studies of polluted mine soils and treatment of waste waters
studies of polluted mine soils and treatment of waste waters
STUDIESOFPOLLUTEDMINESOILSANDTREATMENTOF WASTEWATERS.APPLICATIONSOFSYNCHROTRON BASEDTECHNIQUES,FIELDPORTABLEXRAY FLUORESCENCEANDADVANCEDOXIDATIONPROCESSES MartaÁvilaPérez Tesidoctoral ProgramadedoctoratenQuímica Directors:ManuelValienteMalmagro,GustavoPérez González DepartamentdeQuímica FacultatdeCiències Any2011 MemòriapresentadaperaspiraralGraudeDoctorper MartaÁvilaPérez Vistiplau,elsdirectors Dr.ManuelValienteMalmagro Bellaterra,10dejunyde2011 Dr.GustavoPérezGonzález Inthebeginningtherewasnothing.Godsaid,'Lettherebelight!'.Andtherewaslight. Therewasstillnothing,butyoucouldseeitawholelotbetter. EllenDegeneres AGRAÏMENTS L’altrediaparlantambalgunscompanysdelgrupsobrequealatesihisurtenelnomde l’Elenaoelde’nGuscomaautorsd’algunesfotos,laPilivaveureunafiguraenlaqueellaem vaajudaracollocarleslíniesrectesienFranundibuixonellemvaajudaratriarelscolors (sent daltònic) i em vaig adonar que és totalment veritat pensar que en una tesi tothom hi collabora una miqueta, al menys en la meva. Pot ser en una figura, una ratlla vertical, una paraulaounaidea,isobretotdonantmemoltsuportentotmoment.Moltesgràciesatots!!! Evidentmentlapartd’aquestatesiquecorresponaenManoloienGusésmoltmésgran queladelarestadelespersones.GràciesManoloperhavermedonatlaoportunitatdeferla tesialgrup!Novulldesmerèixerelsaltresgrups,peròdesdelprimerdiasemprehecregutque no podia haver anat a un grup millor i en gran part això és gràcies a tu i al teu esforç. Gus, muchasgraciasporestarsiempredispuestoaayudarmeyaguantarmemisneuras,séqueno esfácil,muchasgraciasdeverdad.Eresuntíogenial,yunpapáaunmejor,jeje! Iaratocaatotalarestadelagent,elsmeusamicsquenosóndeveritatalsquinoestimo gensisoupoquetsamés!Montsetanteshoresviscudes,tanteshistòriesjuntes,etdesitjotota lafelicitatdelmón!AGTShihaqualitatitun’etsunamostra!Fran,elmeureietonet,etsel mésmaco,trobaréafaltarlestevesabraçadesdeles10:22itoteslesaltres.Pili,jaséquiets! Ets una bona amiga i una bona companya, i a més molt divertida, però no ho diré a ningú perquènoperdislatevafama.AngélicaAngélica,micompañeradelahoradecomer,mevasa hacermuchafalta,ylosabes.DejoVIBRAenmemoriadelzentinelparaquedevezencuando Diego la ponga en el laboratorio. Dieguito todo (o casi todo) lo que dijimos en “El día de halagaraDiego”eraverdad,eresunsol!Muchasgraciasportuayudaconlainformáticayen todoloquenoesinformática!Bea,companyadetantesestadesdelsincrotró,m’hohepassat moltbéambtuitambéalesgransfestesqueorganitzes!Olgucha,elnuevogranfichajedel grupo,graciasporvendermea“Daviduño”apreciodesaldoynodejesqueseolvidenuncala canción de Alfi “venga anímate vamos a aprender, qué divertido será genial y no podrás parar!”.Agus,hemanatseguintaquestcaminetjuntstotal’estonagairebédesdelprincipifins aragairebéelfinal,hassigutungrancompany,semprefentgaladelteu“señorío”,jeje!Oriol Beisbol,portarésempreamborgulllasamarretadeElsPétitPÛt!Laproperavegadaquesiguis alumnemeurestarépuntsperfaltad’assistència!ElenaPeralta(miotraamigaElena,jeje!)ya sabes lo mucho que te aprecio, muchas gracias siempre por tu ayuda! DJ Lluís Soler, tens el meu vot per a presidir Catalunya i proclamarne la independència! Ara, no la facis explotar amb hidrogen. Amanda, que no pots evitar trencar cors allà on vagis (léase vendedor de refrescosdelCirqueduSoleil)maideixisdepensarque“todoesmuybonito!”perquètensraó. Patri, sempre et recordaré amb un somriure. Berta que vens a robarnos però amb un somriuresempreidientnos“guapos”,aixídónagustqueetrobin,jeje!Julio,tico,siempretan amableytandispuestoaayudaryaescuchar(yatraerpasteles!),MartayKike(Kiki,jijijiji!). GràciesalaMariaDolorspersersempretandiligent,eh,reina;alaCristina,alaMariaMuñozi alaMontseLópez. Tampocnoemvulloblidard’agraïrl’ajudadelarestadelagentambquihecompartittants momentsiquejanovoltenperaquí:Aleixtinctantsitanbonsrecordsdetuqueompliriala tesi sencera! Moltes gràcies per tot el que em vas ajudar. Així com també ho van fer l’Anna Torradoaquiencaraenyoro,l’Àngelsambquihemcompartitunaamistatdemoltsanysifinsi totcursosd’altacuina,l’AnnaBernausqueemvaintroduirenelfabulósmóndelsincrotró,el Johannessiempredispuestoaayudarme,elJordyMacanás(Mac)lawikipediaambpotesque sempresempret’ajudai trobasolucions,laNadiailaRajaa(I missyouuuuu!!!),elSachin,el Mouhssine, en Xavi Gaona, la Tània Gumí, el José A. Muñoz, en Franki, l’Amàlia, el Marc Renom, el Jordi Nualart... Segurament em deixi algú, potser fins i tot algú molt important i anticipadamentdemanoperdóperlamevamemò!Delfín!LamascotadeGTS! IallàalceldelspeixetstambéunrecordperalPezón. Elmeugabinetdepsicologiaesmereixunraconetenaquestsagraïments.GràciesAnabel perlatevaamistatitotal’ajudaiconsellsquesemprem’hasdonat;ygraciasSusana,Tamaray Sandraporvuestraayudayvuestrasonrisasiempreyporestarsiempredispuestasaapuntarse a todo! Y también quiero agradecer al resto de vuestro laboratorio aguantarme cuando aparezco:AnnaySole.Recordadmesiemprecomo“Esachicaqué?”! GraciasatiDavidZamora,porserelmisterdelaseleccióndefutbolfemeninodelatorre dequímicayportodalaayudaextradeportiva,jeje!NosotrasAhí!Eldreamteamlideratperel míster David amb qui quasi vam aconseguir arribar a la final però el que segur que vam aconseguir va ser passarho molt bé! Montse, Susana, Tamara, Pili, Sandra, Silvia, Amanda, Amàlia,Sole,Cata,Núria. Gracias también a ti Miguel, compañero de la planta durante algunos años por estar siempre a mi lado y ayudarme y ser mi mejor amigo. I gràcies a l’Elena, l’Adela, la Salut, en Pep,enDavidielGuga,persertambéelsmeusamics! No puc oblidarme de les meves companyes de pis, la Pilar de València amb qui vaig compartir tants anys i tantes experiències, Tufaria y Yannich, Viri la mexicanita y mis colombianitas queridas: Julix, Pekas y Denise. Julix muchas gracias por haberme aguantado estos últimos años, fuiste una muy buena amiga, te dejo en arriendo una parcelita de mi corazón contrato indefinido y a Pekas también pero una parcelita más pequeña porque me aguantó mucho menos tiempo, jeje! Mis pichurrias! Denise te mereces un apartado para ti solita. Sandrita y Denise gracias por vuestra colaboración en el diseño de esta tesis, espero que seadevuestroagrado.YespecialmentegraciasaTu,miangelito,portodotuapoyosiempre, por tus palabras, por tus risas y tu sonrisa! Por este trocito de camino en el que me has acompañado siempre tan pendiente. Algún día sabrás lo grande que es la parcela que te correspondeati! Peròaquivullenganyar?Usestimomoltatots! AlsmeusparesiaenDavid SUMMARY Summary Metals have been used since prehistoric times and they play a key role in civilization development.Despiteminingindustrystillrepresentsanimportanteconomicactivityinmany countries,largeamountsofsolidandliquidwastesremainstoredincontrolledtailingsduring miningoperationsandsometimesinanuncontrolledway,afterthemineclosure.Solidwastes areproducedfromoreprocessingsuchascrushing,grindingandmillingandaredisposedoffin surroundingland.Highamountsofwaterarespenttowashtheoreandtoreducethemineral to its metallic form. These mining wastewaters are generally dumped into ponds secured by dams.Inthissense,elevatedlevelsofheavymetalsfrommetalliferousminesarefoundinand aroundthemines.Suchmetalsrepresentagreathazardthatcanrestrictsoiluse,whiletailing damfailurescanproducehugehumanandenvironmentaldamages. Thus, this PhD thesis is aimed at the characterization of the heavy metal pollution around abandoned mines as well as to develop process for waste water treatment including either inorganic or organic pollutants from industrial activities, i.e., mining or textile related industries. Inthisconcern,thestudiescarriedoutaresummarizedasfollows: ThecharacterizationoffourabandonedminesofMarrakechregion(Morocco)bymeans of heavy metal spatial concentration and the identification of hazardous sites by means of mobility tests. In this concern, the studies carried out represent a first insight into four abandonedminesfromMarrakechregion(Morocco):DraaLasfar,Kettara,SidiBouOthmane and Bir Nehass. The characterization of the heavy metal pollution was performed by Field Portable Xray Fluorescence (FPXRF) while the spatial variability was determined by Geographic Information Systems (GIS). A prediction of the risk of each sampling point was completedbydeterminingthemobilityofanthropogenicenhancedheavymetalsusingsingle leachingtests.ThecalculationoftheConcentrationEnrichmentRatios(CER)revealedarsenic, copper,leadandzincasthemainpollutantsinallmineareas.DraaLasfarGIScontourmapsof these pollutants depict the most polluted areas at the vicinity of the mine, especially at the northwest area, probably linked to weathering effects and topography of the area. The mobilityassaysindicategreatermobilityofAsandZnduetotheirloweradsorptionprocessin the soil, independently of their respective concentration. GIS contour maps generally reveal higher concentration around sampling points localized at deposits of mining residues. The distribution of pollutants at Kettara is similar for arsenic, copper and lead, whilst zinc distributionismorehomogeneousalongtheminearea.Inaddition,leadcanbeconsideredthe main pollutant considering its high CER values. Regarding SBOthmane mine area, GIS maps observeareaswithhighcontamination,assomesampleshaveCERvaluesabove200.Leadand Summary zinc canbe consideredthemainpollutantsinSBOthmanemine area.BirNehassminearea, likewise SBOthmane, is less contaminated with arsenic and copper being lead and zinc the mainpollutants.Inthissense,auniquehotspotcanbeobservedforarsenicandleadaround anareacorrespondingtoaresiduedepositwhileseveralhotspotswithCER=200canbeseen forleadandzinc,alsorelatedtoresiduedeposits.Themobilityresultspointoutthegreatest partofsamplestohaveverylowmobility.Ontheotherhand,samplesofSBOthmaneandBir NehassarehighlyconcentratedonPbandZnandpresentanextremelyhighcontentonPband Zninthemobilephase,especiallyhighforthesamplestakenatthedepositsofresidues.Given the high content of lead and zinc it is likely that the concentration of metals exceed the capacity of the soil to retain them and the migration to a mobile phase may take place, so remediation treatments should be applied to these areas if the soil is intended for further purposes. The speciation of mercury on three European important mercury mines to determine toxicity in soils. Besides mobility assays, another technique has been applied in the present worktodeterminetoxicityofsoils.Suchtechniqueinvolvesthedeterminationofthechemical speciesinwhicheachmetalispresentinsoils.Asoneofthemosttoxicheavymetals,mercury (Hg)andtheirrelatedcompounds,canbeabsorbedbylivingtissuesinlargedoses,becominga greathazardduetoitsabilitytobeconcentratedandstoredoverlongperiodsoftime.Inthis work, synchrotronbased Xray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) has been used to determinethespeciationofmercuryingeologicalsamplesfromthreeofthelargestEuropean mercury mining districts: Almadén (Spain), Idria (Slovenia) and Asturias (Spain). XANES has been complemented with a single extraction protocol for the determination of Hg mobility. Ore,calcines,dumpmaterial,soil,sedimentandsuspendedparticlesfromthethreesiteshave beenconsideredinthestudy.Inthethreesites,ratherinsolublesulfidecompounds(cinnabar and metacinnabar) were found to predominate. Minor amounts of more soluble mercury compounds (chlorides and sulfates) were also identified in some samples. Single extraction proceduresindicateastrongdependenceofthemobilitywiththeconcentrationofchlorides and sulfates. The mercury species found in each mine are related to the efficiency of its roastingfurnaces. Therecoveryofzincfromaminetailingpondatlaboratoryandpilotplantscaletosolve an environmental problem while providing an economic output. Other activities performed through the framework of this thesis deal with the reduction of the amount of wastewater contained in mine tailing ponds and avoid tailing dam breaches. In this thesis a process to recover zinc from a real mine tailing pond is proposed. This mine tailing pond stores huge amountsofwastewatercontainingabout1g/LofZnandsignificantamountsofferrous,ferric, Summary calcium,copper,aluminumandmanganeseions.Inthissense,therecoveryofzinccanprovide economicvaluetotheprocesswhilesolvinganenvironmentalproblem.Asolventextraction processwasconsideredasthebestmethodologyandinthepresentPhDthesisarereported theresultsfortheselectionofthebestextractantamongstDEHPA,Cyanex272andIonquest 290.AsnoneoftheextractantswereabletoextractZnselectivelyfromasolutioncontaining Fe,abiooxidationprocessfollowedbyanalkalineprecipitationstepwasperformedpriorto theSXtreatmentinordertoobtainasolutionwithoutiron.TheFeremovalaswellastheSX processhavebeendevelopedsuccessfullyatlaboratoryscaleandverifiedinapilotplanton site,usingtwoBatemanPulsedColumnsfortheextractionandstrippingofZn.Giventhatthe recyclingoftheorganicphaseleadtoarelativeimportanceoftheextractantcosts,Ionquest 290 was selected as the most suitable extractant for the target stream due to its higher selectivity and loading capacity towards Zn extraction. Ketrul D100 is the solvent recommendedowingitslowervolatilityandflammability.Thepilotplantprovedthefeasibility oftheprocess,obtainingazincrecoveryof95%andleavinglessthan50mg/Lintheraffinate. ThestrippingwasefficientandonlyasinglestageatO:A=20wasrequiredtoachieveatransfer of40g/L.ForaZnpriceaboveUS$2/kgtheoperatingcostsarecoveredwhile,additionally,a seriousenvironmentalproblemissolved. TheremovaloforganiccompoundsfromwastewaterbytheFentonreactionusingFe3+ loaded materials. As an example of another remediation technique, this thesis presents the removaloforganicwastewatersbythreedifferentmaterialswhichhavebeenexchangedwith FefortheirevaluationasheterogeneousFentoncatalysts.TheFentonreaction,consistingon the generation of the highly oxidant hydroxyl radical is employed to degrade the organic pollutants. The hydroxyl radical is formed by hydrogen peroxide and iron salts acting as a catalyst. Several drawbacks arise from the use of iron salts mainly related to its removal by precipitation of iron salts to generate a red mud that should be treated. The employed catalysts involve a synthetic commercial zeolite (USY zeolite), a natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) andaclay(montmorillonite)loadedwithFe.TheresultsindicatedthathighFecontentcould be introduced into such materials with minimum time and reagents consumption and, in addition, these Feloaded materials can be successfully employed for the decolorisation of AR14 solutions and the mineralization of acetic acid and phenol. In this sense, Fe3+USY decolorisation kinetics was equal to the homogeneous catalysis (less than 15 min to achieve total decolorisation) whereas Fe3+MMT and Fe3+clinoptilolite showed slower kinetics lasting 30 and 60 min, respectively. Moreover, tests performed to acetic acid and phenol solutions demonstrated 30% and 95% of COD removal, respectively, whereas homogeneous catalysis Summary onlyprovideda25%and85%CODremovalrespectively.Columnexperimentsusingthemore economical material, clinoptilolite, were performed obtaining also successfully results hence indicatingthefeasibilityoftheselowcostFeloadedmaterialsasheterogeneouscatalystsfor theFentonreaction.TheminimallossesofFefromthematerialsavoidedthenecessityofred mudremoval. The removal of arsenic from inorganic wastewater by using Fe3+loaded materials. Finally, taking profit of the affinity of Fe(III) compounds towards arsenic inorganic species, severalFe3+loadedmaterialswithhighexchangecapabilitysuchaszeoliteUSY(USY),zeoliteY (ZY)andasponge(Sp)havebeenappliedfortheremovalofarsenicfrominorganicpolluted wastewaters. Arsenic contamination in groundwater generates widespread human health disasters around the world (especially in Southeast Asia). In this sense, besides their applicationascatalystsinFentonprocesses,Feloadedmaterialscanbealsoemployedforthe removal of arsenic. These materials were characterized by FPXRF and Extended Xray AbsorptionFineStructure(EXAFS)techniquesinordertoshedlightontothedifferentsorption mechanisms of arsenic into such materials. The sorption mechanism reveals a strong dependenceonthespecificsurfaceareaandtheavailablesites,thusaszeoliteYhasspecific surface area higher than zeolite USY and Forager sponge, its Fe loading becomes greater. Forager sponge, has an As:Fe absorption ratio higher than the one expressed by zeolites mainly owed to tertiary amine salt groups contained in the sponge that can bind anionic contaminants,suchasarsenic,chromateoruraniumoxidespecies.Thecharacterizationofthe adsorption of arsenate onto these Fe3+loaded materials revealed arsenate bidentate corner sharingbondasthemainadsorptionprocess. CONTENTS 1.INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................3 MINESITESCHARACTERIZATION ......................................................................................................3 1.1.MININGOVERVIEW ..........................................................................................................................3 1.2.SOILIMPACTSFROMMINING ..........................................................................................................4 1.3.CHARACTERIZATIONOFMINESITES ................................................................................................7 1.3.1.Sampling .....................................................................................................................................7 1.3.2.SoilPhysicochemicalCharacterization ......................................................................................8 1.3.3.MetalAnalysis ..........................................................................................................................10 1.4.SOILQUALITYREGULATIONS..........................................................................................................11 1.5.CHEMICALSPECIATIONANDFRACTIONATIONINSOILS ...............................................................12 1.5.1.SequentialExtractionSchemes ................................................................................................14 1.5.2.SingleLeachingTests................................................................................................................15 1.6.SOILRISKASSESSMENTTOOLS.......................................................................................................16 1.6.2.GeographicInformationSystems .............................................................................................16 1.6.3.PrincipalComponentAnalysisinGeosciences .........................................................................17 1.7.WEAKNESSESANDNEEDSOFMININGSITESCHARACTERIZATION...............................................19 REMEDIATIONTECHNIQUESOFINDUSTRIALCONTAMINATEDWATER ................................20 1.8.SOLVENTEXTRACTIONFORTHERECOVERYOFZnFROMACIDICMINEWATERS........................20 1.8.1.ZincOverview ...........................................................................................................................21 1.8.2.TheSolventExtractionProcess ................................................................................................22 1.8.3.ScalingSolventExtractionToaPilotPlant ...............................................................................23 1.9.FELOADEDMATERIALSFORTHEREMOVALOFORGANICANDINORGANICCONTAMINANTS ..24 1.9.1.Zeolites .....................................................................................................................................24 1.9.2.Clays..........................................................................................................................................27 1.9.3.Sponges ....................................................................................................................................28 1.10.THEFENTONREACTION ................................................................................................................29 1.11.ARSENICSORPTIONUSINGFELOADEDMATERIALS ...................................................................31 1.11.1.Arsenictoxicity ....................................................................................................................... 31 1.11.2.Arsenicsorbents .....................................................................................................................32 1.12.WEAKNESSESANDNEEDSOFINDUSTRIALLYCONTAMINATEDWATERS...................................33 ANALYTICALTECHNIQUES .........................................................................................................35 1.13.XRAYFLUORESCENCE ..................................................................................................................35 1.13.1.XRayinteractionwithmatter ................................................................................................35 1.13.2.XRayFluorescence.................................................................................................................37 1.13.4.FieldPortableXRFinstrumentation .......................................................................................37 1.14.SYNCHROTRONBASEDTECHNIQUES...........................................................................................39 1.14.1.SynchrotronLightSources......................................................................................................39 1.14.2.DesignandOperationofaSynchrotronLightSource ............................................................39 1.14.3.XRayAbsorptionSpectrometry .............................................................................................41 1.15.OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................................................................45 1.16.REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................46 2.METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................................57 MINESITESCHARACTERIZATION..........................................................................................59 2.1.STUDIEDMINESDESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................59 2.1.1.MarrakechMines:DraaLasfar,Kettara,SidiBouOthmaneandBirNehass(Morocco)..........59 2.1.2.EuropeanMercuryMiningDistricts:Almadén,MieresandIdrija ............................................61 2.1.3.AznalcóllarTailingPond............................................................................................................63 2.2.SAMPLING .......................................................................................................................................64 2.2.1. Marrakech Mining Districts: Draa Lasfar, Kettara, SidiBou Othmane and Bir Nehass (Morocco) ...........................................................................................................................................64 2.2.2.EuropeanMercuryMiningDistricts:Almadén,Asturias(Spain),Idrija(Slovenia) ...................64 2.3.CHARACTERIZATION .......................................................................................................................65 2.3.1.PhysicochemicalParameters...................................................................................................65 2.3.2.Totalmetalconcentration ........................................................................................................65 2.3.3.TotalMercuryContent .............................................................................................................67 2.3.4.Mobilityoftheminesamples...................................................................................................68 2.3.5.XASmeasurements................................................................................................................... 69 2.4.DATATREATMENT ..........................................................................................................................70 2.4.1.ConcentrationEnrichmentRatios ............................................................................................70 2.4.2.GeographicInformationSystems .............................................................................................71 2.4.3.StatisticalTools.........................................................................................................................71 2.4.4.XASDataTreatment .................................................................................................................72 REMEDIATIONTECHNIQUESOFINDUSTRIALCONTAMINATEDWATER .........73 2.5.ZINCSOLVENTEXTRACTION ...........................................................................................................73 2.5.1.LaboratoryExperiments ...........................................................................................................73 2.5.2.ScalingtheSXtoaPilotPlant ...................................................................................................74 2.6. FeEXCHANGE MATERIALS FOR THE REMEDIATION OF ORGANIC AND INORGANIC POLLUTED WATERS..................................................................................................................................................76 2.6.1.FentonReaction ....................................................................................................................... 77 2.6.2.Arsenicremoval........................................................................................................................ 78 2.7.REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................79 3.RESULTSANDDISCUSSION .......................................................................................85 MINESITESCHARACTERIZATION..........................................................................................85 3.1.HEAVYMETALCONTAMINATIONANDMOBILITYATTHEDRAALASFARMINEAREA .................85 3.1.1.Physicochemicalparameters...................................................................................................85 3.1.2.Heavymetalconcentrationintheminearea...........................................................................86 3.1.3.GIScontourmapsofthemainpollutants.................................................................................85 3.1.4.Effectofparticlesizeandmobility ...........................................................................................86 3.2.CHARACTERIZATIONOFKETTARA,SIDIBOUOTHMANEANDBIRNEHASSMINEAREAS............92 3.2.1.Physicochemicalcharacterization ...........................................................................................92 3.2.2.Heavymetalconcentrationintheminearea...........................................................................93 3.2.3.Applicationofchemometrics ...................................................................................................95 3.2.4.GIScontourmapsofthepollutants.........................................................................................98 3.3. XANESSPECIATION OFMERCURY IN THREE MINING DISTRICTS:ALMADEN (SPAIN), ASTURIAS (SPAIN)ANDIDRIJA(SLOVENIA) .........................................................................................................104 3.3.1.Chemicalanalysisofthesamples ...........................................................................................104 3.3.2.XANESspeciationandmobilityresults ...................................................................................106 REMEDIATIONTECHNOLOGIES .............................................................................................111 3.4.EXTRACTANTANDSOLVENTSELECTIONTORECOVERZINCFROMAMININGEFFLUENT:FROM LABORATORYSCALETOPILOTPLANT.................................................................................................111 3.4.1.SXlaboratoryresults ..............................................................................................................111 3.4.2.SXpilotplantprocess .............................................................................................................114 3.5.FELOADEDMATERIALSFORTHEREMEDIATIONOFORGANICANDINORGANICCONTAMINATED WASTEWATERS ...................................................................................................................................119 3.5.1.FeloadedmaterialsappliedasFentoncatalysts ...................................................................120 3.5.2.Feloadedmaterialsappliedtoarsenicremoval ....................................................................124 3.6.REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................128 4.CONCLUSIONS .....................................................................................................................131 ANNEXES ANNEX I. HEAVY METAL CONTAMINATION AND MOBILITY AT THE MINE AREA OF DRAA LASFAR (MOROCCO). Marta Avila, Gustavo Perez, Mouhsine Esshaimi, Laila Mandi, Naaila Ouazzani, Jose L. Brianso and Manuel Valiente. The Open Environmental Pollution & Toxicology Journal. Accepted Manuscript. ANNEX II. XANES SPECIATION OF MERCURY IN THREE MINING DISTRICTS – ALMADEN, ASTURIAS (SPAIN), IDRIA (SLOVENIA). Jose Maria Esbri, Anna Bernaus, Marta Avila, David Kocman, Eva M. GarciaNoguero, Beatriz Guerrero, Xavier Gaona, Rodrigo Alvarez, Gustavo PerezGonzalez, Manuel Valiente,PabloHigueras,MilenaHorvatandJorgeLoredo.JournalofSynchrotronRadiation.(2010). Volume:17,Issue:2,Pages:179186. ANNEXIII.EXTRACTANTANDSOLVENTSELECTIONTORECOVERZINC.MartaAvila,GustavoPerezand ManuelValiente.SolventExtractionandIonExchange(2011),29:384–397. ANNEXIV.ZINCRECOVERYFROMANEFFLUENTUSINGIONQUEST290:FROMLABORATORYSCALETO PILOTPLANT.M.Avila,B.Grinbaum,F.Carranza,A.Mazuelos,R.Romero,N.Iglesias,J.L.Lozano,G. Perez,M.Valiente.Hydrometallurgy(2011),107:6367. 1 INTRODUCTION MINESITESCHARACTERIZATION ........................................................................................................3 1.1.MININGOVERVIEW ...........................................................................................................................3 1.2.SOILIMPACTSFROMMINING ...........................................................................................................4 1.3.CHARACTERIZATIONOFMINESITES..................................................................................................7 1.4.SOILQUALITYREGULATIONS...........................................................................................................10 1.5.CHEMICALSPECIATIONANDFRACTIONATIONINSOILS .................................................................12 1.6.SOILRISKASSESSMENTTOOLS ........................................................................................................16 1.7.WEAKNESSANDNEEDSOFMININGSITESCHARACTERIZATION.....................................................19 REMEDIATIONTECHNIQUESOFINDUSTRIALCONTAMINATEDWATER ...................................20 1.8.SOLVENTEXTRACTIONFORTHERECOVERYOFZnFROMACIDICMINEWATERS...........................20 1.9.FELOADEDMATERIALSFORTHEREMOVALOFORGANICANDINORGANICCONTAMINANTS......24 1.10.THEFENTONREACTION.................................................................................................................29 1.11.ARSENICSORPTIONUSINGFELOADEDMATERIALS .....................................................................31 1.12.WEAKNESSESANDNEEDSOFINDUSTRIALLYCONTAMINATEDWATERS......................................33 ANALYTICALTECHNIQUES...................................................................................................................35 1.13.XRAYFLUORESCENCE ................................................................................................................... 35 1.14.SYNCHROTRONBASEDTECHNIQUES ............................................................................................39 1.15.OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................................................44 1.16.REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................45 1 2 1.Introduction This chapter is addressed to provide general information related to the work that has beenperformedinthisthesis.Inthissense,generalaspectsofmines,itscharacterizationby meansofdifferenttechniquesandparameters,aswellastechniquestoremediateorganicand inorganicindustrialwastewaterseithersyntheticorfromspecificminewaterareintroduced. Thus, three main sections have been distinguished: Mine sites characterization, Remediation techniquesandAnalyticaltechniques. MINESITESCHARACTERIZATION In this section is focused on the role of mining as a key element for human progress together with the related environmental problems such as heavy metal contamination or mining water impoundments (tailings ponds) breachings. The description of several parameterstocharacterizethecontaminationaroundmineareasisalsoincluded. 1.1.MININGOVERVIEW Sinceprehistory,mininghasbeenkeytothedevelopmentofcivilizations.Inthissense, theculturalagesofmanareassociatedwithmineralsortheirderivatessuchastheStoneAge (priorto4000BC),theBronzeAge(4000to5000BC)ortheIronAge(1500BCto1780BC)[1]. Inthisregard,flintimplementsforagriculturalorconstructionpurposesfoundwiththebones of the Paleolithic man (300,000 years ago) revealed mining activities since prehistoric times. However, the oldest known underground mine, located at Bomvu Ridge (Swaziland), is believedtobe40,000yearsold.Nonetheless,itwasuntilEgyptiantimesthatminesattained depthsof250m.DuringtheBronzeandIronAgeshumansdiscoveredsmeltingandlearnedto reduce ores into pure metals or alloys, which greatly improved their ability to use these metals.Lateron,theRomansdevelopedlargescaleminingmethodssuchashydraulicmining methods to prospect the ore deposits and the use of large volumes of water brought by numerous aqueducts to the mine where it was stored in large reservoirs and tanks used to remove rock debris. All the main mine areas exploited nowadays, were already exploited in roman times, or even previously to roman times. Iberian peninsula was the most important mining region, of special relevance were the mines of Río Tinto, Cartagena district, Linares, 3 1.Introduction Sierra Morena and Almadén in Spain; and Aljustrel, Sâo Domingos, Valongo, Jales and Três MinasinPortugalalthoughalltheregionsoftheRomanEmpirewerealsoexploited(Table1.1) [2]. Table1.1.PrincipalminesexploitedduringRomanEmpireandmineralsextracted Mine Mineralsextracted UsesduringtheRomanempire Ríotinto(Spain) Almadén(Spain) LasMédulas(Spain), Dolaucothi(Wales) Aljustrel(Portugal) Lead Piping(aqueductsplumbing,guttersforvillas) Silver Coins,weapons Mercury Pigment Gold Tools,weapons,jewellery,coins Zinc,lead Alloycopperintobrassforweapons Nowadays,miningactivitiesstillrepresentanimportantroleintheworlddevelopment and an important economic activity in many countries. In this sense, in 2001 the mining industryproducedover6billiontonsofrawproductvaluedatseveraltrilliondollars.Mineral processing of these raw materials adds further value as raw materials and products are createdtoserveallaspectsofindustryandcommerceworldwide[3]. 1.2.SOILIMPACTSFROMMINING Miningconsistsintheextractionofvaluablemineralsorothergeologicalmaterialsfrom theearth,usuallyfromanorebody,veinor(coal)seam,thatimpliestheremovalofsoil.Ore bodiesarenaturallyoccurringconcentrationsofmineralswithsufficientlyhighconcentrations of metals as to make them economically worthwhile exploited. However, it has been estimatedthatmorethan70%ofallthematerialexcavatedinminingoperationsisdiscarded, andhighamountsofwaterarespentonmineralprocessing(i.e.washingtheoretoenablethe separationofvaluablemetalsormineralsfromtheirgangueorwastematerial,toreducethe mineraltoitsmetallicformsincemostmetalsarepresentinoresasoxidesorsulfides,etc.). These wastes (called tailings) are commonly spread throughout the mine area or, when consisting in mining wastewaters, dumped into ponds secured by dams [4]. Hence, elevated levelsofheavymetalsfrommetalliferousminesarefoundinandaroundtheminesduetothe dischargeanddispersionofminewastematerialsintotheecosystemresultinginlargeareasof agriculturallandcontaminatedposinganenvironmentalriskforhumansandecosystemsand thusrestrictingsoiluse[5].Thus,thenatureofminingprocessescreatesapotentialnegative impactontheenvironmentbothduringtheminingoperationsandforyears,afterthemineis closed and many regions have been contaminated causing huge impact in the soils surroundingmineareas. 4 1.Introduction Therearearound560,000abandonedminesonpublicandprivatelyownedlandsinthe UnitedStatesaloneanditwasestimatedthatin2000existedmorethan3,500tailingsponds with water containing high amounts of metals [6]. Every year, 2 to 5 major failures and 35 minorfailuresoccurred;hencereleasinghighamountsofhighlycontaminatedwatersintothe environment[7].Todate250casesoftailingsdamfailuresintheworldhavebeencompiled producinghugehumanandenvironmentaldamages(Table1.2)[8,9]. These huge amounts of heavy metals deposited in waste dumps and tailings ponds require management and monitoring once the activity has deceased [10] as several metals (e.g.mercury,cadmium,lead,nickel,arsenic,zinc,copper)arehazardoustohumanhealthand terrestrialecosystems.Sothedeterminationofmetalsincontaminatedsoilsshouldbecarried out to obtain information about the nature, quantity, distribution and behavior of contaminantsand,ifnecessary,toselectthemostappropriateuseofthesite[11].Thus,itisa foremosttasktocharacterizeheavymetalconcentrationaroundmineareasoncetheactivity has deceased to detect the degree of contamination in order to apply proper management tools. Inthissense,inseveraldevelopingcountries,miningactivitiesrepresentahighareaof activitythusconstitutingagreathazardduetothepresenceofhighamountsofheavymetals related to functioning or abandoned mines. Despite mining is an important part of the industrial development in many developing countries (Philippines, Morocco, Peru, etc.), relativelyfewenvironmentalstudiesonminingsiteshavebeenundertakentodeterminethe heavymetalconcentrationaroundmineareasandtheirimpactonsurroundingsoilandwater resources, where commonly no national program for the rehabilitation of existing polluted sitesisimplemented[12,13,14,15]. 5 1.Introduction Date Table1.2.Majortailingdamfailuresinthelast25years Location Release Impacts 2010, Oct 4th 2010,Jun. 25 2009, Aug.29 2009, May14 2008, Sep.8 Kolontár, Hungary Huancavelica, Peru Karamken, Russia Huayuan County,China Taoshi,China 2006, Nov.6 Nchanga, Zambia 2006, April30 2004, Sep 5 2003, Oct.3 2002, Aug. 27 / Sep.11 near Miliang, China Riverview, Florida,USA Cerro Negro, Chile San Marcelino, Philippines 3 700,000m ofcausticred several towns flooded, 10 people killed, approx. mud 120peopleinjured 21,420m3oftailings contaminationofEscalerariverandOpamayoriver 110kmdownstream ? Elevenhomeswerecarriedawaybythemudflow; atleastonepersonwaskilled 3 50,000m oftailings A home destroyed, three people killed and four peopleinjured. ? A mudslide several meters high buried a market, severalhomesandathreestoreybuilding.Atleast 254peopleweredeadand35injured ? Release of highly acidic tailings into Kafue river; drinkingwatersupplyofdownstreamcommunities shutdown ? Fiveinjuredpeople,17residentsmissingandmore than130localresidentsevacuated. 227,000 m3 of acidic liquid spilled into Archie Creek that leads to liquid HillsboroughBay 50,000tonnesoftailings tailings flowed 20 kilometers downstream the La Liguariver ? Aug.27:sometailingsspilledintoMapanuepeLake and eventually into the Sto. Tomas River Sep. 11: villages flooded with mine waste; 250 familiesevacuated ? tailingswavetraveledatleast6km,killingatleast twomineworkers,threemoreworkersaremissing 2001,Jun. Sebastião das 22 Águas Claras, Brazil 2000, Nandan county, ? Oct.18 China 2000,Jan. Baia Mare, 100,000 m3 of cyanide 30 Romania contaminatedliquid 1999, Apr.26 1998, Apr.25 1997, Oct.22 1996, Aug.29 1996, Mar.24 1994, Oct.2 1994, Feb.22 at least 15 people killed, 100 missing; more than 100housesdestroyed contamination of the Somes/Szamos stream, tributary of the Tisza River, killing tonnes of fish and poisoning the drinking water of more than 2 millionpeopleinHungary of 17homesburied,51hectaresofricelandswamped Placer, Philippines Aznalcóllar, Spain Pinto Valley, USA ElPorco,Bolivia 700,000 tonnes cyanidetailings 3 45 million m of toxic waterandslurry 3 230,000m oftailingsand minerock 400,000tonnes Marcopper, Philippines Payne Creek Mine,USA Harmony, Merriespruit, SouthAfrica Roxby Downs, SouthAustralia 1.6millionm 3 6.8millionm3 3 600,000m thousands of hectares of farmland covered with toxicslurry tailingsflowcovers16hectares 300kmofPilcomayorivercontaminated Evacuation of 1200 residents, 18 km of river channelfilledwithtailings,US$80milliondamage 500,000 m3 released into Hickey Branch, a tributaryofPayneCreek tailings traveled 4 km downstream, 17 people killed,extensivedamagetoresidentialtownship 5 million m3 of ? contaminated water into subsoil 1993 Marsa,Peru ? 6peoplekilled 1985, July Stava, Trento, 200,000m3 tailings flow 4.2 km downstream at 90 km/h; 268 19 Italy peoplekilled,62buildingsdestroyed 1994, Feb.14 6 1.Introduction 1.3.CHARACTERIZATIONOFMINESITES Inthelastyearsthesystematiccontrolofcontaminatedareashasbecomeakeyissueto definehealthcarepolicies,costeffectiveenvironmentalplanningandriskassessmenttools.In this sense, sampling of potentially contaminated soil from polluted areas is intended to provide data of several physicochemical parameters or metal content of the soil for the assessmentofwhetherthepollutionhascausedormaycauseenvironmentalproblems. 1.3.1.SAMPLING As a previous step to characterize a mining area, a sampling strategy is needed. The selectionandlocationofthesamplingpointsdependontheobjectivesoftheinvestigation,the preliminary information available and the onsite conditions. Experiences (and theoretical considerations)showthatinmanycasessystematicsamplingonaregulargridisbothpractical and sufficiently productive to allow the creation of a detailed picture of variations in soil properties. Aregulargridisusuallyemployedinenvironmentalstudies,inwhichthesamplingareais large(forexample,soilswithdifferentapplications).Whenthepurposeofthesamplingis,for instance,settingthevaluesofcertainpropertiesinanhomogeneousareaorafirstprospection inanareawherecontaminationissuspected,irregulargridsinformofX,W,S,etc.areusually carriedout,inwhichthesamplingpointsarealsopredefined(Figure1.1).Thesesamplesare usuallymixedtoformcompositesamples. Figure1.1.GridsinformofWandXforsystematicsampling Othersimilarapproachesincludesimpleregulargrids,circularorclustered(Figure2)in ordertoestimatetheimpactofasourceofpollutionintheareaofstudy(withthepossibility ofconcentrationgradients)ortoestimateconcentrationlevels.Thegridsshouldbedesigned tostudyareaswhereallpointscanhaveasimilarconcentrationofthetargetanalytes,asisthe caseofsimpleirregularsgrids(Figure1.2A)andalternativesthatallowthesubdivisionofthe areasinquintets(Figure1.2B)orcancoveranareaassumingalocalizedsourceofthetarget analytes,asisthecaseofcirculargrids(Figure1.2C). 7 1.Introduction Sampling using clusters is actually a combination of random and systematic strategies, with or without composite samples. It consists of the random or systematical selection of a certainnumberofblocksinaregulargrid,andtakeanumberofindividualsamplesatrandom (Figure 1.2D). The samples are analyzed individually or as composite samples, allowing an estimationofvariabilityatthelocallevel(withineachgroup)orglobal(betweengroups). Figure1.2.Systematicsamplinggrids The number of sampling points can be easily increased (e.g., in areas meriting more detailedinvestigation),thegridiseasymarkedbymeansofGPSsystemsandsamplingpoints canbeeasilyrelocated. However,sometimesotherpatternsarefollowedbasedonaknown local distribution or hot spot distributions along a line towards specific receptors allowing a reductiononcostsandresourceconsumption. 