engineering work of art


engineering work of art
february 2014
work of art
Learn more about the adventure of the construction
of Arena da Amazônia, in Manaus, Brazil
Pedro Duarte, Martifer Construções
and Navalria Board Member
in focus
The excellence in Martifer Solar’s O&M service
Learn more about Latin America’s largest PV plant
new markets
and new clients,
Grupo Martifer, Apartado 17,
3684-001 Oliveira de Frades
Carlos Martins
Sónia Baldeira
New markets and new clients,
increasingly demanding
Arena da Amazônia: More than
a construction, a work of art
Pedro Duarte | Martifer
Construções and Navalria
Board Member
Catarina Teixeira, Sónia Baldeira
António Fernandes, Isabel Gaspar, Luis
Ferreira, Mafalda Trindade, Marco Alves,
Mariana Paste, Mário Reis Gonçalves,
Miguel Lima, Paulo Cavaleiro, Paulo
Neves, Pedro Duarte
Sandra Cruz
2014 World Cup Stadiums –
Portugal Exportador – © AIP;
Metallic and Mixed Construction
Congress – © CMM;
Other images - Martifer Group’s
image bank
Editorial Staff
preparing the future
Global Martifer in a Global
in focus
Martifer Solar O&M, a service
of excellence
A global industrial Group
work of art
Learn more
about the
adventure of
the construction
of Arena da
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
metallic constructions
In Mexico, the largest photovoltaic plant in Latin America
Third wind farm built in Poland
Martifer Solar considered the
fourth European company in
the EPC segment
Dear Readers,
In this edition for the beginning of 2014
of our external magazine – MNews –
you can:
We have built more complex construction and energy infrastructures, under
increasingly demanding conditions.
1) Get to know Mr. Pedro Duarte who,
in an Interview, explains us how Martifer Metallic Constructions has been
diversifying its geographies, decreasing
its exposure to Iberia, how it aligns its
strategy in the market where it operates, the importance of adjusting and
adapting the industrial structure, how
the shipbuilding and repair segment’s
growth strategy has been materialized
in the last five years and, finally, how he
sees Martifer Metallic Constructions in
five years.
We have made the first PV rooftop
installation in India, we have built
one of UK’s largest PV clusters and,
if that wasn’t enough, we made Latin
America’s largest PV park. Globally,
Martifer Solar should have reached
200 MW installed in 2013, which already totals 480 MW of PV projects
delivered since 2008. This is a number
that makes us proud and puts us in this
year’s 14th place in the world ranking
of the EPC segment.
2) In Preparing the Future, we give you
a brief analysis of the main economic
and sectorial drivers in 2014.
3) In Focus, we can learn about Martifer Solar’s Operation & Maintenance
area, one of the business segments with
a great potential.
4) Finally, in several articles, an important balance of our relevant achievements in 2013.
This was a very important year for us:
we conquered new markets and new
clients, increasingly demanding.
the end of 2013.
In Saudi Arabia, the projects go on at
a great pace. In the UK and France,
we delivered Scottish Hydro Arena, in
Glasgow and Airbus, in Toulouse, respectively.
The projects concluded this year have
a common ground: growing engineering
Step by step, the Group is more global
and more competitive, which makes us
quite sure that MARTIFER brand continues in the right path for greater awareness and recognition internationally.
In wind energy, we successfully concluded the 26 MW of wind farms for the
IKEA Group and in shipbuilding, we delivered the Queen Isabel and Amavida
hotel ships to our client Douro Azul.
In our root activity, metallic construction, we continued advancing on new
markets. In Brazil, after 2 years of activities, we have concluded large scale
projects, such as the Arena Fonte Nova
stadium, and started the construction
of other no less important projects, like
Museu do Amanhã (Tomorrow’s Museum) or the Transcarioca Bridges. The
new Martifer Aluminium factory, in Jacareí (Brazil) is ready to produce since
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
MNEWS | Martifer Metallic Construc-
we are today
much more prepared
to work globally
interviewing pedro duarte, martifer
construções and navalria board member
tions has been diversifying its geographies, decreasing its exposure to the
Iberian Peninsula.Which are the next
countries for the company to enter?
PEDRO DUARTE | This diversification has
been materialized for some time, because
of the reasons we all know, essentially due
to the economic crisis that affected not
only Iberia, but Europe in general.There is
no other way to face the break in works
in the construction sector, that occurred,
since 2008 in the markets we were focused in, instead to diversify and to be
present where the demand is.
Our growth strategy is clear and is well
Working at Martifer
since 2004, Pedro
Duarte has been
a Board Member
of Martifer
Construções and
Navalria for the
past three years.
Focused on new
businesses and
the naval segment,
he gives us his
vision for Martifer
in the long term:
from international
presence to the
growth of the naval
and the Oil & Gas
known.Today, we are at Europe and Middle East, Africa and Latin America and
these are the markets we are focused in.
MN | What is Martifer Metallic Construc-
tions’ entry strategy? To gain weight and
conquer new markets? How does it
work to stand out? What are the main
competitive advantages against the competitors in these strategic markets?
PD | Martifer has a portofolio of finished
projects that allow it to show its working capacity. However, today that is not
enough to gain projects in geographies
where we are not well known.
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
Our entry approach in new markets is
essentially based on two criteria: economic perspective – countries where,
due to their sustained growth capacity,
there is a great need of investments, both
in the private and public sectors – and
development perspective – countries
that have been fast growing and developing and therefore have great needs in
infrastructures. And also of equipment to
take advantage of their natural resources.
At the same time, the commercial strategy is being developed in a way the
company can offer more than what is its
original core business, steel structures and
aluminium façades, where our undoubted
capacity is not always differentiating.
Today, most of the clients (and the most
appealing deals) look for integrated solutions, preferably associated with financing, that show working capacity and are
competitive. So, the question to be made
is: how can we join all these in an unique
proposal? It is clear for us that also here
we need to follow three fundamental
steps: settlement of partnerships, execution of added value products and creation of a flexible structure.
The settlement of partnerships with
companies of complementary segments
allows us to gain international dimension
and also partnerships associated to the
financing of projects.
The execution of added value products
is also important. A great example of
this type of project is what we call “construction works of art”, like the Arena
da Amazônia, for example, or the equipment for the Oil & Gas industry, the
naval industry and the equipment for the
offshore and mining industries.
Lastly, it is important to have a flexible
structure, meaning, motivated human
resources oriented towards mobility and
that are capable of creating the best engineering solutions to optimize projects,
in order to gain advantage in what is
more expensive in our activity: production, logistics and assembly.
The Group’s
strategy in the
shipbuilding and
repair segment
has been shaped
for more than
five years
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
As so, this is Martifer’s strategy to be able,
as it has been, to carry out the most difficult projects in the most remote places.
closer to the location of the projects,
ensuring clients’ confidence in our capacity and reducing logistics costs, and taxes
and customs rates.
MN | The industrial units that Martifer
has today enable the company to operate globally? Is it a flexible business in
terms of geographical changes?
However, in our activity, projects not always allow for a strict model, and there is
the need to adjust.
PD | Also here we have been adapt-
ing our strategy over the last few years.
