The Official Publication of the California Association of School Transportation Officials CASTOways NOVEMBER 2015 School Bus Safety Awareness a Safety is Our Business Safety first By JENNIFER HANSHEW CASTO STATE PRESIDENT As we head into the holiday months I ask that you take some time to reflect on the accomplishments and successes that you have gained. October is a month of awareness for a lot of different things and within the month of October. It is also recognized for “School Bus Safety Awareness” I was honored to be able to go to Sacramento and accept the School Bus Safety Proclamation signed by governor brown, presented by the CHP commissioner. I cannot express what an honor it was to JENNIFER HANSHEW meet the CHP CASTO President Commissioner Joe Farrow; he is truly genuine and compassionate about the yellow school bus. Let me share with you what it states: School Bus Safety Awareness Month October is a crucial month for student transportation and children entering and exiting the school bus. Members of the motoring public should be attentive, cautious, and courteous around school buses and school bus stops where children are boarding or exiting a school bus, or being escorted across a busy street. The unified goal of California Highway Patrol, the Department of Education, and the California Association of School Transportation Officials is zero children injured or killed while loading or unloading from a school bus, and increased public awareness of pupil transportation safety. Signed by Governor Jerry Brown Thank you for allowing me the oppor- CASTO accepts the Governor's proclamation of School Bus Safety Month with CHP Commissioner Farrow. CDE offers new Instructor Refresher Program The California Department of Education’s Office of School Transportation (CDE, OST) has created a new course. The Instructor Refresher Program is a fast-paced condensed version of the original State Certified Instructor Program. This refresher course was created to support the ongoing education both in knowledge and skills for valid state certified instructors seeking to refine their instructional abilities. It offers guidance on lesson planning and behind-the-wheel teaching techniques, and will cover a variety of topics. The cost of this course will be a $50.00 nonrefundable course fee. However, lodging and meals will not be provided. (please see attachments) Please visit the Department’s website at www. for applications and attendance guidelines. For questions regarding this instructor bulletin or any of the certifications or training courses offered by the Department of Education’s Office of School Transportation, please call the OST at 916 375-7100. Instructor Refresher Course Schedule MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Defensive Driving CHP, DMV, CDE Responsibilities Staff Introduction Lesson Planning Brake Systems Afternoon Documentation FRIDAY Behind-the-Wheel Teaching Techniques (Classroom) Instructor Requirements Afternoon Afternoon 12:00 p.m. Loading and Unloading Behind-the-Wheel Teaching Techniques (Field) Legal Resources Conclusion Afternoon Teaching Techniques Classroom Management Continued on Page 4 ◆ CASTOways PO Box 7129 Citrus Heights, CA 95621 INSIDE THIS MONTH’S CASTOWAYS Rev 01/2016 Chapter News Chhapters are busy with Safety Workshops, Roadeos, future plans and other activities to start the new calendar year. ◆ PAGES 2 , 7 AND 8 Conference information Training Calendar All information on Registration, fees, lodging and proceedings for 48th annual State Conference in San Diego is available. Department of Education releases information on several different courses to be offered. ◆ PAGES 3 AND 4 ◆ PAGE 5 PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #36 PERRIS CA 92586 CASTOways 2 NOVEMBER 2015 CASTO • 2015-16 Executive Committee President.................................Jennifer Hanshew (661) 827-3199 ext. 51441 FAX: (661) 398-7042 [email protected] 1st Vice President ..................Christopher Bates 408-201-6323 ext. 60501 FAX: 408-776-1603 [email protected] [email protected] 2nd Vice President .....................Tony Peregrina (530) 406-5981 [email protected] Treasurer..............................................Mark Verch 855-227-8668 FAX: 831-761-2656 [email protected] Secretary.......................................... Tony Biscoe (805) 385-1501 ext. 2555 FAX: (805) 280-2494 email: [email protected] Immediate Past President ..............Nikki Hughes (916) 335-0882 email: [email protected] Prof./Associate Rep..................Debbie Schmidt (619) 886-2710 FAX: (619) 496-5103 [email protected] CHAPTER PRESIDENTS Chapter 1.................................................................Sam Anderson Southern San Bernardino, Riverside County (909) 307-5370 FAX: (909) 307-5374 email: [email protected] Chapter 2...........................................................Donna Wittenberg Orange County (714) 220-6950 FAX : (714)220-6903 email: [email protected] Chapter 3................................................................Kevin Wedemeyer San Diego, Imperial County (619) 691-5527 [email protected] Chapter 4...............................................................Sheri Armstrong Los Angeles County (818) 830-2258 FAX: (818) 891-8021 [email protected] Chapter 5.....................................................................Pam Medina Ventura, Southern Santa Barbara County (805) 641-2000 ext. 1325 FAX: (805) 653-7864 [email protected] Chapter 6.................................................................Andrew Peters Sacramento Area (530) 622-6464 ext. 2233 [email protected] Chapter 7............................................................Susan Moorehead San Francisco Bay Area (415) 939-5782 FAX: (408) 971-3416 email: [email protected] Chapter 8............................................... Cherie Pinheiro-Quinonez Fresno, Madera, Merced, Mariposa, Inyo County (559) 903-2432 [email protected] Chapter 9........................................................................ Kelly Sola San Luis Obispo County (805) 544-0435 ext. 236 FAX: (805) 549-0864 [email protected] Lisa Costanzo Chapter 10........................................................ Amanda Hightman Napa, Contra Costa, Solano (925) 260-9972 FAX: 925-779-7602 [email protected] Chapter 12.....................................................................Greg Straw Kern County (661) 472-8979 [email protected] Chapter 13.........................................................................Mike Rea Sonoma, Lake, Mendocino, Marin County (707) 206-9988 FAX: (707) 206-9901 email: [email protected] Chapter 14.............................................................. Vicki Wingfield King, Tulare, Inyo County (559) 730-7856 FAX: (559) 730-7625 email: [email protected] Chapter 15........................................................ Denise Cheeseman San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Calaveras County (209) 830-3200 x1710 FAX: (209) 830-3217 [email protected] Chapter 17.................................................................... Tania Kaylor Redding, Shasta, Wonderland (530) 221-4114 FAX: 530-945-7369 [email protected] Chapter 18...........................................................Derrick Campbell Humboldt, Del Norte County (704) 464-0250 [email protected] Chapter 20.................................................................... Doug Smith San Bernardino County/High Desert (760) 868-6739 FAX: (760) 868-4577 [email protected] CASTOWAYS Volume 21, Number 3 CASTOways is published monthly by The California Association of School Transportation Officials. Email information for publication to The CASTO Executive Board at [email protected] or castowayseditor@ CASTOways Editor Greg Straw • (661) 472-8979 Board Liaison Nikki Hughes • (714) 997-6244 Advertising Pam McDonald • (714) 997-6244 Publisher Golding Publications • (951) 244-1966 Copyright ©2011, CASTO The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials CHAPTER NEWS CHAPTER 12 The 31st annual Chapter 12 Safety Workshop was recently held at Ollivier Middle School in Bakersfield on November 7, 2015. Ninety-five attendees were present for the event that included sessions on Loading and Unloading, Mountain Driving, Preparing for CHP Renewal, Driver Self Assessment, Fire Extinguisher Use, and Methods of Air Brake Check. The day concluded with a great Tri-Tip lunch for all. Presenters included our guest speaker Dano Rybar from the Department of Education Office of School Transportation, Officer Elenna Demarah of the California Highway Patrol, Sherry Fanell from the Kern High School District, Shirley Wammock from the Kern County Superintendent of Schools, Luis Espinoza from Delano Union School District, Greg Straw, and representatives from the Kern County Fire Department Station Number 52. Lori Castillo of the Kern County Superintendent of Schools chaired the Raffle event and received donations from over fifteen local vendors as well as support from A-Z Bus Sales