lighthouse Christian High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Page 85 Grad Year 1972 1988 1956 1966 1975 1976 1961 1987 1993 1991 1989 1979 1980 1940 1958 1969 1992 1970 1972 1972 1974 1982 1979 1977 1981 2010 2008 1986 1978 1973 2012 1995 2008 1956 1961 1969 1976 1977 1982 1994 1962 1959 1961 2012 2002 2003 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Jessica Jessica Jessica Jessica Jill Jill Jim Jim R. Jim R. Jimmy Joan Jodi Joe Joel James Joey John John John John John E. John Paul Jolene Dee Jonathan Joseph E. Joseph Lee Joshua Joshua Joshua Joshua Joshua Joshua A. Joshua Chesten Joy Joy Joy Joy Joyce Joyce Juanita Juanita Ann Judith Ann Judith Ann Judith K. Julia Julia Julia A. School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Western High School Greentown High School Howard Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Taylor High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Page 86 Grad Year 1997 2000 2008 2012 1976 1984 1952 1957 1979 1995 1940 1985 2001 1980 1990 1921 1942 1967 2010 1968 1996 1978 2005 1947 1946 2003 2003 1992 1994 2014 2006 1997 1969 1969 1982 1990 1961 1983 1943 1954 1958 1959 1961 1974 1980 1962 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Julia Ann Julie Julie Julie Julie C. Julie Denise Justin Justin K. Michael K. Susie Kaitlyn Kaitlynne Kameron B. Kara Karen Karen Sue Kari Karla Karrie Kasey Katherine Katherine Kathleen D. Kathryn S. Kathryn Sue Kathy Kathy Kay Keith D. Kelli Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly M. Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth M. Kent A Kent G. Kerin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Dale School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Taylor High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Jackson Township High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Page 87 Grad Year 1935 1972 1979 1987 1977 1982 2002 1999 1976 1965 2008 2010 2008 2004 1976 1978 1992 1967 1996 2002 1929 1997 1989 1966 1980 1968 1975 1973 1946 1995 2001 1984 1990 1976 1930 1974 1944 1971 1966 1980 2001 1970 1980 1981 1983 1983 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Kim Kim Kimberly Michelle Kindra Kirk Alan Kirk Bradford Kolton Kraig A. Kristen Kristen Kristie Annette Kristine Kristy Kristy Kyle L, C. Lacy Lana Janelle Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry A. Larry E. Larry E. Larry Kenneth Laura Laurel Laurel Lavena Irene Lavonda Lawrence R. Lecreta Lee Lena Leonard Leota Leslie Lillian Linda Linda Linda Linda Linda Linda C. Linda K. School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Howard Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 88 Grad Year 1976 1984 1990 2002 1982 1975 2003 2010 2004 2000 1979 1989 2003 2000 2012 1949 1934 1969 1956 1968 1968 1979 1966 1964 1965 1969 1993 1934 1935 1953 1994 1964 1973 1961 1906 1958 1921 1933 1969 1958 1967 1970 1975 1977 1961 1964 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Linda Kay Lisa D. Lisa M. Lois E. Lois M. Lorene Helen Loretta Loretta Loretta A. Lori Lori Lori Sue Lucile Lucille Lucille Lucille A. Macky Malcolm Malcolm Manda Marcia Marcia A. Margaret Mariann Marie Marjorie Ann Mark Mark Mark Mark A. Marla K. Marquita Marsha Marsha A. Marsha Ann Martha Martha J. Martha Jane Martha Louise Martin Martin Marvin Marvin J. Mary Mary Mary School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Page 89 Grad Year 1968 2009 1988 1941 1939 1972 1965 1967 1965 1986 1989 1981 1920 1930 1941 1958 1986 1940 1944 1981 1975 1964 1932 1942 1967 1953 1977 1982 1989 1981 1965 2009 1969 1962 1985 1923 1915 1951 1946 1977 1986 1960 1958 1913 1933 1938 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Mary Mary Mary Mary (Meyers) Mary Ann Mary Ann Mary Ann Mary Carolynne Mary Edythe Mary Elizabeth Mary J. Mary Jane Mary Jane Mary Jane Mary Katherine Mary Louise Matt Matt Matthew Matthew Matthew Mattie Maudie Maury Max Max Maxine Maxine Meda Melanie Melanie Melinda Melinda Melinda Sue Melissa Melissa Mendy Merle Ruthell Michael Michael Michael A. Michael Chad Michael D. Michael David Michael E. Michael Kent School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 90 Grad Year 1969 1970 1976 1924 1954 1959 1960 1979 1968 1941 1966 1928 1939 1949 1939 1914 1990 1991 2005 1983 2011 1992 1962 1965 1941 1963 1929 1943 1920 1993 2011 1976 1993 1979 1978 1983 1990 1913 1973 1983 1965 1990 1966 1968 1988 1976 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Michael R. Michele Michele Lyn Michelle Michelle Michelle Michelle R. Mike Mike Mike K. Mike L. Mildred (Johnson) Minnie Misha Missy Missy Mitch Mitchell Mitzi Molly Monica Susie Monte Muriel Myra Myrtle Nancy Nancy Nancy Naomi Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Neil Nell Nellie Nerissa Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas J. Nile B. Norma Jean Norman Norman Edward Nycole Oscar C. School Eastern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Jackson Township High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 91 Grad Year 1993 1987 1993 1977 1987 1988 1985 1972 1983 1965 1964 1933 1969 2008 1988 1989 1987 1974 1985 2001 1980 1969 1927 1968 1902 1959 1967 1973 1941 1991 1993 1994 2009 2005 1928 1891 1969 1997 2000 2006 1963 1945 1969 1960 2010 1881 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Othis Paige Pam Pam Pamela Pamela Ann Patricia Patricia Patricia Ann Patricia K. Patricia Lee Patricia Lou Patricia Lou Patricia Lynn Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Edward Paul M. Paul R. Paula Pauline Pearl Peggy J. Penny Penny J. Phil Phillip S. Jr. Phyllis Phyllis J. Preston R. Douglas Rachel Rachel Rachel Rae'Chelle Ralph Randall Randy Raymond Raymond Raymond Brent Rebecca Rebecca Renae School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School New London High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Western High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Page 92 Grad Year 1928 2004 1977 1989 1967 1968 1968 1974 1986 1963 1964 1949 1955 1987 2002 1910 1927 1934 1946 1978 1910 1948 1947 1984 1895 1980 1967 1980 1978 1984 1944 1966 1924 1967 2006 2007 2010 2012 1932 1995 1983 2003 1988 1983 1967 2011 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Rebecca Sue Rebecca Sue Regina Regina Rhenda Richard Richard Richard A. Richard Allen Richard Eugene Richard Gregory Richard Lee Richard Lee Richard Lee Jr. Richard Leon Richard N. Richard W. Richelle Rick Rick Riley Rita Annette Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert E. Robert Joseph Robert Lowell Robert R. Robert W. Roberta Robin Rochelle Rodd Rodney A. Roger Roger Allen Roger Allen Roger Earl Ron Ronald School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Lighthouse Christian High School Kokomo High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Howard Township High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Clay Township High School Haworth High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Page 93 Grad Year 1971 1975 1974 1989 1979 1939 1970 1976 1956 1958 1968 1958 1959 1971 1945 1959 1982 2003 1972 1973 2013 1980 1924 1938 1939 1940 1951 1969 1970 2007 1964 1953 1943 1941 1944 1932 1972 1990 1983 1947 1966 1972 1977 1957 1991 1938 Last updated: 3/20/2015 Grad List through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name School Ronald Kokomo High School Ronald F. Kokomo High School Ronald K. Western High School Ronnie Kokomo High School Ronnie Eastern High School Ronnie Western High School Ronnie L. Kokomo High School Roosevelt Kokomo High School Rosalee Kokomo High School Rosemary Leora (Somers)Howard Township High School Ross Kokomo High School Rovena Ruth Kokomo High School Rozella Kokomo High School Russell Kokomo High School Rusty Kokomo High School Ryan B. Western High School Sandra Kokomo High School Sandra Northwestern High School Sandra Kokomo High School Sandra Kay Kokomo High School Sara Kokomo High School Sarah Ann Northwestern High School Sarah E. Northwestern High School Sarah Louise Kokomo High School Saundra Kokomo High School Scott Haworth High School Scott Kokomo High School Scott Western High School Scott Kokomo High School Scott Alan Western High School Shad Western High School Shane Kokomo High School Shanika Kokomo High School Sharitina Kokomo High School Sharon Kokomo High School Sharon Darlene Northwestern High School Sharon Dora Northwestern High School Sharon Lynn Kokomo High School Sharon S. Kokomo High School Shaun Kokomo High School Shavon Taylor High School Sheri Kokomo High School Sherman Kokomo High School Sherre Ann Eastern High School Sherri Haworth High School Sherri Northwestern High School Page 94 Grad Year 1950 1961 1980 1957 1959 2013 1963 1966 1937 1933 1949 1950 1927 1919 1988 1995 1970 1977 1977 1956 1997 1972 2006 1982 1954 1984 1986 1991 1999 1979 1994 1992 2004 1995 1968 1958 1978 1960 1964 1997 2005 2002 1948 1990 1977 1984 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Sherri Jo Sherry Shirley Shirley Elizabeth Shirley Janie Shirley Jean Shirley Pat Shonda Shreanna Sidney Sierra Snadra (Sandra) Sonsaray Sonya Sophia Stacy Stacy Lynne Starla Stefanie Stephan L. Stephanie Stephanie Stephen Stephen Allen Steve Steve Steven Steven Steven Steven J. Steven M. Sue Ann Sue Ann Sue Anne R. Susan Lynn Talice Tamara Tamara Jo Tammy Tammy Tammy Tanya Taryn Shayne Ted Teresa Diane Teresa