Some of our factories started operations
designed for a particular business model
and their dimension and capacity were
adapted to that model. In other words,
because of the changes in market needs
that occurred lately, some were designed
with an over capacity and were not flexible enough.Therefore, we felt the need
to reshape our industrial presence in
some countries, while in other countries
the option was to shut down the industrial activity.
In one hand, today, our factories are designed based on a single layout model
and sized to respond to the beginning of
operations.They are prepared to grow,
in case it is needed, and the locations we
choose to install them should, preferable,
be on the seashore, because the logistics
is something clearly differentiating in our
activity.The watchword is flexibility.
On the other hand, today we have industrial units near our main markets, thus
allowing us to have a response capacity
That was what happened recently with
the execution of the roof steel structure
in the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium,
in Saudi Arabia, that required the construction of a field factory at the building
site, which allowed, due to the size of
the pieces, to successfully conclude this
project.This is a kind of unit that is structured to be quickly assembled and disassembled and which can support other
projects anywhere in the world.
In summary, we feel we are today much
more prepared to work globally.
MN | Regarding Martifer Metallic Construtions’ segments, which are the ones
that have a greater potential?
PD | We believe in every segment we
work in and the growth in each one of
them is indelibly connected to how we
can embody our commercial strategy
and the strategy in each geography and
business segment.
That being said, it is public that we have
been positioning ourselves, in the last
few years, in the naval industry and, more
recently, in the Oil & Gas segment, where
there are clearly a group of very interesting opportunities that can be included
in the strategy we have been developing
for this activity.
MN | In the Oil & Gas segment, does
the company have already a pipeline of
projects? Where?
PD | The Oil & Gas segment is not new to
us. I remind you that we have made great
projects in the past, namely in Portugal.
The key question here is that we want to
position ourselves differently in this segment and enter the field of equipment
and installations, where we can have more
added value, namely in the construction
of structures for oil rigs. We must not
forget that around 80 % of the Oil & Gas
reserves are at sea and that their exploration will require large investments in
equipment and structures for its exploration and extraction.
In this segment, the steel structures’ area,
the rapid assembly and new construction
solutions, as well as the equipment installation are increasingly valuated. With the
execution of large blocs produced in the
factory or field factory, substantially reducing assembly timespan and, consequently,
its cost.
As I referred, our strategy relies on having
a technical partner that combined with
our production and assembly capacities,
together we can respond to large projects
that are out there.
MN | Because of the contract for the
sub concession of the lands and infrastructures of Viana do Castelo’s
(ENVC) shipyard, Martifer’s capacity
and experience in the naval sector has
been questioned. As an administrator
of Navalria (the group’s company in
this sector), which do you consider the
main strengths and weaknesses of the
group and what is the strategy for this
PD | The Group’s growth strategy in the
shipbuilding and repair segment has been
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
The only way
of having
people happy,
aligned and
participating in
the growth of the
organizations is
putting them in
the right place,
doing what they
do best
well-known experience in ship repair, and
since we acquired it, besides modernizing
this activity, it also positioned itself in the
construction area, with an investment of
approximately 5 million euros.The company has had a growing order book.
We are now building two hotel ships
for Douro Azul, that are expected to
be delivered this month.These ships are
the fourth and fifth built for this client.
Thus it clearly demonstrates our capacity,
since it is one of the most influent and
renowned ship owners in Portugal, and
the success of its activities is internationally recognized.
Today, between direct and indirect workers, Navalria has more than 300 people
working on the shipyard on a daily basis.
shaped for more than five years.Together
with the position we target to develop
in the Oil & Gas segment, our participation in the international public tender
launched by the Portuguese Government, with absolutely clear and tangible
criteria, was a logic consequence in our
About the ENVC, which I would like
that, from now on, it would be known
as West Sea, Estaleiros de Viana, our
strategy was previously explained by the
Chairman of Martifer. And our position
throughout the entire process has been
of great serenity, because above all, we
believe in the project and in its mediumlong term success.
Regarding Navalria, which we own and
manage since 2008, it is a shipyard with
more than 35 years, with a strong and
MN | Back to Martifer Metallic Con-
structions, what are the main improvement opportunities for the future in the
PD | This month, Martifer will be 24 years
old.Throughout these years, much has
changed in Portugal, in the world and
consequently in companies. Martifer was
no exception. It is well-known that the
last few years have been the most difficult
ever in most companies, due to all global
changes that occurred, and it was necessary to make huge adaptations. Changes
in organizations are many times painful
and not always fair, but if they aren’t made,
they may dictate their end.
And here enters companies’ big asset
(and this is not a cliché), the people.
I’m not a nostalgic person, and I’m sure
there are no absolute truths. But in the
past, the success achieved by Martifer was
not reached because of luck. And must be
analysed and understood.
This success required a lot of work. However, the company’s size allowed its leaders, with an undeniable and well known
capacity, to have everyone under their
radar, ensuring that they were put in the
right places, guide their evolution based
on their personal and specific characteristics, and that grew inspired by the principles and values that characterized the
company and its founders.
The only way of having people happy,
motivated, aligned and participating in
the growth of the organizations is putting
them in the right place, doing what they
do best, and showing them, on a daily
basis, that we pay attention to their important contribution, ensuring their evolution in the company, but always to works
or functions adequate for them, and never
for the title or formality of the function. If
we know how to explain it to them, they
will understand.
That being said, and answering your question, I think we should have a constant
concern in improving every day the way
we communicate inside our organization
and to make ourselves understood by the
people which work with us, ensuring that
they are comfortable with the guidelines
Those who have a leadership position in
the company must have the capacity to,
at the end of each working day, ask themselves if they have done everything in their
power so the people that depend on
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
36 years of age
martifer construções
and navalria board
them understood what is expected from
them and frequently question if they are
doing the right job, or, are at the right department. I believe most people is much
more productive with the correct framework and that has incredible results.
MN | How can Martifer Metallic Constructions be five years from now?
PD | Firstly, I hope the company is able to
remunerate its shareholders and exceed
their expectations, because they are the
ones that have believed in it. If that happens, it means the path we are travelling
was correct.
Secondly, I wish the company to be globally recognized by its execution capacity,
that all our partners have confidence in
working with us and that Martifer’s workers feel a huge pride and feel fulfilled to
be a part of this organization.
I wish the
company to
be globally
recognized by
its execution
capacity, all our
partners have
confidence in
working with
us and that
workers feel a
huge pride and
feel fulfilled to
be a part of this
At the age of 36, Pedro Duarte is a Board Member of Martifer Construções
and Navalria.
With a degree in Mechanical Engineering in the University of Coimbra, he
has been at Martifer for 10 years. His path in the company was made of
international experiences: from Poland and Romania, in the beginning of
activity in these two countries, to Angola and Mozambique, where he took
place in the board of Directors of the company in these countries. Today,
he embraces the challenge of new businesses and naval segment, which he
believes to be a sector with a strong growth potential.
With a life dedicated mostly to work, Pedro Duarte assumes he has not many hobbies. However, he is passionate about information. From “Expresso” (general information Portuguese newspaper) to “A Bola” (sports Portuguese newspaper), he likes to
be informed and confides:“I like issues related to politics and its history very much”.
