MAY 2013 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 5 The Lake Shawnee News President’s Message May 2013 Our beaches will be officially opening with guards on duty starting Memorial Day weekend. Guards will be on-duty each weekend until June 22nd, after which they will be on duty full time through Labor Day. If you plan on using the facilities, please be sure to bring your dues current and utilize your 2013 badges when on club property. Car and boat stickers should also be in place; it helps to know if the vehicle/boat belongs on club property or not. If you haven’t read them in a while, our standing club rules are posted in the member’s only section of our website. It helps to eliminate any misunderstandings if you are familiar with the rules while utilizing club facilities. As I mentioned last month, we are trying something new this year with rubber wrist bands for our members. They are available upon request only and for members only. Many have asked if we will be getting rid of member badges; there is no intention to get rid of badges. INSIDE STORY: Contacts 2 Calendar 3 Trading Post 4 Social Committee 6 Board Minutes 8 Golf Outing 14-15 Thank you all who came out for our annual work day. The properties have been cleaned up and are ready for the summer season. I will be putting together our night security schedule next month. Many of our volunteers have been participating in our night security for a long time. I would love to see some new faces take an interest in helping to keep an eye on our club properties. It takes less than an hour, twice maybe three times throughout the summer. We are very unique and one of the only lake communities in town that has such a program. Please consider volunteering your time for your Club. If you would like to help out or would like to learn more, please email me. On that theme, a reminder that our Club property is private property and it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that our properties are only utilized by our members and their guests. We all have the right and the responsibility to ask someone if they are a member or not and to ask them to leave if they are not a member of the club. We had our annual new member mixer on April 14th and welcomed some of our newest members to the community. We have 17 new member families since our mixer last year. It was great to meet everyone. Welcome to those who could not attend. As spring moves forward, we know more and more of our residents will take to our streets for exercise. It is recommended that walkers/runners should always walk opposite traffic, single file please for the groups, and cyclist are required to ride with traffic. For those who like to walk during dusk or dawn, some type of reflective clothing is recommended. Parents should be aware that the law requires that bike helmets must be worn by anyone under 18. Eric Wilsusen Club President [email protected] Highlights: May 11th 7:00pm Texas Hold’em May 14th 6:30pm Card Night May 18th 9am-4pm Community Garage Sale The Lake Shawnee Clubhouse is located at 4 West Shawnee Trail Wharton NJ 07885 For Club Business and Rentals please contact our Office Manager, Lisa Peter at 973-663-1307 or [email protected] The Office is open during the hours of 8:30am-12pm on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Board of Governors Officers President Executive VP Membership VP Treasurer Secretary Eric Wilsusen Vince Matrisciano Milt Felter Marc Sanderson Kristeen McConnon 663-0596 663-5964 663-1565 663-9434 663-5937 Members At Large Jeff Keith Al Gebhardt Kirsten Child Dina Troha Al Gazdalski Bob DenBleyker Lise Meisner Bill Carroll 663-4230 663-0014 663-2441 663-6737 663-4698 663-3970 663-4553 288-1886 Property Maintenance Chairs: First Beach Club House Second Beach Third Beach White’s Cove Beaver Cove North End Committee Chairs: Eric Wilsusen Lise Meisner Vince Matrisciano Al Gazdalski Al Gebhardt Milt Felter Milt Felter Swim Team Debbie Gamble Social Committee Dina Troha Fishing Committee Mark McCormack Recreation Committee Bob DenBleyker Membership Milt Felter Summer Night Patrol Eric Wilsusen Lake Ecology Jeff Keith Life Guards Carolyn Sior Website Robert Troha LSC News Editor Kristeen McConnon [email protected] Newspaper Deadline 20th of the month 663-0596 663-4553 663-5964 663-4698 663-0014 663-1565 663-1565 663-4430 663-6737 663-1639 663-3970 663-1565 663-0596 663-4230 663-4156 663-6737 663-5937 Interesting in advertising in the LSC News go to Page Page22 CLUB HOUSE RENTALS Rates and Terms Members only Full Day Rental: $170 Any day of the week Half Day Rental: $85.00 Mon-Fri Only Daytime Rentals end at 5pm Evening Rentals begin at 6pm A deposit of $175 and a signed agreement are required to secure your rental date. Call 973-663-1307 Board meetings are held on the first Friday of every month at 7pm All members welcome!! Visit our website frequently for the most up to date information: Lake Shawnee Community Garage Sale Reserve your space today!! Saturday May 18th from 9am - 4pm Cost is $10 per table. Please call Lisa at the clubhouse: 973-663-1307. Page 3 FOR SALE: Exercise equipment: Weslo Arc SkierPlus (similar to Nordic track) $50 Lateral Thigh Strider $50 