WON-DOOR - CADdetails
WON-DOOR - CADdetails
WON-DOOR FireGuard The ORIGINAL horizontal sliding accordion fire door. TM Fire Safety by Design Founded in 1962, the Won-Door Corporation introduced the world’s most durable acoustically rated folding partition. In 1977 the company pioneered the development of the first-ever accordion type, fire rated horizontal sliding door. Today, more than 40 years later, Won-Door remains the industry leader in the manufacture of fire doors and moveable firewalls. Technology developed by Won-Door engineers continues to influence the building products and fire protection industries. Setting the standard The first to gain universal acceptance The development of the accordion type, horizontally sliding fire door – as manufactured by the Won-Door Corporation – has had a profound influence on the model code requirements that regulate their use, leading to its universal acceptance for use in virtually any means of egress application. The first to be UL listed Setting the standard. . . . . 2 Typical applications . . . . . 3 Egress applications . . . . . 4 The Won-Door FireGuard was the first accordion type fire door to successfully pass nationally recognized tests to withstand the passage of fire. Won-Door FireGuard products are listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) for up to 3 hours as a rated door assembly and 2 hours as a moveable fire wall. Still on the cutting-edge Non egress applications . . 5 Listings and approvals . . . 6 Standard features. . . . . . . 7 How to specify . . . . . . . . . 8 Opening protective for a non-rated glass entrance to a tenant suite. Only the Won-Door FireGuard uses a state-of-the-art microprocessor activated control system to guarantee reliability and enhance door function. This technology provides almost limitless opportunities for electronic communication, supervision, alarm activation and more. Engineered to fit YOUR needs WON-DOOR C O R P O R AT I O N Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Phone: 800-453-8494 Building codes encourage larger openings so why be limited by traditional forms of opening protectives like roll-down shutters or swing-type doors? The custom-made Won-Door FireGuard fire door can accommodate virtually any opening. Capable of spanning wide openings and heights up to 28 feet* – even radial configurations are possible. Best of all, the single- or bi-parting doors are installed in the open position and fold to just inches per foot behind pocket doors that you can design to blend with the Area separation between the old and new BWI surrounding architecture. Airport terminal. www.wondoor.com 2 * Increased custom heights available WON-DOOR FIREGUARD Superior performance, superior service More than twenty branch sales offices and two Regional Sales Offices, plus a highly skilled team of designers, engineers and field technicians, provide product service and support across the United States. Thoroughly knowledgeable about building code as well as construction, our sales force can be relied upon to guide you every step of the way so you can get your ideas off the drawing board and into existence. Typical applications include: Area Separation Atrium Separation Corridor Separation Elevator Lobby Separation Horizontal Exits Occupancy Separation Safe Areas of Refuge Smoke Barrier Smoke and Draft Control Vertical Exit Enclosure Separation Smoke Compartmentation Stage Proscenium Protective Vertical Opening Protective APPLICATION Elevator Lobby Separation in Type R Occupancy PROJECT Gold Country Hotel & Casino LOCATION Oroville, California PROJECT ARCHITECT Varond Design Group Won-Door FireGuard fire doors are used to create unobtrusive, yet code-compliant, elevator lobbies that are compatible with the decor of this high-rise hotel and casino in Northern California. The same Won-Door FireGuard fire doors are used in this elevator lobby/stairwell to satisfy two code enclosure requirements – protection of a vertical opening as well as elevator lobby separation. WON-DOOR FIREGUARD 3 Egress Applications Use Won-Door FireGuard in lieu of swing doors APPLICATION Vertical Opening Protective PROJECT Arizona State University Athletics Facility LOCATION Tempe, Arizona PROJECT ARCHITECT DWL Architects The architect wanted the natural light from the skylight of this three-story athletic building to filter through colorful banners and illuminate a display of athletic trophies and awards on the first floor. Using Won-Door FireGuard fire doors made this possible. "Fire doors" are not limited to just hollow metal swings. Won-Door FireGuard fire doors are code recognized and accepted anywhere an opening protective is required. Use Won-Door FireGuard in lieu of reducing the size of rated openings Rated openings in fire walls and fire barriers are permitted to be as large as 156 square feet, even in unsprinkled environments. The Won-Door FireGuard provides maximum design flexibility – beyond that of any other fire door or shutter. 