Process of filling Application Form Step 1: Click to Pay Fee lcls igys
Process of filling Application Form Step 1: Click to Pay Fee lcls igys
Process of filling Application Form Step 1: Click to Pay Fee 1: First of all download and read carefully the “Application Brochure” from the given link on the website. Then start by clicking “Step-1” and reach the Fees Payment portal of SBI. lcls igys osclkbV ij fn;s x;s fyad ls “Application Brochure” ij Mcy fDyd dj vkosnu funsZf”kdk dks MkmuyksM djsa o /;kuiwoZd i<+ ysAa fQj QkeZ Hkjuk çkjaHk djsAa QkeZ Hkjuk çkjaHk djus ds fy, **Step 1” dks fDyd djsa o uhps fn[kk, x;s LVsV CkSad ds Qhl Hkqxrku lkbV ij igqWpAs 2: Click the “Procees” link to start payment process after accepting their terms and conditions in the given check box. **çkslhM** fyad ij “krksaZ dks Lohdkj djus lac/kh psd ckDl dks fDyd djus ds ckn Hkqxrku çfØ;k dh vksj vkxs c<+aAs 3. The Click on Proceed will open the following windows to key in your basic information. rc uhps fn[k jgs i`’B ij vkidksa viuh lwpuk,a Hkjuh gksx a haA 4. Fill this form properly. After click on submit button then Confirmation window as under will open. lko/kkuh iwoZd Hkjsa x;s QkeZ esa viuh lwpukvksa dks iqu% psd dj **lcfeV** dks fDyd djsa o vxys foaMks esa viuh lwpuk dks psd dj dUQeZ dj nsAa 5. After above Confirmation, Payment Options window will open to make payment through any one of the several payment options, where you will confirm and finish the Admission Fee Payment process. After successful payment you will see Payment Receipt, in which DU Number is provided. Note this number carefully. Then wait for 24 hour before going to "Step 2: Fill Application Form” as on next page. mijksDr dUQZes”ku f[kM+dh ds ckn & Qhl tek djus ds vxys foaMks esa lqfo/kkuaqlkj o miyC/k fdlh ,d fof/k dks viukdj Qhl tek djus dh çfØ;k iwjh dj **çkfIr jlhn** dk fçaV ys ysAa DU Number vo'; uksV dj ysAa 24 ?kaVs ckn gh vxys i`"B ij of.kZr nwljs pj.k dh çfØ;k iw.kZ djus dh vksj c<sAa Step 2: When Payment is done and you received DU Number then you can fill Application Form after 24 hours from Payment time 1. Click here after 24 hours of Fee Payment, the Step 1 and go to the next window for final form filling. Qhl tek djus ds 24 ?kaVs ckn bls fDyd djsa vkSj vxys foaMks ij QkeZ Hkjdj iw.kZ djus dh vksj c<+asA 2. Then below screen will be available. Here you can write your Payment “DU Number” and “Mobile Number” same as already entered on SBI website. ;gkW rc [kqyus okys LØhu es vki pqds gSa] ogh HkjsaA “DU Number” rFkk “Mobile Number” tSlk fd igys vki SBI website ij Hkj 3. Then application form will open as in following screen vc vkids lEeq[k vkosnu Hkjus dk ist [kqy tk,xk ftls vkidks lko/kkuh iwoZd Hkjuk gksxkA 4. After Filling, Finishing and re-checking all information submit and take the print out to keep with you. You are not required to send it anywhere. Please note down your DU Number and Mobile Number that you filled for future use to Re-Print or to any other need as ewquired. lko/kkuh iwoZd QkeZ Hkj ysus] tkWp dj ysus ds ckn **lcfeV** cVu nck,a o QkeZ dk fçaV ys ysAa ;g fçaV vkidksa dghs Hkstuk ugh gksxkA vius ikl gh lqjf{kr j[kuk gksxkA d`i;k ;g “DU Number” rFkk “Mobile Number” Hkfo"; ds fçaV o vU; lanHkZ ds fy, j[k ysaA 5. Now wait for the date of downloading admit card and examination date as per the information to be provided on this website. ços'k i= MkmuyksM o ijh{kk frfFk dh lwpuk 'kh?kz gh blh osclkbV ij miyC/k gksxhA