September 25, 2014 -
September 25, 2014 -
PRESORTED STANDARD PERMIT #3036 WHITE PLAINS NY Vol. VI, No. xxxviii Westchester’s Most Influential Weekly Thursday, September 25, 2014 Standing Up For A Stand-up Guy by Kurt Colucci, Page 3 WWW.WESTCHESTERGUARDIAN.COM Of Significance Of Significance Community Section ............................................................................... 4 Community Section ............................................................................... 44 Business ................................................................................................ Business ................................................................................................ Calendar ............................................................................................... 44 Calendar ............................................................................................... 45 Charity .................................................................................................. Creative Disruption ............................................................................ 56 Charity .................................................................................................. Contest Cultural Perspective ........................................................................... 766 Contest .................................................................................................. Creative Disruption ............................................................................ Energy Issues ....................................................................................... Creative Disruption ............................................................................ Education ............................................................................................. 867 In Memoriam ....................................................................................1078 Education ............................................................................................. Fashion .................................................................................................. Medicine .............................................................................................10 Fashion .................................................................................................. Fitness.................................................................................................... 89 Najah’s Corner ...................................................................................119 Fitness.................................................................................................... Health ..................................................................................................10 Movie Review ....................................................................................12 Health ..................................................................................................10 History ................................................................................................10 Music ...................................................................................................12 History ................................................................................................10 Ed Koch Movie Review ...................................................................12 Community ........................................................................................13 Ed Koch Movie Review ...................................................................12 Spoof ....................................................................................................13 Writers Collection.............................................................................14 Spoof ....................................................................................................13 Sports Scene .......................................................................................13 Books Sports Scene .......................................................................................13 Najah’s...................................................................................................16 Corner ...................................................................................13 People ..................................................................................................18 Najah’s Corner ...................................................................................13 Writers Collection.............................................................................14 Eye On...................................................................................................16 Theatre ..................................................................................18 Writers Collection.............................................................................14 Books Leaving on a Jet Plane ......................................................................19 Books ...................................................................................................16 Transportation...................................................................................17 Government Section Transportation ...................................................................................17 Government Section ............................................................................20 ............................................................................17 Campaign Trail ..................................................................................20 Government Section ............................................................................17 Albany Correspondent ....................................................................17 Economic Development....................................................................17 Albany Correspondent Mayor Marvin’s Column..................................................................20 .................................................................18 Education ...........................................................................................21 Mayor Marvin’s Column .................................................................18 Government .......................................................................................19 The Hezitorial ....................................................................................21 Government .......................................................................................19 OpEd Section .........................................................................................23 LegalSection ....................................................................................................23 OpEd .........................................................................................23 Ed Koch Commentary.....................................................................23 People ..................................................................................................24 Ed Koch Letters toCommentary.....................................................................23 the Editor ..........................................................................24 Strategyto...............................................................................................24 Letters Editor............................................................................25 ..........................................................................24 Weir Onlythe Human OpEd Section .........................................................................................25 Weir Only Human ............................................................................25 Legal Notices ..........................................................................................26 ..........................................................................................27 Legal Notices ..........................................................................................26 Sam Zherka, Publisher Mary Keon, Acting Editor /Advertising WRITE TO US IN CONFIDENCE AT: The Westchester Guardian PostMost Office Influential Box 8 Westchester’s Weekly Westchester’s Most Influential Weekly 240 North Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10801 Guardian News Corp. Guardian News Corp. P.O. Box 8 Thursday Publication is every P.O. Box 8 Rochelle, New York 10801 of SendNew publicity 3 weeks in advance New Rochelle, New York 10801 your event. Ads due Tuesdays, one week Sam Zherka , Publisher & President priorSam to publication date. & Letters to the Zherka , Publisher President [email protected] Editor & Press Releases can only be [email protected] via Email: Hezi Aris,submitted Editor-in-Chief & Vice President Hezi Aris, Editor-in-Chief & Vice President [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Advertising: (914) 562-0834 Advertising: (914) 562-0834 [email protected] News and Photos: (914) 562-0834 News and Photos: (914) 562-0834 Fax: (914) 633-0806 [email protected] Fax: (914) 633-0806 Published online every Monday Published online11A-5P every Monday Office Hours: M-F 914.216.1674 Cell Print edition distributed Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Print edition distributed Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 914.576.1481 Office Graphic Design: Watterson Studios, Inc. Graphic Design: Watterson Studios, Inc. Read us online at: COU In th Prime Retail - Westchester County Chel Best Location in Yorktown Heights 1100 Sq. Ft. Store $3100; 1266 Sq. Ft. store $2800 and 450 Sq. Ft. