2014 Breeding Season CAGN Report
2014 Breeding Season CAGN Report
2014 BREEDING SEASON COASTAL CALIFORNIA GNATCATCHER SURVEY RESULTS FOR THE GREENSPOT PROJECT CITY OF HIGHLAND, CALIFORNIA Prepared For: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Carlsbad Field Office 2177 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA 92008 RBF Consulting 3210 E Guasti Rd #100 Ontario, CA 91761 & Contact: Travis McGill Prepared by: 38249 Oak Bluff Lane Murrieta, CA Contact: Nina J. Kidd 951.600.0666 September 11, 2014 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results INTRODUCTION The Greenspot Property (hereafter referred to as “project site” or “site”) is located on 1,658 acres in the City of Highland, San Bernardino County, California. Previous habitat assessment conducted by RBF in 2011 and updated in 2013 determined that the project site and adjacent lands support habitat suitable for the federally threatened coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) (CAGN). Focused surveys for the CAGN were conducted on portions of the property in 2011 and 2012 by Lisa Patterson (Tom Dodson and Associates 2013). Kidd Biological, Inc. (KBI) conducted a more comprehensive set of focused surveys to determine presence/absence of the CAGN during the 2013-2014 non-breeding season (KBI 2014). This survey report documents the result of 2014 breeding season survey results for the CAGN. PROJECT SITE LOCATION The project site is located in the southeastern-most portion of the City of Highland, San Bernardino County, California (Exhibit 1: Regional Location Map). Specifically, the project site is surrounded by the San Bernardino National Forest to the north, Mill Creek and Mill Creek Road (State Route 38) to the east, the Santa Ana River and Greenspot Road to the west, and percolation basins associated with flood control along Mill Creek to the south (Exhibit 2: Project Vicinity Map). The project site occurs in various portions of Sections 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, and 17 of Township 1 South and Range 2 West as depicted on the Yucaipa U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle map. Natural History of the California Gnatcatcher The CAGN is a federally threatened species. It is most commonly found in the sage scrub communities of coastal southern California. According to J. Atwood and J. Bolsinger (1992) 99% of all CAGN observations are in areas with elevations below 950 feet. There are reported occurrences of CAGN at 1,600 feet elevation (500 meters) (Davis and McKernan, 1998). Elevation of the project site ranges from 1,880 feet to 2,700 feet above mean sea level (MSL), making it higher in elevation than what is typically associated with suitable CAGN habitat; however, with drought conditions in the region and effects of global warming there is a possibility that CAGN may transition to higher elevations where conditions are more suitable (Pounds et al 1999, Moritz et al 2008, Chen et al, 2011). CAGN are ground and shrub-foraging insectivores. They feed on small insects and other arthropods. A CAGN’s territory is highly variable in size and seems to be correlated with Figure 1 2 Kidd Biological, Inc. Map Location Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, USGS, Intermap, iPC, NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, 2012 Data Source: RBF/Baker O Figure1_ProjectVicinity.mxd 0 Study Area 0.75 1.5 Figure 1 3 Project Vicinity Kilometers Greenspot 2013-2014 Non-Breeding Season Surveys Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed Source: esri, RBF/Baker, Kidd Biological O Figure2_TopographicMap.mxd 0 Study Area 0.25 Figure 2 0.5 1 Topographic Map Kilometers Greenspot 2013-2014 Non-Breeding Season Surveys 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results distance from the coast, ranging from less than 1 hectare (ha) to over 9 ha (Mock, 2004). In a 1998 study, biologist Patrick Mock concluded that CAGN in the inland region require a larger territory than those on the coast in order to meet the nutritional requirements needed for survival and breeding. The main threat to the CAGN is habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation of habitat from invasive plant species and drought. Urban and agricultural development, livestock grazing, invasion of exotic grasses, off-road vehicles, pesticides, and military training activities all contribute to the destruction of CAGN habitat. Once locally common, CAGN have experienced widespread habitat loss and have lost most of their former range. By 1997, no more than 2,900 pairs remained in the United States. Only small patches of coastal sage scrub remain, and the majority is privately owned, making species recovery a difficult task. The regional observations of CAGN are shown Exhibit 3: Project Site in Relation to Regional Observances of CAGN. These locations were obtained from the California Department of Wildlife’s (CDFW) Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB) (2014). The closest documented observance of CAGN in the area occurred in 1995, 2006 and 2008, approximately 1.5 to 3 miles to the west of the project site and within the immediate vicinity of the Santa Ana River. The other observances documented in the CNDDB in the region are clustered within Lytle Creek, Cajon Wash, and Etiwanda Fan areas to the west as well as to the southwest in the Reche Canyon, Jurupa and Colton areas. There have been other, more recent observances of CAGN in the Santa Ana Watershed, below the Seven Oaks Dam and west of Greenspot Road, in 2009 and 2012 that were reported on eBird1; however observations on eBird are often submitted by amateur birders and their accuracy cannot be verified or validated. EXISTING CONDITIONS The project site is located at the foothills of the San Bernardino National Forest east of the Santa Ana River and north of Mill Creek. The project site can be characterized as mostly gently sloping and rolling terrain in the south and west with moderately to steeply sloping terrain in the north and northeast. The elevation of the project site varies from approximately 1,800 feet above MSL along the western boundary to approximately 2,700 feet above MSL at the foothills on the northeast side of the project site. Onsite drainages generally flow in a southwesterly direction into the Santa Ana River and Mill Creek. In general, surface soils within the project site are well drained and are associated with alluvial fans and hills. 1 http://ebird.org/ebird/ca/map/ 4 Kidd Biological, Inc. Num: 494 Date: 19950628 Rank: U-Unknown Num: 917 Date: 20060920 Rank: U-Unknown ( ! ( ! Num: 916 Date: 20080821 Rank: B-Good ( ! Source: NAIP, RBF/Baker ( ! O Figure3_CAGN_Observations.mxd 0 CAGN Obs (from CNDDB RareFind) Study Area 750 1,500 3,000 Meters Figure 3 California Gnatcatcher (CAGN) Observations Greenspot 2013-2014 Non-Breeding Season Surveys 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results The project site consists of open space, vacant land, orchards, and rural residential developments. The surrounding land uses are a combination of agricultural (i.e. citrus orchards), rural residential developments, utility easements, roadways, government uses, flood control operations, and municipal water operations. The project site is boarded by the San Bernardino National Forest to the north and east, Mill Creek to the south, and vacant land, orchards, and existing low-density residential developments to the west. VEGETATION COMMUNITIES Within the project site, six (6) main plant communities were identified with varying levels of disturbances: Riversidean alluvial fan sage scrub (RAFSS), Riversidean sage scrub (RSS), riparian, chaparral, agricultural, and ruderal (Exhibit 4: General Vegetation Map). Human activities such as agricultural and irrigation practices as well as surface mining operations (borrow for Seven Oaks Dam) have substantially modified these natural habitats occurring on the project site. Additionally, the plant communities have been subjected to naturally occurring wildfires, the most recent which occurred five years ago. The combination of human disturbances and wildfires have resulted in significant modifications to the native plant communities on the project site and may have reduced the connectivity of the San Bernardino National Forest found to the north of the project site to both the Santa Ana River and Mill Creek found along the southern and western boundaries of the project site. Approximately 801.67 acres on the project site is