Cedarlands Conservation Easement
Cedarlands Conservation Easement
Cedarlands Conservation Easement Rock Pond Mtn Grampus Lake Mtn. Mud Pond Mtn. McRorie Lake Sargent Ponds Wild Forest Public access beyond this point is only alllowed Aug. 23 - June 23 gate lean-to parking water access ¥ Hiking Trail access road State Land Wild Forest Area Wilderness Area Cedarlands Easement Lands Public access allowed all year Public access allowed Aug. 23 to June 23 No public access except for marked routes 20 foot contour interval 0 0.25 0.5 Miles 1 Mud Pond Public motor vehicle use is not allowed past the parking area Gravel Pit Big Brook le Rd 6/20/13 campsite Kickervil USGS 7.5 minute Quadrangles Kempshall Mtn. To NY Rt 30 and Long Lake Long Lake High Peaks Wilderness The public may not use the lean-to on Big Brook. This map has been compiled from many sources, and verified wherever possible, by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The Department makes no warranty as to the accuracy of this map and holds no liability for use of this map for any purpose. This map is intended to provide a generalized overview of recreational opportunities. This is not a trail map or land use map. Please obtain - and know how to use - topographic maps, compass, and a GPS device (optional) for navigational purposes. This map may be distributed for free, but must include this disclaimer.