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2012 Page 3 Store $1200. Thursday, september THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 2012 Page 3 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2012 Suitable for25, any2014 type of business. Contact Wilca: 914.632.1230 THE WESTcHESTER GUARDiAn THE GUARDIAN THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN THEWESTCHESTER WESTcHESTER GUARDiAn Page 2 Prime Location, Yorktown Heights 1,000 Sq. Ft.: $1800. Contact Wilca: 914.632.1230 RADIO RADIO RADIO HELP WANTED A non profit Performing Arts Center is seeking two job positions- 1) Director of Development- FT-must have a background in development or experience fundraising, knowledge of what development entails and experience working with sponsors/donors; 2) Operations Manager- must have a good knowledge of computers/software/ticketing systems, duties include overseeing all box office, concessions, movie staffing, day of show lobby Westchester On the Level is usually heard from Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 12 staffing such as Merchandise seller, bar sales. Must be familiar with POS Noon on the Internet: Feature Section.................................................................................................................................. 3 Call (203) system and willing to organize concessions. Full time plus hours. Because of the importance of a Federal court case438-5795 purporting corruption bribery and ask for Julie orand Allison Of Significance Westchester On On the the Level Level with with Narog Narog and Aris Westchester and Aris Aris and Standing Up for a Stand Guy, by Colucci. ................................................................ 3 allegations, programming beUp suspended forKurt the days of March 29, 2012. Westchester On the Levelwith is heard from Monday to Friday, from2610toa.m. to 12YonNoon kers Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor James Sadewhite is our scheduled guest Friday, Westchester On the Level is heard from Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 12 Noon onEditorial. the Internet: Join .............................................................................................................................................. 3 March 30. on the Internet: by the conversation calling toll-free to 1-877-674-2436. Please stay on topic. Join It is however anticipatedtoll-free that theto jury will conclude its Please deliberation ontopic. either MonLetters to theby Editor.......................................................................................................................... 4 the conversation 1-877-674-2436. stay on Richard Narog March andcalling Hezi Aris your co-hosts. thewe week day or Tuesday, 26 or 27.are Should that be theIncase, willbeginning resume ourFebruary regular 20th and ending on Richard Narog andhave Hezi are entourage your InYonkers the week beginning February 24th, we an Aris exciting of the guests. Jason Capuano............................................................................................................................... 4 on programming schedule and announce thatco-hosts. fact on Tribune website.February 20th and ending February 24th, we have exciting entourage ofshow. guests. Richard Narog and Hezian Aris are co-hosts of the Every Monday is special. On Monday, February 20th, Krystal Wade, a celebrated participant in http:// Sam Rivers...................................................................................................................................... 5 Every Monday is special. On Monday, 20th, Krystal a celebrated participant in http:// is ourFebruary guest. Krystal Wade isWade, a mother of three who works fifty miles our guest. Krystal is a novel mother threeaccepted who works fifty 4 miles fromDelfim home and writes in........................................................................................................................... her “spare is time.” “Wilde’ s Fire,”Wade her debut hasofbeen for publication A. Heusler. from home and writes ininher “spare time.” “Wilde’iss her Fire,” her debut novel has sbeen accepted publication and should be available 2012. Not far behind second novel, “Wilde’ Army.” How for does she do it? Articles................................................................................................................................................ 5 it? and should be available in 2012. Not far behind is her second novel, “Wilde’ s Army.” How does she do Tune in and find out. TuneHudson in and find out. Center for Contemporary Art........................................................................ 5 Valley Co-hosts Richard Narog and Hezi Aris will relish the dissection of all things politics on Tuesday, February Co-hosts Richard andPresident Hezi ArisChuck will relish the dissection of his all things politicsfrom on Tuesday, February 21st. Yonkers CityNarog Council Lesnick will share perspective the august inner Technology/Creative Disruption............................................................................................... 6share 21st. Yonkers City Council President Chuck Lesnick will share his perspective from the august sanctum of the City Council Chambers on Wednesday, February 22nd. Stephen Cerrato, Esq., will inner sanctum of the CityonCouncil Chambers Wednesday, February 22nd. Esq.,bewill his political insight Thursday, Februaryon 23rd. Friday, February 24th hasStephen yet to beCerrato, filled. It may a propiPolitics............................................................................................................................................. 7share his political Thursday, February 23rd. Friday, February 24th has yet to be filled. It mayofbeThat a propitious day toinsight sum uponwhat transpired throughout the week. A sort of BlogTalk Radio version Was Theatre............................................................................................................................... tious day on toThat sum up what transpired throughout the week. A sort of BlogTalk Radio version of That8Was The Eye Week Was (TWTWTW). The Week That Was (TWTWTW). For Calendar. those who.......................................................................................................................................10 cannot join us live, consider listening to the show by way of an MP3 download, or on For thoseWithin who cannot join us consider listening the the show by wayinof MP3 that download, orlink on demand. 