SERVICE Above Self A Celebration of Service ROTARY CLUB OF BAGUIO Baguio City, Philippines CLUB NO. 16863, DISTRICT 3790 Chartered on 21 February 1938 Telefax No. 63-74-444-2994 OFFICIAL CLUB BULLETIN Volume XLIX Number 29 04 February 06 The Rotary Club of Baguio meets at the Baguio Country Club on Saturdays at 12:30 to 2:15 pm. PROGRAMME SPECIAL GUEST FOR TODAY 04 February 2006 OSCAR Y. MAGALLANES BAGUIO COUNTRY CLUB Bishop 12:00 M. Fellowship 12:30 P.M. Call to Order ................ VP Flo Bayquen Invocation .................... PP Chris Peralta Pambansang Awit .................(Everyone) Rotary Hymn ........................(Everyone) 12:40 Entertainment ............ Dir. Chris Faelnar 12:50 Intro of VR&G ............ PP Benny Sunga 12:55 Finest Moments ..... Rtn. Christine Olarte 1:10 Raffle Draw .............. Rtn. Uwe Koeller 1:15 Members’ Time ...................... (Anyone) 1:20 President’s Time .......... VP Flo Bayquen 1:30 Intro of GHS ................ PP Linda Winter Speech ....... Bishop Oscar Y. Magallanes 1:50 Open Forum 2:00 Response ........................ Rtn. Johnie Go 2:15 Pilipinas Kong Mahal ............(Everyone) Adjournment ................ VP Flo Bayquen Topic: “The Purpose Driven Life” Please turn to Page 3 for our GHS’s Profile CONTENTS AT A GL ANCE Officers, President’s Corner ............................... 2 Secretary’s Corner , GHS’s Profile .................... 3 In Retrospect ..................................................... 4 Scenes We Like To See ..................................... 5 Neophyte Thoughts ............................................ 6 Rotary Family, Rotary Information ..................... 7 Membership Minute ........................................... 8 Our Partners in Service ................................. 9-12 Rtn. Emil Dayrit FOR NEXT WEEK Program Coordinator Retrospector Program Coordinator ......... Rtn. Angie Visperas Invocation ...............................Dir. Pam Perkins Entertainment .......................... Rtn. Dino Oriña Intro of VR&G ................. IPP Helmut Schlaaff Finest Moments ...................... Rtn. Mia Cawed Intro of GHS ............................ PE Raffy Chan Response ................................ Rtn. Bob Harper Retrospector ...................... Rtn. Joey Bugayong Rtn. John Cunanan NEXT WEEK 11 February 2006 DR. NYORI HERNANDEZ Guest of Honor and Speaker February is World Understanding Month 1 OFFICERS PRESIDENT’S CORNER A person without a sense of humor... ROTARY YEAR 2005-06 Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar President Rotary International Gerardo “Gerpy” Erguiza Jr. District Governor District 3790 Eugenio “Sonny” Estavillo Jr. Assistant District Governor District 3790 ROTARY CLUB OF BAGUIO ROTARY YEAR 2005-06 Terrence Michael “Mike” Pearson President Florence “Flo” Bayquen Vice President Gerard “Gererd” Audineau Incoming President Secretary Allan “Allan” Branzuela Treasurer Rolando “Rolly” de Guzman Auditor DIRECTORS Florence “Flo” Bayquen Club Service Allan “Allan” Branzuela Community Service “A” Alberto “Bert” Talco Community Service “B” John “John” Santos Vocational Service Rafael “Raffy” Chan International Service Pamela “Pam” Perkins Youth Service Helmut “Helmut” Schlaaff Immediate Past President CAÑAO CLUB BULLETIN Rafael “Raffy” Chan Editor-in-Chief John Dick “J ohn” Cunanan Assistant Editor-in-Chief Angel “Angie” Visperas Historian / Contributor Frank “Frank” Deaver Guest Contrib utor Terrence Michael “Mike” Pearson Florence “Flo” Bayquen Christopher “Chris” Peralta Johnny “Johnny” Zarate Contrib utors Gerard “Gerard” Audineau Andre “Andre” Sommereux John “John” Santos Imagers Emil “Emil” Dayrit Business Manager ROTARY ANNS OF RCB Maria Luz “Maya” Peralta Rotary Ann President Pres. Mike Pearson Your President is absent – and not on official Rotary business. We have a family reunion to attend in Zambales, so VP Flo Bayquen is sitting in for me today. Fortunately I attend a lot of other Club activities and meetings, so IP/SEC Gerard will not be following up with me (!) I thought I would take this time to mention some of the things our members are doing on behalf of the Club (and hopefully the Fine Master today will take note, heh heh). John Cunanan (incoming Treasurer) is busy with updating our various Club Scholars’ records and ensuring that they receive their money on time. Christine Olarte is still looking for members with toys and books that we