and Bus West. Melanie Ogle, also from KCSOS, organized the food preparation and the kitchen staff and Jason Fowler and Don Blakeney, both of Kern High, as well as Bill Ross from Bakersfield City Schools cooked the delicious Tri-Tip meal. Looking ahead to the future, the Chapter 12 Executive Board will be meeting on December 17, 2015 at the Kern County Superintendent of Schools to judge posters entered in the 2016 CASTO Poster Contest. Preparation will also soon begin on the School Bus Safety Roadeo Workshop to be held February 27, 2016 at the Kern County Superintendent of Schools Transportation Facility in Bakersfield. The members of Chapter 12 extend our thanks to all Veterans for their service to our country and hope that each of you has time later in the month to relax and spend time with your loved ones during the Thanksgiving holiday. Submitted by Greg Straw Chapter 12 President CHAPTER 13 On Saturday October 17, 2015, CASTO Chapter 13 had its annual school bus driver workshop at the Cloverdale Citrus Fairgrounds. There were approximately 60 drivers in attendance at the event that day. We provide approximately five hours of in-service time in a single-venue format. Kicking off the morning was a two-hour presentation highlighting driver complacency. Donna Anderson a consultant from the California Department of Education’s Office of School Transportation provided this program and training. As always, Donna is professional and her presentation is compelling. Feedback through the day reflected that it was an excellent program. Thank you, Donna! Our next program of the day was presented by Tim Pforsich, Supervisor of Transportation for Healdsburg Unified School District, and their State Certified School Bus Driver Instructor. Tim’s program was entitled, “Defensive Driving: What’s the Rush?”. This was an excellent and entertaining program. The program grabbed the audience’s attention right away. There was an audience partici- pation aspect that highlighted how much safer we are when we slow down. One of the key elements I learned was how to pronounce his name, accompanied by the proper hand gesture! Prior to beginning his career in school transportation, Tim had a full career as a flight instructor and an FAA Air Traffic Controller. Maybe next time we should have him give a course on how to manage high-stress environments! Our afternoon program was presented by Karen Krone, School Bus Driver Instructor with West County Transportation Agency. Karen is always a favorite of the crowd. Her program highlighted many of the elements she learned to become a ProAct trainer. She focused on difficult situations and techniques to de-escalate situations, protect yourself and keep your bus safe. Of course, the bus environment makes it much more difficult for us to manage difficult behaviors. Karen gave a great presentation. We had a continental breakfast. The President usually makes the coffee, and he didn’t screw it up this year. We had juice, coffee, bagels, nut breads and other delectable items. Continued on Page 7 ◆ CASTOways The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials NOVEMBER 2015 3 CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS CONFERENCE INFORMATION CONFERENCE INFORMATION CONFERENCE PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES All Conference activities, excluding bowling and golf, will be held at the Town and Country Resort with the Exhibit Show at the Convention Center. Thursday, March 17: Begin your conference activities with the Annual Golf Tournament. Friday, March 18: Join us for the annual bowling tournament. Bowling will begin at 11:00 am. Conference registration is open from 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm. Saturday, March 19: Conference general session begins at 8:00 a.m. with, Kevin Bracy, a fantastic keynote speaker. Following the general session, you will have several pre-conference break-out sessions from which to choose. Lunch will be on your own followed by more break-out sessions. The Exhibit Show at the Convention Center begins at 2:00 pm for those with VIP passes and 3:00 pm for all attendees. The Exhibit Show closes at 6:00 pm. The evening concludes with a delicious buffet dinner at pool side with a Cruise Ship theme. Come dance to the music of DJ’s Joe and Charlene. As CASTO celebrates 48 years of pupil transportation safety, we invite you to join us at the 2016 CASTO State Conference in beautiful San Diego, California, March 19-21, 2016. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? School Board Members School Administrators Transportation Administrators Vehicle Maintenance Managers Instructors/BTW Trainers Early Childhood Educators Dispatchers School Bus Drivers Industry Suppliers As CASTO celebrates 48 years Chief Business Officials Mechanics Head Start Professionals Bus Attendants Sunday, March 20: Conference opens with breakfast, the poster contest winner, awards, election results, installation of the CASTO 2016-2017 State Executive Board and a keynote speaker. Following the lunch on-your-own break, conference attendees will participate in more training in the afternoon break-out sessions. Supplier “Meet and Greet”, Sunday Night at pool side. Didn’t get to talk long enough to your favorite supplier at the trade show? No problem! Now you can at the pool side party from 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm and the evening will conclude with a heavy Hors d’Oeuvres at pool side. Enjoy music and dancing with DJ’s Joe and Charlene. Monday, March 21: Conference programs begin at 8:00 am. Expect a full day of training, of pupil transportation safety, we invite you to join us at the 2016 networking, information, legislation information and the State Agency Panel. CASTO State Conference in beautiful San Diego, California, March 19-21, 2016. CASTO FACTS CASTO was founded in 1968 and is the officially recognized state pupil transportation organization CASTO membership exceeds 1500 with hundreds in attendance at the State Conference CASTO provides a communication network of pupil transportation experts throughout California and the nation CASTO is the legislative for pupil transportation in Sacramento Schoolvoice Board Members School Administrators A full-conference package will include all general sessions, all break-out sessions, the Saturday night buffet dinner, Exhibit Show, Sunday breakfast WHO SHOULD ATTEND? GOLF TOURNAMENT Chief Business Officials The Golf Tournament will on Thursday, March 17, 2016 Transportation Administrators Vehicle Maintenance Managers Mechanics CONFERENCE FACILITIES AND HOUSING More information coming soon Instructors/BTW Trainers Early Childhood Educators Head Start Professionals The host hotel for the 2016 conference is the Town and Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, 500 Hotel Circle School North, San Bus DiegoDrivers Dispatchers Bus Attendants Reservations must be made individually no later than February 24, 2016. Industry Suppliers BOWLING TOURNAMENT Golfing not your “cup of tee?” Join us for the CASTO Bowling Tournament, 11:00 am, Friday, March 18, 2016, at Kearny Mesa Bowl, 7585 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, 92111. (858) 279-1501. The Tournament will begin at 11:00 a.m. and state consist of 3 games. Transportation will be provided from the hotel. The bus will depart from the hotel was founded in 1968 and is the officially recognized pupil transportation organization lobby area at 10:15 a.m. Individual cost is $40.00. Lane sponsorship is available at $200 per lane. Lane membership exceeds 1500 with hundreds in attendance at the State Conference Sponsorships include one free bowler registration. All those participating in the bowling tournament must complete a bowling registration form and return it to the conference provides a communication network of pupil transportation experts throughout California and registrar. CASTO FACTS CASTO CASTO CASTO the nation CASTO is the legislative voice for pupil transportation in Sacramento FACILITIES AND HOUSING HOUSING RESERVATIONS ANDCONFERENCE PARKING California Association of School Transportation Officials 48th Annual State Conference & Exhibit Show March 19-21, 2016 The host hotel for the 2016 Room rates at the Town and Country Resort are $125.00, plus tax. To make your reservations, call the hotel at conference is the Town & Country Hotel Resort, San Diego, CA. (800)772-8527. (Don’t forget to identify yourself CASTO to receive this discounted room rate). Town andas Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, 500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego Self-parking rate is $12.00 per day for hotel guest & $4.00/hr. for locals not to exceed $15.00 per day. NAME: __________________________________________________________CASTO Number____________________ Reservations must be made individually no later than February 24, 2016. (As you wish it to appear on your name badge) (Required for price discount) TITLE:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION INFORMATION CASTO members only can take advantage of the “Limited Time Special” that expires on December 31, 2015. Full-conference registration and payment postmarked no later than February 19, 2016 will receive the EarlyBird discount. For more information, see the registration form. Additional meal tickets will be available on a date-received basis until maximum limits are reached. We encourage you to register early to guarantee your attendance at the conference. Purchase orders will be accepted up to March 4, 2016. Cancellation requests must be in writing and postmarked no later than March 4, 2016. You may fax your cancellation request to (831) 761-2656 or email us. CASTO will assess a 10% fee to cover the cost involved with cancellations. There will be no refunds for cancellations received after March 4, 2016 or for no shows. CASTO will impose a $25.00 fee for returned checks. Questions and Information: email Mark at [email protected] or call toll-free 855-CASTO68 (855-227-8668) Payment is due with your registration. If no payment is enclosed, your registration will not be accepted (except purchase orders). Onsite Registration will be open the following hours: Friday, March 19, 2016 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Saturday, March 20, 2016 Sunday, March 21, 2016 6:30 am – 10:30 am 11:30 am – 1:30 pm 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm 6:30 am – 7:30 am 11:30 am – 1:30 pm COMPANY NAME: __________________________________________________________________________________ (No Abbreviations) ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________________________________________STATE______________ZIP________________ TELEPHONE:___________________________________________FAX:________________________________________ EMAIL: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION FEES: Please choose cost based on date specifications: Members st Non-Members Total Limited Time Special Full Registration Fee (Before December 31 ) $295 N/A ________ Early Bird Full Registration Fee (on or before February 19th) $350 $425 ________ Full Registration Fee (after February 19th) $375 $450 ________ Full Conference Retired $275 N/A ________ Saturday Pre Conference (Classes & Exhibit show only) $ 50 $ 75 ________ Saturday Full Package (Includes All Saturday Sessions, Exhibit Show & Dinner) $125 $150 ________ All FULL Conference Packages listed above include: Includes all Conference Sessions Saturday Exhibit Show Saturday “Cruise Ship” themed night Buffet Dinner Sunday Breakfast Meet & Greet on Sunday Sunday Package (includes all Sessions, Breakfast, Meet & Greet) $150 $175 ________ Monday Package (All Monday Sessions) $100 $125 ________ Additional Items: Saturday Dinner COST $ 65 Qty ______ ________ Sunday Breakfast $ 45 ______ ________ Additional meal tickets will be available on a date-received basis until maximum limits are reached. Total Amount Due (Part 1) PAYMENT INFORMATION ON LAST PAGE ________________ CASTOways 4 NOVEMBER 2015 The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials CASTO Conference information (cont.)… ◆ Continued from Page 3 California Association of School Transportation Officials PAYMENT INFORMATION 48th Annual State Conference & Exhibit Show March 19-21, 2016 NAME: __________________________________________________________ Town & Country Hotel Resort, San Diego, CA. DISTRICT/COMPANY: ______________________________________________ Purchase orders will be accepted up to March 4, 2016. BOWLING TOURNAMENT Join us for the CASTO Bowling Tournament, 11:00 am, Friday, April 11th, 2014 at Kearny Mesa Bowl, 7585 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, 92111. (858) 279-1501. The Tournament will begin at 11:00 a.m. and consist of 3 games. Transportation will be provided from the hotel. The bus will depart from the hotel lobby area at 10:30 a.m. Individual cost is $40.00. Lane sponsorship is available at $200 per lane. Lane Sponsorships include one free bowler registration. All those participating in the bowling tournament must complete a bowling registration form and return it to the conference registrar. Please use a separate registration form for each person. Cancellation requests must be in writing and postmarked no later than March 4, 2016. You may fax your cancellation request to (831) 761-2656 or email us. CASTO will assess a 10% fee to cover the cost involved with cancellations. There will be no refunds for cancellations received after March 4, 2016 or for no shows. CASTO will impose a $25.00 fee for returned checks. Payment is due with your registration. Include all registration forms along with payment. If no payment is enclosed, your registration will not be accepted (except purchase orders). Total enclosed or to be charged from registration forms (part 1 & 2) $_______________ Payment Method Check Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Purchase Order Credit Card Credit Card Information: Circle One: Visa / MasterCard Name on Card ________________________________________________ District/Company _____________________________________________________________________________________ Billing Address on Card ________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Card Number ________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________State ________Zip ___________ Expiration Date ________________________________________________ Security Card Numbers ________________________________________________ Phone (______) __________________________ I wish to authorize the purchase of services/merchandise from California Association of School Transportation Officials (CASTO), using this Credit Card Authorization Form. I agree that I will pay for this purchase and indemnify and hold CASTO harmless against any liability pursuant to this authorization. I understand that my signature on this form will serve as the authorized signature on the credit card charge slip. This authorization is valid for a period of six (6) months. Bowling Tournament - Friday, March 18, 2016 Please use a separate registration form for each person. ___________________________________________________ COST QTY TOTAL Bowling Individual (see addition information below) $40.00 _______ _______ Make checks payable to CASTO Bowling Lane Sponsor (Sponsor includes 1 free bowler) $200.00 _______ _______ Mail completed Registration to: CASTO - PO Box 205, Aromas, CA 95004 or fax to 831-761-2656. Total Amount Due (Part 2) Signature Questions and Information: email Mark at [email protected] or call toll-free 855-CASTO68 ext. 102 (855-227-8668) ________ CASTO USE ONLY INDICATE PREFERENCE FOR BOWLING PARTNERS BELOW (Leave blank if you wish to be assigned to a team) 1_________________________________________ 2______________________________________ 3_________________________________________ Bowling information: Mark Verch: 4______________________________________ Email: [email protected] or (855-227-8668) PAYMENT INFORMATION ON LAST PAGE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION 825 Riverside Pkwy., Ste. 110 West Sacramento, CA 95605 Phone: 916-375-7100 Fax: 916-375-7110 Website: REFRESHER COURSE APPLICATION Date Received ________________________________________________ Purchase Order # ________________________________________________ Invoice # ________________________________________________ Billing Date ________________________________________________ Date PO Paid ________________________________________________ Check # ________________________________________________ Auth # ________________________________________________ Section 3 – Instructor Limitations: Instructor ID: Please select the areas in which you are certified: Check One: Check One: School Bus SPAB Transit No Instructional Limitations Farm Labor Classroom Only Behind-the-Wheel Only Shall Not Document Training Instructions: Please print or type all requested information. Completed application and course fee must be mailed to the above address. Applications without payment will not be accepted. Section 1 – Applicant Information: Section 4 – Certification and Course Fee: Instructor Refresher Program 1st Choice: (OST-West Sacramento) Applicant Signature: Name: Home Mailing Address: City: State and Zip Code: County: Home Phone: Cell Phone: 2nd Choice: Print: Date: NOTE: Signature certifies that the information provided in this application by the applicant is true and that the applicant has not knowingly made a false statement or concealed any material fact. Home E-mail Address: Course Fee Date of Birth: Driver License Number: Class: Endorsement(s): Restriction(s): A B California Special Driver Certificate: Check one School Bus SPAB Transit Farm Labor Restriction(s): $50.00 (Check/Money Order payable to the California Department of Education) There is no additional application fee for this program beyond the course fee of $50.00. Travel, lodging, and meals are the responsibility of the applicant. Please make check or money order payable to: California Department of Education. No cash or credit card payments accepted. Course fee is non-refundable, but credit may be applied toward future programs offered by the California Department of Education, Office of School Transportation. Section 2 – Employer Information: Independent Instructor: Check box if you are an Independent Instructor Primary Employer: Primary Employer Mailing Address: City: State and Zip Code: County: Primary Employer Phone Number: Fax: Primary Employer E-mail Address: APP-11 (REV 1/2016) 1 President's message (cont.)