4 WON-DOOR FIREGUARD Non Egress Applications Use Won-Door FireGuard in lieu of shutters APPLICATION Area Separation PROJECT Provo City Library LOCATION Provo, Utah PROJECT ARCHITECT By redefining what is typically described as an “atrium” Won-Door FireGuard fire doors meet the required fire separation between adjacent spaces while eliminating costly atrium requirements such as sprinklers and smoke evacuation systems. Use Won-Door FireGuard in lieu of fire-rated glass MJSA Architects A non-rated clerestory joins the renovated historic 1892 building with a large modern library addition. Combining the old and the new presented a code compliance challenge. Since the aggregate square footage exceeded the allowable area defined in the current code, a 2-hour fire barrier – the Won-Door FireGuard – was used to separate a large portion of the historic renovation. By taking advantage of the approved wide span opening protective capabilities, historic ambiance and code compliance were easily accommodated. Won-Door FireGuard, the only microprocessor controlled fire door on the market, is the preferred solution for lower cost and clear openings. Some models are approved for use as an ASTM E-119 compliant moveable fire wall in non-egress openings in fire barriers. WON-DOOR FIREGUARD 5 Listings & Approvals Means of Egress Applications 2003 IBC 1 2006 IBC1 2006 NFPA 101 1008.1.2 exc #5 1008.1.2 exc #6 1008.1.3.3 1008.1.3.3 APPLICATIONS Building Code Reference Performance Criteria 1Any application without occupant load limitation except H occupancies. Product Information MODEL NUMBER HOURLY RATING TEST CRITERIA U.L. FILE NUMBER SINGLE OR BI-PARTING MAX. OVERSIZE LABEL SIZE Door Assembly FireGuard FG20 20 minutes U.L. 10B (ASTM E-2074) 6 R6799 Both Available 28'0" (h) Unrestricted (w) Door Assembly FireGuard FG603 1 hour U.L. 10B (ASTM E-2074) 6 R6799 Both Available 28'0" (h) Unrestricted (w) Door Assembly FireGuard FG903 1 1/2 hours U.L. 10B (ASTM E-2074) 6 R6799 Both Available 28'0" (h) Unrestricted (w) San Diego International Airport Door Assembly FireGuard FG1803 3 hours U.L. 10B (ASTM E-2074) 6 R6799 Both Available 28'0" (h) Unrestricted (w) LOCATION Wall Assembly FireGuard MFW14 1 hour U.L. 263 (ASTM E-119) R12272 Single Parting Only N.A. PROJECT ARCHITECT Wall Assembly FireGuard MFW24 2 hour U.L. 263 (ASTM E-119) R12272 Single Parting Only N.A. SPGA The Won-Door FireGuard fire door can be used to isolate and control a security breach as well as stop the spread of fire and toxic fumes. Automatic Closing System5 Can be used on all Won-Door FireGuard models listed up to 3 hours U.L. 864 E92690 Can be used for both N.A. APPLICATION Elevator Lobby Separation/Access Control PROJECT San Diego, California 3 Each door assembly, when required, complies with UL1784; and with the exception of FG20, can be labeled as Temperature Rise (TR). See ESR1394. 4 MFW - Movable Fire Wall 5 This listing applies for use on all Won-Door FireGuard models. 6 Excluding cotton pad test. Other Won-Door FireGuard Listings and Reports 6 ICC Research Rep. ESR-1394 State of California Door Assemblies MFW 3261-357:001; 1080-357:100 San Francisco Dept. of Public Works 387W18.2 City & County of Denver M-8275 State of Wisconsin 811003 City of New York Listed Assemblies Oversized Assemblies MEA-127-79-M; MEA-124-79M; MEA-383-85-M MEA-377-86-M; MEA-70-87-M; MEA-69-87-M WON-DOOR FIREGUARD Standard Features 1 2 6 Standard features of the Won-Door FireGuard: 1. Exiting hardware Exiting hardware can be configured and placed where appropriate, including to accommodate persons with disabilities. 2. Leading edge obstruction detector The door will stop upon contact with an obstacle, pause, then re-seek the closed position. 3. Leadpost Doors can be prevented from closing and caused to re-open a preset distance by applying light pressure to the leadpost. 4. Single- or bi-parting doors A single door slides across the opening into a recessed jamb located on the opposite wall. The spanning of larger openings is possible by using the bi-parting configuration. The storage space is then divided on each side of the opening. 5. Pocket cover door Pocket cover doors can be designed by you to blend with any decor. 6. Track and trolley system This system allows the door to accommodate wide span openings. Curved configurations are also possible. WON-DOOR FIREGUARD 7 7. Thermal lockout feature Ambient temperature at the door is monitored and the operating device is automatically disabled if the environment becomes untenable. 8. Microprocessor A control unit located in the door’s storage pocket provides continuous monitoring of door status. 8 9 9. Electronics The Won-Door FireGuard is a completely electronically supervised system utilizing solid state circuitry as well as a backup DC power supply. 10. Floor gasket and fire liner A tight-fitting floor gasket and fiberglass liner provide an impenetrable barrier against the spread of smoke and flames. 10 11. Modular design Modular design provides for in-place reparability using basic tools. 