1.3.2.SOILPHYSICOCHEMICALCHARACTERIZATION Usually it is necessary to determine the nature, concentrations, and distribution of naturally occurring substances and contaminants (extraneous substances), the physical properties and the presence and distribution of chemical species of interest to identify immediate hazards to human and to the environment. This information will also help to determine the suitability of a soil for an intended use (agricultural production or residential development amongst others) or to assess the transfer of substances from soils to plants (bioavailability). Several inorganic parameters should be taken into account when characterizing and assessingrisksfromcontaminatedsitessuchaselectricalconductivity,pH,lossonignitionor thecarbonatecontentamongstmanyothers[16]. Acidity.SoilpHreflectstheintensityofaciditythatinturninfluencessoilconditionsand plant uptake of metal contaminants. pH influences the solubility and activity of various 8 1.Introduction biologically important elements and processes. Depending on the soil:water ratio and the compositionandtemperatureoftheequilibrationsolution,theresultingpHwillvary.ThepH of surface soils (0100mm) commonly range from 6.0 to 8.0, and it is useful to note that pH valuesaround4.0orlesssuggestthepresenceofsulfides,whilelevelsabove8.5areindicative ofthepresenceofsignificantquantitiesofexchangeableNa+. Soil salinity. Soil salinity is estimated from the electrical conductivity (EC) of a soil saturated paste. The electrical conductivity (EC) of a soil suspension provides an estimate of the concentration of soluble salts in the soil, mostly due to predominantly cations Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ and anions Cl, SO42 and HCO3. Typical soil:water ratios (deionized or distilled) employedtodeterminesalinityare1:1,1:2,1:2.5and1:5althoughthe1:5ratioispreferredas it gives an approximation of soil ionic strength [17]. Salinity measurements provide information about the ability of a site to support plant growth as well as some information regardingpotentialleachinganddrainageproblems.Electricalconductivityisagrossmeasure ofdissolvedsaltsinsoilsolution,butprovidesnoinformationastowhichsaltsarepresentand inwhatproportion.Fornonsensitiveplants,ECmeasurements<4dSm1aresatisfactory.Soils with EC > 4dS m1 are considered saline and plant growth may be inhibited. Electrical conductivity values increase with increasing temperature and must be corrected if not measuredat25ºC[18]. Organicmatter.Thelossonignition(LOI)methodisasimpleandrelativelyinexpensive method for determining organic matter [19]. The method is based on differential thermal analysisofthesampleweightafterheatingat500550ºCtooxidizetheorganicmattertoCO2 and SO2. However, the ignition temperature and the heating time influence the results as organicmattermaynotbecompletelyconvertedintoCO2andSO2iftemperatureistoolowor if burning time is too short. If temperature is too high or heating too long, inorganic compounds such as carbonates and sulfate may be also converted to CO2 and SO2 [20]. Soil organicmatteraffectsthechemicalandphysicalpropertiesofthesoilincreasingthesoilbuffer capacity, so the presence of organic matter tends to lower pH variations. Furthermore, the retentivecapacityoforganicmatterisgreaterthanmostreactiveclays. Carbonate content. Carbonate plays an important role in soil chemistry influencing the pHofsoilsgivenitscarbonatebicarbonatebufferingequilibrium[21].Inaddition,carbonates cancomplexseveralcations,thusaffectingtheamountofexchangeablecations,thepresence ofeasilysolublesalts,theredoxpotentialandthepartialpressureofCO2inthesoilair[22]. 9 1.Introduction 1.3.3.METALANALYSIS One of the most critical properties of metals, which differentiate them from organic pollutants,isthattheyarenotbiodegradableintheenvironment[23].Asaresultmetalstend to persist in the various reservoirs of natural systems such as water, soils and sediments, or accumulateinbiologicalsystems,leadingtoanimportanthazardtoenvironmentandhuman health.Inanycase,atypicalfeatureoftheweatheringofminingwaste,apartfrompossible acidicwaterformation,isthereleaseofmetalsfromthemineralmatrixintotheenvironment. To determine metal concentration on solid samples from polluted sites, normally, analytical methodologies based on recommended methods, are applied for water, wastewater, sludge, and agricultural soils. Chemical analysis of polluted soil samples can be difficult because of interferences due to the complex soil matrix (e.g. mixture of elements/pollutants at high concentrations such as Al, Fe or Ca and mixtures of organic compoundssuchasPAHs,PCBsorhydrocarbons),sousuallytheanalysisofmetalsonsoilsis performedafterdigestionwithastrongacidsolutioninconjunctionwithahotplate,aboiling device or microwave heating system. After digestion, the samples are analyzed by means of atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICPOES) or inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICPMS). In this sense, wet chemistry instrument techniques for elemental analysis require destructive and timeconsuming sample preparation, often using concentrated acids or other hazardous materials. Moreover, the sample is destroyed and hazardous waste streams are generated duringtheanalyticalprocessrequiringdisposal.Allthesefactorsleadtoarelativelyhighcost persample.However,wetchemistryinstrumentalanalysistechniquesarestillnecessarywhen lower elemental concentrations are the primary measurement need. Thus, during the lasts yearsXrayfluorescence(XRF)hasemergedasavaluabletoolforthemeasurementofheavy metals in the environment given their reliable and rapid measurement [24, 25, 26, 27]. XRF analyticalmethodologyisoftenchosenasthemostappropriatewhenthereisnohistoricalsite informationasinitialsamplingcostsarereducedandanalysesareconductedquicklyandwith lessrigoroussamplepreparation. 1.4.SOILQUALITYREGULATIONS Soilprovidesuswithfood,biomassandrawmaterials.Itservesasaplatformforhuman activitiesandlandscapeandasanarchiveofheritageandplaysacentralroleasahabitatand gene pool. It stores, filters and transform many substances, including water, nutrients and carbon. Thus, soil contamination may have important consequences affecting ecological 10 1.Introduction systems and biological cycling of nutrients or being unable to act as filter and buffer. In this sense,hydrosphere,groundwaterresourcesandaquaticecosystemscanbethreatened[28].In cases of severe contamination and in places where risks to human health and/or the environmentareobserved,soilremediationisnecessary. Duringthelastyears,soilprotectionpolicieshavebeendevelopedandimplementedin several countries focused on different contaminants, diverse land uses and on varied contaminationsources(asforexampleminingandindustrialactivities,agriculturalpracticesor oilspills)suchastheNetherlandsGuide[29]andtheFrenchGuidelinesvalues[30](Table1.3) andatinternationallevel inthe Europeanstrategy forsoilprotectionframework[31].These guidelinesdefinedifferentqualitystandardvaluesbasedonthetotalconcentrationofseveral trace metals in soils and sediments to facilitate decisions on intervention in soils after determining the existence or not of contamination, considering the actual or future soil use (naturalpark,agricultural,residential,recreationalorindustrial). Table1.3.GuidelinesnationalvaluesforheavymetalsinsoilsforNetherlands,Franceand Catalonia(Spain) Metals Netherlands[29] France[30] Spain(Catalonia)[32] Target Intervention Sensitive Nonsensitive Industrial Urban Other Value value use Use use use uses As 29 55 37 120 30 30 30 Pb 85 530 400 2,000 550 60 60 Cd 0.8 12 20 60 55 5.5 2.5 Cu 36 190 190 950 Cr(total) 100 380 130 7,000 Cr(III) 1,000 1,000 50 Cr(VI) 25 10 1 Hg 0.3 10 7 600 30 3 2 Ni 35 210 140 900 1,000 470 45 Zn 140 720 9,000 1,000 650 170 The target value is the baseline concentration value below which compounds and/or elements are known or assumed not to affect the natural properties of the soil while the intervention value is the maximum tolerable concentration above which remediation is requiredandbecomesmandatory. In this sense, it is intended that guideline values could represent an indication to an assessorthatsoilconcentrationsabovethislevelcouldposeanunacceptablerisktothehealth of site users and that further investigation and/or remediation is required. As the concentration of metals on plants does not necessary correlate with the total content of metalsinrelatedsoils,thesevaluesrepresentanestimationofthepotentialhazard,although it can be considered as the most pessimistic interpretation as it is considered that the total 11 1.Introduction amountofmetalinsoilisavailabletobeabsorbedbyplantsorcanbemobilized.So,notonly thetotalcontentofheavymetalsshouldbeconsidered,butalsoitsmobilityandbioavailability todeterminetherealtoxicity. 1.5.CHEMICALSPECIATIONANDFRACTIONATIONINSOILS Mobility and bioavailability of metals in the environment depends strongly on their specificchemicalformsortypesofbindingratherthanthetotalelementcontent[33,34].Soit canbegenerallyconsideredasanindicationoftoxicityandconsequentlythechemicalspecies presentinasoilshouldbedeterminedinordertoassessthetoxiceffects.However,nowadays this distinction is not reflected in the legislation, which account for the total content of the pollutantsratherthanfortheavailablecontentofthepollutants. In this regard, the characteristics of just one species of an element may have such a radicalimpactonlivingsystems(evenatextremelylowconcentrations)thatthetotalelement concentration becomes of little value in determining the impact of the trace element. Good examplesaremercuryandtin.Theinorganicformsoftheseelementsaremuchlesstoxic(or even do not show toxic properties) than the alkylated forms which are highly toxic. In these sense,itisnecessarytoevaluateandcharacterizethechemicalformsoftheelementsinorder to understand their properties, their evolution possibilities, as well as the prediction of the related environmental consequences. Such characterization is carried out the methodologies knownbyspeciationanalysis. At this point it is required to define the term speciation. The IUPAC has defined the terminologyonelementalchemicalspeciationasfollows[35]: Chemical species: Specific form of an element defined as to isotopic composition, electronicoroxidationstate,and/orcomplexormolecularstructure. Speciationanalysis:Analyticalactivitiestoidentifyingand/ormeasuringthequantitiesof oneormoreindividualchemicalspeciesinasample. Speciationofanelement:Distributionofanelementamongstdefinedchemicalspecies inasystem.Whenelementalspeciationisnotfeasible,fractionationisemployed. Fractionation:Processofclassificationofananalyteoragroupofanalytesfromacertain sample according to physical (e.g., size, solubility) or chemical (e.g. bonding, reactivity) properties. Althoughnogenerallyaccepteddefinitionofthetermexists,speciationcanbroadlybe defined as the identification and quantification of the different, defined species, forms or phasesinwhichanelementoccurs[36].Theterm"fractionation"(alsoreferredtoasindirect 12 1.Introduction speciation)isfrequentlyusedinterchangeablywithspeciationbutemphasizestheconceptof subdividinga"totalcontent".Also,theanalyticalpreparationsforseparatingmetalspeciesare referredtoas"fractionation".Anoverviewoftechniquesusedinchemicalspeciationanalysis isgiveninTable1.4[37]. Table1.4.Analyticalmethodsappliedforchemicalspeciationofmetals Method Electroanalysis Ionselectiveelectrodes Voltammetry Spectroscopy Spectrophotometry Hydridegeneration LIQUID PHASE SynchrotronXrayspectroscopy Chromatography HPLC GCorLC Physicochemicalfractionation Ionexchangeresin UVirradiation Solventextraction Sizefractionation Filtration Centrifugation Dialysis Ultrafiltration Gelfiltrationchromatography SOLID PHASE Singlereagentleaching Sequentialextractions Ionexchangeresins SynchrotronXrayspectroscopy Metalspeciesdetermined Freeionicconcentrations Freeionsandlabilecomplexes Specificforms Inorganic and organometallic species; different oxidationstates(Sn,As,Sb,Bi,Se,Te) Specificforms Cations,anions,metalcomplexes,inorganicspecies Organometalliccompoundsofmercury,tinandlead Freeionsandlabilecomplexes Organiccomplexes Organiccomplexes Dissolvedandsuspendedmatterassociated Dissolvedandsuspendedmatterassociated Differentcharge,differentmolecularsize Molecularsize Free forms and complexes of different molecular size Reagentsolublefractions Geochemicalfractions Labilefractions Specificforms Whilst different elemental speciation methods are available for aqueous systems [38], implementations of methodologies for speciation studies in solids have been less well developed.Thespeciationstudiesinvolvingsoilandsedimentanalysisareoftenbasedonthe useofextractionprocedures(singleorsequential). The determination of specific chemical species or binding forms is difficult and often hardly possible. Therefore, in practice, determinations of broader “operationally or functionally defined” forms or phases can be a reasonable compromise to arrive at a sound environmentalpolicy.Inthisregard,singleandsequentialextractionschemesweredesigned inthe1980sinordertoassessthedifferentretention/releaseofmetalsinsoilandsediment samplesasaresultofnaturalprocessesoranthropogenicactivitiesandcanbeemployedasa valuabletooltoassessthepotentialimpactintheenvironmentofminingdistricts[39,40]. 13 1.Introduction 1.5.1.SEQUENTIALEXTRACTIONSCHEMES Despitebeingquitelaborious,sequentialextractionschemes(SES)havebeenthemain tools employed to estimate the availability of contaminants in polluted soils, sediments and sludge [41, 42, 43]. SES procedures try to mimic the various natural conditions under which soils may release metals into the environment using sequentially leaching reagents of increasing strength. The determination of these metal fractions allows certain predictions regardingthepossiblereleaseofagivenanalyte(metal)fromasoilorsedimentphaseunder certainconditionsofgraduallixiviationpower. Theappliedstrategyconsistsontheuseofreagentsabletoselectivelydissolveametal fractionbondedtocertainsoilmaterials,i.e.watersolublecompounds,exchangeablecations, carbonates, easily reducible, oxidizable phase and residual. These fractions may vary among different extraction schemes. Most common reagents used include: no hydrolysable salts, weakacids,reducingagents,oxidantagentsandstrongacids[44]. Several SES schemes have been developed to evaluate metal fractionation in soils and sedimentsnormallyvaryinginthenumberofextractionstepsbetween3and8andthosemost widelyusedareTessier[35,42]andBCRSES[45,46](Table5).Comparatively,bothmethods provide a similar fractionation, although the exchangeable fraction of BCR resumes “exchangeable”and“carbonate”fractionsfromTessier. Table1.5.SequentialextractionproceduresdefinedbyTessierandBCRSESappliedto1gofsample Method Fraction Extractionconditions T1:Exchangeable T2:Linktocarbonates T3:Linktoironand manganeseoxides Tessier T4:Linktoorganicmatter T5:Residual BCRSES Watersoluble,exchangeable andlinktocarbonates Linktoironandmanganese oxides Linktoorganicmatterand sulfides 8mL1MMgCl2pH7,25ºC,1h 8mL1MCH3COONa+CH3COOH,pH5,25ºC,5h 20mL0.04MNH2OHHCl(25%v/vCH3COOH),96ºC,6h 3mL0.02MHNO3+2ml30%H2O2(pH2),85ºC,2h;3 mL30%H2O2(pH2),85ºC,2h;5mL3.2MCH3COONH4 in20%HNO3+7mLH2O25ºC,30min 7.5mL37%HCl+2.5mL65%HNO3,25ºCduring1 night,reflux2h 20mL0.1MCH3COOH,25ºC,16h 20mL0.5MNH2OHHCl,pH2,25ºC,16h 5mL30%H2O2,25ºC,1h+5mL30%H2O2,85ºC,1h+ 25mL1MCH3COONH4,pH2,25ºC,16h Nevertheless,SEShaveseveraldrawbacksmainlyrelatedtotheexcessivetimerequired (atraditionalsequentialextractionrequiresatleast50hours)andthepossiblemodificationof the metal species during extraction procedure [47]. It is worth mentioning that not all the fractionsobtainedfromapplyingSESareequallyimportantfromtheenvironmentalriskpoint ofview.Themetalsrelatedtotheresidualfraction(obtainedthroughextractionordigestion 14 1.Introduction with mixtures of strong acids) are unlikely to be released under weathering conditions; whereasmetalslinkedto thesolubleandexchangeablefractions,andthoserelatedtomore labilemetalspeciesaremoremobileandhencemoreavailable.Therefore,inordertoassess the environmental hazard, efforts should be applied only on the measurement of these fractionsopeningthepossibilityofusinglesslaboriousmethodsbasedontheextractionofthe metalfractionofinterestusingauniqueextractingreagent(singleleachingtests). 1.5.2.SINGLELEACHINGTESTS Singleleachingtestsarenonselectiveextractionsthattargetgroupsoflabileormobile phases.Thisapproachcanprovideausefulassessmentforscreeningpurposestoidentifytrace metal pollution with minimum time consumption [48]. Single extractants differ by their dissolutionpower,including:i)mildunbufferedextractantsthatextractthefractionofeasily exchangeable elements; ii) acidic extractants that release the fraction remobilized by acidificationprocesses;andiii)complexingreagents(Table1.6).[49]. Group Table1.6.Leachingtestsusedinsoilanalysis[50] Typeandsolutionstrength Acidextraction Chelatingagents Bufferedsaltsolution Unbufferedsaltsolution HNO30.432.0M Aquaregia HCl0.11M CH3COOH0.1M HCl0.05M+H2SO40.0125M EDTA0.010.05MatdifferentpH DTPA0.005M+TEA0.1M+CaCl20.01M CH3COOH 0.02 M+NH4F 0.015 M + HNO3 0.013M+EDTA0.001M NH4acetate,acetateacidbuffer1MpH=7 NH4acetate,acetateacidbuffer1MpH=4.8 CaCl20.010.1M NaNO30.1M NH4NO31M AlCl30.3M BaCl20.1M References [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [53] [56] [57] [58] [53] [53] [58] [53] [59] [60] Leaching tests are focused on providing information about the release of specific componentsundergivenconditions,orunderconditionsthatmayapproximatemoreclosely or simulate the actual field situation under consideration. Such conditions try to reproduce those chemical reactions that can take place in soils and sediments on a particular environment (i.e, adsorption–desorption, dissolutionprecipitation, reduction–oxidation, and complexationdecomplexationprocesses),andcanmodifytheconcentrationofmetalsinsoil solution [61,56]. The application of these procedures to polluted or naturally contaminated soilsismainlyfocusedtoascertainthepotentialavailabilityandmobilityofmetals,instudies 15 1.Introduction on the soilplant transference and metal migration in a soil profile due to groundwater transport. Subsequently, this information is usually used for the risk assessment of wastes whentheyaredepositedinalandfillortocharacterizeandclassifythemintermsofrisk[62]. At present, several single extraction procedures (leaching tests) based on aqueous or acidic extractions are widely approved analytical tools in national and international legislation organisms such as Germany [63], France [64], Italy [65] and The Netherlands [66] amongst others. Hence,leachingtestssuchas(NH4)2SO4orHClsinglenonselectiveextractionsmethods, can provide a useful assessment for screening purposes to identify labile or mobile phases [45]. In addition, it is demonstrated a correlation between the mobility observed by some leachingtestsandthemobilityprovidedbythesumofdifferentstagesofSES[67].Themain advantagesofthesesingleleachingtestsagainstSESaremainlyrelatedtotheircostefficiency, easy to use and a reduction on bias induced by sequential translation and accumulation of proceduralerrors. However, despite being very useful tools for environmental assessment of chemical species, SES and single leaching procedures cannot provide direct speciation of soils. In addition,SESaredestructivetechniques.Fordirectspeciation,synchrotronbasedtechniques havearoseasavaluabletoolbymeansoftechniquessuchasXrayAbsorptionSpectroscopy (XAS)usingsynchrotronfacilitiesasXraysradiationsources. 1.6.SOILRISKASSESSMENTTOOLS Varioustoolscanbeemployedtodetermine the degreeofcontaminationof aspecific site, like an abandoned mine site, such as concentration enrichment factors, geographic information systems or the use of statistical tools. These tools can be used for a better determinationoftheriskofacontaminatedsiteandthushelpthedecisionmaking. 1.6.2.GEOGRAPHICINFORMATIONSYSTEMS Further characterization in environmental studies of polluted soils is achieved through the determination of the pollutants spatial variability in a polluted area through Geographic InformationSystems(GIS)[68,69,70].Fromapracticalpointofview,theyprovidedthefirst referencevaluesforassessingsoilcontaminationatagivenpotentiallypollutedsite.Assessing the spatial extent of soil metal concentration is also a powerful tool in understanding and monitoringtheadverseeffectsof contamination.Soilmapsare usedinsoildescription,land appraisal (taxation), and for soil monitoring sites to establish the basic information on the 16 1.Introduction genesis and distribution of naturally occurring or manmade soils, their chemical, mineralogical,biologicalcomposition,andtheirphysicalpropertiesatselectedpositions. Spatial variability of soil properties and pollutants concentration can be done with different interpolation methods such as inverse distance weighting (IDW), Kriging and spline functions[71].Whilesplinemethodsinvolveaconsiderableinterpolationerrorwhenthereare largechangesinthesurfacevalueswithinashorthorizontaldistance,Krigingmethodmaynot bemetinpracticeunlessemploying100samplesinordertoobtainareliablevariogramthat correctly describes spatial structure. In contrast, IDW interpolator assumes that each input pointhasalocalinfluencethatdiminisheswithdistance[72],andnoassumptionsarerequired forthedata,beingthismethodsuitableforirregularsamplings[73]. CombiningGeographicInformationSystems(GIS)withsomeanalyticaltoolsthespatial variabilityinaminearea,canbedetermined.Suchcombinationlettoproducemapswhichare helpfulforacosteffectiveidentificationofthesourcesandthespatialpatternsofpollutants [71,72,74]. 1.6.3.PRINCIPALCOMPONENTANALYSISINGEOSCIENCES Withintheenvironmentalinvestigationsassociatedwiththeimpactofmetalsinsoils,it is often necessary the determination of multiple parameters, obtaining multivariate data. A first comparison between samples across individual parameters can be performed, although whenthesimultaneousconsiderationofalltheparametersdeterminediscarriedout(known as multivariate methods of analysis), a characterization of the combined effect of different variablesandespeciallyofthevariousrelationshipsbetweenthemcanalsobeobtained. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was invented in 1901 by Karl Pearson [75] and is nowadays an extremely useful technique to "summarize" all the information in a more understandable form. Typically, PCA is used to reduce the dimensionality of a dataset, while retainingasmuchoftheoriginalinformationaspossible. PCAworksbydecomposingtheXmatrixthatcontainsallthedataastheproductoftwo smallermatrices,whicharecalledtheloadingandscorematrices: X=TPT+E (Equation1.1) Theloadingmatrix(P)containsinformationaboutthevariables.Itiscomposedofafew vectors(PrincipalComponents,PCs)whichare(obtainedas)linearcombinationsoftheoriginal Xvariables. The score matrix (T) contains information about the objects. Each object is described in terms of its projections onto the PCs, (instead of the original variables). The 17 1.Introduction informationnotcontainedinthesematricesremainsas"unexplainedXvariance"inaresidual matrix(E)whichhasexactlythesamedimensionalityastheoriginalXmatrix. ThePCs,amongmanyothers,havetwointerestingproperties: x They are extracted in decreasing order of importance. The first PC always contains moreinformationthanthesecond,thesecondmorethanthethirdandsoon... x They are orthogonal to each other. There is absolutely no correlation between the informationcontainedindifferentPCs[76]. PCAissensitivetotherelativescalingoftheoriginalvariablessocenteringofthedata foreachattributeispreviouslyrequired.TheresultsofaPCAareusuallydiscussedintermsof componentscores(thetransformedvariablevaluescorrespondingtoaparticularcaseinthe data) and loadings (the weight by which each standardized original variable should be multipliedtogetthecomponentscore)[77]. Often, PCA can be thought of as revealing the internal structure of the data in a way whichbestexplainsthevarianceofthedata.Ifamultivariatedatasetisvisualizedasasetof coordinates in a highdimensional data space (1 axis per variable), PCA can supply the user with a lowerdimensional picture, when viewed from its most informative viewpoint. This is done by using only the first few principal components so that the dimensionality of the transformeddataisreduced. So,byusingPCAalargenumberofvariablessuchasconcentrationofelementscanbe transformed into linearly independent sources of “information” (referred to as components) thatcanbeinterpretedtoprovideinsightintotheprocessesorinterrelationshipsthatunderlie the data. Principal components analysis is commonly used in a variety of geosciences disciplines,suchasaeolianapplicationstohelpdeterminesourceregionsofparticulatematter pollution[78,79],tocharacterizeparticlesizedata,includingstudiesofsoilfertility[80]and pollution [81] while textural and other sedimentological data has been used to differentiate between marine and terrestrial sediments in Florida [82]. Thus, interpretation of PCA componentscanhelpidentifysourceofcontaminationaswellascontaminationpatterns. PCA[83]wasalsoappliedtoexplaintheunderlingstructuresoftheobtaineddata, identify pollutant sources, certain distribution patterns and their contributions on soils affectedbyminingpollution. 18 1.Introduction 1.7.WEAKNESSANDNEEDSOFMININGSITESCHARACTERIZATION x Weaknesses: x Soil risk assessments covered by the current legislations consider only heavy metal concentration and do not account for the real risk of contaminated sites such as abandoned mines better explained by heavy metals mobility determined by its chemical species. In addition the origin of the contamination (either natural or anthropogenic)isnotconsidered. x Agreatdealofminesisabandonedeveryyearwithoutconcernfortheenvironment. This is especially dramatic in developing countries were no legislation concerning contaminatedsoilsareimplemented. x Needs: x The characterization of several parameters including not only heavy metal concentrationbutalsoitsdistributionaroundthepollutedarea,thephysicochemical parameters,theoriginofthecontaminationandthemobilityoftheheavyelementsof soilsshouldbeperformedtoassessenvironmentalhealthhazards. 19 1.Introduction REMEDIATIONTECHNIQUESOFINDUSTRIAL CONTAMINATEDWATER Thedevelopmentofviablewaysofrecyclingindustrialwatersandtheirderivatesludge suchas miningeffluents ratherthanitsdisposalasahazardouswasteinspeciallycontrolled landfills can be a benefit from both environmental and economical point of view. In this section, the application of various remediation techniques for the treatment of organic and inorganiccontaminatedwastewatersisresumed. 1.8. SOLVENT EXTRACTION FOR THE RECOVERY OF ZN FROM ACIDIC MINEWATERS Refused mining tailings and water containing rejected materials are generally pumped intotailingpondstoavoidtheirtransportationbywindintopopulatedareaswherethetoxic chemicalscouldbedangeroustohumanhealthaswellastoallowthesedimentationofsolid particles[84]. However, mine tailing ponds are potentially hazardous as they can represent a sourceofaciddrainagebutespeciallyduetodamfailuresoftailingponds.Whenatailingline breaksoradambreaches,highamountsofcontaminatedwaterandclayswithdissolvedmetal ionsarereleasedtotheenvironmentcausingseriousdamagesandhavingtoxiceffectsonthe biota in the downstream water[85]. Some mining operations are able to recycle relatively smallamountsofwaterfordrillinganddustsuppressionbyusingsimplesumpstoclarifythe water,butinmostcases,thetotalvolumeispumpedtothesurfacefortheirtreatmentwith the other aqueous drainage components so as to minimize longterm environmental effects onceactivemininghasceased[86]. The volume and characteristics of materials contained in tailing ponds can vary widely dependingonminingmethodsandthehydrogeologicalcharacteristicsoftheregion.WaterpH canvaryfrombasictoveryaciddependingonthenatureoftheoreanditshostrockandit maycontainhighlevelsofdissolvedmetals,suspendedsolids,someoilsandammonia. Asanexampleofeconomicalfeasibleandvaluablerecoveryofaheavymetalbyproduct, the recovery of Zn from mine waters can diminish the volume of hazardous materials containedintheminetailingwhileprovidingeconomicalprofit. 20 1.Introduction 1.8.1.ZINCOVERVIEW Zincisthe23rdmostabundantelementintheearth'scrust.Zincisnecessarytomodern living, and, in tonnage produced, stands fourth among all metals in world production being exceeded only by iron, aluminum, and copper. Over 11 million tonnes of zinc are produced annuallyworldwide.Nearly50%oftheamountisusedasacoatingtoprotectironandsteel from corrosion (galvanized metal). Approximately 19% is used to produce brass and 16% go intotheproductionofzincbasealloystosupplythediecastingindustry.Significantamounts arealsoemployedforcompoundssuchaszincoxideandzincsulfateandsemimanufactures including roofing, gutters and downpipes [5] (Figure 1.3a). Main application areas are: construction(45%)followedbytransport(25%),consumergoods&electricalappliances(23%) andgeneralengineering(7%)(Figure1.3b).Zincisalsoanecessaryelementforpropergrowth anddevelopmentofhumans,animals,andplants;itisthesecondmostcommontracemetal, afteriron,naturallyfoundinthehumanbody. Enduse Firstuse 4% 7% 7% 16% 7% 23% 45% 47% 25% 19% Zinccoatedsteels Brass Zincbasealloys Semimanufactures Compounds Others Construction Transport Consumer&ElectricalGoods GeneralEngineering Figure1.3.Zincdemand:FirstuseandEndusein2003estimate(Source:ILZSG/BrookHunt/ Outokumpu/CRU[87]) The level of zinc recycling is increasing each year, as a consequence of the progress in thetechnologyofzincproductionandzincrecycling.Today,over80%ofthezincavailablefor recycling is indeed recycled. Although, at present, approximately 70% of the zinc produced worldwideisstilloriginatedfromminedores[86]. In this context, it is clear the need for the recovery of Zn. Several technologies are currently employed for separation of zinc from waters including precipitation, ion exchange, adsorption, electrochemical recovery, membrane separation and solvent extraction (SX) [88] beingthelatterthemosteconomicalandpracticalprocesstoextractZnfromindustrialwaters [89,90,91].InrecentyearsSXhasbecomeessentialtothehydrometallurgicalindustrydueto agrowingdemandforhighpuritymetals,rigidenvironmentalregulations,theneedforlower 21 1.Introduction productioncosts,aswellasduetothediminishingproductioninhighgradeorereserves[92, 93]. 1.8.2.THESOLVENTEXTRACTIONPROCESS Solventextractioninvolvestheextractionofthetargetelementfromtheinitialaqueous solutionbyanextractantusuallydilutedinanorganicsolvent(organicphase),leavingallthe other constituents in the aqueous raffinate. A subsequent reextraction/stripping of the extractedelementpresentintheorganicphaseisusuallycarriedoutwithsomeacidicsolution (stripping solution) with higher affinity for the target element than the organic phase. However,whenundesirablemetalsareextractedtogetherwiththetargetelement,scrubbing of the solvent previous to the stripping step should be performed. An additionally step of regeneration of the organic phase after the stripping step may be also performed when the strippingofthetargetelementorthescrubbingstepisnotcompleteforfurtherreuseofthe organicsolvent(Figure1.4). Figure1.4.Typicalsolventextractionsteps Scrub and regeneration steps generally increase the cost of the process due to the expenditureinbothreactantsandtimesoitispreferabletouseaselectiveextractantanda properstripsolutionsoastothesestepscanbeavoided. Nowadays,awidenumberofextractantsareavailableforuseinSXfortherecoveryof metals, some of them, suitable for a specific metal, while others must be used at a certain conditions to avoid extraction of impurities [94, 95]. In this sense, the most widely used extractants for Zn recovery are those corresponding to the organophosphorous acids group, such as Di(2ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (DEHPA) and bis(2,4,4trimethylpentyl) phosphinic acid(Cyanex272)(Figure1.5). 22 1.Introduction CYANEX 272 DEHPA (Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid Bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinic acid CAS No. 298-07-7 HO O HO Cas No. 83411-71-6 P P O O O CYANEX 301 CYANEX 302 Bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) dithiophosphinic acid Bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) monothiophosphinic acid CAS No. 107667-02-7 CAS No. 132767-86-3 HS HO P P S S Figure1.5.ChemicalstructuresofDEHPA,Cyanex272,Cyanex301andCyanex302 DEHPAhasbeensuccessfullyusedasanextractantformanymetalionsincludingZndue toitsgreatextractioncapacityandlowcost[96,97,98].IthasbeenusedtoextractZnmore efficiently than other bivalent metal ions such as Cu, Ni, Co and Cd [99]. The order of extraction of eight metal ions from a sulfate solution using DEHPA has been reported as a functionofpHtobeFe3+>Zn2+>Cu2+>Co2+>Ni2+>Mn2+>Mg2+>Ca2+[100].Inamorerecentstudy oftheseparationofdivalentmetalionsfromasyntheticsolution,theextractionofmetalions was in the order Zn2+>Ca2+>Mn2+>Cu2+>Co2+>Ni2+>Mg2+ [101]. The target metal (or even different metals) can be separated from the bulk solution by varying in successive steps the acidicconditionsandthetemperatureasmainparameterstogetpuresolutionsofthetarget metals. Cyanex 272 has been used as well as its thiosubstituted derivatives (Cyanex 302 and Cyanex301)intheextractionofseveralmetalions[102].Variousstudiesreporttheadequacy ofCyanex272toextractFe,Zn,Cr,CuandNifromsulfuricand/orsulfatesolutions[103,104, 105]. 1.8.3.SCALINGSOLVENTEXTRACTIONTOAPILOTPLANT The development of new solvent extraction solutions at the laboratory level, require fromapilotplantstepinordertovalidatetheconcept.Thedesignofapilotplantisbasedon thedataobtainedbothinthelaboratoryandbyprocessmodeling. Laboratoryexperimentsareperformedtocheckthefeasibilityofthesolventsthatseem to be suitable by testing their chemical (liquidliquid equilibrium) and hydrodynamic (phase 23 1.Introduction separation) properties.At laboratory,thedistributioncoefficient (D) can be knownforevery solute so an approximation of the number of steps of the process can be estimated. For a multicomponent process, the feasibility of separation between various species may be determinedtoo.Inaddition,bymeansofkineticexperimentstheresidencetimeasafunction of temperature and intensity of mixing required for completion of the process can also be determined. Computer simulation programs allows to determine the optimal configuration at the pilotplant:temperature,pH,phaseratio,thenumberofstagesandoptimalflowsheetofthe process[106]. Thus,thepilotplanthastotestmainlytheparametersthatcannotbepredictedbythe simulation: preferred dispersion, flux, entrainment, accumulation phenomena, precipitation, deteriorationofthesolventand theequipmenttobeused. In thissense,therecommended equipmentistestedinadedicatedpilotplant,toestimatethemasstransfer,entrainmentand phase separation, and optionally for quick accumulation phenomena, e.g., precipitation, foaming,etc.(thislastpointcanbecheckedonlybyrunningthepilotplantwithrealprocess solutions)andtohaveanexperimentalproofoftherecommendedflowsheet.Itcanbeused todiscoverproblemsthatcouldnothavebeenotherwisedetected. Theconfigurationandtypeofequipmentofthepilotplantshouldbesimilartothefull scaleplant,anditshouldberuninthedesignatedsite,usingtherealrawmaterials.Itsmain purpose is the verification of the results that were obtained in the benchscale regarding productionrate,recovery,productqualityandanalysisofaccumulationphenomena. All these parameters are sufficient for a rough economical estimate of the industrial plant.Everydollarinvestedinthepilotplantpaysitselftenfoldintheindustrialplant[107]. 1.9. FELOADED MATERIALS FOR THE REMOVAL OF ORGANIC AND INORGANICCONTAMINANTS Another technology to be employed on the recovery of inorganic contaminants in industrialpollutedeffluentsdealswiththeionexchangeprocesses.Specifically,theFeloaded materialsthatcanbeemployednotonlytoselectivelyremovethepollutantfromthetarget effluentbutalsototreatorganicwaste.Throughthenextsection,theuseofseveralmaterials asasupportforirontobeusedeitherasheterogeneousFentoncatalystorasarsenicsorbent willbedescribed. 24 1.Introduction 1.9.1.ZEOLITES Theword"zeolite"comesfromtheGreek“zeo”and“lithos”thatmeans"boilingstone" becauseoftheobservationthatzeolitesreleasewaterwhenheated.Zeolitesarealargegroup of natural and synthetic hydrated aluminum silicates characterized by complex three dimensionalstructureswithlarge,cagelikecavitiesthatcanaccommodatesodium,calciumor othercations(positivelychargedatomsoratomicclusters);watermolecules;andevensmall organicmolecules.Theseencagedionsandmoleculescanberemovedorexchangedwithout destroyingthealuminosilicateframework[108]. The atomic structures of zeolites are based on threedimensional frameworks of silica andaluminatetrahedrainatetrahedralconfiguration,whereeachoxygenatomisbondedto two adjacent silicon or aluminum atom, linking them together. Clusters of tetrahedra form boxlike polyhedral units that are further linked to build up the entire framework. The wide varietyofpossiblezeolitestructuresisduetothelargenumberofwaysinwhichtheseunits canbelinkedtoformvariousstructures(Figure1.6).Eachtypeofzeolitehasspecificuniform poresize,forinstance,3.54.5ÅforzeoliteLTA,4.56.0ÅforZSM5and6.08.0ÅforzeoliteX, Ytype. Figure1.6.Frameworktopologiesof:a)Sodalite;b)ZeoliteA/ZK4;c)ZeolitesX/Y Zeolites occur naturally as minerals, although, only 6 of the 63 natural zeolites commonly occur in large beds: analcime, chabazite, clinoptilolite, erionite, mordenite and phillipsite.AnotherzeolitesuchasFerrieriteoccursinafewlargebeds,thusofferingalimited rangeofatomicstructuresandproperties.Eachofthesevenalsohasbeensynthesized,and those synthetic zeolites have a wider range of properties and larger cavities than natural zeolites.Theprincipalsynthetic(aluminosilicate)zeolitesincommercialuseareLindeTypeA (LTA),LindeTypesXandY(AlrichandSirich),Silicalite1andZSM5,andLindeTypeB(zeolite P).Allarealuminosilicatesorpuresilicaanalogues. Thealuminosilicateframeworkofazeolitehasanegativecharge,whichisbalancedby thecationslocatedinthecagelikecavitiesthatcanparticipateinionexchangeprocesses.This characteristicyieldssomeimportantpropertiesforzeolitessuchaslessdensestructuresthan 25 1.Introduction othersilicates.Inthissense,between20and50percentofthevolumeofazeolitesstructure arevoids. Synthetic zeolites were first produced in the 1950s and nowadays more than 100 different zeoliteshavebeenmadewithanannualproductionof syntheticzeolitesexceeding 12,000 tons. The International Zeolite Association (IZA) database shows that the number of structuraltypesofuniquemicroporousframeworkshasbeengrowingrapidly,from27in1970 to 133 in 2001, whereas currently this number has reached 180 [109]. In table 1.9 are presentedsometypicaloxideformulaofsyntheticzeolites. Table1.9.Typicaloxideformulaofsomesyntheticzeolites Zeolites ZeolitesA ZeolitesNA ZeolitesH ZeolitesL ZeolitesX ZeolitesY ZeolitesP ZeolitesO Zeolites ZeolitesZK4 ZeolitesZK5 Typical oxide formula Na2O.Al2O3.2SiO2.4,5H2O (Na,(CH3)4N+)2O.Al2O3.4,8SiO2.7H2O K2O.Al2O3.2SiO2.4H2O (K2Na2)O.Al2O3.6SiO2.5H2O Na2O.Al2O3.2,5SiO2.6H2O Na2O.Al2O3.4.8SiO2.8,9H2O Na2O.Al2O3.25SiO2.5H2O (Na2,K2,(CH3)4N+2)O.Al2O3.7SiO2.3,5H2O (Na,(CH3)4N+)2O.Al2O3.7SiO2.5H2O 0,85Na2O.0,15((CH3)4N+)2O.Al2O3.3,3SiO2.6H2O (R,Na2)O.Al2O3.46SiO2.6H2O Theusesofzeolitesderivefromtheirspecialproperties: i)Ionexchange:Zeolitescaninteractwithwatertoabsorborreleaseions.Inthissense, theyareusedaswatersofteners,toremovecalciumions,whichreactwithsoaptoformscum. Zeolites have also been used to clean radioactive wastes, in this sense, radioactive Sr90 and Cs137 have been removed from radioactive waste solutions by passing them through tanks packed with the natural zeolite clinoptilolite. In addition, clinoptilolite is used to clean ammoniumions(NH4+)fromsewageandagriculturalwastewater.Naturalzeolitesarealsothe most effective filters yet found for absorbing sulfur dioxide from waste gases. As efforts to improvethecontinuousairquality,zeolitescanbeusedtohelppurifythegasesfrompower plantsthatburnhighsulfurcoal. ii) Molecular sieves: Zeolites can selectively absorb ions that fit the cavities in their structures. Industrial applications make use of synthetic zeolites of high purity, which have larger cavities than the natural zeolites. These larger cavities enable synthetic zeolites to absorborholdmoleculesthatthenaturalzeolitesdonot.Somezeolitesareusedasmolecular sievestoremovewaterandnitrogenimpuritiesfromnaturalgas. 26 1.Introduction iii)Catalyticcracking:Zeolitescanholdlargemoleculesandhelpthembreakintosmaller pieces. Because of their ability to interact with organic molecules, zeolites are important in refining and purifying natural gas and petroleum chemicals. The zeolites are not affected by these processes, so they are acting as catalysts. Zeolites are used to help break down large organic molecules found in petroleum into the smaller molecules that make up gasoline (cracking).Zeolitesarealsousedinhydrogenatingvegetableoilsandinmanyotherindustrial processesinvolvingorganiccompounds. Althoughmostzeolitesusedascatalystsaresyntheticandmadeforspecificapplications, afewnaturalzeoliteshavealsobeenemployed.Amongstthenaturalzeolites,themostusedis clinoptilolite for being the most common zeolite occurring in large quantities. Moreover, takingprofitoftheirhighexchangecapacity,severalFeloadedzeoliteshavebeenalsowidely employed. In this regard, Febearing zeolites have been applied to N2O decomposition [110, 111],selectivecatalyticreductionofNOwithhydrocarbons[112,113,114]orNH3[115,116, 117],oxidationofbenzenetophenol[118,119],epoxidationofpropene[120,121],oxidation ofvolatileorganiccarbons[122],decolorisationbymeansofFentontypereaction[123],etc. 1.9.2.CLAYS Clays form almost 70% of the earth's crust and are defined as a sedimentary rock containing mixtures of different minerals, mainly hydrated aluminum silicate, iron or magnesium, along with various impurities, particulate extremely small crystal in varying proportions. Thecrystalstructureofclaysconsistsmainlyintetrahedralsilicaandoctahedralalumina linkedtogethertoformlayersoftetrahedraandoctahedra.Theselayerswillsharetheapical oxygenfromthetetrahedrallayerwiththefreeoxygenoftheoctahedrallayer.Alayerpacking type1:1 containsonetetrahedraland oneoctahedrallayer,alayer2:1type twotetrahedral andoneoctahedralandalayer2:2type,twolayersofeach(Figure1.7). (Al,Si)O4 2:1silicate layer interlayer 2:1silicate layer Exchangeable cation (Al,Mg,Fe)O6 Figure1.7.Schematicstructureofa2:1layerexpandableclay 27 1.Introduction TheoctahedralsitesareusuallyoccupiedbyAl3+orMg2+.WhentheionisMg2+,allthe holes are occupied and the configuration is trioctahedral, but if the ion is Al3+, due to their highercharge,only2/3ofthesitesareoccupied,resultinginadioctahedralstructure. TheSi4+andAl3+inthetetrahedralandoctahedrallayerrespectively,maybesubstituted by other elements with an ionic radius suitable to fit into the structure (called isomorphic substitution).Thus,Si4+canbereplacedbyAl3+,andAl3+byMg2+,Mn2+,Ca2+orNi2+causinga negativechargedensitythatshouldbecompensatedbycationsintheinterlaminarspacethat canbeexchangeable(cationexchange). The swelling properties are reversible unless the collapse occurs by elimination of all polar molecules interspersed. The principal advantage of these materials, apart from its availability,isthatduetolaminarstructure,forceachemicalreactionoccursinaplaneandno threedimensionalspace,makingitmuchfaster. Commercialclaysaremainlydedicatedtothemanufactureofrawmaterialsforbuilding materialsaccountingfor90%ofproductionandonly10%isallocatedtootherindustriessuch as manufacture of paper, rubber, paints, absorbent, bleach, molding sand, chemicals and pharmaceuticals,agriculture,etc.[124]. Compositionally, clay minerals are similar to zeolites. Both are aluminosilicates and hence, they possess high cation exchange capacity. However, they differ in their crystalline structure:zeoliteshavearigidthreedimensionalcrystallinestructureconsistingofanetwork ofinterconnectedtunnelsandcages whilstclayshavealayeredcrystalline structureandare subjecttoshrinkingandswellingaswaterisabsorbedandremovedbetweenthelayers. 1.9.3.SPONGES In the same way, Forager™ sponge is a high porosity and economic ionexchange materialwithselectiveaffinityfordissolvedheavymetalsinbothcationicandanionicstates. Such material is able to promote high rates of adsorption and flexibility which enables their compressibilityintoanextremelysmallvolumetofacilitatedisposaloncethecapacityofthe materialhasbeenexhausted[125].Foragerisanopencelledcellulosespongewhichcontains a waterinsoluble polyamide chelating polymer formed by the reaction of polyethyleneimine andnitrilotriaceticacid.Thismaterialisclaimedto containfree availableethyleneamineand iminodiacetategroupstointeractwithheavymetalsionsbychelationandionexchange.Inthis sense, it has selective affinity for dissolved heavy metals in both cationic and anionic states. Foragerspongeandotheradsorbentspongeshavebeensuccessfullyusedinthetreatmentof heavymetalssolutions[126,127]. 28 1.Introduction Severaladvantagesofthespongematerialwereidentified.Thefirstwasitsopencelled naturethatallowsrelativelyhighflowrates;thesecondwascosteffectiveness;andthethird was the material's low affinity for sodium, potassium, and calcium, three common naturally occurring groundwater ions that can interfere with the effectiveness of typical ion exchange systems for treating specific priority pollutant metals. The selective affinity of the polymer enablestheForager™Spongetobindtoxicheavymetalsoverbenignmonovalentanddivalent cations such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. In addition, prior studies have shownthatthespongematerialiseffectiveoverawiderangeofpH.ThepHatthesitewas determined to range from 4 to 5 standard units. Another advantage was that a simple treatment system could be designed and installed similar to a typical carbon adsorption system. It is an opencelled cellulose housing iminodiacetic acid groups which chelate transition metal cations by cation exchange processes in the following affinity sequence: Cd2+>Cu2+>Hg2+>Pb2+>Au3+>Zn2+>Fe3+>Ni2+>Co2+>Al3+.Thespongepolymeralsocontainstertiary amine salt groups that can bind anionic contaminants, such as the chromate, arsenic, and uraniumoxidespecies.Itcanbedesignedforsitespecificneedstocontainacationthatforms ahighlyinsolublesolidwiththeanionofinterest.Anotheradvantageisitshighporosityand flexibilitywhichallowsitscompressibilityintoanextremelysmallvolumetofacilitatedisposal. 