
The Biographical Sketches which follow are a second instalment of the series begun in the AMERICAN J E W I S H YEAE
BOOK for 5664. The Sketches there published were of Rabbis
and Cantors officially connected with congregations in the
United States. On pp. 214-225, will be found additions to
the list of last year, designed to keep it up to date.
It is intended to complete the series of Biographical
Sketches in the AMERICAN J E W I S H YEAR BOOK for 5666, in
which an attempt will be made to present the biographical
data of the men and women who are doing the communal
work for the Jews of the United States.
The present instalment does not deal with so unified a set
of personages as the first dealt with and as the third is designed to deal with. It aims to bring together the names and
biographical data of the Jews in the United States who have
won a place in the professions, in the arts, the sciences, in
journalism, in business, in public life. Only one class of professional men and women have been excluded from the
present instalment, namely, those who have trained themselves
to preside over Jewish charitable institutions; the superintendents and directors of the charities, the superintendents
of orphan asylums and kindred institutions, the probation
officers, the social settlement workers, etc. Their vocation
is so closely allied to the activities that will constitute the
ground for inclusion in the next instalment of sketchea
that it seemed proper to associate them with the communal
workers whose leaders and guides they are.
A number of cases, indeed, proved the scheme of classification adopted arbitrary. Many of the personages whose
biographical data are presented below have put their attainments and their abilities in the service of the Jewish community. On the other hand, a few of those addressed began
their careers as professional men, but are now engaged entirely
in the service of the community. Their biographies have
therefore been reserved for the next instalment.
A word as to the data given below. The list does not lay
claim to completeness. That it is not even so complete as
it might have been made with the co-operation of all persons
addressed will appear from the circumstance that blanks and
circulars were sent to over nine hundred persons, and only
about 475 complied with the request for information. Among
those not heard from were some whose biographical data are
so well known that they have been compiled from various
reference books and inserted-. An asterisk (*) marks information not obtained directly from the subject of the sketch.
The circular letters were first sent out in May, a month in
which the summer travel to Europe had begun. This may
in a measure account for the paucity of responses received
from actors, musicians, painters, artists of all sorts. Likewise army and navy men, in which the list is deficient, move
from place to place so frequently and rapidly in the exercise
of their profession that it is difficult to reach them within a
given short time through their permanent address.
These deductions, great as they are, do not cover the large
number addressed and not heard from. Among them are,
besides authors, editors, physicians, lawyers, engineers, and
representatives of many other professions and occupations.
Over and above all this it must be admitted that if the
editorial miracle had come to pass, and the co-operation of
all persons addressed had been secured, the list would still
have been incomplete, as any list the first of its kind must
inevitably be.
Abarbanell, Jacob Ralph. Editor, Author. Born December 6,
1852, New York City. Son of Rudolph Abarbanell. Graduate
College City of New York, A. B., B. S., 1872; Columbia Law
School, LL. B., 1874. Married Cornelia L. Eaton. Practices
law, New York. Member Medico-Legal Society, New York; Manhattan Single Tax Club. Now editor New York Family Story
Paper, and Golden Hours. Author: Flirtation, 1884; Monte Cristo
and his Wife, 1885; Ma, 1888; The Rector's Secret, 1892; serials
published under pen name "Ralph Royal." Plays: My Father's
Will, 1881; A Model Pair, 1882; All on Account of a Bracelet,
1883; Haydee, Countess of Monte Cristo, 1902; Ma, 1902. Translations: novels of Alphonse Daudet, Octave Feuillet, Henri Greville, Boisgobey; short stories from French and German. Residence: Coney Island. Office: 24 Vandewater, New York.
Abrams, Albert. Physician. Born December 8, 1863, San Francisco, Cal. Son of Marcus Abrams and Rachael Levey. A. M.,
Portland University; M. D., University of Heidelberg; pursued
post-graduate courses in London (F. R. M. S.), Berlin, Vienna, and
Paris. Married Jeanne Irma Roth. Professor of Pathology and
director Medical Clinic, Cooper Medical College; president EmanuEl Sisterhood Polyclinic, San Francisco; trustee National Jewish
Hospital for Consumptives, Denver, and consulting physician to
the same institution. One of the original investigators of Heliotherapy and Psychotherapy; discoverer of the Heart and Lung
Reflexes of Abrams, and numerous other organ reflexes bearing
the same name. Author: Synopsis of Morbid Renal Secretions;
Manual of Clinical Diagnosis; Consumption, Causes and Prevention; The Antiseptic Club; Scattered Leaves of a Physician's
Diary; Diseases of the Heart; Nervous Breakdown; Hygiene, in
a System of Physiologic Therapeutics; The Blues, Causes and
Cure; and various contributions to medical journals. Address:
1519 Van Ness Av., San Francisco, Cal.
"Addison, Victoria." flee Peixotto, Victoria Maud.
Adler, Cyrus. Librarian Smithsonian Institution, Honorary
Curator Historic Religions, and Custodian Historic Archaeology,
United States National Museum. Born September 13, 1863, Van
Buren, Ark. Son of Samuel Adler and Sarah Sulzberger. Educated Hebrew Education Society's School, and public schools, Philadelphia; B. A., 1878, Central High School, Philadelphia; B. A.,
1883; M. A., 1886, University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., 1887, Johns
Hopkins University. Fellow, instructor, and associate Semitic
languages, Johns Hopkins University, 1887-1892. President board
of directors Jewish Theological Seminary of America; president
American Jewish Historical Society; trustee Gratz College, Philadelphia; trustee, and member Publication Committee, Jewish
Publication Society of America; member Council American Institute of Archaeology; formerly vice-president Philosophical Society,
and Anthropological Society, Washington; representative World's
Columbian Exposition to Turkey, Egypt, Tunis, Algiers, and
Morocco; representative United States Government to International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, London, and member of
executive committee of Catalogue; member American Philosophical Society, Washington Academy of Sciences, American Oriental
Society, and many other learned bodies. Editor: The American
Jewish Year Book; The Voice of America on Kishineff; and the
so-called " Jefferson Bible." Author: Told in the Coffee House
(with Allan Ramsay); many papers on philological, archaeological, and American Jewish historical subjects, in the publications of the United States National Museum, of various learned
societies, and in scientific periodicals. One of the Editors of the
Jewish Encyclopedia. Address: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
*Adler, Felix. Educator, Lecturer. Born August 13, 1851,
Alzey, Germany. Son of Rabbi S. Adler. Graduate, 1870, Columbia University. Studied at Berlin (Ph.D.). Professor Hebrew
and Oriental Literature, Cornell University, 1874-1876; established, 1876, New York Society for Ethical Culture, of which he
is now the lecturer. Professor political and social ethics Columbia University. Member editorial board International Journal of
Ethics. Author: Creed and Deed; The Moral Instruction of Children, etc. Address: 123 East 60th, New York.
*Adler, Jacob P. Actor. Born January 1, 1855, Odessa, Russia.
Made his first appearance at the theatre in Cherson, Russia, 1878.
Emigrated to London, 1883, because the Russian government prohibited Jewish plays. Removed to New York, 1888, and became
one of the leading actors on the Jewish stage. Appeared with
an English company of actors, he playing the title-role in Shakespearean plays in Yiddish. Address: Grand Theatre, New York.
Alan Dale. See Cohen, Alfred J.
*Alschuler, Samuel. Lawyer. Born November 20, 1859, Chicago,
111. Son of Jacob Alschuler. Educated in Aurora, 111., high
school. Was clerk in general store two years; studied law in
office in Aurora; admitted to Illinois bar, 1881; Democratic candidate for Congress, 1892; defeated. Member of State Commission of Claims, 1893-1896; of legislature, 1896-1900; Democratic
candidate for governor of Illinois, 1900; defeated. Member law
firm Kraus, Alschuler, and Holden, since 1901. Residence:
Aurora, 111. Office: Tribune Bldg., Chicago.
*Altman, Benjamin. Proprietor department store, B. Altman
and Company. Director Bank of the Metropolis; trustee Garfield
Safe Deposit Company. Address: 25 Madison Av., New York.
Altman, Rebecca Annetta. Writer. Born December 16, 1880,
Gilnitz, Polish Lithuania. Daughter of Joseph Jacob Altman and
Leah Oberschmieds. Educated by private tutors, special attention
being paid to Hebrew. Other studies pursued at Steubenville, O.,
high school. Has written essays, poems, sketches, and translations from the German, Hebrew, and Yiddish, for The American
Jewish press, the Steubenville Herald, and other papers; also several Hebrew articles in Ha-Ibri, 1895, 1896, and 1897. Address:
238 South Fifth, Steubenville, Ohio.
Altmann, Aaron. Assistant Professor of Sketching and Perspective at California School of Design, Mark Hopkins Institute
of Art of the University of California. Born October 28, 1872,
San Francisco, Cal. Son of Jacob Altmann and Dora Posner. Graduate San Francisco public schools and Ecole Nationale des Beaux
Arts, Paris, France. Received William Alvord Medal at California School of Design, 1890. Two pictures accepted at Paris
Salon, 1896. Appointed member Board of Park Commissioners,
City and County of San Francisco, 1902. Address: 1017 Sutter,
San Francisco, Cal.
Amram, David Werner. Lawyer, 1889, and Referee in Bankruptcy, 1903, United States District Court Eastern District of
Pennsylvania. Born May 16, 1866, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of
Werner David Amram and Esther Hammerschlag. Educated in
public schools, and Rugby Academy, Philadelphia; A. B., 1887;
LL. B., 1889; A. M., 1890, University of Pennsylvania. Married
Beulah Brylawski. President and honorary member board of
directors Young Men's Hebrew Association; director Hebrew
Education Society, Jewish Maternity Association, and Congregation Mickve Israel; trustee and secretary Gratz College; member Law Academy; Medical Jurisprudence Society; Pennsylvania
State Bar Association; Grand Lodge Pennsylvania Masons; Phari-
sees; and member Publication Committee Jewish Publication
Society of America, 1897-1901. Author: The Jewish Law of
Divorce, 1896; Leading Cases in Biblical Law (in press). Writer
of legal articles in Jewish Encyclopedia; A Lawyer's Studies in
Jewish Law, being sixteen articles published serially in The
Green Bag, Boston. Address: 1717 North 8th, Philadelphia, Pa.
Anspacher, Louis Kaufman. Lecturer, Author, and Dramatist.
Born March 1, 1878, Cincinnati, O. Son of Leopold Henry Anspacher and Rosa Kaufman. Educated in New York public schools;
A. B., 1897, College City of New York; studied at Columbia Law
School, and pursued post-graduate course in School of Philosophy,
Columbia University (A.M., 1902; LL. B., 1903). Lecturer in philosophy in " Mind " Summer School, and teacher in evening schools
New York City. Contributed articles to magazines. Author:
Tristan and Isolde, a Poetical Drama; Anna and the Archduke
John, a Drama (in press). Address: 3 West 122d, New York
Apotheker, David. Notary Public, and Real Estate and Insurance Broker. Born August 28, 1855, Ponievezhgov, Government
Kovno, Russia. Studied at Wilkomir, 1868, under M. L. Lilienblum. Arrested, 1877, at Kiev, for Nihilist agitation; escaped to
Czernowitz, Austria. Married Celia Shulman. Emigrated to the
United States, 1888. Editor: Die Gegenwart, a Yiddish weekly,
1895. Author: Ha-Nebel, a book of Hebrew and Yiddish poems,
1882. Contributor to Hebrew and Yiddish papers. Address: 528
South 4th, Philadelphia, Pa.
*Appel, Aaron H. Major Surgeon, United States Army. Born
April 3, 1856, Pennsylvania. A. B., 1874, Central High School,
Philadelphia; M. D.; 1878, Jefferson Medical College. Appointed
assistant surgeon, 1879; captain assistant surgeon, 1884; major
surgeon, 1897. Address: War Department, Washington, D. C.
*Appel, Daniel M. Major Surgeon, United States Army. Born
October 28, 1854, Pennsylvania. A. B., 1872; A.M., 1877, Central
High School, Philadelphia; M. D., 1875, Jefferson Medical College. Appointed assistant surgeon, 1876; captain assistant surgeon, 1881; major surgeon, 1895. Address: War Department,
Washington, D. C.
Aronson, Maurice. Pianist, Writer, Critic. Born June 24, 1869,
Mitau, Courland, Russia. Son of Herman Aronson and Anette
Levit. Graduate Mitau Gymnasium, 1885; Ecole Polytechnique,
Riga, 1886; pursued courses of study in St. Petersburg, Riga, and
Berlin. First studied chemistry, then music. Came to the United
States, 1888, going to the South as conductor, pianist, and organist; removed to Chicago, 1896. Member Piano Faculty Chicago
Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art, 1896-1900. Founder and
director Maurice Aronson Studios for the Art of Piano Playing,
1900-1903. Called to Berlin, 1903, as chief assistant of Leopold
Godowsky. Author: Symphony and Symphonic Poem, 1897;
Schumann's Song Cycles, 1897; Robert Franz in his Relation to
Music and its Masters, 1897; Franz Schubert (in commemoration
of the one hundredth Anniversary of his Birth), 1897; The Poles
in Music, 1898, and articles in musical journals. Address: Geisberg Strasse 31, Berlin, Germany.
•Aronson, Rudolph. Theatrical Manager; Musical Composer.
Now manager Bijou Theatre, New York; projector and builder
Metropolitan Concert Hall (site of present Broadway Theatre);
also projector and builder Casino (with first roof garden in
America). Composer of more than 150 pieces for orchestra, including the famous Sweet Sixteen waltz. Residence: 144 West
94th. Office: 1123 Broadway, New York.
Austrian, Ben. Artist. Born November 22, 1870, Reading,
Pa. Son of Raphael Austrian and Fannie Elizabeth Dreifoos.
Educated at Reading public schools. Began career as clerk and
travelling salesman. Self-taught as a painter. Began to paint at
age of nine. Works: Temptations, After the Race, A Day's
Hunt, The Intruder, A Golden Harvest, After a South Wind,
His Majesty the King, Motherhood, Love's Nest, The Home of
Love, Die Mutterliebe. Address: 1252 Perkiomen Av., Reading,
*Bamberger, Raymond S. Second Lieutenant, United States
Army. Born October 29, 1877, Kentucky. A. B., 1895, Male High
School, Louisville, Ky. Was private and acting hospital steward,
Hospital Corps, 1898-1900; appointed private and hospital steward, Hospital Corps, 1901; second lieutenant, 7th Regiment Cavalry, 1901. Address: War Department, Washington, D. C.
Barondess, Joseph. Insurance Broker. Born July 3, 1867,
Kamenetz-Podolsk, Russia. Son of Judah Samuel Barondess and
Feiga Goldman. Educated in the Cheder. Married Anna Zisels.
Came to America at age of eighteen. Laborer in Brooklyn sugar
refinery; worked in sweat shop as tailor; in "Paris Green"
factory; and on a farm. Leader of Cloak Makers Union of
16,000 members, chiefly Jews. Organizer of International Ladies
Garment Workers Union, American Federation of Labor. Leader
of Union workmen locked out of Abraham Popkin's Cloak and
Suit factory. Charged with extortion on the successful end of
the lock-out; found guilty by a jury; the judgment reversed by
the Supreme Court; for technical reasons the judgment of the first
court sustained by New York State Court of Appeals; declared
morally innocent of charge by the District Attorney who had carried the case to the Court of Appeals; and pardoned by Governor
Flower. Twice candidate on Socialist party ticket for Assembly in
the Twelfth Assembly District, New York. Subject of Edward
King's "Joseph Zalmonah." Editor: The Baltimore Free Press
(Labor Paper), 1894; The Union Zeitung (Jewish Trades Union
paper, published first as a bi-monthly, then as a weekly, by the
Cloak Makers Union), 1894; Labor Department of Forward, Jewish daily and weekly. Has written numerous articles for the
Jewish press. Address: 6 Rutgers, New York.
Barthold, Manuel. Artist. Born September 9, 1874, Russia.
Son of Morris Barthold and Sarah Schneider. Educated in
New York and Paris. Awarded a first Elliot Medal by National
Academy of Design, New York, 1894, and a DeuxiSme Medaille,
H. C, by the Salon des Artistes Frangais, Paris, 1904. Works:
Les Deux Amis; Une petite Hollandaise, both exhibited in Paris,
1904. Address: 89, rue Deupert-Rochereau, Paris, France.
Baruch, Emanuel. Physician. Born February 22, 1868, New
York City. Son of Myron Baruch and Elizabeth Fournier. Father
and grandfather distinguished physicians, the latter also burgomaster of Arolsen, Waldeck-Pyrmont. Graduate University of
Wurtemberg, 1887; Columbia University, 1889; pursued courses
at the Universities of Berlin and Munich. Professor of Bacteriology and Pathology, Flower Hospital and Medical College; of
Bacteriology and Therapeutics, Metropolitan Post-Graduate College, New York City. Member of many scientific societies.
Author: On the Aetiology and Therapy of Diphtheria; On the
Aetiology of Cancer; Serotherapy; The Treatment of Chronic
Disease; The Bacteriological Diagnosis and Therapy of Typhoid
Fever; Epidemic Cerebro-spinal Meningitis; etc. Address: 57
East 77th, New York.
Baruch, Simon. Physician. Born July 29, 1840, Schwersenz,
Germany. Son of Bernhard Baruch and Teresa Greer. Educated
at Gymnasium, Posen. M. D., 1862, Medical College of Virginia.
Married Belle Wolfe. Surgeon for three years in Army of Northern Virginia under General Lee; practiced medicine for fifteen
years in Camden, S. C ; president South Carolina Medical Society, 1873; chairman State Board of Health, South Carolina,
1880; physician, 1883-1884, and gynaecologist, 1884-1887, to Northeastern Dispensary, New York; chairman Committee on Public
Health, New York County Medical Society, 1890. Now professor
of Hydrotherapeutics New York Post-Graduate Medical School and
Hospital; visiting physician Hood-Wright Hospital (formerly
Manhattan General); consulting physician Monteflore Home for
Chronic Invalids. Advocate of methodical use of physiological
remedies, such as diet, rest, exercise, and baths. His agitation for
the introduction of free public cleansing baths resulted in their
establishment in New York, Buffalo, Syracuse, Rochester, and
Chicago. Author: The Uses of Water in Modern Medicine; The
Principles and Practice of Hydrotherapy (both works published
in Germany, the second also in Sweden). Address: Hotel Majestic, New York.
Belasco, David. Sole Manager Belasco Theatre; Playwright.
Born July 25, 1859, San Francisco, Cal. Son of A. Belasco and
Reina Martin. Educated in Lincoln College, Cal. Married Cecilia
Loverich. Stage manager Baldwin Theatre, San Francisco, 1878;
Madison Square Theatre, New York, 1880, and Lyceum Theatre,
New York, 1885. Wrote first play, acted by himself and boy
friends, at age of fourteen. Came East in 1880. Author: May
Blossom; La Belle Russe; Hearts of Oak; Valerie; The Heart of
Maryland; Zaza; Du Barry; Sweet Kitty Bellairs; in collaboration
with H. C. DeMille: Lord Chumley; The Wife; The Charity
Ball; Men and Women; with Franklin Fyles: The Girl I Left
Behind Me; with John Luther Long: Mme. Butterfly; The Darling of the Gods. Address: Belasco Theatre, New York.
*Bendix, Max. Violinist, Conductor. Born March 28, 1866,
Detroit, Mich. Educated at Detroit. Studied the violin and in
1885 became concert-master in Van der Stucken's orchestra, New
York; concert-master of the Theodore Thomas orchestra, 18861896; assistant conductor, 1891-1896. Conducted orchestral concerts for six weeks at Chicago, 1892; was assistant conductor and,
after Mr. Thomas' resignation, sole conductor Exposition Orchestra of 114 selected artists at World's Columbian Exposition.
Organized and for several seasons directed the Max Bendix String
Quartette. Since 1896 devoted exclusively to solo playing and
teaching. Address: 489 Fifth Av., New York.
Benjaminson, Abraham L. Mohel and Hebrew Author. Born
1884, in Russia. Son of Moses Benjaminson and Rashe Brody.
Educated in Russia and Germany. Married Rachel Herman.
Author: War in Peace (against Christian missionaries), 1898;
The Valley of Jehoshaphat (on Jewish sects); The Observer
(a study of the Jewish problem). Dramas: The Valley of Application; The Treason of Absalom (both unpublished). Address:
405 Grand, New York.
Benoliel, Solomon D. Electro-chemist. Born June 1, 1874,
New York City. Son of David J. Benoliel and Pauline Wassermann. Graduate New York public schools, 1888; scientific course
College City of New York, B. S., 1893; School of Mines, Columbia
University, Electr. Eng., 1896; School of Pure Science, Columbia
University, A. M., 1896. Married Therese Lindeman. Consulting
electrical engineer and chemist, 1896-1897; instructor electricity
and chemistry Adelphi College, Brooklyn, 1897-1901; electrochemist, since 1901, and general manager Roberts Chemical
Company. Lecturer Board of Education, New York and Brooklyn, 1898-1901; Brooklyn Institute Arts and Sciences, 1900-1901.
Member American Electro-chemical Society, and Alumni Association School of Applied Science, Columbia University; associate
member American Institute Electrical Engineers. Perfected new
process for production of caustic potash and chemically pure
hydrochloric acid. Writes for scientific magazines. Address:
Roberts Chemical Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Berenson, Bernhard. Writer on art. Born June 26, 1865,
Wilna, Lithuania, Russia. Son of Albert Berenson and Judith
Michliszanski. Graduate Boston Grammar and Latin School;
Harvard University (A. B., 1887). Married Mary Whitall Pearsall
Smith. Author: Venetian Painters of Renaissance; Florentine
Painters of Renaissance; Central Italian Painters of Renaissance;
Lorenzo Lotto, an Essay in Constructive Art Criticism; Study
and Criticism of Italian Art (first and second series); The Drawings of the Florentine Painters. Address: 1 Tatti, Settignano,
Florence, Italy.
Berliner, Emile. Inventor. Born May 20, 1851, Hanover, Germany. Son of Samuel Berliner and Sally Friedman. Graduate
common schools, Hanover, and Samson School, Wolfenbiittel.
Married Cora Adler. Chief Instrument Inspector Bell Telephone
Company, 1879-1882. Inventor of loose contact telephone transmitter, 1877; and of gramophone, first talking machine to utilize
a groove of even depth, and in which the record not only vibrates
but also propels the reproducing stylus, 1887. First to apply
induction coil to telephony; discovered "receiving action" of
loose contacts. At work at the flying machine problem. Author:
Conclusions, 1899. Address: 1458 Columbia Road, Washington,
D. C.
Berliner, Solomon. United States Consul. Born October 6,
1856, New York City. Son of Julius Berliner and Julia Salomon.
Educated New York public schools, and at Neuwied am Rhein.
Married Jennie Ottenberg. Address: Teneriffe, Canary Islands.
Bernard, Samuel. Actor. Born July 3, 1863, Birmingham,
England. Son of Benjamin Bernard. Educated in New York
City. Stage manager, comedian, now star. Address: 61 West
73d, New York.
•Bernstein, Bernard. Actor. Born 1861, Warsaw, Russia. Sang
in chorus of the Polish Opera in Warsaw, and appeared as a
comedian, 1882, in Goldfaden's comedy, Die Zauberin. Played in
several Jewish theatres in Russia; when the Jewish theatre was
forbidden there, 1883, he went to Galicia, Austria, and then to
Roumania, where he played various roles, usually comic. Was
engaged by Pool's Theatre, New York, 1892. Especially successful in role of Shamai in The Jewish King Lear, by J. Gordin.
Address: Grand Theatre, New York.
Bernstein, Herman. Author. Born September 21, 1876, Scherwindt, Prussia. Son of David Bernstein and Maria Elson. Educated in Russia and United States. Married Sophie Friedman.
Lived in Moghilev. Russia, twelve years; came to New York, 1893.
Author: In the Gates of Israel, Stories of the Jews; Contrite
Hearts. Translator: Maxime Gorky's Foma Gordeyev; Anton
Chekhov's stories. Address: Uncasville, Conn.
Bernstein, Saul. Artist. Born 1872, Posvol, Kovno, Russia.
Son of Wolf Bernstein and Esther Shalowitz. Talmud student until age of sixteen; came to America, 1888; peddler and
storekeeper, West Virginia, until 1S94; began to study art, 1895.
Graduate Maryland Institute, Baltimore, Class A Medal, 1895;
Decorative Art Society prize, Baltimore, 1896; studied in Paris
and Holland, 1898-1901; admitted to Paris Salon, 1902. Studied
Jewish life in Galicia, 1902. Married Malco S. Abel, August, 1903.
Works: Evening Chat; A Good Housekeeper; A Chapter in an
old Tradition; Sabbath Afternoon; Mordecai the Tailor, modelled
head of a Galician Jew; portraits. Author: Hints on Art (manuscript). Address: 727 W. Fayette, Baltimore, Md.
Bettmann, Bernhard. Collector Internal Revenue at Cincinnati since 1897. Born August 2, 1834, Weidnitz, Bavaria. Son
of Jacob Bettmann and Jeannette Kann. Educated in Germany.
Married Mathilde Wald. President Board of Governors Hebrew
Union College since 1875; United Jewish Charities, Cincinnati,
1896-1903; Standard Lodge, Independent Order B'nai B'rith; treasurer Congregation Bnai Jeshurun since 1884. Member Executive
Board Union American Hebrew Congregations since 1873; Board
Talmid Yelodim Institute for twenty-two years; Board of Education, Cincinnati, for fourteen years; director Ohio Valley National
Bank since 1886; master Masonic Lodge. Author: German
Ritual for Masonic Lodges. Has written poems published in Die
Gartenlaube, Leipzig, and other papers; orations, and speeches.
Address: 858 Lexington Av., Avondale, Cincinnati, O.
Bettman, Henry Wald. Physician. Born January 14, 1868,
Cincinnati, O. Son of Bernhard Bettmann and Mathilde Wald.
Educated at Cincinnati, Berlin, Prague, and Vienna. B. L., 1888,
University of Cincinnati; M. D., 1890, Medical College of Ohio,
Cincinnati. Pathologist City Hospital, Cincinnati, 1896-1904. Was
professor of Medicine Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery
(no longer holds sessions). Has contributed numerous articles
to the medical journals. Residence: 3593 Bogart Av. Office:
Groton Building, Seventh and Race, Cincinnati, O.
Bien, Julius. President Julius Bien and Company; Artist Lithographer. Born September 27, 1826, Hesse-Cassel, Germany. Son
of Emanuel M. Bien and Esther Lithauer. Educated at Teachers'
Seminary, and Academy of Fine Arts, Cassel; Stadel's Institute, and Studio of Professor Moritz Oppenheim, Frankfort on
the Main. Married Almira M. Brown. Was president Independent Order B'nai B'rith for thirty-five years. Now Chancellor of
Foreign Affairs, Independent Order B'nai B'rith; president
National Lithographers Association; member Academy of Science,
New York, and many other learned bodies. Medals awarded:
Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876; Paris Exposition, 1878
(two medals); World's Exposition, Chicago, 1893 (medal and
diploma); Paris Exposition, 1900 (one gold and one silver medal).
Works: American Locomotives and Railroads, 1852; Yosemite
Book, Sun Pictures of the Rocky Mountains; Statistical Atlases
of the United States; Geological Survey Maps of California, New
Jersey, Michigan; U. S. Geological Survey; Coast and Geodetic
Survey; Atlas of the Rebellion Record; Atlas of the States of
New York, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire; many State and city
maps. Address: 140-142 Sixth Av., New York.
Bien, Morris. Engineer, since 1902 in charge Reclamation Service, United States Geological Survey. Born April 17, 1859, New
York City. Son of Joseph Bien and Therese Leipoldt. Educated
in San Francisco public schools. Ph. B., 1879, University of California; LL. B., 1895, Columbian (now George Washington) University, Washington, D. C ; LL. M., 1896, National University,
Washington, D. C. Married Lilla V. Hart. Topographer United
States Geological Survey, 1879-1893; in charge of Irrigation and
Railroad Right of Way Section, United States General Land Office,
1893-1902; in charge of topographic surveys western half of Virginia, 1882-1888; in charge of special survey Aspen Mining District, Colorado. Served on special surveys of mining districts,
Eureka, Nev., and Leadville, Colo.; conducted special irrigation investigations in Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana, and North Dakota. Author of reports on federal legislation; drafted acts of
Congress relative to irrigation and right of way matters; prepared legal discussions on irrigation, water rights, State and
federal legislation, several of which were published in magazines
and official publications. Address: United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C.
Bienenfeld, Abel Morris. Division Engineer, San Pedro, Los
Angeles, and Salt Lake Railroad. Born January 21, 1873, San
Francisco, Cal. Son of Elias Bienenfeld and Bertha Kunreuther.
Educated at San Francisco, Cal. Was assistant engineer Southern Pacific Company, and during Spanish-American War assistant
in Naval Construction Department, United States Navy, at Mare
Island, Cal. Immediately preceding and during Spanish-American
War was engaged in reconstruction, at Mare Island, Cal., of warships subsequently used by Admiral Dewey at Manila. Engaged
in the location and construction of railroads in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas for the past twelve years except
during time of Spanish-American War. Now located at Daggett,
Cal. Address: 2158 Pine, San Francisco, Cal.
Bienenfeld, Bernard. Consulting Engineer. Born December
11, 1861, New York City. Son of Elias Bienenfeld ( a descendant
of R. Moses Isserles) and Bertha Kunreuther (granddaughter of
R. Hirsch Kunreuther of Gelnhausen). Educated at San Francisco. Ph. B., 1882, University of California. Graduate College
of Civil Engineering. Late member California Committee Asphalt Company of America; Engineer Commission on Appraisement of the Kern River Oil Field, which resulted in the formation of the Associated Oil Company; president and engineer
Standard Asphalt Company; and was associated in control of
Franklin Oil Company, Pacific Asphalt Company, Alcatraz Company, American Oil and Asphalt Company; formerly assistant
engineer Southern Pacific Company, and engineer Pacific Improvement Company. Member American Society of Civil Engineers. Engaged, 1882-1893, in pioneer location and construction
of railroads in Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and
Texas; discovered, 1893, in Kern Co., Cal., purest vein of asphalt
then known; designed masonry bridge across Napa River, Cal.,
1894; engaged in developing California asphalt interests, 18931900; inaugurated the laying of California asphalt street pavements in New York City, 1897; engaged, since 1900, in the examination and exploitation of petroleum deposits of Pacific coast and
Alaska. Address: 2158 Pine, San Francisco, Cal.
Bijur, Nathan. Lawyer. Born June 1, 1862, New York City.
Son of Asher Bijur and Pauline Sondheim. Educated at Dr.
Julius Sachs's School, New York. Ph. B., 1881; LL. B., 1882;
Ph. D., 1883, Columbia University. Married Lilly Pronick. Trustee Baron de Hirsch Fund; vice-president United Hebrew Charities, New York; member commission appointed by Mayor Low to
investigate riot at funeral of Rabbi Joseph. Special law practice:
corporations, re-organizations. Frequent contributor to editorial
columns of daily press. Office: 34 Nassau. Residence: 172 West
75th, New York.
Bloch, Clement. Physician. Born November 17, 1865, Szaky,
Russian Poland. Son of Abraham Jacob Bloch and Hannah Frida
Heshinovitz. Educated at Konigsberg, Prussia. Graduate Kneiphof Gymnasium, 1884. M. D., 1890, University of Konigsberg.
Removed from Poland to Konigsberg, 1873; denied naturalization
rights on account of anti-Semitic prejudices; came to America,
1890. Married Lizzie Maud Dreyfus. Senior resident physician
Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids, 1890-1895; instructor New
York Polyclinic, 1893-1900; physician in Throat and Ear Department Mt. Sinai Hospital, 1895-1897; and to New York City Board
of Health, 1896-1902. Address: 68 West 117th, New York.
Block, Morris. Mayor of City of Kingston, New York. Born
November 6, 1862, Kingston. Son of Marx Block and Henrietta
Fogle. Educated at Kingston. Has been county supervisor, alderman, first president Board of Aldermen, city treasurer, and has
served two terms as Mayor. Address: 29 Abruyn, Kingston,
New York.
Bloomfield, Fannie. See Zeisler, Fannie Bloomfield.
*Bloomfield, Maurice. Professor Sanskrit and Comparative
Philology, Johns Hopkins University. Born February 23, 1855,
Bielitz, Austria. A.M., 1877, Furman University, S. C ; Ph.D.,
1879, Johns Hopkins University; LL. D., 1896, Princeton University. Married Rose Zeisler. Edited for first time from original
Sanskrit manuscripts the Sutra of Kaugika; translated the
Atharva-Veda in the Sacred Books of the East (edited by Max
Miiller); author of The Atharva-Veda and the Gopatha-Brahmana, 1899; edited, with Richard Garbe, the Kashmirian Paippalada-Veda, 1901. Contributor to numerous learned journals and
reviews on subjects connected with history, religion, mythology,
and literature of ancient India; on Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and
comparative grammar; on ethnology and science of religions.
Member German Oriental Society; American Oriental Society;
American Philological Association; honorary member Royal Bohemian Society, Prague. Address: 861 Park Av., Baltimore, Md.
Bloomgarden, Sol. Merchant. Born April, 1870, Wirballen,
Lithuania. Son of Caleb Bloomgarden. Educated for the rabbinate; self-taught in secular subjects. Came to New York, 1892;
went to Colorado on account of ill-health, 1899. Writes Yiddish
verses under nom de plume " Yehoash." Early verses published
in Perez's Juedisch Bibliotheca. Has written some English verses.
Address: 722 Twenty-fourth, Denver, Colo.
Bloomingdale, Charles, Jr. (nom de plume, " K a r l " ) . Advertising Manager Welsbach Company; Author. Born March 16,
1868, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Charles Bloomingdale and Caroline Cadette Elfelt. Graduate Philadelphia private schools, public schools, high school, University of Pennsylvania (1887). Married Katherine Fleck. Editor and owner: Music and Drama;
Footlights; Stageland. Was department editor "Up the Street
and down again," Philadelphia Press, and dramatic editor of
various Philadelphia papers. Writer of short stories, sketches,
and society verse. Wrote libretto of a travesty on comic opera,
The Sighing Dutchman, produced at the Mercantile Club, Philadelphia, 1903. Author: Mr., Miss and Mrs., 1899; A Failure,
1904. Address: 210 South 11th, Philadelphia.
Bloomingdale, Emanuel Watson. Merchant. Born November
25, 1852, Rome, New York. Son of Benjamin Bloomingdale and
Hannah Weil. LL. B., 1877, Columbia University. Married January 3, 1877, Adele Bernheimer. Republican presidential elector,
1900; trustee National McKinley Memorial Association; manager
Society for Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents; president Retail Dry Goods Association; director Jewish Protectory, New York
Address: 42 West 69th, New York.
Bloomingdale, Joseph B. Retired Merchant. Born December
22, 1842, New York City. Son of Benjamin Bloomingdale and
Hannah Weil. Educated New York public schools. Married
Clara Koffman. Vice-president Hebrew Technical Institute;
United States Savings Bank. Address: 78 Fifth Av., New York.
Bloomingdale, Lyman G. Merchant. Born February 11, 1841,
New York City. Son of Benjamin Bloomingdale and Hannah
Weil. Educated at New York public schools and Smith's Collegiate Institute. Married Hattie Collenberger. Treasurer Monteflore Home for Chronic Invalids, and Temple Beth-El; ex-president Isaiah Lodge, Independent Order B'nai B'rith; and Excelsior Lodge, Kesher Shel Barzel. Member Chamber of Commerce;
Lafayette Post; educational, charitable, and civic institutions;
president and director Walters Piano Company, and Arcade Realty
Company; director Hudson Oil Company, and Vulcan Detinning
Company. Patron Metropolitan Museum of Art. A founder of
Monteflore Home Country Sanitarium for Consumptives at Bedford Station, N. Y. Served in Civil War as non-commissioned
officer in Kansas Volunteers. Address: Third Av. and 59th, New
Blumenberg, Louis. Violoncello Soloist. Born Baltimore, Md.
Son of Julius J. Blumenberg and Fanny Baer. Educated at Baltimore. Has travelled extensively, giving concerts in the United
States, Canada, Mexico, and also in parts of Europe. Address:
St. James Building, New York.
Blumenberg, Marc A. Editor-in-chief Musical Courier of New
York. Born May 21, 1851, Baltimore, Md. Son of Julius J.
Blumenberg and Fanny Baer. Graduate public schools, and Loyola
College, Baltimore. Studied musical literature and art in Europe.
Married Ruth Bailhache. President Blumenberg Press. Was
musical critic of Baltimore American. Has written articles and
essays on musical subjects. Expert in acoustics, construction,
evolution and tradition of old and modern musical instruments.
Musical Courier, and Blumenberg Press received Grand Prix, Paris
Exposition, 1900, for artistic and literary productions. Address:
1135 Broadway, New York.
Blumenthal, Mark. Physician. Born July 11, 1831, Altenstadt,
Bavaria, Germany. Son of Lawrence Blumenthal and Rebecka
Mayer. Educated at Academy, Chambersburg, Pa.; Central High
School, Philadelphia; M. D., 1852, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York University. Married Selina Asch (deceased).
Was assistant physician Blackwell's Island Hospital (1852);
deputy coroner New York City (1853); physician Mt. Sinai Hospital (1855-1859); Northeastern Dispensary; Institute for Deaf
Mutes; surgeon New York State National Guard; consulting physician Home for the Aged; member and officer New York Academy
of Medicine; president Physicians' Mutual Aid, Northwestern
Medical and Surgical Society, The Medical Union, and for twelve
years of Institute for Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes; trustee
and president of medical board United Hebrew Charities; trustee
Congregation Shearith Israel; etc. Contributed papers to medical
journals. Address: 123 West 87th, New York.
Blumenthal, Maurice B. Lawyer. Born 1870, New York City.
Son of Benjamin Blumenthal and grandson of Simon Blumenthal, first Rabbi Congregation Rodeph Shalom. Educated in
New York City public schools, College City of New York, and
New York University. Was for some years editor of the Literary
Review; admitted to bar, 1891. Organized, 1895, and still presides
over the speakers' bureau, permanent auxiliary of Tammany Hall
Executive Committee. Repeatedly delegate to county and State
conventions of Democratic party; was one of the candidates for
Presidential elector, 1896; appointed assistant district attorney,
1898; deputy attorney general New York State, 1903. Address:
35 Nassau, New York City.
Boas, Franz. Anthropologist. Born July 9, 1858, Minden, Westphalia. Studied at Universities of Heidelberg and Bonn; Ph.D.,
1891, Kiel. Spent the year 1882 at Berlin, preparing for arctic
voyage; sailed to Cumberland Sound, Baffin's Land, 1883; travelled
there until 1884; wrote results of voyage and studied, at National
Museum, Washington, 1884-1885; assistant Royal Ethnographical
Museum, Berlin, and docent of geography University of Berlin,
1885-1886; went to British Columbia to study Indians and carried
on investigations in that area for British Association for the
Advancement of Science, and after 1897 for American Museum
of Natural History, New York; directed operations and publications, Jesup North Pacific expedition; assistant editor Science,
1886-1888; docent of anthropology Clark University, 1888-1892;
chief assistant Department of Anthropology, World's Columbian
Exposition; lecturer, 1895, professor, 1898, anthropology, Columbia University; assistant curator, 1896, curator, 1901, Department
Anthropology, American Museum Natural History. Member
National Academy of Science; fellow American Association for
the Advancement of Science; corresponding member Anthropological Societies of Berlin, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Washington, of Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland,
and of American Antiquarian and Numismatic Society. Author:
Baffin Land, 1885; The Central Eskimo; Chinook Texts, 1894;
Indianische Sagen von der Nordwestkiiste Amerikas, 1895; Social
Organization and Secret Societies of the Kwakintl Indians, 1898;
Kathlamet Texts, 1900; The Eskimo of Baffin Land and Hudson
Bay, 1901; Kwakintl Texts, 1901-1902; Triunbian Texts, 1902; also
reports to United States National Museum, British Association
for the Advancement of Science, etc. Address: American Museum
Natural History, Central Park, New York City.
Borofsky, Samuel Hyman. Law Stationer, Justice of the Peace,
Notary Public. Born April, 1865, at Wolkovyshki, Suwalk, Russian Poland. Son of Mendel (Poven) Borofsky and Rebecca Touvim. Educated at Wolkovyshki, and Manchester, England. Married Ettie Wilensky. Justice of the peace since 1891; notary
public since 1894; member Boston City Council, 1898; Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1900-1901; captain 6th Company Infantry Massachusetts Provisional Militia, 1898-1899; president Helping Hand Temporary Home for Destitute Jewish Children, 1899-1902, and life director; member Executive Council
Federation of American Zionists, 1903-1904; and connected with
other Jewish charitable, fraternal, and social organizations.
Author: The Pemberton, Lawyer's Diary and Director (for Massachusetts). Contributor to Jewish periodicals, and other papers.
Office: 11-15 Pemberton Sq. Residence: 34 McLean, Boston,
Brachfield, Charles L. State Senator, Eighth District, Texas.
Born January 10, 1871, Vicksburg, Miss. Son of Benjamin Brachfield and Yetta Baruch. Educated in Texas public schools. Was
judge of County Court, Rusk County, Texas: Address: Henderson, Tex.
*Brandeis, Lewis Dembitz. Lawyer. Born November 13, 1856,
Louisville, Ky. Son of Adolph Brandeis and Fredericka Dembitz. Educated in Louisville public and high schools. Attended
Annen Realschule, Dresden, 1873-1875; graduate Harvard Law
School, 1877 (honorary A.M.). Married Alice Goldmark. Admitted to bar, 1878; has practiced law in Boston and New York.
Contributor to legal reviews. Member of Phi Beta Kappa (Harvard) .
Brenner, Jacob. Commissioner of Jurors of Kings County, N. Y.
Born April 8, 1857, New York City. Son of Simon Brenner and
Caroline Alexander. Educated in Brooklyn public schools. Was
counsel to Police and Excise Departments City of Brooklyn;
police justice City of Brooklyn; city magistrate City of New
York. Was member Kings County Republican Committee for
twenty-four years; chairman Executive Committee Kings County
Republican Committee, four terms. Address: 26 Court, Brooklyn.
Brenner, Victor David. Medailleur, Sculptor. Born June 12,
1871, Shavli, Russia. Son of George Brenner. Educated in
Russia and at Paris. Arrived New York, 1890; went to Paris,
1898, pupil of L. O. Roty; honorable mention Salon, 1900; medal,
Paris Exposition, 1900; medal, Buffalo, 1901. Has works in Paris
Mint, Munich Glyptothek, Vienna Numismatic Society, New York
Numismatic Society, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Boston
Museum. Address: 147 West 23d, New York.
Brickner, Samuel M. Gynaecologist and Obstetrician. Born
January 11, 1867, Rochester, N. Y. Son of Max Brickner and
Caroline Wile. A. B., 1888, A.M., 1891, University of Rochester;
M. D., 1891, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York; pursued courses at Universities of Berlin and
Vienna. Married Josephine Hays. Was adjunct gynecologist, Mt.
Sinai Hospital; gynaecologist to Mt. Sinai Hospital Dispensary;
and gynaecologist to Good Samaritan Dispensary, New York. Resident physician Sloane Maternity Hospital, 1891; interne Mt. Sinai
Hospital, 1891-1894. Fellow New York Academy of Medicine;
member American Anthropological Society; New York State Medical Society; New York State Medical Association, and other medical societies. Literary editor New York Medical Journal; contributor to Appleton's Annual Cyclopaedia, and Foster's Reference
Book of Practical Therapeutics. Translator, with Dr. N. E. Brill,
of Klemperer's Clinical Diagnosis, 1898. Articles in American
Journal of Obstetrics, Zeitschrift fur Geburtshilfe und Gynakologie, New York Medical News, American Medicine, American
Journal of the Medical Sciences, New York Medical Journal,
Pediatrics, etc. Address: 136 West 85th, New York.
Bril, Isaac L. Associate Editor of The American Hebrew. Born
August 22, 1874, Mainz, Germany. Son of Jechiel Bril (founder
and editor of The Lebanon) and Sarah Sapir. Educated at
Dr. Lehmann's Religionsschule, Mainz, Old Castle Street Board
School, and Jews' College, London. Married Marie Raivid. Was
assistant editor The Vegetarian, London; The German Times, Berlin, Germany; Jewish World, London; member of editorial staff
Jewish Chronicle, London; editor English Department Jewish
World, New York. At present secretary New York Committee
Jewish Publication Society of America. Contributor to daily and
weekly papers and magazines in England and the United States;
Jewish Encyclopedia; American Year Book and Encyclopedia;
Jewish Year Book, London. Translator: Die Klatsche, by Mendele Mocher Sphorim. Address: 752 St. Ann's Av., Bronx, New
Brounoff, Platon G. Teacher of voice and piano, Lecturer Board
of Education, Composer, Author. Born May 10, 1863, at Eliza-
bethgrad, Russia. Son of Gregory Brounoff. Graduate Musical
Academy, Warsaw, Imperial Conservatory, St. Petersburg, pupil
of Rubinstein and Rimsky Korsakoff. Doctor of Music and M. A.,
Warsaw and St. Petersburg. Married Annie Rombro. Conductor
Russian Imperial Orchestra; Ladies' Concordia Society; People's
Male Chorus; Russian Choral Society; assistant conductor to
Frank Damrosch at People's Choral Union. Founded Liberal Art
Society, 1903; member Manuscript Society of American composers. Conducted forty-three concerts, orchestral and instrumental, of Russian music, in this country. Musical works: The
Emancipation of the Slaves (symphonic overture); Angel (cantata); In the Russian Village (symphonic suite); In the Flower
Garden (suite for piano); Songs of Freedom (song album);
songs, piano compositions, etc. Literary works: Stolen Correspondence; Types and Sketches of the Ghetto; The Pawnbroker
(a drama); The Czar's Correspondence with Uncle Sam's Nephew;
articles on art, literature, etc., in magazines. Address: 251 East
Broadway, New York.
Broyde, Isaac. Office Editor Jewish Encyclopedia. Born February 23, 1867, at Porozomo, Grodno, Russia. Son of Solomon
Broyd§ and Malka Leshchinski. Educated at Grodno Gymnasium.
Diplome, 1892, Paris Ecole des Langues Orientales; diplome, 1894,
Ecole des Hautes Etudes, section des Sciences Historiques et
Philologiques. Was Librarian Alliance Israelite Universelle; professor of Arabic at La Society de Propagation des Langues Etrangeres en France. Author: Resume des Reflexions sur l'ame de
Bahya ben Joseph ibn Pakuda, 1894; Tarat ha-Nefesh; R§flexions sur l'ame de Bahya ben Joseph ibn Pakuda, translated
from the Arabic into Hebrew, with notes and introduction, 1894;
La Prise de Jerusalem par les Perses, sous Heraclius, translated
from an old Arabic manuscript in Count Couret's collection of
documents relating to the Crusades, 1896. Address: 1753 Lexington Av., New York.
Brudno, Ezra S. Lawyer, Author. Born May 28, 1877, Lithuania, Russia. Son of Isaac Brudno and Hannah Model. Educated by private tutors in Russia; in Cleveland high school,
Adelbert College of the Western Reserve University, and Yale
Law School. Author: The Fugitive. Articles in the Arena,
World's Work, Bookman, etc. Address: 227 Society for Savings
Building, Cleveland, O.
Brunner, Arnold W. Architect. Born September 25, 1857,
New York. Son of William Brunner and Isabella Solomon.
Educated at New York, and Manchester, England. Was vicepresident N.§w York Chapter American Institute of Architects;
president Architectural League; member Board of Education,
New York, and Board of Supervision of Public Buildings and
Grounds, Cleveland, O. Architect: Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York;
United States Federal Building, Cleveland; Jewish Theological
Seminary; Educational Alliance Building; Temple Beth El; Synagogue Shearith Israel; School of Mines, Columbia College; Park
Pavilions; public baths, all in New York. Author: Interior
Decorations; Cottages. Contributor to Russell Sturgis' Dictionary of Architecture. Residence: 1748 Broadway. Office: 33
Union Square West, New York.
Buchhalter, Julius. Hebrew Teacher. Born August 17, 1860, at
Mariampol, Suwalk, Russian Poland. Son of Hayim Buchhalter
and Freda Angenizky. Educated at the Suwalk Talmudical College and privately. Married Hadassa Kahan. Assistant editor
Ha-Zeflrah, 1886-1887. Secretary Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations of the United States and Canada; secretary to late
chief rabbi Jacob Joseph. Contributed articles to Ha-Zeflrah, HaMelitz, Ha-Asif, Ha-Ibri. Author of Hebrew poems. Address:
331 E. 89th, New York.
Buttenwieser, Moses. Professor of Exegesis, Hebrew Union
College, Cincinnati, O. Born April 5, 1862, Beerfelden, Hessen,
Germany. Son of Simon Buttenwieser and Bella Saalheimer.
Studied at Praparandenschule, Schwabach; Realgymnasium, Kissingen; Lehrerseminar, Wiirzburg; and Universities of Wiirzburg
and Leipzig. Ph. D., 1896, Heidelberg. Married Ellen Clune,
Ph. D. (Heidelberg!. Held teacher's position in private schools,
Wiirzburg; school of the Jewish Congregation in Tarnowitz,
Silesia, and in Leipzig. Author: Die hebraische Elias-Apokalypse
und ihre Stellung in der apokalyptischen Literatur des rabbinischen Schriftthums und der Kirche; articles in the Hebrew Union
College Journal and Annual, and in Die israelitische HausfrauenZeitung (Leipzig, 1892-93), and reviews in American Journal of
Theology, and American Journal of Semitic Languages. Address:
2 Park Place, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, O.
•Cahan, Abraham. Journalist, Author. Born July 7, I860,
Wilna, Russia. Graduate Wilna Teachers' Institute. Married
Anna Braunstein. Came to the United States, 1882; edited a
weekly newspaper and monthly magazine in Yiddish; contributor
to leading periodicals since 1887. Author: Yekl, A Tale of the
New York Ghetto; The Imported Bridegroom and Other Stories;
The Chasm. Residence: 312 Second Av., New York.
Cantor, Jacob A. Lawyer. Born December 6, 1854, New York.
Son of Henry Cantor and Hannah Hanau (daughter of Rabbi of
Duke's Place Synagogue, London). Educated in New York public
schools and high school; LL. B., 1875, New York University.
Married Lydia Greenebaum. Member Assembly State of New
York, 1885, 1886, 1887. Was member of judiciary and other committees of Assembly and Senate; State Senator and Democratic
leader in State Senate, 1888-1898; chairman Finance Committee
New York State Senate; president Senate, acting Lieutenant Governor, 1892-1893; president Borough of Manhattan (old New York),
1902-1903. At present chairman Committee on Highways and
Parks, City Improvement Commission, appointed by mayor of
New York. Delegate at large from City of New York to Democratic National Convention of 1896. Declined to support William
J. Bryan, although Democratic leader in State Senate. Received
votes for governor in the Democratic State Convention, 1902.
Was reporter on New York World several years. Has made public
addresses and contributions to magazines and other periodicals.
Identified with all Jewish charities. Residence: 9 W. 70th.
Office: 25 Broad, New York.
Cardozo, Michael H. Lawyer. Born January 12, 1851, New
York City. Son of Abraham H. Cardozo and Sarah N. Peixotto.
Educated in New York public schools. B. S., College City of New
York; LL. B., University Law School. Married Rosalie Hart.
Was Supreme Court Examiner for admission to bar of State of
New York; member Executive Bar Association City of New York;
chairman Executive Committee New York Law Institute. Address: 128 Broadway, New York.
*Carvalho, David Nunes. Expert in handwriting and inks.
Born September 29, 1848, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of S. N. Carvalho (artist) and Sarah Solis. Graduate New York Free Academy (now College City of New York). Pursued special studies
in organic chemistry, photography, light, and color. Married
Annie Abrams. Handwriting expert since 1876; separated white
light into complementary parts in order to absorb the actinic rays
on the sensitive plate, 1880, the present chromatic processes being
based on this principle; official grand jury handwriting expert
New York, 1881-1899; first to make photographs on celluloid, 1883;
first to restore in open court fraudulently bleached out handwriting, 1884; city librarian in charge of archives, 1885, thus
enabled to study ancient writing and ink; president New York
State Reformatory for Women, 1892-1899; testified during twentyfive years in over 1000 cases where handwriting was in dispute.
Has contributed extensively to magazines. Author: Forty Centuries of Ink, 1904. Residence: Far Rockaway, N. Y. Office:
265 Broadway, New York.
Cohen, Abraham. Associate in Mathematics, Johns Hopkins
University. Born September 11, 1870, Baltimore, Md. Son of
Simon Cohen and Theresa Brafm|tn. Educated at Zion School,
and Baltimore City College. A. B. 1891, and Ph.D. 1894, Johns
Hopkins University; studied at the Sorbonne, Paris. Married Lee
M. Bren. Co-editor American Journal of Mathematics; member
Board of Trustees Hebrew Orphan Asylum; chairman Religious
School Board Oheb Shalom Congregation. Writer: On Functions
Analogous to the Theta-Functions; Notes (mimeographed) in
connection with courses at University. Address: Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Md.
*Cohen, Alfred J. (nom de plume, Alan Dale). Dramatic Critic,
Author. Born May 14, 1861, Birmingham, England. Educated at
King Edward's School, Birmingham. Married Carrie Livingston
Frost. Came to America, 1886, and engaged in journalism.
Dramatic critic for New York World, 1887-1895; New York Journal, since 1895. Author: Jonathan's Home; A Marriage below
Zero; His own Image; Conscience on Ice; and other books. Residence: 110 St. Nicholas Av. Office: New York Journal, New
Cohen, Alfred M. Attorney-at-law. Born October 19, 1859,
Cincinnati, O. Son of Morton S. Cohen and Phebe Phillips.
Educated in Cincinnati public schools. LL. B., 1880, Law School.
Married Millie Phillips. Was member City Council, Cincinnati;
for four years successively represented Hamilton County, O., in
Senate of Ohio; member Board of Governors Hebrew Union College; president Young Men's Hebrew Association, Cincinnati, and
United Young Men's Hebrew Associations of America. Now secretary Congregation Bene Israel of Cincinnati. Nominated for
mayor of Cincinnati, 1900. For some years on staff of Cincinnati
Commercial. Wrote many editorials on Jewish topics. Address:
S. W. corner 3d and Walnut, Cincinnati, O.
Cohen, David (da Silva) Solis. Lawyer. Born in Philadelphia.
Son of Myer David Cohen and Judith Simiah da Silva Solis.
Married Bertha Kahn, Portland, Ore. Commissioner of Charities
and Corrections State of Oregon and Police Commissioner Portland, 1892-1894, 1898-1902. One of the founders of Young Men's
Hebrew Associations, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Portland.
Founded and dedicated synagogues in Oakland, Cal.; Seattle,
Wash.; and Portland. President Portland Zionist Society. Connected in various capacities with Order of United Workmen,
Independent Order B'nai B'rith, Masonic lodges, Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks. Has contributed to editorial and liter-
ary columns of religious, literary, and sociologic periodicals, in
Philadelphia, New York, California, and Oregon. Author: Daisy
Shortcut Papers; plays; stories for children; poems. Address:
Washington Building, 4th and Washington, Portland, Ore.
Cohen, Jacob Solis. Honorary professor laryngology, Jefferson
Medical College, Philadelphia; Emeritus professor of Diseases of
Throat and Chest, Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine; consulting physician to Protestant Episcopal
City Mission, Philadelphia, and to Hospital for Diseases of the
Lungs, Chestnut Hill. Born February 28, 1838, New York City.
Son of Myer David Cohen and Judith Slmira Solis. A. B., 1854,
Central High School, Philadelphia; M. D., 1860, University of
Pennsylvania. Studied also at Jefferson Medical College. Married
Miriam Binswanger. Was President Philadelphia County Medical Society; Northern Medical Association; American Laryngological Association; professor Physiology Wagner Institute, Philadelphia; assistant surgeon 26th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers; acting assistant surgeon United States Navy; acting assistant surgeon United States Army, 1861-64. Consulting physician to
Jewish Hospital, Philadephia, 1866; physician to German Hospital, 1871-1888; and to Jefferson Hospital, 1877-1888. Lectured,
1870, on Acoustics in Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; delivered
an illustrated course of four lectures on Acoustics, 1872, at the
opening of Stevens' Institute of Technology, Hoboken; and Mutter
course on Surgical Pathology before College of Physicians, Philadelphia, 1872. Honorary member of societies in United States,
France, and Great Britain. Author: A Treatise on Inhalation, its
Therapeutics and Practice, 1866; Diseases of the Throat and
Nasal Passages, 1872; Croup in its Relation to Tracheotomy, 1874;
The Throat and Voice, 1879. Numerous contributions to encyclopedic works, systems of medicine, and medical journals. Office:
1824 Chestnut, Philadelphia. Residence: Abbotsford and Wissahickon Avs., Germantown, Pa.
Cohen, Jessica. Editor Jewish Review and Observer, Cleveland. Born July 11, 1869, Cleveland, O. Daughter of Elias
Cohen. Educated in Cleveland public, high, and normal schools.
Correspondent Jewish Voice, St. Louis; for five years associate
editor Jewish Spectator, Memphis, Tenn.; teacher Harmon
Night School for foreigners. Member and for one year vicepresident Ohio Woman's Press Club. Was member Executive
Board Council of Jewish Women. A founder of the Library of
the Council Educational Alliance. Has written magazine articles.
Address: 109 Beech, Cleveland, 0.
NEW YORK U N I / 1 7 3 TY
Cohen, Katherine M. Sculptor. Born March 18, 1859, Philadelphia, Pa. Daughter of Henry Cohen and Matilda Samuel.
Educated Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; under Augustus
St. Gaudens, New York; Mercie, Puech, and MacMonnies, Paris;
and Friedrich Beer, Florence. Works: portrait busts and basreliefs; groups in bronze, marble, terra-cotta, and plaster; miniatures on ivory; portraits and landscapes in oil and water color.
Address: care J. S. Morgan and Company, London, England.
Cohen, Max. Editor and Proprietor of Views, an Insurance
Journal. Born January 26, 1846, Lowenberg, Germany. Son of
Edward Cohen and Ricka Kahn. Eucated at Lowenberg and
Liegnitz. Married Esther E. Schwartz. Enlisted, 1862, in 3d
Indiana Cavalry; discharged as a minor; worked as compositor in
Government Printing Office, and re-enlisted. Worked on New
York Herald and Washington Chronicle. Engaged, 1876, in printing and newspaper advertising business. Studied the science and
problem of life insurance, especially in relation to the fraternal
orders. Superintendent New York Life Insurance Company for
Northern Pennsylvania, 1877-1878. Secretary and treasurer Hebrew Orphans Home, Atlanta, Ga., since 1896. Author: Garfield Souvenirs; Gems of Press and Pulpit; Reminiscences of
Great Men; pamphlets and newspaper articles on the fallacy of
the assessment system of insurance in vogue among the fraternal
orders. Address: 509 Seventh, N. W., Washington, D. C.
Cohen, Max. Lawyer. Born June 11, 1853, New York City.
Son of Julius Cohen and Bertha Fernbach. Educated in New
York public schools. LL. B., 1893, New York Law School. Married Sarah Rouse. Civil Service Commissioner City of Yonkers,
and secretary of Board. Lecturer New York Board of Education
Free Lecture course, 1901-1904. Was librarian of Maimonides
Library for twelve years; director Jewish Theological Seminary
of America for ten years; editorial writer The American Hebrew
for twelve years. Contributed articles to The Sun, Evening Post,
New York Times. Contributor to Jewish Encyclopedia. Office: 45
Warburton Av. Residence: 157 Hawthorne Av., Yonkers, N. Y.
Cohen, Mendes. Civil Engineer. Born May 4, 1831, Baltimore,
Md. Son of David I. Cohen and Harriett Cohen. Educated in Baltimore private schools. Married Justina Nathan. Held subordinate
positions in service of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 1851-1855; assistant superintendent Hudson River Railroad, 1855-1861; vicepresident and later president Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Company, 1861-1863; superintendent Reading and Columbia Railroad,
1864-1866; president's assistant and comptroller Lehigli Coal and
Navigation Company, 1868-1871; president Pittsburg and Connellsville Railroad Company, 1873-1875; director in board of same Company, 1873-1903; chairman Sewerage Commisson City of Baltimore,
from 1892; member of board appointed in 1894 by the President
of the United States, under the river and harbor act of August,
1894, to examine and determine route for construction of the
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal; member Art Commission City
of Baltimore since its establishment; corresponding secretary
Maryland Historical Society, 1894-1904, president since 1904;
member American Society Civil Engineers since 1867, and president in 1892. Has written numerous official reports. Address:
825 North Charles, Baltimore, Md.
Cohen, Morris Raphael. Tutor of Mathematics, College City
of New York. Born July, 1880, Minsk, Russia. Son of Abraham
Mordecai Cohen and Bessie Farfel. Received Talmudic education at Nesvizh, Minsk, under Rabbi Joseph Beer. Entered New
York public schools in 1892. B. S., 1900, College City of New
York; M. A., 1904, Columbia University. Teacher Davidson Collegiate Institute, 1900-1901; New York public schools, 1901-1902;
president Thomas Davidson class at Educational Alliance, 1899;
a founder of Branch B of Educational Alliance. Has written
articles for The American Hebrew, Alliance Review, Jewish World.
Address: 58 E. 106th, New York.
Cohen, Solomon (da Silva) Solis. Physician, Professor of Clinical Medicine in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. Born in
Philadelphia. Son of Myer David Cohen and Judith Simiah (da
Silva) Solis. Educated in Philadelphia public schools. A. B.,
1872; A.M., 1877, Central High School; M. D., 1883, Jefferson
Medical College. Studied Hebrew literature under Rev. Dr. S.
Morais. Married Emily Grace da Silva Solis. Professor Medicine
and Therapeutics, Philadelphia Polyclinic, 1887-1902; lecturer on
Therapeutics, Dartmouth Medical College, 1890, 1892; lecturer on
Special Therapeutics, Jefferson Medical College, 1887-1890; physician to Jewish Hospital since 1887; to Philadelphia General Hospital since 1890; to Rush Hospital for Consumption since 1892; to
Jefferson Medical College Hospital, since 1900. President Philadelphia County Medical Society, 1898, 1899; recorder Association
of American Physicians, since 1900; recorder Medical Jurisprudence Society, 1887-1890. President Young Men's Hebrew Association, 1884; Pegasus, 1901, 1902. One of the founders and member
Editorial Board of The American Hebrew; one of the founders
and trustee (until the merger), Jewish Theological Seminary of
America; one of the founders of Jewish Publication Society of
America, trustee, and at present member of its Publication Com6
mittee; Trustee Gratz College, K. K. Mickv§ Israel Congregation.
Fellow College of Physicians, Philadelphia; and American Association for the Advancement of Science. Chairman Therapeutic Section American Medical Association, 1903. Member, honorary member, and corresponding member of various learned bodies. Named
and first described disease known as Vasomotor ataxia, 1893.
Author: Essentials of Medical Diagnosis (with A. A. Eshner),
1892, 1902; Therapeutics of Tuberculosis, 1891; clinical lectures,
addresses to learned societies, contributions to American and foreign medical periodicals, Foster's Practical Therapeutics, Cyclopedia Practical Medicine, Reference Handbook Medical Sciences,
etc. Editor: System Physiologic Therapeutics (eleven volumes),
1901-1904. Writer of essays on historical, religious, and sociologic
topics, and of verses. Translator of Hebrew poems. Address:
1525 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa.
*Cohn, Adolphe. Professor of Romance Languages and Literature, Columbia University, since 1891. Born May 29, 1851, Paris,
France. Son of Albert Cohn and Mathilde Lowengard. Graduate,
1868; LL. B., 1873, University of Paris; archiviste Palgographe
Ecole Nationale des Chartes, Paris, 1874. Volunteer in French
Army during Franco-Prussian war, 1870-1871; came to New York,
1875; tutor in French, Columbia University, 1882; instructor,
1882-1884; instructor in French, 1884-1885; and assistant professor
of French, 1885-1891, in Harvard University. Honorary president
Alliance Franchise; Knight of the Crown of Italy; Chevalier
Legion d'Honneur. Author: Voltaire's Prose (with Dr. B. D.
Woodward), 1897; Le Sage's Gil Bias (with R. Sanderson), 1899.
Contributor to American literary magazines and Parisian journals. Address: Columbia University, New York.
Cohn, Morris M. Attorney-at-law. Born March 14, 1852, New
Albany, Ind. Son of Mathias A. Cohn and Therese Koebner.
Educated in Cincinnati public schools; private courses in languages, law, and philosophy; B. L., Arkansas State University
Law School. Married Addie M. Ottenheimer. Was member General Council American Bar Association for Arkansas; president
Board of Trade and City Attorney of Little Rock, Ark.; chairman Executive Committee, State Bar Association of Arkansas;
school director Special School District of Little Rock; member
Executive Committee, Union American Hebrew Congregations.
Writer: Essay on the Growth of Law; An Introduction to the
Study of the Constitution; articles in the American Law Review;
occasional contributions since 1873 to American Israelite, Reform
Advocate, and other Jewish periodicals. Address: Little Rock,
*Conried, Heinrich. Manager of Metropolitan Opera House,
New York. Born September 13, 1855, Bielitz, Austria. Graduated
at Shoefterfield College, 1869. Married Augusta Sperling. Made
his debut as an actor at the Imperial Court Theatre, Vienna, February 23, 1873. Came to the United State 1878; became stage
manager of the Germania Theatre, and later manager of the
Irving Place Theatre, New York, devoted entirely to "the German
drama. Brought to America Sonnenthal, Kainz, Possart, and
Agners Sorma, and has produced the plays of Hauptmann, Sudermann, and others, as well as works of the classic dramatists.
Delivered lectures on the drama at Yale and Columbia Universities and the University of Pennsylvania. His company gave a
performance of Goethe's Iphigenie at Harvard University. Produced Wagner's Parsifal at Metropolitan Opera House, 1903-1904.
Received the order of Knighthood from Emperor Franz Joseph, of
Austria, and the gold medal of science and art from the King of
Belgium. Address: Metropolitan Opera House, New York.
*Cook, Simon. Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy.
Born in Illinois. Entered service, June 10, 1873. Received present commission, August 30, 1900. At present on duty in New
York. Address: Navy Department.
Cowen, Philip. Publisher The American Hebrew and Jewish
Messenger, and The Menorah Monthly Magazine. Born July 25,
1853, New York. Son of Raphael Isaac Cowen and Julia Manasseh.
Educated in New York public schools. Married Lillie Cohen.
Supervisor City Record, 1902-1903. Publisher: Emma Lazarus'
Songs of a Semite; Dr. Alexander Kohut's Ethics of the Fathers;
Oscar S. Straus' Religious Liberty in the United States; Dr. K.
Kohler's Guide for Instruction in Judaism; etc., etc. Office:
489 Fifth Av. Residence: 485 Central Park West, New York.
D'Ancona, Arnold Abraham. Physician, Dean Medical Department University of California. Born April 29, 1860, Brooklyn, N. Y. Son of David A. D'Ancona and Julia Davis. Educated
in New York and San Francisco public schools, and San Francisco
Boys' High School. A. B., 1880; M. D., 1884, Universiy of California. Married Lillian Mabel Bussenius. Was teacher public
schools. Professor of Hygiene, Academic Department; of Physiology, Medical and Dental Departments; dean of Medical Department; president Alumni Association, all of University of California. Now serving third term as member Board of Supervisors
of San Francisco. Address: 1022 Sutter, San Francisco, Cal.
Dantzig, Meyer Michael. Artist. Born January 9, 1876,
Yanova, Russia. Sgn of Elias Joseph Dantzig and Sarah Slopo,
Educated in Philadelphia public schools; Industrial School of Art
and Pennsylvania Museum; and Academy of Fine Arts. Studied
in Paris under Bonnat. Developed taste for drawing at six years
of age; at ten, went to Cracow, Austria, where he made drawings
from old churches and copied figure work. Address: 114 E. 23d,
New York.
Danziger, Adolphe. United States Consul at Madrid, Spain.
Born in 1864. Educated by his father and at a German Gymnasium, from which he was graduated at fourteen. Studied
at Breslau under Graetz and Levi, at Berlin under Geiger,
and at the University of Bonn. Came to America in 1883.
Wrote a series of articles for Die Westliche Post, St. Louis; filled
positions as rabbi of congregations at Vincennes, Ind., and Portland, Ore. Studied medicine and dental surgery. Went to San
Diego, Cal., on account of ill-health; practiced dentistry there
and in San Francisco for seventeen years. Studied law, 1895,
and practiced in California, but resumed dentistry. Editor of
Chicago American Israelite, 1902. Appointed to consulship, 1903.
Author: The Monk and the Hangman's Daughter (with Ambrose
Bierce), 1889; In the Confessional, 1893; A Man, A Woman,
and a Million, 1902; Jewish Forerunners of Christianity, 1903,
1904. Correspondent of Jewish Voice, St. Louis. Contributed
short stories, poems, and articles to various papers and periodicals. Address: American Consulate, Madrid, Spain.
Davidson, Israel. Semitic Scholar and Writer. Born July 27,
1870, Yanova, Kovno, Russia. Son of David Movshowitz and
Rebecca Kohn. Educated at Talmudical College of R. Isaac
Elchanan Spector, Kovno, and New York public schools. A. B.,
1895, College City of New York; Ph. D., 1902, Columbia University.
Came to America in 1888. Fellow in Semitic Languages, Columbia University, 1900; lecturer on Jewish Literature, Educational
Alliance, 1898-1900; now visiting chaplain Sing Sing Prison and
Eastern New York Reformatory. Catalogued Hebrew and Arabic
books in Columbia University. Author: Ha-Yehudi be-Safrut haAnglit, 1895; The Genesis of Hebrew Periodical Literature, 1900;
Shylock, and Barabbas, 1901; Sholosh Halozot, 1904; Parody in
Jewish Literature (almost complete in MS.); Dictionary of
Pseudonymes in Hebrew Literature (MS.) Contributed articles
to Jewish Encyclopedia and to Ha-Modia la-Chodashim, HaMaarabi, Ha-Ibri, and English periodicals. Address: 1702 Lexington Av., New York.
De Haas, Jacob. Secretary Federation American Zionists, Editor The Maccabsean. Born August 13, 1872, London, England.
