February 2015 Commodore`s Message
February 2015 Commodore`s Message
February 2015 Dedicated to bringing ENJOYMENT to all aspects of boating. Commodore’s Message – February 2015 At our last general meeting, club member Ted Cant gave a presentation regarding marine surveys and insurance. Thanks Ted, very interesting and informative. Our next general meeting will have Lionel Botting doing a hand on knot tying session and an information packet regard DSC radios. Once again Ocean Pacific will be having their annual boat show. This year it is on April 11 th, from 8 am to 4 pm. and the club has been invited to attend. Like last year, we will be looking for volunteers to team the table in two hour shifts. There will be a sign up sheet at the upcoming general meeting. Anyone interested but unable to attend the meeting let me know and I will put your name on the list. The club executive has made the decision to set May 8/9/10, 2015 as the Gorge Harbour weekend. After discussions and a number of factors these dates fit the best. Some reasons are the access to the Gazebo for the roast beef/pot luck dinner, a number of club boat/crews are getting booked for other dates and some of the problems with not being able to tie up in the same general area. I encourage all to plan to attend. Also, Gorge Harbour Resort has said that their facilities (dining room/pool/etc) will be in operation. The club executive is always looking for ideas on presentations. Give it some thought, if you have something, let a club executive know. Respectfully Dan 1 2 Photos of the Club’s Summer Cruise around Quadra Island …from Wade Major 3 Club Members Dona and Leo Lambert Once there was a young couple, that lived in Alberta, took up sailing using a Sun Fish to learn on. They needed a bigger boat, so they moved up to a Sea Spray catamaran that lasted until kids came into their lives. After a few years we got back into boating and found a Macgregor 26D. We used this boat as the cabin on the lake. Sailing on Lake Wabamun was fine until we took the Mac to the big waters. We sailed from Point Roberts down to Sucia Island and up to Nanaimo all in 2 weeks. We felt that the Mac was a great lake boat but we needed something bigger for the big water. Along came our Catalina 310, White Tara in 2003.We have had some moments that you could say was an experience that only some would want. One was we hit something in Porlier Pass that almost destroyed White Tara, another time was starting the engine, we filled the cabin with smoke, so much for the fan belt. Then going on a flotilla to the US Dona found water coming from the engine area, no problem we're a sail boat and don't need to use the engine much as it leaks when running. The next day we decided to return to Sidney, so now start the motor to see how much water will enter. What I should say we tried to start the motor, and found the starter failed, so much for water entering the boat when running the motor. We then started to sail back to Sidney and in the middle of Boundary Pass someone removed the wind from this area and we started to drift. What could we do, first thing was open a bottle of wine so we could think, then use the tender to motor back to Sidney as the current was with us. It only took 1 bottle of wine and 4 gal of gas. Later when we retired we moved to the island. We then had to find a closer location for White Tara, that’s when we move her to Campbell River and joined the club. We have enjoyed the experience of sailing with friends, and gaining experience from every ones tips and love of boating. by Dona Lambert 4 Gorge Harbour News May 8/9/10, 2015 The dates have been confirmed with Gorge Harbour for the CRYC 2015 Rendezvous. The [email protected] is the email address to reserve your moorage. Moorage rates are $1.00 a foot and power is free for this weekend. st May 1 is the traditional date for the pool/hot tub to open so that should be available. The restaurant will be open in the evenings and maybe lunch on the weekend. We have the gazebo booked for Saturday evening to hold the roast beef/pot luck dinner. Donations of wine for baskets for Marine Parks Forever will be accepted again. More information as to an itinerary will be available when plans have been finalized. At the January Meeting Ted Cant, owner of TEC Marine Surveying, and member of our club, gave an excellent presentation about boat inspections for insurance coverage. 5 For Your 2015 Calendar Please note that our monthly meetings at the F&W Clubhouse are at 7:00 pm on the third Wednesday of the month. Thursdays were unavailable. The driveway into the CRFW Clubhouse is located between the Canyon View Trail access at the logging bridge and the Elk Falls Provincial Campground. Pass the logging bridge and turn left at the Archery Club sign . Tuesday, March 3rd - Ladies’ Lunch – Moxies at 11:30 am. Wednesday, March 4th - Men’s Lunch – Boston Pizza.at 11:30 am. Wednesday, March 4th - Executive Mtg – 7:00 pm at the Silver residence. Wednesday, March 18th – General Meeting – 7:00 pm at CRFW Clubhouse. Lionel Botting will be leading a Knot Tying Practice Session and providing information about DSC radios. Friday-Sunday, May 8, 9 &10th, – Gorge Harbour Cruise – details in the Feb. Newsletter. Reminder: Please notify Wade Major if you have a change of address, e-mail or telephone so the club can keep our Membership List up to date. 6 CRYC Executive 2015 Commodore: Dan Swain Phone: 203-9100 email: [email protected] Vice Commodore: Bill Wheeler Phone: 923-6710 email: [email protected] Past Commodore: Dave Dakin Phone: 923-4618 email: [email protected] Secretary: Hugh Silver Phone: 287-8213 email: [email protected] Treasurer: Bill Williams Phone: 286-6651 email: [email protected] Membership &Reciprocals: Wade Major Phone: 923-5326 email: [email protected] Social: Anna Dakin Phone: 923-4618 email: [email protected] Social: Margaret Swain Phone: 203-9100 email: [email protected] Newsletter: Racing: Glen Chambers Wade Major Phone: 926-0173 Phone: 923-5326 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Racing: Bill Williams Phone: 286-6651 email: [email protected] Sunshine: Britt Lindstrom Phone: 923-0204 Men’s Lunch: Bengt Lindstrom Phone: 923-0204 Phoning list: Anna Dakin Phone: 923-4618 Margaret Swain Royeen Silver Phone: 203-9100 Phone: 287-8213 Carol Pennock Phone: 337-5318 Britt Lindstrom Phone: 923-0204 Clubhouse: Dan Swain Phone: 203-9100 CBCYC Representative: vacant 2014 CRYC Directors Volunteers/Committees Club membership dues: Family Membership $110.00 Offshore Family Membership $72.50 Single Membership $100.00 Offshore Single Membership $72.50 Dues include a $10.00 donation towards the Marine Parks Forever Society. We Support BC Marine Parks Forever http://marineparks.cbcyachtclubs.ca/ Web Site http://www.cryc.ca 7