OUR CONCEPT: THE RACING SPIRIT. Aerodynamics that were polished on the circuit now maximize the potential of 280 PS of power. Aero Kit Type GT-Concept designed for the New RX-7, is a new pinnacle in RX-7 evolution. Wrap yourself In the finest that racing technology has to offer as you speed off into a world where you are the king. PART NUM BER DESCRIPTION te gé FA Q NEW RX-7(FD) AERO KIT TYPE GT-CONCEPT SPECIFICATION ol-·1 9CD7 50 910 FRONT NOSE 9CD7 50 970 FOG LAMP BRACKET .&FRONT NOSE Improves cooling performance while reducing air resistance for high performance in circuit drjving. Flberglass,unpalnted for Mazda genuine fog lamp Wlng:Fiberglass,unpainted 9CD7 50 920 REAR WING 9CD7 72 900 REAR SKIRT SET Wing stay and mount:A iuminum .&REAR WING Tho cross-section shape of lhe wing reduces air resi stance ;>nd lifl during hlgh· speed driving. Can be adjusted to your choice of three angles. A REAR SKIRT SET Desi gned to look like the si de spats and cliffuSQr.l used In r\l~ing car$, 1M rQ!l! $klrt $&1 (left /right set) otters substanUal Improvements in high-speed stability. •c.nnot be l.tHd wl,tl ~•·bot• rnum.ts (rlon-M.Lt~. P ro '" 2 Flberglass,unpalnted ·!·1 Only compat•ble wlih the new RX·7 (1999112·).We are currently develoPing a converSion kJt that will allow lnstallahon on RX-?s before lhe m1nor change (1999112-). ':<2 Remove the slde marlier valve when lnslalling on new RX·7s ( 1999112·). RX-7(FD)AERO KIT TYPE-J5th PART NUMBER 9CD6 50 910 I SPECIFICATION DESCRIPTION IFRONT NOSE ----'~<1-l Fiberglass,unpainted Fiberglass,unpalnted 9CD6 50 920 1 REAR WING 9CD6 70 900 J I SIDE SKIRT SET 9CD6 70 40X FENDER FINISHER SET 9CD6 52 310 AERO BONNET ii2 Fiberglass,unpalnt ed RX-7(FD)AERO KIT TYPE-H Polyurelhan,unpalnted PART NUMBER GPPG(autoclave),unpainted •>·1 Mazda genUine projec1or log lamps (F132 V7 220 / Ft33 V7 220) will not Ill ·"2 TypeD SIDE SKIRT SET (9COS 70 900) will also lrl. For use w11h lha Type n FRONT NOSE (9C05 60 910) or anginal Iron! bumper. some mo difications Will bo requ1red. Can nol be •nslallod wtlh Type GT-C From Nose (9C07 50 910) and Rear Sk•n Se1(9C07 72 900) ooncurrenlly FRONT NOSE 9CD5 50 920 REAR WING 9CD5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET -- "· SPECIFICATION DESCRIPTION 9C05 50 910 - * Fiberglass,unpainted Fiberglass,unpainted Fiberglass,unpainted . For cars not equ•ppod w11h Mazda genu•ne tog lamps, bolh 1he log lamp sw11ch and relay w111 be reqwred RX-7(FC) PART NUMBER 9CC5 50 910 9CC5 50 650 --9CC5 50 920 DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION FRONT SPOILER - INTERCOOLER SCOOP REAR SPOILER BASE li<1 Fiberglass,unpainted - Fiberglass.unpainted ·!!2 Flberglass,unpalnted ROADSTER(NB) DESCRIPTION 9EP7 50 910 FRONT SPOILER 9EP7 50 740 HEADLIGHT FINISHER 9EP7 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET 9EP7 50 920 REAR WING 9EP7 72 900 REAR SKIRT SPECIFICATION Fiberglass,unpainled -- te gé PART NUMBER FA Q ·:·t Exclusive for 1989-91 model +2 Exclusive for Mazda genuine rear spOIIC1(F610 V4 920) Flberglass,unpainted Fiberglass,unpainted --- Flberglass,unpainted Flberglass,unpalnted ro -------------------------ROADSTER(NA) AERO KIT TYPE-I SPECIFICATION DESCRIPTION P PART NUMBER 9E1D 50 910 FRONT NOSE 9E1D 50 140 NUMBER PLATE HOLDER 9E10 50 920 REAR WING 9E10 70 900 SlOE SILL SET 9E10 68 845 AERO BOARD .,. AERO KIT TYPE-II Rberglass.unpainted PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION Fiberglass,unpainted 9EP5 50 910 Polyurelhan,unpainte_d_ _ __ 9EP5 50 920 REAR WING Fiberglass,unpainted 9EP5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Fiberglass.unpainted ~ FRONT SPOIL_E_R_ _ _ - - - - 1 F -iberglass,unpainted Musl be Installed wllh Roll Bar Set (9EP5 53 64019EP5 53 645) 20%LIGHTER THAN ORIGINAL: LIGHTWEIGHT HARD TOP FOR ALL ROADSTERS (NB/NA}. FRP makes this hard top the lightest around while dramatically improving the twist rigidity and bringing more direct handling. The air outlet is reminiscent of those found on the race track. e LIGHTWEIGHT HARD TOP FOR A LL ROADSTERS (NB/ NA) PART NUMBER EPG R1 810 9 I DESCRIPTION I SPECIFICATION Equipped with air outlet Hard Top:FRP finished with white gel coat - - - - - - - - 1 - Rear Window:Polycatbonate fimshed with hard coat ___ -+-9 Ep 7 R 1 810 Not Equipped with air outlet Hard Top:FRP finished with white gel coat Rear Window:Poiycarbonate finished with hard coat 2 LANTIS(CB) SPECIFICATION DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 9005 50 910 FRONT SPOILER Flberglass,unpalnted Flberglass,unpainted 9DD5 50 920 REAR WING 9D05 50 930 REAR SPOILER Polyurethan,unpainted 9005 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Fiberglass.unpainted ExcluSive lor the coupe PRESSO (EC) PART NUMBER FRONT NOSE 9SR5 50 970 FOG LAMP BRACKET 9SR5 50 920 REAR WING Flberglass,unpainted 9SR5 70 900 SIDE SILL SET Flberglass,unpainted Flberglass,unpainted tor Mazda genuine fog lamp Q FA (1996-98) FAMILIA SEDAN(BH) SPECIFICATION DESCRIPTION 9SR5 50 910 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 90B6 50 710 FRONT GRILLE * 1 Fiberglass,unpainted 9DB6 50 910 FRONT SPOILER * 2 Flberglass,unpainted 9DB6 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Fiberglass,unpalnted 90B6 50 920 Flberglass,unpainted REAR WING te gé 'i·1 No! applteable 10 US model. f.·2 Applicable to 1994·96 model. (1994-96) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9DB5 50 910 FRONT SPOILER Fiberglass,unpalnted 90B5 50 710 FRONT GRILLE Rberglass,unpainted 90B5 50 920 REAR WING Rberglass,unpainted 9DB5 50 990 GARNISH KIT Polyurethan,unpalnted 90B5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Rberglass,unpainted 90B5 72 900 Rberglass,unpainted REAR SKIRT SET !I! 1 No! applicable to US model. !1!2 Applieat>le to 1996·98 model. P ro AZ-J PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 9WC5 50 910 FRONT SPOILER Flberglass,unpainted PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION Flberglass,unpalnted 9WC5 50 970 REAR WING Flberglass,unpalnted 9M1D 50 020 FRONT SPOILER Flberglass,unpainted 9WC5 51 580 ORNAMENT BASE Polyurethan,unpainted 9M10 51 960 REAR WING Flberglass,unpainted 9WC5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Fiberglass,unpainted PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION (9MS6 33 444S) V26.000/each 13 inches, 4.5J, ollsel:+44 Recommended tire size 165160· 13 or 155165· 13 SPECIFICATION 9UE5 50 910 FRONT BUMPER SET front bumper base, front grille, * 1 chrome-plated bumper 9UE5 50 220 REAR BUMPER SET ll! 2 rear bumper base, chrome-plated bumper 9UE5 50 91X BUMPER FULL SET a set of front and rear bumper 9UE5 51 750 RACING STRIPES a set of stripes for front and fear, -04 white· 10 dark blue 9UE5 50 810 SIDE STRIPES a set of stripes for fight and left side, EXCLUSIVE ALUMINUM WHEEL 3 SPECIFICATION 9M1D 52 310 BONNET -04whlte,-10 dark blue >l' 1 Front bumper base is made of PPE·w/o paint. 