12. Materials Door panels are constructed of 24-gauge steel with a standard finish of platinum enamel. Optional colors are available for a nominal fee. 11 7 Fire Safety by Choice Specifying the Won-Door FireGuard Why Without the use of floor tracks or exposed hardware of any kind, these fire doors are the most trouble free product in the fire protection industry. • Design flexibility • Custom made to fit your design without compromising code requirements • Lower maintenance costs • Modular construction means in-place reparability • No parts exposed to wear and tear • Fewer service calls • Can be reset by building management by simply pushing a button • Backup power supply so door operates even during a power outage • Increase useable space • Code compliant • Access control options available • Often cost less than other solutions How • Our Design Manual containing a complete summary of architectural details and specifications is available for free from your local Won-Door representative. Or call 800-453-8494 to order. • The Won-Door FireGuard Product Catalog prepared to standard CSI format for use with most CAD systems is also available for download from our website at www.wondoor.com • Additionally, videos, in a variety of formats, can be downloaded from our online video archive. These informative short movies cover a range of topics from typical applications and product demos to technical topics and code compliance. Learn and earn AIA members can learn more about Won-Door products and earn credits by participating in a Won-Door seminar either online or in person. Contact your local representative for more information or visit www.wondoor.com and click on Continuing Education. For more information contact your local representative. WON-DOOR C O R P O R AT I O N Salt Lake City, UT 84104 Phone: 800-453-8494 www.wondoor.com 8 WON-DOOR FIREGUARD STEELCURTAIN D E P L O YA B L E A C C E S S C O N T R O L B A R R I E R Won-Door Corporation takes building security to the next level. Celebrating 40 years 1962 - 2002 Embassies and other Won-Door Corporation takes building security to the next level. government facilities are What else would you expect from an industr y leader that, over the last 40 years, has kept pace with the increasingly complex and demanding model building codes. Won-Door Corporation offers a superior line of retractable access control barrier solutions that includes the rigorously tested, field-proven Won-Door FireGuard. In today’s world, the need to protect persons and proper ty from acts of terrorism and other breaches of security has taken on even greater impor tance. Code compliance, while still impor tant, is no longer enough. Based on knowledge gained testing and improving the Won-Door FireGuard, Won-Door engineers have developed the SteelCurtain. Added security features and a unique software program called Advanced Synchronized Locking (ASL) enable building owners and businesses to provide a new level of protection against unwanted intruders, suspect packages and unauthorized access as well as from smoke and fire. prime targets for terrorist attacks. Advanced Synchronized Locking can interface seamlessly with most other electronic monitoring systems or can be used independently In addition to safety and security issues, the cost-saving benefits of the SteelCurtain and ASL can be realized across the board. Of special interest to the security consultant is the fact that ASL can inter face seamlessly with most other electronic monitoring systems or can be used independently to monitor Won-Door products as well as all other doors in the facility. Design professionals can offer their clients the money-saving benefits of the SteelCurtain/ASL package by solving means of egress problems and security issues at the same time. Building owners will find that the SteelCurtain can be easily installed in new as well as existing construction. to monitor Won-Door products as well as all other doors. Won-Door Corporation The SteelCurtain is the newest addition to a family of products that includes the fire-rated Won-Door FireGuard and the acoustically-rated DuraSound. Ease of operation and the ability to span vir tually any opening – even extra large or cur ved openings can be accommodated with a single door – are what set the Won-Door folding par tition apar t from other opening protective options. The SteelCurtain has UL listings for fire resistance of up to 3 hours, therefore it not 2 Within seconds after an “incident” has been detected, all doors within the monitored only meets, but exceeds, most code requirements. It has been accepted by all the model building codes and the IBC for almost unrestricted use in egress applications. The SteelCurtain provides for public safety as well as building security and is often the only practical solution available. system will close immediately to compartmentalize the facility. With software developed by Won-Door, your security personnel can monitor and operate every door within the monitored system. The SteelCurtain can be equipped with electronic locking hardware and is installed with a state-of-the-art microprocessor (with batter y backup) which constantly monitors all door components as well as the openings. With ASL, Won-Door’s user friendly software, on-site security personnel can control each Won-Door as well as ever y other door within the monitored system. They can diagnose malfunctions, open the doors and preprogram closings for both normal business and holiday or weekend hours. Additionally ASL can be programmed to send door status and malfunction information to a remote site using a modem. Within seconds after an “incident” has been detected anywhere within the monitored system, the doors in that area can be selected and instructed to close. Simultaneously ASL will gather information detailing when and where the breach occurred. In addition to the basic benefits of all Won-Door FireGuard doors, other security features can be included to provide additional damage control. Each SteelCurtain is made to order and can be engineered to meet your specific security requirements by adding an alarm, a motor brake, access control card reader or locking mechanism. Building Security and Access Control Applications Compartmentalization in high occupancy facilities In airpor ts, schools, museums and other public facilities, large volumes of people must be able to pass freely through the corridors. The Won-Door SteelCur tain is capable of spanning openings of vir tually unlimited widths and heights up to 23 feet. The doors remain in the open position, hidden in wall pockets, unless there is an emergency situation. Upon the activation of a fire alarm, or when activated by security personnel, the doors will close immediately and compar tmentalize the facility. The doors will remain in the closed position until the situation is under control. 