AI\DREWS' EfOSOIV( <, F, O a) ! F pr DIRE ORY" (J a 14 PRtNrno a.Nn PuslrsHal er Ir. W. Axnnarvs & Sor, Tnr: Lrenenv, Ersorr. 1 495. 48 ANDREWS' DIRF,CTORY. STREET ARRANGEIVIENT. wrhhlAlvl D0RSET, EPSO}It. IilIholesale and F'urnishing lronmonger, ENGIN EER AN Alexandra Road. IlcCllenagiran, Rer,, George D MACH IN IST, Richai'c1,,, Reillands" f,iltiertoir, Chrir.les (' Agricultural Impleinent Nlerchant, Serlgivicli, Ljeut.-Cbi. \\-., OIL AND COLOUR MERCHANT, "ou';lffPf,iJilll"'* E P8O M . R_obei,t, lluneerlbrd', .Te{tUonrl ltorlse [ioodall, T]re ],[isses, StanlipIl lrurrse Stevens, tr'rancis Hervitt. ,' I ii tl sitle" GASFITTING, PLUMBING, BELLHANGING, ---1 I IlurlLll, tr'r'ancis Albei.i. " I:arkfielrl," Lcolt roacl (iilhud, Arthur, ,, Palliharn,, IirLi.lrunr rr. ( ieor'.1o Nerv[orr \\'ttsorr. (i691rI1,,,. Do\vrrs rierv" i\Ior'le,v. \\'illiarir " AuE1rrs1rr., Orr,krlene" l\-ooil, TLomas, ,, SuiitrDe].ttil Io .lncksorr, Sit]ner '' Danelrrn-st" l. lou.,,r., I{oclcler', J6seph nlillor' ,, Cacl \Voor l " Slrlw, J,,lrrr Llrrclstcr., " Alrbev Claig" l'lhears, Augustus Jacksoir. IIill I'op villa Clage,.Siclney Sniitir, (( cot" lla; Fislrel, John, ,, Fernclalc 'I'ltotttps,rn,,losr-.1,1r, '' R,,.., PETICE I.,ISZNS ONT APPr.tCAirro!v. I "i.'ir ' ' Cont.ittuetL, Chilcl, Jarnes, ,, Iioselcic.h" Rankin, lI. lL, ,,Fairliind.q', Elrsoni and i,lwel1 Colrage Hos|i1;,l Jl;rtlnrr, lli.s _ Anrrie il. lirr'rrlLr'i,lg,. Miles, Thorlas, l)air1, Ashley Road. White, (ieorgc, Ashler;. Itori,qe. solicilor. \Yhite, Geolge, Cour't solicitor ; Louser, lielisilul of Couri, r1igli lollly Bailiff, autl \'csirr, ('lerli' \\thiie, {leor:eo " soliciior: Hcirlr.. lletropolita,u Police Slalior- David Sa.ines, policc superintcndent ; \\,, Sear.le. staIion Se|qe;1111 J3rac1ley,. _Ai.rLLri JIclwar.rlo Seabright r-illa Bradley & Scir, blervers, anil rvine ancl spirit rnerchants Brailley, _ \Yilliam Jo_*cph, "'Ihe Reireu,t" Smart, ltiss E1iza, Labuulrnr .Eton villa ORDERS BY POST EXECUTED SAME DAY AS RECIIVED. - Alexandra Road. loclgc I,FIere is Ludbrol;e tontl I nram, Roupen, ,, Tlre _r\coli " lr ANDRBWS' DIRECTOIiY. 50 SED ESEAEBf,I IiIALF'I I. ^' -CEFf rn(tErY' IiPSOTT ST Contimrc(1, SLrssex house Downing, lIrs. i\nn li,ebecca, Olcl Cleve house Taylor, Durhan, Iliss Sarah, The cottage " " -,.. 'I'raining stables The HLrmphrey, Tliomas, Portland Clatke, Plumbe$, Painteru, and Decorators, Phillips, Horace Alfr:ecl, Park r,ill;is Smith, Nrs. Auire, Palk villas Peters, \\rilliam Par:sorts Davies, John, 2, Prr,rh villag Cooper, Iliss l.-rances Aun, rr lr1'i.1ysls A Large tffisingsfrom 2$. Per Piece' _-4 Brick and Tile Makers, A!{ED BiJiLI[,RS' t;ENERAL l-I IGh"t " Ea.l, \1-iilirrrr Qrraltorurr irrc, tt frgng\rr66il " .." Campville " Iraclil, l{rs. J. }Ic. L., Enclrich house Ilarper', Henry George, "\/ilia lladrid " SLlith, ,\lflecl, t'Fern'r:ank " Gee, Riclrarcl, " Wintl,thorpe" Reeve, trVilliairi Anrvorth Able, " St. Leona,rtls " I(ing, William " Cheriton " }{olntosh, Epsom Ccrreiei'y ivlERClIANTS, STf,<EET, EIJSOM. Joseplr - U. G, Ham, Irodgeireeper; Wilson, c1erk, I{igh Str:eet Heasman, John Caney, Joseph John, ,,llbbisdale " . .....Fiint lionse llary Ann, lodging- house keeper, Ashley vilias Olarlie, llcln'a.-cl Jarnes, Ash- ley villas .Jeal, Joseph Alflecl, builcler .. .... . . "I{olmesclale " 'l'ornyrhins, l)r. Charles Payne Arbuthnott, Hugir C,, Poytinglon house honse &, FURNITURE DEALERS,' 5l I) I Ii I,]CTO RY. Ashley Road. Kinilerga'"tel UNDERTAKERS Ii'I' ott titut eri. Burrr, David, Builders, Sanitary Engineers, ItF, Ashley Road. C CHUTER BROTHERS, DR]iWS' j iuicher, the l{isses, Iroughton li1la, llc0ntr:hnn, Ivie,Torver hotse l-Herc is lleatlrcote roatl) linorvies, lliss lirnily, \Volple 1o11ge I-ontlon atrl (lounty Bank- Itiorvland Owen, nianager" .I7ere is the Parade,) u q. J,-rsepir Iiake (ofhce), surve"\,or anci archilect I-Ia,rcli l{opkins, Cut"hbert Johu, rh'aper- an t1 phoiographer'. Chii'irrgtol, \\iiiliarn Jarnes, bLrilciel Burgh lleath Road. " Wooch'iile " " Elerslie " llcllrrhon, Henry Johu, " C:uligaholi " L|arrLe., )lr'". -{.rrni,'. " Lauglhorpe " 'Iholra-q, Ilev. \\riLlian Ancusits, " SoLrth Viorv " ]\NDItE1VS, DIRECTORY, aNlttewS' ltpsoNI STITEltr DIt{Ecrotty. I Jos. H. BeVetzton, CORN, T'IOUR & FORAffE Burgh Heath Road. Willis, Mrs., IIIIERCHANT, " The R,halt " lVlanly, Henry Challes, " l'ligh l,lrrrs " Manly, Elleir, " IJigh Elms " HIGI{ STRSET, EPSOM, Hoclgson, Thoinas, ,, HazeI- And at 57, Blackfriars Road, London, S.E. IVIacmahon, IIichael, r!!!!._!.i9...9i..4a..... il. aa@;*aa- IN LARGE OR SMALL SAIVfPI/ES FOFRIIIIAFTTTEI' IUICAIIIOIi[. ,,Xfagenta " Leg& Williarn QUAI\T'ITIES. LII{SIIED ANI) OTIfER CAKES. (IP,USHI]D CORN I\{IXTURE, oATt\itrALS ,k SPECIAL QIIALITY OF FITOUR. PFIICES,If,FVf,' rOl{ .G'TPE I-regg, Stevens, tr'rederick \Yilliarn, " Oatlancls Whitbor,r'1, Tb oill,s.- Whitbourn, George, ,, lfos pey " 441**, Jailes, Br.uce loclge Nighiingall, A,-tirur, Pliaru lodge Nightingall, Mr.s. Aticc D., ig}ringril. \\' i J I ia rrr, " South Ha,tch " Ayling. Har r.y. glo;er. .. NOTE TEE ADDRESS_ Fhn Qaslr, Qonn & f;onage $tones HIGH STREET, EPSOM. arrd retailer. Brooks, CIiarles, insurance CO'S ARTIFICIAL MANURES. . " Bonrrin. -[[rs., ,. Engleficlrl " bee.