can donate to both our Luding Day Care Center as well as the Poyopoy Elementary School library. PP Lito has managed to sell (if everyone pays for their tickets) 72 tickets for our PHF Raffle – he would like a few more tickets sold to make this successful. PP Linda Winter is organizing a series of Career Guidance sessions with local high schools, to enable the students to make better decisions on where they plan to go to college – and what perhaps they might take up as their course of preference. PP Alfred Laygo has managed to convince 15 members of the Club to become Paul Harris Sustaining members. Incoming Secretary Ben Ladilad is in the midst of the next stage of the Luding Project – doing a composting course for the farmers. PP Benny has our two Pathways scholars attending our meetings regularly. PE Raffy Chan is working on a possible sisterhood agreement with RC New Manila East. VP Flo Bayquen is organizing our Club Anniversary on February 18. Rtn. Angie Visperas has brought two visitors to the Club recently. Treas. Allan Branzuela is working with “Mayor” Bert Talco to do some more medical work in Luding – hopefully including building a road, an anti-rabies program, de-worming and a lecture on cleanliness for the children. Pres. Maya and the Anns are still upgrading the facilities in the Luding Day Care Center. Rtn. Johnie Go is working on our website and is even working with Governor Gerpy to upgrade and perhaps maintain the District website. Johnie is also on our “golf team”, along with Dwight Dulnoan and IP Gerard. PP Veeh is busy with dance practice, preparing a daring dance for our Anniversary, along with some other members of the Club. Jody Alabanza will be the chairman for the recently inducted Baguio Centennial Committee. IP Gerard is busy having meetings with his incoming Board members, to make sure they are ready to take over when the time comes. Rtn. Mia Cawed will be sending her two kids to the upcoming RYLA, Rtn. Cecille Apostol is sending her daughter and VP Flo will continue the family tradition of having a Bayquen attend a RYLA. So there you have it, a few updates on what is happening “behind the scenes” so to speak with our members. There is still more to do. It sometimes seems like our Rotary work, committees, projects, fundraising is a never-ending affair…and in a way, I guess it is that way. If you do get involved, it is fun; you get to know more about your fellow members and the ultimate goal of helping those less fortunate is achieved. Hard work but well worth the effort. I hope you enjoy the meeting. If you aren’t on the list above (I may have forgotten some recent activities), I apologize. If you aren’t on the list, perhaps now is the time to get more involved. We seem to be having fun, while getting the work done. Rotary is voluntary. Make the most of the experience by getting yourself “voluntarily” involved. My thought for the day: “A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs - jolted by every pebble in the road.” - Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887) American Preacher, Orator, Writer. 2 SECRETARY’S CORNER GHS’S PROFILE Gerard’s Update for 28 January 2006 OSCAR Y. MAGALLANES Bishop GOOD NEWS COMMUNITY CHURCHES Sec./IP Gerard Audineau SPECIAL BIRTHDAY GREETINGS: FAMILYBACKGROUND: Married to Suzette Cabrera Magallanes for 30 years. Four Children: Anthony John-29 years old, Anne Marie-27 years old, Allan Paul-25 years old, Andrew James-23 years old PP Roger Naz : February 02 Rtn. Jeb Bundang: February 17 May you have many more to come! For the Record: 28 January 06 EDUCATION: 1972- Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and Management at Far Eastern University, Manila. 1986- Master of Arts in Teaching/Biblical Studies -Church of God Theological Seminary at Cleveland, Guests: Tenn. USA. Engr. Ted Tan: Guest of Rtn. John Cunanan 1981-1990’s- Theological units taken at the Archt. Sheila Tan: Guest of Rtn. Angie Visperas Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary and AsiaMr. Gerstmayer: Guest of Rtn. Angie Visperas Pacific Theological Seminary. Rotary Anns: 2000- Certificate in Counseling Psychology at the RA Pres. Maya Peralta, RAIP Maylene Dayrit, RA Grace Counselors Academy, Singapore. Harper, RA Cely Ladilad, RA Suzan Orina, RA Nizt Palma, November 01-05, 2004- Vertical Leap Seminar/ RA Tess Ramos, RA Joy Sommereux, RAPP Coring Visperas B.O.S.S. The Movement Trainor’s Training c/o BOSS