Issue 2 - Dingley Primary School
Issue 2 - Dingley Primary School
Newsletter Term 2 22nd April, 2016 Centre Dandenong Road Dingley Village 3172 Ph: (03) 9551 3555 Fax: (03) 9551 7445 E: [email protected] [email protected] 2016 Term Dates From the Principal……….. What a busy week we have had! Dr Seuss day Monday, Level 4 excursion to Marysville Tuesday, Cross Country Thursday. We have had a focus on literature, natural disasters and history, Anzac Ceremony and sport. Wow! Dr Seuss Day The school was a sea of red on Monday with a huge number of Cats in Hats, Things and anything else connected to Dr Seuss. What a wonderful response from all of our students and families to this special day. Congratula'ons to the students who were awarded a $10 voucher to the next Book Club. For their best dressed award. Well done to Rosanne O’Neill, our English team Leader and her team for the Term 2 Starts Mon 11th Apr Ends Fri 24th June Term 3 Starts Mon 11thJul Ends Fri 16h Sept Term 4 starts Mon 3 Oct Ends Tue 20 Dec organisa'on of the event. Items this week From the Principal Calendar Prep 2017 Informaon Night An informa'on night will be conducted on Tuesday 3rd May, 7.00 pm for parents of students eligible to start school in 2017. I along with our current Prep teachers and others will present informa'on regarding next year’s Prep intact. If you have a child eligible to start school in 2017 please a7end the evening on the 3rd or request an enrolment form. We have already received a large quan'ty of enrolments for 2017. Your child, as a sibling, has an automa'c placement but you s'll need to submit the enrolment form as soon as possible. The earlier I know our prospec've numbers the earlier I can organise staffing and addi'onal classrooms. Pupil Free Day Dingley Primary School’s Purpose: To provide a values based learning environment that develops educated and socially competent lifelong learners, capable of achieving success in a global society. Every year we allocate one of our four Pupil Free Days to a report wri'ng day for our staff. School Council has approved a Pupil Free day for Friday 27th May. Children will not a7end school on this day. Out of School Care will operate on this day if they receive enough enrolments. If you require Out of School Care for this day please contact Kingston council on 9581 4846. Council Corner This year we are including a new component to our newsle7er, Council Corner. Our School Council President, Geoff Davey, will provide a summary of the monthly School Council mee'ng for our community . This will occur on the 3rd Friday of each month and is a way for Council to inform our community of what is happening at a Council level. Today’s ini'al Council Corner can be found on page 3 of the newsle7er. From the Principal connued……….. Working Bee The Term 2 Working Bee has been scheduled for Saturday 7th May. A flyer will be sent home in the yellow folder next Tuesday. Our Buildings and Grounds Commi7ee have a number of jobs that need to be completed and appreciate your assistance. Gaye Peel Principal Dr Seuss Collage Council o r n e r Welcome to the first instalment of Council Corner for the year. This will be a regular forum for School Council to report on the latest news, developments or proceedings arising from Council business. On Tuesday night we hosted a training session aimed at providing Councillors from a network of local schools (including ours) with the necessary tools and informa'on to carry out our roles in the most appropriate and effec've manner. This was a welcome opportunity for our new and more experienced members alike to refresh our knowledge of the Department of Educa'on and Training guidelines that we operate under and to learn from others as to how their schools operate. Over the last few years there has been a lot of hard work to get the school into the physical shape it is in now and the journey does not stop here. We have iden'fied