15 minutes of live, a show’ s ending, you cantofind segment ouranarchive you may ...................................................................................................................................11 demand. Within 15 minutes of ainshow’ s ending,paragraph. you can find the segment in our archive that you may link toLegal using Notices. the hyperlink provided the opening to using the hyperlink provided in the opening paragraph. The entire archive is available and maintained for your perusal. The easiest way to find a particular interview The is available and maintained forfor your perusal. easiest to findofa the particular interview is toentire searcharchive Google, or any other search engine, the subjectThe matter or way the name interviewee. For is to search Google, or any otherAOL searchSearch engine, the subject On matter the name theRadio, interviewee. example, search Google, Yahoo, forforWestchester theorLevel, Blog of Talk or use For the example, hyperlinksearch above.Google, Yahoo, AOL Search for Westchester On the Level, Blog Talk Radio, or use the hyperlink above. (914) 562-0834 Mission Statement Statement Mission The Westchester Guardian is a weekly newspaper devoted to the unbiased reporting of events The Westchester Guardian is a weekly newspaper devoted to the living unbiased reporting of events and developments that are newsworthy and significant to readers in, and/or employed in, and developments that areGuardian newsworthy significant readers in, and/or employed in, Westchester County. The willand strive to reporttofairly, andliving objectively, reliable informaWestchester County.tion The without Guardian willor strive to report fairly, andduty objectively, reliable informafavor compromise. Our first will be to the PEOPLE’S tion without favor or compromise. Our first duty will be to the PEOPLE’S RIGHT TO KNOW, by the exposure of truth, without fear or hesitation, RIGHT TO KNOW, by themay exposure ofthe truth, without fearoforFREEDOM hesitation, no matter where the pursuit lead, in finest tradition no matter where the pursuit may lead, in the finest tradition of FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. OF THE PRESS. The Guardian will cover news and events relevant to residents and The Guardian will cover news and eventsAs relevant to residents and businesses all over Westchester County. a weekly, rather than businesses Westchester County.more As aassociated weekly, rather than focusing on all theover immediacy of delivery with daily focusingwe onwill the instead immediacy more associated daily journals, seek of to delivery provide the broader, morewith comprejournals, we will instead seek to provide the broader, more comprehensive, chronological step-by-step accounting of events, enlightened hensive, chronological step-by-step accounting of events, enlightened with analysis, where appropriate. with analysis, where appropriate. Professional Dominican From &amongst journalism’s classic key-words: who, what, when, Hairstylists Nail Technicians From amongst journalism’ s classic key-words: who, what, when, Hair Cuts • Stylingwhy, • Washand & Set •how, Permingthe why and how will drive our pursuit. We where, Pedicure • Acrylic Nails • Fill Ins • Silkwhy, Wraps •and Nail Art Designs where, how, the why andand how drive our will use our •more time, ourwill resources, to pursuit. get past We the Highights • Coloring • Extensions • Manicure Eyebrowabundant Waxing will use our more abundant time, and our resources, to get past the initial ‘spin’ and ‘damage control’ often characteristic of immediate initial and often characteristic immediate Yudi’s Salon 610 Main St, New Rochelle, NY ‘spin’ 10801 914.633.7600 news releases, to ‘damage reach thecontrol’ very heart of the matter: the of truth. We will news releases, to reach the very heart of the matter: the truth. will take our readers to a point of understanding and insight whichWe cannot take our readers to a point of understanding and insight which cannot be obtained elsewhere. be obtained elsewhere. To succeed, we must recognize from the outset that bigger is not necesTo succeed, must recognize from theacknowledge outset that bigger is not necessarily better.we And, furthermore, we will that we cannot be sarily better. And, furthermore, we will acknowledge that we cannot all things to all readers. We must carefully balance the presentationbe of all things to all readers. We must carefully balance the presentation of relevant, hard-hitting, Westchester news and commentary, with features relevant, hard-hitting, Westchester news and commentary, with features and columns useful in daily living and employment in, and around, the and columns useful in daily living and employment in, and around, the county. We must stay trim and flexible if we are to succeed. county. We must stay trim and flexible if we are to succeed. A Ch Adju Tiffa NOT RIGH 22 M YOU CHIL PERI UPO ER T THE COU PAR REM AGE THE PUR THE A NO TOD BY O TO addr Last Last An O seek loca after adju prov yer, assig note Date Ge Legal THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN FeatureSection Standing Up For A Stand Up Guy By Kurt Colucci Today the sweet goddess of revenge looks mockingly from her throne of antagonism…and what does she see? Events are unfolding that would make her proud. I can see her head tilted slightly like the old liberty and the pursuit of happiness” in high regard. When in reality, it is a wicked system of force, fraud, coercion, control and intimidation that steals human energy. Sam Zherka is an Iconoclast, a man who comes once in a generation and shakes the foundations of power and speaks truth to the people as the political pundits and political establishment attempt a public crucifixion of a man who has been a tireless and diligent champion of the people of Westchester. Many achieve power by working to subvert the real meaning of life liberty and freedom… and Sam Zherka has always sought to push Thursday, september 25, 2014 Page 3 unjustly persecute him. A person’s time, effort energy and talent can be hijacked and if you can gain control over it, you can manipulate it to fit your needs and you can use it towards achieving your goals at another’s expense… It is the purest form slavery. It is both mental slavery and physical slavery disguised as virtue and nobility. Evil can never achieve noble ends. Government can never be ethical when the use of force, fraud, coercion and intimidation are used to keep good men quiet. They can silence one man, but they cannot stop a movement because they cannot destroy an idea…Liberty is the highest ideal of men who seek to be free. Sam Zherka will stand victorious when all is said and done because he is a good man and does not deserve to be locked in a cage because he told the truth in a time of universal deceit. -Kurt Colucci “This is no coincidence…this is payback; payback for speaking truth to power.” RCA Dog casting a glance of confusion that leads me to believe she is puzzled as she watches the “antagonist” being sacrificed on the altar of public opinion. This is no coincidence…this is payback; payback for speaking truth to power. In times of universal deceit the truth tellers are always persecuted and branded “outlaws.” The recent public persecution of Westchester’s biggest champion of free speech is not a new theme nor is it an unexpected unfolding of political abuse. To the contrary, it is simply history repeating itself. History is riddled with stories of good men who rebelled against the established order of their times. We are living in a kingdom of thieves disguised as a self-governing society that holds the ideals of ” life Editorial Most weeks, we cover the news and some weeks, we are the news, as is the case, this week. We ask our readers to withhold judgment until Mr. Zherka’s attorneys have the opportunity to respond to the government’s accusations. All is not as it seems. Much will be said in the coming weeks by persons choosing to cast aspersions on Mr. Zherka’s character and who are blinded by the mundane, the usual and the momentum of the new normal. History proves that very few men have had the rare combination of resources, willingness and bravery to hold accountable the small group of powerful elite who are “democratically elected” by the people to serve the people; but in reality they exploit the people that they are meant to serve… Sam Zherka has been a thorn in their side and for that he is being “tried” in the court of public opinion. I’ve known Sam Zherka for over half a decade. In that time I’ve seen a man who is a glowing example of what a father, husband and public advocate should be. I am ashamed of our current state of media and political manipulation. In the past few days I’ve watched, near speechless, back against their tidal wave of influence and expose those who exploit the public good by trading “favors” using the currency of influence. Sam Zherka’s pursuit of life liberty and happiness is being held hostage by the law; which has been turned into a tool of social, political and economic manipulation… But most importantly our complicit media carefully craft stories and distorts context and creates a new socially relevant scheme which serves them in the moment - this evil is disguised as virtue The greatest resource anyone can control his human energy. Because when men harness the power of human energy they gain the benefit of human ability - which is the most