Global, Inc. Chino CA, USA. Visiting Rotarians: PP Manny Reyes (GHS): Charter President- RC Rizal Centro Make-Ups: 21 January 06 – Rotary Golf Tournament Baguio: Rtn. Herb Hayes 21 January 06 – RCB Fellowship at Pres. Mike Pearson’s home: Sec./IP Gérard Audineau, VP Flo Bayquen, Treas./ Dir. Allan Branzuela, Rtn. Jeb Bundang, PE/EIC Raffy Chan, Rtn. John Cunanan, Dir. Chris Faelnar, Rtn. Johnie Go, Rtn. Ben Ladilad, Rtn. Herb Meadows, PP Caloy Mendoza, Rtn. Christine Olarte, Pres. Mike Pearson, Dir. Pam Perkins, PP Rene Ronquillo, IPP Hemut Schlaaff, Dir. Bert Talco Career Guidance Don Bosco: Pres. Mike Pearson, PP Linda Winter 25January 06 - RC Baguio Sunrise: Rtn. Jeb Bundang 26 January 06 – RC Vigan: PP Roger Naz AWARDS: 2003- Chosen as one of the Most Outstanding Citizens of Baguio City for Spiritual and Community Development. PAST EXPERIENCES: Vice President: Operations and Sales- Strata Development Corporation. A real state development company- 1981-1984. Branch Manager: Rizal Banking Corporation Baguio City- 1979-1980. Branch Cashier: Rizal Banking Corporation- Iloilo City- 1978-1979. Assistan t General Manager: A.C. Aguirr e Management Corporation Manila- 1976-1978. Treasury Supervisor: Himlayang Pilipino, Inc., Manila- 1973-1976 Produced and Directed Band Concerts while in High School up to the second year in College. A Working Student We Missed You Last 28 January 2006: Rtn. JodyAlabanza, Rtn. Cecille Apostol, VP Flo Bayquen (mu), PE/EIC Raffy Chan (mu), PP Diony Claridad, Rtn. Ike Dulnoan, Dir. Chris Faelnar, Rtn. Fred Galimba, PP Jack Gesner (exc), Rtn. Herb Meadows, PP Caloy Mendoza, PP Roger Naz (mu), Rtn. Christine Olarte (mu), PP Teop Rondez (exc), PP Rene Ronquillo, Rtn. Faith Runas On Leave: Rtn. Dino Oriña, Rtn. Henry Tuason 3 IN RETROSPECT The Meeting That Was 28 January 2006 Dir. Pam Perkins As expected, the meeting started on time. The invocation was eloquently delivered by Rotary Ann Coring Visperas. A few resonating prayerful words lingered : “We offer ourselves in our society, united and effective, good models and advocates of moral values to others... that we may find ourselves truly renewed.” The entertainment was provided by RA Maylene Dayrit. She sang a very melodious a capella song. Another talented singer in our midst. Introduction of visiting Rotariansand guests was by Past President Helmut Schlaaff . Our visiting Rotarian was Carl from Germany, a guest of Rtn. Angie Visperas. We were graced with the joyful presence of our visiting Rotary Anns who were: Maylene Dayrit, Gene De Guia, Coring Visperas, Grace Harper, Susan Orina, Nitz Palma, Maya Peralta, Cely Ladilad and Tess Ramos. The Fine Master was John Cunanan, who fined all the doctors and engineers; Lito Pangilinan for his dedication to his Paul Harris Raffle assignment and Gerard Audineau from his pleasurable trek to Banawe. Total fines came up to P1,500. Raffle was handled by the Rotary Anns. Prizes were several beautiful mini head rest pillows, some in the shape of hearts— in time for Valentines Day. The raffle winners were: Doming Valencia, Ben Ladilad, Nitz Palma, Bert Talco, Johnny Zarate, Alfred Laygo, Rolly De Guzman, Chris Peralta, Ben Cid, Gerard Audineau, Lito Pangilinan, Uwe and Coring Visperas. Members’ Time were participated in by the following giving their committee assignment reminders: IP Gerald on golf, PP Linda Winter on the RYLA and Career Guidance, Dir. Bert Talco on the Luding microfinancing. Pamela Perkins toasted Mabuhay to the Rotary Club of Fair Oaks, California; a candidate to be RCB’s sister club. They have been contemplating on visiting us here in Baguio City sometime April this year. We look forward to this possible great event. The Presidential time summary reminders were: The Tower Award for Blue Collar Workers Searchprize P50,000, our Japanese Rotary friends are coming to meet our scholars, for us to connect with the Monday Afternoon Club, our 80% attendance that needs improvement to at least 90%, etc. Doming Valencia, as usual, eloquently made the Introduction of the Guest Speaker. Our impressive Guest Speaker, Past President Manny Reyes of Rotary Club of Rizal Central authoritatively spoke about How to Get Money for our Rotary Club—through sources, like matching grants and other types of grants. He has created for his club several matching grants and club sisterhood projects with a number of foreign counterparts. Manny Reyes is widowed, single and available. Benny