L. School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Haworth High School Greentown High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Page 95 Grad Year 1982 1990 1970 1949 1953 1958 1944 1992 2003 1975 2014 1971 1994 1991 1895 1980 1980 1972 1992 1975 2001 1978 1962 1963 1973 1981 1971 1976 1977 1971 1995 1952 1978 1951 1979 1912 1976 1990 1975 1981 1988 1988 2010 1976 1989 1975 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH First Name Teresa Sue Terri Terry Tessa Thad Thelma Theresa E. Theresa M. Theresa Rose Thomas Thomas J. Thomas Lee Tiffany Tim Tim Tim Timothy Timothy Timothy Scott Todd Todd Vincent Tom O. Tom R. Toni Travas Travis Trilby Troy Troy Troy Trudy Tyler Tyler A. V. Renee Velma Vernon R. Vicki Vicky D. Virgil D. Virginia Virginia Virginia S. Vivian Vivian Lynn W. Everett Wallace School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Lighthouse Christian High School Western High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Taylor High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Clay Township High School Western High School Kokomo High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Page 96 Grad Year 1983 1984 1959 2014 1991 1938 1976 1988 1972 1962 1965 1954 2001 1973 1979 1983 1968 2000 1981 1982 1979 1995 1967 1968 1995 2007 1976 1970 1977 1991 1977 2012 2011 1968 1938 1943 1982 1961 1932 1936 1991 1896 1943 1980 1913 1911 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH II SMITH-POWELL SMITH-POWELL SMITHSON SMITHSON SMITHSON SMITH-WHITE SMITSON SMOKER SMOKER SMOKER SMOKER SMOKER SMOOT SMOOT SMOOT First Name Walter Wanda Bell Warren Dale Wayne Wayne Wayne M. Wendell Wendy Wendy Wendy Wes Wesley Whitney Will C. William William William William William Edward William H. William J. William R. Wilma Ruth Winifred Yvonne Yvonne Zachary J. Zaybreeon Zola (Davis) Zonia Rose Samuel F. Courtney Keisha Elaine Kathie D. Shannon Moniece Jamal Dorothy Jessica Lynn Mike Rebecca Terry Timothy J. Lauren Anthony Cheryl Lynn School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Ervin Township High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 97 Grad Year 1921 1943 1981 1930 1933 1945 1962 1985 1991 1997 2012 1952 2001 1878 1935 1937 1967 1999 1975 1964 1948 1961 1974 1939 1941 1969 2009 2012 1921 1954 1979 2007 2006 1986 1981 1988 2014 1926 2010 1970 1990 1977 1978 2005 2008 1983 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SMYSER SMYSER SMYTH SNAPP SNAVELY SNAVELY SNAY SNAY SNEAD SNEAD SNEAD SNEDEGAR SNEED SNELL SNELLING SNIDER SNIDER SNIDER SNIDER SNIDER SNIDER SNIDER SNIDER SNIVELY SNIVELY SNIVELY SNODDY SNODDY SNODGRASS SNODGRASS SNODGRASS SNODGRASS SNODGRASS SNODGRASS SNODGRASS SNODGRASS SNODGRASS SNODGRASS SNODGRASS SNODGRASS SNODGRASS SNORDERLY SNOUFFER SNOW SNOW SNOW First Name Michael Tamara Jaye Anthony Christina Scott Stacy Amanda Elizabeth Heather Jane Jill Sally Sarah Michael Duane Angela Dawn Calief Chris Elizabeth James Jan John Mary Robert Thomas M. David Frederick Dee Ann Richard Aaron Adria Brooke Cherl Cindy Cristin Lynn Mark V. Michael Roger Roger Earl Roger Evan Sandy Sarah Stephanie A. Sue Patricia Ruth Anna Lou Betty Beverly School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Lighthouse Christian High School Lighthouse Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 98 Grad Year 1969 1972 1984 2007 1986 1988 2011 2009 1980 1984 1986 1974 1975 1991 1973 1976 1938 1968 1971 1959 1927 1967 1963 1972 1976 1975 2010 2007 2001 1976 1976 2004 1967 1970 1974 1979 1978 1955 1976 1996 1966 1968 1953 1939 1943 1956 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW First Name Blanche O. Brent Austin Brian Carolyn Faye Carolyn S. Carolyn Sue Charles Cheri E. Christopher Coby Daniel W. Dawn Donald E. Donna Mae Doug Greg C. Jason David Jerry Wayne Jim M. Joan Jodie John W. Jonathan K. Keanna Keith A. Larry LaShawn Lekeya Linda M. Lois Mary Melissa Michael Allen Minnie Rose Patricia Louise Robert B. Robert Howard Ronnie L. Ruth Ann Sharon Shawn Sherry Stacy Teresa Thomas Thomas W. School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 99 Grad Year 1965 1972 1990 1958 1962 1958 1933 1963 2005 1993 1965 1986 1955 1960 2006 1979 1997 1979 1961 1949 1989 1966 2008 2008 1963 1970 2012 1990 1963 1967 1991 2001 1965 1942 1957 1962 1951 1965 1947 1953 1984 1985 1994 1966 1940 1962 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SNOW SNOW SNOWDEN SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER First Name William William Mary Aaron Allen Amy April Barbara Lee Berniece Betty Jo Bobbie (McCormick) Brad Brandon Breanna Brent Bruce Eric Bruce Lee Bryan Bryan Keith Chase N. Christy Constance Elaine Cynthia J. Dallas Daniel Wayne Dave David Dawn Deborah Deloris Denise Lee Donna Jane Doris Eddie Dean Gabriella Gary Gene Gary L. Gladys Gordon Gordon L. Holly Jack Jack W. James R. Janelle Janet K. School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Page 100 Grad Year 2004 1956 1925 1996 1996 1993 2001 1953 1927 1952 1972 1981 2013 2011 1988 1989 1961 1997 1979 2006 1989 1967 1967 1943 1970 1973 1974 1991 1985 1959 1978 1957 1929 1958 2012 1965 1965 1929 1909 1909 1987 1947 1961 1979 1990 1965 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER First Name Janice Janice Jason Jean Cherry Jeanne Marie Jennifer Jerry Jerry Joe Joe Joseph J. Judith Ann Judy A. Judy Ann Karen Karmen Kathryn Kathryn J. Kathy Ann Kelcey Kevin Kim Lacey Larry Everett Larry L. Lester Madonna Marilyn Ruth Marjorie Mary Matt Megan Melinda Jane Mercedes Michael Mike Patty Paula K. Phyllis Ralph Richard Richard Greg Rita Carol Robert K. Robert Lee Roberta Ronald School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 101 Grad Year 1969 1976 1995 1962 1978 1987 1970 1964 1974 1956 1960 1966 1959 1977 1992 1954 1966 1979 2005 1986 1984 2004 1961 1962 1915 1955 1952 1952 1971 1985 2004 1969 2007 1992 1977 1980 1979 1961 1943 1996 1965 1955 1965 1953 1944 1933 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SNYDER SOBLOTNE SOBLOTNE SOBLOTNE SOBLOTNE SOBLOTNE SOBLOTNE SOBLOTNE SOBLOTNE SOBLOTNE SOBLOTNE SOBLOTNE SOBLOTONE SOBOTNE SOCH SOCHON SOCHON SODEN SODERLUND SODERLUND SODERLUND SOHM SOKOL SOKOL SOKOL SOKOL SOKOL SOKOL SOKOLOWSKI SOKOLOWSKI SOKOLOWSKI SOKOLOWSKI SOKOLSKI SOLIS SOLIS SOLLENBERGER First Name Ronald Earl Roseann Sandra Sue Sheryl Todd Tricia Vicky Lynn Wayne William William Zenda Jean Clarence Douglas Evelyn J. Gary W. Jimmy Wayne Kristina Larry W. Lauren Pamela Ray Roy Charles Janice George Gordon G. Sharron Cheryl Cynthia Lynn Daryl C. Timothy Darrell Bradley Jessica E. Linda Teresa Terry L. William David W. Janet Marie Kathy A. Robert Benjamkin Joshua Tyler James School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 102 Grad Year 1954 1976 1957 1976 2008 1993 1957 1928 1939 1966 1975 1940 1983 1951 1962 1960 1986 1966 2008 1970 1940 1941 1992 1972 1967 1965 1972 1975 1990 1994 1991 2005 2003 2006 1970 1967 1965 1969 1978 1979 1977 1988 2010 2006 2014 1908 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SOLLENBERGER SOLLENBERGER SOLLENBERGER SOLLOWAY SOLLOWAY SOLOMON SOLOMON SOLOMON SOLOMON SOLOMON SOLOMON SOLOMON SOMEL SOMERS SOMERS SOMERS SOMERS SOMERS SOMERS SOMERS SOMERS SOMERS SOMERS SOMERS SOMERVILLE SOMERVILLE SOMERVILLE SOMERVILLE SOMMERFELD SOMMERFELD SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS First Name Judith Paul Will Christopher Ryan Jennifer Amber Ashley Austin Cinseria Ruth Tanisha Troy George Franklin Anne Claire C. E. Dorotha Frances Gail Glen Harold Jean Mary Lee Raymond K. Robert Barb Barbara Jean Julian Susan Kay Christopher Matthew Alice Anna Ruth Charles Clayton Corey Dale E. Daymon Dustin Earl Eugene Ed Elaine Eric C. Jane Ann Jerry L. Joshua Joshua School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Ervin Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Western High School Howard Township High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Page 103 Grad Year 1918 1909 1888 1981 1983 2010 2009 2011 1972 1941 1991 2013 1960 1952 1886 1949 1918 1909 1914 1922 1907 1950 1912 1994 1974 1955 1929 1969 2002 2004 1943 1947 1953 1931 2005 1981 1979 2005 1960 1973 1944 1978 1957 1962 2005 2014 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMMERS SOMSEL SOMSEL SOMSEL SOMSEL SONAFRANK SONAFRANK SONS SOOTS SOOTS SOOTS SOOTS SOOTS SOOTS SOOTS SOOTS SOOTS SOOTS SOPHER SOPHER SOPHER SOPHER SORELL SORENSEN SORENSON SORENSON SORENSON SORRELL SORRELL SORRELL First Name Joy D. Justin Justin Karl C. Miriam Pauline Penny Phyllis J. Raymond Rheta Richard Roland Jay Sharon Terri (Jones) Vera Wilbur Ray William V. Cheryl E. Kathy Mike A. Rick Beth Monique James Jonathon Mark Andrea Andrew Angela Austin Carolyn Harrison Dale Kristina Melissa Patricia A. Susanne Debra Joan Donna Gary Ron Bradley Kent Gina Amy Michelle Angela Lynn Paul Brittany Donna Haley School Eastern High School Eastern High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Western High School Kokomo High School Howard Township High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Page 104 Grad Year 2011 2004 2004 1964 1925 1945 1974 1966 1925 1979 1960 1951 1977 1982 1958 1957 1981 1963 1968 1964 1989 1986 1985 1993 2003 2002 1994 2008 1958 1980 1995 1989 1964 1977 1978 1974 1973 1984 1976 1980 1989 1992 2001 2001 1973 2003 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SORRELL SORRELL SORRELL SORRELL SORRELL SORRELL SORRELL SORRELL SORRELL SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSBE SOSH SOTO SOTTONG SOTTONG SOTTONG SOTTONG SOTTONG SOTTONG SOUDER SOUDER SOUDER SOUDER SOUDER SOUERS SOUFERANT SOUFFRANT SOUFFRANT SOUPLEY SOUPLEY SOUPLEY First Name Jeff Linda Linda Norman Richard Bryan Robert Sean Sharon Thomas Annette Barbara J. Betty Jean Charles Charles Christopher Debbie Denise Frances Jennifer Linda Sue Paul Paul R. Richard Leslie Richard Leslie Jr. Sue Tim Tonya Nicole Jorge James Joan Louise Mary Catherine Paul E. Robert Francis Teresa David Ed. M. Mary Katherine William Yvonne Jo Margaret Sally Sandra Lou Susan Frances James R. Jason School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Page 105 Grad Year 1976 1969 1975 1975 1996 1967 2006 1948 1969 1978 1958 1941 1947 1968 1995 1970 1976 1939 1999 1972 1968 1950 1955 1982 1974 1975 1988 1997 1968 1955 1950 1948 1954 1967 1929 1890 1923 1927 1939 1939 1986 1978 1977 1947 1955 1995 Last updated: 3/20/2015 Grad List through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SOUPLEY SOUPLEY SOUPLEY SOUPLEY SOUTAR SOUTAR SOUTAR SOUTH SOUTHARD SOUTHARD SOUTHARD SOUTHERLAND SOUTHERLAND SOUTHERLAND SOUTHERLAND SOUTHERLAND SOUTHERLAND SOUTHERTON SOUTHHARD SOVERN SOVERN SOVERN SOVERN SOWDERS SOWERS SOWERS SOWERS SOX SOZANSKY SPADE SPAGNOLO SPAGNOLO SPAGNOLO SPALDING SPALDING SPALDING SPALL SPALL SPALL SPALL SPALL SPALL SPANE SPANE SPANE SPANGLER First Name Jill E. Melissa Michael Creig Patricia Corinne Erin Elizabeth Sami Amy Donna J. Julie Vikki Angela Dan Diana Kimberly Nancy Tom Dorothy Mae (Richey) Sharon Lee Bev Charles Rebecca Ann Sherry Lynn Christy John Patsy Nellie B. Ruby Irene Dorotha (Smith) Jeanie Irene Annie Catherine T. John Megan Jamie Ranee Matt Don Garrett Jeff Jeffrey Lee Jill L. Shelby Brian Kent Roger Ronald K. Bev School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Howard Township High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Howard Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Jackson Township High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Page 106 Grad Year 1965 1997 1970 1975 2010 2012 2014 1993 1955 1991 1989 1992 1972 1969 1994 1975 1973 1932 1960 1987 1961 1995 1986 1997 1947 1953 1950 1931 2007 1929 1991 1982 1983 2003 1989 2006 1984 2008 1987 1960 1962 2011 1997 1958 1959 1987 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANGLER SPANN SPANN SPANN SPANN SPANO SPARGER SPARGER SPARGER SPARGER SPARKS First Name Caitlin Caroline Carrie Charles Charles Lloyd Christine Doris Elizabeth Ann Eugene Frank Eldon Gary Edward Harvey Lee Helen James L. Janet Louise Jeanine Lenore Jerry Lee Jody John Samuel Kasee Kevin Kristin Renee Lizzie C. Margaret Suzanne Marge Lou Mary Melissa Mike Mike Miriam Norma Pamela Sue Peggy Jo Ricky Lee Ruth Susan Kay Joanna Kathryn Lawanna Suzanne Anthony Cathy Chris Debbie Lisa Alex School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Northwestern High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Western High School Page 107 Grad Year 2007 1957 1884 1950 1964 1967 1951 1954 1940 1960 1975 1957 1916 1995 1952 1985 1986 1991 1953 2003 1995 1997 1881 1963 1946 1942 1993 1973 1988 1945 1947 1970 1968 1965 1944 1979 1992 1929 1951 1992 1982 1976 1980 1971 1978 2012 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARKS SPARLIN SPARLIN SPARLIN SPARLIN SPARLIN SPARLIN SPARLING SPARLING SPARLING SPARLING SPARLING SPARLING SPARLING SPARLING SPARLING SPARLING SPARLING SPARLING SPARLING SPATHE First Name Alison Marie Angela Betty L. Bob Brian Bryson Charlie Courtney Deana Donn E. Jackie Janet Lou John Karen Lynn Kiley Kristen Lynn Laura Matt Norma Patti Shawn Eric Tanner Troy Tyler Valetta Vicky A. Alan Chad Emily Janet Jennifer Rita Allen Barbara C. Clifford Joe Jon Kelly Kevin Logan Lonita Marty Mike Sharon Sue Ted Theodore Eddy School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Greentown High School Western High School Page 108 Grad Year 1993 1981 1944 1976 2002 2012 1975 2006 1988 1949 1972 1949 1983 1972 2004 1989 1985 1995 1956 1971 1993 2011 1991 2007 1974 1966 1974 2000 2003 1973 2004 1977 1966 1962 1977 1974 1999 1978 1957 1972 1959 1962 1960 1988 1949 1981 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SPAUDLING SPAULDING SPAULDING SPAULDING SPAULDING SPAULDING SPAULDING SPAULDING SPAULDING SPAULDING SPAULDING SPAY SPAY SPAYD SPEARMAN SPEARMAN SPEARS SPEARS SPECK SPECK SPECK SPECK SPECK SPECK SPECKIEN SPEES SPEICHER SPEICHER SPEIDEL SPEIDEL SPEIDEL SPEIGHT SPEIGHT SPEIGHT SPEIGHT SPELMAN SPELMAN SPELMAN SPENCE SPENCE SPENCE SPENCE SPENCE SPENCE SPENCE SPENCE First Name Brent Brian Irene Lettie (King) Michael Michael Michael Dean Randall Robert Susan Trent Lynne Richard W. Dolores Larnia K. Roscoe Earl Laverne Gary Wayne Bob Brad Helen John Mark Mildred Ruth Randy Heather Tabitha David J. Ella Marie Leslie Ann Daniel David B. Jessica John Elizabeth Ann Stephen William Susan Marie Amanda Angela Jill (Cheek) Angela R. Catherine Lynn Christine Louise Dennis M. Gregory Marc Jake School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Howard Township High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Page 109 Grad Year 1985 1995 1949 1922 1993 1995 1972 1970 1967 1984 1982 1971 1964 1933 1963 1929 1947 1964 1974 2006 1942 1905 2002 1948 1917 1978 2009 2011 1984 1985 1989 2007 1980 2001 1973 1991 1981 1986 1996 1990 1984 1992 1978 1979 1990 2012 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SPENCE SPENCE SPENCE SPENCE SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER First Name Jeffrey Tracy Cameron Brooke Kelsey M. Bradley Brenda Lee Brianna Carol A. Charles Christopher Cherie Clara J. Cleandrea R. Daisy (Arnett) David David L. Diana L. Donna Donnell Garnet Jacob James Jeffrey Todd Jeremy Jerry D. Jody Lee Joshua Kenneth M. Kimberly A. Maxine Michelle Michelle Joan Opal Paul Phillip G. Raymond S. Rene L. Rex Rita Carlene Ronald R. Ronald R. II Ruth Shawn Shirley Stacey Thomas L. Virgil L. School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Taylor High School Eastern High School Western High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Page 110 Grad Year 1985 1986 2011 2011 2004 1992 2010 1962 1980 1973 1963 2009 1909 2007 1991 1970 1977 1926 1910 2014 1968 1980 1999 1978 1994 2004 1950 1965 1941 2006 1980 1914 1999 1957 1980 1980 2001 1966 1949 1979 1923 1987 1993 1976 1962 1967 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SPENCER SPENSE SPERLING SPEROFF SPEROS SPEVACEK SPEVACEK SPICER SPICER SPICER SPICER SPICER SPICER SPICER SPICER SPICER SPICER SPICER SPICER SPICER SPICER SPICER SPICKLEMIRE SPICKLEMIRE SPIDELL SPIDELL SPIDELL SPIDELL SPIDELL SPIELMAN SPIER SPIER SPILITTORFF SPILMAN SPINDLER SPINGER SPINK SPINKS SPIRES SPIRES SPIRES SPIRES SPIRES SPIRES SPIRES SPITLER First Name Zach Jake Lloyd Rebecca Lou Esther Cathy M. Chuck Alice Ashley Brent Christina Diane Duncan Dustin Ginger John A. Marianne Marjorie Meghan Phyllis Reathel Rozella Samuel H. Debbie John E. Charles Jacob Mike Sandra Stephen E. John Brent S. Bryant Fred Helen Frances Tristan L. Cynthia Hilda (Newlin) Misty Hope Doug Holli Miranda Phil Ricky Steve Wesley Justin School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Lighthouse Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Russiaville High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Page 111 Grad Year 2012 2012 1934 1946 1939 1965 1974 1951 2002 1988 1969 2013 2004 1977 1954 1969 1950 2005 1948 1949 1943 1946 1977 1980 1979 2002 1988 1990 1983 1990 1984 1986 1977 1944 1979 1971 1916 1995 1979 2001 2009 1977 2009 1975 2007 2005 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SPITLER SPIVEY SPLITTORF SPOHN SPONAUGLE SPONAUGLE SPONAUGLE SPOON SPOON SPOONEMORE SPOONMORE SPORER SPORN SPORN SPOTTS SPOTTS SPOTTS SPRADLIN SPRADLIN SPRADLIN SPRADLIN SPRADLIN SPRADLING SPRADLING SPRADLING SPRADLING SPRADLING SPRADLING SPRADLING SPRADLING SPRADLING SPRADLING SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER First Name Kathy Ray Charles Claire James Jeffrey Rebecca Beth Nick David Barbara Otto Amy Marcia Ricky Tammy Tracy Joseph Joyce E. Kristina Larry Larry Ray Charles James Marion Marion Eugene Matt Patricia Sue Robert Ruth Ruthann Sally Anna Jean Clyde D. David Doris Esther Ethel (Wilson) Gertrude Gladys Glen Ivan Jennifer Julie Kay La Marr Lowell School Western High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Ervin Township High School Kokomo High School New London High School New London High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School New London High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Ervin Township High School Ervin Township High School Page 112 Grad Year 1977 1946 1975 2002 1986 1989 1987 1987 1997 2006 2003 1926 1982 1976 1978 1980 1981 1959 1966 1982 1984 1960 1899 1935 1936 1961 2012 1958 1937 1939 1963 1974 1962 1900 1973 1946 1919 1918 1925 1916 1910 1918 2002 1974 1935 1936 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRAKER SPRANGLER SPRATT SPRATT SPRATT SPRAY SPRAY SPRAY SPRAY SPRAY SPRING SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER First Name Lowell Edward Martha Martha Jane Mildred Myrtle Sarah Susan Jan Verna Ann Greg Angela David Jacnacra Diana Doug Sheri Elizabeth Tammy Timothy Carol Beth Charles Charles Charles Frederick David A. David Lee Elizabeth Fred Garry Joe Greg Jeff A. Jennifer John Julie Karla Kathy Kenneth Kimberla Kay Kurt Lachita Lee Leslie Linda L. Mariann