3 Public buildings such as schools and churches need to accommodate those who have a legitimate reason to use the facility after hours. The following example illustrates how compartmentalization works. Just days after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, a security breach was reported at Burbank/Glendale/Pasadena Airport in Burbank, California. Won-Door Fireguard doors, which had been installed in four locations, were immediately activated by security personnel. Movement within the terminal was restricted while a search was conducted and the occupants were safely evacuated. After hours control of access Schools, churches and government facilities, in order to minimize vandalism, need to restrict access after hours. Yet, because the building is a public facility, some groups may have a legitimate reason to be there. When a recognized patron informs building security of their intent to either enter or leave the facility, a specific door can be put in the “Patron Access” or “Once” mode so it will open briefly to allow passage, then resume the closed and secure position. Should the need arise, security personnel have the ability to secure por tions or all of the facility at their finger tips. Won-Door deployable barriers are used throughout the Pentagon. Executive protection Protecting the company’s executives as well as its assets is an essential part of a corporate emergency preparedness plan. While some executives may fail to recognize the importance of ensuring their personal safety, savvy investors do not. The SteelCurtain is an unobtrusive barrier that can rapidly deploy to protect the senior management team so they can continue to lead the company during a critical situation. When retracted, access to executives appears unrestricted allowing staff and upper management to interact freely during normal business operation. Physical Security Controlled Access by Design Architects Finding the balance between creativity and a client’s desire for better security just got easier. Dramatic open space designs need not be scaled back to suppor t 4 Protecting the company’s executives as well as its assets is an essential part of security and safety measures. If you can imagine it, Won-Door deployable barriers – capable of spanning heights up to 23 feet, unlimited widths and cur ved openings – can protect it. High traffic flow requirements can be met with room to spare while emergency situations automatically restrict access in seconds. a corporate emergency preparedness plan. Security Directors You will find that those features which allow for almost unlimited use of the WonDoor FireGuard in egress applications, and now found in the SteelCurtain, make it a financially sound choice for building security. Since many of the building codes require protection of elevator lobbies, this also becomes a logical spot to control the people and packages that enter and leave the building. And the SteelCurtain product line works equally well in new construction or retrofit applications. The SteelCurtain provides fire protection and has UL listings for fire resistance for 20 minute, 1 hour, 1 1/2 hour and 3 hour applications. Since many of the building codes require protection of elevator lobbies, this also becomes a logical spot to control the people and packages that enter and leave Security Consultants Won-Door specializes in retrofitting existing structures. Even when new construction is not an option, security consultants will find many ways to use the SteelCurtain to improve existing security. The doors integrate seamlessly with most existing electronic access control systems. Recommend the SteelCurtain for your next project and your clients will applaud your innovative and affordable solution. the building. System Integrators The challenge to add value to your physical security programs and differentiate yourself from your competitors is more difficult than ever before. Won-Door can make the value-added selling easier by suppor ting your sales effor t ever y step of the way. The time to contact your Won-Door representative is when you have identified a project that would benefit from enhanced access control measures. Won-Door can engineer, price and install the project – ensuring a seamless deliver y process – as well as provide on-site ser vice after the sale. 5 Time-Proven and Field-Tested Drawing on time-proven technology developed over the past 40 years, the SteelCurtain combines the field-tested features of the Won-Door FireGuard with a power ful new software program called Advanced Synchronized Locking (ASL) to create