May 30, 2014
May 30, 2014
A Welcoming Congregation Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship UPCOMING SUNDAY SERVICES June 1, 9:15 & 11:15 A.M. Bridging Service – Religious communities are traditionally places we celebrate transitions in life. In our culture, graduation from high school is one such transition. Unitarian Universalists honor our seniors with a Bridging Ceremony; they are crossing the bridge to young adulthood. Through ritual, song and words, we honor this transition in life. This year we have six young people – Jeffrey Carlson-Ream, Max Meier, Peri Muellner, Will O’Brien, Grayson Pennell, Rilke Rutenbeck – participating in our Bridging Service. They will speak to us about who they are at this time in their life. June 8, 9:15 & 11:15 A.M. I’m Glad You Asked That Question… Speakers: Rev. Bode & Laurie Stuart – For our final service of the regular church year, Laurie Stuart and I invite you to send us any questions you may have – either for Laurie, me, or both of us. During the sermon portion of the service, we will read your question (without name) and give a brief response. Questions can be theological, philosophical, practical, personal, organizational, whatever. Please send your questions to Rev. Bode via email ([email protected]), by letter to QUUF, or drop them off at the office. June 15, 10:00 A.M. All I Really Needed to Know I Learned at a 10-Day Silent Meditation Retreat Speaker: Shelly Randall. Shelly shares life lessons learned at a Vipassana meditation retreat she attended last summer, at a time when she really needed to be reminded that being peaceful and happy is a choice we make every minute of every day. She makes the case for sitting an introductory course to learn the 2,500-year-old Buddhist technique of “seeing things as they really are.” Courses are offered frequently on a donation-only basis at the nearby Northwest Vipassana Center ( near Centralia, Wash. Shelly is the mother of Soren, “the Energizer Bunny boy,” who was 4 when she tuned into Vipassana. She is also a journalist, publicist and blogger ( who works in many ways to make this community happier, healthier and more sustainable. She moved to Port Townsend in 2000 and, with her husband Jeff, joined QUUF in fall 2012. Green Sanctuary May 30, 2014 MARK YOUR CALENDARS Sage Club Luncheon Friday, May 30 noon QUUF Clean-up May 30, 4-7 pm May 31, 9 am-2 pm June 1 Bridging Service June 8 Annual Meeting 1 pm June 15 One Service 10am Table of Contents Service Participants: 2 Wheel of Life: 3 Contemplative Service: 3 QUUF Notices: 4 Annual Meeting: 5 Proposed Budget: 6 AM 6/13 Minutes: 7 Landscaping:9 Groups: 10 Bulletin Board: 11 (Continued on page 2) SUNDAY SERVICE PARTICIPANTS Minister Rev. Bruce Bode Religious Education Director Kathy Stevenson Youth Coordinator Kim Brooks RE Assistant Rebecca Brignoli Pianist Evan Millman Song Leader Marj Iuro Ushers 9:15 Suzanne Hempstead, Susan Pratt 11:15 Julia Cochrane, Jenifer Brinch Greeters 9:15 LaVaughn Snel, Barb Dyer 11:15 Maitland Hardyman, Joanna England Sound 9:15 Sarah Hull 11:15 Mack Boelling Coffee 9:15 Clara Mason 11:15 Flowers Susan Pratt Sanctuary Banner “Spring” Diane Ainsworth, Helen Oakland Sanctuary Sculpture Leslie Schnick Foyer Art James A. Jacobson Fellowship Hall Art James A. Jacobson Office, Lobby, Den Art Karen Page Religious Education Amy Irene Lynch, Diane Bommer Childcare Providers Opal Bednarik, Louise Bednarik, Sean Westlund, Sam Brooks June 22, 10:00 A.M. I’m speaking in a UU Fellowship! How could this have happened? Speaker: Roger Delmar. Roger was born and raised in southern California. Early in life he embraced an ultra-conservative brand of Christianity which shaped his early life. During his years as a Christian missionary, his theological and personal world crumbled and collapsed. Today’s message is the story of how he got from his ultra right wing early years to the present as what could be described as a mystic. He is now quite at home in a liberal UU setting. It’s a unique journey through many different spiritual approaches. June 29, 10:00 A.M. TBA Speaker: Christopher Overman Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 2333 San Juan Avenue Port Townsend, WA 98368 360-379-0609 Minister Rev. Bruce Bode [email protected] Ministerial Intern Laurie Stuart, [email protected] Religious Education Director & Asst Min. Congregational Life Kathy Stevenson [email protected] Asst to the Min. for the Pulpit Joseph Bednarik Congregational Administrator Deborah Carroll [email protected] Choir Director Marj luro, [email protected] Sexton Christopher Overman [email protected] Office Assistant Alice King, [email protected] RE Assistant Rebecca Brignoli YRUU Coordinator Kim Brooks QUUF Board