This taste shows also in his readings. “Right now I’m reading a Sebastian Haffner book about the life of Winston Churchill, a very striking politician from
the XX century”, he says.
Football is other one of its passions, and he doesn’t hide his club preferences: “In Portugal, Benfica is the club that has more supporters, Porto is
the one with more titles, but Sporting is the best!”
The people are his greater challenge and what motivates him the most in
his work, confessing that “organizing and structuring teams, mobilizing them
to overcome their goals in a sustained and long lasting way” is what he likes
the most in what he does.
And when he speaks about people, he highlights the one he most admires:
“my wife. Along with many other qualities, I’ve never met someone who
was so truly careful with others”.
With a life made of business travels, in his free times he likes to “travel inside Portugal”, but opens an exception: “I love Rome. When we walk on the
streets we can almost feel the noise of the fights between gladiators.”
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
global martifer... in a global
• In 2014, the economic power of the Western economies will be back on top and
switch leading position with BRICs.The economic recovery will be a reality and mature
economies will have an important role in the world economic growth, as can be seen in
the graphic.The USA will have again a strong contribution (+2.6 % GDP). In other words,
mature markets will accelerate growth leading world economy to 3.6 % in 2014, according several organisms ’s studies .
challenges and opportunities - in analysis
We shall begin by the analysis of the
current Order Book of business (9M13
figures) of 493 million euros and its
breakdown. As can be seen in the
graphic on the right, Western Europe
represents 255 million euros (or 52 %)
of the total Order Book (Metallic Constructions + Solar), with UK representing
45 %, Eastern Europe, Middle East and
Africa accumulate 152 million euros (or
31 %) and the Americas total 87 million euros (or 18 %). The Order Book’s
current balance between mature and
under development countries is roughly
in equilibrium, with Iberia weighing even
less this year.
On the average base the activity is 50/50
weigh for the two businesses, and should
keep this way in the near future.
• European Economy is finally in the way to the recovery. In 2013, against all the expectations and following the diminishing of risks, the economy returned to recovery.
How to answer all
these questions?
Key Questions:
#1 – What should be expected from the Group activity in 2014? In which geographies?
#2 – Which are the fundamental basis of the economies where the Group is exposed?
#3 – Which will be the Trends and Drivers of the construction and solar PV sectors?
#4 – Which are going to be the global business environment and main risks in 2014?
Let’s go
one by one
Balance between mature
and developing economies
Eastern Europe
+ Middle East
+ Africa
10 reasons to believe in it:
Source:The Economist
preparing the future
1. The gross domestic product of the
euro area is likely to have expanded by
0.5 % in the second half of 2013
5. Greece is expected to return to
growth in 2014 for the first time in seven
8. Bond Yields have fallen back to 2010
levels as foreign investors have returned
to crisis-country debt markets
2. Portugal came out of recession in the
second quarter
6. Ireland defied most forecasts by growing
1.5 % in the third quarter alone
9. Financial fragmentation across the euro
zone has eased as borrowing costs in the
periphery have finally started to come down
3. Spain came out of recession in the
third quarter
7. Spain, Portugal and Greece eliminated
vast current- account deficits, reducing their
reliance on foreign borrowing – and not
just by slashing imports; Iberian exports in
particular have surged, aided by structural
reforms that have boosted competitiveness
4. Italy stopped contracting in the fourth
10. The European Central Bank’s balance
sheet, which ballooned during the crisis as
funding markets closed, has shrunk as banks
have been able to repay emergency loans
SOURCE: Martifer 9M13 Results
eastern europe
middle east /
north africa
> 4%
2 - 4%
< 2%
(excl. japan)
latin america
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
5ub-saharan africa
* At market exchange rates. Source:The Economist
According to the Euroconstruct’s studies, from November 2013, as can be
seen in the graphic, the European construction experienced severe declines
within the last years as a result of various crises. Especially the public savings
pressure and market upheavals because
of the public crisis along with uncertainty about the economic progress aggravated the situation.
Production output declined by 2.7 %
in real terms in 2013 in the Western
Europe countries but the development
in construction varied significantly between the countries. The construction
outlook is more favorable for the 20142016 period. In course of the overall
economic upswing construction is
expected to grow moderately by 0.9%
Construction Output (volume, left scale)
Construction Output (change, right scale)
GDP (change, right scale)
change against previous ywar, in %
western europe
volume, in billion Euro
gdp world growth* 2014
Source: Euroconstruct
in 2014. But a further more dynamic
performance should follow in the forecast period 2015-16, given a stable
economic framework.
All sectors – housing, non-residential
construction and civil engineering are
expected to experience an expansion
in volume. Necessary and often delayed
infrastructure measures and investments will counter the ongoing public
consolidation pressure.
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
preparing the future
How is sector demand? How is the
regulatory environment and what
should we expect from 2014 sector
28.8 GW
35.8 GW
30.6 GW
1,707 %
41.4 GW
41.4 GW
141 %
322 %
49 %
18.2 GW
• There is a renewed sense of optimism in the global PV industry at the
end of 2013. Although prices are flat
and margins are only slightly positive for
a few companies.
• After we expect 2013 to finish up at
35.8-40.4 GW total new build, in 2014
is expected a demand between 41.4
and 49.9 GW, which means a volume
growth between +16 % /+24 %.
• Consolidation continues, and orders
keep flowing to large and medium
manufacturers with perceived higher
changes of survival and better product
• Active players with effective cost control are currently running at full capacity,
and some plan expansion in 2014.
• Actually, market is already expecting
shortest offer of silicon in 2015.
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Rest of the world
49.9 GW
40.4 GW
Western Europ
Eastern Europe
Rest of the World
• Growing markets: India, Latin
America, US.
• Declining markets: Germany
and Spain
Dominican Republic
Price/Module Markets
Module Origin
Japan, South Korea
Southeast Asia, India and Taiwan
Trend since 2013
SOURCE: Bloomberg New Energy Finance
30.6 GW
18.2 GW
57.4 GW
28.8 GW
1 081
Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance
If there is a lesson to take from the last
crisis, it will be the following: Enterprises
should be more prepared to face other
type of Risk Management with worries
such as countries’ financial system and
governments which the business is exposed to.
Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance
• Continuing markets: UK, France
and Italy
23 %
Last Price
0.70 Eur
0.57 Eur
0.71 Eur
0.51 Eur
Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance
About Latin America:
On Solar, and looking at Latin America, Brazil no longer dominates, with Chile, Mexico, and Uruguay in particular all beeing coming on
strong. And besides wind still accounts for the majority of funds deployed, solar investment is now surging and anticipates a strong growth for the next years, as can be seen in the graphic, in which 2014 is expected to outperform with a growth of 322 %.
Chile has the market with the best outlook since the clean energy target increase was finally signed into law and the target mix of
clean energies is now 25 % by 2025.To achieve the goal it should lead to auctions every two years, till 2015.
Due to globalization of markets, financial
impact of economic turmoil is more than
ever a dummy to be considered in the
corporate strategy.
Despite all, 2014 should be more positive
compared with last years. Business environment is better and will have the best
opportunities in mature markets. And
once corporate and government level of
investment is at the lowest level in the
last years, all indicates that as far as confidence, as expected in 2014, the potential
growth in sectors such infrastructures and
energy should increase.
