Rebuilding Together Metro Denver
Rebuilding Together Metro Denver
Metro Denver 2011 Annual Report Message from our CEO It was an extraordinary year! In spite of the continuing challenges of the economy, RTMD was on the receiving end of so much generosity that we could barely keep up some days. But, as Mae West famously said, “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful!” It is my pleasure to share some of that wonder with you as we present our Annual Report for 2011. RTMD had the privilege of partnering with HUD’s Office of Healthy Homes, Lowe’s, dozens of business partners, and our National Rebuilding Together colleagues to host Building A Healthy Neighborhood, which brought much needed rehabilitation to over 30 homes in the Barnum community of Denver. Six months in the planning paid off as over 500 volunteers gathered over a weekend in June to complete renovations and significant repairs for over 100 residents of that community. We demonstrated powerfully how partnerships focused on making homes safe and healthy can transform neighborhoods and help rebuild lives. Maxwell House also brought hope to five communities throughout the U.S. with its Drops of Good Campaign, an online voting approach that encouraged everyone across the country to choose the community enhancement projects that would most impact them. RTMD garnered a majority of votes to receive a major grant for significant renovations to The GrowHaus, an indoor urban farm in one of Denver’s neediest communities. The efforts of over 100 volunteers helped us construct the country’s largest hydroponic lettuce farm and a marketplace where members of the community now gather to learn about food justice and to obtain fresh produce. Wells Fargo included RTMD in its pilot donation program of foreclosed properties. The donation provided the organization the opportunity to rehabilitate a home and sell it to a qualified family looking to get a fresh start. “It will be pink,” squealed a delighted 5-year old as she climbed the stairs to her new room. The proceeds will support our work well into 2012. While these big opportunities offered important anchors throughout the year, the important everyday work of the organization continued through the commitment and dedication of dozens of business partners, tradespeople, and suppliers. RTMD addressed the home repair needs of 600 homeowners through the efforts of 2000 volunteers who gave over 23,000 hours of their time and talents. This work is certainly some of the most challenging around, as anyone who has tried to fix old houses knows. Rebuilding lives, however, is surely one of the most satisfying ways to spend a day. I am honored to stand beside so many extraordinary people who choose to spend their time so meaningfully. On behalf of our dedicated Board of Directors and Staff, I offer my gratitude to all of our generous contributors who made 2011 one of the strongest for RTMD. Let us commit together to another year of collaboration to bring safe and healthy homes to those in need. Warmly, Kathryn M. Arbour President/CEO, Rebuilding Together Metro Denver Homeowners Served in 2011 “To the staff at Rebuilding Together, words cannot express my gratitude for all you’ve done.” - Polly (Homeowner) 625 Homeowners received help in 2011 through Rebuilding Together Metro Denver’s spectrum of services. 80% Of RTMD homeowners were above the age of 65; average age was 70. 15% Of RTMD homeowners were between the ages of 25 - 64. 56% Of RTMD homeowners had some type of disability. 81% Of RTMD homeowners were female. 19% Of RTMD homeowners were male. 39% Of RTMD homeowners were Caucasian. 27% Of RTMD homeowners were Hispanic/Latino. 