some projects that we would like to complete this year and to assist the Parents Associa'on in the incredibly difficult task of fundraising, we have established a new subcommi7ee that will a7empt to secure as many grants or dona'ons as possible. Our intended major project is the construc'on of an undercover ea'ng area to be installed at the front of the canteen. Council would be very interested to hear from anyone who could assist in the design of this area or if there are other items you think need priori'sing. Inves'ga'on is also underway into the feasibility (cost) of installing air-condi'oning into the gymnasium. I will report back as to how this unfolds in the coming weeks. The role of School Council is to represent the interests of the en're school community and to this end all Councillors are approachable and invite discussion with you on any area that you think needs addressing. We welcome the input of ideas and feedback and look forward to engaging with you all for the dura'on of the year. 2016 School Councillors Again please don’t hesitate to see any of the teacher or parent representa'ves on School Council if you have anything that you feel needs a7en'on. If it is not an appropriate issue to be brought forward to Council it will be directed to the most appropriate person. If in doubt please use the open door policy that is employed by our Principal, Gaye Peel. Council would also like to remind the rest of our school community that our mee'ngs are open to a7end if you wish and we encourage a7endance from any of you who are interested. If you could alert the office of your inten'on to a7end it would be appreciated. Geoff Davey President Parents Geoff Davey Vanessa Fleming-Baillie Emiliano Scuderi Jammi Wong Helen Jeges Tom Madill Michelle O’Sullivan Francis Rault Community Rebecca Khampha Anne McAllister Staff Gaye Peel Julie Williams Michelle Pollard Jake Simon Michelle Flinos RESPONSIBILITY Louis Fauvette PD Helena Orphanidis 1/2C Millicent Payet PC EMPATHY Dallas Burgess PB Adam Kersey-Mason PD Mia Marino PA Helena Orphanidis 1/2C Elisa Lay PA Lucas Cecchini PA Ryan Kha 1/2E Cameron Wilkinson PA RESPECT Christopher Karis 1/2C x2 Ben Lorencak 1/2C x2 Beau Coltzau 1/2A x2 Ricky Bui 1/2C Jacob Kevorkian 3/4B Jonah Flinos 3/4B Matilda Gathercole PA Cameron Wilkinson PB Jake Finkelde PA Poppy Davey 3/4D Travis Hayes 3/4A Luca Fidanza 5/6B Dallas Burgess PB Max Gorovoy PC HONESTY Billy Balfour PA Bella Knox 1/2E x2 Cindy Le 3/4C Max Lorencak 3/4D Eva Jannoun 1/2C Aidan Lay 3/4E Lexi Firth PB Alana Killi PB Sarah Din 1/2E Raksha Kumara 1/2A Ben Lorencak 1/2C Christopher Karis 1/2C Ricky Bui 1/2C Beau Coltzau 1/2A Amber Roberts PB William Hua PB PERSISTENCE RESILIENCE WINNER OF THE WEEK WINNER OF THE WEEK Akein Edirisinghe 1/2D Brendon NGO 3/4E TERM 2, 2016 CANTEEN ROSTER Healthy Hideout APRIL 25th-29th MAY 2nd-6th Monday 25th ANZAC DAY Monday 2nd Michele Perdreau Tuesday 26th No Help Required Tuesday 3rd No Help Required Wednesday 27th Andrea Finn Wednesday 4th Maxine St John Thursday 28th Karen Mitchell Thursday 5th Milena Raicevic Friday 29th Pinky Sonia Davies Friday 6th Beth Lea Pinky NOW AVAILABLE Steamed Dim Sim $1.00 COMMUNITY NEWS & NOTICES TERM 2 APRIL / MAY 2016 Mon 25 Tue Wed 27 26 Thu 28 Fri Sat Sun 29 30 1 6 7 8 14 15 Buddies No School Life Ed Life Ed Level 1-3 2 3 Life Ed Life Ed 4 5 Mothers Day Breakfast Japanese Day Prep Info Night 7.00pm 9 10 NAPLAN Assembly 2.45-3.30pm 11 12 NAPLAN NAPLAN Bendigo Bank winner this week. Bianca Yilmaz 1/2B 13 Information sent home this week • • • • Premier’s Reading Challenge Craft Power Incursion (Preps) Special Religious Instruction Mothers Day Breakfast DISCLAIMER The organisations advertised in this Newsletter are not affiliated with and have no relationship with Dingley Primary School. The publishing of these advertisements does not imply endorsement or recommendation of these products or services by the school.