- -. D. F, A., ,, Rartenira " Beech cottape QUANTITY, QUA.LITY, AND PROMPT DELIVERY, & Douglas ".Ravenna " N AGENT FOR THOMAS FARMER " Fly,,tIenry Jarires Wakeley. ,,Highfielil " WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. PEAT }{OSS I,ITTER clean agent Backlake, Arthtrr. Eilwards, Ttionias Alfrecl Keen, lVilliam Halrrr, Ji|nes[, ]:ootr loird N errick,.Toseph, Do ivn coLLage Palmei', Itullei'. j_)ou n cottase -, ,' Dorur ilis., Churoh Street. \\'lrire,. Cott"tinueLI. H"all'. U Heni,;., soiicitor" Slailen, 'lhornas llcNair'. (ieorge Irervis Flc,leljc, ., Ileinbeeclr " C Leengrass, Fi'aricis \\Iilliarn, Croinwell lodge, plurnber anrl gasfitter Alexander., lJr. Thornas Airtlelsoir, Hope lodee DarrieJ, Dr.. \Villiam Cl'er,tcnt, " Silver Bir:ches " i l"Iere .is ll'orple Road -, Colel Frederick William, " illie Ceclars ,' Wall, llrs. Ellen, Ceclals cottage Sarurrcl. Ltev. Jolrn, .,Tlre v rcit 1'age lhs. llaria Rendel, \Yiltiam StuarL, '( Parklrurst " Ke3_lp,- l,h's., ,,Olcl King's I{eac.l inn " GibeL'ne, .......ti'rirrirrg stables Rcelor, \VilUar'r llarrrrsell. llbbislrarrr lrousc \Yelchiuan, Mrs. Elizabeth, I)ol'n ]odge Silvclluclr, Herrr.y " " Itrll:torr '' Johu, Irangriilge, George Thomas, " Foxlea " J3agshil,rv, \Iilliain Eclward Pitt placc The Par.ish Church-Rer,. John Sainnel, vicar Y 5l A\ I)lt i'l\\'S ffi S:IF,EEiT. HIGTT ANDttl,tt's' ti,pso]{ srltEIi,T Ilt rurc-f ()ri\'. Illltl:C'1'Olt1" Chureh Street. ESTABLISIIED IA6S' FLOOR up. Window BIinds of all klndc made CARPET GROUND. POI,ISHER. IIOUSE AND BAI'L ROOM Rout Seats, llIarquee, Flags, and Chandeliu's Let an I)r. Charle Stubbs, ,, DECOR.I'TOR' Ilire' ALL KINDS OF LAMPS FOR GARDEN DECORATIONS' s, Stoneleigli " Cheshire, Eillvard, (irove roarl Lederer, Ruclolph, (irove l3usbridge, 6'*binet $Irrlrer, Upbol*taxet:, &r. and repaired' Roome Frtted Cotttinued Pagclen, R. & F., 'Iire bi'ervery roacl E- TASSIT], Ball Church Street. Continuer.l EPSO}IL. Heirry James, Grove roaci Pyemont, John, "'Ihe Groi'e " Pagilen, Frederic, ', Thc Acacias " 'forvnsenil, It'rarrcis, Cieii'er cottage Chambers, Ediluncl I(., ', The Hermiiage GiAS Rer'. Williani ChapelSurnrlels For Cooking and Heating on Hire Young l\Ien's Chr.istian Association-Horace Burgess, Caretaker ... " The Hollies" Hill, Lionel Fulneaux l(nipe, M.4., " The Lindens " saforrEs or Saie. First-Class Fertiiiser, at Current FIillier', Heirr.y Ebbutt, E. W., upbolsiei.el aucl fulnittre rlealer Capon, lrchvarcl Robert, Surreyor Urban Distr.ict Council Norrington, Char.les Teclilicai Il tluc:rbion Institute -.E. G. \\ilson, Hon. Sec. Church Road. Penfc,1c1, I-{,, ,,Barley }forv Inn " Neale, Iithvarcl, Albert villas Johu, ,, Winslett, C., ,, Pinlrorrr, Scott, Jrdrvard, ,, ,, ,, ,, Dean, Geolge,,,Raihvay Johnson, Henry, Hills, Edward Elson, Ilarli. shopkeeper' clale, " ,( Antran- " Cliftonville " College Road. Brockhail I(elsey, Howarcl, "'Ihe Ili rch &Whit,tington, rrrir rer,, Tillett, J. C.. photoultl,her Laing, IIr:s. Lliatcle Ci,, cottage r Prices. shoe maliet caretaker Chaclbanti, Fratii Elson, James, coachbuilder Sultrrtnate of Anrrloraia, tobacconist Br,ibazol, Ilrs., boot & Gualcl Inn " Ratclift'e, Willian, grocer: Ward, lllrs. lfar"v Ann, Harrison, Alfrecl Day, Mrs. Ellerr Delivered at Current Prices' Arrnie Christian, nervsageitt anrl Ilush, Echvard,,,Duncannon" Conservative Club ,, Broinler" Hurst"-James Busbriclge, EtE SIf, ITAFR.D CCDI(E tr'aithfuil, IIrs. " The Congregational minister Epsom & Ewell Gas ComPanY. Di) Hollies " '' Tiosendill: '' - AN*Dl{EtrVS DIIillcTOltY. ;rl) Xa. ru. I:DRNIE1r!.I, NEWSAGENT, BOOKSELLER, BOOKBI N DER &, C()N FECTION ER, HIGH STREIE]T, EPgOry[, ---*---fiaiig papers dnd Petiod.icais (Leliaered to ai.i ptr,t't.s witJt the utmost regularii.t' anti Ai.spatclt.. S'l lll.ll,l'1' I)Ilti.tCl'OIiy. College Road. College Road. continucd. C llalan, Heirry Noe1, ".h lield " Jrr,), Echvin " Hoirtestlalo " rn- l3iuberry, Irevesott-(Jo$'er, llrs. Boscawer, Irlint hotse Garrett, l'lclinuuil \\'illian, " Arcleevin " Reacl, \\iiiiarn Ohapinan, liclmulrl Tlrornas Dobson, Jatres Street, Jaines Battisor, Charles PLrllinger, Ernest Hatter, Hosier, Clothier, and 0utfitter, EPSOM. .)'[en's Eoys' Cloth'ing made to l; it and Style tiuaronteed. L\,4easure. W, BE,AUCHAMP, Bespoke Boot and Shoe Maker, I..TIGH S-Tf<EET, EIOS()M. REPAIRS NEATLY AT.ID PROMPTLY EXEOUTED. Carter, 6, Coilege villas -, I{artirr, Jaines, 5, ,, Duntol, 4, -, 3, .... .......,.. ...............2, 1' ,, ,, Pl,yne, Cleolge, 1, Atkinsoit, Ii,obcrt Sepiiiuus Barry, lelix Young, Linrl-oav, Longrlo$'it loclge Booth, Fra,nk I'Ienry Arthrtr', " The Fii's " I'raser', Jliss IIirly Ann, Longdorvl cottage Royal .