1.10.THEFENTONREACTION Some of the above described ion exchange materials, can be employed for the treatment of a wide range of organic compounds detected in industrial and municipal wastewater. Some of these compounds (both synthetic organic chemicals and naturally occurring substances) pose severe problems in biological treatment systems due to their resistancetobiodegradationor/andtoxiceffectsonmicrobialprocesses.Asaresult,theuseof alternative treatment technologies, aiming to mineralize or transform refractory molecules into others which could be further biodegraded, is a matter of great concern. Among them, advancedoxidationprocesses(AOPs)arealreadybeenusedforthetreatmentofwastewater containing recalcitrant organic compounds such as pesticides, surfactants, dyes, pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting chemicals. Moreover, they have been successfully used as pretreatment methods in order to reduce the concentrations of toxic organic compoundsthatinhibitbiologicalwastewatertreatmentprocesses[128] Advancedoxidationprocesses(AOPs)arebasedonthegenerationofthehighlyoxidative hydroxyl radical which attacks nonselectively all present organic compounds [129].A great numberofmethodsareclassifiedunderthebroaddefinitionofAOPs(Table10).Mostofthem 29 1.Introduction useacombinationofstrongoxidizingagents(e.g.H2O2,O3)withcatalysts(e.g.transitionmetal ions)andirradiation(e.g.ultraviolet,visible). HOMOGENEOUS PROCESSES HETEROGENEOUS PROCESSES Table1.10.ListofmainAOPprocesses Ozonationunderalkalineconditions(O3/OH) Ozonationassistedbyhydrogenperoxide(O3/H2O2)and Withoutexternal (O3/H2O2/OH) energysupply Hydrogenperoxideandironcatalysts(Fentonprocess, H2O2/Fe2+) Ozonationandultravioletradiation(O3/UV) Hydrogenperoxideandultravioletradiation(H2O2/UV) Ozone,hydrogenperoxideandultravioletradiation (O3/H2O2/UV) Withexternal PhotoFenton(Fe2+/H2O2/UV) energysupply Ozonationassistedbyultrasounds(O3/US) Hydrdogenperoxideassistedbyultrasounds(H2O2/US) Electrochemicaloxidation Anodicoxidation ElectroFenton Catalyticozonation(O3/Cat.) Photocatalyticozonation(O3/TiO2/UV) Heterogeneousphotocatalysis(H2O2/TiO2/UV) Among AOPs, the Fenton reaction has been widely applied in treating contaminated wastewaters containing organic volatile compounds, persistent organic pollutants and dyes [130,131, 132].TheFentonreactionconsistsonthegenerationofthehydroxylradicalfrom hydrogenperoxideandFe(II)ionsinmildconditions(reactions1and2): Fe2++H2O2 Æ OH+Organicmatter Æ Æ Fe3++H2O2 FeOOH2+ Æ Fe2++HO2 Æ Æ Fe3++HO2 Æ 2HO2 Fe3++OH+OH k1=107M1s1 OxidizedProducts FeOOH2++H+ k3=0.0010.01M1s1 Fe2++HO2 Fe3++HO2 Fe2++O2+H+ H2O2+O2 (Eq.1) (Eq.2) (Eq.3) (Eq.4) (Eq.5) (Eq.6) (Eq.7) As iron is catalytically cycled between Fe(II) and Fe(III) (reaction 1 and 3 to 6), the hydroxylradicalscanbegeneratedalsowithFe(III),whichiscalledFentonlikereaction[133]. ThereactionusingFe(III)isslowerthanwithFe(II)althoughtheuseofFe(III)insteadofFe(II) presentsomeadvantagesmainlyrelatedtotheworkingpHthatcanbebroadenedfrom3.0to 4.5. [134] Other advantages concern with the reduction on the reactants costs due to the lowerexpenditureofFe(III)saltscomparedtoFe(II)salts.However,theuseofFe(II/III)saltsas ahomogeneouscatalysthassomedrawbacksconcerningtheremovalofFedueto: x Chelating pollutants as well as some inorganic components of wastewater solutions (e.g.phosphate) 30 1.Introduction x Lossofthecatalystduetoironhydroxideprecipitationwhichcausesredmudsludge that should be removed from the solution, sometimes requiring further treatment thusincreasingthecostofthewholeprocess. Toovercomethesedrawbacks,severalheterogeneousFentoncatalystsbearingFe(II/III) ions,clustersoroxideshavebeendeveloped[135,136,137,138,139,140,141].Inthissense, severallayeredandporousaluminosilicatessuchasclaysandzeoliteshavebeenproposedasa supportforthecatalyticFeduetotheirhighspecificsurface,highthermalstability,exchange capacityandhomogeneousdistributionofactivesites(142).Withregardtozeolites,Feloaded syntheticcommercialzeolitessuchasZSM5zeolites[143,144,145]andYzeolites[146,147, 148] have been widely reported in the literature to provide similar catalytic activities as the homogeneouscatalysis.However,inadditiontotheelevatedcostofthesesyntheticmaterials andthepreparationoftheseFeloadedmaterials,longandtediousproceduresarerequired. 1.11.ARSENICSORPTIONUSINGFELOADEDMATERIALS Arsenic is a naturally occurring metal released into the environment by natural and anthropogenic(industrialandcommercial)processes.Ithasreceivedhugepublicandscientific attentionduetoenvironmentalandpublichealthdisastersaroundtheworld[149,150,151]. 1.11.1.ARSENICTOXICITY Arsenic compounds can be classified into three major forms: inorganic, organic, and arsine gas. Inorganic arsenic may be formed with either trivalent (arsenite) or pentavalent (arsenate) arsenic. Trivalent arsenic compounds tend to be more toxic than pentavalent arsenic compounds although pentavalent species predominate and are stable in oxygen rich aerobic environments [152]. Inorganic arsenic is more toxic than the organic forms although very high doses of certain organic compounds may be metabolized to inorganic arsenic and result in some of the same effects derived from an exposure to inorganic compounds. Arsenobetaine, an organic form of arsenic, is found in seafood and is nontoxic. On the contrary,arsinegashavethehighesttoxicityofAscompoundsanditisformedbythereaction ofhydrogenwitharsenic,duringthesynthesisoforganicarseniccompounds,andgenerated accidentally during the smelting and refining of nonferrous metals in mining processes. High levelsofnaturallyoccurringarsenicarefoundinsoilandrocksleadingtounacceptablelevels ofarsenicindrinkingwatersuchasinBangladesh. Thetoxicityofarsenicvarieswidelybasedontherouteofexposure,theform,thedose, the duration of exposure, and the time elapsed since the exposure. Ingestion and inhalation 31 1.Introduction aretheprimaryroutesofbothacuteandchronicexposures.Arsinegasisoneofthemosttoxic formsandisreadilyabsorbedintothebodybyinhalation. Effects of acute inorganic arsenic poisoning include fever, anorexia, hepatomegaly, melanosis, cardiac arrhythmia and eventual cardiovascular failure, upper respiratory track symptoms, peripheral neuropathies, gastrointestinal and hematopoietic effects. Dermal contactwithhighconcentrationsofinorganicarseniccompoundsmayresultinskinirritation, redness, and swelling and high acute exposures may cause choleralike gastrointestinal symptomsofvomiting(oftentimesbloody)andseverediarrhoea(oftenbloody).Ingestionof largedosesofinorganicarsenic(70to180mg)maybefatal. Arsenichasbeenclassifiedasaknownhumancarcinogenbymultipleagenciesbasedon theincreasedprevalenceoflungandskincancerobservedinhumanpopulationsexposedto arsenic. Everyday,lackofaccesstocleanwaterandsanitationkillsthousandsofpeople,leaving others with reduced quality of life and as cities and slums grow at increasing rates, the situationworsens.Nowadayscleanwaterisascarceresourceandarsenicremovalfromwaters hasemergedasamajorconcernincertaindevelopingcountries. 1.11.2.ARSENICSORBENTS Several types of adsorbents have been used for the removal of arsenic from aqueous effluents, many of them taking advantage of Fe(III) compounds affinity towards inorganic arsenic species. In this regard, various methodologies for arsenic removal involve the use of ironhydroxyoxidessuch asgoethite(either naturalorsynthetic)[153,154,155],ferrihydrite [156,157,158]orhematite[159,160]anddifferentFebearingmaterialssuchasFe(III)loaded zeolites [161], aluminosilicates [162] or resins[163]. To predict the longterm fate of arsenic anddesignnewmaterialswithimprovedcapacityandefficiencyforAssorption,themolecular understanding of the sorption of arsenic by iron (oxy)hydroxides and Febearing materials is required.Feloadedzeoliteshavebeensuccessfullyemployedforarsenicremoval[164].Inthis sense, arsenate and arsenite adsorption from water was carried on by using iron treated activatedcarbonandnaturalzeolite,comparingtheirefficiencywiththeresultsobtainedusing Faujasite (13X) and Linde type A (5A) molecular sieves. Irontreated activated carbon and chabazite were promising as lowcost arsenic adsorbents removing approximately 60% of arsenate and arsenite and 50% of arsenate and 30% of arsenite, respectively [165]. Besides, aqueousarsenicsorptionbynaturalzeolites,volcanicstone,cactaceouspowderCACMMand clinoptilolitecontainingrockswithdifferentclinoptilolite,erioniteandmordenitepercentages have been also reported [166, 167]. Each zeolite sample in the 0.1–4 mg/L Fe concentration 32 1.Introduction range removed more arsenate than arsenite at equivalent arsenic concentrations. The saturation capacity of the materials was inversely related to the silicon dioxide content and directlytotheironcontentintheacidwashedzeolite.Moreover,theadsorptionofAs(V)from drinkingwaterbyanaluminumloadedShirasuzeolite(AlSZP1)wasstudiedobtainingresults equivalenttothatofactivatedalumina.AligandexchangemechanismbetweenAs(V)ionsand surface hydroxide groups on AlSZP1 was presumed [168]. Furthermore, an ironconditioned zeolite was prepared and used for arsenic removal from groundwater at pH 7.8 and temperature145ºC[169].Ontheotherhand,ForagerSpongeandotheradsorbentsponges havebeensuccessfullyusedinthetreatmentofheavymetalsolutions[128,170]butscarcely employedforthearsenicremovalafterbeingloadedwithiron[171]. Several researchers have investigated the structure of the As adsorbed onto such materials using Extended Xray Absorption Fine Structrue (EXAFS) and IR spectroscopic techniquesandpreviousstudieshaveshownthatAs(V)oxyanionsarestronglyadsorbedtothe surfacesofsuchironoxidesasgoethite,ferrihydrite,andhematite[172,173,174,175].The assessmentandcharacterizationoftheseFebearingmaterialscanshedlightonthesorption mechanisms taking part on these materials to provide useful data concerning the As uptake mechanism. Thus, modifications concerning the As chemical and electronic structures dependingonthetypeofadsorbentcanbeofgeneralinterest. 1.12. WEAKNESSES AND NEEDS OF INDUSTRIALLY CONTAMINATED WATERS x Weaknesses: x Conventional treatment for tailing ponds waters consists in the depuration of the water in water treatment plants to be afterwards discharged to nearby rivers or creeks.However,thesetreatmentplantsareexpensiveandtheprocesscostsarenot recovered. x TheFentonreactioninvolvesthepresenceofironsaltsascatalystalthoughtwomain drawbacks arise, the first mainly concerning the loss of the catalyst due to iron hydroxideprecipitationanditsconsequentredmudsludgegeneration. x Feloaded materials employed as Fenton catalysts involves long and tedious proceduresinadditiontotheelevatedcostofthesyntheticmaterialsused. x Severalironcompoundshavebeenemployedforthesorptionofarsenic.Itsefficiency isbelievedtobestronglyinfluencedbyitsstructure. 33 1.Introduction x Needs: x The recovery of metals contained on tailing ponds by existing methodologies can provideeconomicalvaluetotheseresidueswhilesolvinganenvironmentalproblem. x Newironloadedbasedcatalystsintodifferentmaterialsshouldbetestedtoavoidthe removalofthecatalyst,thegenerationofredsludgederivedfromtheprecipitationof ironhydroxyoxidesandtoimprovetheefficiency. x Nobel Feloaded materials more economical should be tested as well as simpler preparationmethodologiesfortheFeloadingofthesematerials. x To predict the longterm fate of arsenic and to design new materials with improved capacityandefficiencyforAssorption,themolecularunderstandingofthesorptionof arsenicbyironhydroxyoxidesandFebearingmaterialsisrequired. 34 1.Introduction ANALYTICALTECHNIQUES Through the following section, the general aspects of the techniques employed in this workareoverviewed.Inthissense,theanalysisofheavymetalshasbeencarriedoutbymeans ofhandheldXrayfluorescencetechniquewhilesynchrotronbasedtechniquessuchasXray AbsorptionNearEdgeStructure(XANES)andExtendedXrayAbsorptionFineStructure(EXAFS) havebeenthemaintoolsappliedforthedeterminationofmercuryspeciesaswellastothe characterizationoftheadsorptionofarsenicontoFeloadedmaterials. 1.13.XRAYFLUORESCENCE XRF spectrometry can easily and quickly identify and quantify elements over a wide dynamicrange,fromppmlevelsuptovirtually100%w/w,withoutdestroyingthesampleand with little, if any, sample preparation. These factors lead to a significant reduction in the sampleanalyticalcostcomparedtootherelementalanalysistechniques. 1.13.1.XRAYINTERACTIONWITHMATTER Recording the image of a given structure requires the use of a wavelength equal to or smaller than the size of the structure. Xrays are actually electromagnetic waves between ultravioletlightandgammaraysonthewavelengthscale.Theirwavelengthiscomparableto interatomicdistances,soitcanbeusedto“see”interatomicdistances(Figure1.8). Figure1.8.Electromagneticspectrum Xraysinteractwithatomsinessentiallytwoways:scatteringandXrayabsorptionorthe photoelectriceffect(Figure1.9).Scatteringcausesthephotontochangeitsdirectionanditcan be elastic (Rayleigh scattering) or inelastic (Compton scattering). In Rayleigh scattering the energy of the photon is conserved and occurs when Xray photons interact with strongly boundelectrons;whereasComptonscatteringoccurswhenXrayphotonsinteractwithweakly 35 1.Introduction bound electrons and the energy of the photon is conserved after the interaction. Rayleigh scatteringformsthebasisofXraydiffraction(Figure1.10). Fluorescence Incident Xray beam Transmitted Xrays Rayleigh scattering Compton scattering MATERIAL Figure1.9.InteractionofXrayswithmatter COMPTON SCATTERING (Incoherent scattering) RAYLEIGH SCATTERING (Coherent scattering) (3) Ef <E0 (3) Ef =E0 (1) (1) (2) (2) Electron Energy E0 Electron Energy E0 Nucleus Nucleus (1) Incoming Xray photon (2) Energy is partially transferred to electron (3) Scattered photon Loss ofenergy (1)Incoming Xray photon (2) Oscillating electron (3) Scattered photon Noloss ofenergy Figure1.10.RayleighandComptonscattering Ontheotherhand,XrayabsorptionoccurswhenanatomacquirestheenergyofanX ray to excite electrons into higher energy electron orbitals that are unoccupied, or into the continuumwheretheelectronisnolongerassociatedwiththeatom.Tofillthevoidcreatedin theinnershell,anelectronfromahigherenergyshelldropdownalmostinstantaneously.The excess energy resulting from this transition can be released either in the form of an Xray photonwithawavelengthcharacteristicoftheatom(fluorescence)ortoanelectronfroman outershellthatreceivessufficientenergytoleavetheatom(Augerelectronemission)(Figure 1.11). AUGER ELECTRON FLUORESCENCE (3) Ejected Kshell electron Ef =EL EK (2) (4) (1) LÆ Ktransition Nucleus Kshell (1)Incoming Xray photon (2) AKshell electron is ejected (photoelectron) (3) Outer shell electron moves to the inner shell hole created (4) Energy excess emitted asfluorescence 36 (2) (3) (5) (4) (1) Electron Energy E0 LÆ Ktransition Ejected Kshell electron Lshell Energy E0 (1)Incoming Xray photon (2) AKshell electron is ejected (photoelectron) (3) Outer shell electron moves to the inner shell hole created (4) Energy excess is transferred to electron (5) Electron ejected from atom (Auger electron) Nucleus Electron Kshell Lshell 1.Introduction Figure1.11.ReleaseofenergyprocessafterXrayabsorptionbymatter Allelements emitXraysattheirowncharacteristic energies.TheseXraysarecalledK linesiftheyresultfromanelectronfillingtheKshell,andLlinesiftheyresultfromfillingthe nextelectronshellout,theLshell.TheenergyoftheemittedfluorescentXraysidentifythe elements present in the sample and, in general, the intensities of the Xray lines are proportional to the concentration of the elements in the sample, allowing quantitative chemicalanalysisbyXrayFluorescence(XRF)spectrometers. 1.13.2.XRAYFLUORESCENCE XRF is a nondestructive, simultaneous multielement technique that covers a wide dynamicrangefrom100%downtotheμg/glevelwithtypicalrelativeprecisionapproaching 1% [176]. This wellestablished analytical method has been applied to environmental, geological,archaeological,metalandalloysamples. Inaddition,inthelast40yearshandheldXRFequipmentshavebeenemergedasvery profitable tool given that the application of such technique, let to quickly delineate metals contamination at a screening level in situ [177], as well as to determine contamination patterns.Withminimalsamplepreparationrequirements,XRFmayprovidequickqualitative, semiquantitative,orevenquantitativeanalysisofliquids,powder,solidorthinfilmsamples [178]. In addition, high volume of field test can be monitored to determine the spatial distributionanddegreeofheterogeneityofheavymetalsinanundisturbedpositionwhileoff siteanalyticalcostsareminimizedwithoutdestructionofthesamples[179,180]. 1.13.4.FIELDPORTABLEXRFINSTRUMENTATION A typical XRF system has three major components: an excitation source, a spectrometer/detector and a data collection/processing unit. In FieldPortable XRay Fluorescence(FPXRF)equipments,theexcitationsourceandthedetectordevicearegenerally assembled in a fixed position in order to reduce the size and weight to facilitate transportation.Theinstrumentdevicemaybeverycompactbyincorporationofanembedded microcomputeroritmayberenderedmoreflexiblebyusingastandardnotebookcomputer (Figure1.12). 37 1.Introduction Figure1.12.SchemeofaFPXRF Various excitation sources may be used to irradiate a sample although the more employed are radioisotopes sources and Xray tubes. In a radioisotope source, the characteristicXraysemittedfromasealedradioisotopesourcesuchas 55Fe, 57Co, 109Cd, 241Am and 244Cmareemployed.However,theintensityoftheseexcitationsourcesgraduallyfallsas theisotopedecaysandtheemittedXraywavelengthsandintensitiesarenotadjustable.On theotherhand,Xraytubeshaveincreasedsensitivityandanalyticalrange.Xraytubeoffera fasteranalyticaltimebecausetheXrayfluxcan be higher than mostisotopebasedsources. They can also be used over a wider range of excitation energies, eliminating the need for multipleisotopicsourcestoproduceXraysovertheentireexcitationsspectrum.Inaddition,it isworthmentioningthattransportationofminiatureXraytubesinvolveslessproblemsthan whentravelingwithradioisotopesources.ThecathodeintheminiatureXraytubeisheatedby a filament, and it then emits electrons that are accelerated by a high electric field. The accelerated electrons hit the anode, which emits an Xray continuum accompanied by the characteristiclinesofanodicmetal.Dependingupontheapplication,theanodematerialmay be Cd, Cu, Mo, Rh, Ag, W, Pt or Au. These sources are powered with an external AC power supply,oraninternalrechargeablebattery[181]. Thereareseveraldetectorsavailablesuchasgasflowproportionalcounters,scintillation counters and solid state detectors being the latter the most employed given their high resolution. Solidstate detectors have improved energy resolution dramatically, thereby reducing spectral interferences and offering a three to fourfold speed advantage over a scintillation detector. Various types of solid state detectors exist such as Germanium, Si(Li) (lithiumdriftedsilicon),SiPIN(siliconpositiveintrinsicnegative),CCD(chargecoupleddevice), PDA (photo diode array), PIPS (passivated implanted planar silicon) and SSB (silicon surface 38 1.Introduction barrier).Thesemiconductordetectorstypicallyrequirecryogeniccoolingtoimprovethesignal tonoiseratio.Besides,thedevelopmentofpersonalcomputerswithhighspeedandmemory has also allowed fundamental parameter algorithms to be quickly performed using multiple standards, resulting in rapid and more accurate standardization and analyses for multicomponent,complexmatricesoverstandardempiricalmethods[182]. 1.14.SYNCHROTRONBASEDTECHNIQUES 1.14.1.SYNCHROTRONLIGHTSOURCES Thefirstaccelerators(cyclotrons)werebuiltbyparticlephysicistsinthe1930’stostudy collisionsbetweenhighenergyparticles.Inthisroletheywereverysuccessful,andtheLarge Hadron Collider at CERN is based on this technology. But scientist soon noticed that these machines also had a byproduct: they generated very bright light. The emitted light was first considered an inconvenient because it caused the particles to lose energy. The first experimentscarriedoutusingsynchrotronlightwereperformedatCornell(USA)in1956and overtheyears,thenumberofexperimentsincreased,allusingmachinesbuiltforhighenergy particlephysics.Thischangedin1980whentheUKbuilttheworld’sfirstsynchrotronspecially devoted to produce synchrotron light for experiments. Nowadays, there are around 70 synchrotron light sources around the world, carrying out a huge range of experiments with applications in engineering, biology, materials science, cultural heritage, chemistry, environmentalsciencesandmanymore. 1.14.2.DESIGNANDOPERATIONOFASYNCHROTRONLIGHTSOURCE A schematic overview of a synchrotron facility is depicted in Figure 1.13. Bunches of elementary particles such as electrons or positrons are initially accelerated by a linear accelerator (LINAC) and then accelerated further in a booster ring that injects the particles travelingnearthespeedoflightintoastoragering.Theparticleswithinthestorageringare forced to change its trajectory by bending magnets so that they travel in a closed loop. This causesXrayswithabroadspectrumofenergies(whitelight)tobeemittedtangentialtothe storage ring. Therefore, a synchrotron storage ring is an Nsided polygon, where N is the numberofbends. 39 1.Introduction X-ray Experimental beam line station Electron beam Storage ring Electron beam LINAC Booster ring Electron gun Insertion device Bending magnet Figure1.13.Synchrotronschematicoverview Wigglersandundulatorsaretwotypesofspecializedinsertiondevicesthatareplacedin thestraightsectionsofthestoragering.Awigglerconsistsofseveralcloselyspacedbending magnets that increase the intensity of the Xray pulse. An undulator oscillates the charged particlesusingcarefullyspacedmagnetssuchthattheinterferencebetweentheirpolesaffects theemittedXrayspectrum.Thisinterferenceisadditiveatparticularwavelengths,producing anintenseXraybeamatawavelengththatcanbeselectedbyvaryingthegapbetweenthe polesofthemagnets(Figure1.14).Beamlinesareplacedtangentialtothestorageringtouse theXraysemittedbybendingthechargedparticles[183]. Bending magnet Wiggler Undulator Free electron laser Electron beam X-ray radiation Magnetic structures Figure1.14.Bendingmagnetsandinsertiondevices 40 1.Introduction Synchrotronlightpresentsveryspecialcharacteristics: High intensity or flux (photons per second) over a continuous wavelength spectrum from microwaves to hard Xrays and gamma radiation. In contrast to laser light, synchrotronradiationisnonmonochromatic. Highbrightness,thousandsofmillionfoldhigherthanconventionalXraysources. Linearly polarized light, the light oscillates only within certain planes. The light is emitted in very short (picoseconds) pulses with a periodic structure (microseconds), thereforeshowingahighpotentialforstudiesoftransientphenomena. Light source remaining stable along the time. Depending on the facility, each bunch refillshowsalifetimebetween4and24hours. Despite the strong potential shown by synchrotronbased techniques and the spectacularincreaseoftheirpossibleuses,thesetechniquespresentaswellsomedrawbacks: Poordetectionlimits Limitednumberofsynchrotronfacilities Complexdatatreatment 1.14.3.XRAYABSORPTIONSPECTROMETRY The general aspects of XRay Spectroscopy (XAS) have been presented in a number of reviews papers and books [184, 185], as well as its applications to soils, minerals, and other geochemical matrices so the lector is addressed to the extense literature available on XAS applications, synchrotron facilities, and specialized techniques involving synchrotron Xrays [186,187,188,189].Also,anumberofreviewspapersandbooksectionsdescribetechniques and applications of XAS in geochemistry andsoil science [190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195]. The principlesofXASanddataanalysishavebeenalsowidelydescribed[196,197,198]whilemore details on the physics of XAS appear in several books [199, 200, 201, 202]. Therefore, only some basics on this spectroscopy will be presented here. The reader is referred to the abovementionedreviewsformoredetailedinformation. As aforementioned, when the Xrays interact with matter the radiation can be either scatteredbytheelectronsorabsorbedandexcitetheelectrons(Figure1.9).Whentheenergy oftheincidentphotonsissufficientenough,acoreelectronoftheabsorbingatomisexcitedto acontinuumstate(i.e.producingaphotoelectron)causingawavethatisbackscatteredbythe neighboringatomsproducingthecharacteristicfeaturesofatransmissionXASspectra.Tofill the created vacancy, an electron from a higher shell drops emitting fluorescence of characteristic wavelength. Several detection setups have been developed for XAS studies, 41 1.Introduction depending on the nature of the absorber and the matrix type. In this sense, the most commonlyusedinvolvethemeasurementofeitherthetransmissionofXraysortheemitted fluorescence. The absorption spectrum of an element in the vicinity of an absorption edge can be dividedinfourmainregions:Preedge,Edge(orwhiteline),XANESandEXAFS.(Figure1.15). Figure1.15.TypicalXrayabsorptionspectrum. 1)Preedge:E~250eVbelowthemainabsorptionedge.Inthisregionthereisnosignificant absorption phenomena, only localized electronic transitions to unfilled (or partially filled) atomiclevels(e.g.,sÆp,orpÆd). 2) Edge (White line): E from ~ 2 eV below to ~ 2 eV above the absorption edge. Electronic transitions occur with high probability from the core level to unoccupied bound states with closeenergyorcontinuumstates.Asuddenriseofabsorptionisobserved. 3) XANES: E from ~2 to 50 eV above the edge. Lowenergy photoelectrons are strongly scatteredandmultiplescatteringdominates[203].Theresultingfeaturesareintense,andcan be interpreted in terms of multiple scattering from atoms in the first coordination shells aroundtheabsorber,yieldinginformationaboutinteratomicdistancesandangles(Figure9). Given the complexity of the theoretical approach to phenomena occurring in the XANES region, speciation concept in XANES is usually based on the comparison of an unknown spectrum with a database of reference spectra. The fitting process looks for the best linear combinationofreferencespectraabletoappropriatelyreproducetheunknownspectrum.In theseterms,XANEShasbeenwidelyemployedasaspeciationtechnique. 4) EXAFS: This region lies from ~ 50 to ~ 1000 eV above the edge. In the EXAFS region, the photoelectrons have high kinetic energy and normally dominates single scattering by the nearest neighboring atoms. In the EXAFS region, the most important feature is oscillations. 42 1.Introduction Whenaphotoelectroninteractswithitsneighboringatoms,itwillbescattered(Figure16).In the XANES, multiple scattering patterns will be dominant whilst in the EXAFS region single scattering pattern would be the main pattern. The interactions among the scattering and backscatteringphotoelectronwavesproducetheEXAFSoscillations(Figure16).EXAFSregion can be analyzed to obtain information about the distance between the absorber and the neighboringatoms,extendingouttoseveralshellsofligands. Backscatter photoelectron Atom with neighbor Oscillation Photoelectron Isolated atom Singlescattering Twolegs E Multiple scattering Threelegs Photoelectron Backscatterer Figure1.16.OriginoffinestructureofEXAFS The number and type of backscatterers can be also assessed through the analysis of EXAFS region. The frequency of EXAFS oscillations is inversely related to average absorber backscattererdistance,andtheamplitudeoftheoscillationsisdirectlyrelatedtothenumber ofbackscatteringligands. Regardlessofthecomplexityofthesample,theXASsignalcomesfromalloftheatoms ofasingleelementasselectedbytheXrayenergy.Thestructuralinformationobtainedfrom XAS is useful for identifying the chemical speciation of an element, including mineral, noncrystallinesolidoradsorbedphases. Inthisregard,XAStechniqueshavebeenshowntoprovidereliableinformationonthe speciationofseveralelementsbeingespeciallyinterestingthecaseofmercury,thetoxicityof which strongly depends on its speciation. In this sense, several studies dealt with mercury speciationwithoutrequiringsamplepretreatment[204,205,206,207].Moreover,amongXAS techniques, both EXAFS (extended Xray absorption fine structure) and XANES (Xray absorption nearedge) spectroscopies have been used for the speciation of mercury in different matrices, such as mine ores and wastes [206, 208], fish [209], contaminated soils [210] and hyacinths [211], and in studies of interactions between mercury and soil minerals [212]. 43 1.Introduction 1.15.OBJECTIVES ThisPhDthesishasbeenfocusedontwomainobjectivesbothregardingtheapplication to environmental problems concerning: i) contaminated soils surrounding mine areas and ii) industrialcontaminatedwaters. Inthissense,morespecificgoalsofthepresentthesisare; x The application of different analytical techniques such as FieldPortable XRay Fluorescence and XRay Absorption Spectroscopy to the study of highly impacted environmentsfocusedon: the characterization of soils surrounding four different mine areas from Marrakech. Study of heavy metal distribution throughout abandoned mine areasandassessmentofheavymetalmobility. the study of mercury speciation through synchrotron techniques and estimation of its mobility from soil samples from three of the main mercury mineareasinEurope. x The study of a process at laboratory and pilot plant scale to recover Zn from a real mine effluent in order to produce an economically effective output while solving an environmentalproblem. x ToassessthefeasibilityofnovelFeloadedmaterials as catalysts to degrade different organic pollutants by means of Fenton reaction. as arsenic sorbents. 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FeLOADED MATERIALS FOR THE REMEDIATION OF ORGANIC AND INORGANIC POLLUTED WATERS ..................................................................................................................................................76 2.7.REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................79 57 58 2.Methodology FollowingthepatternoutlinedintheIntroductionchapter,theMethodologyisdivided intotwomainparts:I)MinesitescharacterizationandII)Remediationtechnologiesappliedto aquaticsourcescontainingorganicandinorganicpollutants. MINESITESCHARACTERIZATION InthissectionthemethodologiestocharacterizedifferentmineareasfromMoroccoand thespeciationofmercuryinthreeEuropeanminesaredescribed. 2.1.STUDIEDMINESDESCRIPTION The characterization of different abandoned mines located in Marrakech region (Morocco)hasbeenaccomplishedbydeterminingphysicalandchemicalparametersofmine area soils, whilst soils from three well characterized European mercury mines have been studiedtodetermineitsmercuryspeciationtoassessitstoxicity. 2.1.1.MARRAKECHMINES:DRAALASFAR,KETTARA,SIDIBOUOTHMANEANDBIRNEHASS (MOROCCO) Thestudiedminesarelocated35kmnorthwestofMarrakeshinthecoreofthecentral Jebiletmountains(Figure2.1).TheclimateisMediterranean,borderingaridandsemiaridwith an average annual precipitation of 231 mm (10 years). Temperatures are characterized by greatdailyandseasonalvariationwithanaveragevalueof11.5CinJanuaryand28.8CinJuly [1].CentralJebiletmineralizedbodyconsistsofmajorandminorlensesofmassivepyrrhotite (Fe2+0.95S), with small amounts of sphalerite (Zn0.95Fe2+0.05S), galena (PbS), chalcopyrite (CuFe2+S2),pyrite(Fe2+S2),arsenopyrite(Fe3+AsS)andglaucodot(Co0.75Fe2+0.25AsS)[2]. TheDraaLasfarmineislocatedafewhundredmetersfromtheTensiftRiver,closetoa ruralcommunityofabout5790ha,which65%areoccupiedbyfarmland.DraaLasfarconsists onadepositofpyritemineraldiscoveredin1953althoughtheircommercialexploitationdid notbeginuntil1979.Mineralwasprocessedbyflotationafterprimaryandsecondarycrushing and grinding, producing 60 Mt of products in the first two years (19791980) [1]. Industrial activitystoppedinMarch1981,althoughitrestartedin1999duetoitsgreatresourceofpoly 59 2.Methodology metalliccomponents(As,Cd,Cu,Fe,Pb,Zn).Duringitsexploitation,tailingsweredischargeall aroundthemineareaposingariskfortheenvironment. Draa Lasfar Figure2.1.LocationofDraaLasfar,Kettara,SidiBouOthmaneandBirNehassmines TheKettaramineproducedmorethan5.2Mtofpyrrhotitefrom1964to1981,although itwasclosedin1982duetodifficultiesduringtheproductionofthepyrrhotiteanditsusein theroastingunit[3].Duringtheexploitation,morethan3Mtofminewastewerestockpiled overanareaof16hawithoutconcernforenvironmentalissues(Figure2.2). Figure2.2.PicturesofKettaraminesite(Photo:GustavoPérez) TheBirNehasszincmineandtheSidiBouOthmane(SBOthmane)mineconsistonold graphiteminescharacterizedbyanintensemetamorphismwithirregularmassesofgrenatites and marble. SBOthmane mine is located close to a rural district and surrounded by agricultural lands with estimated reserves of 0.02 Mt of graphite ore deposit (3050% of graphite). Their exploitation started on 1953, treating 115 tons per day of mineral (0.5% Pb, 7.4% Zn and 6% pyrite) by flotation processes until its closure on 1980. Bir Nehass mine reserveswereevaluatedtobe0.25Mtcontaining20%ofthemineralenrichedinPb(3.83%) and Zn (4.85%). Their exploitation started on 1972 with an output of 90 tons per day that increased to 130 tons per day after the implementation of a flotation circuit in 1985. It was closedattheendofthe20thcentury. 60 2.Methodology 2.1.2.EUROPEANMERCURYMININGDISTRICTS:ALMADÉN,MIERESANDIDRIJA ThelocationofthethreeminingdistrictsisdepictedinFigure2.3. Main mercury mines Sampling sites Figure2.3.Metallurgicalsitesofthethreemercuryminingdistricts,Almadén,AsturiasandIdrija TheAlmadénminingdistrictislocatedinCiudadReal,Spain(Figure2.3)andoccupies30 2 km . It is located within an area sparsely populated (population density of less than 25 inhabitants/km2) with an average village population of about 2000 inhabitants (Almadén populationis7000inhabitants).Othertraditionalactivitiesareagricultureandsheepfarming. Hunting and incipient rural tourism are the only alternatives to traditional activities [4]. Almadén is the largest cinnabar (HgS) deposit in the world and it has been active since the Roman times until the present days, having accounted for about one third of the total Hg world production [5, 6]. Metallurgical processing evolved from Bustamante furnaces, with roasting temperatures over 600 ºC, to Pacific furnaces in the last century, reaching temperaturesofupto800ºC.SoilsatAlmadénareaaremainlyrepresentedbyquartzanda diversity of claytype minerals such as chlorite, illite, kaolinite and pyrophyllite and high contents of carbonates which correspond to a region with shales and quartzites as main componentsofthestratigraphicsequence[7]. ElEntredichoopenpitmine ElEntredichodump Figure2.4.PicturesofAlmadénminesites(Photo:JoséMªEsbrí) 61 2.Methodology The mercury mine of Idrija is located 50 km west of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in the narrow valley of the Idrijca River. The Idrija mine has been the second largest mercury mine in the worldsurpassedonlybytheAlmadénmine.After500yearsofminingactivityproducingatotal ofabout105,000tonsofHg,frommorethan3106m3oforeandgangue,themineofIdrija closedin1995[8].Takingintoaccountlossesduringminingandinefficientsmelting,thetotal volumeofminedHgisestimatedtobeatleast140,000tons(9,10).Idrijaminingdistrictis,like Almadén, a monometallic ore deposit, with high amounts of native mercury hosted in carbonate rocks. The mineralization appears as two main species: cinnabar and native mercury. Other minerals appearing in its paragenesis are metacinnabar, pyrite, marcasite, dolomite, calcite, kaolinite, epsomite and melanterite. The mineralogical characterization of Idrijasamplesrevealscarbonatebedrocksasmaincomponentsofthestratigraphicsequence, with the exception of the meadow soil from the Pront Hill, which was developed on carboniferous clastic rocks. River bed and suspended sediments are composed of silica, clay minerals,FeandAloxides,hydroxidesandcarbonatesasaresultofweatheringofcarbonate andclasticrockintheIdrijacatchment[11].MetallurgicalprocessingwassimilartoAlmadén during thelastcentury,usingPacificfurnacesable toreach up to800ºC.Duetothemining andoreprocessingoperations,IdrijaanditssurroundingshavebeenpollutedwithHg. Idrijamine Miéresmine Figure2.5.PicturesofIdrijaandAsturiasmine(Photo:JoséMaríaEsbrí) On the other hand, La PeñaEl Terronal, in Miéres (Asturias) is a region located in northern Spain (Figure 2.3) with abundant Hg deposits that has been an important Hg producer on the global scale. This site has an intense metallurgical activity with an average annualproduction ca.517tonesofkg [12].Mercuryispresentascinnabar,but withvariable metacinnabar and metallic mercury proportions and with other metallic minerals such as orpiment, realgar, melnikovite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, stibnite and galena [13]. To summarize,LaPeñaElTerronalminehasamorecomplexmineralogythanAlmadénandIdrija, withhighamountsofarsenicinitsparagenesis,Inaddition,theirrotaryfurnacesachievelower calcinationstemperatures(over600ºC)thantheotherminingdistricts[14]. 62 2.Methodology The total mercury concentration in soils and sediments of the three mining districts is welldocumented[15,16,17,18,19],althoughonlyafewstudiesdealtwithinorganicmercury speciation[20,21,22,23,24]. 2.1.3.AZNALCÓLLARTAILINGPOND Aznalcóllar mine is located in a pyriterich formation following the Bethic Chain which extends from the central south of Spain to Portugal (Figure 2.6). It has been active since Roman times due to their high grade silver, lead and zinc ores. In this type of mine, ore is milled, washed, and after treatment with several reagents, the valuable metal sulfides were separated by flotation. In this process, huge volumes of acidic wastes and tailings generated arestockpiledinatailingspond.ThetailingsreservoirinAznalcóllarissituatedneartheAgrio River,asmalltributaryoftheGuadiamarRiver.Thewatersusedintheminingoperationsare currently dumped, after depuration in the mine, in this small tributary. The reservoir was constructed in 1974 using jetty materials. At that time the dam was approximately 5m high althoughitwasenlargedseveraltimesusingtailingmaterials.Atthetimeofthetailingsdam failureaccident,thedamwasapproximately25mhigh[25]. Figure2.6.Aznalcóllarminelocation Figure2.7.Aznalcollartailingponds(Photo:BaruchGrinbaum) 63 2.Methodology 2.2.SAMPLING Different sampling strategies were undertaken for the mines of Marrakech and the Europeanminesdependingonthespecificpurposeofeachstudy. 2.2.1.MARRAKECHMININGDISTRICTS:DRAALASFAR,KETTARA,SIDIBOUOTHMANEANDBIRNEHASS (MOROCCO) Samples were taken every 50 meters from the mining area towards specific receptor media(rivercreeks,hills,villages,farms,etc).Afterremovingthefirstlayerofsurfacesoil(2 cm),samplesweretakenfromtheupper20cmwithinanareaof100cm2persample.Residue samples were taken on the stockpiled dykes, piles or ponds where tailings were deposited. Additionally,3representativebackgroundsampleswerecollectedat1kmfromtheminingsite, far enough to avoid disturbance from mining operations. After airdrying during 48h at 30C, samples were sieved below 2mm through a stainless steel sieve to remove large debris and storedinplasticbottlesatroomtemperature. 2.2.2.EUROPEANMERCURYMININGDISTRICTS:ALMADÉN,ASTURIAS(SPAIN),IDRIJA(SLOVENIA) Samples of soils, mine tailings, calcines and riparian soils from the Almadén site were takenatadepthof0–20cmandstoredinpolyethylenebags.Samplesofsuspendedparticles were collected from the water column and let to sediment in a clean room. All the samples wereairdriedtopreventmercurylosses,homogenized,milledandsievedbelow2mm. SoilsamplesfromIdrijaweretakenusingastainlesssteelaugeratadepthof0–10cm and stored in polyethylene bottles. Suspended river sediment was sampled during a flood eventoftheIdrijcariverbymeansofanetdriftsamplerand,afterremovalofgravel,stones and plant residues, river bed and suspended sediments, samples were dried at 30C during threedaysuntilconstantweightinthedark,homogenizedinanagatemortarandseparatedin twograinsizefractions:fractionbelow0.063mmandfraction0.063–2mm. SamplesfromMiereswerecollectedinLaPeñaElTerronalminesite,nearthetownof Mieres. The sampling included samples from dumps, calcines, contaminated soils and a chimneychannelusedtotransportroastingsmoketothetopofamount.Soils,ripariansoils andminetailingssamples(~1.5kg)werecollectedat10–30cmdepth,storedinpolyethylene bags,airdriedinacleanroomandsievedbelow0.1mm. 64 2.Methodology 2.3.CHARACTERIZATION ThecharacterizationoftheMarrakechminesoilshavebeenperformedbydetermining its physicochemical parameters such as pH, EC, LOI and carbonate content as well as heavy metal concentration and mobility. Regarding the mercury mines, the characterization of the samples has been performed in order to assess its speciation using synchrotron techniques that,inturn,werealsoappliedtothecharacterizationofarsenicsorptionontoFeexchanged materials. 2.3.1.PHYSICOCHEMICALPARAMETERS The physical characterization consisted in the measurement of the pH, the electrical conductivity (EC), loss on ignition (LOI) and the carbonate content of the samples following standardmethodologies[26]. Thus,pHmeasurementsweredoneinasoilsuspension(2g/5mlofdistilledwaterstirred vigorously) after 2 h of deposition using a pHmeter WTW Multiline P4 Universal pHmeter cabledSenTix92TpHelectrode(Germany). TheECwasdeterminedinasoilsaturatedpaste(1gsoil/5mlofdistilledwater)witha conductimeter WTW Multiline P4 Universal Standard Conductivity Cell TetraCon® 325 (Germany)oncecorrectedtotheworkingtemperature(20C). Loss on ignition (LOI) was determined gravimetrically after volatilization of organic matter on a furnace at 550°C during 4h. For the total carbonate content three replicates of each soil were stirred during 6 h in an HCl 4 mol/L solution (1.0g of soil/20 ml of HCl 4.0 M solution)and,afterfiltering,calciumwasmeasuredusingaJENWAYPFP7flamephotometer. 2.3.2.TOTALMETALCONCENTRATION For the determination of the total metal concentration, aliquots of each sample were encapsulatedintenmilliliterpolyethylenesamplecups(Chemplex,FL,USA)andsealedusing precutMylar®circlesfilmpriortotheiranalysiswithaFPXRFequipmentAlpha6500R,Innov XSystems(USA).Thesamplethicknessinthecupshouldbeatlest1.2cmsoastheXrayscan penetratethesample. Thisequipmentisatubetypeenergydispersiveinstrumentwithatungstencathodeand asilveranodethat cangenerateXraysin theenergyrange10to40keVand1050μA. The 2 instrument is provided with a circular probe window (1.54 cm area) and employs a SiPiN diodesdetectorwithanenergyresolutionof230eVatthefullwidthathalfmaximumintensity ofthemanganese(Mn)KXrayline. 