1~ 2 Front grille and Chrome·plaled bumper are made of ABS·w/ chrome-plated. Rear bumper base Is made of PPE·w/o paint. Chrome-plated bumper Is made ot ABS·wl chrome-plated. - \ PART NUMBER !!!1 Flberglass,unpainted 9BG5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET *2 Flberglass,unpainted 9BG5 50 920 REAR WING Flberglass,unpalnted REAR SKIRT !!!3 Flberglass,unpainted 9BG5 72 900 .a.REAR WING ,;, 1 Mazdaspeed ornamenl in above pi>OIO is sold sepera1ely. Can no1 be lnslalled with Mazda genuine log lamps. ·1:2 Can nol be lnslalled wilh Mazda genuine mud flaps (Fr.) Applicable 10 Familia Sedan. '~3 Can no1 be lnslalled wllh Mazda genuine mud flaps (Rr.) .a. REAR SKIRT P ro DEMIO(DW) SPECIFICATION DESCRIPTION 9BG5 50 910 FRONT BUMPER FACE te gé .a.FRONT BUMPER FACE FA Q FAMILIA 5-WAGON (BJ) .a.FRONT GRILLE/FRONT SPOILER PART NUMBER 9GF5 50 710 SPECIFICATION DESCRIPTION FRONT GRILLE ll!1 ABS,unpalnted 9GF5 50 710M FRONT GRILLE Chrome plated 9GF5 50 910 FRONT BUMPER FACE Polyurethan,unpainted l:< 2 for Mazda genuine fog lamp 9GF5 50 970 FOG LAMP BRACKET 9GF6 50 910 FRONT SPOILER Flberglass,unpalnted 9GF5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET ABS,unpainted 9GF5 62 9AO WINDOW FINISHER ABS,unpainted 9GF5 50 920 REAR WING Fiberglass,unpalnted 9GF5 72 900 REAR SKIRT Flberglass,unpainted '!! 1 Mazdaspeed omamen11n above pholo Is sold separalely. ?.12 Exclusive lor Fronl Bumper Face (9GF5 50 910). ~ SIDE • REAR WING mSome dilference on IM slay. SKIRT SET .a.REAR SKIRT 4 CAPELLA WAGON (GW) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION ll' Fiberglass,unpalnted 9VH6 50 710 FRONT GRILLE 9VH6 50 910 FRONT BUMPER FACE Fiberglass,unpain_ t e_d_ _ _ __ 9VH6 50 970 FOG LAMP BRACKET for Mazda genuine f og lamp 9VH6 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Flberglass,unpainted 9VH6 72 900 REAR SKIRT Fiberglass, unpainted Mazdaspeed ornament 1n photo •s sold separately CAPELLA WAGON (GV) PART NUMBER SPECIFICATION 9VH5 50 910 FRONT SPOILER r:: 1 9VH5 50 7 10 FRONT GRILLE * 1 ABS,unpainted ADDIT IONAL AIR GU IDE 9VH5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET 9VH5 70 900·4Z SIDE SKIRT SET 9VH5 50 611 REAR WINDOW TOP 9VH5 50 920 REAR WING 9VH5 50 855 TAIL FINISHER FA 9A1D 50 A20 Flberglass,unpainted *2 ABS,unpainted ok 2 ABS,silent silver metallic Polyurethan,unpainted -- *2 Flberglass,unpainted :<·1 Not applicable to FX Cruls•ng and SX Cruising models. ·i·2 Applicable to Capella Cargos (up to t0/'94) .n some grades Front Sp01ter and Front Gnll can not be Installed on Capella Wagons in some grades after the last m•nor model change. Installation ol Rear Wing on the vehicle equipped with Mazda genuine spoiler requires following pans: • Rear Window Top (9VH5 50 611) • Back Window Mole Set (SAGS 50 6t 6) • Upper Joint Mote (A) (GS77 50 615) • Upper Jo1n1Mole (l) (G$77 50 616) Tatt Finlshor can not be Installed on the vehi:le's al ter the last m•nor model change. e e oi-: 1 Acrylic+ ABS te gé FRIENDEE(SG) DESCRIPTION Q + MPV(LV) P ro ( 1995-) _...TAIL FINISHER DESCRIPTION 9FV5 50 710M I FRONT GRILLE Chrome plated FRONT BUMPER FACE I FOG LAM P BRACKET SIDE SKIRT SET 9FV5 50 855 ' TAIL FINISHER ~2 FRONT BUMPER FACE FOG LAMP BRACKET for Mazda genuine fog lamp 9TH5 70 900 SIDE SKIRT SET Rberglass,unpainted ·- Rberglass,unpainted ·:· Mazdaspeed ornament in above photo Is sold separately. Fiberglass,unpainted PART NUMBER f or M azda genuine fog lamp 9TW5 50 710 FRONT GRILLE Fiberglass,unpainted 9TW5 50 910 FRONT BUMPER FACE Acrylic+ABS 9TH5 70 900 t Mazdaspeed ornament In above photo •s sold separately. <i!2 Exclusive lor Mazda genuine log tamp <S09A V7 220> DESCRIPTION S PECIFICATlON * SIDE SKIRT SET 9TW5 50 855 TAIL FINISHER ;;< 5 "' 9TH5 50 9 10 9TH5 50 970 SPECIFICATlON ¥.< 1 ABS,unpainted ~• SPECIFICATION Rberglass.unpainted ( 1989-95) FRONT GRILLE 9FV5 70 900 DESCRIPTlON FRONT GRILLE MPV(LV) 9FV5 50 710 9FV5 50 970 9TH5 50 710 _...SIDE SKIRT SET PART NUMBER! 9FV5 50 910 PART NUMBER Mazdaspeed ornament In above photo is sold separately Flberglass,unpainted Rberglass,unpainted Rberglass,unpainted Acry11c+ ABS STRUT BAR FOR QUICK CORNERING. This aluminum Strut Bar Is linked to the left and right strut towers to Impro ve body rigidity. By bringing more rigidity to the suspensionInstalled part, II optimizes steering performance during sports driving. PART NUMBER I DESCRIPTION RX-7(FO) 9G 1C 56 48Z FRONT 9G1C 56 38Y REAR RX-7(FC) 9CC5 56 490 FRONT 9CC5 56 440 REAR BRACE BAR 9CC5 34 48X LOWER ARM STIFFENER ROADSTER 1.8U1.6L (NB) 9EP8 56 490 TYPE I F:C:R:':O:-'N':T~ (F::-o-r-no-n""'A:-::B:-::S:-v-e:-h,--:cl-e•-- ---:----:-:-:-::--:=:-:-:-:-r:::9EP8 56 495 TYPE ll FRONT <For ABS vehiCle) 9EP8 56 440 TYPED REAR LANTIS(CB) I 90S5 56 490 FRONT ALUMINUM lie ALUMINUM J rc ALUMINUM lie ALUMINUM ALUMINUM rc ALUMINUM I!C STEEL Ire ALUMINUM I!C FAMILIA (BH) I 9055 56 490 FRONT (Except 4WO vehicle) DEMIO(OW) I 9GF5 56 490 FRONT PRESSO(EC) FAMILIA 3HB{BG) Q 9SR5 56 490 FRONT 9N2B 56 49X REAR (Need to make holes) 9N2B 56 49XJ REAR (Need to make holes) AZ-1 9M1D 56 440 ) REAR CAPELLA WAGON (GV) 9VH5 56 490 FRONTiExcep!~l'eNcesoldeselengneardoleogrew,thcalburetcri FA I IC .,. For cars not equipped with Mazda genUine rear strut bar. tollowing pans will be required STRUT BAR BRACKET(R)FDOt 56 ASZ I STRUT BAR BRACKET(l)FDOt 56 ASY BOLT90796 • 0830X2/ NUT99940 • 0801 X2 ::;?t rJi;':t ifc1;/; /Z~ V rl'1tl~ 6\' ;Jq[Ji'liJ { ~~ ?1[:l ~~ c:a ~~li Cl te gé RIDE-HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE SUSPENSION UNIT OPTIMIZES THE WEIGHT BALANCE ON ALL FOUR WHEELS. ..... ..... li ...._::t: ...._ Years of racing experiences as a Mazda's works team, MAZDASPEED develop.e d RIDE-HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE SUSPENSION UNIT. This unit keeps the optimum weight-balance of 4 wheels and improves the cornering performance. Also It offers smooth weight movement and Improves the ....... i'i; 0:: rolling flexibility as the result of direct-winding/double rate spring and the shock absorber which Is - --- ~ -- ,-:., ~ ;;;, ~ = iii ;::;;: .:::;, ::t:: ,:;::, '""i A.RX·7(FC) • Notl!llllocollltWllh"" Malda90fUnoo!leel$ A.RX·7(FO) P ro strengthened In low speed on rebounding side. This unit draws out full potential of your car. .:::;, ~ -'< n. flgln 111ft IU'IIW!es 1111'"11 propllltiM. f "'* iorcl ennM ...._.. INinl .,, rtt;lflli'oouorrllil G. or ecce6er~1tlon Gs on ltw c. • COMidlniCI '"IG,'" lr'IMCiurirlg&U'\ h"'!!""V'WIII«llOI-,~onWIIoubiOeoiiNCCII"f*wltbt ,._....., 1 G~IIIIOMINII pt)Mdonlfll Uldltof lheCCifl'tet.bi.,._Nn I G.Dnct·~ JC~rir9'(~ wAIIIM~«< bk.