Press and Promotional Kit - Catholic`s DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide


Press and Promotional Kit - Catholic`s DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide
Press and Promotional Kit
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The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide.
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Landmark new DVD program for Catholics
The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide
Top Catholic personalities bring hope, healing, wisdom and even wit to those who are separated or
divorced. Professionally produced 12-show DVD series maybe used as a 12-week Parish or Personal
program for finding the Peace, Power, and Passion that may have been lost in divorce. The program also
includes a Participant Guide for the small-group members, a comprehensive Leader Guide, on-site leader
training events and webinars, a full-access website with sample video clips of the shows, information,
and downloads. Also included is a zip-code searchable “Find a Group” section for those who are looking
for the program in their area.
Popular Catholic author and frequent media guest Rose Sweet has written and produced a powerful
series featuring divorced Catholic men and women who share their inspiring, true stories. Unlike any
other program, the series—distributed by Ascension Press—also includes the counsel of some of the
brightest and best in Catholic media:
Dr. Ray Guarendi – Catholic psychologist, host of “The Doctor is In” Ave Maria Radio; EWTN TV show
host “Living Right with Dr. Ray”
Father Mitch Pacwa – EWTN television host, author and a child of divorce
Father Donald Calloway – Author, speaker, and a child of divorce
Christopher West – Theologian, author, speaker on Theology of the Body
Father Steve Porter – Seasoned spiritual director and host of Catholic TV’s “Divine Intervention”
Too many people stay stuck in their pain and don’t know how to find their way “home” after the
breakdown of the marriage. The program was created to move the divorce or separated Catholic past
the pain of divorce so they can find the Love that truly satisfies in the Sacraments: intimate encounters
with the Love that never leaves, never fails. Topics included in the series include shock, denial, fear,
anger, depression, loneliness, financial issues, battles in court, custody and visitation, annulment, dating
again, marriage, sex, chastity ,and singleness.
Program Consultant 1-800-376-0520
Event Manager: Tara Cabral 1-317-603-6199 [email protected]
CDSG Website:
About the Author/ Producer
Rose Sweet is an author, media producer, and
popular speaker who brings her wit and wisdom to
Catholic conferences. Rose is about relationships,
helping readers to put Catholic moral principles into
real-life practice. “Every problem we have with
others comes for our not remembering the Love we
already have.” She incorporates Theology of the
Body principles into all of her topics and is faithful to
the teaching Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
She’s been a guest on national radio and television
programs and her books (below) have been
translated into several languages:
Healing the Heartbreak of Divorce – A Woman’s Guide
Healing the Divorce Heart – A Devotional
How to Understand and Petition for Your Decree of Nullity – St. Benedict Press
Rebuilding AFTER DIVORCE – How to Turn Your House Back Into a Home – St.
Benedict Press
Dear God, Send Me a Soul Mate
How to be First in a Second Marriage
Personality PLUS at Work
Freedom: Twelve Lives Transformed by Theology of the Body (contributor)
Rose has served the following capacities in her diocese and in other Catholic parishes
across the country:
Facilitator of Divorce Recovery Groups
Lay advocate with San Bernardino Diocesan Marriage Tribunal (annulments)
Pre-Cana Weekend Leader
RCIA Teaching Team Member
Director, Catholic Singles Ministries
Catechist – Elementary and high school levels
Rose is a member of the National Association of Catholic Evangelists and has produced a
DVD series for Catholic divorce recovery, “The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide”,
featuring Father Mitch Pacwa, Father Donald Calloway, Christopher West, Dr. Ray
Guarendi and more.
She also serves as a lay advocate with the tribunal in the Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
where she helps divorced Catholic men and women petition for a Decree of Nullity
Recent Radio Guest Spots
Catholic Answers Live with Patrick Coffin
The Sonrise Morning Show with Brian Patrick
The Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo
Kresta in the Afternoon with Al Kresta
The Drew Mariani Show – Relevant Radio
Busted Halo Show – with Father Dave Dwyer – Sirius XM Radio
Wake up Baton Rouge
The Catholics Next Door – The Catholic Channel
Greg and Julie Alexander
Recent TV Guest Spots
“Living Right with Dr. Ray” – EWTN Alabama
“Insight” - Miracle Channel – Canada
“Women of Grace” – EWTN with Johnette Benkovic
Rose also writes for Catholic, non-Catholic and secular periodicals alike, offering the truths
about healing the broken heart that spans every culture and community.