of Trustees Lloyd Westbrook, President (206) 707-2440 [email protected] Carolyn Salmon, Vice-President 379-9392 [email protected] Nils Pedersen, Treasurer 437-5011 [email protected] Calah Tenney, Secretary 301-9372 [email protected] Steve Shanklin, 437-7948 [email protected] Onnolee Stevens, 385-3613 [email protected] FAREWELL RECEPTION FOR LAURIE STUART Sunday, June 8, we will honor Ministerial Intern Laurie Stuart at receptions after each service in the Fellowship Hall. Please plan to stay after the services for a bite of something sweet and a chance to say goodbye to Laurie and to wish her well as she embarks on the next adventure in her ministry. Gary Forbes [email protected] Victoria Poling,360 643-1922 [email protected] Sarah Hull, 379-2454 [email protected] Page 2 Wheel of Life Our dear Barbara Jensen died peacefully at her home this past Tuesday morning, May 27, with her three living daughters present at her bedside. A memorial service to honor her long and rich life is scheduled for Friday, June 6, at 2pm in our Sanctuary. Michelle Bruns’ brother, Chris Adams, passed away Thursday, May 22, from complications of leukemia and pneumonia. He leaves a young wife and a two-year old son. Our hearts are with Michelle in this time of loss and sorrow. Judith Bhansali is scheduled for shoulder replacement surgery this coming Wednesday, June 4, at the Harrison Orthopedic Hospital in Silverdale. Judith recently suffered an injury to her left rotator cuff, which cannot be repaired. Two QUUF families moving: Ashnie Butler and daughter, Hope, are moving to Portland at the end of June. They have been an integral part of QUUF for many years. Friends are hosting a good-bye party for them at QUUF on June 7th. Gathering and games are from 4-5pm, with a 5pm potluck meal. Carrie, Matt, Sam and Cooper Day will be moving to Bend, OR, accompanied by Carrie's mom, Jane Kopriva. A community celebration is planned for June 8th at the Fort Worden Kitchen Shelter. Ask Kathy Stevenson for time and details. Both families plan to connect with the UU communities in their new homes, but both will be very much missed at QUUF. Final Sunday Evening Contemplative Service of the Church Year June 1, 7:15pm A Pacific Northwest Coast story tells how once it was so dark here that the People sent Raven to bring back light. In what ways are we called to be like Raven and bring light--within and without? The final service of the church-year will be led by Victoria Poling and is inspired by the art installation "Raven Brings Light to this House of Stories" at the University of Washington's Allen Library. Held in natural light and candlelight, the core of these services is a time of shared silence, supplemented by music and readings. Members, friends, and guests are all welcome, and childcare will be provided upon request. Email QUUF Board Member Victoria Poling at [email protected]. Happy Birthday to Us! Octogenarians all, we, the undersigned, are inviting all the members of QUUF to celebrate our birthdays at a party on Friday, June 27 from 3-5 in the Fellowship Hall. There will be coffee, tea, soft drinks, snacks, wine, and birthday cake served. Evan Millman will be on hand to play some music for us. Please omit gifts, but cards are welcome. In order to have enough goodies on hand, please RSVP by phone or e-mail: Joanna England 360-385-1789, [email protected] by June 14th to let us know if you will be joining us. And, if there are any more QUUF members who were born in 1934 and would also like to be one of the Birthday Honorees, contact Joanna with that Request, too. Cheerio! Barbara Dyer, Jean Giedt, Karl Bach, David Smith, Marcia Lewton, Joanna England, Judith Specht and Beatus Meier (in absentia). Page 3 QUUF Notices ANNOUNCING a reading to celebrate the release of Geoff Bowman's new book IN THE OCTOPUS NURSERY. Remember the poetry you studied (and hated) in school? Well, it's not here. And the academic poetry you tried so hard to understand? Flat out of that too. So what's left? Come and find out on June 1st (this Sunday) at 3 PM in the Sanctuary. (Sponsored by the QUUF Poetry Circle.) Please pick up lost items before June 8th. Items include: ● Several jackets ● Two books A Key to Whitehead’s Process and Reality, The Bonobo and the Atheist ● A couple of travel mugs, a couple of water bottles, a hat and a cookie tin Items will be donated to the Free Store after June 8th. Cares and Concerns Soup (vegetarian and chicken) for QUUF Members and Friends who are ill is available in the QUUF Freezer. Please sign the sheet on the freezer door when you take some soup. Please return clean soup containers to the QUUF kitchen. The Summer QUUF Grandparents Closet is open with restrictions! Children's