… ◆ Continued from Page 1 tunity to accept this award on behalf of CASTO. Keep up the great job that you do every day. Remember to visit to get the newest information on the upcoming 48th annual CASTO State Conference to be held in sunny San Diego in March 2016. I cannot express this enough: “Never hold your head down, 2 never say you can’t, never limit yourself, and never stop believing!” APP-11 (REV 1/2016) — Author unknown CASTOways The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials State Department releases 2016 CDE/OST Training Calendar The California Department of Education, Office of School Transportation (CDE/ OST) is pleased to release the 2016 CDE/ OST Training Calendar. In addition to the Bus Driver Instructor Certification Course, the calendar includes the Administrator Course, Special Needs Course, Mountain Driving Instructor Course and the Instructor Refresher Course (new) dates. Applications are currently being accepted for the June 2016 Bus Driver Instructor Certification Course to be held June 5 through June 24, 2016. If you have plans on sending an applicant to this course, we encourage you to submit the application as soon as possible to secure a spot in the June course. The January 24th through February 12, 2016 class is already full. Please visit the CDE,OST website at for applications and attendance guidelines. For questions regarding this instructor bulletin or any of the certifications or courses offered by the Department of Education’s Office of School Transportation, please call the OST at 916 375-7100 NOVEMBER 2015 5 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of School Transportation 2016 OST Training Calendar Bus Driver Instructor Certification Course Class #294 January 24th – February 12th Class #295 June 5th – June 24th Class #296 July 24th – August 12th Bus Driver Instructor Refresher Course Class #001 April 18th – 22nd Class #002 September 12th – 16th Special Needs Course Class #075 May 17th – 18th Class #076 December 6th – 7th Mountain Driver Instructor Course Class #008 September 25th – September 30th Transportation Administrator Course Class #020 School Bus Driver Training October 31st – November 4th California Department of Education, Office of School Transportation 825 Riverside Parkway ● Suite 110 ● West Sacramento ● CA● 95605 916-375-7100 ● FAX 916-375-7110 This list is updated on a monthly basis. Please call the EMS Authority to confirm a training approval status a program does notto confirm a training program’s approval status if a program does not appear This list is updated on program’s a monthly basis. Please callif the EMS Authority appear on this list. on this list. Schedule Subject to Change Based on the Needs of the Department Organization/Program Manager Address/Phone Expiration A-B-CPR & First Aid Training 3717 Camino del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108-4005 (619) 281-3304 Fax (619) 342-4431 10/31/2016 1450 Westec Dr Eugene, OR 97402-9189 (800) 246-5101 390 Fax (541) 344-7429 2/29/2016 7435 Unversity Ave., #104 La Mesa, CA 91942-9057 (619) 469-7109 Fax (619) 469-1398 5/31/2019 640 Stemel Ct. Milpitas, CA 95035-3566 (408) 262-0909 Fax (408) 262-0889 4/30/2017 5 Wall Street Burlington, MA 01803 (800) 541-5696 Fax (904) 621-9015 10/31/2016 1046 Calle Recodo Ste K San Clemente, CA 92673 (800) 215-9555 107 Fax (949) 388-2776 9/30/2018 1450 Westec Dr Eugene, OR 97402-9189 (800) 800-7099 Fax (541) 344-7429 8/31/2016 1121 Spring Lake Dr Itasca, IL 60143-3201 800) 621-7615 52336 Fax (630) 285-9594 9/30/2017 Organization/Program Manager Address/Phone Expiration Save-A-Life Educators Inc 13695 Alta Loma Ln Jamul, CA 91935-1604 (619) 669-9911 Fax (619) 669-3738 2/28/2017 630 Debbie Pl Escondido, CA 92026 (760) 738-3700 Fax (760) 738-3700 Expired 3/31/2015 19742 MacArthur Blvd Ste 150 Irvine, CA 92612-2444 (949) 251-9085 Fax (949) 852-0971 7/31/2017 Mike Long American Safety & Health Institute Ralph Shenefelt AmeriMed Christine Gallagher Critical Moments Safety Training Pamela Wells ECSI Ped Facts Denise Howard EMS Safety Services, Inc. Robert E Pryce Medic First Aid International Ralph Shenefelt William Rowe National Safety Council Barbara Caracci Donna Siegfried Vicki Igou The Training Source Catherine Hicks University Training Center Inc. Robin Ann Lipscomb CASTOways 6 NOVEMBER 2015 The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials CASTO CALENDAR State Board of Directors 2015-2016 DATE EVENT TIME & LOCATION September 12, 2015 State Board Meeting Sacramento October 7-9, 2015 Managers Forum South Lake Tahoe November 14, 2015 State Board Meeting Ontario January 09, 2016 State Board Meeting Sacramento March 19-21, 2016 State Conference San Diego, CA April 30, 2016 Roadeo TBA May 07, 2016 Roadeo TBA May 29, 2016 Championship Roadeo TBA June 11, 2016 State Board Meeting Ontario June 16-17, 2016 Mechanics Workshop South Lake Tahoe July 15-16, 2016 Officers Workshop TBA ub Castoways 10.3125" x 15.625 Inspire your seat design with all th Inspire yourinnovative seat design withwe all bring the together ideas innovative ideas we bring together. Get a fresh perspective on your bus seat challenges with the design innovation and integrated manufacturing of the one exper ays 10.3125" x 15.625 who brings it all together—HSM Transportation Solutions. We’re rewriting the rules by combining the capabilities of three indust Get a fresh perspective on your bus seat challenges with the design innovation and integrated manufacturing of the one expert leaders—Triad Fabco, C.E. White, and Hickory Springs—along with our dedicated Innovation Center to provide the components, who brings it all together—HSM Transportation Solutions. We’re rewriting the rules by combining the capabilities of three industry design, and collaboration to meet demanding OEM product specifications and end-customer quality requirements. From metal leaders—Triad Fabco, C.E. White, and Hickory Springs—along with our dedicated Innovation Center to provide the components, forming to virgin foam to molded rebond. From sewn seat covers to child restraint seats to driver seats. Discover how our creati design, and collaboration to meet demanding OEM product specifications and end-customer quality requirements. From metal flair can make your bus seat perform brilliantly. forming to virgin foam to molded rebond. From sewn seat covers to child restraint seats to driver seats. Discover how our creative flair can make your bus seat perform brilliantly. See how it all comes together at See how it all comes together at Inspire your seat design with all the innovative ideas we bring together. P. O. Box 128 Hickory, ©2013 HSM NC 28603 P. O. Box 128 Hickory, NC 28603 828.328.2201 828.328.2201 a fresh perspective on your bus seat challenges with the design innovation and integrated manufacturing of the one expert Inspire Get your seat design with all the ©2013 HSM brings it all together—HSM Transportation Solutions. We’re rewriting the rules by combining the capabilities of three industry who innovative ideas we bring together. leaders—Triad Fabco, C.E. White, and Hickory Springs—along with our dedicated Innovation Center to provide the components, Get a fresh perspective on your bus seat challenges with the design innovation and integrated manufacturing of the one expert design, and collaboration to meet demanding OEM product specifications and end-customer quality requirements. From metal who brings it all together—HSM Transportation Solutions. We’re rewriting the rules by combining the capabilities of three industry leaders—Triad Fabco, C.E. White, and Hickory Springs—along with our dedicated Innovation Center to provide the components, forming to virgin foam to molded rebond. From sewn seat covers to child restraint seats to driver seats. Discover how our creative design, and collaboration to meet demanding OEM product specifications and end-customer quality requirements. From metal forming to virgin foam to molded rebond. From sewn seat covers to child restraint seats to driver seats. Discover how our creative hsm2321-1WSBusSeat-castD1.indd 1 flair can make your bus seat perform brilliantly. flair can make your bus seat perform brilliantly. See how it all comes together at sm2321-1WSBusSeat-castD1.indd 1 See how it all comes together at 10/25/13 8:18 AM The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials CASTOways CHAPTER NEWS ◆ Continued from Page 2 Our lunch featured ravioli, pasta, salad and garlic bread from Mary’s