Son of Aron de Haas and Anna Haerbleek (descent traceable to
Spanish expulsion). Educated at London. Was Editor Jewish
World, London; and English Department Jewish World, New
York; chairman and honorary secretary English Zionist Federation; English Secretary to Dr. Theodor Herzl, 1896, and of
four Zionist Congresses; English and American member Greater
Actions-Committee of Zionist movement; one of the conveners of
first Zionist Congress; first Zionist to welcome Dr. Herzl in England. Author: Jewish Needs and Jewish Ideals, 1901; Zionism,
Why and Wherefore, 1902; novels, stories, articles in daily press
and magazines. Address: 320 Broadway, New York.
Deinard, Ephraim. Collector of books and antiquities. Born,
Iyar 15, 1846, Shossmaken, Courland, Russia. Son of Jekuthiel
Gerson Deinard and Leah Cohn. Entirely self-taught. Married
Margolia Jaffe. Has made many journeys in America, Europe,
Asia, and Africa. Organizer of first emigration to Palestine from
Odessa. Established a Jewish agricultural colony in Nevada,
1897. Has collected a large Hebrew library and many rare
Jewish antiquities. Editor: Ha-Leomi, 1888-1889; the Patriot
(Yiddish), 1892. Author: Atidut Yisrael, 1890; Milhamah laAdonai be-Amalek, 1892; Hokmat Yehudah, 1890; Ha-Kundes,
1893; Plaudersack (Yiddish), 1891; Or Meiir (catalogue of the
Sulzberger Library), 1896; Zemirat Am ha-Aretz, 1896; Sifrat
Ziyon, 1897; Kitot be-Yisrael, 1899; Zemir Arizim ha-Sheni, 1899;
Zemir Arizim ha-Rishon, 1904; Hereb Hadah, 1904; Megillah Afah,
1904; Bittul Ikre ha-Nozrim, 1904; Hodaat Baal Din, 1904; Dibre
ha-Yamim li-Bne Yisrael be-Tugarma (in press); Dibre ha-Yamim
le-Ziyon be-Negeb Russya (in press). Address: 86 Windsor,
Kearny, N. J.
Dembitz, Arthur Aaron. Instructor, since 1897, in Jewish History, Gratz College, Philadelphia. Born February 24, 1870, Louisville, Ky. Son of Lewis Naphtali Dembitz and Wilhelmina Wehle.
Educated in Louisville public and high schools. B. A., 1891, Johns
Hopkins University. On editorial staff of The American Hebrew,
New York, 1892-1897; teacher in school attached to Congregation
Zichron Ephraim, New York, and private teacher of Hebrew,
1892-1897. Secretary Doreshe Da'ath Society, Philadelphia. Editor Department Bible Lessons, Sabbath School Journal, Philadelphia. Contributed articles to The American Hebrew, Jewish
Exponent, Jewish Comment, under pseudonyms, " Uncle Arthur,"
"Aaron Dob," " Harun," and " Bakkol." Address: 1834 Franklin, Philadelphia, Pa.
Dembitz, Lewis N. Lawyer. Born February 3, 1833, at Zirke,
province of Posen, Prussia. Son of Dr. Siegmund Zabulon Dem-
bitz and Francesca Wehle. Educated in city schools of Muencheberg, Brandenburg; privately, and in Gymnasia of Frankfort,
Sagan, and Glogau. Read law for one semester at Prague; with
Walker and Kebler, Cincinnati, and with Dunn and Hendricks,
Madison, Ind. Degree of Doctor of Hebrew Literature, Jewish
Theological Seminary of America, 1904. Married Wilhelmina
Wehle. Assistant City Attorney for Louisville, in charge of tax
matters, 1884-1888; commissioner named by Kentucky Legislature to draw Tax Law for Louisville, 1884; delegate to National
Republican Convention at Chicago that nominated Lincoln for
President; drafted first American law establishing Australian
ballot (for Louisville city elections), 1888. Author: Kentucky
Jurisprudence, 1889; Law Language for Short Hand Writers,
1892; Land Titles in United States, St. Paul, 1895; Jewish Services in Synagogue and Home, Jewish Publication Society of
America, 1897; has written articles for Jewish Encyclopedia,
mainly on Talmudic Jurisprudence, some on Liturgy; magazine
articles on different subjects. Address: 1211 First, Louisville,
Dittenhoefer, Abram Jesse. Lawyer. Born, March 17, 1836,
Charleston, South Carolina. Educated in New York public schools.
Graduate, 1856, Columbia College. Married Sophie Englehart
(deceased). Admitted to bar at twenty-one. Appointed by
the governor of the State as Justice of the City Court, 1857.
Resumed law practice at expiration of term. Presidential elector
for Lincoln and Johnson, 1864; declined position of United States
District Judge for South Carolina offered by President Lincoln;
delegate to National Republican Convention, 1876; for twelve
years chairman Republican Central Committee of New York.
Trustee Temple Emanu-El. Address: 96 Broadway, New York.
Dolitzky, Menahem Mendel. Journalist and Poet. Born Adar
27, 1857, Bialystok, Russia. Son of Wolff Dolitzky and Eva Fox.
Married Rachel Leah Shainak. Expelled from Moscow, 1892.
Works: Likuy Shne ha-Meorot; Shebet Sofer; Nib Sefataim;
Mi-bayit u-mi-hutz; Be-tok Lebaim; Kol Shire Menahem; Shire
Menahem; Ha-Halom ve-Shibro; Neginot Sefat Ziyon; (in Yiddish) Shtarker vun Eisen; Gebildeter Morder; Yiddishe Helden.
Address: 311 Henry, New York.
Dreyfus, Wolfram E. Consulting Chemist. Born December 21,
1864, Baden, Germany. Son of Salomon Dreyfus and Augusta
Schnurman. Graduate Human. Gymnasium, Offenburg, Baden,
1884; studied at University of Strassburg; Ph.D., 1900, University of Munich. Married Emma Wachenheimer. Was assistant
instructor in chemistry, Columbia University, and chemist, Department Public Charities, New York; consulting chemist, Bellevue Hospital, New York. Author: On Tragacanth, 1901; On the
Relation of Chemical Constitution to Physiological Action, 1902;
Hospital Formulary, 1903; Disinfectants and Antiseptics, 1904.
Address: 557 W. 124th, New York.
Dropsie, Moses A. Lawyer (retired from practice). Born March
9, 1821, Philadelphia. Son of Aaron M. Dropsie and Angeniete
Engels. Was president Lombard and South Street Passenger
Railroad Company; South Street Bridge Commission; and Hebrew
Education Society. Now president Green and Coates Philadelphia
Passenger Railway Company; Gratz College; and Philadelphia
Branch Alliance Israelite Universelle. Translator: Mackeldey's
Manual of the Roman Law; Roman Law of Testaments, Codicils
and Mortis Causa Donationes. Writer of a number of pamphlets.
Address: 1316 North Broad, Philadelphia, Pa.
Edmonds, Roy Matthias. Journalist; on editorial staff St.
Louis Republic. Born December 26, 1877, Houston, Texas. Son
of Joseph Edmonds and Josephine Bear. Educated in Houston
public schools. Was stenographer to the Governor of Texas
throughout the second administration of Joseph D. Sayers. Address: care St. Louis Republic, St. Louis, Mo.
Ehrich, Louis R. Dealer in antique paintings. Born January
23, 1849, Albany, New York. Son of Joseph Ehrich and Rebecca Sporborg. Educated at Dr. Dulon's School, New York;
Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven. A. B., 1869; A. M.,
1872, Yale University. Took a course at University of Berlin, 1870. Married Henriette Minzesheimer. Was only delegate from Rocky Mountain region to Palmer-Buckner convention, 1896; member National Committee, Gold Democratic Party
for Colorado; executive committee Sound-Money League; executive committee Anti-Imperialist League. Temporary chairman
Third Party Convention, Indianapolis, 1900. Was member firm of
Ehrich Brothers, New York, until ill-health compelled sojourn in
Europe, 1878-1885, and Colorado Springs, 1885-1903. Writer: The
Question of Silver; A Religion for all Time, 1892; A Cure for
Labor Troubles, 1892; Perfection and the Democratic Party, 1904;
various addresses. Address: 8 W. 33d, New York.
Ehrlich, Arnold Bogumil. Merchant. Born January 15, 1848,
at Wlodowka, Russia. Son of Mordecai Ehrlich and Zelda Biedermann. Educated at Leipzig and Berlin. Married Miss Offner.
Teacher of Hebrew at Temple Emanu-El Preparatory School for
the Hebrew Union College during the whole time of its existence;
for eight years with United Hebrew Charities, New York: Author:
Talmudic Chrestomathy; Mikra ki-Pheschuto, Biblical Scholia (3
vols., in Hebrew); Die Psalmen, neu iibersetzt und erklart (in
press). Address: 123 E. 54th, New York.
Eichberg, Joseph. Physician. Born March 17, 1859, Cincinnati, O. Son of Frederic Eichberg and Babette Friedlander.
M. D., Miami Medical College. Married Stella Pritz. Visiting
physician Cincinnati Hospital; professor Theory and Practice of
Medicine, Miami Medical College. Address: 1105 E. McMillan,
Cincinnati, O.
Einhorn, Max. Physician. Born January 10, 1862, Grodno,
Russia. Son of Abraham Einhorn and Sara Hoffmann. Educated
at Posen, Riga, Kiev, Berlin. Married Flora Strauss. Professor
of Medicine New York Post-Graduate Medical School; visiting
physician German Hospital and Beth Israel Hospital, New York.
Author: Diseases of the Stomach, 1896; Diseases of the Intestines,
1900; both having appeared in English, German, French, and
Japanese. Address: 20 E. 63d, New York.
Einstein, Edwin. Born November 18, 1842, Cincinnati, O. Son
of Lewis Einstein and Judith Lewis. Studied at College City of
New York; M. A., Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. Married
Fanny Hendricks. Member of Congress, 1879-1881; commissioner
and treasurer New York City Department of Docks, 1895-1898.
Republican candidate for mayor, 1892. Address: 524 Fifth Av.,
New York.
Einstein, Lewis. Third Secretary of Embassy at Paris. Born
1877, New York. Son of David L. Einstein and Caroline Fatman.
B. A., 1898; M. A., 1899, Columbia University. Married Helena
Ralle. General editor Humanists Library, Boston. Author: Italian Renaissance in England, third edition, 1903; The Relation
of Literature to History, 1903; Luigi Pulci and the Morgante
Maggiore, 1902. Editor: Leonardo da Vinci, Thoughts on Art
and Life, 1904. Address: American Embassy, Paris.
Eisendrath, Simeon B. Architect. Born 1869, Chicago, 111.
Son of Benjamin Eisendrath and Therese Shoeneman. Education received in Chicago public schools, Chicago Training School,
and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. Lecturer on Architecture, Chicago high school, 1890-1893. As Commissioner of Buildings in mayor's cabinet, Chicago, elected 1894,
instituted reforms which have been incorporated in the munici-
J)al code; served as building expert for Cook County, 111., in litigation over the construction of public buildings. Works: in
Chicago:—Home for Aged Jews, Home for Jewish Orphans,
Michael Reese Hospital, Training School for Nurses of Michael
Reese Hospital, " The Plymouth," the St. Germain Apartments;
in Pittsburg:—Peacock Public Baths, Jewish Hospital, the Knickerbocker Apartment Building (Allegheny); in New York:—The
Criterion Club. Address: 41 West 24th, New York.
Eisenstadt, Benzion. Hebrew Author. Born 1873, Kletzk,
Minsk, Russia. Son of Moses Eisenstadt (sixth in descent from
Mei'r Eisenstadt, the author of the Responsa Panim Me'irot) and
Breina Leah Lipow. Educated at the Cheder and the public
schools of Kletzk, then studied under R. Nathan Handelsmann
of Lubeshoff, Minsk, and completed his Talmudic studies at
Nesvizh, Deretchin (Grodno), and Eiseshok. Self-taught in secular studies. Paid great attention to modern Hebrew literature.
Wrote on the Song of Songs at the age of thirteen. Began to
preach to congregations in many of the large cities of Russia, 1894. Came to America in 1903. Contributed articles and
reviews to Ha-Melitz; Ha-Zeflrah; Keneset ha-Gedolah; Ha-Magid;
Talpiyot. Author: Ziyoni (poem in honor of 70th anniversary
of Wissotzki), 1894; Rabbane Minsk va-Hakameha, 1895, 1899;
Dor Rabbanav ve-Soferav, Part I, 1895; Part II, 1900; Part III,
1902; Part IV, 1903; Ve-zot li-Yehudah, commentary on Noda biYehudah, 1900; printed with it in the edition of 1901; Hakme
Yisrael be-Amerika, 1903; Rabbi Eizil Harif, 1904. Address: 78
Chrystie, New York.
Eisenstein, Julius (Judah) David. Writer. Born November 21,
1855, Meseritz, Russian Poland. Son of Wolf Eisenstein and
Taube Blume Borg. Taught by his grandfather, Azriel Selig Eisenstein. Married Rebecca Cohen. Organizer, 1897, and president
American Congregation, the Pride of Jerusalem, which aids indigent American Jews in Palestine. Translated the Constitution of
the United States and Declaration of Independence into Hebrew
and Yiddish, with Hebrew notes, 1891. Author: Maamare Bikoret (criticism of Rodkinson's Talmud translation); The Classified Psalter, 1897; The Code of Life (modified text and translation of Shulhan Aruk, Part I), 1899. Has contributed numerous
articles, since 1876, to Ha-Zefirah, Ha-Melitz, The American Hebrew, Jewish Comment, Publications American Jewish Historical
Society, etc. Address: 95 East 116th, New York.
Eliassof, Herman. Teacher of Hebrew and German. Born
March 8, 1849, Wilna, Russia. Son of Moses Eliassow and Chaye
Sarah Luria. Taught by private tutors and in school of Rabbi
Jacob Barit, Wilna; studied Talmud in Volosin under Rabbi
Yehuda Berlin, and Jewish history and Rabbinica under Dr.
David Cassel, Berlin. Married Rosalia Eisendrath. Taught school
in Rhein-Hessen, 1869-1870; came to America, 1871; rabbi Congregation Rodef Shalom, Ogdensburg, N. Y., 1872; first rabbi
Congregation Beth-El, Chicago, 1873; superintendent Russian Refugees Aid Society, Chicago, 1892-1893; principal Sabbath School
Kehillath Anshe Maarabh, Chicago, 1897. Editor: Jewish Tribune, St. Louis, 1881; The Occident, Chicago, 1884. Translator:
Zeror ha-Mor (A Whisp of Myrrh); Be-aharit ha-Yamim (In the
Last Days), by Rabbi A. J. G. Lesser. Author: History of Congregation K. A. M. (with Dr. B. Felsenthal); Mizrakhi; The Jews
of Illinois. Author and translator of Hebrew poems. Contributor
to Ha-Zofeh, first Hebrew weekly published in America; and to
German, English, and Hebrew periodicals. Chicago correspondent
of American Israelite, Cincinnati, for many years. Address: 3338
Prairie Av., Chicago, 111.
Ellinger, Moritz. Interpreter in the Surrogate's Court City of
New York. Born October 17, 1830, Furth, Bavaria. Son of Jacob
Hirsch Ellinger and Jochebed Fegersheim. Educated at Furth
Orphan Asylum; studied for two years at the Wurzburg Talmudical College under Rabbi Seligman Baer Bamberger. Married
Julia Waterman. Was coroner City of New York for six years,
and apportionment clerk in Finance Department; secretary Goethe
Club, Palette Club, and for ten years of Executive Committee
Independent Order B'nai B'rith. At present corresponding secretary Medico-Legal Society; member Society of American Authors;
chairman Council of the Congress of Tuberculosis. Editor: The
Jewish Times for nine years; the Menorah Monthly for twelve
years. Delivered numerous lectures, most of which were published. Address: 164 E. 79th, New York.
*Elsberg, Nathaniel A. State Senator, New York. Born in
New York. Educated in public schools. Graduate, 1891, College
City of New York. Engaged in newspaper work for two years;
associate editor The American Economist. Wrote articles on the
tariff and other economic subjects used in the Republican presidential campaign of 1892. Graduate, 1893, Law School University City of New York, and has since practiced law. Practice
almost entirely confined to corporation and Federal Court cases.
Unanimously nominated, 1897, by the Nineteenth Assembly District of New York as member of the Assembly; elected; reelected 1900 and 1902. Address: 27 William, New York.
* Emerich, Martin. Member of Congress, since 1903, from the
First District of Illinois. Born April 27, 1847, Baltimore, Md.
Educated in public schools. Engaged in importing business. Married, Baltimore, September 27, 1871, Lena Strauss. Appointed
ward commissioner of poor of Baltimore, 1870; elected member
of Maryland Legislature, 1879; was member Fifth Regiment
Maryland National Guard, and staff of Governors Hamilton and
Jackson, with rank of colonel. Removed to Chicago, 1887, and
engaged in manufacturing. Elected county commissioner, 1892;
and South Town assessor, 1901. Member of Congressional Standing Committee on Accounts and on Manufactures. Identified in
various capacities with Independent Order B'nai B'rith; Order
Kesher Shel Barzel; Independent Order Free Sons of Israel;
Ancient Order United Workmen; Royal Arch Masons of Maryland. A founder of Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Atlanta, Ga. Occupied positions in the Boards of Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Baltimore; Jewish Orphan Asylum, Cleveland; Chicago Home for
Jewish Orphans; Chicago Orthodox Home for the Aged. Address: Chicago, 111.
Engelsman, Gabriel. Instructor in Classics, College City of New
York. Born February 5, 1862, Maco, Hungary. Son of Gustav
Engelsman and Betty Rosenberg. A. B., 1880, College City of
New York. Pursued post-graduate course in Classical and Oriental Languages, Yale and Harvard Universities, 1880-1881; studied comparative philology and linguistics at Leipzig, Berlin, and
Vienna; Ph.D., 1885, University of Vienna. Married Celestine
Bader. Was private secretary to Rev. Dr. Adolf Jellinek, Vienna;
assistant foreign editor New York Herald; revising editor Jewish
Encyclopedia. Delivered course of thirty lectures on comparative
philology with special reference to the modern languages at College City of New York, 1901-1902. Address: 232 W. 120th, New
Epsteen, Saul. Associate in Mathematics, University of Chicago. Born August 10, 1878, San Francisco, Cal. Educated in
San Francisco public schools. B. S., 1900, University of California; Ph.D., 1901, University of Zurich. Studied in Universities of Zurich and Gottingen. Member of Deutsche Mathematiker
Vereinigung; and American Mathematical Society. Editor of
American Mathematical Monthly. Author of a number of memoirs in mathematical journals. Address: University of Chicago, Chicago, 111., also 343 Hayes, San Francisco, Cal.
Erlanger, Abraham L. Theatrical Manager and Owner of Theatres. Born May 4, 1860, Buffalo, N. Y. Son of Leopold Erlanger
and Rachael Lobenthal. Educated at Spencerian College, Cleveland, O. Business manager Euclid Avenue Opera House, Cleve-
land; theatrical advance agent; formed a partnership with Marc
Klaw, and established a central theatrical agency; manager of
prominent actors and producer of spectacular plays; controls over
one hundred theatres in all parts of the United States. Address:
New Amsterdam Theatre, New York.
Erlanger, Mitchell L. Sheriff New York County. Born February 15, 1857, Buffalo, N. Y. Son of Leopold Erlanger and Rachel
Lobenthal. Educated at Cleveland public schools; studied medicine; self-taught in the classics; LL. B., 1882, Columbia Law
School. For two years librarian Columbia Law School; lectured
on real estate law and equity to Senior and Junior classes; assisted Professor Dwight, dean of the college, during that time,
preparing opinions and examining the law. Practiced law for
more than twenty years. Member Board of Directors Monteflore
Home for Chronic Invalids; Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society;
Hebrew Infant Asylum. Address: 2030 Broadway, New York.
Eron, Joseph Eli. Teacher and Lecturer on Literature. Born
December 25, 1872, in Russia. Son of Fischel Eron and Fannie
Edelstein. Educated at Konigsberg, Prussia, Warsaw, Poland;
A. B., 1902, and A. M., 1903, Columbia University. Lecturer on
literature, Educational Alliance, 1892-1904; Board of Education,
New York; literature and history, Educational League, New York.
Principal Eron School. Organized Educational Alliance Melamdim Classes, 1892; one of the founders Educational League, 1899.
Active in educational work, New York East Side. Address: 175
East Broadway, New York.
Eshner, Augustus Adolph. Physician, Professor, since 1895,
of Clinical Medicine in Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for
Graduates in Medicine. Born November 17, 1862, Memphis, Tenn.
Son of James Eshner and Johanna Pleschner. Educated in Philadelphia public schools. A. B., 1879; A.M., 1884, Central High
School; M. D., Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. Physician to Philadelphia Hospital, since 1896; assistant physician to
Philadelphia Orthopaedic Hospital and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases, since 1900; chairman directors Philadelphia County Medical
Society, 1904. Resident physician Philadelphia Hospital, 18881889; chief clinical assistant out-patient Medical Department Jefferson Medical College Hospital, 1892; adjunct professor clinical
medicine Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates in
Medicine, 1893; physician to Hospital for Diseases of the Lungs,
at Chestnut Hill, 1901-1903. Editor Transactions Philadelphia
County Medical Society, 1896, 1897; assistant editor Philadelphia
Medical Journal, 1898. Was Secretary Pathological Society of
Philadelphia; secretary Philadelphia Neurological Society; second vice-president Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania;
second vice-president Philadelphia Pediatric Society. Wrote prize
essay in the Department of Practice of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College, 1888. Author: Essentials of Medical Diagnosis (with
S. Solis Cohen), 1892, 1900; Handbook on Fevers, 1895; American
Textbook of Applied Therapeutics (with J. C. Wilson), 1896;
Christfried Jakob's Atlas of Methods of Clinical Investigation and
Epitome of Clinical Diagnosis and of Special Pathology (translation), 1898; Herman Eichhorst's Textbook of the Practice of
Medicine (translation), 1901; L. Landois' Textbook of Human
Physiology (translation), 1904. Has contributed numerous articles to medical journals, encyclopedias, and transactions of medical societies. Address: 224 South 16th, Philadelphia, Pa.
•Ezekiel, Moses. Sculptor. Born October 28, 1844, Richmond,
Va. Son of Jacob E. Ezekiel and Catherine de Castro. After
service with corps of cadets in Confederate States Army, graduate
Virginia Military Institute, 1866; studied anatomy Medical College of Virginia. Removed to Cincinnati, 1868; visited Berlin,
Germany, 1869, and studied at Royal Academy of Art under
Professor Albert Wolf. Admitted into the Society of Artists,
Berlin, and was the first foreigner to win the Michael Beer
prize. Executed, 1874, for Independent Order B'nai B'rith, marble
group representing Religious Liberty, exhibited at Centennial
Exposition, now in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia; monument to
Jesse Seligman for Orphan Asylum, New York. After 1886, his
work became chiefly ideal. Among his productions are busts of
Washington, Liszt, and Cardinal Hohenlohe, Eve, Homer, David,
Judith, Christ in the Tomb; statue of Mrs. Andrew D. White for
Cornell University; Apollo and Mercury, in Berlin; Robert E.
Lee; Pan and Amor; The Fountain of Neptune, for town of
Neptune, Italy; bust of Lord Sherbrooke, for St. Margaret, Westminster, London; and scores of busts and reliefs, and Jefferson
Monument, for Louisville, Ky. Address: 18 Piazzo delle Terme,
Rome, Italy.
*Fechheimer, Melville H. Second Lieutenant, United States
Army. Born December 20, 1872, Michigan. Private and corporal,
Companies M and D, 18th Regiment Infantry, 1899-1901; second
lieutenant 11th Regiment Infantry, 1901. Address: War Department, Washington, D. C.
Fechheimer, Rose. Artist. Born August 15, 1875, Cincinnati,
O. Daughter of Joseph K. Fechheimer and Therese Gutmann.
Educated at Cincinnati public schools and Art Academy. Certi-
flcate of excellence in china painting and honorable mention, Cincinnati Museum Association. Artist at Rookwood Pottery, Cincinnati. Address: 3513 Reading Road, Avondale, Cincinnati.
Feldman, Abram Meyer. Consulting Mechanical Engineer.
Born August 7, 1863, Kiev, Russia. Son of Simon Feldman and
Menicha Mermelstein. Graduate Teacher's Institute, Jitomir,
Russia; B. S., M. E., Towne Scientific School, University of Pennsylvania. Took two special summer courses in mechanical and
electrical engineering laboratory work at Cornell University.
Teacher, 1883-1887; draftsman and engineer, 1891-1892; draftsman
and engineer Machinery Department, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; associate professor Mechanical Engineering
Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, 1894-1900; consulting
engineering practice, 1901; with New York State Architect, 19021903, as expert heating and ventilating engineer; since 1904 private
practice as Consulting Mechanical Engineer, designing and superintending the installation of power plants and heating and ventilating systems for buildings. Came to United States in 1887;
citizen, 1893. Address: 120 Liberty, New York.
•Fields, Lewis Maurice. Actor. Born January 1, 1867, New
York City. Son of Samuel Fields. Educated in New York public
schools. Married Rose Harris. Began stage career, 1877; head
Weber and Fields Company, 1885; proprietor Broadway Music
Hall, 1895. Residence: 307 West 83d. Office: 1215 Broadway,
New York.
Fireman, Julius C. Artist and Illustrator. Born June 4, 1872,
at Nyiregyhaza, Hungary. Son of Sol. Fireman and Elizabeth
Kellner. Educated at Philadelphia high school, and Academy of
Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Came to America at age of fourteen.
Was teacher Easton High School, Easton, Md.; artist Pennsylvania Telegram, Reading, Pa.; Philadelphia Times; New York
World; New York Herald. Was manager Levytype Company, Philadelphia. At present illustrator of books. Illustrated: War in the
East; History of the World; Iliowizi's In the Pale; Edward Marshall's Lizette; Guy de Maupassant's works; and numerous stories
in the magazines. Address: 23 East 14th, New York.
Fireman, Peter. Research Chemist. Born April 4, 1863, Lipovetz, Russia. Son of Khaim Isaac Fireman and Bella Gorkhovski.
Educated in Odessa Gymnasium. Graduate Charkov Gymnasium,
1881. Studied at Universities of Odessa, Konigsberg, and Zurich;
Ph.D., 1893, University of Berne. Came to United States, 1882;
farmed for several years in western Oregon. Studied in Germany
and Switzerland, 1888-1892; assistant, 1892-1894; instructor, 18941898; assistant professor chemistry, 1898-1901, George Washington (formerly Columbian) University, Washington; professor
chemistry, Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1901-1902;
chemist, Elmer A. Sperry Electro-chemical Research Laboratory,
Washington, since 1902. Has published a number of monographs
in chemical journals. Married Ernestine Weitz. Address: Alexandria, Va.
Fischer, Louis. Physician. Born November 21, 1864, Kaschau,
Austria-Hungary. Son of Ignatz Fischer and Louise Prankl.
M. D., New York University; studied at Berlin. Married Clara
Robert. Was instructor Diseases of Children, New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital; physician to St. Mark's Hospital, New York. At present visiting physician Willard Parker
Hospital, and Riverside Hospital, New York; attending physician
since 1887, to Children's Department New York German Polyklinik; consulting physician United Hebrew Charities, and Messiah Home for Children. Secretary of Section for Diseases of
Children, American Medical Association, 1900. Read first clinical
report of treatment of diphtheria by antitoxin before New York
Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, and at Municipal
Hospital, Philadelphia, 1894. Author: Infant Feeding in Health
and Disease, 1900, 1903. Address: 65 East 90th, New York.
Fischkin, Edward A. Physician. Born October 6, 1S62, Krementshug, Russia. Son of Abraham Fischkin and Rose Berger.
High school and polytechnic education at Riga and Dresden.
M. D., 1893, University of Berlin. Married Bertha Felsenthal,
1899. Adjunct professor Dermatology, Medical Department Illinois State University; attending dermatologist Cook County Hospital; Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Hospital; United Hebrew
Charities Free Dispensary; Home for Orthodox Aged Jews, all in
Chicago. Private tutor, 1886-1888; studied medicine, 1889-1893;
assistant in clinic of Dr. Max Joseph, Berlin, 1893-1894; came to
Chicago, 1894. Among literary essays and medical articles published in various periodicals, the following are of Jewish interest:
Proletarier-Poesie (on Morris Rosenfeld's Songs from the
Ghetto), 1899; Tolstoy, 1901; Six Years in a Dermatologic Clinic
(Free Dispensary United Hebrew Charities, Chicago), 1902.
Translator of many of Rosenfeld's poems into German. Address:
692 North Hayne Av., Chicago, 111.
Fishberg, Maurice. Physician. Born August 16, 1872, at Kamenetz-Podolsk, Russia. Son of Philip Fishberg and Gittel Mauerman. Educated in Kamenetz public schools. M. D., 1897, New
York University. Married Bertha Cantor. Came to United States,
1890. Fellow American Ethnological Society; member American
Anthropological Association. Medical Inspector New York Health
Department; physician Beth Israel Hospital Dispensary, New
York; medical examiner United Hebrew Charities, New York.
Has written articles for medical journals dealing with pathological characteristics of Jews; for Jewish Encyclopedia, on
Cancer, Consumption, Diabetes, Craniometry, Hair and Eyes. Preliminary specimen of a work on the Anthropology of the Jews
of various countries, with particular reference to those in the
United States: Physical Anthropology of the Jews, American
Anthropologist, 1903, 1904. Address: 79 West 115th, New York.
Fleischman, Adolph. Architect. Born December 7, 1856, Albany, New York. Son of Solomon Fleischman and Catherine
Lederer. Educated in Albany public and high schools. Arch. B.,
1879, Cornell University. Married Rosetta A. Mann. Fellow
American Institute of Architects, 1884. District Deputy Independent Order B'nai B'rith, District No. 1; superintendent Sunday School, Council of Jewish Women; past president Gideon
Lodge, Independent Order B'nai B'rith; president Asmonean
Lodge, of same Order. Architect: Beth Emeth Synagogue,
Albany, and synagogues in Troy and Rondout, New York. Office:
59 and 61 North Pearl. Residence: 277 Hudson Av., Albany, N. Y.
*Fleischmann, Julius. Merchant; Mayor of Cincinnati, O.
Born June 8, 1872, Riverside, O. Member of the staffs of Governors McKinley, Bushnell, and Nash. Nominated as candidate of
the Republican party for Mayor of Cincinnati, 1900, and elected
April 2. Re-elected by a largely increased majority, April 6, 1903.
Address: Cincinnati, O.
Fleischmann, Simon. Lawyer. Born September 1, 1859, Iowa
City, la. Son of Emanuel Fleischmann and Eliza Dessauer.
Graduate Buffalo public schools and Central High School. Married Laura Justice. Was organist of leading Buffalo churches;
for five years dramatic and musical editor Buffalo Courier; independent supervisor from twenty-first ward of Buffalo, 1898-1899;
Republican councilman, 1900-1904; president Buffalo Board of
Councilmen, 1902-1903; president Erie County Bar Association,
1903. Has written legal papers, dramatic and musical criticisms,
editorial articles, and addresses. Address: 190 Edward, Buffalo,
N. Y.
Flexner, Abraham. Principal of The Flexner School. Born November 13, 1866, Louisville, Ky. Son of Moritz Flexner and
Esther Abraham. A. B., 1886, Johns Hopkins University. Married Anne Laziere Crawford. Instructor Louisville Male High
School, 1886-1891. Has written essays on educational topics in
Educational Review, International Journal of Ethics, Popular
Science Monthly, and Atlantic Monthly. Address: 210 West
Ormsby Av., Louisville, Ky.
Flexner, Simon. Director of the Laboratories of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York. Born March 25,
1863, Louisville, Ky. Son of Moritz Flexner and Esther Abraham.
Educated in Louisville public schools. M. D., 1889, University of
Louisville. Pursued post-graduate courses, Johns Hopkins University and Universities of Strassburg, Prague, and Berlin. Married
Helen Whitall Thomas. Fellow, associate, associate professor
Pathology, and professor Pathological Anatomy, 1891-1900, Johns
Hopkins University; professor Pathology, University of Pennsylvania, 1900-1904. Member Johns Hopkins University Medical Commission to the Philippine Islands, 1900; United States Government
Commission for Investigation of the Bubonic Plague, San Francisco, 1901; corresponding member Society Medica-Chirurgica,
Bologna; member American Philosophical Society, Association of
American Physicians, and other learned bodies. Wrote monographs and papers on many pathological and bacteriological subjects. Address: Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New
Fluegel, Maurice. Author. Of German birth; emigrated early
to Roumania. First education, secular and theological, in Roumania; attended Gymnasium in Leipzig, and pursued courses at
Universities of Leipzig and Paris. Theological diploma, 1869, from
Grand Rabbin Isidore, Paris; diploma for economical science, history, and languages, 1862, Bucharest Academy. Docent at Bucharest Academy. Officiated as rabbi in several congregations in the
United States. Has written numerous essays in German, French,
Roumanian, and English (Roumania and the Stroke of Policy
of Prince Conza, 1865; American and Universal Judaism, 18651868; The Oriental and the Roumanian Questions, 1868-1880;
Mosaic Diet and Hygiene, 1881). Author: Thoughts on Religious
Rites and Views, 1888; Spirit of the Biblical Legislation, 1893;
Messiah-Ideal: vol. 1, Jesus of Nazareth, 1896; vol. 2, Paul and
Mohammed, Gospel and Koran, 1896; Zend-Avesta and Eastern
Religions, 1898; Israel the Biblical People, 1899; Philosophy, Qabbala and Vedanta, 1902. Biblical Legislation is to occupy the ,
last three volumes of this series of ten. Address: 1125 North
Strieker, Baltimore, Md.
Foreman, Henry G. President Board of Commissioners of Cook
County, 111. Born 1857, Chicago, 111. Son of Gerhard Foreman
and Hannah Greenebaum. Married, 1885, Lottie Schwab. Educated at Chicago public schools and business college. Received
early commercial and financial training in First National Bank
Has devoted career chiefly to real estate and financial operations.
Officer and director in many corporations; one of the organizers
Chicago Stock Exchange, Chicago Title and Trust Company,
Chicago Real Estate Board. Director Chicago Union Traction
Company since 1902; chairman Board of Directors, 1902; elected
president Board of Commissioners of Cook County, 1902, for two
years; appointed member South Park Commissioners, 1902 (term
expires 190S); chosen president, 1903; inaugurated modern business methods in public office, including Cook County Institutional
Service, erection of new county buildings, and purchase and improvement of new parks in South Division, Chicago. Appointed
on commission to create outer belt of parks and boulevards to
circle Chicago and complete outdoor recreation system. Delegate to National Republican Convention in Philadelphia, 1900.
Residence: 4706 Grand Boulevard. Offices: 402-408 Dearborn, 202
Court House, and corner 57th and Cottage Grove Av., Chicago, 111.
Fraenkel, Joseph. Lecturer on Nervous Diseases, Cornell University Medical College; Alienist and Neurologist to Bellevue
Hospital, New York. Born July, 1867, Tysnitz, Austria. Son of
Marcus Fraenkel and Ester Conn. Educated at the Imperial
Royal Gymnasium, "Vienna. M. D., University of Vienna. Attending physician Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids, New York.
Contributor to Reference Handbook of Medical Sciences. Address: 46 East 75th, New York.
*Frank, Nathan. Lawyer; ex-Member of House of Representatives. Born February 23, 1852, Peoria, 111. Educated in Peoria
public schools. Studied in Washington University, St. Louis.
Graduate, 1871, Harvard Law School. Has practiced law, since
1871, in St. Louis. Republican nominee for the Fiftieth Congress,
but was defeated; re-nominated for the Fifty-first Congress, and
elected. Author of a work on bankruptcy law. Address: 1027
Century Building, St. Louis, Mo.
*Frankenberger, Samuel. Second Lieutenant, Artillery Corps,
United States Army. Born April 23, 1879, West Virginia. Appointed cadet Military Academy, 1898; second lieutenant Artillery
Corps, 1902. Address: War Department, Washington, D. C.
Frankenthal, Adolph Levy. United States Consul at Berne,
Switzerland, since 1898. Born January 1, 1851, Liibeck, Germany.
Son of L. J. Frankenthal and Henrietta Hirschberg. Educated in
Liibeck and Hamburg Academies. Married Ettie J. Jacobs. In
business in Hamburg, 1864-1871; resident of Boston, Mass., since
1871; naturalized, 1877; manufacturer fancy leather goods in
Boston until 1898; inventor patented violin case. Secretary
Society for Relief of Poor Russians, Boston, 1880. Contributor to
Jewish papers in Germany and Switzerland on Hebrew literature.
Home: 46 Quincy, Roxbury, Boston. Address: United States Consulate, Berne, Switzerland.
Franklin, Fabian. Editor of The Baltimore News. Born January 18, 1853, Eger, Hungary. Son of Morris J. Franklin and
Sarah Heilprin. Educated at public schools of Philadelphia and
Washington, and preparatory school Columbian College (now
George Washington University). Ph. B., 1869, Columbian College;
Ph. D., 1880, Johns Hopkins University; LL. D., 1904, George
Washington University. Engaged in surveying and civil engineering, 1870-1877. Married, 1882, Christine Ladd. Fellow,
associate, associate professor, and professor Mathematics, Johns
Hopkins University, 1877-1895. Has written mathematical papers
in American Journal of Mathematics and other journals, and
articles on political, economic, and miscellaneous subjects in The
Nation, New York, and other periodicals. Address: 220 West
Monument, Baltimore, Md.
Franklin, Melvin M. Physician. Born August 13, 1874, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Dr. Marcus Franklin and Matilda Morris.
Studied in Rugby Academy, Pennsylvania Military College, Columbia University, Medical Department University of Pennsylvania.
B. S.; Honorary M. A., 1903, La Salle College. Married Elsie
Nathans. Visiting surgeon, St. Joseph's Hospital; and Jewish
Hospital. Address: 1700 Oxford, Philadelphia, Pa.
Franko, Jeanne (Mrs. Hugo Kraemer). Violin Virtuoso, Professor of Music. Born February 8, 1868, New Orleans, La.
Daughter of Herrman Franko and Helene Bergmann. Educated
in Breslau, Berlin, and Paris; and under De Ahna and Vieuxtemps. Married Hugo Kraemer. Played in Paris at Trocadero.
Member Women's String Quartette St. Cecilia. Soloist with Theodore Thomas Orchestra, Anton Seidl Orchestra, Philip Sousa
Orchestra, also travelled through United States to San Francisco
as soloist. Organized the Jeanne Franko Trio. Leader American
Woman's Orchestra. Address: care Steinway and Sons, 17 East
14th, New York.
Franko, Sam. Conductor American Symphony Orchestra; Musical Leader, Chorus of Society for Ethical Culture. Born January
20, 1857, New Orleans, La. Son of Herrman Franko and Helene
Bergmann. Educated at Breslau and Berlin, Germany; pupil
of Joachim, Vieuxtemps, and Leonard. Married Elizabeth Saar
(deceased). Came to United States for a concert tour, 1869;
played in salons of Mme. Viardot-Garcia, St. Sae'ns, Lalo, De Beriot, and Godard, 1870-1880. Made his debut in London before
Prince of Wales, present King Edward. Became member, 1880,
soloist, and concert-master, Theodore Thomas Orchestra; played
in important cities in United States as soloist with Mendelssohn
Quintette Club of Boston; has given string-quartette concerts at
Steinway Hall. Was viola soloist in Philharmonic Orchestra; and
conductor of Castle Garden free concerts, 1891. Organized American Symphony Orchestra and gave a series of concerts with it at
Chickering Hall. Produced the works of the early masters, from
the original scores and with an orchestra of the size contemplated by them, before small audiences. Has written compositions for violin and piano. Address: 717 Madison Av., New York.
Freiberg, Albert Henry. Surgeon. Born August 17, 1868, Cincinnati, O. Son of Joseph Freiberg. Educated Cincinnati public
schools. M. D., 1890, University of Cincinnati (Medical College of
Ohio); pursued courses at Universities of Wiirzburg, Strassburg,
Berlin, and Vienna. Professor Orthopaedic Surgery, University of
Cincinnati (Medical College of Ohio); Orthopaedic Surgeon to
Jewish Hospital of Cincinnati and to Cincinnati Hospital. Member American Orthopaedic Association. Has written articles which
have appeared in Transactions American Orthopaedic Association
and in medical periodicals. Address: 19 West 7th, Cincinnati, O.
Freidus, Abraham Solomon. Chief Jewish Department, New
York Public Library. Born May 1, 1867, Riga, Russia. Son of
Abigedor Freidus and Siissle Bass. Went to Paris, 1886; came
to United States, 1889. Graduate Pratt Institute Library School,
1894. Librarian Calumet Club Library, 1894; cataloguer General Theological Seminary Library, 1896; both of New York.
Assistant cataloguer New York Public Library, 1897, and later
organized its department of Hebraica and Judaica, now including nearly thirteen thousand volumes. Contributor to the Jewish
press. Author: Bibliographical Lists of Jewish Subjects, Bulletin New York Public Library; A Scheme of Classification for
Jewish Literature in the New York Public Library, containing
nearly five hundred divisions, 1901. Address: New York Public
Library, New York.
Freudenthal, Wolff. Laryngologist. Born January 5, 1858,
Chrostowo, Posen, Germany. Son of Louis Freudenthal and
Rosalie Wolff. Pursued courses at Universities of Breslau, Leipzig, and Berlin; state examination, 1894, and M. D., 1894, Freiburg
in Baden. Married Alice L. Forchheimer. Consulting laryngologist
St. Marks Hospital, Monteflore Home for Chronic Invalids, and
Beth Israel Hospital, New York. Honorary president International
Medical Congress at Madrid, 1903; ex-president German Medical
Society, New York, and of Deutscher Gesellig-Wissenschaftlicher
Verein von New York. Served in German army at Berlin as surgeon, 1879, and also at Freiburg. Author of publications on Diseases of the Nose and Throat, and on Tuberculosis. Address:
1003 Madison Av., New York.
Freund, Ernest. Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law
School. Born January 30, 1864, New York. Son of Ludwig A.
Freund and Nannie Bayer. Educated at Dresden and Frankfort
on the Main, Germany. J. U. D., 1884, University of Heidelberg;
Ph.D., 1897, Columbia University. Author: The Police Power,
1904. Address: 5730 Woodlawn Av., Chicago, 111.
Friedenberg, Albert Marx. Lawyer and Writer. Born January
9, 1881, New York City. Son of Leopold Friedenberg and Fannie
Stern. Educated at New York public schools, Chapin Collegiate
School, College City of New York. B. S., 1900, and LL. B., 1903,
Columbia University. New York correspondent and representative Jewish Comment, Baltimore, since 1902. Instructor in composition, New York evening public schools, 1900-1904; lecturer
Board of Education free lecture course. Editor of The Jewish
Home since 1904. Has written monographs in Publications American Jewish Historical Society; and articles in Jewish Encyclopedia, Jewish Quarterly Review, Albany Law Journal, Modern
Language Notes, Queen's Quarterly, and in the American Jewish
press. Author: Zionist Studies, 1904; The Jews in German
Literature (MS.). Residence: 186 West 135th. Office: 38 Park
Row, New York.
Friedenwald, Harry. Physician, Professor of Ophthalmology and
Otology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore. Born
September 21, 1864, Baltimore, Md. Son of Dr. Aaron Frieden"wald and Bertha Bamberger. A. B., 1884, Johns Hopkins University; M. D., 1886, College of Physicians and Surgeons. Married
Bertha Stein. Has written essays on Ophthalmological and Otological subjects and on Medical History. President American
Federation of Zionists since 1904; trustee Jewish Theological
Seminary of America. Address: 1029 Madison Av., Baltimore,
Friedenwald, Herbert. Author. Born September 20, 1870, Baltimore, Md. Son of Moses Friedenwald and Jane Ahlborn.
Educated at private schools, Baltimore. A. B., 1890, Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D., 1894, University of Pennsylvania. Chief
of Division of Manuscripts in Library of Congress, Washington,
1897-1900; one of the founders and first recording secretary
American Jewish Historical Society; corresponding secretary,
1898-1903; and now recording secretary. Member Publication
Committee, Jewish Publication Society of America, and of historical and economic societies. Delegate from Philadelphia to Sixth
Zionist Congress, Basle, 1903. Has written articles for Publications of American Jewish Historical Society, and Reports American Historical Association. Edited draft of an Address of Continental Congress to People of United States, 1776, American
Historical Review, 1896. Author: A Calendar of Washington
MSS. in the Library of Congress, 1901; The Declaration of Independence (in press). Address: 915 N. 16th, Philadelphia, Pa.
Friedenwald, Julius. Physician. Born December 20, 1866,
Baltimore, Md. Son of Dr. Aaron Friedenwald and Bertha
Bamberger. Educated at Baltimore Zion School and at City
College. A. B., 1887, Johns Hopkins University; M. D., 1890,
College of Physicians and Surgeons; A.M., 1898, Loyola College,
Baltimore. Pursued courses of study at Universities of Berlin
and Vienna. Married Esther Lee Rohr. Professor Diseases of the
Stomach and director Diseases of the Stomach, Clinical Laboratory, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore. Visiting
physician to City Hospital, Bay View Hospital, Union Protestant
Infirmary, and consultant in Digestive Diseases to St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore. Has written numerous medical articles. Author: A Text Book on Dietetics (with Dr. John Ruhrah). Address: 7 West Franklin, Baltimore, Md.
Friedlaender, Israel. Professor of Biblical Exegesis and Literature, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York. Born
September 8, 1876, Wlodawa, Siedlec, Russian Poland. Son of
Pinkus Friedlaender and Gitel Ehrlich. Educated at the Cheder
and privately in Praga-Warsaw. Pursued courses at University
of Berlin, 1896-1900. Ph. D., 1901, University of Strassburg. Privat-docent Semitic languages, 1902-1903, University of Strassburg.
Author: Der Sprachgebrauch des Maimonides, Ein lexicalischer
und grammatischer Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Mittelarabischen,
Part I, 1902. Translator: The Essays of Achad Haam; Dubnow's
Essay in the Philosophy of Jewish History (both into German).
Articles in various publications. Address: 371 West 116th, NewYork.
Friedman, Isaac Kahn. Born November 3, 1870, Chicago, 111.
Son of Jacob Friedman and Henrietta Kahn. Educated in Chicago public schools. Ph. B., 1903, University of Michigan. Author:
The Lucky Number; Poor People; By Bread Alone; The Autobiography of a Beggar. Address: 1 Van Buren, Chicago, 111.
Frisch, William. Managing Editor of The Baltimore American.
Born February 14, 1854, in Bohemia. Son of Siegfried Frisch
and Sophia Krauskopf. Educated at Knapp's Institute, Baltimore,
1865-1868; and Bryant, Stratton, and Sadler's Business College,
Baltimore, 1868. Came to America in 1865. General reporter
on The Baltimore American, 1872-1875; introduced systematic
City Hall reporting in Baltimore, 1875; City Hall reporter, 18751880; wrote first weekly political review in Baltimore for The
Sunday American, 1879, continuing the department until 1889;
political editor The Baltimore American, 1879-1889; Washington
correspondent, 1880, 1881; managing editor since 1881. Address:
Hotel Altamont, Baltimore, Md.
*Frohman, Charles. Theatrical Manager. Born June 17, 1860,
Sandusky, O. Educated in New York public schools. Employed
in office Daily Graphic, New York; sold tickets at Hooley's Theatre, Brooklyn; took charge of company sent West to play " Our
Boys," 1877; was with J. H. Haverly (Haverly's Mastadon Minstrels), 1879-1880, in United States and Europe; went on road
with "Lady Clare" and "Victor Durand," 1881; organized a company to bring out Shenandoah, 1881; organized Charles Frohman
Stock Company, 1890; now proprietor and manager Empire, Criterion, Lyceum, Garrick, Savoy, Madison Square, Knickerbocker,
and Garden Theatres, New York; Duke of York Theatre, London;
joint manager Vaudeville Theatre, London. Address: Empire
Theatre, New York.
Frohman, Daniel. Theatrical Manager. Born 1854, Sandusky,
O. Son of Henry Frohman. Educated at Sandusky. Married
Maud Light. Manager of theatres, stars, and plays, and occasionally of musical artists. Address: 159 West 79th, New York.
Fromenson, Abraham H. Editor English Department The Jewish Daily News and The Jewish Gazette, New York. Born November 4, 1873, at Chicago, 111. Son of Benjamin Fromenson
and Dora Fuxman. Educated at New York public schools, evening high schools, special courses at New York University. Jewish
education by father. Married Ruth Berman. Was editor Jewish
Tidings, Rochester, N. Y.; reporter Rochester Democrat and
Chronicle, Rochester Herald, and Associated Press; editorial
writer New York Daily News. Chairman Education Committee and
member Executive Council Federation of American Zionists; one
of the organizers Jewish Boys' Brigade, and New Era Club; member New York Committee Jewish Publication Society of America.
Has written several hundred essays under title, The Voice of the
Ghetto, in The Jewish Daily News and The Jewish Gazette, and
magazine articles dealing especially with physical culture for
Jews. Address: care Jewish Daily News, New York.
Fuchs, Julius. Professor German Language and Literature,
Cincinnati High School, since 1895. Born October 16, 1846, St.
George, near Vienna, Austria. Son of Simon Fuchs and Rebecca
Weinberger. Elementary education at St. George, secondary and
college course at Vienna, in Ober-Realschule, 1863-1866; Imperial
Pedagogical Seminary or Normal School, Vienna, 1866-1869. Diploma as teacher, Vienna, 1869; English principal's and Special
or High School certificate Cincinnati Board of Examiners, 1872.
Married Jeannette Ehrenfest. Director Boys' Institute, Vienna,
1869-72; principal of German Intermediate School, 1872-1895,
Cincinnati, O. Three volumes of articles collected from European
and American periodicals ready for publication: 1. Eighteen Lectures on Pedagogical Topics; 2. Fifteen Lectures on Home Education, and, 3. Seventy-five poems, Tender Blossoms. Delivered
lectures before normal institutes, teachers' associations, and literary societies. Address: P. O. Box 46, Cincinnati, O.
Furth, Emanuel. Attorney-at-law. Born September 26, 1857,
Reading, Pa. Son of Leopold Furth and Babette Levy. Educated
in Philadelphia public schools. A. B., 1874, Central High School;
LL. B., 1878, Law Department University of Pennsylvania. Married Lizzie Rosenbaum. Member Pennsylvania Legislature, 18811885; delegate to City, State, and National Democratic Conventions; delegate to National Democratic Convention at St. Louis,
1904; nominated for judge Court of Common Pleas, 1903, on
Democratic ticket. Prominent in Masonic and State military
circles; captain in Old Guard Infantry Battalion State Fencibles; president of several building associations; secretary Lawyers Club of Philadelphia since 1892. Author: The Tourist Outward and Homeward Bound. Address: 13th and Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa.
Gans, Howard S. Assistant District Attorney, County of New
York. Born October 23, 1872, New York City. Son of Levi L.
Gans and Adelaide Schiller. Educated at Friends' Schools, Penn
Charter School, Philadelphia; and Dr. Julius Sachs's Collegiate
Institute, New York. B. A., 1892, Harvard College; LL.B., New
York Law School. Deputy Assistant District Attorney, 1901-1902;
Assistant District Attorney, since 1902. Wrote article in North
American entitled, In the Matter of the Lawlessness of the
Police. Address: Criminal Courts Building, New York.
Garfunkel, Charles. Superintendent of Police, Savannah, Ga.
Born November 13, 1872, at Savannah, Ga. Son of Benjamin M.
Garfunkel. Educated at Savannah public schools. Was merchant.
Address: Police Headquarters, Savannah, Ga.
Garsson, Morris. Life and Fire Insurance Broker. Born December 19, 1860, in Russia. Son of Mordechai Gerson and Sarah
Rosalsky. Chiefly self-taught. Married Annie Epstein. Representative M. Gardner and Company, New York, 1883-1898; in dry
goods business, 1896-1900; manufacturer during 1901, New York.
Has written various Hebrew poems published in Ner ha-Maarabi,
1895-1896; Ha-Ibri, 1895-1896; Die Deborah, 1896. Address: 118
East 109th, New York.
Gerson, Emily Goldsmith. Writer of juvenile stories. Born
April 30, 1868, Philadelphia, Pa. Daughter of Abraham Goldsmith and Cecelia Adler. Educated in Philadelphia public schools.
Married Felix Napoleon Gerson. Teacher in Philadelphia public
schools, 1887-1892. Author: The German Cousins in America,
1900 (as a serial); The Picture Screen, 1904; Polly and her
Chum, 1904 (as a serial). Has written many short juvenile stories in various publications since 1890. Address: 1627 North
Franklin, Philadelphia, Pa.
Gerson, Felix N. Journalist, Manager The Jewish Exponent,
staff writer on Public Ledger, Philadelphia. Born October 18,
1862, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Aron Gerson and Eva Goldsmith.
Educated in Philadelphia public schools; A. B., Central High
School. Married Emily Goldsmith. Chief Clerk Coal Shipping
Department, Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company, 18801890; managing editor Chicago Israelite, 1890-1891; manager Jewish Exponent since 1891; staff writer Public Ledger since 1895;
staff writer American Musician, Freund's Music and Drama, and
other New York papers at various times. Appointed by president
of Pennsylvania R. R. Company to take charge of Elizabeth
coal dock property, and succeeded in settling strike at that end
of the line, 1887. Wrote poem on death of Queen Victoria which
received favorable editorial notice in London Times; selected to
read poem at dedication of new Philadelphia High School building, 1902. Author: Some Verses (volume of poems), 1893.
Poems in magazines and newspapers. Address: 1627 North
Franklin, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ginzberg, Louis. Professor of Talmud and Rabbinics, Jewish
Theological Seminary of America. Born November 28, 1873,
Kovno, Russia. Son of Isaac Ginzberg and Cecilia Jaffe. Educated at Talmudical Colleges at Telsh and Kovno. Pursued
courses in Oriental languages and history, and in philosophy, at
the Universities of Berlin, Strassburg, and Heidelberg. Ph. D.,
1898, Strassburg. Came to America, 1899. Editor Jewish Encyclopedia, Department of Rabbinical Literature, 1900-1903. Author:
Die Haggada bei den Kirchenvatern, 1899; Die Haggada bei den
Kirchenvatern und in der apokryphischen Litteratur, 1900. Contributor to Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des
Judenthums, Breslau; Jewish Quarterly Review, London; and
Jewish Encyclopedia (about one-fifth of the first volume). Important articles in Jewish Encyclopedia: on Akiba, Allegorical
Interpretation, Baraita, Joseph Caro, Cabala, and Law (Codification of). Address: 60 West 115th, New York.
Goldensky, Elias. Photographer. Born September 9, 1867,
Russia. Son of Benjamin M. Goldensky. Married Nettie Goldberg. Received highest awards at various photographic exhibitions. Address: 270 South Second, Philadelphia, Pa.
Goldfaden, Abraham. Yiddish Playwright. Born July 12, 1840,
Starokonstantinov, Russia. Educated at Talmudical College of
Jitomir. Taught in Government schools of Simferopol and Odessa,
1867-1875; founded Yisrolik (a humorous weekly) in Lemberg,
1875; founded Bukowiner Israelitisches Volksblatt, at Czernowitz; produced his first drama at Jassy, 1876; returned to Odessa,
1878, with a troupe of actors and a repertoire of fourteen plays.
Forbidden to produce Yiddish plays in Russia, 1883; went to
Roumania, Galicia, and Warsaw, and, in 1887, came to New York;
established the New Yorker Illustrirte Zeitung (Yiddish), and
was connected with the Roumanian Opera House. Went to Paris,
1889; and returned to New York, 1903. Author: Zizim u-Perahim
(Hebrew poems), 1865; Das Yiidele (Yiddish songs), 1866, and
twenty-five dramas in Yiddish, among them Die Rekruten,
Schmendrik, Die Kishufmacherin, Shulamit, and Bar Kochba.
Address: Grand Theatre, New York.
Goldfogle, Henry Mayer. Member of Congress from the Ninth
District of New York; Lawyer by profession. Born May 23, 1856,
New York City. Son of Mayer Goldfogle and Hannah Herz. Educated in New York public schools and Townsend's College. Admitted to bar when twenty-one. Judge of Municipal Court, New
York City, 1888-1900; resigned to resume law practice. Drafted
and secured enactment of a law by the State legislature which
allows an execution against the body to issue against a delinquent debtor on a judgment in favor of a working woman for
services performed by her; author present law in New York
providing for an expeditious remedy to collect judgments obtained by laborers, mechanics, and other wage-earners ior wages
earned or for labor performed; served several terms as grand
president District No. 1, Independent Order B'nai B'rith, and is
one of the judges court of appeals of that Order. Is prominently
identified with many of the leading fraternal organizations and
clubs, and with several financial institutions. Was governor,
Home for Aged and Infirm at Yonkers. Is now director, Hebrew
Infant Asylum, and vice-president Temple Rodeph Shalom, New
York. Delegate to almost every State convention since 1877; delegate, 1896, National Democratic Convention. Elected to Congress,
1900; re-elected, 1902. Author and secured adoption by Congress,
April 21, 1904, of resolution respecting Russia's refusal to honor
American passports held by Jews, the basis of recent request by
American Ambassador at St. Petersburg for abrogation of restriction or for a new treaty. Address: 271 Broadway, New York.
Goldmark, Rubin. Composer, Lecturer on musical topics. Born
August 15, 1872, New York. Son of Leo Goldmark and Augusta
Stern. Educated at New York public schools and College City
of New York. Studied at University of Vienna, and Vienna
Conservatory of Music; subsequently pupil of Dvorak and Joseffy
in New York; Hon. M. A., 1900, Colorado College. Director Colorado College Conservatory of Music, 1895-1901. Delivered one
hundred and fifty lectures between New York, Montreal, and
Salt Lake City on the Wagner music dramas and other subjects.
His orchestral works and chamber music performed by the late
Anton Seidl, the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Kneisel Quartette,
and Prill Quartette of Vienna. Compositions: Trio for piano,
violin, and cello; Sonata for piano and violin; Romanza for
cello; numerous songs and piano compositions; unpublished:
Orchestral Overture Hiawatha (performed by Boston Symphony
Orchestra); Theme and Variations (performed by Anton Seidl
Orchestra); Cantata for orchestra and chorus; Quartette for
piano and strings. Address: 144 West 127th, New York.
Goldsmith, Milton. Merchant. Born May 22, 1861, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Abraham Goldsmith and Cecelia Adler. Graduate Philadelphia High School, 1877. Studied three years in
Zurich, Switzerland; special courses in literature, language, and
music. Married Sophie Hyman. Author: Rabbi and Priest, 1891;
A Victim of Conscience, 1903; numerous short stories in Jewish
and non-sectarian papers; poems appearing in The Cosmopolitan,
Puck, Life, and other periodicals; several librettos of comic
operas; A Romance of Kief, a drama; Quarantined, a comedy;
other literary and musical works. Address: 46 East 58th, New
Gordin, Jacob M. Playwright. Born May 1, 1853, at Mirgorod,
Poltava, Russia. Son of Michael Gordin. Educated at private
schools. Married Anna Itzkowitch. Teacher Russian private
and public schools. Editor two Russian daily papers, Odesski
Novesti, and Elisavetgradski Vestnick, and, in 1893, of a Russian
paper in New York. Contributor to many Russian and American
magazines and papers. Has written about seventy dramas, including translations and adaptations. Founded, 1879, Bible
Brotherhood Society, devoted to ethical culture and social reforms. Came to America, 1891. Author: classical dramas: Medea; Medea's Youth; realistic dramas: God, Man, and the Devil;
The Orphan; Mirele Efros; The Yiddish King Lear; essay: Voltaire, his Life and Works, his Merits as an Educator and his Attitude to the Jewish Race. Address: 256 Madison, Brooklyn, New
Gottheil, Richard James Horatio. Professor Semitic Languages
Columbia University. Born October 13, 1862, Manchester, England. Son of Rabbi Gustav Gottheil and Rosalia Wallman. Educated at Chorlton High School, Manchester, Eng., and Columbia
Grammar School, New York. Studied at Columbia College, and
at Universities of Berlin and Tubingen; Hochschule fur die Wissenschaft des Judenthums, and Die Veitel-Heine-Ephraimsche
Lehranstalt in Berlin. A. B., 1881, Columbia College( now University) ; Ph. D., Leipzig. Married Emma Rosenzweig, 1891. President American Federation of Zionists, 1898-1904; head of Oriental Department New York Public Library; member German
Oriental Society, SociSt6 des Etudes Juives, Paris, Jewish Historical Society, England, Council American Oriental Society;
president Society of Biblical Literature, 1902-1903; treasurer
American Jewish Historical Society until 1904; vice-president
Judaeans, New York; member Actions-Committee of Zionist Organization. Author: The Syriac Grammar of Mar Elia of Zobha,
Berlin, 1887; one of the editors of the Jewish Encyclopedia since
1901; contributor to Johnson's Encyclopedia, 2d edition; Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, Journal
American Oriental Society, Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie, Journal
Society of Biblical Literature, Publications American Jewish Historical Society, Century Magazine, North American Review. Address: Columbia University, New York.
Gottheil, William S. Physician. Born February 5, 1859, Berlin,
Germany. Son of Rabbi Gustav Gottheil and Rosalia Wallman. Educated at Victoria Park School, Manchester, Eng., studied at New
York University, and in Scientific Department Cornell University,
Ithaca, N. Y. Licentiate, 1878, Cornell University; M. D., 1882,
College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Married Viola
Shepperd. House physician Charity Hospital, 1882-1883; lecturer
Dermatology New York Polyclinic, 1886-1890; professor Pathology, American Veterinary College, 1888-1894; professor Dermatology New York School of Clinical Medicine, 1890-1891; Dermatologist, Northwestern Dispensary, and German West Side Dispensaries, 1890-1900; consulting Dermatologist Hebrew Sheltering
Guardian Orphan Asylum, 1900. Is at present visiting physician
New York City Hospital, Lebanon Hospital, and Beth Israel
Hospital, New York. Author: Illustrated Skin Diseases, 1897;
The Treatment of Skin Cancers, 1901; Syphilis, its Diagnosis
and Treatment, 1901; Elements of Pathology, New York, 1890. Editor: Dermatology and Syphilis; and Clinical Recorder, 1896-1898.
Has written numerous articles and pamphlets. Address: 144
West 48th, New York.
Greenbaum, Leon E. Lawyer. Born November 17, 1872, Baltimore, Md. Son of Emanuel Greenbaum and Caroline Seliger. Educated at Baltimore public schools and Baltimore City College.
A. B., Johns Hopkins University; LL. B., Law Department University of Maryland. Was city attorney of Baltimore. Address:
1614 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md.
Greenbaum, Leopold. Professor, since 1896, of Materia Medica,
Anaesthesia, and Odontotechny at Philadelphia Dental College.
Born October 9, 1858, Arva, Hungary. Son of Philip Greenbaum
and Marie Goldfinger. Educated at Arva and Vienna schools,
and Philadelphia public schools. D. D. S., 1881, Philadelphia
Dental College; M. D., 1888, Medico-Chirurgical College, Philadelphia. Appointed assistant professor Materia Medica and Chemistry in Dental College, 1881, and lecturer. Moving spirit in the
organization of the Garretsonian Society; editor and manager
of The Stomatologist since the first issue. Member National and
State Societies and Academy of Stomatology. Has read numerous papers before other societies. Address: 1420 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa.
Greenbaum, Samuel. Justice Supreme Court, State of New
York. Born January 23, 1854, London, England. Son of Louis
Greenbaum and Rachel Deborah Schlesinger. Educated at New
York public schools. M. A., College City of New York; LL. B.,
Columbia College Law School. Married Selina Ullman.
president Young Men's Hebrew Association; and of Aguilar
Library Society. Now vice-president Educational Alliance;
tee Jewish Theological Seminary of America; and trustee
York Public Library. Address: 2 East 94th, New York.
Greenstone, Julius H. Born April 23, 1873, Mariampol, Russia.
Son of Pesah David Grtinstein and Leah Puskelinsky. Jewish
education in the Cheder and Talmudical College; secular instruction private, in Russia, and in New York public schools. A. B.,
1900, College City of New York; A. B., 1902, University of Pennsylvania; rabbi, 1900, Jewish Theological Seminary of America.
Is pursuing post-graduate course University of Pennsylvania.
Married Carrie E. Amram. Lecturer to Congregation Mickve
Israel, Philadelphia, 1900-1902. Author: Congregational Activities (a series of sermons), 1901; The Religion of Israel, 1902;
contributor to Talmudic Department Jewish Encyclopedia and
to Jewish journals. Address: 915 North 8th, Philadelphia, Pa.
Gross, Charles. Professor of History, Harvard University,
since 1888. Born February 10, 1857, Troy, New York. Son of
Louis Gross and Lottie Wolf. Educated at Troy High School.
A. B., 1878; A.M., 1882; LL. D., 1904, Williams College; Ph.D.,
1883, Gottingen. Pursued courses at Universities of Berlin, Leipzig, and Paris, 1879-83. Did literary work in England, 1883-1888.
Author: Gilda Mercatoria, 1883; The Exchequer of the Jews of
England in the Middle Ages, 1887; The Gild Merchant, 1890;
Select Cases from the Coroners' Rolls, 1896; A Bibliography of
British Municipal History, 1897; The Early History of the Ballot
in England, 1898; The Sources and Literature of English History,
1900. Address: 11 Putnam Av., Cambridge, Mass.
Gruening, Emil. Ophthalmic and Aural Surgeon, Mount Sinai
Hospital; consulting ophthalmic surgeon, German Hospital; surgeon New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, all of New York. Born
October 2, 1842, Inowrazlaw, Prussia. Son of Moritz Gruening
and Bertha Thorner. Elementary education at Inowrazlaw. Pursued courses at University of Berlin, and University of Paris.
M. D., 1867, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Married Phoebe Fridenberg. Enlisted in Seventh Regiment New Jersey
Volunteer Infantry, 1865; participated in battle of Hatcher's
Run, siege of Petersburg, and pursuit of Lee. Studied ophthalmology under A. von Graefe, Berlin, 1867-1870. Professor Ophthalmology New York Polyclinic, 1882-1895. Author: Treatise
on Wounds and Injuries of the Eyes and their Appendages (in
American System of Ophthalmology); On the Operative Treat-
ment of Divergent Strabismus; On the Operative Treatment of
Ptosis and Notes on Operations upon the Mastoid Process; On
the Operative Treatment of Otitic Brain Abscess; etc. Address:
36 East 57th, New York.
Guggenheim, Daniel. Capitalist. Born July 9, 1856, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Meyer Guggenheim and Barbara Myers.
Educated at Philadelphia, Pa. Married, 1884, Florence Shloss.
At seventeen years of age went to Switzerland and conducted
manufacture of embroideries for eleven years. Chairman Executive Committee American Smelting and Refining Company; president Guggenheim Exploration Company; member firm of M.
Guggenheim's Sons, and member Executive Committee and director National Bank of Commerce, New York; trustee Temple
Emanu-El, New York; member Executive Committee and treasurer Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York. Address: 12 West 54th, New York.
Guggenheim, Isaac. Member firm of M. Guggenheim's Sons.
Born June 7, 1854, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Meyer Guggenheim
and Barbara Myers. Educated at Philadelphia. Married Carrie
Sonneborn. Treasurer and director American Smelting and Refining Company, and Guggenheim Exploration Company; director
National Park Bank, Plaza Bank, International Banking Corporation, and Educational Alliance, all of New York. Address: 763
Fifth Av., New York.
Guggenheim, Simon. Capitalist. Born December 30, 1867, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Meyer Guggenheim and Barbara Myers.
Educated at Philadelphia; studied languages abroad. Married
Olga Hirsh. Director and member Executive Committee American Smelting and Refining Company; managing director Guggenheim Exploration Company, and director and member Executive
Committee United Lead Company. Address: 71 Broadway, New
Guggenheim, Solomon R. Capitalist. Born February 2, 1861,
Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Meyer Guggenheim and Barbara Myers.
Educated at Philadelphia, Pa., Concordia Institute of St. Gallen,
and at Zurich, Switzerland. Married Irene Rothschild. Director
and member Executive Committee American Smelting and Refining Company; chairman Board United Lead Company; managing
director Guggenheim Exploration Company. Was president
Great Mexican National Smelting Company before merger with
American Smelting and Refining Company. Address: 71 Broadway, New York.
Guggenheim, William. Capitalist. Born November 6, 1868,
Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Meyer Guggenheim and Barbara Myers.
Educated at Philadelphia public schools and high school; pursued scientific course at University of Pennsylvania, 1885-1887;
entered Wharton School of Finance with intention of studying
law on completing course, but returned to Scientific Department
University of Pennsylvania (B. S., 1889). Superintendent Philadelphia Smelting and Refining Company, Pueblo, Colo., 1890-1891;
general manager M. Guggenheim's Sons mining and smelting
interests in the Republic of Mexico, 1891-1901; constructed their
lead smelting works at Monterey, Nuevo Leon, 1891; and their
lead and copper smelting establishment at Aguascalientes, 1894.
Was secretary and treasurer of these two companies; vice-president and treasurer Philadelphia Smelting and Refining Company,
Pueblo. Retired from active business pursuits when these companies were consolidated and merged with others, 1901. At present member of firm of M. Guggenheim's Sons, New York. Interested in charitable and educational affairs. Member Pennsylvania
Society of New York, member and vice-president New York
Alumni Society University of Pennsylvania. Address: 500 Fifth
Av., New York.
Guggenheimer, Aimee. Librarian Bureau of Forestry, United
States Department of Agriculture (resigned June 1, 1904). Born
October 20, 1875, Baltimore, Md. Daughter of Isaac Guggenheimer and Clara Hirsh. Educated at Baltimore public schools,
and Southern Home School, Baltimore. B. A., 1896, Woman's
College, Baltimore; B. L. S., 1899, New York State Library School,
Albany. Librarian Bureau of Forestry, United States Department
of Agriculture, 1899-1904. Author: Frobel and the Kindergarten
(New York State Library, Bibliography 26), 1901. Address: 1704
Madison Av., Baltimore, Md.
Guggenheimer, Randolph. Lawyer. Born July 20, 1848, Lynchburg, Va. Graduate New York University Law School, 1869.
Married Eliza Katzenberg, 1875. Entered, 1869, upon practice of
law; 1882, formed partnership with Isaac and Samuel Untermyer;
since 1893 the firm is Guggenheimer, Untermyer, and Marshall.
