January 10, 2016 ST. TERESA OF AVILA CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. Michael Carroll, Pastor Fr. Roland Ramirez, Parochial Vicar Deacon Ed Morgado Sunday Masses Parish Office: 11600 Atwood Rd., Auburn, CA 95603 Saturday Vigil………………………………………………5:00pm Sunday………8:00am, 10:30am, 3:30pm (Spanish), & 5:30pm Office Hours: Monday—Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm Daily Masses Business Manager, Jo Anne Drummond Monday—Saturday……………………………………… 8:30am (530)-889-2254 ext. 11 e-mail: [email protected] Sacrament of Reconciliation Ministry to Seniors, Bereaved & Homebound (530) 889-2254, fax (530) 889-2643 www.stteresaauburn.com Saturday, 3:00pm – 4:30pm Barbara Freuler (Minister) – (530) 889-2254 ext. 10 e-mail: [email protected] Eucharistic Adoration Saturdays..……………………………………9:00am—10:30am Baptisms: For the celebration of Baptism, please call the Parish Office, for information. Adult Faith Formation, Call the Parish Office (530) 889-2254 Religious Education Program Marriage: If you are a member of our parish, please contact Judy Jones (Director) (530) 823-7122 e-mail: [email protected] Confirmation: For teens, the Sacrament of Confirmation is a St. Joseph School, Mrs. Jenny Oliver, (Principal) [email protected] or www.saintjosephauburn.org 11610 Atwood Rd., Auburn (530) 885-4490 fax (530) 8850182 a priest or deacon of your choice at least six months in advance of your desired wedding in order to participate in a process of marriage preparation. two-year preparation process; please contact our coordinator of religious education; for adults not yet confirmed, please call the parish office. Ministry to the Sick: Please call parish office (530) 889-2254 Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) St. Joseph Preschool/Day Care Center Jaime Anderson, (Director) (530) 823-1822 11610 Atwood Rd., Auburn, www.saintjosephauburn.org e-mail: [email protected] Music Ministry: Call the parish office (530) 889-2254 Jean Sawyer, (Music & Liturgy Director) – (530) 885-2958 e-mail: [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul: (530) 305-0130 Youth Group: Brenda Fischer, (Youth Director) 530) 305-9919 e-mail: [email protected] Bulletin Submissions: e-mail to [email protected]. All bulletin articles are due in the parish office no later than 12:00pm on Mondays. The Baptism of the Lord Page 2 The Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2016 He saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. — Titus 3:5 MANIFESTING THE SPIRIT The Christmas season closes this Sunday with the Baptism of the Lord. This feast is a sister to last week’s feast of the Epiphany. Each of them celebrates an “epiphany,” or a manifestation of the Spirit of God in Jesus—first in his birth, and now at his baptism. The divine Spirit is manifested in all of the scriptures for this feast. Psalm 104 highlights the Spirit of God creating and renewing the earth, while the reading from Isaiah describes God restoring Israel. In Luke’s account of the baptism of the Lord the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus. And the letter to Titus reminds us that the Holy Spirit was “richly poured out” on us also, through the “bath of rebirth” (Titus 3:5, 6). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. MASS INTENTIONS January 9 –January 16, 2016 Saturday Sunday 1/09 1/10 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1/11 1/12 1/13 1/14 1/15 1/16 5:00pm 8:00am 10:30am 3:30pm 5:30pm 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am + + + + + Maria Yera Lois Noble Sandy Ferguson For The Faithful For The Faithful Celeste Gudice Colleen Clifton Robert Thomas, Sr. The Faithful Floyd Fischer Judith Yera Offertory Collections For The Following Dates: 12/20/15: 12/27/15: 01/04/16: Christmas Collection: New Year’s Collection: $14,672 $ 9,007 $12,321 $46,217 $ 725 TODAY’S READINGS .First Reading — Isaiah speaks of the Servant whom the Lord upholds; he shall bring forth justice to the nations (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11. Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with peace (Psalm 29) or Psalm 104. Second Reading — Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit; he went out healing and doing good (Acts 10:34-38) or Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7. Gospel — A voice comes from heaven proclaiming Jesus as the beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased (Luke 3:15-16, 21-22). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14 20 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mk 1:21 28 Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mk 1:29 39 Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 2425; Mk 1:40 45 Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1 12 Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mk 2:13 17 Sunday: Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:411; Jn 2:1-11 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: The Baptism of the Lord Monday: First Week in Ordinary Time Wednesday: St. Hilary Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary January 10, 2016 Page 3 LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE Week of January 17, 2016 ANNUAL POLENTA DINNER Altar Servers Saturday, 1/16/16, 5:00pm Julia Wittinger, Zoe Moeller, Dillon Holloway Sunday, 1/17/16, 8:00am Hunter Schott, Angelo Piziali Sunday, 1/17/16, 10:30am Courtney & Drew Biggs, Ellie Coggins Sunday, 1/17/16, 5:30pm Kyle Decker, Emmie Gotlieb ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION BR#342 SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2016 Eucharistic Ministers Saturday, 1/16/16, 5:00pm Steve McCullough, Mike Loeffler, Diane Fritch, Tucker Stapelton, Jeannine Helveston Sunday, 1/17/16/, 8:00am Vince DeWitt, Jackie Shook, Vince & Renee Anaclerio, Marcella Dayton, Manny & Leticia DeDios Sunday, 1/17/16,10:30am Greg & Lori Belanger, Tim Towne, Deana Eshpeter, Anna Fenner, Debbie Buresh Sunday, 1/17/16, 5:30pm Lizzie Roche, Carol Coleman, Frankie Hey, Tara McCullough, Connie & Dave Manning Lectors Saturday, 1/16/16, 5:00pm Jeanine Helveston, Richard Vielbig, Jackie Sanitbanez Sunday, 1/17/16, 8:00am Kim & Sara Laehle, David Moore Sunday, 1/17/16 10:30am Russ Zeller, Joe Fischer, Tessa Crouch Sunday, 1/17/16, 5:30pm Steve & Robin Matthews, Drew Oakes Greeters Saturday, 1/16/16, 5:00pm Sally LaPorta, Linda Pierce, Warren Leash, Joyce Swartz Sunday, 1/17/16, 8:00am Kate Sabins, Marcia Kitchell, Sharon Hane, Joan Thompson, Betty Mahews Sunday, 1/17/16, 10:30am Maureen Spencer, Bobbie Cairns, Ruth Wright, Micheline Turner, Bernice Ambrose, Elizabeth Morales, Ben & Jack Niece Sunday, 1/17/16, 5:30pm Not Filled Ushers Saturday, 1/16/16, 5:00pm, Not Filled Sunday, 1/17/16, 8:00am Bill Fixmer, John Marcella, Ron Malinowski, Victor Alcazar Sunday, 1/17/16, 10:30am Gary Crockett, Tom Huckins, Paul Law Sunday, 1/17/16, 5:30pm, Not Filled Sacristans Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday 1/16/16 1/17/16 1/17/16 1/17/16 5:00pm 8:00am 10:30am 5:30pm 37TH Jim McKevitt Julia Eggert Joe Offer Not Filled ST TERESA PARISH HALL 11600 ATWOOD RD. AUBURN 5:30 PM NO HOST COCKTAILS 6:30 PM DINNER 8:00 PM-10:00PM DANCING & RAFFLE DINNER WILL CONSIST OF: POLENTA, CHICKEN & SAUSAGE, ACCOMPANIED BY SALAD, ROLLS, WINE & DESSERT “MUSIC PROVIDED BY PATSY AND BEN HANNEBRINK” COST PER PERSON $20.00 CHILDREN UNDER 10 $10.00 FOR TICKETS CALL: DOLORES ALECCIA 530-823-9125 OR TRISH PUTKEY 530-878-6814 The Baptism of the Lord Page 4 Writing this article was kind of bittersweet as it is the first of the New Year and also going to be my last. I have been reassigned as associate priest at St. Joseph’s Parish in Lincoln and this weekend is my last here at St. Teresa’s. Six months isn’t a long time for sure albeit meaningful in so many ways. I am grateful for the warm hospitality and the genuine kindness you’ve all shown to me and the great enthusiasm and love you have for the Lord. It was truly inspiring to see and to behold. To Father Mike and the staff, I wish to thank you as well and wish you nothing but the very best moving forward and into whatever roads life may take you. Life is a journey as they say but sometimes we may feel alone in it. I have been away from home for 13 years and have spent 13 Christmases and New Years only with friends and a few distant relatives. Although sometimes I feel envious of families coming together for mass while I’m still thinking where to go, there has never been any time in my own recollection where I haven’t had any invitations from people. “Father, if you have nowhere to go this Christmas, we’ll be pleased to have you join us.” A phrase that has already become familiar to me all these years. Such great love makes up for everything and I simply forget the sadness I feel being away from my family. In this New Year, I’d like to encourage you all to have a renewed sense of hope and love for your families. In the Jubilee Year of Mercy, may you also have the forgiveness in your own hearts for whatever shortcomings or misgivings anyone may have done. No family is perfect and each has its own struggles but as the saying goes, “Who else do we have in the end but them?” Family is family and love will always be there. Or as one beautifully puts it “Family is like branches in a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.” Wishing you all a grace-filled New Year! Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Sincerely, Father Roland ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Giggles: A man walked into a Doctor’s office and the receptionist asked him what he had. He said, “Shingles.” So she took his name, address, and his medical insurance coverage, and asked him to take a seat. Fifteen minutes later a nurse came out and asked him what he had. He answered, “Shingles.” So she took his complete medical history, took his blood pressure and temperature . . . .she showed him into the Doctor’s office and told him to take off all his clothes. Fifteen minutes later the Doctor came in and asked what he had. He said, “Shingles.” The Doctor said, “Where?” He said, “Outside in the truck, where do you want them?