\lerlica I ('ollege-Hev. Thoiras Northrnore I-Iar.tSmiilr, Hearl nlastel (see page 45-47) Loughurst, IIarry, insurance agent (ieor:ge, Clr:rnront cotta,ge l3rar1lery, John lh's., Olive cottage ........"Hearhfielcl " ......" Uplands " Cooper, Ru., ue. L rnest ,,eniirta,, Jaclisoir, \Iilliarl " Llnclhurst " Hetrr; . Graha,m, Rorvland lor1ge illaybank, John Henry Hayton, Herrry villas otztittue d. Botril:rce, Fredeliclt, carl:eirter The Comrnon. Norman, lh's. Ann, 7, College ARTFITIR W.EBB. EAST STREET BUILDINGS, A^-I)I.ila\\rS lil,S(lXI l{iles, Petel, inn " I-.ierviu, Clar-ke, (( The Criclreters' l{rs., Isabella vilia IIrs. E. N., Burnham cottage Stone, llichri,rd ei, \Villiam Heirry, \Ihite Cottage \\'oi'liing ll en's Club-I-{ eirry \\ il1i.. lro.rr. *sg., Hor.ron Irancast lllhe iorlge J)olton, I Ierrry, balier lIaston, Charles,,,Joilr Coopers' inn " Liennett, Alexanrler- Jldrviurls, John and Gcorg^e, col'keepers anil clailymen, " Oaii l)airy " Strange, Jarnes Stuart, ,,'1'tr. \Yells," I;olcl of the llnitor. of lipsorn Y_ 5$ \\t)liti\\'s DIi{r.tcTol{Y, AN c. GHURGHTLk, $addler & Harness ilIaker, HIGH STREET, EPSOM. (BRANCH: HIGH ST., EWELL,) t)l{1,.\\'s liPSolI sf iui t.t'1' t) ilrric'1'()ltl, Downside. The Common. Gilbert, l{iss Gei'irude A., Continued. Laclies' College Be1l, Theodore Cuiuingirail, \\rilliririi, col'- I)eedes, Bouverie heeper anrl clailyrlair llailey, IreoPold, \\rhite ctg' Robinson, Isaac, tlairyiitan Pocock, IIrs., Frances loclge Closstt'ays 0ig, Caruiage, Van, Cab, Cart and Farm Harness, Race and Hunting Saddlery TO ORDETT AT MODERA I'tr, PRICES. LIorse Clotbin.g, Waterproof -4prons, Erushes, Spon ges, Stcrb/,e F tttucgs, eto. Bishop, Wiiiiarn, Fliglilield Tlotter:, lfiss ]{rr,.-y farrn Si:iith, Arihttl Heirr-r-, Castle house SUPPI]TED AND REPAIRED. The Downs. Salruol, n{iss Sarah Arur, " The Derby' Arn'rs" Alrnstrong;, IIrs. Cirarlotte llpsoin Graird Siand-H. tI. I)orling, ir.ranaging director .Abele g'i'ove Pierson, I\{rs., " The Eiils " Ilitchell, \{iss Pledger, Eclwarcl, rnaliiet garclener Dralie, X{rs. Annie Srriith, \Yesilands cotlage Westlautls " ((l)ol.ns Hotel " Anscomb, \\rilliam, shop, Chalk pii beer- Ellam, l}enjailin, " llllre \Yarren " Ireilpriei'e, H eirry Reicl " Hylancls " Bucknill, Thornas Torvns- Sherrvooil, Tiror ua,s, ti'aiirc.- encl, Q.C., 1\{.P,, Hylands house Saunders, Edrvarcl George, llarshall, Thoinas, , " The Hylancls " Wiltshire, Henry, " Tire White Horse inn " Ohaclband, James,','Iire Shrubberv E3FIGS & TOOr<TM7INTERUS " IIousley, San.rrel John Dorking Road. I]VEITY DESCRIPTION OF (-irellier, IIarley lltrir I3r'iarit, llon lanrl, " The The " \Vorlihouse Lett, master - Elans IIankey, Edrvard Aiers Fielri Bros., coaclrliuiltlels East Street. fisL- rnonger Tickner', \\iii1iam, greengrocer 'lHere is Adelphi Road,.' Flerbert, Edwarcl, " llhe Riflemau inn " Boys' Nabional School-n{r, J. O'Connell, Hd.-master Chancller, Geot"ge Jaures, hairrlresser \Yei'nhan, Johu, fauier 60 ANDRE\\'S' EPSOII S'I'RIJ,E1' DIlTECTORY. ANDITIJWS I)IRECTORY. SWI(NS@N, Tailor, Hatter & 0utfitter (OPPOSITE TH East Street. East Street. Cotttinued. Conti,nued. Jarne.q, Savage, Richard refreshment rooms Wicks, Elizabeth, FIope Pqsey, Geolge, Exeter ctgs. Wilishire, William, tiinber inerchant anil contractor cottage Smithers, E., " The TOW N Smith, Daniel Ii,obert Testei' HrqH s-rr<EE'r EPSOM. & Son, Mac1ean, Hector, florist I{IGII 0i; rrg I itll, STFR.EEIfI. EPSONtr. $r:,.:tr;l;, rr rr! $ r.rr:ei gtr llJlargl !,tl ar cl1 orr rt,. MATERIALS FOR ARTISTIC NEEDLEWORK. I )esigns I)rrqttrt'L:tl turtl L,rtdi,,s' (l1t itr llt ll orl, )[ututtt:d. attl ]ItLL,lt, of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Local of the Palestine Exploration Fund. Council rose King, engineet Morse, Edrvartl, juir,, llli' co'r,tages O'Connell. Jolrn, l,iil' cr,ts., 0rganist ar, Palislr Nervton, John, Winchester cottages Hos}ins, C eorge Ba rle;. Dean, Winchestel cottaeei Habicht, Valentiric, \-ork cottages Taunton, Charles Daniel. Secretary Can terbur';. coltages ::............. rlealer Albelt, Laburnuin Garrett, Alfred Souih, ,, The Nook " Chitiy Henry, (lanLcr.bnt.)' clg.s. I(eirt, Edrvai.,l, Lontioi ci!.r. \\-ycherley, J\Irs. Ilar;. Ariu, Londori cottaEes Roihery, )Iiss, Exetel etgs. Langland's cottage, garilener harles Pen- York coi,tases Law, lliss Sfrortlau,ls Anrrie. rttost ul4tro,red Style. $tntiorter:g, $rtts,ts) !*l rrterrirrlrrr (1r! rr potictp rif $rutr:!! @grrr\r. Depot C I-.rocoilo- tive inn " Bur'frtt, Thomas, butchei' Blistorv, Nlaik N. D,, gerrerll cofiage Morse, Erhvarcl, sen., florist, Durseryman ancl seedsrnan Urbair District Burfitt,'Ihoilas,,, Darves, Tanton, Mrs. Elizabeih l{i H rS 1aO fo. clrirrure;' sweeps Waterrvorlis- Etrvt t bY Gas Corn- pany's Works CLOCrc, ,Here is Linton's La,ne.) Plough anil Harrow inn " Epsom & Ervell E 61 hoLrse ; loclging Hollrlnd, Arthur irri iLcl;,_ _C eorqo. i-r:-1" cggs. Drwcy, Herrly Ci.oss. Ea,gln I Colta,ges llorse, Wiilin m \\tallacc, .Ln3le coiragos <'lrrtlet'. .lrr.rrres. lo,lg,,. surveyor ancl br,riicler Medcraft, \Yilliarn \files. " I(ing's Alins inn ,, \fill iarr.. Har.ry. -Erlily ergs. Hugo, John Heirr'.y ,\lrsorr. Aifrerl, lrrlitlr cot I ;rges n{onson, Walter Frau lr, I! iir"il v coitages Ayi'ec, DarrieI Richai.d, sel'iir3 