PCNC Connection Feb 2013
PCNC Connection Feb 2013
Kapa’a High School PCNC Connection Parent Community Networking Center [email protected] ~~ kapaahighschool.net February 2013 Volume 2 Issue 5 INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 Kauai’s Shining Stars in Education 2 Project Grad Zumba 2 Family Summit & Kapa’a High 3 Mock Trial Team 3 Tutoring & Scholarships 4 4 Community Opportunities A Special Thank you Empowering Workshop Series #2 Thursday, February 7 in R102 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Encouraging our kids to think outside the box and inspire into non-traditional fields. Will be touching on character building, physical and mental health. Also share information on summer college tours. Warmest Mahalo to Toalua Tuiasosopo of the HAIA FOUNDATION & KHS Teachers, Kara Kitamura & Tara Bonilla-Punzal Workshop #3 Thurs March 7 Workshop #4 Thurs April 11 Workshop #5 Thurs May 2 Open to all grade levels Division II Kapa’a High Girls Soccer Team 1st row left to right: Mia Cabulisan, Jamie Brun, Anuhea Panui, Tori Pezario, Madeline Rausch, Taylor Foster, Chloe Fredericksen 2nd row l-r: Coach Gwen Tamura, Cassie Wilson, Ariel Cummings, Taylor-Alani Kaneakua, Kanani Colburn, Kendra Vega, Kaiemi Moniz, Brooke Spencer, Asst Coach Colin Wilson 3rd row l-r: Megan Devin, Eryka Keoho, Kekai Gonsalves, Alanna Bauman, Cali MacMillian, Madisson Hinkel, Helper Ashley Camat Congratulations to our girls' soccer team who not only won KIF, but are seeded second in the state for the state championships!!! Way to go girls! Congratulations to our varsity boys' basketball team who recently defeated Kauai High to start Round 2 off in a great way! Also, Congratulations to Kapa’a Paddling Team as they captured the Boys, Girls and Mixed KIF Championships. HHSAA State Soccer & Paddling Championships on Oahu!! In addition to the great athletes, let's congratulate the coaches that take their time to shape our KIF champs: KIF Winter Champions: Boys Soccer - Kevin Cram Girls Soccer - Gwen Tamura Boys Swimming - Kara Kitamura Boys Canoe Paddling - Micah Mokuahi Girls Canoe Paddling - Sueo Higa Mixed Canoe Paddling Thank you, Coaches, for all that you do! Go Warriors! Up Coming Dates 7 9 18 19 20 26-28 Empowering Workshop #2 6-8pm in R102 Lower Campus Ms. Kitamura’s Room Project Grad ZUMBA 5-7pm in Gym Presidents’ Day-No school SCC Meeting 5:30pm in SAC Rm KHS Foundation Meeting 6pm in SAC Rm School & District Science Fair Kauai War Memorial Hall PTSA Meeting TBA Update! Third show is complete. The Kauai Dept. of Education is proud to present our new television show called, Kauai’s Shining Stars in Education! Learn about some of the great things happening in our public schools. There will be a new show every month. Tune in to Channel 54 on Sundays 8 pm, Mondays 5 pm, or Thursdays 10 am. You can also watch online at http://vimeo.com/channels /kauaishiningstars Share this link with everyone you know and be proud of your Kauai schools! Page 2 What’s Happening @ Kapa’a High? Page 2 Great Things Happening @ Kapa’a High Kapa‘a High School Project Grad presents a Kapa’a High School’s Courtyard Area Saturday, February 2, 2013 1:00 – 5:00 pm FREE for EVERYONE! Food, entertainment, door prizes, activities, crafts, community resource ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ booths . . . Dunking BOOTH!!! Come support our TEENS!! Kapa’a High Club Student Volunteers: JROTC, NHS, Interact, Peer Mediation, Cheer Team, Student Council, and Key Club ~ Instructed by: Anna Velasco and Dynamic Crew ~ Saturday, February 9 Kapa‘a High School Gym 5:00 pm ~ 7:00 pm $10.00 Donation ~ Door Prize Giveaway ~ Entertainment: _Paradox Lockdown - Zack and Minh Hal -Evangeline Cook -Zumba -Hanalei School Ukulele Band