Pizza Shack. The ravioli enhancement and much of the lunch cost was covered by a generous donation from A-Z Bus Sales and Gabe Hightman. Thank you!! In addition A-Z provided some goodies for our attendees. Bus West and Darren Salo also provided some other goodies for our attendees. We sincerely appreciate this support. We had a 50-50 raffle that featured a $140 payout! We also had a raffle that includes about 40 hand-made gift baskets, wooden items and wine. Many of our attendees came away with prizes. In addition, Chapter 13 sold t-shirts and mugs to help support the chapter. It was a marvelous day and we look forward to providing a similar workshop next year! Submitted by Mike Rea Chapter 13 President CHAPTER 17 It was a beautiful sunny day…over 60 attendees scattered about in their school buses everywhere, maneuvering around barricades and through obstacles, practicing to become the best that they can be! September 19, 2015, Chapter 17 hosted our Fall Workshop. The focus at this year’s workshop was “School Bus Safety Roadeo.” Tony Peregrina, Director of Transportation at Woodland Joint Union School District and Kevin Sellstrom, Director of Transportation at Galt Joint Union High School District were our wonderful presenters. All attendees enjoyed the first session of the workshop in the classroom covering; right and left turns, parallel parking, student loading and unloading and backing. Tony and Kevin shared with them the importance of proper mirror use, vehicle movement and how to properly maneuver their buses through each event. Then Tony and Kevin took the drivers outside where they practiced with their buses on the course that was set up in the parking lot. The drivers encouraged and supported each other while they put their driving skills to the test! Continued on Page 8 ◆ ® NOVEMBER 2015 7 CASTOways 8 NOVEMBER 2015 The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials CHAPTER NEWS ◆ Continued from Page 7 A fabulous Tri-Tip lunch prepared by Ed and Linda Jestes was enjoyed by everyone! Chapter 17 will continue with the second half of the “School Bus Safety Roadeo Workshop” at our 36th Annual Workshop which is held February 6, 2016. Thank you Tony and Kevin….A great day was had by ALL!! Submitted by Tania Kaylor Chapter 17 President CHAPTER 3 The annual Chapter 3 Workshop was held on October 24, 2015 at San Diego Unified School District’s Transportation Yard. Presenters were Susie Reese, Director of Transportation from Vista Unified School District; John Lewis, Driver Instructor from Los Angeles Unified School District; Mark Blair, Driver Trainer from San Diego Unified School District; and Tina Post, School Bus Area Coordinator from California Highway Patrol, Oceanside. Topics taught were: Distracted Driving, Driving Under The Influence, Passenger Management, & Railroad Crossings. It was a great day for training and improving skills. Submitted by Robelyn C. Watson CHAPTER 1 Our first meeting of the year was held on September 22 where we swore in our new Chapter Board members. Since our last year’s elections we have had some changes At the Chapter 3 Workshop in the Board. Matt Thomas our 1st Vice President has moved to Orange County where he is now the Director of Transportation at Anaheim Union School District so he will be joining the Chapter 2 team. Carl Kovach who has been a long time CASTO member has moved to Kentucky to be closer to his family, Carl was our web master for the Chapter. Maybe he will still be our web master remotely. We set the date for our workshop for January 30, 2016 and it will be held again at the Citrus Valley HS in Redlands. We have some great classes set to present with an emphasis on Special Needs which is always very popular. We have not changed the cost of the workshop in over 15 years at a price of $25 if paid in advance and a $5 discount for non-members, the cost is $35 at the door. We will have some great prizes starting with a 50” TV and many more prizes. Look for the workshop flyer in Castoways! We are still working on the Roadeo date but we are looking at the end of February or the middle of March. We are looking forward to recruiting some new members to help with the Workshop and Roadeo so don’t be shy, raise your hand and volunteer. Submitted by Sam Anderson CASTO Chapter 1 President CHAPTER 20 Greetings, from the High desert where it is windy… Again. In September I had the pleasure of holding my first Chapter 20 meeting with me as their Commander and Chief. Thank goodness for our past president, John Cain, past treasure Sandy Dillman and Robert and his Rules of Order (lol). The three of them had their work cut out for them keeping the meeting on track and in order. They had an even harder time keeping me from running amuck. For those of you that have never tried to run a meeting, of any kind, it is a very humbling experience. You must remember to do all that needs to be done, calling for the question, when to take a vote and other such things. Things that are supposed to be done a certain way, and in a certain order ...WHO KNEW?? Since this is the first time I have ever taken a political position of any kind, I have a whole lot to learn. As the new Chapter 20 President, I PROMISE TO FIGHT FOR A FOUR DAY WORK WEEK, HIGHER PAY FOR ALL and WORLD PEACE…oh sorry about that, I got caught up in that president thing. Okay, so maybe not World Peace. I do promise that I will help work on goals and agendas to focus our chapter and CASTO on promoting safer school bus transportation. One of the first things is getting more people involved in School Bus Safety Roadeo. School Bus Safety Roadeo makes good drivers better and great drivers amazing. Just to let you all know, our night roadeo is on hold for a while, some red tape got in the way. However, in February on the 16th Chapter 20 will be holding an almost hands on roadeo workshop. Almost hands on because we can’t let you drive the bus, but you will ride in the bus. We will set up most of the events and walk drivers through step by step. We will stop and explain how to do each event, letting you see in the mirrors what the champions see and showing you what they do to win!!! I had the pleasure of attending my first Manager’s Forum in beautiful Lake Tahoe. Wow, what an amazing place and time. I met a lot of people from the industry and made some very good contacts. If you have never attended a conference before you should think about attending the next one. The things you learn, just sitting in the room make you a better driver. You get to network with drivers, managers and supervisors from around the state. You can ask questions of industry professionals, and see some of the bigger picture that as a driver we don’t get to see. So mark your calendars for the next one you will have a blast. We, at Chapter 20 look forward to a great year. We hope to see you at our workshops. We also would like to see you at a roadeo or two. Even if you don’t want to compete in roadeo you should stop by and say Hi. You never know what may happen…we just might talk you into doing it. Please, feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how to roadeo or what we have happening for our Chapter. That’s all to report from the High Desert…Remember keep the shiny side up and rubber side down, Safety is free so use it generously. Submitted by Doug Smith Chapter 20 President The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials CASTOways NOVEMBER 2015 9 CASTOways 10 NOVEMBER 2015 The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials CASTO CHAPTER BOUNDARIES AND PRESIDENTS FOR 2015-2016 CASTO CHAPTER BOUNDARIES and PRESIDENTS for 2015 - 2016 DEL NORTE Ch. 18 – Derrick Campbell SISKIYOU (704) 464-0250 [email protected] MODOC Ch. 17 – Tania Kaylor 18 (530) 945-7369 [email protected] 17 TRINITY SHASTA LASSEN Ch. 13 – Mike Rea (707) 206-9988 x211 [email protected] HUMBOLDT TEHAMA Ch. 6 – Andrew Peters PLUMAS GLENN MENDOCINO BUTTE (530) 622-6464 x2233 [email protected] SIERRA Lisa Ch. Emigh 10 – Amanda Hightman NEVADA COLUSA 13 LAKE YUBA SUTTER 6 SACRAMENTO NAPA SOLANO SAN FRANCISCO SAN MATEO CONTRA COSTA SAN JOAQUIN ALAMEDA CALAVERAS 7 Ch. 8 – Cherie Pinheiro-Quinonez TUOLUMNE 15 STANISLAUS SANTA CLARA SANTA CRUZ MARIPOSA Ch. 14 – Vicki Wingfield (559) 730-7856 (559) 730-7625 FAX [email protected] 8 MADERA Ch. 12 – Greg Straw FRESNO SAN BENITO 19 SAN LUIS OBISPO (855) 227-8668 x102 (805) 544-04355 x236 (805) 549-0864 FAX [email protected] SANTA BARBARA (760) 868-6739 (760) 868-4577 FAX [email protected] 12 9 Ch. 9 – Kelly Sola Ch. 20 – Doug Smith TULARE KINGS Ch. 19 (661) 472-8979 [email protected] INYO 14 MONTEREY Ch. 5 – Pam Medina (559) 903-2432 [email protected] MONO MERCED Ch. 7 – Susan Moorehead (415) 647-0109 (415) 647-7354 FAX [email protected] (209) 830-3200 x1710 (209) 830-3217 FAX [email protected] ALPINE AMADOR 10 MARIN Ch. 15 – Denise Cheeseman EL DORADO YOLO SONOMA (707)624-9106x7402 779-7623 (707) 779-7602 FAXFAX (916) (916) 624-5297 [email protected] [email protected] PLACER KERN SAN