Mary Ellen Mary Jo Melissa Gayle Michael School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Page 113 Grad Year 1961 1931 1957 1921 1895 2005 1976 1960 1971 1992 1997 1928 1999 1987 1989 1990 1994 1951 1974 1973 1992 1952 1966 1966 1999 1969 1953 1975 1972 1995 1938 1979 1977 1977 1968 1976 1974 1974 1982 1986 1961 1959 1933 1925 1996 2011 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGER SPRINGFIELD SPRINKLE SPRINKLE SPRINKLE SPRINKLE SPRINKLE SPRINKLE SPRINKLE SPRINKLE SPRINKLE SPRINKLE SPRINKLE SPRINKLES SPROAL SPROAL SPROCH SPROUSE SPROUSE SPROUSE SPRUCE SPRUCE SPRUILL SPRUILL SPURGEON SPURGEON SPURGEON SPURGEON SPURGEON SPURGEON SPURGEON SPURGEON SPURGEON SPURGEON SPURGEON First Name Nancy Carol Patricia Peggy Joan Rita Robert Ronald L. Sharon Sylvia Sue Todd Troy Velma Vern Josie Amy Jo Ashlee Candace Carolyn Chris Keenan Kelly Renee Kevin Lisa D. Roy Alan Shannon Nicole Jodi Patricia M. Vicki Michael Karly Rachel Lynn Trevor Isabelle Tyner Devin Devin H. Charlene Helen (Carter) Joe Judy C. Linda Neil Nick Paul Robert Wayne Ruth Wayne School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo Christian High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 114 Grad Year 1954 1954 1956 1968 1935 1959 1958 1979 1979 1984 1928 1967 1987 1972 2005 2002 1956 1985 2010 1983 1982 1981 1982 2006 2012 1961 1969 2006 2014 1996 2012 1914 1914 2003 2004 1965 1916 1921 1966 1977 1923 2000 1923 1951 1919 1936 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SPURGEON SPURGEON SPURLIN SPURLIN SPURLIN SQUIBB SQUIER SRIDHAR SRIVASTAV SRIVASTAVA SRIVASTAVA ST CLAIR ST JOHN ST. CLAIR ST. CLAIR ST. CLAIR ST. CLAIR ST. CLAIR ST. CLAIR ST. CLAIR ST. JOHN ST. JOHN St. JOHN STAAGS STAATS STABLER STABLER STABLER STACEY STACK STACKHOUSE STACY STACY, JR. STAFFORD STAFFORD STAFFORD STAFFORD STAFFORD STAFFORD STAFFORD STAFFORD STAFFORD STAFFORD STAFFORD STAGE STAGE First Name Wilma Worth Claude Maude Otis B. Annie June Shruti Prajin Nayan OM Travis Beulah Aaric Aaron Alexander Anthony Kyle A. Sandra M. Sandy Sylivia Debra Jeffrey Earl Mary N. N. Lisa Helen (Pyke) Nancy Ryan Scott Paul Barbara Nadine Megan Cody Homer Alice Chad Deborah Derrick A. Don Emma Graydon Homer Matthew Staci Stephen Diane Marie Kimberly School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Page 115 Grad Year 1935 1926 1895 1899 1896 1991 1926 2007 2013 2001 2007 1995 1936 2012 1983 1993 2011 1994 1996 1982 1979 1974 1915 1987 1933 1982 2006 1982 2001 1955 2010 2014 1942 1943 1995 1968 1992 1977 1920 1942 1914 2014 1989 1970 1980 1988 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STAGE STAGE STAGGS STAGGS STAGGS STAGGS STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL First Name Kristina Troy Christopher Debbie Lillian Teresa Agnes Amanda Barbara Ann Bianca J. Brandon Carol Cecilia Charlene May Charlotte Christian Colton Danielle David David R. Diana Lynn Edward Elizabeth Elizabeth Francis Fred Greg Gretchen Helen Henry Ivan Jack Jane Jason Jeff Jenny Jill Joe John John Judith Kay Karen Karl Kelly Kelly G. Kelsey School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Western High School Clay Township High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Clay Township High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Page 116 Grad Year 2008 1984 2013 1971 2014 1986 1929 2013 1947 2008 2004 1974 1945 1969 1931 2012 2013 1999 1977 1964 1968 1922 1932 1933 1926 1948 1995 1993 1946 1941 1943 1949 1969 1992 1976 1991 1973 1970 1988 2010 1958 1970 1942 1978 1979 2014 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAHL STAKELBECK STAKELBECK STAKELBECK STALEY STALEY STALEY STALEY STALHOOD STALHOOD STALHOOD STALLER STALLER STALLION STALNAKER STALTER STALTER STALTER STALTER STALTER STAMBAUGH First Name Kevin Kim Lenora Linda K. Madeleine Margaret Marjorie Ann Mark Michael Michelle Mike Mildred Natalie Pat Peggy Phillip Raymond Richard Robert Rosalie Rosemary Sharon Suzanne Steve Gary Suzanne Tami Willard E. Jr. Ethel Kathryn Ronald Twila Jean Barbara Anne Blaine Eugene John Richard Phyllis Amber Renae Jeremy Tony Sable Seth Brandon Michael Glee Gary Jack Jennifer Joanie Ted Jennifer School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 117 Grad Year 1975 1975 1994 1964 1979 1934 1954 1996 1969 1996 1970 1919 2002 1971 1970 1947 1925 1936 1986 1940 1930 1968 1961 1975 1985 1957 1952 1955 1947 1947 1950 1951 1942 1996 1994 1975 2011 2009 2006 1939 1972 1957 2001 1981 1948 1993 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STAMBAUGH STAMBAUGH STAMP STAMPER STAMPER STAMPER STAMPER STAMPER STAMPER STAMPER STAMPER STAMPLER STAMPS STANBRO STANBRO STANBRO STANDT STANDT STANDT STANESA STANESA FENN STANFILL STANFORD STANFORD STANFORTH STANFORTH STANFORTH STANFORTH STANFORTH STANFORTH STANG STANG STANG STANGE STANGER STANGLAND STANIFER STANIFORD STANKAVICH STANKAVICH STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY First Name Richard Tracy Robvis Abram Alexis Brian Christopher Timothy James Allen Jeff Pamela William Suzette Renee Richard U. Catherine Richard Ruth David L. Gina Janice Ray David Mike David Martin Thomas Julie Kim Lisa Mark Marla Michelle Alexander Gene Sara Lynn Chris Larry Doris Ann John Jackie Carla Todd Alan Angela Ariel Arthur Bridgette Brock Caleb School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Page 118 Grad Year 2010 1991 2008 2014 2009 2001 1973 1979 1987 1968 1945 1982 1950 1926 1929 1928 1958 1986 1960 1995 1996 1987 1936 1934 1977 1974 2003 1975 2005 2001 2005 1974 1997 2003 1953 1943 2003 1977 1984 1982 1973 2013 1929 2005 1994 2014 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANLEY STANSBERRY STANSBERRY STANSBERRY STANSBERRY STANSBERRY STANSBERRY STANSBERRY STANSBERRY STANSBERRY STANSBURY First Name Cathy Chris Claude W. Jr. Damon Danielle Dave Deborah A. Dorothy Erin James S. Jean Jeremy John John G. Kay F. Kent Lori Marilyn Kay Markeeta Martha Ann Michael Michael Lynn Mike Mitchell Paul Merton Jr. Rebekah Richard Lee Rick Robert Ronald L. Sharlot Susan Thomas Troy Vesta Wayne Brandon Christina Diana Jacob Jennifer Johnna Marie Kathy Michael Taylor Dorothy School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School CHaworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Lighthouse Christian High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Page 119 Grad Year 1970 1967 1944 2012 2002 1984 1970 1938 1997 1962 1954 2000 1986 1963 1962 1995 1988 1962 1941 1943 1974 1967 1976 1974 1959 1968 1951 1975 1938 1959 1940 1981 2003 1988 1912 2004 2006 1983 1985 2008 1990 1979 1976 1978 2006 1926 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STANSBURY STANTON STANTON STANTON STANTON STANTON STANTS STANTS STAPLETON STAPLETON STAPLETON STAPLETON STARBUCK STARBUCK STARBUCK STARBUCK STARBUCK STARICH STARICH STARICH STARK STARK STARK STARK STARK STARK STARK STARK STARK STARK STARKEY STARKEY STARKEY STARKEY STARNER STARNER STARNER STARNER STARNER STARNES STARRETT STARRETT STASON STASON STATER STATER First Name Thelma Charles David Dawn R. Eunice Lisa Cathy Lori Steve C. Suzanne Craig Jeff Shareese Dustin Frank Greg Heather Larry Kevin Kyle Todd Anthony Alexandria Carrie Emily John John Leah Beth Lora Maria Patricia Kim Suzanne Lyn Crystal K. Isabelle Marjrie Melissa Deanna Elizabeth Mary Stephanie Ted Chase R. Aaron Andrew Carrie Miranda Michael Tamara School Kokomo High School Howard Township High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Page 120 Grad Year 1916 1947 1993 1980 1970 1981 1980 1978 1965 1968 1986 1966 1935 1937 1968 1994 1959 1973 2011 1976 2012 1975 2009 1980 1983 1980 1976 1982 1978 1980 1996 1943 1940 1986 1986 1994 1969 1989 1959 2011 2010 2008 1975 1994 1983 1990 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STATION STATON STATON STATON STATON STATON STATON STATON STATON STATON STATON STAUTON STAVROFF STAVROFF STAVROFF STAVROPULOS STAVROPULOS STAVROPULOS STCOEFFER STEARNS STEARNS STEARNS STEARNS STEARNS STEARNS STEARNS STEAVEL STEDMAN STEDMAN STEDRY STEDRY STEDRY STEDRY STEDRY STEDRY STEDRY STEDRY STEDRY STEDRY STEDRY STEEL STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE First Name Melody Amy Beverly A. Candace Charles Joan Kathie Mike Rex Robert Thomas Lucy Brian Michael Karen Phil James Mary Mike Madge (Johnson) Curt Eric James Jamie Arlee Marc Mollie Phyllis Jean Kristi Catherine Thurston Christy Suzanne Cynthia A. Edward Garfield Frank Frank Jr. Stephanie Stephanie Jeanne Steven K. Susan Virginia Wilma Jessica Jane Marie Alissa Ann Amanda Becky Bobby Cathy School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Howard Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Page 121 Grad Year 1973 1992 1965 2007 1940 1976 1974 1991 1977 1973 1968 1883 1979 1981 1975 1948 1945 1975 1937 1980 1984 1989 1979 2002 2005 1944 1973 1918 1920 1989 1966 1939 2004 1946 2008 1992 1965 1967 1943 1940 2012 1995 2002 1968 2000 1978 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELMAN STEEN STEEN STEENMAN STEENMAN STEENMAN STEERS STEFAN STEGALL STEGALL STEIN STEIN STEIN STEIN STEIN STEINBORN STEINBORN STEINBORN STEINBORN STEINDORF STEINDORF STEINER STEINER STEINER First Name Daniel David James Derick Eddie Felecia Greg Holly Joe Wesley John Karrie Kathy Kelly M. Lisa Marsha Michael Christian Michelle Nettie Phyllis D. Richard Robin Lynn Sharon Susan Merrill Frank Elaine Wendell Becky Jo Caleb Susan Cameron Olympia Brian Jami James Lee Joan Joshua