Fan Art, characters owned by Disney This story is a test, not of my


Fan Art, characters owned by Disney This story is a test, not of my
Fan Art, characters owned by Disney
This story is a test, not of my story writing ability or drawing ability. So please overlook any poor quality in
that respect. Because this is a test of artistic format, that I'm proposing for your review. Due to being
short on time to produce artwork. I would like to create comic books and graphic novels. But I'm not a
self employed artist; so I create artwork with my free time.
Thus, to be more productive in getting my ideas out. And to take advantage of what time I do have. I'm
proposing this illustrated book format. Which would take less time for me to write than comic stories or
graphic novels. Yet I could still draw some artwork to accompany the text.
If this format pleases enough people. Then I'll start work on writing illustrated books as soon as I'm sure
people want me to write stories with the illustrated book format of this story. Otherwise, I'll just draw
comic book and graphic novel pages when I can find the time; in between any one page projects that I
might work on.
--------------------------------------------------- NOW ON TO THE STORY ----------------------------------------It's night time in the big city. And the city is St. Canard, home to one of the Earth's greatest hero's,
Darkwing Duck. And speaking of Darkwing, ware is he tonight? Speeding down the street, boy is
Darkwing moving.
Lanchpad: Gee DW, do you have to go so fast?!
Darkwing: I can't keep Morgana waiting now, can I?
Suddenly Darkwing hits the breaks. The Thunderquack starts swerving all over the street; as if it were
out of control. Launchpad thinks he's going to get sick. But then the Thunderquack spins around and
stops, perfectly paralleled park in front of Morgana's house.
Darkwing: (jumps off the Thunderquack and speaks with confidence) Yup, yup, yup, another fantastic
parking by your's truly.
Lanchpad: (urp!) If you say so DW.
Darkwing knocks on the front door. The door opens slowly and creaks loudly.
Morgana appears in the doorway. Her and Darkwing lock eyes, staring deeply
into each other eyes. Both of them start flirting with there eyes.
Lauchpad: (rolls eyes and clears throat) Ah, DW, are we going to stand out here
all night?
Morgana: (rasing her hand and touching her lower beak with her fingers) Oh my!
ware are my manners? Won't the both of you please come in.
Darkwing and Launchpad enter Morgana's house. Darkwing is walking in a
romantic daze, until suddenly. Darkwing stops and ...
Darkwing: (angry) What are you doing here? Your suppose to be looking for
Halloween costumes!
Gosalyn: Well of course I am, Dad!
Darkwing: Uh, and what does that have to do with you being here and bothering Morgana?
Morgana walks over and with her finger scratches under Darkwing's chin as if he were a puppy dog.
Which calms Darkwing down. As he is seduced by Morgana's flirtatiousness.
Morgana: Oh Dark dear, Gosalyn and Honker are here for my help.
Gosalyn: Ya, Dad, Morgana is like right in the middle of all this monster stuff. Me and Honker should
have the best costumes in the whole school. Especially if Morgana can find a transformation spell and
make us real monsters.
Darkwing: Hey, hey, hey, I said you dress-up as a monster, not be one!
Morgana: Oh Dark dear, you still don't trust magic.
Darkwing: I do trust magic ... just not all the time.
Morgana: Well then, I'll just have to show you everything will just be fine.
Morgana casts a transformation spell on herself. Her form shifts, stretches and reforms into a naga, half
human and half snake. When the transformation is done, she coils around Darkwing Duck.
Morgana: Well Dark honey, do I look ... exotic?
Morgana looks deeply into DarkWing Duck's eyes. But Morgana has
hypnotic look in her eyes. And Darkwing Duck has a hypnotized look
in his eyes.
Gosalyn: (runs up to Morgana and Darkwing) Keen-gear! Can I be
next Dad. (waits for answer, then gets an angry look on her face)
Dad, I'm talking to you! (tugging on Darkwing's cape) Hey! Dad! Can
you hear me! Earth calling Dad! Come in Dad!
Darkwing: (shakes head) Who, what, ware, when, why and sometimes how ... Did you just hypnotize me
Morgana: Well, I think I did. I'm real sorry about that. I didn't mean to do it Dark dearest.
Gosalyn: Wow! Hypnotic powers, me next, me next!
Both Morgana and Darkwing, at the same time in unison tell Gosalyn "no!".
Gosalyn gets an angry look on her face and folds her arms. Honker walks over to Gosalyn.
Honker: Gosalyn ...
Gosalyn: (angry) Com'on Honker, I guess we have to do this the old fashion way ... buy a costume.
Darkwing: Now Morgana, this is what I'm talking about ... when it comes to spells.
Morgana looking through her spell book, speaks.
Morgana: Not so fast Dark ... it does mention
hypnotic eyes as one of the effects of this spell. I
just failed to read all the details on this spell. So it
was all my fault, dearest Dark, to be prepared for
all the effects. Can you forgive me, Dark honey?
Darkwing: Well ... sense you apologized ... I can't
stay mad at you.
Morgana and Darkwing look lovingly into each others eyes. Morgana starts to hypnotize Darkwing again.
Darkwing: Morg ... are you ...
Morgana: Oh Dark, you can't look that deep into my eyes when I'm like this. But don't worry I can keep
from totally mesmerizing you.
Morgana then wraps her coils around Darkwing. Straightens his collor, takes his hat off and twiddles her
fingers in his feathers on the top of his head.
Darkwing: (half mesmerized) Your just softening me up to make it easier to get romantic.
Morgana: O.K., guilty as charged ... now pucker up big boy ...
Gosalyn: Yuck! Kissy face time, I'm leaving before I get sick!
Honker: Ah ... well ... um ... I'm too young to watch this, so wait up for me.
Launchpad: Hey guys I'm too young as well... um, no, I'm too old ... ah, I'm too something, so wait up for
me too.
THE END (for this story format test)