precious rarity on earth. Sam Zherka is a man that the powers that be cannot control, and so, they th THE WBT NOW CELEBRATING 40 YEARS OF BROADWAY MUSICALS AND FINE DINING – ON STAGE NOW – One of the Greatest Musicals of All Time! The Sweeping Romantic Musical SOME ENCHANTED EVENING • HAPPY TALK • BALI HA’I Thru Nov. 30, 2014 and Dec. 31, 2014 – Jan. 25, 2015 CAST OF BEATLEMANIA FAVORITE FAB FOUR HITS! business dealings. Evaluate carefully what they say and what their motivations might be. Be mindful that the government can promise all manner of inducements to elicit desired testimony and few people have the resources to fight them. Sadly, our jails are full of persons who were incarcerated on false testimony and on fabricated evidence. Prospective government witnesses would do well to remember that “Thou shalt not lie” is one of the 10 Commandments, not “The 10 Suggestions,” lest they testalie on the stand. This is America and Mr. Zherka is entitled to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. We, along with Mr. Zherka, look forward to his day in court and the opportunity to clear his name. TUES., SEPT. 30 COMEDY NIGHT ADULT HUMOR WITH 6 ACTS! BOX OFFICE (914) 592-2222 MON., OCT. 6 GROUP SALES (914) 592-2225 DOWNLOAD THE WBT App LUXURY BOXES (914) 592--8730 The management reserves the right to make schedule or program changes if required. All sales final. No cash or credit card refunds. Page 26 Page 4 The WesTchesTer Guardian THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ThursdaY, FeBruarY 23, 2012 Thursday, september 25, 2014 CLASSIFIED ADS LEGAL NOTICES Officeto Space AvailableSam Zherka, the man that I came know, makes footprints in many peoples hearts. Letter To The Editor There is an old saying that my father told me when I was young. “Many people come and go in our lives. Then there are those who stay awhile and make footprints in our hearts.” Mr. Sam Zherka, the man that I came to know, makes footprints in many peoples hearts. It is because Mr. Zherka is a good man; a caring man who works hard every day of his life. He is a man who is good Prime Location, Yorktown Heights asked, or tried get me to do the to his family and his workers; honest 1,000 Sq. Ft.: $1800. Contact Wilca:to914.632.1230 and ethical to those he has dealings least unethical task. As I came to Prime Retailknow - Westchester Sam ZherkaCounty longer, I took employee and Thomas find out if they were what I’ve said for all my life, and that with. Chelsea (d.o.b. 7/14/94), Besthe Location in Yorktown pride in being Heights associated with this being treated fairly by their superis, “I have faith in the justice system”. I met Mr. Sam Zherka when A Child Under 21 Years of Age Dkt Nos. NN-10514/15/16-10/12C manSq. who detested corruption and Sq. Ft. Store $3100; 1266 Ft. store $2800 and 450 Sq. Ft. visors or other employees. Anytime I pray to God for Mr. Zherka, his was expressing 1100 his extreme sadness Adjudicated be Neglected by NN-2695/96-10/12B afraid to write about it. I Mr. Zherka askedto me to interview family and loved ones, for his safety over the death of our friend Lt. was Storenot $1200. FU No.: 22303 was afraidContact for thisWilca: man, 914.632.1230 because I’ve anyone, no matter the circum- and the speedy return to his family. Suitable for any type of business. Masseo who died of lung cancer. seen the vengeful actions that people stances, he always stressed that he Tiffany Ray and Kenneth Thomas, Some time later, Sam Zherka hired Respondents.Jason Capuano X wanted the truth. me to investigate a few matters for with authority are capable of doing. NOTICE: PLACEMENT OFbecause YOUR CHILD IN FOSTER CARE MAY RESULT IN YOUR LOSS OF Y him. I, beingA non somewhat hesitant Many months ago, Mr. Zherka The day has come that Retired Police Sergeant profit Performing Arts Center is seeking two job positions- 1) DirecRIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF YOUR CHILD STAYS IN FOSTER CARE FOR 15 OF THE MOST REC whenever anyone my services, askeda background me to put inindevelopment place a sexual stand against cor- Licensed BY tor ofhires DevelopmentFT-must have or expe- of Mr.22Zherka’s Private MONTHS, THE AGENCY MAY BE REQUIRED LAW Investigator TO FILE A PETITION TO TERMIN was cautious. rience It didn’t take long to harassment policy so that theand comhe PARENTAL is in a place that fundraising, knowledge of what development entails experi- ruption, YOUR RIGHTS ANDheCOMMITMENT OF GUARDIANSHIP AND CUSTODY OF see that Sam ence Zherka never pany’s 2)employees were protected. belong. amPURPOSES now at theOFage working withhinted, sponsors/donors; Operations Managermust have a doesn’tCHILD FORITHE ADOPTION, AND MAY FILE BEFORE THE END OF THE 15-MO HELP WANTED good knowledge of computers/software/ticketing systems, duties include overseeing all box office, concessions, movie staffing, day of show lobby staffing such as Merchandise seller, bar sales. Must be familiar with POS system and willing to organize concessions. Full time plus hours. Call (203) 438-5795 and ask for Julie or Allison We need more people like Sammy Z Letter to the Editor: Sam Zherka, through the Westchester Guardian, offers a FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER the Matter TO SHOW Other Intimes, Mr.of ORDER Zherka, asked CAUSE of 63. I was born and raised in the SUMMONS AND INQUEST me to interview every company South Bronx. I no longer can sayNOTICE voice for the voiceless and he is a champion of free speech. Sammy understands the plights and ills of the African American community and the challenges faced therein. Every time Sammy Z was called PERIOD. UPON GOOD CAUSE, THE COURT MAY AN INVESTIGATION TOpolice DETERMINE WHE on,ORDER especially issues involving ER THE NON-RESPONSENT PARENT(s) SHOULD CONSIDERED AS A RESPONDEN brutality andBEpublic corruption. THE COURT DETERMINES THE CHILD SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM HIS/HER HOME, Sammy Z is a fiscally conservaCOURT MAY ORDER AN INVESTIGATION TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE NON-RESPOND tive individual, who doesIFnot PARENT(s) SHOULD BE SUITABLE CUSTODIANS FOR THE CHILD; THEbelieve CHILD IS PLACED in government andTWENTY-TWO abusive tax MONTHS, REMAINS IN FOSTER CARE FOR FIFTEEN OF THE MOSTwaste RECENT In TERMINATION fact, it was the issue AGENCY MAY BE REQUIRED TO FILE Aincreases. PETITION FOR OF PARENTAL RIGHT THE PARENT(s) AND COMMITMENT OF AND CUSTODY OF THE ofGUARDIANSHIP abusive tax increases that led me CHILD FOR PURPOSES OF ADOPTION, EVEN IF THE WERE NOTbecome NAMED aquaAS RESPONDENT to PARENT(s) cross paths and THE CHILD NEGLECT OR ABUSE PROCEEDING. tinted with Sammy Z, as abusive increases are TEMPORARY very common in A NON-CUSTODIAL PARENT HAS THEtax RIGHT TO REQUEST OR PERMANENT C TODY OF THE CHILD AND TO SEEK ENFORCEMENT OF VISITATION RIGHTS WITH my hometown of Mount Vernon. It THE CHIL is because Sammy upon, BY whether forTHE a FAMILY donation for OF THE ORDER OF COURT STATE OFofNEW YORKZ that I have Thanksgiving turkeys or a holiday gained knowledge into understandTO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT(S) RESIDE(S) FOUND AT [spe budgets and howORto IS identify toy drive, he never questioned the ing city WHO address(es)]: waste. We need more people like cause and openly gave from his GarfieldZ. Street, #3, Yonkers, NY 10701 Sammy heart. Last known addresses: TIFFANY RAY: 24 Sammy is the type ofKENNETH person THOMAS: 24 Garfield Street, #3, Yonkers, NY 10701 Last known addresses: whose word means everything: “yes” Sam Rivers An Order to Show Cause under Article 10 of the Family Court Act having been filed with this C means seeking “yes” and “no” means “no”. Gramatan to modify the placement for theDeutsche, above-named child. & Sammy taught me that the truth Vanderbuilt, Inc. HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before this Court at Yonkers Family C always comes out,YOU so itARE is important Licensed Real located at 53 So. Broadway, Yonkers, New York, on the Estate 28th dayBroker of March, 2012 at 2;15 pm in to always be “straight “ with people. Licensed / Casualty afternoon of said day to answer the petition andProperty to show cause why said child should no When othersto be were afraid child to andInsurance Broker adjudicated a neglected why you should not be dealt with in accordance with take up issues ofbecause provisions Article 10they of thewere Family Court Act. Vernon, NY Mount considered “controversial” and not PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that you have the right to be represented by a popular, Z Court doesn’t shy yer,Sammy and if the finds youaway, are unable to pay for a lawyer, you have the right to have a law but instead takes up the issue head assigned by the Court. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that if you fail to appear at the time and p noted above, the Court will hear and determine the petition as provided by law. Statement on Sam Zherka Indictment: Get Get Noticed Noticed 914-562-0834 Dated: January 30, 2012 2 column Advertising Sales Office: 914-576-1481 (10:00 AM–6:00 PM) 914-216-1674 (Cell) Letter To The Editor: Statement on Sam Zherka Indictment: Let’s start with some fairness and the truth is that anyone can get indicted and we must presume Sam Zherka innocent. He will have his day in court. We are not judge or jury. He is a family man with 8 children. Legal Notices, Advertise Today The Sam Zherka that is being described in the court papers, is not the Sam Zherka who I know and someone who I am proud BY ORDER OF THE COURT CLERK1 column OF THE COURT to call my friend. I send my prayers out to Sammy and his whole family during this time. Delfim A. Heusler Editor, Publisher and Investigative Reporter for The Yonkers Insider Legal Notices, BlogAdvertise - Today Radio Show on Blog Talk Radio: www. [email protected] Before speaking to the police... call George Weinbaum THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, september 25, 2014 The ARts Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art The Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art will present a 5-week after school series, on Thursdays, starting Oct 2, from 3:30 to 5PM. The program will introduce budding artists, ages 8-12 to the international contemporary art world through works from their current exhibit, Art at the Core. The course explores the power of art as a vehicle for self-expression and a means to convey important cultural ideas. Students will discover their own voice through mixed media projects. Prepaid registration is required: $75 for members; $100 non-members. Contact Donna Mikkelsen, HVCCA Director of Education at 914.788.0100. The Hudson Valley Center For Contemporary Art is located at 1701 Main Street, Peekskill 10566. Visit hvcc‑ for current and upcoming exhibits. Jon Pylpchuk “I Thought They Were My Children Open 10AM - 8PM Mon-Sat. Juice Bar • Smoothies • Salads Paninis • Rice Bowls Dine In -Take-Out Dobbs Ferry Delivery “The doctors understood how important it was to get me back to work in a week.” C M Ricky R., colon patient Y 914.479.5555 CM CY CMY K ©2014 Hudson Valley Surgical Group | All Rights Reserved. MY The Advantages of Laparoscopic Colon Surgery Hudson Valley Surgical Group’s Minimally Invasive Center offers patients a better choice for colon surgery. Hudson Valley Surgical Group 4000+ laparoscopic surgeries performed providing patients the latest in Minimally Invasive Surgery while utilizing the most advanced technology. Robert Raniolo, MD & Har Chi Lau, MD Castle Connolly’s Top Doctors™ Hudson Valley Surgical Group MINIMALLY INVASIVE CENTER 777 N. Broadway, Suite 204, Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 914.631.3660 | 63 MAIN ST., DOBBS FERRY, NY Page 5 Page 6 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN TECHNOLOGY Thursday, september 25, 2014 CREATIVE DISRUPTION Look! It’s Watching Us! “It’s a bird ... It’s a plane ... It’s Superman!” “No, it’s an Amazon delivery drone.” “I think it’s a Google drone.” “Maybe it’s from the NSA.” “It looks more like the police one that came over yesterday.” “You’re all wrong! It’s from the photographer down the block.” “Hey, it’s Taking Our Picture” by John F. McMullen The first two columns in this three-part series dealt with military / law enforcement and commercial use of drones. Of equal interest is (or, at least, should be) is the use of them by individuals – not only hobbyists but voyeurs, stalkers, pedophiles, thieves, and other malusers of the technology. Until recently, personal drones were either too expensive or underpowered to be much of a concern in this area but, in the words of Bob Dylan, “The Times, They Are A-Changing.” A September 10, 2014 New York Times review of DJI’s “Phantom 2 Vision Plus,” entitled ”An Eye in the Sky, Accessible to the Hobbyist” (http://www. personaltech/a-teardown-of-the-phantom2-vision-plus-drone-from-dji.html), shows just how far the technology has come. The unit has four propellers, allowing it to land and take off like a helicopter and, more importantly, hover over or next to an object. It can reach a top flying speed of 33.5 mph, can ascend at 13.4 mph, and weighs 2.7 pounds. The Phantom 2 is controlled by a remote control unit under the guidance of an iPhone or Android smartphone. Pilots can navigate the drone even when out of the line of sight, as the unit contains a GPS device, allowing the user to program it to move to a specific location. Of even more use in navigation (as well as many other activities) is the fact that there is also an on-board camera that can both record high-definition video & high-resolution images and stream the output back to the smartphone. When the drone is properly positioned, it can then take pictures or record videos of an event. In reporting this feature, the Times seems to me to have a rather “pie-in-the-sky” benign view of the way it might be used, writing “It is easy to imagine how the Vision Plus could be put into the hands of people who want to document sports or other events, or even those who might want to photograph the exteriors of buildings.” and “…those taking videos at a wedding — one of the many new popular uses for drones.” How about trolling over a school to see which young children walk home alone ... or scanning beach communities for nude sunbathers ... or stalking some object of affection who doesn’t return the feeling (or even know of it)? Additionally, the ability of the user to use the helicopter-type controls to position the unit at various angles will allow the taking of videos through bedroom or office windows. All of this may be accomplished while the user is up to 2,300 feet away – the length of over two football fields! If all of this sounds paranoid, consider the Snowden revelations, the purloining and dissemination of private suggestive and nude pictures supposedly securely stored in iCloud, the stealing of customer passwords from Target, Home Depot, et al, the attacks on websites by those who disagree with the content, the gathering of data on us without our informed consent by a myriad of commercial entities --- the list goes on and on! In short, if it can be done through technology, it will be done -- whether ethical or not, legal or illegal, moral or immoral! So, then, what can we do to protect ourselves from such intrusion? Really, nothing! In a few years, the same $1,300 will buy a drone that is smaller (perhaps undetectable) with twice the range from the user, much longer battery life and greater camera versatility. All we can do is to modify our behavior – pull down the shades, don’t sun-bathe or engage in intimate activity outdoors, ensure that our children are always accompanied, and constantly be on the lookout for mechanical devices – not only drones but also surveillance cameras of all types – which record our activity. We already know (or should know) that GPS devices in our phones and our cars record our locations, that EZ-Pass systems document our travels, that credit & debit card purchases as well as gas and supermarket discount cards expose all of our interests and preferences. We are very close to becoming the world of George Orwell’s “1984” – or we may be there already! DJI Phantom 2 Vison Drone Perhaps, the answer may be to just ignore all of these possible methods of intrusion into our lives and behave in any way that we wish. That’s one approach, but one which may have a negative impact on our credit rating, job potential, or other aspect of our lives which may be put off by what we think is our own private lifestyle. Another possibility is to attempt to “go off the grid,” eliminating online connections from our lives; such a move is difficult to do, will not protect us from the drone over head or outside our window, and will deny us all the benefits of on-line life. Another alternative is to demand that our nation, somehow mandate the plan postulated by computer scientist / science fiction writer David Brin in his 1998 work “The Transparent Society.” Brin realizes that we will be under surveillance in many ways by government – in ways we