For more information go to:
To order go to: (Study Programs)
The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide
PARISH Product Includes:
 Twelve (12) thirty minute professional produced DVDs (shows) in plastic case
 LEADER GUIDE, including master forms for
Student Registration Form
Group Etiquette Form
Group Confidentiality Agreement
How to set up, promote and run the parish group
How to handle common problems that arise
 PERSONAL GUIDES – for group participants (more can be reordered)
Lists all 12 shows’ “Survival Points” and “Take Home Tips” (96 total)
Includes journaling areas
 Full Access to the CDSG Website
Information and Registration for national and regional events
Links to wide array of divorce related products
Free annulment and other information
 Ongoing email support with sample parish flyers etc.
 Welcome folder with hard copies of forms
 How to sign up for FACEBOOK “Leader Page” (private forum for group leaders only)
For order info go to:
Special Notes to Remember:
 All content and materials are faithful to the Catholic teaching.
 Experts on the series include Catholic psychologists, theologians, and spiritual
 Cost is usually fully recouped after running the group and charging participants
modest fees
Part 1 - Finding Perfect PEACE
Recovery requires mental and emotional stabilization before action. Too often the
divorced person wants to run from the pain either by withdrawing from or attacking life,
allowing their emotions to take charge. These first four sessions point to Christ—the
perfect Peace that surpasses all understanding—as the first place to begin a new life after
Session 1 - Getting Your Bearings
Covers initial shock or areas in which the viewer may still be in denial, how worry
and fear may be overwhelming and how God can bring full healing.
Session 2 - Finding Right Direction
Reminds the viewer to avoid looking for love “in all the wrong places”, how to find
help in the church, and how to begin making a specific “survival plan”.
Session 3 – Getting Through Your Anger
Replaces the popular concept of “managing” anger to going deeper to the root
causes, and showing how and when anger is not necessarily a sin and can actually
be helpful.
Session 4 – Finding Perfect Peace
Points to a conscious union of the cross of divorce with Christ on His Cross as a
way to perfect peace, including handling the normal feelings of isolation and
Part 2 - Finding Perfect POWER
Most divorced people feel powerless at the loss of a spouse, their identity, family and
friends, possessions, security, and dreams. Family court can also be a place where people
battle for power. But our Catholic faith teaches that true power is interior: in the
counter-cultural concepts of humility, acceptance, suffering and forgiveness. Easy to say
. . . hard to do! That’s’ where grace comes in.
Session 5 – Learning to Forgive
Helps the viewer understand the difference between emotions and will,
forgiveness and trust, and to choose forgiveness as the right response to the
injustices of divorce.
Session 6 – Dealing with your Family
Explores the common problems of being in emotional bondage to the ex-spouse,
the pitfalls of parents using their children as personal lifesavers, and how to begin
to depend totally on Christ above all others.
Session 7 – Handling Money Wisely
Offers practical advice on reorienting the way divorced people view money (and
the loss of it), how to live on a budget and how to grow in generosity.
Session 8 - Finding Perfect Power
Gives insights into knowing when and when not to go to court and how to be
generous with money and time, especially in sharing custody and granting
visitation time with the other parent.
Part 3 - Finding Perfect PASSION
When divorced people are feeling better, they’ll usually be anxious to find new love. But
most people make “false gods” out of relationships that in some sense will ultimately fail
them. These last shows introduce the powerful principles founding Pope John Paul II’s
“Theology of the Body”, including the spousal analogy with Christ as the Bridegroom, the
personal encounter with Christ in the sacraments, and the intimate union with Him
found only in the Eucharist.
Session 9 - Seeing God in Romance
Introduces how romantic relationships are only meant to mirror the more
profound “courtship” and eternal marriage of Christ the Bridegroom with every
human soul, and how our culture lies about that Love.
Session 10 – Relearning How to Date
Advises the viewer to reconcile the broken marriage if possible and to seek an
annulment if not, giving practical advice on the right way to seek a new spouse or
choosing to stay single.
Session 11 – Loving All Church Teachings
Challenges the viewer to open their mind to deeper truths found in the Catholic
Church, to seek the gifts she offers (especially in Confession), and to desire
holiness as a way of life.