considered suitable CAGN habitat, including RAFSS, Riversidean sage scrub and disturbed Riversidean sage scrub (RBF 2011, updated 2013). Brief descriptions, which were taken from the RBF Habitat Assessment Report (2011, updated 2013) of the plant communities supporting suitable CAGN habitat are included below. Riversidean Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub (117.43 Acres) RAFSS habitat occurs on the project site in association with the flood plains along the Santa Ana River and Mill Creek. The Santa Ana River and Mill Creek flow in a southwesterly direction adjacent to the project site and the RAFSS habitat associated with them extends inside the western and southern boundaries of the project site. The RAFSS habitat on the western boundary of the project site is described as a mature RAFSS community that is comprised of chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum), California brickelbush (Brickellia californica), hoary leaf ceanothus (Ceanothus crassifolius), chaparral whitethorn (Ceanothus leucodermis), California juniper (Juniperus californica), California buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum), deerweed (Acmispon glaber previously Lotus scoparius), holly-leaved cherry (Prunus ilicifolia), spiny redberry (Rhamnus crocea), and white sage (Salvia apiana). 6 Kidd Biological, Inc. 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results Whereas the RAFSS habitat on the southern boundary is an intermediate RAFSS community primarily comprised of scalebroom (Lepidospartum squamatum), California buckwheat, brittlebush (Encelia farinosa), matchweed (Gutierrezia californica), broom matchweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae), telegraph weed (Heterotheca grandiflora), coastal goldenbush (Isocoma menziesii), interior goldenbush (Ericameria linearifolia), hairy yerba santa (Eriodictyon trichocalyx), California sagebrush (Artemisia californica), Coastal prickly pear (Opuntia littoralis), valley cholla (Opuntia parryi), shrubby butterweed (Senecio flaccidus), and Our Lord’s candle (Yucca whipplei). Riversidean Sage Scrub (79.50 Acres) The project site is located at the foothills of the San Bernardino National Forest above the floodplains of the Santa Ana River and Mill Creek. The predominant plant community occurring on the project site is a RSS plant community occurring in various stages of disturbance and recovery and these areas are fairly sparse with areas of grass or bare ground between shrubs. Areas of higher quality undisturbed RSS are primarily associated with the sides of drainage features traversing the project site. There are only 79.50 acres of sage scrub habitat that were not disturbed. The remaining areas were previously disturbed. Disturbed Riversidean Sage Scrub (604.74 Acres) The majority of the disturbed RSS found onsite is composed of California buckwheat, and is primarily found in the central portions of the project site. California buckwheat is an early pioneer species encountered during natural recovery of a native sage scrub plant community. Other areas of disturbed RSS onsite are dominated by brittlebush and California sagebrush. The brittlebush dominated disturbed RSS is primarily found on the northern and southern portions of the project site, and the California sagebrush dominated disturbed RSS is primarily found on the northern and central portions of the property associated with buckwheat. Disturbance in these areas ranges from flood control activities, fuel modification, weed abatement, and disturbances related to previous agricultural uses of the site (old foundations of homes, irrigation ditches, fallow orchards, roads, plowed areas, etc.). 7 Kidd Biological, Inc. ta San A C na on any Rd Legend Project Boundary Riversidean Sage Scrub (RSS) Undisturbed Riversidean Sage Scrub (URSS) C Non-Native Grasses (NNG) Orchard (O) na A ta n Sa r ve i R Fallow Orchard (FO) D SSAR Riversidean Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub (RAFSS) O SSAR URSS Mo rto n O O Chaparral (C) F ire R Southern Riparian Scrub (SRS) d Southern Sycamore-Alder Riparian Woodland (SSAR) O d Southern Willow Scrub (SWS) NNG O tR RAFSS Jurisdictional Drainage (D) po O NNG Detention Basin (B) Gr ee ns O SRS RSS D Tres Lagos St O Morton Fire Rd FO O NNG SRS FO St Florida St FO NNG NNG FO FO FO FO FO FO SWS FO RSS B Re FO k dl a H nd s eig h a nc ts R d hR NNG Garnet Ave re e Amethyst St Mi ll C NNG FO RSS Emerald Ave ire ph p Sa 10/21/2013 JN M:\Mdata\65100754\GIS\Revised_General_Veg_Map_HA.mxd APOHLMAN NNG FO B SWS D NNG FO FO Newport Ave NNG RAFSS ll i M k e e Cr Mill Creek Rd ! GREENSPOT UPDATED HABITAT ASSESSMENT 0 Source: ESRI World Imagery 600 1,200 2,400 3,600 Feet General Vegetation Map Exhibit 4 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results METHODS The required 15-day notification to conduct focused surveys was submitted by email to the permit coordinator at the Carlsbad U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Office dated November 13, 2013 (Appendix A). Methods employed were in conformance with USFWS CAGN presence/absence survey guidelines for conducting breeding season surveys (USFWS 1997). Accordingly, six (6) diurnal surveys were conducted by the USFWS permitted biologists noted in Table 1: Surveying Biologists, below, during the breeding season, at least one (1) week apart. Surveys were conducted between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 12:00 P.M. within all portions of the project site supporting potentially suitable habitat. The permitted biologist slowly walked through the project site while visually examining the area for CAGN and stopping at appropriate intervals, uttering pishing sounds, and/or playing a digital recording of CAGN vocalizations. The audio was played for several seconds at each interval, followed by a brief pause to listen for a response. The location(s) of CAGN observations (if any) were mapped with the use of a GPS unit. Table 1: Surveying Biologists Biologist Jason Berkley Nina Kidd Crysta Dickson Karly Moore Erik LaCoste Barry Nerhus Jenni Snibbe Brian Karpman Permit No. TE 009015-3 TE 036550-4 TE-067347-4 TE-02484A-0 TE-027736-5 TE-067347-4 TE-044520-3 TE-01768B-0 RESULTS All areas considered suitable CAGN habitat were surveyed by KBI during breeding season surveys (Exhibit 5: Aerial Photo of Survey Area Polygons). It should be noted; however, that not all areas within each survey polygon supported suitable CAGN habitat. Rather, a variety of other plant communities and disturbed areas (e.g., nonnative grassland, ruderal, riparian, burned) of various patch sizes were intermixed within the suitable CAGN habitat plant communities. Due to the size of the survey area, the site was divided into 10 survey polygons. Each polygon was surveyed 6 times. The table in Appendix B summarizes the results of each survey. No CAGN were detected during the 2014 breeding season surveys. Further, no CAGN were detected during non-breeding season surveys conducted on the project site by KBI in 2013-2014 (KBI 2014) or during any of the previous surveys of the 9 Kidd Biological, Inc. Area 9 90.6 Acres Area 10 83.2 Acres Area 8 86.6 Acres Area 7 98.4 Acres Area 6 70.1 Acres Area 4 96.2 Acres Area 5 80.7 Acres Area 3 96.2 Acres Area 2 96.7 Acres Area 1 83 Acres Source: NAIP, RBF/Baker O Figure3_CAGN_Observations.mxd 0 Study Area 375 Figure 5 750 1,500 Meters Aerial Map of Survey Areas Greenspot 2013-2014 Non-Breeding Season Surveys 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results site. Although the CAGN has been observed west of the project site at lower elevations along the Santa Ana River, the density of CAGN within this region is sparse and not nearly as dense as coastal regions. The inland areas tend to have more blue-grey gnatcatchers (Polioptila caerulea), which were observed on multiple occasions in multiple polygons during surveys on the project site. All avian species detected during the surveys are listed in the Avian Compendium (Appendix C). Copies of field data forms are provided in Appendix D. Other Sensitive Species Observed This survey was focused on a single species, the CAGN; however, incidental observation(s) of all sensitive species were documented. There are various definitions of “sensitive” in accordance with State and Federal Agencies. The following is a brief summary of the status of the species that were observed on site (all definitions were taken directly from State of California Department of Fish and Game Biogeographic