22% Of RTMD homeowners were African-American. 1% Of RTMD homeowners were Asian/Pacific Islander. 11% Of RTMD homeowners were other. 28 Average number of years RTMD homeowners have lived in their homes. RTMD’s Spectrum of Work “You’ll never know how grateful we are, I thank God for programs and people like you.” JoAnn (Homeowner) Rebuilding Days RTMD repairs and revitalizes homes of low income older adults, people with disabilities and veterans through their Rebuilding Day program. This program rehabilitated dozens of homes and nonprofit facilities, serving hundreds of homeowners, family members, and community members. There were over 40 organizations who participated as sponsors providing 2,000 volunteers for a total of 23,000 hours of labor. Emergency Services RTMD serves homeowners who are in need of emergency or urgent home repair services. These needs are those that create an unsafe and unhealthy living situation for the individual or family. Typical emergencies that we respond to include loss of heat or hot water; loss of electricity; or plumbing repairs that may create unhealthy and unsanitary conditions in the home and may increase the risk for falls. Revitalizing Communities RTMD’s work extends beyond the four walls of a home to impact the health and vibrancy of entire communities. Making basic repairs and modifications not only empowers residents to share resources and improve their own homes, increasing the value to the community, but this approach also positively changes the communities in which they live. Entire neighborhoods transform over time because of the work on a few homes on a single block. Giving back on the part of a sponsor means many additional years of health, safety, confidence, and happiness for the individuals we serve, and the streets they live on. The work of RTMD provides lasting value in the neighborhoods in which we work. RTMD’s Partners “Thank you for all your support of the Safeway project. The American Legion Post 193 was a perfect fit for Safeway and I appreciate all your efforts.” - Kris (Safeway) Sponsors Sponsoring Rebuilding Together Metro Denver (RTMD) provided caring companies, foundations and service organizations a rewarding partnership with a nonprofit that has a long, successful history of revitalizing neighborhoods in Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Jefferson, Douglas, Broomfield and Boulder counties. All sponsorship opportunities helped low-income families remain in their homes in a safe and healthier environment through home repairs and modifications. Specific business and corporate sponsorships offered opportunities for team building and leadership development experiences for employees and family members. 2011 sponsorships also included event and other financial support that kept costs down and funds flowing to services. Foundation & Government Funders Support from private foundations and monies from government programs are critical for capacity building, technical assistance, new services and for general operating support. These funders significantly impacted the mission of RTMD and the ability to help the aging and disabled homeowners in our community. Business and Community Supporters Individuals, companies and professional associations lent their time, skills and resources to benefit older adults, veterans, and people living with disabilities, making a strong difference every day in their community. Professional plumbers, roofers and all-around handy people volunteered thousands of hours of time in 2011, along with hundreds of local businesses that donated materials and supplies for repair and safety modification projects. This work