Needler February 2013 - Ponderosa Community Club
Needler February 2013 - Ponderosa Community Club
PONDEROSA COMMUNITY CLUB NEWSLETTER February 2013 The Ponderosa Community Club’s mission is to create and maintain a safe and welcoming community which enhances recreational and residential living through active membership participation, visionary leadership, and commitment to sustainability and harmony with the natural environment. PONDEROSA COMMUNITY CLUB 21100 CAYUSE LEAVENWORTH WA 98826-9723 PINE NEEDLER Presorted Standard US Postage Paid Permit #28 February 2013 1 SOME MAKE IT HAPPEN, SOME WATCH IT HAPPEN SOME WONDER WHAT HAPPENED By Tim Olson This PINE NEEDLER has several articles of immediate as well as far reaching importance to you as a property owner and association member. I encourage you to read all the articles if you don’t want to be among those that “wonder what happened” towards late May or even two years from now, being angry about it, and expecting those who are “making it happen,” to somehow fix it. In the present, we face a huge clean-up and are scrambling to meet the demands before fire season begins this summer. With the increasing probability of future storms and further restrictions on burning, we are already behind in preparing to meet our needs. In the near future, with the fire department no longer policing our recreational burning, do we need more security? Of immediate interest: No annual burn pile, change in permit burning, storm cleanup. What are our needs five years from now, even two years from now? Will we prepare for that future with policies and equipment needed to meet it? A well run Ponderosa has members enjoying their homes, the recreational opportunities and the community’s amenities. A poorly run Ponderosa struggles through hostile meetings with members arguing over what went wrong and disagreeing about how to fix it. Rather than implementing the members’ vision for a thriving Ponderosa, the management team struggles to improvise ways of putting out brush fires. It’s our choice. Of future interest: After soliciting members in the PINE NEEDLER and Ponderosa Updates for the Strategic Planning Committee, no members have volunteered. Alternatives are outlined in this issue. Members need to keep two things in mind: First, the Board is seeking member input on setting policies that impact whether we meet future Ponderosa needs or drift into the future in a series of crises. Second, our management team is here to implement the policies of the association, not to make them. To paraphrase JFK’s famous phrase from 1962, “ASK NOT WHAT THE COMMUNITY CAN DO FOR YOU; ASK For instance, in the recent past, we had a community hullabaloo WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR THE COMMUNITY”. DO CONabout owner short term rentals. Why? Ponderosa did not look SIDER VOLUNTEERING FOR DEVELOPING A STRATEdown the road, see the surging values of rentals, and prepare for GIC PLAN FOR THE PONDEROSA. LOOKING AHEAD it. Is anyone really satisfied with the compromises in the reWILL KEEP PONDEROSA A VIBRANT COMMUNITY. sults? STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS UPDATE By John McRoberts, Vice-president Last summer the board approved a plan for updating the Ponderosa Strategic Plan. A call for volunteers for the Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee resulted in one member stepping forward. No more volunteers have come forward in the succeeding months. Therefore, we are revising the process since this is not a one-person job – it should represent the shared vision of the entire membership. The goal of the strategic planning process is to identify strategies that will achieve our vision of what the Ponderosa will look like in three to five years. Part of the process is to revise and reaffirm our vision of the Ponderosa’s future. From that vision flow our goals and strategies that will guide our future annual budgets. The responsibilities of the Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee members were to: Create a recommended strategic plan using the approved planning process. Attend ad hoc strategic planning committee meetings. Accept individual responsibility to research assigned (volunteered based on skills/background) sections of the plan. Since effectively there is no committee, there will be no strategic planning committee meetings. Instead, we will have to rely on the participation of interested members through the Ponderosa web forum. Members can participate in just the topics of interest to them, spending as much time as they would like on each topic. Hopefully, some members will choose to do some research