Business Environment
World real
Source:The Economist; %
The risks to be considered in 2014:
a. Election in the EU
b. Bank Stress
c. Deflation in Europe
d. An employment and social deterioration due to austerity fatigue
summing up:
Should 2014 be the turning point? If we weight all the information that is in our hands at this moment, from economic and sectorial fields,
we have in front of us what should be turning point to the European Economy, the construction sector, and solar sector within is already
considered capacity increases, and finally for the investment. Corporate investment has been exceptionally weak for five years, suggesting
clear potential for a powerful snap back as confidence, as drivers such as 1) lower levels of borrowing costs 2) higher levels of liquidity are
stronger and encourages investment. Having these said, is our understanding that 2014 should be the turning point for most of the European companies, mostly in the industrial sector that has been so penalized in the latest years due economic crisis.
Cards are on the table – and Martifer Group has in front of it a year full of opportunities and challenges on a global scale, to prove it is the
current level of order book and the base of clients./SB
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
in focus
Services of excellence:
from global supervision to local act
martifer solar o&m
a service of excellence
Imagine you live in a building with an elevator.This elevator has electronic parts,
electric engines and mechanical elements
that are subject to deterioration and
failures with impacts on its performance,
availability and safety conditions in its use.
Now, imagine you need a specialized
service for that elevator, which supervises
its operation, tracks failures and sends a
technician to your building whenever it
needs an adjustment, repairing, or to free
someone who has been stuck on the
elevator. Besides that, it gives you periodic reports about its operation, anticipates problems that may occur, and even
manages the warranty conditions from
your supplier.
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
Martifer Solar’s Operation & Maintenance segment has today a highly
qualified team to respond to its
clients’ needs, providing services of
supervision, operation, preventive
and corrective maintenance, report
and complementary services.
Martifer Solar’s O&M Service is
this, and furthermore.
With the accelerated growth of the
number of parks installed by Martifer
Solar, the company felt the need to invest
on a service that allowed for its clients
the 360º management of their solar
assets, from the supervision and maintenance of the equipment, to complementary management support services.
With the
accelerated growth
of the number of
parks installed
by Martifer Solar,
the company felt
the need to invest
on a service that
allowed for its
clients the 360º
management of
their solar assets
Martifer Solar has an innovative systems
integration platform, created by the own
company with the support of a technological partner. Besides allowing its specialized technicians to globally supervise, from
sun to sun, the operation of all solar parks,
it is also accessible to our clients, which
will be able to access it in a simple and
user friendly way.
The operation of the PV parks consists in
the detection and correction in loco of all
disruptive behaviours of the installations,
with relevant impact on the production,
maintenance or safety conditions.The
technical teams that execute the activities
in the solar parks are local teams, composed by highly qualified engineers and
technicians, from Martifer Solar.
To ensure and protect every warranty of
all the equipment, the preventive maintenance plans are adjusted to maximize the
operation and lifespan of the equipment,
at the lower cost possible.
For each operation, or according to specific metric required by the client, the
report presents a summary of the park
conditions and every detail for each one
of the disruptive behaviours.
Repairing or changes in the equipment
are performed by specialized technicians
in the electromechanical area, ensuring the
park’s performance and availability with
our own resources.The repairing is made
by engineers trained by manufacturers,
allowing Martifer Solar to intervene on
behalf of the manufacturer, therefore reducing the downtime of the park and the
cost of the operation.
Whenever necessary, Martifer Solar
renders also other complementary management support services for the parks
– administrative, legal, accounting, financial,
engineering – subcontracting only the
non-core services (cleaning, for example)
or legally cannot be provided by the company (such as security).
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
in focus
people, processes and systems in the centre of the activity
a solid base for a sustained activity
The O&M team relies on Martifer
Group’s and especially Martifer Solar’s
track records, to develop a sustained
activity with a solid evolution.
Martifer Solar’s
O&M service
has in people,
processes and
systems its main
Despite being integrated within Martifer
Solar, O&M service takes advantage of
the Group’s knowledge in the metallic
construction sector, namely in structure
maintenance and reengineering, approach to specific markets and capacity
for specific reconstruction needs.
Martifer Solar’s experience in EPC and
project development segments, as well
as in the production and distribution of
equipment, allows for a direct access to
clients and suppliers, a deep knowledge
Martifer Solar’s O&M service has in
people, processes and systems its main
competitive advantages, investing in
these three vectors to allow for an
excellent service and exceed its clients’
The teams are made of specialized and
experienced professionals in the electrical
maintenance, electromechanical and solar
fields, with a long-term job perspective.
The local teams, present in the geographies where the services are rendered,
are composed by locals or fluently speakers of the local language, in order to minimize the cultural and language impacts of
different geographies.
The processes used aim to achieve an
optimal performance. Resource allocation
is made to ensure that the engineering is
where it is needed and that maintenance
is executed with the lowest time to respond possible.
Our professionals are trained for excellence, receiving certified training in key
areas, such as thermography training, certified by ITC, and certified training by the
equipment manufacturers.
Via the MMC (Maintenance Methods
Centre & Specialized Engineering), located
in the company’s headquarters, Martifer
Solar ensures the implementation of best
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practices, standardization of maintenance
plans, evaluation of the equipment maintenance and reliability perspectives and
comparative benchmarking of the several
parks’ performance.
With the global claiming management,
which allows for O&M to have a global
perspective in the reliability and maintenance of the equipment, it is prepared to
alert clients / asset managers to endemic
system failures of their equipment, act
globally in their recovery and support its
clients in solving problems.
Another key process of the O&M service
is the OMC (Operation Management
Centre), a control room for centralized
supervision of the PV systems. At the
OMC, our energy engineers remotely
supervise the systems, with manual routine inspection procedures, and through
automatic alarms for disruptive conditions,
etc.This work is carried out in a sun to
sun schedule, 365 days a year, by specialized professionals fluent in English, French,
Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.
of the sector and the best options for
each situation.The company also has a
relevant know how in the existent technologies and has the capacity to produce,
with high technology equipment, solutions adapted to each client’s specific
It is based on its internal capacities that
Martifer Solar’s O&M service is today
able to successfully manage the operation and maintenance of over 400 MW,
spread over more than 300 parks in
around 15 countries in several continents.
The OMS is a
non-intrusive (…)
system, which
allows, in a
single platform,
to integrate
the entire
asset portfolio,
regardless of
their individual
one of the top five projects in the Award
for Excellence for European Software
2012 (March, Berlin).
The OMS (Operation Management System) is a non-intrusive multi-technological
integrating system, which allows, in a single
platform, to integrate the entire asset
portfolio, regardless of their individual
It has multiple functionalities that allow
for a real time supervision of all monitored equipment, such as automatic and
processed alarms, incident management,
centralized and geographical stock management, maintenance reports and a web
based access, which allows access from
different locations.
Besides the OMS, Martifer Solar also
allows to its clients a direct access to
the energy portal, where they are able
to access, via web, in a simple and user
friendly way, to the main data related to
their operating assets and analyse their
Maintenance management is based in the
global system SIGMA, with a 360º management for work procedures and maintenance report and benchmarking.