can’t control – so he feels that we should always know who is watching us and be able “to watch the watchers” – to see who is watching us and what purposes to which they are putting the information gathered. While the extension of such a requirement to non-government watchers would not deter those attempting to surreptitiously watch us, the penalties could be so harsh that the offenders would be put out of business. Each of these approaches is, admittedly, as naïve as the feeling that we have nothing to fear from technological innovation. We do – but we have so much to gain from such innovation that the benefits outweigh the negatives. Additionally, even if we wished to stifle innovation (and I certainly don’t), such stifling would be impossible as well as something our competitor nations would never go along with. So we are back to a conundrum -Drone technologies, as well as others, are a threat to our privacy and there is not much we can do about it. That is really not the end of it – we can learn more about the issues, educate others on the negatives as well as many positives until we have enough educated minds to come up with a balance and enough political pressure to demand the balance. Until then, why not buy your own drone? Comments on this issue to johnmac13@gmail. com John F. McMullen is a writer, poet, college professor and radio host. Links to other writings, Podcasts, & Radio Broadcasts at www., his books are available on Amazon, and he blogs at blog/johnmac13. (Note -- I have recently opened a “GoFundMe” site,, to provide for the continued sustainability of the Radio Show (station & web fees, needed hardware upgrades, etc) © 2013 John F. McMullen Creative Disruption Creative Disruption is a continuing series examining the impact of constantly accelerating technology on the world around us. These changers normally happen under our personal radar until we find that the world as we knew it is no more. THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, september 25, 2014 Page 7 It appears that the Astorino campaign feels that any sort of PR is good PR but that is just not true when using your minor child. Using Sean makes this campaign look just as petty and mean-spirited as the Cuomo campaign did in doctoring the family photograph in the first place. Voters too aren’t dumb either. All of us have either had an 11 year old or at least know one and there isn’t an 11 year old in the world who will use this sort of language or would speak so disrespectfully to an elected official either on or off the camera; even if your father was running a race against him. As a matter of fact, kids have no business being in any campaign commercial. This week. County Executive Astorino released another ad that depicted crying, disheveled looking children who must have the unfortunate birthright of living here in New York State and looking mournful as a talking head reads copy that Governor Cuomo has stolen their unicorns. If the children starring in this new anti-Cuomo ad are actors, members of AFTRA and are receiving a standard wage for their appearance it may make it legal but the use of kids in any political media is just wrong. In the United States of America one must be 18 years of age to vote; it is the age of majority in this country. Using anyone under that age is a cheap shot and robs the average kid of their innocence. Let us hope that for the rest of the campaign we can stick to the issues at hand and leave the children to the play-yard. POLITICS Playground Bullies Campaign Style By NANCY KING Like a couple of third grade boys challenging each other to an after-school fight, the nasty gubernatorial race between Governor Andrew Cuomo and Republican challenger Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino took on a new theme this week; playground pushing. This week’s shoving match has to do with an ad that ran in upstate New York right before a Buffalo Bills game. As usual, it is all about the gross negativity that the Dems believe is Rob Astorino but the biggest crime he Cuomo camp should probably be fired for this very blunder. Anyone who knows Astorino or knows of him also knows he is a die- hard Dolphins fan and has been forever. Oppositional research should also take note that this was a stock photo on Astorino’s website and was taken during the winter of 2010 not now. Finally there is something missing from that picture and that is the picture of then 7 year old Sean Astorino. During a family vacation in Florida, Sean and his Dad just happened to take in a Dolphin’s game wearing their matching jerseys. It wasn’t even remotely image without seeking the parent or guardian’s permission to do so. (You can’t) But the manner in which Rob Astorino and his camp responded to this ad has more than one New Yorker shaking their head. In an online video, 11 year old Sean Astorino is filmed, sitting at his father’s desk, in his father’s office at the County Office Building and apparently using a teleprompter. Young Astorino goes on to ask the Governor to stop picking on his father and stop using family photographs for Democratic ads. So far I have to agree with the Astorino campaign on this point but I will draw the line in using an 11 year old boy to convey that message. Groundbreaking Treatment for your Foot Pain! Nancy King is a freelance reporter residing in Westchester County. Only a handful of doctors in the US offer this surgery! Do you have Painful Hammertoes or Bunions? Governor Andrew Cuomo Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino commits during this commercial is that he is wearing a Miami Dolphins jersey and he (gasp) is at Dolphins Stadium in Miami to cheer his team on. If you were to believe this ad, and if you aren’t a hard core fan of a New York team, you’re probably a political terrorist. Now whomever is doing oppositional research for the political, it was cute. However that picture emerged in this weekend’s ad sans Sean Astorino…he’d been photo shopped out. Blunder number two for the oppositional researcher in this case would be his/her failure to research information as to if you could play around with a minor child’s Diana O’Neill Holistic Health Services • In and out surgery in one day • No stitches • Walk out of the office after surgery! We call it Minimally Invasive Surgery. You’ll call it a Miracle. Call us today for your Free Consultation!* (914) 712-6365 *(does not include testing or x-rays) White Plains office: 34 South Broadway, Suite 504 • I will journey with you during challenging times such as grieving the loss of a loved one or recovering from a negative relationship. Counseling • Energy Healing • Hypnotism • Spiritual & Psychic Healing By appointment, only • Free consultation given on first visit Holistic Health Services • 240 North Ave. Suite 204 A, New Rochelle, NY 10801 • 914.630.1928 Page 8 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN EYE ON Thursday, september 25, 2014 THEATRE Deathless Duet By JOHN SIMON Hard on his fine new “The Wayside Motor Inn,” comes a revival of A. R. Gurney’s “Love Letters,” a classic by now. This is a two-character play in which Andrew Makepeace Ladd III and Melissa Gardner re-live their lives in letters that they exchanged over the years. Seated side by side at a table, and without looking at each other, they read or seem to read from the text before them. In the course of this relatively short play, they correspond in a friendship that begins in early grade school, and ends some 40 years later with Melissa’s death and Andy’s letter of condolence to the heroine’s mother, in which he confesses to have been in love with Melissa all his life. She came from a similarly Northeastern family, richer than his, and was a not very successful painter, had a lifelong drinking problem, married and had daughters, divorced and died some time in her fifties. He was in the Navy, studied law, got involved in local politics, married, had sons, and finally became a senator. All along, they wrote to each other, which he enjoyed to do, and she rather didn’t. Only late in their relationship did they briefly switch to the telephone, which proved impractical because his employees could sometimes listen in. Back it was to letters. And late in life they finally had a spotty affair, extramarital on his part and guilt-inducing for both. Then she died; we infer a suicide. Why give away so much plot? Because what matters in this remarkable play is the dialogue, how things are expressed by two sensitive and eloquent persons, with whom we cannot help vividly