ensured that homeowners remained safe and healthy in their own homes. Rami Abi-Khalil, Kenneth Adams, Gracie Aguirre, Jeremy Aguirre, Bernardo Alcantar, Luis Alcantar, Rachael Alfaro, Cindy Allen, Jeff Allen, Crystal Alley, Lee Alverson, Keegan Amrose, Jenny An, Carolyn Andersen, Jan Anderson, Shaun Anderson, Tiger Anderson, Mark Andreatta, Justin Andregg, Tracy Angeles, Fran Arguello, Chris Armstrong, Tony Aron, David Asseoff, Pam Avery, Erica Baca, Daniel Baier, Joette BaileyKeown, Gregory Baker, Diandra Baldwin, Wymond Baldwin, Shirley Barela, Lisa Barker, Greg Barkley, Theresa Barkley, Ben Bartolini, Ben Bartolini, Ariel Bates, Michelle Batten, Hank Battjes, Andrea Beck, Jamie Beckwith, Kendra Beckwith, Andy Bell, Danielle Benson, Dan Bergman, J. C Beuthel, Scott Biddle, Megan Bilotta, Andy Blackmun, James Blue, Katrina Bochy, Kimberly Bockman, Paula Bolton, Anne Boyle, Brigitte Brenneman, Kim Bridgeman, Grover Brittain, Todd Broderick, Doris Brogden, Maggie Brown, Miko Brown, Reuben Brown, Carolyn Buckman, Arthur Buehler, Kim Buehler, Joshua Burchfield, Elizabeth Bureman, Mike Burns, Vince Bustos, Chad Butler, Theresa Butterfield, James Bynum, Jon Cable, Meghan Calenzo, Dave Calvert, Bill Camacho, Larry Canepa, Rodney Card, Xicotencatl Cardona, Cassidee Carlson, John Carpenter, Lisa Carpenter, Jacob Carrithers, Norman Carter, Tammy Carter, Dick Cassella, Eric Castle, Blaine Castor, Adam Cauble, Jennifer Channel, Briggitte Cheaney-Behi, Michele Choe, Rachel Chrisman, Robert Chrisman, Chad Churchwell, Lori Civilla, Katie Clark, Ed Clint, Lisa Cobbs, Nephus Cobbs, Shirley Coca, Christina Coghill, James Coleman, Leo Collier, Jeffrey Collins, Brendalee Connors, Tammy Cooper, Jason Coppola, Jennifer Coppola, Tom Cowhick, John Cox, Karen Crilly, Matt Crothers, Guy Cruise, Ramona Cruz, Caroline Cummings, Lissa Curtin, Scott Czarnecki, Donna Dailey, Michael Dailey, Brian Dale, Laura Dallam, LaQuita Daniels, Dave Darvill, Sayani Das Chaudhuri, John Davis, Mike Davis, Dominique De Paz, Anthony DeBell, Troy Deering, Suzanne DeFrancisco, Richard Delaney, Monica Dellepiane, Erik and Rachel Denning, Lalo Diaz, Daniela Dillon, Tandy Dilworth, Thomas Dolan, Mike Dooley, Annie Douglass, Denise DuFresne, Sara Duke, Shane Durall, Ken Duru, Monique Dyers, Adreanna Early, Patrick Egeland, Jerry Ehmann, Craig Ellis, Susan Ellis, Mason Engel, Chris Ernst, Jeanine Feighner, Robin Fender, Jeanine Feriancek, Sean Finney, Peter Fiore, Sean Fitzsimons, Kim Flanagan, Jill Fletcher, Liliana Flores, Dan Flori, Kathy Flynn, Kevin Flynn, Theresa Folks, Mary Jo Fontaine, Kathy Ford, Steven Ford, Brian Fox, Dana Fox, Lynne Fox, Tyrel Frame, Jonathan Frank, Chris Freed, Candice Freeman, James Frost, Jon Fuqua, Sherry Fuqua, Dina Gabriel, Nicole Garcia, John Gardberg, Vernon Garding, William Garehime, Ann Garner, Denni Ann Gershaw-Smith, Cody Gertz, Justin Giacchino, David Gibbons, Cheryl Gibbs, Dan Gilberstadt, Stacy Gilley, Wayne Gipp, David Glassmeyer, Kent Gleasure, Cassi Goar, Erin Goff, Jay Gomez, Rick Gomez, Timo Gomez, Mitchell Gomulinski, Amy Gonzales, Crystal Gordon, Tanya Gordon, Teresa Gotlin-Sheehan, Haley Graber, Douglas Grahf, Clara Grainger, Don Grambusch, Ryan Graper, Edwin Green, Ronald Greene, Jonathan Griffen, Erin Griffin, Katie Grinney, Brianne Grummer, Caitlyn Grummer, Sandra Guida, Laercio Guimaraes, John Guzzi, Thomas Haffey, Sue Hagerty, Rona Hanson, Cindy Harman, Dan Harrington, Mike Harrington, Jeff Harris, Dustin Hartsuiker, Stan Hartzheim, James Hearn, Arash Heidarian, Chuck Heister, Jonathan Heitsmith, John Hemschoot, Chris Henderson, Kirsten Henderson, Mark Henneberry, Darren Herflicker, Diego Hernandez, Diane Herrmann, Penny