65 2.Methodology Thestandardizationconsistsinthecollectionofaspectrumofaknownspectrum(Alloy 316)andthecomparisonofavarietyofparameterstovaluesstoredwhentheinstrumentwas calibratedat thefactory. Thisproceduretakesabout1minuteandshouldbedoneanytime thehardwareisinitiatedorrestartedandmustberepeatediftheinstrumentisoperatingfor morethan4hours. Theanalyzingtimeforeachsamplewassetto120sfortheheavyelementsand90sfor thelightelements.Thistimeperiodisestablishedasthebesttradeoffbetweenaccuracyand speedofanalysis.Foraccuracy,aninstrumentblankandacalibrationverificationcheck(NIST 2710) was checked each working day before and after analyses are conducted and once per everytwentysamplesfollowingEPAMethod6200[27]. Figure2.8.InnovXFPXRFmodelALPHA6500andstandforlaboratorymeasurements(Photo: ElenaPeralta) Aninstrumentblankisusedtoverifythatnocontaminationexistsinthespectrometeror on the probe window. As instrument blank we employed silicon dioxide although it can be used also a polytetraflurorethylene (PTFE) block, a quartz block, "clean" sand, or lithium carbonate.Aninstrumentblankshouldalsobeanalyzedwhenevercontaminationissuspected bytheanalyst. Acalibrationverificationchecksampleisusedtochecktheaccuracyoftheinstrument andtoassessthestabilityandconsistencyoftheanalysisforthetargetanalytes. The check sample should be a well characterized soil sample from the site that is representative of site samples in terms of particle size and degree of homogeneity and that containscontaminantsatconcentrationsneartheactionlevels.Ifasitespecificsampleisnot available,thenanNISTorotherreferencematerialthatcontainstheanalytesofinterestcan beusedtoverifytheaccuracyoftheinstrument.Toverifythecalibration,themeasuredvalue for each target analyte should be within ±20% of the true value. In this sense, NIST 2710 66 2.Methodology (Montana soil) standard reference sample was employed as calibration verification check, providingresultswithinspecifiedtolerances(Table2.1). Element Aluminum Calcium Iron Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Silicon Sodium Sulfur Titanium Table2.1.NIST2710Certifiedvalues Massfraction(%) Element 6.44±.0.08 1.25±0.03 3.38±0.10 0.0853±0.042 1.01±0.04 2.11±0.11 28.97±0.18 1.14±0.06 0.240±0.006 0.283±0.010 Antimony Arsenic Barium Cadmium Copper Lead Mercury Nickel Silver Vanadium Zinc Massfraction(%) 38.4±3 626±38 707±51 21.8±0.2 2950±130 5532±80 32.6±1.8 14.3±1.0 35.3±1.5 76.6±2.3 6952±91 2.3.3.TOTALMERCURYCONTENT The detection of mercury at trace levels is a complex analytical task because of its specificphysicalandchemicalproperties.Manytechniquesexistformercurydeterminationin different matrix, and almost all of them involve an intermediate stage of mercury preconcentration in absorption traps [28, 29, 30] or acid mixtures for the digestion process prior to determination by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (CVAAS) [31, 32, 33, 34]. All of them were more or less prone to analyte losses and/or contamination. Total mercury content of all solid samples corresponding to the European mercury mines was determined by Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry using high frequency modulation of lightpolarization(ZAASHFM)withaLumexRA915+analyzer[35]. In this mercury analyzer, the mercury contained in the sample is atomized by a glow dischargemercurylampplacedinapermanentmagneticfield.Thismagneticfieldsplitsthe 254nm mercury resonance line into three polarized components: one linear and two circularly polarised in the opposite directions (+ and ). Only components are detected. After passing through a polarization modulator, which modulates the polarization at a frequencyof50kHzandthustriggersthelinecomponentsinturn,theradiationthenpasses throughamultipathcell,whoseequivalentopticallengthisabout10m.Beingequippedwith narrowband high reflectivity mirrors, the cell isolates solely the 254nm resonance line and suppresses all the nonresonance and stray radiation. A logarithm of the intensity ratio of + and , which is proportional to the mercury atom concentration in the cell, is determined upondetectingtheradiationbyaphotodetectorandsubsequentanalogdigitalconversionof its electric signal by a microprocessor. The measurement results are read out from a LC display. In this measurement technique, the analytical signal depends only on mercury 67 2.Methodology concentration and is independent of the presence of dust, aerosols, and other foreign contaminantsintheanalyticalcell. -1 Thedetectionlimitofthistechniqueforsoilsandsedimentssamplesis0.5mgHgkg . Foraccuracy,acertifiedreferencematerial(CRM025)wassimultaneouslyanalyzed. Figure2.9.LumexRA915+analyzerformercurydeterminations 2.3.4.MOBILITYOFTHEMINESAMPLES Mobility assays were performed by applying established methodology of single extraction procedure [36] consisting on metal extraction of soil samples with HCl 0.5 M at solid:water ratio 1g/20 ml during 1h under magnetic stirring. After each extraction, the suspensionwascentrifuged10minat3500rpmandthesupernatantwasfilteredusing0.22 μm Millipore Millex GS filters (Ireland). The extracts were analyzed by means of Inductively Coupled PlasmaOptical Emission Spectroscopy (ICPOES) using an equipment ThermoElementalIntrepidIIXLS(USA)(Figure2.10). Agitation (1h) Sample + HCl (0,5M) (1:20) Centrifuge 10min 4000rpm Filtration of the extract ICP-OES Figure2.10.Singleextractionprocedurescheme TheICPOESanalyticaltechniqueallowsmultielementalanalysisofmetalsinsoils,with anexcellentperformanceandawideanalyticrange.Inthistechnique,aplasma(ionizedgas, electricallyneutral)isusedtoexcitetheatomsofthesamplesothatwhenrelaxedtheyemit electromagnetic radiation at wavelengths characteristic of each element (in the region of correspondingUVvisiblespectrum)withanintensityproportionaltoitsconcentration. The plasma, maintained by the interaction between RF frequency and ionized argon, reachestemperaturesupto10000K.Thesampleisintroducedthroughaperistalticpumpinto 68 2.Methodology the instrument through a nebulizer using a flow of argon, that disperses the liquid into dropletsthatarecarriedtoacyclonicchamber.Atthecyclonicchamberthelargerdropletsare separatedfromthesmallerdrops,whicharemovedtowardstheplasmabyaflowofargon. Intable2.2.canbefoundthecharacteristicwavelengthsusedforthemeasurementof thetargetelements. Table2.2.Characteristicwavelengthsofelementsmeasured,limitofdetectionandlinearity Element Wavelength(nm) Limitofdetection(μg/L) Linearity(μg/L) As Cu Pb Zn 193.759 324.754 220.353 213.856 1 0.5 1 0.5 150 0.550 150 0.550 2.3.5.XASMEASUREMENTS All solid samples from the European mercury mines were prepared mixing an aliquot withpolyethylene(IRquality),homogenizedwithavortexfor2min,pressedasapelletwith5 toncm2ofpressureusinganIRpressandsealedbetweenKapton™tape. Its XANES measurements were performed at the HASYLAB synchrotron facility (Germany) at A1 bendingmagnet beamline. All measurements were carried out at room temperature.ThebeamlinesetupconsistedofaSi(111)doublecrystalmonochromator,three ionization chambers as transmission detectors and a 7pixel Ge fluorescence detector. The absorptionofmercurywasrecordedatitsLIIIenergy(12284eV)(Figure2.11). A) B) Figure2.11.A)Sampleholdercontaining6pelletsofthesamples.B)SchematicXAFSsetup ReferencesforXANESfingerprintadjustmentsincludedthefollowingmineralsandpure compounds: HgCl2, HgSO4, HgO, CH3HgCl, Hg2Cl2 (calomel), HgS red (cinnabar), HgS black (metacinnabar), Hg2NCl0.5(SO4)0.3(MoO4)0.1(CO3)0.1H2O (mosesite), Hg3S2Cl2 (corderoite), Hg3(SO4)O2(schuetteite)andHg2ClO(terlinguaite).Thisselectionwasundertakenonthebasis ofourpriorknowledgeofthegeochemistryofthedifferentstudiedareas[16,17,18,19,20, 21],aswellasthepossibleweatheringandanthropogenicprocessestakingplaceineachsite. 69 2.Methodology Ontheotherhand,thelocalenvironmentofarsenicadsorbedontodifferentmaterials was investigated by both Xray absorption nearedge structure (XANES) and extended Xray absorptionfinestructure(EXAFS)spectroscopies.Sampleswerepreparedfollowingthesame methodologyasdescribedforminesoilsamples.ArsenicspectrawerecollectedatitsKedge energy (11867 eV) at beamline C of DORIS III HASYLAB facilities. This beamline is essentially equaltoA1beamline(Figure2.11).ThemonochromatorconsistedinaSi(111)doublecrystal and the detection was measured either by adsorption and fluorescence using a 7pixel Si(Li) detectorovertheenergyrange1170012700eV.Themonochromatorwascalibratedusingthe LIIIedgeofagoldfoil(11919eV).AsastandardfortheEXAFSfitting,Na2HAsO47H2O(Panreac) wasselected.Thus,bythecomparisonoftheempiricalresultswiththetheoreticalresultsfor Na2HAsO47H2Oanestimationofthegoodnessoftheselectedpathscanbeobtained. 2.4.DATATREATMENT Collecteddatawiththedifferentexperimentaltechniqueshavebeentreatedtoextract appropriate information to characterize target samples and corresponding processes in the presentstudies.Thefollowingtoolswereusedtothispurpose: 2.4.1.CONCENTRATIONENRICHMENTRATIOS In order to avoid the limitation of using total concentrations of pollutants without considering the geochemical variability of the geological substrate or the particle size effect, some indicators can be employed. Concentration enrichment ratios (CER), also called enrichmentfactors,wereusedinthestudiesconcerningthecharacterizationofmineareasoils fromMoroccoandareusedtoidentifyandquantifytheextentofhumaninterferenceinsoils that,byextension,arealsoanindicatorofsoilcontamination. CERwereinitiallydevelopedtospeculateontheoriginofelementsintheatmosphere, precipitation or seawater [37, 38, 39]. This use was progressively extended to the study of soils, lake sediments, peat, tailings and other environmental materials [40, 41] comparing a targetpollutantwithabackgroundelement.TheformulatocalculateCERcanbegeneralized as: CER= [El]sample /[X]sample [El]background /[X]background (Equation2.1) where“El”istheelementunderconsideration,“X”isthechosenreferenceelementand the subscripts“sample”or“background”indicatewhichmediumtheconcentrationrefersto[42]. Thereferenceelement“X”shouldbelittleaffectedbyweatheringprocessesandshouldshow 70 2.Methodology littlevariabilityofoccurrence.Inthissense,themostcommonreferenceelementsemployed in the literature are aluminum (Al), zirconium (Zr), iron (Fe), scandium (Sc), and titanium (Ti) [43, 44, 45], although there have been also attempts at using other elements such as manganese[41],chromium[46],lithium[47]andcalcium[48].Inthiswork,Zrwasselectedas lithogenicelementduetohomogeneityofZrconcentrationinallsamplesandbackground. The interpretation of CERs can be employed to determine the anthropogenic contribution[49](Table2.3). Table2.3.AnthropogeniccontributionatdifferentCERvalues CER Anthropogeniccontribution <2 25 520 2040 >40 Minimalornule Moderate Significant Strong Extreme 2.4.2.GEOGRAPHICINFORMATIONSYSTEMS Usedinthestudiesconcerningthecharacterizationofthemine sitesfromMarrakech. Contour maps of CER values of target elements were done by GIS representation using Miramonv6.4CompleteGeographicalInformationSystemandRemoteSensingsoftware[50] choosingIDWinterpolatorasthemostsuitableduetotheirregularsamplingrealizedonthe minesites. 2.4.3.STATISTICALTOOLS BoxplotsgraphsofKettara,BirNehassandSidiBouOthmanewereobtainedusingSPSS Statistics17.0software.PCA/APCSwasrealizedbyusingExceladdinXLStatDataAnalysisand Statistical Software [51]. Samples were scaled by using the standard normal variate (SNV) algorithmandBartlettsphericitytestwascheckedinordertoconfirmthatthevariableswere uncorrelated.Kaisercriterionwasusedtoselectprincipalcomponents,andonlyfactorswith eigenvaluesgreaterthan1wereconsidered. 2.4.4.XASDATATREATMENT XANESspectraofsamplesfromEuropeanmercurymineswereprocessedusingSixPACK dataanalysissoftwarepackage[52,53,54,55].Spectraprocessingincludedenergycorrection, signal normalization and background correction. After data correction and normalization, principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the set of unknown spectra to determine thenumberofprincipalcomponentsrequiredtodescribethevariationinthedata.Then,the PCA results were used with a target transformation, which projected the spectrum from a 71 2.Methodology referencecompoundontothevectorspacedefinedbythecomponents.Ifthetargetvectorlay withinthiscomponentspace(abovethe95%confidencelevel),thenthisreferencecompound was determined to be present in the corresponding sample. Finally, a linear leastsquares approach was used to determine the fractional amount of each reference compound in the samples [56, 57, 58]. The quality of the target transformation was given by the reduced 2 value, which represents the goodness of the fit to the spectra data using the linear combinationprocedure[59]andisdefinedas: reduced 2 1 N obs 6 ( F i F i fit ) 2 i N -P 1 (Equation2.2) where Fiobs istheordinateoftheXANESspectrummeasuredfromthesampleattheithenergy point, F i fit istheordinateofthefittedXANESspectrum,Nisthenumberofdatapointsinthe fitted XANES energy range and P is the number of fitted components. A higher reduced2 denotes that the Hg compounds compared possess a lower degree of similarity. This 2 representsthegoodnessofthemodelfit. EXAFSdatatreatmentwasperformedwithVIPERsoftware[60].InVIPER,theextracted EXAFSsignalorfunctionwasconvertedtofrequency(k)space,weightedbyk2,andFourier transformed to produce the Rspace EXAFS paircorrelation function, which is similar to a radial distribution function. The program includes an option to iterate the postedge background to obtain peaks with good resolution and to minimize spurious peaks at small radial distances. After backtransforming the first and second peaks in the raw Fourier transform into frequency (k) space, an ordinary fitting analysis was performed to obtain interatomic distances and coordination numbers. Phase and amplitude functions were extracted from sodium arsenate and scorodite standards (FeAsO44H2O). The DebyeWaller factor()fortheunknownsampleswereconstrainedto=0.003forthefirstshell,and=0.008 forthesecondshell. 72 2.Methodology REMEDIATIONTECHNIQUESOFINDUSTRIAL CONTAMINATEDWATERS Severalremediationtechnologieshavebeenstudiedinthisthesistotheirapplicationon thetreatmentofindustrialwaterscontainingdifferenttypesofpollutants.Inthisconcern,two differenttechniqueshavebeenstudied: 1)Conventionalmethodologiessuchassolventextractionhasbeenemployedtotherecycling of zinc from a mine tailing pond to provide an economical benefit while diminishing the volumeofhazardousmaterialscontainedintheminetailingatlaboratoryandpilotplantscale. 2)Feexchangedmaterialshavebeenemployedascatalystsforthedegradationofpersistent organicpollutants(POPs)bymeansofFentonprocessesaswellastothesorptionofinorganic contaminants. 2.5.ZINCSOLVENTEXTRACTION 2.5.1.LABORATORYEXPERIMENTS InordertogetaZnsulphaterichliquortobeusedlaterinelectrowinningprocess,the performance of a newer commercial extractant, Ionquest 290 (Bis(2,4,4trimethylpentyl) phosphinicacid),iscomparedwiththeresultsofmoreconventionalextractantsDEHPA(Di2 (ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid) and Cyanex 272 (Bis(2,4,4trimethylpentyl) phosphinic acid) for thesolventextractionofaZnrichmineeffluent. Intherelatedtailingminesamples,FewasremovedfromtheminewaterpriortotheSX treatmentbymeansofabiooxidationprocessusingThiobacillusferrooxidansandaselective alkalineprecipitationstep[61,62]toobtainapregnantleachsolution(PLS)withoutiron,since therearenoreagentscommerciallyavailablecapabletoextractZnselectivelyfromasolution containingFe. TheextractantsDEHPA(Batchref.0063829)andIonquest290(BatchRef.G05A1)were kindly supplied by Rhodia UK Ltd. and Cyanex 272 was purchased from Cytec Industries BV, Netherlands. Ionquest 290 has the same active ingredient as Cyanex 272 but has a lower contentofinactiveimpurities,thephosphineoxideimpurityis<5%inIonquest290butaround 15%inCyanex272[63]. Two type of kerosene with different flash point were also studied as solvents for the extractants. Commercial grade extrapure aliphatic kerosene Ketrul D80 and Ketrul D100 73 2.Methodology (Batchref.20062016and20061560,respectively)werekindlysuppliedbyTotalFluidesFrance. Ketrul D80 and Ketrul D100, have a flash point of 72 ºC and 100ºC or superior (ISO 2719), respectively.Itmustbepointedoutthatthehighertheflashpointthelessertheflammability ofthekerosene,and,thereforethehigherthesecurityofthesolventextractionprocess. Sulfuric Acid 9598% was purchased from J.T. Baker, Phillipsburg, NJ, USA and it was usedtostripthezincfromtheorganicenrichedphase.Allthereagentswereusedasreceived withoutanyfurtherpurification.Stopperedglasstubesof50mLwereusedforthetwophases contactandtheagitationtookplaceinarotatingrack. Forthekineticexperiments10mLofDEHPA40%(v/v),Cyanex2725%(v/v)orIonquest 2905%(v/v)wereagitatedwith10mlofPLS(ratioA:O=1)inarotatingrackduring5,10,20, 30,40or60min.Theorganicphaseloadedwiththetargetmetal/s(OP)wasstrippedwith5 mLofH2SO42.0Mduring3htoensurecompletestripping.DEHPAconcentrationwashigher duetoefficiencyrelatedtoextractionyieldandextractantcost. Todetermineselectivity,isothermsvaryingtheA:Oratiofrom0.1to10wererealized. DifferentvolumesofCyanex2725%(v/v),Ionquest2905%(v/v)orDEHPA40%(v/v)ineach typeofkerosenewereequilibratedwiththePLSduring15minandthereafterOPwasstripped with5mLH2SO42.0M.Nocentrifugationofthedualphasesystemwasrequiredbecauseof theclearphaseseparationobtained.SelectivityofthesolventstowardsZnwasdeterminedby the recovery of each metal (equation 2.3) and by the amount of metal remaining in the OP (Equation2.5)whichiscalculatedbythedifferentamountsofmetalintheraffinate(Equation 2.4)andintheOP. § Znstrip · %Recovery= ¨ ¸ ×100 © ZnPLS ¹ (Equation2.3) § Znraffinate · %Remaining R= ¨ ¸ ×100 © ZnPLS ¹ (Equation2.4) %Remaining OP = 100 - %Recovery - %Remaining R (Equation2.5) Major elements present in the PLS, in the strip liquor and in the raffinate were determinedbyICPOESThermoIrisIntrepidIIXLS(USA). 2.5.2.SCALINGTHESXTOAPILOTPLANT Thebiooxidationreactorconsistedofa150cmhighand70cmdiameterstainlesssteel columndividedtothreezones:a30cmdeepbottomspacewhereairandsolutionwerefedin, asiliceousstonepackedbedcontainingtheinoculumsupportedbyastainlesssteelscreenand anairspaceatthetoptopHandEhcontrolanda50mmpipetoletthesolutionoverflow.The effluent circulated through a tank where pH was initially adjusted and, after pH adjustment, 74 2.Methodology thesolutionwastransferredtothebioreactorwherebiooxidationofferrousionstookplace, tobefinallytransferredtoaprecipitationtankfedbyalimesolutionfromaseparatedtank. After precipitation and sedimentation of iron compounds, the supernatant was directly used asfeedsolutiontothesolventextractionstage(Figure2.12). The pilot plant process was undergone with Ionquest 290. Ionquest 290 (Purity>95%) was supplied by Rhodia UK Ltd. and commercial grade extrapure aliphatic kerosene Ketrul D100(bp 100ºC) by Total Fluides France. A solution of Na2CO3 was used for pH adjustment during the solvent extraction experiments. For the stripping step, the loaded solvent was contacted with 2M H2SO4 at a phase ratio O:A=10, the initially expected phase ratio in the planttoachievetherequiredzinctransferintheEWplantof20g/L.Inpractice,itwasfound that the required transfer in the EW plant was 40 g/L Zn, consequently, the phase ratio was modified to O:A=20. No laboratory tests were undertaken at this phase ratio, but directly appliedinthepilotplant. Figure2.12.BiooxidationandSXflowsheetatthepilotplant TwoBatemanPulsedColumns(BPC)wererequiredfortheSXandstrippingprocessesat thepilotplantduetotheirdemonstratedfeasibilityinseveralSXplants[64,65,66].BPCare large diameter vertical pipes filled alternately with disk and doughnut shaped baffles to promotecontactbetweentheorganicandaqueousphasesthroughthecolumn.Adecanterat eachendofthecolumnallowstheliquidstocoalesceandbedecantedseparately.Whenthe solvent phase is continuous, the interface between the phases is in the lower decanter and whentheaqueousphaseiscontinuous,itisintheupperdecanter.Thecolumnsarepulsedby blowing air at the required amplitude and frequency of the pulses [67]. An 80mm diameter BPC,7mhigh(equivalentto3theoreticalmixersettlerstages)waschosenfortheSXprocess 75 2.Methodology anda40mmdiameterBPC6meterhighforthestripping.Thecompletepipingoftheplantis showninFigure2.12. EXTRACTION COLUMN EXTRACTION COLUMN Figure2.13.SectionofthecolumnslayoutatAznalcollarpilotplant(Photo:BaruchGrinbaum) Allflowswerefedthroughmeteringpumpsandtheflowratesofallinletsandaqueous outletsweremeasuredbyrotameters.Thepilotwasrunfor12workingdays,10hoursaday onaverage,atotalof120hours.Theaverageflowrateoftheaqueousfeedwas150L/h,so, 3 about18 m oftailingsolution,afterFeprecipitation,were treated. Thetotalvolumeofthe solventwas300Landithad5%Ionquest290dissolvedinkerosene(20%aromaticand80% 2+ aliphatic);theweakelectrolyte(WE,stripsolution)consistedof190g/LH2SO4with50g/LZn . Asolutionof50100g/LNa2CO3waspreparedperiodicallyina60Lbarrelandusedtoadjust thepH. The concentration of Zn was determined using a Perkin Elmer 3110 AAS at the pilot plantlaboratory.TheZnintheraffinateandSEwasdetermined directly,whiletheZnin the barrenandloadedsolvent(BSandLS)solutionweredeterminedafterstrippingusingH2SO4. 2.6. FEEXCHANGE MATERIALS FOR THE REMEDIATION OF ORGANIC ANDINORGANICPOLLUTEDWATERS SeveralmaterialshavebeenstudiedasFesupportstobeusedeitherasFentoncatalysts orarsenicsorbents.Thesematerialsincluded,USYzeolite(ZeolystInternational).Inthiscase, 3+ conditions for Fe immobilization have been modified with respect to the ones present on Neamtuetal.,[68],i.e.3cyclesof6hoursofFeexchangingwithanexcessofFe(NO3)31Mat 80C. These modifications resulted on a faster Feexchanging preparation and diminish the employed Fe(III) solution concentration. In addition, the whole process was done at room 76 2.Methodology temperature, so, our process minimizes time, reagents and energy consumption. Likewise, zeolite Y (namely ZY, Grace Davison), Forager sponge type M (namely Sp, Dynaphore Inc.,), clinoptilolite (namely Clino; Natural zeolite, origin: Cuba) and montmorillonite K10 (namely MMT; Aldrich) were conditioned at pH=4 to be afterwards loaded with Fe(III) using the indicatedconditionsoptimizedforUSY. The Fe(III)bearing materials were prepared by ion exchange, contacting each material with a solution of Fe(NO3)3 0.05M (Panreac) at pH=2 at room temperature. After 1h of contacting, the materials were filtered, washed with milliQ water and dried in an oven at 60ºC. The amount of Fe on each supporting material before and after the Fe loading was measured with a FieldPortable XRay Fluorescence (FPXRF) equipment InnovX Systems, modelAlpha6500R. 2.6.1.FENTONREACTION The commercial azo dye Acid Red 14 (Chromotrope FB 50%, C.I. 14720, Aldrich) was selectedasamodeldye,sinceitisacommontextileandleatherindustrydye,alsoemployed fordyingnylon,woolandsilk[69,70,71]. -3 Thedecolorisationtestswereperformedadding0.25gofcatalystand8.75x10 mmols of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 35%, Fluka) to 100 ml of AR14 0.05 mM at 75ºC. Decolorisation andmineralizationofAR14wasmeasuredat=516nmand=324nm,respectively,usingan UnicamUV/VisSpectrometerUV2(Unicam)atregulartimeintervalssoastoestablishkinetics correlations.Finally,theanalysisofthedegradationproductsinthefinalsolutionwasdoneby GCMS HP6890 (column 30m x 0.25 mm x 250 μm) following the methodology described in Zheming et al. [72]. The heterogeneous catalysis experiments were compared with those performedinhomogeneouscatalysismodeusingthesameamountofFeloadedintheUSY. In addition, acetic acid (CH3COOH 96%, Panreac) and phenol (C6H5OH 99.5%, Panreac) wereselectedasmodelcompoundsduetotheirrefractorinesstodegradationbyconventional oxidationmethods[73].Thereactionwasperformedover100mlsolutionofeitheraceticacid 0.5%orphenol0.5%at75Cduring1h,using0.25gofeachFeloadedsupportedmaterialasa catalystand8.75x103mmolsofH2O2.ToavoidinterferencesbyH2O2 inCODmeasurements, 0.2gofMnO2wereaddedtoremoveresidualH2O2[74].CODwasmeasuredbeforeandafter Fenton reaction, following the procedure described in section 5220 C of Standard Methods [75]. The amount of Fe released from each support, after the Fenton reaction, was finally analyzedbymeansofanICPOESThermoIrisIntrepidIIXLS(USA). The performance of the Feloading process as well as the Fenton reaction was also testedincontinuouscolumnprocessbyusing1cmdiameterglasscolumnsfilledwiththeFe 77 2.Methodology exchanged materials. The Feloading process was also done in countercurrent at 2ml/min at thesameconditionsofthebatchprocess.Washingofthematerialswasdonecirculatingmilli Qwaterduring3hand,afterdryinginanovenat60Covernight,theamountofFeloadedinto each material was measured by FPXRF. The Fenton reaction in column was performed over 100mlofAR140.05mM,100mlofaceticacid0.5%and100mlofphenol0.5%. 2.6.2.ARSENICREMOVAL Each Fe(III)bearing material was slowly added into a solution containing 1000 ppm of Na2HAsO47H2O(Panreac)atpH=4.Thesolutionwasagitatedinarotatingrackduring4hat30 rpm. The suspension was filtered, and the solids were thoroughly washed three times with distilledwateranddriedinanovenunderairat60ºCovernight.Pelletsofeachsamplewere doneusinganIRpressandsealedbetweenKapton™tape.TheamountofFeandAscontained inthepelletsofeachmaterialwasfinallydeterminedbyFPXRF. 78 2.Methodology 2.7.REFERENCES [1] ONEM (Observatoire Nationale de l’Environnement du Maroc). (1997). 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FeLOADED MATERIALS FOR THE REMEDIATION OF ORGANIC AND INORGANIC POLLUTED WATERS ................................................................................................................................................119 3.6.REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................128 83 84 3.Resultsanddiscussion The current chapter describes the results obtained from the studies carried out in the present thesis including the characterization of samples from polluted mine areas as well as the study of processes applied to remediate wastewaters containing either organic or inorganicpollutants,i.e.,thebasicandscaleupprocessforthevalorizationonanacidicmine water residue. Accordingly to this content, results include two main sections: Mine sites CharacterizationandRemediationTechnologies. MINESITESCHARACTERIZATION Thephysicochemicalparametersandtheconcentrationofheavymetalsoffourmines locatedinMarrakechregion(Morocco)wereevaluatedtocharacterizetheareaanditslevelof contamination,aswellasitstoxicologicalriskderivedfromtargetheavymetalsmobility. On the other hand, the results focused in the speciation of mercury samples from three main Europeanmercuryminesarealsooutlinedinthefollowingsection. 3.1. HEAVY METAL CONTAMINATION AND MOBILITY AT THE DRAA LASFAR MINE AREA(SEEANNEXI) ThemainresultsofafirstinsightintotheDraaLasfarmine(Marrakech)areoutlinedin this section. To characterize the degree of pollution in this mine area, the present study includes the geochemical distribution maps of the pollutants, the particle size effects (i.e., intraparticle concentration affecting metals distribution) and the mobility of the main pollutantsbyemployingsingleleachingteststopredicttheriskoftheirmobility. 3.1.1.PHYSICOCHEMICALPARAMETERS TheresultsobtainedforthesoilpH,electricalconductivity(EC),lossonignition(LOI)and CaCO3 content measurements corresponding to Draa Lasfar mine area are resumed in Table 3.1. Itisrevealedthat,ingeneral,allsampledpointsshowedneutraltoalkalinepHranging from7to9,similartopHofbackgroundsampleswiththeexceptionofaveryacidicsample correspondingtosample#48withpH3.5justbesidetheminesite,mainlyrelatedtodeposits 85 3.Resultsanddiscussion ofsulfidicresidues,whichbyoxidationandformationofsulfuricacid,cancausesuchdecrease ofthepH. Table3.1.SummaryofphysicochemicalparametersforDraaLasfarsamples pH CE(μS/cm) LOI(g/kg) CaCO3(mg/g) Minearea samples (81samples) Background samples (4samples) min 3.5(#48) 96.0(#53) 12.7(#2) 7.9(#50) max 9.6(#2) 14,160(#31) 75.8(#45) 209.9(#26) mean 8.3 1463 32.6 43.2 0.7 2170 14 32 Mean 8.5 136.3 30.7 24.9 0.5 20.4 6.8 2.6 EC showed higher variability than pH, with values ranging from 100 to 15,000 μS/cm (Table3.1)which,ingeneral,areinaccordancewithpreviousstudiesperformedonMorocco soils[1].LikewisepH,thesamplewithhigherECvalue(sample#31)islocatedjustbesidethe mine site and corresponds to the sample with the higher amounts of metals in the area. In addition,thevaluesobtainedforthemineareasamplesaresignificantlyhigherthanthoseof thebackgroundsamples,thusindicatinghighamountsoflabileionsclosetotheminesiteas consequenceofminingactivities. LOIvaluesformineareaandbackgroundsamples(Table3.1)valuesaresimilarandquite homogeneous(around30g/kg)althoughsomespecificpointshaveLOIreaching76g/kgdue tosomecloselocalizedagriculturalactivities. Theobservedcarbonatecontentrangedfrom10to210mg.g1(Table3.1)althoughthe majority of the samples present similar CaCO3 content to background samples. The highest content of carbonates is observed for samples #26 and #71, located 400 m away from the mine site. Together with basic pH values, the presence of carbonates in the soil lead to an increase in the retention of heavy metals, mainly as carbonate salts as a consequence of relatedhydroxyoxidesprecipitation,theprincipalretentionmechanismforheavymetals[2]. 3.1.2.HEAVYMETALCONCENTRATIONINTHEMINEAREA RegardingthemetalconcentrationmeasuredbyFPXRFanditscorrespondingcalculated CER values, elements have been classified as either pollutants (when the samples have CER valuesabove5)orlithogenicelementsforCERvaluesbelow5.Inthissense,As,Cu,PbandZn can be classified as pollutants whereas the rest of elements measured are considered lithogeniccomponentsofthesoil(Table3.2). 86 3.Resultsanddiscussion Lithogeniccomponents Pollutants Table3.2.Minimum,maximumandmeanconcentrationandCERvaluesforthemeasured elementsinmineareaandbackgroundsamples Background Mineareasamples samples Min Max Mean Mean Conc. 8.9 3108(#48) 70±400 13±5 As CER 0.4 20.0 2.2±4 1.0±0.3 Conc. 16.6 172(#45) 35±20 34±8 Cu CER 0.3 5.9 1.1±1 1.0±0.3 Conc. 6.7 2309(#48) 70±300 17±3 Pb CER 0.3 45.9 3±6 1.0±0.1 Conc. 30 1114(#45) 125±200 82±7 Zn CER 0.3 13.6 2±2 1.0±0.1 Conc. 221.5 541(#17) 389±70 449±60 Ba CER 0.4 1.4 0.9±0.3 1.0±0.1 Conc. 19632 121652(#48) 32721±10000 35555±3000 Fe CER 0.4 4.8 0.9±0.5 1.0±0.1 Conc. 6071 32976(#81) 23327±5000 38244±1500 K CER 0.3 1.4 0.8±0.3 1.0±0.1 Conc. 290 1119(#21) 607±150 699±50 Mn CER 0.4 2.0 0.9±0.3 1.0±0.1 Conc. 47 106(#10) 76±13 81±6 Rb CER 0.5 1.7 1.0±0.3 1.0±0.1 Conc. 86 322(#26) 144±40 131±9 Sr CER 0.5 3.1 1.1±0.5 1.0±0.1 Conc. 2802 5860(#17) 4460±700 5229±600 Ti CER 0.4 1.3 0.9±0.2 1.0±0.1 Zr Conc. 112 335(#67) 215±50 210±17 Concisgiveninmg/kg.Inparenthesisisgiventhesamplewithmaximumconcentration. 3.1.3.GISCONTOURMAPSOFTHEMAINPOLLUTANTS Althougharseniccannotbeconsideredametalitwillbereferredtoasbelongingtothe heavy metals group for reasons of convenience. Arsenic distribution of CER values using GIS contour maps, depicted in Figure 3.1, showed two hot spots beside the mine site corresponding to samples #48 (3108 ppm, CER=280) and #31 (203 ppm, CER=19.4). Sample #48 represents an arsenic concentration 100 fold higher than background levels which indicatesthatremediationismandatoryforthisspecificarea.Atincreasingdistancesfromthe minesite,arsenicconcentrationdecreasestovaluessimilartobackgroundsamples,exceptfor samples #45 (203 ppm, CER=15.9) and #46 (125 ppm, CER=9.2). An anomalous result is observed for sample #21 (72 ppm, CER=7.1). This sample is located at the other side of the rivercreekanditsarsenicconcentrationishigherthanneighboringsamples.Itisprobablydue to a waste deposit when mining was active. Given the proximity of this area to the creek waters,itisforemosttomonitorthisarea. CopperCERdistributionmapalongtheminingarea(Figure3.2)followedatrendsimilar totheoneexpressedbyarsenic,beingthesamplesclosetotheminesitetheoneswithhigher 87 3.Resultsanddiscussion copperCERvalues.Likewisearsenic,sample#21(51ppm,CER=1.9)locatedattheothersideof theriverbasin,hashighcopperconcentrationdespitebeingfarfromtheminearea.Thiscan beexplainedbythefactthatminoramountsofCuarefoundtypicallyadsorbedinarsenopyrite (FeAsS)ores. Theleaddistributionaroundthemine(Figure3.3)showedfourhotspotslocatedaround samples #31 (180 ppm, CER=13.0), #45 (770 ppm, CER=45.9), #48 (2310 ppm, CER=130) and #58(420ppm,CER=30).Itisalsonoteworthytohighlightsample#21(62ppm,CER=4.6)given itshighCERvaluesandproximitytocreekwaters. CERdistributionmapforZn(Figure3.4)followedthesametrendastheonedepictedby Pb with 4 hot spots located at samples #20 (630 ppm, CER=8.5), #45 (1110 ppm, CER=13.6), #48(30ppm,CER=10.8)and#58(930ppm,CER=10.8). Thus, taking into account the GIS maps obtained by using CER values for the main pollutantsoftheDraaLasfarminearea,itcanbestatedthatthemostpollutedsitesarefound beside the mine site towards the river creek whilst samples closed to Koudiyat hill reported values similar to background. Hence, the pollution over the mine area of Draa Lasfar can be mainlyattributedtoweatheringeffectsandthetopographyoftheterrainthatfacilitatesthe disposal of mine residues towards descendent areas such as the river creek and reduce the depositiononelevatedareassuchashills. Other measured elements showed CER values close to background samples, hence consideredaslithogeniccomponentsofthesoil.ThisgroupofelementsisformedbyBa,Fe,K, Rb,Sr,TiandZr(Table3.2).Inthissense,themeanconcentrationofBa,Fe,K,Mn,Rb,Sr,Ti and Zr is similar to background samples and therefore its correspondent CER values range between0and2,exceptingsample#48.SuchsamplescontainhighFecontentthat,giventhe high As content can be related to an arsenopyrite (FeAsS) deposit. Thus, no anthropogenic enhancementoftheseelementsisobserved. Finally,somespecificsamplespresentextremelyhighconcentrationonsomeelements. High sulfur concentrations were found in samples #19 (18400 ppm), #31 (14500 ppm), #33 (15500ppm),#45(36800ppm),#48(113700ppm),#58(5300ppm),#59(14800ppm)and#70 (32400ppm)alsorelatedtoarsenopyritedepositsthussupportingthearsenopyritenatureof themineraloresextracted. 88 3.Resultsanddiscussion Cu As CER=6 CER=6 Mine Mine area area CER=3 CER=3 CER=0 CER=0 Scale1:25000 Background samples Figure 3.1. GIS contour map of arsenic distributionaroundtheminearea. Pb Scale1:25000 Background samples Figure 3.2. GIS contour map of copper distributionaroundtheminearea. Zn CER=20 Mine CER=20 area Mine area CER=10 CER=10 CER=0 CER=0 Scale1:25000 Background samples Scale1:25000 Background samples Figure3.3.GIScontourmapofleaddistribution aroundtheminearea. Figure 3.4. GIS contour map of zinc distributionaroundtheminearea. 3.1.4.EFFECTOFPARTICLESIZEANDMOBILITY SampleswithhighCERvaluesand/orwithspatialsignificancewereselectedtostudythe effectofparticlesizeandthemobilityofpollutants.Thus,samples#20,#31,#46,#48,#58and #70wereselected.RelatedresultsarecollectedinTable3.3. The results obtained for target fractions show a generalized increase on As,Pb and Zn concentrationsaftermillingthesamplesbelow100μm.Inthissense,samples#20,#31,#46, #48and#58hadanenrichmentonAs,PbandZnwhenmilled.Therefore,itcanbestatedthat, 89 3.Resultsanddiscussion ingeneral,theseelementsarepartoftheparticlecore.Ontheotherhand,adecreaseofthe concentrationoncopperasthesoilismilledisobservedthusindicatingcopperisadsorbedat the surface of the soil particles instead of forming part of the mineral ore revealing an anthropogenicinputofcopper. Regarding the results obtained for the pollutants mobility in selected samples, also in Table 3, it can be observed arsenic, lead and zinc in the mobile phase of some samples (samples #31, #46). Sample #46 shows the highest mobility of pollutants, its pH is alkaline (pH=8.1),withhighEC(EC=2151μS/cm)andrelativelyhighcarbonatecontent([CaCO3]=58.4 mg/g).Intheseconditions,mobilityisnotspeciallyfavoredalthoughgiventherelativelylow LOIvalue(LOI=39.3g/kg)itcanbesupposedthatthisfactorenablestheavailabilityofcations from the mine ore to the mobile phase. Therefore it can be stated that the leading factor regarding mobility of the samples at Draa Lasfar mine area is concentration of metals and organicmatter(basedonLOIdeterminations). Itisalsoimportanttohighlightsample#48,whichaccountsforbeingthemostpolluted and acidic sample (pH=3.5), with high EC (EC=4873 μS/cm) and low carbonate content (25.8 mg/g). According to literature [3] these conditions favor the availability of cations, however sample#48hasalsoahighorganicmattercontentasindicatesitsLOIvalue(LOI=56.0mg/g), which benefits the adsorption of soil labile ions, thus explaining the relatively low mobility observed.Thatleadstoloweritsenvironmentalriskwhenconsideringonlytotalconcentration values. In this sense, soil organic matter is considered one of the primary immobilizing processesfortraceandtoxicpollutants[4]. Inthissense,GIScontourmapsofpollutantsusingCERdatahavebeenavaluabletoolto characterize pollutants distribution around the mine area and to determine sources of contamination. 90 3.Resultsanddiscussion Table3.3.Particlesizeeffectsandmobilityassays.Concentrationofpollutantsatfraction<2mm andfraction<100μmandamountofpollutantsmobile SAMPLE As Cu Pb Zn 2mm(mg/kg) 125 80 55 628 #20 100μm(mg/kg) 167 72 66 713 Mobility(mg/L) <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 2mm(mg/kg) 72 51 62 144 #21 100μm(mg/kg) 67 48 61 150 Mobility(mg/L) <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 2mm(mg/kg) 203 43 180 481 #31 100μm(mg/kg) 268 77 313 734 Mobility(mg/L) 49 2 6 18 2mm(mg/kg) 125 60 375 774 #46 100μm(mg/kg) 172 59 477 933 Mobility(mg/L) 54 1 17 23 2mm(mg/kg) 3,108 144 2,309 631 #48 100μm(mg/kg) 3,569 167 2,614 704 Mobility(mg/L) 5 1 <0.5 4 2mm(mg/kg) 113 71 425 925 #58 100μm(mg/kg) 149 77 537 1,087 Mobility(mg/L) <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 2mm(mg/kg) 15 33 24 97 #70 100μm(mg/kg) 15 50 20 91 Mobility(mg/L) 29 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 91 3.Resultsanddiscussion 3.2. CHARACTERIZATION OF KETTARA, SIDIBOU OTHMANE AND BIR NEHASS MINE AREAS FollowingthemethodologyemployedforthecharacterizationofDraaLasfarminearea, threeadditionalabandonedminesof theareaatsitesof:Kettara,SidiBouOthmaneand Bir Nehasswerecharacterizedfortheirpotentialpollutantimpact. 3.2.1.PHYSICOCHEMICALCHARACTERIZATION Theresultsobtainedforthemeasuredphysicochemicalparametersaresummarizedin Table3.4.Sampleshavebeendistinguishedbetweenresiduessamples,thesamplestakenat specificpointswereresidueswerestoredandmineareasamples,sampledatregulardistances fromtheminesite. Table3.4.SummaryofpH,conductivityandcarbonatecontentforthesamplestakenatKettara, SidiBouOthmaneandBirNehass Kettara MineArea (58samples) Residues (7samples) Background (3samples) SBOthmane MineArea (30samples) Residues (17samples) Background (3samples) BirNehass MineArea (33samples) Residues (4samples) Background (3samples) 92 Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean pH EC(μS/cm) LOI(mg/g) CaCO3(mg/g) 2.0(S10) 8.2(S46) 6.3±1.9 2.0(R2) 2.4(R3) 2.2±0.2 7.8 8.5 8.1±0.4 7.1(S1) 8.1(S21) 7.8±0.2 3.2(R20) 8.4(R9) 7.3±1.1 6.8 8.0 7.6±0.8 8.0(S20) 8.4(S11) 7.7±0.5 1.8(R1) 3.5(R3) 2.9±0.7 7.4 7.7 7.5±3 0.1(S37) 4,900(S10) 680±900 2,686(R1) 7,295(R7) 3,618±1700 153 100 126±30 226(S30) 823(S16) 349±130 159(R17) 5,469(R12) 1,898±1200 324 670 447±200 58(S32) 2,005(S19) 250±400 2,119(R3) 9,011(R1) 4,135±3000 87 94 91±4 6(KS15) 71(KS41) 34±20 5(KR1) 11(KR6) 7.6±2 41 53 48±7 37.5(S2) 93.7(S1) 63.4±13 23(R17) 50(R12) 35±8 30.5 35.3 33±2 23.8(S31) 46.5(S8) 31±5 18.4(R1) 35.4(R2) 29±7 29.9 36.7 33±4 2.0(S2,S9) 167(S48) 37±60 1.25(R3) 7.5(R4) 4±3 217 275 240±30 3.7(S20) 439(S12) 690±1100 7.5(R17) 299.6(R16) 78±70 2 10 7±5 3(S31) 165(S1) 24±40 5.0(R1) 24(R3) 13±8 3 4 3.7±0.3 3.Resultsanddiscussion ThemeanpHvalueobtainedforKettaramineareasamplesisslightlyacidicasaresultof theoxidationofpyritethatreleasessulfuricacidandlowersthepH.Inthissense,23outof58 sampleshavepHbelow7andthepHiscomprisedbetween2and4in13samples.Fortherest of the samples the pH ranged from 7 to 9, which is a normal pH also observed for the backgrounddata.Ontheotherhand,samplestakenattheresiduesdeposits,areveryacidic, allofthemintherangeofpHof22.4.TheselowpHvaluesarealsorelatedtotheoxidationof high contentsofsulfur.UnlikeKettara,BirNehassandSidiBouOthmanemineareasamples haveneutraltoalkalinepHforthemajorityofthesamples,beingthesevaluesaresimilarto thebackgroundsamples.Regardingthesamplingcorrespondingtotheresidues,pHatKettara and Bir Nehass residues were strongly acidic (pH from 2 to 3.5) related to pyrite deposits whereasallSidiBouOthmaneresidues(exceptonesamplingpoint)werequitebasicwithapH similartobackgroundsamples. In this sense, the most acidic samples have also the higher EC values. This correlation betweenlowpHandhighECvaluecanbeexplainedbythepresenceofhighamountsofsulfur ions that causes an increase of the EC and by oxidation lowers the pH by acid sulfuric formation.Inthisregard,KettaramineareasampleshadhigherECthanthemineareasamples ofSBOthmaneandBirNehass,andmoreover,theECfoundfortheresiduesweremuchhigher thanmineareasamples. LOIvaluesaresimilarforminearea,residuesandbackgroundsamplesforallthestudied mines(around30g/kg)althoughsomespecificpointsofSbOthmanemineareassampleshad higherLOIvaluesmainlyrelatedtosomecloselocalizedagriculturalactivities. RegardingthecarbonatecontentitcanbestatedthatsoilswithapHof7.5andhigher generally have a high calcium carbonate content. In this sense, as stated in previous section 3.1.1., alkaline soils together with high amounts of organic matter and the presence of carbonatesincreasetheretentionofheavymetalsinsoils. 3.2.2.HEAVYMETALCONCENTRATIONINTHEMINEAREA Taking into account the CER values of the metals measured for all three mines and by comparing samples, residues and backgrounds values, it isobserved As, Cu, Pb and Zn to be the main pollutants of the studied mine areas since most of the samples exceed CER values above5,thusindicatingthesignificantanthropogeniccontribution(Table3.5). 93 3.Resultsanddiscussion BirNehass SidiBouOthmane Kettara Table3.5.SummaryofAs,Cu,Pb,ZnandZrconcentrationandCERvaluesforthesamplesand residuesofKettara,SidiBouOthmaneandBirNehass As Cu Pb Zn Min 10 27 17 49 Conc. Max 237 1362 486 243 Mean 34±40 256±300 76±100 106±40 MineArea (58samples) Min 0.5 0.35 0.7 0.7 CER Max 18.8 27.6 34 4.2 Mean 2±3 4±6 4±6 1.4±0.6 Min 28 364 105 93 Conc. Max 104 2113 349 337 Mean 64±40 1,287±500 233±100 197±100 Residues (7samples) Min 3.6 16.5 14 2.6 CER Max 7.8 74 36 10.0 Mean 6±2 38±17 23±7 5±3 Min 11 44 12 49 Background Conc. Max 24 52 15 76 (3samples) Mean 16±7 48±4 14±2 60±14 Min 10 25 23 101 Conc. Max 112 46 6706 36267 Minearea Mean 27±30 31±8 1,467±2000 5,018±9000 (30samples) Min 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.6 CER Max 11 1.7 391 414 Mean 2±3 1.1±0.1 62±100 43±90 Min 6 109 76 85 Conc. Max 203 36140 13044 57380 Mean 98±60 10,653±16000 4,112±4000 19,238±1500 Residues (17samples) Min 4.6 6.7 2.7 0.5 CER Max 26 1405 786 638 Mean 14±6 380±20 249±200 242±180 Min 13 22 30 144 Background Conc. Max 17 29 37 167 (3samples) Mean 15±2 27±8 32±4 156±12 Min 8 24 19 86 Conc. Max 113 46 1495 29732 Mean 23±20 29±6 148±300 1,744±6000 Minearea (33samples) Min 0.5 0.9 1.1 1.2 CER Max 11 2.1 94 366 Mean 2±2 1.2±0.4 8±20 22±70 Min 92 52 1776 8521 Conc. Max 760 310 29559 23309 Mean 282±300 149±140 9,423±13000 15,075±6000 Residues (4samples) Min 11 3.3 164 141 CER Max 70 14.8 2010 350 Mean 29±30 8±6 803±1000 273±80 Min 9 22 19 68 Background Conc. Max 16 29 23 99 (3samples) Mean 13±4 27±8 19±4 84±16 M.A. Mining Area, Bkg. background, R. Residue. (The number of samples is given in Table 3.4). After the evaluation of the results of the main pollutants concentration (Table 3.5) it can be considered that the amount of mineral extracted per day and the exploitation time of each mineaffectsthelevelofcontamination.Inthissense,Kettaraminesitewaslessexploitedand 94 3.Resultsanddiscussion hencelesspollutedthanSBOthmaneandBirNehassminesitesbothexploitedwithinaperiod ofapproximately30yearsandwithexploitationoutputsof115and90tonsperday. 