Data Branch’s Special Animals list (January 2011): DFG: Fully Protected (FPS): The classification of Fully Protected was the State's initial effort to identify and provide additional protection to those animals that were rare or faced possible extinction. Lists were created for fish, amphibians and reptiles, birds and mammals. Most of the species on these lists have subsequently been listed under the state and/or federal endangered species acts; white-tailed kite, golden eagle, trumpeter swan, northern elephant seal and ring-tailed cat are the exceptions. The white-tailed kite and the golden eagle are tracked in the CNDDB. The Fish and Game Code sections dealing with Fully Protected species state that these species "....may not be taken or possessed at any time and no provision of this code or any other law shall be construed to authorize the issuance of permits or licenses to take any fully protected" species, although take may be authorized for necessary scientific research. This language arguably makes the "Fully Protected" designation the strongest and most restrictive regarding the "take" of these species. DFG California Species of Special Concern (SSC): It is the goal and responsibility of the DFG to maintain viable populations of all native species. To this end, the Department has designated certain vertebrate species as “Species of Special Concern” because declining population levels, limited ranges, and/or continuing threats have made them vulnerable to extinction. The goal of designating species as “Species of Special Concern” is to halt or reverse their decline by calling attention to their plight and addressing the issues of concern early enough to secure their long term viability. USFWS Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC): The goal of the Birds of Conservation Concern 2008 report is to accurately identify the migratory and non-migratory bird species (beyond those already designated as federally threatened or endangered) that represent our highest conservation priorities and draw attention to species in need of conservation action. 11 Kidd Biological, Inc. 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results American Bird Conservancy (AWL): United States WatchList of Birds of Conservation Concern: The United States WatchList is a joint project between the American Bird Conservancy and the National Audubon Society. It reflects a comprehensive analysis of all the bird species in the United States. It reveals those in greatest need of immediate conservation attention to survive a convergence of environmental challenges, including habitat loss, invasive species, and global warming. Sensitive species observed included: Common Name Scientific Name Status Cooper’s hawk Accipiter cooperii DFG - Watchlist Northern harrier Circus cyaneus DFG - SSC White-tailed kite Elanus leucurus DFG - FP Willow flycatcher Empidonax traillii State Endangered Loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus DFG - SSC Least Bell’s vireo (pair) Vireo bellii pusillus State & Fed. Endangered Purple martin Progne subis DFG - SSC Rufous-crowned sparrow Aimophila ruficeps canescens DFG - Watchlist Olive-sided flycatcher Contopus cooperi DFG - SSC Yellow warbler Dendroica petechia DFG - SSC Santa Ana River woolly star Eriastrum densifolium ssp. sanctorum State& Fed. Endangered Source: Kidd Biological, Inc., 2014 A pair of least Bell’s vireos was observed in the strip of riparian habitat located in Polygon 5. The male vireo was heard calling from this area during multiple surveys. A group of four willow flycatchers were also observed migrating through Polygon 6 on May 27, 2014. This species was not believed to be the federally listed sub species due to the timing of year and habitat observed within. They did not breed on the project site. 12 Kidd Biological, Inc. 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results Within polygon 10, two patches of approximately 25 Santa Ana River woolly star plants were observed. These were all located west of Greenspot road. Also, of note, sign of bobcat (Lynx rufus) and mountain lion (Puma concolor) were observed during surveys. These species were also observed during non-breeding season surveys. The occurrence of these large mammalian species typically indicates that portions of the project site may function as a wildlife corridor that is often used by these species for foraging. Raptors Several raptors, including Cooper’s hawk, red-tailed hawk, red-shouldered hawk, northern harrier and white-tailed kite were observed during the surveys. Two red-tailed hawk nests were observed on the site. In addition, it is believed that the pair of whitetailed kites nest just west of the project site within the orange groves or within a pine tree near a farm house. Although surveys did not focus on locating raptor nests, it is believed that all the raptor observed on the site nest on the site or in the immediate vicinity due to the presence of suitable nesting habitats and their regular observations on the project site during the breeding season. Brown-headed Cowbirds Brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothus ater) can have a significant effect on CAGN population if not monitored and controlled. Cowbirds were observed on the project site during surveys during at least five (5) of the breeding season surveys. The majority of the cowbird observations (4) were observed within polygon 9 along the northwestern boundary of the project. Due to the lack of CAGN on the site, the cowbirds will not have an impact on that species; however their presence adjacent to riparian areas could be detrimental to sensitive riparian bird species such as the least Bell’s vireo and southwestern willow flycatcher. CONCLUSION No CAGN were observed within the project site. The project site supports large areas of marginally suitable habitat, with other, smaller patches of higher quality habitat. The project site is at the northeastern edge of the species’ range. The most recent observations in the general area are six years old and no observations have been reported on the project site. No recent observations in the region have been reported. It is not known how the population range of the CAGN may change in the future. Significant restoration or modification of the existing habitat within the Greenspot Property would be needed to provide enough suitable habitat to allow this species to expand their territories onto the project site or possibly utilize the project site for breeding. 13 Kidd Biological, Inc. 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results Several other sensitive species were observed within the property during the survey and the site is valuable for foraging and nesting raptors. CERTIFICATION: We hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this biological evaluation, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 9/10/2014 Jason Berkley TE 009015-3 Date Nina Kidd TE 036550-4 Date Crysta Dickson TE-067347-4 9/10/2014 Date Karly Moore TE-02484A-0 9/11/2014 Date Erik LaCoste TE-027736-5 9/10/2014 Date Barry Nerhus TE-067347-4 9/8/2014 Date 9/8/2014 TE-044520-3 Brian Karpman TE-01768B-0 9/11/2014 Date 9/11/2014 Date 14 Kidd Biological, Inc. 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results References Atwood, J.L., and D.R. Bontrager. 2001. California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica). In The Birds of North America, No. 574 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc, Philadelphia, PA. Atwood, J.L., and J.S. Bolsinger. 1992. Elevational distribution of California Gnatcatchers in the United States. J. Field Ornithol. 63: 159-168. California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB). RareFind5. Wildlife & Habitat Data Analysis Branch, Department of Fish and Game. Accessed March 23, 2014 California Department of Fish and Game Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) Biogeographic Data Branch’s Special Animals list (January 2011) Chen, Ching, Jane K. Hill, Ralf Ohlemüller, David B. Roy, Chris D. Thomas 2011. Rapid Range Shifts of Species Associated with High Levels of Climate Warming. Science 19 August 2011: Vol. 333 no. 6045 pp. 1024-1026 Davis, L.H., R.L. McKernan, and J.S. Burns. 1998. History and status of the California Gnatcatcher in San Bernardino County, California. Western Birds 29: 361-365 German Forero-Medina, John Terborgh, S. Jacob Socolar, Stuart L. Pimm. 2011. Elevational Ranges of Birds on a Tropical Montane Gradient Lag behind Warming Temperatures. PLoS ONE, 2011; 6 (12): Holland, R.F. 1986. Preliminary Descriptions of the Terrestrial Natural Communities of California. Nongame- Heritage Program. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, California. KBI. 2014. 2013-2014 Non-Breeding Season Coastal California Gnatcatcher Survey Results for the Greenspot Project, City of Highland, San Bernardino County, California. April 28. Moritz, Craig, James L. Patton Chris J. Conroy Juan L. Parra Gary C. WhiteSteven R. Beissinger, 2008. Impact of a Century of Climate Change on Small-Mammal Communities in Yosemite National Park, Science 10 October 2008: USA Vol. 322 no. 5899 pp. 261-264 Mock, P.J. 1998. Energetic constraints to the distribution and abundance of the California Gnatcatcher. Western Birds 29: 413-420 Mock, P. 2004. California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica). In The Coastal Scrub and Chaparral Bird Conservation Plan: a strategy for protecting and managing coastal scrub and chaparral habitats and associated birds in California. California Partners in 15 Kidd Biological, Inc. 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results Flight. http://www.prbo.org/calpif/htmldocs/scrub.html Munz, P.A. 1974. A Flora of Southern California. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. Pounds, J. A., Fogden, M. P. L. & Campbell, J. H. Biological response to climate change on a tropical mountain. Nature 398, 611±615 (1999). Preston K.L., P.J. Mock, M.A. Grishaver, E.A. Bailey, and D.F. King. 1998a. California territorial behavior. Western Birds 29: 242-257. RBF Consulting. Habitat Assessment. Greenspot Property 1,658-Acres. Highland, San Bernardino County, CA. September 2011. Revised November 2011 and October 2013. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1997. Coastal California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) Presence/Absence Survey Guidelines dated February 28, 1997. 16 Kidd Biological, Inc. 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results Appendix A. USFWS 15-day Notification 17 Kidd Biological, Inc. November 13, 2013 Ms. Susie Tharatt U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Carlsbad Field Office 6010 Hidden Valley Road Carlsbad, California 93003 Subject: 15-Day Notice to perform California Gnatcatcher presence/absence surveys (nonbreeding and breeding season) in the City of Highland, San Bernardino County, California. Dear Susie, A habitat assessment was conducted by RBF Consulting on behalf of LCD Greenspot, LLC development company and the Orange County Flood Control District and it was determined that certain areas within a proposed 1,658 acre master planned community project were suitable for the California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica). The 1,658-acre Greenspot Property is located in the southeastern-most portion of the City of Highland, San Bernardino County, California (Exhibit 1: Regional Location Map). Specifically, the project site is surrounded by the San Bernardino National Forest to the north, Mill Creek and Mill Creek Road (State Route 38) to the east, Santa Ana River and Greenspot Road to the west, and percolation basins associated with flood control along Mill Creek to the east (Exhibit 2: Project Vicinity Map). The project site occurs in various portions of Sections 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, and 17 of Township 1 South and Range 2 West as depicted on the Yucaipa U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle map Portions of the site were surveyed in 2011 and 2012 by Tom Dodson and Associates. Kidd Biological, Inc. has since been contracted by RBF to conduct focused protocol presence/absence surveys for this species the site. During various assessments of the site from 2011 to 2013, approximately 900 acres of habitat contained some element of sage scrub. For planning purposes, we are assuming all 900 acres will require surveys; however a following up habitat assessment will be conducted prior to the first focused survey to refine the survey areas. Surveys will be conducted following a modified non-breeding season protocol as the surveys will extend into the breeding season and the project proponent wishes to capture data from both the breeding and non-breeding season. A proposed survey schedule is presented below. We estimate that 11 survey days are required for each pass based on 900 acres of suitable or somewhat suitable habitat. Surveys are to be performed per U.S. Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) California gnatcatcher protocol guidelines by permitted biologists Jason Berkley, Nina Kidd, Erik LaCoste, Miki Kern, Crysta Dickson, Karly Moore, and/or John Konecny (Permit Numbers TE-009015-3, TE-036550-3, TE-027736-5, TE-56726A-0, TE-067347-4, TE-02484A-0, and TE-837308-4 respectively) of Kidd Biological, Inc. Biologist Travis McGill of RBF may accompany Kidd Biological biologists during the surveys to acquire hours towards his 10(a)1(A) permit. We would like to initiate surveys November 25, 2013 to ensure as many non-breeding season surveys can be accomplished prior to initiating breeding season surveys. Based on the November 25th start date, we propose the following schedule (subject to change based on weather): Survey # Start Date for the Pass Non-breeding Season 1 Nov. 25 2 December 9 3 December 23 4 January 6 5 January 20 6 February 3 7 February 17 8 March 3 9 March 12* Breeding Season 1 March 24 2 April 1 3 April 14 4 April 23 5 May 5 6 May 19 *In order to complete 9 surveys within the non-breeding season, we propose the last survey be conducted 10 days apart instead of 14. If you have any questions or comments regarding this letter, please contact me directly at (951) 6000666. Sincerely, Nina Jimerson-Kidd 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results Appendix B. Survey Data 19 Kidd Biological, Inc. T ab le 3 : Su rv e y D at a Survey Area Polygon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Date Time 5/12/14 5/19/14 5/26/14 6/2/14 6/10/14 6/17/14 5/12/14 5/19/14 5/26/14 6/2/14 6/10/14 6/16/14 5/14/14 5/20/14 5/26/14 6/2/14 6/9/14 6/16/14 5/14/14 5/21/14 5/27/14 6/4/14 6/12/14 6/24/14 5/14/14 5/21/14 5/27/14 6/4/14 6/11/14 6/17/14 5/13/14 5/21/14 5/28/14 6/9/14 6/16/14 6/24/14 5/13/14 5/21/14 5/28/14 6/5/14 6/13/14 6/18/14 5/13/14 5/23/14 5/30/14 6/5/14 6/13/14 6/24/14 5/16/14 5/23/14 5/30/14 6/6/14 6/13/14 6/25/14 5/16/14 5/23/14 5/30/14 6/6/14 6/13/14 6/25/14 0700‐1100 0700‐1100 0630‐1100 0630‐0930 0630‐0900 0700‐0950 0645‐0945 0700‐0930 0645‐0915 0700‐0945 0600‐0830 0630‐1100 0545‐0945 0600‐0900 0730‐1030 0630‐1000 0615‐0915 0730‐0945 0615‐0845 0715‐1045 0650‐1020 0715‐0930 0700‐1100 0945‐1115 0600‐1000 0600‐1030 0630‐1000 0630‐1100 0700‐1100 0900‐1200 0600‐0945 0600‐0945 0615‐0945 0630‐1100 0645‐1030 0615‐0845 0630‐0945 0700‐1100 0630‐1100 0700‐0930 0800‐1100 0645‐1000 0545‐1000 0615‐1015 0600‐0900 0545‐0945 0552‐0921 0615/0915 0630‐1015 0620‐1030 0711‐1055 0600‐0945 0715‐1015 0615‐0930 0600‐1030 0700‐1030 0645‐1100 0700‐1030 0700‐1030 0600‐1000 Source: Kidd Biological, Inc., 2014 Wind (mph) (Start/End) 4/5 1.5/3 1.5/3 1‐3/1‐3 0/0‐1 2/4 4/5 1.5/3 1.5/3 0‐1/2‐4 1/1 0‐5/0‐5 2‐5/2‐5 3‐5/4‐7 0/3.2 1.5/4 0/2 2/2 6/1.5 1/1.8 0/0‐3 3/3 0/0 5.9/5.9 6/2‐5 4/2 0/2.1 3‐5/3‐5 0/0 5‐7/0 1/2 4/1.8 0/0 0/0 0‐1/1‐2 2‐4/1‐3 2‐4/2‐4 1/2 0/0 0/1.5 1‐2/1‐3 0‐1/3 0‐1/0‐1 1‐2/2‐4 0‐1/1‐2 0/0 0/0 0.1/1 5/2.4 3.5/1.5 0/2 0‐1/1‐2 0/1 0‐1/2‐5 5.6/2.4 1‐2/2‐4 0/0 0‐1/0‐1 0/0 0.1/3.5 Temperature (F) (Start/End) 61/74 59/67 62/73 65/72 67/78 63/70 61/74 59/66 62/73 70/82 58/73 54‐69 63/75 53/66 65/95 64/76 62/80 54/69 63/77 53/56 61/86 65/74 61/65 72/84 63/74 47/56 61/86 64/75 61/65 73/77 61/78 49/58 62/73 62/77 56/72 61/68 61/79 53/56 69/72 65/75 66/78 55/72 61/83 55/57 68/73 65/81 54/64 66/80 72/87 55/65 64/82 61/75 57/75 64/72 75/87 62/63 64/84 70/80 64/70 58/82 Cloud Cover (%) (Start/End) 40/40 0/0 100/100 10/10 0/0 0/0 40/4 0/0 0/0 5/10 0/0 25/0 0/0 100/100 0/0 70/90 0/0 30/0 0/0 100/98 0/0 0/10 0/0 0/0 0/0 95/95 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 95/90 95/80 0/0 10/10 100/10 0/0 100/100 75/50 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 100/100 0/0 0/0 0/0 50/0 35/0 100/100 0/0 0/0 0/0 5/5 35/5 100/100 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 CAGN Observations Surveyor None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None BN BN BN JB EL KM KM KM KM EL KM BN JS JB JS KM KM KM KM KM BK KM BN JS/JB CD CD JS BN BN BN JS JS JS BN JB JB NK BN BN KM JB CD CD JB JB BK BK JS KM KM KM JB KM JB JS EL BN CD BN JS 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results Appendix C. Avian Compendium 24 Kidd Biological, Inc. 