Paul Phillip D. Robert Carol Lee Gordon Kenneth Kenneth Alyssa Anne Adele Christine Amanda Brandon School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Page 122 Grad Year 1982 1993 1996 1991 2004 1982 2001 1986 1983 2008 2001 1981 1976 1974 1996 1988 1895 1963 1968 1979 1972 1981 1925 1967 1973 1961 2000 1982 2014 1956 1986 1994 1980 1973 1997 1965 1968 1955 1910 1933 1969 2004 2006 1968 2004 1996 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEINER STEININGER STEININGER STEININGER STEININGER STEININGER STEINNGER STEINSBERGER STELDER STELLA STELLHORN STELLHORN STELTENKAMP STEMLER STEMLER STENKLYFT STENKLYFT STEPANICH STEPHAN STEPHAN STEPHEN STEPHEN STEPHEN STEPHENS First Name D. Mark David David Allen Elizabeth Gay Herbert Jason Todd Jeffery Thomas John Andrew John Leslie Julie Kelly Kim E. Laura Lisa Lucinda Jane Regina Anne Sarah Shirley Steven Earl Terry Ray Thomas William Henry William Kent Dawn Rene Elise C Evon Helena Rob Denise Rachelle Bryce Arnoud Lucas Blair Brittany Mike Nanzleen Robert Darrell Jean Marie Joan Ann Shari Linda Rick Francis Leslie Lisa Amanda School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School New London High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Ervin Township High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Page 123 Grad Year 1969 1949 1969 1963 1944 1993 1997 1975 1970 1994 1991 1980 2012 1977 1970 2009 2003 1968 1973 1967 2006 1975 1972 1980 1983 1979 2010 1978 1985 1989 2006 2002 2006 2004 1996 1938 1950 1980 1980 1975 1983 1987 1935 2000 2002 2003 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENSON STEPHENSON STEPHENSON STEPHENSON STEPHENSON STEPHENSON STEPHENSON STEPHENSON STEPHENSON STEPHENSON STEPHENSON STEPHENSON STEPLER STEPLER STEPLER STEPLER STEPLER STEPLER STEPLER STERLING STERLING STERN STERN STERN STERN STERNS First Name Andrea Renee Barbara Beth A. Casey Deloris Frances Gary Glenn Gregory Alan Heather Kelly Kyla Kylene Nicole Lacey Mark Nancy Doyle Nancy Lee Sarah Violet Virginia Adam Bart Derek Dusty Kathy D. Mindi Nancy Nancy J. Nels M. Richard Rusty Robert D. Staci Betty R. Connie S. James John John II Kelly Russell Jordan J. Tracey Adele Gertrude Julia G. Sidney Greg School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Page 124 Grad Year 1989 1967 1965 2013 1942 1932 1982 1981 1978 2007 1985 2010 2008 2011 1979 1960 1994 2011 1930 1931 2004 1978 1988 1994 1963 1987 1980 1981 1962 1991 1966 1987 1941 1965 1943 1960 1978 1984 1937 2011 1986 1908 1907 1903 1901 1976 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STETLER STETLER STETLER STETZEL STEUR STEUR STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS First Name Catherine Rae Frances Margaret Ann Tyler Kathy Kelly Adam Angela Ashley Bonnie Brenda Carol Chad Corey Cynthia Darrell L. David David A. Dorothy Doug Edgar A. Erica Ernest J. Eugene Farron Gene Gene Morris George Glen Allen Greg Harold Jasmine Jason Jeff Jeffery Jim Kari Kim Kimberly Kaye Larry Lee Darzell Leonard Wayne Linda Sue Lisa Ann Lynn Marcia School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Ervin Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 125 Grad Year 1965 1973 1962 2004 1984 1982 2007 1989 2003 1990 1981 1980 2008 2004 1968 1982 2000 1975 1967 1971 1948 2002 1966 1931 1990 1971 1946 1928 1982 1968 1921 2010 1995 1985 1982 1946 2002 1978 1992 1976 1980 1966 1980 1996 1966 1973 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON First Name Mark Marla L. Marlin Marlin Martha Martha Martha Jane Mary Katherine Matthew Melissa Mike Mildred Nancy Jean Owen Patricia Ann Paul D. Phillip Rena Robert Robert Max Shawn Shelly Thomas A. Toni E. Travis Warren Alexia Andrew Angela Ashley Beth Jeannine Cindy David Michael Debbie Ann Gary Lynn Glenda Herbert Jack Janet S. Jessica Kyle Le Roy May Merita Ann Nellie Jane Payton School Haworth High School Kokomo Christian High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 126 Grad Year 1974 1990 2004 1974 1929 1930 1950 1931 1986 1984 1983 1922 1959 1919 1953 1930 1969 1975 1970 1942 2009 1973 1966 1979 2005 1943 1981 2004 1986 2000 1948 1978 1953 1979 1972 1967 1969 1968 1966 2003 2005 1912 1890 1960 1957 2005 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVESON STEVESON STEWARD STEWARD STEWARD STEWARD STEWARD STEWARD STEWARD STEWARD STEWARD STEWARD STEWARD STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART First Name Ramona Raymond Richard Robert G. Ryan Sheryl Weldon E. William L. Xavier Debra Jim Chris James James P. Josh Kimerlee Matt Megan Christine Nathan Patty Sarah Stephen Beatrice Becky Brent Brent Brian Christopher Clark M. Collin Dave David David Wayne Deloris Alexanderia Denise Mae Diana E. Dietra Don Dottie Douglas Eileen Eric M. Erik Harry J.T. Jacquline School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School New London High School Western High School Kokomo High School Page 127 Grad Year 1954 1912 1973 1952 1994 1970 1965 1964 2002 1971 1971 1979 2002 1979 2009 2007 2006 2011 2002 1985 2013 2005 1941 1974 2002 1977 1991 1995 1989 1988 1983 2009 1969 2011 1979 1965 1967 1995 1975 1974 1937 1984 2013 1926 2012 1993 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART First Name James E. Jamie Jansen Jeffery J. Jennifer Jo Jerri A. Johnathan Joshua JT Julie K. Kevin Kris Les Lisa Lisa Loren E. Lynn Maranda Mark Mary Ellen Max Melanie Nancy Nancy Ellen Peter M. Phyllis Richard Allen Robert Robert William Ronald Rusty Sally Samuel Sarah Saralyn Scott Shauna Shelley Sheri Suzanne Shondre Stephan Stephanie Stephen Summer Teresa Thomas Lew School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Page 128 Grad Year 1963 1997 1970 1979 1987 1962 2002 2013 2012 1966 1974 1973 1969 1976 1981 1971 1976 2004 1973 1950 1948 1981 1977 1961 1979 2004 1987 1970 1990 1968 1987 1954 2011 1978 1969 2006 1996 1994 1985 2011 1982 2008 1959 2012 1978 1953 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART-YARLBROUGH STHAL STICKLAND STIDHAM STIDHAM STIDHAM STIDHAM STIDHAM STIEDL STIER STIFF STIFFLE STIFFLER STIFFLER STIFFLER STIFFLER STIFFLER STIFLE STIFLE STIGGER STILES STILL STILL STILLABOWER STILLWELL STILLWELL STILWELL STILWELL STILWELL STILWELL STILWELL STILWELL STIMLER STIMLER STINCHCOMB STINCHCOMB STINCHCOMB STINCHCOMB STINE STINE STINE First Name Timothy Dale Tom Vickie Wayne William Shuna Huston Gloria N. Beckie S. Don Gloria E. Lori Mary Jacob Arielle Cynthia William E. Carolyn S. Jack Jeff Jill Lorina Jill Kimberly Joanne Justin Leon Adam Christian Drew Armeta Jayne Geoffrey Elizabeth Neil Jr. Sam Sandra Dee Sherry Suzanne Geoff Gregory W. Floyd L. Lesley Ronald L. Sondra M. Ben Diane L. Jeffrey Robert School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 129 Grad Year 1972 1975 1977 1941 1977 1999 1937 1964 1964 1986 1967 1983 1991 1989 2002 1971 1958 1966 1973 1968 1976 1919 1985 1983 2002 2002 1996 1994 2003 1936 1917 2006 1946 1976 1978 1984 1949 2009 2006 1964 1993 1966 1964 1986 1962 1960 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STINE STINE STINE STINE STINE STINE STINEMETZ STINEMETZ STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER STINER First Name John Kim Paul Robert Steve P. Tom Paul Scott Bonnie Brent Brian N. Carolyn Ann Clifford C. Danielle S. Danny Darrell Nocombus Dottie Jo Firmin Gary James Jamie Jonetta Kyle S. Larry L. Lucinda Marjorie M. Mary Katherine Michelle Peggy Rachel Richard Rick Robert Scott Rodney Russell Ruth Silas Susan Susie Tamie Teresa Cogdell Tiana Tina Troy Vickie Wayne Lee School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Clay Township High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Western High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Page 130 Grad Year 1992 1983 1940 1935 1964 1967 1989 1994 1960 2012 1982 1975 1965 2008 1961 1964 1963 1938 1967 1961 2003 1968 2009 1957 1951 1984 1952 1984 1956 2001 2003 1985 1982 1983 1947 1971 2006 1971 1956 1997 1985 1999 1993 1995 1974 1961 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STINER STINGER STINNETT STINNETT STINSON STINSON STIPEK STIPEK STIPES STIPES STIPES STITES STITES STITES STITES STITES STITES STITES STITES STITES STITES STITES STITT STITT STITT STITT STITT STITT STITT STITT STITT STITT STITT STITT STITT STITT STITT STITT STITTS STITTS STITTS STITTS STITTS STIVER STIVERS STIVERS First Name Wesley W. Alice Lisa Rebecca Kenneth Melinda Dustin Ryan Joe Ron L. Thomas Aaron Alan Ray Harry James A. Jane Larry Marcella Elaine Marcia Mildred Ann Rhonda Michelle Robert Angela Michelle Dave Doris Esther Jaimalyn James Joni Kelly Kristin Megan Michael L. Pamela Rickie Dean Sandra S. Thomas Vanessa Diane Bridggett Glynn Patsy Trenton Ty'anna Frances Laura Steve School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Taylor High School Northwestern High School Jackson Township High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Page 131 Grad Year 2011 1920 1985 1990 1989 1986 2005 1999 1982 1979 2010 2005 1969 1931 1970 1976 1959 1991 1963 1968 1994 1973 1982 1972 1946 1942 1995 1968 1973 1984 2003 1993 1964 1973 1973 1965 1968 1980 1986 1968 1974 2008 2014 1925 1978 1976 Last updated: 3/20/2015 Grad List through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STIVERS STOBEL STOCK STOCK STOCK STOCK STOCKBERGER STOCKBERGER STOCKBERGER STOCKDALE STOCKDALE STOCKDALE STOCKDALE STOCKDALE STOCKDALE STOCKDALE STOCKDALE STOCKDALE STOCKDALE STOCKDALE STOCKDALE STOCKDALE