Sunga offered an introductory matching meeting acquaintance between PP Manny Reyes and our very own PP Linda Winter. A lot of questions were addressed. The speech was very informative and enlightening. Beyond a doubt, another worthwhile Family Day for the RCB. 4 SCENES WE LIKE TO SEE Images From Last Week’s Meeting 28 January 2006 Images by Captions by IP/Sec. Gerard Audineau AEIC John Cunanan GHS Manny Reyes confering with PP Doming if he could actually acquire our precious RCB bell. Our ever supportive Anns: (L to R) RA charter Pres. Gene de Guia, RA Pres. Maya, and RA Joy. How sweet! The Palma couple enjoying the fellowship of RA Susan, PP Ben, Rtn. Jeb and PP Johnny. Our RCB Mulach (left) seems to be enjoying the rest of the company. Most of them are reading the Cañao. Mabuhay! Salute to the Rotary Club of Fair Oaks, Dist. 5180 California, U.S.A. You got our attention; Rtn. Joey giving a very eloquent response to GHS Manny’s speech. Pres. Mike gave a souvenir to our honored speaker donated by Arch. Sheila Tan (a guest) for good luck. 5 NEOPHYTE THOUGHTS Diversity in the Club Rtn. John Cunanan Last week, I was given the task to do the Finest Moments and since it was my first time, I did not really know what to do because I am not that familiar yet with all the members. So I made my focus to fine by profession. Like I said, I don’t really know yet all the names of our members that’s why if you noticed, I fined the MD’s and the Engineers of our club (it’s a lot easier and safer for me to avoid mistaken identity). But I thought, “Does everybody know what each member has been doing in his or her profession? Or are we familiar with at least with the names of most members?” I guess everyone does not really know everyone in the club. Do you? I did a little research and came up with a complete list of who’s who in our club for everyone’s information (thanks to our Secretary and Incoming President Gerard – my source!). I hope that by really knowing the basic info on each member, we will be able to appreciate more the diversity in our club. Yes we vary in many ways, but we’re weaved together for a purpose. The power of diversity: a single strand or strip of any material will easily break, but interlacing threads vertically and horizontally will be a lot tougher to break. That’s what our club is– strongly diversified. Service above self is our motto. That principle pulls down the barriers of our individuality; bound together, no matter how different we are from one another. I have made the list by profession/classification and in alphabetical order for easy reference. Architecture. Alabanza, Jody(Urban Planning; Chan, Raffy (Hotel, Commercial Building Design); Naz, Roger (General Practice) Q. What would it be like without Architects? A. World lacking in style. Brokerage. Gesner, Jack (Stocks & Bonds) Q. What would it be like without Brokers? A. Singapore, Hong Kong and the likes will go bankrupt. Commercial Banking. De Guzman, Rolly Q. What would it be like without Banks? A. Money laundering will not be a problem anymore.Dentistry. Winter, Linda (General Practice) Q. What would it be like without Dentists? A. Your smile will never be the same again. Distribution. Branzuela, Allan (Drug); Cid, Ben (Office & School Supplies); Pearson, Mike (Office Equipment); Visperas, Angie (Art Goods); Santos, John (Water Purifier) Q. What would it be like without Distributors? A. One-step forward and three steps backwards. Education. Demyttenaere, Naas (Training & Development) Q. What would it be like without Teachers? A. There will be no one to mould our dreams. Electric Power Generation. Faelnar, Chris Q. What would it be like without Electricity? A. Everything will be black and white. Engineering. Go, Johnie (Information Technology); Harper, Bob (Oil Exploitation); Mendoza, Caloy (Hydro Geology); Talco, Bert (Civil Engineering) Q. What would it be like without Engineers? A. Have you seen Jurassic Park? Gov’tAgriculture. Ladilad, Ben (Research & Development) Q. What would it be like without Agriculture? A. Many of us will die from high blood. Hospital Administration. Claridad, Diony Q. What would it be like without Administrators? A. It will be like a wild party aftermath.Hotels – Investment. Tuason, Henry; Hotels – Management. Perkins, Pam Q. What would it be like without Hotels? A. Transient house will definitely be a good business venture. Hydro Electric Operation. Ronquillo, Rene Q. What would it