inachine agent Nirrslett, \Villiarrt, naintel alrl paperhrnger Flewin autl Pcri'y, g'r'occrs lF\NDItl],WS' EPSOI{ S'IIIDl'I' ])iItECIORY. esuHprvs't)IttEcroR\ 62 J" BREWER, East Street. East Street. Cantinued. Cotttinue d, Cla.r'lie, Waiier Williarii (Late WORSFOLD) Easi Stleet 'lorvn Sub-Post Pet'ry, Frances Ofhce iSeEo effia,s6@Fe I-longhurst, I{ar-old, 1, llorden vilbs, irrsirlnrce agprrt ,'OUEEN'S I1EAI " STABLES, SOUSH STREET, EPSOM Anne, -sub postnistress aild COI,LAR i}RESStsIT, EPSCM. t.Olt- Lernon's lane Stone & Co., ltd., brick atci Colliiis, lIrs. IIoine fbr Destitute CLilclren - Si. tile rvorks, Linton's larre Chivington, \\'illia,m Jarncs, builder', Lenrorr's Jure \Yilliam, bootmalier iito Soci,,ty--\\-. l{onson, rnarroge.: l- . harness maliel Crrrning, .Iolrn, j.iarvilror.ire \\'clls, Drill lnslmctor Dpsom Infant Schools-lIjss Ann lllty Mistress " Susan E, IIacGrath -Uiss \\"iriie.'foirr, Clrl'rorr rou,I ( in lrlner.. ( 'lrarles, Statiorr lla,ste'- (1,.B. ct S.C. Ry.) Ticl'rroi'. Plrillip, rrirholstei,,r, .li;rllortrs. \\'nltcL' NloOli,,, \Y;'stir, Joseph Flenr';,, liitsoiii grocery si,ores, ,ti. \\'oods of Son, balrers anrl corrf'ection er.s Wel-,b, Ar:llr1r, tailor. artrl out{itter fihip, George, boot antl shoc mairel place Voiunteer. lrrill Hall i\\-csr Sur'r'ey flr girrionl,;- l-ici,gt. Ittrt anrl clecorator paiirter, &c, Gorirrg., 'i lre Lirrres The Epsom Alrns houses Vit lrery, l leru..1 , sarl,ller. r rrrl Beeching, frnc,v goorls Ilrzzeli. Danie), bootrnakel \\Iest,, Char.les, briilcler John's l{ission Roonr. Johu SHIIt'f :rrrrl Hoklswo'-th, Geolge, bniklei' Co-opela fienenal Laundress, 19lrx,.1.U1i.l t'ectionel 1h;, )lis" S.. Weller, Cieorge, grocer Lffi\MXIS )irrrrrr'lcrs. I-Icnr:;' \\'illia:,r, and unc.leltaker Skinner, \Yilliam, dairyman I-.,emon, Jaines, balier Jones, ffKff$. lluirrlay, grocer (:iartsic'le, Ilranlr, clraltel LonghuL'"t. E,lrr'in, buil,lcr, and Lemon's iane; Barlacir, inailager \4leddin$ Cania$es, Busses, Brakes, Wa$$onettes, &c' irf Llcrr-.lh,rr. Ifaria, ,,Red Lion lliliiam ulrholsterer IIoint: an.1 Coionirrl lleat Stoles--Ufrecl T. Aclls. fiiies, )Iair arlel Downs R,oad. ..... " Highririgc ' J)urgess, George Frerlcr.jc, t,piand Iiouse AN ANDREWS' EPSOM STRI'ET DIREC'|()RY. DRE1VS, DITTEC'fOI{Y' t(/'- BFr<'N&r€lgu Downs Road. HIGH STREET, EPSOM 4 Atl 0akes made bY MachinerY' Pastry, Spon{e 6akes' and a Matleria, Luncheon, and Savoy Gakes, Fresh Daily' largle assortment of other emall Gonfectionery Qi ltr e!!trrg, $ce!, Siutllb rr U crt! !r-i*t rrrrtbo i* alt Sircr' err i tt tt (i wke * " Henry Mason, Dorling, ,' The Birclies " Smith, John Haicharcl, F,li.LR.A,,,, Charhvoocl " Prices' Superior Ices aud Ice Puddin$s at Moderate Jftuffins, d'uring Qrwmpets and' Sea Qahes the Cyclist$ & $eason. ffenetal Refreshmsnt R00m$' Ileathcote Road. Robbins, Samuel, builcler Hotindle, Rev. B cll-ard Lalfan Garvook, " Hon'releigh " Foulger, Thornas Charles Cousin, Louis, ',ltisine Stn inn " i\{organ, Charles Fie1cl, Thomas, "Tire l:aure1s" Niron, John, "Tire \Yiliorvs," relieving offlcer Dry and of rco Storage on the Premises for upvrards BicYcles and TricYcles' loo Louse, draper Hulbert, Ernest W. B., tailor Jones, Charles, butclier Ansell, Archrbalcl Richarilson & Co., agricultuial engrneers Rnssell, Charles Barrett, Wiiberforce house Penfoicl, Chas., blaclismiiir Ware, Thonras E., Surve;.or Rtral District Council \Yard, \Villiam, Carrier provision rnerchant I:anglauds, XIis. Miza Gilliam, Bros., rnonumental masons ; ancl at Doi'liing Langlands & Son, auctioneers and estate agents Smith, \Villiatn, tobacconist Chadband & Sons, taiiors Hinks, \Villianr }{enry, clothier llarsaut, Williail, cheurist and dmggisi Large, Wiltiam,,,I(ing's N{orrissey, Il,er'. Thomas, St. Joseph's Presbvter.y The Rornan CatlLolic- Chapel " Puilney, James, grocer Heacl hotel " Sayers, George, livery stables ancl cab yaril Wood, John, grocer and provision merchant Wood, l\{aria Willis, clraper Barnarcl, Willra,n, baker and confectioner Weston, Arthur John, piano tuner and pianoforte warehouse Daniell, Irrancis Albert, nelvsagent High street. Safe Olclriclge, Joirn 1\{aj or, \Ya ber- Young, Clrnr1es, grocer anil Here i's L.rburnlmrn Road. weddin$ Breakfa$ts, E$timates $iven for Bali $uppers & Cotttittuetl. lVeston, nliss lJrnila, ,,The Uplancls Bread Baker and Confettioner, High Street. Continucd. Bristorv, \Villiam, u pholsterer and fu.-niture clealler Skilton, Henry, game dealer ancl ilairyman Weils, Charles, cilaper , Y_ ANDIiEWS' EPSO}{ Sf-RDI]T DIRECTORY. A\IJREWS' DII{I]CToiTY. It.'\47.. ABSALOM CYCE,E AGENIfI' "H5ll ' AGENI in Epsom & Distnict tor the Popular Continuettr, Beverton, Joseph Heirly, corn Chambe.-s, Charles, clrairer ancl rvatchmaker Henry auctioneer Bamarcl, Charles Carter, Williarn J. E. H,, " White Hart taverir " anil wine ancl spirit stores Iieeble, lJenry Colemair, " Splead Eagle hoiel " Brisiorv, William, livery Geolge, btiicler ancl unclertaker 0harrnan, Wiliiarn, watch ancl ciock maker Whitehouse, Benjamin Fox- all, fruiterer & greengrocer .SUNBEAM' CARTER CHAIN CASE (cueneNronl). good Williarls ancl Blomlielil, drapers aucl clotiriers \Yilliarns, Albert Frederick Irervis, Thomas, ironmonger Waglan, Arthur, confectioner and tobacconist Bostridge, Thomas Jailes, hairilresser TiJLLDESCRIPTIVEPRIcELISTANDBESTTERMS0NAPPLIcATI0N. IN coNTBupLATING rnE Puncn'lsE 7[ NE\g MEgHINE OF RNY MRI(E, 11.