Welcome to all visitors on this Lord`s Day. We pray that


Welcome to all visitors on this Lord`s Day. We pray that
Welcome to all visitors on this Lord’s Day. We pray that God’s Word may
save and build up all God’s people. You may listen to our services online at
Our Church Family and Ministry
BASEMENT WORSHIP today is Group K (Vande Kamp – Zandstra). Next Sunday will be Group A (Barnhill –
De Boode).
CONGRATULATIONS: This past Thursday evening Eddie and Emma (nee Engelsma) Nienhuis were united in
marriage. We rejoice with the couple and give thanks to God for His work of uniting them as one in marriage. 1
John 4:11, “Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love another.”
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM of Mia Grace, daughter of Chad and Lori Van Overloop will be held this morning.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM of Skyler Helene, daughter of Clint and Katie Karsemeyer is scheduled for next
Sunday evening, May 22.
FROM THE LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE: Our Future Expansion Fund has reached the $300,000
milestone this past February, and the long range planning committee has resumed working on options. Our goal
is to have a preliminary concept that, with the approval of council, can be presented to the congregation in the
next few months.
FROM THE DEACONS: This past year’s catechism collection is going to the churches in Myanmar with which
Hope PRC is working.
DIRECTORY UPDATE: Please add Joel Van Dyke to your directory: 1028 Rosewood, Jenison 49428; phone –
855-4380, email – [email protected].
General Fund
Beginning Balance $56,909.09
Ending Balance
Major Expenditure
Beginning Balance $19,147.95
Ending Balance
Special Collections
Covenant Christian School
Special Education
Heritage Chr. School
Free Christian School
April, 2016 Collection Totals
Benevolent Fund
Beginning Balance
Ending Balance
Expansion Fund
Beginning Balance
Ending Balance:
Trinity PRC Evangelism
Sunset Manor
Domestic Missions
PR Church - Myanmar
EVANGELISM COMMITTEE MEETING is this Tuesday, May 17, at 7:00 pm.
Outings and Activities
ANNUAL BOYS CAMP OUT is scheduled for Friday, June 10. Please look for a flyer in your mailbox and sign
up in the narthex by May 22 in order to figure out a count for food.
ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC is September 10. More details to follow.
Denomination News
REFORMED WITNESS HOUR: Sunday 8 AM on WFUR FM 102.9 and 4 PM on AM 1570. Today’s message:
The Great Tribulation - Matthew 24: 21-22.
CLASSIS EAST UPDATE: Classis East met last Wednesday at Providence PRC. Classis granted the request of
the Pittsburgh Fellowship for organization into an instituted congregation. Decisions regarding two protests upheld
the decisions of Classis East in January. Two matter of Christian discipline were treated in closed session. And
classical appointments were scheduled for the p.m. services in First PRC of Holland and for three Sundays in
Pittsburg. The next meeting of Classis East is scheduled for September 14 at Southwest PRC.
Requested Announcements
GEORGETOWN HARMONY HOMES invites you to our "Spring It Forward Lunch & Silent Auction" on
Wednesday, May 18 at Grandville Banquet Center located at 2900 Wilson Avenue in Grandville. Tickets are $25
and 100% of the ticket cost goes directly to GHH. Please call Cindy VanderVeen 822-6036 for tickets or more
information. Reservations can also be made by registering at georgetownharmonyhomes.org.
SPECIAL NEEDS BIBLE STUDY: We have our last meeting of the season this Thursday, May 19, and we would
like to invite the parents to join us! We will be meeting at Faith PRC at 7PM. There will be singing, games and
food. Please let us know if you can make it! Even if your son /daughter was not able to attend during the year, we
welcome you to join us. Contact Laura Kaptein, [email protected] or 292-8029, to RSVP and if you have
any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!