be like without the Hydros? A. Bigger electric bills. Insurance. Dayrit, Emil (Life) Q. What would it be like without Insurance? A. It’s going to be a risky business. Law. Bundang, Jeb (Pastor); Cawed, Mia (Criminal); Rondez, Teop (Civil) Q. What would it be like without Lawyers? A. A few good man no more. Manufacturing - Marble. Schlaaff , Helmut Q. What would it be like without Manufacturers? A. Get ready for the Flintstones. Medical Doctors. Balajo, Veeh (Obstetrics & Gynecology); Bugayong, Joey (General Surgery); Laygo, Alfred (General Surgery); Orina, Dino (Hematology/Oncology); Peralta, Chris (Diabetology); Ramos, Joe (General Surgery); Sunga, Benny (Urology) Q. What would it be like without Doctors? A. God must have lost mercy on His people. Mining. Dulnoan, Ike (Exploration); Valencia, Doming (Consultancy) Q. What would it be like without Miners? A. Diamonds may not be forever. Real State. Apostol, Cecille (Development); Bayquen, Flo (Development); Galimba, Fred (Low Cost Housing); Meadows, Herb (Brokerage); Palma, Angeling (Townhouse Development); Runas, Faith (Subdivision Development); Zarate, Johnny (Referral Services) Q. What would it be like without Developers? A. Paradise baby. Sales. Audineau, Gerard (Wholesale/Corporate); Cunanan, John (Mall Operation); Olarte, Christine (Coffee Distribution); Pangilinan, Lito (Gal Merchandise Stores); Sommereux, Andre (Specialty Goods) Q. What would it be like without Sales People? A. Are you crazy? I will be unemployed. Religion – Education. Hayes, Herb Q. What would it be like without Religion? A. Hopelessness. Restaurants-Food & Beverage. Koeller, Uwe Q. What would it be like without Restaurants? A. Marriage proposals may not be that memorable. There you have it folks, the who’s who in our club. Next time you’re assigned to be the Program Coordinator or the Fine Master or the Retrospector, you will have this material as guide. Remember, it will not be all the time that you will have someone whom you can elbow and ask, “Who’s that guy again?” 6 ROTARY FAMILY ROTARY INFORMATION VP Flo tells us more about our members The ABC of Rotary VP Flo Bayquen Continuing Educational Program I missed three Saturday meetings for three reasons. The Mid-year Review got the first, work got the second and health reason which was the worst reason to miss a day of Rotary business and fellowship. Rotarian Bob Harper, who had just filed a medical leave of absence should be suffering from a withdrawal syndrome from the club now. We will surely miss you, Bob. Get well soon! While waiting for my doctors at the SLU Hospital sometime last week, as I always do whenever I’m there, I would busy myself watching our veryown Rotarian-doctors in action in their “ring.” I always made sure I’d make myself unnoticed so they could keep up with their time. That day, Rtn. Joey Bugayong noticed me seated in one corner and managed a brief conversation. I was actually hoping I could chat with him and ask him how everyone was in the family. I haven’t seen Ann Baby for quite sometime in the chapel where we both go to every noontime….The next few days, I texted him asking for some questions about his family and a pleasant surprise came when he called last Wednesday. I didn’t know Rtn. Joey is from Lingayen, Pangasinan. He is a general su rgeo n while Ann Baby is an anaesthesiologist. Good match, ha…Ideally, every doctor would want to have an offspring become one too….It was not a disappointment because their older child, Alexander is now an ophthalmologist in the Makati Medical Center where he just finished his residency. He gave his parents an “apo” who is now a 4 ½ year-old boy….Regie, the second Bugayong child finished Political Science but decided to be in an allied-medical field and is now pursuing Nursing and in her 3rd year in UC. She has also made her parents feel more blessed with her 5-year old boy…..Who would believe that the youthful-looking-Aga Muhlach of RCB is already a “lolo”? Rtn. Joey is also busy with their farm in Aguilar, Pangasinan...a farmer-doctor? Why not? Farming can relieve stress….. I asked him to chair the Holy Mass Committee for our Charter Anniversary and I got a reply from him that he would definitely take the task as if it is for Him that he will dedicate his life. Anything for the Lord and for His Glory...I was deeply touched by this very successful person who takes so much pride in serving the Almighty….He is also a Lay Eucharistic