~-b!Ab t:anl!allll~mts,.~~ IN "Mtlcf" 10dW!Qeii\Ciht:l~IONiood Thlll'lwPIIdcauMIIf'*tlwt),~eN'Iii'IIO*IW!IMyOUIUri'IN ........ WflHI. flW told'*'h(OOu&lltrnltf!Owt..,.hiCIPintll'll~tiOtiiiOIVIf'la~IP'Intna•and"'•J.OifldinO*MiaQMntolltf_.,.OI tDII .... IIIMIQ..Na.thl~lnll:lltwo..lnboll\lheiMIIJIW ... OIMoell.-.c~ ~ ~-~ ~torw._ lite!~ PIIIO"..,...cltiMinlylriiMC*ow>4.1 to to~ to.~ ttMOI' ~ u~ N i>tawl wt 1\11.,.. bolh I'ICIUOIG u. fht f'V!Iilkl5trl1" UW btlwtotn OdfiOIIII*(IIncl W.NYe ""'* 111'19' a • -.oofl ll!lll cil.d'IQ •'*"'D· n. Wle JCrint -c:-u '''-Wid •INIIVI,._, 1M .,_..,.,.110 '*'"' ,_.-ch allodt. ~.,..,..,..,. IISprin.g· • • • • • • • • • • • ~ In eollabotation wtth '"'Eiblocft Sptlnogs.." • lrualed natMin motOtJ,PCWfl 01....:-t·w•ndlng. c;tou~·rilte spnng bweta tht e.r abou1 201M'\ . Sheck 1bsorber • •• ·UM lt'll ~to Mllc1 OM ol fCXIf atilfn..t . .ttlnog-. OnigMd to •trengthtn lhe lrow·II)Oed on the rebound sict.. • ouww paM ········On&-plece towet Mat mAda or IIQJ'It wolgl'ltlllaven ~ Uppw mooru aptOally deslgtled with llrlfet Nbb« Lo"""' Mat Pt•·•drutted by Mudl Speed lOt q Uid! ln&tellot)on nr.• MODEL PART NUMBER RX-7(FD) 9CD6 30 001 RX-7(FC) 9CC6 30 001 ROADSTER (NB) 9EP8 30 001 ROADSTER (NA) 9EP6 30 001 SPRING RATE (kgf/mm) SECONDARY PRIMARY Fr 7.30 Fr 5.00 Rr 5.10 Rr 4.05 Fr 5.30 2.90 Rr 2.70 Rr 5.50 Fr 4.00 Fr 2.91 Rr 2.60 Rr 2.09 Fr 2.91 4.00 Fu Rr Rr 2.09 2.60 F~ DAMPING FORCE (kgf) BUMP/REBOUND at 0.3m/s Fr 300-350/ 103- 120 Rr 270- 350/ 80-100 Fr 230-270/ 30- 80 Rr 120-200/ 50- 95 Fr 285-355/ 56- 70 Rr 255-31 O/ 58- 73 ~r 270- 330/ 40- 60 Rr 250-320/ 40- 60 B s;ic. RIDE-HEIGHT (COMPARED WITH ORIGINAL) +10mm- - 25mm +10mm- - 35mm + 10mm- - 25mm +1 Omm- -45mm 6 ?}jj l # .. " I I ' 1 SET AS WARRANTED BY DRIVING CONDITIONS. Reinforced shock absorbers achieve balanced attenuation in front and back extension and contraction, retain quick recovery but decrease rolling to Improve rear traction while also boosting responsiveness and reducing harshness. The newest in our shock absorber lines provide four-step attenuation adjustment for the Capella Wagon(2WD). PART NUMBER I DESCRIPTION I DAMPINGFORCE~IIUIIP.1lEBOUIO.o~ l REMARK (NOTE RX·7 (FD) PART NUMBER I DESCRIPTION loi.MI'INGFORCE~IIIAIPn~EBOUNDilo..!oVII REMARK MPV 2WD ("89 / 10- ) F128 34 700 FRONT(RH) I 291 - 393/ 97-1 17 4·way AdiUSiable c 9TW534 700 FRONT(RHl F128 34 900 FRONT(LH) I 291-393/97-1 17 1 - 4-way Ad1us1able c 9TW534 900 FRONT(LH) 198/ 59 F128 28 700 REAR I 285-343/ 118- 145 4-way Ad1us1able .c. 9TW528 700 REAR 146- 185/ 50-70 RX·7 (FC ) 198/ 59 4-way Adjus!abfe LANTIS 2 Ol (CB) ''3 9CC5 34 700 FRONT (RH) 230/ 45 90$5 34 700 FRONT(RH ) 155- 200/ 40-60 5·way Adjus!able 9CC534 900 FRONT(LHJ 230/ 45 90$5 34 900 FAONT(LH) 155- 200/ 40- 60 5-way Adjustable 9CC528 700 REAR 165/ 50 90$5 28 700 REAR (RH) 75- 130/ 25-50 5-way Adjus!able 90$5 28900 REAR(LH) 75-130/ 25-50 S·way Adtuslable 4·way Adjuslable FAMILIA(BH)/ LANTIS 18L (CB) .•. ,3 200-260/ 38- 50 4-way Adjuslable 9DPS 34 700 FRONT(RH) 115-160/30-47 4-way Adjustable 90P5 34 900 FRONT(LH) 115-160/ 30-47 4·way Adjuslable 9DP5 28 700 AEAR (RH) 85- 130/ 15-30 4-way Adjuslable 9DP5 28 900 REAR (LH ) 85- 130/1 5- 30 4·way Adjus!able 9E 10 34 700 FRONT 263- 300/ 30-38 4-way Adjuslable 9E10 28 700 REAR 225-270/ 27-35 4-way Adjus!able - NOY6 34 700 FRONT 300-380/ 93- 118 4-way Adjustable NOYB 28 700 REAR 240- 337/ 65-110 4·way Adjustable t- :c.c. 9FV534700 FRONT(RH) 95/ 30 9FV534900 FRONT (LHJ 95/30 9FV528 700 REAR 9GM534 700 FRONT (RH) 9GM534900 FRONT (LH) 9GM5 28 700 REAR 80/ 26 9SR534 700 FRONT(RH) 105- 170/ 20-40 4-way Adjus!able 9SR534 900 FRONT (LH) 105- 170/ 20- 40 ""way Adjus!able 9SR528 700 REAR(RH) 90-150/15-35 4·way Adjustable 9SR528900 REAR(I.H) 90-150/ 15-35 4·way Adjustable 9WCS34 700 FRONT(RH) 160-190/ 35-50 4·way Adjus!able 9WC534 900 FRONT(LH) 160-190/ 35-50 4·way Adjuslable PRESSO(EC) 161/33 4-way Adjuslable .. CAPELLA WAGON (GW 4WO) ·" 1 9VH634 700 FRONT (RH) 125-150/ 58-64 4·way Adjuslable 9VH634 900 FRONT(LH) 125-150/58-64 4·way Adtuslablo 9VH628 700 REAR(RH) 130-165/ 50-55 4-way Adjus!able 9VH628900 REAR(LH) 130- 165/ 50- 55 4-way Adjuslable te gé FRONT(AH) 185-230/ 60-75 4-way Adjus!abfe 9WC5 28 700 REAR(RH) 110-155/30-60 4-way Adjus!able REAR(LH) 110-155/ 30-60 4-way Adjustable 9VG6 34 900 FRONT(LH ) 185-230/60- 75 4-way Adjustable 9WC528900 9VG6 28 700 REAR(RH) 90- 160/ 56-64 4-way Adjuslable AZ·l 9VG6 28 900 REAR(LH) 90- 160/ 56-64 4-way Adjuslable 9M1034 700 FRONT (RH) 110-140/30-40 4·way Adjustable 9M1034 900 FRONT(LH) 110-140/30-40 4·way Adjustable CAPELLA WAGON (GV 4WO ) !f! 2 9VH5 34 700 FRONT (RH) 133-155/ 50-65 4-way Adjuslable 9MI028 700 REAR(AH) 150-2 10/ 30-40 4·way Adjustable 9VH534 900 FRONT(LH ) 133-155/ 50-65 4-way Adjus!able 9MID28 700 REARIRH) 150-210/30-40 4·way Adjuslable 9VH5 28 700 REAR(AH ) 116-153/ 43-57 4-way Adjus!able 9VH528900 REAR (LH) 116-153/43-57 4·way Adjustable AD8234 700 FRONT (RH) 150-204/ 95-114 A·way Adjuslabte A08234900 FRONT(LH) 150-204/ 95-1 14 4·way Adjuslabl<! A08228 700 REAR 116- 155/34-130 4-way Adjuslable CAPELLA WAGON (GV 2WO) 9VG534 700 FRONT (RH) 138-185/55-68 4·way Adjustable 9VG534 900 FRONT(LH ) 138-185/ 55- 68 4·way Adjustable 9VG528 700 REAR 110-135/47-54 4-way Ad1us1able FAMILIA S-WAGON(BJ) CAROL(AA) c c c SENTIA/ MS-9 (HO.HE) 9HW534 700 FRONT (RH) 167/ 45 4-way Adjus!ablo 9HW534 900 FRQNT(LH) 167/ 45 4·way Ad1us1B.ble 9BG534 700 FRONT (RH) 155-180/ 95-104 4-way Adjustable 9HW528 700 REAR(RH) 95/43 4·way Adjustable 9BG534 900 FRONT (LH) 155-180/95-104 4-way Adjuslable 9HW528900 REAR(LH) 95/ 43 4·way Adjuslable 9BG528700 REAR<AH) 90-172/ 64-86 5-way Adjustable ~' 9BG5 28900 REAR(LH) 90- 172/64-86 5-way AdtUS!able 1 lnslallaUon on lhe vehocle eqUipped with sell·levehng suspensron sysl<>m reqwres both shock absorbers and sports springs. '!l 2 Can not be ins!alled on FX and FX Cruising models afler !he last minor model change. ~,3 Can not be Installed on ABS vel1icle (serial Nos. !rom 200001 ) after 111e last minor model change. For adtus!able shock absorbers. value on this ltsl was estimaled al 1he 2nd or !rom the 1 stlo the 41h. P ro 1- MX·S (GE) CAPELLA WAGON ( GW/2WD ) 9VGB 34 700 164/52 164/ 52 FA FRIENDEE (SG) DEMIO(OW) Q 215-275/ 36- 47 REINFORCED STABILIZER FOR SHARPER HANDLING. When Installed with MAZDASPEED shock absorbers, this reinforced stabilizer creates sharper handling while suppressing roll. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 9CD5 34 151 9CD5 28151 F128 34 151 FRONT REAR FRONT(GYMKHANA) ¢24mm FRONT REAR SPECIFICATION AX.7(FD) ¢28.6mm SOLID SOLID 2·STAGE ADJUSTABLE SOLID FOOl 34 156 FOOl 28156 F128 34 156 ¢15.8mm SOLID SOLID 9CC534 156 9CC5 28156 B 2mm ¢14mm ,P23mm IP15.2mm ¢20mm ,P11mm SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID ~P17.5mm AX.7(FC) 9CC5 34151 9CC5 28151 REQUIRED BUSHING ~P27mm * 1 * 1 INOTE (CJ (CJ (CJ (CJ ~ ROADSTER (NB/ NA) 9E1D 34 151 9E10 28 151 NOY634151 NOY6 28 151 NAY1 34 151 NAY1 28 151 7 FRONT (1.6U REAR (ALL) FRONT ( 1.8Ll REAR (ALL) FRONT( 1.6U NA) REAR (ALL) l: 1 Mazda genuine part. ,," 2 *2 *2 FB43 34 1568 FB43 28 156A FB43 34 1568 NOY628 156 NA75 34 156 FBY1 28 156 * 1 * 1 *1 (CJ (CJ [C] (CJ * 1 lCJ rcJ When lns!allrng on NBs. use the lollowrng parts rn place ol!he control lrnk. GA2A 34 150AX 1. GASA 34 170AX I. RELIABLE "LOW DOWN SPRING" DEVELOPED IN COLLABORATION WITH EIBACH (GERMANY). This sports spring was developed in collaboration with Eibach Springs of Germany, a trusted name in motorsports. Used primarily In Formula One and Indy cars, it lowers the rfde height to 2Q-30 mm, creating an intrepid, road-hugging silhouette while providing sharp, stable handling. RX-7(FD) 9CD5 34 01Z RX-7(FC) 9CC5 34 01Z ROADSTER 1.8L/1.6L (N B) 9EP7 34 01Z ROADSTER 1.8L/1.6L (NA) 9EP5 34 01Z FRIENDEE (SG) 9FV5 34 01Z CAPELLA WAGON 4WD (GW) * 1 9VG6 34 01Z CAPELLA WAGON 4WD (GV) 9VH5 34 0 1Z * 2 1- 9VG5 34 01Z FAMILIA S-WAGON (1.5 L, 2WD) 9BG5 34 01Z MPV 2WD (LV) 9TW5 34 01Z 9DS5 34 01Z LANTIS 1.8L(CB) FAMILIA 2WD (BH) 9DP5 34 01Z DEMIO(DW) 9GF5 34 01Z PRESSO (EC) FAMILIA 2WD (BG) 9SR5 34 01Z MX-6 9WC5 34 01Z SENTIA/MS-9 (HD,HE) CAROL (AC) FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR FRONT REAR 9HW5 34 01Z ro * 3 * 4 9UE5 34 01Z 9MK5 34 01Z •• • 6.9 5.1 3.2 3.0 4.5 3.7 3.0 2.0 3.59 6.10 4.7 4.9 4.2 4.4 3.8 4.9 3.3 4.4 4.4 3.8 4.0 4.1 3.6 2.4 2.7 1.6 2.4 1.9 3.3 2.2 2.7 2.2 5.3 2.96 . 2.0 2.2 2.5 3.0 • te gé CAPELLA WAGON 2WD (GV) AZ-1 • =DOUBLE RATE TYPE 9VH6 34 01Z CAPELLA WAGON 2WD(GW) LANTIS 2.0L(CB) SPRING RATE (kgf/mm) PART NUMBER •• •• •• ••• ••• ••• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• • RIDE-HEIGHT(mm) •RECOMMENDED SHOCK ABSORBER - 25 -25 I I - 25 - 30 9CC5 34 700/ 900 9CC5 28 700 9EP7 34 700 9EP7 28 700 9E1 D 34 700 9E1 D 28 700 9FV5 34 700/ 900 9FV5 28 700 9VH6 34 700/ 900 9VH6 28 700/ 900 9VG6 34 700/900 9VG6 28 700/ 900 9VH5 34 700/900 9VH5 28 700/900 9VG5 34 700/ 900 9VG5 28 700 9BG5 34 700/900 9BG5 28 700/900 9TW5 34 700/900 9TW528 700 9DS5 34 700/ 900 9DS5 28 700/900 9DP5 34 700/900 9DP5 28 700/ 900 9GM5 34 700/900 9GM5 28 700 9SR5 34 700/900 9SR5 28 700/900 9WC5 34 700/900 9WC5 28 700/ 900 9HW5 34 700/900 9HW5 28 700/900 for Mazda genuine shock absorber 9M1 0 34 700/900 9M1D 28 700/900 Q MODEL -25 -25 -20 FA I I -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 -25 I -20 -30 -25 -20 - 20 -20 I P Vehicle weights will d11!er depending on the car, whiCh may resull •n some d11!erence 1n the nde he.ght " ' I Cannot be Installed on FX and FX Cruis1ng models alter the last mulOr mOdel change. '0:2 Must be used with Mazda genuine shock absorbers. ·" 3 Exclusive lor 2WD vehicle. '1:4 Must be installed with the shock absorbers recommended by Mazdaspeed. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION REQUIRED BUSHING INOTE PRESSO(EC) 9SR5 34151 9SR5 28151 FRONT REAR $25mm SOLID SOLID EAY3 34 156 EA03 34156 FRONT REAR (4WS) REAR (2WS) $26mm ¢>16mm SOLID SOLID SOLID GAZA 34 156 B01C 28 156 G564 28 156A FRONT ~23mm SOLID (GT·Xl FRONT 26mm FRONT f24mm ~22mm [C1 ~1 IC1 *1 I rcJ * 1 * 1 I I.CI MX-6(GE) 9WC5 34 151 9WC5 28 151 9WS528 151 A08234 151 ~18mm [C1 I B1Y2 28 156 l rcJ SOLID DOY1 34 156 [C1 SOLID I A082 34 156 rc li: 1 Mazda genuine pan. 8 IMPROVED ACCELERATION AT HIGH SPEEDS:CLOSE RATIO GEAR SET FOR THE ROADSTER (NA). I ~350 Close ratio gear set for the Roadster (NA) 2 3 1240 maximizes effective power by optimizing up -s hift and down-shift gear ratios . 4 I 000 Recommended for use wi th the Mazda PART NUMIIEJI DESCRIPTION 9EP1 17 99X genuine final gear set (sold separately). 1312 27 110A 1480 27 110 3 137 1888 1331 I 608 I 000 14 NOT!; ., CLOSE RATIO GEAR SET.;. MODEL ROADSTER 1 8U1 .6L(NA) <.E1t~AT'> R FINAL GEAR SET (4.875) FINAL GEAR SET (5.1 25) ROADSTER 1.8L(NA) ROADSTER 1.6L(NA) AI I I Q ·:- Roads1or 1 SL(NA) toqo~ros Mazda geno•ne synchrOiltzer nng ( MS02-17-265Cx1 ) LIGHTWEIGHTFLYWHEEL FOR BETTER ENGINE RESPONSE. nitrogen surface treatment. Features significant reductions in weight and optimized rolling Inertia. You'll love the quick, sensitive engine response without ltm I c c I te gé having to worry about stalling or difficult clutch operation. I PART NUMBER WEIGHT!klll RECOMMENDED CLUTCH SET RX-7(FD2 9CDs 11 500 54kg 9G1B 16 490 RX-7(FC:TURBO) ,;. 9CD5 11500 54kg 9F2B 16 490 ROADSTER l.BL (NB. NA) 9EP5 11 500 4.61<g 9EP4 16 490 ROADSTER 1.6L(NB. NA) 9EN5 11 500 1 5.3kg 9E1A 16 490 ·:· 198~89 model must use Mazda genuine""""'"' weoght (N327 11 52 I A) FA Hard, durable flywheel produced with shaved chrome-molybdenum steel and ion· c c MAKE SURE THE DRIVE TRAIN RECEIVES THE FULL POWER OF YOUR HIGH-PERFORMANCE ENGINE. Choose from two materials: an asbes tos-free disk with smooth engagement for competition use, and a metal disk for heavy-duty ro use. Both come with our exclusive Clutch Cover for higher· performance driving. I MODEL 13B ·:ll 13B ·:11 P RX-7(FD) RX -7(FC) BP ROADSTER (NB,NA) 86 LANTIS {CB) FAMILIA (BH) PRESSO(EC) MX-6 (GE) FAMILIA 4WD (BG) DEMIO (DW) CLUTCH SET - -· PART NUMBER ENGINE KF BP BS BP,B6 B5 B5 K8 B5 KL,KF BP BP ·~1 -·:·1 t)ll ~1 .,., Must use both Clutch Cover ond Clutell Otsk concurrently 1'2 Elcclus.ve lor TIC ot AA6PA and 4WO vehtele 9 9G1B 16 490 9F2B 16 490 9EP4 16 490 9E1A 16 490 9N2B 16 490 9GF1 16 490 CLUTCH COVER ~reliable W t ch work to bOth lhe '"'---dutch- ASBESTOS-FREE DISK Asbestot·free and tht Metal dlaka, utii!Vng , . high porloo......,. o1 ,,. c1111< to effiCientfy tronem.t ~to the ctrlw long· llmtl use. Suttabll lor both street Ooolgnod and diMng ond mot«-" (gymkhana 8lld ""'"· drl-o. ----- the likl} A mutt fot hfgh·ptrtounanee METAL DISK For heavy· duty use in hard·drlvmg motorspor Is and tuned. nlg"· power engines. Aelnkwced parts and s,peclel _ , peelS In , . lldng glw you , . '"' of dir9CI .