on particular topics of interest to them. The single committee member and the board liaison will put together a strategic plan based on input gathered through the web forum. The planning process depends upon the web forum which currently exists on the website, but the rules and procedures for use have not yet been set. The planning process will begin once these procedures have been established. Watch the website and Mary’s monthly emails for information about the forum and planning process. StrategicPlanningCommittee.htm PINE NEEDLER February 2013 2 PRESIDENT DARYN’S CORNER By Daryn Wilbur, President Springtime is right around the corner. There is much to be done: The Annual Members Meeting and Board of Trustee’s elections in May. Clean up from the worst ice storm in decades. Repairing the paved roads from last summer’s construction project Just to name a few of the items on our list. The Annual Members Meeting will be held Saturday, May 25th, at 10:00 AM. I would like to encourage all of our members to attend and participate. This is an excellent opportunity to find out what has been happening, what is ahead, and be involved in the community. Currently, there are two Board of Trustee positions that will be open. If you or anyone that you know are interested in running for a Board position or volunteering in any other capacity, please contact the office or submit a volunteer form available on our website. We are currently looking for volunteers for the Strategic Planning Committee. Unfortunately, due to increased EPA regulations, the Fire Department will no longer be hosting the annual community burn pile fundraiser. The Board is looking for suggestions and ideas while exploring alternative annual cleanup methods in order to help keep the community looking good and be fire safe. One alternative is to purchase an industrial chipper and spread the chips throughout the greenbelts. This option would be a more environmentally friendly way to dispose of needles and branches. Other immediate options for disposing of natural vegetation are outlined by Chief Lamar in this issue of the Needler. Later this spring, we will be advertising for bids on the paved road repairs. This is the final step in the Water Project. While it will be quite a bit of work, it shouldn’t be as time consuming and inconvenient as the earlier construction that we endured last summer. Thank you again for your patience and support. - Daryn Wilbur PCC NOMINATING COMMITTEE SEARCHES FOR BOARD CANDIDATES By Jeanne Whitlow, Chair The Nominating Committee consisting of Jeanne Whitlow and Tom Bartlett has been established to find Board of Trustee nominees to replace the expiring terms of Daryn Wilbur and Michelle Carter in spring of 2013. If you are willing to consider serving on the Board or know of a possible nominee, please fill out the provided form and either send it to or drop it by at the PCC office. Be assured that a response to the Nominating Committee is not a commitment to run for the Board. You can make the decision to run or not to run for the Board after a committee member has provided you with further information. One of the committee members will be delighted to call you and discuss further what you might expect if you are willing to be on the Board. As established in the by-laws, we are looking for members in good standing with the desire to promote and protect the best interest of the membership without regard for individual special interest. If you have questions prior to filling out the form, either phone Tom Bartlett at 509-763-0802 or e-mail at [email protected] or phone Jeanne Whitlow at 206-522-8534. Please mail the Nomination Form to: Ponderosa Community Club, Nominating Committee, 21100 Cayuse, Leavenworth, WA, 988269723 Election will be by ballot and counted at the Annual Members Meeting, Saturday, May 25, 2013. Ponderosa Community Club 2013 BOARD MEMBER ELECTION NOMINATION FORM I wish to volunteer as a candidate or submit the following PCC member as a candidate for the 2013 Board of Trustees elections. I have spoken to this owner and they have agreed to accept the nomination. I agree to volunteer as a candidate for the 2013 Board of Trustees elections. Candidates who are elected will serve a three-year term on the Board beginning immediately after the election. Nominee’s Name____________________ Nominee’s Phone __________________ Nominator’s Name:__________________ Nominator’s Phone:_________________ We ask that each member give serious consideration to serving on the Board. PINE NEEDLER February 2013 3 FIRE CHIEF MICK LAMAR EXPLAINS SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN