I n stal I ation I n str uctions
I n stal I ation I n str uctions
ñ|/[FEfI Pet-immune PIRDetector PIR-650EX o o o o a o a o o In stalI ation In structions Avoid locatingthe detectorin areas, which contain equipmentthat may change the environmenttemperature rapidly NO/NCalarmcontact Petlmmunity(18-25kg) lmmunityto interference (whitelightand RF) White,shinylook LEDStatusindicator Range12 meter Digitaldesign TamperSwitch Temperature Compensation 7-------T 2.4m(8 feet) (Approx) Install the detector at the recommendedheight on a rigidsurface. PIRdetectoris moresensitive "across"the to the movements detectionzonesthan "toward" the unit. Infraredsensor........... Dualelement Powersupp|y.......,...... 9 - 16VDC,12Vtypical P e ti m m u n i t y . . . . . . . . . . . ,t.o. .1U8pk 9 , 6 0c m Detection range.......... 10x 10m, 'l1Oo @ 25.C Currentdrain............,. N.C:15mA,N.O:SmA,12VDC Alarmoutput...........,.., N.C/N.O 30VDC, 0.2Amax. -_2.5 Alarmperiod,..,...t..:.,,, 1.! 9ec. Pufsecount......... ........ 2 / 3 selectable WalktestLED............, Red,canbe disabled RFIimmunity......,........ Ave.10V/m(10-1 000MHz) Detectable speed,......0.3- 1.Sm/sec. Mountingheight.....,... 2.3mtypical Humidity,... 95%RHmaximum -10oC- 4O'C(14'F- 104"F) Temperature Dimensions 112X 66 X 46 mm Unit weight 87 grams Comer Knockout TanTer sitch Jumper sitch P.C. Fixing screw sensor (Don't touch) * Specifications aresubject priornotice. to changewithout Do not installwherethe detector will face direct or reflected sunlight, windowontomainroad (avoidcarheadlight), Ensure that there are no obstructions (plants, screens, furnitureetc.)in the fieldof view, which may cause incorrect cover/operation of the detector. lmportant!! To ensurethe bestpet ímmunityof this detector,please readthe followingnoticescarefully. 1. This detectoris immuneone domesticpet up to 18 kg or 60 cm movingon the floor.lf animalis slightlybiggeror taller,slidingthe PCBdownward a littlebit mightpreventunwanteddetecting. 2. lf animalactivitytakesplaceabove1 meterhigh, the pet immunityallowancewill be significantly reduced.lt is thereforerecommended to selecta mounting location that can avoid animal moving within 1.8 m radiusof the detector. This detector should be mounted on the wall or cornerat 2.3 m high and perpendicular to the floor. DO NOT USE any mounting bracket with swivel adjustment. The weight of animal can only be used as a reference.Other factors such as height and color of fur could also afiect the levelof immunity. DO NOT AIM the detector at the stairways that animalcanpass. 7. Ensure that the PCB position is placed between +0.5 - +1 for optimumpet immunity. The PIR-650EX featuresan intelligentpulsecount that reduces the possibilityof false alarm caused by environmental and power line interference. The pulse countcan be set to count2 or 3 pulsesby placingthe jumper head on the corresponding pins. An alarm signalwill only be sent when the selectedpulsesare generatedwithin delay time of 20 seconds. The intelligentpulse count circuitry analyzesthe width differenceof pulse signal, When human motion is detecteda subsequentpulse signal will overridethe pulse count seüing and generatethe alarm signal without any delay. Ez fu. It is vitally important to verify the pet immune function after the installation.lf animal is detected. Installation(DO NOTUSEBRACKET) 1, Openthe front coverby looseningthe screwat the bottomof the unit. Removethe PCB from the unit base.Mountthe basefirmlyon the selectedposition with at least2 screws, Thealarmoutputcan be changedto N.O by removing the jumperfrom N.C/N.Oselector.N.O outputcan be applied to activateVCR of CCTV systemsor other equipment. E fr 2. Replacethe PCB at proper position(+0.5-+1). Connect the alarm cable to the corresponding terminalsaccordingto thefollowinginstructions. N.C N.O + AI-ARM ,@@@&@ PIR.650EX 1 1 0 o1, 0 x 1 0 ma t 2 5 " C TopView -, + : 9 - 16VDCpowersupply (N.C/N.O) ALARM :Zoneinputofcontrolpanel TAMPER: 24 hoursN.C.loopof controlpanel 3. Replacethe frontcover,applypowersupplyto the detectorand conductthewalktest. Thé wálk test should be-cariieif out to enélre thé detectioncoverage is adequate,Apply DC power to the detector and wait approx, 30 seconds for it to warm up and stabilize. Walk across the detection zones at normal speed. The LED will light whenever it detects the movement. The LED display can be disabled by pullingoff the jumper headthe PCB pins labeled"LED". G Verity correct operationof the detector by conducting a walk testat leasfonce a year. Eon fuo, Side View ( ( PA,tr:W.97.0150 B