Heudorf, Bob Heuser, Melanie Hickman, Stephanie Hicks, Jay Hill, Kathy Hill, Micah Hill, Chris Hines, Linda Hines, Delilah Hinman, Matthew Hinman, Matthew Hoagberg, Adam Hodgdon, Amanda Hogan, Karen Hookstadt, Mark Horton, Megan Huerter, Ryan Hull, Jean Hungerford, Emily Hunt, Janay Ingram, Jeremy Isham, Kathy Isham, Andrea Jackson, Shari Janata, Keeya Jeffrey, Leigh Jesaitis, John Jessup, Holly Johnson, Julie Johnson, Kim Johnson, Rob Johnson, Linsey Jones, Megan Jones, Tyler Jones, Scott Josifek, Alexis Junker, Bethany Kapellen, Tabitha Karr, Barbara Kaumeier, Melanie Keene, Julie Kehrer, Dennis Kelly, Tim Kelly, Jason Kesner, Kristy Kilgore, Helan Kim, Scott Kimber, Lisa King, Jeff Kirkwood, James Kirrane, Judy Kleeman, Gregg Klinker, Jeff Knochenmus, Richard Knott, Keith Knuffke, Casey Knutson, Ashli Kovach, Hunts Kretsch, Aaron Kronemeyer, Loretta Krook, Randy Krumpeck, Kyle Kucharski, Cheryl Kwiatkoski, Katie Kwiatkoski, Charmaine Kwong, Greg Lafave, Ed Lanyon, Daniel Larson, Lisa Laumbattus, Kimberley Laurence, Richard Lavender, David Lawrence, Ruby Leavitt, Chris Lechman, Denise LeGault, Robert Leigh, Sally Leinberger, Collin Leitko, Elizabeth Leon, Sam Levine, Eric Levonas, Kit LeVoy, Caleb Liberatore, Nick Linck, Matt Linke, Shane Littleton, Cindy Litts, Chelsea Lloyd, Donna Lloyd, Christopher Lockwood, Mark Lohmann, Matthew Lord, Heather Lovato, Randall Low, Patricia Lunger, Heather Lyall, Michelle Macreynolds, Dan Maestas, Tim Malmay, Raymond Mang, Shirley Manzanares, Michael Marcus, Kayla Marsh, Heather Marshall, Mary Martell, Eddie Martinez, Samuel Martinez, Trina Martinez, Maria Martinez-Rodriguez, Christina Math, Max Math, Nick Mathers, Jennifer Matthews, Justin Mattice, Aaron Mauck, Warren May, Robert Mayfield, Lamar McBride, Missy McBride, Pete McBride, Kayleen McCabe, Lance McCabe, Stefani McCabe, Alex McCaw, Ryan McCaw, Chris McCoy, Michael McDermott, Tracey McDonald, Tammy McFadden, Ben McGee, Hallie McGee, Michael McGuinn, Kelly McIntyre, Madelyn McKnight, Tim McLaughlin, Erin McPeters, Robin McRee, Mark Meagher, Michael Meeker, Mark Mercer, Traci Merenda, Timothy Merkel, John Merz, Kristen Michaud, Nicholas Miehe, Adam Millenson, Julie Miller, Peter Miller, Veronica Miller, Gerald Mitchell, Partha Monge, Marshall Monsell, Shayla Moon, Caitlin Moran, William Moran, Becky Morang, Denise Morgan, Robert Morgan, Tyler Morgan, Shawna Morin, Rick Moseley, Minoo Mostafavifar, DJ Moylan, Todd Munson, Hilary Murkowski, Laurie Mussetter, Raquel Najera, Tate Nazarro, Joseph Neguse, Russell Nelson, Brian Nesbitt, John Newman, Jennie Neyens, Albert Nguyen, Aaron Nichols, Rebekah Nichols, Mark Noonan, Conrad North, Sandy North, Maihlon O’Carra, CJ O’Reilly, Tim Odil, Michael Oelke, Kay Olsen, Lyndsie Oubre, Josh Ovaska, Shelley Owens, Jennifer Page, Nathan Page, Robert Parham, Joseph Parisi, Kathy Parker, Randy Parker, Angela Patent, Cidney Patterson, Shawn Patterson, Kate Paulson, Richard Pawelcik, Doug Payne, Philip Pearson, Willard Pearson, Rachel Pelky, Brian Pendleton, Kathie Perelli, Susan Perez, Darrell Perry, Joseph Perry, Ken Peter, Adam Peterman, Kelly Peterson, Laura Peterson, Bill Peyer, Pam Peyer, Gary Phillips Jr, Renae Pick, Isaiah Pierre-Louis, Sabrina Pierre-Louis, Jerry Pifer, Debbi Piner, Anthony Plucinski, David Porteous, Sandra Potter, Luke Price, Cristina Prieto, Rudy Prince, Chris Proksch, Natasha Psenicka, Erin Quinn, Andrea Rael, Barret Ramey, Sandi Ramondo, Bruce Rappaport, Joseph Rath, Dave Rayer, Scott Redman, Jacob Reed, Carolyn Rees, Ellen Rehmar, Judy Remis, Mark Repella, Brandon Reyna, Mackenzie Rhoades, Terry Richard, David Richard Sr, Bruce Richardson, Kerry Riemer, Samantha