BERNARDINO 5 (805) 641-2000 x1325 (805) 653-7864 [email protected] VENTURA 20 LOS ANGELES 4 Ch. 4 – Sheri Armstrong (818) 830-2258 (818) 891-8021FAX [email protected] ORANGE Ch. 2 – Donna Wittenberg (714) 220-6950 (714) 220-6903 FAX [email protected] Ch. 1 – Sam Anderson (909) 307-5370 (909) 307-5374 FAX [email protected] 2 1 RIVERSIDE SAN DIEGO IMPERIAL 3 Ch. 3 – Kevin Wedemeyer (619) 691-5527 [email protected] CASTOways The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials CDE announces new fee structure NOVEMBER 2015 11 INFORMATION BULLETIN Beginning January 1, 2016, the California Department of Education’s Office of School Transportation (CDE/OST) will be changing its fee structure policy on many of its training courses and certifications (see attachment). Before submitting any application, carriers are encouraged to carefully select qualified individuals that have the necessary driving skills, the enthusiasm to teach, and the ability to communicate with other drivers while meeting all of the minimum qualifications set forth in the California Education Code. Please visit the Department’s website at for applications and attendance guidelines. For questions regarding this instructor bulletin or any of the certifications or training courses offered by the Department of Education’s Office of School Transportation, please call the OST at 916-375-7100. CDE Instructor Bulletin 15-55 October 12, 2015 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, OFFICE OF SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION APPLICATION AND TRAINING FEES Beginning January 1, 2016, the California Department of Education’s Office of School Transportation (CDE/OST) will be changing its fee structure policy on many of its training courses and certifications. If the training course or certification has an application fee associated with it, the following applies: Application fees are non-refundable Application fees are due at the time the application is received Application fees must be paid by check or money order only, made payable to CDE, and must not be combined with training or certification fees. Before submitting any application, carriers are encouraged to carefully select qualified individuals that have the necessary driving skills, the enthusiasm to teach, and the ability to communicate with other drivers while meeting all of the minimum qualifications set forth in the California Education Code. CDE/OST Courses and Application Fees (If applicable) Bus Driver Instructor Certification Course (includes lodging, but does not include transportation or meals) Application fee $35.00 (to be sent with application) Course fee $1,000.00 (to be sent on or before the first day of class) Delegated Behind-the-Wheel Trainer Certification Application fee $35.00 (to be sent with application) Certification fee $150.00 per evaluation (to be sent with application) Instructor Re-Certification Application fee $35.00 (to be sent with application) Re-certification fee $300.00 per evaluation (to be sent with application) Transportation Administrator Course (does not include lodging, transportation, or meals) No application fee Course fee $500.00 (to be sent with application) Special Needs Course (does not include lodging, transportation, or meals) No application fee Course fee $150.00 (to be sent with application) Mountain Driver Instructor Course (includes lodging, but does not include transportation or meals) No application fee Course fee $1,000.00 (to be sent with application) Bus Driver Instructor Refresher Course (does not include lodging, transportation, or meals) No application fee Course fee $50.00 (nonrefundable) Cancellation Policy If you cancel 90 days or more prior to any training course, you will be refunded 100% of the course fee If you cancel less than 90 days but more than 30 days prior to any training course, you will be refunded 50% of the course fee If you cancel less than 30 days prior to any training course, you will be ineligible for a refund Cancellation Requests Cancellation requests will only be accepted in writing, and must be mailed to CDE/OST at 825 Riverside Parkway, Suite 110, West Sacramento, CA 95605. CDE/OST will use the postmark date to determine the cancellation request date. Please visit the Department’s website at for applications and attendance guidelines. For questions regarding this instructor bulletin or any of the certifications or training courses offered by the Department of Education’s Office of School Transportation, please call the OST at 916-375-7100. STATE OF CALIFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL September 25, 2015 SCHOOL PUPIL TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE VACANCIES The School Pupil Transportation Advisory Committee, an eleven-member panel, composed of representatives from the school pupil transportation industry and regulatory state agencies, anticipates three vacancies: Urban School Districts representative, Urban School Bus Contractors representative, and American Academy of Pediatrics representative. The California Highway Patrol extends its sincere appreciation to Dr. Phyllis Agran, Ms. Liz Sanchez, and Mr. Chet White, for their contributions to the committee while serving, respectively, in the above positions. The above positions will become vacant on December 31, 2015, and candidates are being sought to fill the vacancies. Terms for all positions will commence on January 1, 2016, and expire on December 31, 2017. Individuals interested in serving on the committee must submit résumés no later than November 1, 2015, to the address below. School Pupil Transportation Advisory Committee California Highway Patrol Research and Planning Section P. O. Box 942898 Sacramento, CA 94298-0001 Any questions regarding this Information Bulletin may be directed to Research and Planning Section at (916) 843-3340. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OPI: 061 CASTOways 12 NOVEMBER 2015 The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials CASTO State Board Meeting held in Sacramento California Association of School Transportation Officials State Board Meeting MINUTES Saturday, September 12, 2015 10:30 am Four Points by Sheraton Sacramento International Airport 4900 Duckhorn Drive Sacramento, CA 95834 I. Vendor Direct will take place at the Business Forum. Biggest change in the industry is occurring in the area of alternative fuels (electric, diesel with traps, propane and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). CNG is available in any vehicle size. California Energy Commission (CEC) has funds available for CNG. Districts have to apply directly to the CEC. Gasoline powered vehicle are being offered in larger vehicles. There are no grants available for gasoline powered vehicles. OPENING – President Hanshew called the meeting to order at 10:34 AM Allison/Eaton has new transmission with 5 year warranty. A. Pledge of allegiance – Doug Smith B. Attendance Thomas C2 coming out with vehicle control stability. Daimler/Chrysler purchased 20% of Zonar. 1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 st 3. Contractors Representative – TBD – No Report nd President, 1 VP, 2 VP arrived at 12:25 PM, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President, Professional Associate Rep., Contractor Rep., Sustaining Member Rep., CASTOway’s Editor, CASBO Rep., CDE Rep., DMV Rep., Legislative Rep. 4. CASBO Representative – Corrin Reynolds – No Report E. Standing Committee Reports 2. Verification of Eligibility – All Chapters are eligible. 1. Legislation – Mike Rea No Report 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 2. Roadeo Report – John Cain/Jennifer Hanshew Dates for the Roadeo are on the CASTO web page. Locations TBD. 3. CASTOway’s Editor – Greg Straw September issue is complete. Articles/Reports submitted by Chapters 1, 2, 12, 20 and CDE. C. Introductions and welcome D. Minutes of Prior Meeting A motion was made by Nikki Hughes to approve the June 13, 2015 Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes. The motion was seconded by Sam Anderson and unanimously carried. 