Session 12 - Finding Perfect Passion
Encourages the viewer to think past the divorce and more about the eternal
picture, to know and love more about Jesus, and to say “Yes!” in letting Him to
feed the hungry heart in the Eucharist.
To view the sample videos and order the Kit go to
Sample Bulletin Ads
DIVORCED? The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide 12-week group begins (date) at (time) in the (room) in
the parish hall (or other location). Cost of ($) per person includes a “Personal Survival Guide”, refreshments
and all materials for 12 weeks. Find comfort and counsel consistent with Catholic teachings. Sorry, no child
care available. Call (name) at (phone no.) or go to (parish web page).
Is anyone in YOUR family DIVORCED? There’s NO SUCH THING AS CATHOLIC DIVORCE . . . but Catholics DO
civilly divorce. Please give someone a copy of this bulletin or invite them to The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL
Guide 12-week group which begins (date) at (time) in the (room) in the parish hall (or other location). Cost
of ($) per person includes a “Personal Survival Guide”, refreshments and all materials for 12 weeks. Find
comfort and counsel consistent with Catholic teachings. Sorry, no child care available. Call (name) at (phone
no.) or go to (parish web page).
NEW! Catholic’s DIVORCE HEALING Program - (Parish Name) is pleased to announce the beginning of an
exciting, new DVD ministry to men and women who have suffered from divorce: The Catholic’s DIVORCE
SURVIVAL Guide. The 12-week program features 30-minute DVD shows each week that cover topics of
shock, denial, anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness, money, the courts, the kids, the ex-spouse, annulment, dating,
sexuality, spirituality, remarriage or staying single, and much more. Whether you got divorced ten days ago
or ten years ago, the program offers valuable insight for everyone.
(optional – the following paragraphs can be added to expand any of the ads)
Experts in the series include some of the best and brightest teachers, counselors, and authors in Catholic
media: Rose Sweet (series producer and author of Healing the Divorced Heart), Dr. Ray Guarendi
(Catholic psychologist, author and EWTN talk show host), Fr. Mitch Pacwa (EWTN host and a child of
divorce), Fr. Donald Calloway (Catholic priest, popular speaker and child of divorce), Christopher West
(theologian and teacher of Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body), and Fr. Steve Porter, a Catholic
priest and seasoned spiritual director. The DVD series also includes Catholic men and women who
share their gut-wrenching but inspiring stories of divorce and recovery. You’ll cry, laugh and be
encouraged. PLEASE JOIN US.
For more information about The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide go to
Do you know anyone who is separated or divorced
and needs support? The details and location of our
12-week parish program (The Catholic’s DIVORCE
SURVIVAL Guide) is listed on the website at under the FIND A
GROUP menu tab. Please let someone know. The
Church is here to help!
Sample News Articles
Finally! A Survival Guide for DIVORCED Catholics
Imagine being so depressed that you miss work and don’t get out of bed for three
days, don’t answer the phone, and ignore your family and friends. You barely eat, don’t
shower or brush your teeth, and your house begins to smell like greasy hair, sweaty
sheets, and piled up garbage. It’s not a pretty picture.
But that’s exactly what happened to author Rose Sweet after her divorce. “I’m
normally an upbeat person, but divorce devastated me. I lost myself. I lost my will to live.
I wallowed in my misery like a big, fat pig in a deep, muddy pit.” Today, Rose shares her
story of God’s faithfulness, His forgiveness, and her recovering from divorce at retreats
and conferences around the country. “I’ve been there. I know the shame and the pain.
But I also know how rich God’s mercy is and that’s the good news I want to share with
divorced Catholics.”
Rose has authored several books on divorce including A Woman’s Guide to Healing
the Heartbreak of Divorce and Healing the Divorced Heart- A Devotional. Rose recently
partnered with Catholic publisher Ascension Press to release The Catholic’s DIVORCE
SURVIVAL Guide, a professionally produced 12-DVD series that can be used as a 12-week
parish program or purchased for personal use. In the DVD shows Rose has brought
together some of Catholic media’s top personalities, including Dr. Ray Guarendi, Catholic
psychologist and popular talk show host of “The Doctor is In” on Ave Maria radio. Other
experts in the series are Father Mitch Pacwa of EWTN and Father Donald Calloway (both
children of divorced parents), and Christopher West who shares principles of authentic
love found in Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. Rose’s message to those who
view the DVD shows is, “If you are separated or divorced, there’s hope and healing
through the Church. Don’t give up. Don’t leave. We need you. We love you.”