\V.A. wili always esteetn it a favour to be allowed tir cliote price in corrpetition rvith other agents --*THE ( SUNBEAM' Y'R' IS AN IDEAL MOUNT FoR Beauchamp, Wiiliam, booimaker Ilarshall, Charles, fish- oF' A ['ADY' llrOngef Lock, James, pork butcher Irock, James Boxall, con- fectioner Hales, John, ancl stationer srlrgeon 'Turner, Samuel, grocel Slatter, Sarah, coachbnililer' Norman, Robert, oilman Beams, George James, booi WaLels, Clrar'les Janrcs, rvatch ancl clock makel Hicks, William H., hairclr-'essor Iiose, William, tobacconist Bi'ace, Frank, rvine ancl spirit stores Talr, l'r'ank Huxliam, butcher Brandi, Albert Gotthilf, hairdresser Ede, J. & Son, bakers anrl grocers Oxley, FreiLerick, chemist and clruggist Brisiorv, Daviil, furniture rlea,ler: I(eeling, George Ratclift'e, Olnoncle honse, dentist Chutei' 13ros., builclers and undertakers iobacconist Il,oilgers, Joseph Thomas, draper Irish rnd PoLrltry Supply Thomas Heirr-y Stores TresizeGodfrey, Thomas, clental ancl shoe maker stable-q THE Cer-sen'{reo OIL-RE'retNiNc The ' SuNeB,{l,t' is everythin$ yoLr could expect a and high grade blcycle tobe'-Vide Cyciittg' Corbett, William Ny., S.e* tces,rrw' Qrychoc, FtrrBp wITH Continuerl, clealer' $owth. $treet, Qpsorn, SOI.,E High Street. High Street. Chutel, Thomas rhnolcl, T,, boot cis shoe ilakcr: Hislop, Emily, fancy warehonse rvool (t lJ AN D t{ ti\\rs' DI 1{EC'f()1t\'. A.N DItB,\\TS' EPSO ]I STI{ EET DI It ]]C'I'OItY. (i1) High Street. CotLtitLut,(L Iiing, Cira,rlotte, chirra clealer Brolu, John, "-Raihvay iun', Hopc, lichvard, SouiLcloln house, butchcr. \assie, [,]u l rri. rrlr]rolst,.r.cL. llell, '1'heorlorc, solicitor., clerk to Justices ancl Incolre'I'ax Cornrnissionei"s \Yagstaff, Jarnes 0Ltarv;ry, ll rr'; .\irl, lrante rttahet \\rood, Ctihberi "'I'he Nook " \Yilson, lhss l,icLrrr.n licll,arcl, Elizabeth. dressinalier Sirnpson, George, f'ar.i'ier Coultnelclge, Jarnes, shoeinalier Marsirall, Mrs., inilliner Fitzllarslrall, J., ,I'he Stndio EPSOM }dKEAT SUPPLYj-, J{iSh $tneet, Q,psor:', Jeai, \\'rLIrer, cal, lrr.ol,r'icroL, Vassie, l!,luai.,l,- f'rlnitru'e clealer. Ohurchill, Char'les, sacltller anrl harness makel Robitrsort, lid1i1, rcivi1.g machine agent PUR\rEYOR Of COIONIAT ilIEAT of the BEST BRANDS" HOME-KILLED DAIRY FED PORK Weelclry "1 cootr,rtt (wHEl{ fnternational'Iea Compriny Capital ancl Cor.rnt,ies -Rauk -Joliir lnanager rN SEASoN). by Spaaiu) Art'angantent. F. H. TARR, Proprietor. Roberi Butler, Vilson anrl Cerrge, solititols \Vilsoir, Ii,lnrrr id G nrlarr, Clerk Epsom U.-ban Dis trict Council, Burial lloarcl, anci School Attenclance Corn- rnittee l{alvey, Jarnes, cloi}rier otillttcr ancl 'J'crttle, i {errry ,Iohit, chemrst .lrrd druggisi lol, 1rrlrvarr1, butcher l,. \\:., ancl Son, lloulr., ll,'rs. Strlioncr.., Norring Arrrlrel's, ir"nil Plinter.s, TLe Library Anr.irets, .Ian'rcs, Starlp Distr ibutor, llegi of Births aud I)ei.liht The Post Olice-JIiss lla.r.v Anrre Anclrervs, posi inis'tless lulier', Iloon anil Fuller, anr:tioneers anrl estate a gcrr ts IHe re ts ll u'crloo Rorttl.l l)oi'se_t, \\'illiail, ilortrnonge,' irrr,l .arrit;Lr.y crrgineer !irr,r-lr;rll, Ceolee, the bazaai' and stores Ltix. \\ illirrrr E,lrvar:,1, ,,Thc l\',on Iru " Epsorl Tori,n llission Room ancl Co1l'ee House-Jolur lidrnnncl Schmuck, managef Skilion, llhornas, jun., r'etellnary sllrgeon Sheaih, John, baker trIiles, Thornas, alcl fluiterer greengrocer. Srvinson, James anii Witiiam, tailols Sirashall, Geolge, china ancl fu'-nishing warehouse r_ ANDREWS' EPSOIVI STI{EE'f DII{EC'I'ORY, Ar' I)It EWS, DII{IiCTO RY. 70 II1IHERE TO ffO TO DINE 'IIIIIIEN AYIAY FROlvI HOII|IE. High Street. High Street. Continued, Continued, THE EPSOM TOWN COFFEE AND DINING ROOMS, HIGH STREET, EPSOM, NEAR THE CLOCK :IOWER. Fjkilton, Thomas, jun., shoe- ing silith If r-rrniss, unclertakers prieior THE OI,DEST ESTABI,ISHED HOUSE IN EPSOM. OPEN DAIT,Y FROM 5 a.M. TO 10 P.M. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). PRIVATE DINING ROOM. BATH ROOM, ACI]OMMODATION FOR PARTIES. NOTED HOUSE FOR CY(j LI 8TS. N'fAIYA.GER, F. E. SCIInI(trcI<. Geolge, buildei' Furniss, James, builcier Furniss Bros., brilc'iers and l-urniss, \\riliiail, fly pro- Bance, John, cooper, &c. Busbriclge, James, toy l'arehouse Iioast ancl Son, plumbers ancl gasfitters Dearle, Rober-i, tallott chanrl- ler ancl oiiman Boothman, Harry Thornas, bootrnaker Chamberlain, R,oberi, baker florne and Crockei', Samuel, saddler., &c., Albion terrace Heath, Miss Sarah Jane, " MEAT STORE]S, trAST STRtrT]T, EPSOM. Jefl'ries, George Baker, haii.clres ser Lea, Emrua Ann, " Wiliis, Tnns inn " Holcleir, 1\Irs. Thornas, greengrocer, coffee room Holcien, IIiss Jane, HOUSEHOI,DERS. Laburnum