School Commissioner of City of New York, 1887-1896; secured
enlarged accommodations for the children of school age; promoted the evening high school system, and the Free Lecture
courses; obtained legislative grant of $25,000 for a gymnasium
at the Normal College; advocated the retention of the German
language on the school curriculum. President Municipal Council
City of New York, 1898-1902, acting as Mayor of the city during
the summers of those four years. Erected New York Commercial
Building, pioneer of the large office buildings on Broadway.
Address: 923 Fifth Av., New York.
*Gump, David R. Second Lieutenant, United States Army.
Born May 19, 1880, Missouri. Private and corporal coast artillery
(general recording sergeant), 1901-1902; appointed second lieutenant 18th Regiment Infantry, October 28, 1902. Address: War
Department, Washington, D. C.
Hahn, Frederick E. First Violinist Hahn String Quartette,
Philadelphia; violin instructor. Born March 23, 1869, New York
City. Son of Henry Hahn and Clara Mayer. Educated at Leipzig
Conservatory of Music, 1886-1890; won violin prize for solo playing, 1890. Member Gewandhaus Orchestra, Leipzig, Germany, 18881890, Carl Reinesche, director; made concert tour of the United
States, playing in principal cities; became member and for five
years first violinist Boston Symphony Orchestra under Arthur
Nikisch and Emil Paur; retired on account of eye-trouble; settled
in Philadelphia. Composer of songs, violin solos, and two pieces
for string orchestra (all in MS.). Address: 1524 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hallgarten, Charles L. Born November 18, 1838, at Mainz,
Germany. Son of Lazarus Hallgarten. Educated at Mainz and
Mannheim, Germany, and at New York. Married Elise Mainzer
(deceased). Connected with various mercantile houses; active
in firm of Hallgarten and Herzfeld, 1856-1862; Hallgarten and
Company, 1864-1877. Now special partner in firm of Hallgarten
and Company, New York. Active in charity and communal work
in Frankfort on the Main since 1883. Address: Miquelstrasse, 21,
Frankfort on the Main, Germany.
Hamburger, Louis Philip. Physician. Born September 18,
1874, Baltimore, Md. Son of Phillip Hamburger and Rachel
Bernei. Educated at Baltimore public schools, and pursued
courses at Maryland College of Pharmacy, and University of
Berlin. A. B., 1893; M. D., 1897, Johns Hopkins University. Married Freda Hamburger. Resident house officer Johns Hopkins
Hospital, 1897-1898; assistant in medicine, 1899-1900, and instructor in medicine, 1900, Johns Hopkins Medical School. Now
associate in medicine Johns Hopkins Medical School; clinical
assistant Johns Hopkins Hospital Dispensary; visiting physician
Union Protestant Infirmary; consulting physician Hebrew Hospital; examining physician National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives. Has contributed to medical journals. Address: 1210
Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md.
Hammerstein, Oscar. Theatrical Manager. Born May 8, 1848,
Berlin, Germany. Son of Abraham Hammerstein. Educated at
Berlin. Married Malvina Jacoby. Has been active as journalist,
editor, theatre builder, and theatrical manager. Inventor of
machinery. Composer of several songs, and the operas Marguerita
and Santa Maria. Address: Victoria Theatre, New York.
Harburger, Julius. Under Sheriff, County of New York. Born
February 22, 1851, New York. Son of Joseph Harburger and
Rosa Bernstein. Educated at New York public schools. Married
Lena Reutlinger. Appointed, 1881, interpreter, and 1887-1895,
clerk Fourth District Municipal Court; excise commissioner, 1895;
elected to legislature of New York, 1898, 1899, 1900, and 1901; reappointed clerk of court, 1901; resigned 1902 to become under
sheriff County of New York. Has been member of Free Sons of
Israel for thirty-one years; United States Grand Master of the
Order, 1891-1901; and governor Home of B'nai B'rith, Yonkers.
Has represented the Tenth District of New York City in Tammany Hall for six consecutive years. Address: 50 St. Marks
Place, New York.
Harby, Lee C. Writer. Born September 7, 1849, Charleston,
S. C. Daughter of Marx E. Cohen and Armida Harby. Educated
at home by father (gold medal graduate of Glasgow University),
and her grandaunt, Caroline de Litchfleld Harby. Married Jacob
De La Motta Harby. Has been director Daughters of the Confederacy of Charleston; and is now director Memorial Association of Charleston. Was chairman of Literature, Sorosis Society,
New York; historian and recording secretary Daughters of the
American Revolution in Charleston; member Board of Lady
Managers, Executive Committee, and Press Committee, and chairman Convocation Committee, Charleston Exposition. Member
of various historical societies, and of Society of Authors in
London and in New York. Read twice before the American
Historical Society in Washington, on Land of the Tejas and
Earliest Texas. Author: Judy Robinson, Milliner; The City of
a Prince; Texas Types and Contrasts; The Old Stone Fort at
Nacogdoches; An Historical Town; Romance of an Old Town;
Fidelia; Dr. Bodley; Jessamine; and a number of poems. Won
hundred dollar prize for the words for an official Flag Song for
the State of Texas, since set to music and used in public schools
and colleges of the State. Address: Charleston, S. C.
Harkavy, Alexander. Representative of the Hebrew Immigrant
Aid Society of New York at Ellis Island, N. Y. Born May 5, 1863,
Nowogrudok, Minsk, Russia. Son of Joseph Moses Harkavy and
Freide Kulik. Educated at Cheder and the Talmud Torah in
Bible and Talmud; private instruction in ancient and modern
languages and the sciences. Married Bella Segalowska. At fourteen issued a handwritten journal in Hebrew. Employed, 18791882, in printing establishment of Widow and Brothers Romm,
Wilna, as type polisher and invoice clerk. Came to America in
1882; worked on a farm in Dutchess County, N. Y., in various
factories, and then became a private teacher. Lived in Paris,
1885; returned to America, 1886; teacher of Hebrew at school of
Shaar Hashamayim Congregation, Montreal, Can., 1886-1887. On
editorial staff The Abend-Post, New York, 1902-1903. Founder
and secretary Hoveve Zion Association, New York, 1885; founder
and president Hoveve Zion Association, Montreal, 1887; founder
and president I. B. L. Literary Society, Baltimore, 1888. Has
contributed articles, since 1885, on linguistic, timely, and literary
topics, to numerous English, Hebrew, and Yiddish journals, in
Europe and America. Editor: Die Zeit (Yiddish), Montreal,
1889; Der judischer Progress (Yiddish), Baltimore, 1900; Der
Liigner (Yiddish, with A. Tannenbaum), New York, 1892; The
Hebrew American Weekly (English), New York, 1894; Der neuer
Geist (Yiddish), New York, 1897; Judisch Amerikanischer VolksKalender (Yiddish), New York, 1894-1900; Der zwanzigster Jahrhundert (Yiddish almanac), 1900. Author: A number of manuals
of the English language, Yiddish-English, Russian-English, Hebrew-English; dictionaries, vocabularies, phrase books, conversation books, letter writers, etc.; biographies (in Yiddish) of
Washington and Columbus; defenses of the Yiddish language, and
treatises on it; and his Autobiography (1903). Address: 427
East 122d, New York.
Hart, John I. Dentist. Born August 7, 1865, at New York.
Son of Benjamin J. Hart and Harriette Morrison. Educated at
Columbia Grammar School and New York College of Dentistry;
D. D. S., 1886. Married Augusta J. Solomon. President, Alumni
Association New York College of Dentistry; New York Odontological Society; First District Dental Society. Vice-president
National Dental Association; professor Operative Dentistry, Dental Pathology, and Therapeutics, New York Dental School. Trustee Congregation Shaaray Teflllah. Publications: Minute Structure of Dentine, in Dental Cosmos, 1891; Diseases of the Antrum,
read before Dental Society, State of New York, at Albany, 1890;
A Plea for the Maintenance of High Preliminary Educational
Requirements, read before Eighth District Dental Society, State
of New York; The Care of the Teeth from the Second to the
Twelfth Year, in Information; and The Profession of Dentistry,
in Success. Address: 118 West 55th, New York,
*Hauser, Carl Frankl. Humorist and Writer. Born December
27, 1847, Janoshaza, Hungary. Received rudimentary secular and
Talmudic education at home. Obtained free scholarship at the
Theatre Academy, Vienna; accepted engagements with the Vienna
Stadttheater, 1872, remaining over two years; and with the Duke
of Meiningen's troupe, at Berlin, 1875. Emigrated to New York,
1875; was engaged for one season at the Germania Theatre; and
at Thalia Theatre, 1879-1881. Joined staff of Puck, German edition, 1876; associate editor, 1876-1879, 1881-1892. Founded German humorous weekly, Hallo, 1892, conducting it for about
two years; joined staff of The New York Herald, and was a
contributor for two years; founder of Biirger-und-Bauern Kalender (annual), 1897. Author: Twenty-five Years in America:
Recollections of a Humorous Nature, 1900; the libretto to Madeleine, the Rose of Champagne. Contributed to Puck a series
entitled Letters of Dobbljew Zizzesbeisser. Has taken part in
many reform movements as member of German-American Reform
Union and Citizens' Union. Popular lecturer. Address: 171 East
83d, New York.
Hays, Daniel P. Lawyer. Born March 28, 1854, Pleasantville,
Westchester County, New York. Son of David Hays and Judith
S. Peixotto (daughter of Dr. D. L. M. Peixotto, medical author).
Educated at New York public schools and College City of New
York. LL. B., 1875, Columbia Law School. Married Rachel
Hershfleld. President village of Pleasantville; Temple Israel of
Harlem; Young Men's Hebrew Association, New York; and Harlem Democratic Club. Chairman Municipal Civil Service Commission, New York; sheriff's counsel New York City; and grade
commissioner. Secretary Jewish Theological Seminary before its
reorganization; member Board of Trustees Jewish Publication
Society of America. Member firm of Hays and Greenbaum for
seventeen years, now Hays and Hershfleld. Active as trial lawyer
at New York bar. Resides on old homestead farm, in family since
1785, at Pleasantville. Address: 141 Broadway, New York.
Heilprin, Angelo. Lecturer in Physical Geography, Sheffield
Scientific School of Yale University. Born March 31, 1853, Satoralya-Ujhely, Hungary. Son of Michael Heilprin and Henrietta
Silber. Studied at Royal School of Mines, London, Geneva, etc.
Professor Invertebrate Paleontology, subsequently Geology, and
curator in charge, Academy Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; professor Geology Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia;
president Geographical Society of Philadelphia, and vice-president
American Alpine Club. Has made journeys in Okeechobee Wilderness of Florida, 1886; Mexico, 1890; North Africa, 1896;
Klondike, 1898-1899. Leader Peary Relief Expedition (Greenland), 1892. Ascended Arizaba, Popocatepetl, Ixtaccihuatl, etc.,
in Mexico, 1890; Pelee, Martinique, 1902-1903. Author: Explorations in Okeechobee Wilderness; The Bermuda Islands;
Geographical and Geological Distribution of Animals; Town Geology; Geological Evidences of Evolution; Alaska and the Klondike; and Mont Pelee and the Tragedy of Martinique; etc. Address: Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa.
Heilprin, Louis. Encyclopedist. Born July 2, 1851, Miskolcz,
Hungary. Son of Michael Heilprin and Henrietta Silber. Has
been connected with various encyclopedic publications, including
New International Encyclopedia, and Lippincott's Gazetteer, not
yet completed. Author: The Historical Reference Book, 1884,
sixth edition, 1899; The Reformed Primer and First Reader, 1900.
Address: 219 West 138th, New York.
Held, Anna. Star, Theatrical Company and Anna Held Opera
Company. Born September 19, 1878, Paris, France. Daughter of
Jean Held and Emilie Estephe. Educated at Paris. Married
Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr. Star Anna Held Opera Company for seven
years, producing Smith and De Koven's operas, Papa's Wife, and
The Little Duchess; and Jean Richepin and Gustav Luder's
Mam'selle Napoleon. Actress and leading comedienne Folies Bergere, Paris, four years. Address: 86, Faubourg St. Honore, Paris,
Heller, Joseph Milton. Physician, Professor Tropical Diseases,
George Washington University, Washington. Born January 29,
1872, Staunton, Va. Son of Jonas Heller and Pauline Frank. Educated at Washington, D. C, and Streator, 111., public schools; private tuition from Professor Fisher, Waverly School, Washington.
M. D., 1896, Georgetown University. Resident physician Garfield
Hospital, Washington, 1896-1897; assistant demonstrator Anatomy, University of Georgetown, 1898; acting assistant surgeon
United States Army, 1898-1900; major and surgeon United States
Volunteers, 1901-1902, the first appointment made by the President under the Army Reorganization Bill of 1901, consequently
the ranking major and surgeon of Volunteers. Was recommended
in General Lawton's report for attending wounded under fire, in
campaign of Northern Luzon, P. I.; recommended by cable to
War Department, for promotion, by General Otis, 1900; commended for efficient supervision and quarantine of water supply
of Manila, P. I., during cholera epidemic, 1902. Address: 1510 H,
N. W., Washington, D. C.
Hellman, Frances. Born October 4, 1853, New York. Daughter
of Joseph Seligman and Babette Steinhart. Educated in New
York. Studied in Germany for a few years. Married Theodore
Hellman (deceased). Has been president and director of several charitable and educational institutions, and is interested
in musical and literary affairs. Has been school inspector in
New York. Translated from the German: Heine's Lyrics and
Ballads; Kinkel's Tanagra; from the French: Leroy-Beaulieu's
Israel among the Nations. Address: care George S. Hellman, 309
West 80th, New York.
Herbst, Eva. Teacher. Born January 3, 1867, near Cincinnati,
O. Daughter of Lemuel Herbst and Lena Joseph. Educated at
Cincinnati High School, and Cincinnati Normal School. Primary
teacher Cincinnati public schools; Hebrew Sabbath School teacher,
K. K. Bene Israel, Cincinnati. Author: Tales and Customs of
the Ancient Hebrews for Young Readers. Address: 1308 Locust,
East Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O.
Hermalin, David M. Playwright. Born May 12, 1865, Vaslin,
Roumania. Son of Abraham Abba Hermalin. Educated in Bucharest, Roumania. Married Henrietta Lustgarten. Was connected as
journalist with Roumanian newspapers in Bucharest; compelled
to leave for protesting against the persecution of Jews; arrived
in New York, 1886; taught French, then Hebrew. Was editor
Daily Jewish Herald, and The Jewish World. Translated into
Yiddish most of Zola's and Tolstoi's works; Gulliver's Travels;
and Bernstein's Popular Science. Has written a Hebrew pamphlet on The Jews and the Freemasons; and in English an article
on Roumanian Jews in America. Author: Die Gottheit; Die
Liebe (both scientific dissertations), and the following novels:
Die Heirath; Freie Liebe; Letzter Blutsturz; all in Yiddish.
Has written nine plays. Address: 102 Powell, Brooklyn.
Herrman, Henry. S. President Union Exchange Bank of New
York. Born April 27, 1847, New York. Son of Simon Herrman
and Celia Hubert. Educated at New York public schools and
privately. Married Jennie Goodman. Was president Mutual
Relief Association of New York for sixteen years; president Grand
Lodge Independent Order B'nai B'rith, 1877-1879; master Mt.
Neboh Lodge, F. and A. M., 1888-1889. Is director of Montefiore
Home for Chronic Invalids since 1892; trustee of Temple Beth El
since 1889; and vice-president Hudson Realty Company. Founded
firm of Hellman and Herrman, 1870, which became Henry S.
Herrman & Co., and dissolved, 1886; entered real estate business
as Adler & Herrman, 1887. Residence: 54 East 80th, New York.
Office: 5th Av. corner 20th, New York.
Herrmann, Leon. Prestidigitateur. Born March 13, 1867, Paris,
France. Son of Benjamin Herrmann and Caroline Hirshmann.
Educated at College Springer, Paris, France. Married Marie Vedie.
Was under direction of his uncle, Carl Herrmann, when twelve
years old; succeeded him in 1887. Has given performances of
magic in every large city in the world, and has appeared before
almost all the crowned heads of Europe; has given a number of
charitable entertainments for the benefit of Jewish institutions;
gave performance for Hebrew Orphan Asylum, 1904, and for the
benefit of National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives at Denver.
Address: 51 West 91st, New York.
Herts, Henry B. Architect and Engineer. Born January 23,
1871, New York. Son of Henry B. Herts and Esther Moss.
Studied at College City of New York, and Columbia University;
Ecole National des Arts Decoratives and Ecole National des
Beaux Arts, Paris, France; South Kensington Arts School, London, Eng.; at Heidelberg, Germany; and Villa Ludovica, Rome,
Italy. Author: Theory of Modern Art; The Tenement House
Question; Cement and Iron in Modern Structures. Works: Bates
College, Lewiston, Me.; Smith College, Northampton, Mass.; Villa
Julia, Lyceum Theatre, New Amsterdam Theatre, Liberty Theatre,
New York; the Columbia Memorial, etc. Address: 32 East 28th,
New York.
Hertz, Alfred. Musical Conductor at Metropolitan Opera House,
New York. Born July 15, 1872, Frankfort on the Main, Germany.
Son of Leo Hertz and Sara Koenigswerther. Educated at Gymnasium, Frankfort on the Main, and Raff Conservatorium. Conductor Hoftheater, Altenburg, Saxony, 1892-1895; Stadttheater,
Barmen-Elberfeld, 1895-1899; Stadttheater, Breslau, 1899-1902.
Conductor of concerts in London, 1899; of German operas at the
Metropolitan Opera House, New York, since 1902. Decorated
with order for Art and Science of Saxony, 1894. Conducted first
performance of Parsifal outside of Bayreuth, at Metropolitan
Opera House, 1903. Address: Metropolitan Opera House, New
Hessberg, Albert. Lawyer (retired). Born December 13, 1856,
Albany, N. Y. Son of Simon Hessberg and Hannah Westheimer.
Educated at Albany public and high schools. Married Frederika
Cohen. Was assistant corporation counsel, commissioner to draft
Code of Laws and Ordinances for the City of Albany, and recorder City of Albany. Governor Albany Hospital; trustee South
End Dispensary, and Albany City Savings Institution; president
Albany Jewish Home Society, and Capitol Railway of Albany;
treasurer and has been vice-president New York State Bar Association; director Cohoes Railway Company, local board American
Surety Company, City Safe Deposit Company, and Home Telephone Company; ex-president Gideon Lodge, Independent Order
B'nai B'rith; treasurer University Extension Centre; member
Executive Committee Albany Branch Industrial Removal Society.
Member law firm of Rosendale and Hessberg, successors to Peckham, Rosendale, and Hessberg. Office: 57 State. Residence: 222
Lancaster, Albany, N. Y.
Hessberg, Samuel. Banker and Broker. Born June 13, 1859,
Albany, N. Y. Son of Simon Hessberg and Hannah Westheimer.
Educated at Albany public and high schools. Married Rose G.
Brilleman. President Adelphi Club; vice-president Young Men's
Association; trustee Union Trust Company. Prominent in reorganization of Distilling and Cattle Feeding Company. Sent
Northern Pacific stock by special train to New York from Albany
during corner in Northern Pacific stock, 1901. Address: 38 Willett, Albany, N. Y.
Heyman, Seymour C. President Chamber of Commerce, Oklahoma City. Born August 1, 1861, New York. Son of Caesar Heyman and Caroline Steinberg. Educated at New York public
schools and College City of New York. Married Beckie Gerson.
Treasurer Roosevelt's Rough Rider Reunion, 1900; Masonic
Lodge; Fairlawn Cemetery Association, and Cattlemen's Convention, 1904. Oklahoma delegate to Washington, 1902, in behalf of
single statehood. Chairman Committee World's Fair Affair, Oklahoma City. Was president Hebrew Congregation, and has several
times refused nomination by Democratic party for mayor, as well
as other political offices. Exalted Ruler Elks. Address: 108
Main, Oklahoma City, O. T.
Hillkowitz, Philip. Physician. Born September 7, 1873, Salant,
Kovno, Russia. Son of Rabbi Elias H. Hillkowitz. Educated
at Cincinnati public and high schools. B. S., 1894, University of
Cincinnati; M. D., 1897, Ohio Medical College. Professor Pathology, Denver and Gross College of Medicine, Denver, Colo.; pathologist Denver County and City Hospital, National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives, St. Anthony's Hospital, and Mercy Hospital; chemist Colorado State Board of Health. Emigrated to
United States, 1885; settled in Cincinnati; moved to Denver, 1897;
while at University and Medical College was translator and correspondent in French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Russian to
Cincinnati firms engaged in export business. Address: 1427
Stout, Denver, Colo.
*Hillquit, Morris. Lawyer. Born August 1, 1870, Riga, Russia.
Educated at Riga Gymnasium. Emigrated to the United States,
1887; studied law, and was admitted to New York bar, 1893.
Active in the Socialist movement since 1888; delegate to Rochester
convention, 1899-1900; served as a representative of the Rochester
wing of the Socialist Labor party at Unity convention held at
Indianapolis, 1900, and was prominent in fusion of his party with
the Social Democratic party founded by Eugene V. Debs. National
committeeman from the State of New York, 1903. Counsel for a
number of trade unions during labor disputes. Has contributed
numerous articles to the Socialist press of America. Author:
The History of Socialism in the United States, 1903. Address:
320 Broadway, New York.
*Hirsch, Harry J. Captain, Infantry, United States Army. Born
December 29, 1867, Pennsylvania. Graduate Central High School,
Philadelphia, 1885. Cadet Military Academy, 1887; second lieutenant 15th Regiment Infantry, 1891; first lieutenant, 18th Regiment Infantry, 1897; transferred to 4th Regiment Infantry, 1900;
appointed captain 25th Regiment Infantry, July 13, 1900; transferred to 20th Regiment Infantry, July 30, 1900. Address: War
Department, Washington, D. C.
Hirschberg, Michael Henry. Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, State of New York, Second
Department. Born April 12, 1847, Newburgh, N. Y. Son of
Henry M. Hirschberg and Fanny Francks. Married Lizzie
McAlles. Was special county judge and district attorney Orange
County, N. Y.; president Board of Education, Newburgh; state
delegate to constitutional convention, New York State, 1894;
justice Supreme Court, 1896; appointed on Appellate Division,
1900; presiding justice, 1904. Address: Supreme Court, Newburgh, N. Y.
Hirschfelder, J. V. Professor Clinical Medicine, Cooper Medical
College, San Francisco. Born September 8, 1854, Oakland, Cal.
Son of Aaron Hirschfelder and Henrietta Block. Educated at
San Francisco public schools. Studied at University of California,
1869-1871. M. D., 1876, University of Leipzig. Married Clara
Honigsberger. Professor Materia Medica, 1879-1881, and professor
Clinical Medicine, 1881-1882, Medical College of the Pacific; professor Clinical Medicine, Cooper Medical College, since 1882. Has
written various articles for medical journals, and for Cyclopaedia
of Diseases of Children, also Monograph on Treatment of Tuberculosis. Residence: 1392 Geary. Office: 481 Geary, San Francisco,
Hirsh, Abram Bernheim. Physician. Born March 21, 1858,
Lancaster, Pa. Son of Herman Hirsh and Augusta Bernheim.
Educated at Lancaster public schools. M. D., 1882, Jefferson College, Philadelphia. Pursued post-graduate courses in Berlin and
other European cities. Fellow College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 1888. Married Olga Tachau. Resident physician German
Hospital; instructor Operative Gynaecology, Jefferson College; adjunct professor Orthopaedic Surgery, Polyclinic; physician to Charity Hospital, and Home for Aged Couples, all of Philadelphia.
Member American Medical Association, Pennsylvania State Medical Society, Philadelphia County Medical Society, College of
Physicians, Philadelphia, Medical Jurisprudence Society, and
Medical Club. Ex-president Medico-Legal Society of Philadelphia.
Has done editorial work on medical journals and text books.
Address: 1711 Diamond, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hirsh, Hugo. Lawyer. Born December 22, 1848, in Germany.
Son of Philip Hirsh and Dorothea Indig. Educated in New York
public schools; studied law in office of the late Anthony Barrett
until admission to bar. Married Katie A. Burhaus. Counsel to
Brooklyn Board of Police and to sheriff of Kings County. Was
Republican candidate for Supreme Court judge, but was defeated,
1895; counsel to Assembly Cities Committee to investigate Department of Charities in Kings County, 1895. Thirty-second degree
Mason, member of Kismet Temple. Author: On Juries; Tabulated Digest of the Divorce Laws of the United States. Has contributed articles to magazines. Address: Temple Bar, 44 Court,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Hirsh, Jose Lewis. Physician; Professor of Pathology, University of Maryland. Born September 12, 1871, Philadelphia, Pa.
Son of Henry Hirsh and Babette Strauss. A. B., 1892, Johns
Hopkins University; M. D., 1895, University of Maryland; and
pursued post-graduate courses in medicine at Johns Hopkins
Hospital, 1895-1896, and University of Berlin, 1896-1898. Married
Amelia Moses. Demonstrator Embryology, University of Maryland, 1898; lecturer on Bacteriology, Woman's Medical College,
1899; assistant professor Pathology, 1900, professor Pathology,
1901, University of Maryland; coroner Baltimore City, 1902-1904.
Has written numerous monographs on Bacteriology, Pathology,
and Diseases of Children. Address: 1819 Linden Av., Baltimore, Md.
Hirshinger, Herbert Jay. Captain United States Marine Corps.
Born at Thomasville, Ga. Son of Jay Hirshinger and Marion
Heineman. Educated at public schools and Staunton Military
Academy, Staunton, Va. Married Ethel Millikin. Second lieutenant 1st N. C. Volunteers in war with Spain. Appointed second
lieutenant United States Marine Corps, January, 1900; first lieutenant, July, 1900, captain, December, 1904. Served in war with
Spain in Cuba; in China Relief Expedition, 1900; in Philippines,
1900-1903; Panama, 1903-1904; and on several ships United States
Navy. Address: Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, League Island,
Hoffheimer, Harry Max. Justice Superior Court, Cincinnati, O.
Born August, 1868, Cincinnati, O. Son of Max Hoffheimer and
Sarah Rauh. Educated at Cincinnati public schools; pursued
special course at Harvard. LL. B., 1889, Cincinnati Law School.
Married Stella Feiss. For two years assistant corporation counsel
City of Cincinnati; elected member Ohio House of Representatives; resigned after session to assume duties of prosecuting
attorney for Hamilton County, and was re-elected, 1903. Appointed
to fill vacancy on bench of Superior Court by Governor M. T.
Herrick, 1904. Address: 2335 Grandview Av., Walnut Hills,
Cincinnati, O.
Hoffman, Benjamin. Justice Municipal Court, Borough of Manhattan, Fifth District, New York. Born April 15, 1864, New
York. Son of David L. Hoffman and Babette Heilman. Educated
at New York public schools. LL. B., University of New York.
Married Rebecca Wallenstein. Member of State Assembly, 18951899. One of minority members Mazet Special Committee to
investigate the affairs of the City of New York, 1899. Address:
271 Seventh, New York.
Hollander, Jacob H. Professor of Political Economy, Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Born July 23, 1871, Baltimore, Md. A. B., 1891; Ph.D., 1894, Johns Hopkins University.
Instructor Political Economy, Amherst College, 1894. Instructor,
1895, associate, 1896, and associate professor Finance, 1899-1900,
Johns Hopkins University; associate professor Political Economy,
1900-1902, director of department, 1902-1904, professor and head
of department, 1904, Johns Hopkins University. Secretary Bimetallic Commission abroad in 1897; chairman Municipal Lighting
Commission, City of Baltimore, 1900; chairman Committee on
Municipal Finance, Baltimore Reform League; appointed special
commissioner to revise the laws relating to taxation in Puerto
Rico by Secretary of War, 1900; while engaged in this service
was appointed treasurer of Puerto Rico by President McKinley;
organized treasury department and devised and introduced present revenue system (Hollander Law) of island, resigning August,
1901, after system was in successful operation. Appointed, 1904,
special agent for the United States to devise a system of taxation
for Indian Territory. Member of various historical, economic, and
statistical societies. Trustee American Jewish Historical Society,
and member Publication Committee, Jewish Publication Society of
America. Author: The Cincinnati Southern Railway, A Study
in Municipal Activity, 1894; The Financial History of Baltimore,
1899; Letters of David Ricardo to J. R. McCulloch, 1895 (edited);
Letters of David Ricardo to Hutches Trower (edited, with James
Bonar, LL. D.), 1899; The Financial History of Baltimore, 1899;
Studies in State Taxation, with particular reference to the Southern States, 1900; Reprint of Economic Tracts (edited), 1903.
Contributor to economic and other journals and Publications
American Jewish Historical Society. Address: 2011 Eutaw Place,
Baltimore, Md.
"Horowitz, Moses Ha-Levi. Playwright. Born Adar 7, 1844,
Stanislau, Galicia. Established Jewish theatre at Bucharest, 1876,
and was the first to introduce actresses on the Jewish stage.
Went to New York, 1884, with a company of his own. Has written
one hundred and sixty-nine plays, among them, Das Polische
Yingel; Schlome Chochom; Kuzri; Chochmath Noshim; Ben
Hador; Yetziath Mizraim; Tissa Eslar, and a play on KishinefE.
Address: Windsor Theatre, Bowery, New York.
Hourwich, Isaac A. Expert Special Agent, Bureau of the
Census. Born April 27, 1860, Wilna, Russia. Son of Adolph
Hourwich and Rebecca Shevelevich. Educated at Classical Gymnasium, Minsk; studied at University of St. Petersburg, Russia;
LL. M., 1887, Demidov Juridical Lyceum, Jaroslav, Russia; Ph. D.,
1893, Columbia University, New York. Married Louise Joffe.
Docent in Statistics, University of Chicago, 1893-1895; instructor
in Statistics, Columbian (now George Washington) University,
Washington, D. C, 1901-1903; translator, Bureau of the Mint,
1900-1902; expert special agent, Bureau of the Census, since 1902.
Imprisoned four times in Russia for being " politically unsafe,"
and deported to Siberia for four years. Emigrated to escape
further unpleasantness. Practiced law three years in Russia, and
seven years in the United States. Author: Peasant Emigration
to Siberia (in Russian), 1888; The Economics of the Russian Village, 1893. Has written a number of articles and monographs for
periodical publications. Address: 1347 East Capitol, Washington, D. C.
Htihner, Leon. Lawyer. Born September 18, 1871, Berlin,
Germany. Son of Edward Huhner and Minna Jakmuss. B. A.,
1890, College City of New York; M. A., 1893, and LL. B., 1893,
Columbia University. Came to New York in 1876. Curator American Jewish Historical Society. Author: Francis Salvador, a
Prominent Patriot of the Revolutionary War; The Jews of
Georgia in Colonial Times; The Jews of New England prior to
1800; Gershom Mendez Seixas, the Patriot Jewish Minister of
the American Revolution; and a number of additional essays on
the history of the Jews in America; Andrew H. Green, a Tribute
to his Memory, 1903. Contributed articles to the Publications of
the American Jewish Historical Society, Jewish Encyclopedia,
Jewish Comment, American Hebrew, and other periodicals. Address: 64 East 58th, New York.
Hummel, Abraham Henry. Lawyer. Born July 27, 1850, Boston, Mass. Son of Moses Hummel and Hannah Newburge. Educated at New York public schools. Counsel for theatrical managers of America and Great Britain; also attorney for French
dramatic authors. Address: 346 Broadway, New York.
Husik, Isaac. Instructor in Hebrew, Gratz College, Philadelphia, Pa. Born February, 1876, at Vasentinez, Poltava, Russia.
Son of Wolf Husik and Hanna Pia Husik. Received private
Hebrew instruction in Russia before age of twelve; studied with
Rev. Dr. Sabato Morais, and at Central High School of Philadelphia. A. B., 1897; A. M., 1899; Ph. D., 1903, University of Pennsylvania. Holder of University Research Fellowship in Philosophy,
University of Pennsylvania. Teacher of Hebrew, Hebrew School
No. 3, Hebrew Education Society, Philadelphia. Has ready for
publication: Messer Leon's Commentary upon the Vetus Logica;
The Categories of Aristotle. Has contributed to the Jewish
Encyclopedia. Address: 616 Morris, Philadelphia, Pa.
Iliowizi, Henry. Author. Born January 2, 1850, Choinick,
Minsk, Russia. Son of Elijah Sckorow and Dinah Moses. Studied
in the Chedarim of Choinick; the Talmudical College of Vietka,
near Gomel; under Dr. H. Baerwald, Frankfort on the Main, 18701872; in the Jewish Teachers' Seminary, Berlin, under Ch. Horwitz, 1872-1875; at the Jewish Theological Seminary, Breslau,
1875-1877; and spent two years in London and Paris under the
Anglo-Jewish Association and the Alliance Israelite Universelle.
Naturalized in Roumania under the name Iliowizi. Married
Mathilda Flesch. Taught in school of the Alliance at Tetuan,
Morocco, for three years, and for four years at Gibraltar. Emigrated to the United States, 1880; preacher of Congregation
Sharai Tob, Minneapolis, Minn., 1881-1888; rabbi of Congregation Adath Jeshurun, Philadelphia, 1888-1901. Travelled in
the Azores and North Africa, 1901-1902; and now resides in
London. Author: Sol (an epic poem); Herod (a tragedy);
Joseph (a drama); Jewish Dreams and Realities; Saul (a Biblical tragedy); Through Morocco to Minnesota; In the Pale; The
Weird Orient; The Archiery of Samara; The Quest of Columbus
(an epic poem). Several works in press (The Hand of the
Kabbalist, The Little Fugitive, Zrofia Podolska). Address: 63
Collingwood Av., Muswell Hill, N., London, Eng.
Illoway, Henry. Physician. Born November 29, 1849, at Kollin,
Bohemia. Son of Rabbi Bernhard Illoway and Katharine Schiff.
Educated in public schools and under private tutors. M. D., 1869,
Miami Medical College, Cincinnati. Resident physician, Cincinnati Hospital, 1869-1870; formerly professor Diseases of Children,
Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, and visiting physician Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati. Has contributed articles to the
medical press. Author: Constipation in Adults and Children;
Ueber diatetische Vorschriften bei der Behandlung chronischer
Herzleiden, in Berliner Klinik, 1903; The Summer Diarrhoeas of
Infants, in Berliner Klinik, 1904. Address: 1113 Madison Av.,
New York.
Imber, Naphtali Herz. Author. Born December 25, 1856, Zloczow, Galicia. Son of Samuel Imber. Married Amanda Katie
Davidson. Author: Barkai (two volumes of poems); Topics of
To-day in the Talmud; Keynote to Mystical Science; Treasures of
Ancient Jerusalem; The History of the Golden Calf; The Education of the Talmud; Autobiography (in press); Ha-Tikwah, the
Zionish anthem. Editor: Uriel, a monthly magazine, Boston.
Address: care A. S. Freidus, New York Public Library, New
Isaacs, Isaac S. Lawyer. Born, 1845, New York. Son of
Rabbi Samuel M. Isaacs and Jane Symmons. Educated at Forrest
and Quackenbos' Collegiate School, New York. A. B., 1865; and
A. M., 1867, New York University; LL. B., 1867, Columbia University. Married Estelle Solomon (deceased). President West
End Synagogue since 1898; of Hebrew Benevolent Fuel Association since 1879; secretary United Hebrew Charities since 1879; a
founder and, 1876-1879, president of Young Men's Hebrew Association; president Union of Jewish Congregations in New York, 1900;
president first National Conference of the Jewish Charities of the
United States, 1899; vice-president of the same, 1900. Editor of
The Jewish Messenger, 1867-1878; contributor thereto, until 1902.
Publisher of Friday Night (Jewish tales), 1871. Address: 110
East 73d, New York,
Israels, Charles Henry. Architect. Born December 23, 1865,
New York. Son of Lehman Israels (brother of Josef Israels, the
Dutch painter) and Florence Zilla Lazarus. Educated at Irving
Institute, Tarrytown, and Art Students League, and studied for
a short time in Paris. Married Belle Lindner. Employed by
the late Charles B. Atwood for some years; manager office of
Richard Berger; worked in many other offices during career as
draughtsman. Firm constructed Hahnemann Monument, Washington, D. C ; Hudson Theatre, Arlington Hotel, and Warrington
Hotel, New York. Winners of second and third prizes in competition for Model Tenements held by Charity Organization Society. Member American Institute of Architects, New York
Chapter Architectural League, and Municipal Art Society. Has
done occasional newspaper work, chiefly for New York Herald.
Writer for the technical press on architectural topics, especially on
improved tenements and on hotels and apartment houses. Editorial writer for Architecture. Residence: 179 West 97th. Office:
31 West 31st, New York.
Jacob, Ephraim A. Attorney-at-law. Born January 14, 1845,
Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Julius Jacob. B. S., College City of
New York, and LL. B., Columbia University Law School. Married Miss Bendit. Justice of the Court of Special Sessions, City
of New York, 1895-1901. Author: Jacob's Fisher's Digest of the
English Common Law (11 vols.) ; New York Common Pleas Reports (vols. 10-17 Daly's Reports). Address: 25 Broad, New
Jacobs, Joseph. Author and Critic. Born August 29, 1854,
Sydney, N. S. W. Educated at Sydney Grammar School and
University; St. John's College, Cambridge, Eng. (senior moralist,
1876). Also studied under Steinschneider and Lazarus, 1877, in
Berlin. Secretary Society of Hebrew Literature, 1878-1884; secretary of the Mansion House Committee (in aid of Russian
Jewish immigrants), 1882-1900; honorary secretary Literature
and Art Committee of the Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition,
1887; went to Spain to investigate Jewish manuscript sources,
1888; lecturing tour in the United States, 1896; came to New
York, 1900, to act as revising editor of the Jewish Encyclopedia,
which position he now occupies. Corresponding member Royal
Academy of History, Madrid, and Brooklyn Institute. One of
the founders and, 1898-1899, president Jewish Historical Society
of England; one of the founders of the Maccabeans, London;
member for many years of Executive Committee Anglo-Jewish
Association, and of conjoint committee of the same association
with Board of Deputies, London, Was honorary secretary Inter-
national Folk-Lore Council, and, 1881, chairman literary committee Folk-Lore Congress in London. Member Publication Committee, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1904. Contributor
to Jewish Chronicle, Journal of the Anthropological Institute,
Athenaeum, and numerous other periodicals. Editor: Folk-Lore;
Jewish Year Book (English), 1896-1899; Literary Year Book,
1898-1899; The Jewish World, New York; and, at present, Jewish
Charity, New York. Has issued many collections of fairy tales,
and many editions of the English classics. Edited: North's
Fables of Bidpai, 1887; Caxton's ^ s o p , 1889; Painter's Palace of
Pleasure, 1891; Howell's Familiar Letters, 1892; Day's Daphnis
and Chloe, 1890. Has written introductions to Arabian Nights,
Morris's Old French Romances, Austen's Emma, Chamisso's Peter
Schlemihl, Thackeray's Esmond, etc. Author: Bibliography of
Anglo-Jewish History (with Lucien Wolf), 1887; English Fairy
Tales, 1890; Studies in Jewish Statistics, 1890; Celtic Fairy Tales,
1890; The Persecution of the Jews in Russia (appendix: AntiJewish Legislation in Russia), 1891; Indian Fairy Tales, 1892;
Tennyson and In Memoriam, 1892; Jews of Angevin England,
1893; More English Fairy Tales, 1893; Sources of the History of
the Jews in Spain, 1894; More Celtic Fairy Tales, 1894; Studies
in Biblical Archaeology, 1894; Statistics of Jewish Population in
London, 1894; iEsop's Fables, 1894; Literary Essays, 1895; Reynard the Fox, 1895; As Others Saw Him, 1895; Jewish Ideals,
1896; Wonder Voyages, 1896; Story of Geographical Discovery,
1898. Address: care Funk and Wagnalls Company, 44-60 East
23d, New York.
Jacobson, Maurice. Librarian, Bureau of Statistics, Department of Commerce and Labor, Washington, D. C. Born July 5,
1868, at Riga, Russia. Son of Lazar B. Jacobson and Ida Cohn.
Educated at Riga Classical Gymnasium, 1879-1885; University of
Moscow, 1885-1890; School of Political Science, Columbia University, New York, 1892-1893, 1894-1895. Author: The World's Sugar
Production and Consumption, 1800-1900; Commercial Russia.
Address: Bureau of Statistics, Department of Commerce and
Labor, Washington, D. C.
Jacobson, Nathan. Physician and Surgeon. Born June 26,
1857, Syracuse, N. Y. Son of Israel Jacobson and Mary Sulzbacher. Educated at Syracuse high school. M. D., 1877, College
of Medicine, Syracuse University. Married Minnie Schwartz.
Professor Clinical Surgery, College of Medicine, Syracuse University; surgeon St. Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse, and consulting
surgeon Syracuse Hospital for Women and Children. Has contributed to medical societies and journals. Address: 430 South
Salina, Syracuse, N. Y.
Jastrow, Joseph. Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Born January 30, 1863, Warsaw, Poland. Son of
Rabbi Marcus Jastrow and Bertha Wolffsohn. Educated at Rugby
Academy, Philadelphia. A. B., 1882, University of Pennsylvania;
Ph. D., 1886, Johns Hopkins University. Married Rachel Szold,
1888. Fellow in Psychology, Johns Hopkins University, 1885-1886.
In charge of psychological exhibit of Chicago World's Fair, 1893;
president American Psychological Association, 1900. Author:
Time Relations of Mental Phenomena, 1890; Fact and Fable in
Psychology, 1900. Contributor to Psychological Review, American
Journal of Psychology; Popular Science Monthly; Century Magazine; Harper's Magazine; Scribner's; Educational Review; Harper's Weekly; Science; etc. Address: 247 Langdon, Madison,
Jastrow, Morris, Jr. Professor Semitic Languages and Librarian, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Born August 13,
1861, Warsaw, Russia. Son of Rabbi Marcus Jastrow and Bertha
Wolffsohn. Educated at private schools, 1866-1877; B. A., 1881,
University of Pennsylvania; Breslau and Leipzig Universities,
1881-1884; Ph.D., Leipzig University; Paris and Strassburg Universities, 1884-1885. Married Helen Bachman. One of the Secretaries of the American Philosophical Society. Author: Religion
of Babylonia and Assyria, 1898; Die Religion Babyloniens und
Assyriens, 1902; The Study of Religion, 1901; two grammatical
treatises of Abu Zakarijja Hayyug. Editor: Selected Essays of
James Darmesteter (translated by Mrs. Jastrow), 1895. Editor
of the Jewish Encyclopedia, Department of the Bible, vols. 1 and
2, and Semitic Department, International Encyclopedia. Contributor to Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible, the Encyclopedia
Biblica, etc. Has written numerous papers in technical periodicals. Address. 248 South 23d, Philadelphia, Pa.
Joffe, Joshua Abraham. Instructor in Talmud, especially Rabbinical Jurisprudence, Jewish Theological Seminary of America,
at New York, since 1902. Born February 2, 1862, Nesvizh, Minsk,
Russia. Son of Passah Joffe. Talmudic education received in
Nesvizh, Lechowitz, Selvde, and Volosin. Rabbinical authorization conferred by I. J. Reiness, 1881, and the " Hochschule" of
Berlin, 1888. Officiated as rabbi in Vishnove, 1880, and in Moabit
(a suburb of Berlin), 1889-1892. Pursued courses in philosophy
under Paulsen, Zeller, and Lazarus; in history under Erdman
and Treitschke; and in Semitics under Sachau and Diteritzi, at
the University of Berlin, 1886-1890. Came to America, 1892;
preceptor in Talmud and Rabbinical Ethics, Jewish Theological
Seminary, 1892-1902; instructor in Hebrew and Jewish Ethics,
Hebrew Orphan Asylum, since 1893. Author: Emendationen
in Talmud und Midrasch (in Israel), 1885; Zu Rappaport's Erech
Millin (in Israel), 1886; Beitrage zur Geschichte der Amoraim
(Berliner's Magazin), 1885; En Yafeh (specimens of a Talmudic Concordance not yet completed), 1885; Le-Toledot haAmoraim, 1886; Biography of Graetz (Rab Poalim Mekabziel),
1887; Gabra de-Moreh Mesayeh (in Ha-Asif), 1887; Metibe Zaad
va-Leket (in Ha-Asif), 1887; Al ha-Halifot ve-ha-Temurot (in
Ha-Zeflrah), 1887-1889; M. Lazarus, 1894; H. Steinthal, 1893, and
Salvation without Noise, 1898 (in American Hebrew), 1898; Spirit
of Judaism (in Hebrew Standard), 1896; Beni u-ben Chomi
(in Jewish Exponent), 1901. Correspondence, editorial articles,
etc., in various periodicals. Address: 530 West 123d, New York.
Jonas, Benjamin F. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Born
July 19, 1834, Williamstown, Kentucky. Son of Abraham Jonas
and Louisa Block. Educated at private schools in Illinois; LL. B.,
1855, Law University of Louisiana (now Tulane). Married Josephine A. Block. Member both branches Louisiana legislature,
1865-1867, 1870, 1872, 1877-1878; city attorney New Orleans, 18741878; United States Senator from Louisiana, 1879-1885; collector
of customs at New Orleans, 1885-1889; member Democratic National Committee, Louisiana, 1876-1888. Has lived in Louisiana
and practiced law there since 1853. Served in Confederate Army
during Civil War, was paroled, and discharged, March, 1865.
Represented Louisiana in five National Democratic Conventions.
Delivered addresses, lectures, and arguments on political, historical, and legal subjects. Address: New Orleans, La.
Jonathanson, Jonas A. Merchant. Born July 6, 1855, Wilna,
Russia. Son of Aaron Jonathanson and Helena Blumberg. Educated at Russian Gymnasium, and graduate in pharmacy, Charkov University, 1878. Married Dora K. Katzenelenbogen. Came
to New York, 1891. Has written poems, sketches, and novels,
mostly humorous, in Hebrew, Russian, and German. Address:
89 East 4th, New York.
Josephi, Isaac A. Artist. Born New York City. Son of
Alexander Josephi. Educated in New York and Paris. Honorable mention, 1900, Paris; silver medal, Charleston, 1902. President American Society of Miniature Painters; member Royal
Society of Miniature Painters, London. Regular contributor of
landscapes to exhibitions. Address: 556 Fifth Av., New York.
Judd, Max. Born 1851, Cracow, Austria. Son of Adolf Judkiewicz. Self-taught since the age of twelve. Married Jennie T.
Meyberg. United States consul general, Vienna, Austria, 18931897. Winner of second prize in Centennial Chess Tournament,
Philadelphia, 1876. Address: care Monticello Hotel, St. Louis,
Judson, Solomon. Born March 26, 1877, at Deretchin, Grodno,
Russia. Son of Judah Judson and Hannah Rosenberg. Educated
privately. Married Minnie Shapiro. Edited (with Ph. Turberg)
Me'et Le'et (a Hebrew periodical), 1900. Author of Agadot
ve-Dimyonot, 1903. Has contributed articles to various Hebrew
periodicals. Address: 194 Columbus Av., New York.
Jurist, Louis. Physician. Born April 10, 1855, Philadelphia,
Pa. Son of Sigmund Jurist and Theresa Trautmann. Educated
at Philadelphia public schools, and Jefferson Medical College
(M. D., 1880). Married Louise Stieglitz. Lecturer Jefferson Medical College; visiting physician St. Mary's Hospital; laryngologist
Jewish Hospital. Has written articles on medical questions.
Address: 916 North Broad, Philadelphia, Pa.
Kahn, Julius. Attorney-at-law. Born February 28, 1861, Kuppenheim, Baden, Germany. Son of Herman Kahn and Jeanette
Weil. Educated at San Francisco public schools. Married Florence Prag. Member of the legislature, California, 1893-1894;
member of United States Congress, 1899-1903. Followed theatrical
profession for a number of years, playing with Edwin Booth,
Joseph Jefferson, Tomaso Salvini, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence,
Clara Morris, and others. Address: Mills Building, San Francisco, Cal.
Kalisch, Bertha.
See Spachner, Bertha Kalisch.
Karfunkle, David. Artist. Born June 10, 1880, in AustrianPoland. Son of Julius Karfunkle and Victoria Langsam. Educated at New York; studied art at National Academy of Design,
New York, and Royal Academy, Munich, 1897-1900. Came to
America at age of ten years; entered National Academy of Design
five years later. Work has been exhibited at Pittsburg, Chicago,
and Philadelphia since 1900. Address: 329 East 79th, New York.
" Karl."
See Bloomingdale, Charles, Jr.
Kaufmann, Edward. County Clerk, Kings County, N. Y. Born
September 17, 1856, New York. Son of Veit Kaufmann. Educated at New York public schools. Married Sarah Rossman.
Chairman Law Committee, Brooklyn Public Library; counsel to
Carnegie Committee Public Libraries; trustee and chairman
Board of Education, Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum; vicepresident People's Hebrew Institute. Member of law firm Davis
and Kaufmann. Address: 49-51 Chambers, New York, or 573
Jeffers'on Av., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Kempner, Isaac Herbert. Banker. Born January 14, 1874,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Son of Harris Kempner and Elizabeth Seinsheimer. Educated at Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. Married Henrietta Blum. Treasurer City of Galveston
(elective office); commissioner of Finance and Revenue, City of
Galveston (appointed by Governor of State). Address: Galveston, Texas.
Keyser, Ephraim. Sculptor. Born October 6, 1850, Baltimore,
Md. Son of Moses Keyser and Betty Preiss. Educated at Baltimore public schools, City College, Baltimore, and Royal Art
Academies, Munich and Berlin. Instructor of Modelling Classes,
Maryland Institute Art Schools and the Rinehart School for Sculpture, Baltimore, Md. Works: Busts of Sidney Lanier, Cardinal
Gibbons, Dr. Daniel C. Gilman, Henry Harland, and others;
Statue of Major-General Baron de Kalb, erected at Annapolis,
Md., for the United States Government; Tomb of President
Chester A. Arthur, Rural Cemetery, Albany; the Stein Tombs,
Baltimore Hebrew Cemetery; Psyche (for which the Michael
Beer scholarship for Rome was awarded him; in marble in
Cincinnati Art Museum); the Page; The Old Story; Titania;
The Rose; A Duet; and a number of portrait memorial tablets.
Address: 5 West Mulberry, Baltimore, Md.
Keyser, Ernest Wise. Sculptor. Born December 10, 1874,
Baltimore, Md. Son of Solomon Keyser and Helena Wise. Educated at Deichmann's Preparatory Academy, Baltimore, and studied art at Maryland Institute Art Schools; Art Students League,
New York; and Julien's, Paris, France. Studied sculpture under
St. Gaudens, Puech, and Dampt, Paris. Married Beatrice Oberndorf. Member National Sculpture Society of the United States.
Ophelia (marble bust), exhibited in Salon, 1897; and in Salon of
the Champs ElysSes, a life size alto relievo portrait bust of
Enoch Pratt and a medallion portrait of a lady. Works: memorial
tablet to Doctors Harris and Hayden, Baltimore; heroic bust of
Admiral W. S. Schley, ordered by State of Maryland; bust of
William S. Barry for School for the Deaf, Frederick, Md.; Harper
statue representing Sir Galahad, for Ottawa, Canada; mausoleum
Simon Goldenberg, New York; numerous busts, medallion portraits, etc., private commissions received in Baltimore, Paris, and
New York. Address: rue de Bagneux, Paris, France.
*Klaw, Marc. Theatrical Manager. Born May 29, 1858, Paducah, Ky. Son of Leopold Klaw. Educated in Louisville public
and high schools. Married Antoinette M. Morris (deceased).
Studied law and was admitted to bar; since 1881 has been
engaged as theatrical manager. Residence: New Rochelle, N. Y.
Office: New Amsterdam Theatre, New York.
Kobrin, Leon. Novelist and Playwright. Born March 15, 1872,
Vitebsk, Russia. Son of Raphael Kobrin. Educated privately.
Married Pauline Segal. Wrote stories and sketches in Russian at
the age of fifteen. Came to America, 1892, and began to write
Yiddish tales in 1893; has written in Yiddish since. Was engaged
successively in shirtmaking, cigarmaking, bread baking, weaving,
and as newsdealer, failing in all on account of his strong desire
to devote himself to literature exclusively. Author: Yankel
Boyle and Other Sketches; Collection of Stories or Ghetto-Dramas
(2 vols.); and the following plays: Mina; East-Side Ghetto;
Broken Chains; Sonia of East Broadway; Lost Paradise; Blind
Musicians; God and Trust; Two Sisters. Address: 293 Henry,
New York.
Kohler, Max J. Attorney-at-law. Born May 22, 1871, Detroit,
Mich. Son of Rabbi K. Kohler and Johanna Einhorn. Educated at public and private schools; B. S., 1890, and M. S., 1893,
College City of New York. M. A., 1891, and LL. B., 1893, Law
and Political Science Schools, Columbia University. Admitted
to bar, 1893. Assistant United States District Attorney, New
York, 1894-1898; special assistant United States District Attorney,
1898-1899. Recording secretary, American Jewish Historical Society, 1901-1903; corresponding secretary since 1903. Occasional
lecturer before Jewish Chautauqua Society, Judaeans, and Young
Men's Hebrew Association. Edited Judge Daly's Settlement of the
Jews in North America, 1893; and Methods of Review in Criminal
Cases in the United States, 1899. Author: Chapter on Jews and
Judaism in America for Halliday and Gregory's The Church in
America, 1896; Rebecca Franks, an American Jewish Belle of the
Last Century, 1894. Contributor to the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, Jewish Encyclopedia, American
Hebrew, Menorah Monthly, and Albany Law Journal. Occasional
special contributor to New York Times. Office: 119 Nassau.
Residence: 34 East 76th, New York.
Kohn, Annette. Born at New York. Daughter of Hezekiah
Kohn and Louise Sanger. Travelled extensively in Europe. Has
written numerous poems and articles for secular and religious
papers and magazines in the United States, England, and Australia. Address: 3 West 39th, New York.
Kohut, George Alexander. Assistant Librarian Jewish Theological Seminary, since 1902. Born February 11, 1874, Stuhlweissenburg, Hungary. Son of Rabbi Alexander Kohut and Julia
Weissbrunn. Educated at Realschule and Gymnasium, Grosswardein, Hungary; New York public schools, Columbia University,
Jewish Theological Seminary, University of Berlin, and Hochschule fur die Wissenschaft des Judenthums, Berlin. Received
private instruction in Rabbinics from his father. Rabbinical degree conferred by Rev. Dr. B. Felsenthal, Chicago, 1897. Rabbi in
Dallas, Texas, 1897-1900; principal Religious School Temple
Emanu-El, since 1902; editor Jewish Home, 1903-1904; rabbi of the
Emanu-El Sisterhood. Author: Italian Index to the Arukh Completum, 1892; Early Jewish Literature in America, Publications
American Jewish Historical Society No. 3; Jewish Martyrs of the
Inquisition in South America, Publications No. 4; other essays in
other volumes of the Publications; Bibliography of the Writings
of Professor M. Steinschneider in the Steinschneider Festschrift,
1896; Bibliography of the Writings of Alexander Kohut in Tributes to the Memory of Reverend Doctor A. Kohut; Ezra Stiles
and the Jews, 1902; contributions to the Revue des Etudes Juives,
Jewish Quarterly Review, Zeitschrift fur Hebraische Bibliographie, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Magyar Zsido
Szemle, American Hebrew, and Jewish Comment. Has written
numerous essays on historical topics, bibliography, and folklore,
also verse for various religious and secular periodicals. Address:
44 West 58th, New York.
*Koopman, Augustus. Artist. Born 1869, Charlotte, N. C. Son
of Bernard Koopman. A. B., 1886, Central High School, Philadelphia. Married Louise Lovett Osgood. Studied at Pennsylvania
Academy Fine Arts under Bouguereau and Fleury, and at Ecole
des Beaux Arts, Paris. Taught painting in Paris, 1896-1899, now
resident in London, specializing in portraits. Exhibitor at Paris
Salons, Munich, London, and American exhibitions since 1890.
Won first William Clarke prize, American Art Association, Paris,
1899. Awards: second Wanamaker prize, 1898; bronze and silver
medals, Paris Exposition, 1900; represented in French and American collections, Detroit Museum, portraits and decorations.
Decoration in United States National Pavilion, Paris Exposition,
1900; medal Pan-American exposition, Buffalo, 1901. Works: Le
Benedicts; Two Forces. Address: The Players, New York, and
5 Rosetti Studios, Flood, Chelsea, London, Eng.
*Koplik, Henry. Physician. Born October 28, 1858, New York
City. Son of Abraham S. Koplik. Graduate College City of New
York, 1878; M. D., 1881, College Physicians and Surgeons. Pur-
sued post-graduate courses at Universities of Leipzig, Prague,
and Vienna. Married Stephanie Schiele. Connected with Bellevue
Hospital; the Good Samaritan Dispensary; assistant professor
of Pediatrics at Bellevue Medical College. First to describe an
early diagnostic sign in measles, since known as Koplik's Spots;
also found the bacillus of whooping-cough. Introduced free delivery of pasteurized milk to the needy. Has written essays in
medical journals. Author: Diseases of Infancy and Childhood,
1902. Address: 66 East 58th, New York.
Korn, Louis. Architect. Born March 19, 1869, New York.
Son of Jacob Korn and Caroline Sink. Educated at New York
public schools, Columbia Grammar School, Columbia University
School of Mines (Ph. B., 1890). Married Lillie E. Schleestein.
Consulting Engineer for Public Buildings under Mayor Low's
and under Mayor McClellan's administration. Address: 31 West
33d, New York.
Kolinsky, Jacob. Entomologist, Assistant in Division of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture. Born July 22,
1873, in Province of Poltava, Russia. Son of Joseph Kotinsky and
Matlie-Bessie Zitkin. Educated in a Russian Cheder until thirteen years of age; at Baron de Hirsch Agricultural School,
Woodbine, N. J., 1893-1894; and at Rutgers College (course in
agriculture; B. S., 1898), 1894-1898. Married Sara R. Levin.
Instructor Natural Sciences, Baron de Hirsch Agricultural School,
1898-1899; Scientific Aid, 1899-1900, and, since 1900, Assistant in
Division of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture. Author: Autobiography of an Immigrant; The First North
American Leaf-gall Diaspine, in Proceedings of the Entomological
Society, Washington; Observations on Some New and Little
Known Orthoptera with Biological Notes (translated from the
Russian), in Entomological Record, London, 1902; Suggestions
on Removal, in American Hebrew, 1903; Our Insect Neighbors,
Mosquitoes, Hirsch School Journal; The Woodbine Colony, American Hebrew, 1899. Address: United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Entomology, Washington, D. C.
Kraemer, Mrs. Hugo.
" Krantz, Philip."
See Franko, Jeanne.
See Rombro, Jacob.
Kraus, Adolf. Lawyer. Born at Blowitz, Bohemia. Son of
Jonas Kraus and Ludmila Ehrlich. Educated at Rokycan, Bohemia. Married Mathilde Hirsch. President Board of Education;
president Civil Service Commission; and corporation counsel;
president Isaiah Temple since 1899, all of Chicago. Was publisher and editor of The Chicago Times. Address: Tribune
Building, Chicago, 111.
Kronberg, Louis. Artist. Born 1872, Boston, Mass. Graduate
Eliot grammar school, and studied art at Boston Art Museum,
and Art Students League, New York. Pursued course in music
in Boston. Studied works of the great masters in Europe, and
on his return won Longfellow Travelling Scholarship. Studied
in Paris under Benjamin Constant, Jean Paul Laurens, and
Raphael Collin. Painted several pictures of Loie Fuller in Paris,
one being exhibited in the Salon, 1898. Returned to Boston, 1898,
and opened studio, also became instructor in Boston Art Students Association, and in the Copley Society. Travelled in 1899
with Richard Mansfield to paint him in different characters.
Painted portraits of leading actors and musicians. His painting,
Behind the Footlights, purchased for the Pennsylvania Academy
of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Has exhibited in Paris and America.
Address: 3 Winter, Boston, Mass.
Kursheedt, Manuel Augustus. Lawyer. Born August 14, 1840,
New York. Son of Asher Kursheedt and Abigail Judah. Educated at private schools, New York public schools, and Free
Academy (now College City of New York); B. A., 1858; M. A.,
1862, College City of New York. Was Director United Hebrew Charities, and the Educational Alliance; managing secretary Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society; secretary Hebrew Technical
Institute; vice-president Aguilar Free Library Society; president
Young Men's Hebrew Association. Has written a few articles for
periodicals and society reports. Address: 280 Broadway, Room
269, New York.
Lachman, Arthur. Chemical Engineer. Born December 4, 1873,
San Francisco, Cal. Son of Abraham Lachman and Marie Lazarus. Educated at San Francisco public schools; Real Gymnasium, Posen, Germany; University of California, Berkeley (B. S.,
1893); University of Munich (Ph.D., 1895). Married Bertha
Nathan. Assistant instructor University of Michigan, 1896-1897;
professor chemistry, 1897-1902, and dean College of Science, University of Oregon, 1900-1902. Fellow American Association for
the Advancement of Science; member American Chemical Society,
German Chemical Society, Verein deutscher Chemiker, Deutsche
Bunsen Gesellschaft, and Society of Chemical Industry. Author:
The Spirit of Organic Chemistry, 1899; numerous technical papers
in scientific journals. Address: 131 Second, San Francisco, Cal.
Lachman, Samson. Lawyer. Born May 2, 1855, New York.
Son of Samuel Lachman and Babette Hirsch. Educated at New
York public schools; graduate College City of New York and
Columbia University Law School. Justice Sixth District Court,
New York City, 1888-1894. Address: 35 Nassau, or 233 East 19th,
New York.
Landsberg, Emil M. Index Editor New York Times. Born
November 28, 1871, Rochester, N. Y. Son of Rabbi Max Landsberg. Educated at Darmstadt, University of Rochester, and
University of New York. Was librarian Bureau of Labor Statistics, New York State; assistant librarian Buffalo Public Library.
Address: New York Times, New York.
Landsberg, Leon. Department Editor, New York Tribune, since
1889. Born February, 1853. Educated at Leipzig, Germany.
Was teacher of modern languages in the South; editor of Anzeiger
des Siidens, Birmingham, Ala.; and lecturer on Vedanta philosophy. Contributor to Staats-Zeitung, New York, and to numerous English, French, and Spanish newspapers. Address: 16
Irving Place, New York.
*Lauchheimer, Charles Henry. Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant
Adjutant, and Inspector, Marine Corps. Born September 22, 1859,
Baltimore, Md. Graduate United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, 1881. LL. B., Columbia University, 1884. Entered Marine
Corps, 1883; first lieutenant, 1890; captain, 1898; major, since
1901. At present on duty at Manila, P. I. Author: Naval Courts
and Naval Law, 1896; Forms of Procedure for Naval Courts and
Boards, 1896, 1902. Address: Navy Department, Washington,
D. C.
Lauterbach, Edward. Lawyer. Born August 12, 1844, New
York. Son of Solon Lauterbach and Mina Rosenbaum. Graduate
New York public schools, and College City of New York (then
Free Academy; A. B., 1864; A.M., 1867. Married Amanda Friedman. Delegate at large to Constitution Convention, 1894; and to
Republican National Convention, 1896; chairman Republican
County Committee, 1896-1898, and Board of Trustees College City
of New York; delegate to National Convention, 1900; vice-president Maurice Grau Opera Company; director of various corporations, and of Hebrew Orphan Asylum for twenty years. Member
State Commission to Remedy Law Delays. Now Regent of the
University of the State of New York. As vice-president of Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society went to Europe in 1881, held conferences with European delegations, attended general conference
at Vienna, and succeeded in regulating emigration of Russian
exiles. Residence: 761 Fifth Av. Office: 22 William, New York.
Lauterbach, Jakob Zallel. Office Editor Jewish Encyclopedia.
Born January 6, 1873, at Monasterzyska, Galicia. Son of Israel
Lauterbach and Taube Bandler. Educated at University of Berlin, and Gottingen (Ph.D., 1902), and at the Berliner Rabbiner
Seminar (Rabbinical authorization, 1903). Author: Saadja Alfayyumi's Arabische Psalmenubersetzung und Commentar, 1903.
Address: care Funk and Wagnalls Company, 44-60 East 23d,
New York.
Lazarus, Edgar M. Architect. Born June 6, 1868, Baltimore,
Md. Son of Edgar M. Lazarus and Minnie Mordecai. Educated
at Baltimore public schools, and Maryland Institute Art Schools.
Received George Peabody diploma for architectural design. Superintendent of Construction United States Public Buildings for
eight years. Architect of one hundred and twenty buildings,
State, municipal, and private, during the fourteen years of activity in his profession. Address: 665 Worcester Building, Portland, Ore.
Lazarus, Josephine. Author. Born March 23, 1846, New York.
Daughter of Moses Lazarus and Esther Nathan. Educated at private schools. Author: Spirit of Judaism, 1895; Madame Dreyfus,
1S99; biographical sketches: Emma Lazarus, Century Magazine,
1888; Marie Bashkirtseff, Scribner's Magazine, 1889; Louisa May
Alcott, and Margaret Fuller, Century Magazine, 1893: articles on
Zionism in the American Hebrew, Maccabaean, and The New
World, 1899. Has written numerous reviews and articles for The
Critic, etc. Address: 38 West 10th, New York.
Lederer, Ephraim. Attorney-at-Iaw. Born January 24, 1862,
Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Leopold Lederer and Fanny Weil.
Educated at Philadelphia public schools; graduate Central High
School; and pursued a partial course in University of Pennsylvania Law School. Married Grace M. Newhouse. Vice-president
and former Secretary Young Men's Hebrew Association: secretary Philadelphia Branch Jewish Theological Seminary of America; director and former secretary Jewish Hospital Association,
Philadelphia; director, and, 1888-1890, assistant secretary, Jewish
Publication Society of America; trustee Gratz College, Philadelphia; was member State Committee of the Jeffersonian Party.
Associate editor Jewish Exponent, Philadelphia, 1901-1904. Has
written a number of lectures and essays on Jewish subjects published in Jewish journals. Address: 1317 North 12th, Philadelphia, Pa.
Lehman, Israel J. Architect. Born October 29, 1859, St. Joseph,
Mo. Son of Joseph Lehman and Hannah Schwarz. Educated at
Cleveland, 0., public schools, and privately. Married Nannie
Scheuer. Member of firm of Lehman and Schmitt. Works:
Cuyahoga County Court House, Cleveland; Bradford County Court
House, Towanda, Pa.; Fayette County Court House, Lexington,
Ky.; Sheriff St. Market and Storage Buildings, The Temple, Anshe
Chesed Synagogue, Central Armory, Central Police Station,
United Banking and Savings Company Building, The Bailey Company Building, and City Hospital, all of Cleveland; City National
Bank, Canton, O. Address: 625 Garfleld Building. Residence:
121 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O.
Leipziger, Henry M. Supervisor of Lectures, Board of Education, New York. Born December 29, 1854, Manchester, England.
Son of Marcus Leipziger and Martha Samuel. Educated in Manchester, and New York public schools. A. B., 1873, College City
of New York; LL. B., 1875, and Ph.D., 1888, Columbia University.
Organizer Hebrew Technical Institute and director, 1884-1891;
assistant superintendent New York public schools, 1891-1896;
supervisor of lectures since 1890. Chairman Library Committee
Aguilar Free Library (now part of New York Public Library),
1887-1903; president New York Library Club, 1901; and Department Manual Training. National Education Association, 1896.
Vice-president Jewish Publication Society, and member of its
Publication Committee. Addresses on ethical and educational
topics before colleges, congregations, American Library Association, and National Educational Association. Author: The New
Education, 1887; The Education of the Jews, 18S9 (translated and
adapted from the monograph of Samuel Marcus). Address: 229
East 57th, New York.
Leipziger, Pauline. Librarian Fifty-Ninth Street Branch New
York Public Library. Born in England. Daughter of Marcus
Leipziger and Martha Samuel. Educated at New York public
schools. Pursued special courses in Library Economy. Chief
librarian Aguilar Free Library of New York (now part of the
New York Public Library), 1892-1903. Address: 229 East 57th,
New York.
Leo, Richard Leopold. Architect. Born September 7, 1872,
New York. Son of Arnold Leo and Sarah Leopold. Educated at
Columbia Grammar School, and School of Arts and Mines, Columbia University (Ph. B., 1895). Works: residences at 1069 Fifth
Av.; S. E. corner 50th St. and Madison Av.; and 2 East 87th St.,
New York; residence of Isidor Straus, Elberon; and of S. Ull-
maun, Tarrytown; building for Government of Ecuador, PanAmerican Exposition, Buffalo; Emanu-El Sisterhood Building,
New York; Century Country Club, White Plains; and several
apartment buildings, New York. Residence: 172 West 86th.
Office: 124 West 45th, New York.
•Leopold, Harry Gerard. Lieutenant Commander, United States
Navy. Born in Iowa. Entered service of United States Navy,
October 1, 1878; appointed lieutenant commander, October 11,
1903. Ordered to Cincinnati, 1903. Address: Navy Department,
Washington, D. C.
Lessler, Montague. Lawyer. Born January 1, 1869, New
York. Son of Siegmund Lessler and Annie Schreier. Educated
at New York public schools, College City of New York (B. S.,
1889), and Columbia University Law School. Member Fiftyseventh Congress from the Eighth Congressional District, New
York. Office: 31 Nassau, New York. Residence: 7 Central Av.,
Tompkinsville, S. I.
Leventritt, David. Justice of Supreme Court, State of New
York. Born January 31, 1845, at Winnsboro', S. C. Son of George
M. Leventritt. Educated at New York public schools, College
City of New York (then Free Academy; A. B., 1864), and Law
School University of New York (LL. B., 1872). Married Matilda
Lithauer. Was commissioner for condemnation of lands; vicepresident Aguilar Free Library. Was long active as trial lawyer
in corporate and commercial cases, and acted as special counsel
to City of New York in important cases. Address: 34 West 77th,
New York.
Levi, Louis. Architect. Born December 29, 1868, Baltimore,
Md. Son of Joseph Levi and Babetta Apfel. Educated at private
school, Baltimore public schools, and Baltimore City College.
Began the study of architecture at the office of the late Charles
L. Carson, and completed his studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass., 1893. Works: Shearith Israel
Synagogue, Children's Home, Department Store buildings, and
dwellings, all in Baltimore. Is building a number of warehouses
in the burnt district, Baltimore. Address: Room 41, Central
Savings Bank Building, Baltimore, Md.