319 words
BIO: Rose Sweet is a Catholic author, speaker and creator of The Catholic’s DIVORCE
SURVIVAL Guide. She offers a day of training for those who want to facilitate the program
in their parish or diocese. To bring Rose to your region, contact Ascension Press at 317603-6199.
Ascension Press website:
Rose website :
CDSG website:
Is There Really Such Thing as Catholic Divorce?
By Rose Sweet
Is there such a thing as Catholic divorce? I have the answer . . . but before I tell you,
let me first pose another question:
Is a hot-fudge-sundae HOT or COLD?
Did you answer “Both”? Then you’re correct. We often struggle with the reality
that life isn’t always simply one or the other—which would make things a lot easier to
understand—but both at the same time. So the answer to the Catholic divorce question
is also BOTH: there is no such thing as Catholic Divorce . . . but Catholics do civilly divorce.
When a Catholic divorces civilly, make no mistake about it: there’s a real divorce, a
tearing apart of a marriage and family, and a rip in the fabric of the whole human family.
There is great loss, pain and suffering, and every divorced or separated Catholic needs
our love, support, and understanding. Not our judgment and finger-wagging.
But the other reality is that from the dimension of a sacrament, the marriage bond
may be truly valid, and that can never be broken. However, sometimes a marriage is
missing a vital component so that it could never rise to the level of a sacrament. No one is
in a position to judge this—not even the couple—without a thorough investigation into
the courtship and wedding by the Church tribunal. It can be a very healing process
regardless of the outcome. We address this in the new DVD series, The Catholic’s
DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide. The series is a parish program that reminds the divorced
Catholic that it’s the hot flame of God’s love that can melt the icy pain of divorce.
276 words
Rose Sweet is a Catholic author, speaker and creator of The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL
Guide. She offers a day of training for those who want to facilitate the program in their
parish or diocese. To bring Rose to your region, contact Ascension Press at 317-6036199.
Ascension Press website:
Rose website :
CDSG website:
Don’t hate me because I’m a DIVORCED Catholic!
Alternate title
Divorce: Bad News and Good News
By Rose Sweet
The bad news? I’m a Catholic woman who’s been civilly divorced. Those unions
(yes, more than one!) have been thoroughly investigated by the Church tribunal and
found to have been invalid from the start. Why? The Church says that I only “attempted”
marriage, and she was right. I didn’t really know what I was doing or why I was doing it.
In many grave ways, I failed miserably and caused a lot of pain to myself and others.
Sadly, I’m not alone. But God has been gracious to bring me through my own past
sinfulness and open the door for me to bring His truth and light to the separated,
divorced, and remarried Catholics for the last several decades. Church teachings on these
issues are rich in truth and mercy; I grieve that so many Catholics have left the Church—
the Eucharist!—because of misunderstandings about their divorce. Divorced Catholics
can be mercilessly shamed, criticized, and condemned, and do you know who the worst
attackers can be? Other Catholics. I know the accusers are trying to uphold the
permanence of marriage and do not want to accept any watered-down version of their
faith. That’s good! But no one knows what really happened when two people stood at the
altar and said I do. Not unless a thorough investigation is made in the annulment
process. Divorced Catholics need someone to lovingly lead them to the Truth. Someone
to hold their hand, not wag their fingers in their face. After all . . . David was an adulterer
and murderer; Mary Magdalene was a huge sinner; Peter denied Jesus three times, and
St. Augustine shacked up with his lover and their child. Sinners? No question. Able to be
redeemed and become saints? Yes! There is hope—and abundant mercy—for Catholics
who have failed in their marriages or in any way. And that's the Good News.
314 words
Rose Sweet is a Catholic author, speaker and creator of The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL
Guide. She offers a day of training for those who want to facilitate the program in their
parish or diocese. To bring Rose to your region, contact Ascension Press at 317-6036199.
Ascension Press website:
Rose website : CDSG website:
DVD Cover
Parish KIT Leader Guide
Not part of the Parish Kit, BUT two New Books
Order at - Search by author “Sweet”