STOCKDALE STOCKDELL STOCKER STOCKER STOCKHOVER STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STOCKTON STODGELL STODGELL STODGELL STODGELL STODGELL STODGELL STODGELL STODGELL STODGELL STODGELL STODGILL STODGILL STOGDILL First Name Sue Christian Felix Elizabeth Arlene Flo Beth Gary Gilbert Eric Matthew Jason Lynn Norman Ann Brenda Charles Donald E. Gene Glen Jane Jenny Jill Diane Sandy Steven Otto Thomas Virginia Adaire William R. Seth J. Delta Ida Mark Bob Harriet Johnney Kyra Melanie Melissa Faith Dave L. Jack Jim K. Kathryn Kenneth Marge Robert Troy Tyler Valerie Marlene (Bliss) Charlene Darlene Gregory Alan School Haworth High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Page 132 Grad Year 1980 2010 1956 1961 1953 1959 1989 1987 1950 1959 1977 1937 1934 1940 1948 1942 1948 1988 1974 1968 1971 1943 1961 2011 1899 1892 2006 1980 1907 1984 2012 1985 1982 1966 1939 1961 1946 1941 1941 1956 1985 2012 1978 1974 1974 1979 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STOGDILL STOHLER STOHLER STOKELY STOKES STOKES STOKES STOKES STOKES STOKES STOKES STOKES STOKES STOKES STOKESBERRY STOLLINGS STOLT STOLT STOLTZ STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE First Name Karen Ann Mary Chris Bill Carol George Gregory A. Kenneth P. Leo Maralea Martha Jane Michael Michael Joseph Tom Steven Kimberly Monique Pamela Jean Wendell J. Andy Arnold Arnold Betty Bob L. Brent Chad Cynthia D. Dawn Eddy Gina Gregory A. Helen Josephine Julie Kelly Kevin Laura Marcia Ann Matthew Mitch Randy Coleman Reba Richard Rick A. Ryan Sandra Jean Sheila Kay School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Taylor High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Page 133 Grad Year 1977 1977 1979 1990 1941 1969 1939 1983 1957 1949 1971 1945 1982 1952 1994 2003 1985 1981 1985 1992 1979 2013 1938 1964 2006 1989 1975 1989 1971 1982 1980 1943 1993 1986 1976 2001 1979 2003 1982 1970 1930 1940 1973 2002 1967 1971 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STONE STONE STONE STONE STONE STONEBRAKER STONEBRAKER STONEBRAKER STONEBRAKER STONEBRAKER STONEBRAKER STONEBRAKER STONEBRAKER STONEBRAKER STONEBRAKER STONEBRAKER STONEBRAKER STONECIPHER STONECIPHER STONEKING STONEKING STONEKING STONEKING STONER STONER STONER STONER STONESTREET STONESTREET STONESTREET STONG STONGER STONGER STOOKTON STOOPS STOOPS STOOPS STORCH STORCK STORCK STORER STORER STORER STORER STORER STOREY First Name Stacy Tami Tim Tracy Wanda Lee April Dawn Chris Garry G. Madalynn Mary Mary Louise Meagan Rose Pauline Ruth Scott Sharon Shelby Doris Edith Jane Barbara Sue Brenda Lee Karl Kim Gerald Keith Julia Kenneth Miriam Jean Bill Cheryl Robin James Jr. Karol Sharon Kalie Kima Lucretia Robert Stacey Elizabeth Elsie Freda Glenn Henry James Jack Walton Jeff John David Linda Sue School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Page 134 Grad Year 1997 1984 1973 1980 1969 1980 1983 1964 1940 1928 1937 2012 1930 1959 1982 1957 2012 1938 1945 1967 1968 1972 1972 1954 1976 1936 1960 1983 1977 1974 1982 1959 1956 2007 1982 1983 1986 1982 1933 1945 1948 1943 1953 1975 1978 1954 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STORMER STORMER STORMER STORMS STORMS STORMS STORMS STORMS STORMS STORMS STORMS STORMS STORMS STORMS STORMS STORRS STORRS STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STORY STOTES STOUDER STOUDER STOUGH STOUGH STOUGH STOUGH First Name Andy Barry Becky Arthur Bertha Dale Deborah Henrietta Jim Julian Marilyn Nancy Ann Pamela S. Ray Timothy Bob Donald Asha Bill Chad Charles Chastity Corese Darrian Evelyn Fostene Gemeyl Jerry Marvin Lee Mary Mildred Nell Rosie Stacy Stan Teri Terrance Travis William Vicki Eric Julie Angie April Keith Kenneth K. School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 135 Grad Year 1978 1969 1971 1932 1937 1935 1976 1941 1967 1932 1968 1960 1966 1940 1968 1941 1939 2004 1976 2004 1971 1994 1989 1999 1978 1969 2001 1976 1955 1974 1981 1956 1968 1986 1983 1979 2003 1982 1977 1973 1982 1983 1984 2002 1936 1912 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STOUGH STOUGH STOUGH STOUGH STOUGHTON STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUSE STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT First Name Kurt Lloyd Ronald Keith Tammy Elizabeth Charles R. David David F. Debra Sue Dorothy Edgar Frank Gale Gale H. Gary Jason E. Kenneth Edgar Kimberly L. Marilyn Kay Susan Susan Kay A. Floyd Allen Andrew Angelique Anna Myrtle April Danielle Bertha (Floyd) Betty Lou Beulah Brad Brooke Burrell Carmen Christopher Christopher Clarence Colby Cora Jane Coty Curtis Curtis Cynithia Danny David David School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo Christian High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School New London High School Kokomo High School New London High School Western High School Eastern High School Russiaville High School Clay Township High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School New London High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Page 136 Grad Year 1969 1910 1957 1976 2007 1963 1992 1964 1982 1941 1927 1938 1940 1939 1985 1992 1957 1979 1953 1968 1987 1900 2012 2001 1989 1964 1991 1903 1942 1924 1971 2014 1923 1927 2003 2011 1906 2012 1936 2014 2004 1892 1977 1987 1942 1958 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT First Name David David David B. Debbie Kay Della Dennis Donnie Elizabeth Ann Ethel Mae Frederick Frederick Eugene Gary W. Gladys Howard Hubert J. Morris Jack Jacob Jacob Jake Jamie Jeff Jeffrey Jeremy Jessica Jill Jim John John S. Jonathon Juanita Julie Kathleen Kennard Kevin Kimberly Ann Kimberly Diane Lauren Lauren L. Lelia (Fisher) Leonard Letha (Meyer) Linda Sue Lindley H. Lisa Lisa Michelle School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Clay Township High School New London High School Kokomo High School New London High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Eastern High School New London High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Russiaville High School Clay Township High School Jackson Township High School Northwestern High School New London High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Page 137 Grad Year 1968 1971 1978 1974 1977 1955 1970 1961 1943 1939 1960 1975 1933 1891 1929 1896 1947 2000 2013 1983 2012 2011 1983 1992 2001 2003 1971 1987 1937 1983 1971 2004 1967 1933 1980 1975 1978 2010 2010 1923 1935 1927 1971 1906 1977 1992 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOUT STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER First Name Louie Blanche Louis Marilyn Jean Marty Mary Louise Megan Melissa Mike Mildred Mindy Monty W. Morgan Nicole Morris Pamela Jane Phil Randy Lee Raymond Raymond Wade Rhonda Richard Rick Robert Robert Robert R. Ruth Edna Samantha Shane Shenna Sherisa Shirley Sue Ann Susan Belinda Tamara K. Teresa Jane Thomas Timothy Tricia Vernon Victoria Jeanne Wallace Zach Cari Clifford David Debra L. Dennis C. School New London High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School New London High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School New London High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Western High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School New London High School Western High School Kokomo High School Ervin Township High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Page 138 Grad Year 1925 1968 1968 1984 1931 2006 1997 1983 1921 1978 1976 2009 1934 1969 1976 1969 1926 1979 1982 1949 1979 1981 1986 1958 1955 2010 1976 2007 1991 1976 1964 1971 1980 1972 1973 1993 1991 1924 1985 1897 2012 1993 1935 1952 1975 1963 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STOVER STRADLING STRAIN STRAIN STRAIN STRAIN STRANBURG STRANGE STRANGE STRANGE STRANGE STRANGE STRAPULOS STRAPULOS STRAPULOS STRASSER STRATFORD STRATFORD STRATFORD STRATMANN STRATMANN STRATTON STRATTON STRATTON STRATTON STRAUB First Name Don Duard Evalois Everett Everett Leroy Jim Linda L. Lloyd Loy H. Marc Marilyn Melody Ann Opal Orville Philip C. Raymond Russell Sandy Susan Elaine Terry Tim Betty Marie Lavern Leveda Travis Troy Mary Bryan Carla Jane Charlotte Edmond Ronald Christ Millie Pete C. Richard L. Cynthia Sue Edria Elizabeth Joe Julie Bud Cameron Jean Ann John Chris School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Ervin Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Ervin Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Ervin Township High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Eastern High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Page 139 Grad Year 1967 1930 1954 1926 1953 1985 1965 1943 1958 1993 1958 1982 1942 1936 1965 1927 1938 1988 1980 1978 2007 1944 1939 1935 1992 1995 1929 1981 1972 1986 1982 1980 1935 1935 1942 1955 1958 1919 1914 1987 1989 1951 1956 1978 1969 2006 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STRAUB STRAUB STRAUSS STRAUSS STRAUSS STRAUSS STRAUSS STRAUSS STRAUSS STRAUSS STRAWBACK STRAWBACK STRAWBRIDGE STRAWHACKER STRAWHACKER STRAYER STRAYER STRAYER STRAYER STRAYER STRAYHORN STREATY STREATY STREATY STREAVAL STREAVEL STREAVEL STREAVEL STREAVEL STREBIN STREBIN STREBIN STREBIN STREBIN STREBIN STREBIN STREBIN STREBIN STREBIN STREET STREET STREET STREET STREET STREET STREET First Name Gregory Jill Bill Charles Florence M. Jack Jack N. James Mary M. Ruth Helen Thelma Larry C. Jason Julie Clark Elizabeth Florence Louise Robert