Levi, Moritz. Junior Professor Romance Languages, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Born November 23, 1857, Sachsenhausen, Waldeck, Germany. Son of Hirsch Levi and Helene
Rosenbaum. Educated in Germany, University of Michigan (A. B.,
1887), and Sorbonne, Paris. Married Bertha Wolf. Author:
(with V. E. Francois) French Reader, 1896. Edited: Moliere,
L'Avare, 1900; and Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi, 1901. Has written
article on V. Hugo, the Novelist, Forum, 1902. Address: 1029
Vaughn, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Levias, Caspar. Instructor Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati,
O. Born February 13, 1860, at Szagarren, Russia. Son of Jacob
Levias and Mary Kahan. Educated privately, and at Columbia
University, New York (B. A., 1893; M. A., 1894); pursued postgraduate courses at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
Married Irene Schwarz. Fellow in Oriental Languages, Columbia
University, 1893-1894; fellow in Semitic Languages, Johns Hopkins University, 1894-1896. Author: A Grammar of the Aramaic
Idiom contained in the Babylonian Talmud, 1900. Has written
articles in the American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, American Journal of Philology, American Journal of
Theology, Hebrew Union College Journal, Kadimah, and other
periodicals. Address: Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, O.
Levin, Isaac. Surgeon. Born November 1, 1866, at Sagor,
Russia. Son of Salom Levin and Etta Brick. Educated at Fifth
Gymnasium, and Imperial Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg (M. D., 1890). Pursued studies in clinical surgery and experimental pathology in Germany, France, and Switzerland, 18951896. Married Sophie Bloch. Ordinator in Surgery at Alexander's Military Hospital, St. Petersburg, 1890-1891; attending
surgeon West Side German Dispensary of New York, 1897-1902;
now surgeon to Sydenham Hospital, New York. Has contributed
articles on medical subjects to medical journals in this country
and abroad. Address: 1883 Madison Av., New York.
Levin, Louis H. Attorney-at-law, Editor Jewish Comment, Baltimore. Born January 13, 1866, Charleston, S. C. Son of Harris
Levin and Dora M. Levine. Educated at Baltimore public schools,
and Baltimore University (LL. B., 1903). Married Bertha Szold.
Engaged in mercantile pursuits for many years. Was lecturer
at Baltimore University. Has written Jewish stories in the Jewish Comment, Jewish Exponent, American Hebrew, and Menorah,
and a Syllabus of Lectures on Bills and Notes. Address: 837
West North Av., Baltimore, Md.
Levussove, Moses S. Instructor College City of New York.
Born February 22, 1874, at Rossiena, Russia. Son of Benedict
Levussove and Victoria Margolis. Educated at New York public
schools. B. S., 1893, College City of New York. LL. B., 1900,
New York Law School; pursued courses at New York University
and at Art Students League. Was head of English Department,
Hebrew Technical Institute, New York. Had charge of Literary
Department of the Twentieth Century Magazine. Has written
articles on art, letters, and descriptive geometry, for magazines.
Address: 17 Lexington Av., New York.
Levy, Clifton Harby. Writer. Born June 21, 1867, New Orleans, La. Son of Eugene H. Levy and Almeria E. Moses. Educated at New Orleans, Cincinnati high school, University of Cincinnati (B. A., 1887), and Hebrew Union College (Rabbi, 1890);
pursued post-graduate courses at Johns Hopkins University.
Married Cora Bachrach. Rabbi in New York, one year; Lancaster, Pa., two years; Baltimore, Md., two years; contributor to
periodical press, seven years. Organized classes for instruction
of immigrant children for Baron de Hirsch Fund, 1890. Has
written articles on Biblical, archaeological, and scientific subjects
for magazines and newspapers. Address: Hotel Balmoral, or
320 Broadway, New York.
Levy, Ferdinand. Lawyer. Born December 11, 1843, Milwaukee, Wis. Son of Simon Levy and Adele Bernard. Educated
at German American Academy, Milwaukee, and Milwaukee high
school. Married Rachel Fisher. Has been alderman at large,
coroner, register, and commissioner of Taxes and Assessments,
City and County of New York. Grand master Sons of Benjamin
since 1887; past commander Steinwehr Post, G. A. R., Department of New York; member Grand Lodge Free Masons, State of
New York, and all Jewish and fraternal organizations. Served
in the Federal army during Civil War with father and two
brothers. Residence: 235 West 112th. Office: 290 Broadway,
New York.
Levy, Florence N. Editor American Art Annual. Born 1870,
New York. Daughter of Joseph Arthur Levy and Pauline Goodheim. Educated at New York private schools. Pursued special
course in the History of Art under M. Lafenestre, curator of
paintings at the Louvre, Paris. In charge of catalogue work,
Division of Fine Arts, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901.
Editor New York Art Bulletin, lecturer and instructor in the
History of Art. Address: 226 West 58th, New York.
*Levy, Jefferson Monroe. Ex-Congressman, Lawyer. Son of
Captain Jonas P. Levy and Fanny Mitchell. Educated in public
schools. Graduate University City of New York. Studied law
and was admitted to bar. Member Chamber of Commerce;
Board of Trade and Transportation; and Real Estate Exchange.
Vice-president Democratic Club many years. Owns home of
Thomas Jefferson, Monticello. Member of Congress, 1899-1901,
Thirteenth New York District. Address: 20-22 Broad, New York.
Levy, Louis Edward. Photo-chemist, Inventor. Born October
12, 1846, Steinowitz (Pilsen), Bohemia. Son of Leopold Levy and
Wilhelmina Fischer. Educated at Detroit, Mich., public schools.
Field work and study with M. Thelen, surveyor, Detroit, 18601861. Special course in mathematics, 1866-1867, University of
Michigan. Microscopist to investigate trichinosis, Detroit, 1866;
meteorological observer, 1863-1871, Detroit and Milwaukee; published new method of micro-photography, 1869; field photographer, 1872-1873; invented " Levytype " (photo-engraving) process, 1873; established Levytype Company, Baltimore, 1875; Philadelphia, 1877-1899; invented, with brother, Max Levy, "Levy Line
Screen," 1887; "photo-mezzotint" process, 1889; new method of
etching, "Levy Acid Blast," 1896; and recently Levy Etch-Powdering Machine. Received medals, premiums, and diplomas, from
Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, 1889, 1899; Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; Imperial Russian Photographic Society, Moscow, 1896; and Paris Exposition, 1900. One of the organizers,
1888, and member of Executive Committee, 1889-1895, Philadelphia Typothetse; vice-president and chairman Executive Committee Philadelphia Exhibitors' Association, Columbian Exposition, 1893; member Board of Judges, National Export Exposition,
Philadelphia, 1899; delegate of Franklin Institute, Philadelphia,
to Scientific Congresses, Paris Exposition, 1900; vice-president,
CongrSs des Associations d' Inventeurs; member, since 1896, and
chairman in 1901, of Committee on Science and the Arts, Franklin Institute; member Board of Managers, chairman Library Committee, and chairman School City Committee, Franklin Institute,
since 1903, and its lecturer on Techno-Graphic Arts since 1904.
Director Rappaport Benevolent Association, 1879-1883; director,
1882, and since 1900, honorary life director, Hebrew Education
Society; an organizer, since 1884 a director, and since 1888 the
president, of the Association for the Relief and Protection of
Jewish Immigrants, all of Philadelphia; an organizer and director
of the Jewish Alliance of America, 1891. Organized Iconographic
Publishing Company, and published seven volumes of Brockhaus'
Ikonographische Encyklopadie, 1884-1893; edited and published,
1896, English translation of Raimundo Cabrera's Cuba and the
Cubans; collaborated with Cabrera, 1897-1899, in publication of
Cubay America, New York; one of the founders, 1887, and since
then director of The Jewish Exponent Publishing Company;
compiler, editor, and publisher, Wolf's American Jew as Patriot,
Soldier, and Citizen, 1895; author and publisher, 1896, Business,
Money, and Credit (brochure); author and publisher, The Jewish
Year (Oppenheim's pictures of Jewish life), 1895. Part owner
and chief editor, Philadelphia Evening Herald, 1887-1890, and
Philadelphia Sunday Mercury, 1887-1891. Contributed articles to
Polytechnic Review, Journal of Fabrics, and Jewish Exponent.
Laboratory: 1221 Spring Garden. Residence: 854 North 8th,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Levy, Max. Electrician. Born October 6, 1868, Galveston,
Texas. Son of I. C. Levy and Minna Posner. Educated at Galveston public schools, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. (Elec. Eng.,
1890). Married Stella Dreeben. Constructing engineer, Westinghouse, Church, Kerr and Company, 1890-1891; electrical engineer,
Interstate Railroad, Kansas City, Kansas, 1891; chief engineer
Galveston City Railroad Company, 1891-1892; engaged in practice as electrical engineer since 1892. Author: The Effect of
Electricity on Traction. Address: 21st and Av. K, Galveston,
Levy, Max. Inventor and Manufacturer. Born March 9, 1857,
Detroit, Mich. Son of Leopold Levy and Wilhelmina Fischer.
Educated at Detroit public schools. Married Diana Franklin.
Received John Scott medal, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia;
silver medal, Royal Cornwall Polytechnic; gold medals, Chicago,
1893, Paris, 1900, and Buffalo, 1901. Engaged in photo-engraving
until 1890; invented, with brother, Louis Edward Levy, engraved
screen for half-tone process; prominent in development of halftone process. Contributed to Photographic Society, Philadelphia,
1896; Paper and Press, 1894-1896, also articles for photo-engravers' Annuals in America and England. Address: Wayne Av. and
Berkley St., Wayne Junction, Philadelphia, Pa.
Levy, William. Architect. Born December 31, 1866, New
Orleans, La. Son of Marx Levy and Rosa Meyer. Educated at
St. Louis public schools; Illinois College, Jacksonville, 111.; Wyman Institute, Alton, 111.; and at architectural schools, London,
Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Florence, and Rome. Member American
Institute of Architects. Address: Odd Fellows Building, St.
Louis, Mo.
Lewi, Isidor. Editorial Writer New York Tribune and Publisher New Era Illustrated Magazine. Born May 9, 1850, Albany,
N. Y. Son of Doctor Joseph Lewi and Bertha Schwarz. Educated at Albany. Married Emita Wolff. Address: 38 Park Row,
New York.
Lewin-Epstein, Elias Wolf. Manager Carmel Wine Company
for the United States. Born July 22, 1863, Vilkovishken, Poland.
Son of Samuel Lewin-Epstein and Euge Rokeach. Educated in
Vilkovishken, and the Talmudical Academy of Volosin, Russia;
received secular education in Russian, German, and French, in
Warsaw and Germany. Married Judith Feinberg. Was administrator for ten years of Jewish Agricultural Colony, Rehobot,
Palestine; and manager of the Hebrew Publishing Company,
Gebriider Lewin-Epstein, Warsaw. Actively interested in the
Zionist movement in Russia since 1882; founder of the society
Menuha ve-Nahlah, which established the colony Rehobot in
Palestine. One of the founders of the international Carmel Wine
Companies in Europe and America. Assisted in creating the
Hebrew Publication Society Achiassaf. Author: The History of
the Colony Rehobot (in Hebrew and English). Address: 70 East
122d, New York.
Lewisohn, Adolph. President United Metals Selling Company,
vice-president Utah Mining Company and New York Metal Exchange; director of other corporations. Born May 27, 1849, Hamburg, Germany. Son of Samuel Lewisohn. Educated at Hamburg. Married Emma Miriam Cahn. Vice-president Hebrew
Technical School for Girls; director Mount Sinai Hospital, United
Hebrew Charities, Educational Alliance, all of New York, and
other institutions. Address: 9 West 57th, New York.
Lichtenauer. J. Mortimer. Artist. Born May 11, 1876, New
York. Son of Joseph M. Lichtenauer and Rebecca Deutsch. Educated at private schools until the age of nineteen, and 1895-1898
at Art Students League, New York, under H. S. Mowbray and
Kenyon Cox. Studied for two years under Sue Olivier Mersoni
in France, and for two years copied frescoes and studied the
early old masters in Italy. Received President's prize (bronze
medal) for design for mural decoration, Architectural League of
New York, 1903. Decorated ceiling of Music Room, residence of
Ferdinand Hermann, 1904. Portraits and decorative pictures
exhibited at St. Louis Exposition and other exhibitions. Member
Architectural League of New York. Address: 58 West 52d, New
Lichtenstein, Joy. Assistant Librarian, Public Library, San
Francisco, Cal. Born October 14, 1874, San Francisco, Cal. Son
of Morris Lichtenstein and Amelia Marks. Educated at San
Francisco public schools and University of California. Married
Anna Wolfe, 1899. President Library Association of California,
1904. Author: For the Blue and Gold, a Tale of Life at the
University of California; Bibliography of Louis Agassiz (in his
" L i f e " by C. F. Holder). Has contributed to periodicals. Address: Public Library, San Francisco, Cal.
Liebling, Max. Pianist and Musical Director. Born September
22, 1846, in Silesia, Prussia. Son of Jacob Liebling. Educated at
the Royal Conservatory of Music, Berlin. Married Mathilde Benjamin. Director Piano Department at Conservatories of Music in
Berlin, Cincinnati, Chautauqua, and New York. Has made concert tours with August Wilhelmj, Marianne Brandt, and Lili Lehmann, through Germany and America. Works: Songs, piano
compositions, violin and cello compositions. Address: 57 West
83d, New York.
" Liesin, A."
See Walt, Abraham.
Lipman, Clara (Mrs. Louis Mann). Actress. Born December,
1875, Chicago, 111. Daughter of Abraham Lipman and Josephine
Bruckner. Educated at Chicago and New York, at schools and
under private tutors. Pupil of Professor Oskar Guttmann. Married Louis Mann. Played with Mme. Modjeska, and then with
A. M. Palmer's Company; played in classical drama in German
and English companies. Starred with her husband, Louis Mann,
for five years; will star alone, season 1904-1905. Owing to severe
accident to arm did not play during season 1902-1903. Author:
Pepi (a play in four acts); Julie Bon Bon (comedy in three acts);
Eleanor's Poet (short story). Has written magazine articles.
Address: 1239 Madison Av., New York.
Lipman, Jacob G. Soil Chemist and Bacteriologist for the
New Jersey State Experiment Station. Born November 18, 1874,
Friedrichstadt, Courland, Russia. Son of Michael Lipman and
Ida Birkhahn. Educated privately at Moscow; attended Orenburg Classical Gymnasium, Woodbine Agricultural School, Rutgers College (B. S., 1898), Cornell University, Ithaca (A.M.,
1900; Ph.D., 1903). Married Cecelia Rosenthal. Came to America, 1888; factory employee and lawyer's clerk, 1888-1891; one
of the pioneer farmers Baron de Hirsh Agricultural Colony,
Woodbine, 1891-1894. Assistant chemist New Jersey State Experiment Station, 1898-1899; Graduate Scholar Cornell University,
1900-1901; Sage Fellow in chemistry, Cornell University, 19011902; soil chemist and bacteriologist New Jersey State Experiment
Station since 1902. Author: Studies in Nitrification, Master's
Thesis, Cornell, 1900, and 1902; (with Professor E. B. Voorhees)
Individuality of Plants an Important Factor in Plant Nutrition,
1902; Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria, 1902; Contributions to the Mor-
phology and Physiology of Denitrification, 1902; Nitrogen Fixing
Bacteria, Doctor's Thesis, Cornell University, 1903; The Fixation
of Atmospheric Nitrogen by Bacteria, 1903; Bacterial Life in the
Soil, 1903; Bacterial Purification of Sewage, 1904. Has written
biographical and historical sketches in the Jewish Encyclopedia.
Address: Experiment Station, New Brunswick, N. J.
Lipsky, Louis. Corresponding Secretary of the Independent
Order of B'nai B'rith. Born November 30, 1876, Rochester, N. Y.
Son of Jacob Lipsky and Dinah R. Philipowsky. Educated at
Rochester public and high schools; studied at Columbia University, New York, one year, and studied law in Rochester two
years. Editor: The Shofar, Rochester; The Maccabsean, and
English page, Jewish Daily Herald, New York; assistant editor,
The American Hebrew, New York, for four years. Has 'contributed to various magazines; translated Yiddish sketches, many
by I. L. Perez. Address: 723 Lexington Av., New York.
Littauer, Lucius Nathan. Manufacturer, and Member of Congress from the Twenty-fifth District of New York. Born January 20, 1859, Gloversville, N. Y. Son of Nathan Littauer and
Harriet Sporborg. B. A., 1878, Harvard University. Engaged in
glove-manufacturing business, 1878. Elected to Fifty-fifth, Fiftysixth, Fifty-seventh, and Fifty-eighth Congresses, and unanimously renominated by the Republican party for the Fifty-ninth.
Director National and State Banks and Trust Companies. President and director of manufacturing corporations; president Glove
Trade Association. Founder and executive manager Nathan Littauer Hospital, Gloversville. Address: Gloversville, Fulton
County, N. Y.
Loeb, Abraham Ullman. First Lieutenant Ninth Regiment Infantry, United States Army. Born September 19, 1878, La Fayette,
Ind. Son of Gustav Loeb and Ada Ullman. Educated at La Fayette public and high schools, and at Purdue University. Served
with Company C, 160th Indiana Volunteers Infantry as private
and corporal, 1898-1899, spending three months in Cuba; appointed second lieutenant 9th Infantry, December, 1899; joined
9th Infantry in Philippines, 1900; served for eleven months in
China during the Boxer uprising, 1900, participating in the
engagements of Tien Tsin, Pie Tsan, Yang Tsun, capture of Peking; and in expedition under General Wilson to Ming Tombs and
Great Wall of China, 1901. Participated in quelling insurrection
on Island of Samar, 1901-1902. Recommended for brevet for
bravery at battle of Tien Tsin, and promoted first lieutenant, 1902.
Address: War Department, Washington, D. C.
Loeb, August B. Vice-president Tradesmen's National Bank,
Philadelphia, Pa. Born June 16, 1841, Bechtheim, Germany. Son
of Benjamin Loeb. Educated at Philadelphia public schools.
Married Mathilde Adler (deceased). Director and member Finance Committee of Market Street National Bank, and of Finance
Company of Pennsylvania; director and member Executive Committee South Chester Tube Company, Chester, Pa.; president
Tartar Chemical Company, Jersey City, 1876-1889, when Company
sold out to a syndicate; treasurer Jewish Hospital Association,
Philadelphia, since 1879. Address: 2030 North 60th, Philadelphia,
Loeb, Isidor. Professor Political Science and Public Law, University of Missouri, since 1902. Born November 5, 1868, Roanoke, Howard County, Mo. Son of Bernhard Loeb and Bertha
Myer. Educated at Columbia, Mo., private schools, University
of Missouri, Columbia (B. S., 1887, M.S. and LL. B., 1893);
Columbia University, New York (Ph.D., 1901); Berlin University. Teaching Fellow in history, University of Missouri, 18921894; University Fellow in jurisprudence, Columbia University,
New York, 1S94-1895; assistant professor History, 1895-1899; and
professor History, 1899-1902, University of Missouri. Secretary
State Historical Society of Missouri, 1898-1901. Author: The
Legal Property Relations of Married Parties. A Study in Comparative Legislation, Columbia University Studies in History,
Economics, and Public Law; The German Colonial Fiscal System,
publications American Economic Association; How the Commonwealth is Governed in the State of Missouri, published by Missouri Commission to Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Has written
articles in various periodicals. Address: University of Missouri,
Columbia, Mo.
*Loeb, Jacques. Professor of Physiology, University of California, since 1902. Born April 7, 1859, in Germany. Graduate
Ascanisches Gymnasium, Berlin; studied medicine at Berlin,
Munich, and Strassburg (M. D., 1884). State examination, 1885,
Strassburg. Assistant in physiology, University of Wiirzburg,
1886-1888; assistant in physiology, University of Strassburg, 18881890; biological station, Naples, 1889-1891; associate in biology,
Bryn Mawr, 1891-1892; assistant professor physiology and experimental biology, 1892-1895; associate professor, 1895-1900; professor, 1900-1902, University of Chicago. Married Anne L. Leonard. Author: The Heliotropism of Animals and its Identity with
the Heliotropism of Plants, 1890; Physiological Morphology, 1891,
1892; Introduction to the Comparative Physiology of the Brain
and Comparative Psychology, Leipzig, 1899; Comparative Physiol-
ogy of the Brain and Comparative Psychology, 1900. Address:
Berkeley, Cal.
*Loeb, Louis. Artist, Illustrator. Born Cleveland, O. Son
of Alexander Loeb and Sarah Ehrman. Studied under Gerome
in Paris. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1895; third medal
Paris Salon; two silver medals, Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo,
1901; second Hallgarten prize, National Academy of Design, 1902.
Associate National Academy of Design, 1901. Address: 58 West
57th, New York.
Loeb, Morris. Chemist. Born May 23, 1863, Cincinnati, O.
Educated at New York College of Pharmacy, Harvard University,
and Universities of Berlin, Heidelberg, and Leipzig. Private
assistant to Professor Gibbs, Newport, R. I., 1888; docent
at Worcester University, Mass., 1889. Has been professor of
Chemistry, since 1891, and director of the chemical laboratory,
since 1894, New York University. Interested in Jewish affairs
and movements, and holds offices in many charitable associations
and other communal organizations. Was vice-president Hebrew
Technical College; president Hebrew Charities Building Fund;
director, 1892-1897, Educational Alliance, and is now director of
the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Author of various
scientific articles, chiefly on physical and inorganic chemistry.
Address: 273 Madison Av., New York.
Loew, Rosalie. See Whitney, Rosalie Loew.
Loveman, Robert. Poet. Born April 11, 1864, Cleveland, O.
Son of David Reuben Loveman and Esther Schwartz. Educated
at Dalton, Ga., and University of Alabama (A.M.). Author:
Collections of Poems, 1889, 1893, 1897; A Book of Verses, 1900;
The Gates of Silence with Interludes of Song, 1903, New York.
Address: Dalton, Ga.
Lovenberg, Isidore. President Galveston School Board. Born
September 9, 1843, Paris, France. Son of Isaac Lovenberg and
Fleurrette Laurier. Educated at Paris Talmud Torah. Married
Jennie Samuels. President District No. 7, Independent Order
B'nai B'rith, 1895-1896. Now president Board of Trustees Galveston Orphans' Home; director and secretary Rosenberg Library
Association. Member of Galveston School Board for eighteen
years. Address: 2201 Strand, Galveston, Texas.
Low, A. Maurice. Author and Journalist. Born July 14, 1860,
London, England. Son of Maximillian Low and Theresa Schach-
erls. Educated at London and in Austria. Married Annie W.
Baden. Specialty, European and American politics. Author:
The Supreme Surrender; Protection in the United States; American Life in Town and Country; The British Workman's Compensation Act; The Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act;
Trade Unionism and British Industries. Contributor to North
American Review, Harper's Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, Scribner's Magazine, Contemporary Review, London, National Review,
London. Address: Washington, D. C.
Lowenburg, Harry. Physician. Born December 25, 1878, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Jacob Lowenburg and Henrietta Lebach.
Educated at Philadelphia public and high schools. A. B., 1897,
and A.M., 1902, Central High School, Philadelphia; M. D., 1901,
Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia. Married Anna R.
Braunstein. Lecturer on Pediatrics, Medico-Chirurgical College;
assistant pediatrist Medico-Chirurgical and Philadelphia General
Hospitals; pediatrist St. Joseph's Hospital Dispensary; lecturer
on Pediatrics and Urinalysis, Nurses' Training School, MedicoChirurgical Hospital. Appointed, by mayor of Philadelphia, 1901,
resident physician Philadelphia General Hospital. Has written
papers on pediatric subjects. Address: 2321 North 16th, Philadelphia, Pa.
Lubin, David. Merchant and Farmer. Born June 10, 1849,
Klodowa, Poland. Son of Simon Lubin and Rachel Holtz. Educated at New York public schools. Married Florence Platnauer.
President California Art Museum Association; United States delegale to the International Agricultural Congress at Budapest,
Hungary, 1896. Distributed several hundred thousand pamphlets,
among members of the Grange, on the Protective Tariff and its
influence on the producers of the staples of agriculture, 1893-1901;
pamphlet debated in the United States Senate. Inventor of the
Lubin Windlass Cultivator. Author: Let there be Light, 1900.
Residence: 278 West 113th. Office: care Weinstock, Lubin & Co.,
395 Broadway, New York.
Lust, Adeline C. (Mrs. Philip G.). Author. Born April 12,
1860, at Crefeld, Germany. Daughter of Albert Cohnfeld and
Henrietta Davis. Educated at boarding school in England and
privately at home. Came to America, 1876. Married Philip Lust.
Developed good voice early in life, and was destined for concert
platform; owing to an unforeseen incident the plan was not carried out. Author: Features of New York Life (New York Illustrated Weekly Graphic); Harum Scarum (serial story for Cincinnati Graphic); A Tent of Grace. Has written short stories,
editorials, and various articles for American Press Association.
Address: 4744 Vincennes Av., Chicago, 111.
Lyons, Julius J. Lawyer. Born October 7, 1843, New York
City. Son of Rabbi Jacques J. Lyons and Grace Nathan. Educated in New York City public schools and University City of New
York Grammar School. Married Constance Hendricks. Was
honorary secretary for ten years, and director Montefiore Home
for Chronic Invalids; secretary for over ten years and honorary
secretary and director Mount Sinai Hospital; director, incorporator, and attorney for The State Bank, all of New York City.
Judge Advocate, with rank of Major, Third Brigade New York
State National Guard. Prominent as an amateur musician; composed opera The Lady or the Tiger, produced by McCaull's Opera
Company and by De Woolf Hopper Company. Composer of religious and other musical compositions. For many years connected
with and writer for Musical Department, New York Herald, and
for Sunday Herald. Wrote on musical and religious subjects for
other New York newspapers. Founded, organized, and conducted
the largest amateur orchestra in New York, which devoted the
receipts of concerts and operatic entertainments to charitable
and educational purposes. Address: 76 William, New York.
Mack, Julian W. Judge of Circuit Court, Cook County, 111.,
and Professor of Law, University of Chicago. Born July 19, 1S66.
San Francisco, Cal. Son of William J. Mack and Rebecca Tandler. Educated at Cincinnati public and high schools, Harvard
University Law School (LL. B., 1887), and Universities of Berlin
and Leipzig. Received special teacher's medal, Hughes High
School, Cincinnati, 1884; holder of Parker Fellowship Harvard
University for study in foreign universities, 1887-1890. Married
Jessie Fox. Professor of Law Northwestern University, 18951902; at University of Chicago, since 1902; Civil Service Commissioner City of Chicago, 1903; judge Circuit Court, since 1903;
president National Conference of Jewish Charities, 1904; secretary United Hebrew Charities of Chicago, 1892-1900; trustee,
1903-1904, and secretary, 1900-1903, and again since 1904, Associated Jewish Charities of Chicago. Office: Court House. Residence: 4651 Drexel Block, Chicago, 111.
Walter, Henry. Professor Medieval Philosophy and Arabic,
Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, O. Born March 23, 1S69,
Zabno, Galicia. Son of Solomon Malter and Rosa Malter. Educated at the normal school of Zabno, University of Berlin, VeitelHeine-Ephraimsche Lehranstalt, Berlin, and Lehranstalt fur die
Wissenschaft des Judenthums, Berlin (Rabbi, 1898). Ph.D., 1894,
University of Heidelberg. Married Bertha Freund. Librarian
Bibliothek der jiidischen Gemeinde von Berlin, 1899. Rabbi Congregation Sheerith Israel, Cincinnati, Ohio. Author: Die Abhandlung des abu Hamid Al-Gazzalt, 1896; Siphruth Israel (Hebrew edition of M. Steinschneider's Jewish Literature), with
introduction and notes, 1897; Catalogue of the Library of Fischl
Hirsch, 1899. Contributor to Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums,
Jiidischer Volkskalender, American Journal of Semitic Languages, Deborah, Hebrew Union College Journal and Annual,
Jewish Encyclopedia, and Hebrew periodicals. Address: 3040
Cleinview Av., N. W., Cincinnati, 0.
Mandelkern, Israel. Portrait and Illustrating Photographer.
Born December 10, 1861, Dubin, Volhynia, Russia. Son of Solomon Mandelkern and Chaie Kritzler. Educated at Hebrew Government School, Odessa, Realist School of St. Paul, and Odessa
School of Fine Arts. Married Fanny Magidow. Came to America
in 1882; was connected with first Jewish colony in Oregon. Illustrator of Jewish topics, types, and characters in The World's
Work, Supplement of New York Times, Tribune, Christian Herald, Sun, and other periodicals. Illustrations used by Jewish
Encyclopedia. Address: 1670 Madison Av., New York.
Mandlebaum, Fred. S. Physician, Pathologist to Mount Sinai
Hospital, New York, since 1893- Born January 18, 1867, Hartford, Conn. Son of Jacob Mandlebaum and Henrietta Waldman.
Educated at Hartford public and high school, Bellevue Hospital
Medical College, New York (M. D., 1889), and pursued postgraduate courses in Europe, principally at Vienna and Berlin.
House physician Mount Sinai Hospital, 1891; lecturer on clinical
medicine, New York Polyclinic, 1893-1894. Member Academy of
Medicine, New York Pathological Society, New York State Medical Association, and American Association of Pathologists and
Bacteriologists, etc. Has contributed to medical literature. Address: 1300 Madison Av., New York.
Manges, Morris. Physician. Born 1865, New York. Son of
John Feist Manges and Bertha May. Educated at New York
public schools, College City of New York (A. B., 1884; A.M.,
1887); College of Physicians and Surgeons (M. D., 1887); pursued post-graduate courses in Berlin and Vienna: Professor clinical medicine, New York Polyclinic Medical School; visiting
physician Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. Edited translations
of Ewald's Diseases of the Stomach, 1892, 1897. Has written
numerous medical articles. Address: 941 Madison Av., New York.
Mann, Louis. Actor. Born April 20, 1865, New York. Son of
Daniel Mann and Caroline Hecht. Educated privately at New
York and San Francisco, and San Francisco high school and
College. Married Clara Lipman. Began acting at five; at eighteen
travelled with small companies in opposition to the wishes of his
family; later played with the elder Salvini, Lewis Morrison,
J. K. Emmett, etc.; played Utterson, the lawyer, in Daniel Bandmann's production of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; appeared in one
of leading roles in Incog; was original caricaturist of Svengali
in Merry World; created German comedy parts in The Strange
Adventures of Miss Brown, and in Girl from Paris; starred five
years jointly with Clara Lipman, his wife; now starring under
management of Charles B. Dillingham. Address: 1239 Madison
Av., New York.
Mann, Mrs. Louis.
See Lipman, Clara.
Mannheimer, Jennie. Director of School of Expression, College
of Music of Cincinnati. Born January 9, 1872, New York City.
Daughter of Sigmund Mannheimer and Louise Herschman. Educated at Deutsche Real-Schule, Rochester, N. Y.; Hughes High
School, Cincinnati; Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati (B. H.,
1888); University of Cincinnati (B. L., 1892); and College of
Music of Cincinnati. Taught also by private tutors and both
parents. Teacher of Elocution and History, Hughes High School;
founder, principal, and directory of dramatic club, Cincinnati
School of Expression. Teacher Walnut Hills Jewish Sabbath
School, 1890-1893; superintendent, 1892-1893. Leader of Tuesday
Shakespeare Circle since 1903. Read Midsummer Night's Dream
with Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra at College of Music Silver
Jubilee, 1903. Has given recitals before many clubs. Address:
639 June, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O.
Mannheimer, Louise. Born September 3, 1845, Prague, Bohemia. Daughter of Joseph Herschman and Katherine Urbach.
Educated at St. Teine School, privately, and at Normal School,
Prague, and University of Cincinnati. Married Sigmund Mannheimer. Director of private school, Prague; Sabbath School
teacher, Congregation Berith Kodesh, Rochester; teacher Mrs.
Leopold Weil's School, New York; contralto, Temple Ahawath
Chesed, New York; Sabbath School teacher, Temple Shaare
Emeth, St. Louis; president German Women's Club, Rochester;
founder and president, Boys' Industrial School, Cincinnati. Inventor Pureairin Patent Ventilator. Speaker World's Fair Congress of History, 1893, and of Religions, 1893, Chicago; for Mothers' Meetings, Cincinnati. Has written poems for German and
English periodicals; prize poem, The Harvest. Author: How Joe
Learned to Darn Stockings, and other juvenile stories. Translated Nahida Remy's The Jewish Woman. Composer of The
Maiden's Song. Address: 639 June, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, 0.
Mannheimer, Sigmund. Professor, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, O. Born May 16, 1835, Kernel, Germany. Son of Simon
Mannheimer and Yette Levi. Educated at Seminary of Ems,
Prussia, and University of Paris (Bachelor of Letters, 1863; Professor, 1864). Married Louise Herschman. Author: Hebrew
Reader and Grammar. Translated into German S. Klein's La
Verite sur le Talmud (Judaisme); into English, Solomon Alami's
Iggeret Musar; Nehemiah Brull's Sabbatai Zebi; Anatole LeroyBeaulieu's L'Antisemitisme. Contributor to the Jewish Encyclopedia. Address: 639 June, Cincinnati, O.
Marcus, Edwin. Staff Artist New York Herald. Born March
16, 1885, Dutch Kills, L. I. Son of Adolph Marcus and Caecilie
Schwerin. Educated at New York public schools, Morris High
School, and Art Students League; and attended night classes at
Cooper Union. Filled mercantile position after leaving Morris
High School; was apprenticed with the American Lithograph
Company, there learning to draw on stone; has since been sketch
artist for Sackett and Wilhelm Lithograph Company; cartoonist
for a Hungarian Weekly; artist on Herald staff since 1902, doing
chiefly decorative work for the Magazine Section and assignment
work. Has made cartoon for the Telegram. Exhibited work
with various associations at the Waldorf, Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, etc. Address: 127 East 90th, New York.
Marcus, Louis William. Surrogate of Erie County, New York.
Born May 18, 1863, Buffalo, N. Y. Son of Leopold Marcus. Educated at Williams' Academy, and Buffalo High School; LL. B.,
1889, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Married Ray R. Dahlman.
Elected surrogate of Erie County for term of six years, 1895; reelected, 1901. Address: 10 City and County Hall, Buffalo, N. Y.
Margolis, Max Leopold. Associate Professor Semitic Languages, University of California, Berkeley, Cal., since 1898. Born
October 15, 1866, Merecz, Wilna, Russia. Son of Rabbi Isaac
Margolis and Hinde Zirilstein. Educated privately and in schools
of native town, 1875-1879; Leibnitz Gymnasium, Berlin, 1885-1889
(testimonium maturitatis, 1889); School of Philosophy, Columbia
University, New York (M. A., 1890; Pb.D., 1891). Instructor and
later assistant professor Hebrew and Biblical Exegesis, Hebrew
Union College, Cincinnati, 1892-1897; assistant professor Semitic
languages, University of California, 1897-1898. Member of various learned societies. Author: Commentarius Isaacidis quatenus
ad textum talmudicum investigandum adhiberi possit tractatu
Erubhin ostenditur, 1891; The Columbia College MS. of Meghilla,
1892; An Elementary Text Book of Hebrew Accidence, 1893; The
Theological Aspect of Reformed Judaism, 1904. Has written numerous articles in American and foreign scientific magazines. Address: University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Markens, Isaac. Journalist. Born October 9, 1846, New York.
Son of Elias Markens and Rosetta Friedlander. Educated at
Richmond, Va., private schools and New York public schools.
Married Rachel Benjamin. Assistant manager, United Press
Association, New York; reportorial staff New York Commercial
Advertiser, New York Evening Mail and Express, New York Recorder, and Commercial Edition New York Star; private secretary
to Albert Fink, Railroad Trunk Line Commissioner; private
secretary to Gen. John M. Corse, and to E. H. Green, president
Louisville and Nashville R. R. Co.; secretary to Board of Arbitration of Eastern and Western Railroads. Member Blue Lodge,
and Royal Arch Chapter of Masons; Knights of Pythias; Knights
of Honor; Knights and Ladies of Honor, and Free Sons of Israel.
Author: Hebrews in America, 1888. Address: 2460 Seventh Av.,
New York.
Marks, Marcus M. President of David Marks & Sons, Clothing
Manufacturers. Born March 18, 1858, New York. Son of David
Marks and Leontine Meyer. Educated in New York public
schools and College City of New York. Married Esther Friedman.
President National Association of Clothiers; chairman Conciliation Committee Civic Federation; second vice-president Educatonal Alliance; trustee Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association; director Credit Men's Association. Has written pamphlets
and magazine articles on the labor question and on credit cooperation. Address: 687 Broadway, New York.
Marshall, Louis. Lawyer. Born December 14, 1856, Syracuse,
New York. Son of Jacob Marshall and Zilli Strauss. Educated
in Syracuse high school, and Columbia University Law School,
New York City. Married Florence Lowenstein. Appointed member of Commission to Revise Judiciary Article of New York Constitution, by Governor Hill, 1890; member New York Constitutional Convention, 1894, and of Commission to investigate Rabbi
Joseph Riot, 1902. Chairman Executive Committee Jewish Theological Seminary of America; trustee and secretary Temple
Emanu-El, New York; director Educational Alliance, Jewish Pro-
tectory and Aid Society, etc. Lecturer Constitutional Law, Syracuse University Law School. Has written essays, lectures, and
addresses on legal topics and subjects pertaining to Judaism and
charity. Was interested in establishment of The Jewish World, a
Yiddish daily. Residence: 47 East 72d. Office: 30 Broad, New
Marx, Alexander. Professor of History and Literature, and
Librarian, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York
City. Born January 29, 1878, Elberfeld, Germany. Son of George
Marx and Gertrude Simon. Educated at Kneiphof Gymnasium, Konigsberg; Universities of Konigsberg (Ph.D., 1903) and
Berlin; Rabbinerseminar, Berlin, and Veitel-Heine-Ephraimsche
Lehranstalt, Berlin. Was Scientific Aid at Royal Library, Berlin.
Author: Seder '01am (cap. 1-10) nach Handschriften und Druckwerken herausgegeben, iibersetzt und erklart, 1903. Has written
short articles and reviews, in Orientalische Literaturzeitung, and
Zeitschrift fur hebraische Bibliographie. Address: 371 West
116th, New York.
Masliansky, Harris. Preacher and Lecturer Educational Alliance, New York City. Born Sivan 3, 1856, Slutzk, Minsk, Russia.
Son of Rabbi Chayim Masliansky and Rebecca Popok. Educated
in the Talmudical Colleges of Mir and Volosin. Rabbinical
authorization conferred by Rabbi Isaac Elchanan, Kovno, and
Rabbi Samuel Mohilever, Bialystok. Married Yetta Rubinstein.
Was principal Hebrew public schools, Pinsk; founder of a Hebrew
school at Ekaterinoslav, and later travelling preacher. Preached
in three hundred towns of Russia, Germany, Great Britain,
France, Holland, Belgium, and the United States. Interested in
propaganda of Zionism, after anti-Jewish riots in Russia, 1882;
banished from Russia for liberal utterances at public meetings,
1894; arrived in the United States, 1895; appointed official lecturer in Yiddish by the Educational Alliance, 1898; an organizer
and the president, 1902-1904, of the Lebanon Printing and Publishing Company, which issued a daily, The Jewish World.
Author: Stories of my Travels (2 parts). Has written literary
articles in Hebrew and jargon periodicals. About three hundred
of his lectures have been published. Address: 262 East Broadway, New York. May, Mitchell. Lawyer. Born July 10, 1871, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Son of Nathan May and Matilda Miihlhauser. Educated in Brooklyn public schools and Polytechnic Institute. LL. B., Columbia
College Law School, New York. Married Pauline Joli. Was
member of Congress from Sixth New York Congressional District
in the Fifty-sixth Congress. President Unity Club of Brooklyn,
1896-1900; charter director Brooklyn Hospital and Hebrew Educational Society, Brooklyn. Residence: 95 Division Av. Office: 350
Fulton, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mayer, Edward Everett. Physician. Born June 18, 1875, Allegheny, Pa. Son of Rabbi Lippman Mayer and Elise Hecht. Educated in Pittsburg; B. A., 1895; M. D., 1897; M. A., 1898, Western
University of Pennsylvania; courses at Universities of Wiirzburg,
Vienna, Paris, and London. Married Rose Mae Lamm. Associate
professor Mental and Nervous Diseases, Western University of
Pennsylvania; neurologist to Memorial Hospital for Crippled
Children and to Presbyterian Hospital; president Western Pennsylvania Medical Society; treasurer Pittsburg Academy of Medicine. Was city physician Allegheny City; first national president
Phi Beta Pi Medical Fraternity; physician for Western Pennsylvania to National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives, Denver.
Translated and edited Oppenheim's Diseases of the Nervous System. Address: 524 Penn Av., Pittsburg, Pa.
Mayer, Emil. Physician, Specialist for Diseases of the Nose,
Throat, and Ear. Born May 23, 1854, New York City. Son of
David Mayer and Henrietta Rosenbaum. Educated in New York
public schools, and College City of New York. Graduate College of
Pharmacy, 1873, and M. D., 1877, New York University. Married
Louise Blume. Surgeon Throat Department, New York Eye and
Ear Infirmary, since 1893; adjunct attending laryngologist, Mount
Sinai Hospital; chairman of Section on Laryngology and Otology,
American Medical Association, 1898-1899; of Section on Laryngology, New York Academy of Medicine, 1902; chairman, 1901, and
now vice-president, Fifth District Branch New York State Medical Association. Member House of Delegates American Medical
Association, 1902-1904; and of a number of medical societies.
Originator of tubes used in nasal operations, and other instruments. American editor Internationales Centralblatt fur Laryngologie. Contributor to American and European medical journals.
One of the authors of Text Book on Diseases of the Nose and
Throat. Address: 25 East 77th, New York.
Mayer, Henry (" Hy" Mayer). Artist, Caricaturist. Born
July 18, 1868, Worms, Germany. Son of Hermann Mayer, Sr.,
and Helene Loeb. Educated at Worms Gymnasium. Contributor
to Life, Judge, Truth, Harper, Century, Fliegende Blatter, Figaro
Illustre, Le Rire, Black and White, and Pall Mall Magazine.
Works: In Laughland; Fantasies in Ha Ha; Autobiography of a
Monkey; A Trip to Toyland; Adventures of a Japanese Doll;
The Real New York. Address: 30 West 24th, New York.
Mayer, Julius M. Lawyer. Born September 5, 1865, New York.
Son of Joseph Daniel Mayer and Fannie Marshuetz. A. B., 1884,
College City of New York; LL. B., 1886, Columbia College Law
School. Counsel to Excise Board, 1895-1896, Building Department, 1897-1898; justice Court of Special Sessions, 1902-1904;
counsel, 1894, to Legislative Committee which investigated condition of women and children in workshops, and effected important remedial legislation as to factories; all in New York City.
At present president Jewish Protectory and Aid Society, New
York. Residence: 375 West 123d. Office: 38 Park Row, New
Meltzer, Samuel James. Physician, and Associate Rockefeller
Institute for Medical Research. Born March 22, 1851, Troip,
Kovno, Russia. Son of Simon Meltzer. Received rabbinical education in Russia; general education at Konigsberg, Prussia. M. D.,
1882, University of Berlin; also studied philosophy at University
of Berlin. President Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, and American Gastro-Enterological Association; fellow Association for the Advancement of Science, and of New York Academy of Science; chairman Section of Physiology World's Congress
of Arts and Sciences at Louisiana Purchase Exposition; member
Association of American Physicians, American Physiological Society, Society of American Pathologists, Society of American
Bacteriologists, etc. Attending physician Harlem (Bellevue)
Hospital. Author of over ninety publications on biology, physiology, scientific and practical medicine. Address: 107 West 122d,
New York.
Messing, Alfred H. News Editor Hearst's Chicago Examiner.
Born November 9, 1875, Williamsport, Pa. Son of Henry J. Messing and Jennie May. Educated in St. Louis public and high
schools, and Washington University (St. Louis, Mo.) Law Department. Married Grace Moss. Was real estate editor, St. Louis
Globe Democrat; Sunday, telegraph, city, and assistant managing
editor, of St. Louis Star. Address: care Hearst's Chicago American, 214-216 Madison, Chicago, 111.
*Meyer, Adolph. Member of Congress from First District of
Louisiana. Born October 19, 1842. Was a student at the University of Virginia until 1862, during which year he entered the Confederate army and served until the close of the war on the staff
of Brigadier-General John S. Williams, of Kentucky, holding finally the position of assistant adjutant general; at the close of the
war returned to Louisiana, and has been engaged largely in the
culture of cotton and sugar since; has also been engaged in com-
mercial and financial pursuits in the city of New Orleans; was
elected colonel of the First Regiment of Louisiana State National
Guard in 1879, and in 1881 was appointed brigadier-general to
command the First Brigade, embracing all the uniformed corps
of the State; was elected to the Fifty-second, Fifty-third, Fiftyfourth, Fifty-fifth, Fifty-sixth, and Fifty-seventh Congresses, and
re-elected to the Fifty-eighth Congress.
Meyer, Alfred. Physician. Born June 18, 1854, New York
City. Son of Isaac Meyer and Mathilda Langenbach. Educated in
Doctor Gerke's German American Institute. A. B. and A. M.,
Columbia University; M. D., College of Physicians and Surgeons;
pursued courses at Universities of Leipzig and Vienna. Married
Annie Florance Nathan. Attending physician Mount Sinai Hospital; consulting physician Bedford Sanitarium for Consumptives
of Montefiore Home, and for Diseases of Lungs, United Hebrew
Charities; chairman Library Committee, New York Academy of
Medicine; director United Hebrew Charities. Active worker for
the establishment of a New York State Hospital for Incipient
Tuberculosis; made the first plea for a Municipal Sanatorium for
Consumptives before the New York Academy of Medicine. Author:
On Empyema; On the Pathology of Bright's Disease; On the
Massachusetts State Hospital for Consumptives; On Paroxysmal
Tachycardia; On Five Hundred Cases of Lobar Pneumonia; On
the Relationship of Fistula in Ano to Pulmonary Tuberculosis, On
a Case of Complete Fibrous Obstruction of the Superior and
Inferior Venas Cavae, etc. Address: 801 Madison Av., New York.
Meyer, Annie Nathan (Mrs. Alfred). Writer. Born February
19, 1867, New York City. Daughter of Robert Weeks Nathan and
Anne Augusta Florance. Taught at home, and at a school for
one year. Took one year examinations at Columbia College before
Barnard was founded. Married Dr. Alfred Meyer. Was chairman
Literary Congress Chicago World's Fair Congresses of Women;
trustee Aguilar Free Circulating Library; and has been trustee
Barnard College since its foundation. Founder of Barnard College; wrote essay on Need of an Affiliated College for Women, in
The Nation, January, 1888, placed in corner-stone of one of the
Barnard College buildings; wrote original petition to trustees of
Columbia College, and obtained all the hundreds of signatures to
it; for four years personally raised most of the funds for the
College, also got together first board of trustees. Author:
Women's Work in America; Helen Brent, M. D.; My Park Book;
Robert Annyss, Poor Priest. Writer on literary subjects, skits,
sketches, critiques on painting and on fiction, appearing in Bookman, Critic, Harper's Monthly, Bazar, and Weekly, North Ameri-
can Review, Lippincott's, Evening Post, New Era, American
Hebrew and Jewish Messenger. Address: 801 Madison Av., New
Mielziner, Leo. Artist. Born December 8, 1869, New York.
Son of Rabbi Moses Mielziner and Rosette Levald. Educated at
Cincinnati Art Academy and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Married Ella M. Friend. Was first vice-president American Art Association, Paris. Made oil portrait of the late Dr. M. Mielziner;
portrait busts of the late Dr. I. M. Wise and of Israel Zangwill;
miniature portrait of Dr. Alexandre Marmorek. Address: 17, rue
Boissonade, Paris, France.
Miller, Sara. Teacher New York elementary schools. Born
November 7, 1876, New York. Daughter of Emanuel Miller and
Carolina Katz. Educated in elementary private and public
schools, Normal College, and Columbia University. Author:
Under the Eagle's Wing. Address: 183 West 87th, New York.
Milwitzky, William. Philologist. Born December 24, 1874, Janishki, Lithuania, Russia. Son of Jacob Menasseh Milwitzky and
Hinda Riva Mandelstamm. Educated in German Gymnasium,
Goldingen, Courland; Newark, N. J., public and high schools,
Columbia College, New York, and University of Paris (eleve
titulaire de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes). Was private instructor
to the son of Gaston Paris, 1896-1898; assistant Philological Department, Harvard College Library, 1899-1900; assistant Jewish
Encyclopedia, 1900-1901; engaged in private work and publication of philological studies, since 1901; is collecting and arranging
material for philological work on Spanish dialects. Emigrated to
America, 1888; private pupil of Gaston Paris, 1895-1898; travelled
through Turkey, Greece, and Roumania, to collect material for
study of Judfeo-Spanish dialects. Contributed articles to Modern
Language Notes, and Jewish Encyclopedia (vols. 1-3). Author:
(in collaboration with Gaston Paris) Glossaires latin-francais du
Moyen Age (unpublished); (in collaboration with S. Berger) La
Bible en Espagne. Address: Quinta Palatino, Cerro, Habana,
Cuba, or 367 Morris Av., Newark, N. J.
Mordecai, Augustus. Assistant Chief Engineer Erie Railroad.
Born September 8, 1847, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Alfred Mordecai
and Sara A. Hays. Educated in private schools and Polytechnic
College of the State of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Married Margaret E. Bowman. Appointed engineer Pennsylvania Railroad,
1867; St. Louis, Council Bluffs, and Omaha Railroad, 1870; Pittsburg, Virginia, and Charleston Railroad, 1871; Atlantic and Great
Western Railroad, 1873; general roadmaster New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio Railroad, 1888; chief engineer Erie Railroad,
1892; assistant chief engineer Brie Railroad, 1894. Address: Garfleld Building, Cleveland, O.
Moritz, Albert. Lieutenant-Commander United States Navy; at
present Chief Engineer United States Battleship Alabama. Born
June 8, 1860, Cincinnati, O. Son of Mayer Moritz and Caroline
Frank. Educated in public schools, New York City; College City
of New York, 1875-1877. Appointed, by competitive examination,
Cadet Engineer from New York to Naval Academy, Annapolis,
1877. Graduate Naval Academy, 1881. Married Henrietta Goodman. Commissioned assistant engineer, 1883; passed assistant
engineer, 1894; promoted lieutenant, 1899; promoted lieutenantcommander, 1903. Served on the following ships: Enterprise,
1882-1883; Juniata, 1886-1889; Yorktown, Baltimore, and Monterey, 1893-1896; Minneapolis, Saturn, Brooklyn, Topeka, Newark, Yosemite, and Brutus, 1898-1901; Kearsarge and Alabama, 1903-1904. Served on shore: inspector of machinery of
Maine, 1889-1893; New York Navy Yard inspector of brass and
copper material, 1896-1898; inspector of machinery, engineering
material, and ordnance, 1901-1903. Erected first ice-plant, in
Guam, P. I., 1900. Commended for gallant conduct when Yosemite
was wrecked in typhoon off Guam, 1900. Address: Navy Departmen, Washington, D. C.
*Morris, Nelson. Packer. Born January 21, 1839, Black Forest,
Germany. Self-educated. Emigrated to the United States at
twelve; went to Chicago, 1854; secured employment in stock
yards. Began business for himself two years later. Married
Sarah Vogel. President Nelson Morris and Company. Officer or
director of several banks and other enterprises. Residence:
2453 Indiana Av. Office: Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111.
Morse, Godfrey. Lawyer. Born May 19, 1846, Wachenheim,
Bavaria. Son of Jacob Maas Morse and Charlotte Mehlinger.
Educated in Boston public schools. A. B., 1870, and LL. B., 1872,
Harvard University; A.M., 1900, Tufts College. Member Boston
School Committee, 1876-1878; Common Council, 1882-1883, and
president of Council, 1883; commissioner for building a court
house for Suffolk County, Mass., 1885-1892; assistant counsel for
the United States, Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims,
1883; trustee Boston Dental College; president Boston Federation
of Jewish Charities, Leopold Morse Home for Infirm Hebrews and
Orphanage, Boston Branch Alliance Israelite Universelle, Purim
Association, Elysium Club, and member and trustee of many
other charitable and semi-public organizations.
change Building, 53 State, Boston, Mass.
Moschcowitz, Paul. Artist. Born March 4, 1873, Giralt, Hungary. Son of Morris Moschcowitz and Rose Baumgarten. Educated at Giralt and New York public schools. Pupil of H.
Siddons Mowbray, Benjamin Constant, and J. MeNeill Whistler.
Instructor Art Students League, 1902; Sketch Club, 1896-1897,
both of New York. Member Society of American Artists; trustee
Artists Aid Society of New York. Has painted numerous portraits. Address: 939 Eighth Av., New York.
Moses, Jacob M. Lawyer. Born 1873, Baltimore, Md. Son of
Moses Moses and Rose Levi. Educated in Baltimore public
schools. A. B., 1893, Johns Hopkins University; LL. B., 1895,
University of Maryland. Married Hortense E. Guggenheimer.
State Senator, 1900-1904; member Maryland and Virginia Oyster
Commission, 1902, and member Phi Beta Kappa, Johns Hopkins
University. Author: The Law Applicable to Strikes. Address:
2321 Linden Av., Baltimore, Md.
Mosler, Gustave Henry. Artist. Born June 16, 1875, Munich,
Germany, of American parents, Henry Mosler and Sara Cahn.
Educated at Paris. Received gold medal, Paris Salon, 1901. Picture purchased by Erie Art Club, Erie, Pa. Works: The Empty
Cradle, reproduced by Raphael Tuck; De Profundis, exhibited at
Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo. Address: Euclid
Hall, 2347 Broadway, New York.
Mosler, Henry. Artist. Born June 6, 1841, in Silesia. Son of
Gustave Mosler and Sophie Wiener. Educated in France and
Germany. Married Sara Cahn. Special artist for Harper's Weekly
during Civil War. Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur, 1892, and
Officier d'Academie, 1892; 1879, honorable mention, and 1888, gold
medal, Salon; medal Royal Academy, Munich, 1874; gold medals:
International Exhibition, Nice, France, 1879; Archduke Carl Ludwig of Austria, 1893; Atlanta Exposition, Ga., 1895; The Art Club,
Philadelphia, 1897; and Charleston (S. C.) Exposition, 1902;
silver medal, Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889; Hors Concours,
1890; prize ($2500), Prize Fund Exhibition, New York, 1885;
Thomas B. Clarke prize, National Academy of Design, 1896. Le
Retour purchased, 1879, by the French Government for the Musee
de Luxembourg. Other paintings in museums in Sydney, Australia; Grenoble, France; Louisville, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, and
New York. Address: Euclid Hall, 2347 Broadway, New York.
Moss, Mary. Author. Born September 24, 1864, Chestnut Hill,
Philadelphia. Daughter of Wm. Moss, M. D., and Mary Noronha.
Has written a Jewish novel, Julian Meldohla (Lippincott's, Mar.,
1903); a Jewish story, Judith Liebestraum (Scribner's, August,
1904); a sketch on the Yiddish Theatre in the Philadelphia Press.
Of non-Jewish works, two novels, A Sequence in Hearts and
Fruit Out of Season, as well as essays in the Atlantic Monthly,
McClure's Magazine, The Bookman, Ainslee's, etc. Residence:
Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia.
Moss, William. Physician. Born 1833, Philadelphia, Pa. Son
of Joseph L. Moss and Julia Levy. Studied at University of Pennsylvania; M. D., 1855, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.
Married Mary Noronha. Served in Civil War as private soldier,
16th Pennsylvania Volunteers; surgeon 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry,
and United States Volunteers. Address: Chestnut Av., Chestnut
Hill, Philadelphia, Pa.
Muhlfelder, David. Lawyer, Justice City Court of Albany.
Born December 26, 1860, Ballston Spa, New York. Son of Lewis
Muhlfelder and Rosa Schwarz. Educated in Ballston Spa public
schools; A. B., 1880, Union College, Schenectady; LL. B., 1882,
Albany Law School. Has been officer, director, and trustee, of
social and charitable organizations. Address: 50 Jay, Albany,
N. Y.
Myers, Herman. Mayor of Savannah, Ga. Born January 18,
1847, Bavaria, Germany. Son of Sigmund Myers. Educated at
Richmond, and Warm Springs, Bath County, Va. President
National Bank of Savannah; of Oglethorpe Savings and Trust
Company, and of Macon Railway and Light Company. Address:
Savannah, Ga.
Nathan, Edgar J. Lawyer. Born January 25, 1860, New York
City. Son of Gershom Nathan and Rosalie Gomez. Educated in
Friends Seminary; LL. B., 1881, Columbia University. Married
Sara N. Solis. Belongs to firm of Cardozo and Nathan, direct
successor to Morris and Billings, formed in New York, 1863.
Has had an active professional career of over twenty years.
Address: 128 Broadway, New York.
Nathan, Maud (Mrs. Frederick). President, since 1897, of the
Consumers' League of the City of New York. Born October 20,
1862, New York City. Daughter of Robert Weeks Nathan and
Anne Augusta Florance. Educated in private schools, New York,
and in public high school, Green Bay, Wis. Married Frederick
Nathan. One of the organizers and incorporators, and was vicepresident, Consumers' League, City of New York; was chairman
Committee on Industrial Conditions Affecting Women and Children, in General Federation of Women's Clubs; vice-president
Woman's Municipal League; twice speaker at International Congress of Women; first president Shearith Israel Sisterhood. On
three occasions the only woman speaker at mass meetings with
men. Addressed by invitation: American Academy of Political
and Social Science; Brooklyn and Philadelphia Ethical Culture
Associations; The Cambridge Conferences; Congress of Liberal
Religions; three Biennial Meetings of the General Federation of
Women's Clubs; National Congress of Mothers; National Council
of Women; National Woman's Suffrage Association; People's Institute; and League for Political Education. Has written short articles in North American Review, The World's Work, The New
Era, New York Times, etc.; annual reports; and papers on Christianity and Judaism, read before the Unitarian Alliance of
Women; The Heart of Judaism, read before the Council of Jewish Women, and in pulpit of Temple Beth-El, New York; Philanthropy vs. Charity, read in pulpit of All Souls Unitarian Church,
Chicago. Address: 162 West 86th, New York.
Newburger, Joseph E. Judge Court of General Sessions since
1896. Born 1853, New York City. Son of Emanuel Newburger
and Lotte Fuchs. Educated in New York public schools. LL. B.,
Columbia University. Judge City Court, 1891-1895. Was president Independent Order B'nai B'rith, District No. 1; member
Executive Committee Independent Order Free Sons of Israel, and
Order Kesher Shel Barzel. Now member Board of Trustees and
chairman Executive Committee Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan
Asylum Society, New York. Was trustee and president Congregation Rodeph Shalom; trustee Hebrew Free Schools; and one
of the founders Jewish Theological Seminary of America; all of
New York. Address: Criminal Court Building, New York.
Newburger, Morris. President Mechanics National Bank. Born
November 12, 1834, Haigerloch, Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Germany. Son of Samuel Newburger. Educated in Real-Schule and
Preceptorate, Haigerloch. Vice-president and chairman School
Committee Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, Philadelphia;
president Jewish Publication Society of America, 1888-1902; member Citizens' Permanent Relief Committee, Philadelphia. Paternal ancestors for many generations rabbis and teachers. Address:
323 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa.
Newmark, Leo. Physician, Professor Clinical Neurology, Medical Department University of California. Born May 22, 1861, San
Francisco, Cal. Son of J. P. Newmark and Augusta Leseritz.
Educated in San Francisco public schools, Friedrichs Gymnasium
of Berlin, and University of Berlin. M. D., 1887, University of
Strassburg. Has written articles on subjects relating to diseases
of the nervous system in American and German medical periodicals. Address: 590 Sutter, San Francisco, Cal.
Newmark, Nathan. Lawyer. Born June 3, 1853, New York
City. Son of Simon Newmark. Educated in Sacramento and San
Francisco public schools, and San Francisco Boys High School.
A. B., 1873, and A. M., 1877, University of California; LL. B., 1875,
Harvard University. Admitted to bar, 1875. Editorial contributor to The Hebrew, San Francisco, for twenty years. Author:
On Sales and Bank Deposits; Annotations of California Code of
Civil Procedure and Political Code. Contributor to The Green
Bag, Central Law Journal, etc. Office: 12 Sutter. Residence:
758 Golden Gate Av., San Francisco, Cal.
Nusbaum, Louis. Assistant Professor Pedagogy, Central High
School, Philadelphia, Pa., since 1904. Born 1S77, Philadelphia,
Pa. Son of Isaac Nusbaum and Julia Kohlberg. Studied in
Central High School (A. B., 1893); Philadelphia School of Pedagogy; special student University of Pennsylvania; and Illinois
Wesleyan University (Ph. B., 1899). Instructor Philadelphia elementary schools, 1895-1900; critic teacher, Central High School,
1900-1902; instructor Pedagogy, Central High School, 1902-1904.
Was secretary and treasurer Herbart Club of Philadelphia, 18961899; member Executive Council Educational Club of Philadelphia, 1901-1904; chairman Committee on Publicity, Philadelphia
Teachers' Association, during salary campaign, 1903. At present
secretary Schoolmen's Club of Philadelphia. Compiler: A Hundred Songs for Public Schools. Associate editor, 1899-1902, chief
editor, since 1902, of The Teacher, Philadelphia. Address: Central High School, Broad and Green, or 2422 North Park Av.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Ochs, Adolph S. Publisher The New York Times, Philadelphia
Public Ledger, Chattanooga, Tenn., Times. Born March 12,
1858, Cincinnati, O. Son of Julius Ochs and Bertha Levy. Educated in Knoxville, Tenn., public schools. Married Effie Miriam
Wise, daughter of Rabbi I. M. Wise. Director and treasurer, The
Associated Press. Address: The New York Times, New York.
Ochs, George Washington. Vice-president and General Manager of The Public Ledger, Philadelphia, Pa. Born October
27, 1861, Cincinnati, O. Son of Julius Ochs and Bertha Levy.
Educated in University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Mayor of Chat-
tanooga, 1893-1897 (two terms). President Chamber of Commerce, 1897, Board of Education, 1897-1899, and Library Association, 1892-1897, all of Chattanooga. Delegate National Democratic Convention, Third Tennessee Congressional District, 1892;
delegate from State at large to Sound-Money Democratic Convention, 1896, and Ohio State Delegation; delivered seconding
speech nominating Cleveland, 1892. Chevalier Legion of Honor
of France; decorated by President Loubet through the United
States Secretary of State. Member Executive Committee National
Municipal League, and vice-president 1894-1900. Address: The
Public Ledger, Philadelphia, Pa.
Oppenheim, Nathan. Physician. Born October 17, 1865, Albany,
New York. Son of Gerson Oppenheim and Theresa Stein. Educated in Albany high school. A. B., 1888, Harvard University;
M. D., 1891, Columbia University. Studied and travelled in Germany, Austria, and France. Married Bertha Elsberg. Attending
pediatrist Sydenham Hospital, New York; attending neurologist
New York City Children's Hospital and Schools; was attending
physician Children's Department Mount Sinai Hospital Dispensary, New York. Author: The Development of the Child; The
Medical Diseases of Childhood; The Care of the Child in Health;
Mental Growth and Control. Has written various essays. Address:
50 East 79th, New York City. Summer residence (from July to
September): Basin Harbor, Vermont.
Osterberg, Max. Consulting Engineer. Born June 12, 1869,
Frankfort on the Main, Germany. Son of Henry Osterberg and
Toni Oppenheim. Educated in Real-Schule, and Philanthropin,
Frankfort, 1875-1884. Elec. Eng., 1894; A. M., 1896, Columbia University, New York. Received honorary university fellowship,
1895. Engaged in commerce, 1885-1891; entered college, 1891, to
study electrical engineering, and pursued advanced courses in
mechanics, mathematics, and philosophy. Has done teaching, lecturing, and writing. Member of a number of scientific bodies.
Was editor Electric Power. Author: Text book on Thermodynamics, 1894; Index to Current Electric Literature, 1885. Editor
Proceedings of the Chicago Electrical Congress, 1893. Wrote
pamphlets on Rontgen Rays, etc. Delivered about eight hundred
public lectures, 1894-1903. Address: 11 Broadway, New York.
Paley, John. Editor The Jewish Daily News, and The Jewish
Gazette, since 1893. Born February, 1871, Radishkowitz, Wilna,
Russia. Son of Hyman Paley and Chaye Chortow. Educated in
private schools, Talmudical Colleges of Minsk and Volosin, and
Libau Rabbinical School under Dr. Klein. Married Sophia
Amchaintzky. Editor Volksadvocat, New York, 1889-1891; Jewish Press, Philadelphia, 1891-1892; editor and publisher Volkswachter, 1892-1893. Author: The Russian Nihilists, and Life in
New York, dramas; two vaudevilles for the Yiddish stage; Die
Schwarze Chevrah; Uriel Acosta; Mysteries of the East Side;
The Erev Rav; Yichus und Verbrechen; Das Leben in New York;
etc. Has written over one hundred essays. Address: 161 Barbey,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Pastor, Rose Harriet ("Zelda"). Assistant Editor English
Department, The Jewish Daily News, and The Jewish Gazette.
Born July 18, 1879, Augustovo, Suwalk, Russia. Daughter of
Jacob Weislander and Hinda Lewin. Educated in London Jewish
Free School. Left Russia for London, 1882; attended school from
age of seven to nine; assisted mother by making slipper bows at
home; family emigrated to Cleveland, O., 1891; worked as cigarroller in factory, 1891-1902; wrote first collection of poems, 1898;
wrote a letter to Jewish Daily News, 1900, receiving offer of
monthly check by return mail, with suggestion from the editor
to write talks to girls; has written Talks since 1900; left cigar
factory, 1902, for New York City. Has written short stories,
sketches, and poems, in Jewish Review and Observer, Cleveland,
and International Socialist Review, and numerous essays under
headings Observer, and Just Between Ourselves, Girls, as well
as poems and short stories, in Jewish Daily News, and Jewish
Gazette. Address: 1374 Webster Av., Bronx, New York.
Peixotto, George Da Maduro. Portrait Painter, Painter of
Mural Decorations. Born Cleveland, O. Son of Benjamin Franklin Peixotto and Hannah Straus. Educated in public schools in
the United States, Krause Gymnasium, Dresden, and Dresden
Royal Academy of Arts. United States vice-consul at Lyons,
France, during Garfleld's administration. Received silver medal
of Royal Academy at Dresden. "Works: Portraits from life of
Cardinal Manning, President McKinley, John Hay, William Windom, Chief Justice Morrison R. Waite, Victorien Sardou; and
many others of note; decorations of New Amsterdam Theatre,
and Criterion Club, New York. Address: Carnegie Hall, New
York City.
Peixotto, Irma Maduro. Born January 10, 1881, New York City.
Daughter of Daniel L. M. Peixotto and Ida J. Solomons. Educated
at Washington, D. C, in private schools, and public elementary
and high schools. Has written articles for Lippincott's Magazine,
Bookman, and Good Housekeeping. Drawings published in Good
Housekeeping. Address: 1205 K, Washington, D. C.
Peixotto, Victoria Maud ("Victoria Addison"). Actress. Born
at Lyons, France. Daughter of Benjamin F. Peixotto and Hannah
Straus. Educated at Paris. Played with Mrs. Fisk, 1902; Stuart
Rohson, 1903; Henry Miller, 1904. Has been on the stage two
years; was the last Agnes of Stuart Robson in his favorite
play, The Henrietta, and has come under the favorable notice
of Belasco, Mrs. Fisk, and the Frohman brothers. Has toured the
West as far as San Francisco. Specialty: interpretation of classical and modern comedy roles. Address: Carnegie Hall, New
York City.
Pessels, Constance. Teacher of English, San Antonio High
School, San Antonio, Texas, since 1897. Born September 9, 1864,
New York City. Son of Gustave Pessels and Aloine Steenbock.
Studied in University of Texas, Austin. B. L., 1886; M. A., 1892;
Ph. D., J894, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Teacher in
Tyler (Tex.) high school, 1887-1888; Galveston public schools,
1S88-1891; instructor in English, University of Texas, 1896-1897.
Author: The Present and Past Periphrastic Tenses in AngloSaxon (Dissertation), 1896; The Religious and Ethical Import
of Judaism, published in the Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth
Annual Session of District Grand Lodge No. 7, Independent Order
B'nai B'rith. Address: 429 Goliod, San Antonio, Texas.
*Phillips, Barnet. Journalist. Born November 9, 1828, Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate, 1847, University of Pennsylvania. Studied
in Europe and engaged in journalism. Since 1872 on staff of
New York Times. Author: The Struggle; Burning their Ships.
Address: 41 Park Row, New York.
Phillips, J. Campbell. Artist. Born February 27, 1873, New
York City. Son of Isaac Phillips and Adeline Cohen. Studied in
Metropolitan Museum of Art School, Art Students League, and
private studio of William M. Chase. Illustrator for New York
Herald, Truth, Judge, Once a Week (now Collier's Weekly), at
sixteen years of age; illustrator for Harper's, Scribner's, and other
magazines, until 1900. Then devoted time to painting in oils,
making a specialty of negro life on the rice and cotton plantations.
At present makes a specialty of portraits. First painting exhibited in National Academy, 1893; has since exhibited in National
Academy, Society of American Artists, and throughout the United
States. Works: Cupid's Calendar, 1898; Plantation Sketches,
1899; reproductions and engravings from paintings, among them
Breaking Home Ties, The Hunter's Yarn, Memories, Meditations,
etc. Address: Carnegie Hall Studios, 56th and 7th Av., New
Phillips, Morris. Author, Traveller, Editor (retired from active life). Born May 9, 1834, London, England. Son of Philip
Phillips. Educated in Cleveland, O., and under private tutors, New
York; studied law in Buffalo and New York. Married Elizabeth
Rode. Entered law office of Brown, Hall, and Vanderpoel; associated himself with the old Mirror; in conjunction with the poets
N. P. Willis and George P. Morris, its founders, conducted the
New York Home Journal (since 1900 Town and Country), 1854;
became sole editor and proprietor in the 80's; and at present retains proprietary interest in it. Originated publication of social
news and other features of modern journalism. Travelled extensively in America and abroad. Author: Abroad and at Home.
Has contributed to many periodicals and newspapers, especially
travel sketches. Address: 235 Broadway, New York.