RECREATIONAL AND PROPERTY CLEAN-UP REGULATONS Several questions have been generated by the damage caused with the 2012 Ice Storm. Most are about the downed timber and damaged trees. The staff of the PCC, CCFD4 (Ponderosa Fire Department) and some homeowners have met and are continuing to assess the damage. The primary question is what to do with all the debris left behind by the storm? Secondly, what are the rules and who controls recreational fires (campfires)? In reference to the Ice Storm damage, homeowners are left with the following choices in Chelan County: Chipping, Composting, Taking the waste to a landfill Burning. If you choose to burn you must understand and follow these guidelines: Burning in a burn barrel is illegal everywhere in Washington. You can only burn natural vegetation. If smoke from your fire affects your neighbor, you must put out your fire. Burning is not your only option to getting rid of natural vegetation. Please consider chipping or hauling away. Call and follow the guidelines Burn Day Hotline 1.800.406.5322. ( When burning is allowed, your pile must be less than 4’x4’x3’ and you may only burn 1 pile at a time. Piles larger than 4’x4’x3’ will require a permit from one or more of the following organizations: Chelan County Fire Marshall, WA State Department of Natural Resources or WA State Department of Ecology. Do not leave your fire unattended. Keep tools and water at hand to extinguish when necessary. No residential fires are allowed within 500’ of forest slash. No fires are allowed within 50’ of structure. You can’t burn materials hauled from another property in your fire. No outdoor fires are allowed when air pollution levels are unhealthy. No burning is allowed after sunset, unless your permit specifically allows it. Always check with your local fire district to see if additional safety restrictions have been imposed. If you see someone burning illegally, or if the smoke from someone’s fire is bothering you, call Ecology’s toll-free complaint line at 1.866.211.6284. With regards to recreational fires (campfires only): Historically the Fire District has issued campfire only permits. This was started many years ago when outlying agencies were not readily available, water sources and quantities were limited and the local government agencies had not established comprehensive rules and enforcement policies. The fire district stepped up to fill this void. We now find ourselves (the Fire District) at a point where the permit issue is redundant, contentious, and sometimes in direct conflict with other agencies rules and regulations. The cost effectiveness of the permitting program has been evaluated and deemed to have an adverse impact on the District and often places us at odds with our constituents. We are by law an emergency response organization and the past permitting process often had us acting as the “Smoke Police or playing the role of Park Ranger”. Your volunteer firefighters were often asked to mediate neighborhood concerns regarding renters, family usage, noise complaints or who really owns what… it often involved past histories and issues unrelated to campfires but still ended up involving not only the fire district but law enforcement personnel as well. With that understanding, the Fire District will no longer issue burn permits for recreational fires. Chelan County has established, by law, how large a campfire may be, the type of materials that can be burned and how the campfire pit must be constructed. It spells out the clearance area around the fire area, tending the fire and the means to extinguish the fire. Weather permitting, open (attended) burning is allowed October 1st through June 1st. After June 1st ONLY recreational fires are allowed. If there is an extreme fire danger event all outdoor burning will be banned. All of these dates and restrictions are made by resolutions from the County Commissioners after consulting with local fire experts and can be amended as necessary due to weather conditions. Compliance by all land owners is the key ingredient for a safe fire season. However, when enforcement is necessary it is carried out by State agencies like DOE or DNR, at the County level by the County Fire Marshall’s Office or the Sheriff’s Office. In addition, (Continued on page 5) PINE NEEDLER February 2013 4 STORM CLEANUP Remove Debris by June 1 to Reduce Wildfire Danger By Mary Cox & Doug Pendleton The December storm felled many trees, broke treetops, and created a lot of debris in the Ponderosa and surrounding areas. As this debris dries, it will become a significant fire hazard. To avoid extreme fire danger this summer, please