Minister….. THE OFFICIALROTARYFLAG An official flag was formally adopted by Rotary International at the 1929 Convention in Dallas, Texas. The Rotary flag consists of a white field with the official wheel emblem emblazoned in gold in the center of the field. The four depressed spaces on the rim of the Rotary wheel are colored royal blue. The words “Rotary” and “International” printed at the top and bottom depressions on the wheel rim are also gold. The shaft in the hub and the keyway of the wheel are white. The first official Rotary flag reportedly was flown in Kansas City, Missouri, in January 1915. In 1922 a small Rotary flag was carried over the South Pole by Admiral Richard Byrd, a member of the Winchester, Virginia, Rotary Club. Four years later, the admiral carried a Rotary flag in his expedition to the North Pole. Some Rotary clubs use the official Rotary flag as a banner at club meetings. In these instances it is appropriate to print the words “Rotary Club” above the wheel symbol, and the name of the city, state or nation below the emblem. The Rotary flag is always prominently displayed at the World Headquarters as well as at all conventions and official events of Rotary International. Happy Wedding Anniversary to Rtn. Rolly & Ann Nitz & Rtn. Uwe & Ann Sally last January 28 and Birthday Greetings to PP Roger last February 2!.... There’s a reason to celebrate. God is Great! Please find time to visit: http://rcbaguio.daserve.com http://rotary.daserve.com ROTARY’S WHEELEMBLEM A wheel has been the symbol of Rotarysince our earliest days. The first design was made by Chicago Rotarian Montague Bear, an engraver who drew a simple wagon wheel, with a few lines to show dust and motion. The wheel was said to illustrate “Civilization and Movement.” Most of the early clubs had some form of wagon wheel on their publications and letterheads. Finally, in 1922, it was decided that all Rotary clubs should adopt a single design as the exclusive emblem of Rotarians. Thus, in 1923, the present gear wheel, with 24 cogs and six spokes was adopted by the “Rotary International Association.” A group of engineers advised that the geared wheel was mechanically unsound and would not work without a “keyway” in the center of the gear to attach it to a power shaft. So, in 1923 the keyway was added and the design which we now know was formally adopted as the official Rotary International emblem. 7 MEMBERSHIP MINUTE Club Public Relations Because every Rotary club is unique, it’s important to share your club’s story with the local community to raise awareness of what Rotary is and does. An active public relations program not only enhances Rotary’s image but can also help gain support for projects and attract and retain high quality members, which ultimately improves the quality of service that Rotarians provide. Consider the following PR strategies for your club: VISIBILITY • Display the Rotary emblem at the gateways of your community. • Display Rotary banners and signage at all events and project sites. • Develop a club fact sheet and distribute it in addition to the brochure - This is Rotary (001-EN) at events and to visitors at club meetings. • Leave copies of The Rotarian or your regional magazine where people will read them. • Encourage club members to always wear their Rotary pins, not just on meeting days or during projects. • Utilize Rotary public service announcements (PSAs) and other outreach tools prepared for clubs and districts by Rotary’s Public Relations Division. PLANNING • Develop a comprehensive list of media outlets and key media contacts in your community. Find out if any of your club members know them or have other contacts at an area newspaper, radio/TV station, or cable/satellite provider who can put you in touch with reporters and editors. • Build a PR component into every event or project by appointing a group from your club to plan publicity and promotion for each of your club’s events. • Place a newspaper supplement focusing on your club’s projects and programs. If the cost is prohibitive, consider asking corporate sponsors to pay for the space or partner with another Rotary club in your region. • Solicit media sponsorship of your projects or events. Sponsorship will ensure increased coverage of your event or activity. When using a sponsor be sure to follow guidelines regarding signage by consulting Rotary’s Visual Style Identity Manual (547-EN). • Invite prominent media personalities