soalan praktikal - Skills Malaysia
soalan praktikal - Skills Malaysia
Pertandingan Kemahiran Malaysia (PKM Ke-21) MYSKILLS 2014 PERINGKAT PRA–KELAYAKAN BIDANG KEMAHIRAN:WEB DESIGN SOALAN PRAKTIKAL NAMA: ______________________________________ NO. KP: ______________________________________ JABATAN PEMBANGUNAN KEMAHIRAN KEMENTERIAN SUMBER MANUSIA MALAYSIA PKM Ke-22 Design and Develop Website VISIT MALAYISA 2014 PERTANDINGAN KEMAHIRAN MALAYSIA REKABENTUK LAMAN WEB PRA KELAYAKAN 7 JAM Arahan: 1. Jangan buka soalan ini sehingga dimaklumkan. 2. Tulis maklumat yang dikehendaki dengan jelas di ruangan yang disediakan. Index URL: Server Root Folder: http:// C:\wamp\www\__________ 3. Segala arahan hendaklah dipatuhi oleh setiap peserta. Peserta yang tidak mematuhi arahan boleh dikenakan penalti seperti kehilangan markah atau hilang kelayakan untuk penyertaan. 2 PKM Ke-22 1. INTRODUCTION In 2014, Malaysia will celebrate its fourth Visit Malaysia Year with the theme “Celebrating 1Malaysia Truly Asia” to reflect the diversity in unity of all Malaysians. This time around, VMY 2014 will be the biggest and grandest ever tourism celebration with hundreds of events and festivals all lined up to welcome the world. You as a web developer has been appointed to develop the website based on the instructions and requirements of the specification provided below. 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND TASKS TASK A Your task is to cutup the provided jpeg design (Task A.jpg) into XHTML / CSS page layout. 3 PKM Ke-22 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AND TASKS 1. The website code should validate to XHTML 1.0 Strict. 2. Your CSS code must validate to 2.0. 3. Place comments through your XHTML and CSS to highlight what your code is doing. 4. Cross-browser compatible between Internet Explorer and Firefox. 5. The design will be marked within Internet Explorer and Firefox. 6. The font used is Arial. 7. The form doesn't need to submit to a file but does need to validate both the Small and Large inputs on submission. Inputs can contain data of any type. Adobe Spry should not be used. 8. Navigation should provide a dropdown in the following format using CSS only. No Javascript can be used. ! Home ! About Visit Malaysia 2014 ! Activities o Surfing o Luxury Shopping o Street Food Testing ! Gallery ! Contact Us 9. All the Menus and Sub-menus data need to be accessed from the database. 4 PKM Ke-22 TASK B Next, you need to develop the complete website based on the following requirement. 1. Complete all the menu navigation from the design provided. (HOME, ABOUT VISIT MALAYSIA 2014, ACTIVITIES, GALLERY, CONTACT US). 2. In the CONTACT US menu, you need to create form and the database to ensure all the data is submitted. Forms must be consists of Name, Email and Comment. 3. An animation will also need to be created so that some form of transition will be implemented to the slideshow. The transition should contain all of the background pictures provided in the material in the folder slideshow. You have to decide how much of the media is needed to complete your task. It is not necessary that you use all of the media provided, and you may add additional information or create your own media to support your animation design concept. 4. Layout design for the all selection menu can be your own and must be interesting. (You are not allowed to use the templates from Adobe Dreamweaver Software). 5. You are free to use or modify the contents of text and graphics are available as needed. 6. You are not allowed to use the resources or materials from outside, such as from the Internet. 7. You are allowed to use the animation and scripts creates by your own, but make sure that it should not effected the performance of the website. 8. You are not allowed to bring any materials out of the room includes projects that have been completed. 3. WEBSITE SPECIFICATION 3.1. Within the allocated time period, you are required to develop and deliver the following web elements and in addition, you need to integrate all the elements to make it into a complete and fully functional In a given time period, participants were required to produce the following web elements and the need to combine all the elements involved to make it a complete website that is fully functional website. You Need To:3.1.1. 3.1.2. 3.1.3. 3.1.4. Plan and design the flowchart/sitemap to show the navigation of your chosen pages that should be constructed in a hierarchical format on a paper. Develop the layout design by using complete CSS format. Graphic elements and animation are recommended in order to make a creative website. The animation must be interactive and can attract visitors between 5 to 10 seconds using flash or GIF. 5 PKM Ke-22 3.1.5. 3.1.6. 3.1.7. 3.1.8. Make sure the website that you develop must use the right color theme. Homepage must be named as index.html or index.php. Develop at least 6 internal pages other than the home page. Navigation menu that you need to develop as follows: A. About Visit Malaysia 2014 B. Activities C. Surfing D. Luxury Shopping E. Street Food Testing F. Gallery G. Contact Us 3.1.9. 3.1.10. Make sure all the pages must include “ header”, “content”, “navigation” and “footer”. Consistency of every pages must be maintained. 6 PKM Ke-22 3.2. The Website Should:3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.3 Technical: 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.4 Screen Resolution at least 1024 X 768. Cross-browser compatible between Internet Explorer and Firefox. The website code should validate to XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.0. Materials: 3.4.1 3.4.2 4 Have a clear and easy understanding navigation structure. Have a consistent design structure. Easy and faster to navigate the website. You are provided with related softcopy material. You are can create and produce by your own texts, animations and graphics. The materials given are:a) Graphic images related to the task. b) The information about Visit Malaysia 2014. List Of Tools & Equipment 4.1 Hardware 4.1.1 Computer 4.1.2 Monitor 4.1.3 Mouse 4.1.4 Keyboard 4.2 Software 4.2.1 Windows XP SP 2 / Windows Vista / Windows 7 4.2.2 Adobe Web Premium CS6 4.2.3 Wamp Server 4.3 Server Side Tools 4.3.1 MySQL Server 5.X.X 4.3.2 Apache Web Server (root folder: c:\wamp\www\) 4.3.3 PHP 5.X 4.3.4 PhpMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin/) 7 PKM Ke-22 5 MARKING SCHEME Assessment and evaluation are assessed based on the following criteria: 5.1 Web Site Planning 5.2 Designing the Structure 5.3 Banner, Graphic & Animation 5.4 Homepage & Internal Pages 5.5 Navigation & File Structures 5.6 Creativity and uniqueness 6 Duration You were given five hours (7 hours) to complete the website. ------------------------Kertas Soalan Tamat-------------------------- 8