-,;ng while ImprOVIng dUrobilty and •eloblity. CLUTCH COVER CLUTCH DISK PART NUMBER FOACE(kat) !p-ART NUMBER I MATERIAL 9G1B 16 410 9G1B 16 460 METAL 950 9F2B 16 410 I 9F2B 16 460 METAL 1860 N311 16 410 9F1021B METAL 730 9EP5 16 410 _ 9EP5 16 460 ASBESTOS-FREE 600 9EP4 16 410 _ 660 9EP4 16 460 METAL B6Y3 16 410 ASBESTOS-FREE 510 9EN5 16 460 9E1A 16 410 9E1A 16 460 METAL 530 9085 16 410 600 9EP5 16 460 ASBESTOS-FREE 9DP5 16 410 9EP5 16 460 ASBESTOS-FREE 600 9DM5 16 410 90M5 16 460 ASBESTOS-FREE 500 90P5 16 410 9EP5 16 460 ASBESTOS-FREE 600 9DM5 16 410 500 9DM5 16 460 ASBESTOS-FREE 9DM5 16 410 500 90M5 16 460 ASBESTOS·FREE 9085 16 410 9EP5 16 460 ASBESTOS-FA EE 600 90M5 16 410 500 9DM5 16 460 ASBESTOS-FREE 9085 16 410 ASBESTOS-FA EE 600 9EP5 16 460 9N2B 16 410 700 9N2B 16 460 METAL 9GF1 16 410 9GF1 16 460 METAL I 530 !NOTE [CJ 'Cl "Cl tC c C C .c ~ t: .c "C ·c (C ICI ICI CJ lCJ TWINPLATE CLUTCH TAPS THE TORQUE AND POWER OF THE RX-7. The tw/nplete clutch provides higher capacity than any other heavy-duty clutch, to feed more power Into your dri ve train. Gone are the uncerta inties of ordinary c lutch performance, for better reliability and smoother dri ving In street use. The ideal item for those who wan t to tap the full power of the RX-7. PART NUMBER ) SPECIFICATION NOTE RX-7 (FD) 9CDS 79 900 900kgf AX·7(FC:TURB:=O"" ) "'..:..·_ _ _"""7:7."""-:----9CCS 79 900 9CCS 79 I 00 9CCS 16 SIO 900kgf 700k f RELEASE BEARING REPLACEM ENTS PARTS (FD,FC) 9CDS 16 4SO 9CDS 16 460 Q CLUTCH DISK A CLUTCH DISK B •:· 1985 89 model must use Maz<la genu<ne counter we<ght (N327 II 521A). SMOOTH TRACTION CONTROL. PART NUMBER 9FY1 79 960 MODEL AX·7 (FD,FC) A new mechanical L.S.D. that gives you an option of three different initial torques depending on your purpose, chass is setting, and driving skills. Initial torque Is a key fac tor In operation timing, and with the Mazdaspeed Selective L.S.D. you can adjust torque with the par t still installed. The unit uses an internal pressure design that applies initial torque from the center of the p inion shaft outwards. The locking mechanism responds quickly, for smooth traction c ontrol. Requires the use of a special outp u t s haft sold separately. te gé •:' Nol opphcable 10 the veh<cles In some grades of the hrst 61ago FA RELEASE BEARING I' OUTPUT SHAFT ltnstallaoon ot Selealve LS o '""'"'" 1 PART NUMBER MODEL 9COS 22 050 RX-7 (FD) 9CCS 22 050 RX-7 (FC) ~· lnstal at>On on lhe FD also requores 2 Maz<la gei1Uine clops and 2 Mazda geouone clop sets (grease boots. bands) ·:· lnstallaiJOn on the FC also req1.0res 2 Maz<la ganu•ne clops ro No matter the change in road conditions or car m ovement, the Limited Slip Differential ensures that both drive wheels have enough traction. Uses a mechanical system tha t creates a direct, sp orty feel. <I ROAOSTER(NB,NA) . I P PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION INOTE AX 7(FD FC·TURBO) 9FI 064A F f28 28 890 FCYI 28 680 _fl!YI 28 890 FBY I 28 880 L.S.O. 2 WAY DIFF. MOUNT DIFF MOUNT DIFF. MOUNT DIFF. MOUNT 1WAY !CI RUBBER 70' (F0) RUBBER 70'{Fr) (FC) RUBBER 75'(Rrl (FC) STOP WASHER 70' (FC) (C I --- IC. .c. c ACCELERATOR ON ACCELERATOR OFF X Hctllllllc:l--.~aol! RX·7 (SA) L.S.D.(1978-83) L.S.D.(1983-8S) 0820 79960B 0820 79 960C ROADSTER (NB) 2WAY :J ,.....,.. .., h...,.._._......... . . . . . . . . . . . JIII'tfD..,I .,...,....,....., .............. Tf'l;ollnldt.,h~ ... ......... ~..,'-ftralwt.t,_, . . . . . . .....,_,............ ..... ...... .......... .. .................. .... ....................... ........ .,.........._ __...., .,.,..,._.,...... __ ............ nr. ........ c c ~ ................... ~.. -~- . . . . . ,ow lllipOIIIIN~-- . . ...... ·u..,·.- ........... ---~ 9EP4 79 9c':60':-l----:L:=:'S:;:.D ~.:...,:2::.:W :,::A;.:,Y~-:=-:c=""",_,.,,Cl NAY I 28 890 DIFF. MOUNT RUBBER so· - - - - - - - 1 - , ;"C" ,....,.·~- ~ ~ ROADSTER (NA) 9EP4 79 960 9NI A 79 960 9N 1064A NAY I 28 890 L S. D. 2WAY ( 1.8L) L.S.D. !.SWAY ( 1.6Ll ·~ :;. L.S.D. 2WAY (1.6L) OIFF. MOUNT RUBBER SO' tCJ fCl 1-fCl iCl FAMILIA (BG,BF) 9N I A 79 960 I L.S.O. l.SWAY FAMILIA 1.5L. l6L(BG)/DEMIO (OW) I ~- 9B2A 79 960 L.S.D. ! .SWAY Models WJih IIISCOUS L S 0 requore Ma2da genlOne outpu1 shahs (FC P019 27 2708><2. NA.BG T005 27 2708x2) c .c L.S.D. REPAIR KIT DESCRIPTION RX-7 (FD.FC) 9CB 1 27 2SX I 9F 1064A , REPAIR KIT ROADSTER (NB,NA) -=9~E:.... P4.:....::.;27c..:2::.:5::.:X'-I----9::..:E::.:P_;4_7:.9. 960, R EP '::-.!K!':IT :o-------7 :,::A"',IR 9EN1 27 2SX 9N1A 79 960 , REPAIR KIT ICl IC c FAMILIA (BG.BF) 9EN1 272SX I 9NIA 79 960, 9N1064A, REPAIR KIT JO VARIOUS TYPES OF RUBBER BUSHING ARE AVAILABLE FOR SPORTS DRIVING. Reinforced bushings have harder rubber for better rigidity, resulting in a palpable improvement In steering and accelerator response and a sharper handling feel. Mazdaspeed offers a full 1/ne·up of reinforced bushings for various models, including lower arm bushings, upper arm bushings, upper mounts, toe control bushings, trailing and lateral/inks and engine mounts. (SPECIFICATIONII«JTE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION PRESSO l.BL(ECJ BTOA34 380 FRONT MOUNT RUBBER ~Y134470 !