Road. Batenan, George Albert Cliivingbon, William James Bliss, William Edrvard, "Ivy- " Bliss, William I-larkin, "Ferndale " O'l)orvcl, James Larkin, Charles Su.tton, Alfred, carpenter ancl grocer, Searle, William, Alexanclra Hulbert, Thomas, Albion Howling, William, Alexandra Wyeth, \Villianr, Albion terrace terrace WEEKLY ACCOUNTS OPENED jTIITH RESPONSIBLE Archer George, The Vicar:age Christ Cirr-rlch-The Rer.. A. Ci. Hunter, vicar dress- maker PRIME CAI{TERBURY LAMB A $PECIALITY. Henr:.y, Horton loclge Ilunter, The Rev. dale The " 'I'empieton, John, Coulb farrn Coleman, James Henry, Nerv farrn, Kingston lane \Yilson, William, Manor farrn Curtis, Charles, \Yest fatm Penfold, n[. A., shoeing forge ..Horton manor Butcher, IIrs., ilressmalrer Wooldridge, Ellen, (,Tlie George inn " The Albion hoiel Horton, ancl confectioner Gotronial 7I Robbins, Cornelius, makel, Albion terrace J 01n€r cottages cottao^es shoe- Dix, llrs. Elizabeih, Albert cotiages -tF_ ANDITEWS' EPSO]\I S'II{11E'I' DIItECTORY. ANDREWS, DIRECTORY. L. W. An drests&Son, THE I5IEiRRRY, EIOSOM, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, BOOKBINDERS AND ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS. it I'; o sr ap b :,: ';r l :T:1':: : $ -':-gji3i: i :i' rIntrr E connection rviih N,lurrn's (for terms see page 82 i. I,S }ITATEF,IA AR,TIS:IS' AT 2d. IN THE 1/- DISCOUNT FOR oASH. iS,AISEY GOODS fi}S ,&REAU VA.MTATY" Passenger Agents to the American Line of Mail Steamers. Drawing Room and Garden Party Entertainment Agency. Bands for Receptionet Balls, Garden Parties, &c. AISVEI<TISING RGENTS. PtiBI'lSHERS OF TEE I'OC"LIJ TIJIIE 1'ABLE. 3d, in the 1/- Discount and Account the Published prioe Stock for Gagh. off of Corttinuecl. Dorsei, Books. Books in IIiss ELiza, Albert cottages .Absalon, Alihur De llansfie1il, Bosrvell villa Yalden, Jaines Davies, Thomas, Ely villa Smith, Janes Rigby Payne, Thorna,s Iluk Clrandler, Irrank, No. i) ... . .. ....... ..... 2 J. Ci'anfieid, 1 I-Iarvkins, Joseph FIiciis, " 13ody, Ilazleileau " Scogings, \\iiliiair Philip, " (irasiuere " .lacolrs. .lrrlirLs Octrvius, Parln iew vil)as, solicitor Parkvien' Jiiiill, \Yilliam, Ladbroke Eoad. ,Collins, IIrs. Ilary Ann, " Sunnyside " Wigzell, Joseph Iiichard, " Oohvooci " Ashbee, John, " The Mays " Miss Charlotte, Streciwick, ,, j-lhe }Iays " Allibon, Mrs. Sarah, ,,Tlie Gables " ,Stredwick, Stephen, " The villa,s Mill Road. trIacclonald, John, Ilill house, florisi Atkirrsorr, .lolrrr Htrri.orr, " St. l{ary's " Gorton, John Ech,vai'd, and t'VerIlont " Holt, Jarnes George Auteu, Nilliam BIee ,,Fairholrne " 'Girls' National School-l-Iiss Lark. heacl nristress Elwood, Mrs. Emma, ', llhe The Parade. Reatler, \\rilliam Oliver, " Lonsclale," solicitor ; Gables," builder unclertaker Croft S1'"4JTP OFFICII FON THE DISTNIC']'. Commerciat Stationery Ladbroke Road Cotttinued. IJayton, CIRCULATING LIBRARY Ju Laburnum Road. " Raclfurcl, John Arunclel, ,,The Tunett " 'Green, Williarn " Fairfielcl " John, Williams, Charles B. Assistant Overseer Collector of Poor Church Rates of Marriages ; A., ancl and Registrar clerk to the Guardians Rural District ancl Council superintendent registrar ; Nulirlall, Tlromas Herl'y, " The Pines " Irervis, Cirarles Thomas Courtney, " Oal<wooil " Brorvn, Mrs., Dullshott house Ricirardson, I\{rs. Paraile gardens Eliza, -r ANDRT'\\IS IiI'SOII STII.H,II-f DIITECTORY. ANDRIT\\'S DIRECTORY. 74 W. G. Bradlel & Sonn St. Marbin's Avenue. The Parade. Continu,e rJ. Continued. Page, GregorY, I\{elrose cottage BRIWERS AND MALTSTERS, \Mholesale and Retail Hogau, Heni'Y Lofbris Hildvai'd, Nliss, Prittrro.c Sfor6r.r MEr;gHnNrs EPSOM. v v v v vv v v v vvvvvvvv vvv v v v v v v v vv vvv vvvv v vvvvv v 9 \)(/E GUFr<ANTEE ALL OUR BEERS ARE BREWED FROM fiext @trgLixll 6s+tx onlg. \(/E GU7{r<F.NTEE &ll @rtr ftPixitx ts hB tixxt QfIAf.IlfY AND SOID AT PRICES ACCORDING TO STRENGTI{" coItug. lHere is Laburtttutt lloatl'l Jeft'ery, Jas., llpsotn Flar ,, Shirley " Stvles, Ih's. Nfiles. Gerrald r k CIub Randolph Road, " Goltling, Kingsrvood House Broclie, Busfield l'rancis " Si. Chaiis " " llncotnbe " Irloyd, llrevoi: tr'., " Glenrvoorl " Robertson, Ii. hurst " Pipei', Cliarles " tt CraI- 'I., A., (!Ah'es- Barton, Arthur Chantler Slatel, Waller, tt Dawsmere " Sumrners, Rer.. Williarl, " The Homesiead " Station Road. The Epsorn Public Hall- John Toone, hallkeeper Clalk, G., fishmonger' Foulger, \Villiam Rarclal', Islip cotlage Macrlonalcl, Br:os,, f ruiterers St. Martin's Avenue. Yonng lVomen's Chi'istia,n Rirke, " I:yrrrvood " Jones, Charles Payne Collier, ,, Ilieldside,, Watcl, PRICE LISTS ON APPLICATION. Haddon- Ieigh " forcl Barnalcl, Sidney, tt Hottte-q- Harding, Joseph 0rders by Post executed same day as received' \Yillian, " fiekl " 1ibbs, Sytlnev, " Mayfielcl " Shute, Mrs, l3eatrice, " Oak- Al1an, I\fiss, " Farringfortl " John, \{rs. Edwin," Fernley" Conlarcl, Samuel, Rose cottage O'Hara, \Y., " \\'oi'sl, r'. Gvmnasium llssery, Aiberi bank Sir:ith, \Yebb, Aubone Jas. Peiiiman, Epsom Harriers' da1e Pryile, George, " ltis$/banli " Pryrle, Miss Priscilla, " YierY- College prepa'-ator.Y school Hatsant, 7,5 Helry Ernest Banister, Fr-ederick, " l'airfield " ancl greengrocer Association Sharp, \Yilliarn Thon:as, OIOUEI Congi'egarional Suurll ;' School aitd Lectule FIall Norman, Miss, 72, telr ate Thc Y_ .