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Why did you kick your brother in the stomach?” “He turned around.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jimmy handed the following excuse to his teacher from his Dad. “Please excuse Jimmy for being late this morning. He had a new baby brother. It was not his fault”. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What is the difference between an out-law and an in-law?....Out-laws are wanted. January 10, 2016 Page 5 El Bautismo del Señor 10 de enero de 2016 Lo hizo mediante el bautismo, que nos regenera y nos renueva, por la acción del Espíritu Santo. — Tito 3:5 MANIFESTANDO AL ESPÍRITU El tiempo de Navidad finaliza este domingo con el Bautismo del Señor. Esta fiesta es hermana de la fiesta de la semana pasada, la Epifanía. Cada una ellas celebra una “epifanía”, o manifestación del Espíritu de Dios en Jesús —primero en su nacimiento y ahora en su bautismo. El Espíritu Divino se manifiesta en todas las lecturas bíblicas de la fiesta. El Salmo 104 destaca al Espíritu de Dios que crea y renueva la tierra, mientras que la lectura de Isaías describe a Dios restaurando a Israel. En el relato de Lucas del bautismo del Señor el Espíritu Santo desciende sobre Jesús. Y la carta a Tito nos recuerda que el Espíritu Santo también “derramó con abundancia” sobre nosotros, el “baño de regeneración” (Tito 3:5, 6). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Miren a mi siervo, en quien tengo mis complacencias (Isaías 42:1-4, 6-7) o Isaías 40:1-5, 9-11. Salmo — Te alabamos, Señor (Salmo 29 [28]) o Salmo 104 (103). Segunda lectura — Dios ungió con el Espíritu Santo a Jesús de Nazaret (Hch 10:34-38) o Tito 2:11-14; 3:4-7. Evangelio — Después del bautismo de Jesús, el cielo se abrió (Lucas 3:15-16, 21-22). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario I © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Sm 1:1-8; Sal 116 (115):12-19; Mc Martes: 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mc 1:21 28 Miércoles: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Sal 40 (39):2, 5, 7-10; Mc 1:29 39 Jueves: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Sal 44 (43):10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mc 1:40 45 Viernes: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Sal 89 (88):16-19; Mc 2:1 12 Sábado: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Sal 21 (20):2-7; Mc 2:13 17 Domingo: Is 62:1-5; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11 TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE La costumbre del bautismo infantil debe ser mucho más que un acto social o una tradición cultural, donde el ropón y los regalos son más importantes que la doctrina cristiana, y los padrinos se escogen no por su buen ejemplo sino por su cuenta bancaria. Según los Hechos de los Apóstoles, familias enteras se bautizaban cuando el padre de familia decidía hacerse cristiano. Esta práctica de bautizar, no solo al nuevo creyente sino también a su mujer y a sus hijos, poco a poco, quedó solo en bautizar los niños del original creyente. El mundo en aquel tiempo estaba basado sobre la familia así como muchas culturas latinas de hoy. El bautizo infantil nació en la Iglesia primitiva y al pasar de los siglos llegó a transformarse en un rito religioso muy importante en la catequesis del nuevo cristiano. El niño viste de ropita blanca que recuerda la presencia de Cristo en su alma, se le regala una vela que lo invita a brillar con la luz de Cristo y se le da una madrina o un padrino que le enseñará a vivir en Cristo. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. January 10, 2016 Page 6 Learn about Post Abortion Syndrome Presenting Internationally Known Founder of RACHEL’S MINISTRIES Theresa Burke, M.A, PhD., NCO, LPC, BCCP: Theresa has lectured and trained extensively on the subject of post abortion trauma and healing. Theresa has authored five books on this subject to include Forbidden Grief (The Unspoken Pain of Abortion) The Contraception of Grief (The Genesis of Anguish Conceived by Abortifacients and Sterilization), and Sharing the heart of Christ. Target audience: All priests, deacons, healthcare professionals, anyone involved in church ministries Date: Location: Time: Cost: January 30, 2016 St. Theresa of Avila Catholic Church 8:00am-5:00pm $40.00 per person, includes: Breakfast & Lunch Send check ($40/person) with name, address and number of attendees to: Saint Teresa of Avila Parish, 11600 Atwood Rd., Auburn, CA 95603 Contact Phone: 925-262-3294, for more detailed information e-mail [email protected]