empathizing. Before speaking to the George Weinbaum ATTORNEY AT LAW FREE CONSULTATION: Criminal, Medicaid/Medicare Fraud Matters White-Collar Crime & Healthcare Prosecutions T. 914.948.0044 F.914.686.4873 175 MAIN ST., SUITE 711-7 • WHITE PLAINS, NY 10601 Mia Farrow and Brian Dennehy appear in A. R. Gurney’s “Love Letters,” What they write is both highly imaginative and yet kindred to what we might have done and written under the circumstances. There is something so convincing and likable about this pair that it is hard to believe that we are witnessing a play, rather than two lives with which our own come in deeply sympathetic contact. There is a great deal of humor, and in the last phase so much genuine pathos that I defy anyone not to laugh with and finally cry for Andy and Melissa, who should have, but somehow missed out on being married. Gurney projects himself with signal skill into his characters at all their ages, and reproduces to perfection the psychological and verbal changes as they grow older. Among other things, the piece is a glowing tribute to the written word, from epistolarians and, by implication, dramatists alike. This is even more poignant now, when the computer has pretty much expunged the pen, making Andy and Melissa’s endeavors very nearly mythical. And here nostalgia seems uniquely justified. Because it requires minimal memorization and, I imagine, shorter rehearsal time, any number of famous actors have appeared in sundry productions of “Love Letters,” and there was even, surprisingly given the material, a movie version. Few of the many revivals enjoyed a long run, doubtless because even fans of the incumbent stars are leery of such a Continued on page 9 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN EYE ON Thursday, september 25, 2014 Page 9 rather than the usual separate desks, seems to have authorial approval and works just as well. Let me provide a couple of samples of dialogue. Schoolboy Andy: “I got a letter from my grandfather telling me not to be first in my class because only the Jews are first. I wrote him and told him I wasn’t first, but even if I were, there are no Jews here. We have a few Catholics, but they’re not too smart actually. I don’t think you can be smart and Catholic at the same time.” And now Melissa: “Thank you for THEATRE Deathless Duet Continued from page 8 sedentary work, with the actors not even meant to look at each other until the very end. And yet the frequent revivals testify to lasting interest. The current production begins with Mia Farrow and Brian Dennehy, with every few weeks an equally well-known duo taking over, and Gregory Mosher aptly supplying the not very demanding direction. Mia Farrow looks terrific for her—or any—age, and is as expert as any actress, I think, who ever hit the stage. Though the author’s published directions forbid baby talk, Ms. Farrow voices a very young person admirably (without baby talk), and lets her voice gradually evolve into full but troubled womanhood. Her facial expressions marvelously convey curiosity, boredom, expectation, disillusion, delight and desperation—you name it. Brian Dennehy is not as various as that, and is by his rather beefy build less appropriate for this particular part. But even with a certain excessive sameness he doesn’t make any serious mistakes, and does not undermine the proceedings. The choice here of a single longish table, Continued on page 10 THE ROMA BUILDING COMMERICAL SPACE FOR RENT Prime Yorktown Location Great Visibility • Centrally Located OFFICE SPACE: 1160 Sq. Ft. Rent $1650/ Month STOREFRONT: 950 Sq. Ft. Rent $3250 /Month OFFICE SPACE: 470 Sq. Ft. Rent $850/Month Call for Details: 914.632.1230 2022 SAW MILL RIVER RD., YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, NY Love Letters Author A.R. Gurney - FLEETWOOD RENOVATED APARTMENTS FOR RENT Beautiful, Newly Renovated Apartments 1 Bedrooms Starting at $1350/month • Studios Starting at $1200/month Brand New Kitchens, Living Rooms & Bathrooms • Granite Counter Tops • Laundry On-Site New Cabinets, Stoves & Refrigerators, Credit Check Required Elevator Building • 1 Block from MetroNorth Fleetwood Station • Monthly Parking Nearby Available Immediately Call Management Office for details: 914.632.1230 Love Letters Director Gregory Mosher 80 West Grand Street, Fleetwood Page 10 EYE ON THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, september 25, 2014 THEATRE Deathless Duet Continued from page 9 your letter which was a little too long. I guess you have a lot of interesting things to say, Andy, but some of them are not terribly interesting to me. I want to hear more about your FEELINGS. For instance, here are MY feelings. This place STINKS, but I don’t want to go home because Hooper McPhail [her new stepfather] stinks, and I haven’t heard of another boarding school that DOESN’T stink, which means that LIFE stinks in general. Those are my feelings for this week.” Or, from two later letters, Melissa: “Season’s greetings indeed! Is that all you can say to me after forty years? I am warning you, Andy, keep that s*** up and I swear I’ll come down and moon the entire Senate.” And here is Andrew about the telephone: “The phones simply aren’t secure. At long last the letter beats out the telephone, my love. And guess what? I’m writing with the old Parker 51 my grandmother gave to me when I went away to school… I had to clean it out and then traipse all over Washington looking for a store that still sells a bottle of ink.” The temptation to quote at length persists. But let me just say that there is hardly a line in the play that wouldn’t be equally quotable and just as inviting. Venue: Brooks Atkinson Theatre 256 West 47th Street New York, NY John Simon has written for over 50 years on theatre, film, literature, music and fine arts for the Hudson Review, New Leader, New Criterion, National Review, New York Magazine, Opera News, Weekly Standard, and Bloomberg News. He reviews books for the New York Times Book Review and Washington Post. To learn more, visit the www. website. CALENDAR News & Notes from Northern Westchester By Mark Jeffers It sure has been a tough few weeks for my two NY sports teams, the football Giants have yet to win, and the Yankees find new ways to lose. Since I’m not watching sports anymore, I had tons of time to write this week’s “winning would be wonderful” edition of “News & Notes.” Our friends at The Community Center of Northern Westchester will hold their annual Benefit Cocktail Party and Auction on Saturday, October 18th, at the St. Matthew’s Fellowship Room, 382 Cantitoe Street (Route 22) in Bedford, from 6:00pm to 8:30pm. This year’s benefit theme is Making a Difference Together. The event’s honorees, Sheryl Bernhard and Laura Kaplan, former Center board presidents and longtime friends and supporters of the Center, exemplify how the community, via the Community Center, makes a difference together in the lives of neighbors in need. Did you know that over the Center’s 21 years, families have made more than 96,000 visits to their Food Pantry and that 87 tons of donated clothes, shoes and linens were distributed during nearly 7,400 visits to their Clothing Boutique. Head over to Lasdon Park and Arboretum in Katonah for “All Things Pumpkin,” on Saturday, October 5th, you will carve, cook, roast and plant: all the cool things you can do with a pumpkin, fee is $5 and includes a pumpkin. And did you know that bow hunting season will open A Cause For Paws Pet Adoptions Siggy is an 8 yr. old, neutered male orange tabby. He is very calm and easy going, and is good with dogs, cats & kids. Solo is a friendly and energetic 2 yr. old neutered male pit mix. He loves to play and go for runs. He is good with dogs, cats & kids. Whiskey is a very friendy cat who is looking for a loving home. He is good with dogs, cats & kids. Whiskey is a neutered male and is 2 yrs old. To submit an adoption application or to inquire about other cats and dogs looking for homes, please contact [email protected] in select Westchester County parks on Wednesday, October 1st. The archery hunting season is part of the county’s Adaptive Deer Management program and includes sections of Muscoot Farm in Somers, Lasdon Park and Arboretum in Katonah, Ward Pound Ridge Reservation in Cross River, Hilltop Hanover Farm in Yorktown Heights, Mountain Lakes Park in North Salem and, in a pilot program, John E. Hand Bald Mountain Park in Yorktown. The season runs through December 31st. Parks will remain open during the season and informational signs will be posted for