Supporting the organization’s people and
processes, the company also relies on a
state of the art technology, considered
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global presence
industrial units
oliveira de frades
& aveiro
10,000 t of steel structures
31,500 t of steel structures
45,000 sqm of Aluminium cladding
75,000 sqm of façade systems
1,200 t of shipbuilding
50 MW of solar panels
The Group has currently 12 industrial units
worldwide. Learn more about our industrial
presence: where they are, which capacity
(yearly) and how many people work on our
Martifer has around 3,000 workers
worldwide, from which 1,340 work in
our industrial units.
metallic construction
a global
total area
15,000 sqm
factory workers
total area
796,100 sqm
factory workers
pindamonhangaba & jacareí
são paulo state
12,000 t of steel structures
60,000 sqm of Aluminium
and glass façades
total area
154,000 sqm
3,000 t of steel structure
8,000 sqm of Aluminium cladding
10,000 sqm of façade systems
(in partnership)
7,000 t of steel structure
total area
10,000 sqm
factory workers
total area
11,000 sqm
factory workers
factory workers
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mnews | february 2014 | n.06
metallic constructions
arena da amazônia
more than a construction,
a work of art
Located in Manaus, in the state of Amazonas, Arena
da Amazônia is one of the twelve stadiums that will
host the games for the 2014 Football World Cup,
in Brazil.
With capacity for 40 thousand people during the
World Cup, this complex will then be transformed
in a multipurpose arena for shows, congresses and
trade fairs, and its capacity will be increased in four
thousand people.
The Arena da Amazônia has a singular architecture,
which main element is the steel structure roof
and façade. Developed by the German GMP, it is
inspired in regional Amazon elements and has the
shape of a “paneiro”, a basket used by the riverside
people of the Amazonas for transporting fruit.
Considered one of the most beautiful and complex
stadiums of the World Cup, this arena has Martifer’s
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participation in the execution of the steel structure
roof and façade. “The steel structure part, in fact, is
not a construction; it is a jewel that Martifer is lapidating. It is the most important part and it is what
will bring beauty to Arena da Amazônia”, highlighted
Jerocilio Simões, from the Infrastructure Secretariat
of the Amazonas Government.
Mauricio Biasin, Production Manager at Construtora
Andrade Gutierrez, explained the reasons that lead
to the choice of Martifer to execute the structural
steelwork: “the engineering field and the experience in other stadiums, and also the logistics, since
Martifer is already installed in Brazil, have made the
decision easy”.
The stadium is expected to be inaugurated in February 2014 and will host four games of the 2014
World Cup group stage: England – Italy, Cameroon –
Croatia, USA – Portugal and Honduras – Switzerland.
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
metallic constructions
146 thousand kilometres
structures made in portugal
The transportation of the pieces from
Oliveira de Frades to Manaus was
the second big challenge in Arena da
Amazônia. In total, 146 thousand kilometres were made, between sea and road
The steel structure for the stadium’s roof and façade is constituted by
pieces up to 30 metres long, which were produced in Martifer’s factory
in Oliveira de Frades, Portugal.
The maritime transportation was also a
logistic challenge for everyone involved.
“The transportation of this project was
divided in four ships, all of them from
the Port of Aveiro”, explained Luis Ferreira, Logistics and Procurement manager at Martifer Metallic Constructions.
“The port operations end up having a
relevant importance, because for each
shipment it is necessary to receive nearly 100 trucks with steel structures in the
port. This material has to be received
and put in the ship in just a few days,
and so the coordination of these road
transports with the cargo operations is
critical”, he added.
oliveira de frades
The road transport involved 310 truck
trips for the Port of Aveiro, totalling
around 116 thousand kilometres, in
which 19,500 m3 of load, the equivalent
to approximately 47 three-bedroom
On April, June, July and September, the
ships HC Nadja Maria, Apisara Naree,
BBC Shangai and Botnia departed from
the Port of Aveiro to Manaus, with an
average transit time of 17 days. In total,
the sea transport took around 70 days,
covering a 30 thousand kilometre distance.
4 ships sailed 30 thousand kilometres with
an average traffic
time of 17 days
7,000 tonnes of steel
transformed into
around 6,000 pieces
The reasons for the choice of the Portuguese factory instead of the São
Paulo unit were explained by Carlos Martins, Martifer Metallic Constructions’ CEO: “the transportation costs by sea are identical to the road
transportation between São Paulo and Manaus”. Besides, “here we have
knowledge that took one or two generations to acquire”, he added.
In total, 7,000 tonnes of steel were transformed in around 6,000 pieces,
with a maximum weight of 35 tonnes each.The production of the pieces
was concluded in nine months, from January to September 2013, and
involved around 250 people working exclusively for this project.
In the assembly were
involved more than
500 people, 10 cranes,
100 welding machines,
35 elevating equipment, among other
in the end, everything is shaped
The 6,000 pieces that arrived to
Manaus were then assembled
to form the façade and roof of
the stadium.
“We are talking about pieces
that can have up to 30 metres
and weight 35 tonnes, however,
this pieces have to be assembled with a tolerance from 5 to
10 millimetres, which implies a
huge precision”, refers André
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Pestana, Project Manager for the
Arena da Amazônia at Martifer.
The assembly complexity, as well
as the tight schedule, demanded
the use of several equipment,
such as ten cranes, with capacities from 40 to 700 tonnes,
100 welding machines, 35 elevating equipment (lift platforms
and telehandlers), among other
In total, more than 500 people
participated in the assembly
of one of the most complex
projects developed by Martifer
Metallic Constructions in the
last few years.
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
metallic constructions
in angola
2013 roller hockey
world cup
Martifer was present in the construction of another sports project for an international event. It is the Arena Luanda, a multi-sport pavilion which hosted the 2013
Roller Hockey World Cup.
In this project, Martifer was responsible for the roof structural steelwork, pillars and
façades, totalling 612 tonnes. Also, it was in charge of the deck roof (10,337 sqm),
Ferrari gauze façade (7,800 sqm) and 32 skylights.
The event took place from 20 to 28 September 2013 and it was the first Roller
Hockey World Cup in Africa. Besides several games of the group stage, Arena
Luanda also received the finals of the competition.
birmingham new street
21st century station
New Street Station, in Birmingham, an infrastructure built in the 60’s, is being transformed into a 21st century hub for Birmingham and the West Midlands region.This project is being developed by Network Rail, in partnership with Mace.
This transformation will improve the railway station, which will become three times bigger, brighter, more accessible and with a strong aesthetical presence. It will also stimulate
regeneration in the city by improving the areas surrounding the station, and create new
jobs through the redevelopment of the Pallasades shopping centre which will be anchored by a new John Lewis department store on the south side of the station.
Martifer Metallic Constructions is proudly participating in the redevelopment of New Street Station.
The company is leveraging its track record and accumulated experience in metallic constructions in
more than 20 years, as well as its expertise in façade engineering via its subsidiary Martifer Aluminium.