4. Historian – Ron Kinney No report 5. Constitution and By-Laws – Nikki Hughes Reminder - Proposed changes need to be submitted by October 31. E. Correspondence - None F. Additions/changes to the Agenda 6. Access & Mobility – Jennifer Hanshew Those interested in chairing the committee please contact CASTO State President. The last publication was in 2010. A motion was made by Kevin Wedmeyer to accept the agenda with changes presented by the State President. The motion was seconded by Donna Wittenberg and unanimously carried. II. 7. Bingo – Dano Rybar Jennifer Hanshew The audit has been completed. All Roadeo expenses have been paid by Bingo. Reports 8. Web page – Andy Peters Contact Andy with information and or questions. Board needs to discuss logo on the web page. A. Treasurer – Mark Verch Copy of last year’s report distributed. Mark went over changes to the budget. Checking Account Balance = 72,604.61; Savings Account Balance = 5,790.28. Audit conducted and the auditor is continuing to examine financial records. B. Membership – Tony Peregrina/Sandy Dillman Membership list distributed that consist of payroll deduction members only. All others are being processed. Donna Wittenberg asked status of invoices. Sandy reported that they have been Membership Program has been State Board Meeting Minutes Page 1mailed. of 6 CASTO moved to the cloud. For questions contact [email protected] C. State Officers – Nikki Hughes shared her new email and that she is the Membership/Chairperson for NASDPTS. Discussed registration and member program that NASDPTS is utilizing. Donna Wittenberg discussed her concerns about membership. D. Special Representatives Donna Wittenberg – Thanked Dano and Andy. Concerned about how the website is structured. Chapter would like the ability to place registration and flyer for chapter workshops or develop web pages for all chapters. Page 3 of 6 CASTO State Board Meeting Minutes Greg Straw suggested Chapters use Facebook as an alternative. Break @ 11:50 a.m. reconvene @ 12:02 p.m. III. BUSINESS AND ISSUES A. Old Business 1. Conference Report – Christopher Bates 1. California Department of Education (CDE) – Anna Borges CDE will be distributing more information about upcoming programs, classes and schedules at the Business Manger’s Forum The January 2016 instructor class is full and the June 2016 Instructor class is filling up. The Mountain Driving Class and Special Needs Class is full. The Administrative Course has two spots left. CDE encourages those interested in classes’ signup early because they are first com first serve. CDE will be meeting with NTSA regarding lap-shoulder restraints. Senate Bill 3444 – Requires additional training for Commercial Driver license. CDE is working with legislative staff to add language to exempt certain driver certificates from SB 3444. Tony Pellegrino is no longer with CDE. Tony is the new Director of Transportation with Woodland Joint Union School District. Recruitment to fill the position with CDE will start soon. The title change for the position has occurred and there is no longer a zero restriction. Child left on School Bus in Whittier and the child past away. OST is encouraging a change in California Code Regulation (CCR) 1236 for leaving a child unattended. Suggest professional in the industry write letters to CHP to close the loop hole. Letters can be sent to Captain Kevin Davis (send information to Jantze Douglas-Bowie) in charge of School Pupil Transportation Advisory Committee (SPTAC). California Highway Patrol (CHP) is discussing drivers utilizing GPS while driving because of Berkley accident and the 1st aid test is changing. CDE is working with CHP in regards to testing. CHP will be having a having new School Bus Officer Class. Chapter 20 Roadeo trailer – Chapter 09 was contacted. Roadeo trailer from Chapter 09 sent to 1 and 20. Chapter 12 and 09 will share a trailer. 2. Sustaining Member Representative – Todd Franssen Page 2 of 6 CASTO State Board Meeting Minutes 2016 Conference will be held at the Town and Country in San Diego. The hotel has been sold and there will be a resort fee in the amount of $7.00 (reduced from 13.99) a day (Includes: internet shuttle). 2018 - Contract with Town and Country in San Diego. Future venues may include Long Beach, Bakersfield or San Luis Obispo. No longer will be held in Sacramento. Next meeting an update will be provided on the keynote speaker and speakers for conference. 2. Mechanics Workshop – Christopher Bates The workshop was held in South Tahoe with 143 attendees. We see the vent expanding. A mechanics competition was held and two mechanics will be sent to the National competition in Richmond Virginia, in November. Financial report will be presented at next meeting. 3. Managers Forum - Tony Peregrina 3. Poster Contest – Debbie Schmidt /Tony Briscoe Information about the poster contest will be emailed to you . If you are not receiving information contact [email protected] . The theme for the poster contest is # Stop on Red. The deadline is the January Board Meeting. Sponsorship of the contest will be confirmed and reported at next meeting. B. New Business 1. 2015 Proposed Budget – Mark Verch Page 4 of 6 CASTO State Board Meeting Minutes Continued on Page 13 ◆ CASTOways The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials State Board minutes (cont.)… ◆ Continued from Page 12 15-16 proposed budget was distributed as well as the 14-15 budget for comparison. Changes were made to the proposed budget a corrected version will be emailed out to the board. Bingo income is $38,200.00. Dano will issue checks to CASTO and CASTO will pay the expenses for Roadeo. Total proposed budget for Roadeo is 47,200.00. Roadeo Actuals under Bingo is $28,200.00. The expense for Roadeo for Administrative is 12,000.00. Contracted Services is 13,200.00. National Roadeo is 1500.00. Add Roadeo Committee and the budget is 16,500.00. A site rental is 2,500.00. Special needs remain the same and the total for Roadeo 47,200.00. A motion was made by Nikki Hughes to accept the changes to the proposed 2015-16 Budget. The motion was seconded by Kevin Wedmeyer and unanimously carried. 2. Calendar of Events – Christopher Bates Calendar of events mailed to Chapter Presidents, which included dates of board meetings, conference, workshops, officer workshops and forum. Next Board meeting will be on November 14, January Board meeting will be on the 9th, March is conference and Roadeo will be held in April and May. Locations will be determined. Discussion occurred about an Officer’s Workshop in the Central Coast for 2016. 3. Financial Responsibilities – Jennifer Hanshew A calendar was distributed for flights and travel so reservation can be made in a timely and cost effective manner. Travel arrangements made after listed dates will be reimbursed at the lower rate. The treasurer can be contacted to make reservations if you send him your information. Financial Reports are due by the stated deadlines in the Officers Handbook. If you do not have a handbook contact the State President. If financial reports are not received expenses will not be reimbursed. Discussion occurred about bank statements being included with financial reports. Bank statements will need to be submitted with financial reports. 4. Career Path – Debbie Schmidt The process is being looked at and information is being reviewed. What is the group interest in the Program? Seven modules or courses. If interested in assisting contact Debbie at [email protected]. Discussion occurred about Career Path. Discussed certification, modules and State Meeting Minutes Page 5provided of 6 CASTO availability of modules. Ron Kinney history of Board program. Program designed for an instructor to present. Assistance is needed for this program. 2013 – 2014 AGENCY MEMBERS 5. Closed Session – Jennifer Hanshew Arcata School District Capistrano Unified School District Coachella Valley School District An update was provided on the Business Forum and Tony provided an update on the presenters and the programs that will be offered. Cypress School District Del Norte School Discussion occurred County about upcomingUnified program and the number of attendees and registrations received. District Dry Creek Elem 6. CASTOway’s Publishing –Jt Greg Straw School District El Dorado Union High School Greg discussed the operating budget for the publications and the amount District being spent to publish CASTOway’s. Two printings a year go to the entire Elk Grove Unified membership. Greg recommends that School the publicationDistrict go to an electronic publication only.Union A quality computer would be needed for an estimated Eureka School District $3000.00, which would be a saving of 21, 000.00. Fillmore Unified School District AFortuna motion was made by GregHigh Straw, president of Chapter 12, that Union School District when the Board meets in November it votes on the adoption of an Fremont Unified School District electronic publication and discontinue the printed edition. The motion was seconded by DonnaDistrict Wittenberg. Fullerton School Glenn County Office of Education Discussion occurred about CASTOway’s and the quality and future of the Hanford Elementary School publication. 