-'FRONT LOWER ARM BUSHING(Fr) BCYD 34 46X FRONT LOWER ARM BUSHING(Rr/ RH) BCYD 34 46Y FRONT LOWER ARM BUSHING(Rr/LH) EOY6 28 200 TRAILING LINK EOY628 620 LATERAL LINK (RH) EOY6 28 630 LATERAL LINK (LH) EAY3 39 040 ENGINE MOUNT No.1 EAY3 39 050 ENGINE MOUNT No.2 EAY3 39 060 ENGINE MOUNT No.3 EAY3 39 070 ENGINE MOUNT No.4 PRESSO 1.5L 5MT(ECl BTOA 34 380 FRONT MOUNT RUBBER EAY1 34 470 FRONT LOWER ARM BUSHING( Fr) BCYD 34 46X FRONT LOWER ARM BUSHING(Rr/RH} BCYD 34 4SY FRONT LOWER ARM BUSHING( Rr/LH} EOY628 620 LATERAL LINK (RH) EOYS28 630 LATERAL LINK (LH) B698 39 oso ENGINE MOUNT No.3 B1Y239 070 ENGINE MOUNT No.4 FAMILIA (8HJ BCYD 28 380 REAR MOUNT RUBBER (RH) BCYD 28 390 REAR MOUNT RUBBER (LH ) BCYD 34 470 FRONT LOWER ARM BUSHING(Fr} BCYD 3446X FRONT LOWER ARM BUSHING(Rr/RH) BCYD 34 46Y FRONT LOWER ARM BUSHING(Rr/LH) BOYD 28 200 TRAILING LINK (RH) BOYD 28 250 TRAILING LINK (LH) SOYA 28 620 LATERAL LINK (Fr) BCYD 28600 LATERAL LINK (Rr} BCYD 39040 ENGINE MOUNT No.1 BCZD 390SO ENGINE MOUNT No.3 BCYD 39 070 ENGINE MOUNT No.4 M X·6(GEJ GAYA 34 470 FRONT LOWER ARM BUSHING(Fr) GAYA 34 46X FRONT LOWER ARM BUSHING(Rt/ RH) GAYA 34 46Y FRONT LOWER ARM BUSHING(Rr/ LH ) GAYJ 28 4SO >*3 REAR LOWER ARM BUSHING GAYA 34 380 FRONT MOUNT RUBBER GAYA 28 380 REAR MOUNT RUBBER (RH ) GAYA 28 390 REAR MOUNT RUBBER(LH} GAYJ 28 200 TRAILING LINK * 3 GAYE 39 040 ENGINE MOUNT No.1 GAYA 39 050 ENGINE MOUNT No.2 * 4 GAZE 39060 ENGINE MOUNT No.3 * 4 GAYA 39 070 ENGINE MOUNT No.4 * 4 GAYE 39 100 "!:!4 ENGINE MOUNT No.5 P ro te gé FA Q DESCRIPTION JJ *4 ·!·1 '1< 2 ·>·3 '!' 4 lsPECIFICATIONII«lTE I I I I 70' 65' 70' 70' 68' 75' 75'- lC: rc IC rc [C. lC: liCJ I so· I fCJ 60 70' 70' - :cJ I I fCI 1-fk 70 .Cl .C) 70' 70' 75' 75' :cJ ss· .cJ CJ CJ 7~~ 'Cl 70' CJ 60' 60' 70' 70' 70' 70' 70 70' 75 :cJ 65' :cJ .CJ so· so· Cl 'Cl ~ :.cJ .cJ CJ Cl :cJ 70' 'CJ 70 .cJ 70' 70' 70 70 70' 70' 70' 70 75' 75' 70' :.cJ 'Cl Cl CJ :cJ :c1 Cl Cl .CJ :cJ :cJ Only for spor1s springs Cannot be used on four seaters AAS (auto adjusting suspension) or with four seaters willlout MS. Only for 4WS. Only for 5MT Mazdaspeecls high-performance Brake Pad 8 -spec. was designed primarily for street driving, but are great for the circuit too. Though made from non-asbestos materials, they have specialized high-temperaturerange braking capacity that suits them to the frequent grueling conditions in hard circuit driving. There is little change in the /J (motion friction coefficient) that Is generated on the pad surface, so control Is stable. The pads are good for temperatures of up to 6oo·c. PART NUMBER I MODEL MODEL PART NUMBER RX-7(FO) SPECIFICATION HOlt 9CD5 49 280 FRONT PAD ASBESTOS-FREE ICl 9CD5 49 480 REAR PAD ASBESTOS-FREE 'C ROADSTER 1.6L(NA) 1- ROADSTER 1.Bl(NA.NB).l6L (NB) SPECIFICATION HOlt 9EN5 49 280 FRONT PAD ASBESTOS-FREE l~ 9EN5 49 480 REAR PAD ASBESTOS-FREE ·c, 9EP5 49 2BO FRONT PAD ASBESTOS-FREE .CI 9EP5 49 480 FRONT PAD ASBESTOS-FREE .cJ RELIABLE BRAKING UNDER GRUELLING CONDITIONS. High-performance, high-quality pads provide exceptional fade resis tance and improved braking performance under the most gruelling I DESCRIPTION MATERIAL REMARK ! NOTE 9F3280B FRONT PAD DS· 11 9F34BOB REAR PAD DS- 11 :cJ Cl ROADSTER (NB, NA: 1.8L) FRONT PAD ASBESTOS-FREE 9EP5 49 4BO REAR PAD ASBESTOS-FREE ROADSTER (NA· l 6L) ASBESTOS-FREE 9E1D 49 4BO REAR PAD ASBESTOS-FREE 9E1A 49 285 FRONT PAD CERAMIC/METAL [C, 9E1A 49 485 REAR PAD CERAMIC/METAL 'C 9TW5 49 480 REAR PAD CAPELLA WAGON (GW) 9WC5 49 280 9VH5 49 480 FRONT PAD REAR PAD ASBESTOS-FREE FRONT PAD 9VG5 49 480 REAR PAD 9VH5 49 280 FRONT PAD 9VH5 49 480 REAR PAD MPV (LV) i:lf2 9EP5 49 480 9TW5 49 4BO REAR PAD !NOTE ASBESTOS-FREE ASBESTOS-FREE FRONT PAD ASBESTOS· FREE REAR PAD ASBESTOS-FREE 9DG5 49 2BO FRONT PAD ASBESTOS· FREE BP, BS, 86 ENGINE 9BM5 49 2BO FRONT PAD ASBESTOS-FR EE Z5 ENGINE 9EP5 49 4BO REAR PAD ASBESTOS-FREE 9BM5 49 2BO FRONT PAD ASBESTOS-FREE 49 2BO FRONT PAD DS- 11 90G5 49 2BO FRONT PAD ASBESTOS-FREE 9E 1D 49 480 REAR PAD ASBESTOS-FREE 9SR5 49 480 REAR PAD ASBESTOS-FREE DEMIO(OW) ASBESTOS-FREE PRESSO (EC) ASBE..;ST ;...:. QS. .:._ FR _E _E_+-_ _2=-.W _D _ _-+ASBESTOS-FREE 4 WHEEL DISK llf{IIEf!Cflfl!D.HIIEElil9: AflEifACf.lfTED.I 'M£8. DISK MX·6(GE). EUNOS 500 2 .0L(CA) • CAPELLA SEDAN(GW) ASBESTOS-FREE EXCEPT FX 9WC5 49 280 FRONT PAD ASBESTOS-FREE ASBESTOS-FREE 2WD 9WC5 49 480 REAR PAD ASBESTOS-FREE ASBESTOS-FREE FX AND DIESEL FAMILIA (BG) ASBESTOS-FREE 4WD 9N2B 49 435 ill3 REAR PAD CERAMIC/METAL GT·X 485A~'4 REAR PAD CEAAMIC{METAL GT-X ASBESTOS-FREE ASBESTOS-FREE ;;, 1 Applicable lo limited models of Capella Cargo (· 1994). ""2 Exclusive lor atter lace-Uited model (1995·). !;.· 3 - BG8Z·I0878 llf 4 BG8Z·I0879-. 8G8A·I0413- ro FRONT PAD REAR PAD REMARK 9EP5 49 4BO 9N2B 49 9TW5 49 2BO FRONT PAD MATERIAL 9DS5 49 280 9GF1 CAPELLA WAGON/ CARGO (GV) W 1 9VG5 49 2BO 9DG5 49 2BO te gé FRONT PAD FRONT PAD DESCRIPTION FAMIUA(BH) 9E1D 49 2BO 9TW5 49 2BO I LANTIS 2.0L(CB) 9EP5 49 2BO FRIENDEE (SG) PART NUMBER LANTIS 1.8L (CB) FA PART NUMBER AX· 7 (FD. FC:TURBO) Q conditions, Including continuous braking at high speeds. A substantial boost to safety, and a great way to stay out of danger. P RELIABLE TEFLON BRAKE LINES TRANSMIT PEDALING POWER DIRECTLY. We use the teflon tubes found In racing cars to achieve an extremely low expansion rate tha t transmits pedaling power directly to the calipers. Tubes are covered with stainless s teel mesh for excellent durability and corrosion-resistance, giving them substantially longer MODEL RX-7(FD) 9CD6 43 991 RX·7(FC) 9CC6 43 991 ROADSTER (NA.NB) PART NUMBER 9EP7 43 991 NOTE f:cJ ICJ ICJ durable life and Improved reliability compared to rubber tubes. ESSENTIAL FOR SPORTS DRIVING. The anti-vibra tion rubber on the shift lever is tuned to optimum hardness, and the stroke shortened by about 25% PART NUMBER 9CD5 17 510 compared to no r mal vehicles to provide a more direct shift feeling in RX-7(FC) sports driving. Enables quick, "snap· ROADSTER (NA) of-the-wrist" shifting to give you the advantage in competition. RECOMMENDED SHIFT KNOB RX-7(FD) 9CC5 17 510 ~~ 9EP5 17 510 ·l• Exclusive lor 1989-91 models. 9F2D 17 520 9F2D 17 520 9F2D 17 520 12 From the tail end to main silencer, SPORTS SOUND M UFFLER TYPE- II is manufactured using buffed stainless steel. Light- wei ght stainless steel made SPORTS SOUND MUFFLER TYPE-I and SPORTS SOUND MUFFLER TYPEII offers powerful bass sound, but their noise levels are the same as normal. It is durable and U&lnljJ •DvnneecJ c:omp.Jtet 5<111UtatioM li) mac)ly mutllel' aound!l FA Q beautiful. RX-7(FO) PART NUMBER 9G1E 40100 P ro te gé RX-7(FC) TIP(mm} OVAL112X83.4 OVAL112X83.4 TIP(mm} OVAL112X83.4 OVAL112X83.4 ·! · 1 MAIN SILENCER only ~ ·.