In-Home Bike $50 Folding Gravity Air Walker $50 Call 973-229-2485 (Lake Shawnee resident) FOR SALE: Reddy Heater Pro 200 (200,000 btu) electric/kerosene heater $85.00 Portable forced air heater thermostat $15.00 Firearms locking display case (2 glass doors/ 2 storage drawers) $65.00 Call Sue @ 973-945-1747 Congratulations to the JTHS 2012-13 Boys Varsity Basketball team Freedom Division Champs (13-1) 19-6 Congratulations to Mugs Media TV, Coach of the Year, Joe DiGennaro Page 4 FOR SALE: Traditional Broyhill couch and love seat in good shape. Camel back with rolled arms, neutral tan with a green and light burgundy strip approximately every 18 inches apart. Asking $125 or BO. Please contact Denise @ 973-809-3431 Congratulations to JTHS 2012-13 Girls Varsity Basketball Team North I Group III state champions. NJAC Freedom Division Champions (23-8-0) Mugs Media team of the year. Also we wish coach Jim O'Connor the very best as he is retiring this year. ABLE TREE SERVICE Tree removal - pruning - stump removal Hedge trimming - 24 hour emergency service Storm Damage - Land Clearing - Crane Service Available Free estimates - No job too big or too small Firewood Fully insured - Residential - Commercia 10% off any job $300.00 or more 973-713-8488 Lee Murphy Page. 5 Social Committee Calendar Page 6 Help Me Become a Champion For Cures! My name is Greg Geiss and I live in Lake Shawnee. I was a member of the Lake Shawnee Swim Team for 13 years and I am a 2012 graduate of Jefferson Twp. High School. I also swam for JTHS for four years. I am now a Freshman at William Paterson College and a member of the Pioneer Swim Team. As you may or may not know I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in December. I am presently undergoing Chemotherapy treatments at Morristown Memorial Hospital. I am fortunate that Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is one of the most treatable forms of cancer and by June, I should be done with treatment and be in remission. On October 26, 2013 my family and I will be participating in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light the Night Walk in Morristown and I would like to ask for your support. LLS is the single largest nonprofit contributor to blood cancer research – more than $750 million has been invested in life-saving science. Critical treatment innovations have originated through blood cancer research – radiation, chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation, and new targeted therapies. Nearly 50% of all FDA approved cancer drugs in the past decade were for blood cancer. Many are now being tested for other cancers and other illnesses. Last year over 40,000 patients received financial assistance from LLS totaling over $6 million. And LLS provides information and support to patients and their caregivers all free. And to help patients during this time of crisis, LLS’s financial aid and co-pay programs are critically important. Light The Night is a special night, celebrating and commemorating lives touched by cancer. Your help will make a difference! Please consider making a donation to LLS on my behalf. To join me in the Walk or to donate online, visit If you prefer, you may mail a check to me (made payable to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society) at 121 East Shawnee Trail, Wharton, NJ 07885 Thank you for your support in the fight against blood cancer. I truly appreciate your generosity. Thank you, Greg Geiss Page 7 Summary of Lake Shawnee Club Board meeting April 5, 2013 The Board discussed projects and made preparations for the upcoming Work Day on April 27th. The Social Committee reported on March events including the Bunny Brunch. Upcoming April events include Wine Tasting and a Cinco de Mayo Celebration. The Recreation Committee reported that Horseshoes and Volleyball will begin in May. The swim team reported that sign-ups will occur on Spring Work Day. The Board completed their annual Board reorganization of committees. 25 Years in Business in Lake Shawnee Pavolony Construction P.O. Box 99 Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849 Fully insured Additions, renovations, new construction, porches, decks, gazebos, clean-ups Local delivery of mulch, sand and stone No job too small just give us a call 973-663-0558 [email protected] 92 W Shawnee Tr. Wharton NJ 07885 973-663-1070 [email protected] How about a trip to Las Vegas? You can experience many worldly sights there. Page 8 It is a great place to visit. 