Rotary International Global Grant 1423208


Rotary International Global Grant 1423208
Rotary International Global Grant
Rotary Club Puerto Vallarta Sur District 4150
Rotary Club of Hanalei Bay District 5000
Rotary Club of Blissfield Michigan District 6400
Rotary Club of Vancouver, Washington District 5100
Water Filters for Families
Fifth and Final Distribution – El Tuito
Loading the Truck
845 Buckets and Filters
El Tuito is One Hour South of Puerto
Vallarta in Cabo Corrientes
Excellent Organization with the help of
the Rotary Club of El Tuito
Filter Demonstration and Canteen
Nurse Martha from Boca Joined the
Filter School to Discuss Health
Many Helpers
“Filter School``
Many Happy Residents of El Tuito
Educational Material in Schools and
Medical Clinics
Time to Go...
Many thanks to everyone, but particularly Sandra Stolz and Eleanor
Hawthorn who have tirelessly been involved in the ``Water Filters
for Families`` projects from the beginning in 2012. A special thanks
to Rigo Montero who has transported buckets for us.
A special thanks to our International Partners
and Rotary International for your help in
bringing clean, safe drinking water to people
in Mexico. Your generosity is appreciated by
many. And a special thanks to those of you
who made it to PV to share a distribution with
Thank You to All Involved