clean up your property by June 1, when a county-wide burn ban is expected to go into effect. Each member is responsible for cleaning up their own property. What are the options for removing debris? Fire Chief Mick Lamar’s article in this Needler outlines options: Chipping Composting Taking the waste to a landfill and/or Burning. The Department of Ecology’s updated regulations now prohibit group burn piles, such as the “Ponderosa Burn Pile” held annually in May in past years. Individual burn piles are still allowed – see Fire Chief Mick’s article in this issue of the Needler. The following is a list of local businesses which provide a variety of services for storm cleanup: hazardous tree felling, log removal, brush removal, and/or cleanup. These suggested businesses have provided documentation that they are licensed, bonded, and insured. Robert Ferrel – RF Logging 509-548-4427 Martin Stoller – Altels Tree Service 509-679-0058 Travis Bradburn – D&B Tree Service 509- 433-1571 Harlan Sheppard – Wildland Home Protection 509-860-1732 Ponderosa Greenbelts The Watershed Committee and PCC staff are working together to evaluate options for removing debris from the greenbelts. Funding may be available from the Department of Natural Resources. More information will be provided in future updates. Thank you in advance for your efforts to reduce fire danger in the Ponderosa! (Continued from page 4) this past year the PCC has added another layer of enforcement in an effort to garner compliance. We know this is a major shift from past practices, however, with the addition of the new water distribution system, strengthened automatic aid responses, more defined regulatory assistance, delineated enforcement authority and most importantly individual accountability we all can contribute to a Fire Smart community. We will continue to and will always respond when someone calls 911 because they have a concern for their own safety or the safety of their neighbors. We will need to constantly evaluate this process and adjust when required to ensure the safety of our community. In closing the PCC and the Fire District will post through various media methods any changes or updates regarding open burning, recreational burning or burn bans. Posting your address in a visible location helps responders find you more quickly during an emergency. The Fire District and the PCC will maintain a list of local and state agencies as they relate to outdoor burning. Additional copies of the County’s recreational fires ordinance are available online at the Chelan County website and will be kept at both the PCC office and the Fire District office. Fire Chief Mick Lamar PINE NEEDLER February 2013 5 Ponderosa Community Club Association Manager Report November, 2012 through January, 2013 by Mary Cox We welcome your suggestions and ideas for improvements. Our major activities are listed below. Serving Homeowners Responded to homeowner’s calls, emails, and office visits regarding weather conditions, snowplowing, sanding, 2013 dues and water assessment, water quality, the water system upgrade project, potholes in the roads, the December snowstorm, outdoor burning, dogs wandering around loose, security monitoring companies, and referrals for local companies that snowplow driveways, remove brush, and cut down trees. Winter sports are underway, please make SAFETY the top priority! Please ensure you and your guests observe PCC’s road rules: Snowmobiles are allowed only on Ponderosa roads (not greenbelts) and must follow our Road Rules: 15 mph, stopping at Stop signs, using turn signals, etc… Sledding is prohibited on all Ponderosa roads. At the end of January, the weather changed to an almost spring-like pattern: snow is melting during the day and freezing at night. The roads can be icy. Please drive slowly and carefully. Carry chains and use them when needed. In January, PCC maintenance staff, the Fire Department, members of the Watershed Committee, and our consulting forester, Richard Schellhaas, met to discuss options for cleaning up tree debris after the December storm. This was a topic for the February 9th & 16th Board Meetings. Roads & Equipment We received our first snow in November and started the snowplowing season. Earlier in November, Ken and Geno prepared our equipment for snowplowing: the dump truck, F350 pickup, bed sander, dump truck sander, snowplows, F250 pickup, and backhoe. Regular services were performed and repairs were made, as needed. Installed studded tires on the F350, F250 and Yukon. Tire chains were checked and repaired, as needed. After the water project was completed on November 30, we focused on