a security package like none other in today’s market. Features of the SteelCurtain • UL listings for fire resistance for 20 minute, 1 hour, 1-1/2 hour, 3 hour and temperature rise applications • approved by the model building codes for use in most egress applications • easy access, even by persons with disabilities; meets all ADA requirements • recognized by many state and local governments • tight fitting floor sweep and fire liner provide an effective seal for blocking smoke and toxic fumes • electronic locking and security hardware • state-of-the-art microprocessor The SteelCurtain is installed • back-up DC power supply with a state-of-the-art • folds to inches per foot microprocessor (with battery backup) which constantly monitors all door components • no floor track required • patented track and trolley system allows the door to accommodate curved openings; span virtually unlimited widths, heights up to 23 feet • many color and finish options as well as the openings. Features of Advanced Synchronized Locking (ASL) • Windows-based • the ability to monitor and operate, on one computer, all doors logged into the system - up to 256 doors - in one location or many - Won-Door products or any other door in the facility ASL can generate a detailed report on the activity of every door monitored by the system. • generation of detailed diagnostic report can be directed to security personnel or any other department requiring information on the activity of every door monitored by the system - includes such pertinent items as the time and date of the malfunction, the location of the door and the type of error • can be programmed to dial – via modem – various phone numbers in case of a breach or malfunction including maintenance or security personnel, fire or police department or off-site security company • from a centrally located computer doors can be: - instructed to perform various functions such as open, open once, close, lock or unlock From a centrally located on-site computer doors can be instructed to open, close, lock or report various errors. 6 - programmed to report various errors such as security violation, low battery, obstruction, thermal lockout, drivetrain malfunction - programmed to call in at preset times to report its status • create a time-stamped log of all door activity • can interface with other electronic monitoring systems such as fire alarms, access control systems, sprinkler flow valves and smoke detectors Details 1'- 6" 5 3/4" 1 5 3/4" 5 1 6 POCKET 2 2 7 3 8 3 1/4" 3 4 PUSH TO OPEN 5 4 PUSH HEADER DETAIL Typical Pocket Mounted Motor ELEVATION Typical Motor Assembly 1. 1/2" dia. threaded rod with nuts & washers 18" o.c. in opening, 12" o.c. in stack area by others 2. (3) layers, 3/4" x 18" x continuous plywood and (2) layers, 5/8" x 18" x continuous gyp. board by others 3. (3) layers, 1/2" x 3 5/8" x continuous gyp. board by others 4. Motor drive assembly by Won-Door 5. Track by Won-Door 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Motor drive assembly by Won-Door Control box by Won-Door Key switch by Won-Door (2) 4" x 4" J boxes, surface mounted, by others Ceiling by others Folding fire door by Won-Door Access control card reader by others (optional) Exit hardware by Won-Door (optional) SINGLE PARTING with Storage Pocket 1. Floating jamb by WD 2. Exit hardware by WD (optional) 3. Pocket door by others 1 2 4. Floating jamb stop by WD 5. Recessed striker by WD BI-PARTING with Storage Pocket 1. Floating jamb by WD 2. Exit hardware by WD (optional) 3. Pocket door by others 4. Floating jamb stop by WD 3 5" 1 2 3 5" 5" 1'- 6" ± 1/4" 1'- 6" ± 1/4" 4 1/8" 1'- 6" ± 1/4" 5 4 STACK DEPTH CLEAR OPENING STACK DEPTH 4 STACK DEPTH CLEAR OPENING 4 1/4" 7 Won-Door Corporation’s An Industry Leader world headquarters and state- The Won-Door SteelCurtain incorporates the latest technology and has undergone rigorous testing to ensure that it remains on the cutting edge of technology. Won-Door representatives are located around the countr y and around the world so no matter where your next project is, help is never fur ther than a phone call. Your local or regional Won-Door sales representative is up-to-date on all the recent changes to the model building codes and can help you find the security solution that’s right for your project. of-the-art manufacturing facility is located near the majestic Wasatch Mountains in Salt Lake City. A highly qualified team of designers, engineers, and factor y-trained technicians is available to help you ever y step of the way – from providing pricing and technical suppor t as you prepare your bid package to ensuring the smooth deliver y and successful installation of your doors. While the extremely durable SteelCurtain requires minimal upkeep, should a door ever need ser vice, you can reach us 24 hours a day by calling our toll free hotline. A comprehensive catalog of architectural details and specifications prepared to standard CSI format is available on diskette for use with most CAD systems. It can be ordered by calling 800-453-8494 or from our website. Visit www.wondoor.com where you’ll find additional information about the Won-Door SteelCurtain as well as other Won-Door products. WON-DOOR CORPORATION 1865 South 3480 West • Salt Lake City, UT • Ph: 801-973-7500 • Fax: 801-977-9749 • www.wondoor.com
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