ISE Research Group Interaction Systems Everywhere LoUISE


ISE Research Group Interaction Systems Everywhere LoUISE
ISE Research Group Interaction Systems Everywhere LoUISE Laboratory of User Interfaces and Software Engineering University of Cas/lla-­‐La Mancha Campus Universitario de Albacete SN (02071) Albacete, Spain Prof. Dr. Ricardo Tesoriero [[email protected]] Introduction • The ISE Research group is part of Laboratory of User Interfaces and SoPware Engineering (LoUISE) located at the Albacete Research Ins/tute of Informa/cs, in the Informa/on System Department of the University of Cas/lla-­‐La Mancha in Albacete, Spain. Staff • Directors • Prof. Dr. María Dolores Lozano Pérez University of Cas/lla-­‐La Mancha [[email protected]] • Prof. Dr. José Antonio Gallud Lázaro Miguel Hernández University [[email protected]] • Researchers • Prof. Dr. Víctor Manuel Ruiz Penichet University of Cas/lla-­‐La Mancha [[email protected]] • Prof. Dr. Ricardo Tesoriero University of Cas/lla-­‐La Mancha [[email protected]] • Technology transference • PhD. Dr. Habib Moussa Fardoun University of Cas/lla-­‐La Mancha [[email protected]] • Gabriel Sebas/án Rivera University of Cas/lla-­‐La Mancha [gabriel.sebas/[email protected]] • PhD Students • • • • • Pedro González Villanueva Juan Enrique Garrido Gabriel Sebas/án Rivera María Elena de la Guía Cantero Féliz Albertos Marco • Developer • Antonio Hernández Cervantes Research lines 1. The defini/on and specifica/on of novel interac/on metaphors, techniques and mechanisms applied to context-­‐
aware collabora/ve systems. 2. The development and evalua/on of context-­‐aware collabora/ve systems using model-­‐based approaches. 3. The development and evalua/on of distributed user interfaces using coupled display interac/on. Technological experience • Hardware & SoPware architectures • Web, Desktop and Mobile technologies • MicrosoP .NET • Java • Flash • Interac/on mechanisms • Ac/ve and Passive RFID technology • IR Cameras (recently) • Development perspec/ve • Methodologies and processes • Development of programming environments based on Eclipse frameworks (EMF, GMF, etc.) • Modelling languages UML, MOF and OCL languages • Domain Specific Languages • Transforma/on languages ATL, MOFScript Technology Transference • ISE Research group is involved in • 2 Na/onal Projects • 3 Regional Research projects • We’re looking for partners to submit European Projects Contact technology transfer division Current activities • MTW Master on Web Technologies • Director • Prof. Dr. María Dolores Lozano Pétez • Secretaries • Prof. Dr. Víctor Manuel Ruiz Penichet • Prof. Dr. Ricardo Tesoriero • Coordina/on • Susana Rubio Jiménez [[email protected]] • MicrosoP Dynamics course (2011) • Organiza/on of Distributed User Interfaces Workshop on CHI Conference • Deadline February 1st , 2011 Projects 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Wireless Smart Museum Guides (2007) Interac/ve Eco panels (2008) Robo/c Context Aware (2008) Geo-­‐referenced documents (2009) Co-­‐interac/ve Table (2009) Service crea/on on mobile phones using natural language Wallshare (2010) Context Adapta/ve Informa/on Manager CAIM (2010) Mul/-­‐touch table (handmade) Video 1, Video 2, Video 3. (2010) Wireless Smart Museum Guides • Provide MCA museum visitors with an electronic guide. Video Location-­‐aware Wireless Smart Museum Guides • Provide MCA museum visitors with a loca/on-­‐aware electronic guide. • Using RFID technology • Passive (fine-­‐grained loca/on) • Ac/ve (coarse-­‐grained) Interactive ECO Panel Touristic Information • Proposes a new solu/on that combines social soPware with context awareness to improve the users’ interac/on in public spaces • Provide touris/c informa/on for visitors Video (TV interview) 2nd place Microso6 Imagine Cup (Spanish finals) -­‐ 2008 Robotic Context Aware Propose a tracking indoor system based on passive RFID technology that is able to accurately locate autonomous en//es, such as robots, people, etc. within a defined surface Video Geo-­‐referenced documents Maps + RFID Geo-­‐referenced documents Co-­‐Interactive Table • client-­‐server system designed to facilitate collabora/ve tasks in any kind of mee/ng such as sharing informa/on and files among the par/cipants using simple, natural and intui/ve gestures. Video Service creation on Mobile Phones using natural language • Addresses the problems arising when designing interfaces for service crea/on and consump/on on mobile devices, taking into account different aspects as those concerning the reduced screen size of those devices. Video WallShare • WallShare is a collabora/on plakorm that implements the concept of distributed UIs controlled by portable devices WallShare distributed scenario Selec/ng a Photo Video Add a Posit Multi-­‐touch table • Handmade mul/-­‐touch table Video 1, Video 2, Video 3 Multi-­‐touch table Thank you very much for your time! • Ques/ons? • Comments? • Any further informa/on?