Riemer, Thomas Riemer, Trace Rimroth, Mark Risch, Holly Roberts, Harvey Robinson, Taylor Rohde, Ryan Roland, Teri-Sue Romberg, Will Rommel, Sarah Rosenau, Dave Ruddy, Chadd Ruffing, Karen Ruth, Terry Ruth, Anthony Ruybol, Drew Sajsa, K.D. Sakraida, Hugo Salais, Becky Sanders, Tracy Sanderson, Ward Sanderson, Kevin Sandoval, Lindsey Saultz, Stefani Saxton, Jennifer Schackel, Brianne Schledewitz, Jill Schneider, Susan Schroeder, Jeffrey Schulte, Jr., Dianne Schultz, Ann Scott, George Scott, Martha Scott, Joyce Sedam, Greg Seebart, Jesse Sehlmeyer, Mark Shine, Jeff Shrader, Soheyla Singer, Liesel Skiles, Dustin Sletten, Jordan Smith, Mary Smith, Tranae Smith, Willy Smith, C. Ann Sookswat, Wayne Sorensen, Diane Sova, Amos Spencer, Julie Spencer, Ashley Spooner, Kris Staaf, Michelle Stabile, Heather Stauffer, Valerie Stephens, Jessica Stithem, Scott Stone, Robert Stracy, Don Straney, William Sullivan, Brendan Summers, Colleen Sumpter, Judy Suppes, Nancy Sutton, Kerry Swain, Lisa Syverson, Hannah Tafoya, Jamie Tafoya, Chuck Tanner, Karen Tanner-Smith, Tiffany Tarsa, Martin Tatom, Evelynn Taylor, Troy Taylor, Ashleigh Taylor- Schmidt, Mele Telitz, Antonio Tellez-Paniagua, David Theobold, Krystal Thomas, Robin Thompson, Annmarie Thorne, Michael Thrapp, Pete Tolen, Brandon Toller, Erica Torrence, Jayme Trombly, John Trombly, Pam Trudell, Michael Tucker, Jeff Turner, Debbie Tuttle, Eamon Twomey, Bryan Tyler, George Tyler, Anna Upchurch, Ellen Urell, Kathy Valentine, Briana Van Andel, Tina Van Bockern, Katrina Vaughan, Deb Velarde, Juliane Verdicchio, Cindi Vergano, Anjie Vescera, Clay Vescera, Tina Vigil, Peter Vogel, Ryan Vogt, Paul Von Stein, Timothy Wagers, Jim Waldrop, Morgan Wallace, Robbie Wallace, Kristi Walsh, Jerad Warren, Heather Waters, Tom Waters, Kevin Watson, Nicole Weiffenbach, Megan Weinberger, Dave Wermerskirchen, Kory Whitaker, David White, Chase Wickstrom, John Wiley, Amy Wilkerson, Chris Willcox, Rhonda Willcox, Dan Wille, Kevin Williams, Kristine Williams, Skeeter Wilson, Laura Wing, Ed Wingfield, Debra Witherell, Elizabeth Wittman, Jesse Wood, Tina Woodard, Danielle Woodcook, James Woods, Michael Woods, Shaeah Woods, Shellie Woods, Anne Wright, Cassie Wright, David Wright, Tillie Wright, Ellen Wuori, Donald Yap, Alyssa Yatsko, Billie Zaeske, David Zwerenz. *This is a selection of roughly 600 of the 2000 volunteers from 2011 Volunteers “Just wanted to thank you all, especially the volunteers for all their hard work and time!” - JoAnn (Homeowner) Volunteers Volunteers are the heart of RTMD services and provide both skilled and nonskilled labor on projects all year long. They are general handymen, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, masons, administrative, and those who wish to be involved in charitable work. They are caring, compassionate, and have a desire to help homeowners in need and give back to the community in which they live and work. 2000 People volunteered with RTMD in 2011 23,000 Volunteer hours were dedicated to RTMD in 2011 560 Skilled volunteers donated some type of skilled labor, and many served as Skilled Captains for Rebuild Days and Handypersons throughout the year on day to day safety and accessibility modifications and energy efficient upgrades. Individual Supporters “I will never be able to say thanks strong enough. You are all a true blessing in my life.” - Mary (Homeowner) RTMD sincerely thanks the many individuals who provided financial support to ensure that homeowners received crucial home repairs and modifications. The generosity and support of individuals in the Denver community is humbling and affirming. Because of this support, RTMD served families who