700 copies are printed monthly for agenciesDistrict members and 1700 are printed two times a year for the entire membership. Head Start Child Development Council Point of order was requested by Nikki Hughes. AHumboldt request for the motion to be read was made by Sam County Office of Anderson. The motion was read by the State Secretary. Education Call for the Question was made by Nikki Hughes. The motion was unanimouslySchool carried. Irvine Unified District Jurupa Unified School District Information Exchange Kern County Superintendent of A. ChapterSchools News – Chapter Presidents Klamath-Trinity Chapter’s 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18,Joint 19 and 20Unified shared information about their chapters and upcoming local School District events. Knightsen Elementary School ADJOURNMENT – District Lemoore Union High School There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion District was made by Sam Anderson to adjourn the meeting at 1:20 p.m. The motion seconded byUnified Kevin Wedmeyer and unanimously carried. Los was Angeles School District Los Olivos School District Board Meeting Minutes Page 6 School of 6 CASTO State Madera Unified District 5. Managers Workshop – Tony Peregrinia IV. V. NOVEMBER 2015 13 2015-2016 AGENCY MEMBERS 2013 – 2014 AGENCY MEMBERS Arcata School District Capistrano Unified School District Coachella Valley School District Cypress School District Del Norte County Unified School District Dry Creek Jt Elem School District El Dorado Union High School District Elk Grove Unified School District Eureka Union School District Fillmore Unified School District Fortuna Union High School District Fremont Unified School District Fullerton School District Glenn County Office of Education Hanford Elementary School District Head Start Child Development Council Humboldt County Office of Education Irvine Unified School District Jurupa Unified School District Kern County Superintendent of Schools Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified School District Knightsen Elementary School District Lemoore Union High School District Los Angeles Unified School District Los Olivos School District Madera Unified School District Marin Horizon School Mendota Unified School District Michael's Transportation Service Mid Placer Transportation Agency Modoc Joint Unified School District Moorpark Unified School District Murrieta Valley Unified School District North Monterey Unified School District Orange Unified School District Palermo Union Elementary School District Pleasanton Unified School District Pupil Transportation Cooperative Redlands Unified School District Rowland Unified School District Sacramento City Unified School District Salinas Union High School District San Juan Unified School District San Marcos Unified School District Semitropic Elementary School District Shasta Union High School District Southern Trinity Joint Unified School District Southwest Transportation Agency Trinity Alps Unified School District Turlock Unified School District Upland Unified School District Visalia Unified School District West County Transportation Agency Mari Mend Mich Mid Modo Moor Murr Distr North Distr Oran Paler Distr Pleas Pupil Redla Rowl Sacra Distr Salin San J San M Semi Distr Shast South Scho South Trini Turlo Upla Visal West CASTOways 14 NOVEMBER 2015 The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials 2015 - 2016 SUSTAINING MEMBERS 247 Security Inc. Brittany Wilkening 4400 North Point Parkway, Suite 158 Alpharetta, GA 30022 (866) 693-7492 Fortress System Robert Pardon 3801 Rose Lake Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 (801) 995-2753 Q’Straint Lisa Nippolt 5553 Ravenswood Rd., Bldg 110 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 (800) 987-9987 Specialty Manufacturing Co., Inc. Douglas Campbell 10200 Pineville Road Pineville, NC 28134 (800) 951-7867 American Cooling Technology, Inc. Rick Eyer 715 Willow Springs Lane York, PA 17406 (877) 228-4247 American Logistics Megan Carey 520 W. Dyer Road Santa Ana, CA 92707 (866) 999-3371 Ext. 223 aspx EasyBus, Inc. Fuel Master/Syn-Tech Sys. Michele Pearson 100 Four Points Way Tallahassee, FL 32305 (800) 888-9136 Reflective Image Bill VonEiff 7460 Main Road Greenport, NY 11944 (888) 948-9800 Sure-Lok, Inc. Erin Yaworski 2501 Baglyos Circle Bethleham, PA 01020 (989) 450-7826 Gatekeeper Systems, Inc. Carla Welsh 301, 31127 Wheel Avenue Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 6H1 (888) 666-4833 REI Chad Anderson 6534 L Street Omaha, NE 68117 (402) 339-2200 SYNOVIA Stacey Dietzen 9330 Priority Way West Drive Indianapolis, IN 46240 (877) 796-6842 Gecko Microsolutions Brett Goshert 3420 E. Shea Blvd., Suite 200 Phoenix, AZ 85028 (800) 390-7520 Ricon Corporation Larry McNutt 7900 Nelson Road Panorama City, CA 91402-6090 (818) 267-3075 H.G. Makelim Co. Jeff Flower 219 Shaw Road South San Francisco, CA 94080 (650) 827-7552 SafeGuard/IMMI Charlie Vits 18881 U.S. 31 North Westfield, IN 46074 (317) 867-8153 Syntec Seating Solutions Rick Smith 200 Swathmore Avenue High Point, NC 27263 (331) 899-4809 [email protected] Heavy Duty Bus Parts, Inc. 17850 Interstate 45 N Willis, TX 77318 (800) 505-2300 Safety Vision Chris Beard 6100 Sam Houston Parkway N. Houston, TX 77041 (800) 880-8855 HSM Solutions Bill Loshbough PO Box 25944 Albuquerque, NM 87125 (505) 269-5258 SAMBA Nicholas Green 4418 Horizon Blvd. Suite 100 Albuquerque, NM 87113 (888) 947-2622 Hydrotex Dwight Gleaves 12920 Senlac Drive, Suite 190 Farmers Branch, TX 75234 (800) 527-9439 Secure Transportation John Chapman 13111 Meyer Road Whittier, CA 90605 (562) 244-4053 [email protected] MME Frank Wheeler 2360 Harvard Street Sacramento, CA 95815 (916) 922-1101 Seon Malinda Sandhu 111-3B Burbidge Street Coquitlam, BC V3K 7B2 (877) 630-7366 Angel Trax Scott Lisenby 9540 US Hwy 84 West Newton, AL 36352 (334) 692-4600 Applied Technology Group, Inc. Steve Grove 4440 Easton Drive Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 322-8650 Fuel Master/Syn-Tech Sys. A-Z Bus Sales, Inc. John Landherr PO Box 700 Colton, CA 92324 (909) 781-7188 BraunAbility Colton Walle PO Box 310 Winamac, IN 46996 (800) 946-7513 ext. 3261 Bus West, Inc. Todd Franssen 21107 South Chico St Carson, CA 90745 (310) 984-3916 Creative Bus Sales Joe Angeli 13501 Benson Avenue Chino, CA 91710 (800) 323-2877 Easy Way Safety Services Thomas C. Sackett 10939 B Reed Hartman Highway Cincinnati, OH 45242 (800) 543-0575 EasyBus, Inc. Michael Hinckley 313 Ushers Rd., Suite 11 Ballston Lake, NY 12019 (518) 877-2500 Mobile Climate Control Corp. Hal Hooper 2425 East Rockledge Road Phoenix, IN 46527 (574) 534-1516 PRO-VISION Steve Wagasky 8625-B Byron Commerce Dr. S.W. Byron Center, MI 49315 (800) 576-1126 Silke Communications Fernando Iglesias 6 Rossi Cir, Salinas, CA 93907 (831) 784-1900 So. California Gas Co. Chuck Haas 555 W. 5th St 19A4 Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 214-5271 Trans/Air Manufacturing David Harden 480 E. Locust Street Dallastown, PA 17313 (717) 246-2627 Transfinder Bridget Swick 120 Erie Blvd. Schenectady, NY 12305 (518) 377-3609 [email protected] TransTraks – Perseus Associates Donna Marvel 125 Clover Hill Ct. Danville, CA 94526 (925) 838-8514 Tyler Technologies, Inc. Douglas Campbell 4 British American Blvd. Latham, NY 12110 (800) 433-5530 Valley Power Systems Bob Hooper 425 S. Hacienda Blvd. City of Industry, CA 91745 (800) 924-4265 Wells Fargo Equipment Finance Ryan McClure 733 Marquette Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-667-9909 Zonar Systems, Inc. 18200 Cascade Avenue S, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98188 (877) 843-3847 The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials CASTOways NOVEMBER 2015 15 WE ARE YOUR SCHOOL BUS EXPERTS New Buses | Used Buses | Parts | Service | Grants | Financing SMALL Gas | Diesel | Propane | CNG (2014) Up to 30 Kids MEDIUM Diesel | Propane | CNG (2015) Up to 81 Kids LARGE Diesel | CNG Up to 90 Kids BusWest has been around the block for a long time. We know buses. Sales, parts & service...all in one. Broke down? Need Parts? Call us, we’ll either get you picked up, fixed and back on the road before it’s time for recess! Or we may even make repairs on site, scheduled maintenance or not.. we offer mobile service at select locations & same day parts delivery...locally to you. 800-458-9199 CARSON FONTANA FRESNO SACRAMENTO 21107 S. Chico Street Carson CA 90745 10150 Cherry Avenue Fontana CA 92335 4337 N. Goldenstate Blvd, #101 Fresno CA 93722 210 N. East Street, Woodland CA 95776 CASTOways 16 NOVEMBER 2015 The Official Publication of the California Assn. of School Transportation Officials — School Bus Experts! Immediate delivery of stock units available • Experts in funding options New Buses • Used Buses • Service • Parts • Body & Paint • Emissions • Financing • Grants B BLLUU ER LELR IRDDDE E BE BIR DAEA RR OO F FT A THHEEYYEE A Our Buses are EPA Emissions Compliant without using Credits! A-Z Bus Sales: Experts in: • Largest school bus dealer in California • Local Air District bus replacement funding • Largest alternative fuel school bus dealer: CNG/Propane/Compliant Diesel/ULEV Gas • Alternative fuels differential funding for fleet expansion • Most experienced California school bus dealer, selling school buses since 1984 • Alternative fuel infrastructure grants Type A CNG/Propane/Diesel/Gas Southern California 1900 S. Riverside Ave. Colton, CA 92324 951.781.1800 • Alternative fuel infrastructure consulting Type C Propane/Diesel Online E-mail [email protected] Type D CNG/Diesel Northern California 3418 52nd Ave. Sacramento, CA 95670 916.391.1092 Colton • Sacramento • Fresno • Oakland • Hawaii
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