equipment such as high chairs, strollers and car seats can be borrowed for use by your visiting grandchildren. Rachelle Merle and family will be staying at the Taylor's home and can assist you when you pick up what you need. Please bring borrowed items back to the Taylor's home so it can be used by the next needy grandparent! Call 385-3666 or 360-765-0115 and leave a message to make arrangements for pick-up and drop-off. Interested in a brief foray into Safety Auditing? We're looking for 3 team members with fresh eyes for a Safety and Risk Management Audit this July. Previous experience is welcome but not necessary. More important is that you are keenly aware, inquisitive, a problem solver, and willing to spend a couple of hours in preparation. All the better if you are comfortable with change and able to take brief, legible notes. You'll use a checklist and accompany an experienced auditor looking at our buildings and grounds. The whole process will take between 5-8 hours over 3 days. This could morph into future work with QUUF Safety and Risk Management. Contact Cathe Bell at [email protected]. The QUUF Home Repair and Maintenance Corps seeks to help Members and Friends of the Congregation with, as the name implies, minor repair and maintenance tasks that they might not be able to do themselves. All QUUF Members and Friends are eligible to participate. Call us and we will discuss your needs with you. In many cases, we will respond to your request ourselves. We might also refer you to a Member of the Fellowship who does for a living what you need done. Or, we might offer a referral to a professional in the community with whom we have experience. If you want our help, please contact David Rymph at (360) 385-7459, E-mail [email protected] or Frank Layden (360) 379-1161, E-Mail [email protected]. Security Awareness--We are joining other Port Townsend churches in minimizing opportunities for theft by asking that you keep your purses, bags and other valuables with you while at QUUF. Thank you. Page 4 Annual Meeting Announcement Announcement of the Annual Meeting of the Membership of the Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (QUUF) Sunday, June 8, 2014 at 1:00 PM The QUUF Sanctuary at 2333 San Juan Ave, Port Townsend, WA. Confirmed Members of the Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (QUUF) as of May 25, 2014 are eligible to vote at the June 8, 2014 Annual Meeting. A roster of confirmed QUUF members is posted in the Foyer on the bulletin board outside of the QUUF office. Members! PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND THE QUUF ANNUAL MEETING. The QUUF bylaws Annual Meeting quorum requirements state that we must have the physical presence of at least 30% of the QUUF membership to conduct business. Proxies do not count toward the required quorum. In addition, the QUUF Board asks that members plan to stay for the entire meeting so that we retain the necessary quorum in the event that a vote is taken related to New Business. How to vote by Proxy: If you cannot attend the Annual Meeting, you may have another QUUF member cast a vote in your stead, but your vote will not count toward the required quorum. ● Fill out the Proxy Authorization form available in the Fellowship Hall, in the QUUF office or at ● Sign the proxy form. ● Give the proxy form to the QUUF member you authorize to cast your ballot. (Make sure you trust your proxy’s judgment since s/he will vote for you after hearing all the discussion about the issues before the congregation.) Note: Per the QUUF Bylaws, no individual may hold ballots (be a proxy) for more than two members. PROXY: When you check in on June 8, give the signed Proxy Authorization to the registrar checking in members. You will receive a ballot for each proxy you hold (no more than two) plus a ballot for yourself. The 2014 Annual Meeting Agenda includes: President’s Welcome and Call to Order; Verification of Quorum and Designation of Parliamentarian; Correction and Approval of the minutes of the June 2013 Annual Meeting; Presentation of nominees for the Board of Trustees, Endowments and Nominating Committees; Elections and Reporting of Election Results; Presentation and Approval of the Proposed 2014-2015 Operating Budget; Reports from the Treasurer and the Endowments Committee; and New Business. The 2014 Slate of Candidates for Election submitted by the QUUF 2013-2014 Nominating Committee for elected office at QUUF beginning July 1, 2014: For the QUUF Board of Trustees, 3-year term: Galen Clark, Janet Palmer, Nils Pedersen For the QUUF Endowments Committee, 3-year term: Shannan Kirchner Holmes, Penny Ridderbusch For the QUUF Nominating Committee, 2-year term: Karen Page, Allen Thompson The 