Sara Louise Najahi Charles Charles Edward Richard Madonna (Hazlett) Charles H. Irma Jean Loretta Traci Beth Carol Donald G. Gary Clayton Karen Katie Lori Sean Tiffany Vivian Cheryl Jeanette John Kyle Sabrina Steve Travis School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Howard Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Page 140 Grad Year 1986 1989 1942 1918 1902 1945 1946 1940 1942 1938 1937 1939 1966 1993 1990 1928 1903 1936 1901 1905 2008 1931 1952 1954 1947 1947 1947 1950 1976 1987 1978 1965 1960 1992 1997 1988 1985 2002 1968 1982 1928 1898 1985 1983 1974 1989 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STREETER STREETER STREETER STREETER STREETER STREETER STREETER STREETER STREETER STREETER STREETER STREETER STREETER STREETER STREETER STREETER STREZA STREZA STREZA STREZA STREZA STREZA STRIBEL STRICKER STRICKLAND STRICKLAND STRICKLAND STRICKLAND STRICKLAND STRICKLAND STRICKLER STRICKLER STRICKLETT STRICKLETT STRICKLING STRICKLING STRIDDE STRIDDE STRIDDE STRIEBEL STRIEBEL STRIEBEL STRIEBEL STRIK STRIK STRINGER First Name Ann Blanche (Sellers) Dave Dennis Ralph Diann Gregory Kenneth Jack Robert James Paul Joanne Joseph Clive Paul Rebecca Richard Wayne Tom Wayne Wayne Arthur G. George John E. John William Nick Nicole Susan Marie Mike Allen Cynthia Danny Robert Dennis Sheila Tom Camrin Weston Delorise Theresa G. Christine Susan Cathy David Marc Amy Elizabeth Joseph K. Matthew Joseph Stephen Harvey Phillip Rob Kimberly Lynn School Eastern High School Howard Township High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Clay Township High School Eastern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Clay Township High School Clay Township High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Page 141 Grad Year 1956 1929 1965 1963 1963 1974 1957 1954 1976 1961 1928 1954 1959 1961 1926 1928 1948 1954 1963 1972 1949 2002 1956 1989 1977 2004 1973 1960 1986 1980 2001 1995 1949 1961 1969 1967 1984 1981 1987 1987 1958 1990 1960 1988 1991 1990 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STRINGER STRINGER STRINGER STRINGER STRITE STRITE STRITE STRODE STRODE STRODE STRODE STRODE STROHBEHN STROHBEHN STROHBEHN STROHMEYER STROLE STROMAN STRONG STRONG STRONG STRONG STRONG STRONG STRONG STRONG STRONG STRONG STRONG STROP STROP STROPOLUS STROUD STROUD STROUD STROUD STROUD STROUD STROUD STROUD STROUP STROUP STROUP STROUP STROUP STROUP First Name Melesha L. Phillip II Sheila Synthia Sherrie Charles Chelsea Kay Elizabeth Lora L. Marjorie Ann Randell Robert Robert M. Edward A. Karen Marcia Gabriele Beate Benjamin Amber Andrew Brittini Bruce Chip Donnie John Karen Kyle Mildred R. Nathan Rebecca James Zach Ruby Alan Jason Jonathan Clay Kim Laura Lee Lisa Michael R. Payton Chelsea John Rachel Russell Allen Sarah Winni School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Page 142 Grad Year 1992 1995 1974 1989 2003 2010 2011 1895 1938 1968 1935 1962 1970 1973 1973 1974 2004 2002 2007 2006 1988 1993 1985 1984 1968 2011 1956 2005 2003 1953 2012 1933 1984 1991 1985 1991 1990 1968 1987 2014 2002 1958 1974 1971 2009 1960 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STROUSE STROVER STRUBBE STRUCKMAN STRUNK STRUNK STRUNK STRUNK STRUS STRUS STRYCOTT STRYKER STRYKER STRYKER STUART STUART STUBBERFIELD STUBBERFIELD STUBBS STUBER STUBER STUCKER STUCKER STUCKER STUCKER STUCKER STUDEBAKER STUDEBAKER STUDEBAKER STUDEBAKER STUDT STUDT STUDT STUFFLE STUMP STUMP STUMP STUMP STUMP STUMP STUMP STUNKARD STUNKARD STUNKARD STUNKARD STUNZMAN First Name Robert Gene Jeanne Will Carol Jean Brandon Cody Debbie Kathy Niki Sondi Lin Virginia Marie Keith Michelle Rene Lynn Anna (Clark) Tressie Demitrius Sonia Brenda Donna Jean Clinton Jill Ricke P. Scott Tracy George Mary Thomas Zola (Conway) David Lois M. Mark Steven Robert Amber Arron Denise M. Evan Maurice Natalie Terri Christine Ann James Otis Janice Elaine Mary B. Eddie School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Russiaville High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Page 143 Grad Year 1946 1954 1897 1967 2005 2007 1975 1977 1987 1991 1959 1976 1974 1980 1907 1912 1975 1969 1976 1946 1943 2004 1989 1965 1991 2000 1916 1921 1922 1916 1983 1979 1976 1973 1996 2000 1978 2005 1940 1982 1976 1971 1968 1969 1979 1983 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name STURDIVANT STURGELL STURGELL STURGELL STURGEON STURGEON STURGEON STURGEON STURGEON STURGEON STURGEON STURGEON STURGEON STURGEON STURGEON STURGEON STURGEON STURGEON STURM STURTEVANT STURTEVANT STURTZ STURTZ STUTZMAN STUTZMAN STUTZMAN STUZMAN STUZMAN STUZMAN STUZMAN STYCH STYCH STYCH STYCH STYCH STYCH STYCK STYCK STYER STYER STYER STYER STYER STYER SUBOVIC SUCHECKI First Name Armydis Joshua Lisa Nadine Elizabeth Beverly Louise David B. Emily Jeanne Holly James Kathy Kyle Mike Nina Lou Patty Rebecca Ruth Robert William Steven Wanda (Horoho) Debra Stacy Stephanie Kathleen Mary Ellen Renee E. Stephanie Terry Becky Marsha Michael Rhonda Doris Geneva Jeanne A. Mary Jo Ralph Ruth David Doug Anna Carrie Charles A. Gean Georgia Mame Roderick Alexander School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Eastern High School Jackson Township High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Taylor High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Page 144 Grad Year 1910 2005 1970 1946 1954 1959 1960 2005 1956 1970 2013 1971 1956 1969 1975 1979 1985 1946 1976 1986 1989 1977 1982 1979 2004 1984 1976 1975 1980 1988 1923 1923 1951 1948 1929 1929 1972 1972 1875 1884 1878 1890 1892 1889 2008 2011 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SUDARIO SUDARIO SUFFIELD SUFFIELD SUFTKO SUGGS SUGGS SUGGS SUGGS SUGGS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SULAVAN SULKEY SULLENBERGER SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN First Name Flora V. Luninging Kristine Julia Peter M. Paige L. Stanley Laqueta Nancy Sandra Kay Sherry Charles Eddie Jo Ann Mable Mary Venetia K. Steve Donald Adam Al Alice Andrea Angie Barbara Barbara Ruth Bernard D. Bettysue Bill Blake Brandon Candace Carol Lynn Carolyn Cecil Charles Christi Connie Sue connor Courtney David Donna Donna Lynn Dulcinea Elizabeth Ann Elliot Fern-Janice A. Frank Ed School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 145 Grad Year 1980 1986 1991 1994 2007 1962 1981 1971 1987 1984 1942 1968 1971 1942 1912 1964 1958 2002 1973 1969 1992 1992 1942 1965 1975 2001 1983 1980 1996 1992 1980 1978 1961 1986 1984 1969 2014 2002 1970 2001 1963 1959 1949 3003 1963 1952 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN First Name Garnie Greg Helen M. Herman W. Howard Jack James Jeff Jeremy Jodi John Julie June Anne Kathryn Kathy Kathy Jo Kimberly Kristin Laura Leslie Carole Mark David Mary Helen Mary Lou Michael Michael Michelle Joy Patricia Phil Reas William Richard Robert Robert Roberta Jo Ron Ruth Sean Shama Sheri K. Sondra Stacy Louise Tabitha Tammara Ann. Tammy Rose Terri Timothy Vickie Lynn School Ervin Township High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Page 146 Grad Year 1930 1996 1905 1965 1934 1948 2002 1968 1995 1983 2008 1977 1956 1943 1969 1967 1980 1996 1977 1981 1980 1925 1940 1967 1977 1986 1981 1984 1945 1956 1945 1999 1982 1988 1974 2008 2003 1981 1968 1990 2013 1981 1976 1975 2000 1969 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SUMME SUMME SUMME SUMME SUMME SUMME SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER SUMMERFIELD SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS First Name William William J. David L. George David Kathy Jo Mary K. Richard Dee Todd Anita Bruce David Christine Rene Jennifer Kirk Allen Krista Ronald J. Ronald W. Tamara S. Mark Albert Alyssa J. Anita Ann Arlene Benjamin Beulah Brent Brittany Carol Cassidy Charmaine Colton Corey Denver Dick Don Eric Esther (Troyer) Freeda (Horoho) George Glennis Imogene James Edward Jan Jarred Jenny Jeremy School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Howard Township High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Haworth High School Jackson Township High School Western High School Kokomo High School Howard Township High School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Western High School Page 147 Grad Year 1980 1963 1953 1961 1976 1950 1959 1983 1977 1980 1981 1990 1977 2007 1961 1981 1984 1974 1927 2010 1977 1997 1950 2008 1926 1978 2004 1974 2013 1948 2010 1996 1980 1950 1966 1986 1928 1939 1937 1931 1943 1994 1972 1997 1966 1997 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERS SUMMERSETT SUMMERTON SUMMERTON SUMMERTON SUMMERTON SUMMERTON SUMMERTON SUMMERTON SUMMERTON SUMMERTON SUMMERTON First Name Jim John Jonetta Julie Kenneth Kenneth H. Kevin Kevin Kristen Laura Lucille Mark Maxine Melvin C. Michael Nathan Nickell M. Patrick Rhonda K. Robert Robert Robert T. Sabrina Sharday Stefi Sue (Hullinger) Susan Tashwanna Terry Tony Vanessa Jo Virginia Mae Wendy Wesley William I. Karen Jean Barbara Jean Betty Lee Brian Scott Jane Joan Mary A. Paul Paula Richard Thomas School Jackson Township High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Jackson Township High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 148 Grad Year 1948 1955 1976 1979 1941 1960 1972 1981 2003 1994 1941 1976 1939 1961 1968 2001 2009 2006 1978 1939 1952 1958 2001 2006 1971 1949 1967 1997 1969 1985 1995 1935 1981 1914 1961 1960 1945 1957 1989 1953 1952 1964 1932 1967 1954 1953 