From the several works developed by the company, we highlight the 20,000 sqm of
stainless steel façade. This façade will be composed by more than 8,500 stainless steel
panels, supported by more than half a million fixing structures. Almost every panel will
be unique, in order to adjust to the peculiar geometry of the building.
eduardo souto moura architecture
cultural centre in
the heart of viana
Martifer Metallic Constructions concluded the project of the works in Viana do
Castelo’s Cultural Centre, a multipurpose building with a 4 thousand people
maximum capacity, depending on the type of event.
Located in the city’s waterfront, it is a turnkey project, in which Martifer was
responsible for the totality of the construction, in a consortium with Painhas SA
(in charge of electrical, communications and security technical installations, technical management and AVAC).
The Cultural Centre has a total construction area of more than 9,000 sqm,
being part of the building below water line.The implantation area above the
waterline is of more than 3,700 sqm.
The construction involved 5,000 m3 of concrete, 900 tonnes of steel for the reinforced concrete structure, 6,500 m3 of Jet grout piles, 6 500 m of micro piles
and more than 1,300 tonnes of steel structure.The mixed structure in reinforced concrete and steel has only four support points, with 54 to 71 m spans.
With emphasis in the functionality and integration with the surrounding space,
the building, designed by the Architect Eduardo Souto Moura, is completely
transparent at the ground level and the aesthetics of the equipment outside
also plays a relevant architectonic role.The Cultural Centre is a project with
unique technical features, being an example of Martifer Metallic Constructions’
capacity to overcome challenges.
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Martifer is also in charge of the structural steelwork for the roof, the supply and assembly of the entrance level façades and doors, with firebreak and bomb blast equipped
areas, and the modular façade of the John Lewis department store.
The project will be developed in a three-year period and is expected to be concluded by 2015.
cruise the douro river
The two most recent Douro Azul hotel ships built by Navalria – Queen Isabel and AmaVida – have arrived to the Cais de Gaia (Gaia’s peer) on March 15th 2013 and were baptized on March 22nd, having Andie MacDowell and Sharon Stone as their godmothers.
With a capacity for 118 and 108 passengers, respectively, Queen Isabel and AmaVida
are 79 metres long, 11,4 metres wide and reach a 12 knots speed.
The two ships are energy supplied by 155 sqm of solar PV panels and their engines are
energy-efficient. They also have a heated pool, gymnasium, therapeutic massages and
spa, among other facilities.
These ships were built in nine months, after the conclusion of the first hotel ship for the
same client, Douro Spirit, in 2011.
The company is currently building, also for Douro Azul, two new hotel ships – Viking
Hemming and Viking Torgil – that should be concluded in the first quarter of 2014.These two ships will be 80 metres long each and will have a pool, spa, gymnasium, living and
dining rooms and 53 double cabins for 106 passengers.Viking Hemming and Viking Torgil
have also another distinctive feature: a round shaped bow that allows the creation of an
exterior deck with capacity for 42 passengers.
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
metallic constructions
scotland sse hydro
a unique
in brazil
martifer aluminium’s new factory
SSE Hydro is a multipurpose arena, located in Glasgow, Scotland. With a seating capacity of 12,000, it is expected to
play host to around 140 events every
year and to attract an audience of one
million visitors each year, which positions it as the fifth busiest entertainment arena in the world.
Having Lend Lease as a client, Martifer
Metallic Constructions was in charge
of the execution of the structural steelwork for the stands and roof, as well as
the installation of Kalzip cladding on the
roof, and several aluminium works, such
as blades, glass, among other.
Totalling 5,200 tonnes, two structural
steel solutions were used: mixed structure (concrete and steel) in the stands
and 3-D truss structure in the roof.
The arena’s roof was cladded with
Kalzip, totalling 12,750 sqm, in lengths of
up to 25 metres installed in six concentric, almost circular, bands.
Designed by Foster + Partners, SSE
hydro stands out by its unique architecture, especially for its roof, composed
by a 120-metre long dome. At its highest point, the dome is 45 metres above
the ground.
Concluded and opened in September
2013, SSE Hydro is prepared to host
several events, not only cultural but
also sports events. From 22nd July to
3rd August, the arena wil be the stage
of the Boxing, Gymnastics, Judo, Netball, Wrestling and Weightlifting competitions in the XX Commonwealth
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Martifer Aluminium, Martifer Metallic Constructions’ subsidiary specialized in aluminium and glass façade engineering, has already
a new industrial unit in Jacareí, S. Paulo, Brazil.
With a 4,000 sqm total area (from which
2,000 sqm of covered area), the new unit
has a 6,000 sqm annual production capacity
and will employ, in an initial stage, around
40 workers. It is a unit equipped with state
of the art technology, rare in the Brazilian
market, which will supply the company’s
projects in Latin America.
The company has currently two ongoing
projects:Tomorrow’s Museum and Viracopos Airport.
In Tomorrow’s Museum, in Rio de Janeiro,
the company is responsible for the aluminium works. Besides Martifer Aluminium,
Martifer Construções Metálicas and Martifer Solar are also involved in the execution
of the structural steelwork and hydraulic
system, and of an PV system, respectively.
national Airport, a project awarded in the
second half of 2013, Martifer Aluminium
will be in charge of the execution of around
14,500 sqm of curtain walls and skylights.
The project is expected to be concluded in
April 2014.
In the expansion works for Viracopos Inter-
martifer signs the contract for
the sub-concession of lands
and infrastructures of envc
Following an international public tender, it
was awarded to Martifer Energy Systems
and Navalria, subsidiaries of the Martifer
Group, the sub-concession of the “Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo” (ENVC).
The sub-concession’s annual value is
415 thousand euros, will extend to 2031
and its subject concerns solely to the use
of the land areas, infrastructures and some
equipment included in the concession of
the ENVC.
Martifer Group, via its new subsidiary
West Sea, aims to develop its activity in
the national and international markets
and implement a shipbuilding and repair
project, which is expected to create
400 new work places throughout the
next three years. With this sub-concession,
the Group increases its shipbuilding and
repair capacity.
attended Martifer Group’s Chairman,
Carlos Martins, the Minister of National
Defence, José Pedro Aguiar Branco and
the Minister of State and Finances, Maria Luis Albuquerque.
The contract was signed in January
2014, in an official ceremony to which
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
in mexico
the largest photovoltaic
plant in latin america
Martifer Solar is concluding a
38.7 MWp PV park in Mexico,
the largest in Latin America so
far. The company was responsible for the engineering, Procurement and construction of the
plant and will also be in charge
of the future Operation and
Maintenance services.
this project in Mexico will open
the way for the development of
the photovoltaic sector in the
country, where, to date, were
installed 13 MW of PV projects”,
says Hector Olea, CEO of Gauss
Energía, a Mexican company
specialized in project development in the energy sector.
The project was financed by the
Mexican bank Nafin, by the IFC
(International Finance Corporation, the World Bank Group)
and by Corporación Aura Solar.
With approximately 132,000
modules installed on single-axis
trackers, this plant will have a
production capacity of 82 GWh/
year, the equivalent to the average energy consumption of
almost 160,000 inhabitants, and
will be equivalent to offsetting
the emission of more than
60,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.
The plant, constructed for Gauss
Energía is located in La Paz, Baja
California Sur, on a 100-hectares
site. It is Mexico’s first utility-scale solar project under a PPA
(Power Purchase Agreement)
contract between a private
company and Comisión Federal
de Electricidad, Mexico’s federal
power company, ensuring the
sale of the produced energy
over 20 years.