2014-2015 Proposed Operating Budget of $410,308 is presented on page 7 of this Weekly Update and is also available on the bulletin board in the QUUF Foyer, in the QUUF Weekly Update and on the QUUF website at The draft Minutes of the June 9, 2013 Annual Meeting are presented on page 7 of this Weekly Update and are also available on the bulletin board in the QUUF Foyer and on the QUUF website at Questions about the QUUF Annual Meeting? Please see QUUF Board President Lloyd Westbrook or QUUF Congregational Administrator Deborah Carroll. Notice Date: May 23, 2014 Page 5 Page 6 Draft Minutes of the QUUF Annual Meeting, June 9, 2013 Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Pre-approved copy (To be approved at the next all-congregation meeting; approved by the Board on July 17, 2013) OPENING Sarah Hull, President of the Board of Trustees, called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m., lit the chalice and welcomed those attending. Donna Frostholm, Secretary, verified that the required quorum; 30% of our 355 members (107), was reached, with 125 members checked in. Attendees were provided a copy of the Annual Report, a 38-page booklet that included: the election slates; the proposed by-laws change; the minutes of the 2012 annual meeting; the Treasurer’s Report; the proposed operating budget for 2013-2014; the staff reports from the Minister, the Director of Religious Education, and the Choir Director; a report from the Board President; a Leadership Assembly report; the reports from QUUF Committees; and QUUF Member Statistics. APPROVAL OF 2012 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES Al Thompson moved to approve the minutes of the previous annual meeting, which was held on June 10, 2012. David Alvarez seconded and the motion was approved by voice vote. SLATE OF CANDIDATES The candidates selected by the Nominating Committee were presented to the congregation by Marilyn Mitchell, Co-chair of the Nominating Committee: Board of Trustees: Gary Forbes, Sarah Hull, Victoria Poling (3-year terms) and Carolyn Salmon (2-year term); Nominating Committee: LaVaughn Snel, Susan Pratt (2-year terms); and Endowment Committee: Colleen Johnson (3-year term). TREASURER’S REPORT Gail Bernhard, Treasurer, reviewed the QUUF financial statements and addressed other financial issues, as presented in the Annual Report: Final Status and Annual Review for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 (outside accounting review completed in May 2013); Current Fiscal Year (2012-2013) Status (consolidated balance sheet, current assets by fund, income and expense statement); Significant Gifts ($25,000 received in September 2012); Structural Improvements (computer/technology improvements); All Fellowship Meetings (outreach to better communicate financial information to congregation); Mortgage Refinancing Status (Kitsap Bank loan); and Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 ($405,000, up by 10 percent from the current year). Gail noted that we are on track to meet the current fiscal year budget (with a possible surplus) and identified the goals to be achieved in the next fiscal year with the increase in the operating budget. ENDOWMENTS John Collins, Endowments Chair, reviewed and described the funds in Endowments Committee and he summarized the committee activity during this past church year. John also provided an overview of and a rationale for the proposed by-laws change. (Continued on page 8) Page 7 Draft Minutes of the QUUF Annual Meeting, June 9, 2013 Cont. (Continued from page 7) RECOGNITION While the ballots were being counted, Sarah Hull recognized Committee Chairs and out-going members of the Board (Gail Bernhard and Donna Frostholm). NEW BUSINESS While the ballots were being counted, Sarah opened the meeting up for congregational input. Karl Bach said that he was wanted an American flag in the Fellowship. Several people at the meeting provided follow up comments, some in support and some against having a flag at QUUF. It was determined that a quorum was no longer present, so Sarah said that the Board would take another look at this issue. ELECTION RESULTS A simple majority was needed to approve the slate of candidates and the operating budget, while a two-thirds majority was needed to pass the by-laws change. The election results were given to Sarah, who announced that all of the candidates for the Board, the Nominating Committee, and the Endowment Committee were approved (with each receiving at least 149 votes), that the by-laws revision had passed (141 yes votes and 10 abstaining or invalid votes), and that the Operating Budget had been approved (145 yes votes and 6 abstaining or invalid votes). CLOSING After the election