Phillips, Naphtali Taylor. Deputy Comptroller New York City
since 1902. Born December 5, 1868, New York City. Son of Isaac
Phillips and Miriam Trimble. Educated in Columbia Grammar
School; LL. B., 1888, Columbia University. Married Rosalie Solomons. Member New York State Legislature, 1898-1901; member
Joint Statutory Revision Commission of Legislature, State of New
York, 1900; member New York bar and bar of United States
Supreme Court; Sons of American Revolution; Bar Association
of New York City; New York Historical Society, etc. Contributor
to Publications American Jewish Historical Society. Address:
280 Broadway, New York.
Platzek, M. Warley. Lawyer. Born August 27, 1854, North
Carolina. Graduate University of New York; LL. B., 1876; LL. D.,
1899, Rutherford College, North Carolina. Member Constitutional
Convention, 1894, New York. Trustee College City of New York.
Author: (essays) Trial by Jury; Israel and Islam; American
Grit; etc. Address: 320 Broadway, New York.
Pollak, Gustav, Editor Babyhood, since 1884, and Contributor
to The New York Evening Post. Born May 4, 1849, Vienna, Austria. Son of Lazar Pollak and Magdalena Klein. Educated at
Vienna. Married Celia Heilprin. Was connected with the editorial revision of the Century Cyclopedia and the New International Encyclopedia. Cashier New York Evening Post, 1881-1893.
Was interested in local political matters while resident of Summit,
N. J., 1884-1901; nominated State Senator from Union County, by
the Sound-Money Democrats, 1896; several times a delegate to the
State conventions at Trenton. Author: (with Dr. L. M. Yale)
The Century Book for Mothers, and Our Success in Child Training. Wrote article on Vienna in Appleton's New American Ency11
clopedia; contributor for many years to Nation and Evening Post
on foreign politics and literary matters. Address: 219 West
138th, New York.
Popper, William. Gustav Gottheil Lecturer in Semitic Languages, Columbia University; Associate Revising Editor and
Chief of Bureau of Translation, Jewish Encyclopedia. Born
October 26, 1874, St. Louis, Mo. Son of Simon Popper and Barbara Cohn. Educated in Brooklyn public schools; College City of
New York; A. B., 1896; A.M., 1897, and Ph.D., 1899, Columbia
University. Studied also in Universities of Strassburg and Berlin;
Seminar fur Orientalische Sprachen, Berlin; Ecole Spgciale des
Langues Orientales Vivantes; Ecole des Hautes Etudes; College de
France, Paris. Travelled in Germany, France, Austria, and Spain,
1899-1901; Egypt, Syria, Palestine, the Hauran, North Syrian
Desert, the Euphrates region, Bagdad, and Bombay, 1901-1902.
Contributed to the Jewish Encyclopedia and the International
Encyclopedia. Doctor dissertation: The Censorship of Hebrew
Books, 1899. Address: 260 West 93d, New York.
Price, George Moses. Physician and Sanitarian. Born May
21, 1864, Poltava, Russia. Son of Nison Pris. Educated in Real
Gymnasium, Russia; M. D., 1895, New York University Medical
College. Married Anna Orshansky. Came to America in 1882.
Sanitary inspector, New York Sanitary Society, 1884; manager
Model Tenements, 1888; correspondent American Hebrew, Jewish
Messenger, and Evening Post, 1889; inspector New York State
Tenement Commission, 1894; inspector New York Health Department since 1895. Author: Russian Hebrews in America (published in Russian and in Yiddish), 1891; A Handbook on Sanitation, 1901; The Sanitary Laws of Moses, 1901; Tenement-House
Inspection, 1904; The Hygiene of Occupations, 1903. Address:
254 East Broadway, New York.
Putzel, Lewis. Lawyer. Born December 16, 1866, Baltimore,
Md. Son of Selig G. Putzel and Sophie Neuberger. Educated in
Baltimore public schools. Graduate Baltimore City College;
LL. B., 1888, University of Maryland. Married Birdie Rosenberg.
Elected to Maryland House of Delegates, 1895; to State Senate,
1897, re-elected, 1901; Republican caucus nominee for President of
the Senate, 1902. Appointed Baltimore city attorney, 1896; appointed member Charter Commission that prepared new charter
for City of Baltimore, 1898; president Republican city convention,
1903. Residence: 804 Reservoir. Office: 114 East Lexington,
Baltimore, Md.
" Ralph Royal."
See Abarbanell, Jacob Ralph.
Rayner, Isidor. Lawyer, United States Senator-elect from Maryland. Born April 11, 1850, Baltimore, Md. Son of William S.
Rayner. Educated in University of Virginia, Academic and Law
Departments. Student in law office of Messrs. Brown and Brune,
Baltimore. Married Miss Bevan. Elected member Maryland Legislature, 1878; was acting chairman of Judiciary Committee during
the session; returned to practice of law until 1886, when he was
elected State Senator, again working on the Judiciary Committee
and taking leading part in debates. Was elected to Congress,
1886, and has served three times in Congress since, each time
receiving unanimous nomination; declined nomination for a
fourth term. Served upon the Committees of Foreign Affairs,
Coinage, Weights and Measures, and Commerce; was chairman
Committee on Organization, conducting contest for repeal of the
Sherman Silver Bill. Elected attorney-general of Maryland, 1899.
Conducted canvass with Vice-president Stevenson in the Eastern
States in Cleveland campaigns; was leading counsel for Rear
Admiral Schley before the Court of Inquiry. Address: 8 East
Lexington, Baltimore.
Reiwitch, Herman L. Assistant Advertising Manager, Selz,
Schwab, and Company, Chicago, 111. Born December 25, 1868,
Odessa, Russia. Son of David Reiwitch and Fannie Zack. Left
school at eleven years of age to aid in support of family. Came
to America at the age of three; removed from New York to
Chicago at twelve. Married Fay Sachs. Messenger boy until
fourteen; entered the office of The Chicago Tribune, remaining
there for ten years in the capacity of office boy, reporter, and
assistant editor; for one year assistant city editor Chicago Herald
(now Record-Herald), and for ten years its city editor. Was
labor reporter on the Tribune during the Haymarket riot, 1886.
Address: 5335 Prairie Av., Chicago, 111.
Rice, Isaac Leopold. Born February 22, 1850, Wachenheim,
Bavaria. Son of Meier Rice and Fanny Sohn. Educated in public
schools and Central High School, Philadelphia. Graduate Law
School Columbia College, 1880. LL. D., 1902, Bates College. Married Julia Hynemann Barnett, 1884. Appointed lecturer on bibliography of political science, Columbia College, 1882; took up
practice of law, 1883; returned to Columbia College as instructor
in the Law School, 1884, giving courses of lectures on history of
the courts in England and America; resigned, 1886, to devote himself to railroad law. Reorganized Brooklyn Elevated Railroad
Company; helped to reorganize St. Louis and Southwestern Railway, 1885; also Rio Grande Division Texas-Pacific; became director
Richmond Terminal and Richmond-Danville and Tennessee Sys-
terns of the Georgia Company controlling Central Railway and
Banking Company of Georgia, all of which properties now constitute the Southern Railway; called to settle the difficulties of
the Philadelphia and Reading Railway, 1889, and went to Europe
as its foreign representative. Founder Electric Storage Battery
industry, and president Electric Storage Battery Company; organizer and first president Electric Vehicle Company, thus founding
electric automobile industry in the United States; organizer and
now president Electric Boat Company, which purchased Holland
Torpedo Boat Company. Now president Consolidated Railway
Electric Lighting and Equipment Company; Consolidated Railway Lighting and Refrigerating Company; Lindstrom Brake Company; Holland Torpedo Boat Company; Electric Launch Company; Forum Publishing Company; first vice-president and treasurer Casein Company of America, and of Casein Manufacturing
Company; chairman board of directors Consolidated Rubber Tire
Company; member board of directors Buckeye Rubber Company;
Chicago Electric Traction Company; and National Art Theatre
Society. Invented opening known as the Rice Gambit in chess;
presented silver trophy for the International Universities Chess
Match, contested annually by cable for England by Oxford and
Cambridge, for America by Yale, Harvard, Princeton, and Columbia. Author: What is Music. Has written articles for the Century, North American Review, and Forum. Residence: 89th and
Riverside Drive, New York City.
*Rice, Joseph M. Physician, Editor The Forum. Born 1857,
Philadelphia, Pa. Educated in Philadelphia and New York.
Studied in College City of New York. Graduate, 1881, College of
Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Practiced medicine in New
York, 1881-1888; studied psychology and pedagogics, Universities
of Jena and Leipzig, 1888-1890; has published many articles on
educational subjects. Author: The Public School System of the
United States; The Rational Spelling Book. Residence: 7 Hillside Av., Summit, N. J. Office: 125 East 23d, New York.
Richards, Bernard G. Journalist. Born March 9, 1877, Keidan,
Kovno, Russia. Son of Alexander Richards and Chana Sirk!
Attended Cheder until fourteen years of age. Married Gertrude
Gruzinskie. Came to America, 1886; returned to Keidan at the
end of ten months, and again came to America, 1891, and has
lived in New York, Boston, and Denver, supporting himself as
peddler, clerk in dry goods store, English teacher, and Yiddish
journalist. Was Boston correspondent New York Yiddish dailies;
editor Boston Israelite (Yiddish); reporter for the Boston Post
for six years, and for The Boston Journal; contributor to the
Boston Evening Transcript; editor English Department Jewish
World, New York. Author: Discourses of Keidansky. Has
written magazine and newspaper articles and stories. Address:
220 West 114th, New York.
Richman, Julia. District Superintendent New York Public
Schools. Born October 12, 1855, New York. Daughter of Moses
Richman and Theresa Mellis. Educated in New York City public
schools and Normal College. Pursued post-graduate courses at
School of Pedagogy, University City of New York. Was successively teacher, principal, and district superintendent of New York
public schools. First Chairman Committee on Religious Work,
National Council of Jewish Women; pioneer in educational reform
in public school work; originated Parents' Meetings in connection
with public schools. Director Hebrew Free School Association,
and Educational Alliance, New York, and Jewish Chautauqua
Society. Created and edited Helpful Thoughts. Has written educational articles in Educational Review, School Journal, School
Work, and other periodicals. Address: 116 Henry, New York.
Ries, Elias Elkan. Inventor, Consulting Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Solicitor of Patents. Born January 16, 1862, Randegg, Baden. Son of Elkan Elias Ries and Bertha Weil. Came
to America, 1865. Educated in New York and Baltimore public
schools. Pursued courses in technical and mechanical drawing
at Cooper Union, New York City, and Maryland Institute, Baltimore, and attended lecture courses at Johns Hopkins University.
Studied telegraphy, at a business college in Baltimore, while
assisting his father in his shoe factory. Became telegraph operator, 1876, making improvements in telephone, telegraph, and
other electrical apparatus. Removed to New York from Baltimore, and held positions with the Edison Company; United States
Electric Illuminating Company; and Fuller Electric Manufacturing Company. Returned to Baltimore, 1884, and developed his
own inventions in electric signalling, electric railways, etc.;
organized Ries Electric Specialty Company, 1891, which introduced the Ries regulating socket for " turning down " the light
or " candle power" of electric lamps. Inventor of alternatingcurrent electric railway system; of the method of electrically
welding track rails; of various motor controllers; of a new telephone system; etc., holding over one hundred and fifty patents
for inventions chiefly in the electric field. Member of various
scientific societies; charter member American Association of Inventors and Manufacturers; and of American Electrochemical
Society. Married Helen Hirshberg, 1895. Resident of New York
since 1896. Has contributed articles to scientific and technical
journals since 1886. Address: 116 Nassau, New York.
Riesman, David. Physician. Born March 25, 1867, Stadt-Lengsfeld, Saxe-Weimar, Germany. Son of Nathan Riesman and Sophie
Eisman. Educated in Ducal Gymnasium, Meiningen, Germany;
Portsmouth, O., public and high schools. Studied medicine in
University of Michigan, and University of Pennsylvania (M. D.,
1892). Was professor Clinical Medicine, Philadelphia Polyclinic
and College for Graduates in Medicine; associate in Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania; visiting physician Philadelphia General Hospital and Jewish Hospital; neurologist Northern Dispensary. Ex-president Northern Medical Association, Philadelphia.
Fellow College of Physicians, Philadelphia; member American
Medical Association; American Association for the Advancement
of Science; German-American Historical Society; honorary member Cumberland County, New Jersey, Medical Society; member
University Club; and Medical Club of Philadelphia. Editor:
(with Dr. Ludwig Hektoen) American Text-Book of Pathology;
Proceedings of Pathological Society of Philadelphia. Has contributed articles to medical journals. Address: 1624 Spruce,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Rombro, Jacob (nom de plume, "Philip Krantz"). Editor of
Die Arbeiter Welt, and of Die Zukunft. Born October, 1858,
Podolia, Russia. Son of Baruch Rombro and Bella Rosa Uger.
Entered Jitomir Rabbinical school at age of fourteen; attended
the Real-Gymnasium at Biala-Zerkoff, Kiev, 1879; St. Petersburg
Technological Institute, 1879-1881; studied at Sorbonne, Paris,
1882; pursued post-graduate courses in chemistry, New York
University, 1893. Married Eva Gordon. Arrested 1877, and imprisoned for one year, in Charkov for political propaganda; sentenced to be under supervision of police. Emigrated to escape
arrest for affiliation with Russian Revolutionary Party, 1881, and
has lived in Paris, London, and New York as a political exile
since. Engaged in journalism, 1880; first connected with Russian Jewish weekly Razsviet; assistant lecturer in chemistry,
New York University, 1893; teacher of English, New York public
evening schools, 1894-1902. Connected with Socialistic movement.
First editor London Arbeiter Freund, 1885. Now writer for the
International Publishing Company, New York. Contributed, in
Russian, to Razsviet, Voschod, and Zarya (daily, in Kiev, suppressed by the Government). Has written in Yiddish articles for
labor and radical periodicals since 1885. Author: History of
Culture; History of the French Revolution; Exodus according
to Egyptian Sources; English Teacher for Jews. Writer of socialistic pamphlets. Address: 26 Canal, New York.
Rosenau, Milton J. Passed Assistant Surgeon and Director of
the Hygienic Laboratory of the United States Public Health and
Marine Hospital Service since 1900. Born January 1, 1869, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Nathan Rosenau and Mathilda Blitz. Graduate Philadelphia high school, 1886; studied medicine in University of Pennsylvania (M. D., 1889); Hygienic Institute, Berlin;
Pasteur Institute, Paris; laboratories and hospitals of Vienna.
Married Myra B. Frank, 1900. Entered United States Marine
Hospital Service, 1890; sanitary attache to United States consulates at Hamburg and Antwerp, during cholera epidemic in
Europe, 1893; United States quarantine officer at port of San
Francisco, Cal., 1895-1898; established, upon original ideas, quarantine system and regulations for Island of uba, 1899; studied
abroad, 1901; delegate from United States to enth International
Congress of Hygiene and Demography, and . uirteenth International Congress of Medicine, Paris, 1900; represented United
States on International Committee called by France to revise the
nomenclature of the causes of death; sanitary expert to second
Pan-American Congress held in City of Mexico, 1901-1902; represented United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Service
at various gatherings of American Medical and American Public
Health Associations, New York Academy of Medicine, and meetings of Associations for Study of Tuberculosis; chairman of Section on Etiology of the Yellow Fever Institute of United States,
Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, and conducted experiments in search of the cause of yellow fever in Vera Cruz in 1902
and 1903. Author: Disinfection and Disinfectants (foreign edition entitled, A Practical Guide to Disinfection), 1902. Contributed medical articles to medical journals and Government
bulletins. Address: 3211 13th, N. W., Washington, D. C.
Rosenberg, Abraham H. Printer. Born October 17, 1838, Pinsk,
Russia. Son of Uziel Jaffa Rosenberg and Leah Lieberman.
Educated by father and in Rabbinical Seminary, Jitomir, Russia
(1871). Began the study of secular branches at age of twentytwo. Married Clara Bercinsky. Life member, since 1872, Society
for the Diffusion of Knowledge among Jews in Russia; Chief
Rabbi district of Pinsk, 1872-1881; Chief Rabbi district of Nikolaiev, Russia, 1881-1890; instructor Jewish history and religion, at
Classical Gymnasium of Nikolaiev, Russia, 1882-1890. Author:
Ge Hizayon, 1867-8, Ha-Melitz (on the belief in spirits and
ghosts); Tridensky Evrei, 1878 (an historical sketch of Jewish
life in the Middle Ages); History of the Jews for High Schools
and Rabbinical Seminaries (in Russian), 1889; Hatan Damim,
1892, Ha-Ibri ( a novel of Russian Jewish life); Ozar ha-Shemot
(Cyclopedia of the Bible; only 2 vols. issued); Anshe ha-Shem
(biographical; in MS.). Address: 1 West 115th, New York City.
Rosendale, Simon W. Lawyer. Born June 23, 1842, Albany,
N. Y. Son of Sampson Rosendale and Fannie Sachs. Educated
at Albany, and Barre, Vt, Academy. Married Helen Conn.
Assistant district attorney, 1864-1867; recorder, 1868-1872; and
corporation counsel, of Albany; Attorney General State of New
York, 1892-1894; commissioner State Board of Charities, since
1899. President board of trustees Union University. Trustee and
director of various organizations. Author: The Involution of
Wampum as Currency. Contributor to Publications American
Jewish Historical Society. Address: 325 State, Albany, N. Y.
Rosenfeld, Morris. Editor of The Jewish World. Born December 28, 1862, Boksha, Suwalk, Poland. Son of Ephraim Rosenfeld
and Rachel Wilchinsky. Educated at Cheder and Beth Hamidrash of Suwalk, New Praga (Warsaw), and Boksha, Russia. Married Bella Guttenberg. Worked at tailoring in sweat shops in
London and New York; learned the diamond-cutting trade in
Amsterdam, Holland; was engaged in work at Columbia University library; delivered lectures and gave recitations in the prominent cities of England and America; has been connected with the
editorial staff of all the leading Jewish journals of America.
Delegate to Fourth Zionist Congress, London, 1900; appointed on
Propaganda Committee for America, at Fifth Zionist Congress,
Basle. Gave reading's at Harvard University, 1898; Chicago
University, 1900; Wellesley and Radcliffe Colleges, 1902; Technical Institute, Worcester, Mass., 1902. Author: Die Glocke,
1888; Die Blumenkette, 1890; Das Lieder Buch, 1897; Songs from
the Ghetto, 1898; Collection of Poems, 1904. Contributor to
Der Fraind, and Der Tog, of St. Petersburg, and other papers.
Address: 50 Croton Terrace, Yonkers, N. Y.
Rosenfeld, Sydney. Dramatist. Born October 26, 1855, Richmond, Va. Educated in Richmond and New York public schools,
and by private tutors. Married Genie Holzmeyer Johnson, 1883.
First editor of Puck; one of the main movers in the effort to
secure a National Theatre for the United States; secretary National Art Theatre Society; president and managing director of
National Theatre Company. Author: (plays) A Possible Case;
Imagination; The Club Friend; The Politician; A Man of Ideas;
A House of Cards; The Senator (co-author); (operettas and musical plays) The Lady or the Tiger; The Mocking Bird; The Passing Show; The Giddy Throng; The King's Carnival; The Hall
of Fame; (adapter) The White Horse Tavern; The Two Escutcheons; The Black Hussar; Prince Methusalem; Nanon, etc. Address: The Albany, 215 West 51st, New York.
Rosenheim, Alfred Faist. Architect. Born June 10, 1859, St.
Louis, Mo. Son of Morris Rosenheim and Matilda Ottenheimer.
Educated at public schools and Washington University, St. Louis;
Hassell's Institute, Frankfort on the Main, Germany; B. A., 1881,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. Married Frances
Graham Wheelock. Was employed as assistant by several leading architects of Boston and St. Louis; first important commission executed at twenty-seven; called to Los Angeles in 1903, to
take charge of construction of one of the costliest and most important office buildings on the Pacific coast. Was for two years
member Board of Directors American Institute of Architects;
secretary for eight years of St. Louis Chapter of American Institute of Architects; consulting architect for Rosenberg Memorial
Library, Galveston, Tex., in 1901. Address: Suite 815-818 Herman W. Hellman Building, Los Angeles, Cal.
Rosenthal, Albert. Artist. Born January 30, 1863, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Max Rosenthal and Caroline Rosenthal. Educated at Philadelphia and Paris. Married Henrietta Nuneville.
Lithographer, etcher, and painter. Address: 1529 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa.
Rosenthal, Herman. Chief of Slavonic Department, New York
Public Library; editor Russian Department, Jewish Encyclopedia.
Born October 6, 1843, Friedrichstadt, Courland, Russia. Son of
Moritz Rosenthal and Pauline Birkhahn. Educated at Bausk
district school, and private boarding school at Jacobstadt. Married Anna Rosenthal. Arrived in United States, 1881; started the
first agricultural colony for Russian Jews in America, in Louisiana; organized two more colonies in South Dakota and New
Jersey; was sent by the Great Northern Railway on mission to
Japan and China, 1892-1893; secretary German-American Reform
Union, 1893-1894; started the Russian daily Zarya, 1890; published and edited the Hebrew Monthly Intelligencer, New York;
member Imperial Russian Orphan Asylum; Red Cross Society,
medal of latter, 1877-1878. Contributor since 1885 to New York
Staats-Zeitung. Author: Worte des Sammlers, 1893; Lied der
Lieder, 1893; Report on Japan, China and Corea, 1893. Address:
New York Public Library, Lafayette PL, New York.
Rosenthal, Jonas. Merchant. Born June 21, 1843, Oberlauterbach, Alsace. Son of Isaiah Rosenthal and Rosa Walter. Educated in French and Alexandria, La., schools. Married Jeanette
Weil. Came to the United States, 1860; served three years and a
half in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; member
City Council at various times for about fourteen years; member
of Parish Rapides School Board since 1879, and president for
twenty years; appointed postmaster of Alexandria by President
Cleveland; member of Democratic Executive Committee of the
Parish. Address: Alexandria, La.
Rosenthal, Lessing. Lawyer. Born November 23, 1868, Chicago, 111. Son of Julius Rosenthal and Jette Wolf. Educated at
grammar school, and South Division High School, Chicago, 111;
Johns Hopkins University (A. B., 1888); studied law in Northwestern University (LL. B., 1891); post-graduate course, Chicago College of Law (LL. B., 1892). Married Mrs. Lillie Frank
Myers. Admitted to bar of Illinois, 1891, and is associated in
practice with his father under the firm name Julius and Lessing
Rosenthal. Was chairman Committee on Judicial Administration
of Illinois State Bar Association; vice-president German-American
Charity Association of Chicago. Now vice-president Chicago Bar
Association, and Civil Service Reform Association of Chicago;
member Executive Committee Municipal Voters' League of Chicago; secretary Northwestern Association of Johns Hopkins
Alumni; director of Jewish Training School, Chicago. Contributed papers, reports, and articles to law journals and periodicals,
among them: Some Recent Constructions of Wills, 1896; Tendencies in Modern Industrial Society, particularly of Trusts and
Combinations, 1899; Some General Reflections touching Recent
Progress and Present Tendencies, 1902. Address: 1007 Fort Dearborn Building, Chicago, 111.
Rosenthal, Max. Painter, Engraver, Etcher, Lithographer, Illustrator. Born November 23, 1833, Turek, near Kalish, Russian
Poland. Son of Wolf Rosenthal and Esther Kolsky. Studied art
at Berlin under Professor Carl Harnisch; in Paris, under Martin
Thurwanger; at Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Married Carolina Rosenthal. Came to Philadelphia, 1849,
with his teacher, Thurwanger; devoted himself to chromo-lithography, a process in which he was the pioneer; received second
prize for composition in Pennsylvania Academy, 1853; silver
medal from Franklin Institute for Applied Science in the Graphic
Arts, 1854; diploma for achievements in lithographic art from
Massachusetts Institute for Arts and Sciences, 1857; diploma
from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, for first fac-simile of
water colors reproduced in the United States by lithographic
process, 1858; successful competitor in Surgical and Medical department of United States in contest to illustrate reports of
Medical Staff, 1867; received first prize, 1870, and second prizes
in 1873 and 1885, for original designs; invented a process of
decorating glass by "sand blast," 1872; during the Civil War
followed the Army of the Potomac, making Illustrations for the
United States Military Commission; since 1880 has etched more
than five hundred historical portraits, a collection of which is in
the Smithsonian Institution at Washington; also painted original
pictures illustrating Longfellow's Building of the Ship, Legend
of Rabbi Ben Levi, etc.; produced a number of mezzotinto engravings since 1890; and recently has turned his attention to painting
in oil and painting of miniatures. Last work: Jesus at Prayer.
Address: 1613 Wallace, Philadelphia, Pa.
Rosenthal, Moritz. Lawyer. Born May 4, 1866, Dixon, 111. Son
of Samson Rosenthal and Mina Cahn. Educated at preparatory
schools and in University of Michigan (B. L., 1888). Married
Virginia Moses. Assistant State's Attorney Cook County, 111.;
Assistant United States Attorney Northern Illinois. Residence:
5478 Greenwood Av. Office: 600-614 The Temple, Chicago, 111.
•Rosenthal, Toby Edward. Artist. Born March 15, 1848, New
Haven, Conn. Studied art under Fortunato Arviola, San Francisco, 1864; Carl von Piloty, Munich, 1865; and Royal Academy,
Munich. Received medals in Munich, 1870, and 1883; Philadelphia, 1876. Removed with family to San Francisco, in 1855.
Professional life spent in Europe. Works: Love's Last Offering;
Spring, Joy and Sorrow, 1868; Morning Prayers in Bach's Family, 1870, bought by the Saxon Government, and now in museum
of Leipzig; Elaine, 1874; Young Monk in Refectory, 1875; Forbidden Longings; Who laughs Last laughs Best; Girls' BoardingSchool Alarmed, 1877; A Mother's Prayer, 1881; Empty Place,
1882; Trial of Constance de Beverley, 1883; Departure from the
Family, 1885; Dancing Lesson during the Empire; Out of the
Fryingpan into the Fire, 1871. Very few of his works have been
exhibited in this country. Address: San Francisco, Cal.
Rosentreter, David. President of the Washington National
Bank of St. Louis. Born January 30, 1861, Gollantsch, Germany.
Son of Meyer Rosentreter. Educated in Berlin, Germany, and
Missouri College of Law, St. Louis, Mo. Married Miss Greenewald. Was first treasurer of St. Louis Jewish Hospital Association; director Jewish Relief Association; and founder of Jewish
Farmers' Colony in Washington County, Mo. Organized the
Washington National Bank of St. Louis. Address: 1401 Washington Av., St. Louis, Mo.
Rosenzweig, Gerson. Editor, Author, Poet. Born April, 1861,
Bialystok, Russia. Son of Solomon Rosenzweig. Educated in
Jewish schools in Berlin and Russia. Married Hannah M. Abram-
son. Conducted a school in Suwalk, Russia, for ten years, and
since 1888 has been interested in Hebrew educational institutions
in New York. Co-editor of The Jewish Daily News, and of The
Jewish World, New York; published and edited Ha-Ibri, and
The Kadimah. Author: Masehet Amerika; Shirim u-Meshalim;
American National Songs in Hebrew; Hamisha ve-Aleph. Address: 1726 Madison Av., New York.
Rosewald, Julie. Professor of Singing at Mills College Conservatory of Music, San Francisco, Cal. Born March 7, 1847,
Stuttgart, Germany. Daughter of Moriz Eichberg, Obercantor of
Wiirtemberg, and Leonore Seligsberg. Member of a musical
family. Educated at Stuttgart and Frankfort on the Main, Germany. Married Jacob H. Rosewald (deceased). Prima donna in
the Kellogg, the Strakosch, and the Abbott Opera Company; for
ten years solo soprano at Temple Emanu-El, San Francisco, during that time singing and reciting the parts of the service usually
sung and recited by a Cantor, in place of that functionary; given
title of Professor of Vocal Music by Regents of Mills College of
Music, 1894. Many of her pupils, among them Caroline Hamilton,
Marie Barna, Anna Miller Wood, Mabelle Gilman, etc., achieved
success on the operatic and the concert stage. Published small
theoretical works for students, as How Shall I Practice, etc.
Address: Hecht Brothers and Company, San Francisco, Cal.
•Rosewater, Andrew. Civil and Sanitary Engineer. Born
October 31, 1848, Bohemia. Educated in Cleveland common and
high schools. Married Frances Meinrath, of Boston. Flagman
engineer corps, Union Pacific Railway explorations and surveys,
1864; later in other engineering positions same road; assistant
city engineer Omaha, 1868-1870; city engineer, 1870-1875; manager
and editor Omaha Bee, 1876-1877; engineer in charge construction Omaha and Northwestern Railway, 1878-1880; resident engineer Omaha Water Works Company, 1880-1881; city engineer
Omaha, 1881-1887; 1887-1891 consulting and designing engineer
of sewerage for twenty-five cities; president electrical subway
commission of Washington, 1891-1892; consulting engineer for
cities in Colorado, South Dakota, etc. Since 1897 city engineer
Omaha and president Board of Public Works, etc. Member
American Society of Civil Engineers; president Nebraska Society
of Engineers. Wrote report of the Electrical Commission of the
District of Columbia to the President, 1891. Address: Omaha,
Rosewater, Edward. Editor and Publisher Omaha Bee. Born
January 28, 1841, Bukowan, Bohemia. Son of Herman Rosen-
wasser and Rosalia Kohn. Educated at Bukowan common
schools; Breznitz Real-Schule, Prague; and Commercial College,
Cleveland, O.; chiefly self-taught. Married Leah Colman. Came
to United States, 1854; peddler, clerk, and bookkeeper, 1854-1858;
telegraph operator at eighteen; in United States military telegraph corps, 1861-1863, transmitting General Pope's despatches
from various battlefields; went to Omaha, as manager Pacific
Telegraph, 1863; member Nebraska legislature, 1871; founded,
1871, The Omaha Evening Bee, which afterwards became a morning daily, weekly, and Sunday paper. On Republican National
Committee, 1892; on advisory board National Committee, 1896 and
1900; received many votes on numerous ballots in Nebraska legislature for United States senator, 1901; member United States Mint
Commission, 1896; representative of United States and vice-president Universal Postal Congress, Washington, 1897; original promoter Trans-Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, 1898; member of its
executive committee in charge of publicity and promotion. Address: Omaha, Neb.
Rosewater, Victor. Managing Editor Omaha Bee, since 1895.
Born February 13, 1871, Omaha, Neb. Son of Edward Rosewater
and Leah Colman. Educated at Omaha public schools; Johns
Hopkins University; and Columbia University (Ph. B., 1891;
A.M., 1892; Ph.D., 1893); fellow in political science, Columbia
University, 1892-1893. Married Katie Katz. Began newspaper
work on The Bee, 1893. Regent Nebraska State University, 18961897; special lecturer on Municipal Finance, University of Wisconsin, 1904; University of Nebraska, 1895; member Board of
Review (city taxes), Omaha, 1902; Omaha Public Library Board,
since 1894. Member of General Committee Taxation Department,
National Civic Federation, and of economic and historical associations. Author: Special Assessments: a Study in Municipal
Finance, 1898; and Omaha, in Historic Towns of the Western
States, 1901; " Laissez faire " in Palgrave's Dictionary of Political
Economy; and Omaha, in Encyclopedia Britannica Supplement.
Has contributed articles on economics and finance to Political
Science Quarterly; Quarterly Journal of Economics, American
Statistical Association Quarterly; Booklovers' Magazine, Municipal Affairs, New York Independent, etc. Address: Omaha, Neb.
Rowe, Leo S. Assistant Professor Political Science, University
of Pennsylvania. Born September 17, 1871, McGregor, Iowa.
Son of Louis R. Rowe. Educated at University of Pennsylvania,
Arts Department, and Wharton School of Finance and Economy
(Ph. B., 1890). As Fellow of the Wharton School with privilege
of foreign study, spent 1890-1892 in Germany, and took the
Doctor's degree at the University of Halle in 1892. Travelled in
France and Italy, 1892-1894; appointed lecturer in public law,
University of Pennsylvania, 1894; instructor, 1895; assistant professor, 1897; appointed, by President McKinley, member of the
Commission to Revise and Compile the Laws of Porto Rico, 1900;
chairman Insular Code Commission, 1901-1902; resumed his academic duties, 1902. Elected president American Academy of Political Science. Author: The United States and Porto Rico; (coauthor) Report of the United States Commission to Revise the
Laws of Porto Rico (2 vols.); (co-author) Report of the Insular
Code Commission. Published reports and contributed articles on
political science and city government to magazines, journals,
Palgrave's Dictionary of Political Economy, The Annals of the
American Academy of Political and Social Science, Proceedings
of various societies, and foreign publications. Address: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Rubinow, Isaac M. Examiner United States Civil Service Commission since 1903. Born April 19, 1875, Lunny (near Grodno),
Russia. Son of Max Rubinow and Esther Shereshewsky. Studied
in Petri-Pauli Gymnasium, Moscow, Russia, 1885-1892; Columbia
University, 1893-1895 (A. B., 1895); University Medical College,
New York, 1895-1898 (M. D., 1898); Columbia University School
of Political Science, 1900-1903. Married Sophie Himowich. Came
to United States, 1893, after the expulsion of the Jews from
Moscow. Correspondent of Russian newspapers since 1897, and
contributor to Russian magazines; Washington Staff Correspondent of The Publications of the Russian Ministry of Finance, of The
St. Petersburg Wedoniosti, Voschod, etc. Has written articles for
The American Hebrew, Arena, International Socialist Review,
Messenger of Education, The Week's Library, etc., on timely, economic, and educational topics. Address: 511 8th, N. E., Washington, D. C.
Ruskay, Esther J. (Mrs. S. S.). Writer, Journalist. Born 1857,
New York City. Daughter of Abraham Baum and Goldie Webster. Educated in New York City public schools and Normal
College (B. A., 1875). Studied belles lettres and English literature at Columbia University for one year. Married Samuel S.
Ruskay. Teacher in public schools, New York City, for two years.
Interested in communal work. Author: Book of Poems for
Children; Hearth and Home Essays. Contributed stories, poems,
and articles to newspapers and magazines. Address: 244 East
86th, New York.
Sabsovich, Hirsch Leib. Mayor of Woodbine, N. J.; Superintendent of the Woodbine Land and Improvement Company since
1891, and of the Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial
School since 1894. Born February 25, 1860, Rodovka, Charkov,
Russia. Son of Ezekiel Ber Sabsovich and Beila M. Simonovich.
Studied in the Classical Gymnasium of Berdiansk-Taurida; for
two years at Odessa University; for three years in the Agricultural School of the Federal Polytechnicum, Zurich, Switzerland.
Married Ekatherina Groushke. Agricultural chemist in Odessa
University, 1885-1886; manager of landed estates in the Caucasus,
Russia, 1886-1888; private teacher in New York, 1888-1889; agricultural chemist at Experiment Station of Colorado State Agricultural College, 1889-1891. Organized the Committee of Safety in
Odessa, during anti-Jewish riots, 1881; organized the Society Am01am, which sent about 400 persons to America, 1882; organized
The United States Humane Society, in Denver, Colo., to liberate
political exiles from Siberia, 1890. Contributed articles on agriculture to periodicals in Russia; reports and articles on present
work. Address: Woodbine, Cape May Co., N. J.
Sachs, Julius. Professor of Secondary Education, Teachers College, Columbia University; principal of Collegiate Institute, New
York City. Born July 6, 1849, Baltimore, Md. Son of Joseph
Sachs and Sophia Baer. Educated in a private school, New York
City; Columbia College (A. B., and A. M., 1867); Rostock, Germany
(Ph.D., 1871). Married Rosa Goldman. Was President Schoolmasters Association, New York; American Philological Association, 1891; Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary
Schools, 1898; Headmasters' Association of United States, 1899;
New York Society of Archaeological Institute, 1900-1903; member
Latin Conference Committee (of Ten), 1893; Secondary School
Representative on College Entrance Examinations Board, 19001904. Has written articles on educational subjects in Educational
Review, and on philological and archaeological subjects in Annual
Reports of American Philological Association; papers, reports,
and presidential addresses. Address: 149 West 81st, New York.
Sale, Moses N. Judge Circuit Court, City of St. Louis, Mo.
Born October 17, 1857, Louisville, Ky. Son of Isaac Sale and
Henrietta Dinkelspiel. Educated in Louisville, Ky., public
schools, and graduate of Law Department of University of Louisville. Married Florence D. Rider. Address: St. Louis, Mo.
Salomon, Edward S. Lawyer. Born December 25, 1836, Schleswig, Schleswig-Holstein. Son of Salomon M. Salomon and Caroline Samuels. Educated in Schleswig high school. Married
Sophie Greenhut (deceased). Was alderman, Chicago, 1860;
during the Civil War was lieutenant, captain, and major 24th
Illinois Infantry; lieutenant-colonel and colonel 82d Illinois Infantry; promoted, 1865, to brigadier-general of Volunteers, " for
distinguished gallantry and meritorious services during the war."
Elected county-clerk of Cook County, 111.; appointed Governor of
Washington Territory by President Grant, 1870; moved to San
Francisco, and elected twice to Legislature; District Attorney of
San Francisco. Has been Department Commander of Grand Army
of Republic; and for eight years commander-in-chief of Army and
Navy Republican League. Address: Parrote Building, San Francisco, Cal.
Sampson, Arthur Fichell. Physician and Surgeon. Born July
1, 1855, Georgetown, S. C. Son of Joseph Sampson and Esther
Cohen. Educated in Indigo Society School and Academy, Georgetown, S. C ; studied chemistry and medicine at Washington and
Lee University, Virginia; University of Virginia (M. D., 1878);
pursued post-graduate courses at University of Pennsylvania, and
New York University, and studied under Dr. Simon Baruch.
Married Barbetta Levy. Practiced medicine in Galveston, 18841901; in San Francisco, since 1901. Member of Board of Medical
Examiners for Eleventh District, Texas, for eight years; city
health physician of Galveston; plenary power conferred upon
him by Mayor and Adjutant General of State, during the trials
following the Galveston hurricane, 1900. Removed to San Francisco in 1901 on account of ill-health. Inventor of the Sampson
Urethral Speculum. Has written monographs in medical journals.
Address: 751 Sutter, San Francisco, Cal.
*Samuelson, Leo I. Second Lieutenant, 7th Regiment Infantry,
United States Army. Born July 17, 1879, Illinois. Appointed
cadet Military Academy, 1899; second lieutenant 2d Regiment
Infantry, 1903; transferred to 7th Regiment Infantry, 1903; Address: War Department, Washington, D. C.
Sanders, Leon. Lawyer. Born May 25,1867, Odessa, Russia. Son
of Nathan Sanders. Educated in Odessa Gymnasium, New York
public schools, and under private tutors. Studied in New York
Law School. Clerk in banking house, bookkeeper, and 1890-1895,
Commissioner of Jurors, New York City. Admitted to the bar,
1895. Married Bertha Fischer, 1896. Tammany Hall leader in
the Twelfth Assembly District, and elected to legislature from
that district, 1899-1902; refused re-nomination, 1902; elected 1904,
for term of ten years, as justice of the Thirteenth District of the
Municipal Court of the City of New York. Address: 309 Broadway, New York.
Schaikewitz (Shomer), Nahum Meyer. Writer. Born December 25, 1849, Nesvizh, Minsk, Russia. Son of Isaac Schaikewitz and
Hodie Goldberg. Educated at home. Married Dinah Bercinsky.
Was Hebrew teacher; business manager in Wilna, Russia; novelist; manager of and writer for a theatre in Odessa, Russia; editor
and publisher of Der Menschenfreund and The Jewish Puck; contributor to Jewish dailies. Began literary career when twenty
years old; his first fifteen novels were written in Hebrew, and
were directed against the fanaticism prevalent in certain RussianJewish circles. Has written besides two hundred and five novels
in Yiddish, and fifty plays in Yiddish. Among his novels are: The
Convict; A Bloody Adieu; Alexander III; Between two Flames;
Murder for Love; Last Jewish King; From the Throne to the
Gallows; The Bloody King; Jew and Duchess; A Spark of Judaism; The Bees about the Honey; The Iron Woman. Among his
plays are: The Repenter; Coquettish Woman; The Usurer; Haman the Second; The Jewish Immigrants; A Blow for a Blow;
Spanish Inquisition; The Golden Land. Address: 54 East 63d,
New York.
Schamberg, Jay Frank. Physician. Born November 6, 1870,
Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Gustav Schamberg and Emma Frank.
Educated in Philadelphia public schools; Central High School,
Philadelphia (A. B., 1889); University of Pennsylvania (M. D.,
1892); post-graduate work in hospitals of Vienna, Berlin, and
Paris. Professor of Dermatology and Eruptive Infectious Diseases in Philadelphia Poly clinic and College for Graduates in
Medicine; assistant diagnostician to Bureau of Health of Philadelphia; consulting physician to Municipal Hospital for Infectious
Diseases; fellow of College of Physicians of Philadelphia; member of American Dermatological Association. Has written numerous articles in medical journals. Author: A Compendium of
Diseases of the Skin; (with Dr. William M. Welch) A Treatise
on Acute Contagious Diseases (in press). Address: 1636 Walnut,
Philadelphia, Pa.
*Schechter, Solomon. Theologian, Author; President Faculty
Jewish Theological Seminary of America since 1902. Born 1849,
Fokshan, Roumania. Son of Isaac Schechter. Educated at Universities of Vienna and Berlin. Graduated as rabbi in Vienna.
Specialized in theology and Semitics. A. M., and hon. Litt. D.,
University of Cambridge. Married Matilda Roth. Formerly
Reader in Rabbinics, University of Cambridge; professor Hebrew,
University College, London. Travelled in Italy, Egypt, Palestine,
and elsewhere; sent by University of Cambridge to examine the
contents of the Cairo Geniza; made many valuable discoveries
among the manuscripts there found, especially the original Hebrew of Ecclesiasticus. Was curator of Oriental Languages and
Literature, University Library; member Oriental Board of Studies, Board of Theology, and Board of Oriental Languages and
Literature, University of London. External Examiner at Victoria
University, Manchester. Now member of Senate of New York
University; director of the Educational Alliance, New York.
Editor: Aboth de Rabbi Nathan, 1887; (with S. Singer) Talmudic Fragments in the Bodleian Library (Tractates Kerithoth
and Berachoth), 1896; Saadyana, Geniza Fragments, 1903; Midrash Haggadol, 1903. Author: Studies in Judaism, 1896; (with
C. Taylor) The Wisdom of Ben Sira, 1899; numerous articles in
Jewish Quarterly Review (especially series on Aspects of Jewish
Theology); addresses and lectures. Office: 531 West 123d, New
Schiff, Jacob Henry. Banker. Born January 10, 1847, Frankfort on the Main, Germany. Son of Moses Schiff and Clara Niederhofheim. Educated in the schools of Frankfort on the Main. Married Therese Loeb. Address: 965 Fifth Av., New York City.
Schiff, Mortimer L. Banker. Born June 5, 1877, New York
City. Son of Jacob H. Schiff and Therese Loeb. Educated in
private school, New York, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass.;
Columbia University School of Political Science, New York.
Married Adele G. Neustadt. Spent two years in railroad work in
New York and the West, and two years in Europe studying the
banking systems of England and Germany. Partner in firm of
Kuhn, Loeb and Co., New York. Trustee of various charitable
institutions and corporations. Residence: 932 Fifth Av. Office:
52 William, New York.
Schloessinger, Max. Librarian and Instructor, Hebrew Union
College, Cincinnati, O. Born September 4, 1877, Heidelberg, Germany. Son of Jacob Schloessinger and Brunette Oppenheimer.
Educated in Volksschule and Gymnasium, Heidelberg; University
of Heidelberg; Israelitisch-Theologische Lehranstalt, Vienna;
University of Berlin (Ph.D., 1901); and Lehranstalt fur die
Wissenschaft des Judenthums, Berlin (Rabbi, 1903). Office editor
Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903-1904. Address: Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, O.
Schoney, Lazarus. Physician. Born December 18, 1838, Budapest, Hungary. Son of Caspar Schoney and Golde Ehrentreu.
Educated in Hebrew and Rabbinics at Prague, receiving the Rabbinical authorization from R. Solomon Rappaport; studied at
University of Prague, Austria (Ph.D., 1857); and medicine at
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (M. D., 1869). Married Theodosia Secor Fowler, M. D. Came to United States 1860;
served as surgeon United States Army during Civil War, 18621865; for ten years professor Pathology and Clinical Microscopy,
New York Eclectic Medical College. Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science; New York Academy of
Science; member American Microscopic Society; New York
Microscopic Society; etc. Published researches in New Formation
of Red Blood Corpuscles, in Waldeyer's Archiv fur mikroskopische
Anatomie, 1876; incorporated in Heitzman's Microscopical Morphology, and translated by Klein in London Royal Microscopical
Journal, 1882. Address: St. James Court, Seventh Av. and 143d,
New York.
Schottenfels, Sara X. Librarian of Maimonides Free Library,
New York. Daughter of Julius Schottenfels and Minna Ambrunn.
Has pursued special courses in the languages, in political economy,
sociology, and literature. Engaged in library work since 1892, in
present position since 1898. Reorganized the Maimonides Free
Library. Has published, A List of Jewish Periodicals contained in
the Maimonides Free Library; A List of Judaica in the Maimonides Free Library. Has written papers for societies and clubs on
literary subjects. Address: Maimonides Free Library, 58th and
Lexington Av., New York.
Schur, William. Dealer in Hebrew Books. Born October 27,
1844, Outian, near Wilkomir, Russia. Son of Tobias Schur.
Studied the Talmud until twenty years of age; attended Talmudical College at Kovno; studied theology at Berlin. Married
Fannie Gordon. Soon after arrival in America, published a
Hebrew weekly, Ha-Pisgah, 1890-1894, at New York and Baltimore,
and 1897-1900, at Chicago. At age of thirty travelled for five
years in Asia, Africa, India, China, Philippine Islands, and neighboring islands. Published a description of his journeys in two
books: Mahazot ha-Hayim, and Massat Shelomoh. Besides, he
wrote the following novels: Massat Nafshah; Aflkomen ha-ganub;
Ha-Nebiah Nilel Hilton; Ha-halikah el ha-Heder; Kapparat Avon;
Va-yipol ba-Shahat; Ahar ha-Meridah ha-gedolah; and a historical religious work, Nezah Yisrael. Address: 557 N. Wood, Chicago, 111.
*Seligman, Albert Joseph. Banker, Merchant. Born February
24, 1859, New York City. Son of Jesse Seligman. Educated in
New York public schools. M. E., 1878, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute. Pursued post-graduate studies at Royal Berg-Aka-
demie, Freiberg, Saxony, 1878-1880; Royal School of Mines, Liege,
Belgium, 1880-1881; since 1881, interested in mines near and
resident of Helena, Mont. Member Territorial legislature, 18841885; chairman Republican State Committee, 1889-1890; chairman Montana delegation, Minneapolis Convention, 1892; grand
chancellor, Knights of Pythias of Montana, 1888-1890; exalted
ruler Helena Lodge, No. 193, B. P. O. of Elks, 1897, 1898. Left
Montana to engage in banking and brokerage business in New
York, firm of Seligman and Meyer, 1899. Residence: 66 West 52d.
Office: 109 Exchange Court Building, New York.
Seligman, Edwin R. A. Professor of Political Economy and
Finance, Columbia University, New York. Born April 25, 1862,
New York City. Son of Joseph Seligman and Babette Steinhart.
Educated by private tutor (Horatio Alger, Jr.) and in Columbia
Grammar School; graduate Columbia University (A. B., 1879;
Ph.D., 1884, and LL. B., 1884); pursued courses at University of
Berlin, Heidelberg, Geneva, and Paris. Married Caroline Beer.
President Tenement House Building Company, New York; American Economic Association; Ethical Culture Society, New York;
secretary Committee of Fifteen, New York, 1901; member Committee of Seventy; honorary member Russian Imperial Academy
of Science; member American Statistical Association; (British)
Royal Economic Society; Washington Academy of Science; Phi
Beta Kappa Society; manager American Archaeological Association, and American Historical Association, and of Authors, City,
National Arts, Sculptors, and Columbia Alumni Clubs. Chairman Committee on Education, Educational Alliance, until 1902.
Editor: Political Science Quarterly; and Series in History, Economics, and Public Law of Columbia University. Author: Two
Chapters on the Mediaeval Guilds of England, 1887; Railway
Tariffs and the International Commerce Law, 1887; Finance Statistics of the American Commonwealth, 1889; The Shifting and
Incidence of Taxation, 1892, 1901; Progressive Taxation in Theory
and Practice, 1894; Essays in Taxation, 1895, 1903; The Economic Interpretation of History, 1902. Several of these works
have been translated into French, Italian, and Japanese. Has
written numerous articles in the periodical press. Address: 314
West 86th, New York.
Seligman, Isaac Newton. Banker; head of the banking house
of J. and W. Seligman and Company, New York. Born July 10,
1856, Staten Island, New York. Son of Joseph Seligman and
Babette Steinhart. Educated in Columbia Grammar School.
B. A., 1876, Columbia College. Married Guta Loeb. Member of
winning crew in Saratoga boat races, 1874. Director in num-
erous railway companies; trustee Munich Fire Insurance Company; United Hebrew Charities Building; Manhattan State Hospital (appointed by Governor Morton); Columbia University
Memorial Hall (appointed by President Low); Legal Aid Society;
Orators Society; Symphony Society; Historical Society; Lawyers'
Club; Midday Club, all of New York; Fairmount College, Wichita,
Kan.; and American Academy of Political Science; trustee and
treasurer St. John's Guild, and City and Suburban Home Company (Model Tenement Association), both of New York; trustee
and chairman Finance Committee City Club, New York; trustee
and vice-president People's Institute, New York; member Committee National Conferences of Charities and Correction; Executive Committee, Chamber of Commerce, New York; Indian Famine
Relief Fund; Committee on State and Municipal Taxation of
Chamber of Commerce, New York; Executive and Finance Committees National Civic Federation; McKinley Memorial Committee, for State of New York; Finance Committee Roumanian
Relief Fund; Finance Committee Canal Association of Greater
New York; Executive Committee of One Hundred, New York;
Executive Committee of Citizens Union, New York, and chairman
of its Finance Committee, 1901, and treasurer, 1903; Executive
Committee on Playgrounds; Executive Committee Economic Association; National Arts Club; Lotos Club; City Club; and Sound
Money League, all of New York. Appointed by General Horace
Porter chief of staff at President McKinley's Inaugural; treasurer
Carl Schurz Endowment Fund; director General Grant Tomb
Committee; vice-president Admiral Perry Relief Fund, Japan;
chairman Chamber of Commerce Committee on Commercial Education; appointed by Mayor Low on Committee for Reception
of Prince Henry of Prussia. Residence: 36 West 54th. Office:
Mills Building, New York.
*Seligman, Jefferson. Banker. Born November 26, 1858. Son
of James Seligman and Rosa Content. Preparatory education in
Columbia Grammar School. Graduate Columbia University, 1878.
Studied medicine in Germany, but did not practice, becoming
member of the banking firm of J. and W. Seligman and Company.
Residence: 11 East 69th. Office: 21 Broad, New York.
Seligsohn, Max. Office Editor Jewish Encyclopedia. Born
April 13, 1865, Russia. Son of Seelig Seligsohn. Educated at
Slutzk, Russia; New York, and Paris. Is elSve diplome de
l'Ecole des Langues Orientales, Paris, 1896; Sieve diplome
de 1'Ecoles des Hautes-Etudes, Paris, 1900. Came to New York,
1888, and studied modern languages; left for Paris, 1894, and
studied Semitic languages, Sanskrit, Persian, and Turkish. Sent
by Alliance Israelite Universelle to Abyssinia, 1898, to seek out
the Falashas, but was unable to go further than Cairo; school
master in Cairo for eighteen months. Called to New York as
contributor to the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1902. Author: Le Diwan
de Tarafah ibn Al-Abd, 1900; Kitab Ibn Al-Raml, with preface and
notes; Salaman u-Absal, a diwan of the Persian poet Jami, translated into English, with notes and preface (unpublished); Une
nouvelle chronique samaritaine (in collaboration with E. N.
Adler), 1903. Contributor to Jewish Quarterly Review and Revue
des Etudes Juives, on Judaso-Persian literature. Paris correspondent Jewish Comment for one year and a half. Address: 54 East
98th, New York.
Selikovitsch, George (Goetzel). Editor Jewish Daily News;
Editor-in-Chief Jewish Gazette, New York City. Born 1863, Retovo,
Kovno, Russia. Son of Rabbi David Selikovitsch and Rachel
Sundelevitz. Educated at the Talmudical Colleges of Karlin, Mir,
and Tauroggen. Studied at the Department of Semitic Languages
and Egyptology, Ecole des Hautes-Etudes, Paris (diploma, 1884).
Married Bertha Berman. Was attache to the Biblioth&que Nationale at Paris; head interpreter to Lord Wolseley for the Arabic
and Nubian dialects during the British expedition to relieve
General Gordon from the Soudanese at Khartoum, 1885; lectured,
1887, on Hieroglyphics and Egyptology, University of Pennsylvania, and Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; literary editor of
the Ha-Melitz and Ha-Magid for three years; member of Ath§n6e
Oriental, Paris. Author: Le SchSol des Hebreux, la division
mystique du temps chez les Semites et les Egyptiens, 1881-1882;
Dawn of Egyptian Civilization, 1887; also several Yiddish novels.
Contributed numerous articles, poems, and dissertations to Hebrew and English periodicals and to L'Univers and L'lntransigeant. Address: 185 East Broadway, New York.
Shlesinger, Slgmund. Merchant. Born December 29, 1848,
Hungary. Son of Emanuel Shlesinger and Lena Kulka. Educated in Hungary. Married Fannie Flesheim. Member of
Col. George A. Forsyth's Company of Scouts; participated in battle
with Indians on Beecher's Island, Colo., September 17, 1868. Address: 105 St. Clair, Cleveland, O.
Shomer, Nahum Meyer.
See Schaikewitz.
*Siegel, Henry. Merchant. Born March 17, 1852, Eubigheim,
Germany. Son of Lazarus Siegel and Zerlina Koch. Educated
in Germany. Married Julia Rosenbaum (deceased); re-married,
Marie Vaughn Wilde. Came to United States, 1867. First busi-
ness experience gained in Washington, D. C, Parkersburg, W. Va.,
and Laurenceburg, Pa. Established firm of Siegel, Hartsfield, and
Company, 1876; department store of Siegel, Cooper, and Company,
1886, both of Chicago, 111.; Siegel, Cooper, and Company, 1896,
New York. Purchased Simpson-Crawford Company, New York,
and Schlesinger and Mayer Company, Chicago, 1902. Controls
five large department stores; director in several banks, street railways, and various corporations. Fellow Geographical Society.
Residences: 26 East 82d, New York, and Driftwood, Mamaroneck,
Westchester Co., N. Y. Address: care Simpson-Crawford Company, New York.
Silberberg, Max. State Senator, representing the First District of Ohio in the Seventy-sixth General Assembly. Born September 21, 1843, Bromberg, Prussia. Son of Moses Nathan Silberberg and Pauline Pulvermacher. Educated at the Bromberg
Gymnasium. Married Dora Feder. Emigrated to America, 1859.
Member from Hamilton County to the Seventy-fifth General Assembly, State of Ohio; past commander August Willich Post No.
195, G. A. R. of Cincinnati; was chairman National Legislative
Committee, and now vice-president, Credit Men's Association;
president Business Men's Building and Loan Association; vicepresident Ohio Valley Building and Loan Company; president
Queen City Telephone Company of Cincinnati; chairman Ohio
Legislative Committee of the Credit Men's Association. While
member of the House of Representatives of Ohio served on Standing Committee on Manufacturing and Commerce (chairman);
on Federal Relations; and on Public Highways. As member of
the Senate served on Standing Committee on Finance; on Insurance; on Manufacturing and Commerce; on Military Affairs; on
Medical College; on Privilege and Election; on Public Works; on
Soldiers and Sailors Home (chairman); and on Labor. Address:
30 and 32 W. 3d, Cincinnati, O.
Silberstein, Solomon (Sholem) Joseph. Writer. Born March
10, 1845, Kovno, Russia. Son of Rabbi Aaron Silberstein and
Zibhya Sandier, and grandson of the Cabbalist Naphtali Herz.
Educated privately. At the age of nineteen had received the Rabbinical authorization from a number of Rabbis in the provinces
of Kovno and Wilna. Rabbi in Dershunisok, Kovno, 1867-1868.
Elaborated a system of philosophy based upon the Mosaic and a
large part of the Talmudical and Rabbinical Law as a natural
theology. Author: Gelui Enayim (poems), 1881; Ha-Dat ve-haTorat, 1887; Meziut Yehovah ve-ha-Olam, 1893; The Universe and
its Evolution, 1891; General Laws of Nature, 1894; The Disclosures of the Universal Mysteries, 1896; The Jewish Problem
and Theology in General, 1904.
New York.
Address: 1834 Lexington Av.,
Silverstein, Albert. Physician and Surgeon. Born April 18,
1875, Syracuse, N. Y. Son of Solomon Silverstein and Esther
Shevelson. Educated in Syracuse public schools, and Denver
High School. B. A., 1897, Yale University; M. D., 1900, Gross
Medical College, Denver, Colo. Professor Physiology, Dental
Department University of Denver; assistant professor Orthopaedic
Surgery, Denver and Gross College of Medicine; attending orthopaedic surgeon, Mercy Hospital, Denver; professor Anatomy Mercy
Hospital Training School for Nurses. Served in medical department United States Army, 1898-1899, in the Philippines, during
Spanish American War, and during the Filipino Insurrection.
Address: 316 Mack Block, Denver, Colo.
Simon, Joseph. Lawyer. Born February 7, 1851, Bechtheim,
Hessen Darmstadt, Germany. Son of David Simon and Elise
Leopold. Educated in Portland, Ore., public schools. Came to
Oregon, 1857, and has since resided in Portland; entered law
office of Mitchell and Dolph, 1870; admitted to bar, 1872, and
engaged in law practice since; member firm of Dolph, Mallory,
Simon, and Gearin. Elected member City Council of Portland,
1877, and served term of three years; appointed secretary Republican State Central Committee of Oregon, 1873; elected chairman
of the same committee, 1880, 1884, and 1886; elected five times,
covering a period of twenty years, to represent Multnomah
County (including the city of Portland) in the Oregon State
Senate; elected president of the Senate in five different sessions,
and presided over the deliberations of the Senate and joint conventions of the two houses; delegate to the Republican National
Convention at Minneapolis, 1892; at Philadelphia, 1900; member
Republican National Committee, 1892-1896; was member and
president Police Commission, City of Portland; elected to United
States Senate in 1898, to fill a vacancy for term ending 1903;
serving during the second session of the Fifty-fifth Congress, and
in the Fifty-sixth and the Fifty-seventh Congress. Has been active
in Masonry; past master of his lodge and past high priest of his
chapter; honorary inspector general 33d degree A. A. S. R.
Address: Portland, Ore.
Singer, Isidor. Managing Editor Jewish Encyclopedia. Born
November 10, 1859, Weisskirchen, Moravia, Austria. Son of
Joseph Singer and Charlotte Eisler. Educated in Gymnasia of
Ungarisch-Hradisch, Kremsier, and Troppau, and studied at University of Berlin and University of Vienna (Ph.D., 1884). Went
to Paris, 1887, as literary secretary to Count Foucher de Careil,
former French ambassador at Vienna; came to New York, 1895,
to execute the project of a Jewish Encyclopedia, of which seven
volumes have appeared. President Justice Lodge, Independent
Order B'nai B'rith, 1903. Was editor of Allgemeine Oesterreichische Literaturzeitung; La Vraie Parole; and Bureau de la Presse.
Author: Berlin, Wien, und der Antisemitismus, 1882; Presse und
Judenthum, 2d ed., 1882; Sollen die Juden Christen werden? 2d
ed., 1884; Briefe beruhmter christlicher Zeitgenossen iiber die
Judenfrage, 1885; Die beiden Elektren—humanistische Bildung
und der klassische Unterricht, 1884; Auf dem Grabe meiner
Mutter (translated into Hebrew by Dr. Solomon Fuchs), 1888;
Le prestige de la France en Europe, 1889; La question juive,
1893; Anarchie et Antisemitisme, 1894; Der Juden Kampf urns
Recht, 1902; Russia at the Bar of the American People, 1904.
Translated from French into German: Foucher de Careil's Hegel
et Schopenhauer, 1889; Zadoc Kahn, L'esclavage selon la Bible
et le Talmud, 1888, and other writings by Boulanger, Barthelemy
Saint-Hilaire, and Edouard Lockroy. Address: care Funk and
Wagnalls Company, 44-60 East 23d, New York.
Singer, Jacob. Lawyer. Born October 22, 1860, Staunton, Va.
Son of Abraham Singer and Regina Gutman. Educated at Philadelphia public schools; B. A., 1877, Central High School, Philadelphia; LL. B., 1881, University of Pennsylvania. Married Lea
Marguerite Frank. Register of wills, County of Philadelphia,
1901-1904; member Court of Appeals Independent Order B'nai
B'rith, since 1890; was president District Grand Lodge No. 3 for
four years; representative to Constitution Grand Lodge at Richmond, 1890; Cincinnati, 1895; Chicago, 1900; New Orleans, 1905;
is vice-president Associated Alumni Central High School, and
vice-president Philadelphia Branch Jewish Theological Seminary
of America, and formerly trustee of the Seminary; director
Congregation Adath Jeshurun and of B'nai B'rith Manual Training School. Made many public addresses in political campaigns
of the Republican party, national and State, and at Jewish educational and communal affairs. Preparing for publication opinions delivered by him in probate cases tried in his court while
Register. Office: S. E. corner Thirteenth and Chestnut. Residence: 4108 Parkside Av., Philadelphia, Pa.
Sobel, Isador. Postmaster, Erie, Pa. Born August 28, 1858,
New York City. Son of Semel Sobel and Cecelia King. Educated
in New York public schools, College City of New York, and Erie
High School. Married Emma Auerhaim. Admitted to Erie bar,
1888. Elected to Erie City Councils, 1891; re-elected, 1893; presi-
dent Councils, 1894; secretary Republican County Committee,
1889-1891; chairman, 1893-1896; vice-president Republican League
of Pennsylvania, 1894-1895; president, 1896-1897; presidential
elector, 1896; appointed postmaster by President McKinley, 1898;
re-appointed by President Roosevelt, 1902. Republican candidate
for mayor, 1895; president Anshei Chesed Congregation, 19001902. Address: 540 West 10th, Erie, Pa.
Solis, Isaac Nathan (da Silva). Lawyer and Banker. Born
Philadelphia, Pa. Son of David Hays da Silva Solis and Elvira
Nathan. Educated in Philadelphia private and public schools.
A. B., 1876, Central High School, Philadelphia; studied law in
office of Judge F. Carroll Brewster. Married Marcia M. Morgan,
1881. Admitted to the bar, 1879; became associated with banking
house of Dick Brothers and Company, 1894. Has been connected
with the Republican party in several Presidential campaigns as
" spell-binder." Wrote articles on political and financial topics
for editorial columns of newspapers or over a pen-name. Address: 2211 Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa.
Solomon, Jacob P. Editor of The Hebrew Standard; Attorneyat-law. Born May 22, 1838, Manchester, England. Son of Phillip
Solomon and Catherine Hart. Educated in Manchester Jews Free
School; studied in Franklin College, Franklin, Ind.; Notre Dame
University, Notre Dame, Ind.; LL. D., 1864, Columbia College,
New York. Married Frances Stich. Grand Saar, Kesher Shel
Barzel; past master, past high priest, junior grand deacon, commander and thirty-third degree Masonic; past grand, past district deputy, past grand conductor, Independent Order Odd Fellows; past chancellor commander, past grand chancellor commander, Knights of Pythias; past grand secretary, Order Royal
Maccabees. Editor: News, Columbus, Ind.; Democrat, Franklin,
Ind.; Jewish Record, New York; Hebrew Leader, New York; Hebrew Standard, New York. Author: Chronicles of the Rabbis;
Chips from Masonic Quarries; The Modern Wandering Jew. Address: care Hebrew Standard, 87 Nassau, New York.
Solomons, Adolphus S. Honorary Trustee and General Agent
of the Baron de Hirsch Fund. Born October 26, 1826, New York.
Son of John Solomons and Julia Levy. Educated at the University of the State of New York. Married Rachel Seixas Phillips
(deceased). Appointed, 1851, by Secretary of State Daniel Webster
" special bearer of dispatches to Berlin "; with others gave, 1857, a
ball at Niblo's Garden, New York, and donated the amount realized
as the nucleus of a fund to establish a " Jews' Hospital in New
York," now Mount Sinai Hospital; elected to the first legislature
of Washington, D. C, and was chairman Committee of Ways and
Means which projected and began the improvement of Washington; as a representative of the Alliance Israelite Universelle,
moved, at a public meeting, the establishment in New York of
the Monteflore Home for Chronic Invalids to mark the hundredth
anniversary of Sir Moses Monteflore; acting president Jewish
Theological Seminary of America at the time of its re-organization, 1902; charter member of the New York Protectory for Jewish Children; member Central Committee Alliance Israelite Universelle, and its treasurer for the United States; charter member
and for seventeen years member National Association of the Red
Cross, and at one time its vice-president; appointed by President
Arthur to represent the United States at International Convention
Red Cross Societies, Geneva, Switzerland, 1881; elected vice-president of the Convention. Has been for over twenty years director
Government Columbia Hospital and Lying-in Asylum; is a charter
member of Garfleld Memorial Hospital, and of Providence Hospital, Washington, and acting president of Providential Aid
Society, and of Charities of the District of Columbia. Founder
Night Lodging House Association of the District of Columbia, and
now its president; vice-president of The Sanitary Aid Society of
New York; vice-president New Era Club, New York; and treasurer Columbia Street Sewing and Religious Classes, New York.
Address: 1205 K, Washington, D. C.
Solomons, Aline Esther. Artist. Born New York. Daughter
of Adolphus S. Solomons and Rachel Seixas Phillips. Educated
in Washington private schools and at Art Students League.
Founder and secretary, for over ten years, Washington Art
Students League; vice-president Washington Water Color Club.
Painter of still-life and portraits. Works: Portraits of A. S. Solomons, Baron and Baroness de Hirsch, James H. Hoffman, Miss
Solomons, etc. Exhibits annually in Washington Society of
Artists and Washington Water Color Club. Residence: 1205 K.
Studio: 808 17th, Washington, D. C.
Sonneschein, Rosa. Journalist. Born March 12, 1847, Prossnitz, Moravia, Austria. Daughter of Oberrabiner Hirsch B. Fassel
(decorated by three emperors for his literary works) and Fannie
Sternfeld. Graduate Nagy-Kanissa, Hungary, high school. Was
publisher and editor The American Jewess; correspondent for
German, American, and English periodicals and newspapers; representative of various newspapers at the Chicago, Paris, and
St. Louis Expositions. Writer of short stories. Came to America,
1869. Address: 4910 Washington Block, St. Louis, Mo.
Sossnitz, Joseph (Jehuda) Loeb. Lecturer on Jewish Ethics,
Educational Alliance, New York, since 1899. Born September 17,
1837, Birzi, Kovno, Russia. Son of Yehiel Michel Sossnitz and
Tony Zive. Studied until thirteen years of age in Cheder; selftaught later. Married Freida Luria. Superintendent Jewish
Asylum, Riga, 1887; in charge of scientific and Cabbalistic subjects in the Jewish Encyclopedia, Ha-Eshkol, Warsaw, 1888; came
to America in 1891; founder, 1893, and principal, until 1897,
Uptown Talmud Torah, New York. Author: Ahen Yesh Adonai;
Ha-Shemesh; Ha-Maor; Sehok Ha-Shach; Ewiger Kalender (German and Hebrew); (unpublished) On Mathematics; On Physics;
On three Branches of Astronomy; On the Earth's Meteorology,
etc. Address: 1526 Washington Av., Bronx, New York.
Spachner, Bertha Kalisch. Leading Lady and Part Owner of
the Thalia and Grand Theatres. Born May 17, 1874, Lemberg,
Austria. Daughter of Salomon Kalisch and Babette Halber. Educated at Lemberg, Austria. Graduate Lemberg Conservatory of
Music. Married Leopold Spachner. Acted at Polish Theatre,
Lemberg; National Theatre and Stadt Theatre, Bucharest. Came
to New York, 1894, and has since been leading lady and part
owner New York Jewish Theatres. Played the title role in
Hamlet at Thalia Theatre, 1901; has produced Fedora; Magda;
Sapho; Kreutzer Sonata; Romeo and Juliet; Zaza; Resurrection; Mme. Sans Gene; Monna Vanna; Gorki's Mischanic; Nachtasyl. Has given interviews to New York newspapers on theatres,
the drama, and the art of make-up. Address: 242 East 72d, New
Speaker, Henry M. Principal of Gratz College, Philadelphia,
and Instructor in Jewish Literature since 1897. Born April 6,
1868, Wisoko, Lithuania, Russia. Son of Elhanan Speaker and
Miriam Lewisohn. Educated in Russian Rabbinical academies;
studied in Swintzyani Talmudical College under Rabbi Isaac J.
Reiness; Jewish Theological Seminary of America (Rabbi, 1896);
studied at the New York Law School. 1894-1897; for three years
in Columbia University, and one year in University of Pennsylvania, pursued courses in philosophy, literature, and Semitics.
Married Sarah R. Ginsburg Came to America, 1887. Instructor
in Bible and Talmud, Jewish Theological Seminary of America,
1892-1897; chaplain to Sing Sing Prison, 1895-1898. First president
Alumni Jewish Theological Seminary, 1901-1904; member local
Jewish Board of Ministers during his residence in New York.
Wrote articles and monographs on Jewish subjects for The American Hebrew, Jewish Comment, Jewish Exponent, and The Maccabeean. Talmudic contributions to the Jewish Encyclopedia (vol.
II). Address: Gratz College, 117 North 7th, Philadelphia, Pa.