3.2.3.APPLICATIONOFCHEMOMETRICS Chemometrics tools have been applied to establish relationships between the three mines as well as patterns and spatial distribution of the main target pollutants identified. In this sense, boxplot figures of the data for the mine area samples and the residues of each minecanprovideamoreunderstandingrepresentationoftheobtaineddata. As depicted from Box plots given in Figure 3.5, CER values are higher for the residues than for the mine area samples, which is logical since the wastes resulting from mining and milling processes were stockpiled in these specific areas. However, none of the metals analyzed in Kettara (mine area or residues) has very strong anthropogenic contribution (CER>40).ConcerningboxplotfiguresformineareaandresiduesforSBOthmane(Figure3.6) and Bir Nehass (Figure 3.7) it can be observed that CER values are much higher for residues thanformineareasamplesespeciallyregardingPbandZn.Giventhesimilaritiesbetweenbox plot figures for both SBOthmane and Bir Nehass it can be stated that both mines are mineralogicallycomparable.Inthissense,boxplotfiguresofCERvalueshighlightdifferences between mine area and residues samples as well as to graphically determine the degree of contaminationregardingacertainelement. Principal components analysis (PCA) was also applied to the CER data to point out differences within. From the representation of loadings and scores of PC1 and PC2 for the threemines(Figure3.8,3.9,and3.10)itcanbedistinguishedineachmine:mineareasamples grouped all together at the center of the figures and residues samples at the left of the representation more dispersed. In this sense, given the proximity of the residues samples representation and the main pollutants in the figure it can be considered that residues are more influenced by the pollutants than mine area samples. However, from the scores representationofeachmine,itcanbeobservedthatmanyofthesampleswithhighCERvalues (andhencewithhighconcentrationonpollutants)canbeclearlydistinguishedfromthebulkof the mine area samples (S8 to S10 in Kettara, S2 in SBOthmane and S8, S19 and S20 in Bir Nehass).Inthisregard,itcanbeconcludedthatPCAisabletopointoutdifferencesbetween mineareasamplesandresiduesandeventodistinguishthemostpollutedfromsamplesless pollutedaswellastoindicatetheparametersthataffectthedistinctionbetweensamples.In generalitcanbestatedthatforthethreeminesstudied,PC1ismainlyassignedtothemain pollutants(As,Cu,PbandZn)whilelithoghenicelementssuchasBa,K,Ca,Rb,MnandSror the physicochemical variables charge the rest of PC. On the other hand, PCA is not able to 95 3.Resultsanddiscussion establish patterns for the three mines since loading distribution is different for the three mines. Figure3.5.BoxplotdistributionofCERvaluesforAs,Cu,PbandZnforKettaraminearea(M.A.) andresiduesamples.CER=5(dottedline),CER=20(lines)andCER=40(straightline) Figure3.6.BoxplotdistributionofCERvaluesforAs,Cu,PbandZnforSBOthmaneminearea (M.A.)andresiduesamples.CER=5(dottedline),CER=20(lines)andCER=40(straightline) Figure3.7.BoxplotdistributionofCERvaluesforAs,Cu,PbandZnforBirNehassminearea(M.A.) andresiduesamples.CER=5(dottedline),CER=20(lines)andCER=40(straightline) 96 3.Resultsanddiscussion Biplot(PC1andPC2:51.75 %) 15 KR6 10 PC2(15.39 %) Mn 5 KR7 pH KS53 K KS48 KS38 KS58 KS29 KS22 KS44 KS21 KS37 KS49 KS31 Ba KS52 Ca KS19 KS30 KS20 KS56 KS32 KS18 KS23 KS16 KS55 KS47 KS40 KS46 KS24 KS34 KR2 Zn KR5 KR4 CE Cu KR1 Rb CaCO3As Pb SR3 Sr KS1 KS14 KS33 KS12 KS6 KS5 KS41 KS42 KS43 KS25 KS39 KS4 KS13 Fe KS45 KS17 KS50 KS27 KS11 KS15 KS2 KS26 KS8 KS3 KS51 KS28 KS36 KS7 Ti KS35 0 5 KS9 KS10 10 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 PC1(36.36%) Figure3.8.KettarabiplotrepresentationofloadingsandscoresofPC1andPC2 Biplot(PC1andPC2:59.66 %) 20 RS3 15 Sr Ba PC2(20.69 %) 10 Cu As K 5 SR8 Pb R4B19 SB16 SB14 SB21 SB13 SB20 R4B14 SB24 R4B7 SB25 SR20R4B17 SB19 SB10 R4B12 SB4 SB26 SB17 Rb CE Fe R4B10 SB9 SB7 SB27 SB23 SB6 SB8 SB5 R4B6 SB3 R4B18 Zn pH R4B9 SB18 SB11SR13 SB1 SB22 Mn SB12 R4B2 Ti SB2 CaCO3Ca SR1 0 5 10 15 20 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 PC1(38.97 %) Figure3.9.SBOthmanebiplotrepresentationofloadingsandscoresofPC1andPC2 Biplot(PC1andPC2:55.14 %) 20 BS8 15 pH PC2(19.36 %) 10 Sr 5 0 Rb K Mn Pb BR5 Ca BR4 BN4 BN24 BN1 BN10 BN9 CaCO3 BN32 BN16 Ba BS19 AsBR3 BN5 BN11 Fe Cu Ti CE BN15 BN33 BN3 Zn BN2 BN13 BN6 BN14 BR1 BN25 BN30 BN28 BN17 BN23 BN21 BN22 BN29 BN31 BN26 BN12 BN7 BN18 BN27 5 BS20 10 15 20 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PC1(35.78 %) Figure3.10.BirNehassbiplotrepresentationofloadingsandscoresofPC1andPC2 97 3.Resultsanddiscussion 3.2.4.GISCONTOURMAPSOFTHEPOLLUTANTS Withseparatesamplevaluesandinordertodelineatethedistributionoftargetmetals aroundthemineareaaGISrepresentationofcorrespondingCERvalueshasbeencarriedout. The obtained information can be applied on the management of the target areas, i.e., monitoring,isolationorpollutionremoval. Kettara GIS contour maps (Figures 3.11 to 3.14) show two well separated areas: a big areaatthecenterofthe mineareaandasmallareaatthenorth.Bothareasarelocatedat specific sampling points with localized contamination, especially at residues sampling points. Given that the area is flat, the distribution of pollutants does not follow any geographic consideration but only specific points were residues were stored. Considering the maps for eachelementitcanbestatedthatthedistributionofpollutantsissimilarforarsenic,copper andlead,whilstzincdistributionismorehomogeneousalongtheminearea.Inaddition,lead canbeconsideredthemainpollutantregardingitshighCERvalues. RegardingSBOthmanemineareaGISmapsitcanbepointedoutthatthemineareais highly contaminated, being observed samples with CER values above 200 (Figures 3.17 and 3.18). Arsenic and copper GIS maps (Figures 3.15 and 3.16) of SBOthmane present two hot spotslocatedatdepositsofresidueswhilePbandZnGISmapsindicateamoreriskysituation withCERvaluesabove200(Figures3.17and3.18).Thedistributionofcontaminantsisaffected mainlybythelocationofthedepositsofresidues. With respect to Bir Nehass mine area it can be stated that, likewise SBOthmane, the mine is less contaminated with arsenic (Figure 3.19) and copper (Figure 3.20) being lead (Figure3.21)andzinc(Figure3.22)themainpollutants.Inthissense,auniquehotspotcanbe observedforarsenicandleadaroundasamplelocatedataresiduedepositwhileseveralhot spotswithCER=200canbeseenforleadandzinc,relatedtospecificresiduedeposits.Thearea is flat and the distribution is only owed to the location of the deposit of residues from the mine. Once detected the most polluted areas within each mine, a real evaluation of their potentialriskcanbeobtainedfromtheresultsofmetalsmobility,showninTable3.6,byusing thesingleextractionprocedure. ThemobilityresultslettopointoutthatallthemineareasamplestakenatKettaramine areahaveverylowmobility,withtheexceptionoftheresidues(morethan30mgCu/Lonthe mobilefraction).ThesesampleshaveanacidicpH(around2)andveryloworganicmatter(LOI ~10),insuchsituation,mobilityofheavymetalsisfavored. 98 3.Resultsanddiscussion On the other hand, SBOthmane and Bir Nehass mine area samples are highly concentrated on Pb and Zn showing an extremely high content on Pb and Zn in the mobile phaseformineareasamplesandevenhigherfortheresidues,thusrepresentingathreatenfor theenvironment.Thephysicchemicalcharacteristicsofthesesamples(pHaround7,andhigh contentonorganicmatter)donotfavormobilityoftheelementsascanbeobservedforthe lowlevelsofarsenicandcopperfoundinthemobilephase.However,giventhehighcontent ofleadandzincitislikelythattheconcentrationofmetalsexceedthecapacityofthesoilto retain them and the migration to a mobile phase may take place. In this sense, the residues sampling points which are associated with waste disposal sites are even more concentrated thanmineareasamplesand,giventhehighamountofmetals,theimmobilizationprocessesin soils to retain metals are also overwhelmed. In this regard, the level of metals found in the mobile phase for SBOthmane and Bir Nehass are extremely high (especially for zinc) so remediation treatments should be applied to these areas if the soil is intended for further purposes. 99 3.Resultsanddiscussion Table3.6.Totalconcentration(inmg/Kg)andmobility(inmg/L)forAs,Cu,PbandZnofthemost contaminatedsamplesofKettara,SidiBouOthmaneandBirNehassmineareas As Cu Pb Zn Total 237±12 1,360±50 307±15 243±18 S8 Mobile <0.5 6.1±0.2 <0.5 1.1±0.1 Total <15 810±40 406±19 49±15 S9 Mobile <0.5 2.5±0.1 <0.5 1.7±0.1 Minearea Total 117±14 956±50 486±22 67±16 S10 Mobile <0.5 18±0.1 <0.5 <0.5 Total 51±7 643±20 328±11 213±12 S28 Mobile <0.5 6.3±0.1 2.2±0.2 1.3±0.1 Total <15 1,257±50 341±18 99±17 R4 Mobile <0.5 21.1±0.1 0.5±0.1 3.8±0.1 Total <15 1,248±50 303±17 <10 Residues R5 Mobile <0.5 11.1±0.1 0.5±0.1 1.1±0.1 Total <15 2,113±60 164±12 337±20 R6 Mobile <0.5 33.0±0.1 0.7±0.1 11.4±0.1 Total 96±28 <25 6,542±89 36,267±400 S2 Mobile 1.6±0.1 2.2±0.1 393±3 1071±30 Total <15 <25 2,665±37 10,991±120 S3 Mobile 1.2±0.1 1.1±0.1 184±2 563±8 Minearea Total <15 <25 3,723±50 13,555±160 S11 Mobile 1.4±0.1 1.5±0.1 280±3 719±50 SidiBou Total <15 <25 6,706±87 22,641±300 S30 Othmane Mobile 1.4±0.1 3.2±0.1 483±3 932±30 Total <15 26,400±300 103±3 135±3 R3 Mobile 2.7±0.2 2.3±0.2 179±2 359±4 Residues Total <15 <25 6,428±80 17,490±200 R5 Mobile 3.7±0.2 4.3±0.3 733±2 772±6 Total 197±40 240±20 11,004±150 31,487±400 R8 Mobile 2.8±0.2 2.5±0.2 523±6 1240±20 Total 22±4 <25 166±7 1,309±23 S4 Mobile <0.5 <0.5 4.6 54±4 Total 46±13 <25 1,390±30 29,732±350 S19 Mobile <0.5 0.6±0.1 54±3 1071±140 Minearea Total 113±13 <25 1,500±30 13,140±160 S20 Mobile <0.5 <0.5 40±3 369±70 Bir Total 36±5 <25 259±8 1,960±30 S21 Nehass Mobile <0.5 <0.5 10±2 77±16 Total 93±20 <25 3,705±60 15,143±200 R1 Mobile <0.5 2.1±0.1 18.3±0.5 474±5 Total 164±18 52±14 2,640±40 8,521±115 Residues R3 Mobile <0.5 1.0±0.1 88±2 99.8±0.8 Total 112±17 86±18 1,776±34 13,325±190 R5 Mobile <0.5 3.0±0.1 55.7±1.4 639±7 100 3.Resultsanddiscussion Copper Arsenic CER=20 CER=80 CER=10 CER=40 CER=0 CER=0 Scale 1:25000 Scale 1:25000 Figure3.11.KettaramineareaGIScontour mapofarsenic. Figure3.12.KettaramineareaGIScontour mapofcopper Zinc Lead CER=40 CER=20 CER=20 CER=10 CER=0 CER=0 Scale 1:25000 Figure3.13.KettaramineareaGIScontour mapoflead. Scale 1:25000 Figure3.14.KettaramineareaGIScontourmap ofzinc. Arsenic CER=20 CER=10 Scale 1:15000 CER=0 Figure3.15.SidiBouOthmanemineareaGIScontourmapofarsenic 101 3.Resultsanddiscussion Copper CER=20 CER=10 Scale 1:15000 CER=0 Figure3.16.SidiBouOthmanemineareaGIScontourmapofcopper Lead CER=400 CER=200 Scale 1:15000 CER=0 Figure3.17.SidiBouOthmanemineareaGIScontourmapoflead Zinc CER=200 CER=100 Scale 1:15000 CER=0 Figure3.18.SidiBouOthmanemineareaGIScontourmapofzinc 102 3.Resultsanddiscussion Arsenic Copper Scale 1:5000 CER=80 Scale 1:5000 CER=20 CER=40 CER=10 CER=0 CER=0 Figure3.19.BirNehassmineareaGIScontour mapofarsenic Figure3.20.BirNehassmineareaGIScontour mapofcopper Zinc Lead Scale 1:5000 Scale 1:5000 CER=200 CER=200 CER=100 CER=100 CER=0 CER=0 Figure 3.21. Bir Nehass mine area GIS contour Figure3.22.BirNehassmineareaGIScontour mapoflead mapofzinc 103 3.Resultsanddiscussion 3.3. XANES SPECIATION OF MERCURY IN THREE MINING DISTRICTS: ALMADÉN, ASTURIAS(SPAIN),IDRIA(SLOVENIA)(ANNEX2) Mercuryisoneofthemosttoxicelementsassomeofitscompoundscanbeabsorbedby livingtissuesinlargedosesandthesecompoundsortheirderivativescanconcentrateandbe storedoverlongperiodsoftimecausingchronicoracutedamages[5].Thetoxicityofheavy metalsismainlycontrolledbythedoseanditschemicalspeciation.Hence,theassessmentof mercury species on the environment is of great relevance since many health problems are related to specific Hg species. Following previous studies by Brown and coworkers on the characterization of mercury mines in north America [6, 7], this work aimed at providing a general perspective on the speciation of mercury in three of the most important mercury mining districts in Europe. In this study, XANES has been complemented with a single extractionprotocolforthedeterminationofHgmobilitytodeterminetoxicityofthesamples. 3.3.1.CHEMICALANALYSISOFTHESAMPLES A list of samples from the metallurgical plants and drainage network of the three districts,theircorrespondingacronymsandashortdescriptionofthesamplingsiteisprovided inTable3.7.TheirlocationonthemineisdepictedinFigure3.23. Figure3.23.Samplinglocations,minesandmetallurgicalsitesofthethreemercuryminingdistricts: Almadén,AsturiasandIdria. 104 3.Resultsanddiscussion Location Table3.7.Samplescollectedatthethreeminingdistricts Id Samplingarea Material ALMADENSITE Almadén HR Almadenejos Valdeazoguesriver SanQuintín CH AZG ALM RD SQ HuertadelRey Soilsfromanoldmetallurgicalplantofthe 17thcentury MaindumpofAlmadénmine Dumpmaterial,sedimentsandripariansoils Azogadoriverstream Ripariansoilsandstreamsediments Decommissionedmetallurgicalplant Soilsfromthemetallurgicalplant DownstreamofElEntredichopit Suspendedparticles DecommissionedPbZnAgmine Minewastesandsoilsfromandoldflotation plantusedtotreatcinnabar ASTURIASSITE Minetailings Calcines Soil ForestSoils TRRmn TRRc TRRs TRRfs Mineandmetallurgicalplant Mineandmetallurgicalplant Metallurgicalplant ElTerronalmine Dumpsinthevicinityofrotaryfurnaces Calcinationwaste Soilfromanabandonedchimneychannel Forestsoilsfromtheminingarea IDRIASITE Soils S1S3 S2 S4 S5S6 Sediments RS SS Vicinityofthemetallurgicalplant ProntHill ConfluenceoftheIdrijcaandBaca rivers ConfluenceofIdrijcaandBacarivers Idrijcariver,35kmdownstream fromtheminebeforeBacariver inflow Idrijcariver,35kmdownstream fromtheminebeforeBacariver inflow Soils Meadowsoils AlluvialsoilsamplescollectedalongtheIdrijca river40kmdownstreamfromthemine Soilsfromadeepprofileat50cmdepth(S5) and100cm(S6) Riverbedsedimentsofacompositesample takenwithinadistanceof50mwithgrainsize <0.063mm(RS1)and0.0632mm(RS2) Suspendedriversedimentsofacomposite sampletakenwithinadistanceof50mwith grainsize<0.063mm(SS1)and0.0632mm (SS2) Highmercuryconcentrationsinsoilsamplesfrommetallurgicalsiteswerefoundatthe Almadén district (Table 3.8) that can be mainly attributed to the inefficient metallurgical techniquesusedintheoldplantsofAlmadenejosandHuertadelRey[8].Intheseplants,the roasting temperatures were below 500 ºC. Also high mercury concentrations were found in sedimentsandripariansoilsfromValdeazoguesriver(RD)andespeciallyfromAzogadostream (AZG)(2,816mgHgg1).Theseresultscoincidewithpreviousstudiesundertakenatthesame sampling site [9]. Other heavy metals are also found in Almaden site samples although in minorconcentrations,andespeciallyhighamountsofleadandzincwerefoundinsamplesof SanQuintínarea(SQ). LikewiseAlmaden,thetotalmercurycontentofsoilanddumpsamplesofAsturiasmine (Table 3.9) show the high mercury content (the highest from the three mines studied) with 27,350 mg Hg g1 in dump samples (TRRmn116) and 18,000 mg Hg g1 in soils from the chimneychannel,withalsohighamountsofarsenic(from735mgAsg1to187,218mgAsg1). Ontheotherhand,Idriasamples(Table3.10)revealedminoramountsofthemetalsanalyzed comparedtoAlmadenandAsturias,beingthesamplesneartheformersmeltingfacilitiesthe mostpollutedcausedbythesettlingdownofHgenrichedparticlesintheimmediatevicinityof 105 3.Resultsanddiscussion thesmokestackofthesmelter.ItisimportanttohighlightthehighHgconcentrationobserved in Idria sediments (RS) and in alluvial soils (S4) 40 km downstream from the mine probably linkedtomercurybearingrocks,wastesfromcombustionprocessesorcontaminatedriverbed sediments. These inputs to the aquatic environment remain in the area even a decade after theendingofminingoperations. Table 3.8. Almaden average metal content (giveninμgg1) SAMPLE Hg As Pb Zn CH127 989 <15 <10 112 HR108 976 <15 214 96 HR109 404 <15 111 104 HR110 200 <15 130 185 RD124 105 <15 <10 <10 CH125 1,800 <15 <10 112 AZG105 2,816 23 139 233 CH128 450 <15 102 185 ALM101 2,720 <15 74 153 ALM102 2,629 <15 102 193 CH126 2,230 <15 <10 365 SQ111 902 <15 15,837 6,877 SQ112 1,730 <15 2,154 1,221 SQ113 1,935 <15 19,049 7,134 SQ114 390 Table 3.9. Asturias average metal content (giveninμgg1) SAMPLE Hg As Pb Zn TRRmn115 1,470 39338 <10 <15 TRRmn116 27,350 11,7553 <10 <15 TRRs118 3,280 735 <10 <15 TRRs121 18,000 12,133 <10 <15 TRRmn122 5,785 4,2300 <10 <15 TRRfs3 1,570 1,6826 107 173 TRRfs4 1,080 1,120 53 137 TRRc5 34 187,218 <10 <15 TRRc55 54 25,876 <10 <15 Table3.10.Idriaaveragemetalcontent(given inμgg1) SAMPLE Hg As Pb Zn S1 333 21 <10 112 S2 47 26 <10 102 S4 76 <15 <10 64 S5 175 <15 47 145 S6 144 <15 73 496 RS1 6,540 <15 302 270 RS2 1920 <15 14 <15 SS–1 96 <15 <10 449 SS1 11 <15 <10 24 S3 95 27 46 130 3.3.2.XANESSPECIATIONANDMOBILITYRESULTS In Figure 3.24 the spectra corresponding to mercury standards and to the samples for each mine are given. Considering the number of sample XANES spectra, PCA was performed separatelyforeachminingdistrict.Anexampleoffittingforaselectedsampleofeachmineis giveninFigure3.25. PCA results for Almaden district indicated that five components are required to reconstructeachoftheexperimentalspectra(cinnabar,Cb(redHgS);metacinnabar,Mc(black HgS);HgCl2;calomel(Hg2Cl2)andschuetteite,Sc(Hg3(SO4)O2))withabove95%ofconfidence. The most common species found in almost all samples were mercury sulfides (cinnabar and metacinnabar) but also nonsulfide phases like schuetteite, calomel (Hg2Cl2) and mercury chloride(HgCl2)whichwerefoundinsoilandsedimentsamples. 106 3.Resultsanddiscussion Figure3.24.XANESspectraofselectedHgpurecompoundsandsamplesfrom Almaden,Idriaand Asturiasminingdistricts(allspectraaredeliberatelystackedtoshowdifferences).Eachspectrum correspondstothemeanvalueoffivereplicates. Figure3.25.XANESspectraofselectedsamplesfromthethreeminingdistrictswithreconstructed spectrashownasdashedlines. 107 3.Resultsanddiscussion IDRIA ASTURIAS ALMADEN Table3.11.Mainmercuryspecies(in%)andmobilemercury(inmgL1and%).Abbreviations:Cb: cinnabar;Mc:metacinnabar;Sc:schuetteite;Co:corderoite Mobility Red.Chi Sample Cb Mc Sc Co HgO HgSO4 Hg2Cl2 HgCl2 mgL1(%) Sq.(103) CH127 0.4 62 0 0 0 0 0 38 0 1.4±0.3 HR108 0.6 37 23 0 0 0 0 40 0 0.6±0.2 HR109 0.7 33 24 0 0 0 0 43 0 0.2±0.1 HR110 0.6 41 22 0 0 0 0 37 0 <0.2 RD124 0.5 0 0 94 0 0 0 0 6 <0.2 CH125 0.4 7 0 83 0 0 0 0 10 <0.2 AZG105 0.3 0 0 80 0 0 0 20 0 <0.2 CH128 0.4 24 22 0 0 0 0 35 19 <0.2 ALM101 0.3 38 39 23 0 0 0 0 0 10.8±0.3 ALM102 0.7 39 31 0 0 0 0 30 0 21.3±0.5 CH126 0.3 33 32 35 0 0 0 0 0 <0.2 SQ111 0.2 54 0 17 0 0 0 29 0 0.6±0.1 SQ112 0.2 51 0 21 0 0 0 28 0 3.7±0.2 SQ113 0.2 59 0 17 0 0 0 24 0 <0.2 SQ114 0.3 47 0 20 0 0 0 33 0 <0.2 TRRmn115 29 24 0 1 0 0 0 0 47 0.4±0.1 TRRmn116 28 22 0 0.9 0 0 0 0 50 73±2 TRRs118 0.8 28 22 0 0 0 0 0 50 20.1±1.3 TRRs121 0.7 29 22 0 0 0 0 0 49 56.5±2 TRRmn122 30 24 0 0.7 0 0 0 0 46 43.6±2 TRRfs3 3 44 28 0 0 10 18 0 0 0.7±0.2 TRRfs4 3 50 36 0 14 0 0 0 0 <0.2 TRRc5 8 52 30 0 18 0 0 0 0 <0.2 TRRc55 7 57 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 <0.2 S1 6 44 0 32 0 0 24 0 0 <0.2 S2 2 55 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0.2±0.1 S4 4 85 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 <0.2 S5 4 90 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 <0.2 S6 5 58 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 <0.2 RS1 2 57 0 0 0 0 43 0 0 <0.2 RS2 3 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <0.2 SS1 4 90 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 <0.2 SS1 9 55 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 <0.2 S3 07 66 0 26 0 8 0 0 0 0.3±0.1 Regarding Almaden mine area samples, XANES analyses from San Quintín area (Table 3.11) indicated high amounts of cinnabar (47–59%) and minor amounts of relatively more soluble species like calomel (24–33%) and schuetteite (17–21%) that can be attributed to weathering processes. The absence of metacinnabar phases in that samples, a metastable polymorphofcinnabarthatoccurswhentheroastingprocessofmercuryoresisnotcomplete oritisdoneinthepresenceofimpurities[10],isassociatedtothehistoricaluseofthesite,as this site was used to perform flotation tests and no furnaces were employed. On the other hand,metacinnabarhasbeenidentifiedinsoilsamplesfromAlmadenejos(ALM)(31–39%)and HuertadelRey(HR)(~23%),locationswithhistoricalmetallurgicalactivity. 108 3.Resultsanddiscussion Othernonsulfidephaseslikemercurouschloride(24–43%)havealsobeenidentifiedat SanQuintínandHuertadelRey,attributabletotheprocessofsoilformation.Highamountsof schuetteite have been identified in ore stockpile in San Quintín and Almadenejos area. Schuetteite is a mineral phase typically linked to the presence of Hg(0) that appears in the sunlightexposedsideoftherocksurface,anditisfrequentlyfoundnearoldfurnacesandore dumps[11].Relativelymoresolublephaseshavebeenidentifiedinsoilandsedimentsamples fromValdeazoguesRiver(100%)andAzogadostream(100%)(Hg2Cl2,HgCl2andHg3(SO4)O2)as a result of weathering processes caused by the drainage network of the mining district. The mobilityofmercuryinthisdistrictisclearlylinkedwithmetallurgicalactivityandformationof secondary chloride phases. The highest mobility was found in soil samples from an old metallurgicalprecinct(ALM)(21.3mgL1;Table3.11)relatedtothepresenceofHg2Cl2. InAsturiasminingdistrict,allsamplesfromthedecommissionedmineandmetallurgical facilityshowedhighmercurycontentsinsoils(TRRfs),dumpmaterials(TRRmn)andchimney soils (TRRs) (Table 3.9), and a predominance of sulfides species (50–100%) with significant presence of metacinnabar in all samples (Table 3.11). Cinnabar and metacinnabar in these samplesishigherthaninAlmadénareasinceinAsturiasthemetallurgywaslessefficientthan inIdriaand Almadénarea,withlowerroastingtemperatureandpoorestrecoveryrates.The contentsofothermercuryspeciessuchaschloridesaresignificant,withhighamountsonsoils samplesfromthefacilityandthechimneyexhaustingroastingsmokesandthusthemobilityof mercury in this district is higher than in Almadén. In qualitative terms, the mobile mercury determinediscorrelatedwiththepresenceofHgCl2(exceptforTRRmn115),amobilephase of mercury and, in a lesser account, to the presence of metacinnabar resulting from the incompletecombustion. At the Idria mining district, cinnabar is the most common form of mercury in soil, sedimentsandsuspended particles,whilemetacinnabarisalsofoundinsoilsampleS4,and sulfatesinsoilsandsediments(S,RS,SS).Thelackofmetacinnabarinmostofthesesamplesis duetothereuseofcalcinesandmetallurgicalwastesintherefillingofminegalleriesresulting in a minor dispersion of this material throughout the surrounding environment. High proportions of sulfates were found in soil samples (S), but the mobility of mercury in this district was clearly reduced, mainly by the major proportions of cinnabar in soils, sediments and suspended particles. This low mobility of mercury (0.2–0.3 mg L1, see Table 3.11) is in agreement with former studies on the area [12] that described low watersoluble mercury speciesinsedimentsandsuspendedparticles. Consideringthethreedistricts,themainprocessesaffectingmercuryspeciationareore composition,mininghistoryandroastingprocess.Thetypeofmetallurgicalprocessingarises 109 3.Resultsanddiscussion as one of the most important factors in defining mercury availability. In this sense, mercury mobilityishigherinAsturiasdistrictowingtoitsroastingtreatmentwaslessefficientthanin AlmadenorIdria(lowerroastingtemperaturesandpoorerrecoveringrates)thatincreasesthe presence of metacinnabar and, principally, HgCl2 phases responsible for the mobility of mercury. Despite the complex and lengthy history of mining and metallurgical activity, the mobility is significantly lower in the Almaden district given its better roasting processes achieved with better furnaces (only in the last century) and likewise Almaden, even lower mobilityvalueswerefoundinIdriadistrictrelatedtoitsefficientmetallurgicalprocess(similar to Almadén area), together with the appropriate management of calcines that were used to refilloldgalleriesaswellastheshortermininghistoryofthisdistrict. Ratherinsolublemercurycompounds(cinnabar,metacinnabar,schuetteite,corderoite) have been shown to prevail in dumps and wastes from mines and metallurgical plants, whereas more soluble Hg phases (mainly HgCl2 but also HgO and HgSO4) were found in soils and sediments from all target areas. A qualitative relationship between mobile mercury and the presence of mercury chlorides or sulfates compounds has been established for samples from the three districts. Nonetheless, the absolute mobility remains relatively low in most cases, inherently suggesting that kinetic effects and availability of the soluble phases might alsobeconsideredintheassessmentofmercurybehavior. 110 3.Resultsanddiscussion REMEDIATIONTECHNOLOGIES This section includes results of treatment processes for industrial water from two different sectors: mining activities and textile industry. These results constitute specific examplesofinnovationinwatertreatmentprocessforbothinorganicandorganicpollutants. Thus,resultsoflaboratoryandpilotplantscaleforrecyclingofwaterfromaminetailing pond are reported here. On the other hand, the results achieved by Feexchanged materials for the degradation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) by means of Fenton processes as wellastothesorptionofinorganiccontaminantsarealsosummarized. 3.4. EXTRACTANT AND SOLVENT SELECTION TO RECOVER ZINC FROM A MINING EFFLUENT:FROMLABORATORYSCALETOPILOTPLANT Inatailingpondfromanabandonmineisstoredahugestreamofeffluent,estimatedto be10,000m3/dayandcontainingabout1g/LofZnandsignificantamountsofferrous,ferric, calcium,copper,aluminumandmanganeseions.Inthissense,topreventdambreachesfrom thetailingpondthatcancausehugehazardstohumansandtheenvironmentitisrequiredto reducetheamountofwastewatercontainedintheminetailingpond.Inaddition,therecovery ofzinccanprovideeconomicvaluetotheprocesswhilesolvinganenvironmentalproblem. 3.4.1.SXLABORATORYRESULTS To accomplish for a valuable Zn recovery, separation of Zn from Fe and Ca must be obtainedsinceanyfurtheruseoftheZnliquorproduct,i.e.,Electrowining(EW)process,will requireofsuchconditions.TherecoveryofZnwasinvestigatedtoselecttheextractantwith higher efficiency and selectivity between DEHPA, Cyanex 272 or Ionquest 290. Additionally, twotypesofkerosenewerealsoevaluated. SincetherearenoreagentscommerciallyavailableabletoextractZnselectivelyfroma solutioncontainingFe,Fewasremovedfromthe minewaterpriortothe SXtreatmentbya biooxidationprocessfollowedbyanalkalineprecipitationstep[13,14]toobtainapregnant leachsolution(PLS)withoutiron. After the precipitation step, Fe was completely removed and also the amount of Al decreaseddrasticallyandCudroppedbyhalf(from45.0mg/Lto21.7mg/L).Theprocessdid notalterthecontentofZn,sothewholeprocessofzincrecoverydoesnotloseeffectiveness 111 3.Resultsanddiscussion duetotheironremovalstep.Theconcentrationoftheothermetalsremainedsimilartothe initial(Table3.12). Table3.12.Solutioncomposition,beforeandafterbiooxidationtreatment Concentration(mg/L) Element Initialsolution Afterbiooxidation Afterprecipitation [Fe2+] 254 0 0 [Fe3+] 446 690 0.2 [Zn] 1,020 1,020 1,010 [Al] 292 250 20 [Mn] 265 260 200 [Cu] 45 45 21.7 [Ca] 600 600 600 [Pb] 1.6 1.6 1.6 pH 3.0 1.9 4.8 Regardingtheselectivityexperimentsperformedwiththethreeextractantsstudied,the obtainedresults(Figure3.26,3.28and3.30)depictedarationalreductionoftherecoveryof zinc as the A:O phase ratio increases due to a saturation of the extractant. In this sense, Cyanex272andIonquest290,usedinalesserconcentrationthanDEHPA(5%vs40%(v/v)for DEHPA),presentaplateauataA:O>1whichsuggeststhattheextractantissaturated,whilst zincrecoveryforDEHPAisstilldiminishing. TherecoveryofmetalsachievedbyDEHPAwasZn>Ca>Mn>Al>Cu,andatA:O=1the recovery of Zn was around 75%, but also other metal impurities were also recovered, especiallyCaandMn(60%and30%recovered,respectively)pointingoutthatDEHPAispoorly selectivetowardsZnextraction(Figure3.26).Inaddition,around80%oftheAlremainedinthe organicphase(OP)afterthestrippingstep(Figure3.27)limitingthereuseoftheextractant. The recovery of metals obtained for Cyanex 272 at 5% (v/v) was Zn>>Cu>Mn~Ca~Al (Figure 3.28), although Mn, Ca and Al are slightly recovered. In this sense, Cyanex 272 selectivity towards zinc is higher than DEHPA and, moreover, negligible amounts of metals (around 1%) were found in the organic phase (Figure 3.29) so the organic phase employing Cyanex272canbereusedseveralcycleswithpracticallynoregeneration. TherecoveryofmetalsforIonquest290wasZn>>Al>Cu~Mn~Ca(Figure3.30).Thetrend issimilartoCyanex272sincetherecoveryofZincatA:O=1isaround40%andotherimpurities arepracticallynotrecovered.Inaddition,lessthan5%oftheelementsanalyzedremaininthe organicphaseafterthestrippingstep(Figure3.31).Thus,contrarytoDEHPA,Cyanex272and Ionquest290selectivelyextractZnfromasolution containinghighamounts ofCaandother metalswithoutfoulingoftheOP. 112 3.Resultsanddiscussion (b)RemainingOPDEHPA (a)RecoveryDEHPA 100 100 ZnKD80 CaKD80 AlD80 MnKD80 CuKD80 90 80 ZnKD80 CaKD80 AlD80 MnKD80 CuKD80 90 80 70 60 60 50 50 % % 70 ZnKD100 CaKD100 AlD100 MnKD100 CuKD100 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 2 4 RatioA/O 6 8 0 10 Figure3.26.%RecoveryatdifferentA:Oratios forDEHPA40%(v/v) 2 RatioA/O 6 8 10 (b)RemainingOPCyanex 100 ZnKD80 CaKD80 AlKD80 MnKD80 CuKD80 90 80 70 ZnKD100 CaKD100 AlKD100 MnKD100 CuKD100 ZnKD80 CaKD80 AlKD80 MnKD80 CuKD80 90 80 70 60 60 50 50 % % 4 Figure3.27.%RemainingOPatdifferentA:O ratiosforDEHPA40%(v/v) (a)RecoveryCyanex272 100 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 ZnKD100 CaKD100 AlKD100 MnKD100 CuKD100 0 0 2 4 RatioA/O 6 8 10 0 Figure3.28.%RecoveryatdifferentA:Oratios forCyanex2725%(v/v) ZnKD80 CaKD80 AlD80 MnKD80 CuKD80 90 80 70 2 4 RatioA/O 6 8 10 Figure3.29.%RemainingOPatdifferentA:O ratiosforCyanex2725%(v/v) (b)RemainingOPIonquest (a)RecoveryIONQUEST 100 100 ZnKD100 CaKD100 AlD100 MnKD100 CuKD100 ZnKD80 CaKD80 AlD80 MnKD80 CuKD80 90 80 70 60 60 50 50 ZnKD100 CaKD100 AlD100 MnKD100 CuKD100 % % ZnKD100 CaKD100 AlD100 MnKD100 CuKD100 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 RatioA/O Figure3.30.%RecoveryatdifferentA/Oratios forIonquest2905%(v/v) 0 2 4 RatioA/O 6 8 10 Figure3.31.%RemainingOPatdifferentA:O ratiosforCyanex2725%(v/v) The differences observed on the recovery trends between DEHPA and the other two extractantscanbeassociatedtotheirchemicalnature,giventhatphosphoricextractants(as DEHPA)havehigheraffinityforcalciumthanphosphinicextractants(suchasCyanex272and Ionquest 290). The small differences observed between Cyanex 272 and Ionquest 290 are 113 3.Resultsanddiscussion explained by both the different phosphinic acid concentration (Ionquest 290 is 510% more concentratedthanCyanex272)andalsooweddifferentproductimpuritiesineachextractant. Asasummary,DEHPAreportedpoorselectivitytowardszincduetothecoextractionof manganese and calcium (that resulted in a gypsum precipitate in the stripping solution) and highamountsofaluminumremainedintheorganicphaseafterthestrippingstepreducingits reusability. On the contrary, Cyanex 272 and Ionquest 290 provided high zinc selectivity towards calcium and negligible amounts of metals were found in the organic phase so no extractant regeneration step will be required. Regarding Cyanex 272 and Ionquest 290, the latter achieved a zinc recovery 510% higher and therefore Ionquest 290 is considered the most appropriate extractant. Considering the two different kerosene employed (Ketrul D80 and Ketrul D100), no significative differences were observed and thus both of them can be equallyfeasiblefortherecoveryofzinc.However,fromanengineeringpointofview,theuse ofKetrulD100isrecommendedduetoitslowerflammabilitycomparedtoKetrulD80,andfor thatreasonitwasselectedasdissolvent. 3.4.2.SXPILOTPLANTPROCESS Tofulfilltherequirements,thepilotplantmayproduceaneconomicallyeffectiveoutput and the overall process should be environmentally friendly. The pilot plant process layout is depictedinFigure3.32. Pregnant Leach Solution Loaded Solvent Strong Electrolyte Raffinate SOLVENT EXTRACTION SOLVENT STRIPPING ELECTROWINNING Barren Solvent Weak Electrolyte Zinc Figure3.32.Inputsandoutputsatthepilotplant To satisfy the environmental requirements at least 95% of the Zn must be recovered fromtheeffluent,whereastoproducetheeconomiceffectiveoutputthezinccontainedinthe stripping solution must be converted to metallic zinc, that must be treated in an electrowinning (EW) plant. To fulfill the operating conditions for the EW plant, the SX plant shouldprovideafinalproductstreamof90g/LZninthestrippingstep(strongelectrolyte)by usingaweakelectrolytewith50g/L. 114 3.Resultsanddiscussion Previouslytothepilotplantoperations,computersimulationwasperformedtoestimate the required pilot plant inputs and outputs, to calculate the distribution coefficients (D) and the number of stages. Experience has shown that computer simulation is a more flexible designtoolthanMcCabeThielediagramsforpulsedcolumns[15,16,17].Theresultsobtained inthesimulation,collectedinTable3.13,determinedthatataphaseratioO:A=0.50.6,atwo stage column is enough to recover more than 95% of the Zn. The addition of a third stage enableseithertodecreasethephaseratioO:Ato0.4ortoworkwithaphaseratioofO:A=0.5 andobtainarecoveryofZnnearto99%,i.e.<10mg/LZnintheraffinate.Theconcentrationof Zn in the loaded solvent should be in the range of 2.22.8 g/L, that is around 7085% of the totaltheoreticalloadingof3.3gZn/LforIonquest2905%(v/v),whichisquitereasonable.In ordertogetafinalsolutionof90g/LZn,theZntransferfromtheorganicphasetothestrip phaseshouldbeof40g/L;toachievethatvaluethestrippingshouldberunataphaseratioof O:A=20,soonlyoneequilibriumstageisrequiredforthestripping. Table3.13.RecoveryofZndependingontheplantconfigurationusing5%Ionquest290 No.Stages PhaseratioO:A Zninraff.(mg/L) %Recovery 0.50 51 94.7 2 0.60 24 97.6 0.35 75 92.1 0.40 30 96.8 3 0.45 11 98.9 0.5 4 99.6 The maximum loading obtained experimentally at limiting conditions (by contacting 3 timesthesolventwithcorrespondingfreshportionsoftheeffluentatphaseratioO:A=0.1)was 2.9gZn/L.Sincethisresultwassimilartotheobtainedafterasinglecontact,itrevealedthat thelimitingconditionscouldbeachievedbyasinglecontact. Experiments performed at the pilot plant without pH control (Table 3.14) shown that without pH control, the extraction was quite selective. In this sense, no Mn, Cu or Al were extractedandonlyasmallamountofCawasextracted.Suchfactisalsoconfirmedbythehigh values regarding separation factors. However, the distribution ratio of Zn (DZn) was small, especially at the dilute end of the process (phase ratio O:A=10). In addition, the pH of the raffinate (final pH) dropped from 2.6 to 2.1 as O:A increased, despite the suitable pH for Zn extraction by Ionquest 290 is above 2.5 [18]. Furthermore, to avoid Ca coextraction, pH shouldbearound3asindicatedbytheisothermsgivenintheonlineUserManual,page5from CytecCorporationforCyanex272andconsideringthesamecompositionofbothCyanex272 and Ionquest 290. (, accessed26thDecember2010). 115 3.Resultsanddiscussion Table3.14.ExtractionexperimentswithoutpHcorrection,22°C Phaseratio O:A Final pH Aqueous(mg/L) Organic(mg/L) Dvalues&Separationfactors Zn Zn Mn Ca Mn Ca DZn DZn/DCa DZn/DMn PLS 5.0 962 206 763 0.1 2.58 792 208 618 1595 0 8 2.0 154.5 1104 0.3 2.50 692 208 613 910 0.2 12 1.3 66.4 1350 0.5 2.31 621 205 605 668 0.1 15 1.1 44.4 2260 1 2.18 536 206 624 444 0.1 13 0.8 38.4 1600 2 2.16 467 207 613 273 0 9 0.6 40.9 4200 3 2.32 402 202 597 178 0.3 10 0.4 23.9 270 5 2.25 342 203 599 132 0.1 6 0.4 39.9 800 10 2.1 270 601 76 0.1 8 0.3 22.5 610 203 When adjusting to pH=3 (Table 3.15) higher amounts of zinc were extracted and the distributioncoefficientofzinc(DZn)washigherthanwithoutpHadjustment.Theextractionof MnandCastillremainedquitelowatpH=3asisalsoindicatedbythehighseparationfactors obtained. Therefore, given that higher distribution coefficient for zinc is obtained at this pH, thepilotplanteffluentshouldbemaintainedaroundpH3.Inpractice,thepHadjustmentwas achievedbydirectneutralizationofboththeacidicraffinateandtheorganicsolvent(bypre equilibrationwithaqueoussolution)usingNa2CO3,withandaverageconsumptionof1.62kg Na2CO3perkgofzinctreated. Table3.15.ExtractionexperimentsatpH3,22°C Aqueous(mg/L) Organic(mg/L) Dvalues&Separationfactors Phaseratio O:A Zn Mn Ca Zn PLS(pH5.0) 963 213 583 0.1 784 231 531 0.3 343 233 0.5 182 1 Mn Ca DZn DZn/DCa DZn/DMn 2878 0 76 3.7 26.4 9104 509 2073 0.4 72 6.0 42.9 3103 211 536 1700 0.5 40 9.3 133.0 5103 49 213 547 875 1.5 38 17.9 199.9 3103 2 22 194 534 502 3.4 43 22.8 285.0 1103 3 14 127 532 297 2.7 46 21.2 235.6 1103 5 4 181 584 192 3 42 48 685.7 2103 10 1 183 579 90 1 48 90 1125 2104 Shake out stripping experiments were carried out at O:A=10, by contacting 200 mL of loadedsolvent(LS)containing1.95g/LZnwith20mLofH2SO4200g/L(weakelectrolyte,WE) containingdifferentzincconcentrationsrangingfrom40to90g/L(Table3.16).Toachievethe required transfer, the concentration of Zn should increase by ~20 g/L, which was consistent withtheresultsshowninTable3.16.Inallcases,only517mg/LofZnremainedinthebarren 116 3.Resultsanddiscussion solvent (BS), so almost all zinc was recovered. Therefore, one stage of stripping is enough regardlesstheconcentrationofZninthestrippingsolution. Table3.16.StrippingexperimentsatphaseratioO:A=10,22ºC AqueousIn Aqueousout Zn(g/L) 40 50 60 70 80 90 H2SO4(g/L) 200 194 188 176 200 200 Zn(g/L) 58.8 68.2 77.8 91.0 102.8 115.4 Additional laboratory tests carried out at the mine site during the pilot plant experimentsatphaseratioO:A=20,revealedthattheloadedsolventfromthepilotplantwas efficientlystrippedinonecontact,i.e.onestage,bythestripsolutionusedinthepilotplant experiments,usingaweakelectrolytewith~50gZn/L,producinganSEcontaining90g/LZn, i.e.azinctransferof40g/L,asitwasrequiredfortheEWplant. Preliminaryhydraulictestsatthepilotplantshowedthattheavailablefluxisabove30 3 2 m /m /h in both columns. Given that it was proven that only one stage is required for the stripping, this step was not further optimized and was run mainly to produce BS. It was operatedatafluxof40m3/m2/h(35l/hsolvent).Thepulsingofthecolumnshadanamplitude of15mmandafrequencyof1Hz.TheflowrateoftheWEthroughthepumpwas57L/h.The averagevalueofZnintheBSwasabout20mg/LZn. Table3.17.Extractioninorganicandaqueousdispersioncontinuities Zn(mg/L) pH Feed(L/h) BS(L/h) Flux(m3/m2/h) Raff. Raff. LS 110 55 33 2.7 11 1,910 Organiccontinuous 130 60 38 2.8 55 1,880 dispersion 130 60 38 2.9 11 1,800 150 70 44 2.9 1,880 Aqueouscontinuous 150 70 44 3.1 2,520 dispersion 150 70 44 2.9 2,240 Three tests with both organic continuous and aqueous continuous dispersion (Table 3.17)wereundertakentodeterminethepreferreddispersion.Duringbothorganiccontinuous andaqueouscontinuousruns,thetemperaturerosefrom25°Cinthemorningto34°Cinthe evening,facilitatingthecomparisonbetweenbothdispersionsresults.Everytesttook5hours, longenoughtoreachsteadystateandthephaseratiowaskeptatA:O=2.1duringallthetest work. The results were similar for both dispersions. The concentration of Zn in the LS was around2,000mg/Landintheraffinatebelow50mg/L,indicatingthanmorethan95%ofthe Znwasrecovered.Thus,theextractionprocessoperatedsuccessfullywithbothaqueousand 117 3.Resultsanddiscussion organic continuous dispersions at 2334°C. As the available flux and recovery with both dispersionsweresimilar,itispreferabletousetheaqueouscontinuousdispersionasthereisa lowerexpenditureonsolvent.Usinganaqueouscontinuousdispersionthedangeroffiredue tokeroseneignitionisalsodiminished. ThestrippingoftheLS(containingaround2g/LZn)achievedaSEwith3040g/LZn(a zinctransferof3040g/L)whilstlessthan50mg/LZnintheraffinateatafluxof45m3/m2/h using an aqueous continuous dispersion at O:A=20. The stripping column worked well and suppliedtherequiredBStotheextraction.Giventhatthelaboratorytestsprovedthatthere was no need for an extra column, one stage of mixersettler was sufficient to obtain the requiredzinctransferof40g/Lwithbarrensolventcontaining~50mg/LZn. Asasummary,giventhattherecyclingoftheorganicphaseleadtoarelativeimportance of the extractant costs, Ionquest 290 was selected as the most suitable extractant for the targetstreamduetoitshigherselectivityandloadingcapacitytowardsZnextraction.Ionquest 290avoidsthenecessityofscrubbingthegypsumprecipitateinthestripliquoraswellasthe regenerationofthesolventafterhighamountsofaluminumarenotstrippedifcomparedwith DEHPA (a cheaper extractant compared to Ionquest 290 and Cyanex 272). As both solvents, Ketrul D80 and Ketrul D100, showed similar behavior, Ketrul D100 was the solvent recommendedowingitslowervolatilityandflammability.Thepilotplantprovedthefeasibility oftheprocess,obtainingazincrecoveryof95%andleavinglessthan50mg/Lintheraffinate. ThestrippingwasefficientandonlyasinglestageatO:A=20wasrequiredtoachieveatransfer of40g/L.ForaZnpriceaboveUS$2/kgtheoperatingcostsarecoveredwhile,additionally,a seriousenvironmentalproblemissolved. 118 3.Resultsanddiscussion 3.5. FELOADED MATERIALS FOR THE REMEDIATION OF ORGANIC AND INORGANIC CONTAMINATEDWASTEWATERS Here, are summarized the results obtained by using Feloaded materials to remediate organic and inorganic wastewaters. In this sense, organic pollutants such as dyes and persistentorganicpollutantsweredegradedbyfollowingFentontreatmentusingasacatalyst Feloaded materials. Such Feloaded materials were also applied to the removal of arsenic from polluted wastewaters taking advantage of the affinity of arsenic with iron compounds. The first step on these processes includes the loading of the material with Fe. The results obtainedforloadingtheUSYzeolitewithFe(III)arepresentedinFigure3.33andindicatedaFe loadingincreasewithtime.Onehourwasselectedasappropriateloadingtime. TimeofFe3+exchange ConcentrationoftheFeloadingsolution 1.8 3 1.6 2.5 1.2 [Fe3+](Wt.%) [Fe3+ ](Wt.%) 1.4 1 0.8 0.6 2 1.5 1 0.4 0.5 0.2 0 0 1h 3h 6h 3*6h 3days Figure3.33.FeconcentrationonUSYzeoliteat 1h,3h,6h,3daysand6cyclesof3hofFe exchange(errorbarscorrespondtothe standarddeviationonthedetermination) 0.01M 0.05M 0.1M 0.2M 0.5M Figure3.34.FeconcentrationofUSYzeolite between0.01to0.5MinitialFe(NO3)3 concentration(errorbarscorrespondtothe standarddeviationonthedetermination) AdecreaseontheFecontentisobservedwhentheconcentrationoftheloadingsolution isincreased(seeFigure3.34)beingexplainedbytheformationofpolynuclearFecomplexesat high Fe concentration, so less Fe is available for the exchange with USY [19]. On the other hand,ataverylowFeconcentration(0.01M),notenoughFeisavailabletooccupyallthesites, thusbeingthemaximumloadingataconcentrationofFe(NO3)30.05M,hencebeingselected as the most appropriate loading concentration. Under this conditions, at room temperature, theamountofFeintroducedintotheUSYzeolitewas2.7±0.2wt.%.AccordingtoNeamtuetal. [20]1.69wt.%ofFecanbeintroducedwhenexchangingUSY threetimes during6husing an excess of Fe(NO3)3 1M at 80ºC. Our new process achieved 2.7±0.2 wt.%.Fe by using milder conditions. Therefore these conditions were also implemented to other materials with high exchangepropertiessuchaszeoliteY,clinoptilolite,montmorilloniteandForagersponge. 119 3.Resultsanddiscussion 3.5.1.FELOADEDMATERIALSAPPLIEDASFENTONCATALYSTS Two different low cost materials such the natural zeolite clinoptilolite and the clay montmorillonite K10 (MMT) along with the commercial synthetic zeolite USY were Fe exchangedfortheirevaluationasFentoncatalysts.TheamountofFeoneachmaterialbefore andafterloadingisshowninFigure3.35.Fromtheobtainedresultsitcanbepointedoutthat beforetheexchangingprocessnoFewasdetectedintheUSYwhilstMMTstructurecontained 2.1±0.1 wt.% and clinoptilolite 1.0±0.1 wt.% of Fe. The initial Fe content of MMT and clinoptiloliteisstructuralandduetotheirnaturaloriginrelatedtosoilsusuallyrichinFe.After the loading process, the amount of Fe on MMT was 4.3 wt.%, so 2.4 wt.% of Fe were introduced onto MMT. On the other hand, the clinoptilolite amount of Fe after the loading withFewas2.1wt.%,soonly1.0wt.%Fewasintroducedontotheclinoptilolite.Thesevalues arestronglyrelatedtothesurfaceareaofeachmaterial,asUSYhasbiggersurfaceareathan montmorillonite and, montmorillonite bigger than clinoptilolite (Specific surface area: USY=730 m2/g; MMT=271 m2/g; clinoptilolite=31.7 m2/g). Overall, this process has demonstratedtobesuitableforloadingFelowcostmaterialssuchasnaturalzeolitesandclays withdifferentsurfaceareas. 3.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Afterloading Beforeloading =218nm 3.0 2.5 Absorbance [Fe3+ ](Wt.%) 4.0 2.0 =516nm =324nm 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 200 USY MMT Clinoptilolite Figure3.35.Fecontentofthematerialsbeforeand aftertheloadingwithFe(NO3)3 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Wavelength (nm) Figure3.36.UVVisspectraofAR140.05 mM ToevaluatethefeasibilityofsuchFeloadedmaterialsasheterogeneouscatalystsonthe degradationoforganiccompounds,thedecolorisationofamodeldyehasbeenemployed.The acid dye used, Acid Red 14 (AR14), has two peaks at UV region (218 nm and 324 nm) and a characteristic peak at visible region at 516 nm (Figure 3.36). The peak at 218 nm can be attributedtotheabsorbanceofthenaphthalenegroups,thepeakat324nmcorrespondsto the electron conjugation of naphthalene rings with the N=N group, whereas the peak at 516nmisrelatedtothehighconjugatedstructureofthewholedyemoleculethatconfersits characteristiccolortothedye[21]. 120 3.Resultsanddiscussion %Decolorization=516nm %Degradation=324nm 100 100 90 90 80 80 Hom.Cat. FeUSY FeMMT FeClinoptilolite 70 60 50 Hom.Cat. FeUSY FeMMT FeClinoptilolite 70 60 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time(min) 60 70 80 90 0 Figure3.37.KineticsofAR14decolorisation (=516nm)forFeUSY,FeMMT,Fe Clinoptiloliteandhomogeneouscatalysis(Hom. Cat.) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Time(min) Figure3.38.KineticsofAR14mineralization (=324nm)forFeUSY,FeMMT,Fe Clinoptiloliteandhomogeneouscatalysis(Hom. Cat.) The absorbance was measured at regular intervals of time at its characteristic wavelength (=516 nm) to determine kinetics of decolorisation of the dye. The degree of mineralizationofthedyewasfollowedthroughthecharacteristicwavelengthrelatedtobond breaking(=324nm).Fromtheobtainedresults(Figure3.37)itcanbestatedthatallFeloaded materials are able to discolor AR14 0.05mM in less than 60 min. Moreover, according to literature[22,23]theFentonreactionfollowsapseudofirstorderequation[ln(C/Co)=Kat],so thelinearregionofthekineticexperimentscanbeusedtoobtaintheapparentfirstorderrate constant(Ka)foralltheFeloadedmaterialsstudied.Thus,takingintoaccounttheKavaluesfor the Feloaded materials together with the homogeneous catalysis (Table 3.18), it can be pointedoutthatthecatalyticactivitiesfollowedtheorderHomogeneouscatalysis>FeUSY>Fe MMT>FeClinoptilolite. Table3.18.Apparentfirstorderrateconstant(Ka)fortheexchangedmaterials Catalyst Ka(min1) R2 [Fe3+]solution(mg/L) Homogeneouscatalysis 0.368±0.02 0.995 17.6±0.5 FeUSY 0.311±0.009 0.998 <0.2 FeMMT 0.143±0.003 0.998 0.5±0.2 FeClinoptilolite 0.041±0.002 0.994 1.4±0.2 In this regard, the reaction kinetics for FeUSY is comparable to the homogeneous catalysis, whilst FeMMT and Feclinoptilolite showed slower kinetics. These results can be associatedwiththeamountofFeloadedaftertheFeexchanging(nottothetotalFecontent), thatindicatesthatthestructuralFepresentinMMTandclinoptiloliteisnotaccessibletoactas catalyst of the Fenton reaction. Moreover, negligible amounts of Fe were released from the Feloadedmaterials,assmallamountsofFewerefoundinsolutionafterthereaction,sothe reactionmainlyoccursduetotheFelinkedtothesupport(Table3.18). 