the roads by filling the many potholes including those on Stirrup, Saddle, and Cayuse. After construction, most of the gravel roads were in good shape. However, some of those done late in the year, after the rains started, were “soft” in places when temperatures were above freezing. For most of December and January, all the roads were frozen and held up pretty well. In late January, temperatures rose to above freezing. If you see a soft spot, please avoid it, because driving on it will make it worse. Thank you. Throughout the winter, snowplowing, sanding, and keeping the equipment running are our major tasks. In January, Ken and Geno repaired the F350 snowplow, hydraulic hoses on the dump truck, and a problem with the F250 engine. Water System Upgrade to New DOH Regulations and Fire Protection KRCI completed construction on November 30. Snow stakes are in place marking the water vaults. The fire hydrants are marked with flags. Please do not remove the stakes – thank you. Submitted final archaeological monitoring report for Saddle to DOH. Received subsequent letter of completion from DOH. See the Board Meeting minutes for more information. (Continued on page 7) PONDEROSA COMMUNITY CLUB STAFF PCC BOARD 2011-2012 Daryn Wilbur President Term ends-2013 Mary Cox Association Manager John McRoberts Vice President Term ends-2015 Chelcie Strode Office Manager Stan Morgan Treasurer Term ends-2014 Ken Severance Maintenance Michelle Carter Secretary Term ends-2013 Gino Alejo Maintenance Vern Little PINE NEEDLER February 2013 Operations Term ends-2014 6 (Continued from page 6) Water System A member reported a water leak on Morgan. We turned off the water and notified the homeowner. If you see water leaks, please report them to the office. Thank you! Ken worked with Bill Schmidt to repair and reprogram the controllers at the booster pump and well field A, which sustained extensive damage in the September lightning storm. Basic repairs were made in September to allow the system to run and be operated manually. Additional repairs have been on-going, as time and weather allowed. A second controller was replaced. This incident is covered under our insurance. Next step is instrumentation repair at well field B. Completed year-end water use records and set up new records for 2013. Conducted monthly water quality tests and reported the results to DOH. Turned water off/on for homeowners, as needed. Buildings & Grounds Thanks to Bob & Nancy Melson, Buildings & Grounds Committee, for overseeing clubhouse improvements in November: Refinishing of the clubhouse floor and upgrading some of the clubhouse furniture. PCC staff cleaned the clubhouse regularly for social events and rental groups. Watershed Committee Reviewed and discussed the Community Wildfire Protection Plan with Doug Pendleton, Watershed Committee Chair. Reviewed and advised on the Forest Stewardship Plan application process. Reviewed application and documentation. Financial Reporting and Management Each month, we complete and post the monthly financial reports, make federal tax payments, transfer funds to specific accounts as the Bylaws require, and review the Ponderosa financial reports with the PCC Board of Trustees Treasurer, Stan Morgan. In December, the year-end financial transactions and tax payments were completed. This was challenging amidst the epic snow storm. January is a very busy month with all the year-end reporting and preparation for 2013. Completed & posted 2012 year-end financial reports. Issued 2012 W-2 and 1099 reports. Updated our standard financial reports to reflect the new budget. Closed 2012 files and set up new files for 2013. Homeowner’s Dues Chelcie created and mailed 2013 annual assessment invoices in early January. Please return your first half payment by February 15th – thank you! If you recently changed your phone or email, please be sure to update us with your February payment, or email us at [email protected] Support to the Board of Directors and Committees Prepared for and attended the Board Meetings on December 8 and February 9. Recruited volunteer members to count the ballots at the December 8 meeting. Updated Vern Little, Director of Operations, on a regular basis. Submitted the PCC Annual Report to the Washington State Secretary of State. For the Nomination Committee: provided process information and documentation. Worked with Rose Ann Roberts, webmaster, to add new information to the website. Provided information and support to the Paving the Gravel Roads Committee for their February meeting. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ The December 2013 Storm On December 17, a winter storm began which was centered in the Plain, Chiwawa, and Lake Wenatchee areas. The major impacts of the storm included more than 3 feet of snow, high winds, thousands of falling trees, power outages, phone outages, internet outages, and closed roads. The newspaper reported that this was the worst winter storm to ever hit the area. For two weeks, it was a constant struggle to keep our roads open, remove fallen trees, and deal with having no power. Between December 17 and January 7, we received nearly 90 inches of snow. Specific damage in the Ponderosa follows: (Continued on page 8) PINE NEEDLER February 2013 7 PONDEROSA WATER QUALITY UPDATE By Ken Severance, Water Distribution Manager The Ponderosa water has passed all water quality tests since October. We are confident the contamination detected in September, which was caused by the water mains construction, has been completely resolved. We’ve received some questions about air bubbles in the water. They can make the water initially appear cloudy, but then the bubbles disappear and the water is crystal clear. PCC has six wells, with two in operation at any given time. The wells are rotated regularly. We have found that well #3 is introducing air in the water distribution system. It has been taken offline and we will resolve the issue before returning it to service. Water quality and safety are top priority. The monthly water tests have been satisfactory, but as an extra precaution tests were performed on samples from two homes with air bubbles. Both tests were also satisfactory. If you have questions about your water, please contact the office at 509-763-0320 or [email protected] LANDLINE PHONE PROBLEMS? The PCC office and a number of homeowners have been experiencing landline phone problems over the last two to three months. Problems are intermittent and include no dial tone, static, line drops, and/or clicking on the line. The cause(s) are unclear – maybe the December storm, phone pedestals dam- aged by out-of-control winter drivers, and/or phone lines repaired by Frontier during the water project construction. Frontier has been very responsive to make repairs, but the problems continue to recur. Frontier advises to report recurring phone line problems to them at 877-462-8188. (Continued from page 7) Most of the damage was caused by trees falling on power lines, homes and buildings, and automobiles. More than 30 homes had treetops or trees fall on the roof. The vast majority did not have serious damage, but some were heavily damaged. We contacted most members with tree damage. However, we couldn’t contact some members because we didn’t have current phone numbers and/or email addresses. If you recently changed your phone or email, please be sure to update us by emailing [email protected] Hundreds of trees fell on member lots: thankfully, most did not hit homes. Power outages began December 17. Power was restored to the “lower Ponderosa” on December 21. Those along Camp 12 Road (upper Ponderosa) didn’t get power restored until December 24. Several additional power outages, lasting 6 hours or less, occurred over the next 3 weeks. Some power service lines to individual homes were taken down by falling trees, which the PUD worked to restore throughout January. If you do not have power, call the Chelan County PUD. Additional power outages could occur with each new winter storm. Be prepared by winterizing your home, and having a neighbor you can contact for help during an outage. Despite the power outages, the Ponderosa was able to continue to provide water to members via an emergency propane pump which powered one well. Ken and Geno constantly monitored the reservoir levels and ran the pump as needed. This was the first time we’d used the pump in an actual emergency. Phone service (landlines) was out from approximately December 17 until December 28 for most members. If your landline phone is not working, report it to your phone company. Internet service was out for most members during power outages. It also went out from approximately December 21 – December 28. However, some members still did not have internet on January 4. The PUD and internet companies were working on repairs. If your internet service is down, call your internet provider. Roads were mostly open, but closures occurred when trees fell across the roads. Trees fell across every road at some point during Please help keep the park and playground clean by picking up after your dog. Waste bag dispensers have been installed at both entrances to the park. Thank you! PINE NEEDLER There is still time to register for the FIREWISE PROGRAM to reduce the risk of wildfire in the