Speyer, James Joseph. Banker; senior member firm of Speyer
and Company. Born July 22, 1861, New York City. Son of
Gustavus Speyer and Sophie Rubino. Educated at Frankfort on
the Main. Married Ellen Prince (Mrs. John A. Lowery). Trustee
Mutual Life Insurance Company; Union Trust Company; Girard
Trust Company, Philadelphia; Bank of the Manhattan Company;
Central Trust Company; German Savings Bank; North British
and Mercantile Insurance Company. Director Southern Pacific
Company; General Chemical Company; Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company; Lackawanna Steel Company; Pacific Mail Steamship Company. Trustee Mount Sinai Hospital; Teachers College;
Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association; Charity Organization
Society; Isabella Heimath; trustee and treasurer, University Settlement Society; Provident Loan Society. Interested in philanthropic and educational movements. Member Chamber of Commerce. Treasurer German American Reform Union, 1892. Member Executive Committee of Seventy, New York, 1895; served as
school commissioner under Mayor Strong's administration. Address: 257 Madison Av., New York; or Waldheim, Scarboroughon-the-Hudson, New York.
Spicker, Max. Musical Director Temple Emanu-El; Superintendent Department of Theory, National Conservatory of Music,
New York. Born August 16, 1858, Konigsberg, Prussia. Son of
Michaelis Spicker and Flora Rosenthal. Studied in Royal Conservatory, Leipzig, under Professor E. F. Richter, S. Jadassohn,
Professor O. Paul, Carl Reinecke, and Professor E. F. Wenzel.
Married Isabel Sternthal. Was conductor of opera at Heidelberg,
Cologne, Ghent (Royal Opera), Aix-la-Chapelle, Potsdam (Royal
Theatre), and Hamburg. Called to conduct Beethoven Mannerchor, New York, 1883; conducted with Anton Seidl, the orchestral
concerts at Brighton Beach, 1889-1890. Made extended concert
tour as pianist with the violinist Miska Hauser, 1878, through
Germany and Russia. Author: Anthology of Oratorio (4 vols.);
Anthology of Opera (5 vols.); The Masterpieces of Vocalization
(23 vols.); The Synagogal Service (with William Sparger, 2
vols.); choral works, songs, anthems, and music for the Jewish
Temple. Address: 1361 Madison Av., New York.
Spiegel, Frederick S. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, First
Judicial District of Ohio, Cincinnati, 0. Born November 20, 1857,
Hovestadt, Westphalia, Prussia. Son of Solomon Spiegel and
Rosalie Herzberg. Educated in Gymnasium, Paderborn, Prussia,
and Southern Institute, Gadsden, Ala. LL. B., Law School of
Cincinnati College. Married Minnie Steinberg. Was chief of the
Bureau of Statistics, State of Ohio; counsel County of Hamilton,
O.; for a long time member Cincinnati Board of Education; was
president District No. 2, Independent Order B'nai B'rith, chairman of its District Court, and at present member Supreme Court
of the Order. Has written numerous legal essays, and is engaged
in translating and annotating, by comparison with English and
French law, the new German Civil Code, which went into force
January, 1900. Address: 2302 Kemper Lane, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O.
Spivak, Charles D. (Hayem David Spivakovsky). Physician.
Born December 25, 1861, Krementshug, Poltava, Russia. Son of
Samuel David Spivakovsky and Deborah Adel Dorfman. Hebrew
education in the Cheder and with his father. Self-taught in secular
branches. Studied medicine at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia (M. D., 1890). Post-graduate courses at University of
Berlin, 1891-1892. Married Jennie (Gittel) Charsky. Member in
Russia of the (Nihilist) Socialist party; had to flee to escape
exile to Siberia. Member in Lemberg of the Am-Olam Society,
composed of Russian students and professional men whose aim
it was to become agriculturists in America. Came to America,
1882; worked at loading and unloading freight in railroad yards,
at paving Fifth Avenue, New York, in wool and cotton mills in
Maine, as type-setter on Jewish Messenger, and as farmer in Alliance, N. J., 1882-1885; taught at Alliance, N. J., under Emigrant
Aid Society, and in Philadelphia for Hebrew Education Society,
1886-1890. Organizer, temporary president, and first vice-president Jewish Alliance of America, Philadelphia, 1891-1892. Chief
of Clinic Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines, Philadelphia
Polyclinic, 1895; associate professor Medicine, Denver University,
Medical Department, 1896-1901; professor of Anatomy, 1897-1898;
clinical professor of Medicine, Denver and Gross College of Medicine, 1902; chief of Clinical Laboratory since 1900. Secretary
Denver and Arapahoe County Medical Society, 1897; president
Colorado Medical Library Association, 1901, and secretary since
1902; librarian Denver Academy of Medicine. Member of a number of medical societies. Organizer and secretary Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society, 1904. Editor Medical Libraries, 18981902. Has written for Voschod, St. Petersburg, Ha-Melitz, American Hebrew, Jewish Exponent, and various Yiddish journals in
New York. Contributor, chiefly on Gastro-Enterology, to various
medical journals. Address: 1421 Court PL, Denver, Colo.
Steckler, Alfred. Lawyer. Born December 18, 1856, New
York City. Educated in New York public schools. Graduate
Columbia Law School, 1877. Nominated as Judge of the Fourth
District Court as an independent candidate; elected, and served
from 1881 to 1893. Abolished dispossess bureau; inaugurated reform in district courts in manner of drawing juries where parties
demanded jury trial; and in many ways considered the needs
of the foreign populations on the Lower East Side. Ran as an
independent candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court of New
York County, 1895; appointed to fill vacancy left by the death of
Justice McAdam of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial District. Identified with a large number of charitable and fraternal
organizations in New York. Address: 170 Broadway, New York.
Stein, Modest. Illustrator. Born February 13, 1871, Kovno,
Russia. Son of Lazar Stein and Rosalia Lewinson. Educated in
Kovno Classic Gymnasium. Spent a short time in Paris. Came
to United States, 1888. Married Marcia Mishkin. Was connected
with the New York Press, 1891; New York Herald; Philadelphia
North American; and is now connected with The New York
World. Address: 152 West 64th, New York.
Stein, Philip. Judge Appellate Court, First District of Illinois,
Chicago. Born March 12, 1844, Steele, Rhenish Prussia. Son
of Israel Stein and Rosetta Kappel. Studied in Germany and at
Milwaukee public and high schools; University of Wisconsin
(B. A. and M. A., 1868); and for two years at Universities of
Heidelberg, Bonn, and Berlin. Married Emma Stein. Elected
judge Superior Court Cook County, 111., 1892; re-elected, 1898;
appointed to Appellate Court, 1903. Settled in Chicago immediately after admission to Milwaukee bar, 1868; has taken active
interest in charitable and educational matters. Address: 4340
Grand Boulevard, Chicago, 111.
Steinbach, Lewis W. Born June 4, 1851, Vysoka, Bohemia.
Son of Simon Steinbach and Rosalie Weisskopf. Educated at
Pribram and Prague, Bohemia, and in Philadelphia. M. D.,
Jefferson Medical College. Married Johanna Rosenbaum. Professor Surgery Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates
in Medicine; consulting surgeon Philadelphia Hospital and Jewish Hospital of Philadelphia. Address: 1309 North Broad, Philadelphia, Pa.
Stern, Heinrich. Physician; Director Institute for Medical
Diagnosis and Research in the City of New York. Born January
28, 1868, Frankfort on the Main, Germany. Son of Leopold Stern
and Bertha Bendheim. Educated at the Philanthropin, Frankfort. M. D., 1889, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Married Selma Hellenberg. Was professor Diseases of Metabolism, College of Physicians and Surgeons, St. Louis; now pro-
fessor Internal Medicine New York School of Clinical Medicine;
consulting physician Red Cross and St. Elizabeth Hospital, New
York; visiting physician Metropolitan Hospital and West Side
German Dispensary, New York. Gold medallist of the Medical
Society of the County of New York. Author: Die Gottesidee,
1888; Angewandte Physiologie, 1888; Die Zersetzung animalischer
Materie, 1889; Der Untergang Israels, 1894; The Urine, 1897;
Recent Studies in Urinology, 1898; Auto-intoxication and its
Treatment, 1904. Has written numerous essays on clinical, chemical, physical, and philosophical topics. Address: 56 East 76th,
New York.
Stern, Leon. Architect. Born April 9, 1867, Rochester, N. Y.
Son of Abram Stern and Caroline Stern. Educated in Rochester
public schools. B. S., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Member
State Board of Building Commissioners under Governor Flower,
to make uniform building laws for State of New York. Member
American Institute of Architects. Works: Chamber of Commerce Building; Berith Kodesh Temple; State Industrial School;
Bausch and Lomb Optical Company Buildings, Rochester. Residence: 7 Hyde Park. Office: 1017 Chamber of Commerce Building, Rochester, N. Y.
Stern, Louis. Merchant. Born February 22, 1847, Germany.
Son of Meyer A. Stern and Sophia Rosenstock. Educated in
Albany public schools and academy. Married Lisette Strupp.
President Republican Club; Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society; Albany Society; Library Square Realty Company,
all of New York. Was United States commissioner, Paris Exposition, 1900; chairman Executive Committee New York State
Commission, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; Republican candidate for
President Borough of Manhattan, New York, 1897. Director of
Lincoln Trust Company; Mutual Alliance Trust Company; New
Amsterdam National Bank; Madison Safe Deposit Company; New
Amsterdam Safe Deposit Company; Casein Company of America.
Address: 993 Fifth Av., New York.
Stern, Samuel R. Lawyer. Born July 7, 1855, Syracuse, N. Y.
Son of Abraham Stern. Educated in Syracuse common and high
schools. Married Libbia Wile. Appointed first assistant district
attorney of Onondaga County, N. Y., when first admitted to bar.
Was president Washington State Bar Association. Contributed
to the New York Sun, Harper's Monthly, Judge, and other periodicals. Address: Spokane, Washington.
*Sterner, Albert Edward. Artist. Born March 8, 1863, London,
England. Educated in King Edward's School, Birmingham.
Pursued studies at Julien's Academy and Ecole des Beaux Arts,
Paris. Married July 17, 1894. Came to United States, 1881; was
artist, scene painter, and lithographer, in Chicago, 1881-1885;
opened studio in New York, 1885; received honorable mention for
oil painting, The Bachelor, at Paris Salon, Champs Elysees.
Bronze medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. Illustrator of George W.
Curtis's Prue and I; Coppee's Tales, 1891; Poe's Works, 1894;
Eleanor, by Mrs. Humphry Ward, 1900; illustrator for Harper's
Century, and Scribner's. Member American Water Color Society.
Residence: Nutley, N. J.
Stolper, J. H. General Superintendent Sanitary Department of
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa F6, and of Gulf, Colorado, and Santa
Fe Railroad. Born 1871, Bordeaux, France. Author of a number
of pamphlets. Address: Galveston, Texas.
Stone, Nahum I. Manufacturer. Born July 29, 1873, Odessa,
Russia. Son of Isaac Stone and Rose Leviash. Graduate, 1891, of
Imperial Gymnasium, Odessa; studied at Armour Institute of
Technology, Chicago. M. A., 1901, Columbia University, New
York. Married Bertha Esther Levinson. Editor of The People,
1899; statistician Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 18991900; editor Department of Countries, New International Encyclopaedia, 1900-1902. Author: Capitalism on Trial in Russia; Economic Resources of Siberia; A Study of Agricultural Statistics of
the United States; A Critical Study of the American Census
(agriculture); Special Report for the Industrial Commission on
Speculation and Prices of Wheat and Cotton; Political Conditions
in Russia; etc. Address: 1570 Washington Av., New York.
Straus, Isidor. Merchant. Born February 6, 1845, Rhenish,
Bavaria. Son of Lazarus Straus. Educated in Collingsworth
Institute, Talbotton, Ga., and prepared to enter military academy
at West Point, which breaking out of Civil War prevented. Married Ida Blun. Came to America with family, 1854, and settled
in Talbotton, Ga. Prevented from entering Confederate Army
when sixteen years old by lack of arms in Georgia; went to England for importing company organized to build ships for blockaderunning purposes, 1863. Removed from Georgia to New York,
1865, where firm of L. Straus and Sons was organized; entered
firm of R. H. Macy and Company with brother, 1888, and became
partner in Brooklyn dry goods firm of Abraham and Straus, 1892.
Consulted by the Democratic leaders in the campaign of 1892,
which resulted in election of President Cleveland; went to Washington in 1893 to urge the President to avert a panic by taking
steps to repeal the Sherman Act, and the President issued the
same afternoon the proclamation convening Congress in special
session, which resolved its repeal. Was member of Fifty-third
Congress, and declined re-election. Supported the Committee on
Ways and Means which was considering the Tariff Bill. President Educational Alliance; vice-president Chamber of Commerce;
member Board of Trade; vice-president J. Hood Wright Memorial
Hospital, all of New York. Director of several banks and financial institutions, and connected with a number of institutions of
science, art, education, and philanthropy. Address: Broadway
and 34th, New York City.
Straus, Nathan. Merchant. Born January 31, 1848, Rhenish
Bavaria. Son of Lazarus Straus. Attended school at Talbotton,
Ga., whither he had come with his family, 1854. Removed to
New York; with father and brothers established firm of Lazarus
Straus and Sons, importers of pottery and glassware. Married
Lina Gutherz. Since 1888 partner in R. H. Macy & Co.'s store,
New York, and since 1892, in Abraham and Straus's store, Brooklyn, N. Y. Appointed Park Commissioner; in 1894, Democratic
nominee for mayor (declined); in 1898 president Board of Health,
New York City (resigned after a few months' service). Originated, in 1890, and maintains depots for the sale and distribution
of sterilized milk among the poor; also depots for distribution of
coal in winter. Has presented sterilized milk plants to Philadelphia and St. Louis. Is largely interested in charitable undertakings. Also interested in sports. Address: Broadway and 34th,
New York.
Straus, Oscar S. Member Permanent Court of Arbitration at
the Hague, appointed in place of President Harrison, deceased.
Born December 23, 1850, Otterberg, Rhenish Bavaria. Son of
Lazarus Straus. Educated in Georgia. A. B., 1871; A.M., 1873,
and LL. B., 1873, Columbia University; L. H. D., 1896, Brown
University; LL. D., 1897, Washington and Lee University; LL. D.,
1898, Pennsylvania University. Married Sarah Lavanburg. Envoy
extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Turkey, 1887-1890,
1897-1900. President National Primary League, 1895; American
Social Science Association, 1899-1903; and National Conference of
Capital and Labor, 1901; first president, until 1898, American
Jewish Historical Society; vice-president National Civic Federation. Was member Indian Commission appointed by President
Roosevelt as Governor State of New York; of Commission to
Investigate New York City Public Schools; and of Commission to
Investigate Pauper Insane Institutions. Author: The Origin of
Republican Form of Government in the United States, 1885;
Roger Williams, the Pioneer of Religious Liberty, 1894; The
Development of Religious Liberty in the United States, 1896;
Reform in the Consular Service, 1897; Our Diplomacy, 1902; The
Protection of Naturalized Citizens, 1900; The American Doctrine
of Citizenship, 1904; etc. Address: 42 Warren, New York.
*Strauss, Joseph. Lieutenant United States Navy. Born November 16, 1861, Mount Morris, New York. Graduate Naval
Academy, 1885. Married Mary Sweitzer. Cruised in various parts
of the world, 1885-1887; engaged in hydrographic surveys on east
and west coast of United States and in Alaska, 1887-1890; cruising, 1890-1893; in Bureau of Ordnance Navy Department, 18931896; invented (with Admiral Sampson) superposed turret system of mounting guns on battleships, 1895; cruised in South
America, 1896-1900, and engaged in the blockade of the Cuban
coast; in charge of United States Naval Proving Ground, 19001903; now attached to United States Steamship Arkansas. Member
United States Naval Institute. Has written various articles on
ordnance and ballistics. Address: Navy Department, Washington, D. C.
Strauss, Malcolm Atherton. Pen and Ink Artist; Illustrator.
Born September 19, 1879, New York City. Son of Nathan Strauss
and Minnie Gladken. Educated in Columbia Grammar School,
New York. Pursued special course in Columbia College. Work
has appeared in Life, Truth, Metropolitan Magazine, New York
Herald, New York Journal, The North American, Philadelphia,
etc. Issued book of drawings: Cupid and Coronet. Address: 57
West 75th, New York.
Strauss, Seligman Joseph. Lawyer. Born August 19, 1852,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Son of Abraham Strauss and Emilie Bodenheimer. Educated at Wilkes-Barre and in New York City. Graduate, 1872, M. A., 1876, College City of New York. Married
Miriam Weiss. Member Wilkes-Barre School Board, 1886-1895.
Was president District Grand Lodge No. 3, and member Executive Committee, Independent Order B'nai B'rith. Address:
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
*Strunsky, Anna. Author. Born 1881, Russia. Educated in
Leland Stanford, Jr., University, Palo Alto, Cal. Wrote articles
for socialistic magazines and lectured while in college. When
about to be graduated, planned to collaborate with Mr. Jack
London in writing the series of documents now published under
the title of Kempton-Wace letters. Travelled in England, France,
and Italy. Address: San Francisco, Cal.
Strunsky, Simeon. Editor on the Staff of the New International
Encyclopaedia. Born July 23, 1879, Vitebsk, Russia. Son of
Israel Mordecai Strunsky and Pearl Schweistein. Educated in
New York public schools, and Horace Mann High School; B. A.,
1900, Columbia College. Came to the United States, 1887. Contributor in history, New International Encyclopaedia, 1900-1901;
office editor history and political science, 1901-1904; editor of
Index and Guide, 1904; contributor in history and politics, International Year Book, 1900-1902; contributor in history Encyclopaedia Americana, 1904; instructor History and English, Educational League, since 1901. Address: 1125 Washington, Hoboken,
N. J.
Sulzbacher, Louis. United States Judge for the Western District of Indian Territory. Born May 10, 1842, Rhenish Palatinate.
Son of Jacob Sulzbacher and Regine Schwarz. Educated in Germany. Married Pauline Flersheim. Was justice Supreme Court,
Porto Rico. Address: Kansas City, Mo.
Sulzberger, Mayer. President Judge Court of Common Pleas,
No. 2, First Judicial District of Pennsylvania. Born June 22,
1843, Heidelsheim, Grand Duchy of Baden. Son of Abraham
Sulzberger and Sophia Einstein. Educated at Philadephia. Address: 1303 Girard Av., Philadephia, Pa.
Tannenbaum, Abner. Yiddish and Hebrew Journalist. Born
March 1, 1848, Shirwint, Russia. Son of Hirsch Tannenbaum.
Educated in Kamenetz-Podolsk Jewish primary school, and graduate Kishineff First Gymnasium. Was teacher in public schools,
in private schools, bookkeeper, commercial correspondent, and
manager wholesale drug business. Came to New York, 1887, and
opened small candy and cigar store; wrote for Der Morgenstern,
1889-1890, then for other Yiddish and Hebrew publications.
Translated nearly all the works of Jules Verne into Yiddish,
popularizing the scientific facts they contain; wrote several novels
with the purpose of popularizing scientific knowledge; contributes to Tageblatt, Judische Gazetten, Herold, Volksadvokat, and
other Yiddish and Hebrew periodicals, on scientific and historical
subjects, especially on the history of the Jews. Address: 107
West 113th, New York.
"Tashrak." See Zevin, Israel Joseph.
Thomashefsky, Borris. Leading Actor, Manager, and Lessee,
People's Theatre, New York City. Born May 30, 1866, Kieff, Russia. Son of Philip Thomashefsky and Bertha Wishnefsky. Stud-
ied at Jewish, Russian, and German schools. Married Bessie
Kaufman. Was leading actor and manager of theatres in Chicago
and Philadelphia. Address: 549 Bedford Av., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Traubel, Horace. Editor of The Conservator, and The Artsman.
Born December 19, 1858, Camden, N. J. Son of Maurice Traubel
and Katharine von Grunder. Educated in public schools. Married Anne Montgomerie. In early life was practical printer, practical lithographer, bank clerk, general clerk, pay master, and
served daily newspaper route. Founder and for sixteen years
treasurer Contemporary Club, Philadelphia; one of the founders
of the Philadelphia Ethical Society; and one of the founders, and
since its foundation secretary-treasurer, of the Walt Whitman
Fellowship (international). Was associated with Whitman for
the last fifteen years of his life, helping him to prepare his
works for final publication. Editorial writer at different periods
on Boston Commonwealth, and Chicago Unity; writer of "specials " on Chicago American, Philadelphia North American, and
Philadelphia Times. Edited: several books in connection with
Walt Whitman; The Dollar or the Man, cartoons by Homer
Davenport. In preparation: An economic work, and the first
volume of his Whitman Diary. Residence: Camden, N. J. Office:
200 South 10th, Philadelphia, Pa.
Tuska, Gustave R. Consulting Engineer. Born July 15, 1S69,
New York City. Son of Adolph Tuska and Elise Robitscher.
Studied in College City of New York, B. S., 1888; M. S., 1891; and
Columbia University, C. E., 1891. Married Isabel Pappenheimer.
Tutor Civil Engineering, Columbia University. Bridge engineer
Long Island R. R. Co.; engineer Central New York and Western
R. R.; engineer Knoxville, Cumberland Gap, and Louisville R. R.;
chief engineer Panama R. R. Co.; president and chief engineer
Atlantic Construction Co.; chief engineer American Power Co.;
chief engineer Atlantic Fisheries Co. Member of various engineers' societies. Director Hebrew Technical Institute, Underwriters Club, and The Judseans. Contributor to technical journals
and proceedings of engineering societies. Residence: 40 East
65th. Office: 62-64 William, New York.
Ulmann, Albert. Banker and Broker. Born July 2, 1861, New
York City. Son of Edward Ulmann and Philippine Michels.
Educated in New York City public schools. B. S., 1881, College
City of New York. Married Tillie Sulzbacher. Trustee American
Scenic and Historic Preservation Society; governor and one of
the founders of The Judasans. Member Phi Beta Kappa; New
York Historical Society; and American Historical Association.
Author: Frederick Struther's Romance; Chaperoned; A Landmark History of New York; New York's Historic Sites, Landmarks, Monuments, and Tablets. Residence: 101 West 80th.
Office: 40 Exchange Place, New York.
Van den Berg, Brahm. Concert Pianist, Teacher, Composer.
Born May 20, 1876, Cologne, Germany. Son of Simon Van den
Berg and Catherine Van Stratum. Educated at Antwerp and
Vienna under Verhulst (cello), Rurwelds (piano), Josef Wieniawski, Peter Benoit, Jean Bloch, and Theodor Leschetizky (18921893). As a very young man was engaged for a series of concerts in London, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, and Liege. Married Bertha Delden. First conductor in National Opera House,
Antwerp, 1896-1898; conductor Grand Opera House, Algiers, 18981900. Member of Faculty and Board of Examiners College of
Music, Cincinnati, O. Address: 2153 St. James Av., Walnut Hills,
Cincinnati, O.
Vineberg, Hiram Nahum. Physician. Born December 20, 1857,
emigrated to Canada when six years old. Son of Alexander
Vineberg. Educated in Canada public schools and privately.
M. D. C. M., 1878, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Married
Lena Bernheimer. Instructor Gynaecology New York Polyclinic
and New York Post-Graduate Medical School; attending gynaecologist St. Vincent's Hospital, and Monteflore Home for Chronic
Invalids; adjunct attending gynaecologist Mount Sinai Hospital.
Author of numerous papers on gynaecological subjects. Address:
751 Madison Av., New York City.
*Waldstein, Charles. Educator, Author. Born March 30, 1856,
New York City. Son of Henry Waldstein. A. M. and L. H. D.,
Columbia College; Ph.D., 1875, University of Heidelberg; M. A.
and Litt. D., Cambridge, Eng. University lecturer, classical
archaeology, Cambridge University, 1880; University reader, classical archaeology, 1882; director Fitzwilliam Museum, 1883-1889.
Fellow King's College, Cambridge, 1883; Slade professor fine arts,
King's College, since 1885; director, 1889-1895, and professor,
1895-1897, American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece;
directed excavations of American Archaeological Institute at
Plataea, Eretria, Heraion of Argos, etc. Knight Commander
Hellenic Order of the Redeemer; and of Ernestine Saxon Order.
Author: Excavations at the Heraion of Argos; Balance of Emotion and Intellect, 1878; Essays on the Art of Phidias, 1885; The
Work of John Ruskin, 1894; The Study of Art in Universities,
1895; The Surface of Things, 1899; The Jewish Question, 1899;
The Expansion of Western Ideals and the World's Peace, 1899;
The Argive Heraeum, 1902. Address: King's College, Cambridge,
*Waldstein, Louis. Physician. Born April 15, 1853, New York
City. Son of Henry Waldstein. Studied in College of Physicians
and Surgeons, New York; Heidelberg, Zurich, Vienna, London,
and Paris. M. D., 1878, Heidelberg. Assistant Pathological Institute, Heidelberg, 1878-1880; practiced in New York, 1880-1898;
since then in London. Author: The Sub-Conscious Self in its
Relation to Education and Health, 1897; also numerous medical
and scientific memoirs and articles. Address: 38 Montpelier Sq.,
London, Eng.
*Waldstein, M. E. Chemist. Born October 18, 1854, New York
City. Son of Henry Waldstein. Educated in Columbia College
School of Mines. Ph. D., 1875, Heidelberg. Head of Atlantic
Chemical Works. Has written various chemical articles. Residence: Orange, N. J. Office: 107 Murray, New York.
Walkowitz, Abraham. Artist, Instructor in Art, Educational
Alliance. Born March 22, 1880, Tuiemen, Siberia. Son of Jacob
Walkowitz. Educated in Russia and the United States. Came
to America with mother when ten years old; worked at various
trades, last in sign painting establishment for five years; meanwhile studied art in the evening at the National Academy of
Design; received honorable mention for etching and medal for
life-drawings. Later devoted whole time to study of painting.
Exhibitor at the National Academy and Art Culture League, also
private exhibitions. Address: 25 East 3d, New York.
Wallach, Isabel R. Writer. Born April 15, 1858, New York.
Daughter of Moses Richman and Rosa Mellis. Graduate Normal
College, New York. Married Dr. Joseph G. Wallach (deceased).
Vice-president for New York State of Council of Jewish Women;
president Shaaray Tefila Sisterhood of Personal Service. Author:
Historical and Biographical Narratives (for school children).
Address: 15 West 91st, New York.
Walt, Abraham (nom de plume, "A. Liesin"). Poet, Journalist,
and on editorial staff of Yiddish paper Vorwarts. Born May 2,
1872, Minsk, Russia. Son of Yehuda Leib Walt and Relie Hamburg. Educated in Cheder at Minsk and at Talmudical College
in Volosin. Married Libbey Ginsburg. Was intended for the
Rabbinate by his parents; expelled from the Talmudical College
on account of heretical views. Went to Wilna when fifteen years
old; participated in the socialist, labor, and revolutionary move-
ments in Russia; persecuted by agents of the government and compelled to live under assumed names, 1895; obliged to leave Russia, 1897, and emigrated to the United States. Wrote poems, articles, and essays for Yiddish periodicals in Russia and the United
States. Contributions to Vorwarts and Zukunft. Address: Vorwarts, New York.
Warburg, Felix M. Banker, in the firm of Kuhn, Loeb, anu
Company. Born January 14, 1871, Hamburg, Germany. Son of
Moritz Warburg and Charlotte Oppenheim. Educated in the Gymnasium of Hamburg. Married Frieda Schiff. Appointed by
Mayor Low Commissioner Board of Education, to serve until
1906. Address: 18 East 72d, New York.
Weber, Joseph. Theatrical Manager. Born August 11, 1867,
New York City. Son of Abraham Weber and Gertrude Enoch.
Educated in New York public schools. Married Lillian Friedman.
Owner Weber's Music Hall; member The Weber and Ziegfeld
all-star stock company. German comedian. Address: 1213 Broadway, New York.
Weil, Abraham. Artist. Born July 12, 1869, New York City.
Son of Jacob A. Weil and Dina Lilienthal. Early evinced taste
for art. Entered business at fourteeen, and studied in the evenings at Cooper Union; later at Academy of Design. Began career
on The New York Star at the age of eighteen; was later connected at different periods with The Press, Commercial Advertiser, Mail and Express, The World, The Journal, The Herald,
The St. Louis Post-Despatch, and Philadelphia North American.
Had daily cartoons in The Evening Telegram, New York. Withdrew from newspaper work, 1898, and has since done work for
various magazines, illustrated beoks of fiction and travel, and
designed art calendars, theatrical posters, etc., for lithographing
firms. Address: 154 East 117th, New York.
Weill, Edmond. Artist. Born 1872, New York City. Son of
Max Weill. Educated in National Academy of Design, New York.
Married Rose Bader. Charter member and first president County
Sketch Club; charter member Society of Younger Painters. Has
exhibited in oil and water colors, at Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg;
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Philadelphia Art Club; and
Art Institute, Chicago; Society of American Artists; National
Academy of Design; American Water Color Society; etc. Address: 1132 Hancock, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Werner, Adolph. Professor of the German Language and Literature, College City of New York. Born January 5, 1839, Frank-
fort on the Main, Germany. Son of Edward Werner and Rosalie
Schlesinger. Studied in College City of New York (B. S., 1857;
M. S., 1860); Ph. D., 1880, Rutgers Female College. Senator United
Chapters Phi Beta Kappa since organization. Address: 339 West
29th, New York.
Werner, Simon. Artist and Illustrator. Born April 21, 1871,
New York. Son of Bernard Werner. Educated at New York.
Studied art in Paris under Benjamin Constant, J. P. Laurens, and
William Bouguereau. Engaged as lithographic designer from the
age of fifteen to twenty-two. Since completion of art studies
engaged in making drawings and illustrations for Harper's, Century, Ladies' Home Journal, Delineator, and other monthly magazines. Paintings exhibited at National Academy of Design; Society of American Artists; Associated Illustrators; Carnegie
Institute; Salon in Paris, and Glass Palast, Munich. Address:
43 East 59th, New York.
Weyl, Max. Artist; Landscape Painter. Born 1837, Miihlen on
the Neckar, Wurtemberg, Germany. Son of Veit Hirsh Weyl and
Miriam G6tz. Self-taught. Married Miriam Raff. Past president,
Society of Washington Artists. Received medal at the Atlanta
Exhibition, 1895; A. J. Parsons prize, 1904, for the best landscape
in Society of Washington Artists Exhibition, bought by Corcoran
Gallery of Art. Address: 522 Corcoran Building, Washington,
D. C.
Weyl, Walter Edward. Economist. Born March 11, 1874, Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Nathan Weyl and Emilie Stern. Educated
in Philadelphia public schools, and Central High School, Philadelphia. Ph. B., 1892; Ph.D., 1897, University of Pennsylvania.
Pursued courses at Universities of Halle, Berlin, and Paris.
Junior fellowship, 1896-1897, senior fellowship, 1897-1898, 18981899, University of Pennsylvania. In charge of Statistics of Internal Commerce, United States Bureau of Statistics. Author:
Passenger Traffic of Railways; Railway Labor in Europe; Labor
Conditions in Mexico; Street Railway Labor; and about a dozen
magazine articles. Address: care University Settlement, 184
Eldridge, New York.
White, Henry (or Harry). General Secretary United Garment
Workers of America. Born May 21, 1866, Baltimore, Md. Son
of Max White and Annie Lewin. Educated in New York public
schools. Served apprenticeship to trade of clothing cutter; journeyman at eighteen; joined union of trade affiliated with Knights
of Labor; organized secession movement and issued call for
national convention in New York, 1891, which organized the
United Garment Workers of America, affiliated with American
Federation of Labor; has been general officer from first, since
1896 general secretary; has represented body at nearly all conventions of American Federation of Labor; one of the representatives of New York at Chicago Trust Conference, 1899, appointed
by Governor Roosevelt; nominated by Governor Roosevelt chief
factory inspector of New York; nomination withdrawn; served
on Executive Committee Citizen's Union; member National Civic
Federation; trustee People's Institute; identified with Ethical Culture Society and with Social Reform Club. Editor: The Garment
Worker, and Weekly Bulletin of the Clothing Trade. Address:
95 West 119th, New York.
Whitney, Rosalie Loew (Mrs. T. H.). Attorney Legal Aid
Society of New York; Attorney-at-law. Born May 4, 1873, New
York City. Daughter of William H. Loew and Lottie Wechsler.
Educated in New York public schools; A. B., 1892, Normal College;
LL. B., 1895, New York University. Married Travis H. Whitney.
Address: 239 Broadway, New York.
Wiernik, Peter. Yiddish Journalist; Collaborator in the Jewish
Encyclopedia. Born March, 1865, Wilna, Russia. Son of Zebi
Zeeb (Hirsch Wolf) Wiernik and Sarah Milchiger. Educated in
Cheder until thirteen years old; self-taught in all but Hebrew
studies. Came to America, 1885, and settled in Chicago. Was a
peddler, common laborer, printer, writer for Yiddish papers and
occasional contributor to Hebrew and English periodicals. Connected with the Jewish Courier in various capacities, from typesetter to editor, 1887-1896; came to New York, 1898. Author:
History of the Jews, 1901. Office: care Jewish Morning Journal,
228 Madison. Residence: 54 Broome, New York.
Winkler, Max. Professor German language and literature, University of Michigan. Born September 4, 1866, Cracow, Austria.
Son of Simon M. Winkler and Mathilde Greiwer. Educated in the
Gymnasium of Cracow, and Hughes High School, Cincinnati, O.
A. B., 1889, Harvard University; Ph. D., 1892, University of Michigan; post-graduate courses in University of Berlin. Assistant professor Modern Languages, University of Kansas, 1889-1890; instructor in German, University of Michigan, 1890-1892, and 18931895; assistant professor German, 1895-1900; acting professor
German, 1900-1902; professor German Language and Literature
since 1902. Member Phi Beta Kappa of Harvard University and
University of Kansas. Editor: Lessing's Emilia Galotti, with
introduction and notes, 1895; Goethe's Egmont, with introduction and notes, 1898; Schiller's Wallenstein, with introduction
and notes, 1901; Goethe's Iphigenie, with introduction and notes
(in press). Contributions to Modern Language Notes. Address:
730 South Thayer, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Wise, Leo. Publisher and Managing Editor, American Israelite,
Cincinnati; Publisher Chicago Israelite. Born October 28, 1849,
Albany, N. Y. Son of Rabbi Isaac M. Wise and Therese Bloch.
Educated in Talmid Yelodim Institute, Cincinnati; St. Xavier's
College, Cincinnati; Cincinnati Farmers' College, College Hill, O.;
Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.; LL. B., University of Michigan.
Married Pauline Goodman. While a boy served a brief time in
the United States Navy (River Flotilla) during the Civil War;
was one of the original settlers at the Kimberley diamond mine,
having pre-empted claims when it was opened. Has been connected with The American Israelite during his entire active career.
Conducted Die Deborah for a number of years; issued the American Jews' Annual for eight years. Established Chicago Israelite,
1885. Residence: 361 Hearne Av., Avondale. Office: 56 Perin
Bldg., Cincinnati, O.
Witmark, Julius P. Music Publisher. Born September 19, 1870,
New York City. Son of Marcus Witmark and Henrietta Peyser.
Educated in New York. Married Carrie J. Rosenberg. Belongs
to the firm of M. Witmark and Sons, music publishers, New York,
Chicago, San Francisco, and London. In his youth, until 1885,
boy soprano on the stage. Address: 144-146 West 37th, New York.
Witt, Max S. Composer; General Musical Director of Messrs.
Broadhurst and Currie's productions. Born November 12, 1870,
Stettin, Germany. Son of Elias Witt and Sophie Schlesinger.
Educated in Stettin Stadt Gymnasium and New York public
schools. Married Margaret Gonzalez. Was intended for commercial career, but abandoned it for music; has written many
popular melodies. Composer: The Moth and the Flame; My
Little Georgia Rose; First Violin Waltzes; Phyllis Waltz; The
A. B. C. of Love, etc. Address: 34 East 21st, New York.
Wolbarst, Abraham Leo. Physician. Born August 4, 1872,
New York City. Son of Bernard Wolbarst and Jane Appelbaum.
Educated in New York public schools and College City of New
York; M. D., 1898, College of Physicians and Surgeons. Attending surgeon, Beth Israel Hospital Dispensary; clinical surgical
assistant, New York Polyclinic, School and Hospital. Special
writer for New York Evening Sun on Jewish affairs; organizer
and president four terms, New Era Club; founder, Society for
the Aid of Crippled Children, all of New York. Associate editor,
Whitman's Orthopaedic Surgery; and Weir's Lectures on Surgery.
Formerly associate editor, New York Journal of Cutaneous and
Genito-Urinary Diseases. Has written technical articles on surgery, and articles on social conditions in the Jewish quarter of
New York. Address: 24 East 119th, New York.
Wolf, Adolph Grant. Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
of Porto Rico. Born January 11, 1869, Washington, D. C. Son
of Simon Wolf and Caroline Hahn. Studied in Johns Hopkins
University (A. B., 1890); LL. B., 1892, LL. M., 1893, Columbian
(now George Washington) University, Washington; post-graduate
work at University of Berlin. Financial secretary, United Hebrew
Charities, Washington; treasurer Civil Service Reform Association, District of Columbia. Address: 926 F, N. W., Washington,
D. C.
Wolf, Emma. Author. Born June 15, 1865, San Francisco, Cal.
Daughter of Simon Wolf and Annette Levy. Educated in San
Francisco grammar, high, and normal schools. Author: Other
Things Being Equal; A Prodigal in Love; The Joy of Life; Heirs
of Yesterday. Has written short stories for magazines. Address:
2874 Washington, San Francisco, Cal.
Wolf, Simon. Attorney-at-law. Born October 28, 1836, Hinzweiler, Rhenish Bavaria. Son of Levi Wolf. Educated in public
schools; graduate Ohio Law College, Cleveland. Doctor's degree,
University of Strassburg. Married Amelia Lichtenstein. Was
recorder District of Columbia, 1869-1878, United States consul
general and agent diplomatique to Egypt, 1881-1882; member
Board of Charities and School Board, District of Columbia. At
present Chairman Board of Delegates for Civil and Religious
Rights of Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Twice president Constitution Grand Lodge Conventions, and now president,
Independent Order B'nai B'rith; for twelve years president Order
Kesher Shel Barzel; president Washington Schuetzen Verein for
twelve years; president Masonic Veterans Association; Bund der
Alten; Ruppert House for Aged and Indigent, and German
Orphan Asylum; founder and president Hebrew Orphans Home,
Atlanta, Ga. Author: The American Jew as Patriot, Soldier, and
Citizen; Biographies of Mordecai M. Noah and Commodore U. P.
Levy. Address: 926 F, N. W., Washington, D. C.
Wolfenstein, Martha. Born August 5, 1869, Insterburg, Prussia, Germany. Daughter of Dr. Samuel Wolfenstein and Bertha
Brieger. Educated in Cleveland, O., public schools. Author:
Idyls of the Gass; short stories in various magazines. Address:
Jewjsh Orphan Asylum, Cleveland, O.
Wolfson, Arthur Mayer. First Assistant in History (chairman
of department), De Witt Clinton High School; teacher in charge
of Annex to DeWitt Clinton High School, New York. Born April
10, 1873, Chicago, 111. Son of Rudolph Wolfson and Nancy Mayer.
Educated in Kansas City and Philadelphia public schools. B. A.,
1893; M. A., 1896, and Ph.D., 1898, Harvard University. Teacher
Central High School, Kansas City, Mo., 1893-1895; assistant in
History, Harvard University, 1896-1898; teacher DeWitt Clinton
High School since 1898. Has writen reviews and monographs,
among them, The Ballot and Other Forms of Voting in the Italian
Communes (in American Historical Review); Some Bibliographical Notes on Italian Communal History (in Year Book of Bibliographical Society of Chicago), 1902-1903; Some Modern Theories
of History Teaching Tested by Actual Practice (in Annual Report Schoolmasters' Association, New York and Vicinity), 19021903. Author: The Essentials in Ancient History (text book).
Address: 140 West 102d, New York.
Wolfstein, David I. Physician. Born January 11, 1862, Hannibal, Mo. Son of Isaac Wolfstein and Caroline Levy. Studied
medicine in Ohio Medical College; pursued courses in Europe, for
three years, at Strassburg, Zurich, Berlin, and Vienna. Fellow
in Biology, University of Cincinnati. Married Nettie F. Scheuer.
Is neuro-pathologist to Cincinnati Hospital, University of Cincinnati; neurologist to Jewish Hospital. Was bacteriologist,
Miami Medical College; professor of Pathology, University of
Cincinnati; of Mental and Nervous Diseases, Cincinnati College
of Medicine and Surgery; secretary, Section of Nervous and Mental Diseases, American Medical Association. Has written articles
on diseases of the nervous system. Address: 22 West 7th, Cincinnati, O.
*Woog, Benjamin Bernard. First Lieutenant, Marine Corps,
United States Navy. Born in District of Columbia. Entered
service and received present commission, July 1, 1899. Ordered
to Guam, P. I., 1903. Address: Navy Department, Washington,
D. C.
Woolf, Albert Edward. Electrician; Inventor. Born September 25, 1846, New York City. Son of Edward Woolf and Sarah
Michels. Educated in College City of New York. Married Rosamund Wimpfheimer. Member American Institute of Electrical
Engineers, and of Society of Arts, London, Eng. Introduced Per-
oxide of Hydrogen for bleaching ostrich feathers; discovered and
introduced disinfection by means of electrolysis of a saline solution; purified Rikers Island; sterilized New York drinking water
during typhoid fever epidemic, 1893; disinfected Havana for
United States officials; eradicated yellow fever. Residence: 832
West End Av. Office: 415 Lexington Av., New York.
Woolf, Samuel Johnson. Portrait and Figure Painter. Born
February 12, 1880, New York City. Son of Albert Edward Woolf
and Rosamund Wimpfheimer. Graduate, 1899, College City of
New York, and studied at Art Students League. Pupil of Kenyon Cox and George DeForrest Brush. Awarded Hallgarten prize
National Academy of Design, 1904; represented at exhibitions in
National Academy of Design, New York; Pennsylvania Academy
of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; Society of American Artists; Carnegie
Institute, Pittsburg; and St. Louis Exposition. Works: Portraits
of William J. Lemoyne; Jonathan Scott Hartley; Professor Solomon Woolf; Subject pictures: Finale; Idle Hours; The Chemist;
The Story of Christmas; Girl with Violets. Residence: 832 West
End Av. Studio: 139 West 55th, New York.
See Bloomgarden, Sol.
*Zalinski, Edmund L. Captain, United States Army (retired).
Born in Poland. Graduate, 1880, of the Artillery School. Appointed second lieutenant, 2d New York Artillery of Volunteers,
1865; second lieutenant, 5th Artillery regular army, 1866; first
lieutenant, 1867; captain, 1887; retired, 1894. Address: War
Department, Washington, D. C.
*Zalinski, Moses G. Major, Quartermaster's Department, United
States Army. Born January 23, 1863, New York. Graduate, 1894,
of the Artillery School. Appointed private, corporal, and sergeant,
Batteries G and H, first Artillery, 1885; second lieutenant, second
Artillery, 1889; first lieutenant, fourth Artillery, February, 1895;
transferred to second Artillery, March, 1895; captain and quartermaster, 1898; major quartermaster, 1903. Address: War Department, Washington, D. C.
Zeisler, Fannie Bloomfield (Mrs. Sigmund). Concert Pianiste.
Born July 16, 1865, Bielitz, Austrian Silesia. Daughter of Solomon
Bloomfield and Bertha Jaeger. Came to Chicago when two years
old. Taught by Carl Wolfsohn, Chicago, and 1878-1883 by Leschetizky, Vienna. First public appearance in Chicago, 1875. On her
return from abroad, played at piano and orchestral concerts in the
cities of the United States. Soloist with New York Philharmonic
and Symphony Societies, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Chicago,
Buffalo, Cincinnati, and St. Louis Orchestras, and at the Worcester
Festivals. In 1893-1895 appeared with great success in all the large
cities of Germany, Austria, Denmark, and Switzerland; 1896,
made a tour of the Pacific Coast; 1898, played in England, and
was soloist at the Lower Rhine Music Festival, at Cologne; in
1902 again played in the large cities of Europe, including Paris.
Accounted one of the greatest living piano artists. Married Sigmund Zeisler. Honorary member Chicago and Peoria Woman's
Club; Saturday Club, Sacramento; Chicago Women's Aid; Chicago Woman's Club; and Chicago Amateur Musical Club. Address: 5749 Woodlawn Av., Chicago, 111.
Zeisler, Sigmund. Lawyer. Born April 11, 1860, Bielitz, Austria. Son of Isaac L. Zeisler and Anna Kanner. Educated in
Bielitz public schools, and Imperial and Royal Gymnasium,
Bielitz. J. D., 1883, University of Vienna; LL. B., 1884, Northwestern University. Married Fannie Bloomfield, 1885. Was
associate counsel for defense in Anarchist cases, 1886-1887;
chief assistant corporation counsel of Chicago, 1893-1894; resigned
because of ill-health and travelled in Europe several months;
since then engaged in private law practice; prominent as SoundMoney Democrat in campaign of 1896; speaker at the first antiImperialist meeting held west of the Alleghanies, Chicago, 1899;
member Executive Committee American anti-Imperialist League,
1899; acting chairman during entire business session National
Liberty Congress, 1900; stumped country as an anti-Imperialist
in favor of Bryan, campaign of 1900. Member Executive Committee of Voters' League; and of Civil Service Reform Association. Contributor to reviews and law journals. Office: Rookery.
Residence, 5749 Woodlawn Av., Chicago, 111.
See Pastor, Rose Harriet.
Zevin, Israel Joseph ( " T a s h r a k " ) . Associate Editor Jewish
Daily News (Yiddish), New York. Born January 31, 1872, GoriGorki, Moghilev, Russia. Son of Judah Leib Zevin. Educated in
Russian Cheder and privately. Was editor Philadelphia Jewish
Press (Yiddish). Came to New York, 1889; started as newsboy
on Park Row; wrote first literary productions while selling candies from a stand on the Bowery, 1893; joined editorial staff
Jewish Daily News, 1900. Has written sketches, short stories, and
biographies, in Hebrew in Ha-Ibri, and Yalkut Maarabi; in
English in the English Department Jewish Daily News, Jewish
Comment, and other Jewish weeklies; in Yiddish for nearly every
Yiddish publication in the United States.
Broadway, New York.
185 East
Zolotkoff, Leon. Assistant State's Attorney, Chicago. Born
May 15, 1865, Wilna, Russia. Son of Jehudah Zolotkoff and Rebecca Ostriner. Educated in Russian Cheder; and Wilna schools;
at nineteen attended lectures of the historico-philological faculty,
Sorbonne, Paris; B.L., 1895, Lake Forrest University, Chicago.
Married Fanny Ogus. Was associate editor Hebrew daily HaYom, St. Petersburg, 1886-1887; contributed to Russian periodicals, and wrote several short stories, one entitled " Prison Types,"
1887. Came to Chicago, 1887, established the Daily and Weekly
Jewish Courier; attempted publication of a Hebrew monthly
magazine, Keren Or, 1888, but published only two issues on account of lack of funds. Has contributed numerous sketches under
the heading Zauberspiegel to the Yiddish press for fifteen years.
Organized and is grand master, Order Knights of Zion. Attended
Second, Third, and Fifth Zionist Congresses at Basle, and was
twice elected member Actions-Committee. Address: 936 Stock
Exchange Bldg., Chicago, 111.
Zon, Raphael G. Field-Assistant Bureau of Forestry, United
States Department of Agriculture. Born December 1, 1874, Simbirsk, Russia. Son of Gabriel Zon. Graduate, 1893, of Classical
Gymnasium at Simbirsk; studied in Medical and Natural Science
Department, University of Kazan, Russia, 1893-1896; attended lectures on political economy, at University Nouvelle, Brussels, 1897;
graduate New York State College of Forestry of Cornell University, 1901, with degree F. E. (Forest Engineer). Has been connected with the Bureau of Forestry since 1901. Has investigated
the Chestnut in Maryland; Balsam Fir in the Adirondacks; and
silviculture of Longleaf Pine in Texas. Defined the treatment of
Mohegan Park, Hamilton Co., N. Y, and is studying the Loblolly
Pine in connection with the Kirby Working Plan. Has contributed
papers to The Forester, Forestry Quarterly, and The Popular
Science Monthly. Address: Bureau of Forestry, Washington,
D. C.
Zunser, Eliakum. Born Heshvan 1, 5602 (1841), Wilna, Russia.
Son of Feiwe Zunser and Ita Glasstein. Studied at the Talmudical Colleges of Wilna; in secular studies self-taught by means of
the Hebrew Haskala literature. Married Feige Katzewitz. Wrote
poetry in Judso-German, beginning at age of thirteen; composed words and music, frequently extempore; sang at concerts
and weddings. Came to America, 1889; gave up writing, 1895;
is now a printer. First volume of poems printed in 1861; has
since published sixty-five collections of poems, some with music
and some with translations into Hebrew; the volume entitled
Shirim Hadoshim is best known. Also wrote and published a
drama, Mehirat Joseph, 1871. Address: 156 East Broadway, New
of Illinois, in the House of Representatives.
of New York, in the House of Repre-
of New York, in the House of Repre-
of Louisiana, in the House of Representatives.
ISIDOR RAYNER, of Maryland, Senator-elect.
For biographical sketches of the above, see pp. 86, 102, 143,
154, 167.
The subjoined biographical sketches and notices are to be
regarded as additions to the Sketches published in the AMERICAN J E W I S H YEAR BOOK 5664, pp. 40-108. An effort was
made to reach all new incumbents and to follow up all changes.
Also, a renewed effort was made to obtain authentic data from
those whose sketches last year were marked with an asterisk
to indicate that they had been compiled from secondary
sources. The asterisk continues to serve this purpose in the
appended list, which is still limited to such Eabbis and
Cantors as are at present officially connected with congregations in the United States.
Abbey, Adolph. Minister Hall Street Synagogue (Congregation Nvay Tsedek Talmud Torah), Portland, Ore. Born at Riga,
Russia, February 28, 1875. Educated at the Gymnasium and the
Talmudical Colleges of Shavli, Kovno, and Bialystok, Russia.
Diploma conferred by Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Spector, Kovno.
LL. B., University of Oregon. Held positions in Washington,
D. C, and Spokane, Wash. Contributor to the Jewish Tribune,
Portland; Hebrew Standard, New York. Address: 615% First,
Portland, Ore.
Bergman, MoTse. Rabbi (since 1904) of Congregation Gates of
Prayer, New Orleans, La. Born November 10, 1877, at Shreveport,
La. Son of J. A. Bergman and Annie Wise. Educated at the
public schools of Shreveport and New Orleans; Tulane Preparatory School; Cincinnati High School; Hebrew Union College
(B. H., and Rabbi), and University of Cincinnati (B. A.). Was
Rabbi of Temple Emanuel, Grand Rapids, Mich. Has done circuit
work at Saginaw and Battle Creek, Mich. Address: 850 Carondelet, New Orleans, La.
Bloch, Jacob. Resigns as Rabbi of Congregation Emanu-El,
Spokane, Wash., in June, 1904.
* Brown, A. B. J. Resigns as Rabbi of Congregation Shaarey
Zedek, San Francisco, Cal., in 1904.
Cahan, Morris. Rabbi of Congregation Children of Israel,
Augusta, Ga. Born May, 1878, Proskurov, Podolia, Russia. Son
of Simon Cahan. Studied at Jewish Theological Seminary, College City of New York, University of Cincinnati (B. A., 1903),
and Hebrew Union College (Rabbi, 1903). Address: 1019 Greene,
Augusta, Ga.
•Cohen, P. H. Elected Cantor of Congregation Shaarey Zedek,
San Francisco, Cal., in 1904.
*Cohn, Frederick. Rabbi of Congregation Achduth Vesholom,
Fort Wayne, Ind., elected, in 1904, Rabbi of Temple Israel, Omaha,
Neb., and of Congregation B'nai Yeshurun, Lincoln, Neb. Address: 1302 Park Av., Omaha, Neb.
Cooper, Israel. Cantor (since 1886) of Congregation Sons of
Israel (B'nai Israel Kalvaria), New York City. Born January
25, 1843, at Alusenitz, Kamenetz-Podolsk, Russia. Son of Isaiah
Cooper and Frieda Rosa Millinitzer. Educated at Jassy, Roumania. Smuggled across the Black Sea into Roumania at the age
of fifteen to escape the child-stealers seeking Jewish recruits for
the army. Married Fannie Rebecca Engelscher. Was cantor in
Bucharest, Roumania, five years; Wilna, Russia, ten years; and
Chicago, 111., two years. Address: 3 Rutgers, New York.
*Dubov, Marcus H. Rabbi of Congregation Bnei Moshe, Evansville, Ind., elected Rabbi of Congregation B'rith Achim, Richmond, Va., in 1904.
Eiseman, Aaron. Rabbi (since 1903) of Congregation Beth
Israel Bikur Cholim, New York City. Born March 20, 1879, New
York City. Son of Bernhard Eiseman and Rebecca Rosenblatt.
Secular education in the New York public schools; New York
University (B. A., 1901); and Columbia University (M. A., 1902).
Rabbinical education under Rev. Dr. H. Pereira Mendes and at the
Jewish Theological Seminary of America. One of the founders
of the Z. B. T. Fraternity, and for two years its Nasi. Address:
1067 Lexington Av., New York.
Ettelson, Harry W. Rabbi (since 1904) of Congregation Achduth Vesholom, Fort Wayne, Ind. Born October 2, 1881, in
Poland. Son of Samuel A. Ettelson and Miriam Harris. B. A.,
1903, University of Cincinnati; Rabbi, 1904, Hebrew Union College. Pursued a course of study at University of Chicago. Address: Fort Wayne, Ind.
Farber, Rudolph. Rabbi of Congregation Shaaray Zedek, Detroit, Mich. Born April 5, 1862, at Zator, Austria. Son of Jacob
Farber and Rosa Getreider. Elementary Jewish and secular education in the schools of Zator and Neutra, Hungary. Talmudic
education for ten years under Klemperer and Dr. Abraham Stein,
Prague. Rabbinical authorization conferred, 1880, by Rabbi Aaron
Kornfeld, Jenikau, Bohemia; and 1883, by Dr. Saul Kaempf,
Prague. Held rabbinical positions in Glozan, Bohemia; Erie, Pa.;
Chicago, 111.; Portland, Ore.; and Vancouver, B. C. Taught Semitics in Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. Editor: The Occident,
Chicago; The American Hebrew News, Portland, Ore. Contributor to The Oregonian, and other papers. Address: 104 Adelaide,
Detroit, Mich.
Feuerlicht, Morris Marcus. Rabbi of Congregation Ahawas
Achim, Lafayette, Ind., elected Associate Rabbi of the Indianapolis (Ind.) Hebrew Congregation, in 1904.
Friedman, Henry. Rabbi (since 1904) of Temple Sinai, Milwaukee, Wis. Born July 21, 1846, Worne, Russia. Son of Lewis
Friedman and Bella Sofer. Educated at Wilna, Russia. Rabbinical authorization conferred, 1867, by Dr. Landsberg, Darmstadt;
and 1869, Dr. Alex. Stein, Worms. Married Sarah Daneman.
Held position for four years in South Germany; as assistant rabbi
in Congregation B'rith Kodesh, Rochester, N. Y.; in Congregation
Shaareh Tove, Minneapolis, Minn.; for four years in Congregation Beth El Emeth, Camden, Ark.; for seven years in United
Hebrew Congregation, Gainesville, Tex.; and for two years in
Tampa, Fla. Founder of Congregation Shaareh Tove, Minneapolis, Minn. Address: 380 Boylston Place, Milwaukee, Wis.
•Friedman, J. Elected Rabbi of Congregation Rodef Sholom,
Homestead, Pa., in 1903.
*Frisch, Ephraim. Elected Rabbi of Congregation
Emeth, Pine Bluff, Ark., in 1904.
*Goldenson, Samuel H. Elected Rabbi of Congregation Adath
Israel, Lexington, Ky., in 1904.
*Heiman, Leopold.
Norfolk, Va.
Elected Rabbi of Congregation Beth-El,
Heller, Nachman. Rabbi (since 1903) of Congregation Ahabath Israel, Philadelphia, Pa. Born Heshvan 15, 1862, at Bialystok, Poland. Son of Israel Heller and Taube Feiga Thai. Talmudic education received from his father, from Rabbi Samuel
Mohilever, the Malbim, Rodkinson, and M. Friedmann, Vienna.
Studied at the Gymnasium in Konigsberg, and pursued courses in
philosophy, physiology, pedagogy, economics, etc., at the University of Vienna; Baylor University, Texas (1902-1903), and University of Chicago, 1903. Rabbinical authorization conferred, 1880,
by Rabbi M. L. Malbim, Konigsberg; 1883, by Rabbi Alexander
Lapidus, Rossiena; 1884, by Rabbi Samuel Mohilever, Bialystok.
Married Esther Gorfinkel (granddaughter of the Bigde-Yesha).
Taught Hebrew school Shaarei Zedek, New York, 1900; principal
Hebrew school Shaare-Zedek, Winnipeg, Man., 1901; and Rabbi
Congregation Agudath Jacob, Waco, Tex., 1902-1903. Works:
Rabbi Nachman-bar-Jacob (Hebrew poem), 1883; Doresh l'Zion
(on Zionism), 1900; Translation of the Aramaic parts of Daniel
and Ezra into Hebrew (in press). Address: 2076 Letterly, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hirschensohn, Hayim. Rabbi (since 1903) of Congregation Ez
Hachayim, Hoboken, N. J. Born Ellul 11, 1858, in Safed, Palestine. Son of Jacob Mordecai Hirschensohn and Sarah Bela
Zartkis. Educated at the elementary schools of Safed; the Sukkat
Sholom u-Maor Jacob Academy, Jerusalem, of which his father
was principal; and in Cabbalah in the College of Rabbi Shalom
Sharabi, Jerusalem. Self-taught in modern Hebrew literature.
Rabbinical authorization conferred by Rabbis of Jerusalem, Egypt,
Germany, Holland, Roumania, and Russia, and the title of Hakam,
by Kalman Shulman and S. Rubin. Was principal, later viceprincipal, of College in Jerusalem, in succession to his father;
teacher in the orphan asylum at Jerusalem; engaged in business
pursuits, 1894-1895; studied hieroglyphics in Egypt; director of a
Sephardic school in Constantinople, 1896-1903; came to America,
1903. Early interested in Zionist movement; delegate to the
Sixth Congress at Basle; organizer of a B'nai B'rith lodge in
Jerusalem; associated with Ben-Jehuda and Yellin in various
educational movements looking to the introduction and use of the
Hebrew language in Palestine; and the establishment of libraries.
Editor: Hebrew and Yiddish monthly; Hebrew monthly HaMisderonah; the Or Zarua, from a MS. in the British Museum,
1887. Author: Mosedot Torah shebeal Pe; Ateret Zekenim;
articles in the periodical press. Address: 202 Park Av., Hoboken,
N. J.
Hirschowitz, Abraham Eber. Rabbi of Congregation Sons ot
Israel, New York City, elected Rabbi of Congregations B'nai
Jacob and B'nai Israel, Toledo, O., in 1903.
*Hirshberg, Samuel. Rabbi of Congregation unabei Shalom,
Boston, Mass., elected Rabbi of Congregation Emanu-El, Milwaukee, Wis., in 1904.
Hoffman, Charles Isaiah. Rabbi, since 1904, of the United
Hebrew Congregation of Indianapolis, Ind. Born January 3, 1864,
Philadelphia, Pa. Son of Moses Hoffman and Hannah Kaufman.
Educated at Philadelphia public schools, and Rugby Academy,
Philadelphia. A. B., A. M., and LL. B., University of Pennsylvania.
Pursued post-graduate course at Cambridge University, England,
and Jewish Theological Seminary (Rabbi, 1904, valedictorian).
Married Fanny Binswanger. President District Grand Lodge
No. 3, Independent Order B'nai B'rith. Editor and one of the
founders of the Jewish Exponent. Member of the Philadelphia
bar, and practiced law in Philadelphia. Has made addresses
before Jewish societies, and written essays for the Jewish Exponent. Address: Indianapolis, Ind.
*lsrael, Solomon. Appointed Cantor of Congregation Agudath
Achim Anshe Orange, 258 Main Street, Orange, N. J.
Israeli, Phineas. Rabbi (since 1903) of Congregation Tifereth
Israel, Des Moines, la. Born April 24, 1880, at Elizabethgrad,
Russia. Son of Elimelech Israeli and Sima Zlotsky. Elementary
education at a Cheder in Russia and in the Hartford, Conn.,
public schools. A. B., 1899, College City of New York; M. A.,
1902, Columbia University; Rabbi, 1902, Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Married Sophia Kaplan. Rabbi, 1902-1903, at
Allentown, Pa. Address: 1047 Sixth Av., Des Moines, la.
*Kahn, Emanuel. Rabbi of United Hebrew Congregation, Fort
Smith, Ark., elected Rabbi of the Congregation in Joplin, Mo., in
*Kamenski, Herman. Elected Rabbi of the Jewish Congregation in Corning, N. Y., in 1903.
*Kaplan, Bernard Michael. Rabbi of Congregation B'nai Israel,
Sacramento, Cal., elected Rabbi of Congregation Ohabei Shalome,
San Francisco, Cal., in 1904.
Kaplan, Jacob H. Rabbi (since 1904) of Congregation Albert,
Albuquerque, N. M. Born December 26, 1874, at Adelnau, Posen,
Germany. Son of Louis Kaplan and Minna Margolius. Educated
at Buffalo high school; Hughes High School, Cincinnati; University of Cincinnati (B. A., 1901), and Hebrew Union College
(Rabbi, 1902). Address: 106 North 12th, Albuquerque, N. M.
*Kaplan, Mordecai M. Elected Minister of Kehilath Jeshurun,
New York City, in 1904. Address: 103 East 90th, New York.
*Karfunkel, Solomon. Elected Rabbi of the Hungarian Hebrew
Congregation Oheb Zedek, Schenectady, N. Y., in 1904.
Klein, Jacob. Rabbi of Congregation Emanuel, Statesville,
N. C, elected Rabbi of the Congregation in Sumter, S. C, in 1904.
Address: 209 North Washington, Sumter, S. C.
Klein, Max. Minister (since 1903) of Congregation Bikur
Cholim, Donaldsonville, La. Born February 2, 1853, at Hatten,
Alsace. Son of Frederic Klein and Therese Moock. Diplomas
conferred by Rabbi Griinebaum, Landau; Cantor Jacob Stern,
Ingenheim, Palatinate; Cantor Zacharie Klein (his brother),
Brumath, Alsace. Held positions, 1872, at Kolbsheim, Alsace;
1873-1885, Alexandria, La. Address: Donaldsonville, La.
*Kleinfeld, A. S. Elected Cantor of Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, Paterson, N. J.
Kleinfeld, Solomon. Cantor and Preacher of Congregation Bnai
Sholom, New Haven, Conn. Born November 12, 1869, in Austria.
Son of Jacob Kleinfeld and Ester Goldbaum. Educated at the
Stern Conservatory of Music, Berlin, Germany. Urged by his
teachers to adopt the stage as his profession, but was prevented
by his father, who feared the effect upon his religious attitude.
Married Julia Gross. Held positions in the Oranienburger Vorstadt, Berlin; Congregation Atereth Israel, New York; and Congregation Beth Israel, Philadelphia. Address: 98 Olive, New
Haven, Conn.
Kopfstein, Mayer. Rabbi of Congregation Mount Sinai of Harlem, New York, founded by him. Congregation incorporated June
27, 1904.
*Kornfeld, Joseph Saul. Resigns as Rabbi of Congregation
Anshe Emeth, Pine Bluff, Ark., and accepts a position in Montreal, Canada, in 1904.
*Krohn, S. Elected Rabbi of Congregation Ohev Israel, Kansas
City, Mo., in 1904.
Levi, Gerson Benedict. Rabbi (since 1904) of Congregation
Beth El, Helena, Ark. Born January 23, 1878, in Russia. Son
of Israel Levi and Miriam Saltzman. Elementary education in
public schools of Glasgow, Scotland, and public and high schools
of Philadelphia. B. A., 1899, University of Pennsylvania; Rabbi,
1904, Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Private study
with Rev. Dr. Sabato Morais, 1888-1897. Post-graduate course in
Semitics, 1900-1902, University of Pennsylvania. Head of Hebrew
Department, Jewish Chautauqua Society. Author: Beginners'
Book in Hebrew; Advanced Lessons in Hebrew. Address: Helena,
Levine, David. Rabbi (since 1904) of Temple Emanu-El, Spokane, Wash. Born October 5, 1876, in New York City. Son of
Herman I. Levine and Pauline Meiersohn. Educated at Baltimore
City College, College City of New York, and Columbia University
(Ph.D., 1902), and completed the course at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Married Daisy Baum. Rabbi, 19001902, of Congregation Adath Jeshurun, Syracuse, N. Y.; acting
Rabbi, 1903-1904, of Temple Beth Israel, Portland, Ore. Author:
The Garden of Wisdom of Rabbi Nathanel bar Fayyumi, translated from the original Arabic, and edited with notes, critical,
literary, and explanatory. Address: 719 Riverside Av., Spokane,
*Levinson, J. Elected Cantor of Congregation Beth David,
Detroit, Mich., in 1904.
*Magnes, J. Leon. Elected Rabbi of Temple Israel, Brooklyn,
N. Y., in 1904.
Mandel, Morris. Minister, since 1903, of Congregation Keneseth
Israel, Allentown, Pa. Born April 1, 1875, Bely, Hungary. Son
of Elijah Mandel and Lena Kastor. Elementary education in
the graded schools of Hungary and the public schools of New
York. Came to America, 1888. A. B., 1897, College City of New
York; Rabbi, 1898, Jewish Theological Seminary of America.
Pursued post-graduate studies in School of Philosophy, Columbia
University. Rabbi Congregation Adas Israel, Washington, D. C,
1898-1901; Beth Israel Congregation, Atlantic City, N. J., 19011903. Vice-President, 1899-1900, Federation of American Zionists.
Address: 747 Turner, Allentown, Pa.
Mannheimer, Leo. Resigns as Rabbi of Mizpah Congregation,
Chattanooga, Tenn., in 1904.
*Margolies, M. S. Elected Rabbi of Congregation B'nai Jacob,
South Brooklyn, N. Y., 1903. Elected Rabbi of Congregation
Anshei Emeth, Cleveland, O., in 1904.
*Markovitz, M. A. Elected Rabbi of Congregation Chevra
Thillim, San Francisco, Cal., 1903.
Mayer, Eli. Resigns as Rabbi of Congregation Beth El, Helena,
Ark., and is elected assistant rabbi to the Rev. Dr. Joseph Krauskopf, of Congregation Keneseth Israel, Philadelphia, Pa. Address: 263 Berkeley St., German town,. Pa.
*Medvidovsky, Israel. Resigns as Rabbi of Congregation Nvay
Tsedek Talmud Torah, Portland, Ore., in 1904.
Mendelsohn, G. Minister of Congregation Rodef Sholom, Homestead, Pa., elected Rabbi of Congregation Adath Israel, Nashville,
Tenn., in 1903.
Meyer, Julius Henry. Resigns as Rabbi of Congregation EmanuEl, Milwaukee, Wis., in 1903.
Minkowsky, Abraham. Cantor of Congregation Shaarei Zedek,
New York. Born November 15, 1869, at Biala-Zerkofl, Russia.
Son of Mordecai Minkowsky and Malka Freinkel. Educated at
Cheder and at a Talmudical College. Graduate of the Moscow
Imperial Conservatory of Music. Married Bertha Osoffezky. Was
Cantor of the Great Temple, Odessa; Cantor of Reformed Temple, Cherson, for more than twelve years; professor of vocal
culture and theory of music, Cherson Imperial Institute of Music;
and director of the Tchaikowsky Musical Circle, Cherson. Composer of synagogue music. Address: 207 Clinton, New York.
*Morgenstern, Julian. Elected Rabbi of Congregation Emanuel,
Grand Rapids, Mich., in 1904.
*Myers, Isidor. Resigns as Rabbi of Congregation Ohabei
Shalome, San Francisco, Cal., in 1904.
Nelson, Leon M. Resigns as Rabbi of Temple Israel, Brooklyn,
N. Y., in 1904.
Raisin, Max. Rabbi of K. K. Bene Abraham, Portsmouth, O.,
elected Rabbi of Congregation Ryhim Ahoovim, Stockton, Cal., in
1903; resigns from the Congregation, in 1904, and is elected
Rabbi of Temple Sinai, St. Francisville, La.
Reichert, Isidor. Rabbi of Temple Beth El, Brooklyn, N. Y.,
officiated as Rabbi at Temple Beth-Zion, Johnstown, Pa., 19031904, and was elected Rabbi in Temple Israel, Uniontown, Pa., in
*Ridwas (Willonski), Jacob David. Rabbi (since 1903) of
Congregation Anshe Kaneses Israel, Chicago, 111. Born, 1845, at
Kobrin, Russia. Rabbi at Zabolin, Bobruisk, and Slutzk, and
Maggid of Wilna, 1889-1900. Came to America, 1900. Author:
Migdal David, 1874; Hanah David, 1876; Teshubah Rabbah, 1883.
Editor: Jerusalem Talmud, text, with all former commentaries in
addition to his own (11 vols. fol.).
Rivkind, Moses Mordecai. Rabbi of Congregation Beth El
Jacob, Des Moines, la. Born 1864, at Toshnat, Hungary. Son
of Gedaliah Rivkind. Educated in Russian towns. Rabbinical
authorization conferred by Chief Rabbi Myer Jonah, Swislitz;
Rabbi Michael Wolfson, Janishok; Rabbi K. Natan, Augustovo;
Chief Rabbi Samuel Salant, Jerusalem; and Chief Rabbi J. D.
Ridwas. Married Selda Lossman. Held positions in Indianapolis,
Ind.; and St. Paul, Minn. Author: Gedulat Mordecai. Address:
508 East First, Des Moines, la.
Rosenberg, Solomon. Resigned as Rabbi and Cantor of Temple
Beth El, Jersey City, N. J., in 1903.
*Rosenstein, M. Elected Rabbi of Congregation B'nai Sholom,
Toledo, O., in 1906.
*Rosenthal, Abraham. Elected Rabbi of Congregation Beth
Israel, Grand Rapids, Mich., in 1903.
Rothstein, Leonard Julius. Rabbi (since 1904) of Congregation B'nai Israel, Kalamazoo, Mich. Born October 1, 1880, in
Poland. Son of Isaac Rothstein and Yetta Rosenberg. Educated
at the Cincinnati public and high schools; Hebrew Union College
(B. H., 1900; Rabbi, 1904); and University of Cincinnati (B. A.,
1904). Officiated temporarily at Jefferson City, Mo.; Anniston,
Ala.; and Binghamton, N. Y. Address: 420 North 5th, Cincinnati, Ohio.