121 3.Resultsanddiscussion Fromthevaluesobtainedat324nm(Figure3.38),mostlyrelatedtothedegradationof naphthalene,andthustothemineralizationofthedye,itcanbeobservedthatthemaximum degradationachievedwas95%,thusthemineralizationofAR14wasnotcomplete,evenafter 90minofreaction.Inthisregard,theanalysisbyGCMSofthesolution,afterbeingtreated, revealed only oxalic acid and malonic acid as degradation products. These compounds are refractorytooxidationbyFentonprocessesasithasbeendemonstratedthatlowchainacids aredifficulttodegradebytheradicalhydroxyl[24].ItisalsonoteworthythatFeUSYisableto achievesimilarkineticstothehomogeneouscatalysisprocess(maximummineralizationat20 min for both) whereas FeMMT and Feclinoptilolite lasted 25 and 50 min respectively to achievemaximummineralization. To complement the feasibility of the Feloaded materials studied to degrade organic pollutants,thedegradationoftworefractoryorganiccompounds,aceticacidandphenol,was alsoevaluated.Suchdegradationwasfollowedbymeasuringchemicaloxygendemand(COD) as a measure of the amount of organic compounds in water. The results obtained for the degradation of the model acetic acid solution (COD=5300 ppm) and phenol solution (COD=11900 ppm) for the Feloaded catalysts together with the results obtained for the homogeneouscatalysisandtheamountofFeinsolutionaregiveninTable3.19. Table3.19.AceticacidandphenolremovalbyFesupportedmaterialsandhomogeneouscatalysis AceticCODremoval PhenolCODremoval [Fe3+]solution(mg/L) USY 34.6±5% 93±2% 0.9±0.4 MMT 37.8±3% 94±4% 2.5±0.4 Clinoptilolite 30.5±4% 87±2% 1.2±0.4 Homogeneouscatalysis 25±4% 85±3% 18±2 Mineralization of acetic acid is partly achieved for all heterogeneous catalysts and the homogeneouscatalysis,withaCODdiminutionof2040%.Comparingthevaluesobtainedfor each of the Feexchanged materials it can be observed a higher performance over the homogeneous catalysis. All the Feloaded materials reached almost 30% of COD degradation whilst homogeneous catalysis only achieved 25% of COD removal. Regarding the values obtained for phenol, almost complete mineralization of the solution was achieved reaching about 90% of COD removal. Again, the results obtained for the Feexchanged catalysts were higher than for the homogeneous catalysis. Among the supported catalysts, FeUSY and Fe MMTachievedhigherCODremovalthanclinoptilolitemainlyduetotheirhigherFecontent. Thesevaluesaresimilartothosereportedbefore[25],where20%and96%ofCODremoval wereachievedforaceticacidandphenol,respectively,indicatingthattheprocessisalsoviable for the removal of persistent organic pollutants. Moreover, iron hydroxyoxides were not 122 3.Resultsanddiscussion formed, so there was no need to remove the red sludge caused by iron hydroxyoxides as it happenedwhenusingthehomogeneouscatalysis. Finally,columntestsapplyingsimilarconditionstothoseemployedinbatchexperiments wereperformed.Giventhesmallparticlesizeofthematerialsusedinbatchexperiments,the columnblockedavoidingthecirculationofthesolution.However,giventhenaturaloriginof the clinoptilolite zeolite, it was able to be grind and milled to obtain different grain sizes allowingitsuseincolumn.As,theclinoptiloliteatgrainsize0.22mmdidnotblockthecolumn, itwasemployedforcolumnexperiments.Inthissense,threecolumnswerefilledwith4.6gof clinoptilolitegrainsize0.22mmandloadedwithironbycirculating100mlofFe(NO3)30.05M at room temperature at 2mL/min in countercurrent. The amount of Fe introduced into the clinoptilolitewas1.0±0.1%wt,equaltotheobtainedforthebatchprocessusingclinoptilolite finegrainsize. Discoloringof100mLAR140.05mMwasdoneoveroneofthecolumnsobtainingtotal discoloring of the dye in less than 15 minutes and achieving kinetics of discoloring (Ka=0.365±0.02,R2=0.993)comparabletothehomogeneouscatalysisandtheFeUSYmaterial. This high discoloring kinetic is explained by the fact that in column processes the solution contacts several times with fresh catalyst along the column. In that case, the amount of Fe loaded into the zeolite is not the key factor for the Fenton reaction, due to in column processesthecontactofsolutionandcatalystisenhanced.Moreover,whenthereactionwas done over 100 mL of acetic acid or 100 mL of phenol, COD removal was 29±4 and 92±4, respectively, thus providing similar COD removal than the batch process with the other materialsstudiedandthehomogeneouscatalysis.ThisfactdemonstratesthefeasibilityofFe loadedclinoptiloliteasheterogeneousFentoncatalystsalsoincolumn. 123 3.Resultsanddiscussion 3.5.2.FELOADEDMATERIALSAPPLIEDTOARSENICREMOVAL Arsenic contamination in groundwater generates widespread human health disasters around the world (especially in Southeast Asia). In this sense, besides their application as catalysts in Fenton processes, Feloaded materials can be also employed for the removal of arsenic given the affinity of Fe compounds with arsenic. In this sense, three different Fe(III) bearing materials namely zeolite USY (UltraStable Steamed Y zeolite), zeolite Y (ZY) and Foragersponge(Sp)havebeentestedasarsenicsorbents.Inthisregard,thecharacterization of these materials by FPXRF and XAFS techniques can shed light onto the different sorption mechanismsofarsenicintosuchmaterials. Zeolite USY (USY), zeolite Y (ZY) and Forager sponge (Sp) were loaded with Fe(III) following the methodology described in section 3.5.1 to obtain the materials USY3, ZY3 and Sp3.Inthissense,underthesameconditions,ZYachievedgreaterFecontentthanUSYorSp (Table3.20).Asitwasconcludedintheprevioussection,theloadingofFeintothematerialsis stronglyrelatedtoitsspecificsurfacearea,thusaszeoliteYhasaspecificsurfaceareahigher than zeolite USY, its Fe loading was superior (Specific surface area: USY=730 m2/g; ZY=900 m2/g).AlthoughspecificsurfaceareaplaysanimportantroleontheloadingcapacityofFeon the materials, it has to be taken into account also the number of functional groups. Thus, although Forager spongeis has less surface area than zeolites (Specific surface area= 1015 m2/gaccordingtoproducer)thehighcontentoffunctionalgroupsallowshigherFeloadings. Afterthearsenicsorptionprocess,itcanbeobservedthatforbothstudiedzeolites,arelation between the As sorbed and the content of iron can be depicted (equal As:Fe ratio). Nevertheless,Foragersponge,hasanAs:Feratiohigherthanforthezeolitesmainlyowedto tertiaryaminesaltgroupscontainedinthespongethatcanbindanioniccontaminants,suchas arsenic,chromateoruraniumoxidespecies. Material USY3As ZY3As Sp3As Table3.20.FeandAscontentoftheUSY,ZYandsponge [Fe](mg/Kg) [As](mg/Kg) %ArsenicAdsorption As:Feratio 41±3 46,000±50 16,560±30 0.4 90±5 88,930±70 36,140±40 0.4 74±4 46,730±50 29,640±40 0.6 A better understanding of the differences regarding arsenic sorption onto those materials is given by the analysis of EXAFS spectra. In this sense, the theoretical paths from scorodite (FeAsO42H2O) were used to determine bond lengths and coordination numbers regarding to the presence of FeAs bonds in its structure. The goodness of these paths was validated by the calculation of bond lengths and coordination number for rösslerite (MgHAsO47H2O)andferrihydrite(Fe2O30.5H2O),thestandardsmeasuredatthesynchrotron 124 3.Resultsanddiscussion as scorodite was not available. The results obtained by using the theoretical paths for the fitting of the experimental spectra of scorodite were concordant with the theoretical known values (Table 3.20 and Figure 3.38). In this sense, the theoretical values for rösslerite are 2 coordinationshellscontaining2Oxygenatomseachat1.66 and1.70 ,respectively,while theexperimentalresultsobtainedwere1coordinationshellcontaining3.6±0.3Oxygenatoms at1.70 .Giventhatthedistancesandthecoordinationnumberareverysimilar,itcanbesaid thatthepathsarecorrectandcanbeusedtofitthespectraoftheunknownsamples. Table3.20.Theoreticalandfitvaluesforrösslerite Theoreticalvalues Fitresults R( ) CN R( ) CN (103 2) 1.66 2 1.70±0.01 3.6±0.3 3.7±1 1.70 2 AsO AsO E0(eV) 1.4±1.7 2.5 Rosslerite, As(V) standard 2 1.5 1.5 1 0 0.5 -0.5 x(k)·k2 FT(X(k)·k2) 1 0.5 -1 -1.5 Rosslerite, As(V) standard R2=8.7% 0 -0.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 r, A -2 8 2 4 6 8 10 12 k, A 2 Figure3.38.EXAFSspectraforRosslerite.a)Fourier–transformedspectra(k weighted)andb)AsK edgespectra.(mink=3.89;maxk=11.54;minR=0.57;maxR=2.04) ThedistancesandcoordinationshellsobtainedforeachoftheFeloadedmaterialsusing the rösslerite paths are given in Table 3.21. The spectra and fit spectra for arsenic adsorbed ontoUSY3aregiveninFigure3.39,forarsenicadsorbedontoZY3inFigure3.40andforarsenic adsorbedontoFeloadedspongeinFigure3.41. Table3.21.FitresultsforSp3,USY3andZY3firstandsecondcoordinationshells Coordination Material R() CN (103Å2) E0(eV) shell st 1 =AsO 1.69±0.02 4.2±0.2 3 2±2 Sp3As(R=14.6%) 2nd=AsFe 3.23±0.07 2.4±0.9 8 3±7 1.69±0.02 4.7±0.2 3 2±2 1st=AsO USY3As(R=12.0%) 2nd=AsFe 3.19±0.05 3.3±0.8 8 8±5 1.69±0.02 4.4±0.2 3 3±2 1st=AsO ZY3As(R=12.3%) 2nd=AsFe 3.21±0.05 3.4±0.8 8 5±5 The first coordination shell around As (AsO) is at similar distance and coordination numbersarealmostequalforallthematerials(Sp3,USY3andZY3).Themaindifferencesare observed for the second coordination shell (AsFe), which is at the same distance for all the 125 3.Resultsanddiscussion materialsalthoughthecoordinationnumberisslightlyhigherforbothzeolites(USY3andZY3) than for the sponge (Sp3). Such fact can be attributed to the As in the sponge which is not coordinated to the Fe loaded but coordinated to the amine groups, so the coordination numberisdecreased. 4 USY3-As 3 2 2 USY3-As R2=8.7% 1.5 1 0.5 0 x(k)·k2 FT(X(k)·k2) 1 -1 0 -0.5 -2 -1 -1.5 -3 -2 -4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -2.5 8 2 r, A 4 6 8 10 12 k, A Figure3.39.USY3As.a)Fouriertransformedspectra(k2weighted)andb)AsKedgespectra. Themodelfitsareshownasgreyline.(mink=3.89;maxk=11.54;minR=0.57;maxR=3.07. Constraints:1=0.003 2;2=0.08 2) 4 ZY3-As 3 2 2 ZY3-As R2=8.7% 1.5 1 0.5 0 x(k)·k2 FT(X(k)·k2) 1 -1 -2 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -3 -2 -4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -2.5 8 2 r, A 4 6 8 10 12 k, A Figure3.40.ZY3Asa)Fouriertransformedspectra(k2weighted)andb)AsKedgespectra. Themodelfitsareshownasgreyline.(mink=3.89;maxk=11.54;minR=0.57;maxR=3.07. Constraints:1=0.003 2;2=0.08 2) 4 Sp3-As 3 2 2 Sp3-As 1.5 1 0 2 0.5 x(k)·k2 FT(X(k)·k2) 1 -1 -2 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -3 -2 -4 0 1 2 3 4 r, A 5 6 7 8 -2.5 2 4 6 8 10 12 k, A Figure3.41.Sp3Asa)Fouriertransformedspectra(k2weighted)andb)AsKedgespectra. Themodelfitsareshownasgreyline.(mink=3.89;maxk=11.54;minR=0.57;maxR=3.07. Constraints:1=0.003 2;2=0.08 2) 126 3.Resultsanddiscussion Different surface species have been observed from EXAFS studies concerning arsenate adsorption on iron oxides (Figure 3.42). Arsenate can be adsorbed on iron oxides mainly as bidentate complexes resulting from cornersharing between AsO4 tetrahedra and two FeO6 octahedra (namely 2C). Furthermore monodentate complexes from cornersharing between AsO4tetrahedraandFeO6octahedra(namely 1V)werealsoinferred[26].Severalotherstudies proposedalsobidentateedgesharingbetweenAsO4tetrahedraandafreeedgeofthesame FeO6 octahedra (namely 2E) [27, 28]. Each type of coordination has a different bond length (Table 3.22). In this sense, given the distances obtained for the Feloaded materials studied and the bond length for each type of coordination, it can be inferred that the arsenate is complexedwiththeFeoftheFeloadedmaterialsasabidentatecornersharingbond. Figure3.42.Possiblesurfacecomplexesonironoxidehydroxides Table3.22.Interatomicdistancesaccordingthetypeofcomplex Nameofcomplex Typeofcomplex Bondsharing RAsFe(Å) 1 V Monodentatecomplex Cornersharing 3.6 2 C Bidentatecomplex Cornersharing 3.26 2 E Bidentatecomplex Edgesharing 2.8 127 3.Resultsanddiscussion 3.6.REFERENCES [1] El Hachimi, M.L.; El Founti, L.; Bouabdli, A.; Saidi, N.; Fekhoui, M.; Tasse, N. (2007). Pb and As in miningalkalinewaters:contamination,comportmentandrisks(theZeidaabandonedmine,Morocco). Rev.Sci.Eau20:113. [2]Plassard,F.;Winiarski,T.;PetitRamelM.(2000).Retentionanddistributionofthreeheavymetalsin acarbonatedsoil:comparisonbetweenbatchandunsaturatedcolumnstudies.J.Contam.Hydrol.42: 99–111. 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Likewise, XRay Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) has been successfully applied to determine the mercury speciation in soil samples from three mainEuropeanmercurymines. x The pilot plant study to recover zinc from a mine tailing pond has been carried out, obtainingproperresultsforaZnpricequotationaboveUS$2/kg.Thevalueofthezinc productcoversthewholetreatmentwhileanenvironmentalproblemissolved. x Various Feloaded materials have been tested as Fenton catalysts and arsenic sorbents.TheresultsobtainedwhenusedasFentoncatalystswerecomparabletothe homogeneous catalysis while avoiding the loss of the catalyst and the generation of red mud. Its application as arsenic sorbents achieved high rates of arsenic sorption. The application of XAS techniques applied to the adsorption of arsenic by Feloaded materialslettocharacterizethesorptionofarsenicontheseFeloadedmaterials. More specific conclusions driven from the obtained results for each of the studies performedinthisthesisaresummarizedas: HeavyMetalContaminationandMobilityattheDraaLasfarminearea: x RegardingCERvaluescalculatedusingtheFPXRFresults,arsenic,copper,leadandzinc canbedistinguishedasthemainpollutantsofthemineareawhilstBa,Fe,K,Rb,Sr,Ti canbeconsideredlithogeniccomponents. x Themostpollutedsitesarefoundbesidetheminesitetowardstherivercreekwhilst samplesclosedtoKoudiyathillreportedvaluessimilartobackground x GIScontourmapsshowedasimilardistributionforAsandCu,aswellasforPbandZn. The most contaminated sites were at the vicinity of the mine, especially at the northwestarea,probablylinkedtoweatheringeffectsandtopographyofthearea. 133 4.Conclusions x The leading factor regarding mobility of the samples at Draa Lasfar mine area is concentrationofmetalsandorganicmatter(basedonLOIdeterminations).However, giventhelowmetalcontentonthemobilephase,itmaybeconsideredlowerriskthan expectedwhentakingintoaccountonlytotalconcentrationvalues. CharacterizationofKettara,SidiBouOthmaneandBirNehassmines: x LikewiseDraaaLasfar,As,Cu,PbandZnarethemainpollutantsatthethreeminesites regardingitsCERvalues. x Thelevelofcontaminationofeachmineisstronglydependentontheexploitationtime sincetheannualextractionforeachminewassimilar. x Samplestakenatresiduesdepositsarehighlypollutedcomparedtosamplestakenat theminearea.TheseresultswerecorroboratedbyboxplotrepresentationsandPCA. x The samples with high content of lead and zinc present high concentration of these elements in the mobile phase, so it can be concluded that the high concentration of metalsexceedthecapacityofthesoiltoretainthem. XANES speciation of mercury in three mining districts: Almadén, Asturias (Spain), Idria (Slovenia): x This work represents the first interregional study of mercury speciation of the two main European Hgmining districts (Almaden and Idria), and a polymetallic district locatedinAsturias. x XANES revealed that rather insoluble mercury compounds (cinnabar, metacinnabar, schuetteite, corderoite) prevail in dumps and wastes from mines and metallurgical plants,whereasmoresolubleHgphases(mainlyHgCl2butalsoHgOandHgSO4)were foundinsoilsandsedimentsfromalltargetareas. x It can be established from the results from the three districts, that the presence of mercurychloridesorsulfatescanberelatedtomobilemercury. x The type of metallurgical processing arises as one of the most important factors in defining mercury mobility as less efficient roasting treatment (lower roasting temperatures and poorer recovering rates) increases the presence of metacinnabar and,principally,HgCl2phasesresponsibleforthemobilityofmercury. 134 4.Conclusions x Nonetheless, the absolute ‘mobility’ remains relatively low in most cases, inherently suggesting that kinetic effects and availability of the soluble phases might also be consideredintheassessmentofmercurybehavior. Extractantandsolventselectiontorecoverzincfromaminingeffluent:fromlaboratoryscaleto pilotplant: x OpposedtoDEHPA,Cyanex272andIonquest290providehighzincselectivitytowards calciumandnegligibleamountsofmetalsarefoundintheorganicphaseavoidingthe regenerationoftheorganicphasestep. x Ionquest 290 is considered the best extractant amongst the three studied due to its higherselectivitycomparedtoDEHPAandahigherZincrecovery(5–10%)thanCyanex 272. x Amongst the studied solvents Ketrul D80 and Ketrul D100, the latter is the recommendedduetoitslowervolatilityandflammability. x The pilot plant has proven the feasibility of the process as the zinc recovery is up to 95%andlessthan50mg/Lareleftintheraffinate.Thestrippingisefficientandonlya singlestageatO:A=20isrequiredtoachieveatransferof40g/L. FeloadedmaterialsappliedasFentoncatalysts: x An enhanced methodology using mild conditions to achieve high Feloadings into zeoliteUSYispresentedinthisthesis.Inthissense,1hofcontactwithzeoliteUSYand a 0.05M Fe(NO3)3 solution at room temperature reached higher loadings than when increasedcontacttimesandconcentrationsolutionswereemployed. x Other low cost materials with exchange properties such as montmorillonite clay and natural zeolite clinoptilolite have also been loaded with the enhanced methodology appliedtozeoliteUSYobtainingalsohighFeloadings. x Thetreatmentofasyntheticdyesolution(AcidRed14)byFentonreactionusingthe aforementionedFeloadedmaterialsachievedtotaldecolorization. x Moreover,usingsuchFeloadedmaterialsasFentoncatalyst,theremovalofCODfrom solutions containing acetic acid and phenol is ca. 30% and 90%, respectively, results thatareevenhigherthanthoseobtainedwhenusinghomogeneouscatalysis. 135 4.Conclusions x The process in column was also tested for the clinoptilolite grain size 0.22mm obtainingdegradationkineticsandCODremovalfromasolutioncontainingaceticacid andphenolsimilartothehomogeneouscatalysis x NosignificantamountsofFearestrippedfromthematerialsattheemployedreaction conditions. Feloadedmaterialsappliedtoarsenicremoval: x Zeolite USY, zeolite Y and Forager sponge loading of Fe is strongly related to the surface area, specific sites and functional groups. In this regard, zeolite Y achieved greaterFecontentthanzeoliteUSYortheForagersponge. x Arelationbetweentheadsorbedarsenicandthecontentofironcanbeobservedfor both zeolites (As:Fe=0.4). Nevertheless, Forager sponge As:Fe ratio is higher mainly due to the presence of tertiary amine salt groups in the sponge can bind further arsenic,inadditiontothearsenicalreadylinkedtoFe. x EXAFS spectra inferred that the arsenate is complexed with Fe as a bidentate corner sharingcomplex. With this thesis, the line of work of our investigation group concerning environmental problemsandtheuseofnoveltechniquestoitscharacterizationisbroadenedby: x TheuseofGeographicInformationSystemstodeterminespatialvariabilityofsamples. x TheapplicationFPXRFandEXAFStechniquestothecharacterizationofsoilsandsolid materials. x 136 TheemploymentofFeloadedmaterialsasFentoncatalysts. I HEAVYMETALCONTAMINATION ANDMOBILITYATTHEMINEAREA OFDRAALASFAR(MOROCCO) MartaAvila,GustavoPerez,MouhsineEsshaimi,LailaMandi, NaailaOuazzani,JoseL.BriansoandManuelValiente. TheOpenEnvironmentalPollution&ToxicologyJournal. AcceptedManuscript ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Heavy Metal Contamination and Mobility at the Mine Area of Draa Sfar (Morocco) Marta Avilaa, GustavoPereza, Mouhsine Esshaimib, Laila Mandib,c, Naaila Ouazzanib, Jose L. Briansod and Manuel Valiente*a a 5 Centre GTS. Chemistry Department, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Spain. b Laboratoire d'Hydrobiologie, Ecotoxicologie et Assainissement (LHEA), Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech (Morocco) c National Center for Studies and Research on Water and Energy, University Cadi Ayyad, BP511, 40 000 Marrakech (Morocco) d 10 15 20 Geology Department. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Spain *Corresponding author phone: +34-935812903; fax: +34-935811985; e-mail: [email protected]. The present study represents a first insight into the Draa Sfar mine (Marrakech) to assess the possible diffusion of heavy metals and to predict the risk of their mobility in the surroundings of the mine area. The edaphological parameters pH, electrical conductivity (EC), loss on ignition (LOI) and CaCO3 were measured according to standard methods, whilst heavy metals concentration was determined by Field Portable X-ray Fluorescence. Concentration enrichment ratios (CER) were calculated in order to estimate the anthropogenic contribution of target pollutants determining As, Cu, Pb and Zn as the main pollutants, whereas Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Mn, Rb, Sr, Ti and Zr were considered lithogenic components. GIS contour maps of pollutants using CER data, showed the most polluted areas at the vicinity of the mine, especially at the northwest area, probably linked to weathering effects and topography of the area. Particle size studies established that As, Pb and Zn are part of the mineral ore while Cu behaviour corresponded to an anthropogenic origin. Additionally, mobility assays employing single leaching tests indicated a greater mobility of As and Zn rather than that of Pb and Cu due to their lower adsorption process in the soil, independently of their respective concentration. Introduction 25 30 35 40 45 The presence of heavy metals in soils originates considerable impact on the environment causing damages to microflora, flora and fauna, and thus restricting soil use [1]. As a consequence of mining and mineral processing huge amounts of heavy metals are deposited in waste dumps and tailings requiring management and monitoring once the activity has stopped [2]. In Marrakech region, mining activity represents a high area of activity thus constituting a great hazard due to the presence of high amounts of heavy metals related to functioning or abandoned mines. In this concern, few studies have been done in this area to determine the heavy metal concentration around mine areas and their impact on surrounding soil and water resources [3]. In addition, no detailed investigation has been carried out in the region to assess the possible mobility of heavy metals in order to predict the toxicological risk in the surroundings of Draa Sfar mine area. In the last years the systematic control of contaminated areas has become a key issue to define healthcare policies, cost effective environmental planning and risk assessment tools [4]. To this purpose the last decade Field Portable X-ray Fluorescence (FP-XRF) equipments have been applied given their reliable and rapid heavy metal measurement which 50 55 60 65 70 allows to quickly delineate in situ metal contamination at a screening level [5, 6]. In addition, high volume of field test can be monitored to determine the spatial distribution and degree of heterogeneity of heavy metals in an undisturbed position while off-site analytical costs are minimized without destruction of the samples [7, 8]. FP-XRF results can be applied together with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to determine spatial variability in a mine area. Such tools let to produce maps which are helpful in identifying the sources and spatial patterns of the pollutants [9, 10, 11]. Moreover, concentration enrichment ratios (CER), also called enrichment factors, have been used to obtain complementary reliable information on site risk assessment [12, 13]. CER, was a concept developed in the early seventies to derive the origin of elements in the atmosphere, precipitation or seawater, and was progressively applied to other environmental materials, such as lake sediments or soils [14]. In many cases, it was used to determine the contribution of anthropogenic emissions to trace element fluxes [15] (Table 1). Besides the concentration, toxicity and impact of heavy metals in soils and sediments is mostly determined by its mobility and availability [16]. The fate and transfer of these metals is a complex process that depends on the soil mineralogy as well as to physicochemical transport processes. Over the last 30 years, sequential extraction schemes (SES) ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 have been the main tools employed to evaluate the availability of the contaminants in soils, sediments and sludge [17, 18, 19, 20]. SES represent a chemical scheme which tries to mimic the various natural conditions under which soils may release metals into the water resources thereby providing an indication of the potential bioavailability of those metals. On the other hand, leaching tests such as (NH4)2SO4 or HCl single non-selective extractions methods, can provide also a useful assessment for screening purposes to identify labile or mobile phases [21, 22]. The main advantages of these single leaching tests against SES are mainly related to their cost efficiency, easy to use and a reduction on bias induced by sequential translation and accumulation of procedural errors. In this sense, the main aims of the present study focuses on (i) a geochemical characterization of the Draa Sfar mine area in order to identify pollutants and lithogenic components present in the soils affected by the mining activity; (ii) the generation of distribution maps of pollutants at the mine area, (iii) the evaluation of particle size effects, such as intraparticle concentration affecting metals distribution and (iv) the assessment of the pollutants mobility employing single leaching tests. Table 1. Anthropogenic contribution at different CER values CER <2 2-5 5-20 20-40 >40 Sampling description Experimental In order to assess the impact of the Draa Sfar mine residues on the surrounding environment, a total of 85 samples were collected in the vicinity of the mine covering 230 ha through 8 sampling lines oriented towards specific receptor media (Tensift river creek, Koudiyat Tazakouit hill, village, farms, etc.). Two samples were taken at the other side of Tensift river creek (samples 21 and 22) and 4 representative background samples (from 82 to 85) at 1 km from the mining site in order to avoid mining contamination. Samples were taken every 50 meters from the upper 20 cm after removing the first layer of surface soil (2 cm) within an area of 100 cm2 per sample. Collected samples were air-dried at 30 C during 48 hours, sieved to remove large debris through a 2 mm stainless steel sieve and stored in plastic bottles for their transportation to the laboratory. Site description Sample analysis and data treatment Draa Sfar mine is located a few hundred meters from the Tensift River, close to a rural community of about 5790 ha of which 65% are occupied by farmland. The climate is Mediterranean, bordering arid and semi arid with an average annual precipitation of 231 mm (10 years). Temperatures are characterized by great daily and seasonal variation with an average value of 11.5 C in January and 28.8 C in July. Draa Sfar mine, involves a deposit of pyrite mineral located 10 km west of Marrakech city (Fig. 1) can pose a risk for the environment due to discharge of tailings all around the mine area. Draa Sfar was discovered in 1953 although their commercial exploitation did not begin until 1979. Mineral was processed by flotation after primary and secondary crushing and grinding producing 59516 tons of products in the first two years (1979-1980) [23]. Industrial activity stopped in March 1981, although activity restarted in 1999 due to its great resource of poly-metallic components (As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn). 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 45 Anthropogenic contribution Minimal or nule Moderate Significant Strong Extreme Figure 1. Location of Draa Sfar mine. 95 The physical characterization consisted in the determination of the soil pH, the electrical conductivity (EC), the loss on ignition (LOI) and the carbonate content of the samples according to standard methods [24]. The pH was measured in a soil suspension (2g/5 ml of distilled water stirred vigorously) after 2 h of deposition using a pH-meter (Model WTW Multiline P4 Universal pH-meter cabled Sen-Tix 92T pH electrode, Germany). EC was determined in a soil saturated paste (1g/5 ml of distilled water) with a conductimeter (Model WTW Multiline P4 Universal Standard Conductivity Cell TetraCon® 325, Germany), once corrected to the working temperature (20 ºC). LOI was determined gravimetrically after volatilization of organic matter on a furnace at 550°C during 4h. For the total carbonate content three replicates of each soil were stirred during 6 h in HCl 4 mol/L solution (1.0g of soil per 20 ml of HCl 4.0 mol/L solution) and, after filtering, calcium was measured by flame spectroscopy (Model JENWAY-PFP7, UK). For the chemical characterization, an aliquot of each sample was encapsulated and covered with Mylar® film prior to their analysis with FP-XRF (Innov-X Systems, model Alpha-6500R, Woburn, MA, USA). A soil standard NIST 2710 and a SiO2 blank were measured for corrections and three replicates were measured for each sample. The most contaminated samples were selected for the particle size effect and mobility assays studies. For the particle size effect studies, samples were milled and sieved below 100 μm for analysis of the fraction below 100 μm by FP-XRF. Mobility assays were performed by applying a established methodology [25] consisting on sample extraction with HCl 0.5 M during 1h under magnetic stirring. After each extraction, the suspension was centrifuged and the supernatant was filtered using 0.22 μm filters (Millex GS, Millipore, Ireland). ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 5 10 15 20 The extracts were analyzed by means of Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) (ThermoElemental model Intrepid II XLS, Franklyn, MA, USA). In order to assess the impact of the Draa Sfar mine residues on the surrounding environment, a total of 85 samples were collected in the vicinity of the mine covering 230 ha through 8 sampling lines oriented towards specific receptor media (Tensift river creek, Koudiyat Tazakouit hill, village, farms, etc.). Two samples were taken at the other side of Tensift river creek (samples 21 and 22) and 4 representative background samples (from 82 to 85) at 1 km from the mining site in order to avoid mining contamination. CER indicators were calculated considering the concentration of a given element, namely Cn, in both target and background samples, normalized with respect to a lithogenic conservative element such as Al, Zr or Ti, which is accurately determined in each sample. Rubio et al. [12] recommended the use of regional background values. While the geochemical background values are constant, the levels of contamination vary with time and places. Background values are distinctly different among different soil types, especially with respect to Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Ba, Sc, Ti, Fe and Zr [13]. Zr was selected as lithogenic element due to homogeneity of Zr concentration in all samples and backgrounds. 60 65 70 75 80 25 CER 30 35 40 45 50 n ª C sample º « n » «¬ C Zr sample »¼ ª C Background º » « n C Background » ¼ ¬« Zr The evaluation of the extent and distribution of contamination was carried out by using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) [26, 27, 28] which in addition, allowed the detection of the areas requiring monitoring or even treatment. GIS maps for the distribution of target metals around the mine area were done by Miramon v6.4 - Complete Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing software [29]. Different interpolation methods can be used to determine spatial variability such as inverse distance weighting (IDW), Kriging and spline functions [30]. While spline method involve a considerable interpolation error when there are large changes in the surface values within a short horizontal distance, kriging method may not be met in practice unless employing 100 samples in order to obtain a reliable variogram that correctly describes spatial structure. In contrast, IDW interpolator assumes that each input point has a local influence that diminishes with distance [31], and no assumptions are required for the data, being this method the most suitable for our irregular sampling [32]. 85 Heavy metals content 90 95 100 105 Results and discussion Soil properties 55 pH, LOI and carbonate content [33] are geochemical soil characteristics able to provide sufficient information to understand the soils capacity to retain heavy metal pollutants. (Numerical values on pH, EC, LOI and CaCO3 for each sample can be found on Table S1 of Supplementary material). The results obtained for the soil pH measurements, depicted in GIS (Fig. 2) revealed that, in general, all sampled points presented a neutral to alkaline pH ranging from 7 to 9, similar to background samples with the exception of a very acidic sample corresponding to sample D48 with a pH 3.47. pH variations seemed to be related to heterogeneous deposits of sulfidic residues in the surroundings of the mine which by oxidation and formation of sulfuric acid can cause a decrease of the pH. EC showed more variability than the pH, with EC values ranging from 100 to 15.000 μS/cm (Fig. 3). In general, these results are correlated with previous studies carried on Morocco soils [34]. A decreasing salinity gradient was also observed and the values obtained for the mine area samples are significantly higher than for the background samples which indicate high amounts of labile ions close to the mine area. A hot spot located at sample D31 with an EC of 14.160 μS/cm was observed mainly due to high amounts of metals present in this area. Mine area and background samples LOI values (Fig. 4) have similar values ranging from 13 to 75 g/Kg, except some points where LOI could reach 76 g/kg due to some close localized agricultural activities. The observed carbonate content ranged from 10 to 210 mg.g-1 (Fig. 5) although the majority of the samples present similar CaCO3 content to background samples. The highest values are observed for samples D26 and D71, located at 400 m of the mine. Together with basic pH values, the presence of carbonates in the soil lead to an increase in the retention of heavy metals, mainly as carbonate salts as a consequence of precipitation, the principal retention mechanism of heavy metals [35]. 110 From the obtained results employing FP-XRF and the corresponding CER values, elements can be classified into pollutants (elements anthropogenically enhanced) or lithogenic elements (those with CER values similar to background samples). In this concern, most of the samples have CER values above 5 for As, Cu, Pb and Zn (Table S2), thus being considered the main pollutants of the mine area. Arsenic distribution around the mine area, given in Fig. 6, showed two hot spots located just beside the mine area corresponding to samples D48 (3108 ppm, CER=280) and D31 (203 ppm, CER=19,4). Moving away from this area, samples showed lower As concentration with values similar to background samples, except samples D45 (203 ppm, CER=15,9) and D46 (125 ppm, CER=9,2). Sample D48 depicts a very high arsenic concentration (more than 100 fold higher than background levels) indicating that remediation is mandatory for this specific area. An anomalous sampling point is represented by sample D21 (72 ppm, CER=7,1), proceeding from the other side of the river, with arsenic concentration much higher than samples closer to the mine site. Thus, this area should be under monitoring since is in contact with the creek waters. Regarding Cu CER distribution map along the mining area (Fig. 7) it can be stated that distribution of pollutants followed the similar trend as As although in a lesser degree of pollution. ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 5 10 Thus, the highest polluted samples are those located close to the mine, such as samples D20 (80 ppm, CER=2.6), D48 (144 ppm, CER=5.9) and D45 (173 ppm, CER=5.1). Again, sample D21 (51 ppm, CER=1.9) at the river basin, has a relatively high copper concentration despite being far from the mine area. Also, the area close to Koudiyat Tazakouit hill, present copper concentration similar to background samples, thus indicates no anthropogenic contribution with copper. The lead distribution around the mine (Fig. 8) showed 4 hot spots located around samples D31 (180 ppm, CER=13.0), D45 (770 ppm, CER=45.9), D48 (2310 ppm, CER=130) and D58 (420 15 20 ppm, CER=30). Sample D21 (62 ppm, CER=4.6) should be also considered due to their high CER values and proximity to creek waters. CER distribution map for Zn (Fig. 9) followed the same trend as Pb with 4 hot spots located at samples D20 (630 ppm, CER=8.5), D45 (1110 ppm, CER=13.6), D48 (30 ppm, CER=10.8) and D58 (930 ppm, CER=10.8). Generally, GIS contour maps of CER for the pollutants showed the most contaminated at the vicinity of the mine, especially at the northwest area, probably linked to weathering effects and topography of the area. Figure 2. GIS contour map of pH at the mine area Figure 3. GIS contour map of the electrical conductivity at the mine area Figure 4. GIS contour map of the loss on ignition (LOI) at the mine area Figure 5. GIS contour map of the CaCO3 content of the mine area ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 5 10 15 Figure 6. GIS contour map of arsenic distribution around the mine area Figure 7. GIS contour map of copper distribution around the mine area Figure 8. GIS contour map of lead distribution around the mine area Figure 9. GIS contour map of zinc distribution around the mine area Other elements measured by FP-XRF presented values close to background samples and, accordingly. a mean CER value lower than 2, thus considering their origin as lithogenic. The values obtained for Ba, Fe, K, Rb, Sr, Ti and Zr are shown on Table 2. As can be seen from the results on Table 2, mean values of mine area samples are similar to those of background samples and, in addition, mean CER values are between 0 and 2 (excepting sample 48 with high Fe content and sample 26 with high Sr content), thus indicating no anthropogenic enhancement of these elements in the soils analyzed. Finally, other elements were detected at extremely high concentration in some samples. High sulphur concentrations were found in samples D19 (18400 ppm), D31 (14500 ppm), D33 (15500 ppm), D45 (36800 ppm), D48 (113700 ppm), D58 (5300 ppm), D59 (14800 ppm) and D70 (32400 ppm). 20 25 30 High arsenic concentrations are also found in some of these samples supporting the consideration of the arseno-pyrite nature of the mineral ores. Other elements such as Ag, Au, Bi, Br, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, P, Sb or Se were not detected due to the limits of detection of the FP-XRF. For the mobility and particle size effect studies, 7 samples were selected due to their high content on pollutants (samples D20, D31, D46, D48, D58 and D70) or for their spatial significance (sample at the other side of the river creek, D21). Results obtained along with some drinking water quality standards, are depicted in Table 3. Results given in Table 3, indicate an increase on both As and Pb concentration when the samples are milled and sieved below 100 μm, i.e., samples D20 (from 125 to 167 ppm), D31 (from 203 to 268 ppm), D46 (from 125 to 172 ppm), D48 (from 3108 to 3569 ppm) and D58 (from 113 to 149 ppm) had ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 5 an enrichment on As and also for Pb samples D31 (from 180 to 313 ppm), D46 (from 375 to 477 ppm) and D48 (from 2309 to 2614 ppm) showed an enrichment when milled and sieved. On the rest of samples, slight differences were found. Thus, it can be stated that, in general, these elements are forming part of the particle core which is in agreement of the arseno-pyrite nature of the mineral ore. The trend followed for Cu is a diminution of the concentration as the soil is being milled indicating that instead of forming part of the mineral, Cu is 10 15 adsorbed at the surface of the soil particles thus indicating and anthropogenic origin. A few exceptions are found such as samples D31 (from 43 to 77ppm), D48 (from 144 to 167 ppm), D70 (from 33 to 50 ppm) which, in these cases, may constitute part of the arseno-pyrite mineral ore. For zinc, slightly higher concentrations are found when diminishing the particle size of the soil that support its presence forming part of the mineral ores. Table 2. Minimum, maximum and mean concentration and CER values for the lithogenic elements in mine area and background samples. Ba Fe K Mn Rb Sr Ti Zr Conc. CER Conc. CER Conc. CER Conc. CER Conc. CER Conc. CER Conc. CER Conc. Min 221,5 0,4 19,632 0,4 6,071 0,3 290 0,4 47 0,5 86 0,5 2,802 0,4 112 Mine area samples Background samples Max Mean Min Max Mean 541 (D17) 389±70 404 530 449±60 1,4 0,9±0,3 0,9 1,2 1,0±0,1 121,652 (D48) 32,721±10,000 30,769 38,106 35,555±3,000 4,8 0,9±0,5 0,9 1,1 1,0±0,1 32,976 (D81) 23,327±5,000 26,770 30,263 38,244±1,500 1,4 0,8±0,3 0,9 1,1 1,0±0,1 1,119 (D21) 607±150 631 737 699±50 2,0 0,9±0,3 0,9 1,0 1,0±0,1 106 (D10) 76±13 73,4 86,4 81±6 1,7 1,0±0,3 0,9 1,1 1,0±0,1 322 (D26) 144±40 119 140 131±9 3,1 1,1±0,5 0,9 1,0 1,0±0,1 5,860 (D17) 4,460±700 4,431 5,741 5,229±600 1,3 0,9±0,2 0,9 1,1 1,0±0,1 335 (D67) 215±50 199 235 210±17 Conc is given in mg/kg. Max concentration is in parenthesis. 20 25 30 35 40 Regarding the results obtained for the mobility of selected samples, collected in Table 3, it can be stated that the content of arsenic, lead and zinc of some samples is higher than the quality standard regulations while Cu concentration on the mobile phase is bordering quality standards. Despite being the most acidic sample (pH=3.5), with high EC (EC=4873 μS/cm) and low CaCO3 content (25,8 mg/g), the most polluted sample (D48) did not present high metal content on the mobile phase, thus indicating less danger than expected when taking into account only total concentration values. According to literature [36] these conditions favor availability of cations, but sample D48 has also a high LOI value which benefits the adsorption of labile ions at the soil what explains the relatively low mobility of sample D48. The sample presenting most mobility of pollutants is sample D46, which is a soil sample alkaline (pH=8.1), with an EC of 2,151 uS/cm, CaCO3 content of 58.4 mg/g and a LOI of 39.3 g/kg. In these conditions mobility is not favoured but the relatively low value of LOI regarding sample D48 enable the availability of cations from the mine ore to the mobile phase. Therefore, it can be stated that the physico-chemical parameteres analysed does not correlate with the mobility results, thus, to assess the toxicological risk of the Draa Sfar mine area additional specific measurements are required. Table 3. Results for < 2 mm and <100 μm particle size and fraction of metal mobile. 50 D20 D21 D31 D46 D48 D58 D70 45 55 100µm (mg/kg) 2mm (mg/kg) Mobility (mg/L) 100µm (mg/kg) 2mm (mg/kg) Mobility (mg/L) 100µm (mg/kg) 2mm (mg/kg) Mobility (mg/L) 100µm (mg/kg) 2mm (mg/kg) Mobility (mg/L) 100µm (mg/kg) 2mm (mg/kg) Mobility (mg/L) 100µm (mg/kg) 2mm (mg/kg) Mobility (mg/L) 100µm (mg/kg) 2mm (mg/kg) Mobility (mg/L) As 125 167 BDL 72 67 BDL 203 268 49 125 172 54 3,108 3,569 5 113 149 BDL 15 15 29 Cu 80 72 BDL 51 48 BDL 43 77 2 60 59 1 144 167 1 71 77 BDL 33 50 BDL Pb 55 66 BDL 62 61 BDL 180 313 6 375 477 17 2,309 2,614 BDL 425 537 BDL 24 20 BDL Zn 628 713 BDL 144 150 BDL 481 734 18 774 933 23 631 704 4 925 1,087 BDL 97 91 BDL ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Conclusions 5 10 15 20 Draa Sfar mine area has been characterized by determining various physico-chemical parameters of edaphological importance, including pH, electrical conductivity (CE), CaCO3 content and loss on ignition (LOI). Anthropogenic pollution has been assessed by the use of CER. Thus, As, Cu, Pb and Zn can be distinguished as the main pollutants of the mine area. CER values obtained for Ba, Fe, K, Rb, Sr, Ti indicated its lithogenic characteristic. GIS contour maps of pollutants using CER data have been a valuable tool to characterize pollutants distribution around the mine area and determine sources of contamination. GIS maps showed a similar distribution for As and Cu, as well as for Pb and Zn. The most contaminated sites were at the vicinity of the mine, especially at the northwest area, probably linked to weathering effects and topography of the area. No contamination was found in and around Koudiyat Tazakouit hill. Concerning mobility studies, As, Pb and Zn concentration in some samples exceeded water quality standard regulations while Cu concentration on the mobile phase is on the border. Nevertheless, the most polluted samples did not present high metal content on the mobile phase, thus indicating lower risk than expected when taking into account only total concentration values. 55 60 65 70 75 25 Acknowledgements 30 The present work has been carried with support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grant CTQ2009-07432), the Morocco-Spanish project N° A/011433/07 “Estudio de la movilidad de metales pesados en suelos contaminados” and the pole of competences on Water and Environment (Morocco). 80 85 Notes 90 †Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available. 35 40 45 50 References [1] Adriano DC. Trace elements in the terrestrial environment, Springer Verlag, New York, U.S., 1986. [2] Osan J, Kurunczi S, Török S, Van Grieken R. X-Ray analysis of riverbank sediment of the Tisza (Hungary): identification of particles from a mine pollution event. Spectrochim. Acta 2002; Part B 57: 413- 422. 