Students Performers from: Kapa’a & Kaua’i High, Kilauea Elementary, Island & Hanalei School Thank you, Kapa’a High VP, Todd Harrison, Entertainment Coordinator and East Kaua’i Family Summit Committee County of Kaua’i Office of Mayor, DOE/East Complex Area PCNCs, Kapa’a High Peer Mediator Advisor, Kapa’a High VP, CFS-Hale Ho’omalu, Good Beginnings, Kahuna Valley, Partners in Development Foundation, Queen Lili’uokalani & Community Contributors: Wes Kaui, Sarah Hale, Nicki Pignoli ~ Mahalo for your support ~ Proceeds of this event benefits the Kapa‘a High School Project Grad Class of 2013 Ticket Outlets: Waipouli Variety - Kapa’a, Popo’s Cookies - Kapa’a, Hawaiian Music Store - Princeville Shopping Center, Kauai Business Services - Lihue What’s Happening @ Kapa’a High ? Page 3 Please use Zoom Future Lawyers. . . Prosecutors . . . Judges Kapa’a High Mock Trial Team Mock Trial Team Members: Danielle Malone-White, Wylie Barker, Harley Grinpas, Victor Sanchez, Casey Nakamura, Kalani Murakami, Taylor McGinnis, Ezekio Quintana, Braden Andrews, and Madison Hinkle Fastweb delivers scholarships for high school and college students. This is a community endeavor mentored by the following attorneys: Janelle Hughes, Peter Morimoto, and George White. Students from participating high schools are given the same case to prepare. Each team assigns their members to serve as the attorneys and witnesses in the case. A mock trial takes place at the Lihue Court House in a real court room with a judge presiding. Kapa’a High lost to Island School last week but won against Kauai High today. Fastweb has made the scholarship search easier for students with key scholarship selections by school year for High School and College students. Share these links with your students and pointThank them you toward more to all that make this great community potential scholarships: outreach program possible!!! Island Lawyers/Lihue Scholarships for High School • • • • http://links.mkt1616.com/ctt?k • n=13&ms=NTA4ODM5NQS2&r • Scholarships for College High School Juniors College Freshmen High School Seniors College Sophomores Court House, High School Administrators, Volunteer Parents, and Dedicated Students. Thank you Melissa & Wylie Barker for submitting picture and write-up. College Juniors College Seniors =MTE5NzE4MTI4NzMS1&b=0& j=MzA2NjM4MTQ5S0&mt=1&r • First-Year Graduate Students Contest Deadline t=0 March 1, 2013 Subscription Information This message was sent to [email protected]. Please add [email protected] to your Address Book/safe senders list to ensure that you continue to receive our newsletters. Email Preferences Edit your email address or profile information. Unsubscribe from the Fastweb Educator email list. Please allow 5-10 business days for your unsubscribe request to be processed. Fastweb | 444 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 600 | Chicago, IL 60611 Please view our privacy policy if you have further questions. Copyright © 2012. All rights reserved. Tutoring on Campus Math Lab in I102 Tues-Thurs 7:30-8:30 am Tues & Thurs 2:45-3:45 pm Also, Math Tutoring in Mrs. Haneberg's room every day during morning recess. Room P-165 Check with your teacher *TUTORING- Kapa’a High School has formed a partnership with UH-Manoa's math and science departments. They are offering free online tutoring to our students MondaysFridays from 9am-10pm. It is with a live person all to yourself! The website is http://manoa.hawaii.edu/ola The students sign in using their name and no password is needed. It is a wonderful resource to our students if they need help at night on homework. What’s Happening in Our Community? Page 4 Deadline: March 1 Page 4 Great Things Happening @ Kapa’a High
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