to serve as master of ceremonies at your events or speak at one of your Rotary meetings. Also consider asking them to be honorary members of your club. Working with the Media To reap the benefits of your PR initiatives, Rotary news must be presented properly. Consider the following tips for effectively promoting Rotary in the media: Appoint qualified club and district public relations chairs. Attracting media attention requires hard work and research. A significant advantage is gained by appointing club and district PR chairs who work in the communications field and understand the media in your area. Approach the media strategically. Link your story to a larger trend or current news events. When presenting a story idea to the media, make sure it is brief and to the point. Consider the busy schedules of your media contacts and think of how to best present Rotary in 30 seconds. Tailor your idea to a specific journalist, publication, or broadcast program, such as an international news program or a health segment on a local news channel. Offer knowledgeable Rotary spokespeople. When suggesting a story to the media, make sure you can offer articulate local spokespeople who are actively IMPLEMENTATION • Prepare and dispatch a news release when your club involved in Rotary and able to inform others. Beneficiaries has an event, community project, or interesting speaker. of Rotary service can also make excellent spokespeople. About three to seven days before the event, distribute the news release to all of your media outlets. Follow up Identify newsworthy story angles. with a phone call one to two days ahead of the event to Every Rotary story must have significant news value. gauge the level of interest in your story and pitch a Rotary’s strongest message is effective service. How Rotary current news angle. addresses real needs in the community is the kind of story • Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper or that interests journalists. Support your story idea with magazine in which you profile your club’s annual background materials, such as fact sheets or brochures. accompli shments and thank the community for supporting Rotary events and programs. Visit the RI Website—www.rotary.org 8 OUR PARTNER IN SERVICE 9 OUR PARTNERS IN SERVICE JESNOR RESOURCES & DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHAN-RONDEZ & ASSOCIATES LAW OFFICES NOTARY PUBLIC PDG JESS TABORA President No. 4 Cariño Corner Otek St., Baguio City 2600 Telefax : (074)442-9994 E-mail : [email protected] Atty. Perlita Chan-Rondez 2nd Floor, Jose M iguel Building No. 1 N aguilian Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax : (074)300-4220 Tel. : (074)446-0858 Compliments from Johnny Zarate Dir. Raffy Chan & RAPP Josie Chan Past President 1973-1974 Cely Zarate ARCHITECTS www.rgchan.com.ph Anns Past President 1975-1976 ZUELOR PHARMAHAUZ BAGUIO MEDICAL CENTER Dir. Allan Branzuela No. 9 Military Cut-Off Road , Baguio City, Philippines Tel. Nos.: 44 2-3338 or 442-2626 / Fax. No.442-5135 P.O.Box 58, Baguio City Proprietor Telefax No. (074) 444-5994 “Practical Choice of Medicines with Proven Safety and Efficacy” 2005: “Now On Our 37th Year of Dedicated Services” PP Dionisio “Diony” Claridad Jr. Medical Director Baguio Office: Main Office: Third Floo r Admin . Buil ding PEZA, Loakan Road Baguio City 2600 Tel N o: +63 (74) 447 3363 Fax: + 63 (7 4) 447 3179 E-mail: grace.po [email protected] No. 3 Sta. Agueda Avenue Pascor Drive, Paranaque City 1704 Tel No: +63 (2) 851 1373 Fax: +63 (2 ) 853 2671 E-mail : www.dhl.com Greetings from Rtn. Larr y Mendoza & Ann Virgie Mendoza Rotary Club of Manila San Miguel WITH DISABILITY Rapid React Security Services, Inc. PRESUME COMPETENCE “Feel Safe Al ways—we can protect you and you r property!” Ricky G. Runas CE NTU RY BUIL DIN G, M.H . d el P ila r S t., cn r. L ega rda Ro ad, Bag uio Ci ty Tele phone Nos.: 074-44 6-5994 or 07 4-446- 5995 PHILIPPINE AXA LIFE A PARTNERSHIP OF FINANCIAL GIANTS GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH 72 Marco s Highway, Bag uio City Home of Grac e Bapti st Aca demy Usi ng “S chool of Tomorrow” Curri culum ... Full 12 ye ars... Colle ge-bou nd Worldwide ... Teleph one No.: (0 74)444-5089 or (074)44 4-5094 EMIL DAYRIT Pastor: Rev. He rbe rt F. Hay es BRANCH MANAGER MAYLENE DAYRIT SALES MANAGER Baguio Branch 2M3 Porta Vaga Session Road, Baguio City Tel. No.: (074)446-5875/ (074)446-9167 Telefax : (074)304-1331 Compliments