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Sample pH CE CaCO3 LOI Sample pH CE CaCO3 1 8.6 135 34.0 15.6 44 8.0 2565 118.6 64.4 2 9.6 172 26.1 12.7 45 7.5 8632 55.1 75.8 3 8.7 205 11.2 14.3 46 8.1 2151 58.4 39.3 4 8.7 294 21.2 24.4 47 8.2 2095 34.0 25.1 5 9.1 337 24.5 20.6 48 3.5 4873 25.8 56.0 6 8.5 1152 30.8 31.7 49 7.3 124 15.7 18.3 7 8.5 1708 28.5 27.9 50 8.0 102 7.9 19.1 8 9.0 747 38.2 32.1 51 8.3 107 25.8 17.4 LOI 9 8.0 4599 39.3 56.4 52 8.7 125 18.4 28.2 10 8.4 779 39.3 63.5 53 8.8 96 47.4 25.6 11 8.1 3452 27.6 26.2 54 8.6 136 48.3 21.2 12 8.6 536 31.5 22.4 55 8.8 132 79.8 23.0 13 8.3 489 25.3 17.8 56 8.7 203 36.8 24.3 14 8.4 2651 20.2 25.9 57 7.8 102 24.9 20.5 15 8.9 171 33.7 34.9 58 7.9 655 24.9 23.5 16 8.2 983 33.2 37.3 59 8.2 5275 55.2 32.7 17 7.8 2034 43.9 64.5 60 8.7 212 44.9 35.5 18 8.9 451 32.0 13.3 61 8.1 274 55.1 34.0 19 8.2 3376 30.8 23.3 62 8.2 240 52.8 48.3 20 8.3 852 15.8 24.5 63 7.9 456 37.1 61.8 21 7.9 1838 26.1 26.5 64 8.2 299 45.9 33.6 22 8.2 2210 26.2 17.9 65 8.4 261 43.8 27.2 23 8.2 1659 41.4 22.6 66 8.5 1663 20.7 25.6 24 8.4 922 23.7 14.6 67 8.5 106 20.0 22.3 25 8.1 1098 25.4 14.1 68 8.3 163 22.5 26.8 26 8.3 1797 209.9 54.4 69 7.9 2120 25.0 28.7 27 8.6 775 128.1 32.5 70 8.1 2570 93.3 29.5 28 8.5 576 79.1 36.8 71 8.3 1616 149.4 49.7 29 8.2 3152 21.9 21.7 72 8.5 692 98.9 40.7 30 8.0 5460 19.1 22.8 73 8.0 2699 62.9 44.9 31 7.6 14160 16.5 27.4 74 8.8 517 112.7 44.0 32 8.8 199 16.6 13.3 75 8.6 879 35.6 32.2 33 7.8 6940 29.7 52.6 76 8.1 2330 23.7 31.8 34 8.6 779 33.0 38.6 77 8.2 1298 36.8 27.9 35 8.4 375 29.7 40.1 78 8.1 1339 41.5 39.6 36 8.2 373 33.7 38.2 79 8.3 559 36.8 36.3 37 8.6 278 37.1 28.4 80 8.3 333 28.5 33.5 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Sample pH CE CaCO3 LOI Sample pH CE CaCO3 LOI 38 8.5 345 24.4 24.4 81 8.3 425 39.1 29.4 39 8.5 415 57.3 44.7 82 8.7 113 21.3 23.5 40 8.5 552 35.6 42.8 83 8.1 805 26.1 29.1 41 9.0 214 72.9 39.5 84 8.6 145 24.9 39.9 42 8.6 371 55.1 46.7 85 8.6 151 27.3 30.1 43 8.5 493 61.7 48.5 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Table S2. Concentration and CER values of pollutants As, Cu, Pb and Zn along with CER reference element Zr. As Cu Pb Zn Zr Sample CER CER CER CER (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) 1 BDL 16.7 0.3 13.2 0.5 39.7 0.3 302.6 2 BDL 16.6 0.5 9.4 0.6 31.6 0.4 204.8 3 9.2 0.5 24.6 0.5 7.6 0.3 40.1 0.4 272.8 4 BDL 37.8 1.1 9.6 0.6 44.2 0.6 199.5 5 13.2 0.7 31.9 0.6 11.2 0.4 46.2 0.4 308.0 6 12.4 0.7 26.3 0.6 10.5 0.4 48.8 0.4 285.8 7 BDL BDL 13.0 0.6 44.0 0.4 263.1 8 11.3 0.6 38.2 0.8 12.8 0.5 46.9 0.4 283.1 9 11.3 0.6 24.2 0.5 12.8 0.5 58.4 0.5 315.0 10 20.2 1.8 52.7 1.7 20.1 1.3 98.1 1.3 182.1 11 14.1 1.0 29.2 0.8 15.8 0.9 76.1 0.9 222.5 12 36.4 3.0 41.4 1.3 23.1 1.5 126.1 1.6 192.3 13 BDL 24.1 0.5 8.4 0.4 36.0 0.3 277.5 14 BDL 23.7 0.5 12.1 0.5 48.3 0.4 276.3 15 BDL 33.9 0.7 18.4 0.8 58.3 0.5 291.1 16 15.1 1.1 30.1 0.8 15.5 0.8 70.2 0.8 229.1 17 18.1 1.6 50.3 1.6 17.6 1.2 96.8 1.3 185.5 18 13.8 1.4 28.9 1.1 12.1 0.9 65.9 1.0 157.3 19 BDL 30.5 0.6 14.5 0.6 50.9 0.4 289.7 20 125.4 10.9 79.9 2.6 54.8 3.6 627.9 8.5 184.6 21 71.5 7.1 50.5 1.9 61.8 4.6 143.9 2.2 162.4 22 BDL BDL BDL 29.7 0.7 111.5 23 14.5 0.9 21.8 0.5 9.0 0.4 47.7 0.5 254.8 24 9.6 0.8 17.9 0.6 12.0 0.8 39.2 0.5 191.4 25 12.0 1.2 17.7 0.7 11.1 0.9 43.7 0.7 158.3 26 19.4 1.9 23.5 0.9 7.4 0.6 45.6 0.7 163.6 27 19.2 1.6 28.9 0.9 14.9 1.0 100.0 1.3 188.2 28 22.5 2.1 34.1 1.2 16.4 1.2 80.2 1.2 169.6 29 12.4 1.2 23.1 0.9 12.4 0.9 48.6 0.8 162.0 30 12.7 1.3 22.5 0.8 10.5 0.8 51.4 0.8 161.0 31 203.3 19.4 43.1 1.5 179.7 13.0 480.7 7.2 167.8 32 14.7 0.9 22.1 0.5 6.7 0.3 49.4 0.5 274.4 33 14.4 1.3 46.2 1.6 18.0 1.3 76.1 1.1 172.8 34 18.1 1.5 25.9 0.8 12.4 0.8 72.7 1.0 190.0 35 16.8 1.6 34.1 1.2 16.6 1.2 79.3 1.2 168.6 36 14.2 1.3 39.4 1.3 14.2 1.0 74.8 1.0 179.5 37 15.2 1.4 30.3 1.0 11.6 0.8 72.8 1.0 175.3 38 16.5 1.6 18.8 0.7 13.3 1.0 78.5 1.2 162.7 39 25.2 2.7 42.8 1.7 17.6 1.4 102.9 1.7 151.4 40 16.4 1.3 25.6 0.8 16.8 1.0 85.4 1.1 199.3 41 12.6 1.1 40.6 1.3 15.2 1.0 77.6 1.0 190.2 42 16.0 1.4 38.6 1.2 15.6 1.0 78.8 1.0 187.9 43 18.1 1.4 35.7 1.0 17.8 1.0 90.9 1.1 209.9 44 19.5 1.6 29.9 0.9 23.4 1.5 91.2 1.2 196.1 45 203.3 15.9 172.5 5.1 773.5 45.9 1113.7 13.6 204.7 46 125.4 9.2 60.4 1.7 375.1 20.8 774.3 8.9 218.9 47 19.8 1.4 BDL 23.3 1.3 81.8 0.9 225.0 48 3107.6 340.8 144.3 5.9 2309.5 191.8 631.2 10.8 146.3 49 12.7 1.0 30.8 0.9 23.7 1.4 71.5 0.8 212.4 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Sample 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 As (mg/kg) 13.2 BDL 18.8 15.4 12.6 17.5 11.7 9.2 113.5 14.3 22.7 16.7 14.7 12.1 BDL 10.1 8.9 17.5 10.6 14.2 15.2 17.9 15.4 14.1 13.2 18.6 13.8 12.5 17.5 14.9 18.8 19.9 11.3 9.4 18.9 12.7 CER 0.8 1.2 0.8 0.7 1.2 0.8 0.6 8.5 1.1 2.2 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.8 0.6 1.0 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.8 0.9 0.8 1.3 1.0 Cu (mg/kg) 24.7 29.7 28.4 24.8 24.0 27.9 BDL 28.2 70.9 32.0 39.2 29.4 25.5 37.9 24.4 28.4 30.3 17.3 22.4 20.3 33.0 36.2 31.8 23.4 37.1 37.3 30.6 38.4 23.3 26.3 37.9 33.4 26.7 31.5 34.0 44.7 CER 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 2.0 0.9 1.4 0.9 0.8 1.1 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.3 1.2 0.8 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.2 0.7 0.8 1.1 1.1 0.8 1.0 0.9 1.3 Pb (mg/kg) 27.3 28.9 30.1 20.5 23.4 25.4 19.8 19.4 424.6 15.5 12.6 17.7 20.3 18.8 18.1 15.3 13.5 40.2 8.4 61.2 23.9 14.4 20.3 14.3 18.9 17.4 13.4 16.5 28.5 34.8 29.6 31.8 15.5 16.8 20.6 16.6 CER 1.3 1.4 1.4 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.1 0.9 24.1 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.6 1.5 0.4 3.2 1.8 1.1 1.5 0.9 1.2 1.0 0.9 1.1 1.7 2.2 1.7 2.2 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.0 Zn (mg/kg) 89.0 78.0 86.5 75.8 80.9 83.4 80.0 60.1 925.2 68.2 91.2 80.3 88.0 101.0 76.4 68.4 58.8 143.6 46.2 254.0 96.9 86.6 91.2 74.7 92.1 88.8 87.5 82.2 110.0 101.9 121.7 102.5 73.8 87.7 84.9 81.6 CER 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.6 10.8 0.8 1.4 1.0 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.6 1.1 0.4 2.7 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 0.9 1.1 0.9 1.0 Zr (mg/kg) 253.6 245.6 254.8 315.2 273.4 237.5 226.2 251.6 214.4 209.0 168.1 196.2 184.3 203.6 221.8 237.2 261.0 334.5 273.5 231.2 164.5 167.1 162.8 186.6 187.9 208.7 190.9 185.9 207.7 192.6 215.6 174.7 200.6 198.8 235.3 204.3 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Table S3. Concentration and CER values of lithogenic components of the mine area soils. Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 [Ba] CER [Ca] CER 258 0.4 27289 0.7 281 0.6 22533 0.9 221 0.4 19581 0.6 362 0.8 22154 0.9 357 0.5 30911 0.8 357 0.6 28711 0.8 269 0.5 29235 0.9 391 0.6 34868 1.0 309 0.5 30801 0.8 524 1.3 28820 1.3 351 0.7 26997 1.0 390 0.9 32758 1.4 285 0.5 19025 0.5 351 0.6 27108 0.8 395 0.6 29798 0.8 374 0.8 26120 0.9 541 1.4 30486 1.3 425 1.3 22717 1.1 314 0.5 29023 0.8 332 0.8 26896 1.2 504 1.4 32042 1.6 268 1.1 23227 1.7 277 0.5 26142 0.8 268 0.6 24012 1.0 282 0.8 26180 1.3 254 0.7 152754 7.4 398 1.0 80860 3.4 489 1.3 57198 2.7 260 0.7 26920 1.3 358 1.0 24843 1.2 400 1.1 31011 1.5 447 0.8 26868 0.8 471 1.3 35369 1.6 417 1.0 35113 1.5 444 1.2 30086 1.4 478 1.2 31344 1.4 331 0.9 38313 1.7 419 1.2 31113 1.5 460 1.4 47652 2.5 464 1.1 28833 1.1 403 1.0 50142 2.1 391 1.0 45098 1.9 483 1.1 43702 1.7 501 1.2 71367 2.9 370 0.8 45868 1.8 456 1.0 41987 1.5 303 0.6 30427 1.1 336 1.1 24281 1.3 382 0.8 18375 0.7 [Fe] CER [K] CER [Mn] CER 20967 0.4 16935 0.4 366 0.4 21316 0.6 15710 0.6 331 0.5 21932 0.5 16496 0.4 359 0.4 26064 0.7 20143 0.7 589 0.9 27227 0.5 21029 0.5 473 0.4 28338 0.6 21479 0.6 509 0.5 24544 0.5 17130 0.5 417 0.5 28881 0.6 21204 0.5 531 0.5 30383 0.6 22375 0.5 536 0.5 45017 1.4 31405 1.3 953 1.5 31924 0.8 24433 0.8 681 0.9 30029 0.9 25208 1.0 552 0.8 22565 0.5 20010 0.5 379 0.4 28183 0.6 22776 0.6 523 0.6 33504 0.7 26127 0.7 622 0.6 34044 0.9 25434 0.8 646 0.8 42132 1.3 30390 1.2 873 1.4 30945 1.1 25338 1.2 560 1.0 27468 0.5 20836 0.5 477 0.5 31008 1.0 24356 1.0 816 1.3 48007 1.7 26530 1.2 1119 2.0 19632 1.0 18323 1.2 290 0.8 26535 0.6 18592 0.5 547 0.6 22180 0.7 17151 0.7 436 0.7 22429 0.8 17945 0.8 424 0.8 21726 0.8 6071 0.3 327 0.6 31861 1.0 20968 0.8 553 0.9 37649 1.3 28488 1.2 577 1.0 24892 0.9 19394 0.9 533 1.0 25017 0.9 18161 0.8 525 1.0 28026 1.0 15913 0.7 542 0.9 28776 0.6 21636 0.6 506 0.5 36671 1.2 27816 1.2 824 1.4 35246 1.1 26579 1.0 601 0.9 36326 1.2 28645 1.2 751 1.3 38300 1.2 29693 1.2 795 1.3 34242 1.1 26694 1.1 655 1.1 35236 1.2 30085 1.4 640 1.2 43267 1.6 29429 1.4 897 1.7 37955 1.1 27871 1.0 739 1.1 35597 1.1 24743 1.0 656 1.0 30991 0.9 23222 0.9 671 1.0 37225 1.0 28315 1.0 840 1.2 31805 0.9 19598 0.7 586 0.9 50814 1.4 16688 0.6 882 1.3 36602 1.0 22309 0.7 768 1.0 23885 0.6 17281 0.6 447 0.6 121652 4.8 BDL 564 1.1 30573 0.8 24754 0.9 488 0.7 [Rb] CER 60.4 0.5 54.3 0.7 58.6 0.6 64.3 0.8 66.5 0.6 70.2 0.6 61.6 0.6 68.7 0.6 73.6 0.6 106.4 1.5 78.6 0.9 76.3 1.0 66.7 0.6 69.0 0.6 82.2 0.7 87.0 1.0 100.9 1.4 71.0 1.2 67.1 0.6 82.4 1.2 102.8 1.6 56.3 1.3 65.4 0.7 56.3 0.8 54.5 0.9 54.6 0.9 74.0 1.0 96.0 1.5 63.3 1.0 57.9 0.9 62.5 1.0 65.8 0.6 89.4 1.3 80.8 1.1 91.8 1.4 97.3 1.4 84.9 1.3 87.8 1.4 98.4 1.7 89.3 1.2 84.6 1.2 75.4 1.0 87.7 1.1 77.6 1.0 70.0 0.9 78.8 0.9 58.7 0.7 47.0 0.8 67.8 0.8 [Sr] 101 111 102 114 114 121 119 140 135 143 142 157 86 119 127 128 137 126 122 163 168 114 119 148 102 322 250 201 156 213 184 125 181 167 139 149 141 146 166 142 193 171 172 224 187 172 133 132 99 CER 0.5 0.8 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 1.2 1.0 1.3 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.3 0.7 1.4 1.6 1.6 0.7 1.2 1.0 3.1 2.1 1.9 1.5 2.1 1.7 0.7 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.1 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.8 1.4 1.2 0.9 1.4 0.7 [Ti] CER 3396 0.4 3069 0.6 3533 0.5 3677 0.7 4441 0.6 4563 0.6 4080 0.6 4446 0.6 4730 0.6 5731 1.2 5275 0.9 4855 1.0 3589 0.5 4606 0.7 4865 0.7 4799 0.8 5860 1.3 5105 1.3 4933 0.7 4714 1.0 5277 1.3 2802 1.0 4482 0.7 3251 0.7 3351 0.8 2913 0.7 3787 0.8 4614 1.1 3712 0.9 3382 0.8 3211 0.8 4979 0.7 4770 1.1 4543 0.9 4839 1.1 4924 1.1 5110 1.2 5001 1.2 4876 1.3 4950 1.0 4939 1.0 4097 0.9 4557 0.9 3458 0.7 4497 0.9 4588 0.8 3688 0.7 3471 0.9 4809 0.9 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 478 375 376 431 386 323 430 439 423 398 473 405 411 450 458 430 434 418 382 330 453 375 473 351 391 346 454 447 343 365 456 463 423 404 440 530 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.7 1.3 1.0 1.3 0.9 1.0 0.8 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.2 9961 21304 25823 30841 30322 54544 31668 21703 21702 34736 28184 33259 34232 27892 34855 39220 19555 17613 25783 19160 73693 78690 61498 46338 80724 29240 27167 27857 46893 27641 20194 19429 22577 25740 28436 24581 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.8 1.1 0.7 0.8 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.1 1.2 1.3 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.7 3.6 3.7 3.0 2.0 3.4 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.8 1.1 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 36278 30194 30123 29506 29334 27301 29771 30631 40552 31449 38171 34537 33698 35943 30434 27891 28723 29975 28280 24598 34977 32739 38035 28371 32023 30191 33211 37287 31315 32822 36070 37833 30769 35658 37686 38106 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.7 1.1 0.9 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 1.2 1.1 1.3 0.9 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.2 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.1 25687 23103 21614 20669 20068 16463 23137 22118 24804 22958 31414 27695 26177 27599 24809 23153 28953 23603 22584 19955 25748 20540 26637 20922 21234 23764 27808 27383 24632 27028 29217 32976 26770 28047 27896 30263 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.6 1.1 0.9 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.1 549 524 503 502 470 465 495 493 658 692 660 651 753 702 547 525 562 496 497 439 839 747 689 611 802 615 675 781 628 664 708 688 631 697 730 737 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.3 0.9 1.0 1.2 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.2 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.1 79.5 67.4 67.5 67.2 66.4 65.0 70.9 70.1 74.9 80.7 96.5 82.8 80.8 85.4 72.2 71.6 76.3 70.4 66.7 66.5 98.5 80.9 92.0 70.4 78.2 77.8 80.9 88.7 74.3 83.1 90.3 92.1 73.4 78.8 86.4 84.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.5 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.6 1.3 1.5 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.4 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 93 103 108 108 117 138 108 92 103 229 154 148 148 142 139 147 113 101 120 107 179 190 179 156 171 138 133 143 158 142 128 121 119 130 140 134 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.8 1.7 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.7 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.9 1.1 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.0 4715 4870 5259 4919 5190 5222 4377 4685 4722 4863 4929 5285 4546 4933 4288 3964 3673 4757 4560 3465 3948 3823 4257 3630 4722 4660 5070 5152 4283 5042 4662 5018 4431 5143 5741 5599 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.9 1.1 1.1 0.8 1.0 0.9 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 II XANESSPECIATIONOFMERCURYIN THREEMININGDISTRICTS– ALMADEN,ASTURIAS(SPAIN),IDRIA (SLOVENIA) JoseMariaEsbri,AnnaBernaus,MartaAvila,DavidKocman, EvaM.GarciaNoguero,BeatrizGuerrero,XavierGaona, RodrigoAlvarez,GustavoPerezGonzalez,ManuelValiente, PabloHigueras,MilenaHorvatandJorgeLoredo. JournalofSynchrotronRadiation JournalofSynchrotronRadiation.(2010)17,2:179186. soil and geosciences Journal of Synchrotron Radiation ISSN 0909-0495 Received 22 June 2009 Accepted 15 January 2010 XANES speciation of mercury in three mining districts – Almadén, Asturias (Spain), Idria (Slovenia) José Maria Esbrı́,a* Anna Bernaus,b Marta Ávila,b David Kocman,c Eva M. Garcı́a-Noguero,a Beatriz Guerrero,b Xavier Gaona,b Rodrigo Álvarez,d Gustavo Perez-Gonzalez,b Manuel Valiente,b Pablo Higueras,a Milena Horvatc and Jorge Loredod a Departamento de Ingenierı́a Geológica y Minera, Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de Almadén, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 13400 Almadén (Ciudad Real), Spain, bGrup de Tècniques de Separació en Quı́mica (GTS), Departament de Quı́mica, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain, cDepartment of Environmental Sciences, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana SI-1001, Slovenia, and dDepartamento de Explotación y Prospección de Minas, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo 33004, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] The mobility, bioavailability and toxicity of mercury in the environment strongly depend on the chemical species in which it is present in soil, sediments, water or air. In mining districts, differences in mobility and bioavailability of mercury mainly arise from the different type of mineralization and ore processing. In this work, synchrotron-based X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) has been taken advantage of to study the speciation of mercury in geological samples from three of the largest European mercury mining districts: Almadén (Spain), Idria (Slovenia) and Asturias (Spain). XANES has been complemented with a single extraction protocol for the determination of Hg mobility. Ore, calcines, dump material, soil, sediment and suspended particles from the three sites have been considered in the study. In the three sites, rather insoluble sulfide compounds (cinnabar and metacinnabar) were found to predominate. Minor amounts of more soluble mercury compounds (chlorides and sulfates) were also identified in some samples. Single extraction procedures have put forward a strong dependence of the mobility with the concentration of chlorides and sulfates. Differences in efficiency of roasting furnaces from the three sites have been found. # 2010 International Union of Crystallography Printed in Singapore – all rights reserved Keywords: mercury speciation; XANES; Almadén; Idria; Asturias; bioavailability. 1. Introduction Assessing the distribution and mobilization of heavy metals in the environment as a result of natural processes or anthropogenic activities is of special relevance in mining districts. Mercury (Hg) is one of the most toxic heavy metals, as some of its compounds can be absorbed by living tissues in large doses and these compounds or their derivatives can concentrate and be stored over long periods of time. Through the food chain, mercury can eventually affect human beings and cause chronic or acute damage (Förstner, 1998). From a toxicological point of view, the toxicity of heavy metals is primarily controlled by the dose and the corresponding chemical speciation. Accordingly, many recent studies have been devoted to assess heavy metal speciation either through direct or indirect approaches (Horvat, 2005). The most widely used methods are based on sequential selective extractions (Bloom et al., 2003; J. Synchrotron Rad. (2010). 17, 179–186 Kocman et al., 2004) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) techniques (Kim et al., 2000, 2003, 2004; Slowey et al., 2005a,b; Bernaus et al., 2005a,b, 2006a,b). Alternative techniques are based on Hg pyrolysis followed by AAS detection, which allows the differentiation among cinnabar, metallic Hg and matrix-bound Hg (Biester et al., 1999, 2000). XAS techniques have been shown to provide reliable information on the speciation of mercury without requiring sample pretreatment (Kim et al., 2004; Slowey et al., 2005a,b; Bernaus et al., 2006a). The application of XAS to mercury speciation provides results with good consistency in terms of Hg–S/Hg– non-S and Hg–insoluble/Hg–soluble ratios according to wetchemistry data (Kim et al., 2003). On the other hand, one of the main limitations of the XAS methods refers to their high detection limits. Among XAS techniques, both EXAFS (extended X-ray absorption fine structure) and XANES (X-ray absorption doi:10.1107/S0909049510001925 179 soil and geosciences near-edge) spectroscopies have been previously used for the speciation of mercury in different matrices, such as mine ores and wastes (Kim et al., 2000, 2004), fish (Harris et al., 2003), contaminated soils (Bernaus et al., 2006a) and hyacinths (Riddle et al., 2002), and in studies of interactions between mercury and soil minerals (Bernaus et al., 2005b). According to data available in the literature (Webb, 2005), XANES is particularly useful for analysis of geochemical and environmental systems and has been preferred in this study. This is in agreement with our previous experience and the known XANES fingerprint differences among the Hg compounds mainly expected in mining environments (Bernaus et al., 2005a, 2006a,b). In this framework, mobility studies represent a good complement to purely speciation techniques, as they represent a more empirical approach to the understanding of mercury transfer among inorganic, organic and biological reservoirs. In line with the publications by Brown and co-workers on the characterization of mercury mines in north America (Kim et al., 2000, 2004), this work aims at providing a further understanding and a general perspective on the role of mercury in three of the most important mercury mining districts in Europe, namely Almadén and Asturias in Spain and Idria in Slovenia. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Study sites Among the three mining districts selected in this study, Almadén and Idria have been the largest world mercury producers in historic times, both having a monometallic character. On the other hand, Asturias has a more complex mineralization, with high proportions of arsenic in its paragenesis. It is important to highlight that Almadén is the largest cinnabar (HgS) deposit in the world and it has been active since the Roman times until the present days, having accounted for about one third of the total Hg world production (Hernández et al., 1999; Saupé, 1990). Metallurgical processing in the study area evolved from Bustamante furnaces, with roasting temperatures over 873 K, to Pacific furnaces in the last century, reaching temperatures of up to 1073 K. From a mineralogical point of view, soils at Almadén area are mainly represented by quartz and a diversity of clay-type minerals such as chlorite, illite, kaolinite and pyrophyllite and high contents of carbonates which correspond to a region with shales and quartzites as main components of the stratigraphic sequence (Garcı́a Sansegundo et al., 1987, among others). The high content of carbonates can be explained by the presence of mafic magmatic rocks strongly affected by propilitic, carbonate-rich alteration processes in the stratigraphic sequence (Hall et al., 1997; Higueras et al., 2000). Idria mining district is, like Almadén, a monometallic ore deposit, with higher proportions of native mercury and hosted in carbonate host rocks. The mineralization appears as two main species: cinnabar and native mercury. Other minerals 180 José Maria Esbrı́ et al. XANES speciation of mercury Figure 1 Sampling locations, mines and metallurgical sites of the three mercury mining districts, Almadén, Asturias and Idria. Abbreviations: ALM: Almadenejos decommissioned metallurgical plant; RD: Valdeazogues river downstream; El Entredicho: decommissioned open pit; AZG: Azogado stream; CH: dump of Almadén mine; HR: Huerta del Rey; SQ: San Quintı́n (real location: 50 km to the east of Almadén); TRR: El Terronal mine. (See Table 1 for more details.) appearing in the paragenesis are metacinnabar, pyrite, marcasite, dolomite, calcite, kaolinite, epsomite and melanterite. The mineralogical characterization of Idria samples reveals carbonate bedrocks as main components of the stratigraphic sequence, with the exception of the meadow soil from the Pront Hill which was developed on carboniferous clastic rocks. River bed and suspended sediments are composed of silica, clay minerals, Fe and Al oxides, hydroxides and carbonates as J. Synchrotron Rad. (2010). 17, 179–186 soil and geosciences Table 1 Samples collected at the three mining districts. Location Almaden site Almadén Almadenejos Valdeazogues river San Quintı́n Idria site Soils Sediments Asturias site Mine tailings Calcines Soil Forest soils ID Sampling area Material HR CH AZG ALM RD SQ Huerta del Rey metallurgical precinct Main dump of Almadén mine Azogado stream Decommissioned metallurgical plant Downstream of El Entredicho pit Decommissioned Pb–Zn–Ag mine Soils from old metallurgical plant of the 17th century Dump material, sediments and riparian soils Riparian soils and stream sediments Soils from the metallurgical precinct Suspended particles Mine wastes and soils from an old flotation plant tested for cinnabar treatment S1–S3 S2 S4 Vicinity of the metallurgical plant Pront Hill Idrijca merges with the river Baca S5–S6 RS Alluvial plain confluence of Idrijca and Baca rivers Idrijca river, 35 km downstream from the mine before Baca river inflow SS Idrijca river, 35 km downstream from the mine before Baca river inflow Soils Meadow soils Alluvial soil samples collected along the river Idrijca 40 km downstream from the mine Soils from a deep profile at depth 50 cm (S5) and 100 cm (S6) River bed sediments of a composite sample taken within a distance of 50 m with grain size < 0.063 mm (RS1) and 0.063–2 mm (RS2) Suspended river sediments of a composite sample taken within a distance of 50 m with grain size < 0.063 mm (SS1) and 0.063–2 mm (SS2) TRRmn TRRc TRRs TRRfs Mine and metallurgical plant Mine and metallurgical plant Metallurgical plant El Terronal mine remnants of carbonate and clastic rock weathering products in the Idrijca catchment (Kanduč et al., 2008). Asturias district shows a more complex mineralogy, with mercury present as cinnabar, but with variable metacinnabar and metallic mercury proportions and with other metallic minerals such as orpiment, realgar, melnikovite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, stibnite and galena (Loredo et al., 1999). This site has an intense metallurgical activity with lower calcinations temperatures in their rotary furnaces (over 853 K) than the other mining districts (Luque & Gutiérrez, 2006). The total mercury concentration in soils and sediments of these three mining districts is well documented (Berzas Nevado et al., 2003; Higueras et al., 2003, 2006; Gray et al., 2004; Horvat et al., 2002), although only a few studies dealt with inorganic mercury speciation (Bernaus et al., 2005a, 2006a; Kocman et al., 2004; Biester et al., 1999, 2000). 2.2. Sample collection, storage and preparation Samples from the main mines, metallurgical plants and drainage network of the three districts were considered in this study (Fig. 1). A list of samples, corresponding acronyms used in the text and short descriptions is provided in Table 1. The samples of soils, mine tailings, calcines and riparian soils from Almadén were taken at a depth of 0–20 cm, stored in polyethylene bags and sieved at the Almadén School of Mines to below a grain size of 2 mm. Samples of suspended particles were collected from the water column, sedimented in laboratory and air-dried in a clean room. The rest of the samples were air-dried to prevent mercury losses, homogenized and ground before analysis. J. Synchrotron Rad. (2010). 17, 179–186 Dumps in the vicinity of rotary furnaces Calcination waste Soil from an abandoned chimney channel Forest soils from the mining area Soil samples from Idria were taken with a stainless steel auger at a depth of 0–10 cm and stored in polyethylene containers. Suspended river sediment was sampled during a flood event of the Idrijca river by means of a net drift sampler (Kocman, 2008). After removal of gravel, stones and plant residues, river bed and suspended sediments were sieved and separated in two grain-size fractions: < 0.063 mm and 0.063– 2 mm. Before analyses, samples were dried at 303 K for three days (to a constant weight) in the dark, then ground and homogenized in an agate mortar and transferred into polypropylene containers. The samples from Asturias area were collected in the La Peña-El Terronal mine site, near the town of Mieres. The site includes dumps, calcines, contaminated soils and a chimney channel used to transport roasting smoke to the top of a mount. Soils, riparian soils and mine tailings samples ( 1.5 kg) were collected at 10–30 cm depth, stored in polyethylene bags, air-dried in a clean room and sieved in the laboratory using a 0.1 mm sieve. All solid samples from the three mining districts were prepared for synchrotron analysis using an aliquot, mixed with polyethylene (IR quality), homogenized with a vortex for 2 min and pressed to a pellet with 5 ton cm2 of pressure. 2.3. Chemical characterization Total mercury content of all solid samples was determined by Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry using highfrequency modulation of light polarization (ZAAS-HFM) with a Lumex RA-915+ analyzer (Sholupov & Ganeyev, 1995). The detection limit of this technique for soils and sediments José Maria Esbrı́ et al. XANES speciation of mercury 181 soil and geosciences samples is 0.5 mg Hg kg1. For accuracy, certified reference material (CRM-025) was analyzed simultaneously. 2.4. XANES measurements XANES measurements were performed at the synchrotron facility Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor (HASYLAB) in Hamburg (Germany) at the bending-magnet beamline A1 (see further details by Bernaus et al., 2005b). All measurements were carried out at room temperature. The beamline set-up consisted of a Si(111) double-crystal monochromator, three ionization chambers as transmission detectors and a seven-pixel Ge fluorescence detector. The photon absorption of mercury was recorded at its LIII energy (12284 eV). Fluorescence detection mode was used for the analysis of all samples, except for the reference compounds whose spectra were recorded in transmission mode. References for XANES fingerprint adjustments included minerals and pure compounds: HgCl2, HgSO4, HgO, CH3HgCl, Hg2Cl2 (calomel), HgSred (cinnabar), HgSblack (metacinnabar), Hg 2 NCl 0.5 (SO 4 ) 0.3 (MoO 4 ) 0.1 (CO 3 ) 0.1 H 2 O (mosesite), Hg3S2Cl2 (corderoite), Hg3(SO4)O2 (schuetteite) and Hg2ClO (terlinguaite). This selection was undertaken on the basis of our prior knowledge of the geochemistry of the different study areas (Horvat et al., 2002; Higueras et al., 2003, 2006; Gray et al., 2004; Kocman et al., 2004; Kanduč et al., 2008), as well as the possible weathering and anthropogenic processes taking place in each site. XANES spectra were processed using SixPACK data analysis software package (SIXPack, 2004; see also Catalano et al., 2005; Slowey et al., 2005b; Arai et al., 2006). Spectra processing included energy correction, signal normalization and background correction. After data correction and normalization, a principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the set of unknown spectra to determine the number of principal components required to describe the variation in the data. Then, the PCA results were used with a target transformation, which projected the spectrum from a reference compound onto the vector space defined by the components. If the target vector lay within this component space (above the 95% confidence level), then this reference compound was selected to be present in the dataset. Finally, a linear least-squares approach was used to determine the fractional amount of each reference compound in the samples (Malinowski, 1991; Ressler et al., 2000; Wasserman et al., 1999). The quality of the target transform was given by the reduced 2 value, which represents the goodness of the fit to the spectra data, and is defined as reduced 2 ¼ N X obs 2 1 fit ; i N P i¼1 i ð1Þ where iobs is the ordinate of the XANES spectrum measured from the sample at the i th energy point, ifit is the ordinate of the fitted XANES spectrum, N is the number of data points in the fitted XANES energy range (scaled by the wavenumber k) and P is the number of fitted components. 182 José Maria Esbrı́ et al. XANES speciation of mercury A higher reduced-2 denotes that the Hg compounds compared possess a lower degree of similarity. This 2 represents the goodness of the model fit to the spectra data using the linear combination procedure (Rehr et al., 1992). 2.5. Mobility study (single extraction procedures) Assays on the mobility of mercury were performed according to the methodology reported by Perez et al. (2008). Briefly, the methodology consisted of sample extraction with 0.5 M HCl for 1 h with magnetic stirring. The ratio solid : water was 1 g : 20 ml. After centrifugation at 3500 r.p.m. for 10 min, the extracts were filtered and analyzed by ICP-OES (ThermoElemental ICP-OES, model Intrepid II XLS, Franklyn, MA, USA). 3. Results and discussion Total mercury content (Table 2) in the Almadén district shows high Hg concentrations in soil samples from metallurgical sites, which can be mainly attributed to the inefficient metallurgical techniques used in the old plants of Almadenejos and Huerta del Rey (Sumozas, 2005), with estimated roasting temperatures below 873 K. High total mercury concentrations have also been found in sediments and riparian soils from Valdeazogues river, but especially from Azogado stream (AZG) (2816 mg Hg g1). The latter is in good agreement with previous studies undertaken at the same sampling site (Gray et al., 2004). Other heavy metals are in low concentrations except in samples from the San Quintı́n area (SQ), where significantly high amounts of Pb and Zn were also found (Table 2). In Idria samples, analysis of total mercury content revealed high concentrations in all samples (Table 2). Those samples taken near the former smelting facilities were the most polluted. This observation can be explained by the settling down of Hg-enriched particles in the immediate vicinity of the smokestack of the smelter. Moreover, the high total Hg concentration observed in Idria sediments (RS) and in alluvial soils (S4) 40 km downstream from the mine indicate that sources of mercury such as mercury-bearing rocks, wastes from combustion processes, as well as contaminated river-bed sediments remain the major Hg input to the aquatic environment in the area even a decade after the end of mining operations. The total mercury content of soil and dump samples of Asturias mine show the highest mercury content of the three mines studied, with 27350 mg g1 in dump samples (TRRmn116) and 18000 mg g1 in soils from the chimney channel, with high amounts of arsenic content (from 735 mg g1 to 187218 mg g1). PCA was performed separately for each mining district given the significant differences expected and considering the number of sample XANES spectra (representative enough) available in each case. As stated in x2.4, the original set of reference compounds included 11 mercury phases (Fig. 2). In Fig. 2, XANES spectra of samples collected in the three J. Synchrotron Rad. (2010). 17, 179–186 soil and geosciences Table 2 Average heavy metals content in samples from the three mining districts (in mg g1). Mercury was analyzed by ZAAS-HFM and As, Zn and Pb by XRF. BDL: data below detection limits. = grain size. Sample Material Hg As Pb Zn 989 976 404 200 105 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 214 111 130 BDL 112 96 104 185 BDL CH-125 AZG-105 CH-128 ALM-101 ALM-102 CH-126 SQ-111 SQ-112 SQ-113 SQ-114 Dump Soil Soil Soil Suspended particles Sediment Riparian soils Riparian soils Soil Soil Soil Dump Dump Soil Soil 1800 2816 450 2720 2629 2230 902 1730 1935 390 BDL 23 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 139 102 74 102 BDL 15837 2154 19049 112 233 185 153 193 365 6877 1221 7134 Asturias TRRmn-115 TRRmn-116 TRRs-118 TRRs-121 TRRmn-122 TRRfs-3 TRRfs-4 TRRc-5 TRRc-55 Dump Dump Chimney soil Chimney soil Dump Soil Soil Calcined Calcined 1470 27350 3280 18000 5785 1570 1080 34 54 39338 117553 735 12133 42300 16826 1120 187218 25876 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 107 53 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 173 137 BDL BDL Soil Meadow Soil Alluvial soil Soil (50 cm depth) Soil (100 cm depth) Sediment < 63 mm Sediment < 2 mm Suspended particles < 63 mm Suspended particles < 2 mm Soil Ore 333 47 76 175 21 26 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 47 112 102 64 145 144 BDL 73 496 Figure 2 6540 BDL 302 270 1920 BDL 14 BDL XANES spectra of selected Hg pure compounds and samples from Almadén, Idria and Asturias mining districts (all spectra are deliberately displaced to show differences). Each spectrum corresponds to the mean value of five replicates. 96 BDL BDL 449 11 BDL BDL 24 95 27 46 130 Almadén CH-127 HR-108 HR-109 HR-110 RD-124 Idria S-1 S-2 S-4 S-5 S-6 RS-1 RS-2 SS-1 SS-2 S-3 Hg ore mining districts are also reported. As examples, Fig. 3 shows the fitted spectra for selected samples from each of the three sites (more data are reported in Table 3). For the Almadén district, the PCA results indicate that five components [cinnabar (Cb), metacinnabar (Mc), HgCl2, Hg2Cl2 and schuetteite (Sc)] can be used to reconstruct each of the experimental spectra (depending on the sample) above the 95% confidence level. Mercury sulfides are the most common species found in almost all samples (Table 3), especially in those collected in abandoned metallurgical plants like Almadenejos area and Huerta del Rey (Almadén area). Non-sulfide phases like schuetteite [Hg3(SO4)O2], calomel (Hg2Cl2) and J. Synchrotron Rad. (2010). 17, 179–186 mercuric chloride (HgCl2) are present in different ratios in soil and sediment samples. XANES analyses in the samples from San Quintı́n area (see Table 3) have shown the absence of metacinnabar but high amounts of cinnabar (47–59%) and minor amounts of relatively more soluble species like calomel (24–33%) and schuetteite (17–21%) which can be attributed to weathering processes. The absence of metacinnabar, a metastable polymorph of cinnabar which occurs during the roasting process of mercury ores in the presence of impurities (Dickson & Tunell, 1959), is due to the historical use of the site, as only flotation tests were performed and no furnaces were used there. On the other hand, metacinnabar has been identified in soil samples from Almadenejos (ALM) (31–39%) and Huerta del Rey (HR) ( 23%), locations with known historic metallurgical activity. Other non-sulfide phases like mercurous chloride (24–43%) have also been identified at San Quintı́n and Huerta del Rey, and can be attributed to the process of soil formation. High José Maria Esbrı́ et al. XANES speciation of mercury 183 soil and geosciences Table 3 Main mercury species (in %) and mobile mercury (in mg L1 and %). Abbreviations: Cb, cinnabar; Mc, metacinnabar; Sc, schuetteite; Co, corderoite; BDL, below detection limits. Sample Cb Mc Sc Co HgO HgSO4 Hg2Cl2 HgCl2 Reduced 2 Mobility† (mg L1) (%) Almadén CH-127 HR-108 HR-109 HR-110 RD-124 CH-125 AZG-105 CH-128 ALM-101 ALM-102 CH-126 SQ-111 SQ-112 SQ-113 SQ-114 62 37 33 41 0 7 0 24 38 39 33 54 51 59 47 0 23 24 22 0 0 0 22 39 31 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 94 83 80 0 23 0 35 17 21 17 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 40 43 37 0 0 20 35 0 30 0 29 28 24 33 0 0 0 0 6 10 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0004 0.0006 0.0007 0.0006 0.0006 0.0004 0.0003 0.0004 0.0003 0.0007 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0003 1.4 (3.2) 0.6 (1.2) 0.2 (1) BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 10.8 (7.9) 21.3 (16.2) BDL 0.6 (1.3) 3.7 (4.3) BDL BDL Asturias TRRmn-115 TRRmn-116 TRRs-118 TRRs-121 TRRmn-122 TRRfs-3 TRRfs-4 TRRc-5 TRRc-55 29 28 28 29 30 44 50 52 57 24 22 22 22 24 28 36 30 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 50 50 49 46 0 0 0 0 0.001 0.0009 0.0008 0.0007 0.0007 0.003 0.003 0.008 0.007 0.4 (0.5) 73.3 (5.4) 20.1 (12.3) 56.5 (6.3) 43.6 (15.1) 0.7 (0.9) 0.1 (0.2) BDL BDL Idria S-1 S-2 S-4 S-5 S-6 RS-1 RS-2 SS-1 SS-2 S-3 Hg ore 44 55 85 90 58 57 100 90 55 66 100 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 24 45 0 0 42 43 0 10 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.006 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.009 0.007 BDL 0.2 (8.5) BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.3 (6.3) † Determined according to the method of Perez et al. (2008). amounts of schuetteite have been identified in ore stockpile in San Quintı́n and Almadenejos area. This is a mineral phase typically linked to the presence of Hg0 that appears in the sunlight-exposed side of the rock surface, and it is frequently found near old furnaces or ore dumps (Higueras et al., 2003). High proportions of relatively more soluble phases have been identified in soil and sediment samples from Valdeazogues River (100%) and Azogado stream (100%). These phases [Hg2Cl2, HgCl2 and Hg3(SO4)O2] have been considered a result of the weathering processes taking place within the drainage network of the mining district. The mobility of mercury in this district is clearly linked with metallurgical activity and formation of secondary chloride phases. The highest mobility was found in soil samples from an old metallurgical precinct (ALM) (10.8–21.3 mg L1; see Table 3). At the Idria mining district the PCA analysis reveals the presence of five components (Cb, Mc, Sc, HgO, HgSO4). In this district, cinnabar is the most common Hg form in soil, 184 José Maria Esbrı́ et al. XANES speciation of mercury sediments and suspended particles, while the presence of metacinnabar is found in a soil sample (S-4), and sulfates in soils and sediments (S, RS, SS). The lack of metacinnabar in most of these samples is due to the re-use of calcines and metallurgical wastes in the refilling of mine galleries with minor dispersion of this material throughout the surrounding environment. High proportions of sulfates were found in soil samples (S), but the mobility of mercury in this district was clearly reduced, mainly by the major proportions of cinnabar in soils, sediments and suspended particles. This low mobility of mercury (0.2–0.3 mg L1, see Table 3) is in accordance with Kocman (2008), describing low water-soluble mercury species in sediments and suspended particles. In Asturias mining district, the PCA analysis needs six components to reconstruct samples spectra [Cb, Mc, corderoite (Co), HgCl2, HgO, HgSO4]. All samples from the decommissioned mine and metallurgical facility show high mercury contents in soils (TRRfs), dump materials (TRRmn) J. Synchrotron Rad. (2010). 17, 179–186 soil and geosciences 4. Conclusions This work represents the first inter-regional study of mercury speciation of the two main European Hg-mining districts (Almadén and Idria), and a polymetallic district located in Asturias. XANES has provided key information on the inorganic mercury speciation of ores, calcines, dump material, soils, sediments and suspended particles samples. Rather insoluble mercury compounds (cinnabar, metacinnabar, schuetteite, corderoite) have been shown to prevail in dumps and wastes from mines and metallurgical plants, whereas more soluble Hg phases (mainly HgCl2 but also HgO and HgSO4) were found in soils and sediments from all target areas. A qualitative relationship between mobile mercury and the presence of mercury chlorides or sulfates compounds has been established for samples from the three districts. Nonetheless, the absolute ‘mobility’ remains relatively low in most cases, inherently suggesting that kinetic effects and availability of the soluble phases might also be considered in the assessment of mercury behaviour. Figure 3 XANES spectra of selected samples from the three mining districts with reconstructed spectra shown as dashed lines. (See Table 3 for more details.) and chimney soils (TRRs) (Table 2), and a predominance of sulfides species (50–100%) with significant presence of metacinnabar in all samples (Table 3). Ratios between cinnabar and metacinnabar in these samples are lower than in Almadén area, where metallurgical activity was not the predominant activity. In this mining site, metallurgy was less efficient than in Idria and Almadén area, with lower roasting temperature and poorest recovery rates. The contents of other mercury species such as chlorides are significant, with high amounts on soils samples from the facility and the chimney exhausting roasting smokes. The mobility of mercury in this district is higher than in Almadén. In qualitative terms, the percentage of mobile mercury agrees well with the presence of HgCl2 except for TRRmn-115. In general, it is important to point out that it is likely that the methodology applied to assess Hg mobility only extracts a fraction of the HgCl2 present, thus underestimating Hg mobility. If we consider the three districts, the main processes affecting mercury speciation are ore composition, mining history and roasting process. The type of metallurgical processing arises as one of the most important factors in defining mercury availability: mercury mobility is higher in Asturias district owing to the inefficient roasting treatment used (lower roasting temperatures and poorer recovering rates); the mobility is significantly lower in the Almadén district, with better furnaces (only in the last century) and despite the complex and lengthy history of mining and metallurgical activity. On the other hand, the even lower mobility values found in Idria district are related to its efficient metallurgical process (similar to Almadén area), together with the appropriate management of calcines used for refilling old galleries and the shorter mining history of the district. J. Synchrotron Rad. 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Less than 5 min are required to reach equilibrium for the studied extractants. Regarding selectivity, DEHPA extracted efficiently Zn, Ca, Mn, and Al, although Al remained in the solvent extract after stripping, hindering the solvent reuse. Neither Ionquest 290 nor Cyanex 272 extract Al, Cu, Mn, or Ca significantly. Ionquest 290 recovery of Zn is 5–10% higher than Cyanex 272. In addition, 20%(v/v) Ionquest 290 produces higher recoveries than 40%(v/v) DEHPA, thus Ionquest 290 has been selected as the most suitable among the extractants studied. Keywords: Mining effluent, solvent extraction, zinc, DEHPA, Ionquest 290; Cyanex 272 INTRODUCTION The development of viable ways of recycling industrial waters such as mining effluents rather than the simple disposal of the effluents and their derivate sludge as a hazardous waste in specially controlled landfills is damaging both environmentally and economically. In a currently abandoned mine in Andalusia, in the south of Spain, a huge stream of effluent containing about 1 g/l Zn and significant amount of Ca, Cu, Al, and Mn have to be treated before disposal. Zinc is the fourth most commonly used metal in the world with over 7 Mt of annual production worldwide, trailing only iron, aluminum, and copper in annual production due to its broad utility. Address correspondence to M. Valiente, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Department of Chemistry, Centre GTS, Campus de la UAB, Edicici CN, 08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] Downloaded By: [Consorci de Biblioteques Universitaries de Catalunya] At: 12:27 6 June 2011 Zinc Recovery from a Mining Effluent 385 Nearly 50% of the amount of the Zn is used for galvanizing to protect steel from corrosion, approximately 19% is used to produce brass, and 16% goes into the production of zinc based alloys to supply the die casting industry. The rest of the zinc is employed to produce roofing, gutters, and down-pipes, rubber in tires, sunscreen, TV screens, and luminous dials and ointments to prevent bacteria and fungi from reproducing, amongst others.