*Ruppin, Louis. Elected Rabbi of Congregation Bene Abraham,
Portsmouth, O., in 1903.
Schaffer, Schepschel. Rabbi of Congregation Shearith Israel,
Baltimore, Md. Born May 4, 1862, at Bausk, Courland, Russia.
Son of Aaron Schaffer and Taube Jaffe. Educated at the Gymnasium of Libau, Courland. Studied at University of Berlin, and
the Rabbinical Seminary, Berlin. Ph. D., 1888, University of
Leipzig; Rabbinical authorization conferred, 1889, by the Rabbinical Seminary, Berlin, and by Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Spector,
Kovno. Married Anna Lapidusson. President Baltimore Zion
Association. Author: Das Recht und seine Stellung zur Moral
nach Talmudischer Sitten- und Rechtslehre, 1889. Address: 2566
McCulloh, Baltimore, Md.
Scheinman, Jacob Hirsh. Rabbi (since 1903) of Congregation
Beth David, Detroit, Mich. Born May 12, 1844, at Saane, Russian
Poland. Son of Israel L. Scheinman and Hannah Franklin. Rabbinical authorization conferred, 1859, by Rabbi Isaac Avigdor,
Kovno; Rabbi Margolius, Kalvaria; Rabbi Lipsitz, Suwalk; and
Rabbi Moses Bezalel Luria, Saane. Married Rebeccah Komisarsky. Rabbi for twenty years at Saane; also at Chicago, 111.;
Pittsburg, Pa.; Norwich, Conn.; and Brooklyn, N. Y. Address:
313 East Montcalm, Detroit, Mich.
Schlager, Simon. Cantor (since 1904) of Temple Emanu-El,
New York City. Born May 1, 1869, at Cracow, Galicia. Son of
David Schlager and Rosa Ree. Studied at National Conservatory
of Music, New York. Married Sally Wachsteter. Was Cantor for
two years at Temple Beth Zion, Buffalo, N. Y.; for five years of
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, Newark, N. J.; and for two years
of Congregation Oheb Sholem, Newark, N. J. Address: 25-33
East 99th, New York.
*Schorr, Saul. Elected Rabbi of the Congregation House of
Israel, Sharon, Pa.
*Schwanenfeld, J. S. Elected Cantor of Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, Baltimore, Md.
Sessler, Morris. Rabbi (since 1904) of Temple Israel, Jonesboro, Ark. Born August 16, 1850, at Freistadt a/d. Waag, Hungary. Son of David Sessler and Josephine Weiss. Studied at
Pressburg, Budapest, Vienna, and University of Pennsylvania
(B. A., 1876). Married Louisa Cahn (deceased). Has held positions in Alexandria, Va.; Wheeling, W. Va.; Providence, R. I.;
and New Orleans, La. Address: Jonesboro, Ark.
Silber, Mendel. Rabbi (since 1904) of Temple Emanuel, Duluth, Minn. Born December 10, 1882, in Lithuania, Russia. Son
of Jacob Silber and Esther Mipoz. Studied at Talmudical Colleges in Russia; at Gymnasium, Frankfort on the Main, 1895-1900;
B. A., 1904, University of Cincinnati; Rabbi, 1904, Hebrew Union
College. Officiated at Temple Emanuel, Duluth, 1902; rabbi of
Congregation Ahavath Achim, Cincinnati, O., 1902-1904. Contributed articles, 1902-1903, to the Hebrew Union College Journal, of
which he was co-editor; and Hebrew Union College Annual, 1904,
of which he is assistant editor. Ready for publication: Elijah
Gaon of Wilna. Address: Duluth, Minn.
*Silverman, Maurice. Elected Cantor of Congregation Sons of
Jacob, Salem, Mass., in 1904.
Simon, Abram. Rabbi of Temple Israel, Omaha, Neb., and
Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, Lincoln, Neb., elected Rabbi of the
Washington (D. C.) Hebrew Congregation, in 1904.
Solomon, Elias Louis. Rabbi of Congregation Beth Mordecai,
Perth Amboy, N. J. Born May, 1879, at Wilna, Russia. Son of
Jacob Solomon and Helen Frankfurt. Educated at Hebrew School.
Jerusalem; Machzikei Talmud Torah, New York; Jewish Theological Seminary of America (Rabbi, 1904); New York public
schools; College City of New York (A. B., 1900); and Columbia
University. Spent childhood in Jerusalem. One of the founders
and now serving second term as president of the Jewish Endeavor
Society of America. Rabbinical dissertation: The Halachic Conception of Minhag and its Application in Rabbinical Law. Address: 213 East Broadway, New York.
Spiegel, Adolph. Rabbi of Congregation Shaari Zedek, New
York City, elected Rabbi of Congregation Etz Haim of Yorkville,
New York, in 1904.
*Stern, Jacob Ludwig. Resigns from Be'er Chayim Congregation, Cumberland, Md., July, 1904.
Stern, Nathan. Rabbi, since 1904, of The Hebrew Congregation
of Marion, Ind., "and of Congregation Rodef Sholom, Wabash, Ind.
Born February 12, 1878, New York City. Son of Julius Stern and
Jeanette Young. Educated at the public schools of New York,
and Halsey's Collegiate School, New York. B. A., 1898; M. A.,
1899; Ph.D., 1901, Columbia University. Studied also at St.
John's College, Cambridge, Eng. Rabbinical education at Jewish
Theological Seminary of America, and Hebrew Union College
(Rabbi, 1904). Author: The Jewish Historico-Critical School of
the Nineteenth Century. Address: Marion, or Wabash, Ind.
Stollnitz, Henry Sande. Rabbi of Congregation Adath Emuno,
Hoboken, N. J., elected Rabbi of Congregation Beth El, Corsicana,
Texas, 1903. Address: P. O. Box, 474, Corsicana, Tex.
Taubenhaus, Godfrey. Rabbi of Congregation Shaarey Zedek,
Brooklyn. Born in 1856, at Warsaw, Poland. Son of Benjamin
Taubenhaus and Esther Danziger. Educated in Warsaw under
Rabbi Samuel Hirsh; at Berlin under Dr. Kirstein and Professor
Dr. Ludwig Geiger; also attended Eger Institute, and the Rabbinical Seminary, Berlin, and pursued a course in philosophy at
the University of Berlin. Married Carrie Strauss. Held positions as Rabbi in Paducah, Ky.; Dayton, Ohio; Sacramento, Cal.;
Brooklyn and New York, N. Y. Organized benevolent societies
in Paducah, Ky., and Dayton, Ohio; was grand president Order
Kesher Shel Barzel, in California; introduced Sabbath afternoon
services in the Brooklyn Orphan Asylum; was instrumental in
the establishment of the Brownsville Kindergarten under the
Council of Jewish Women, the nucleus of the Educational Society.
Author: A paper on Judaism in The Church of America; Echoes
of Wisdom (Talmudic sayings with classical parallels); Hints on
General History; The Jew in Politics; Milat Gerim, etc. Revised
ninth volume of Rodkinson's Talmud. Address: 1195 Boston
Road, Bronx, New York.
Warsaw, Isidor. Resigns as Rabbi of Congregation Beth Tefilloh, Brunswick, Ga., in 1904.
Weinstock, Isidore H. Cantor (since 1901) of K. K. Bene
Yeshurun, Cincinnati, 0. Born 1871, at Yanova, Russian Poland.
Son of Hersch Isaac Weinstock and Rebecca Leah Glouzer. Studied
at various Talmudical Colleges in Poland; music under Draginsky
in Warsaw, and in conservatories in New York and Cincinnati.
Pursued a two years course in theory of music at the University
of Pennsylvania. Cantor in Congregation Beth Israel, Philadelphia, 1897; Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, New York, 1900. Composer: The Prayer of the Repentant (solo for Atonement Day).
Address: 731 West 8th, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Weiss, Louis. Resigns as Rabbi of Congregation Beth Israel,
Palestine, Tex., in 1904.
Wolf, Nathan. Rabbi of Congregation Adath Emuno, Hoboken,
N. J. Born March 8, 1877, at Angelthuern, Baden. Son of Bernhard Wolf and Hannah Brettenheimer. Ph. B., 1900, New York
University; M. A., 1902, Columbia University; Rabbi, 1902, Jewish
Theological Seminary of America. Was teacher at Educational
Alliance, New York; superintendent Monteflore Hebrew School,
New York. Address: 710 Bloomfleld, Hoboken, N. J.
*Yasgour, Louis. Rabbi of Congregation Brethren of Israel,
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.( elected Rabbi of Congregation Kneseth Israel, Birmingham, Ala., in 1903.
The Secretaries or other officers of the National Organizations,
including the branches of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, were
requested to compile an account of the work done by their respective associations during 1903-04 (5664), for publication in the
present issue of the AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK. The accounts
compiled from the newspaper clippings and printed reports sent
by some in response to the request are marked with an asterisk (*). A dagger (f) indicates those taken from any available
source in the absence of an official response.
The Baltimore Branch of the Alliance Israelite Universelle
sent the Central Committee at Paris its annual remittance
of $250.00. The membership of the Branch is 139.
OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: President, Dr. Harry Friedenwald; Vice-President, Simon Dalsheimer; Treasurer,
Wm. Levy; Secretary, B. H. Hartogensis, 204 North Calvert, Baltimore, Md.; Reverends A. Guttmacher, Wm.
Rosenau, Chas. A. Rubenstein, H. W. Schneeberger, and
A. Kaiser; Isaac Davidson, Silas M. Fleischer, Louis J.
Cohen, T. Silberman, Dr. Jos. Blum, Z. Hofheimer, M. S.
Levy, L. Kaufman, J. Rotholtz, L. Schiff, Benj. Cohen,
Jonas Hamburger, and Louis B. Kohn.
Rev. Dr. S. Schaffer, and
A. B. Arnold (deceased).
No report received. President, Godfrey Morse; Secretary,
Philip Rubinstein, 30 Court.
At the instance of Benjamin F. Levy an Elmira Branch of the
Alliance Israelite Universelle was organized in January,
1904, with a membership of over sixty.
This branch, besides making remittance to the Paris
headquarters, provides for an emergency fund.
On April 7, 1904, a public meeting was held by the
Alliance Israelite at the High St. Temple to protest
against the Lodge immigration amendments, in which
it was provided that only a citizen of this country can
be instrumental in bringing to this country other persons
from abroad. The outcome of the meeting was that Mr.
Levy communicated with Senator Lodge, pointing out to
him the obvious injustice of such a measure.
At a meeting held on May 22, 1904, the Elmira Branch
of the Alliance Israelite Universelle adopted resolutions
calling on this Government to obtain from Russia such
uniformity of treatment and protection as may tend to
secure the honoring of American passports by the Russian Government, irrespective of the religious faith of
their holders.
President, Benjamin F. Levy; Vice-Presidents, Harris Levine and S. J. Friendly; Treasurer, F.
Lande; Secretary, Jonas Jacobs, M. D.
Through the instrumentality of Andrew Vogel an Alliance
Israelite Universelle organization meeting was held on
May 25, 1904, at Hoboken, N. J.
OFFICERS: President, Asher Cohen Fisher; Treasurer,
the Rev. Nathan Wolf; Recording Secretary, Jacob Shapiro; Corresponding Secretary, Andrew Vogel, 316 Second.
On January 3, 1904, Nissim Bfihar, American Representative
of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, assisted by the Secretary, Abraham H. Simon, organized a Jersey City
Branch of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, with a membership of about fifty.
A public meeting was held March 27, 1904, to protest
against Russia's discrimination against American citizens
of the Jewish faith, and to acquaint the public with
the persecutions Jews endure in Russia. Congressmen
McDermott and Benny of New Jersey, Ferdinand Levy,
Grand Master of the Independent Order Sons of Benjamin,
and a number of other prominent persons addressed letters to the meeting endorsing the movement, and expressing sympathy with the persecuted Jews.
Among the speakers were Representative Goldfogle of
New York, ex-Mayor Hoos, Assistant Corporation Attorney Goldenhorn, and others.
The meeting adopted resolutions pledging assistance to
the Alliance in its efforts for the betterment of the condition of Jews, and calling upon the Government to use
its influence to induce the Government of Russia to withdraw its discrimination against American citizens of the
Jewish faith.
OFFICERS: President, Ignatz Hyman; Vice-Presidents,
H. Babchin and A. J. Goldstein; Treasurer, S. Kleinhaus;
Secretary, Dr. B. J. Pollok, 241 Grove, Jersey City, N. J.
A draft of Fr. 2571.85 was sent to Paris, the income derived
by the Philadelphia Branch from the Federation of Jewish Charities of the city.
OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.—President, Moses A. Dropsie;
Vice-President, D. Sulzberger; Treasurer, A. M. Frechie;
Secretary, Horace A. Nathans (deceased); David Teller,
Raphael Brunswick, A. M. Kohn, Rev. Dr. M. Jastrow
(deceased), Rev. Dr. Henry Berkowitz, Isaac Rosskam,
Levi Mayer, Louis Gerstley, and J. I. Burnstine.
A public meeting was held by the New York Branch of the
Alliance Israelite Universelle on February 17, 1904, in
the Educational Alliance, presided over by President
Louis Marshall, for the purpose of denouncing the attitude of Russia in refusing to admit American citizens
of Jewish faith provided with American passports; and
also to protest against the proposed restriction of immigration.
Among the speakers were Frank Moss, the Rev. H.
Masliansky, and Jos. M. Baum, president of the Israelite
Alliance of America.
Mr. Marshall read a letter from the Department of
State at Washington, D. C, addressed to the Israelite
Alliance, stating that the Government of the United
States had given instructions to its representatives in
Persia and Morocco to use the good offices of the United
States in favor of the inhabitants of Persia and Morocco
who do not profess the dominant religion of those countries. This step in the Government's policy was brought
about by a series of letters exchanged between the Israelite Alliance of America and the Department of State.
The propaganda carried on during the year by Mr.
Nissim Bghar, the American Representative of the
Alliance, was devoted to acquainting Jews living in
towns in the vicinity of New York City with the aims
and objects of the Alliance Israelite Universelle and inducing them to appoint standing committees in the various cities for the purpose of helping persecuted Jews.
OFFICERS: President, Louis Marshall; Treasurer, A. S.
Solomons; Secretary, Rev. Dr. H. Pereira Mendes, 70 Central Park West, New York City; American Representative
of the central body, Nissim Behar, 177 High, Brooklyn,
N. Y.; American Secretary, S. P. Frank.
The Worcester Branch of the Alliance Israelite Universelle
held a mass meeting December 13, 1903, to protest against
Russia's discrimination against American passports and
pass resolutions disapproving Senator Lodge's Bill, which
seeks further to restrict immigration. Speakers at the
meeting were Dr. Van Horn, a Protestant minister, and
David A. Lourie, a director of the Boston Branch of the
Alliance Israelite Universelle.
Copies of resolutions protesting against the Lodge Bill
and the passport situation were sent to President Roosevelt, to Secretary of State John Hay, and to members of
The annual meeting was held April 3, 1904. The speakers were Dr. G. Stanley Hall, of Clark University; Rabbi
Samuel Hirshberg, and David A. Lourie, of Boston.
OFFICERS: President and Secretary, Bernard Wolkowich, 193 Front; Vice-President, Max Feiga; Treasurer,
L. Morell.
The Twelfth Annual Meeting of the American Jewish Historical Society was held in New York City, March 20-21, 1904, after
arrangements had been made to meet at Baltimore on Lincoln's
Birthday, which were changed on account of the Baltimore fire.
The first session was held Sunday evening the 20th, in the Vestry
Rooms of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. Dr. Cyrus
Adler, President of the Society, was in the chair, and delivered
the presidential annual address at the opening session.
The Corresponding Secretary, Mr. Max J. Kohler, reported that
the Society has on its rolls 237 members: 7 Honorary, 26 Corresponding, 3 Life, and 201 Regular Members. It lost 11 members
during the year by death, resignation, and non-payment of dues,
and 7 Regular Members and 1 Corresponding Member were elected
during the same period.
Professor Richard J. H. Gottheil, Treasurer, reported that the
Society's receipts during the year ending October 1, 1903 (including a balance on hand October 1, 1902, of $1120.36), aggregated
$1968.07, and its expenditures were $841.57, leaving a balance of
$1126.50 besides a special fund of $2404.86. In addition to these
amounts $1500 insurance money was collected by the Society, by
reason of the destruction by fire of its " Publications " in Baltimore.
Professor J. H. Hollander, Chairman of the Publication Committee, reported that vol. 11 of the Society's " Publications " had
just been issued and distributed, its appearance having been
delayed by the fire aforementioned. Considerable additional
material to make up a further volume was reported to be in the
possession of the Committee.
Mr. Leon Htihner, Curator, reported that arrangements had
been completed with the Jewish Theological Seminary of America
for storing the Society's " Collections " in the fire-proof building
of that institution, a separate room having been set aside for the
use of the Society.
A resolution was adopted, directing the issuance of a circular to
members and other friends of the Society, calling their attention
to the fact that the Society was able properly to house such
books, manuscripts, prints, medals, and other objects of historic
interest, as persons interested might desire to entrust to it, and
that in this way efforts might be made to enlarge its collections.
The circular was also to call attention to the Society's desire to
secure back volumes of its " Publications " by gift or otherwise,
to replace the stock lost by fire.
On recommendation of the Council of the Society, the following
resolution was adopted:
" That the American Jewish Historical Society views with
favor proposals concerning the collection of statistical information concerning the Jews of America, and authorizes the appointment of a committee to co-operate with other organizations
having a like purpose."
The President appointed, to constitute such committee, Professor J. H. Hollander, Chairman; Joseph Jacobs, Esq., and
Professor Morris Loeb.
A resolution was also adopted providing for the appointment
of a Committee of five, to take up the subject of indexing American Jewish periodicals, with power to add to their number. The
President appointed, to constitute such committee, Max J. Kohler,
Esq., Chairman; A. S. Freidus, Esq.; George A. Kohut, Esq.; Miss
S. X. Schottenfels, and A. M. Friedenberg, Esq. The Committee
subsequently added to its numbers Mr. Joseph Jacobs, Miss Henrietta Szold, and Mr. Julian Isaacs.
An invitation to hold the next annual meeting of the Society
in Cincinnati, Ohio, from the Honorable Julius Fleishman, Mayor
of Cincinnati, was read and referred to the Executive Council for
Necrologies of deceased members were read and submitted as
Of the Honorable Andrew H. Green, by the Honorable N. Taylor
Phillips; of the Rev. Dr. M. Jastrow, by Miss Henrietta Szold,
and of Horace A. Nathans, by David Sulzberger, Esq.
The following papers were read:
Wm. B. Hackenburg, Esq., Philadelphia: Outlines of a Plan to
Gather Statistics Concerning the Jews of the United States.
Rev. Alfred G. Moses, Mobile, Ala.: The History of the Jews
of Mobile.
I. S. Isaacs, Esq., New York: Edward Woolf, Musician and
Leon Huhner, Esq., New York' Isaac de Pinto.
Honorable Myer S. Isaacs, New York: A Jewish Army Chaplain.
J. D. Eisenstein, Esq., New York: Russian Jewish Immigrants
in American Commerce and Industry.
Albert M. Friedenberg, Esq., New York: Calendar of American
Jewish Leading Cases.
Rev. George A. Kohut, New York: Some Unknown American
Jewish Authors (mostly from manuscript sources).
Max J. Kohler, Esq., New York: Judah P. Benjamin, American
Jewry's Most Distinguished Statesman, Orator, and Lawyer.
Dr. Herbert Friedenwald, Philadelphia: The Banishment of
Jews from the Island of St. Eustatius (W. I.) in 1781.
Leon Huhner, Esq., New York: Naturalization of Jews in New
York under the Act of 1740.
Elkan Adler, Esq., Lonaon, England: The Inquisition in Peru.
Dr. Cyrus Adler, Washington, D. C : Further Documents Concerning the Mexican Inquisition.
Also the following, which were read by title:
Albert M. Friedenberg, Esq., New York: The Jews of Pernambuco.
Leon Huhner, Esq., New York: The Struggle for Religious
Liberty in North Carolina with Special Reference to the Jews.
Max J. Kohler, Esq., New York: Phases in the History of
Religious Liberty in America with Particular Reference to the
Rev. George A. Kohut, New York: Two Autograph Letters:
(a) A Letter from the Rev. Gershom Mendes Seixas to his
Brother, 1790; (b) A Circular Appeal from S. H. Jackson, Editor
of The Jew, dated 1823, on behalf of his Periodical. Unpublished
Letters which Passed between Ezra Stiles and Rabbi Carregal.
Joseph Lebowich, Esq., Cambridge, Mass.: The Jews in Boston
till 1875; Leopold Morse.
Mrs. Helen Wise Molony, Cincinnati: A Simile—A Poem contributed by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to The American
Israelite, April 26, 1861.
Henry Necarsulmer, Esq., New York: Disenfranchisement of
the Jews of New York in 1737.
Sol. M. Stroock, Esq., New York: American Jews in China and
Vice-Presidents, Honorable Simon W. Rosendale, Rev. Dr. B.
Felsenthal, Professor Charles Gross, Professor Richard J. H.
Gottheil; Corresponding Secretary, Max J. Kohler, Esq., 119 Nassau, New York City; Recording Secretary, Dr. Herbert Friedenwald; Treasurer, Honorable N. Taylor Phillips; Curator, Leon
Hiihner, Esq.; Honorable Mayer Sulzberger, Professor Morris
Jastrow, Jr., Honorable Simon Wolf, Professor J. H. Hollander,
John Samuel, Esq., the Rev. Dr. David Philipson, the Rev. Henry
Cohen, Professor Morris Loeb, Honorable Myer S. Isaacs (deceased); also, Honorable Oscar S. Straus, ex oflicio, as Past
President of the Society.
During 1903-1904 the Baron de Hirsch Fund Committee continued its fourfold work: I. Reception of immigrants; II. English
education; III. Mechanical education; IV. Productive work in its
agricultural and industrial department, with its leading educational feature, the Woodbine Agricultural and Industrial School.
(For a full description see AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 5663,
pp. 90-96.)
During 1903 there were graduated 195 students at the Baron
de Hirsh Trade School, New York City, and in July, 1904, 98, making a total of 1083 since the establishment of the school in 1890.
In the last class graduated, 26 students completed the course
in the electrical department; 24 in the plumbing department;
18 in the machinist department; 10 in the sign painting department; 7 in the carpenter department; 7 in the patternmaking department; and 6 in the house and fresco painting department.
The weekly average of the wages received immediately after
graduation by the 351 graduates of the last four classes but one is
Advisory Committee: Alfred R. Wolff, chairman; Charles B.
Meyers, A. S. Solomons, J. Ernest G. Yalden, and Julian Isaacs.
(For Curriculum, etc., see
p. 115.)
The year 1903 was an important year for Woodbine, New Jersey.
It found it a settlement in the Township of Dennis: it left it a
Borough in the County of Cape May, and the year 1904 witnessed
a growth unparalleled in the history of the settlement.
During 1903-1904, 20 houses were built in the town, making a
total of 226. Only 13 of these belong to the Baron de Hirsch
Fund. Eighteen are rented, and the balance, over 85 per cent, are
occupied by the owners. The total estimated cost of these houses
is $200,000, of which amount more than one-third has been paid
by the owners. Bach house is surrounded by a garden and a
lawn; and some are covered with ivy, grapes, or rambler roses.
The Borough of Woodbine celebrated, in a fitting manner, the
tenth anniversary of its birth by passing an ordinance providing
for the building of a Central School House at a cost of $15,000.
It will have a large hall for dancing and social entertainments
of all sorts, and two smaller rooms for the social work of Debating Clubs, Reading Circles, etc., together with recreation grounds,
equipped with tennis courts, base ball grounds, etc. There are
also among the organizations doing excellent social work a Girls'
Club, a Mothers' Club, and Reading Circles. The school house
when completed in November, 1904, will be the only High School
within a radius of sixteen miles. Besides the Central School there
are at present in the Borough of Woodbine five school houses,
with an aggregate of thirteen rooms, an enrollment of 413 pupils,
and an average daily attendance of 388. Also a night school, with
an enrollment of 55, and a kindergarten are maintained by the
Board of Education. The number of graduates from the public
schools was 16, 30 per cent of the total number in Cape May
County, with its 15,000 inhabitants as against Woodbine's 2500.
The Borough of Woodbine now has two synagogues, one a large
brick building, the other a frame building recently purchased
from a Christian congregation. Rabbi B. L. Levinthal, of Philadelphia, has been elected Chief Rabbi of Woodbine, and a house
has been built for him to serve as his summer residence.
The majority of the residents are employed in the industrial
establishments of Daniel and Blumenthal, which employs 200
hands; the Quaker City Knitting Company, employing 115 hands;
Ingber and Wertheimer, manufacturers of ladies' garments, 50
hands; the M. L. Bayard Machine Shop, 26 hands; The Woodbine Beef and Storage Company, 13 hands; Paper Box Factory, 7
hands; Woodbine Cigar Company, 6 hands; Stone Brothers and
Company, Ladies' Garments, 6 hands; Soap Manufacturing Company, 5 hands, and Hat Factory, 40 hands; making a total of 468
hands, who earn an average of $8.00 per week, $1.50 per week
more than the average earnings of factory employees in the
United States, as computed in the Annual Report for 1903 of
the United States Commissioner of Labor. The total pay roll of
the Woodbine industries for 1903 was $176,036.36.
At a recent election, Professor H. L. Sabsovich was re-elected
mayor of the borough for the ensuing two years.
There are at present 42 farmers in Woodbine. One of them
realized $324.72, and several $125 and more, after paying all running expenses during the past year.
During 1903-1904, 182 pupils were enrolled in the Baron de
Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School. Fifty-five were graduated, 15 left the school before graduation, and 112 are at present at
the school. The average age of the pupils in 1903 was 17.1; in
1902, it was 16.4; in 1901, 16.1, and in 1900,15.6. The status of the
pupils in 1903 was as follows: orphans, 10; half-orphans, 28; with
parents in Austria, 1; with parents in Roumania, 6; with parents
in Russia, 17; with parents in the United States, 78. All but one
are free pupils, and they are receiving tuition, room, board, clothing, etc., during the entire term. The school has a dormitory
with a capacity of 100; a teachers' cottage; a dining hall; a
kitchen; a hospital, and other buildings, such as silos, barns,
seed stores, blacksmithshop, two greenhouses, hot beds, etc. The
school owns a herd of 23 cows, 2 bulls, 10 horses, 29 acres of
orchards, 4 acres of nurseries, 4.5 acres of grapes, 4.5 acres of
small fruit, and about 600 fowls.
The pupils of the school have organized the De Hirsch Literary
and Debating Society, the Davidsonian Club, four football teams,
two baseball teams, and a volunteer fire company.
(For further particulars regarding Woodbine and The Baron
de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School, see AMEEICAN
JEWISH YEAE BOOK, 5664, pp. 115-116.)
TEUSTEES.—Acting President, Eugene S. Benjamin, New York;
Vice-President, Jacob H. Schiff, New York; Treasurer, Emanuel
Lehman, New York; Honorary Secretary, Nathan Bijur, New
York; Henry Rice, New York; Abraham Abraham, Brooklyn;
William B. Hackenburg, Philadelphia; Mayer Sulzberger, Philadelphia; Julius Goldman, New York (vice Myer S. Isaacs, deceased) ; Acting General Agent, Emanuel Marx, 45 Broadway, New
York City; Superintendent Agricultural School, Professor H. L.
Chairman of the Philadelphia Committee, William B. Hackenburg; Chairman of the Baltimore Committee, Moses Pels; Chair-
man of the St. Louis Committee, Elias Michael; Chairman of the
Boston Committee, Ferdinand Strauss. The Fund co-operates in
other cities with existing societies when circumstances warrant.
The Fifteenth Annual Convention of the Central Conference of
American Rabbis was held June 26-30, 1904, at Louisville, Ky.
Fifty-eight Rabbis were in attendance.
The Treasurer reported the receipts for the year to be $6288.61;
expenditures, $4094.18; amount in treasury, $13,021.00.
The Publication Committee reported the sale of 4812 volumes
of the Union Prayer Book, 97 copies of the Mourner's Service, and
1613 copies of the Union Hymnal.
During the year 8 congregations adopted the Union Prayer
Book, and the Book is now in use in 183 congregations.
The following papers were read:
" Reform Judaism and the Recent Jewish Immigrant," by
Rabbi A. Hirschberg.
" A Proposed Change in the Selection of Weekly Portions of
Scriptures," by Rabbi M. H. Harris.
" Some Jewish Questions of the Day," by Rabbi B. Felsenthal.
" Religious Conditions in Scattered Communities," by Rabbi
G. Zepin.
" Life of Sulzer," by Rabbi A. Guttman.
" Sulzer's Music," by the Rev. A. Kaiser.
The following Committees submitted reports:
" Contemporaneous History," Professor G. Deutsch.
" Seder Haggadah," Rabbi H. Berkowitz.
" On Synod," Rabbi H. G. Enelow.
The Conference Sermon was delivered by the Rev. Dr. D.
Philipson, Cincinnati.
Cleveland was chosen for the next Annual Convention, on June
27, 1905.
The Bloch Publishing Co., of New York, was chosen to be the
Sole Agent of all the Publications of the Conference.
OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE BOARD.—Honorary President, K. Kohler, Cincinnati, O.; President, J. Krauskopf, Philadelphia; First
Vice-President, J. Stolz, Chicago, 111.; Second Vice-President, J.
Voorsanger, San Francisco, Cal.; Treasurer, Chas. Levi, Peoria,
111.; Recording Secretary, A. Guttmacher, Bolton and Newington
Avs., Baltimore, Md.; Corresponding Secretary, Wm. Rosenau,
825 Newington Av., Baltimore, Md.; H. G. Enelow, Louisville,
Ky.; L. M. Franklin, Detroit, Mich.; L. Grossmann, Cincinnati, O.;
M. L. Margolis, San Francisco, Cal.; D. Philipson, Cincinnati, O.;
M. Samfield, Memphis Tenn.; T. Schanfarber, Chicago, 111.;
J. SUverman, New York City.
COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS.—J. Stolz, I. S. Moses, J. Silverman.
TRUSTEES or MINISTERS' FUND.—J. Krauskopf, M. H. Harris, R.
The work of the Council of Jewish Women during 5664 was
pursued along the lines laid down at the Third Biennial Convention of December, 1902.
NEW SECTIONS.—During the year four new Sections were organized, at Baton Rouge, La.; Lexington, Ky.; Macon, Ga.; and St.
Francisville, La., making sixty-eight Sections in all.
JUNIOR SECTIONS.—The number of Junior Sections is sixteen
at Boston, Mass.; Bradford, Pa.; Chicago, 111.; Cincinnati, O.
Dayton, O.; Denver, Colo.; Elmira, N. Y.; Greenville, Miss.
Kansas City, Mo.; Louisville, Ky.; New York City; San Francisco, Cal.; Shreveport, La.; Sioux City, la.; Toronto, Can.; and
Washington, D. C. They include a membership of six hundred,
and sustain twenty-one Study Circles, all studying Jewish history,
Jewish literature, and the Bible. Five circles report Religious
School work, Settlement work, and an Industrial School. The
Louisville Junior Section held a public Seder in the Temple.
nishes a Probation officer for Juvenile Court work; the Cincinnati
Section has been active in securing the passage of a Juvenile
Court Law in Ohio; the New York City Section is prosecuting
vigorous rescue and preventive work among Jewish girls, maintaining a teacher of religion at the Bedford Reformatory for
Women and at the House of Refuge on Randall's Island, and a
paid worker in the Juvenile Court and the Police Court, who
looks after girls and women and gives especial attention to unmarried mothers; through the Baron de Hirsch Fund Committee
it has secured the appointment of a woman to be stationed at
Ellis Island for the- purpose of meeting, guarding, and serving
immigrant women and girls; the Philadelphia Section has opened
and is maintaining an Industrial Home for Girls, which was
established and equipped by Mrs. Kirschbaum and her family;
the Portland (Ore.) Section has erected a building, and maintains a Manual Training School, which has developed from a
small class. In general, the Sections are engaging most vigorously in Rescue and Preventive Work for Girls.
The Council has co-operated with the Exposition Traveller's
Aid Committee formed for the protection of girls stranded or in
danger at St. Louis.
PUBLICATIONS.—1. "Program, 1904" (containing the reports of
the Committees on Religion, on Philanthropy, on Religious
Schools, on Reciprocity, and on Junior Sections); 2. "Organization Leaflet."
The Third Quinquennial Meeting of the International Congress
of Women, held in June at Berlin, was attended by Mrs. Henry
Solomon, the President of the Council of Jewish Women, as
alternate to one of the delegates of the Council of Women of the
United States, and Miss American, the Corresponding Secretary
of the Council of Jewish Women, spoke before the International
Congress on " The Juvenile Court." At London, on June 2, a
meeting of the Jewish Study Society was convened at the house
of its President, Mrs. Henry Lucas, to greet Mrs. Solomon and
Miss American. In Berlin, on June 15, Mrs. Solomon and Miss
American were among the speakers who addressed a meeting
that had been called to deliberate upon the formation of a
" Jiidischer Frauenbund," and on June 20, Miss American explained the aims and activities of the Council of Jewish Women
to a Convention of the " Verband fur jiidische Wohlthatigkeitspflege."
OFFICERS AND DIEECTOES.—President, Hannah G. Solomon (Mrs.
Henry), 4406 Michigan Av., Chicago, 111.; First Vice-President,
Pauline H. Rosenberg (Mrs. Hugo), Allegheny, Pa.; Second VicePresident, Mrs. Moses Goldenberg, Baltimore, Md.; Recording
Secretary, Gertrude Berg, Philadelphia, Pa.; Corresponding Secretary, Sadie American, 448 Central Park West, New York City;
Treasurer, Rebecca Judah (Mrs. J. B.), 639 Fifth, Louisville,
Ky.; Auditor, Mrs. Ben Lowenstein, Cincinnati, O. Directors
(1903-1909): Mrs. Eli Strouse, Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. M. Landsberg, Rochester, N. Y.; Mrs. M. C. Sloss, San Francisco, Cal.; Mrs.
M. Schwab, Cleveland, O.; Mrs. Seraphine Pisko, Denver, Colo.
Those holding over (1900-1906) are: Miss Mary Cohen, Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss Jeannette Goldberg, Jefferson, Texas; Mrs.
Joseph Ransohoff, Cincinnati, O. To fill unexpired terms: Mrs.
Jacob Hecht, Boston, Mass.; Mrs. Melida Pappe, Sioux City, Iowa.
Kate Aronson, 1348 Geary, San Francisco, Cal.; on Philanthropy,
Miss Rose Sommerfeld, 225 East Sixty-third, New York, N. Y.;
on Junior Sections, Miss Jeannette Goldberg, Jefferson, Texas;
on Religious Schools, Mrs. Joseph Steinem, 119 Fifteenth, Toledo,
O.; on Reciprocity, Miss Mary Cohen, 1922 Rittenhouse, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Educational League for the Higher Education of Orphans
with headquarters in Cleveland, O., was organized in 1896, and its
first annual meeting was held in July, 1897. On June 30, 1903,
it counted 1218 members, chiefly girls and boys, living in 58
towns, in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado,
Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, North Dakota,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin, and one
member each in Canada and Germany. Among the members are
5 Honorary Life Members, 127 Patron Members, and 1086 Contributing Members.
The chief purpose of the Educational League is to give talented
young men and young women a chance to develop their powers.
The benefits of the organization are restricted to orphans. Assistance has been given to seven young men and one young
woman; two students of medicine, one of whom is now a practicing physician; two art students, one of whom is doing newspaper
work; one is studying for the ministry; one is a student of dentistry; one is studying music, and one student of science, who
has returned the loan made to him.
In connection with the Educational League, local " Sunshine
Clubs " have been organized among the members, for the purpose
of inculcating the idea of " personal service," and emphasizing
" the underlying thought of the League, that it is a work of
children for children."
A plan for awarding scholarships in art and technical schools
is now being held under consideration.
The balance in the treasury on December 16, 1903, was $5989.69.
The Eighth Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors was
held July 11, 1904, at Cleveland, O. During the year one of the
League's beneficiaries was graduated from a well-known medical
college with the highest honors of his class. Several additional
applications were received by the Board, one from Illinois, in
behalf of a young woman desirous of securing a Normal School
course to fit her for Kindergarten work, another from Indiana, in
behalf of a young woman desiring to become a teacher of science,
and a third from Ohio, in behalf of a young man who wishes to
pursue a course at college. The first two were acted upon favorably, the last was referred to a local board for consideration.
Increased membership was reported from ten towns.
Gries, Cleveland, O.; Vice-President, S. Grabfelder, Louisville,
Ky.; Treasurer, Dr. S. Wolfenstein, Cleveland, O.; Acting Secretary, F. H. Jones (Address: Educational League, Cleveland, O.);
Selma Altheimer, St. Louis, Mo.; Myrtle Baer, Milwaukee, Wis.;
Alfred J. Benesh, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Rosalie Cohen, Columbus, Ohio; Nathan Cohn, Nashville, Tenn.; Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, Detroit, Mich.; Philip W. Frey, Evansville, Ind.; Isaac G.
Haas, Cleveland, Ohio; M. Heyman, New Orleans, La.; Mrs.
Michael Heller, Cleveland, Ohio; Henry Greenebaum, Chicago,
111.; Simon Greenebaum, Cincinnati, Ohio; Minnie Halle, Cleveland, Ohio; Sol S. Kiser, Indianapolis, Ind.; Louis S. Levi,
Cincinnati, Ohio; Rabbi Leo Mannheimer, Chattanooga, Tenn.;
Martin A. Marks, Cleveland, Ohio; Beatrice Moss, Cleveland,
Ohio; Emil Nathan, Memphis, Tenn.; Mrs. Jacob Ottenheimer,
Cincinnati, Ohio; Sidney Pritz, Cincinnati, Ohio; Bertha Rosenfeld, Cleveland, Ohio; Anna Roth, Toledo, Ohio; Rabbi Isaac L.
Rypins, St. Paul, Minn.; Rabbi Tobias Schanfarber, Chicago, 111.;
Helen H. Schwab, St. Louis, Mo.; Rabbi Abram Simon, Washington, D. C ; Sidney Stearn, Cleveland, Ohio; E. F. Westheimer,
St. Joseph, Mo.; Rabbi Louis Wolsey, Little Rock, Ark.
The Seventh Annual Convention of the Federation of American Zionists was held June 3-7, 1904, at Germania Hall, Cleveland, O. The Convention was noteworthy not only for the repetition of the enthusiasm referred to in last year's report, but for
an increase in the delegation. The Credentials Committee reported 188 delegates as being present. Owing to the illness of
Professor Richard Gottheil, Mr. G. H. Mayer, Eastern Vice-President, presided, occasionally resigning the chair to Mr. Leon
Zolotkoff, Western Vice-President. A long message from Dr.
Herzl on the East African question and the presidential address
of Professor Gottheil were read, the latter followed by a vote of
thanks acknowledging his services as President of the Federation.
It was also resolved to record Professor Gottheil's name in the
Golden Book of the National Fund.
The Executive Council report showed that 308 organizations
are regularly and completely affiliated with the Federation, 65 of
them under the control of the Order Knights of Zion; the net
gain of new organizations during the year was 102 societies. The
report showed in much detail the changes in figures that had
taken place in the number of organizations, and described the
effects of the Constitution passed last year, creating the local
councils, of which there are now nine. The income from all
sources was $6339.68, the balance in hand being $497.96. The
Shekel Day receipts equalled payment for 7356 shekel payers,
which, together with the regular payment of shekel taxes, brought
the total up to 14,000 shekel payers; and the real membership of
the movement in America to about 21,000 members. The report
further showed the receipts on account of the National Fund to
be a considerable gain on last year, and the sale of 802 Jewish
Colonial Trust shares also a gain on last year's sales; payments
on Golden Book entries amounted to more than twice the amount
remitted on the same account last year. It was further shown
that there had been a considerable advance in the general work
of organization and the establishment of centres and Zion Homes,
of which there are now four, in Pittsburg, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Cleveland.
The Committee on Education reported on the enlistment of 700
boys in the ranks of the Jewish Boys' Brigade, and the Committee on Organization on the grouping of the orthodox element
into a " Mizrachi."
The Board of Deputies reported in detail on the work of the
various councils, and the Convention itself carried out its work
by means of sectional conferences. The other features of the
Convention were the reading of the roll of all Zionists throughout
the country who had died during the previous year; and the further amendment of the Constitution, providing: (a) for the renaming of the Executive Council as Executive Committee; (b) for
the enlargement of the Executive Committee; (c) for the regulation of the number and election of the members; (d) for the creation of departmental chairmanships, including a chairmanship for
women's organizations; (e) for the denning of the work of every
officer of the organization; (f) for the defining of the work of
local councils, districts, and territorial boards, and of the Board
of Deputies; (g) for the issue of a membership card to every
member of the movement and of certificates of membership to
each organization.
Through the various conferences resolutions were brought in
and approved for the founding of a Yiddish magazine, for the
development of the work of the " Mizrachi," for the establishment of Hebrew classes and a system of tuition for Jewish children, and for the general supervision of the education of Jewish
children throughout the country. It should be added that this
last phase of Zionist work attracted considerable attention, far
more than had been accorded it in any previous year.
One session of the Convention was given over to a paper by
Dr. Maurice Pishberg, of New York City, on " Physical Culture
and the Jews," and a presentation of views by Mr. Joseph SefC on
Removal Work.
A meeting was held of the stockholders of the Maccabsean Publishing Company, at which the Directors reported considerable
advance in the position of the Company.
The Convention declined to discuss the East African project,
but authorized the convening of a special Convention, if necessary, for the discussion of that issue when the Special Commis-
sion sent to investigate the East African domain shall have reported. In connection with this action the Convention renewed
its pledges of loyalty to the leaders of the movement, expressed
its satisfaction with the administration of Dr. Herzl, and recommended various steps for the regulation of the business of future
A large number of social functions were held in connection with
the Convention, and the delegates acknowledged the hospitality of
their Cleveland co-workers.
When the news of Theodor Herzl's death reached this country,
the President, Dr. Harry Friedenwald, issued a message to the
Federation, and through the Secretary made a series of recommendations to the constituent organizations regarding the expression of mourning. In obedience to these recommendations, the
memory of the departed leader was honored by offerings at the
synagogue on Sabbath, July 16; memorial meetings were held in
many cities on Sunday, July 17; and memorial services (Hespedim) at the synagogues on the Ninth of Ab, Thursday, July 21.
Also the whole month of Ab was observed as a period of mourning by Zionist societies, and they countermanded all social affairs
previously arranged for.
OFFICERS.—President, Dr. Harry Friedenwald, Baltimore, Md.;
Vice-President, Cyrus L. Sulzberger, New York City; Honorary
Vice-Presidents, G. H. Mayer, Philadelphia, Pa.; Jonas Gross,
Cleveland, O.; Professor Richard Gottheil, New York City; George
Tunkle, Augusta, Ga.; the Rev. Dr. Philip Klein, New York City;
Leon Zolotkoff, Chicago, 111.; the Rev. Dr. Max Heller, New
Orleans, La.; the Rev. Dr. A. M. Radin, New York City; Rabbi
B. L. Levinthal, Philadelphia, Pa.; Rabbi A. M. Ashinsky, Pittsburg, Pa.; the Rev. Dr. S. Schaffer, Baltimore, Md.; the Rev. Dr.
B. Felsenthal, Chicago, 111.; Treasurer, E. W. Lewin-Epstein, New
York City; Secretary, J. de Haas, 320 Broadway, New York City.
CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES.—On Propaganda, Dr. D. Blaustein,
New York City; on National Fund, L. D. Livingston, New York
City; on Organization, L. Lipsky, New York City; on Education,
A. H. Fromenson, New York City; on Women's Organizations,
Miss E. Weinschenker, Chicago, 111.
DIRECTORS.—C. W. London, Baltimore, Md.; I. Kahanowitz,
Greensburg, Pa.; M. L. Avner, Pittsburg, Pa.; M. Neaman, Pittsburg, Pa.; E. J. Bromberg, Boston, Mass.; H. H. Levenson, Boston, Mass.; S. Abel, New York City; D. H. Lieberman, New York
City; the Rev. S. Margolies, Cleveland, O.; J. H. Luria, New
York City; P. P. Bregstone, Chicago, 111.; A. Kolinsky, Cleveland,
O.; M. Rosenbaum, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. B. L. Singer, Philadelphia, Pa.; the Rev. Dr. J. L. Magnes, Brooklyn, N. Y.
The Hebrew Sabbath School Union of America held no session
during the past year. The next biennial meeting will be held in
January, 1905. During the year it issued a series of Midrashic
Leaflets, prepared by Rabbi Abraham Rhine, of Hot Springs, Ark.
The Leaflets issued by the Union continue to be used in over
a hundred schools throughout the country. Rabbi George Zepin,
Director of Circuit Work for the Union of American Hebrew
Congregations, has found them of great assistance in organizing
Sabbath Schools in communities where none have existed hitherto.
OFFICERS.—President, the Rev. Dr. David Philipson, 852 Lincoln Av., Cincinnati, O.; Treasurer, Simon Greenebaum; Secretary, Jacob Ottenheimer, 533 Walnut, Cincinnati, O.; Assistant
Secretary, S. H. Goldenson.
No report received. Grand Secretary, L. Herman, Germania
Bank Building, 190-194 Bowery, Rooms 207 and 211, New York
The Eighteenth Annual Convention of the Independent Order
Brith Abraham took place May 8, 1904, in New York City.
According to the Report of the Grand Secretary, 31 new lodges
had been formed during 1903, making the number of lodges 367;
male lodges, 353; female lodges, 14; situated in 19 States and the
District of Columbia. The number of members was 69,957; male
members, 36,200; female members, 33,757. From the end of 1903,
until the assembling of the Convention, three lodges more had
been formed, and the membership had increased to 71,157. The
membership of the female lodges is 1364. The Reserve Fund now
stands at $168,506.40, the increase during 1903 having been
$19,514.71. The receipts in the Endowment Fund and the General Expense Fund amounted to $226,587.52, which with the
balance on hand at the beginning of the year made the available
funds, $236,470.35. The expenditures on account of the same Funds
were $223,301.04, leaving on hand a balance of $13,169.31, exclusive of the Reserve Fund. The expenditures on account of the
Endowment Fund were $203,150.00, in this sum being contained
$199,000.00 for 398 death claims. The Age Fund stands at
At the Convention 548 delegates were present, among them 8
female delegates. At the recommendation of the Grand Master,
the constitution was amended so that the place of the next convention may be voted upon together with the balloting for
officers. The action of the Executive Committee in voting $500
to the sufferers by the Baltimore fire was sanctioned. Appropriations were voted to unfortunate members of the Order, and
to the United Austrian Hebrew Charity Association, the Roumanian Hebrew Aid Association, and the Hebrew Immigrants Aid
Association. It was decided to institute a per capita tax of 2y2
cents for the benefit of the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives, Denver, Colo. Voluntary subscriptions taken up during the
Convention for the Hospital amounted to $606.00. During the
year the lodges had disbursed $97,624 for sick benefits, funeral
expenses, and assistance to the needy, $1500 had been sent to
Kishineff, $785 to the Passaic flood victims, and $5240.58 had been
given to the indigent of the Order.
The next convention will be held at Boston, Mass.
GBAND OFFICERS.—Grand Master, Herman Herschkowitz; First
Deputy Grand Master, Joe Mann; Second Deputy Grand Master,
Isaac Weiss; Grand Secretary, Jacob Schoen, 37 East 7th, New
York City; Grand Treasurer Henry Kalchheim; Endowment
Treasurer, Max Schwartz; Grand Messenger, Moses Gross; Counsel to the Order, Leop. Moschcowitz.
CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES.—Finance, Jonas Hecht; Endowment,
H. Mahler; Laws, Max Eckman; Appeals, M. L. Hollander; State
of the Order, Herman Kaufman; Printing, Moritz Korn; Ritual,
A<i. Moschkowitz; Charity, Ed. Kohn.
The Independent Order Free Sons of Israel was founded in
1849. The fundamental object of the organizers was to provide
the family of a deceased member with a sufficient sum to relieve
the immediate necessity of the family, insure proper burial of
the deceased, and leave to the living members of the family a
helpful sum. Equally fundamental was its second object, to
spread " intelligence and enlightenment," and bring about the
Americanization of the Jew. Though a majority of those who
first sought membership had but a limited knowledge of the English language, the Order prescribed that as soon as possible the
proceedings of the lodges should be in the English language. And
it likewise advocated at this early period the bringing into the
lodge room of Jews from all countries.
The Independent Order Free Sons of Israel is under the government of the Grand Lodge of the United States, a body that meets
in general convention once every five years. Each lodge in the
United States is entitled to send a representative to the convention, which selects the general officers and an executive committee.
Furthermore the United States have been divided into two divisions; namely, District Grand Lodge No. 1 with headquarters in
New York City, and District Grand Lodge No. 2, with headquarters in the City of Chicago. These local divisions likewise
have officers and an executive committee. They attend to the
immediate needs of the lodges under their jurisdiction, with
power to appeal, if need should arise, to the United States Grand
The policy of the Order is not to establish buildings of its own
for the housing of the sick or needy, but to contribute toward
such Jewish institutions as exist, whether they be maintained by
local bodies in various cities or by another Order. The Order, for
example, contributed $10,000 to the new Mount Sinai Hospital in
New York. In the City of Chicago it owns a valuable burial
ground, notwithstanding its contributions to the local charities.
At present funds are being collected and plans being formed for
the following: In New York City it is proposed to erect a "Free
Sons of Israel Building" at a cost of $100,000, having meeting
rooms, reception rooms, lecture rooms, general assembly rooms; a
building in which local lodges may meet, concerts, lectures and
entertainments be held, and in which members, friends, and
visitors may be entertained. In Chicago funds are now being
gathered for the erection of the new hospital by the Jewish
citizens of Chicago.
The Order now counts 107 lodges with an aggregate membership
of 12,000. It has a Reserve Fund of $1,000,000, and has during
the more than fifty years of its existence paid $4,000,000 to widows, orphans, and other beneficiaries; during the same time the
individual lodges of the Order have disbursed $3,165,000 for benefits and donations. The funds of the individual lodges at present
aggregate $333,277.00. The Order pays an Endowment benefit of
$1000.00 in case of the death of a member, and in addition provides for its sick and maintains a Relief Fund for its needy. No
members are taken into the Order except such as participate in
the Endowment Fund.
COMMITTEE.—Grand Master, M. S. Stern, 2013 Fifth Av., New
York City; First Deputy Grand Master, S. Hoffheimer; Second
Deputy Grand Master, Adolph Finkenberg; Third Deputy Grand
Master, Adolph Pike; Grand Treasurer, I. Frankenthaler; Chairman Committee on Endowment, William A. Gans; Grand Secretary, I. H. Goldsmith, 1161 Madison Av., New York; Henry Jacobs,
Charles M. Obst, Benjamin Blumenthal, Isaac Hamburger, Julius
Harburger, Henry Lichtig, Raphael Rosenberger, Herman Stiefel,
Honorable Philip Stein.
No. 1.—Grand Master, Emil Tausig, 1772 Madison Av., New York
City; First Deputy Grand Master, Isaac Baer; Second Deputy
Grand Master, Samuel Ornstein; Third Deputy Grand Master,
Aaron Wolfsohn; Grand Treasurer, A. E. Karelson; Grand
Warden, M. Goldberg; Grand Tyler, Abm. Sanders; Chairman
Committee on Appeals, Eugene D. Klein; on Laws, M. S. Keller;
on Finance, J. L. Wallace; on State of the District, Daniel
Krause; President District Deputies, M. J. Lichtenberger.
Master, Isaac A. Loeb, 322 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111.; First
Deputy Grand Master, Henry Kohn; Second Deputy Grand Master,
Wm. Haberman; Third Deputy Grand Master, L. Hoffman; Grand
Secretary, Eli Brandt; Grand Treasurer, Ignatz S. Lurie; Grand
Warden, Henry Goldsmith; Grand Tyler, Albert Weil; Louis
Witkowsky, Leopold Reiss, Frank Kern, Sol. H. Myers, Benjamin
The Eighth Biennial Convention of the Independent Order Free
Sons of Judah was held April 10, 1904, in New York City. The
Grand Secretary reported as follows: Balance on hand, December 31, 1901, $27,057.58; receipts, $216,495.98; total, $243,553.56;
disbursements, $209,906.21, leaving a balance of $33,647.35 on
hand. These assets were appropriated to the various Funds as
follows: Reserve Fund, $20,603.18; Aged and Infirm Fund,
$2075.48; Endowment Fund, $4059.57; Sick Benefit Fund, $3376.24;
General Fund, $2875.80; and Cemetery Fund, $657.08.
The total membership December 31, 1903, was 7608, showing
an increase of 1161 since the previous convention. The number
of lodges on December 31, 1903, was 115, of which 6 were ladies'
lodges. The lodges are located in the States of Connecticut,
Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin, and in the District of
The cemeteries of the Order consist of plots at Bayside and
Mt. Zion cemeteries.
OFFICERS.—Grand Master, Isidor Byk, New York City; First
Deputy Grand Master, Isaac Grossman, New York City; Second
Deputy Grand Master, Levy Abrahams, Baltimore, Md.; Grand
Treasurer, Victor Steiner, Bergen Beach, L. I.; Grand Secretary,
Sigmund Fodor, 47 St. Marks Place, New York City. Office of
the Grand Lodge, 78 Second Av., New York City.
An occurrence deeply lamented by the members of the Order,
as well as by all Jews interested in the welfare of the race,
befell in the death of Leo N. Levi, President of the Fraternity.
With all the energy and enthusiasm of his nature President
Levi devoted himself to the task of widening the influence of
the organization and of bringing it into prominence as something
of international import. That he succeeded in accomplishing
this in the short three years of his Presidency, is evidence of the
strength and sincerity of his convictions and the weight of his
ideas. He led the Order into the field of many new activities.
He it was who, pledging the loyalty of all the lodges in this
country, instituted and achieved the organization of the Industrial Removal Work, and his prompt remonstrance through the
Government against the atrocities perpetrated at Kishineff
brought the Order into deserved world-wide prominence.
At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Order held in
New York on February 14, 1904, the Honorable Simon Wolf, of
Washington, D. C, was elected to succeed Mr. Levi.
When, in December, 1903, rumors of an intended uprising
against the Jews of Kishineff were circulated, the Order addressed a letter to the Secretary of State requesting him to ascertain the state of affairs in Southern Russia. As a result, a cablegram dated December 31, 1903, was received at the State Department from the Ambassador at St. Petersburg, in which the
reports were condemned as entirely unwarranted. The Ambassador also reported that Kishineff had been in a state of thorough
tranquillity for a considerable period. This despatch was made
public, together with a letter dated December 29, 1903, from the
United States Consul at Odessa which verified the report of the
Ambassador. In this matter, the Order acted in agreement with
the Anglo-Jewish Association, London, England, and the Alliance
Israelite Universelle, Paris.
During the past year the Order has put itself into close communication with the Anglo-Jewish Association, and with the
Alliance Israelite Universelle, so as to be in a position to cooperate in behalf of American Jews, with these representative
bodies of Jews in England and France, in all undertakings looking to the amelioration of the condition of Jews.
On the organization of the Industrial Removal Work by President Levi, it was given in charge of a joint committee known as
the Industrial Removal Committee of the Jewish AgricuJtural
and Aid Society. An account of the results achieved by this
Committee will be found under the heading The Industrial Removal Office, pp. 249-251.
The Executive Committee has considerably assisted the refugees
from Roumania and Russia. There have been many deplorable cases among assisted immigrants, who come here principally from England. The Government, ordinarily humane and
considerate in its treatment, under an imperative law has deported a considerable number of these unfortunates. In response
to the efforts of the Order to ameliorate conditions, the Immigration Bureau maintains that it has no power in the matter, the
only remedy being the repeal of the present law or such an
amendment thereof as may enable such persons, under a humane
interpretation of the policy of our Government, to escape from
being classified as Assisted Immigrants.
The Executive Committee of the Order at its meeting in Atlantic City in July, 1902, authorized and directed the President
to formulate plans for conducting a bureau for the placing out
of orphan children. This action of the Committee was communicated to the Executive committee of the National Conference of
Jewish Charities, which entrusted the entire project to the
Order, tendering at the same time the co-operation of its committee in formulating modes of proceedure.
The Executive Committee has seriously considered the advisability of continuing the experiment, and has concluded, from the
results at hand, that it would be unwise to persevere in the attempt to establish the proposed Bureau; it is of the opinion that
before a National Bureau can be undertaken, serious local efforts
should be made in the many centres of Jewish population.
The building established on Forsyth Street, New York City,
has been the centre of good work during the last two years. The
Executive Committee decided to transfer the building to the
charge of District No. 1, fearing that they were usurping the
functions of that District, in the jurisdiction of which the building is situated. An Employment Bureau, opened March 15, 1904,
had been attached to the building proper by the Executive Committee, which had intended to establish also a Bureau of Civic
Information. These activities were turned over to District No. 1,
with the building, on July 1, 1904.
The statistics of the Employment Bureau show a record of four
hundred situations procured since its inception.
There has been a general increase of the Order in all its Districts, despite losses by death and resignation. The net increase
in District No. 1 is 179; in District No. 2, 179; in District No. 3,
177; in District No. 4, 28; in District No. 5, 286; in District No.
6, 24. There is a substantial increase in the members of District
No. 7, and of the foreign Districts as well.
District No. 1, met at Providence, R. I., May 15, 1904; President,
J. B. Klein, Bridgeport, Conn.; Secretary, S. Hamburger, New
York City.
District No. 2, met at Indianapolis, Ind., May 22, 1904; President, Leon Block, Kansas City, Mo.; Secretary, Abe Bloch,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
District No. 3, met at Lancaster, Pa., February 1, 1904; President, the Rev. I. Rosenthal, Lancaster, Pa.; Secretary, M. K.
Cohen, Philadelphia, Pa.
District No. 4, met at San Francisco, Cal., February 21, 1904;
President, M. H. Wascerwitz, San Francisco, Cal.; Secretary, I. J.
Aschheim, San Francisco, Cal.
District No. 5, met at Washington, D. C, April 9, 1904; President, E. A. Waxelbaum, Macon, Ga.; Secretary, Joseph L. Levy,
Richmond, Va.
District No. 6, met at Des Moines, la., May 29, 1904; President,
Adolf Kraus, Chicago, 111.; Secretary, A. B. Seelenfreund, Chicago,
District No. 7, met at San Antonio, Texas, April 18, 1904;
President, Joseph Beitman, Birmingham, Ala.; Secretary, Nat.
Strauss, New Orleans, La.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.—President, Simon Wolf, 923 F, N. W.,
Washington, D. C ; Chancellor of Foreign Affairs, Julius Bien,
New York City; Vice-President and Treasurer, Jacob Furth,
Cleveland, Ohio; Honorary Secretary, Solomon Sulzberger, New
York City; Joseph D. Coons, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Albert Elkus,
Sacramento, Cal.; Adolph Moses, Chicago, 111.; Joseph Hirsh,
Vicksburg, Miss.; Joseph Salabes, Baltimore, Md.; Corresponding
Secretary, Louis Lipsky, 723 Lexington Ave., New York City.
The Independent Order Sons of Benjamin publishes the following financial statement for 1902 and 1903: Balance on hand
January 1, 1902, $839.77; receipts, $12,448.77; total, $13,288.54;
disbursements, $14,218.41; leaving a deficit of $929.87. Receipts
during 1903, $9627.43; interest transferred from the Mutual
Guarantee Fund, $9000; total $18,627.43; deficit January 1, 1903,
$929.87; disbursements, $13,620.11; total, $14,549.98; balance on
hand December 31, 1903, $4077.45.
Grand Secretary, Adolph Silberstein, 212 East 58th, New York
The Eleventh Annual Convention of the Independent Western
Star Order was held June 19-20, 1904, at St. Louis, Mo. There
were present 91 delegates representing 51 lodges.
OFFICERS.—Grand Master, Win. A. Jonesi; Vice-Grand Master,
I. Schwartz; First Deputy Grand Master, A. Greenspan; Second
Deputy Grand Master, A. L. Ratner; Grand Secretary, I. Shapiro,
183 West 12th, Chicago, 111.; Grand Endowment Treasurer, H. M.
Stone; Grand General Fund Treasurer, L. Rosenberg.
The work of the Industrial Removal Office during the past year
has been very considerably increased, the total number of persons
sent away from New York since the inauguration of the movement being 10,563. Applying to this number the percentage returning to New York, we have 10,000 persons who have been
sent away and who have remained away from the city.
It will be observed that there was a smaller proportion of
single men among those sent out this year than in the previous
year; for obvious reasons the heads of families have been given
the preference over single men.
The occupations of the persons removed cover as wide a range
as in former years, and the places to which they were sent are
likewise as numerous. A most gratifying sign is the large number of cases sent by " request," and upon the advice and consent of the receiving community. These are chiefly cases in
which a husband, or some other member of a family, had previously been sent away, and his progress was sufficiently encouraging to justify him in sending for his relatives. Of such cases
the records of the current year show a total of 47 per cent. No
more gratifying testimony can be had to the satisfactory nature
of the employment found for those removed from New York
than is furnished by the fact of sending for relatives.
It should be said that in some cases the head of the family left
New York without assistance from this office, and, after being
sufficiently well established to warrant his doing so, requested the
Bureau to send his family to join him, the alternative being his
return to New York to join them, because of the natural desire
for reunion and insufficient funds to pay transportation charges.
!For the Report of The Jewish Agricultural ancl Industrial AicJ Society,
see p. 252,
The number of such cases, however, is not large; the vast bulk
of those sent by request followed the man originally sent away
by the Removal Office, whose success attracted his relatives.
The power of this attraction cannot be measured solely by the
removals made directly through the Committee. According to the
statistics gathered by the representative of the Removal Office at
Ellis Island of the Jewish immigration that arrived at the port of
New York in the years 1900, 1901, and 1902, 73 per cent had the
City of New York as their ultimate destination; of those arriving in the current year 69% per cent were destined for New York.
On the basis of immigration for the current year, this shows that
the number of persons who moved directly and at their own expense to the interior towns was 3% per cent, or 2224 persons
more than last year. Furthermore, the unfailing experience of
the past twenty years has been that the establishment of a number of Jewish immigrants at a given point speedily results in
attracting a considerable additional number to the same point,
so that it is reasonable to expect that the 10,000 persons who have
been sent away in the past three years will bring five times their
number to the same places within the next decade.
During the year 1903, 5525 persons were sent out from New
York: 485 families removed with their heads, 206 families following their heads (the two classes comprising 2896 persons), 318
married men who had their families in the United States, 983
married men whose families were in Europe, and 1328 unmarried
In classifying the men sent out according to their occupation,
we find the following facts for 1903:
Peddlers in New York
To ascertain the results of the work, regular inquiry sheets
are sent to the local communities some weeks after each case has
been sent out. Those inquiry sheets are returned to the New
York Office after being filled out by the receiving committee.
The information thus obtained yields the following result of the
work done from November 1, 1902, to November 1, 1903. The
tables cover 3347 cases, consisting of 5525 persons, and they
make a comparison with results for the same period of 1902, as
stated in last year's report:
Still at place of settlement. 2,766
Left for places known
Left for places unknown
Returned to New York
1902 Per%
71.8 4,865
7.8 128
89.3 5,183
Still at place of settlement.
Left for places known
Left for places unknown....
Returned to New York
Not heard from in answer to
inquiry sheets, although
ten of these are accounted
for by return postal cards
as arrived at places of destination
Grand Totals
1903 1902 1901
88.2 80.2 65.3
92.5 77.8
.7 6.1
6.1 15.5
3,347 100. 100. 5,525 100. 100. 100.
DIRECTORS.—-Chairman, Cyrus L. Sulzberger; Vice-
chairman, Nathan Bijur; Secretary, Eugene S. Benjamin; Max
Senior, Jacob Furth.
General Manager, David M. Bressler; Assistant Manager, Morris
D. Waldman. Address: 104 Rivington, New York City.
The Israelite Alliance of America held a number of meetings
during the year at which the various committees presented reports of their work for discussion.
The Pope Petition Committee met several times to consider the
" Blood Accusation " problem.
The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of the United
States and Canada assisted this committee by furnishing it with
copies of petitions addressed by the Union, the preceding year, to
the Pope and to Pobiedonostseff, in which an urgent appeal was
made to the heads of the Roman and Greek Catholic Churches to
declare the ritual murder charge against Jews as unfounded, and
incompatible with the Jewish religion. The Union having received no reply to these petitions, the Israelite Alliance decided
to frame a petition on the same question, to be signed only by
prominent Gentiles of all denominations. Rabbi S. Schulman has
undertaken to study the matter historically, collate the facts,
and frame the memorial.
In accordance with the aim of the organization, to bring to the
notice of the public Russia's discriminations against American
citizens of the Jewish faith, the secretaries wrote articles for
publication on the Russian American passport question.
OFFICERS.—President, Joseph M. Baum; Vice-Presidents, Philip
Fischer, Miss Jeanette Schwabe, and Dr. A. L. Wolbarst; Secretaries, A. H. Simon, D. P. Swick, and S. P. Frank, 177 High,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
See also Alliance Israelite Universelle.
During 1903 the Jewish Agricultural and Industrial Aid Society
granted 117 farm loans, amounting in the aggregate to $46,590.51;
during the first six months of 1904, 72 farm loans, amounting in
the aggregate to $28,835.69.
Including the loans turned over to the Society by the Baron de
Hirsch Fund, it has now on its books over five hundred farm loans
made to an equal number of Jewish families.
During 1903 the Society granted 38 home building loans,
amounting in the aggregate to $16,919.00; during the first six
months of 1904, 7 home building loans, amounting in the aggregate to $3029.00, to industrial families in rural districts, and it
has now on its books 52 home building loans granted to an equal
number of Jewish families since the incorporation of this Society.
OFFICERS AND LIRECTOKS.—President, Cyrus L. Sulzberger; VicePresident, Eugene S. Benjamin; Treasurer, Eugene Meyer; Secretary, Percy S. Straus; Mark Ash, Morris Loeb and Fred. M.
Stein, all of New York City.
General Manager, William Kahn, 725 Broadway, New York City.
Compared with former years, the Jewish Agriculturists' Aid
Society of America more than doubled its work during the
year 1903. Eighty families were assisted to settle on as many
farms during the year. Of these, fifty-nine settled under the
homestead law on free Government land, each taking possession
of one hundred and sixty acres of land. Seventeen purchased
the report of The Industrial Removal Office, see pp. 249-25},
farms in the States of Michigan, Indiana, and Wisconsin, and four
rented lands in Illinois and Iowa. All these were more or less
assisted by the Society, loans having been made to them in sums
from one hundred to one thousand dollars. In all the Society
loaned out nearly $26,000.00 during the year. This amount was
expended in the purchase of live-stock and implements, for building material, for seed, and for feed needed for the live-stock during the first few months. The transportation of the families from
the city to the farm, as well as clothing, shoes, and provisions,
which in some instances were furnished to the families, were
paid for from the general fund of the Society.
In doing its work, the Society has followed its old method.
The loans made to its protege's are secured by mortgages, which
become a lien on the real and personal property of the borrower.
The loans are repayable in installments, arranged to suit the case
of the borrower, and they bear interest at the rate of four per cent
per annum. The Society up to the present has assisted nearly
three hundred families, aggregating over 1450 persons. Many of
these families have repaid the loans made to them, principal and
interest in full, and are now in a prosperous condition.
The Society proposes to expand its work and operate on a
much larger scale than hitherto. Thus far the benefits of the
Society have been extended to people in Chicago, and the means
for its operation were gathered chiefly in that city, excepting
what aid has been extended to it by The Jewish Agricultural and
Industrial Aid Society, of New York. In pursuance of the policy
of expansion, applicants from outside the city of Chicago were
assisted during the first half of the present year, from January 1
to July 1, 1904.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS.—President, Adolph Loeb; Vice-President,
Emil G. Hirsch; Treasurer, Edward Rose; Secretary, Hugo Pam:
Corresponding Secretary, Dr. A. R. Levy, 507-511 S. Marsfield Ave.,
Chicago, 111.; Israel Cowen, Harry Hart, Jacob L. Kesner, Adolph
Moses, David M. Pfaelzer, Dr. J. Rappaport, Julius Rosenwald,
Emanuel F. Selz, Milton L. Strauss, Morris Weil.
ADVISORY BOARD.—Joseph Basch, A. Bauer, Louis Becker, Joseph
Beifeld, Eli B. Felsenthal, Oscar J. Friedman, Maurice W.
Kozminski, I. S. Lurie, Max M. Markwell, Benj. Rosenberg, Morris
S. Rosenwald, Toby Rubovits, David Simon, Leo Straus, David
The Eighth Summer Assembly of the Jewish Chautauqua Society was held at Atlantic City, N. J., July 10 to 31, 1904, under
direction of the Chancellor, Dr. Henry Berkowitz, the President,
Mr. Jacob Gimbel, and the Director, Isaac Hassler, Esq., all of
The work was divided into departments, as follows:
plans of the Committee of Fifteen appointed at the Sixth Summer
Opening Address: " The Reform Movement in Jewish Education," Dr. Henry Berkowitz, Philadelphia.
Discussion of Curriculum for Religious Schools presented by
Rabbi Abram Simon at the Seventh Summer Assembly: "What
Should be Taught in Confirmation Classes—Why and How?"
Rabbi Abram Simon, Washington, D. C.
" How Shall the Bible Be Taught? " Rev. Dr. Jos. Stolz, Chicago,
111., and Rabbi Edward N. Calisch, Richmond, Va.
" The Value of Pictures in Teaching," Rev. Clifton H. Levy,
New York.
" Criticism of Rabbi Simon's Curriculum," Miss Julia Richman,
New York.
" Application of Educational Reforms," Rev. Dr. David Philipson, Cincinnati, Ohio.
" The Study of the Hebrew Language," Dr. S. Benderly, Baltimore, Md., being in the main a presentation of the Yellin method.
" The Study of the Hebrew Language," Rabbi Gerson B. Levi,
Helena, Ark., a presentation of Mr. Levi's methods, as published
by the Jewish Chautauqua Society.