have one simple wish: to remain independent, safe and comfortable in their own homes for as long as possible. Allison Hawkes, Amy Hladik, Ann Garner, Ann Kusic, Audrey Wilcox, Bernard Tobin, Betsy Brachfield, Bret DeBenecdictis, Brandon Cole, Burt Lewis, Carl Thomas, Carol Jennet , Carol Johnson, Carolyn McGrane, Chris Magyar, Christen Locascio, Christopher Wilcox, Cleo Crockett, Craig Smith, Cynthia Beyer, Dan Bergman, David Cobb, David Pocs, David Richard, Sr., David Zwerenz, Debbie Barnes, Deborah Jourdan, Diane Castleberry, Diane Mulligan, Doug Payne, Dwight Nelson, Edward E. Charron, Elizabeth Metcalf, Elnora Walter, Elva L. Mondragon, Elzada Leali, Emily and Walter Long, G. Pina, Gary Snyder, George Tyler, Glenn Renner, Hazel Laughlin, Holly South, Ilene Ligon, James Corlett, James Patterson, James Waldrop, Jan Alexander, Janet Grimmett, Janice Armani, Jason Dozza, Jo-An G. Young, Joann Hornung, Jodi Litfin, John Carpenter, John Davis, John Scott, John Trombly, Jolynn Snyder, Joseph C. Motta, Joseph Weeth, Julie Appleberry, Julie Kaufman, Karen Crilly, Karyn Browne, Kate Lutz, Katherine Miller, Katherine LeVoy, Kathryn Arbour, Katrina Bochy, Kaydee Myers, Kent Spuehler, Kim O’Leary, Larry Barnes, Laura McCaw, Lauren Ford, Leo Collier, Lilian McCray, Linda Nielsen, Margaret Lange, Margaret Fuller, Mark Noonan, Martin Forman, Mary Ann Navarro, Mary Larson, Megan Bilotta, Michelle Benge, Mindy Bolt, Monica Thompson, Nanci Burtman, Pam Pressel, Pamela Lorenz, Pamela Beightol-Lee, Pamela Dolan, Pat Booth, Patricia A. Kurgan, Patricia Ellis, Patricia Knox, Patrick & Lisa Nafe, Patrick McFarlen, Pearl J. Hughes, Peggy Edington, Peter and Alicia Smith, Phil Keenan, Phillip Gordon, Phyllis Gianfrancesco, Rachel Hartzheim, Raeleen Jamieson, Rhonda Willcox, Richard Duncan, Sarah Young, Sean Jourdan, Shari Goldstein, Sharon Malion, Sharon Waldrop, Sheila Wilson, Sheresa Lehocky, Steven Christofferson, Su Hawk, Susan Stutzman, Tandy Dilworth, Tammy McFadden, Thomas Andrews, Tiffany Meidinger, Tim and Chris Sullivan, Tim Odil, Tim Woods, Troy Deering, Troy Denike, Vickie Watkins, Warren May, Yasaman Taylor 2011 Special Events Building a Healthy Neighborhood in Barnum “What we did is we partnered with Rebuilding Together to actually come into the neighborhood and do something for the neighborhood, so that when we leave people have an appreciation for what it is we are trying to do” Jon Gant (Director OHHLHC, HUD) Rebuilding Together Metro Denver (RTMD) revitalized 30 homes in the historic Barnum Neighborhood in June 2011 as part of our mission to provide safe and healthy homes for Denver’s at-risk seniors, veterans, low-income and multigenerational families. Work began on Saturday, May 21 with a demolition crew and culminated with a huge rebuilding weekend and hundreds of volunteers on June 18 and 19 as part of a special pre-conference event to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s National Healthy Homes Conference. The revitalization of the Barnum neighborhood was the kickoff to HUD’s National Healthy Homes Conference in Denver June 20- 23. Volunteers made renovations and landscaping improvements to 30 homes, and distributed educational materials and homeowner resources to local residents. The diverse work scope included: major home rehabilitation, basic improvements, accessibility modifications, energy-efficient upgrades, and community landscaping. Volunteers transformed unhealthy houses into sustainable homes, which in turn, serves community needs far after improvements are made. The Barnum neighborhood was originally owned by P.T. Barnum of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Project Sponsors