“Martifer Solar’s experience and
worldwide track-record were
decisive during the analysis of
the different proposals made
by the main companies in the
sector. Due to its dimension,
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“The construction phase is
concluded”, says Henrique Rodrigues, CEO of Martifer Solar.
“The project is now under the
complete set of tests inherent
to its connection to the grid.
We are expecting to have the
commissioning concluded soon,
so we can inaugurate this PV
central”, he added.
voltaic sector. It is foreseen to
have an exponential growth on
the installed capacity during the
coming years, to allow for the
country to reach its target of
35 % of energy being provided
by renewable energy by 2026.
Martifer Solar has been present
in the Mexican market since
2011. To date, the largest solar
project operating in Mexico has
5 MW in capacity, and the country has around 13 MW of total
installed capacity.
“This is an emblematic project
for Martifer Solar, in a region
that, due to its irradiation characteristics, finds solar electricity
as a viable and more competitive alternative, when compared
with non-renewable energy
sources. We consider Mexico as
a key market in Martifer Solar’s
internationalization strategy”,
concludes Henrique Rodrigues,
CEO of Martifer Solar.
With a high level of sun exposure, Mexico stands out due to
a high potential in the photo-
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28,1 mwp in the united kingdom
pv cluster concluded in 15 weeks
Martifer Solar developed a cluster of
utility scale photovoltaic plants totalling
28.1 MWp in the United Kingdom. This
is one of the largest clusters of utility
scale solar PV plants ever built simultaneously in the country to date, which is
a case study in the sector. These utility
scale solar PV plants were constructed
in Cornwall, Hampshire, Devon and
Wiltshire, regions which boast the highest solar radiation levels in the country
and were concluded in only 15 weeks.
Martifer Solar signed an agreement
with the UK’s largest solar energy producer, Lightsource Renewable Energy,
who has purchased all five projects.
The entire cluster of 28.1 MWp will
be added to the Lightsource asset
management portfolio in the UK, whilst
Martifer Solar will be in charge of the
operation and maintenance services to
ensure the best performance in all five
“With these projects, Martifer Solar assumes, in a very expressive way, a commitment to the solar industry in the
UK. Following a first stage in which we
completed the projects’ development/
licensing, we are very proud with the
conclusion of another challenging period, for the construction and commissioning of the plants”, says João Cunha,
Country Manager of Martifer Solar in
the United Kingdom.
Nick Boyle, CEO of Lightsource Renewable Energy, says: “We are delighted
to be working with Martifer Solar on
this pioneering project. The entire cluster was completed on time, fitting in
line nicely with the ROC (Renewable
Obligation Certificate) changes from
April onwards.”
With an installed capacity between
4.4 and 6.63 MWp, these plants, totalling
more than 114,000 modules installed in
ground mounted fixed structures, were
built in a total area of 75 hectares. The
combined total of ‘green’ energy that will
be produced by the entire cluster is estimated to be around 27.74 GWh/year,
enough energy to power over 18,000
inhabitants and save over 12,500 tonnes
of CO2 annually.
Martifer Solar has been present in the
UK since February 2011. Recently, solar
energy was elected as a strategic energy in the UK Renewables Roadmap,
which targets to produce, until 2020,
15 % of the energy mix from renewable sources.
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
at the 2014 world cup
photovoltaic energy in the
mineirão stadium
Martifer Solar is also present at the 2014
World cup that will take place in Brazil,
with the construction of the PV roof
for the Governador Magalhães Pinto
Stadium, better known as Mineirão, in
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.Therefore,
the company completed, once again, a
project with recognized technical and
engineering difficulties in a market with a
high potential in the photovoltaic sector,
such as Brazil.
The system installed in the Governador
Magalhães Pinto Stadium has 6,700 PV
modules in fixed structures, in an area
above the 16,000 sqm, which corresponds to around 70 % of the stadium’s
roof.The energy produced, approximately 2.3 GWh/year, will be injected to CEMIG’s distribution network and is enough
to supply around 4,000 inhabitants.
lar 2014 Project and was 80 % financed
by the German Development Bank
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).
Martifer Solar was responsible for the
entire PV project, including structural and
electrical projects, mechanical and electrical assembly, connection to the grid,
commissioning and Operation and Maintenance for a two year period.
This installation is a part of the Minas So-
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
with hanwha q cells korea
17.8 mw project concluded in
Martifer Solar, together with Hanwha
Q CELLS Korea, the Korean leading company in PV downstream area, completed a
utility scale project in Portugal, with a total
capacity of 17.8 MWp.
Hanwha Q CELLS Korea, a member of
this consortium, is also an investor in this
project, together with the Financial Investment Trusts managed by Shinhan BNP
Paribas Asset Management.
The PV cluster consists of six PV plants
built in Loures, Montijo and Montemor-oNovo regions. Martifer Solar will be the
operations and maintenance contractor
to ensure the optimal generation levels of
these six PV plants.
With an installed capacity between
2.2 and 6.7 MWp each, these plants are
built with more than 74,000 Hanwha
SolarOne modules installed in ground-
mounted structures. The “green energy”
that will be produced by the entire
cluster is estimated to sufficiently power
over 24,800 inhabitants and to avoid
the annual emission of 19,300 tonnes of
greenhouse gases.
“As a part of our strategy to become the
top player in the field of photovoltaic solar
energy, Portugal was an attractive country to invest in, due to its tremendous
amount of insolation. Although the financial environment was less than friendly, we
aggressively exploited Portugal’s strength
in the abundance of natural resources, and
successively turned risks into profitable
opportunities. Martifer Solar was and will
be a valuable and reliable partner that
helped us to realize these opportunities,”
says Jiho Shin, Chief Operating Officer
(COO) of Hanwha Q CELLS Korea.
At the inauguration of the plants, which
took place in October 2013, were present
several national and international entities,
such as the Secretary of State for Energy,
Artur Trindade, the South Korea’s Ambassador in Portugal,Yoo Jung-hee and the
COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Hanwha Q CELLS Korea, Jiho Shin.
“Today, we have strengthened our commitment to Portugal.The completion of
a project of this magnitude was only possible thanks to the great cooperation that
we have built with all the entities involved.
We are very grateful to Hanwha, who has
entrusted our company to develop this
project.These kinds of partnerships will
allow us to proceed in our current leading
position in the PV sector,” said Henrique
Rodrigues, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
of Martifer Solar.
international dimension
480 mw installed worldwide
In 2013, Martifer Solar continued to
show its international size and capacity,
achieving almost half a Gigawatt installed worldwide.
In India, the company’s subsidiary in the
country, Inspira Martifer Solar, has built its
first roof project, with 350 kW.The PV system was installed in one of Mapro Foods
factories, in Wai, Mahabaleshwar. With a
capacity to produce 580 MWh/year, the
equivalent to the average consumption
of 400 families, the installation avoids the
emission of more than 500 tonnes of
CO2 into the atmosphere per year.
The system has 1,210 modules installed
on plane structures. Inspira Martifer
Solar was in charge for the EPC and is
responsible for the operation and maintenance of the project.