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SUMMITT SUMMITT SUMMITT SUMMITT SUMMITT SUMNER SUMNER SUMNER SUMNER SUMNER SUMNER SUMNER SUMNER SUMNER SUMPTER SUMPTER SUMPTER SUMPTER SUMPTER SUMPTER SUMPTER SUMPTER SUMPTION SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY SUOKNUUTI SURACK SURBER SURBER SUREMANN SURFACE SURFACE SURFACE SURFACE SURFACE SURFACE SURFACE SURFACE SURFACE SURFACE SURGUY SURMAN First Name Barbara Debbie Kathy Robert Sharon Felisha Chuck Cory J. Jerry A. Jessica Leanne Jules Kelly Larry Phil Barbara Brandon Carolyn Frieda Jeremy Joe Lewis Robert William Jeanness Don Donna Heather Montana Rae Nikita Savannah Karo Joseph Andrea Steve Dorrine D. Carol G. Catherine Gary A. James Louise Pauline Richard L. Rita Troy Wyndi L. John Josephine School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 149 Grad Year 1971 1975 1974 1973 1969 2005 1971 1969 1966 2008 1930 1983 1958 1957 1948 2005 1956 1947 2002 1942 1942 1954 1912 1982 1983 2002 2006 2006 2004 1993 2009 1995 1971 1963 1951 1939 1972 1961 1933 1941 1966 1993 1984 1985 1925 1924 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SURMAN SURMAN SURMAN SURRIDGE SURRIDGE SURRISI SUTER SUTER SUTER SUTER SUTER SUTER SUTER SUTER SUTER SUTER SUTER SUTER SUTER SUTERLAND SUTHERIN SUTHERIN SUTHERIN SUTHERLAND SUTHERLAND SUTHERLAND SUTHERLAND SUTHERLAND SUTHERLAND SUTHERLAND SUTHERLAND SUTHERLAND SUTHERLAND SUTHERLAND SUTHERLIN SUTHERLIN SUTHERLIN SUTHERLIN SUTHERLIN SUTTEN SUTTERFIELD SUTTERFIELD SUTTERFIELD SUTTIES SUTTLES SUTTON First Name Mildred Mildred Rosalee Brian Lisa Sara Carolyn Jane Donald Eugene Gerald Jason Joshua Lulu Mandy Mary Pamela J. Richard Roberta Sandra Kaye Steve Douglas Robert Glen William John Harold Michael Carolyn Craig R. Elspeth Karen Jo Michael George Ola Peggy Ruth Ralph Renee Richard Melvin Sara Danny Ross Gerald Pam Patricia Teri Laine Pam Patsy Tim Tamara Steven Barbara Jean School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Taylor High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Page 150 Grad Year 1927 1928 1936 1979 1983 1968 1954 1974 1973 2005 2009 1919 2004 1929 1966 1956 1951 1957 1973 1968 1957 1955 2002 1965 1975 1919 1972 1969 1924 1954 1929 1984 1984 1951 1959 1977 1973 2005 1977 1981 1967 1968 1975 2003 2010 1953 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SUTTON SVEDIN SVEDIN SVIHL SVOMA SVOMA SWADASI SWAFFORD SWAGGERTY SWAGGERTY SWAGGERTY SWAGGERTY SWAIDNER First Name Benjamin Britney Casey Chris Codi Danelle Danny L. Darla Ferris Frederick J. Gary L. Geneta Elaine Hanna Harry Jack Jack Jacob Jane Jill Julianna Kelvin Jr. Kylie Larry J. Mark Mary L. Matthew Max Melissa Michelle Rick Robert Scott Vickie Lynn Whittney Eric Karin A. Kevin Beth Gregg Sujaata Christopher Billy Billy Marina Sunny Julia Ellen School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Russiaville High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Northwestern High School Page 151 Grad Year 2002 2012 2012 1987 2009 1990 1961 1985 1941 1911 1970 1964 2014 1968 1948 1978 2011 1952 1974 1959 1994 2012 1970 2010 1966 2003 1936 1995 1989 1967 1996 1986 1965 2005 1970 1965 1973 1989 1986 2005 2013 2003 1982 2014 1984 1980 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SWAILS SWAILS SWAILS SWAIM SWAIM SWAIM SWAIM SWAIM SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAIN SWAN SWAN SWAN SWAN SWAN SWAN SWAN SWANDER SWANDER SWANDER SWANK SWANK SWANNER SWANSON SWANSON SWANSON SWANSON SWARD SWARD SWART SWARTZ SWARTZ First Name Becky Cindy Ronald Christy Debbie Sandy Tom Veva Alice Alicia Annette Benjamin Cheyse Cynthia Dan James Jesse Jordyn Mariann Marion Kay Melissa Rebecca Regina Marie Taylir Bonnie Dea (Hullinger) Julie Ann Kenneth Eugene Lester Ronnie Samantha James William Mary Kay Nancy Douglas D. Ryan Edward Jack Brandi Mark Mike Tom Matt Mike Brice Greg Joseph Ethan School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Western High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Jackson Township High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Jackson Township High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Page 152 Grad Year 1967 1972 1966 1989 1970 1973 1971 1923 1964 2007 1964 2001 2011 2004 1978 2002 2012 2012 2005 1960 2007 1967 1995 2014 1967 1941 1988 1990 1943 1965 1984 1963 1964 1954 1980 2012 1976 1994 1969 1977 1976 1996 1996 1994 1982 1978 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SWARTZ SWARTZ SWARTZENDRUBER SWARTZENDRUBER SWARTZENDRUBER SWARTZENDRUBER SWARTZENDRUBER SWARTZENDRUBER SWAYZEE SWEARES SWEAT SWEENEY SWEENEY SWEENEY SWEENEY SWEENEY SWEENEY SWEENY SWEET SWEETEN SWEETEN SWEETEN SWEETLAND SWEEZY SWEEZY SWEEZY SWEEZY SWEEZY SWEEZY SWEIGART SWEIGART SWEIGART SWEM SWEM SWENSON SWICK SWICK SWICK SWICK SWICK SWICK SWICK SWICK SWIERCZ SWIFT SWIFT First Name Julie Laura Angela Brian Keith Kent A. Nathan Rachel Sidney Lee Kathy Kaylynn Cleo Imogene Herbert Janet L. Naomi Regina Ann Robin Sara Harry John Debra Jerry Sandra Sue Judy Andrea Chuck Jeff Karlie Kimberly Larry M. Christopher Kevin Randy Mabel Maude (Hawkins) Jerry E. Alissa Andrew James Jim John Kelly Mark Susan Joan Denise Kate Sandra Lynn School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Taylor High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Taylor High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo Christian High School Page 153 Grad Year 1983 1981 1997 1991 1994 1994 2000 1997 1970 2008 1942 1932 1958 1942 1946 1985 1945 1917 1945 1969 1971 1973 1956 2001 1991 1990 2013 1988 1966 2009 2009 2006 1921 1913 1956 2006 2002 2004 1984 1974 1995 1997 1966 1997 1882 1989 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SWIFT SWIFT SWIGART SWIGART SWIGART SWIGART SWIGART SWIHART SWIHART SWIHART SWIHART SWIHART SWIHART SWIHART SWIHART SWIHART SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWING SWINGLE SWINGLE SWINNEY SWINNEY SWINNEY SWINSON SWINSON SWISHER SWISHER First Name Sara Sharon Callie David Louise Luke Richard Claire David Gabrielle Jacqueline Joan John Mary R. Dale Timothy Barbara Blake Brad Brenda Cheryl George J. Gerald Joyce Lori Michael Rex Rex J. Rick A. Robert Joel Rosemary Scott Susan Susan K. Tamela J. Thomas Thomas Don Roy Arthur Grace Roger Lee Saxon R. Steve Artie Betty School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Ervin Township High School Western High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Page 154 Grad Year 1995 1986 2009 1968 1917 2007 1967 1971 1972 2005 1981 1952 1982 1973 1949 1977 1970 2010 1997 1982 1983 1965 1938 1973 1991 1988 1969 1947 1966 1949 1944 1992 1971 1978 1976 1958 1968 1947 1941 1917 1920 1976 2011 1987 1928 1956 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISHER SWISSHELM SWISSHELM SWITZER SWITZER SWITZER SWITZER SWITZER SWITZER SWITZER SWOPE SWOPE SWOPE SWOPE SWOPE SWOPE SWOPE SWOPE SWOPE SWOPE SWOPE SWOPE SWOVERLAND SWOVERLAND SWOVERLAND SWYERS First Name Dakota A. Edith Elizabeth Kim Kimberly Konnie Lucille Margaret Merrill Mildred Rafaella Kay Rebecca Richard Robert Rochelle Lynae Roger Russell Scott A. Timothy W. Ty Walter R. Robert William Steve Brian Frank Jane E. John Ewing Kevin Ollie Joe Stewart Beulah Beverly Elaine Carolyn (Chew) Cherri Cliff David L. Donald Mick Ned Raychel Stacy Warren Amanda Kristin M. Stephen Craig Lindsey School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Western High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Western High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Eastern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Russiaville High School Eastern High School Russiaville High School Western High School Haworth High School Greentown High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Kokomo High School Page 155 Grad Year 2008 1929 1930 1978 1996 1985 1930 1937 1962 1935 1982 1968 1948 1931 1986 1960 1933 1984 1981 2014 1950 1979 1976 1986 1968 1966 1972 1987 1961 1964 1936 1952 1948 1969 1972 1962 1947 1985 1948 2014 1977 1942 1995 1987 1992 2002 Grad List Last updated: 3/20/2015 through 2014 Surnames beginning with S Last Name SWYERS SWYGERT SWYGERT SWYGERT SWYGERT SWYGERT SYKES SYLVA SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYMONS SYNDER SYNDER SYPHERS SZABO SZABO SZABO SZABO SZABO SZABO SZEHEROVA SZEP SZERDY SZORC SZORC SZYMCHACK SZYMCHACK First Name Nathan Lee Eureka Kevin Kiara Nichelle Shanice Mary Lavinia Tatiana Amanda Jill Carolyn Doris Dorothy Hallie James LaVerne Lois Lowell Mary Ruth Annalene Stacy Leigh Susan Wade Joseph William E. William J. Joyce Karen Sue Bill Akos Bob Emese Lee Scarlet Windi Barbara Anita Marie Steve Gregory Jeffrey Amber Ashley School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Greentown High School Kokomo High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Eastern High School Greentown High School Eastern High School Kokomo High School Northwestern High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Haworth High School Haworth High School Kokomo High School Western High School Northwestern High School Western High School Western High School Western High School Northwestern High School Northwestern High School Page 156 Grad Year 1995 1988 1992 2009 2010 2011 1931 1996 1993 1953 1951 1952 1909 1979 1924 1942 1939 1946 1947 1989 1974 1995 1948 1967 1968 1980 1972 1993 1977 1994 1978 1982 1999 2010 1982 1992 2002 2004 2013 2010
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