4th Annual Lake Shawnee Photo Contest Grab your camera and start shooting!!! Photo entries due by May 31st. Any photo of the Lake Shawnee properties, events, scenery, wildlife etc. Only one photo per person. Please email your entry to [email protected] on or before May 25th. Late entries will not be accepted. All participants at Our Community Day Event will have an opportunity to view entries and vote for their favorites. Winners will be chosen at 4:30pm. The winning photos will be showcased on our Website and in the LS Calendar. Page 9 Vendor spaces available for July’s Jefferson Township Day The 27th annual celebration of Jefferson Township Day will take place on Saturday, July 13 at the Jefferson Township High School fields located at 1010 Weldon Road, easily accessible from Routes 23, 15, and 80. A variety of activities will take place during the daylong celebration -- an Arts’ Karts Derby race, exhibits, children’s games, live entertainment, Young Rocker bands, numerous inflatable activities, and a variety of food. Vendor spaces for the sale of arts, crafts, and merchandise are now available. A 12’ x 16’ space can be reserved for a $75 fee with participants providing their own tables, chairs, and canopies if desired. Vendors are responsible for maintaining a clean and safe booth and will be issued one parking permit per space. Food cannot be sold in the arts, crafts, and merchandise areas. Jefferson Township Service Clubs, Churches, and Non-Profit Groups interested in a vendor space may also reserve a 12’ x 16’ space at a courtesy rate of $30 if they are selling any type of item(s) or only $10 if they just want to distribute information about their organization. Applications must be received by June 13th and are available at special.html Participation as a vendor should be profitable for the dealer, and the application fee will help the Jefferson Arts Committee defray the cost for this huge event. For more information on vendor opportunities on July 13 contact Jefferson Township Day Vendor Chairperson Jeanne Hantson at 973-697-9181 or email [email protected] The day’s events will culminate with a concert under the stars featuring Carnaby Street -- a band that takes their listeners on a musical experience of the 1960’s -- followed by a huge aerial fireworks display Page 10 Fishing Contests 2013 Contest Number 1, Bass: Saturday, June 8th Texas Hold ‘em Saturday, May 11th at 7pm Registration begins at 7pm-Play starts at 7:30pm The cost is $15 per person with complimentary beer, wine and snacks. Even if you’ve never played before, come on out and learn, We have beginners each time - we’ll even show you how to play! Contest Number 2, Guys v Gals (Bass), Saturday July 13th Contest Number 3, Bass: Saturday, August 10th Contest Number 4, Bass: Ladies Only Bass Contest, Saturday September 7th Contest Number 5, Bass: Saturday, September 28th Year End Awards Banquet to be held Saturday, October 19th Kid’s contest will be convened early morning on Community Day Page 11 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are looking for volunteers to help spread the flight application to deter the geese at our beaches this summer. Please contact the club office at 973-663-1307. Lifeguarding for the Professional Rescuer and American Red Cross CPR Courses are being offered at the Lake Shawnee Clubhouse. Dates: 6/03 – 6/08/13 Cost: Lifeguarding: $150.00 CPR: $50.00 For the lifeguard course, participants must be 15 years of age. (First Aid is a component of the Lifeguarding Course) Instructor: Rich Groel Contact Carolyn Sior to register – 973-663-4156 and for any questions THE JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP HEALTH DEPARTMENT is offering: WELL BABY CLINIC DATE: MAY 8th & JUNE 12th , 2013 LOCATION: Jefferson Twp. Public Health Center, 57 Minnisink Rd. Well Baby Clinic for residents from birth – 5 years of age includes: physical examination with growth assessment and immunizations by a physician and public health nurse. SKIN CANCER SCREENINGS DATE: May 22 and June 19 TIME: 6:00 – 8:00 PM LOCATION: PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER at 57 Minnisink Rd. This free screening is a complete body scan and is performed by Kathi Meyer, APN, Advanced Practiced Nurse, If you are under the care of a dermatologist you need not attend. SMAC BLOOD SCREENING DATE: Saturday, June 1, 2013 TIME: 8:00 – 11:00 AM LOCATION: PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER, 57 Minnisink Rd. FEE: $25.00 for 61 years and younger $12.00 for 62 years and older This screening tests for glucose, potassium, sodium, cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, and a complete blood count, etc. Appointments are necessary; please call the Public Health Center at 973-663-0700. Fishing Committee Meeting Minutes The fishing committee met on Wednesday, April 27 at 7:00PM to discuss the activities for the 2013 season. Members present were: Bobby Harris, Lavern Appler, Rich Sudol, Milton Felter, Robert Genung, Rob Bozik, Marcia Farber, John Policastro, Debra Policastro and Committee Chairman Mark McCormack. As the first order of business, John Policastro proposed the establishment of an Administrator/Secretary” position, in order that future meeting minutes may be taken and subsequently provided to the community via the LS website and paper. A motion was introduced by Mrs. Policastro and seconded by Ms. Farber to nominate Mr. Policastro to this new position. The committee subsequently agreed and that position was filled by John. The committee then established the following contest dates for FY2013: See page 11. for contest dates and website for more Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Lake Shawnee Club Newsletter PRSRT STD 4 West Shawnee Trail DOVER, NJ Wharton, NJ 07885 PERMIT NO. 72 US POSTAGE PAID Address service Requested POSTAL CUSTOMER RURAL ROUTE #3 WHARTON, NJ 07885
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