In the Ukraine, the company concluded
its third project, with 5 MWp, for the
company Rengy Development. Located in
Tomashpil,Vinnytsia region, the project was
financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
With more than 20,000 PV modules
installed on fixed structures, on an
11-hectares site, the plant has a production capacity of 5.74 GWh/year. This is
the equivalent to the average energy
consumption of around 6,500 inhabitants, which offsets the emission of more
than 5,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. Besides the engineering, procurement and
construction (EPC) of the plant, Martifer
Solar is also responsible for the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) services.
In Romania, Martifer Solar completed
the construction of two PV plants for
Eurowind Energy, with a 5.41 MWp total
capacity. These two plants, built in Halchiu, Brasov province, and in Magurele,
near Bucharest, received 22 thousand
PV panes, in a total area of 12.5 hectares.
The parks will produce around 7 GWh
per year, which corresponds to the
consumption of approximately 13 thousand people and the avoidance of 3,500
tonnes of CO2.
Martifer Solar also finished the installation of three combined structures in several roofs in Ontario, Canada, for OZZ
Solar. Located in Richmond Hill and
Cambridge, they use 3,400 crystalline
modules with a production capacity of
1,046 MWh per year.These installations
will supply 800 people and will avoid the
annual emission of 700 tonnes of CO2.
Martifer Solar is present in Europe,
North and Latin America, Africa and
Asia, and so far has installed more
than 480 MW of photovoltaic energy
In November, HIS, an independent
entity that analyses the energy sector,
placed Martifer Solar in the 14th position in the ranking of the world top
companies in the EPC segment, and as
the fourth European company, with a
0.7 % market share.
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mnews | february 2014 | n.06
third wind farm built in poland
Martifer Renewables concluded in 2013
a 26 MWp wind farm, located in Rymanów, in the Podkarpackie province,
south-east Poland.
The farm has the capacity to generate an
output of around 61 GWh/year, equivalent to the consumption of around 30,000
households, and will avoid the emission of
over 66,000 tonnes of CO2.
“The opening of the third wind farm in
Poland is an important step forward in
our efforts to become energy independent – producing more renewable energy
than we consume. We will continue to
invest in renewable energy and in other
solutions enabling sustainability, both in our
operations and in customer’s homes”, said
Steve Howard, Chief Sustainability Officer
at the Ikea Group.
Rymanów wind farm consists of 13 wind
turbines with 2 MW each.The wind farm
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
is located to the North of Rymanów Town
and is divided into two parts: the Western
part, stretching from Wroblik Krolewski to
Klimkówka (turbines 4-14), and the Eastern part, on the hilly area between Ladzin
and Zmyslowk (turbines 1-3).
“This is the third wind farm that Martifer
Renewables Poland built in the Podkarpacie region and we are proud to be part
of the modernization of the Polish energy
industry”, said Jorge Martins, CEO of
Martifer Renewables. “We are also very
happy to have the confidence of such a
big corporation, like Ikea, and we believe
that in the future we can increase and
improve the cooperation between the
two Groups”, added Mr Martins.
The sale of this wind farm to the Ikea
Group was agreed on October 2011,
when Martifer Renewables sold three of its
wind farms projects in Poland: Leki Dukielskie (10 MW), Bukowsko (18 MW) and
Rymanów (26 MW).The sale of these assets is in accordance with the asset rotation
policy implemented by the management of
the RE developer area of Martifer Group.
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
martifer solar
considered the fourth
european company in
the pv epc segment
According to IHS, an independent entity
that analyses the energy sector, Martifer
Solar is the 14th company worldwide and
4th in Europe in market share in the PV
EPC segment.
The study analysed the data of more
than 700 companies in the sector and
estimates 202 MW installed this year by
Martifer Solar, which more than doubled
the installations of the previous year, giving
it a 0.7 % market share.
martifer metallic constructions’ international experience highlighted
Martifer Metallic Constructions’ international experience was highlighted in two
events in Portugal.
Since its foundation in 2006, Martifer has
already installed 480 MW worldwide.
At the 2013 edition of “Portugal Exportador”, the company was represented by
Martifer Metallic Constructions’ CFO, José
Bartolomeu, which presented the company’s experience in Saudi Arabia.
“Portugal Exportador” is an event that
allows for companies to access, in a simple
and aggregated manner, the information
and contacts needed to start the process
and at the same time, to encourage Small
and Medium business to give the first steps
towards exporting. It is aimed at companies
that want to start their internationalization
process and for companies which, despite
already having an exporting experience,
intend to enlarge their exporting capacities.
martifer solar
present in major
sector events
Martifer Solar continues to reinforce its
international visibility with the participation in events in several countries, such as
Poland, Italy, USA and India.
In Poland, at Renexpo Poland, in Warsaw,
the company was among the 135 exhibitors that showed its solutions to more
than 3,800 visitors.
In Italy, the company was present at the
Solar Operations & Maintenance Conference, from Solarplaza focused on the
O&M segment, one of Martifer Solar’s key
segments. In this conference, Marco Alves,
O&M and After-Sales Business Director,
presented the company’s Operation and
Management services to the participants.
In the USA, at Solar Power International
2013 in Chicago, Martifer Solar was able
to show its products and services to the
1,300 visitors of one of the major solar
events in the country.
In India, the company was present at the
Renewable Energy India 2013 Expo, in
New Deli, one of the major renewable
energy exhibitions in the country, and at
Intersolar India 2013, in Mumbai, which
had around 8,000 visitors.
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
Martifer Metallic Constructions was also
present at the IX Metallic and Mixed
Construction Congress and I PortugueseBrazilian Sustainable Metallic Construction
Congress.The two congresses, which took
place simultaneously, aim to publicise the
most recent innovations regarding this
type of construction, the main conclusions
in investigation in this field and disseminate
the main innovations with the goal of promoting the potential of mixed and metallic
At the Conference, Pedro Duarte, Board
Member of Martifer Construções and
Navalria, presented his vision on the contribution of the metallic construction sector for the Portuguese economy, focused
on exports and value creation.
arena fonte nova awarded
Martifer Metallic Constructions was
awarded in the European Steel Design
Awards 2013 for the works developed
in the roof of the Arena Fonte Nova stadium, in Salvador da Bahía, Brazil.
This award is given every two years by
the European Convention for Constructional Steel (ECCS) and aims to highlight
the creativity and innovation in the use of
steel on architecture and construction.
55 thousand people.The roof of the stadium has an innovative structure (“big lift”),
composed not only by steel structure, but
also by steel cables, built by Martifer.
In this project, Martifer was in charge
of the entire roof structural steelwork,
which involved the production, transportation and assembly of 1,300 tonnes of
steel structure and 200 tonnes of tensioned cables.
The Arena Fonte Nova stadium was concluded in March 2013, occupies a total
area of 116,000 sqm and has capacity to
The award was delivered in October at a
ceremony in Milan.
with new
In September 2013, Mr. Mário Rui Rodrigues Matias was appointed a board member and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Martifer SGPS, SA.
In board Meeting, Mário Rui Matias was also designated the capital market representative of the Group.
mnews | february 2014 | n.06
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Martifer SGPS SA