Included 2011 Special Events Maxwell House Drops of Good Community Project At The GrowHaus “The coffee buzz may be over but your support and efforts here at the GrowHaus will be appreciated and remain to be enjoyed by the community for years to come.” -The GrowHaus Staff With more than 43 million Americans living below the poverty line, community houses have increasingly become the heart and soul of neighborhoods. In order to ignite hope and optimism in struggling communities, Maxwell House, in partnership with Rebuilding Together, put a spotlight on these community houses through “Drops of Good: The Maxwell House Community Project.” With support from friends of RTMD in voting and spreading the word, Rebuilding Together Metro Denver and The GrowHaus were awarded $50,000 from Maxwell House for renovations to this amazing community center! The GrowHaus is committed to providing healthy, affordable food for the Elyria-Swansea neighborhood and the surrounding community, and raising awareness about issues of food justice and sustainability. Over 100 volunteers made major renovations to the GrowHaus on August 29-31. Weatherproofing renovations resulted in a sturdier and more energy-efficient office, classroom, and marketplace. The GrowHaus will expand the marketplace even further, creating a fully functioning local market for the neighborhood. The GrowHaus now has a healthy and environmentally sustainable solution to food production for the neighborhood and community. Crops grown in the NGS (New Grow System) use only 10% of the water of crops grown in traditional soil. Now that their HydroFarm is up and running, the GrowHaus will have the largest lettuce producing NGS in the country. And the reorganized Growasis will allow the GrowHaus to expand their crops and offer more educational opportunities. On Monday August 29th Rebuilding Together supporter Wheel of Fortune was on site with their Wheelmobile! On Wednesday, August 31st, the $50,000 grant sponsor Maxwell House had their Drops of Good Coffee House on site. Also Bronco’s legend Mark Schlereth worked side by side with volunteers. 2011 Special Events RTMD’s 2nd Annual Home on the Green Miniature Golf Tournament draws RTMD friends, families and supporters. RTMD’s 3rd Annual Wine Tasting Event was a great success with 3 year partner Corks - The Wine Store. 2011 Special Events Wells Fargo Donates Foreclosed Property to RTMD and a Family in Need. RTMD was the recipient of the generous proceeds from 2 golf tournaments: 2011 CHFA J. David Barba Golf Tournament & The Annual Dynalectric Golf Tournament. 2011 AmeriCorps Rebuilding Together CapacityCorps The Rebuilding Together CapacityCorps is a high-impact, full-time AmeriCorps program with 65 members serving communities and families throughout the country. Rebuilding Together CapacityCorps members help build the capacity of Rebuilding Together affiliates in 21 states by serving low-income homeowners through volunteer recruitment, client and community outreach, direct home repairs, and new project implementation. The Rebuilding Together CapacityCorps program offers an incredible personal experience, exposing members to varying opportunities to rebuild the health and safety of families and communities. In 2011 RTMD received 3 CapacityCorps Members. Josh Ovaska and Kory Whitaker fulfilled positions of Program Enhancement Coordinator and Community Outreach Coordinator, respectively. Adre Early joined the team six months into the term fulfilling the position of Volunteer Coordinator. RTMD also hosted the nationwide team of more than 50 CapacityCorps members during the Building a Healthy Neighborhood in Barnum event. The members