[1] Hence, the recovery of Zn from mine waters can provide economical benefits while diminishing the volume of hazardous materials contained in the mine tailing. In this context, conventional treatment methods for zinc extraction and purification include precipitation, ion exchange, adsorption, electrochemical recovery, membrane separation, and solvent extraction (SX).[2] In this regard, SX has been widely proposed as some of the most economical and practical processes to extract Zn from waters containing Zn and other impurities.[3–7] SX involves the extraction of a target element from the initial solution by an extractant usually diluted in an organic solvent, leaving other constituents in the aqueous raffinate. Then, a subsequent reextraction/stripping of the extracted elements present in the organic phase (OP) is usually carried out with some acidic solution (stripping solution). When the organic phase has higher affinity for some metals than the stripping solution, or undesirable metals have also been extracted, scrubbing of the solvent prior to the stripping of the target elements or regeneration of the extractant after the stripping process for further applications should be done. These steps generally increase the cost of the process due to the expenditure in both reactants and time. Nowadays, a wide number of extractants are available for use in SX for the recovery of metals, some of which are suitable for a specific metal, and others must be used at certain conditions to avoid the extraction of impurities.[8,9] In this sense, the most widely used extractants for Zn recovery are those corresponding to the organophosphorus acids group, that is, DEHPA and Cyanex 272, commonly used in SX. In this study, a newer commercial extractant, Ionquest 290, is compared with the results of DEHPA and Cyanex 272 in samples obtained from the Zn rich mine effluent in order to get a Zn sulphate rich liquor to be used later in an electrowinning plant. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (DEHPA) has been successfully used as an extractant for many metal ions including Zn due to its great extraction capacity and low cost.[10–12] It has been used to extract Zn more efficiently than other bivalent metal ions such as Cu, Ni, Co, and Cd.[13] The order of extraction of eight metal ions from a sulphate solution using DEHPA has been reported as a function of pH to be Fe3+ >Zn2+ >Cu2+ >Co2+ >Ni2+ >Mn2+ >Mg2+ >Ca2+ where Zn is extracted much earlier than Mn.[14] In a more recent study of the separation of divalent metal ions from a synthetic Downloaded By: [Consorci de Biblioteques Universitaries de Catalunya] At: 12:27 6 June 2011 386 M. Avila et al. laterite leach solution, the extraction of metal ions was in the order Zn2+ >Ca2+ >Mn2+ >Cu2+ >Co2+ >Ni2+ >Mg2+ .[15] By varying the acidic conditions and the temperature as main parameters, the target metal (or even different metals) can be separated from the bulk solution by changing in various steps the conditions to get pure solutions of the target metals. Cyanex 272 has been used, as well as its thio-substituted derivatives (Cyanex 302 and Cyanex 301), in the extraction of several metal ions.[16] Various studies report the adequacy of Cyanex 272 to extract Fe, Zn, Cr, Cu, and Ni from sulphuric and/or sulphate solutions.[17–19] In the present study, to achieve greater recoveries and improved selectivity, another commercial extractant, Ionquest 290 with the same active ingredient as Cyanex 272, bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinic acid [(C8 H17 )2 P(O)OH] was also studied. In addition, two kerosenes with different flash points were also studied as a solvent for the extractants. Thus, the aim of this work was to investigate the SX processes for the recovery of Zn from a mine effluent using either DEHPA, Cyanex 272, or Ionquest 290 as extractants to identify the best extractant regarding the efficiency as well as the process selectivity to recover Zn from that mine stream. Determination of the best type of kerosene for the mentioned extraction/stripping process was an additional goal of this study. EXPERIMENTAL Sample Description Fe was removed from the mine water prior to the SX treatment by means of a biooxidation process using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and a precipitation step[20,21] to obtain a pregnant leach solution (PLS) without iron, since no reagents capable of extracting Zn selectively from a solution containing Fe are commercially available. Major elements present in the PLS were determined by means of Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) (ThermoElemental model Intrepid II XLS, Franklyn, MA, USA). Reagents The extractants DEHPA (Batch ref. 0063829) and Ionquest 290 (Batch Ref. G05A1) were kindly supplied by Rhodia UK Ltd. and Cyanex 272 was purchased from Cytec Industries BV, Netherlands. Extractants were dissolved in commercial grade extra-pure aliphatic kerosene Ketrul D80 or Ketrul D100 (Batch ref. 20062016 and 20061560, respectively) kindly supplied by Total Fluides France. Ketrul D80 and Ketrul D100, have a flash point of Downloaded By: [Consorci de Biblioteques Universitaries de Catalunya] At: 12:27 6 June 2011 Zinc Recovery from a Mining Effluent 387 72◦ C and 100◦ C or superior (ISO 2719), respectively. It must be pointed out that the higher the flashpoint, the lesser the flammability of the kerosene, and, therefore the higher the security of the solvent extraction process. The stripping of the organic enriched phase was performed using 2.0 M sulfuric acid solution. Sulfuric acid 95–98% was purchased from J.T. Baker, Phillipsburg, NJ. All of them were used as received without any further purification. Stoppered glass tubes of 50 mL were used for the contact of the two phases and the agitation took place in a rotating rack. Metal content in the strip liquor and in the raffinate were determined by means of a ThermoElemental ICP-OES model Intrepid II XLS (Thermo, Franklyn, MA, USA). Procedure Kinetic Experiments For the kinetic experiments 10 mL of DEHPA 40% (v/v), Cyanex 272 5% (v/v), or Ionquest 290 5% (v/v) were agitated with 10 mL of PLS (ratio A/O = 1) in a rotating rack at 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 60 min. The organic phase loaded with the target metal/s (OP) was stripped with 5 mL of H2 SO4 2.0 M during 3 h to ensure complete stripping. Selectivity Experiments To determine selectivity, isotherms varying the ratio A/O from 0.1 to 10 were done. Different volumes of Cyanex 272 5% (v/v), Ionquest 290 5% (v/v), or DEHPA 40% (v/v) in each type of kerosene were equilibrated with the PLS. After 15 min of equilibration, OP was stripped with 5 mL H2 SO4 2.0 M. DEHPA concentration was higher due to efficiency related to the extraction yield and the extractant cost. No centrifugation of the dualphase system was required because of the clear-phase separation obtained. Selectivity of the solvents towards Zn was determined by the corresponding recovery of Zn and metal impurities and by the amount of metal not stripped from the OP (remaining %, R); hence the recovery was expressed as the ratio between the concentration of metal in the strip liquor and the PLS concentration (Eq. (1)). The %Remaining R was calculated considering the concentration of the target metal in the raffinate and in the PLS (Eq. (2)); and the %Remaining OP was considered as the amount of metal not recovered and not remaining in the raffinate(R) (Eq. (3)). Znstrip ×100 (1) %Recovery = ZnPLS 388 M. Avila et al. Znraffinate %Remaining R = ZnPLS ×100 %Remaining OP = 100 − %Recovery − %Remaining R (2) (3) Downloaded By: [Consorci de Biblioteques Universitaries de Catalunya] At: 12:27 6 June 2011 Effect of Extractant Concentration After selection of the most appropriate extractant, isotherms varying the ratio A/O from 0.1 to 10 at three different concentrations of Ionquest 290: 5%, 10%, and 20% (v/v) were studied. The dual phase was agitated during 15 min, and the organic phase was stripped afterwards with 5 mL of H2 SO4 2.0 M. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results include characterization of mining water samples, solvent extraction kinetics, extraction selectivity, and the effect of the selected extractant concentration. Sample Description After Fe removal, the solution was colorless. The content of relevant metals is listed in Table 1. After Fe removal small amounts of Fe were found on the effluent solution but Zn concentration was not affected by this process. This solution contains big amounts of Ca, Mn, and Al as the main impurities from the mine stream. In addition, the PLS is around pH 4.3, which is a suitable pH for zinc extraction.[22,23] Kinetics Experiments Kinetics experiments were conducted in order to determine the differences between the extractants as well as to determine the time required to reach equilibrium. The results for the three studied extractants—DEHPA, Cyanex 272, and Ionquest 290—for Zn Recovery (%) at ratio A/O = 1 Table 1. Characteristics of the mine water after iron removal pH 4.3±0.1 [Zn] (mg/L) [Ca] (mg/L) [Cu] (mg/L) [Fe] (mg/L) [Al] (mg/L) [Mn] (mg/L) 881 ± 50 580 ± 20 45 ± 7 1.2 ± 0.9 210 ± 10 195 ± 10 Zinc Recovery from a Mining Effluent 389 Extractant kinetics 100 Downloaded By: [Consorci de Biblioteques Universitaries de Catalunya] At: 12:27 6 June 2011 % Recovery 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (min) DEHPA 40% KD80 CYANEX 272 5% KD80 IONQUEST 5% KD80 40 45 50 55 60 DEHPA 40% KD100 CYANEX 272 5% KD100 IONQUEST 5% KD100 Figure 1. Recovery kinetics of DEHPA (circles), Cyanex 272, (squares), and Ionquest 290 (triangles) using Ketrul D80 (KD80) (solid line) and Ketrul D100 (KD100) (dashed line). as a function of time are given in Fig. 1. An increase of recovery was observed in the first 5 min, and after 5 min a plateau was reached indicating that less than 5 min are required to achieve equilibrium under the given experimental conditions. Recovery achieved for DEHPA 40% is more than twice higher than that obtained for Cyanex 272 and Ionquest 290, probably due to a DEHPA concentration 8-fold higher than the two phosphinic extractants. Small differences were observed between Cyanex 272 and Ionquest 290, with a similar equilibration time, with a slightly higher recovery for Ionquest 290. No relevant differences were observed for the two types of kerosene employed (different flash point). Selectivity For the electrowinning process, an enriched Zn solution with low amounts of impurities is required. This can be achieved with an extractant which selectively recovers Zn from the PLS, leaving all the other elements in the raffinate, or by increasing the process with further steps such as scrubbing of the OP when a less selective solvent is used, or by further separation processes. Moreover, it is important to determine the amount of metals remaining in the organic phase to predict the design of the overall recovery process, that is, additional scrubbing and washing steps. When elements are poorly released from the OP to the strip solution, that is, when these Downloaded By: [Consorci de Biblioteques Universitaries de Catalunya] At: 12:27 6 June 2011 390 M. Avila et al. elements remain in the OP after stripping, hindering its possible reuse, a solvent regeneration step is mandatory, and this regeneration involves an increase of the economic costs and time of the entire process. Taking into account the results obtained for the selectivity experiments (Figs. 2–4), a logical recovery decrease as the phase ratio A/O increases, and this is observed for all the extractants and is due to the saturation of the extractant. For Cyanex 272 and Ionquest 290 a plateau was observed at a phase ratio A/O > 1 for all the metals analyzed, indicating that the extractant is saturated at this ratio. For DEHPA, the recovery is still diminishing which indicates that not all the extractant is complexed with metals under the extraction conditions. Metal recovery using DEHPA mostly follows the trend: Zn> Ca> Mn > Al > Cu. At phase ratio A/O = 1 recovery of Zn was around 75%, but the recovery of metal impurities was also significant, especially Ca and Mn, with a recovery of 60% and 30%, respectively, indicating that DEHPA is poorly selective for Zn extraction (Fig. 2a). Also, around 80% of the Al remained in the OP after the stripping (Fig. 2b) when using the A/O ratio from 0.1 to 2, having a fouling effect on the possible reuse of the extractant. Cyanex 272 recovery (Fig. 3a) followed the trend Zn>>Cu>Mn∼ Ca∼Al. In this case, Mn, Ca, and Al are slightly recovered, indicating Cyanex 272 to have a higher selectivity for Zn than DEHPA. Recoveries obtained for Zn ranged from 65% (ratio A/O = 0.1) to ∼20% (ratio A/O > 2) while the recovery of the other metals ranged from 35% (ratio A/O = 0.1) to less than 5% (ratio A/O > 2). In addition, negligible amounts of metals (around 1%) were found in the OP (Fig. 3b), indicating that practically no regeneration of the solvent is required. Ionquest 290 recovery (Fig. 4a) followed the trend Zn>>Al>Cu∼ Mn∼Ca. Zinc recoveries range from 85% (ratio A/O = 0.1) to ∼30% (ratio A/O > 2) while the recovery of Al range from 20% (ratio A/O = 0.1) to less than 5% (ratio A/O > 2). Recovery of the other metal analyzed was below 5% in the entire studied range. As Cyanex 272, Ionquest metal remaining in the OP showed a similar behavior that Cyanex 272, being the concentration of metal below 5% for all the elements analyzed at the range of the phase ratio studied (Fig. 4b). Thus, unlike DEHPA, Cyanex 272, and Ionquest 290 selectively extract Zn from a solution containing high amounts of Ca and other metals in fewer amounts without fouling of the OP. Given that small amounts of Ca is found in the strip liquor, an extractant regeneration should be taken into account if the process is conducted several times with the same extracting OP. On the other hand, the difference observed on the recovery trends between DEHPA and the other two extractants can be attributed to their chemical nature provided that, phosphoric extractants have higher affinity for calcium than phosphinic extractants. In addition, the differences in trends between Cyanex 272 and Ionquest 290 are relatively very small and Zinc Recovery from a Mining Effluent 391 (a) Recovery DEHPA 100 Zn KD80 Ca KD80 Al D80 Mn KD80 Cu KD80 90 80 70 Zn KD100 Ca KD100 Al D100 Mn KD100 Cu KD100 % 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Ratio A/O (b) Remaining OP DEHPA 100 Zn KD80 Ca KD80 Al D80 Mn KD80 Cu KD80 90 80 70 Zn KD100 Ca KD100 Al D100 Mn KD100 Cu KD100 60 % Downloaded By: [Consorci de Biblioteques Universitaries de Catalunya] At: 12:27 6 June 2011 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Ratio A/O Figure 2. Recoveries (a) and Remaining OP (b) percentages at different A/O ratios for DEHPA 40% (v/v). in the same order of magnitude as in the case of Al, Cu, Ca, and Mn. Such small differences can be explained by both the different phosphinic acid concentration present in each extractant and to the presence of product impurities. 392 M. Avila et al. (a) Recovery Cyanex 272 100 Zn KD80 Ca KD80 Al KD80 Mn KD80 Cu KD80 90 80 70 Zn KD100 Ca KD100 Al KD100 Mn KD100 Cu KD100 % 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Ratio A/O (b) Remaining OP Cyanex 100 Zn KD80 Ca KD80 Al KD80 Mn KD80 Cu KD80 90 80 70 Zn KD100 Ca KD100 Al KD100 Mn KD100 Cu KD100 60 % Downloaded By: [Consorci de Biblioteques Universitaries de Catalunya] At: 12:27 6 June 2011 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 Ratio A/O 6 8 10 Figure 3. Recoveries (a) and Remaining OP (b) percentages at different A/O ratios for Cyanex 272 5% (v/v). DEHPA showed poor selectivity towards Zn due to the co-extraction of Ca resulting on a gypsum precipitate in the stripping solution. Besides the high amount of Ca and Mn in the strip liquor, high amounts of Al remained in the OP after the strip step, hence requiring regeneration of Zinc Recovery from a Mining Effluent 393 (a) Recovery IONQUEST 100 Zn KD80 Ca KD80 Al D80 Mn KD80 Cu KD80 90 80 70 Zn KD100 Ca KD100 Al D100 Mn KD100 Cu KD100 % 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Ratio A/O (b) Remaining OP Ionquest 100 Zn KD80 Ca KD80 Al D80 Mn KD80 Cu KD80 90 80 70 Zn KD100 Ca KD100 Al D100 Mn KD100 Cu KD100 60 % Downloaded By: [Consorci de Biblioteques Universitaries de Catalunya] At: 12:27 6 June 2011 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Ratio A/O Figure 4. Recoveries (a) and Remaining OP (b) percentages at different A/O ratios for and Ionquest 290 5% (v/v). the solvent prior to their reuse, increasing the cost of the whole process. Cyanex 272 and Ionquest 290 showed high Zn selectivity towards Ca and negligible amounts of metals in the OP, indicating that no extractant regeneration step is required. When comparing Cyanex 272 and Ionquest 290 recoveries obtained for Zn, it can be pointed out that Ionquest 290 achieved 5–10% higher recoveries than Cyanex 272. These results indicate 394 M. Avila et al. Effect of the Extractant Concentration Because Cyanex 272 and Ionquest 290 are five to seven times more expensive than DEHPA, their concentration should be as low as possible without diminishing recovery. Isotherms varying the concentration of Ionquest 290 were done in order to determine a proper concentration of Ionquest 290 that recovers maximum Zn without increasing extractant costs. From the results collected in Fig. 5, an expected increase of Zn recovery is observed as the extractant concentration increases. When comparing the results for the different concentrations of Ionquest 290 with DEHPA, it can be highlighted that Ionquest 20% (v/v) is capable of achieving a higher recovery than DEHPA 40%. In addition, selectivity was not modified as the concentration increased and complete stripping of the organic phase was ensured. Again, no significant differences are observed between the two different kerosene diluents. Effect of Ionquest 290 concentration 100 Zn 5% KD80 Zn 10% KD80 Zn 20% KD80 DEHPA 40% KD80 90 80 70 Zn 5% KD100 Zn 10% KD100 Zn 20% KD100 DEHPA 40% KD100 60 % Downloaded By: [Consorci de Biblioteques Universitaries de Catalunya] At: 12:27 6 June 2011 that the most selective extractant for minimizing Ca extraction achieving good Zn recovery is Ionquest 290. Considering the two different kerosenes employed, no significant differences were observed independently of the employed extractant, thus indicating that both of them can be equally feasible for this application. Thus, from an engineering point of view, the use of Ketrul D100 is recommended due to their lower flammability. 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 Ratio A/O 6 8 10 Figure 5. Recovery obtained using Ionquest 290 5% (squares), Ionquest 290 10% (rhombus), Ionquest 290 20% (triangles), and DEHPA 40% (circles) using Ketrul D80 (solid line) or Ketrul D100 (dashed line). Zinc Recovery from a Mining Effluent 395 Downloaded By: [Consorci de Biblioteques Universitaries de Catalunya] At: 12:27 6 June 2011 CONCLUSIONS DEHPA reagent was unable to extract Zn selectively from the solution at the target pH and temperature of the mine effluent. High amounts of Ca were extracted, creating a gypsum precipitate in the strip solution, avoiding their use for electrowinning. In addition, Al was extracted from the PLS but not stripped out, fouling the extractant and inhibiting their reuse. Neither Cyanex 272 nor Ionquest 290 5% (v/v) indicated Al, Cu, Mn, or Ca enrichment in the strip liquor, obtaining recoveries of Zn up to 85%. Although both of them followed similar trends, Ionquest 290 recovery of Zn is 5–10% higher than Cyanex 272. In addition, Ionquest 290 20% (v/v) obtained recoveries comparable or even higher than DEHPA 40% (v/v). Although Ionquest 290 is 5–7 times more expensive than DEHPA, Ionquest 290 was selected as the most suitable extractant for the target stream due to its higher selectivity and loading capacity towards Zn extraction, which avoids both the steps of scrubbing of the gypsum precipitate in the strip liquor and regeneration of the solvent due to high amounts of Al not stripped from DEHPA. Besides, the recycling of the organic phase minimizes the importance of the extractant costs. Both the solvents Ketrul D80 and Ketrul D100 showed similar behavior, Ketrul D100 is the solvent recommended due to its lower volatility and flammability. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks are due to Dr. Baruch Grinbaum of the Bateman Company for his valuable advice. The public company EGMASA (Andalusia, Spain) is acknowledged for supporting the personnel expenses for the present study. 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Hydrometallurgy(2011),107:6367 Hydrometallurgy 107 (2011) 63–67 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Hydrometallurgy j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / h yd r o m e t Zinc recovery from an effluent using Ionquest 290: From laboratory scale to pilot plant M. Avila a, B. Grinbaum b, F. Carranza c, A. Mazuelos c, R. Romero c, N. Iglesias c, J.L. Lozano d, G. Perez a, M. Valiente a,⁎ a Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Dept de Química, 08193, Bellaterra, Spain Bateman Litwin N.V. POB 15, Yokneam 20692, Israel Universidad de Sevilla, Depto. de Ingeniería Química, 41092 Sevilla, Spain d EGMASA, Isla de la Cartuja, 41092 Sevilla, Spain b c a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 28 September 2010 Received in revised form 17 January 2011 Accepted 17 January 2011 Available online 17 February 2011 Keywords: Mine tailing pond Zinc extraction Fe bioxidation removal Bateman Pulsed Column Ionquest 290 a b s t r a c t A stream of effluent from a mine tailings pond, containing zinc, ferrous ions and other metals, required treatment to prevent pollution and recover valuable metals. A solvent extraction (SX) process using Ionquest 290 as extractant was developed to recover the Zn from the effluent. Ferrous ions were bio-oxidized and removed by selective alkaline precipitation prior to the zinc extraction. The Fe removal as well as the SX process were developed successfully at laboratory scale and verified in a pilot plant on-site, using two Bateman Pulsed Columns for the extraction and stripping of Zn. The results were satisfactory obtaining above 95% recovery of the Zn. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction An abandoned mine in Andalusia, Spain, has a huge stream of effluent, estimated to be 10,000 m3/day, flowing into a tailings pond. Since the effluent contains about 1 g/L of Zn and significant amounts of ferrous, ferric, calcium, copper, aluminum and manganese ions, their removal is required in order to prevent pollution of a nature reserve downstream from the area. The recycling of such effluents rather than simple neutralisation and disposal as a hazardous waste can provide an economical benefit, while diminishing the volume of hazardous materials contained in the mine tailing. Zinc metal has a high economical value and recycling can add economical value to those residues. Conventional methods for separation of pure Zn include precipitation, ion exchange, adsorption, electrochemical recovery, membrane separation and solvent extraction (SX) (Sayilgan et al., 2009) with SX being the most economical and practical process to extract Zn from industrial waters (Devi et al., 1997; Jha et al., 2002; Salgado et al., 2003). In recent years SX has become essential to the hydrometallurgical industry due to a growing demand for high purity metals, rigid environmental regulations, the need for lower production costs, as well as due to the diminishing production in high-grade ore reserves (Alamdari, 2004; Owusu, 1998). In ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 935812903; fax: +34 935811985. E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Valiente). 0304-386X/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.hydromet.2011.01.009 this sense, the organophosphorus acids, i.e., DEHPA (Ritcey and Lucas, 1971) and Cyanex272 (Lanagan and Ibana, 2003) and their thiosubstituted derivatives Cyanex 301 and Cyanex 302 (Rickelton and Boyle, 1990) have been the most widely used extractants to recover Zn. In the present study, a recently commercialized organophosphorus extractant, Ionquest 290, has been employed for the selective recovery of zinc from a mine effluent located in Aznalcollar (Sevilla, Spain). Ionquest 290 has the same active ingredient as Cyanex 272, bis (2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinic acid, but has a lower content of inactive impurities, the phosphine oxide impurity is b5% in Ionquest 290 but around 15% in Cyanex 272 (Barnard and Shiers, 2010). Iron ions are more strongly extracted than the majority of metals (including Zn) by most of the known commercial extractants (Lupi and Pilone, 2000; Yokoyam et al., 1996) so it needs to be removed prior to SX process. For this purpose, a process based on the biooxidation of Fe2+, using specific bacteria, followed by selective alkaline precipitation of Fe3+, was required (Mazuelos et al., 1999, 2010a). EGMASA, the regional environmental government company in Andalusia (Spain), suggested the recovery of Zn from the mentioned effluent by combining solvent extraction (SX) and electrowinning (EW) process. Therefore, this process should be environmentally friendly and also to produce an economically effective output. At least 95% of the Zn must be recovered from the effluents in order to satisfy the environmental requirements and the SX plant should provide a final product stream of 90 g/L Zn in the stripping step (strong 64 M. Avila et al. / Hydrometallurgy 107 (2011) 63–67 electrolyte) by using a spent electrolyte with 50 g/L Zn, to fulfill the operating conditions of the EW plant. The whole bio-oxidation and Fe precipitation, as well as the SX process were developed successfully at laboratory scale and afterwards verified in a pilot plant on-site. 2. Materials and methods lime solution from a separated tank. The bioreactor operated continuously with a residence time of 60 min and connected to the pilot plant in order to bio-oxidize a total volume of 56 m3 of mine water. After precipitation and sedimentation of iron compounds, the supernatant was directly used as feed solution to the solvent extraction stage (Fig. 1). 2.1. Iron removal 2.2. Solvent extraction Laboratory tests were aimed at determining the operating conditions for the pilot plant. To reach the target concentration of b5 ppm it is necessary to completely convert ferrous to ferric ions in the biooxidation stage. Bio-oxidation laboratory tests were performed in a methacrylate column packed with siliceous stone particles and inoculated with a mixed culture of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Leptospirillum ferrooxidans and some heterotrophic bacteria including Acidiphillium organovorum, facilis and cryptum (Mazuelos et al., 2010b) The inoculum was obtained from the Riotinto Mine acid mine drainage waters. The culture was routinely maintained on a modified Silverman and Lungren 9 K nutrient medium at pH 1.25 (adjusted with H2SO4) in the University of Seville laboratories. The effluent solution was fed into the bottom of the column and overflowed while air was supplied under pressure (0.5 bar) from the bottom. Precipitation tests were carried out in stirred reactors with pHcontrolled addition of alkaline reagent. The pH and pumping rates determined the length of tests, avoiding a rapid increase in pH that would lead to undesirable co-precipitation phenomena. Ferrous concentration was determined by end-point automatic titration with K2Cr2O7 while total metal concentration was determined by AAS. At the pilot plant site, the bio-oxidation process took place in a bioreactor consisting of a 150 cm high and 70 cm diameter stainless steel column divided to three zones: a 30 cm deep bottom space where air and solution were fed in, a siliceous stone packed bed containing the inoculum supported by a stainless steel screen and an air space at the top where pH and Eh control was made, a 50 mm pipe formed the solution overflow. The effluent circulated through a tank where pH was initially adjusted and, after pH adjustment, the solution was transferred to the bioreactor where bio-oxidation of ferrous ions took place, to be finally transferred to a precipitation tank fed by a For the laboratory investigation of the solvent extraction process, a solution of 5% Ionquest 290 dissolved in kerosene was used. Ionquest 290 (Purity N 95%) was supplied by Rhodia UK Ltd. and commercial grade extra-pure aliphatic kerosene Ketrul D100 (bp 100 °C) by Total Fluides France. All reagents were used as received without further purification. A solution of Na2CO3 was used for pH adjustment during the solvent extraction experiments. For the stripping step, the loaded solvent was contacted with 2 M H2SO4 at a phase ratio O:A = 10, the initially expected phase ratio in the plant to achieve the required zinc transfer in the EW plant of 20 g/L. In practice, it was found that the required transfer in the EW plant was 40 g/L Zn, consequently, the phase ratio was modified to O:A = 20. No laboratory tests were undertaken at this phase ratio, but directly applied in the pilot plant. Two Bateman Pulsed Columns (BPC) were required for the SX and stripping processes at the pilot plant due to their demonstrated feasibility in several SX plants (Ferreira et al., 2010; Gameiro et al., 2010; Sole et al., 2005). BPC are large diameter vertical pipes filled alternately with disk and doughnut shaped baffles to promote contact between the organic and aqueous phases through the column. A decanter at each end of the column allows the liquids to coalesce and be decanted separately. When the solvent phase is continuous, the interface between the phases is in the lower decanter and when the aqueous phase is continuous, it is in the upper decanter. The columns are pulsed by blowing air at the required amplitude and frequency of the pulses (Ritcey, 2006). An 80 mm diameter BPC, 7 m high (equivalent to 3 theoretical mixer-settler stages) was chosen for the SX process and a 40 mm diameter BPC 6 meter high for the stripping. The piping of the plant is shown in Fig. 1. EXTRACTION COLUMN BIO-OXIDATION REACTOR STRIPPING COLUMN Weak Loaded solvent electrolyte (WE) (LS) PRECIPITATION TANK Upper decanter LIME TANK Soda Barren solvent (BS) Bed containing the inoculum Area of distribution of air and liquid Diffusers disk doughnut Air pH ADJUSTMENT TANK Lower decanter Raffinate Feed ORGANIC SOLVENT TANK Fig. 1. Bio-oxidation and SX flowsheet at the pilot plant. Strong electrolyte (SE) M. Avila et al. / Hydrometallurgy 107 (2011) 63–67 1200 400 300 800 250 600 200 150 400 100 200 0 Flow rate (L/h) 350 1000 [Fe(II)], [Zn] (ppm) All flows were fed through metering pumps and the flow rates of all inlets and aqueous outlets were measured by rotameters. The pilot was run for 12 working days, 10 h a day on average, i.e. a total of 120 h. The average flow rate of the aqueous feed was 150 L/h, so, about 18m3 of tailing solution after Fe precipitation were treated. The total volume of the solvent was 300 L and it had 5% Ionquest 290 dissolved in kerosene (20% aromatic and 80% aliphatic); the weak electrolyte (WE, strip solution) consisted of 190 g/L H2SO4 with 50 g/L Zn2+. A solution of 50–100 g/L Na2CO3 was prepared periodically in a 60 L barrel and used to adjust the pH. The concentration of Zn was determined using a Perkin Elmer 3110 AAS at the mine laboratory. The Zn in the raffinate and SE was determined directly, while the Zn in the barren and loaded solvent (BS and LS) solution were determined after stripping using H2SO4. 65 50 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 160 Time (h) [Fe(II)]in 3. Results and discussion [Fe(II)]out [Zn]out [Zn]in Flow rate Fig. 3. Bio-oxidation process at the pilot plant. 3.1. Iron removal The representative composition of the major components in the effluents was Zn 1000 ± 100 mg/L, Fe 500 ± 50 mg/L (36% ferric), Ca 600 ± 50 mg/L, Mn 200 ± 20 mg/L and Cu 50 ± 5 mg/L. The pH of the effluent was always around 3.0. After the bio-oxidation process, laboratory scale precipitation experiments indicated that a final pH of 4.5 was reached after 65 min and Fe precipitation was almost complete, with the remaining concentration below 0.5 ppm. The initial Zn concentration was practically unaffected by this process (Fig. 2). Lime consumption was 4.2 g CaO per kg of solution. Similar results were obtained in the continuous bio-oxidation process at the pilot plant (Fig. 3) achieving total ferrous oxidation at all times and flow rates tested. Table 1 shows the effect of the biooxidation – precipitation stage. Iron precipitation took 60 min in the pilot plant. During this time, the lime addition to reach pH 3.5 took 45 min followed by intermittent dosing for the next 15 min until pH 4.7 was achieved. After the precipitation step Fe was completely removed, the amount of Al decreased drastically, Cu dropped by half (from 45.0 ppm to 21.7 ppm) while the concentration of the other elements measured, including Zn, remained similar to the initial. Precipitation and sedimentation stages accurately reproduced laboratory results, producing 56 m3 of iron-free solution with practically all the initial zinc. 3.2. Computer simulation 1100 1080 1060 1040 1020 1000 980 960 940 920 900 0 10 20 30 40 50 time (min) [Zn] pH 60 70 5 4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 80 [Fe] Fig. 2. Evolution of [Zn], [Fe] and pH in laboratory precipitation tests. pH; [Fe] (ppm) [Zn] (ppm) Computer simulations were performed to estimate the required pilot plant inputs and outputs by using CurveExpert 1.3 to calculate the distribution coefficients, D, and the number of stages). Experience has shown that computer simulation is a more flexible design tool than McCabe–Thiele diagrams for pulsed columns (Grinbaum, 1992; Grinbaum, 1993; Gottliebsen et al, 2000). The results obtained in the simulation, collected in Table 2, determined that at a phase ratio O: A = 0.5–0.6, a two-stage column is enough to recover more than 95% of the effluent Zn. The addition of a third stage enables either to decrease the phase ratio O:A to 0.4 or to work with a phase ratio of O: A = 0.5 and obtain a recovery of Zn near to 99%, i.e. b10 ppm Zn in the raffinate. The concentration of Zn in the loaded solvent should be in the range of 2.2–2.8 g/L extractant, around 70–85% of the theoretical total loading of 3.3 g/L, which is quite reasonable. In order to get a final solution of 90 g/L Zn in the SE, i.e. a Zn transfer of 40 g/L, the stripping should be run at a phase ratio of O:A = 20, and only one equilibrium stage is required. 3.3. Solvent extraction and stripping The initial concentration of Ionquest 290 was chosen to be 5%. Using a higher concentration would require an extreme O:A phase ratio, while a lower concentration would increase the flow rate of the solvent and, accordingly, the size of the stripping unit. The maximum loading that was obtained experimentally at limiting conditions, i.e., by contacting 3 times the solvent with corresponding fresh portions of effluent at phase ratio O:A = 0.1, was 2.9 g Zn/L Ionquest 290. Since this result is similar to the obtained after a single contact, it reveals that the limiting conditions can be achieved by a single contact. Tests to determine pH control were done at laboratory. From the results shown in Table 3, it can be seen that without pH control, the extraction was quite selective. Thus, no Mn, Cu and Al were extracted and only a small amount of Ca was extracted. In addition, separation factors were high enough to support the indicated selectivity. However, the distribution ratio of Zn (DZn) at natural pH range was low, especially at the dilute end of the process (phase ratio O:A = 10). In addition, the pH of the raffinate (final pH) dropped from 2.6 to 2.1 as the phase ratio O:A increased, while the suitable pH for Zn extraction by Ionquest 290 is above 2.5 (Tsakiridis et al., 2010). Furthermore, to avoid Ca co-extraction, pH should be around 3 as indicated by the isotherms in the Cyanex 272 online User Manual p. 5 Table 1 Solution composition, before and after treatment. [Fe2+] (ppm) [Fe3+] (ppm) [Zn] (ppm) [Al] (ppm) [Mn] (ppm) [Cu] (ppm) [Ca] (ppm) [Pb] (ppm) pH Initial solution After bio-oxidation After precipitation 254 446 1020 292 265 45 600 1.6 3.0 0 690 1020 250 260 45 600 1.6 1.93 0 0.2 1010 20 200 21.7 600 1.6 4.78 66 M. Avila et al. / Hydrometallurgy 107 (2011) 63–67 Table 2 Recovery of Zn vs. Plant Configuration, using 5% Ionquest 290, ZnPLS = 0.95 g/kg. No. stages Phase ratio O:A Zn in raff. (ppm) Recovery (%) 2 0.50 0.60 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.5 51 24 75 30 11 4 94.7 97.6 92.1 96.8 98.9 99.6 3 from Cytec Corporation ( PDFs/CYANEX%20272.pdf, accessed 26th December 2010). As seen in Table 4, adjusting to pH = 3 results in higher zinc than without pH adjustment. The extraction of Mn and Ca remains quite low as indicated by the high separation factors. Therefore, the pH at the pilot plant should be maintained around pH 3. In practice, the pH adjustment was achieved by direct neutralization of both the acidic raffinate and the organic solvent (by pre-equilibration with aqueous solution) using Na2CO3. The consumption of Na2CO3 was 1.62 kg/kg Zn. Shake out stripping experiments were carried out by contacting 200 mL of loaded solvent (LS) containing 1.95 g/L Zn with 20 mL of aqueous phase containing 200 g/L H2SO4 and weak electrolyte (WE) containing zinc concentrations of 40 to 90 g/L at 22 °C. The process was carried out at O:A = 10, i.e. the concentration of Zn in the strong electrolyte (SE) should increase by ~20 g/L with respect to the WE solution, which was consistent with the results shown in Table 5. In all cases, remaining Zn in the barren solvent (BS) was only 5–17 ppm, i.e. almost all zinc was recovered. Thus, one stage of stripping is enough for the Zn recovery regardless of the concentration of Zn in the stripping solution. Additional laboratory tests carried out at the mine site during the pilot plant experiments at phase ratio O:A = 20, revealed that the loaded solvent from the pilot plant was efficiently stripped in one contact, i.e. one stage, by the strip solution used in the pilot plant experiments, using a weak electrolyte with ~50 g/L Zn producing an SE containing 90 g/L Zn, i.e. a zinc transfer of 40 g/L, as required for the EW plant. Preliminary hydraulic tests at the pilot plant showed that the available flux is above 30 m3/m2/h in both columns. The stripping was run mainly in order to produce BS and was not optimised. It was operated at a flux of 40 m3/m2/h (35 L/h solvent), the pulsing had an amplitude of 15 mm and a frequency of 1 Hz. The flow rate of the WE through the pump was 5–7 L/h. The average value of Zn in the BS was about 20 mg/L Zn. Three tests with organic continuous dispersion and with aqueous continuous dispersion were undertaken to determine the preferred dispersion. During both organic continuous and aqueous continuous runs, the temperature rose from 25 °C in the morning to 34 °C in the evening, which facilitated the comparison between both dispersions. Table 3 Extraction experiments with 5% Ionquest 290, no pH correction, 22 °C. Phase ratio Final pH O:A PLS 0.1 0.3 0.5 1 2 3 5 10 5.0 2.58 2.50 2.31 2.18 2.16 2.32 2.25 2.10 Aqueous (mg/L) Organic (mg/L) D values & separation factors Zn Mn Ca Zn Mn Ca DZn DZn/DCa DZn/DMn 962 792 692 621 536 467 402 342 270 206 208 208 205 206 207 202 203 203 763 618 613 605 624 613 597 599 601 1595 910 668 444 273 178 132 76 0.03 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.03 0.3 0.1 0.1 8 12 15 13 9 10 6 8 2.0 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 154.5 66.4 44.4 38.4 40.9 23.9 39.9 22.5 1 104 1350 2260 1600 4200 270 800 610 Table 4 Extraction experiments with 5% Ionquest 290 at pH 3, 22 °C. Phase ratio Aqueous (mg/L) Organic (mg/L) D values & separation factors O:A Zn Mn Ca Zn Mn Ca DZn DZn/DCa DZn/DMn PLS (pH 5.0) 0.1 0.3 0.5 1 2 3 5 10 963 784 343 182 49 22 14 4 1 213 231 233 211 213 194 127 181 183 583 531 509 536 547 534 532 584 579 2878 2073 1700 875 502 297 192 90 0 0.4 0.5 1.5 3.4 2.7 3 1 76 72 40 38 43 46 42 48 3.7 6.0 9.3 17.9 22.8 21.2 48 90 26.4 42.9 133.0 199.9 285.0 235,6 685,7 1125 9·104 3·103 5·103 3·103 1 103 1 103 2 103 2·104 Every test took 5 h, long enough to reach steady state and the phase ratio was kept at A:O = 2.1 during all the testwork. As seen from Table 6, similar results were obtained with both dispersions. The Zn concentration in the LS was around 2000 mg/L and Zn in the raffinate was far below 50 mg/L, indicating than N95% of the Zn is recovered. Hence, the extraction process was found to operate successfully with both aqueous and organic continuous dispersions at column fluxes of about 40 m3/m2/h, at 23–34 °C. As the available flux and recovery with both dispersions were similar, it is preferable to use the aqueous continuous dispersion as there is a lower expenditure on solvent. With aqueous continuous the danger of fire due to kerosene ignition is also significantly diminished. The stripping of the LS containing around 2 g/L Zn, achieved a SE with 30–40 g/L Zn above the WE, i.e. a zinc transfer of 30–40 g/L whilst achieving b50 mg/L Zn in the BS at a flux of 45 m3/m2/h with aqueous continuous at O:A phase ratio of 20. While the column worked well and supplied the required BS to the extraction, laboratory tests proved that there was no need for an extra column, and one stage of mixer-settler was sufficient to obtain the required zinc transfer of 40 g/L with barren solvent containing ~50 mg/L Zn. 4. Conclusions The results, as demonstrated by the pilot plant, proved the process feasibility with 95% Zn recovery from the effluent. The pre-treatment stage bio-oxidation achieved complete oxidation of ferrous in the bioreactor, subsequent lime precipitation resulted in b1 mg/L Fe remaining in the solution whilst not affecting the zinc tenor. The zinc extraction stage was successfully carried out in a 80 mm diameter 7 m high Bateman Pulsed Column leaving b50 mg/L Zn in the raffinate. The required phase ratio was O:A = 0.5 for a solution flux of 44 m3/ m2/h. The system working with both aqueous and organic continuous dispersions, at a temperature above 25 °C. The stripping was efficient with only a single stage at O:A phase ratio of 20 required to achieve a 40 g/L Zn transfer into the electrolyte. The Na2CO3 consumption was 1.7 kg/m3 effluent (1.7 kg/kg Zn). Table 5 Stripping experiments with 5% Ionquest 290 at 22 °C, at phase ratio O:A = 10. Aqueous in Aqueous out Zn(g/L) H2SO4 (g/L) Zn (g/L) 40 50 60 70 80 90 200 194 188 176 200 200 58.8 68.2 77.8 91.0 102.8 115.4 M. Avila et al. / Hydrometallurgy 107 (2011) 63–67 Table 6 Extraction in organic and aqueous continuities. Continuous dispersion Feed BS Flux pH Zn (mg/L) L/h L/h m3/m2/h Raff Raff LS Organic 110 130 130 150 150 150 55 60 60 70 70 70 33 38 38 44 44 44 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.1 2.9 11 55 11 47 18 7.2 1910 1880 1800 1880 2520 2240 Aqueous For a Zn price above US$2/kg, the value of the zinc product covers the operating costs in addition to solving a serious environmental problem. Acknowledgements The public company EGMASA (Andalusia, Spain) is acknowledged for their support of the personnel expenses for the present study. The Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation is acknowledged for supporting laboratory expenses at UAB (Project CTQ2009-07432 (subprograma PPQ)). References Alamdari, E.K., 2004. Synergistic effect of MEHPA on co-extraction of zinc and cadmium with DEHPA. Miner. Eng. 17, 89–92. Barnard, K.R., Shiers, D.W., 2004. 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