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results Scientific Name Anatidae Anas platyrhynchos Odontophoridae Callipepla californica Ardeidae Ardea herodias Common Name Ducks, Geese and Swans Mallard New World Quail California quail Bitterns, Herons and Allies Great blue heron Accipitridae Kites, Hawks Eagles and Allies ** Accipiter cooperii Cooper’s hawk Buteo jamaicensis Red-tailed hawk Buteo lineatus Red-shouldered hawk ** Circus cyaneus Northern harrier ** Elanus leucurus White-tailed kite Columbidae Pigeons and Doves Columbia livia Rock pigeon Patagioenaes fasciata Band-tailed pigeon Streptopelia decaocto Eurasian collared-dove Zenaida macroura Mourning dove Cuculidae Geococcyx californianus Apodidae Aeronautes saxatalis Camprimulgidae Chordeiles acutipennis Trochilidae Cuckoos, Roadrunners and Anis Greater roadrunner Swifts White-throated swift Goatsuckers Lesser nighthawk Hummingbirds Archilochus alexandri Black-chinned hummingbird Calypte anna Anna’s hummingbird Calypte costae Costa’s hummingbird Selasphorus sasin Allen’s hummingbird 25 Kidd Biological, Inc. 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results Picidae Woodpeckers and Allies Colaptes auratus Northern flicker Melanerpes formicivorus Acorn woodpecker Picoides nuttallii Nuttall’s woodpecker Picoides scalaris Ladder-backed woodpecker Falconidae Falco sparverius Caracaras and Falcons American kestrel Tyrannidae Tyrant Flycatchers ** Contopus cooperi Olive-sided flycatcher Contopus sordidulud Western wood-peewee Empidonax difficilis Pacific-slope flycatcher ** Empidonas traillii Willow flycatcher Myiarchus cinerascens Ash-throated flycatcher Sayornis nigricans Black phoebe Sayornis saya Say’s phoebe Tyrannus verticalis Western kingbird Tyrannus vociferans Cassin’s kingbird Laniidae Shrikes ** Lanius ludovicianus Loggerhead shrike Vireonidae Vireos ** Vireo bellii pusillus Least Bells’ vireo Vireo gilvus Corvidae Warbling vireo Jays, Magpies and Crows Aphelocoma californica Western scrub-jay Corvus brachyrhynchos American crow Corvus corax Common raven Hirundinidae Petrochelidon pyrrhonota ** Progne subis Swallows Cliff swallow Purple martin 26 Kidd Biological, Inc. 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results Stelgidopteryx serripennis Northern rough-winged swallow Tachycineta thalassina Violet-green swallow Aegithalidae Psaltriparus minimus Troglodytidae Bushtits Bushtit Wrens Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus brunneicapillus Salpinctes obsoletus Cactus wren Thryomanes bewickii Bewick’s wren Troglodytes aedon House wren Polioptilidae Polioptila caerulea Sylviidae Chamaea fasciata Mimidae Rock wren Gnatcatchers Blue-gray gnatcatcher Sylviid Warblers Wrentit Mockingbird, Thrashers and Allies Mimus polyglottos Northern mockingbird Toxostoma redivivum California thrasher Sturnidae Starlings and Allies * European Starling Sturnus vulgaris Ptilogonatidae Phainopepla nitens Parulidae Cardellina pusilla ** Setophaga petechia Silky-flycatchers Phainopepla Wood-warblers Wilson’s warbler Yellow warbler Geothlypis trichas Common yellow-throat Oreothlypis celata Orange-crowned warbler Emberizidae New World Sparrows and Allies ** Aimophila ruficeps Rufous-crowned sparrow Chondestes grammacus Lark sparrow Melozone crissalis California towhee 27 Kidd Biological, Inc. 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results Melospiza melodia Song sparrow Pipilo maculatus Spotted towhee Spizella atrogularis Black-chinned sparrow Cardinalidae Passerina caerulea Blue grosbeak Passerina amoena Lazuli bunting Pheucticus melanocephalus Black-headed grosbeak Icteridae * Cardinals, Grossbeaks and Allies Blackbirds and Allies Icterus bullockii Bullock’s oriole Icterus cucullatus Hooded oriole Molothrus ater Brown-headed cowbird Sturnella neglecta Western meadowlark Fringillidae Finches and Allies Haemorphous mexicanus House finch Haemorhous purpureus Purple finch Spinus lawrencei Lawrence’s goldfinch Spinus psaltria Lesser goldfinch Spinus tristis American goldfinch * Non-native species ** Sensitive species Source: Kidd Biological, Inc., 2014 28 Kidd Biological, Inc. 2014 Breeding Season California Gnatcatcher Survey Results Appendix D. Data forms 29 Kidd Biological, Inc. GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 1 Date: May 12, 2014 Polygon ID: 1 Surveyor: Barry Nerhus Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Cc40%, wind 4 mph End Weather (cloud cover, Cc 40%, wind 5 mph wind): Start Temp 61 F (Celsius): Compendium: End Time: House Finch Spotted Towhee Bullocks Oriole Black Phoebe Northern Mockingbird Lesser Goldfinch Lazuli Bunting Red-tailed Hawk California Towhee Loggerhead Shrike Common Raven California Thrasher California quail Ash-throated Flycatcher End Temp: 74 F OTHER SENSITIVE SPECIES Species : Notes: Species: Loggerhead Location (UTM): One individual perched on telephone wire Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Notes: Location (UTM): GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 1 Date: Polygon ID: 2 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 6:45 AM May 12, 2014 Moore End Time: 40%cc, wind avg 4 mph NE End Weather (cloud cover, 4%cc, wind avg 5 mph W wind): Start Temp End Temp: 61 (Celsius): Compendium: 9:45 AM BUOR RTHA CORA LAZB RCSP BARS VGSW LASP western wood pewee? NOMO CALT BUSH OCWA MODO HOWR ATFL PHAI BLGR BHGR HOOR LAGO 74 Project name: Date: Polygon: Green spot May 14, 2014 Survey #: 1 Surveyor: Start: 5:45 PM Weather: 63.5/2-6/0-5% End: 9:45 PM Weather: 75/2-5/0-5% Notes: 3 JS PHAN, BUSH, CORA, LEGO, HOFI, NOMO, MODO, ANHU, SPOT, WMLA, LABU, WREN, CATO, PSFL, CAQU, RTHA (pair perched in snag), COHU, BHCO, ATFL, LASP, AMKE, BEWR, CAKI, CATH, BGGN CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot May 14, 2014 Survey #: 1 Surveyor: Start: 6:00 AM Weather: 63.5 / 0% cc / 6 mph End: 10:00 AM Weather: 74 / 0% cc / 2-5 mph Notes: PHAIN MODO HOFI BYSH LEGO HOOR BEWR LABU ANNA CATO WEML AMCR BLSP LASP CAQU CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): 5 Dickson Project name: Date: Polygon: Green spot May 13, 2014 Survey #: 1 Start: 6:00 AM Weather: 61/0%/0-1 End: 9:45 AM Weather: 78/0%/0-2 Notes: Surveyor: 6 JS Birds: AMKE, MODO, WTKI, BUSH, HOFI, NOMO, PHAN, WREN, CORA, GRRR, ANHU, CATO, SOSP, HOOR, SPOT, PUFI, ATFL, WEME, LASP, BLGR, CAKI, BGGN, PSFL, BCHU, AMGO, CAQU, LEGO Wildlife: Granite spiny lizard Western fence lizard Cottontail Coyote CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Buckwheat scrub, mule fat scrub, riparian willow/cotton wood woodland, mixed coastal sage scrub/alluvial fan sage scrub, non-native grasses an herbaceous vegetation (BROMAD, CENMEL, AVEFAT, CARPYC, BRANIG) Project name: Date: Polygon: Green spot May 13, 2014 Survey #: 1 Surveyor: Start: 6:27 AM Weather: 0% cc, wins 2-4 mph, 61f End: 9:47 AM Weather: 0% cc, 2-4 mph, 79F Notes: 7 Kidd Grro, ATFL, Rtha, amke, Cora, ocwa, phai, BLGB, psfl, sosp, lasp, modo, Eurasian collared, spto, bewr, howr, mela, cath, WiWA, ocwa, Anna's, cohu, Lego, hofi, amgo, bush, WTKI (same pair, observed doing a prey exchange) CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot May 13, 2014 Survey #: 1 Surveyor: Start: 5:44 AM Weather: 61 / 0% / 0-1 mph End: 10:00 AM Weather: 83 / 0% / 0-1 mph Notes: PHAIN NOMB CORA MODO AMKE WESJ KEGO SPTO CATO HOFI WREN RODO CATH COHU BEWR CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): 8 Dickson GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 1 Date: Polygon ID: 9 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 6:28 AM May 16, 2014 Moore End Time: 35%cc,wind avg 5 north End Weather (cloud cover, 0%cc, wind avg 2.4 mph south wind): Start Temp End Temp: 72 (Celsius): Compendium: 10:16 AM BGGN BEWR PHAI CAQU HOFI LEGO GRRO CALT MODO NOMO WESJ BHGR WETA SOSP NUWO BLPH NRWS BLGR BHCO WEKI AMKE 87 Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot May 16, 2014 Survey #: 1 Start: 6:00 AM Weather: 75/5.6N/35% End: 10:30 AM Weather: 87/2.4S/5% Notes: Surveyor: 10 JS WTKI, MALL, NOMO, ATFL, BUSH, CAQU, SPTO, PHAN, BEWR, ANHU, CATO, COHU, CAWR, LBWO, MODO, WEKI, HOOR, NOHA, WREN, LEGO, CAKI, RTHA Wildlife observations: MOUNTAIN LION (scat), cotote, ca ground squirrel, Botta's gopher, granite spiny lizard, whiptails lizard, cottontail CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 2 Date: May 19, 2014 Polygon ID: 