" The Study of Post-Biblical History and Literature in the
Schools," Dr. Israel Davidson, New York.
Illustrative Lesson: Subject, "The Sabbath," Primary Department, Miss Ella Jacobs, Philadelphia.
General discussions were held during all the sessions. Several
Conferences of Teachers, Rabbis, and others interested in school
work were held and valuable discussions of school work had.
Thirty-three teachers, of whom a number were sent at the expense of congregations to represent them, and twenty-one rabbis,
were in attendance during the sessions. The outcome of the
school work was the following resolution passed by the Assembly:
" As a result of the experiences derived from the conduct of
the Department of Religious Pedagogy and at the earnest solicitation of the teachers who attended, we recommend that:
" 1st. At the next Assembly, classes and conferences, composed
of Jewish educators and Jewish religious school teachers, be
organized for the purpose of explaining and discussing methods
of instruction, and a series of Bible Lessons for Teachers, primary,
intermediate, and advanced, be given in connection therewith;
" 2nd. In addition to Hebrew, classes be organized also for the
study of Post-Biblical History, special eras being made the subject
of particular lessons, and that lectures on biographies of the
leading men of such era constitute a feature of this work;
" 3rd. The study of the geography of the Bible be among the
subjects included in the curriculum of the Assembly;
" 4th. A full set of ceremonial objects, models, lantern slides,
and maps, suitable for Jewish religious schools, to form a travelling library, be secured by the Jewish Chautauqua Society, to be
sent to schools upon application, the expense of transportation
to be borne by the schools;
" 5th. A parents' meeting or series of meetings of parents be
held at the next Assembly for the purpose of having Jewish ceremonials explained, with the view to their rehabilitation in the
homes in which they have passed into neglect;
" 6th. In order to carry into effect the practical propositions
made by the Chancellor in his opening address, a Committee of
Five be appointed to formulate a series of lesson helps for teachers, to constitute a manual for their guidance, the work of this
Committee to be based on the Curriculum submitted to the Assembly by Rabbi Abram Simon, to whom grateful acknowledgment
for his valuable labors is herewith expressed."
2. COURSE IN APPLIED PHILANTHROPY.—Addresses were delivered
as follows:
" The Value of Training for Philanthropic "Work," Dr. Edward
T. Devine, Secretary Charity Organization Society, New York.
" Jewish Scholarships in Philanthropy," Mr. Sol. C. Lowenstein, United Hebrew Charities, New York.
" The Housing Problem," Mr. Robert W. De Forest, President
of the Charity Organization Society, New York.
" Discussion of Mr. De Forest's Address," Miss Emily W. Dinwiddie, Philadelphia.
" The Labor Problem in its Relation to Applied Philanthropy,"
Mr. Marcus M. Marks, of the Civic Federation, New York.
" The Relation of Charities to Corrections," Dr. Frederick H.
Wines, Montclair, N. J.
" Juvenile Crime Among Boys," Mr. F. H. Nibecker, Superintendent House of Refuge, Glen Mills, Pa.
" Juvenile Crime Among Girls," Miss Rose Sommerfeld, Director
of the Clara De Hirsch Home, New York.
The following resolution was passed by the Assembly:
" In view of the fact that thousands of our American youth are
early drafted into the ranks of the industrial workers, be it
" Resolved, That the Board of the Jewish Chautauqua Society
be instructed to request the Civic Federation to plan methods for
elementary instruction in economics in the public schools, with
the view to the enlightenment of pupils on practical social
B. Levi, of Helena, Ark., conducted a class in Hebrew, meeting
every day during the sessions and using the Advanced Hebrew
Course, which was compiled by Mr. Levi and recently issued by
the Society, including instruction in Hebrew Grammar and exercises in translation of Hebrew into English and English into
Hebrew. Seventeen members, principally teachers, were enrolled
in the class.
Five lectures on " Recent Discussions of Biblical Problems,"
by Professor Max Margolis, of the University of California, as
(1) " Babylonian Elements in Civilization and Religion of
Ancient Israel."
(2) " The Rise of Early Judaism."
(3) " The ' I ' of the Psalms."
(4) " Foreign Elements in Late Judaism."
(5) "The Son of Man."
Courses of Lectures on the ' r Life and Times of Ben Sira," and
" The History of Hebrew Liturgy," by Dr. Solomon Schechter,
President of The Jewish Theological Seminary, New York.
Stage as an Educational Force ": Address by Mr. Sydney Rosenfeld, New York, President of the National Theatre Company, on
" The Stage of To-Day and Its Needs "; Address by Mr. Jacob M.
Gordin, Brooklyn, on " The Jewish Drama and its Effect in
Conference on " Immigration ": Address by the presiding officer, Mr. Jacob H. Schiff, New York; " The Status of Immigration," by Honorable Frank P. Sargent, United States Commissioner General of Immigration.
Lecture: Dr. Joseph Krauskopf, Philadelphia, " Lessing, the
Brave, and Nathan, the Wise."
Lecture: Rear-Admiral Geo. W. Melville, U. S. N., "Arctic Explorations."
Lecture: Dr. Talcott Williams, Editor of the Philadelphia
" Press," on " Some International Lessons of the War in the
Two musical entertainments and several social evenings and
receptions were held during the sessions.
Divine services were held every Friday evening and Sabbath
morning at Beth Israel Synagogue, under the direction of Rabbi
Henry M. Fisher, of Atlantic City. Sermons were preached by
Rabbis G. Freund, of Toledo, O.; David Philipson, of Cincinnati,
O.; and N. Krasnowetz, of Owensboro, Ky.
The Annual Meeting at the close of the session was presided
over by the President, Mr. Jacob Gimbel, Philadelphia. Reports
were presented by the Secretary, Isaac Hassler, and the Treasurer,
Clarence K. Arnold, Philadelphia. Addresses were made by the
Chancellor, Rev. Dr. Henry Berkowitz, and by Honorable Simon
Wolf, Washington, D. C.
In the Reading Course work circles were organized or Chautauqua work introduced in the following cities:
Anniston, Ala.; Augusta, Ga.; Baltimore, Md.; Boston, Mass.;
Charleston, W. Va.; Chattanooga, Tenn.; Chester, Pa.; Chicago,
111.; Cincinnati, O.; Columbus, Miss.; Denver, Colo.; El Paso,
Texas; Galveston, Texas; Hannibal, Mo.; Harrisburg, Pa.; Hazleton, Pa.; Hot Springs, Ark.; Houston, Texas; Indianapolis, Ind.;
Memphis, Tenn.; Monroe, La.; Nashville, Tenn.; Natchez, Miss.;
Newark, N. J.; New York, N. Y.; Peoria, 111.; Philadelphia, Pa.;
San Antonio, Texas; Scranton, Pa.; Seattle, Wash.; Selma, Ala.;
St. Louis, Mo.; Syracuse. N. Y.; Tacoma, Wash.; Tyler, Texas;
Utica, N. Y.; Vicksburg, Miss.; Wheeling, W. Va.; Wilkes-Barre,
Pa.; Melbourne, Australia; and Montreal, Can.
The reports showed that a large number of schools had followed
the Hebrew Courses of the Society, though these were not ready
at the beginning of the school year 1903-1904.
OFFICERS.—Chancellor, Rev. Dr. Henry Berkowitz; President,
Jacob Gimbel; Vice-President, William B. Hackenburg; Treasurer, Alfred H. Newburger; Secretary, Isaac Hassler, Esq., P. O.
Box 825; all of Philadelphia.
BOABD OF TRUSTEES.—Leon Dalsimer, Mrs. Eva Coons, Samuel S.
Fleisher, Louis Gerstley, Mrs. Rosa Frank, Mrs. Charles Heidelberger, Mrs. Fannie Muhr, Clarence K. Arnold, Geo. W. Ochs,
Edward Wolf, Mrs. Jos. H. Rubin, of Philadelphia; Marcus M.
Marks, Jacob H. Schiff, Sol. Sulzberger, of New York; Honorable
Simon Wolf, of Washington, D. C ; Mrs. Eli Strouse, of Baltimore, Md.; Joseph Hirsch, ot Atlanta, Ga., and Israel Cowen, of
Chicago, 111.
EDUCATIONAL COUNCIL.—Max Herzberg, D. W. Amram, Charles
S. Bernheimer, Miss Corinne B. Arnold, Rabbi Julius H. Greenstone, Dr. Lewis Steinbach, Miss Ella Jacobs, of Philadelphia;
Rev. Dr. Maurice H. Harris, Dr. Richard Gottheil, Dr. Lee K.
Frankel, Professor Morris Loeb, Miss Julia Richman, Miss Rose
Sommerfeld, of New York; Rabbi Gerson B. Levi, of Helena,
Ark.; Rev. Dr. Emil G. Hirsch, Rev. Dr. Jos. Stolz, Chicago, 111.;
Rabbi Harry Levi, Wheeling, W. Va.; Rabbi Abram Simon, Washington, D. C.; Rev. Dr. K. Kohler, Cincinnati, O.
HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS.—Adolph S. Ochs, Milton Goldsmith, New York; J. B. Klein, Bridgeport, Conn.; Mrs. Jacob H.
Hecht, Boston, Mass.; Max Senior, Cincinnati, 0.; Mrs. S. L.
Frank, Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. Jonathan Rice, St. Louis, Mo.; Rev.
Dr. Jacob S. Voorsanger, Mrs. M. S. Sloss, San Francisco, Cal.;
Louis Bamberger, Newark, N. J.; Rev. Dr. Max Heller, New
Orleans, La.; I. Isenberg, Wheeling, W. Va.; Jacques Loeb, Montgomery, Ala.; Mrs. S. Lesser, Augusta, Ga.; Mrs. Alex. Friend,
Dallas, Texas; Wm. J. Berkowitz, Kansas City, Mo.; Isaac L. Blaut,
Washington, D. C; Honorable Josiah Cohen, Pittsburg, Pa.
During 1903-1904, thirty-eight students were enrolled in the
Rabbinical Course of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.
At the Commencement exercises, held on June 5, 1904, the Degree of Rabbi was conferred upon the following: Rudolph Isaac
Coffee, of California, B. A., Columbia University; Charles Isaiah
Hoffman, of Philadelphia, B. A., M. A., and B. L., University
of Pennsylvania; Gerson Benedict Levi, of Philadelphia, B. A.,
University of Pennsylvania; Elias Louis Solomon, of New York,
B. A., College of the City of New York.
Honorary Degrees were awarded as follows: Lewis Naphtali
Dembitz, of Louisville, Ky., Doctor of Hebrew Literature; Henry
Pereira Mendes, Minister of Congregation Shearith Israel, of
New York, Doctor of Divinity; Samuel Schulman, Rabbi of Temple Beth-El, of New York, Doctor of Divinity.
TEACHERS COURSE.—The Seminary, recognizing the urgent need
of providing proper teachers for the religious schools in the city
of New York and elsewhere, has established a special Teachers
Course, to be conducted under the supervision of the President
of the Faculty, Professor S. Schechter, by the members of the
Faculty. The course occupies three years, at the end of which
a certificate will be awarded to persons who successfully pass
the prescribed examinations. The course of study is as follows:
First Year.—Two hours, Elementary Hebrew; one hour, Bible
Lessons; one hour, Jewish Religion. Second Year.—One hour,
Contents of the Prayer Book; one hour, Post-Biblical History and
Literature; one hour, Bible Lessons; one hour, Selections from the
Pentateuch. For the third year of the course arrangements
are to be made for the establishment of a model school, in which
the students will obtain practical instruction in the methods of
teaching and conducting a religious school. During 1903-1904,
130 students were enrolled in this department.
PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT.—To enable students who are attending a college or university in New York City to prepare themselves for entrance to the Seminary, it has been decided to establish a Preparatory Course, with the following curriculum:
First Year.—One hour, Hebrew Grammar; two hours, Pentateuch;
one hour, Prayer Book. Second Year.—One hour, Hebrew Grammar; one hour, Pentateuch with Rashi and Onkelos; one hour,
Judges; one hour, Mishnah, Berakot and Shabbat. Third Year.
—One hour, Outlines of Jewish History; First Term—One hour,
Isaiah; one hour, Daniel; one hour, Mishnah, Pesahim, Yoma
and Sukkah; Second Term—One hour, Talmud (Berakot); one
hour, Shulhan Aruk; two hours, Psalms.
DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF DIVINITY.—A course leading to the Degree
of Doctor of Divinity will hereafter be given. Any person holding the degree of Rabbi, or such other equivalent degree or
diploma as may be deemed sufficient by the Faculty, may be admitted to it. The following lectures will be given during the
academic year 1904-1905 for the candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Divinity: Introduction to the Study of Manuscripts; Critical and Historical Analysis of the Halachic Midrashim; Syriac;
Reading of the Syriac Version of Ben Sirach; Text and Composition of the Books of Samuel; Arabic, the eight chapters of
Maimonides; Cuneiform Texts bearing upon the Bible; Historical
Texts, Megillat Ta'anit and the Letter of Sherira; North Semitic
Inscriptions; Literature of Doctrine and Dogma; Selected Readings of Rabbinical Responsa; Practical Exercises in the Decision
of Ritual Questions.
LECTURES.—A course of lectures will be given during 1904-1905,
to which the public will be admitted. A special course of lectures
will be given to the members of the Senior Class on the management of the Jewish philanthropic and educational institutions
of New York City.
SYNAGOGUE.—A Synagogue is attached to the Seminary. Services are conducted every Sabbath and holiday by the Hazan with
the aid of the students, under the direction of the President of
the Faculty.
LIBRARY.-—The Library consists of 15,000 printed volumes and
750 Hebrew MSS.
COURSE OF STUDY.—The course of study pursued in the Seminary
extends over a period of four years, and comprises lectures
and instruction on the following subjects: 1. The Bible; 2. Talmud of Babylon and Jerusalem; 3. Jewish History and the History
of Jewish Literature, with specimen readings; 4. Theology and
Catechism; 5. Homiletics, including a proper training in elocu-
tion and pastoral work; 6. Instruction in Hazanut is provided,
and is optional with members of the Senior Class.
REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION.—Students desiring to enter the
Seminary as candidates for the degree of Rabbi must be members
of the Jewish faith, of good moral character, and should have
received from a university or college in good standing the degree
of Bachelor of Arts or such other equivalent degree as shall be
approved by the faculty. Students attending universities and
colleges which permit the election of professional or post-graduate
studies as the major portion of the work of the senior year, and
who are otherwise properly qualified, may be admitted to the regular Rabbinical Course upon the presentation of a certificate
of the satisfactory completion of their three years' college work,
provided they present satisfactory assurance that they will
immediately proceed to obtain their Bachelor's Degree. In view
of the elective system in American colleges, it is strongly recommended to students intending to enter the Seminary that they
especially devote themselves during their college course to the
following subjects: English literature, rhetoric, and composition; ancient and medieval history; philosophy, psychology, and
logic; German, Greek, and Latin. In the case of students presenting a certificate from a European institution, the English
requirements may be temporarily waived, with the understanding,
however, that the prescribed English must be completed before
final graduation. Candidates for admission are expected to pass
successfully an entrance examination on the following subjects:
Elementary grammar of the Hebrew language and of Biblical
Aramaic, including the paradigm of the verb and noun; the whole
of the Pentateuch, translation and interpretation at sight, and
the Book of Genesis with Targum Onkelos and the commentary
of Rashi and Rashi characters; the book of Judges (with the exception of the Song of Deborah); Isaiah I-XII; Psalms I-XXII;
Daniel 1-3; the second Order of the Mishna, Seder Moed, with the
exception of the Tractates Erubin, Betzah, and Hagigah; Gemara,
the first Perek of Tractate Berakot, pages 1-13; general acquaintance with the contents of the Prayer Book; general acquaintance
with Jewish history. Every student who is a candidate for a
degree is expected to observe the Jewish Sabbath and to conform
to the Jewish dietary laws.
Special students not candidates for degrees may be admitted to
the classes of the Seminary.
Harvard University has established a group leading to the
Bachelor's Degree which includes the foregoing subjects required
for admission, and Columbia University, the University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Chicago have agreed to provide instruction necessary for admission
to the Seminary. The Gratz College, of Philadelphia, prepares
students for admission to the Seminary.
There is no tuition fee at the Seminary, and regular students
are admitted to the courses of Columbia University free of charge.
The Seminary has no dormitories, and does not provide lodging
or board for students.
SCHOLARSHIPS.—A scolarship of the value of two hundred and
fifty dollars per annum has been established by the Board of Directors in memory of Joseph Blumenthal, to be awarded annually
by the President of the Faculty, after consultation with the
Faculty, to the most deserving student of the Senior Class. The
Philadelphia Branch of the Seminary offers for the scholastic
year 1904-1905 four scholarships of the value of two hundred
and fifty dollars each to the candidates passing the best entrance
examinations. These scholarships will be known as the Philadelphia Scholarships, and, other things being equal, preference
in their award will be given to students from Philadelphia.
PRIZES.—Prizes have been announced as follows for the academic year 1904-1905: 1. The Laemmlein Buttenwieser Bible
Prize—value forty dollars: " Textual Repetitions and Quotations
in the Book of Jeremiah." 2. The Laemmlein Buttenwieser
Talmud Prize—value forty dollars: " Composition of the Tractate
Abot, critically analyzed." 3. The Aaron Friedenwald Prize in
Jewish Theology—value forty dollars: " Individual Prayers in
Rabbinic Literature, their influence on the Liturgy, and their
theological significance." 4. The Alexander Kohut Memorial
Prize—value forty dollars: " The use and the meaning of the term
Ruah ha-Kodesh in the Targumin and in the Rabbinical Literature."
ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS.—The entrance examinations will be
held on Thursday, October 6, 1904, beginning at 10.30 a. m. The
Seminary will be open for instruction on Monday, October 10,
1904. Instruction in the Teachers' Course will begin on Monday,
October 17, when candidates for admission are expected to present themselves.
FACULTY.—President and Professor of Jewish Theology, Professor Solomon Schechter, M. A., Litt. D. (Cantab.); Sabato Morais
Professor of Biblical Literature and Exegesis: Israel Friedlaender,
Ph.D. (Strassburg); Professor of Talmud: Louis Ginzberg, Ph. D.
(Heidelberg); Professor of History: Alexander Marx, Ph. D.
(Konigsberg); Professor of Homiletics, Reverend Joseph Mayor
Asher, B. A., M. A. (Owens College, Victoria University, Manchester) ; Instructor in the Bible and Hebrew Grammar and Acting Reader in the Codes, Bernard Drachman, Ph. D. (Heidelberg); Instructor in the Talmud, Joshua A. Joffe'; Hazan and
Instructor in Hazanut, Reverend Simon Jacobson; Tutor of Elocution, Grenville Kleiser; Tutor of English, Eugene H. Lehman.
LIBRARY STAFF.—Principal Librarian, Professor
Marx; Assistant Librarian, George Alexander Kohut.
PUBLICATIONS.—The following Publications have been issued
during 1903-1904: 1. "Teachers' Course," 1903; 2. "Register
1904-1905," 1904.
Vice-President, Newman Cowen; Honorary Secretary, Irving
Lehman; Treasurer, Daniel Guggenheim. Directors: for life,
Jacob H. Schiff, Daniel Guggenheim, Mayer Sulzberger, Cyrus
Adler, Simon Guggenheim, Adolphus S. Solomons, Felix M.
Warburg, Philip S. Henry, Louis Marshall; elected for one year,
Newman Cowen, Simon M. Roeder, Harry Friedenwald, Irving
Lehman, Samuel Greenbaum, Morris Loeb and William Gerstley.
Executive Committee: Louis Marshall, chairman; Jacob H. Schiff,
Daniel Guggenheim, Mayer Sulzberger, Simon M. Roeder, together
with the President and the Vice-President, ex-ofltcio.
The Fourth Annual Reunion of the Alumni Association of the
Jewish Theological Seminary of America was held on June 5,
1904, in the building of the Seminary in New York. There were
two sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Two
papers were read: "The Establishment of the Bet Din in
America," by the Rev. Julius H. Greenstone, of Philadelphia; and
" Circuit Preaching," by the Rev. Herman Abramowitz, of Montreal, Canada. Inquiry into the feasibility of establishing a Bet
Din and the formulating of a plan of operation, if it should be
found feasible, were referred to a committee consisting of Julius
H. Greenstone, Philadelphia, Pa.; H. M. Speaker, Philadelphia,
Pa.; C. H. Kauvar, Denver, Colo.; C. I. Hoffman, Indianapolis,
Ind.; and Gerson B. Levi, Helena, Ark. The question of Circuit
Preaching was referred to the following committee: H. Abramowitz, Montreal, Can.; C. I. Hoffman, and B. C. Ehrenreich,
Philadelphia, Pa.
During the year the Association established a prize to be
known as " The Alumni Prize," which is to be awarded to the
student writing the best paper on a subject assigned by the
Alumni Association. This year it was won by Abraham E.
Dobrzynski, the subject being " Tehinnot."
On the evening of June 4, after the Commencement exercises
at the Seminary, the Alumni Association tendered a reception to
the class just graduated. The reception was held in the Seminary
Assembly Rooms.
Philadelphia, Pa.; Vice-President, Dr. J. H. Hertz, Johannesburg,
South Africa; Recording Secretary, B. C. Ehrenreich, 1914 North
Franklin, Philadelphia, Pa.; Corresponding Secretary, Herman
Abramowitz, Montreal, Can.; Treasurer, Leon H. Elmaleh, Philadelphia, Pa.; S. Reich, J. H. Greenstone, C. H. Kauvar, H. M.
Speaker, M. Mandel, and M. Waldman.
The Third Biennial Meeting of the National Conference of
Jewish Charities in the United States was held in New York
City, May 24-27, 1904. The Conference now comprises the following 75 organizations:
Albany, N. Y., Hebrew Benevolent Society; Secretary, the Rev.
Dr. M. Schlesinger, 334 Hudson Av.
Atlanta, Ga., Hebrew Benevolent Society; President, A. Benjamin,
care of Standard Ice Co. Home for Hebrew Orphans; Secretary, Max Cohen, 509 7th, N. W., Washington, D. C.
Baltimore, Md., Hebrew Benevolent Society; Secretary, M. Brenner, 411 W. Fayette.
Boston, Mass, (see also Mattapan), Federation of Hebrew Charities; Superintendent, Max Mitchell, 43 Hawkins. Hebrew
Women's Sewing Society; Secretary, Miss Ida Engel, 23
Arborway, Jamaica Plain.
Buffalo, N. Y., Hebrew Board of Charities; President, J. L. Saperston, Main and Seneca.
Butte, Mont., Hebrew Benevolent Society; Secretary, L. Heiman.
Chicago, 111., United Hebrew Charities; Secretary, A. J. Pflaum,
1215 Association Building. Home for Jewish Orphans; Secretary, S. Ettelson, Fort Dearborn Building.
Charleston, S. C, Hebrew Benevolent Society; Montague Triest,
54 Wentworth.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Mizpah Relief Society; Secretary, H. Goodman, Market.
Cincinnati, O., United Jewish Charities; President, Max Senior,
731 W. 6th.
Cleveland, O., Hebrew Benevolent Society; Secretary, M. Wurtenberg, 183 Orange. Jewish Orphan Asylum; Secretary, S.
Columbus, O., Hebrew Benevolent Society; President, W. N.
Dallas, Tex., Hebrew Benevolent Society; President, Joseph Wolf.
Dayton, O., Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Society; President, Mrs.
Minnie Haas, 22 DeKalb.
Denver, Colo., Jewish Charity Association; Secretary, Mrs. H.
Siegel, Pioneer Building.
Des Moines, la., Hebrew Ladies' Benevolent Society; President,
Mrs. H. Hirsch, 1605 High.
Detroit, Mich., United Jewish Charities; Secretary, A. Benjamin,
118 E. High.
Evansville, Ind., Hebrew Ladies' Benevolent Society; President
Mrs. M. Oberdorfer, 1245 Upper 1st.
Houston, Tex., Beth Israel Benevolent Society; Secretary, Jonas
Levy, 317 Main. United Hebrew Benevolent Society; Secretary, Mrs. Ella Altmont, 10 Jackson.
Indianapolis, Ind., Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Society; Secretary,
Mrs. H. Marks, 22 N. Michigan.
Kansas City, Mo., United Jewish Charities; President, W. J.
Berkowitz, 1920 Wyandotte.
Lafayette, Ind., Jewish Ladies' Aid Society; Secretary, Mrs. R.
Oppenheimer, 604 N. 6th.
Lancaster, Pa., United Hebrew Charity Association; Secretary,
L. R. Giesenberger, 123 E. King.
Little Rock, Ark., Hebrew Benevolent Society; Secretary, Rabbi L.
Wolsey, 1419 Louisiana.
Louisville, Ky., United Hebrew Relief Association; Secretary,
G. S. Rosenberg, 310 E. Walnut.
Los Angeles, Cal., Hebrew Benevolent Society; Secretary, I. Salmonson, Hellman Building.
Mattapan, Mass., Leopold Morse Home and Orphanage; President,
Godfrey Morse.
Memphis, Tenn., United Hebrew Relief Association; President,
Dr. M. Samfleld, 104 Adams.
Milwaukee, Wis., Hebrew Relief Association; President, A. L.
Saltzstein, Mack Block.
Minneapolis, Minn., Hebrew Ladies' Benevolent Society; Secretary, Mrs. Charles Moss, 2104 Portland Av.
Mobile, Ala., Hebrew Benevolent Society; President, S. Haas.
Montgomery, Ala., United Hebrew Charities; President, B. Wolff,
100 Commerce.
Nashville, Tenn., United Hebrew Relief Association; President,
Dr. I. Lewinthal, 1912 West End Av.
Natchez, Miss., Hebrew Relief Association; Secretary, Rabbi S. G.
Newark, N. J., Hebrew Benevolent Society; Gabriel J. Kempe,
530 Clinton Av. Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Secretary, Gabriel
J. Kempe, 530 Clinton Av.
New Haven, Conn., Hebrew Benevolent Society; Secretary, F. M.
Adler, care of Strouse, Adler and Co.
New Orleans, La., Hebrew Benevolent Society; President, Dr. I. L.
Leucht, P. O. Drawer 431. Association for Relief of Jewish
Widows and Orphans; Superintendent, Michael Heyman, St.
Charles and Peters.
New York City, N. Y., United Hebrew Charities; Manager, Dr.
L. K. Frankel, 356 Second Av.
Oakland, Cal., Daughters of Israel Relief Society; Secretary, Mrs.
G. Cohn, 1142 Filbert.
Peoria, 111., Hebrew Relief Association; President, W. F. Wolfner.
Philadelphia, Pa., Home for Hebrew Orphans; President, H. H.
Ginsberg, 10th and Bainbridge. Orphans Guardians Society;
Secretary, Samuel Goodman, 116 N. 3d. United Hebrew Charities; President, Max Herzberg, 636 N. 6th. Jewish Foster
Home; Secretary, Benjamin F. Teller (deceased), Mill St.,
Germantown, Pa.
Pittsburg, Pa., United Hebrew Relief Association; President, A.
Lippman, Second National Bank Building.
Portland, Ore., First Hebrew Benevolent Society; Secretary, S.
Blumauer, 108 Fourth. Jewish Women's Benevolent Society,
Secretary, Mrs. Ben Selling, 434 Main.
Richmond, Va., Hebrew Ladies' Benevolent Society; President,
Mrs. A. Levy, 101 Marshall.
Rochester, N. Y., United Jewish Charities; Secretary, Dr. Max
Landsberg, 420 Main. Jewish Orphan Asylum Association of
Western New York; Secretary, Dr. Max Landsberg, 420 Main.
St. Joseph, Mo., Jewish Ladies' Benevolent Society; Secretary,
Mrs. Julius Rosenblatt, 410 N. 6th.
St. Louis, Mo., Jewish Charitable and Educational Union; Secretary, Bernard Greensfelder, 701 Commonwealth Trust Building.
St. Paul, Minn., Jewish Relief Society; President, Mrs. J. M. Silberstein, 216 E. Summit Av. Bikur Cholim Society; President, Mrs. S. Mark, 589 Pine.
Salt Lake City, Utah, Jewish Relief Society; President, Mrs.
Jacob Bamberger, 539 E. 1st South.
San Antonio, Tex., Montefiore Benevolent Society; President, M.
Friedman, care of D. and A. Oppenheimer.
San Francisco, Cal., Eureka Benevolent Association; President,
Charles Hirsch, 308 Market. Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum;
President, S. W. Levy, 212 Sansome.
Savannah, Ga., Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Society; Secretary,
Mrs. S. L. Lazaron, 124 Park Av.
Scranton, Pa., Jewish Ladies' Relief Society; Secretary, Mrs. M.
Simmons, 415 Madison Av.
Syracuse, N. Y., United Jewish Charities; President, Rev. A. Guttman, 102 Walnut Place.
Terre Haute, Ind., Jewish Aid Society; Secretary, Rabbi Emil
Leipziger, 706 S. 5th.
Toledo, O., Hebrew Ladies' Benevolent Society; Secretary, Mrs. N.
Kaufman, 211 Scottwood Av.
Vicksburg, Miss., Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Society; Secretary,
Mrs. Gabriel Brown, 114 Baum.
Washington, D. C, United Hebrew Charities; Secretary, J. Solomon, Columbian Building.
Wheeling, W. Va., United Jewish Charities; President, Rabbi
Harry Levi, P. O. Box 121.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Young Men's Hebrew Association Ladies'
Auxiliary; Secretary, Miss Pamela Constine, 51 Public Square.
Wilmington, Del., Hebrew Charity Association; President, Morris
Levy, 210 Market.
Over a hundred delegates attended the Conference. The program covered the entire field of Jewish philanthropy. The following is a list of the papers presented:
May 24, Temple Emanu-El. Jacob H. Schiff, Chairman Reception Committee, presided. Addresses were given by Jacob H.
Schiff, New York; George B. McClellan, Mayor of New York; Dr.
Jeffrey R. Brackett, Boston; Robert W. Hebbard, Albany, and Max
Herzberg, Philadelphia.
May 25, The Hebrew Charities Building. Paper: " Adequacy of
Relief," by Solomon Lowenstein, New York. Discussion by Max
Mitchell, Boston; E. Rubovits, Chicago; B. Greensfelder, St.
Louis; the Rev. Leo M. Franklin, Detroit, and Boris Bogen, Cincinnati. General Discussion: "How to Help the Unskilled."
Papers: "Women with Children," Mrs. William Einstein, New
York; " Men without Trades," William Kahn, New York.
The Hebrew Orphan Asylum. Address: Edward Lauterbach,
New York. Papers: " The Ideal Orphan Home," by Michael
Heyman, New Orleans; "What becomes of our Graduates?" by
Rudolph I. Coffee, New York; " Placing Out of Jewish Children,"
by Lee K. Prankel, New York. Discussion: Rev. Dr. I. L. Leucht,
New Orleans; Rev. Dr. Max Landsberg, Rochester.
May 26, The Educational Alliance. Address: Isidor Straus,
New York. Papers: "Delinquent Girls," by Miss Rosetta Stone,
New York; "Preventive Work Among Girls," by Dr. Bertha P.
Lubitz, New York. Discussion: Miss Rose Sommerfeld, New
York; Mrs. Sol. Selig, Philadelphia. " Preventive Work on the
East Side," by Dr. David Blaustein, New York; A. H. Fromenson,
New York.
May 27, The Hebrew Charities Building. Address: Simon
Wolf, Washington. Paper: "Work of the Removal Office," by
David M. Bressler, New York. Discussion: " Work of the Industrial Removal Office," Max Senior, Cincinnati; A. W. Rich, Milwaukee; Nat. Strauss, New Orleans; Bernard Ginsberg, Detroit;
the Rev. Isidor Rosenthal, Lancaster; S. H. Frohlichstein, St.
Louis. Subject: '• Federation of Charities." Reports by Rabbi
Moses J. Gries, Cleveland; Bernard Ginsberg-, Detroit; Louis Wolf,
Philadelphia; Julian W. Mack, Chicago; Max Senior, Cincinnati.
Divine service was held at Beth-El Synagogue; the sermon was
delivered by the Rev. Dr. Samuel Sale, St. Louis.
The delegates were afforded every opportunity for the inspection of the numerous institutions of New York City. They spent
an entire afternoon on the lower East Side, thus securing, at first
hand, knowledge of the conditions there existing as a result of
the overcrowding. There can be no doubt that by reason of this
the work of the Industrial Removal Office will be greatly assisted
by the co-operation of the interior communities.
Another result of the session is the appointment of a committee
to devise means for the establishment of a National Child-Placing
Bureau, to obviate the commitment of dependent children to institutions whenever some other treatment may be preferable.
The Committee on Scholarships reported that since the last
Conference three men had been given training in social work.
Mack, Chicago, 111.; Vice-Presidents, Bernard Ginsberg, Detroit,
Mich.; Mrs. Jacob Wirth, St. Paul, Minn; Treasurer, O. H. Rosenbaum, Pittsburg, Pa.; Secretary, Solomon Lowenstein, 356 Second
Av., New York City; Max Senior, Cincinnati, O.; Max Herzberg,
Philadelphia, Pa.; Nathan Bijur, New York City; the Rev. Dr. I. L.
Leucht, New Orleans, La.; Dr. J. H. Hollander, Baltimore, Md.;
the Rev. Dr. Samuel Sale, St. Louis, Mo.; A. W. Rich, Milwaukee,
The Seventh Annual Meeting and Pilgrimage of the National
Farm School was held October 11, 1903, on the grounds of the
School, at Farm School, near Doylestown, Bucks Co., Pa.
The President reported that the assets of the Farm School consisted of ten substantial buildings, twenty cows, ten horses, a
poultry yard, a duck pond, a sheep fold, and pig-pens, the whole,
together with the grounds, covering one square mile, valued at
The Director reported that telephones had been installed in
each building, a station and post-office established, and individual
gardens introduced in the Horticultural Department.
At the opening of the school term in September, 1903, there
were 34 students: Seniors, 5; Juniors, 9; Sophomores, 12; Freshmen, 8.
For the year ending October 1, 1903, the receipts from membership dues and general donations were $6,472.50, and from other
sources $9700.34, which together with the cash on hand at the
beginning of the year, $1,887.02, made the funds available $18,059.86. The expenditures for the same period were $16,522.68,
leaving a balance of $1,537.18 on hand, and unpaid bills to the
amount of $3000.
In addition to the memorial buildings reported before, a cold
storage plant will be erected in memory of Henry Heyman, by
his wife and family.
Diplomas were awarded to four graduates, constituting the
fourth class graduated from the school, on June 12, 1904. All the
graduates were provided with positions. In connection with the
graduation exercises Memorial Trees were planted.
FACULTY.—President, Joseph Krauskopf, D. D.; Director and
Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, John Hosea Washburn,
Ph.D. (Gottingen); Professor of Agriculture, Superintendent of
Farm, Lucius J. Shepard, B. Sc. (Maine Agricultural College);
Professor of Agricultural Physics and Literature, and Mathematics, Isaac Bradlee Gage, A. B. (Tufts College); Professor of
Horticulture, Superintendent of the Grounds, Warren B. Madison,
B. Sc. (Rhode Island College); Professor of Veterinary Science
and Farm Hygiene, W. G. Benner, V. S.; Director of Domestic
Work, and Matron, Mrs. John R. Histand; Assistant in Agriculture, George Hoops; Stenographer, and Superintendent of Repairs, John R. Histand.
OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS.—President, Joseph Krauskopf, 122 W. Manheim, Germantown, Pa.; Vice-President, Morris
A. Kaufmann; Treasurer, Frank H. Bachman; Secretary, Harry
Felix, 258 Zeralda, Germantown, Pa.; Sidney Aloe, Hart Blumenthal, Adolph Eichholz, Esq., Simon Friedberger, Adolph Grant,
Alfred M. Klein, Howard A. Loeb, Joseph Loeb, Isaac H. Silverman, Jos. N. Snellenburg, Benj. F. Teller (deceased), Harry
The following report of the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives at Denver, Colo., covers the period from January 1,
1903, to May 1, 1904, four months more than the calendar year.
This is due to the fact that by a resolution of the National Board
the fiscal year now begins on May 1.
The subscriptions for the sixteen months to May 1, 1904, were
$57,154.80, with a balance of $2856.56 making a total of $60,000.46.
The cost of maintenance during this period was $39,704.98; of
administration, $5254.80; of equipment, $883.37; of propaganda,
$7351.90, leaving a balance of $6816.41 in the treasury on May 1,
The sinking fund, started in 1902, now stands at $5638.79. Subscriptions to this fund during the sixteen months were $3200.
Of the total $4000 is invested at 4 per cent.
The special building fund, started by Mr. Adolph Lewisohn
with $5000, was increased by subscriptions to $9350. Of this
$3540 was expended in the purchase of hospital lots, and $471.19
in grading, etc., leaving on hand a balance of $5428.81. The additional subscription of $5000 for the Guggenheim Pavilion made by
M. Guggenheim's Sons was expended on that structure.
The cash on hand in all the funds May 1, 1904, was $14,266.36.
Patients in
hospital, 69; admitted during the year, 165; total treated during
the year, 234; recovered, 37; greatly improved, 45; slightly improved, 30; unimproved, 35; not tubercular, 4; died, 4; in hospital, 79.
Recapitulation since the opening of institution: Patients admitted from December 10, 1899, to January 1, 1903, 389; from
January 1, 1903, to December 1, 1903, 165; total admitted from
December 10, 1899, to January 1, 1904, 554; in hospital January
1, 1904, 79. Daily average number of patients during 1903, 78.3;
discharged from December 10, 1899, to January 1, 1903, 288; died
from December 10, 1899, to January 1, 1903, 32; total, 320; discharged from January 1 to December 31, 1903, 151; died, 4; total
155. Discharged from December 10, 1899, to January 1, 1904, 439;
died, 36; total, 475.
Daily per capita expenses during 1903: for maintenance, $1.10;
for maintenance and other expenses, $1.48.
The term " greatly improved," as used in the above report, is
intended to convey that, though not entirely recovered, patients
have so much improved that they are able to follow their usual
vocations amid the proper sanitary surroundings, and in most instances are able to support themselves and their families.
In the list of patients since December, 1899, nearly every State
and every city of note in the country has been represented.
Condition on
Entering the
and First
Cases in
Cases in
Condition on
Leaving the
Recovered . .
Improved. . .
Recovered . .
Improved. . .
Recovered . .
Improved. . .
1 31
. . 14
2 18
15 6
2 4
8 3
3 4
5 '3
'i '.. .
'. .
Present Condition
Remained in Denver. Well.
Remained in West. Well.
Returned home. Well.
Unsatisfactory cond'n in Denver.
Unsatisfactory cond'n in West.
Unsatisfactory cond'n at home.
Died in Denver.
Died in West.
Died at home.
Whereabouts and history unkn'n.
It will be noted in the above statistics that a great many deaths
occurred during the first year. This is due to the fact that as
there was room in the institution, patients who were in the last
stages were taken in because they had no shelter, nor care, nor
food. Again, that many patients lost ground or died after leaving the institution markedly improved, was due to several
causes. Most of them left the institution before they ought to
have done so and against the advice of the medical attendants,
because they felt their strength returning and were anxious to provide for themselves and their families. They could not be made to
understand that the improvement in their condition would not last
unless a longer time were given to build up the system. Others
received letters from home describing the want and privations
other members of the family were suffering. Whether warranted
or not, such news produced worry and home-sickness in the patients, and they returned to their homes to take care of their
families. Others, again, notwithstanding the attending physicians' advice to remain in Colorado after discharge, returned to
their old homes and to the same conditions that caused the
disease in the first instance, and succumbed. However, as shown
by the tabulated statistics, a relatively large number of discharged patients are at their former homes and are doing well.
In considering the statistics, the reader must remember that very
few incipient cases are received in the hospital. The class of
patients cared for by the Hospital do not have the opportunity to
discover incipient consumption, and even if they should, they
have not the means to take care of themselves at once. Otherwise
results would he greater still.
The rules governing the admission of patients to the Hospital
have received the endorsement of the authorities of the Agnes
Memorial Hospital, Denver, founded by Lawrence Phipps in honor
of his mother, and endowed with a very large fund. The organizers of this institution inspected the best hospitals of Europe
and America, and in the end adopted, with slight alterations, the
rules of the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives, which
the latter, being at the time of its establishment the only charitable institution in America for the free treatment of the
tuberculous poor, had formulated as the result of its own experience. The modifications made by the Agnes Memorial Hospital
tend to make the rules more stringent. As in the National Jewish
Hospital, only curable cases are accepted, but the time limit is
six instead of twelve months. By reason of the longer limit the
Jewish Hospital is continually confronted with the problem of
caring for those who are dismissed either becauce of the expiration of their time or because they are found incurable. In all
cases a guarantee for the care or the return of the patient to his
or her home is on hand. But the return is often undesirable, and
committees are now at work to solve this problem, so that light
labor for a period after dismissal can be provided. That would
give many a slowly-improving patient an opportunity to get the
full benefit of the climate. It is highly desirable that patients
before attempting to go to the Hospital, or those interested in
patients, shall acquaint themselves with the rules governing the
admissions of patients. They will be found in full on pp. 151-153,
The Guggenheim Pavilion, dedicated January 25, 1903, was the
gift of M. Guggenheim's Sons, and was erected at a cost of
$35,000 in memory of their mother Barbara Guggenheim. This,
though it increased the facilities appreciably, has not fully met
the needs of the institution. The waiting list is crowded largely
with women. There is urgent need of a new woman's pavilion
so that the segregation of the sexes may be more strict, besides
giving the additional much-needed room.
During the summer of 1904 a stretch of ground in front of the
Hospital was cleared and seeded. The free use of this frontage
is given by the New York owners of the property until such a
time as it shall be disposed of.
The Hospital management has in contemplation the immediate
erection of two long tents with adjustible sides. These will materially assist the patients in getting the greatest possible good
out of the open air.
OFFICERS.—President, Samuel Grabfelder, Louisville, Ky.; First
Vice-President, Sol. "W. Levi, Cincinnati, O.; Second Vice-President, Louis Gerstley, Philadelphia, Pa.; Treasurer, Benj. Altheimer, St. Louis, Mo.; Secretary, Alfred Muller, 521%-526 Ernst
and Cranmer Building, Denver, Colo.; Field Secretary, Mrs. S.
Pisko, Denver, Colo.
TRUSTEES AT DENVER.—Rabbi W. S. Friedman, Meyer Friedman,
and Simon Guggenheim.
Rabbi David Marks, Atlanta, Ga.; Rabbi H. Schlesinger, Albany,
N. Y.; Rabbi Dr. L. Mayer, Dr. Edward E. Mayer, Allegheny City;
Abe Morgenroth, Anderson, Ind.; Mrs. Levi S. Levor, Attica, Ind.;
Rev. Dr. Isidore Philo, Akron, 0.; Samuel Katzenstein, Alliance,
O.; Mrs. Edna Weil Dreyfus, Boston, Mass.; Herman Wile,
Buffalo, N. Y.; Mrs. Jos. Siegel, Butte, Mont.; Samuel Ullman, Birmingham, Ala.; Sigmund B. Sonneborn, A. A. Brager, Baltimore,
Md.; Oscar Mandel, Bloomington, 111.; B. Blum, Bellaire, 0.;
Leo Newman, Braddock, Pa.; L. E. Oppenheim, Bay City, Mich.;
Leo A. Loeb, E. J. Kohn, Mrs. Hannah G. Solomon, Israel Cowen,
Chicago, 111.; Ed. Goodman, Columbus, Ohio; Martin A. Marks,
Cleveland, O.; Sol. W. Levi, Max Senior, Abe Bloch, Cincinnati,
O.; J. M. Kaufman, Champaign, 111.; Mrs. Leopold Rauh, Dayton,
O.; E. M. Kahn, Dallas, Tex.; Milton D. Goldman, Des Moines, la.;
Alfred Rothschild, Detroit, Mich.; S. Plaut, Danville, 111.; Henry
Bachrach, Decatur, 111.; Louis S. Loeb, Duluth, Minn.; Philip W.
Frey, Evansville, Ind.; Louis Levy, Eau Claire, Wis.; M. Eppstein,
Frankfort, Ky.; Rabbi A. Brill, Greenville, Miss.; Nate Salinger,
Goshen, Ind.; Jacob Ely, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Morris Baldauf,
Henderson, Ky.; Mrs. Herman Gans, Rabbi Jacob Mielziner,
Helena, Mont.; Sol. S. Kiser, Mrs. Emma Eckhouse, Indianapolis,
Ind.; Nathan Lorie, Kansas City, Mo.; S. Schnewind, Kokomo,
Ind.; Rabbi Louis Wolsey, Max Heiman, Louis M. Levy, Little
Rock, Ark.; Henry C. Mayer, Lincoln Neb.; Henry Doob, LaSalle,
111.; Harris Newmark, Rabbi Dr. S. Hecht, H. W. Frank, Los
Angeles, Cal.; D. W. Stern, La Porte, Ind.; Henry Loevenhart, Lexington, Ky.; N. L. Michael, Lima, Ohio; Joseph Wiler, Logansport,
Ind.; Frank Atlass, Lincoln, 111.; Hy. M. Oberndorfer, M. D.
Newald, Mrs. I. D. Adler, Charles Friend, Paul Sidenberg, Milwaukee; J. M. Davis, Minneapolis, Minn.; Rabbi W. H. Fineshriber, Moline, 111.; Elias Lowenstein, Memphis, Tenn.; M.
Mohr, Montgomery, Ala.; E. E. Richard, Mobile, Ala.; Leo Nussbaum, Marion, Ind.; Louis Katz, Mattoon, 111.; Lee Rosenbaum,
Mt. Vernon, Ind.; Henry Strelitz, Marion, O.; Jacob Aarons, Man-
istee, Mich.; Max Bachman, McKeesport, Pa.; Archibald A.
Marx, Isidore Newman, Sr., Rabbi I. L. Leucht, New Orleans, La.;
Mrs. Ludwig Dreyfus, Mrs. Hannah B. Einstein, Ignatius Rice,
Jos. E. Shoenberg, H. Sirotta, Simon Guggenheim, Adolph Lewisohn, Louis Stern, Mrs. Ira L. Bamberger, New York; Jos. Goetz,
Newark, N. J.; Wm, Herman, Nashville, Tenn.; Rabbi S. G.
Bottigheimer, Natchez, Miss.; Joseph H. Ullman, New Haven,
Conn.; Sol. Kahn, Oakland, Cal.; Ben Wile, Owensboro, Ky.; Max
Bamberger, Louis Gerstley, Philadelphia; Philip Hamburger, M.
Oppenheimer, A. Lippman, O. H. Rosenbaum, Rabbi J. Leonard
Levy, D. D., Pittsburg; Samuel Woolner Peoria, 111.; Benj. F.
Koperlik, Pueblo, Colo.; Jos. L. Friedman, Paducah, Ky.; Rabbi
Jos. S. Kornfeld, Pine Bluff, Ark.; Rabbi Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Ben
Selling, I. M. Fleischner, Portland, Ore.; Ike L. Price, Paris, Ky.;
Felix Levy, Peru, Ind.; Abe Louis, Piqua, O.; Sol. Spear, Plymouth, O.; Rabbi Edward N. Calisch, Richmond, Va.; B. Rothschild, Toby Meyer, Martin Wolf, Rochester; Ben Altheimer, Chas.
H. Stix, Mrs. Aug. Frank, J. D. Goldman, St. Louis; J. Westheimer, St. Paul, Minn.; Dr. O. A. Blumenthal, Syracuse, N. Y.;
Rabbi M. P. Jacobson, Shreveport, La.; Samuel Westheimer, St.
Joseph, Mo.; Judge M. C. Sloss, Rev. Dr. J. Nieto, M. J. Brandenstein, Phil. N. Aronson, I. W. Hellman, Jr., Bert Hecht, Sanford
Goldstein, Moses Gunst, Abe Brown, Jacob Greenebaum, Lucius L.
Solomons, Rabbi Jacob Voorsanger, Ben Schloss, San Francisco,
Cal.; Leo Kohn, Seattle, Wash.; Leo S. Schwabacher, Seattle,
Wash.; Samuel R. Stern, Spokane, Wash.; F. L. Womser, Scranton, Pa.; Sol. Goldsmith, Scranton, Pa.; Albert Elkus, Sacramento,
Cal.; Joseph Rosenheim, Savannah, Ga.; Mrs. Jacob Rothschild,
Springfield, Mo.; S. Grossman, South Bend, Ind.; B. Engle, Shelbyville, Ky.; S. Altshul, Jr., Springfield, O.; Rabbi S. Freudenthal,
Trinidad, Colo.; J. Lasalle, Rev. Chas. J. Freund, Toledo, Ohio;
Harry T. Schloss, Terre Haute, Ind.; S. Benda, Traverse City,
Mich.; S. Stettheimer, Titusville, Pa.; Joseph Hirsh, Rabbi S. L.
Kory, Vicksburg, Miss.; Simon Wolf, Washington, D. C ; Louis
Schloss, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Henry New, Wabash, Ind.; S. M. Rice,
Wheeling, W. Va.; Leo Guthman, Youngstown, O.; Julius Frank,
Zanesville, Ohio.
The year 5664 was intermediate between two biennial sessions
of the Order Brith Abraham. Grand Secretary, Leonard Leisersohn, Florence Building, Second Av. and First Street, New York
f District Grand Lodge No. 1 of the Order Kesher Shel Barzel
held its Biennial Convention February 14, 1904, in New York City.
The President, A. N. Rotholz, in his report advocated the amalgamation of lodges. The report of the Grand Secretary, Moses
Greenbaum, showed the endowment receipts for 1903 to be
$13,411.59, and the payments to be $21,500, necessitating a withdrawal of $9,300 from the Reserve Fund, which now stands at
$73,044. The number of members is 799. The following officers
were elected: Grand President, A. N. Rotholz; First Grand VicePresident, J. Ankel; Second Grand Vice-President, S. Cahn;
Grand Treasurer, Charles Marks; Grand Secretary, Moses Greenbaum; Chairman Board of Endowments, L. S. Davidson; Treasurer Board of Endowments, N. Cowen.
District Grand Lodge No. 3 of the Order Kesher Shel Barzel
held its Annual Convention in Philadelphia, Pa., April 24, 1904.
The following officers were elected: President, H. Herzberg,
Philadelphia; First Vice-President, Simon Heller, Washington,
D. C ; Second Vice-President, Isaac L. Greenewald, Wilmington,
N. C.; Treasurer, Isaac Alkus, Philadelphia; Secretary, Sam'l
W. Goodman, 116 North 3d, Philadelphia. The report of the
Endowment Commissioner for 1903 showed receipts $30,347.47;
disbursements $26,005.10; balance in bank January, 1904, $4342.37.
District Grand Lodge No. 4 of the Order Kesher Shel Barzel, as
reported in the last issue of the AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK
(p. 154), is engaged in winding up its affairs. Secretary, Max
Liebschutz, 12th and Vine, Cincinnati, O.
No report received. Grand Secretary, J. D. Zinner, 36 Blackstone Building, Cleveland, Ohio.
The Ninth Annual Convention of the Progressive Order of
the West was held January 31 to February 3, 1904, at St. Louis,
Mo., two hundred delegates being present. The Grand Secretary
reported that the receipts from all sources had been $9209.44, to
which must be added $9852.92, the balance on hand after the
previous convention. The disbursements, among them death
claims to the amount of $5500, were $8375.20, leaving a balance
of $10,687.16 on hand. The number of members, male and female,
in the twenty-five lodges of the Order, situated in St. Louis and
Kansas City, Mo., Kansas City, Kan., and Chicago, 111., was re-
ported to be 2145. Since the convention this number has increased to 2514.
OFFICERS.—Grand Master, M. I. De Vorkin, St. Louis, Mo.; First
Deputy Grand Master, B. Frank, St. Louis, Mo.; Second Deputy
Grand Master, Wolf Kirshbaum, Kansas City, Mo.; Third Deputy
Grand Master, James Rosenthal, Chicago, 111.; District Deputies,
A. Bayless, Kansas City, Kan.; M. Englander, Kansas City, Mo.;
I. Sandier, Chicago, 111.; Grand Treasurer, S. Levitt, St. Louis,
Mo.; Beneficial Treasurer, John Ellman, St. Louis, Mo.; Grand
Secretary, Gus. Cytron, Fraternal Bldg., Room 9, 11th and Franklin Av., St. Louis, Mo.
The work accomplished by the Society of American Cantors
since its reorganization in May, 1903, has established it firmly as
a factor in the development of Judaism in America and more
particularly in the development of the Cantorate in America.
The celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of
Salomon Sulzer, which took place on March 22, 1904, at Temple
Ahavath Chesed Shaar Hashomayim, New York City, was a notable event, and it was so considered by the rabbinate and the
Jewish press of the country and by all persons interested in the
regulation of the Jewish divine service. Three addresses were
delivered, one on Salomon Sulzer, by the Rev. A. Kaiser, of
Baltimore, the President of the Society; one by the Rev. Dr. I. S.
Moses, of New York City, on " The Cantor as a Religious Functionary," and the third by the Rev. Dr. Joseph Silverman, New
York City. The members of the Society together with the choirs
of the various congregations of New York City sang selections
from Sulzer's " Schir Zion." In honor of the occasion the Society
had published a souvenir volume of selections from this work of
Sulzer's, adapting them for use at the Friday evening service in
the American synagogues.
At the suggestion of the Society, the Central Conference of
American Rabbis had fixed a date, the last Sabbath in March,
on which all the members of the Conference were requested to
speak to their congregations on the life and influence of Sulzer.
In the course of the year there had appeared the first biographical
sketch of Sulzer in the English language, written and published
by a member of the Society, the Rev. S. Rappaport, New York
The First Annual Meeting of the Society of American Cantors
since its reorganization (the Eleventh since its formation) took
place on March 23, 1904, in New York City. It was resolved to
publish the annual report of the Society and include in it the
program of the Sulzer celebration and, in extenso, the three addresses delivered on that occasion. The pamphlet, under the editorship of the Rev. S. Rappaport, has since appeared.
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Society held at
Philadelphia on April 10, 1904, it was resolved to issue a supplementary volume to contain all the music for Sabbath morning
and the three Festivals, adapted and arranged for the American
The following advisory committee was appointed to outline a
plan for the future activity of the Society: Chairman, H. Silverman; Secretary, S. Rappaport, Ed. Kartschmaroff, D. Cahn, Theo.
Guinsburg, M. Martin, all of New York City; Ed. Stark, San
Francisco, Cal.; M. Goldstein, Cincinnati, O.; Wm. Loewenberg,
Philadelphia, Pa.
A local branch of the Society for New York City was organized
on November 15, 1903. During the winter of 1903-1904 it undertook to furnish, and did furnish, a cantor, every Saturday afternoon, for the divine service at the Educational Alliance, besides
holding itself ready to meet all local emergencies that arise from
time to time in the community. A movement is now on foot to
make efforts tending toward uniformity in the worship, music, and
hymns of the educational and benevolent institutions of New York
City. Offlcers and Trustees.—President, S. Rappaport, 256 W.
98th; Vice-President, Ed. Kartschmaroff; Secretary, Joseph Mandelberg; Theo. Guinsburg, D. Cahn.
Baltimore, Md.; Vice-President, S. Rappaport, New York City;
Treasurer, Ed. Kartschmaroff, New York City; Secretary, Wm.
Loewenberg, 1842 North 13th, Philadelphia, Pa.; David Cahn,
Theo. Guinsburg, and H. Goldstein, New York City.
The Second Annual Convention of the Southern Rabbinical
Association was held March 9-12, 1904, at Birmingham, Ala.
There were twenty-four rabbis present, representing the following Southern States: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,
Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas. The Secretary
reported eight new members, elected during the year.
The first evening of the Convention, the address of welcome
was delivered by Rabbi Morris Newfield, of Birmingham Ala
the response by the Rev. Dr. I. L. Leucht, of New Orleans, La."
and the president's message by the Rev. Dr. Max Samfleld of
Memphis, Tenn.
The following papers were presented during the sessions- " The
Jew as Statesman," by the Rev. Dr. Henry Barnstein, of Houston,
Tex.; " Marcus Jastrow—his Life and Times," by Rabbi Wolf
Willner, of Meridian, Miss.; "The Position and Influence of the
Southern Rabbi among non-Jews," by Rabbi Joseph Blatt, of
Columbus, Ga.; " Methods of Studying the History of Southern
Jews and Judaism," by Rabbi Alfred G. Moses, of Mobile, Ala.;
" Modern Tendencies in Judaism,' by Rabbi David Wittenberg, of
Jacksonville, Fla. An address on " Circuit Work " was also given
by Rabbi George Zepin, Director of Circuit Work of the Union of
American Hebrew Congregations. The Executive Committee presented a report on " Rabbinical Ethics."
The invitation of the Jewish Orphans' Home of New Orleans
to meet in that city in January, 1905, and participate in the fiftieth
anniversary of the institution, was unanimously accepted.
It was moved to devote an entire day of the next session to a
discussion of Sabbath School Work.
Memphis, Tenn.; Vice-President, George Solomon, Savannah, Ga.
Secretary, David Marx, 270 Whitehall, Atlanta, Ga.; Treasurer,
Edward S. Levy, Selma, Ala.; I. L. Leucht, New Orleans, La.
Morris Newfield, Birmingham, Ala.; Louis Wolsey, Little Rock,
The session closed with Sabbath Services, the Conference lecture being delivered by Rabbi Louis Wolsey, of Little Rock, Ark.,
and the Conference sermon by Rabbi George Solomon, of Savannah, Ga.
On July 8, 1904, The Union of American Hebrew Congregations
completed the thirty-first year of its existence. The past year
was intermediate between two meetings of the Council, whose
next meeting will be held in Chicago, 111., on January 17, 1905.
The Union now comprises 128 congregations with an aggregate
membership of fourteen thousand.
The three most important subjects that have occupied the
attention of the Executive Officers of The Union of American
Hebrew Congregations during the past year are: The Hebrew
Union College, the organization of Congregations and Sabbath
Schools, and the protection of the civil rights of Jews where they
were in jeopardy.
During the past year the number of registered students was
thirty-seven. Of these ten were in the Preparatory Department,
and twenty-seven in the Collegiate Department.
Ten members of the Senior Class were ordained at the Commencement exercises on June 11, 1904, the degree of Rabbi being
conferred by the President, the Rev. Dr. K. Kohler, on Harry W.
Ettelson, B. A.; Harry G. Friedman, B. A.; Ephraim Frisch, B. A.;
Alfred T. Godshaw, B. A.; Samuel H. Goldenson, B. A.; Joseph
Jasin, B. A.; Leonard J. Rothstein, B. A.; Mendel Silber, B. A.;
Joseph H. Stolz, Ph. B.; and Nathan Stern, Ph. D.
Rev. Dr. Samuel Sale, of St. Louis, Mo., delivered the Baccalaureate sermon.
Many valuable works have been added to the Library during the
past year by purchase, and the card system of cataloguing has
been introduced. It is intended to make large additions, by purchase, to the Library during the coming year, which will add
materially to the scientific opportunities offered by the College.
COURSE OF STUDY.—Hebrew Grammar, Bible and its Commentaries of ancient and modern times, Talmud, Rabbinical Codes,
Midrash, Jewish History and Literature, Jewish Philosophy,
Liturgies, Pedagogics, Homiletics, Syriac, Arabic, and Aramaic.
SCHOLAESHIPS.—Three annual scholarships have been established by patrons: The " Solomon Rayner Scholarship," donated
by Mrs. Bertha Rayner Frank, of Baltimore, Md., of the value
of three hundred dollars; the " Kaufmann Kohler Scholarship,"
donated by Mr. Jacob H. Schiff, of New York, of the value of
one hundred dollars; the " Madeline Wise Rheinstrom Scholarship," donated by Mr. Sigmund Rheinstrom, Mis. Eva Wise, and
Mr. Jacob Rheinstrom, of Cincinnati, O., of the value of two
hundred and forty dollars. To these, the Board of Governors
have added a number of scholarships ranging from one hundred
and fifty dollars to two hundred and fifty dollars a year, which
are awarded to deserving students as a reward for excellence in
PUBLICATIONS.—The following publications have been issued
during the past year: 1. "Program," 1903-1904; 2. "Ceremonies
at the Installation of Rev. Dr. Kaufmann Kohler as President of
the Hebrew Union College," Sunday, October 18, 1903; 3. "The
Hebrew Union College Annual," June, 1904.
A movement is now on foot to erect a new College Building in
the vicinity of the University of Cincinnati.
FACULTY.—President and Professor of Historical and Systematic
Theology and Hellenistic Literature, the Rev. Dr. Kaufmann
Kohler; Professor of Jewish History and Literature, the Rev.
Dr. G. Deutsch; Professor of Homiletics, Rabbi David Philipson,
D. D.; Professor of Pedagogics and Ethics, Rabbi Louis Grossmann, D. D.; Professor of Jewish Philosophy and Instructor in
Talmud (Registrar), the Rev. Ephraim Feldman, B. D.; Professor
of Talmud and Instructor in Jewish-Arabic Philosophy and Litera-
ture, the Rev. Henry Malter, Ph. D.; Instructor in Bible and
Targum, the Rev. S. Mannheimer, B. A.; Instructor in Hebrew
and Aramaic (Secretary), Caspar Levias, M. A.; Instructor in
Bible Exegesis, Moses Buttenwieser, Ph. D.; Instructor in Bible
Exegesis and Rabbinic Literature, and Librarian, Max Schloessinger, Ph. D.; Tutor in Elocution, James Madison Chapman, of
Miami University.
Bettmann, President; Edward L. Heinsheimer, Vice-President;
Abe Bloom, Alfred M. Cohen, Nathan Drucker, Julius Freiberg,
Simon Greenebaum, Jacob Kronacher, Louis S. Levi, Max B.
May, Jacob Ottenheimer, the Rev. Dr. David Philipson, and Emil
Pollak, of Cincinnati, 0.; the Rev. Dr. Henry Berkowitz, Alfred
M. Klein, and the Rev. Dr. Jos. Krauskopf, of Philadelphia, Pa.;
Samuel Grabfelder, Louisville, Ky.; the Rev. Dr. Max Landsberg,
Rochester, N. Y.; the Rev. Dr. J. Leonard Levy, Pittsburg, Pa.;
Solms Marcus, Chicago, 111.; the Rev. M. Samfleld, Memphis,
Tenn.; the Rev. Dr. Joseph Silverman, New York City; Louis
Stern, New York City; and the Rev. Dr. Jacob Voorsanger, San
Francisco, Cal.
Rabbi George Zepin, formerly of Kalamazoo, Mich., a graduate
of the Hebrew Union College, was appointed on September 1,
1903, as Director of Circuit Work. He has since then organized
forty Congregations in Michigan, Kentucky, West Virginia, Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas.
These have an aggregate membership of nine hundred. The
Sabbath Schools organized in these places instruct more than
seven hundred pupils. These forty congregations have subscribed
thirty thousand dollars for religious purposes for the first year.
The Executive Board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations has made a liberal appropriation for this work for the
coming year, to include the appointment of an assistant to the
Director, for which position the Rev. Alfred T. Godshaw has
been chosen. It is contemplated by Rabbi Zepin to visit Spanish-American countries for the purpose of Jewish propaganda,
and sending Spanish-speaking students to the Hebrew Union College to qualify themselves for the Jewish ministry in their respective homes.
This Board, under the chairmanship of the Honorable Simon
Wolf, of Washington, D. C., has taken active measures for the
protection of worthy Jewish immigrants who are in danger of
being unjustly discriminated against when making efforts to
find a home in this country.
Adler, Milwaukee, Wis.; Josiah Cohen, Pittsburg, Pa.; Israel
Cowen, Chicago, 111.; Felix J. Dreyfous, New Orleans, La.;
Henry S. Frank, Butte, Mont.; Nathan Frank, St. Louis, Mo.;
Jacob Furth, Cleveland, O.; Louis J. Goldman, Cincinnati, O.;
Joseph B. Greenhut, Peoria, 111.; Win. B. Hackenburg, Philadelphia, Pa.; Isaias W. Hellmann, San Francisco, Cal.; Moritz Loth,
Cincinnati, O.; M. Warley Platzek, New York City; Charles H.
Schwab, Chicago, 111.; Lewis Seasongood, Cincinnati, O.; Alfred
Selligman, Louisville, Ky.; Leo Wise, Cincinnati, O.; Simon Wolf,
Chairman, Washington, D. C ; Samuel Woolner, Peoria, 111.
Subscriptions to the Isaac M. Wise Memorial Fund have reached
the sum of four hundred thousand dollars. It is contemplated to
continue the subscriptions until the sum of one million dollars
shall have been raised.
GATIONS.—Isaac W. Bernheim, Louisville, Ky.; Marcus Bernheimer, St. Louis, Mo.; Bernhard Bettmann, Cincinnati, 0.;
Josiah Cohen, Pittsburg, Pa.; Morris M. Conn, Little Rock, Ark.;
Solomon Fox, Cincinnati, O.; Julius Freiberg, Cincinnati, O.;
Louis J. Goldman, Vice-President, Cincinnati, 0.; Nathan Hamburger, Milwaukee, Wis.; Samuel B. Hamburger, New York City;
Samuel Heavenrich, Detroit, Mich.; Lewis Heinsheimer, Cincinnati, O.; Abram J. Katz, Rochester, N. Y.; Adolf Kraus, Chicago,
111.; Louis Krohn, Treasurer, Cincinnati, O.; Moritz Loth, Cincinnati, O.; Baruch Mahler, Cleveland, O.; Morris Newburger,
Philadelphia, Pa.; Abram Oppenheimer, Buffalo, N. Y.; Sigmund
Rheinstrom, Cincinnati, O.; Jacob H. Schiff, New York City;
Charles Shohl, Cincinnati, 0.; Julius Straus, Richmond, Va.;
Isaac Strouse, Baltimore, Md.; Julius Weis, New Orleans, La.;
Emanuel Wertheimer, Pittsburg, Pa.; Samuel Woolner, President,
Peoria, 111.; Sol. Sulzberger, New York City; Lipman Levy, Secretary, Commercial Tribune Building, Cincinnati, O.
The annual meeting of the Alumni Association of the Hebrew
Union College was held at Louisville, Ky., June 28, 1904, Rabbi
Joseph Stolz presiding, Rabbi Emil Leipziger serving as Secretary, 36 members present.
A constitution was adopted containing the following provision:
" The object of this Association shall be to cement the bonds of
fraternal relationship and elevate the ethics of the profession;
to keep the graduates in closer touch with their Alma Mater and
the student body; to secure and exercise a collective voice and
representation in the administration of the College; to encourage
united effort in bringing the interests of the College before the
people, looking towards the establishment of professorships and
scholarships and the securing of additional subscriptions to the
Endowment Fund; to encourage the study of Jewish lore and
scholarly investigations; to co-operate with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, enlarge their usefulness and secure their perpetuation; to assist one another in the furthering of national projects for the advancement of American Israel; to collate statistics
regarding the life and activities of the graduates."
The Historian and Treasurer submitted their annual reports.
The President reported that the monument erected by the
Alumni upon the grave of the Rev. Dr. Moses Mielziner would be
dedicated July 3, with the following program: Prayer, Rabbi
Nathan Krasnowetz; Scriptural Reading, Rabbi Harry Levi; Addresses: Rabbis Stolz, Franklin, and Rosenau; Kaddish, Rabbi
Jacob Mielziner.
Fifty Dollars was appropriated for the next Hebrew Union
College " Annual." Two annual prizes consisting of a copy of
Mikraot Gedolot and of Yad ha-hazaka were voted for the most
meritorious scholars in the collegiate department of the Hebrew
Union College.
In honor of the seventieth birthday of Mr. B. Bettmann, President of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew Union College,
Mr. Leo Mielziner, of Paris, was commissioned to paint an oil
portrait of the septuagenarian, the same to be hung on the walls
of the college as a testimonial of the Alumni's appreciation of
Mr. Bettmann's valuable services to the institution.
Dr. Krauskopf reported that the Isaac M. Wise Endowment
Fund, started by the Alumni and fostered by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, amounted to $387,000, and the individual members of the Alumni had subscribed $20,275 to the Fund.
An additional pledge of $15,000 was made at the meeting.
A committee was appointed to write a College Song.
OFFICERS.—President, Joseph Stolz, Chicago, 111.; Vice-President,
E. N. Calish, Richmond, Va.; Treasurer, A. Hirshberg, Chicago,
111.; Secretary, E. W. Leipziger, 706 South Fifth, Terre Haute,
Ind.; Historian, D. Lefkowitz, Dayton, Ohio.
The year 5664 was intermediate between two biennial meetings
of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of the United
States and Canada. President, Rev. Dr. H. Pereira Mendes, 99
Central Park West, New York City; Secretary, Albert Lucas, 56
West 105th, New York City.
The Third Annual Convention of the United Orthodox Rabbis
of America was held in New York City July 3-7, 1904. There
were present upwards of fifty members, out of a membership of
somewhat more than eighty. In the absence of the Rev. B. L.
Levinthal, of Philadelphia, the earlier sessions of the Convention were presided over by Rabbi A. J. G. Lesser, of Cincinnati.
On the receipt of the news of the death of Theodor Herzl, resolutions of respect to his memory were adopted, and a eulogy
pronounced by Rabbi S. Margolies, of Boston. On the last evening but one of the Convention, a memorial service under the
auspices of the Mizrachi wing of the Zionist organization was
held at the synagogue of the Anshe Suwalk Congregation, which
was attended by the rabbis in a body, the service being conducted
by Rabbi J. D. Ridwas, of Chicago, and the Rev. Dr. Philip Klein,
of New York. Among the speakers were Rabbis Sivitz, of Pittsburg; Lasker, of Troy; Rosenberg, of Brooklyn; Goodman, of
Jersey City; and Rosenberg, of Bayonne, N. J.
The following resolutions were passed: That laymen be invited
to join the organization in order to represent the orthodox congregations in all matters save those pertaining to the rabbinical
law; that a conference of teachers be convened to draft the curriculum for Talmud Torahs; that a special organization to
strengthen orthodox Judaism be called into existence; and that
the authorities presiding over Talmud Torahs and Yeshibahs be
requested to institute lectures for the young on Saturday and
Sunday afternoons.
OFFICERS.—President, A. J. G. Lesser, Cincinnati, O.; First
Vice-President, S. Margolies, Boston, Mass.; Second Vice-President, B. Abrahamowitz, New York; Treasurer, D. Ginsburg,
Rochester, N. Y.; Secretary, J. J. Falk Israelite, Chelsea, Mass.