Ponderosa. Contact Doug Pendleton at [email protected] for more information. February 2013 8 MEMBERS KEEP PCC TRAILS CLEAR AFTER STORM By Bill Whitlow Our trails are clear and attractive for winter recreational activities. Thanks to two members of the Watershed Committee who are also permanent residents, storm-related debris was cleared quickly. I was hiking many of the trails the second weekend in February and conditions were ideal; good snow and beautiful sunny skies. That same weekend another member of the Trails subcommittee and I climbed beyond the upper water tank above Camp 12 Road to explore areas for future trail development. The winter views from that high vantage point are spectacular and we are excited to begin developing at least one new trail in the area this summer. This effort will be part of our longterm plan to expand and improve the entire Ponderosa trail system. If you are interested in helping us with this project please e-mail me at [email protected]. Enjoying the view from the upper water tank. The Ponderosa Community Club publishes the PINE NEEDLER quarterly. Letters and submissions are welcome. Mail to the PINE NEEDLER at 21100 Cayuse, Leavenworth WA 98826; or phone the PCC Office at 509-763-0320; or visit the PINE NEEDLER online at the Ponderosa Website: PINE NEEDLER Committtee: Maureen Mitchell, Donna Malcevski, Igor Malcevski, Lorelie Olson, Tim Olson PINE NEEDLER February 2013 9 RIVERSIDE PARK NOW MORE OPEN TO MORE SUN By Tom Bartlett, Subcommittee Chair This fall we were able to clear most of the scrub bush on the ground and limb trees up to twenty feet in the proposed River Park area. It is now open to more sun and there is more space for our members to enjoy. The next step is to come up with a plan on how best to develop the space that we now have available to enjoy. If you have thoughts or ideas on how we can develop this space and would like to be part of this planning process please contact me at [email protected]. IDENTIFYING PONDEROSA’S NATIVE PLANTS By Pam Nicklas, Plants of the Ponderosa Watershed Sub-Committee Chair This committee’s scope includes all the plants of the Ponderosa, including wildflowers, native shrubs, trees, mushrooms and noxious weeds. A goal of the subcommittee is to create a publication to list and describe plants in our community. We are also planning to including wildflower identification signage on one of our existing trails. The Noxious Weed Control Center of Chelan County is planning on checking on the growth of Knapweed and Dalmation Toadflax this spring to see if we need to have bugs released for help in the reduction of these two very aggressive noxious weeds. The Chelan-Douglas Land Trust has a very good web site on field guides for wildflowers and invasive weeds that grow in this area. The web page can be found at On April 6th there will be an Arbor Day plant sale at the Fish Hatchery in Leavenworth. This is a good time to purchase native plants for your yard. Members are invited to join this sub-committee. If you are interested please contact Pam Nicklas 763-4327 or email [email protected]. Dalmation Toadflax Knapweed PINE NEEDLER February 2013 10 PONDEROSA 2013 SOCIAL CALENDAR By Marisha Robinson, Social Committee Chair Saturday, April 6 9:00 AM Easter Egg Hunt and pancake breakfast. Food and beverages provided. Saturday, July 6 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM Parade line up begins at 10 AM. Parade begins at 10:30 AM. Ice cream provided after the parade. BBQ food served at 1 PM. Food and beverages provided. Saturday. August 31 1:00 PM BBQ food served at 1 PM. Food and beverages provided. Saturday, November 9 12:00 PM Decorate clubhouse. Soup, rolls, and beverages provided. Saturday, December 21 5:00 PM Christmas lighting contest. Saturday, January 11 11:00 AM Remove Christmas decorations. Soup, rolls, and beverages provided. AUXILIARY #4 HOSTS CHILI FEED AFTER PCC ANNUAL MEETING By Judy Drexler, District Fire Auxiliary #4 Chair First, I would like to thank all of the people who volunteered to help out at our annual chili feed and either worked at the rest area or donated cookies in 2012. Without these people we would not be able to have a well-equipped fire department in Ponderosa. I would like to encourage others to become members of District 4 Fire Auxiliary. It is a small contribution of time to help support the community you live and play in. The auxiliary has two fund raisers a year: A chili feed and working at the rest area on Highway 2 for 5 days. If you are interested in joining the auxiliary you can contact me at 253-653-6436 or email me at [email protected]. This year we will