results were read, Sarah closed the meeting and extinguished the chalice at 2:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Frostholm, Board Secretary Page 8 Friday Landscape Parties Friday Landscape Parties will continue at QUUF on Friday, June 6 at 11 am! Join a crew of friendly QUUF volunteers and help us keep our beautiful QUUF grounds in good order! Bring your weed whackers! First Friday of the month, 11 am to 3 pm. Questions? Contact Kate Dwyer at [email protected]. QUUF landscape maintenance help needed! Would you be willing to take "ownership" of some small part of the Fellowship grounds--that is, weeding or watering an area? Choose whatever size area or task you can handle and work when you want. If so, please email Kate Dwyer at [email protected]. "Look how far we have come---thanks to many hours of volunteer labor under the expert direction of Kate Dwyer. Thank you Kate and the landscape volunteers! Please help us continue to grow and maintain this beautiful gift of space by volunteering your time." QUUF Clean Up Days - Volunteers Needed TODAY! Friday, May 30, 2014 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm & TOMORROW, Saturday, May 31, 2014 9:00 am-2:00 pm Join QUUF Members and Friends in giving back to our wonderful communal gathering place, the building and grounds of the Fellowship. There are two opportunities to participate in this bi-annual cleaning and beautifying project - Friday, May 30 from 4-7 pm AND Saturday, May 31 from 9 am until 2 pm. Volunteers are sought for deep-cleaning projects in the Den, Loft and RE building, and for weeding and landscape projects. No one turned away for lack of experience! Contact Deb Carroll in the office to register and secure your place in the line-up. Page 9 Book Groups The Early Bird Book Group meets from 89am each Sunday in the Den. This week they will discuss chapter 2 of PRESENT SHOCK: When Everything Happens Now, by Douglas Rushkoff. Please pick up the new book on your own and join us for the discussion. For more information, contact David Rugh ([email protected]). All welcome. JUST GOOD BOOKS: JGB's June non-fiction read is West With the Night by Beryl Markham--a woman with a remarkable sense of adventure and prodigious courage. Our discussion will be on Monday, June 30th, at 7pm in the Den at UU. For questions or to get a copy of the book, contact Leslie Aickin 385-9270 or [email protected]. All are welcome to join our convivial round-table of readers. Science Book Group The Science Book Group will be meeting on June 8th, 4:00 - 5:30, to discuss the book: The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert, focusing on chapters 4-8, pp. 70-172. We will cover the remaining chapters, 9-13, on June 23rd. All are welcome. For more information, call or email Rod Mitchell ([email protected]) or Jim Oakland ([email protected]). Summer A-HA! AHA! (Agnostics, Humanists & Atheists) SUMMER A-HA! will continue to meet on the first and third Sundays of June, July, and August. The A-HA! summer format takes advantage of the light and also becomes 'lite'. What do we mean by that? 1) We will meet from 5-6:30 because we'd like to play or garden longer in the summer afternoons. We will NOT have a potluck dinner. 2) There will be no formal presentation. Instead, we will announce a topic in advance for each session. From there it will be an open mike format during the discussion. 3) We will continue to meet in the Fellowship Hall from 5-6:30 on the first and 3rd Sundays of the month. 4) The discussion topic for June 1 will be: "What does it take to make you feel secure?" with the corollary question: "What is your relationship to money?" 5) The discussion topic for June 15 will be: "How green are you willing to be?" with the corollary question: "Who is responsible for green energy?". Buddhist Morning Meditation Join us on Friday mornings at 9:00 AM in the Den for 20 minutes of silent meditation followed by a short dharma lesson and discussion. These nonsectarian peer-led sessions are open to anyone, whether experienced meditators or just curious about Buddhist meditation in a group setting at QUUF. There is no need to sign up - just show up. For further information, contact Katie Atwood at [email protected] or 719-371-0402. Nigeria: Rally to Bring Back Our Girls Rally to Bring Back Our Girls Date/Time May 31 (Saturday), 11:00am-1:00pm Location Outside the Westlake Center at 400 Pine St. Seattle, WA. 98101 Perhaps car pools could be organized Sponsored by Amnesty International USA Website for more info: http:// Local Contact Hal Bertilson, Coordinator of Amnesty International Local Group #1106 Sponsored by the QUUF Social Justice Steering Team [email protected] 360-774-1122 Page 10 QUUF