were in Denver for a week leading up to the event and a week after to help out in every capacity possible. AmeriCorps NCCC AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) is a full-time, team-based residential program for men and women ages 18–24. The mission of AmeriCorps NCCC is to strengthen communities and develop leaders through direct, teambased national and community service. In partnership with non-profits—secular and faith based, local municipalities, state governments, federal government, national or state parks, Indian Tribes and schools-members complete service projects throughout the region they are assigned. RTMD received an AmeriCorps NCCC team during the spring of 2011. The team worked hard on projects ranging from mini-rebuilds, minor repairs and the redesign and organization of RTMD’s warehouse. “Dear RTMD, I cannot begin to express my thanks for all you’ve done for me. Without you, my backyard would have remained a dreary canvas of browns. Now it is simply a beautiful rainbow of colors that makes my heart fill up with joy! You are all nothing short of a miracle and I will never forget the kindness and beauty you’ve brought to my life. My Heartfelt Appreciation,” Marie (Homeowner, pictured above) 2011 Financial Performance 2011 Revenue and Support In-kind Contributions: Foundation Grants: Corporate Grants & Sponsorships: Government Grants: Fundraising Events: Individual Contributions: Other Income: Interest & Service Fee: Net Asset Release from Restrictions: $ 1,499,533 $ 61,217 $ 601,695 $ 111,172 $ 48,871 $ 23,936 $1,076 $ 24 - Total Revenue Support: $ 2,353,824 2011 Functional Expenses Program Services: General and Administrative: Fundraising and Marketing: $ 1,943,799 $ 256,659 $ 61,155 Total Expenses: $ 2,261,613 Change in Net Assets: Net Assets at Beginning of Year: Net Assets at End of Year: $ 92,211 $ 104,652 $ 196,863 2011 RTMD Staff Kathryn Arbour Megan Bilotta President & CEO Director of Programs Mary Brook Jolynn Snyder Director of Volunteers Development Director John Carpenter Stan Hartzheim Director of Finance and Administration Contract and Construction Services Director Sam Levine Josh Ovaska Project Manager-Emergency Repairs AmeriCorps CapacityCorps Kory Whitaker Adre Early AmeriCorps CapacityCorps AmeriCorps CapacityCorps 2011 Board of Directors Officers Glenn Renner, Chair HomeSphere, Inc. Deborah Jourdan, Secretary Cricket Communications Tim Odil, Chair of Governance McKenna Long & Aldridge Rocky Hackman, Treasurer CHFA Vince Rosales, Vice Chair Rosales & Co. Members at Large Chris Magyar George Tyler Patrick McFarlen Carolyn McGrane Mark Noonan David Zwerenz David Pocs Craig Smith Marc Wheeler Philip Keenan Gunther Douglas EKS&H Citicorp Trust Bank Colorado Financial Partners Strategic Option 3rd Eagle, LLC Paul Davis Restoration First Bank Service Magic Ambler & Keenan, LLC Become Part of the RTMD Family Volunteer Get involved with RTMD. Join a team, share your skilled expertise, support fundraising, organize events and more. Receive training and support while giving back to your community. Donate Donate now so older adults, veterans and people with disabilities can remain in their homes living with dignity and independence. Every contribution makes a huge difference. Sponsor Partner with a nonprofit that has a successful history of revitalizing neighborhoods in Denver. Involve employees for a rewarding team building experience and give back to the community. For additional ways that you can join hands with RTMD to make a difference in your community contact us. Rebuilding Together Metro Denver 2422 S. Trenton Way, Unit A Denver, CO 80231 720.524.0840 // [email protected]