Welcome to all visitors on this Lord`s Day. We pray that


Welcome to all visitors on this Lord`s Day. We pray that
Welcome to all visitors on this Lord’s Day. We pray that God’s Word may
save and build up all God’s people. You may listen to our services online at
Our Church Family and Ministry
BASEMENT WORSHIP today is Group F Holstege – Karsemeyer). Next Sunday will be Group G (Kuiper –
MINISTRY: This evening, Rev. N. Langerak from Crete PRC will be leading our worship service. We welcome
him to our pulpit and fellowship.
BIRTHS: “We rejoice with Ryan and Brittney Karsemeyer in the birth this past week of a baby boy, Jack
Andrew, as well as with Mitch and Kelli VanOverloop in the birth yesterday of a baby boy, Sawyer Alan. Both
mothers and both babies are healthy and doing well.
 Cody De Boer and Missy Van Dyke were both able to return home from the hospital this past week.
 Garry Bykerk continues his recovery in the hospital after surgery to remove the cancerous portion of his colon.
The surgery was successful and Garry is doing well. The hope is that he soon will be able to return home.
CONGRATULATIONS to Brandon and Macey (Dykstra) Kaptein who were united in marriage this past
SUNDAY SCHOOL meets this morning in the sanctuary following the service.
DEACONS MEETING is Monday, June 27, at 7:00 PM.
Outings and Activities
FROM THE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE: Join us this Wednesday, June 29, at 7:00 PM for a Webinar Speech by
Rev. Bruinsma entitled "The Church's Calling in an Age of Tolerance."
Denomination News
REFORMED WITNESS HOUR: Sunday 8 AM on WFUR FM 102.9 and 4 PM on AM 1570. Today’s message:
“Watching and Ready for the Return of Christ” – Matt. 25:1-13
Requested Announcements
YOUNG CALVINISTS is planning a time of fellowship for all young people and young adults THIS Saturday, July
2, at 6 p.m. The evening will include pizza, capture the flag, devotions, and a bonfire! Donations will be accepted
to help defray the costs. Please bring a chair. Location: 5770 Barry St., Hudsonville, MI 49426.
BEACH VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT is Saturday, July 16, at Holland State Park beginning at 9 AM. We are
looking for 6 person teams (3 boys & 3 girls) that would like to participate in this year’s tournament. Cost per
team is $150. All proceeds will benefit the Faith Young Peoples Society. Contact Kurt Kaptein at
[email protected] or 813-5000 for more information and/or a registration form.
School Announcements
ADAMS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL'S BOARD will meet this Thursday, June 30 at 7:30 PM.
Packets will be mailed out early this week. Contact the school office at 616-453-9717 if you do not receive an
enrollment packet.
FOURTH ANNUAL HOPE FOUNDATION BASS TOURNAMENT will be held on August 6. It will be held in
Muskegon at Fisherman's Landing. To register, contact Philip Kalsbeek, 217-6021 or
[email protected]
• Trinity Christian High School of Hull, IA is seeking applicants for the 2016-2017 school year. The school has
flexibility in offering a full-time position that could potentially include accounting, art, computer applications,
English, remedial, or science. Those who are interested in any of these subjects should contact Jim Regnerus
(712-439-1921/[email protected]) or Henry Van VanMaanen (712-578-1101/[email protected]).
• Free Christian School of Edgerton, Minnesota is looking for a lower elementary teacher for the 2016/2017
school year. Interested individuals please contact Jason Brands at (507)-227-6425 or by email at
[email protected]., or Adam Fennema at (507)-215-2749 or by email at [email protected].
All this the Lord willing.
Opportunities to Serve
AM – Renae Kuiper, Joan Mulder, Tracy Dykstra, Alexis Vander Waal, Brittany Bylsma
PM – Rosie Bylsma, Nicole Hanemaayer, Suzie Kuiper, Megan Engelsma
July 3:
AM - Cassie De Vries, Stephanie Dykstra, Andrea Velthouse, Deana Bleyenberg, Natalie Van Bemmel
PM – Renae Vander Kolk, Ronda Van Bemmel, Eliza Van Singel, Lily Holstege
Coffee Servers
Today: Karla Feenstra and Nikki Holstege July 3 – Julie Steenwyk and Sam Van Dyke
AM – Tom K., Travis V.B., Dave S. PM – Mitch S., Phil V.B., Clint V.K.
July 3:
AM – Keith V.O., Tim B., Dan B. PM – Steve B., John D.B., Jeff D.V.