HOPE HERALDS will begin their 2016 summer season on Sunday, May 22. Rehearsals will be held in the air
conditioned music room of Covenant Chr. High School, at 11:25 AM. All men 9th grade and older are encouraged
to join as we begin our season of praise to God.
MEMORIAL DAY BREAKFAST BONANZA at Georgetown PRC will be, DV, May 30, 7:30-10am. Take your
family, friends, neighbors, relatives, and future friends too! All proceeds go to the young people’s group.
MIDWEST YOUNG ADULTS RETREAT will be held at Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp in NW Iowa August 15-18.
There are only a few weeks left to register at midwestyaretreat.com. The theme of the retreat is "The Heavens
Declare the Glory," and the speakers are Rev. Griess and Rev. Engelsma. Contact Ashley VanMaanen if you
have questions: 712-441-3174 or [email protected]. We hope to see you there, too!
School Announcements
COVENANT CHRISTIAN HIGH BOARD would like to thank all its constituents for your financial support this year.
Because of your support, we have now met our 2015-16 deficit drive of $295,000. May God be praised.
SPECIAL EDUCATION DEFICIT DRIVE: The Board thanks all those who responded to our request for help in
meeting our 2015/16 Budgeted Drive amount of $284,000. As of April 25, we have collected $249,906, leaving us
$34,094 to meet our needs for the year. If you can help us meet our goal, please send your contribution directly
to Protestant Reformed Special Education, 6340 Autumn, Hudsonville, MI 49426. Thanks for your support.
ADAMS CHRISTIAN ANNUAL SUPPORT DRIVE continues with a goal of $260,000. Information has been
mailed out. If you did not receive a packet in the mail, you can get one by calling the school office (531-0748).
Please remember this need and send your gift or pledge to the school by May 27, even if you cannot contribute at
this time.
HOPE SCHOOL MOTMAN’S UNDRAISER: Motman’s will donate 10% of your purchases May 1 - 28. You must
ask the cashier to stamp your receipt with the Motman’s name for Hope School, and then turn in your receipts to
school in the box marked “Motmans” outside the school office.
SOCIETY FOR PR SPECIAL EDUCATION ANNUAL MEETING is at Heritage tomorrow, May 16, at 8:00 PM.
We welcome new members, so prayerfully consider joining this worthy cause!
COVENANT CHR. HIGH BOARD MEETING is this Monday, May 16, at 7:30 pm.
RETIREMENT RECEPTION: After many years of faithful, dedicated service, Mr. Pete Adams is retiring from
Eastside Christian School. With gratitude to God for His provision, a reception is Tuesday, May 17 at First PRC
Grand Rapids. Please plan to join us.
ALL-SCHOOLS BAND CONCERT is Wednesday, May 18 at 7:30 PM at Allendale High School.
HERITAGE CHRISTIAN KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM is this Friday, May 20, at Hudsonville PRC at 7 PM. The
theme of the program is “Walking with God.”
May 21, at 6:00 PM. Tickets have been distributed to the Grandfathers who made reservations. If you did not
receive your ticket, please contact Karen at Heritage Christian School (669-1773). We look forward to seeing you
this Saturday!
OPEN HOUSE for Mrs. MaryBeth Lubbers who will be retiring at the end of this year, after 45 years of teaching,
will be Saturday, May 21, from 4:00-7:00 in the music room at Adams Christian. We are thankful to God for the
years she has dedicated to teaching our covenant children.
CCHS CHOIRS’ FINAL CONCERT is Wednesday, May 25, at 7:30 PM at Jenison Center for the Arts. Songs will
include "Be Still My Soul" - with cellist Eric Phelps, and our final piece "Fairest Lord Jesus!"
CCHS SENIOR CHAPEL is Thursday, May 26, at 11:25 AM in the gym of Covenant Chr. High.
CCHS SENIOR HONORS CONVOCATION is at Covenant Thursday, May 26, at 7:30 pm.
EASTSIDE AWARDS CHAPEL is Friday, May 27 at 10:45 a.m.
