Reception information meeting 2015


Reception information meeting 2015
RECEPTION 2015-­‐2016 Welcome Sarah Turner -­‐ Execu(ve Headteacher Laura Taylor -­‐ Head of School Vaneeta Nair -­‐ Assistant Headteacher/ Early Years Lead Tanya McDonald -­‐ Teacher and Achievement Leader Karolina Brewczynska -­‐ Teacher Alexia Hilas -­‐ Teacher Fatma Kirik -­‐ Teacher Claire Johnas -­‐ Teacher Sibel Emin -­‐ Parent Support Advisor Welcome §  Hazelbury Learning Community strives to ensure all members achieve success in every aspect of school life whilst learning how to care about one another. We aim to ins(ll a love of learning, encourage a sense of responsibility and teach them respect, both for themselves and for others. §  We can provide a wonderful start to your child’s educa(on through our LiIle Berries Nursery facility, which provides for children from 4 months to 4 years and is inclusive of Daycare, Terrific Twos and two sessional Nursery classes. Further to this, the federa(on then provides a seamless journey from Recep(on through to Year Six, with five-­‐form entry into each year group. §  You can access more informa(on about the school at www.hazelbury-­‐
learning-­‐ Early Years FoundaQon Stage The Founda(on Stage is inclusive of sessional Nursery known as LiIle Berries and Recep(on. Areas of learning and development There are seven areas of learning and development in the Early Years which are all important and are all inter-­‐connected. Three areas are par(cularly crucial for igni(ng children's curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. These three areas, the prime areas, are: • communica(on and language; • physical development; • personal, social and emo(onal development. There are also four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are: • literacy; • mathema(cs; • understanding the world; • expressive arts and design. The Development MaIers document can help prac((oners support children’s learning and provides guidance on suppor(ng each child’s individual development pathway. Assessment
Look@Me is an Early Years Founda(on Stage (EYFS) profile building tool that the school uses to collect evidence, assess, track and log each pupils progress and profile in accordance with the Department of Educa(on’s standard assessment criteria Snap It! •  Evidence is collected using an iPad or iPod •  Make a comment •  Assess against the Development MaIers document • 
Store It! Log in later via the web to add/ amend comments, assess or produce reports Share It! Parents/ carers can securely log in from home, browse, view & print copies of evidence items AYendance §  Coming to school every day is very important. At Hazelbury Learning Community, we want all children to achieve their full poten(al. AIendance at school plays a major part in pupils achieving their best. It is important that young children know, from a very young age, the importance of educa(on and aIendance at school. §  If your child is absent for any reason, please phone the school on the first day of absence to let us know. In the case of sickness or diarrhoea, the child must be kept off school for 48 hours once this has stopped. !
EducaQonal Visits!
These are part of the school’s provision. During the year, we take children out of the school on visits to enhance their learning and extend their experiences. We do not require permission when taking children out of school during school hours; however, for educa(onal visits further afield or that extend past the normal school day, we will send you a form for you to return giving your permission. School Uniform RecepQon to Year 5 §  Grey sweatshirt or cardigan §  Plain white polo shirt Please label each §  Black trousers or skirt item of clothing §  Plain black shoes or trainers with your child’s §  Black shorts in warmer weather name §  Purple checked summer dress §  Jewellery should not be worn apart from small stud earrings Trousers, shorts, skirts, purple summer dresses, black tracksuit boIoms and shorts for PE can be bought from several local supermarkets including Asda, Tesco and Sainsbury’s. Lyons school shop, Her[ord Road, Enfield Price lists are available Reminders § Bed(me § Dressing § Feeding § Toilet § Spare clothes § Adults collec(ng your child !
CommunicaQon We send home regular newsleIers as well as leIers rela(ng to par(cular ac(vi(es when appropriate. You may also be contacted with various reminders via text message and you can find up to date informa(on about the school as well as copies of any leIers sent out on our website. In addi(on, occasionally it may be necessary for us to call you, so please ensure that the contact details we hold for you are up to date School day §  Sob Start from 8:45am §  Breakfast §  Guided Reading §  Maths §  Outdoor area §  Fruit and milk §  Read Write Inc. §  Lunch at 11:30-­‐12:30 §  HLP §  Development MaIers Admissions
ü Mee(ng with Parents ü Informa(on about start dates, classes, class teachers and other documenta(on will be sent out in July ü School Visit for new parents to the school week beginning 7th September Week 1 14.9.15 Week 2 21.9.15 Week 3 28.9.15 Part (me 8:45-­‐11:30 Part (me 8:45-­‐12:45 Stay for lunch Full (me 8:45-­‐3:15 Enquiries At Hazelbury Learning Community, we try our best to sort out any queries that are shared with us. If you have any concerns or need to share informa(on regarding your child, please make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher at a (me that is mutually convenient. Alterna(vely, if you are unsure who you need to speak to, ask a member of the office team and they will organise a mee(ng with the correct party. Copies of school policies are available on our website.