hunters and park visitors. A detailed safety program will be in effect. The Katonah United Methodist Church will be holding a tag sale on Saturday September 27th from 10am to 3pm, they will have something for everyone from A to Z… I’m scared just writing about this…it’s Ghost Story Day at the Yorktown Museum on Saturday, October 4th, open to the public; they are asking people to share their personal GHOST stories, haunted items & pictures with several local paranormal experts. At The Field Library in Peekskill you can learn essential math needed to succeed at the SAT, PSAT, & ACT by a NYS Certified Math Teacher. Great for all levels from math-phobic to math-wiz, I will be in the phobic grouping…the class is an intensive hands-on afternoon that guides students through the most commonly tested math topics, calculator how-to, as well as tips and tricks for test day. The class aims to teach students how to save time and overcome fear in a friendly and supportive setting. Congratulations and three cheers go out to the Ossining Food Pantry as they celebrate their 26th anniversary with their annual “Celebration” fundraiser on September 28th. The Open Door Foundation will present a special concert featuring Rob Thomas on October 9th at the Performing Arts Center at Purchase College; the foundation benefits Open Door Family Medical Centers. Over at Hilltop Hanover Farm in Yorktown Heights it’s time for the very popular U-Pick Vegetables on Saturdays, 10am to 4pm. Come visit Westchester’s only U-Pick vegetable operation, and harvest veggies straight from the field. Now, that’s my kind of harvesting… It’s that time of year again for walking or running for a good cause, so head on out or if you cannot attend the event, please donate to one of these great local charities here in northern Westchester…see you next week. Mark Jeffers resides in Bedford Hills, New York, with his wife Sarah, and three daughters, Kate, Amanda, and Claire. THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, september 25, 2014 LE G A L N O T I C E S 1017 HOME STREET PROJECT, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 8/4/14 Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 8 Windward Ave White Plains, NY 10605. Purpose: Any lawful activity. MAGEN INTERNATIONAL, LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 9/8/14. Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to C/O Stern Keiser & Panken, LLP 1025 Westchester Ave White Plains, NY 10604. Purpose: Any lawful activity. BRONX APARTMENTS FOR RENT Newly renovated Bronx Apartments for Rent Near public transportation & shopping. Rent includes heat & hot water. $25 non-refundable credit check. 1 BR Starting at $1150/Month 3Br. Starting at $1600/Month 4 Br. Starting at $1900/Month No Broker Fee • 24Hr on-site Super Call Maria: 914.632.1230 SULTAC HOLDINGS LLC Authority filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/8/14. Office location: Westchester Co. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 6/24/14 SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Attn: Robert Sperduto 15 Chester Ave White Plains, NY 10601. DE address of LLC: 3411 Silverside Rd #104 Wilmington, DE 19810. Arts. Of Org. filed with DE Secy. of State, PO Box 898 Dover, DE 19903. Purpose: any lawful activity. G MALPASS LLC Authority filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/4/14. Office location: Westchester Co. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 6/3/14 SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to The LLC 12 Mohawk ST Rye, NY 10580. DE address of LLC: 1209 Orange ST Wilmington, DE 19801. Arts. Of Org. filed with DE Secy. of State, PO Box 898 Dover, DE 19903. Purpose: any lawful activity TARRYTOWN VIEW LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 5/20/13 Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 305 North Ave New Rochelle, NY 10801 Purpose: Any lawful activity. 453 NORTH REALTY LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 7/28/14 Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 10 W. Broad St Mount Vernon, NY 10552. Purpose: Any lawful activity. WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN LEGAL MOUNT AIRE CAPITAL LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 6/20/2014 Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 16 Tioga Lane Pleasantville, NY 10570. Purpose: Any lawful activity. 179 BRONX HOLDING LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 4/11/14 Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 305 North Ave New Rochelle, NY 10801. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Pakola R & D, LLC. Articles of Org. filed NY Sec of State (SSNY) 5/23/2014 Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC 15 Lewis Rd, Irvington, NY 10533. Purpose: Any legal activity LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT N. ROMANO PLLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 6/25/14 Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The PLLC 15 North Mill St Nyack, NY 10960 Purpose: Any lawful activity. ROBERTO ROBIN LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 8/15/14 Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 50 Montrose Rd Yonkers, NY 10710. Purpose: Any lawful activity. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC). NAME: Unicorp International, LLC Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 08/19/14. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: Unicorp International, 128 Fuller Road, Briarcliff Manor, New York 10510, principal business location of the LLC. Purpose: any lawful business activity. h elp wante d ADVERTISING: Marketing Manager, Pharmaceutical Svc. & Products. Yonkers, NY. Strategic formulation/ execution of mktg policies for pharmaceuticals/ DME/OTC products/services, create scientific literature for marketing of herbals products promotion, cost benefit, mrkt. research analysis to expand mrkt. base, inventory cost ctrl & staff supervision. Need MS in Pharmacy/ Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics/BA with 1 yr. exp. or Bachelor in similar fields + 5 yrs. post BA prog. exp. Need quantitative skills & knowd. of pharmaceuticals/ DME/Herbal products. Mail resume to Stanley Pharmacy LLC, 2S Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701. Send us your Legal Notices! 914.576.1481 10:30AM-5PM ADVERTISE YOUR DISPLAY HELP WANTED ADS IN THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN! Do you have jobs available at your business? The Westchester Guardian publishes every Thursday and we would love to run your Help Wanted Display Ads, due Wednesday one week prior to publication date. Call today to reserve Display Ad Space in our next issue: 914.216.1674 Page 11 The New Don’t Don’t Waste Waste Your Your Time Time Anywhere Anywhere Else Else Club Club New York NEW YORK’S NEW YORK’S PREMIER PREMIER GENTLEMEN’S GENTLEMEN’S CABARET New York CABARET Escape Reality… Escape The VIP Club! Escape to Reality… First Class Adult Entertainment, Sushi Bar and Lounge. HAPPY HOUR @ Entertainment, THE VIP! First Class Adult 2-For-1 Sushi BarDrinks and Lounge. Mon – Sat Before 9PM Escape to The VIP Club! HAPPY HOUR @ THE VIP! COMPLIMENTARY ADMISSION 2-For-1 FOR TWODrinks WITH THIS PASS Mon – Sat Before 9PM 20 W. 20th ST. (btwn 5th & 6th) COMPLIMENTARY ADMISSION 212-633-1199 FOR TWO WITH THIS PASSs 20 W. 20th ST. (btwn 5th & 6th) 212-633-1199 s Open 7 Days A Week NYC’s #1 TOPlESS SPORTS BAR • Gentlemen’s Club • sushi RestauRant • Fine DininG NYC’s oNlY BoDY SUSHI 252 West 43rd St. 212-819-9300 (Between 7th & 8th Ave.) FREE ADMISSION WITH THIS PASS Page 12 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, september 25, 2014 Commercial • Industrial & Residential Services Roll-Off Containers 1-30 Yards Home Cleanup Containers Turn-Key Demolition Services DEC Licensed Transfer Station City Carting of Westchester Somers Sanitation B & S Carting AAA Paper Recycling Bria Carting City Confidential Shredding DEP Licensed Rail Serve Transfer & Recyling Services Licensed Demolition Contractor ITALIAN CUISINE Locally Owned & Operated Radio Dispatched Zagat Rated “Excellent” Voted “Best Italian Restaurant” Westchester Magazine, 2006 Fully Insured - FREE Estimates Mon.-Thurs. Noon - 10PM • Fri. Sat. & Sun. Noon -11PM 800.872.7405 • 203.324.4090 On-Site Document Destruction RESERVE NOW FOR PARTIES • 2 ROOMS AVAILABLE SEATING 75 & 100 8 Viaduct Road, Stamford, CT 06907 Same Day Roll Off Service OPEN 7 DAYS 914.779.4646 Ciao • 5-7 JOHN ALBANESE PLACE, EASTCHESTER, NY 10709 WWW.WESTCHESTERGUARDIAN.COM