FUTURE TEACHERS AND MINISTERS: Information for the 2016 PR Scholarship Fund essay competition is now
available. Please email [email protected] to receive the essay topics and submission requirements.
Completed essays must be submitted by May 31.
EASTSIDE CHRISTIAN COMMENCEMENT EXERCISE is in First PRC on May 31 at 1:15 p.m. (NOTE: time)
Rev. Slopsema will be our speaker, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me". Philippians 4:13
EASTSIDE YEAR END PICNIC is at the GR Township Park on June 1. The classroom games will begin at
10:30, and lunch (pizza) will be served at 11:45.
All this, the Lord willing.
Opportunities to Serve
Trinity Protestant Reformed Church
3385 Van Buren * Hudsonville, MI
Phone: 669-7024 Website: trinityprc.org
Pastor: Rev . Nathan D ecker
Today: AM – Luanne Schipper, Paula Kuiper, Dana VanDyke, Megan Fisher, Zoe Holstege
PM – Beth VanSingel, Shari Gritters, Amber Dykstra, Sable Maas
May 22: AM - Patricia VanBaren, Kaylynn Dykstra, Briana Prins, Clarissa VanBaren, Juline Hiemstra
PM – Jessica Dykstra, Erin Dykstra, Megan DeVries, Hannah Mulder
Coffee Servers
Today: Melisa Engelsma and Ronda Van Bemmel May 22 – Kristi Engelsma and Brenda Griess
AM – Dan B., Steve B., John D.B. PM – Jeff D.V., Jon D., Matt D.
May 22: AM - Bob E., Paul E., Joel E. PM – Rick G., Mike H., Pete H.
Order of Worship
Silent Prayer (Unison)
*Doxology - “Praise God”
*Congregation Singing
Reading of the Law – AM
*Apostles’ Creed – PM
*Congregation Singing
*Congregation Singing
Scripture Reading
*Congregation Singing
AM: #195 - 3&4
PM: #199 – 4&5
*Congregation Standing
Study: 669-7025 E-mail: [email protected]
Emeritus Ministers: Prof. David Engelsma and Rev. Gise Van Baren
AM Doxology - Psalter 195 stanzas 3 & 4
Blest be the Lord, our fathers' God, eternal King of kings, Who only is
omnipotent, performing wondrous things.
Blest be His great and glorious Name for evermore, Amen, and let His
glory fill the earth from shore to shore. Amen.
PM Doxology - Psalter 199 stanzas 4 & 5
Now blessed be the Mighty One, Jehovah, God of Israel, for He alone has
wonders done, and deeds in glory that excel. And blessed be His glorious
Name, long as the ages shall endure; o'er all the earth extend His fame.
Amen, Amen, for evermore.
9:30 AM
5:00 PM
Rev. N. Decker - President
Brian Dykstra – Vice-All
Stefan Engelsma
Chuck Ensink
Steve Essenburg
Vern Haveman – Vice President
Doug Pastoor – Clerk
Dave Pohler
Steve Van Dyke
Mike Van Overloop
Text: Joshua 24:15
Reading: Joshua 24
Psalter Nos.: 166, 321, 24, 394
Text: Galatians 5:22-23
Reading: Galatians 5
Psalter Nos.: 391, 253, 1, 250
Todd DeBoode
Chad Engelsma – Benevolence Treas.
Jim Geerlings - Secretary
Tom Holstege - Treasurer
Dan Mulder – Vice-all
Corey Terpstra – Assist. Secretary
Chad Van Overloop – Deacon Pres.
“Joshua’s Resolve to Serve the Lord”
1) General Fund 2) Special Education
May 22
1) General Fund 2) Foreign Missions
“The Fruit of the Spirit”
1) Benevolence 2) Faith School – Randolph
May 22
1) Benevolence 2) PRC School - Wingham
This is the Pentecost Sunday, May 15, 2016