BULLETIN BOARD FOR MEMBERS & FRIENDS QUUF Members and Friends may email personal announcements to the QUUF office for inclusion on the Bulletin Board page of the QUUF Weekly Update. We will make every effort to post your announcement, as space allows. New announcements will take priority over announcements that have already run for several issues. Please understand that we cannot run announcements indefinitely. Please email your announcement to [email protected] by Thursday of each week. From Cherri Mann: Surprise! I am flying to Madrid (Camino) on Wednesday...take train to Leon where I am hoping to rendezvous with Nancy and Abby for the last 200 miles of trip! If I don't meet up with them, then...I will have a very interesting trip! I did sent them an e-mail...On May 3lst I'll start the trek and fly home with Nancy on June 27th. Tons of details to work out with my mother but we finally did it! Can't wait to find spirit...and give spirit. I am taking a rock in the shape of a heart...very special rock...Celeste Dybeck gave me because I asked for something from her that could be blessed along the way - (rock is light!)...I am walking for cancer and diabetes! Hugs, Cherri Nancy Richards updated her status: "We are now in San Nicolas del Real Camino. Rained yesterday but we were cosy and dry in raingear. On our way to Leon, this cafe-bar has a sign that says 369 km to Santiago. We expect to arrive in Leno on June 1. Big cities are not our favorites. Hard walking on asphalt and slow going. I take lots of photos along the way of everything, but the varied fields of grains and flowers are my favorite. Lots of photos with Abby on the senda (trail) and of the camino markers with 3 stones on top representing Larry, Nina and my friend Brenda." Honorable PT community member is looking for a room or ADU for rent. Could also do House/ Pet Sitting. Would love to pay all or some of the cost by running errands/ chores etc. I am a quiet and clean person who loves music, pets and plants. Presently working for an Art Gallery in PT. Excellent references. Call Pilar Grau at 360-390-8689. My sister, her husband and her new baby are visiting from NYC this summer for the month of August. They are looking for an affordable vacation rental for the month - ideally with 2 bedrooms. They can pet-sit as well! A friend is joining them the second week of August: He works for a non-profit in Bangladesh so he's on a very tight budget, and he is mobility-impaired. Any suggestions for a monthlong 2-bedroom rental, and a week-long accessible rental/guest lodging would be very appreciated! Contact Kim Brooks [email protected]. PT SONGLINES SPRING SING Saturday, June 14, 7-9 p.m. at the Cotton Building, 607 Water Street A benefit for the Jumping Mouse Children's Center Suggested donation: $12 (more if you can, less if you can't) Songlines concerts invite participation and connection: the audience becomes a choir singing easy-to-learn songs that enliven and lift us, building community. All proceeds will be donated to strengthen the work of the Jumping Mouse Children's Center, which provides subsidized counseling to children in need, with your support! They will also be singing at the Farmer's Market on Saturday, June 7, at 11:45 am. Free! The Y Summer Literacy Program will run from June 16 to August 22. Activities, literacy program, snack and lunches will be provided to all children ages 5-12 at the Chimacum Elementary School from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Snacks and lunches for children 1-18 are available at the Port Townsend Y and Quilcene site, but there is no literacy component. The program is also looking for volunteers. Call the YMCA 360/385-5811 if you’d like to be a part of this fun summer program. Page 11 Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 2333 San Juan Avenue Port Townsend, WA 98368 AESTHETICS: CELEBRATING OUR EXHIBITING ARTISTS Sanctuary Banners “Spring” Outdoor Spirit Poles “Water & Light” Sanctuary Sculpture Foyer Art & Fellowship Hall Lobby, Den & Office Quilts Office: How We Felt Together Foyer Art WC Art Helen Oakland, Diane Ainsworth Carol Long Leslie Schnick James A. Jacobson Karen Page Barbara Allen, Celeste Archambault, Flossie Bode, Diane Bommer, Kendra Golden, Annie Karl, Kindy, Meg Mason, Joyce O'Neal, Maureen Piper, Susan Pratt, Chris Wilson Diane Ainsworth Kay Harper, Annie Karl, Marjorie Illman Thank you for not wearing fragrances to QUUF Services and events. Our Members and Friends who are chemically sensitive appreciate your thoughtfulness. Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 2333 San Juan Avenue Port Townsend, WA 98368 360-379-0609 [email protected] Page 12
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