1 Surveyor: Barry Nerhus Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Cc 0%, wind 1.5 mph End Weather (cloud cover, Cc 0%, wind 3 mph wind): Start Temp 59 F (Celsius): Compendium: End Time: House Finch California Towhee Mourning Dove Phainopepla Western Kingbird Bullock's Oriole Anna's Hummingbird Rock Wren Northern Mockingbird Costa's Hummingbird Common Raven California Quail Red-tailed Hawk Lesser Goldfinch Western Meadowlark Blue Grosbeak Loggerhead Shrike End Temp: 67 F OTHER SENSITIVE SPECIES Species : Notes: Species: Loggerhead Location (UTM): Perched on telephone wire Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Notes: Location (UTM): GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 2 Date: Polygon ID: 2 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:01 AM May 19, 2014 Moore End Time: 0%cc but clouds rolling in, wind avg 1.5 mph NE End Weather (cloud cover, 0%cc, wind avg 3 mph west wind): Start Temp End Temp: 59 (Celsius): Compendium: 9:38 AM 66 BUOR PHAI RTHA BEWR WEME LASP LAZB CALT NRWS MODO BUSH CAQU BGGN RCSP HOFI SPTO Hummingbird CAKI ACWO- weird, heard multiple by burned pines HOOR Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot May 20, 2014 Survey #: 2 Surveyor: 3 Jason Berkley Start: 6:00 AM Weather: 100% cc with 3-5 mph winds, 53 F End: 9:00 AM Weather: 100% cc with 4-7 mph winds, 56 F Notes: California quail, phainopepla, lesser goldfinch, northern mockingbird, spotted towhee, California thrasher, wrentit, mourning dove, song sparrow, Say's phoebe, common raven, bushtit, house finch, Anna's hummingbird, ashthroated flycatcher, Bewick's wren, olive-sided flycatcher, coyote, red-tailed hawk, CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 2 Date: Polygon ID: 4 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:14 AM May 21, 2014 Moore End Time: 100%cc, wind avg 1 NE End Weather (cloud cover, 98%cc, wind avg 1.8 NW wind): Start Temp End Temp: 53 (Celsius): Compendium: 10:45 AM ATFL PHAI CALT CATH SPTO NOMO BEWR CAQU BTPI MODO LEGO HOFI COHU Coyote AMCR CORA RTHA WTKI HOWR with fledglings WAVI BLGR 56 Project name: Date: Polygon: Green spot May 21, 2014 Survey #: 2 Surveyor: Start: 6:00 AM Weather: 47 / 4 mph / 95% cc End: 10:30 AM Weather: 56 / 2 mph / 95 % cc Notes: LEGO MODO BGGN PHAIN CATO SPTO BUSH CAKI WEML LBVI SAME LOCATION BEWR ASFL NUWO WTKI CATH CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): 5 Dickson Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot May 21, 2014 Survey #: 2 Surveyor: Start: 6:00 PM Weather: 49/4NW/95% End: 9:45 PM Weather: 58/1.8NW/90% Notes: 6 JS BGGN, PHAN, HOFI, WMLA, LEGO,MODO, SOSP, BUSH, CATH, CATO, SPTO, WWPE, CAQU, WEKI, WTKI, NOMO, BHGR, CORA, RTHA, WREN, ATFL, RSHA, ANHU, AMGO, COHU WIFL- group of 4 migrating South Recheck around basin for burrowing owl. Wildlife observed: cottontail, ca ground squirrel, coyote CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 2 Date: May 21, 2014 Polygon ID: 7 Surveyor: Barry Nerhus Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:00 AM End Time: Cc 100%, wind 1mph End Weather (cloud cover, Cc 100%, wind 2 mph wind): Start Temp End Temp: 53 F (Celsius): Compendium: 11:00 AM House Finch Common Raven California Towhee Phainopepla Spotted Towhee California Thrasher Northern Mockingbird Say's Phoebe Mourning Dove Ash-throated Flycatcher Costa's Hummingbird Northern Rough-winged Swallow Wrentit Lark Sparrow Lesser Goldfinch Bushtit Song Sparrow 56 F Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot May 23, 2014 Survey #: 2 Surveyor: 8 Jason Berkley Start: 6:15 AM Weather: 100%cc with 1-2 mph winds, 55 F End: 10:15 AM Weather: 100% cc with 2-4 mph winds, 57 F Notes: Phainopepla, spotted towhee, Bewick's wren, house finch, mourning dove, California towhee, California thrasher, northern mockingbird, ash-throated flycatcher, western scrub-jay, song sparrow, house wren, Anna's hummingbird, common raven, Nuttail's woodpecker, American kestral, lesser goldfinch, bushtit, band-tailed pigeon, CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 2 Date: Polygon ID: 9 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 6:20 AM May 23, 2014 Moore End Time: 100%cc, wind avg 3.5 mph north End Weather (cloud cover, 100%cc, wind avg 1.5 mph north wind): Start Temp End Temp: 55 (Celsius): Compendium: 10:34 AM 65 Man sleeping in green ford explorer ca plates 4JEE087. Bobcat BGGN CALT ROWR RCSP NRWS PHAI CALT SPTO OSFL WEWP COHU WREN BEWR BHCO RTHA CORA CATH BHGR HOFI GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: Polygon ID: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 2 10 7:10 AM Surveyor: May 23, 2014 Erik Lacoste End Time: 10:30 AM 100%, 1-2 mph. End Weather (cloud cover, 100%, 2-4 mph. wind): Start Temp 62 (Celsius): Compendium: Date: HOFI WWPE PHAI BEWR CAQU NRWS RTHA CORA SOSP CALT CACW OSFL MODO LEGO BHGR NOMO HOOR SPTO BGGN WREN COHU End Temp: 63 OTHER SENSITIVE SPECIES Species : Notes: Species: Notes: Species: Notes: Species: Notes: Species: Notes: CACW Location (UTM): 490197, 3772956 Location (UTM): 490154, 3772908 Cactus wren OSFL Olive sided flycatcher OSFL Location (UTM): 490410, 3772790 Olive sided flycatcher OSFL Location (UTM): Olive sided flycatcher Location (UTM): 489930, 3772587 GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 3 Date: May 26, 2014 Polygon ID: 1 Surveyor: Barry Nerhus Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 6:30 AM 11:00 AM Cc 100%, wind 1.5 mph End Weather (cloud cover, Cc 100%, 3 mph wind): Start Temp 62 F (Celsius): Compendium: End Time: Phainopepla Loggerhead Shrike California Thrasher California Towhee Bullock's Oriole Red-tailed Hawk California Quail Rock Wren House Finch Northern Mockingbird Western Kingbird Bushtit House Wren Mourning Dove Black Phoebe End Temp: 73 F OTHER SENSITIVE SPECIES Species : Notes: Species: Loggerhead Location (UTM): Located nest and observed 1 fledgling Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Notes: Location (UTM): GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 3 Date: Polygon ID: 2 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 6:42 AM Moore End Time: 9:14 AM 0%cc, wind avg 1.5 NE End Weather (cloud cover, 0%cc, wind avg 3 W wind): Start Temp 62 (Celsius): Compendium: May 26, 2014 BUOR HOOR MODO RTHA WEME HOWR ATFL PHAI LASP LAZB CALT SPTO BUSH NRWS Coyote RCSP GRRO SAPH BLPH CATH NOMO End Temp: 73 Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot May 26, 2014 Survey #: 3 Start: 7:30 AM Weather: 64/0//0 End: 10:30 AM Weather: 95/3.2nw/0 Notes: Surveyor: 3 JS SPTO, HOFI, SOSP, NOMO, CATO, MODO, RTHA, CATH, ANHU, COHU, MELA, LEGO, ATFL, LASP, BUSH, CAKI, CORA, BEWR, PHAN, WWPE, BGGN, AMGO WILDLIFE: ca ground squirrel, side blotch lizard, granite spiny, western fence lizard CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot May 27, 2014 Survey #: 3 Surveyor: 4 Brian Karpman Start: 6:50 AM Weather: Wind 0, temp 61F, 0% cloud cover, good vis End: 10:20 AM Weather: Wind 0-3, temp 86F, 0% cloud cove, good vis Notes: CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): There is some really good habitat on the west and center of the poly. Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot June 13, 2014 Survey #: 5 Surveyor: 8 Brian Karpman Start: 5:52 AM Weather: 0% cloud cover, wind 0 mph, 54F End: 9:21 AM Weather: 0% cloud cover, wind 0 mph, 64F Notes: Northern mockingbird, bushtit, song sparrow, house finch, morning dove, phenopepla, bewicks wren, California towhee, spotted towhee, California thrasher, scrub jay, black-headed gross beak, CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot May 27, 2014 Survey #: 3 Start: 6:30 AM Weather: 61/0/0 End: 10:00 AM Weather: 86/2.1nw/0 Notes: Surveyor: 5 JS HOFI, ATFL, LBWO, RTHA, NOMO, MODO, SPTO, PHAN, LBVI, WREN, ANHU, LEGO, LASP, WTKI, COHU, BUSH, SOSP, ALHU, CATH, LABU, CAQU, AMGO, NOHA, BLGR, WWPE, CATO, BGGN, GRRR, BEWR, CAKI, CORA, WMLA, BTPI LBVI - pair observed - vocals INSECT; Cabbage white, honey bee, harvester ants, cicada, unidentified grasshoppers, deer tick, funnel spider, tarantula hawk Wildlife; cottontail, bobcat, coyote, wood rat, ca gr squirrel, granite spiny, side blotch lizard CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot May 28, 2014 Survey #: 3 Start: 6:15 AM Weather: 62/0/95% End: 9:45 PM Weather: 73/0/80% Notes: Surveyor: 6 JS RTHA, BUSH, CORA, WREN, HOFI, WWPE, CATO, SPTO, LEGO, WMLA, AMGO, NOMO, BEWR, BLGR, SOSP, ALHU, CATH, GRRR, LASP, ANHU, BTPI, COHU, PHAN, AMCR, EUST, WILDLIFE: ca ground squirrel, coyote,wood