{N 7(i DItL;WS' 1)l itI..c]]'ollY. ANDITE\\TS' EPSOII STRF.E'I' DIRECTORY. Station Road. Station Road. Continued. Continued, }{ator, Iiellarvay, r\lfretl 11, 'lhe ierrace .... 10. The Terrace Flailes, Jarnes, 9, The terrace Porlpie, Theoclore, 8, The tellace Lriberal Chrb lYilliarii lIal', Florlericli care'taker, 7, The terlace .........ii, The 4, llebdiich, l\rilliam iern villa \Yillcocli, Alf r:etl, f<" Nor<IvtFN, FAMILY OILMAN & GENERAL HARDWAREMAN, rr rcrr LICEI{SEII sTFrE E lf, EP SOIVr- T(l $ELL PURE METHYLATED SPIRIT. Speaio,L Qwotatiott's lor INTEREST CHARGED ON ALL Lu,t"g e, Qtt'a'rt'titios, OVERDUE ACCOUNTS, Tin- 3, llelne t)hittenden, Charles G. T. li., 2, Herne vi1las Chuter, Stephen, t, Herne villas Josepho \Yoorlbirre cotiage Ca,r'e, nliss A3^aiha Sarah I)tclle,v, ][r's. E lizabeih )Iajor', Miss Spikesman, lticharcl, X{elrosc lla.nton, Challes " Iloineleigh " Ransley, Jlu,r:uartl, Jarles, ,, Iloslyn \Vil1mott, Uiss Sarah, " clres-<- rlaker, ,, Aurblesicle " llilhld. .lalrres, Ilay coltagc Clrr iorr, .lohn, l\Irry cottagc Hrrr',1irrg, \\'. Reginald,,' Lirrrlenhtrsi " Stole, Frank, coal rnercirant's oflr ce Trou'er', Irlarrk Harr.y, coitl mei'clrant's oftice llichctt, Smith and Co., coal melchant's office Hoivell, Johir, ', Railt'ay L.D. arrcl S.C. lly. Srnrion.Challes Caldner, station Wiltshire, Charles, Doriing, Henry hotel Benzoline & Crystal Oil Depot & lamp ]fiIatehouse, '3, Argvle viiirr, ConliLartl, Joirn, villas lr., 5, The Glielson, i\Irs. Iiilrla,, The terrace Consiable, Charles Elcoine, George cott:rg-e ter:rzrce Bankes, Jerome NLigent, The terracc Reec'i, The i{isses, terrace \\rayte, Charles " rlaster cab proprietor Gofl, Eliza Waters Charles Duff, John, East printing Hill hoLrse Sirilbeck, Joseph, Badrninton house I(irk. Henrv Wheian. Tlionia,s Jones, NIrs. John Mayson, office South Street. Beauchamp, LIrs. Elizabeih, confectioner \Villiams and Blomfield, th'aper:s; arrd at High street Lodge, I\Irs. dressmaker AN DIII',WS' DI III]C'I'ORY, r ANDIIEWS, EPSOXI STITEET DIRECTOITY. l- South Street. South Street. EDWARD HOPE, FAMILY BUTCTIER, SOI]TIIDOWN I{OIiStr, EPSOM. BEST ENGLISH & SCOTCH tsEEF, SOUTHDOWN MUTTON, I Cont'inued. Randall Bros., bakers ancl confectiorrers. ]Iineral Water Norks Trower, Frank Halry, coln a,ncl coal merchant Absalom, I{arry William, ancl provision merchant l\Iartin, MLs., "The llagpie inn " Barkworth, Frank, ('Rose Bairl< " Bartaril, Edrvt'r,rd, ,, Banksirle " Btrlton, lldrvard Richarcl " Mount liill " Woocl, Thomas,,,Queen's Heacl irrn " Thorns, William, butcher Hopkinson, ilIrs. Irouisa, shopkeeper Brewer, John \Yalter, fly FIAMS AND SAUSAGES, PICKLE,D TOT{GUES, proprietor Skilton, George, bricklayer Bruce, Aifrecl Clare, Miss, dressmaker Saunders, I\Irs. Bridges, John G., l{ead I\{ascall, I-.rewis Augustr-rs F. C., Rutlanil house Chandler, James Alexancler, DAIRY.T'ED FORIC. I Inglewoocl liouse house Ilrs. Airn, ' t,ialrrm. llr.s. Susi.irrra Jan*, hair dresser Clorvser', Johri TLorrras, )[rs., toLaccotrist Rrrftle, 'larrres, Vine colrago ('ragg. Jlinnie.,lressrrrake-i. (1r'ocktbld, Crockfbrcl, l{rs., ][L's..,.(, Bohernia', Bolrernir Nervhrnr, Herrry, Clatfor.,l housc corrrmer.uial school Jones, I:ennox, clentist Bristorv, William, blaclisrlith H{ l'sey, ThorLras, cyclc nrakel Holril, L. C., ,,Eclehvejsq'' \Vilkins, Char'les, rvatch anri ciock maker West Hiil. Braclnam, Mrs., butcher JefI, Gcorce, ,, -[lar'lris Granbv rnn " ol' Gray and Son, builclers Gray, Jonathan Glay, lliss. clenrentary school Green, Ireopold Joseuit house Braclley, - &-Son, The Br:ervei.y 1 llacl-ley Hankel', llls. Freder.ick A,, " Thc Slnubberv " cycie agert Gould, l\{rs., dressmaker Barton, Cliarles, grocer Hughes, Cantin.uc,l I ih'r"rggists, \VL itesi,le, hicl,dr,l,'errgineerl aucl J.rlacksmiilr Truman, Wjlliam Furniss, Thoma,s, anal Son, corn and coal ilerchants Meihr-rish, Walter, station masf er Dor-e llilron. Robert Etlrviu, hill cottages \VesL all onnls' DIRECToRY. ANDREWS' rrpSOtI STREE-| DIRECTORY. c. J. WATERS' Successor to H. DORSET, P-,RAOT'ICIAL WATO,HM-AKER, JEWELLE R-, & O,PTI O-IXA-NI, HIGII STRtrET, EPSO1\{" Eveny description t=rf* watches cleaned, "Repairecl, ancl Re$ulated. W. S, Roast& Son, rFtolvlttroNGEFlS, GAS & HOT WATER ENGINEERS, Locksm iths, Bellhattgers, PLUMBERS & DECORATORS. ESTIMATES FOR GEI{ERAL REPAIRS, IIIGII Sll[FtEEl[' EPSOn/r- West Hill. I Gtay, Joseph, \\iest hill I i cottages I Wilkinson, Denison }fatiherv, 1 Byron house Conti,nuetl, |anglancls, Gerald Walter, Hazon house l\{illard, W. }I., Sl<ilion. Iliss llartla villa Manchester, villa \Yest hill Ilark, Grove Folrle, IIr.iol Tjroinas Douglas Ricka r',.l. Rpv. Iler.Lcr.t, clrate Rn3et Chur','1, .. Ceorge, lod"e Wpterloo Road. \Yilsorr, Edrurrrr,l Garratt, 1, \Vaiei.loo villas Ale.rarrdcr, lliss