be having our Annual Chili Feed at the Fire Hall immediately following the Ponderosa Annual Meeting on Memorial Day weekend. Please join us for lunch and support your community fire department. If you would like to work at the rest area, June 10, 11th, 12th, 13th or 14th, contact me. We work four hour shifts: 8- 12am; 12-4pm; and 4-8pm. For safety reasons we always have 2 people per shift. You do not have to be a member of the auxiliary to volunteer to work the rest area. Our duties there are to provide coffee, cookies and lemonade to the travelers. We collect donations only. If you are unable to work the rest area, but would still like to help out, we would greatly appreciate your donation of cookies. The auxiliary usually gives out about 150 dozen cookies in 5 days. Donations of coffee would also be appreciated. PINE NEEDLER February 2013 11 PLAIN “NOT-SO-LAZY” QUILTERS By Nancy Melson With all the activity at the Clubhouse on quilting days, I just had to change the “given” name of the group—because we have been anything but lazy! back. The incredible machine quilting was completed by Sandy Ashbrook of East Wenatchee; we were all in awe of the beautiful work she did, individually quilting each of the 51 blocks made by the children. (Thank you, Sandy!) The quilters have completed many beautiful quilts and projects throughout the year, but this year we were privileged to complete an “extra special” quilt. We have many group members who contribute time, effort and materials to many different organizations such as the Burn Center for children, church groups and the Literacy Center in Wenatchee. We have “adopted” the Grief Place of NCW (formerly the Good Grief Center) as the recipient of dozens of quilts made especially for children (ages 3-17) who attend a grief support group after someone special in their life has died. Each child who attends the group (which meets twice a month) receives an age appropriate quilt to keep and cherish. We have recently decided to add an extra day per month to gather and just work on these special quilts. We expanded our work this past year and created a quilt made up of blocks hand painted by the 51 children who attended Camp Erin at Lake Wenatchee in July. Camp Erin is a weekend camp (free of charge to campers) funded by grants from The Moyer Foundation. The Grief Place is fortunate to have received a ten year grant. As a sign of our appreciation and recognition to the Moyers we made the quilt—a wall hanging with a sleeve on the We hoped it would be displayed in the Foundation office in Seattle. It was presented to Jamie and Karen Moyer on December 14th by Karen Sheppard, the director of The Grief Place. In all their years of charitable work they had never received a quilt. They fell in love with it and Karen took it home to San Diego to display there. We are now busy working on 50 quilts for Camp Erin 2013. If you would like to help or donate batting or materials, we would so appreciate it. “A quilt is a treasure which follows its owner everywhere.” This is what community is about. And the Ponderosa is a wonderful community! Nancy Melson [email protected] 509-763-0266 If you would like more information about the wonderful loss support services offered by the Grief Place, please visit the website at BUILDINGS & GROUNDS PLANS RESTORATION OF PARK SIGNS By Nancy Melson, Buildings and Grounds Committee Chair The Ponderosa Clubhouse is beautiful all year long, but there is something special about being in there for an event on a cold winter day (or evening) with a crackling fire burning; it feels like home. It is nice to see the number of people using and enjoying it in our Ponderosa community. Projects planned by the Committee for this year include restoring the Dudley Carter carving in front of the Clubhouse and ordering a new sign for the entrance to the Ponderosa. Thank you to Mary for ordering the “Pet-i-pots” for the park area; please be considerate of others and pick up after your animals when you are out walking. As always, if there is something you would like us to add to the Clubhouse or the park area, please contact Nancy Melson at [email protected] We always welcome new volunteers for committee work too. Enjoy the winter/spring! Small maintenance projects will continue inside the Clubhouse and on the playground throughout the year. With our early snow melt we may be starting clean up work on the playground early. Last weekend we noticed many people out walking and many little ones enjoying the park with their families. Who would have dreamed that we wouldn’t still have two feet of snow on Valentine’s Day? PINE NEEDLER February 2013 12