Order of Worship
Silent Prayer (Unison)
*Doxology - “Praise God”
*Congregation Singing
Reading of the Law – AM
*Apostles’ Creed – PM
*Congregation Singing
*Congregation Singing
Scripture Reading
*Congregation Singing
AM: #195 - 3&4
PM: #199 – 4&5
*Congregation Standing
AM Doxology - Psalter 195 stanzas 3 & 4
Blest be the Lord, our fathers' God, eternal King of kings, Who only is
omnipotent, performing wondrous things.
Blest be His great and glorious Name for evermore, Amen, and let His
glory fill the earth from shore to shore. Amen.
PM Doxology - Psalter 199 stanzas 4 & 5
Now blessed be the Mighty One, Jehovah, God of Israel, for He alone has
wonders done, and deeds in glory that excel. And blessed be His glorious
Name, long as the ages shall endure; o'er all the earth extend His fame.
Amen, Amen, for evermore.
Rev. N. Decker - President
Brian Dykstra – Vice-All
Stefan Engelsma
Chuck Ensink
Steve Essenburg
Vern Haveman – Vice President
Doug Pastoor – Clerk
Dave Pohler
Steve Van Dyke
Mike Van Overloop
Todd DeBoode
Chad Engelsma – Benevolence Treas.
Jim Geerlings - Secretary
Tom Holstege - Treasurer
Dan Mulder – Vice-all
Corey Terpstra – Assist. Secretary
Chad Van Overloop – Deacon Pres.
Consistory-Appointed Committees
Activities......................................................... Matt & Jessica D., Joel & Laura N., Jason & Kimberly S., Clint & Renae V.K.
Archives .............................................................................................................................................................. Bob Drnek
Building .......................................................... Brian D. (Chair), Joel E. (exterior), Clint K. (interior) & Phil V.B. (audio/video)
Caring & Sharing ...............................................................................................Michelle Drnek, Julie Hiemstra, Jen Lenting
Catechism ........................................................................................................................... Dave Pohler & Steve Van Dyke
Communion .............................................................................................. .... .....................Steve Essenburg & Doug Pastoor
Congregational Needs................................................................Stefan Engelsma (chair), Chuck Ensink & Steve Van Dyke
Counseling Needs ............................................................................. Rev Decker (chair), Brian Dykstra & Steve Essenburg
Evangelism .............................................................. Jon D. (Pres), Chad E. (Sectr’y), Aaron G. (Vice), Adam V.D. (Treas.)
Doug H., Pete H., Nate R., Kyle T.B. & Vern H.
Finance & Insurance ........................... .............................................Steve Essenburg, Tom Holstege & Mike Van Overloop
Instruction Committee ................................................................ Mike Van Overloop (chair), Vern Haveman & Dave Pohler
Kitchen ............................................................................................................................... Lois Dykstra and JoAnn Pastoor
Library ........................................................................................................... Bob Drnek, Sheryl Van Baren, Corey Terpstra
Long Range Planning ................................................................ Brian Dykstra, Dave Hiemstra, Doug Pastoor, Al Van Dyke
Music & Program..................................................................................................................... Chuck Ensink & Dave Pohler
Nursery ............................................................................................................................ Cassie De Vries & Jill Essenburg
Pastor’s Workload ..................................................................................................... Brian Dykstra and Mike Van Overloop
Pulpit Supply ................................................................................................................... Vern Haveman and Doug Pastoor
Trinity Times ................................................................................................................................................ Jessica Decker
Ushers .......................................................................................................................................................... Joel Engelsma
Trinity Protestant Reformed Church
3385 Van Buren * Hudsonville, MI
Phone: 669-7024 Website: trinityprc.org
P as to r : R ev . Na th an D ecke r
Study: 669-7025 E-mail: [email protected]
Emeritus Ministers: Prof. David Engelsma and Rev. Gise Van Baren
9:30 AM ~ Rev. N. Decker
“The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven”
I The Meaning
II The Advantage
Text: Lord’s Day 18
Reading: John 16
Psalter Nos.: 277, 337, 179, 129
1) General Fund 2) Future Expansion
July 3
1) General Fund 2) Heritage Chr. School
5:00 PM ~ Rev. N. Langerak
“The Floating Ax Head”
I The Idea
II The Means
III The Recipient
Text: 2 Kings 6:1-7
Reading: 2 Kings 6:1-23
Psalter Nos.: 306, 295, 47, 275
1) Benevolence 2) Trinity YP –
July 3
1) Benevolence 2) Trinity Evangelism
This is the Lord’s Day, June 26, 2016