- Rotary Club of Tustin
- Rotary Club of Tustin
Tustin-Santa Ana Rotary Club - Orange County’s First Service Club - Chartered March 30, 1920 TustAna Rotary News THE TUSTIN-SANTA ANA ROTARY CLUB Member of the Tustin and Santa Ana Chambers of Commerce Thursday, January 15, 2009 Volume 88 No. 32 WWW.rotarytustin-santaana.org Club No. 852, District 5320 THIS WEEKʼS PROGRAM DICK HEATHERTON Now a popular motivational speaker, Dick started with a radio career in Long Island and then went to WPOP in Hartford CT. A talented show biz individual he appeared in summer stock theatre and did game show announcing for Tic-TacDough and $100,000 Password. He spent 14 years on ABC’s General Hospital. From a show business family, his father was a big band leader and his sister is singer/actress Joey Heatherton. Dick has been given excellent reviews by several Rotary Clubs in this area. His presentation today is titled “How to Succeed In These Hard Times” LAST WEEK WE WERE TALKING BASEBALL WITH FORMER ANGEL PITCHER DAVE FROST The Angels Pitcher who was with the team in 1979 when the Club won their first division title spoke to us last week. He pitched 16 games and, at the end of the season, he was selected as the team’s most valuable pitcher by the Baseball Writer’s Association of America. He shared anecdotes and insights he acquired during his ten year baseball career and said, after baseball, he wanted to do something in the personal service field. It started when, from out of the blue a person he did not know called and offered him a job as a healthcare consultant to the handicapped. With some trepidation, he did the interview and began working with the handicapped. Continued on page two LOOK OVER THE SUBJECTS FOR OUR UPCOMING PROGRAMS AND INVITE A FRIEND Special Events on the Club Calendar Don Avery Honor and Roast January 22nd Missing Person FOUNDation January 29th Annual Teacher’s GOOD IDEA AWARDS February 5th Annual High School SINGING CONTEST February 26th Club Notes and Announcements The meeting was called to order by President Priscilla Cottone. Spence Yohe gave the Invocation and Gerry Aust led the Pledge to the Flag and the recitation of the Four Way Test. Ann Quintiliani had her Daughter-in-law Bernice Quintiliani as her guest. There will be no meeting at the Golf Club on February 12th because we will be cooking and serving at the Tustin Senior Center for our Annual Valentine Day Sweetheart Luncheon. HUMANITY IN MOTION is the theme of our new member campaign. Ali Danta asked that the members be reminded that our Membership Drive has been extended to May and the prize being given by Garry Heath is a Plasma Screen TV, donated by DEAL TREE. For each guest you bring to A Club meeting, you get one entry in the drawing. If the guest you bring joins the club,you will receive a bonus entry! There will be no meeting at the Golf Club on March 26th because of the Rotary District 5320 Conference that weekend which all members are urged to attend. Continued from page one Pitcher Dave Frost TustAna Rotary News The Tustin-Santa Ana Rotary Club Rotary International President Dong Kurn Lee 5320 District Governor Roger McGonegal 949-721-8511 E-mail: Tustin-Santa Ana Rotary 2008-2009 Club Officers President Priscilla Cottone 949-679-1636 [email protected] President-Elect Gerry Aust 714-544-7709 [email protected] Secretary/Membership Ali Danta 714-838-7800 [email protected] As he began working with these people he sensed the worthiness of what he was doing and found the work very gratifying personally, and was happy to be doing it. Dave continues to work in the mental health service industry as a mental health counselor. Baseball is a strenuous sport not only from the heavy daily game schedule during the season but also from injuries. Dave said he had knee surgery, back surgery, extremity injuries, muscle strains...every kind short of brain surgery! In one of early appearances with the Dodgers he hit a ball beyond 3rd base. It should have been a safe double, but he was all psyched up and didn’t even slow down at second. Half way to third his energy failed, he slowed down and slid face first into third, a sorry but funny sight. The third base man laughed so hard he dropped the ball. Treasurer Roger Carlson 714-838-8090 [email protected] BOARD OF DIRECTORS Club Service Garry Heath 949-305-6600 [email protected] Community Service Jill Spencer 714-834-1315 Ex 201 [email protected] Fundraising Erin Kociela 714-675-0332 erinkociela@firstteam.com Immediate Past President Wayne Olmsted 714-744-1031 [email protected] International Service Martin Mosier 714-505-1734 [email protected] Rotary International Foundation Alice LeDoux 714-637-4116 alledoux@aol,com Vocational Service Mark Eliot 714-730-7339 [email protected] Executive Secretary Rose Mary Kovacs 714-539-0251 [email protected] 2
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