· . - ~ li.oo·•. CAROL (AC) MUFFLER CUTTER 9UE5 40 990 SUS401 STAINLESS STEEL THE ULTIMATE IN ROADSTER EXHAUST EFFICIENCY. Improve exhaust efficiency while flattening torque. Made entirely from stainless steel, this manifold achieves uniform p ipe lengths from the cylinders to the assembly. PART NUMBER SPECIFICATION ROADSTER 1.BL (NB) 9EP7 13 450 4·2· 1TYPE ROADSTER 1.6L (NB) 9EN7 13 450 J3 PART NUMBER SPECIFICATION ROADSTER l.Sl (NA) 9EP5 13 450 4·2·1TYPE ROADSTER 1.6L (NA) 4·2· 1TYPE 9EN5 13 450 4·2·1TYPE AN EASY, EFFECTIVE TUNE-UP. A three-layer filter structure crea t ed from PDI.YURrnt~E RUBBER MA ZDASPEED's years of experience on the MOLOING race track. Achieves high dus t collection rates ~~~~~" while reducing intake resistance by 20 % SUPPORT SCREEN fORM ElEMENT compared to standard filters. Just replace the ll~gg:~ standard filter with t his one, and you ' II Immedia t ely notice t he improvemen t In CRATER SHAPEO ,._ INDUCTION SURfACE l LAYER STIIUC!URE accelerator response and fuel efficiency. PART NUMBER MODEL LANT1S(C8) YEAR IPART NUMBER 9510 13 321 MODEL ENGINE ALL CAPI:llA WAGOO(GW) KL 1997· MX-S(GE) KF.KL 199 i· EUNOS 500 (CA) K8.KF 1991 · ROADSTER (N8) A LL 1998· FP.FS 1997· FP.FS r--2 997· 1994· FAMILJA(8H) A LL EXCEPT DIESEL FAMILIA(8J) ALL 1998· EXCEPT I 3L AND DIESEl LANTIS(C8) KF 1993· CAPELLA(GD) ALL 1987·91 EXCEPT CARSURATOR AND DIESEL CAPEllA CA!ro:GV) ALL CAPEllA WAGON(GV ALL 1988-94 EXCEPT CARBURATORAND DIESEL 1994·97 EXCEPT CARBURATOR AND DIESEL CAPI:llA SBlAH(GWl 9WP5 13 32 1 CAPI:llA WAGOO{GW) EUNOS 500 (CAl 9J10 13 321 9F10 13 321 RX·7(FC) 138 1985·91 9F20 13 321 9R20 13 321 RX·7{FO) 138 1991· CAPELLA (CG) COSfVK) ALL 1990· FRIENDEE(SG) AZ·l ALL 1992· 9E10 13 32 1 CAROL(AC) 1990- ROADSTER (NA) ALL 1989·98 FAMILIA(8Gl t All(OOHC) 1989·94 ASTINA(8G) 1989·94 85.86 9FVS 13 321 I- EPI AND TURBO EXCEPT TURBO FP 9GF5 13 321 REMARKS 1991 · ALL 1994-97 FE.J5 1995- FA 9M10 13 321 YEAR PRES SO Q t REMARKS 1993· 1994· 9010 13 321 9020 13 321 ENGINE 8P MPV(LV) JE 1989· OEMIO(OW) ALL 1996· . - te gé ~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~ HIGH·PERFORMANS PLUG WIRES, FOR LOWER NOISE,BEITER HEAT £. ~~~!~~~~~~:~~~~~~"!~~!~~'!:Low electrical resistance brings smooth sparking to your engine, while 1::: simultaneously reducing noise. Insulated with q uality silicone, the leads have been given a protective tube of modified Colgate materials lor greater heat resistance. The terminal cord uses epoxy carbon for ro more reliable ignition performance. MODEL RX-7(FD ) P ART NUMB ER 9CD5 18 140 RX-7(FC) 9CC5 18 140 ~R~O~A~D=S~TE ~ R~(N __ B.~N_A~)-----------1--------~ 9~ E P7 18 140 9GF5 18 140 DEMIO (OW) 9DP5 18 140 P FAMILIA(8H). LANT1Sl.8L(CB) "ROTARY 1'~ QUALITY OIL FOR ROTARY ENGINES. Quality eng ine oil is indispensable to getting the full potential from your engine. Rotary 1 was developed by MAZDA SPEED especially for rotary engines, providing the high levels of lubrication, air· tightness, and high-temperature sustainability and durability they require. Another powerful ufunctional parf your rotary engine deserves. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 9881 n 064 I 4 Liter 9881 n oss I 1 Liter SP ECI FI CATION SH IOW-40 J4 ESSENTIAL TO IMPROVING DRIVE TRAIN HANDNESS:REINFORCED POWER PLANT FRAME FOR THE RX·l(FO). Strong, hot-rolled steel plates Improve the strength of the power plant frame by 10% over conventional materials, enabling chassis hardness to be boosted with no increase in weight. Reduces drive train bending from accelerator PART NUMBER on/off movements, while helping to prevent cracking from age and concentration of applied forces. MATERIAL (COLOR) STEEL (BRIGHT RED) 9CD5 39 710 NOTE Q GIVE YOUR ENGINE BETTER RESPONSE AND LINEAR OUTPUT. e KNOCK CONTROL UNIT Engine tuning brings out your Roadster's ability and potential. These parts 9EP5 18 920 were designed to give your car great engine response and linear output, two Great for preventing knocking In Roadsters that have been given highe r output from modifications In engine tun ing. Controls individual cylinders to automatically delay spark timing when knocking is sensed. Compatible ~-·· with both B·M and 16-bit ECU. of the most important factors in sports driving. Recommended for drivers FA who enjoy their driving. This is a bolt-in unit that replaces the entire intake assembly to bring more quick lhrottle response. The FRP Induction box bears the Mazdaspeed logo. BARREL THROTTLE KIT • 1.8l (8P) INTAKE (260') EXHAUST(255') • 1.6l (86) INTAKE(250') EXHAUST(250') te gé .4 e CAMSHAFT ;;;;< C!P-~"1~~~~·· ro For the Roadster (1.8L NA, no A8S, MT only) , 9EP613 000 Throttle diameter ¢ 43, throat diameter ¢ 40, funnel diameter 4> 40 Comes with induction box . 9EP612 420 9EP6 12 440 NOTE lBJ 9EN5 12 420 9EN5 12 440 NOTE ll11 e HIGH COMPRESSION PISTON • 1.8l (8P) 9EP511100 COMPRESSION RATIO (11 .0:1) • 1.6l (86) 9EN51 1100 COMPRESSION RATIO (10.5:1) NOTE 13 NOTE 1111 e E.C.U. · 1.8l (8P) Except 16bil • 1.6l (86) 9EP618 880 NOTE 1BJ 9EN618 880 * NOTE IR * ·~ Applicable for normal compression ratio engine only. WHETHER COMPETITION OR FASHION, WE HAVE AROLL BAR FOR YOU. Whether you are in competition or just want to add some pizazz to your car, these roll bars will reinforce I P the body and improve safety. PART NUMBER MATERIAL (COLOR) ROADSTER (NB) 9EP7 53 640 ROADSTER(NA) 9EP5 53 640 9EP5 53 645 9E1B 53 640 9E1B 53 660 * I J5 !NOTE 40 I re STEEL(CHROME-PLATEO) 4-POINT 38 I STEEL(BLACK) STEEL(BLACK) ~~ 4-POINT 4·POINT 38 STEEL(BLACK) 6·POINT 38 38 I 4-POINT I 38 * STEEL(BLACK) lk Not compatible with Mazda genuine PART NUMBER! RX-7(FD) 9CD5 55 471 03 9CD5 55 471 06 ROADSTER (NA) 9EP6 55 471 I TUBE DIA.(mm) I 4-POINT I STEEL(BLACK) AZ-l(PG6SA) 9M1C 53 640 TYPE ROAOSTER (NB) I> I CJ I .CI 9EP7 53 050 hard top. DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION SPEEDOMETER SPEEDOMETER 300Kml h, red 300kml h, reen SPEEDOMETER 240kmlh, green • RX·7(FO) ..o.ROAOSTER(NA) SIMPLY AMAZING. An off-white dial plate with red letters and orange indicators. All numbers placed outside the scale for easier reading. Full-scale speedometer and tachometer glow in red when the lights are on, for a flashy appearance that is sure to please any sports driver. PART NUMBER! DESCRIPTlON RX-7(FO) l« l SPORTS DRIVING METER 9C05 55 40Z ROADSTER (NB) 'IS! 2 9EP7 55 40Z SPORTS DRIVING METER a!2 ROADSTER l.BL (NA) 9EP5 55 40Z SPORTS DRIVING METER >f: 2 ROADSTER 1.6L(NA) 9EN5 55 40Z SPORTS DRIVING METER FAMILIA SEDAN (BH) '>: 3 9DP5 55 40Z SPORTS DRIVING METER ll> 1 For SMT only. Excep11he model Wllh au1o cru1se con1101. SPECIFICATION I 300km/h, 10.000 rpm I 240km / h.8,000rpm I 240km / h.9,000rpm I 240km / h,9,000rpm I 220km / h.8,000rpm FA Q ,;, 2 For some 1.8L model requires. Mazda genuine luel pressure sensor(B61 P-18·50 1) >;,3 Only appliCable 10 belore lace-lllled model.s(1994·96). SPORTY CARBON LOOK. The surface o f the dash panel is printed w ith the carbon· te gé material pattern favored in racing car body parts. Special "curl fit " printing technology faithfully reproduces the patterns of carbon materials to create a casual, sporty cockpit. MODEL RX-7 (FO) ROADSTER ( NA) PART NUMBER 9CD5 55 900 9EP5 55 446 RX·7(F0) ~ ro Cu t h ori zont a lly across the b ottom to min im ize contact with t he drivers k n ees du ri ng sports driving. Center offset. P e o-CUT e STEERING BOSS e BLACK LEATHER 9A50 32 980 ¢ 340mm e BACK SKIN 9A2D 32 980 o¢ 360mm 9A3D 32 980 ¢ 360nm e DIMPLES 9A40 32 980 ¢ 360mm * MODEL ROADSTER (NA), PRESSO (EC) , FAMiLIA(BG), MPV(LV), BONGO RX·7(FC) RX·7(F0:199 1·96) RX·7(F0:1996·) LANTIS (CBl, FAMILIA(BH), MX· 6(GE), FRIENDEE(SG), CAPELLA WAGON (GV) PART NUMBER 9EA 1 32 98X 9EA1 32 98X 9GF1 32 98X MODEL ROADSTER (NA) RX·7(F0:1996·) DEMIO (OW) PART NUMBER 9A6610C 9F6610C 9CD5 32 98X 9CD6 32 98X l* Exclusive lor models nol equipped wflh SRS alrbag. 9DS5 32 98X r,> Exclusive lor models nol equipped wilh SRS alrt>ag. Q e MINI PADS 9AA7 32 990 ~CARBON LOOK RING is e FULL PADS 9AA7 32 9AO e CARBON LOOK RING 9AA7 32 9CO • e HORN CAP(BLACK) 9A1D 32 810 e HORN CAP(RED ) 9A2D 32 810RS e HORN CAP(WHITE ) 9A20 3 2 810WB necessaJY l6 t CARBON/ ALUMINUM SHIFT KNOB 9E1D 9A1D 9A1D 9A1D 17 17 17 17 520 520-03 520-05 520-08 e CARBON LOOK SHIFT KNOB (SILVER) (RED) (BLUE) (BLACK) (R IG HT) 9A2D 17 520-20 M10X1.25 e WOOD LOOK SHIFT KNOB (LEFT) 9A2D 17 520-30 M 10X1.25 M10X1.25 e sooT TOP 9A1D 17 521-02(SILVER) 9A1D 17 521-0S(BLACK) e SIDE BRAKE GRIP 9EP5 44 034-02 9EP5 44 034-03 9EP5 44 034-05 9EP5 44 034-08 ·!l Exclusive for LANTIS(CB).FAMILIA(BH) and etc. (SILVER) (RED) (BLUE) (BLACK) e BLACK LEATHER SHIFT KNOB ·i· Exclusive for RX· 7(FC) and ROAOSTER(NB.NA) RED BLUE 9F2D 17 520 BLAOK M10X 1.25 Q SILVER SPORTY AND CHIC: '99 TEAM WEAR FULL LINE-UP! FA Mazdaspeed wear features chic designs and sporty images. Heading up the '99 line are the \ te gé comfortable Light Jacket, the active, wind-resistant Heavy Jacket, and the warm Lined Long Coat. Sporty clothing for casual occasions. e llNED LONG COAT(SIL VER) 9AA9 80 350F (FREE SIZE) Nylon 100% e UGHT JACKET(NAVY/SILVER) 9AA9 9AA9 9AA9 9AA9 80 80 80 80 400M 10 (NAVY M SIZE) 400L 10 (NAVY L SIZE) 400M 02 (SILVER M SIZE) 400L 02 (SILVER LSIZE) Nylon 100% P ro SILVER TYPE MS TYPE RP TYPE CO e sWEAT SHIRT 9AA9 80 150F CO (TYPE CO) 9AA9 80 150F MS (TYPE MS) 9AA9 80 150F RP (TYPE RP) (FREE SIZE) NAVY WHITE e POLO SHIRT 9AA9 80 600F 03 (RED) 9AA9 80 600F 04 (WH ITE) 9AA9 80 600F 10 (NAVY) TYPE MS TYPE RP --- ~. TYPECO - ~ BACK OESIGN e T-SHIRT 9AA9 80 100F CO (TYPE CO ) 9AA9 80 1OOF MS (TYPE MS) J7 9AA9 80 100F RP (TYPE RP) ( FREE SIZE) TYPE CO TYPE RP ( FREE SIZE) TYPE MS e TEAM CAP 9AA9 80 500F CO (Rotor character) 9AA9 80 500F RP (RE Power) 9AA9 80 500F MS (MS logo) (FREE SIZE) "'New ~- 10 250 01 (GOLD) 10 250 03 (RED) 10 250 05 (BLUE) 10 250 08 (BLACK) e "RE" RAG DOLL 1 ' "'~!( a r~ l!i l l 9AA7 82 710 ---.-::.0 r '" e 3WAY PEN 9AA7 82 730 9AA7 82 720 !l<'99 MODEL >i<234mmX t 66mm ·;<RE characterrunrungaround 'i,HARD COVER .;; Mechancal periCII I Ball-point pens IBlACKfR£D) ·;·Can nol choose ihe bOdy color ® e KEYHOLDER (1) 9AAA 00 07F (LEATHER) (.~ 9AAA 00 07E (ALUMINUM) (V9AAA 00 07D (STAINLESS STEEL PLATE) ro 82 500 GM (GOLD META 82 500 CP (CHROME PLATE) 82 500 RK (ROTOR CHARACTER) 82 500 AK (ACRYLIC) P e STICKER OUTLINE <600mmX54mm> 9A10 5211002(SILVER) 9A10 5211008 (BLACK) 9A10 52110 04 ( WHITE) e STICKER SOLID <600mm X54mm> 9A10 52111 02(SILVER) 9A10 52111 04(WHITE) 9A10 52111 OB (BLACK) . . . ~~ . rAJ ...· ~ 9AA7 82 700 9AA7 82 510 e ZIPPO LIGHTER 9AAA 00 051A(SILVER) 9AAA 00 052A(GOLD) e •STICKER SOLID e RACING TEAM STICKER <220mmX35mm> <300mm X26mm> 9A10 52121 02(SILVER) 9A10 52121 04 (WHITE) 9A10 52121 OB (BLACK) 9A1D 52131 02(SILVER) 9A1D 52131 04(WHITE) 9A1D 52131 08(BLACK) ~V4QY4tSV{jJ.jJ.Q) ~YA.!!.J.jjJQJ - -· - ~ ~ e MESSAGE PLATE {Jj]Dtj@!l5Yif.,sy&lJ.Q) 'ft" Aiiii. - . - . ~ Alili. ..,. _ i:lf~ e FUTARY KEY HOLDER IJMZ1J4151+1 •• e "RE"STICKER ~·~ ~~.. SHEET ,-:. "' , ---';':'="=-'-~=--:() ••• <174mmX298mm> ~~ l• t. 9A1D52151 e UCENSEHOL.DER [DO e KEYHOLDER t.!)9AA7 ®9AA7 ~AA7 @)9AA7 9AA7 82 600 99 ® (3) 9A1D 50 A20 •i· Except ROADSTER (NB). CAPELLA WAGON (GW) DEMIO(DW) e WRIST WATCH 9AA7 82740 ,r,ALUMINUM BODY ;:(2 ba«eries attached ~ ~ <D e HANDY LIGHT te gé ~ ' 9AB515205 1.3kgf/cm2 FA 9AA7 82 200 CO 9AA7 82 200 RP 9AA7 82 200 MS eAODITIONAL AIR GUIDE eRADIATOR CAP 9A1D 15 205 1.3kgf/cm2 .;. Except ROADSTER (NB), CAPELLA WAGON (GW) DEMIO(DW) e MUG CUP - eRADIATOR CAP 9A1D 10 250 Buffed aluminum Q eROTARY OIL FILLER CAP 9EN5 9EN5 9EN5 9EN5 [J[JW74l5Y4\S'i.ftlmt!2J !IiMX74DY4¢>'i.ftfl!Jl112J e STICKER SHEET <174mmX298mm> 9A1D 52 141 e STICKER SET (145mmX14mm Spieces> 9A8240D-60 (145mmX 19mm,1piece/110mmX14mm, 2pieces) C001 V3 090 80 (BLACK) e EMBLEM SET (145mmX 19mm,1piece/110mmX14mm, 2piecesl COOl V3 090 60 (SILVER) \ e EMBROIDERY SET <135mmX27mm,3pieces> C001 V3 043 e ORNAMENT <145mmX14mm> C001 V3 080 10 (RED) C001 V3 080 60 (SILVER ) e METAL ORNAMENT 9A3D 51 771 ·02 (SILVER ) * Diamond-cut Aluminum Plate e MS ORNAMENT 9A2D V3 080-08(BLACK METALLIC) 9A2D V3 085-04(WHITE METALLIC) JB New Friendee Touring Kit A-spec. is now available. The dynamic and stylish Touring Kit A-spec. designed tor the New Friendee brings to you a new meaning of challenging spirit. eSHOCK ABSORBER esPORTS SPRING SET esPORTS SOUND MUFFLER eAIR FILTER eBRAKE PAD SET FA Q flQ!b eFRONT GRILLE flQ!b e FRONT SPOILER flQ!b eSIDE SKIRT SET flQ!b eREAR WING (}]Z) eREAR SKIRT te gé Relying on cutting edge technologies developed through our long Involvement In the world's top endurance racing , we have realized an integration of tuning and speed. Our first·class expertise in Works Tuning updates fully drivers' personal needs, including the development of many car parts necessary to enhance the performance of any car. MAZDASPEED's home page Includes news release, motorsports, test drive report, catalogue, dealer guide and touring kit sections. • ·tbll¥t• P ro http://www. vi tesse-j.com I poweraxel / mazdaspeed I
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