Anrre, fsnbella, 2, \Varei.lou villas .........Trennant villa Tlower, tr'r'airk Harly, Lockslev vilh Aleiander, Willianr, Hasrveil hor-rse Cole, -Mi's., ,, Eclipse irrrr ,, Lo-llgirirlr:._ Heirry, West hill lrouse. Infants' School l\{iss Parker, nistress Bone, John, l3rain cottage Trerv, Mrs. Rose of Clrrist 81 Sturrford Ornan-t, Josepli lod9l, Alfrec1, Wesi hill loclge Blairlrrlaire,, ,. Hooilield gr'ore " F;lnr jlrr, ['r'rncis, I lill ]rousc Piper'. Chrlles Clrr.istrilts, J.P., \\,hite house Leirrnrorrl, Clrlr.les D.. nl.D., Old IIanor lrou-"0 I'idlar.ds, Surh. io,lgirrg house Hai lorrel1. llnr'.y Arrrr, sclroo] Ilrrtld. \\ illirrrr, t,lrnrrl,cr !'idd;nront. .t,,lrri Hiliirr,l \\roodheacl, Miss Caroline, Higlr School, ..GyrrsLlale,' CoiLart, Dr.. \\'illirir \\'ilson, Ashbourne irouse I\[cLpan. .FIccror., HoL,i.t L. ,\'S.\\'. Rrjluar.Srariorr )[elhuislr, master _ \\'lliei', srilion Woodcote. l\{ur.ray, Cirarles Freclerick lVoodcote irall Riclra.-dsorr. \\"iltirur, \\-ood_ eote End house Puxley. \\'illiuir, .. l.r,lLrs hotel " Harter, Alfreil Echvard. \\'oodcoie rrir-co F airLursb. \\illi,rr,, Aston, Aiirecl \\'itir.r,l l, \\,ooclcote gror-e Pagdcn, Nlrs., \\-oorl,.o: e I{oli, \Yilliam, Fleatircoie I'J ouse Thc RielrL ll,,rr. llro ll;rL'l ol,,,Durdlrrs Rosobcry. . Dirr',.1;r;, ,[olrrr. \\ or'],1's l..rr,l Frrrlllrer, Ueorge. En,1, Prliish .lei.k \\-ur..l11.s -IlF I al qj'u t'- m ir.z - & f;gE 6t"b / €;o.o o o lt o Z; x x N cr) -oH !.,t* - o m ? z ^/ o a m F-.{ d |-t\ a F 14 Y, R z t j , !. :il11, EII ll F a nn H p 0 * ll ,;o ijq #'*o o * * Woodcote Foo '= u: inn " cd Bischoff, Challes, Woodcote 6 _ ! cote palk \Yalker,.Jo-l_i-n James,,, baIlk,'' \\'ocdcote trIai'shalJ, !:! A\!.; ^i g rUr F m Loco =F \\\\ o a ,^ 0) nr O i: o :tr;0J ,t?d i=*'= v-a .'^ O o O d ^ €) bo96-?' in'ar.y> : al) o o c= 'xlg X X o -, - cr+ H5. .! "t.: .I 29.:, .O!3 dij c) Ef:s#ts O cd O>>\'a >a *H-'- c€ P,> 2);a'" o CFFLD n h PiaJ ^ t 7 E:< j H a a'3'o HF! Pegg, \Villiarrr house ^ il c -': L b q* i+ u -: green r, \t'oodcote .l lrorrse osel,ir, IIidtl Ie Alnull, Clrar.les, Lrninel l,'ielc1, 'fhomas I:ow, Alfred, Suffolk house Leilger, Freclei'ic William, Ashton liouse No_rnrarr, Sidncy ' Caurpbell. Leydon villa Hogan, Arthul .kal. l\lrs. Elsey, Alpine villns Nervhani, Geolge, Rose villas (libsou, -, Rose villas Gissiug, _(ieorge, ,, Eversley,' l3ionfieirl, \yilliam George, " SuLruysi,_le " \\'iri,qfiei,l, \\'illiam Oliver, Thonas, Fern villa." Rate Collecior Epsoin Urban I )istrict Coirncii Maynald, \Yilliain Fleming, Jolrnsor r, Robert, dailyruarr keepel anil dair.yrrian Rnwsorr, Fledei'icli Larlr.eirce, Ivy Lodge \Yiiliam Ellis I{eath, }Iisses Nancy antl Aclelaicle, Flini " house lJurdrtus lodEc Flelcl, Jolrn Langlands, Johnson. Isabella, scliool Joirnsorr, Jerernialr, shop- len " Lancaster - e Stilwell, 1\li's, Errrily, Athelnev villa Charlton, Sidncl Forl-,es, " Roslvrr .f af,te,l''nru ucis Alcock \Vbite, llrs. H:rilieL Walbhain house lndies'school IIrs. Dorah, Chilcote, Mrs. Elizabeth A. llulcl, Edinund lnalce,,.G thorn J)ar.ics, " Caiihness', Worple Road Of ! r unny- lodge v1 ri iar layne, Lmily, Row U -a:v .rv 'aE '= d-2 Gd-!v \\'ill S Rrrmforrl, Joseplr. \\'oodcote nE q.^nx d Woorlcote I}'ooks, Herbert, .I.P,, \yood- r, o *o v>u-O ", ?rt .,^ '; ^ ^ ^ .n EEvvvv S.g\ r* d o o)! 9,;NH tr)H o-. cd-Y q ii* qe oPdgo 9<po o o *r --:L! Fi William, J.P., house *5 * H; o I ..E c - Northey, The Rev. lldryarcl a1 u Corr,ti,ntLed. Grundtvig, Herbei't Theoclore, Maiilstone house Blacksirear', Henry, ,, Arnato 1 -F.a U trV a-' lYorple Road. Continu d, =93 ! arn = iocJ a* !q F E;E [il ll , Fi 3ilr ./ O N ci\ t4@ :; aBHH s z s .,^ ^ ^ ^ ANDITE\\,S' EFsolI sl_ltlr.r1.t. I))liltcfoRy. Hobn -o! 'd 6.H o) 0 A. ,;j4O cd L:1 nd XX m!4;H.H -: :E*"'" i, ni Arrrr, house " Bolion, l\Iiss Fi'ances Maria, [)neen Ann villas Nrruclrer.. XIls. Saralr, Qrrecn Aune villas Jivrns, ltorr l;L rrd,,,Cirelleorr,. Norrrlrrr. Ilrnest " Ga,bieLut'st Alfi,ecl. Watts, I)uucan, ,, Iinnting_ tos'er " rFFeNDr{urvs' DIRECToItY. 8,1 le. ld. -rr<o$(rEr<, CORN STORES, SOT]TH STRtrF]T, EPSOM. WHOLESALE & RETAIL Hay, Straw, Corn, Coal & Coke Merchant. F A^' D II I'TVS' EPSOXI STIt !] I1'I' D I It L,CTO RY. Worple Road. Wor le Road. Continued, Contintted. Davies, James, Queen Anne llrs. llrrrily Rose, " Cranleigii " Course, Eclgar Field, Ivel villas lleiliuen, Alfrecl, " Glenly " Jones, n{rs. .I{enrietta Ann J., 3, Queen QLreeir Anrre cottage Taylor, 1!{iss, Worpie cottages Ede, Henry John, ,, Homes- villas da1e," Telephone exchange Smale, Wiiliam Szlatay, Couniess, 2, Queen Anne villas Smith, Mrs. Kate Mar:ia, Queen Anne villas W, H. Challton, Eclward, Ashbeacl cottage Bird, Joliir James, ,, Eclendale " 1, CORBETT, orage Contractol ancl Seedsmatt* Qoals fron thz most fiurtioneen, not'eC Qa"l,lieries onlg" FAMILY MILLER" Finest Vienna, Households, and llfhole Meal I'louts, FINEST *"O'i' Qstdte IIIG}I U olunr, q,nd, ,9V gent, STRtrET, -EPSOM. OATMEAL Direct from the Tweed Milis. Agent for the Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Gompany.