rat CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 3 Date: May 28, 2014 Polygon ID: 7 Surveyor: Barry Nerhus Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 6:30 AM 11:00 AM Cc 75%, Wind 0 End Weather (cloud cover, Cc 50%, Wind 0, wind): Start Temp 69 F (Celsius): Compendium: End Time: California Thrasher Spotted Towhee California Towhee House Finch Northern Mockingbird Western Kingbird Bullock's Oriole Song Sparrow Phainopepla Say's Phoebe American Kestrel Nuttall's Woodpecker Red-tailed Hawk Lesser Goldfinch Greater Roadrunner California Quail Western Meadowlark Bushtit Costa's Hummingbird Band-tailed Pigeon End Temp: 72 F Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot May 30, 2014 Survey #: 3 Surveyor: 8 Jason Berkley Start: 6:00 AM Weather: 0% cc with 0-1 winds, 68 F End: 9:00 AM Weather: 0% cc with 1-2 mph winds, 73 F Notes: Phainopepla, California towhee, mourning dove, wrentit, common raven, spotted towhee, California thrasher, California quail, house finch, Bewick's wren, American kestral, western scrub jay, house wren, lesser goldfinch, rufous-crowned sparrow (491703/3772374), black-headed grosbeak, bandtailed pigeon, song sparrow, western meadowlark, ash-throated flycatcher, warbling vireo, Anna's hummingbird, Costa's hummingbird, Say's phoebe, CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 3 Date: Polygon ID: 9 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:11 AM Karly Moore End Time: 10:55 AM 0%cc, zero wind End Weather (cloud cover, 0%cc, wind 2 mph n wind): Start Temp 64 (Celsius): Compendium: May 30, 2014 End Temp: 82 ROWR WREN CALT CATH SPTO PHAI ATFL BHGR BHCO- seems like the same male every week NOMO ANHU NRWS COHU NUWO RTHA WTKI off polygon WESJ GRRO LEGO AMGO HOFI GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: Polygon ID: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): End Weather (cloud cover, wind): Start Temp (Celsius): Compendium: Date: May 30, 2014 Surveyor: Barry Nerhus 3 10 6:45 AM End Time: Cc 0%, 0 mph, 64 F Cc 0%, 0 mph, 84 F End Temp: Cactus Wren Red-tailed Hawk Wrentit Rufous-crowned Sparrow Blue gray Gnatcatcher Purple Martin Rough-winged Swallow Ash-throated Flycatcher Hooded Oriole House Wren Rock Wren House Finch Northern Mockingbird Mourning Dove Costa's Hummingbird California Towhee Spotted Towhee 11:01 AM Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot June 2, 2014 Survey #: 4 Surveyor: 1 Jadon Berkley Start: 6:30 AM Weather: 10% cc with winds 1-3 mph, 65 F End: 9:30 AM Weather: 10% cc with 1-3 mph winds, 72 F Notes: Northern mockingbird, greater roadrunner, Anna's hummingbird, mourning dove, western meadowlark, western kingbird, Bewick's wren, rock wren, phainopepla, common raven, lesser goldfinch, black phoebe, California towhee, California quail, loggerhead shrike (493901/3771084), house finch, northern rough-winged swallow, Say's phoebe, wrentit, Bullock's oriole, CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 4 Date: June 2, 2014 Polygon ID: 2 Surveyor: Erik Lacoste Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:00 AM 9:45 AM 5% clouds, calm. End Weather (cloud cover, 10% clouds, 2-4 mph wind): Start Temp 70 (Celsius): Compendium: End Time: PHAI BUOR BUSH HOFI WEME RTHA MODO RCSP CALT LEGO SPTO SAPH WSJA ATFL NOMO BLGR CATH WEKI ANHU AMKE LASP End Temp: 82 OTHER SENSITIVE SPECIES Species : RCSP Location (UTM): 493354, 3771676 RCSP Location (UTM): 493711, 3771682 RCSP Location (UTM): 493365, 3771283 Notes: Species: Notes: Species: Notes: Species: Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Notes: Location (UTM): GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 4 Date: Polygon ID: 3 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 6:30 AM Karly Moore End Time: 9:53 AM 70%high scattered clouds! wind avg 1.5 mph E End Weather (cloud cover, 90%cc, wind 4 west wind): Start Temp 64 (Celsius): Compendium: June 2, 2014 End Temp: 76 Incredibly quiet out. I have heard a WEME, HOOR and a flock of BUSH down in the CSS. Where did all the rufous-crowned sparrows, lark sparrows, lazuli buntings, blue grosbeaks, goldfinches go. No HOOR WEME BUSH NOMO PHAI CORA LEGO SPTO BCHU CAKI WREN CALT No CAGN detected. Really quiet. Bulk of the birds in the trees lining the road. GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 4 Date: Polygon ID: 4 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:16 AM June 4, 2014 Karly Moore End Time: 0%cc, wind avg 3 ENE End Weather (cloud cover, 10%cc, wind avg 3 mph NW wind): Start Temp End Temp: 65 (Celsius): Compendium: 9:22 AM SAPH COHA BUSH BEWR MODO PHAI CATH CORA WTKI COHU CALT Coyote Side-blotched lizard RCSP HOFI LEGO ATFL SPTO HOWR California ground squirrel 74 GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 4 Date: June 4, 2014 Polygon ID: 5 Surveyor: Barry Nerhus Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 6:30 AM End Time: Wind 3-5mph, cc 0% End Weather (cloud cover, Wind 3-5mph, cc 0% wind): Start Temp 64 F (Celsius): Compendium: 11:00 AM Common Raven Says Phoebe House Finch California Towhee Wrentit Least Bell's Vireo Lesser Goldfinch Spotted Towhee Lark Sparrow Blue Grosbeak Bushtit Rufous-crowned Sparrow Western Kingbird Costa's Hummingbird California Quail Western Meadowlark Cooper's Hawk Mourning Dove California Thrasher Hooded Oriole End Temp: 75 F GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: Polygon ID: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 5 4 4 6 6:30 AM June 9, 2014 Surveyor: Barry Nerhus End Time: 11:03 AM Cc 0%, wind 0 End Weather (cloud cover, Cc 0%, wind 0 wind): Start Temp 62 F (Celsius): Compendium: Date: White-tailed Kite House Finch Lesser Goldfinch California Quail Band-tailed Pigeon California Towhee California Thrasher Mourning Dove Common Raven Spotted Towhee Nuttall's Woodpecker End Temp: 77 F GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 4 Date: Polygon ID: 7 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:00 AM June 5, 2014 Karly Moore End Time: 0%cc, wind avg 0 End Weather (cloud cover, 0%cc, wind avg 1.5 mph SW wind): Start Temp End Temp: 65 (Celsius): Compendium: 9:26 AM CORA NRWS CATH LEGO MODO RTHA COHU BEWR HOFI CALT WTKI SPTO BUSH ATFL NUWO NOMO CAKI No CAGN detected. 75 Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot June 5, 2014 Survey #: 4 Surveyor: 8 Brian Karpman Start: 5:45 AM Weather: 0% cloud cover, wind 0 mph, 65F End: 9:45 AM Weather: 0% cloud cover, wind 0 mph, 81F Notes: Northern mockingbird, bushtit, song sparrow, house finch, morning dove, phenopepla, bewicks wren, California towhee, spotted towhee, California thrasher, scrub jay, black-headed gross beak, LBV, CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot June 6, 2014 Survey #: 4 Surveyor: 9 Jason Berkley Start: 6:00 AM Weather: 61 F, 0% cc with 0-1 mph winds End: 9:45 AM Weather: 75 F, 0% cc with 1-2 mph winds Notes: Wrentit, California towhee, phainopepla, spotted towhee, Bewick's wren, bluegrey gnatcatcher, house finch, mourning dove, western kingbird, lesser goldfinch, common raven, song sparrow, ash-throated flycatcher, California quail, black-headed grosbeak, northern rough-winged swallow, cliff swallow, brown-headed cowbird (1 male), purple martin (490921/3773047), red-tailed hawk, western scrub-jay, bushtit, CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot June 6, 2014 Survey #: 4 Surveyor: 10 Dickson Start: 7:00 AM Weather: 70 degrees / 0% cover /0-1 mph End: 10:30 AM Weather: 80 degrees / 0% cover / 0-1 mph Notes: COHU CAQU PHAIN HOFI LRGO CAKI CORA NOMB WESJ MODO ASFL CATO Ladder back CLSW RTHA CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 5 Date: Polygon ID: 1 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 6:30 AM June 10, 2014 Erik Lacoste End Time: 0% clouds! calm winds. End Weather (cloud cover, 0% clouds! winds 1-2 mph wind): Start Temp End Temp: 67 (Celsius): Compendium: 9:00 AM GRRO WEME SPTO ATFL AMKE NOMO ROWR RTHA LOSH MODO LEGO BLGR ANHU PHAI HOFI CALT COHA HOOR COHU CAKI BUSH 78 OTHER SENSITIVE SPECIES Species : Notes: Species: Notes: Species: LOSH Location (UTM): Family group, 2 adults 3 fledglings. COHA Location (UTM): Cooper's hawk with breakfast. Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Notes: 493847, 3771054 Location (UTM): 494057, 3771403 GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 5 Date: Polygon ID: 2 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 6:07 AM June 10, 2014 Karly Moore End Time: 0%cc, wind avg 1 mph east End Weather (cloud cover, 0%cc, wind avg 1 mph west wind): Start Temp End Temp: 58 (Celsius): Compendium: 8:37 AM BUOR ATFL WEME CORA LASP LAZB PHAI BLPH SAPH RTHA GRRO COHU MODO RTHA HOFI RCSP CALT AMGO NOMO BHGR CAKI 73 GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 5 Date: Polygon ID: 3 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 6:19 AM June 9, 2014 Moore End Time: 0%cc, wind zero End Weather (cloud cover, 0% cc! wind avg 2 mph N wind): Start Temp End Temp: 62 (Celsius): Compendium: 9:19 AM 80 Chased down a UNK gnatcatcher which turned out to be a BGGN. Already hot out and on the quiet side bird wise. No CAGN detected. NOMO CAQU CALT LASP ROWR HOOR RSFL BGGN CORA SAPH BUSH WEME Hummingbird sp. BCHU BEWR GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 5 Date: Polygon ID: 4 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:00 AM Barry Nerhus End Time: 11:00 AM Cc 0%, wind 0 End Weather (cloud cover, Cc 0%, wind 0 wind): Start Temp 61 F (Celsius): Compendium: June 12, 2014 House Finch California Towhee House Wren Lesser Goldfinch Red-tailed Hawk Spotted Towhee Western Meadowlark California Thrasher Nuttall's Woodpecker Band-tailed Pigeon End Temp: 65 F GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 5 Date: Polygon ID: 5 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:00 AM Barry Nerhus End Time: 11:00 AM Cc 0%, wind 0 End Weather (cloud cover, Cc 0%, wind 0 wind): Start Temp 61 F (Celsius): Compendium: June 11, 2014 House Finch California Towhee House Wren Lesser Goldfinch Red-tailed Hawk Spotted Towhee Western Meadowlark California Thrasher Nuttall's Woodpecker Band-tailed Pigeon End Temp: 65 F Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot June 16, 2014 Survey #: 5 Surveyor: 6 Jason Berkley Start: 6:45 AM Weather: 56 F, 10% cc with 0-1 mph winds End: 10:30 AM Weather: 72 F, 10% cc with 1-2 mph winds Notes: American crow, house finch, California towhee, white-tailed kite, wrentit, Say's phoebe, ash-throated flycatcher, mourning dove, northern mockingbird, California quail, spotted towhee, western meadowlark, common raven, Anna's hummingbird, great blue heron, phainopepla, California thrasher, CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot June 13, 2014 Survey #: 5 Surveyor: 7 Jason Berkley Start: 8:00 AM Weather: 0% cc with 1-2 mph winds, 66 F End: 11:00 AM Weather: 0% cc with 1-3 mph winds, 78 F Notes: Northern mockingbird, phainopepla, red-tailed hawk, house finch, California towhee, mourning dove, band-tailed pigeon, spotted towhee, northern roughwinged swallow, American kestral, Bewick's wren, ash-throated flycatcher, common raven, California thrasher, Nuttail's woodpecker, western meadowlark, Say's phoebe, lesser goldfinch, lesser nighthawk, western kingbird, wrentit, Anna's hummingbird, black-headed grosbeak, bullocks oriole, CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 5 Date: Polygon ID: 9 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:11 AM June 13, 2014 Moore End Time: 0%cc, wind 0 End Weather (cloud cover, 0%cc, wind avg 1mph west wind): Start Temp End Temp: 57 (Celsius): Compendium: 10:12 AM 75 PHAI CALT CATH RTHA CAQU HOFI LEGO Parrots NRWS GRRO ROWR WTKI ATFL BHGR RSFL WTSW BTPI MODO Dark morph NRWS brown, unlike the PUMA. Might be a hybrid. COHU BUSH GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: Polygon ID: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): Date: 5 10 Surveyor: 7:00 AM Barry Nerhus End Time: Cc 0%, wind 0 End Weather (cloud cover, Cc 0%, wind 0 wind): Start Temp 64F (Celsius): Compendium: June 13, 2014 Black Phoebe House Finch Rock Wren Costa's Hummingbird California Towhee Spotted Towhee Cactus Wren Bushtit Wrentit Mourning Dove Common Raven Western Kingbird American Kestrel Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Red-tailed Hawk End Temp: 70F GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 6 Date: Polygon ID: 1 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:00 AM June 17, 2014 Karly Moore End Time: 0%cc, wind avg 2 mph ENE End Weather (cloud cover, 0%cc, wind avg 4 mph E wind): Start Temp End Temp: 63 (Celsius): Compendium: 9:50 AM ATFL BUOR BHGR NOMO HOOR NRWS ANHU LEGO MODO EUST CALT PHAI ROWR LENI COHU BTPI CORA AMKE WEKI No CAGN detected. 70 GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 6 Date: Polygon ID: 2 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 6:30 AM Barry Nerhus End Time: 11:00 AM Cc 25%, wind 0-5mph End Weather (cloud cover, Cc 0%, wind 0-5 wind): Start Temp Temp 54F (Celsius): Compendium: June 16, 2014 End Temp: Western Meadowlark Mourning Dove Northern Mockingbird Spotted Towhee Phainopepla California Towhee Lark Sparrow Red-tailed Hawk California Thrasher California Quail Ash-throated Flycatcher Northern Rough-winged Swallow Say's Phoebe Lazuli Bunting 69F GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 6 Date: Polygon ID: 3 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 7:36 AM June 16, 2010 Karly Moore End Time: 30%cc, wind avg 2 mph north End Weather (cloud cover, 0%cc, wind avg 2 mph west wind): Start Temp End Temp: 54 (Celsius): Compendium: 9:41 AM WEME MODO VGSW WTSW ROWR SAPH CALT ATFL BUSH RTHA BTPI NOMO HOFI CORA CAKI PHAI No CAGN detected. 69 Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot June 24, 2014 Survey #: 6 Start: 9:45 AM Weather: 72F/5.9W/0% End: 11:15 PM Weather: 84F/5.9W 0% Notes: BHGR LEGO HOFI RTHA COHU HOWR CAQU AMCR CATO GRRR COHA CATO NOMO MODO SPTO CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Surveyor: 4 JS & JB GREENSPOT CAGN 2013-2014 Survey number: 6 Date: Polygon ID: 5 Surveyor: Start Time: Start weather (Cloud cover, wind (km/h): 9:00 AM Barry Nerhus End Time: 12:00 PM Cc 0%, wind 5-7 mph End Weather (cloud cover, Cc 0%, wind 0 wind): Start Temp 73F (Celsius): Compendium: June 17, 2014 Lazuli Bunting Say's Phoebe Spotted Towhee House Wren Least Bell's Vireo Lesser Goldfinch Yellow Warbler Bushtit End Temp: 77F OTHER SENSITIVE SPECIES Species : Notes: Species: Notes: Species: LBVI Location (UTM): Calling from the riparian area YEWA Location (UTM): Calling from the riparian area Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Location (UTM): Notes: Species: Notes: Location (UTM): Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot June 24, 2014 Survey #: 6 Surveyor: 6 Jason Berkley Start: 6:15 AM Weather: 61 F, 100% cc with 2-4 mph winds End: 8:45 AM Weather: 68 F, 10% cc with 1-3 mph winds Notes: House finch, common raven, phainopepla, California towhee, white-tailed kite, hooded oriole, mourning dove, western scrub-jay, western meadowlark, California thrasher, California quail, wrentit, Bewick's wren, ash-throated flycatcher, blue-grey gnatcatcher, blue grosbeak, song sparrow, spotted towhee, common yellowthroat, Say'shoebe, Anna's hummingbird, cliff swallow, lazuli bunting, CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Project name: Date: Polygon: Green spot June 18, 2014 Survey #: 6 Surveyor: 7 Dickson Start: 6:45 AM Weather: 55 degrees / 0% cover / 0-1 mph End: 10:00 AM Weather: 72 degrees / 0% cover / 3 mph Notes: WESJ CATH MODO WREN CAQU AMCR BUSH AMKE RTHA CAKI ASFL PHAIN CATO WEML SOSP CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot June 24, 2014 Survey #: 6 Surveyor: Start: 6:15 AM Weather: 66 F/0.1W/50% End: 9:15 AM Weather: 80 F/1.0W/0% Notes: CAKI LEGO WREN WTKI BHGR NOMO HOOR HOFI PHAN CATO ANHU CATH WEME BEWR CAQU CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): JS 8 Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot June 25, 2014 Survey #: 6 Surveyor: 9 Jason Berkley Start: 6:15 AM Weather: 64 F, 5% cc with 0-1 mph winds End: 9:30 AM Weather: 72 F, 5% cc with 2-5 mph winds Notes: House finch, spotted towhee, wrentit, phainopepla, western scrub-jay, mourning dove, common raven, blue-grey gnatcatcher, Anna's hummingbird, Nuttail's woodpecker, lesser goldfinch, bushtit, California towhee, California thrasher, song sparrow, Bewick's wren, black-headed grosbeak, Costa's hummingbird, California quail, pacific-slope flycatcher, red-tailed hawk, bandtailed pigeon, whit-tailed kite, northern rough-winged swallow, ash-throated flycatcher, rufous-crowned sparrow (491390/3772893), CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Project name: Date: Polygon: Greenspot June 25, 2014 Survey #: 6 Start: 6:00 PM Weather: 58 F/0.1/0% End: 10:00 PM Weather: 82 F/3.5/0% Notes: CATO SPTO CORA CAWR NOMO NUWO MODO PHAN HOFI HOWR BASW CAQU AMKE NRWS ATFL CAGN data(lat/ long, notes): Habitat Quality (inc. habitat, density, nonnative plants etc.): Surveyor: JS 10