from Rtn. Robert “ Bob” Harper & Rotary Ann Grace Harper Cheerfulness starts in the heart and works its way out. 10 OUR PARTNERS IN SERVICE Compliments from Compliments from Dir. Bert Talco Sec. Gerard Audineau Dir. John Santos & Rotary Ann Lyn Santos Civil Engineers RCBC RIZAL COMMERCIAL BANKING CORPORATION Compliments from A YGC Company PP LINDA WINTER Rolando B. De Guzman AVP/Bu sin ess Cen ter Man ager Rota-Kid Jennifer Winter RCBC Building, Session Road, Baguio City Tel. Nos. : (074) 442-2077; 442-5345; 442-5346 Compliments from Compliments from PP Benny Sunga & RAPP Lily Sunga PP Doming Valencia & RAPP Linda Valencia Compliments from PP LITO M. PANGILINAN IPP Helmut Schlaaff & RAPP Louise Schlaaff Past President 1999-2000 Double Paul Harris Fellow Second Floor Maharlika 2090 Marbay Building, Abanao Street, Baguio City 2600, Philippines 0920 - 927-8547 Compliments from Baguio Property Counsellors Co. No. 23 Chuntug Street, Baguio City (Beside Café by the Ruins) Tel. No.: (074)444-9800 Telefax: (074)443-4116 Office Cellphone: 0917-7912160 PP Alfred Laygo & Rotary Ann Evelyn Laygo The Law Firm of RONDEZ RONDEZ GANDEZA & ASSOCIATES BEACH RESORT Roney Jone P. Gandeza Renato S. Rondez Joel R. Dizon Warlito B. Mandia Regi na May Cajucom San Fabian, Pangasinan, Philippines Tel. No. 0375 511 2023 Fax No. 0375 511 5861 Suite 303 Insular Life Building, Abanao Ext., Baguio City Tel. No. (074)443-8748 Facsimile (074)442-5792 ... the best of Italy MS CID EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY UWE KOELLER PP Marcos Ben Cid Mobile No. 0921-8532393 Tel. No. ( 074) 446-8973 Proprietor and Manager Office Address: 81-85 Session Rd., Baguio City, Tel. (074)442-2634, Fax. (074)446-6569 E-mail Address : se rgios_ba [email protected] om Unit 220-221 Second Floor, SM City Baguio Luneta Hill, Ba guio City 2600 BOSS, INC. Cleanergy is a socially responsible and environmentfriendly brand of energy produced by Hedcor. BAGUIO OLYMPIA SALES & SERVICES, INC. MICHAEL PEARSON General Manager No. 2 Second Road, Quezon Hill Baguio City 2600 Tel. No. : (074) 442-3689 / 3004236 Telefax : (074) 444-2994 Mobile No. : 09175061755 Email : [email protected] • Bill Counters • Calculators • Cash Registers • Desktop Computers • Printers Authorized Serv ice Prov ider OLY MPIA Authorized Serv ice Center IBM Value Partner • Duplicating Machines • Laptops / Notebooks • Multi Media Projectors • UPS Cleanergy • Digital Camera • Designjet Printers • Softwares •Typewriters aboitiz To learn more about its benefits, log on to www.hedcor.com We’re taking green energy a step further. It is never the wrong time to do the right thing. 11 OUR PARTNERS IN SERVICE WEBSITE: www.centurybuilders.com.ph E-MAIL: [email protected] Compliments from Rotarian Ben Ladilad & Rotary Ann Cely Ladilad Howdy, Ya’ll!! Rtn. Adolf “Dino” D. Oriña, M.D. & Rotary Ann Susan B. Oriña LITTMAN DRUG CORPORATION RICKY MILAÑEZ Unit 810 West Tower Phil. Stock Exchange Centre Exchange Road, Ortigas Center Pasig City, Philippines Tel.: (632)636-35-86, 637-20-76 (632)636-35-87, 637-20-77 Fax.: (632)635-61-54 E-mail: [email protected] Cell: 0917-8861904 Marketing Executive 292 D. Tuazon Street 1115 Quezon City, Philippines Phone (632)364-3505 to 09; (632)365-0561 to 64 Fax (632)367-8878 E-mail [email protected] http://www.boysen.com.ph PACIFIC PAINT (BOYSEN) PHILIPPINES, INC. a Eu li ty r o p a ea n n d - F H i li os p p in it o a li t y Baguio Achievers’ Academy Maya Peralta - Treasurer Q u “…opens the world to children and prepares them for life!” On our 8th year of Quality Education! fc No. 9-10, Seaside, Brgy. Taboc San Juan, La Union, Philippines (going North, 300 m after the potteries) Rooms - Restaurant - Bar - Picnic Deck Swimming Pool - Multi-purpose Hall Landline No. :(072)720-0159 Cellphone No.:+63 (927)449-6934 FILCASH Lending a Hand FAST SERVICE FAST LOAN RELEASE Agoo, La Union: 2F Dumo-Alde Building Fagonil St., Sta. Barbara Agoo, La Union (072)710-1444/0920-9041169 Email :[email protected] Website:www.normi2s-beach.com Business Loans Market Vendor Loans SalaryLoans La Trinidad: Rm. 17 Hillside Square Pico, La Trinidad, Benguet (074)422-5555 / 0917-4005425 Wine Bar & Restaurant Representative of Le Cellier “Expert Club Selection of French Wines” Villa La Maja Hotel, Outlook Drive Baguio City Telefax : (074)619-0685 Tel. : (074)442-7239 Mobile No. : (0919)3236446 E-mail : [email protected] Wear your Rotary pin daily– with pride. 12